I am not going to write a post about Rev. Eddie tonight. Sorry people, my preacher bashing days are over. Thank you for your prayers. I feel a change coming on.
I honestly feel for the good Reverend's congregation. I sure hope that they can weather this storm and get back to studying up on the word and paying their tithes.
Here in Philly we have a full blown QB controversy, (I knew we shouldn't have gotten rid of "5") and it looks like Michael Vick will be the new Eagles starter. Sorry Kevin, I guess you will just have to take your 12 million and hold the clipboard for awhile. Tough job, but somebody has to do it. Anyway, it's nice to see that there are second acts in A-merry-ca for some people.
Staying with ballers for a minute: So let me get this straight: You can call a high end limo 24/7. Thanks to the Jets you don't pay a dime (not even allowed to tip). Your driver is a paid security professional who is licensed to carry a firearm to protect you. Your limo comes with little perks such as a satellite radio, satellite navigation, and dvd ports. He gets all of this and Braylon Edwards goes out with his boys, gets loaded, and decides to drive home?
Braylon, you know what's really sad? The fact that you haven't learned your lesson. Turns out you were out getting loaded with Donte Stallworth the night he hit and killed that pedestrian back in Miami. But don't worry you will get a second chance. Just be glad that you didn't hit a dog while -allegedly- driving with your buzz on
Finally, Mr. Watergate (boy talk about living off one shining moment) has a new book out about his O ness. Yawn. You will hear about this one for awhile. Obama and his aides disagreed over what to do in Afghanistan. Shocking!
The wingnuts will say that O played politics with the war, and his defenders will say that he did no such thing. And, through it all, Bob Wodward will keep calling his accountant while the cash register goes chi ching.
muah muah muha muah muah
so many people are being so merciful to eddie long...
but NONE of them nor eddie has ever had ANY such mercy for the gays he and bernice king have hated/bashed/tortured...
ask eddie if karma is real!
Well Field, I hate to say it, but I'm riding with Ms. Banks today. Bishop Eddie Low & Alveda King (with her Sambo ass)have been rumbling their meely mouths way too long.
So, I have to say it one mo again, they've been caught by youtube.
Look at it here, and you'll find it fair.
Eddie Long, Tyler Perry and Steve Harvey: Pimps Up & Hoes Down
Here... http://careycarey-carrymehome.blogspot.com/2010/09/bishop-eddie-long-steve-harvey-and.html
even those vicious gaybashing minstrel mongrels on the tjms turned into angels today...shame!!!
hobama's bloodiest global war games have only just begun!
we all hated gwb on 9/10/01 the very same way hobama is hated today by all of us who see beneath his blackish mask...
woodward's done a shitload of good work since watergate, including his book on bush's inner thoughts about god telling him to invade iraq...
here's a clever review:
Hillary's buck-passing. Petraeus' disobedience. Obama's fury. Bryan Curtis on the best moments of Woodward's Obama's Wars. Plus, the most likely sources—and what's conspicuously left out.
Obama’s Wars, ace reporter Bob Woodward’s first book about the administration, comes out September 27. We got it early. The biggest revelations below:
What is Obama’s Wars about?
It’s about policy making. Or, rather, a political argument. The argument is: What is America going to do in Afghanistan, and how can it do it?
That sounds awfully…bureaucratic.
It is. You might expect Woodward’s narrative to zip from the White House to the Tora Bora, but just about the entire book takes place in D.C. meeting rooms. As chroniclers of the Afghanistan War go, Woodward is the anti-Sebastian Junger.
We know Obama committed 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan last December, and promised to start the withdrawal in 18 months. What mystery is Woodward trying to solve?
He’s trying to figure out whether Obama got rolled by the military.
Did he?
Woodward does not exactly say. But he demonstrates convincingly that the men in uniform—that would be David Petraeus, Stanley McChrystal, and Mike Mullen, along with Bob Gates—dangled very few battle plans in front of Obama, and used bureaucratic jujitsu to make sure he didn’t see others. For example, Obama never had a fully fleshed-out proposal for sending fewer than 30,000 new troops to Afghanistan.
And even the final proposal he crafted himself, lowering the military’s demands a tad. As Petraeus says, after being informed of a slight from Pennsylvania Avenue, “They’re fucking with the wrong guy.”
I listen to Michael Vick interview on ESPN, he appears to be thoughtful at this point and selected his words with consciousness, I wish him well. Maybe Michael can provide the Right Reverend Bishop Eddie Long with William "Billy" Martin contact information.
Excess tint .. C’Mon Man!!
u got a lot of nerve talking about mercy ya piece of shit alicia banks ya useless waste of space ya diseased dog coohole!
I saw Vick at the Falcons camp way back when. He threw the prettiest pass I have ever seen in my life. Like a 40 yard lazer while on the run.
A good buddy of mine played with "5" back at Syracuse. My friend couldn't stand him... course my friend played defensive end.
So now all of those suckers I mean parishioners in Long's mega-church know that their tithes have been going to a man who is nothing more than a pedophile.
They have all been sitting there every Sunday saying amen to his gay-bashing rhetoric. So I don't feel the least bit sorry for them.
Religion is nothing more than a place for evil people to take advantage of the weak. This is a perfect example of that.
Val said..."Religion is nothing more than a place for evil people to take advantage of the weak."
That is a shallow, cynical, and adolescent view.
From AB's first SPLC link
...this settles it for me. Everyone should read it.
"Men can look attractive when they are dirty," writes Bishop Eddie Long in his 1997 book I Don't Want Delilah, I Need You! "We see sweating, dirty, hardworking men on television all the time and we say to one another, 'There's a macho guy.'"
Hmmmmmmmm. Interesting. Eddie Long goes on to say in the "Back to the Future" sermon...
"It is the most unattractive thing I have ever seen, when I see women wearing uniforms that men would wear, and women fighting to get in the military!...The woman gets perverted to turn towards woman … and everybody knows it's dangerous to enter an exit!... God says you deserve death!"
Disgusting. How dare he. I hate fundies. It's no longer a joke when people take this seriously. I was in the military, I didn't turn to women...hmmmm...maybe that's because I was born straight. Just like some people are born gay! There's a novel idea!
I'll bet he's a member of the Republican Party, too. Remember what happened to Ted Haggert years ago. Maybe if we accepted people as the are and followed Jesus' advice of do unto others as you would have done unto you, maybe people wouldn't feel like they would have to hide who they really are. Most of us have at least one gay relative. I don't want to see people harm my relatives. I can't see how people listen to this crap.
As for the death comment...we all are imperfect, whether gay, straight, etc., What did Jesus say about casting the first stone?
I really hope no children are involved in his sexcapades. There are very few churches I'll attend. If I can't find one. I'll just sleep in.
val and sttbb
see way more on eddie here:
It's great how you jump on the transgressions of one man to smear and entire religion.
It would just as valid (and wrong) to generalize this man's behavioor to all black men.
Or to all homosexuals.
Get a grip, haters!
Yeah I guess you can't say anything about Rev. Eddie because your servers might get blown out and also because he's not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Some preachers are untouchable(no pun intended)
u got a lot of nerve talking about mercy ya piece of shit alicia banks ya useless waste of space ya diseased dog coohole!
Dear Mr. Field, I have noticed over the years that you continually write negative posts about people connected with a religion...primarily Christianity. Your writings seem to infer to the reader that religion is bad. It is not.
I have yet to read a positive post about religion on your blog. Why is that?
I spoke about Eddie Long this morning on yesterday's post. But I'll sum it - Eddie Long is another in long line of TV Evangelist caught up in a scandal. But I'm with you Field, the real victims are folks in his church who trust this man's spiritual guidance. Many who follow this man may turn back to the world. But in the end, you put faith in Christ, not men.
As for Woodward, He spoke at my Yale graduation back in '00, still droning on about Watergate. Talk about bilking it for what its worth.
Its interesting that Woodward did a fluff piece for Bush and basically rips Obama a new one.
I'm not saying some of the criticism aren't legitimate. I think Obama's far from perfect.
But it appears open seasons by the pundit class (left, right and center) on the skinny beige man on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tariq Ali was just on Democracy Now calling Obama a failure 20 months in. The Right, well they're the loyal opposition.
Val, "Religion is nothing more than a place for evil people to take advantage of the weak. This is a perfect example of that."
So is politics, but I see you dabble in it every day. Politics often is the place where evil people take advantage of, by your perception, so-called weak people. Many Blacks are Obamaholics who feel jilted by Obama.
Does that make most Blacks weak?
Rev Long's behavior doesn't mean that 'religion' is bad, and that it is a place for the weak. It just means that Long has failed as a human being and as pastor of his church.
It is clear that YOU have judged religion based on Long's shortcomings- and maybe a few others in the past. What about Rev. MLK-and others along his line, have you concluded that he is bad also?
You seem to have a deep-seated "prejudice" against any Church, Religion and/or God. Or maybe you confuse the hypocritical behavior of some humans with religion?
Please consider the possibility that the problem might not be religion, the problem might be YOUR own unconscious prejudice toward it. It's the same kind of prejudice that some Whites have toward Blacks.
What makes you so sanctimonious and self-rigteous that gives you the right to trash or judge anyone's religion or faith?
"Please consider the possibility that the problem might not be religion, the problem might be YOUR own unconscious prejudice toward it. It's the same kind of prejudice that some Whites have toward Blacks."
You nailed it. All it takes is for ONE Black to do wrong, and all Blacks are guilty. Val ought to STFU.
Well, here I go again. I have to agree with the anons. Val seems to be over the top with her remarks about religion. I wonder what type of God she serves?
I made fun of Eddie Long, and he deserves it, if what has been said is true. He's hurt thousands of people with his pimping and pandering, long before this last allegation.
So, it not "religions" fault. To have a deep conviction in a God you believe in... is a good thing. Those that vilify religion are the one I keep my eyes on. That can't make a decision, so they throw rocks at those that find peace and comfort within their beliefs.
Where is ISEEISEE? She always disappears when this stuff comes up.
AB, does Rev. Long look gay to you?
If the allegations are true, I hope the Church can hold it together. I’ve been through the break up of a church and the pain is incredible.
There are a WHOLE lot of Eddie Longs in black churches.
Speaking as a gay black man, I KNOW what I'm talking about. Eddie Long is only the tip of the iceberg.
Anonymous said...
'Val said..."Religion is nothing more than a place for evil people to take advantage of the weak."
'That is a shallow, cynical, and adolescent view.'
I see you agree with Val!
LACoincidental said...
"But in the end, you put faith in Christ, not men."
A zinger from Zing...
Some sermons are carved in stone; some in the stone of life.
CareyCarey said...'Those that vilify religion are the one I keep my eyes on. That can't make a decision, so they throw rocks at those that find peace and comfort within their beliefs.'
It appears CC that the congregants found more than peace...but a little bit of hell as well.
A zinger from Zing...
Church like Heaven is found within. If you look for it elsewhere, you'll find the sins of men.
C'mon, Field! The man's name is Eddie Long; I'm not feeling the Bishop part' shit there's a Bishop in Chicago who wears green and carries a pimp cup and hangs with Snoop Dogg.
But nah, doesn't a name like that invoke images of a cheesy 70s pornstar with a fucked up afro?
As for Woodward... I'm kinda digging what I'm hearing about Obama actually pushing for an exit strategy. Unfortunately those cats with the stars on their shoulders showed him who's boss.
RiPPa said..
As for Woodward... I'm kinda digging what I'm hearing about Obama actually pushing for an exit strategy. Unfortunately those cats with the stars on their shoulders showed him who's boss.
Hey Rippa, good point. Didn't think of it that way.
"Dear Mr. Field, I have noticed over the years that you continually write negative posts about people connected with a religion...primarily Christianity. Your writings seem to infer to the reader that religion is bad. It is not.
I have yet to read a positive post about religion on your blog. Why is that?"
I swear I can't win. Didn't you read the first part of my post? I said nothing negative about the good Rev. or his church. In fact, I wished them well....
"Yeah I guess you can't say anything about Rev. Eddie because your servers might get blown out and also because he's not Jessie Jackson or Al Sharpton. Some preachers are untouchable(no pun intended)"
So which is it?
"Its interesting that Woodward did a fluff piece for Bush and basically rips Obama a new one.
I'm not saying some of the criticism aren't legitimate. I think Obama's far from perfect.
But it appears open seasons by the pundit class (left, right and center) on the skinny beige man on 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Tariq Ali was just on Democracy Now calling Obama a failure 20 months in. The Right, well they're the loyal opposition."
La~Coincidental, I feel you on that one.
Sorry maria, Woodward should have stopped writing books about ten books ago. He is no more an investigative journalist than AB is.
Bro.that's interesting about "5". I have heard the same thing from folks who knew him hear as well.
"There are a WHOLE lot of Eddie Longs in black churches.
Speaking as a gay black man, I KNOW what I'm talking about. Eddie Long is only the tip of the iceberg."
and THIS is the truth! tell the truth and shame the devil.
if black folks were as quick to quote their bibles and attach a stigma when it comes to abandoning one's children...worse than an infidel, no?
having babies out of wedlock...where is THAT advocated in ANY religious script in the world?
quote how scriptures teaches husbands and wives to treat one another...
be as quick to condemn the NON STOP flagrant violations of so-called christians from preachers to influence wielding politicians; as quite a few black folks are to condemn homosexuality...while pretending heterosexuals have even a tiny bit of room or right to tell ANYONE else ANYTHING about ANYTHING.
i think great progress could be made for black folks. at the very least a dent could be made in the out of wedlock births that are greatly damaging the next generation of black folks...right now.
men and women that care are addressing it here:
be sure to check out "Arlene Fenton: Leaving the Burning House"
where is the church on the moral decay that is resulting in soaring oow birthrates among black folks? ya think the flock needs to hear THAT more than how sinful homosexuals are? i do, considering homosexuals are not procreating themselves into permanent underclass status right now. black heterosexuals ARE, while UNmarried to boot.
marriage is also for those that have decided to be with one person. right?
ya think some preacher can get fired up and preach about that? there would be a "scandal" every few seconds and lots of money lost if they did...
take away the homosexual aspect and folks would do well to acknowledge at some point that adultery is a marriage deal breaker for many reasons. maybe then that little nugget of truth will help folks stop blaming homosexuals for the spread of hiv in the black community? i have faith that the flock can connect THOSE dots. doesn't scriptures speak about sexual immorality for heterosexuals? where's THAT sermon?
i had this convo the other day with a guy that was laughingly talking about the professional athlete that has a grip of three year olds. not a kate plus eight scenario either...different women. when i suggested he could also be spreading std/sti along with all that sperm, the guy looked incredulous like i was from a different planet! it isn't funny. it is disgraceful and dishonorable.
eddie long, with the sleeveless suits to showcase his big muscles, looks as hetero as Liberace. why do folks pretend?
i for one don't feel sorry for those that get caught up in their own hypocrisy. doesn't scriptures say God is Love? it doesn't say God is Love as long as you are not homosexual!
nor do i feel sorry for those that follow men instead of God. discernment is crucial. those that don't have it, should pray for it. with discernment, a LOT of these folks would get up and leave the building without a scandal. stat.
we are the church. no?
I agree with Alicia about Rev. Long. And, for those who say the real victims are his church members... please. They chose to go to this church where this man spouted his homophobic and sexist bullshit dressed up as "god's word".
The REAL victims are the countless gays and lesbians whose lives are diminished by laws promoted by this "so called man of god" and others like him. Teen suicides by LGBT youth are estimated to be 3 times higher than straight identified youth. Don't Ask Don't Tell was just shot down. 21 states have laws against same sex marriage. 14 states have laws against adoption/foster parenting by gays and lesbians.... In the "gayborhood" here in good ol tolerant east coast philly, there have been at least 3 gay bashings in the last month with NO media coverage or outrage by the larger community.
This pastor and others like him are the fuel to the fire of hatred and fear that keeps the LGBT community from achieving their place at the table of equality and continued treatment as second class citizens.... His church members have/had a choice... the same cannot be said of the LGBT community that suffer as a result of his and others homophobia.
Excuse me brother focusedpurpose, you do know that a lot of black folks visit this blog, right? You do know that Fields is a black man, right? Okay, so you know we see flim flam men on a daily basis. You know, we are black men living in America, so we've had to recognize game. So my brotha, it's not wise to quote scripture, or reference scripture as if you believe in it, and be an admitted homosexual.
I mean, you can't have it both ways. I guess you put your religion in your back pocket, until the time is right to drop it on the floor?
Every closed eye, or quiet mouth, is not sleep.
quote how scriptures teaches husbands and wives to treat one another...
Set women back to being property and bring back polygamy?
Sorry maria, Woodward should have stopped writing books about ten books ago. He is no more an investigative journalist than AB is.
6:24 AM
LOL! he's a money machine, that's for sure. totally revered at wapo and his books get free press from the paper. i think the dude only gets a $1 year paycheck from the post because he doesn't need the money but loves the throne.
not sure i'd say 10 years...but at least he's produced since watergate...in contrast to his partner, carl bernestein.
do you ever get anything?
right now under this current batch of mess...black women ARE being treated like "property"-check the domestic violence among blacks. and folks are straight mistreating their "property". while on another thread folks proudly talk about how safe white women are with black males. that would have been a GREAT time for you to pop in with an inquiry. for ex:
Hathor said:
so with whom are black women most safe?
i am not opposed to the little questions. they should just make sense at least once. come on Hathor. you can do it. i am a woman of faith. i believe.
right now there is no "polygamy" there is just man sharing, wittingly and unwittingly; with a grip of unfathered children and diseases. rampid black woman bashing instead of rampid calls for accountability and responsibility for BOTH genders. where are the good men teaching young males not to be baby daddies? heck, if they can't bring themselves to say it for moral reasons, make it about money. talk about the riddled paychecks. something!
getting treated like worthless "property" and breeders is especially rampid among those black women that believe the lie that their only mating "option" is a black male.
visit the new testament from time to time, it is the fulfillment of the prophecy. the old testament is the law and prophecy of the coming of Christ. christians follow Christ...not eddie homophobe long or any other man; usually propped up and foot soldiered by women. in black churches-black women to be specific.
polygamy is MARRIAGE to multiple wives. now you know good and well quite a few black men are hard pressed to marry one woman. calm down. i don't think you need to panic about them suddenly marrying multiple women. ok?
carey, i am not sure of your point. it really does not matter to me that you think i should censor myself in the presence of black males. i feel in no ways obligated to appease you or anyone else that wants to feel comfortable while folks suffer, die, and never reach their full potential in alarming numbers. the whole man/brother bit...i could not care less. we are not related. if we were you would not be confused about my gender. maybe that's what happened with eddie long. he isn't gay, he thought they were young women? shrug. confusion is not cute.
also carey-
saying i am a gay man is not an insult to me.
i know without a doubt, that if i were a gay man, i would have the courage to stand and be me. i wouldn't pretend. lie. or bow to homophobic terrorists wrestling with their own sexuality...just so you are aware.
Mr Focusedferocious, slow down a second, my brotha. Lets get something straight. Did you not say (or did you) that you were a gay man?
I mean, I am not the one confused about your "gender".
So maybe you can shine a light on your position. All I was saying is, you were quick to reference scripture, yet (if my memory serves me well)there is scripture that speaks to homosexuality... is that not true? You can't have your cake and eat it to.
So my man, your words could fall on deft ears if one is prone to follow those that walk the talk, and not those that talk out of the side of their mouth.
Come on, tell me what's really going on.
You see I am not a convert
and I think Christianity as practiced in the Black churches is primarily responsible for the sexual behavior of many Black people. The solutions aren't marriage, compassion after someone has contracted HIV or the expectation that abstinence solves the problems of women.
The Black church constantly wants women to live in the first century it also wants people to deny their person and nature, as if to be a part of the church one has to become an aesthetic.
OOPs, sorry focused, I didn't see the quotation marks. I am sorry, please accept my apology.
Hathor Hathor Hazardous, come on woman, how in the heck can YOU speak on the black church, and you've admited that you don't go to church? Isn't that sort of... you know, crazy. More importantly, since you are not a "convert", it goes without question that you've never read the entire bible, so please, you're exposing yourself to be someone that gives their opinion in a haphazard manner.
You should talk about something you know. So come on, "The Black Church" constantly does WHAT? What black church are YOU talking about? What's your reference? It's not wise to expose your weakness. I mean, that depends on rather or not you like being dismissed as someone that might say any damn thing, and not know what the hell they are talking about.
Anonymous said...
"Please consider the possibility that the problem might not be religion, the problem might be YOUR own unconscious prejudice toward it. It's the same kind of prejudice that some Whites have toward Blacks."
You nailed it. All it takes is for ONE Black to do wrong, and all Blacks are guilty. Val ought to STFU.
You beat me to it. Val need to keep her damn ignant mouth shut. Stupid beyotch.
I guess a Black pagan like me better sit this chatter boxing match out...
Yesterday Grinder crawls out from under the floorboards after a long absence.
Today the oh so sexy focusedpurpose returns to tell us black men how awful we are. (yawn).
"right now under this current batch of mess...black women ARE being treated like "property"-check the domestic violence among blacks."
You can't have it both ways FP. Either black men are abandoning women or treating them as property..
Which is it?
And as far as domestic violence is concerned much of it is initiated by black women who feel they can slap or scratch or throw objects at their husbands/boyfriends and the male is not to retaliate.
You will never admit to it but every brother out here knows I'm telling the truth because they've experienced it.
field, you wrote:
Finally, Mr. Watergate (boy talk about living off one shining moment) has a new book out about his O ness. Yawn. You will hear about this one for awhile. Obama and his aides disagreed over what to do in Afghanistan. Shocking!
I think Woodward has written 16 books. Even though I read only summaries or reviews of his books, I am, nevertheless, impressed.
As a comment on his career, All The President's Men marked his peak. So what? If you're lucky, you have something in your career that stands out as your finest hour. If you're not so lucky, it's just one hum-drum day after another.
The NY Times probably hit its peak with the publication of the Pentagon Papers. That was 1971.
Your advice to writers seems to boil down to Quit While You're Ahead.
Should the NY Times have folded up its shop and stopped publishing after its big Pentagon Papers moment? Times writers have spent almost 40 years trying to do it again.
field you wrote:
The wingnuts will say that O played politics with the war, and his defenders will say that he did no such thing.
Sensible people will conclude that Obama and his lefty sycophant advisors have no idea what they're doing.
Obama is apparently such a captive of his ideology that he really does believe that wars are controlled by master puppeteers who run them on a schedule and conclude when convenient.
It is for that reason he demanded an "exit strategy" for Afghanistan, as though an "exit strategy" means anything other than "We Lost and We're Going Home Now."
The Korean War lasted from 1950 to 1953. But we still have 30,000 troops on the border between North and South Korea.
The shooting in WWII ended in 1945. But we maintained dictatorial control of Germany and Japan until 1952, when they were prepared to run their own shows -- and we still maintain a major military presence in both nations.
When it comes to defending liberty, properity and democracy, there is no "exit strategy."
And, through it all, Bob Wodward will keep calling his accountant while the cash register goes chi ching.
Every writer should do as well.
On that note, where are the black writers? Are there any?
Oh yeah, writing senseless screeds about tearing down the government and replacing it with some Marxist nightmare.
"Oh yeah, writing senseless screeds about tearing down the government and replacing it with some Marxist nightmare"
For example Slappy?
You just make it up as you go along.
A classic internet clown.
Carey Carey,
It is your assumption that I am unfamiliar with the Black church.
Obama healthcare incompetence is law as of today.
Examiner Editorial: Obamacare is even worse than critics thought
Examiner Editorial
September 22, 2010
Much more has been revealed about Obamacare since President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi pushed the bill on Americans six months ago.
Half a year removed from the unprecedented legislative chicanery and backroom dealing that characterized the bill's passage, we now know much more about the bill than we did then.
A few of the revelations:
» ?Obamacare won't decrease health care costs for the government. According to Medicare's actuary, it will increase costs. The same is likely to happen for privately funded health care.
» ?As written, Obamacare covers elective abortions, contrary to Obama's promise that it wouldn't. This means that tax dollars will be used to pay for a procedure millions of Americans across the political spectrum view as immoral. Supposedly, the Department of Health and Human Services will bar abortion coverage with new regulations but these will likely be tied up for years in litigation, and in the end may not survive the court challenge.
» ?Obamacare won't allow employees or most small businesses to keep the coverage they have and like. By Obama's estimates, as many as 69 percent of employees, 80 percent of small businesses, and 64 percent of large businesses will be forced to change coverage, probably to more expensive plans.
» ?Obamacare will increase insurance premiums -- in some places, it already has. Insurers, suddenly forced to cover clients' children until age 26, have little choice but to raise premiums, and they attribute to Obamacare's mandates a 1 to 9 percent increase.
Obama's only method of preventing massive rate increases so far has been to threaten insurers.
» ?Obamacare will force seasonal employers -- especially the ski and amusement park industries -- to pay huge fines, cut hours, or lay off employees.
» ?Obamacare forces states to guarantee not only payment but also treatment for indigent Medicaid patients.
» ?Obamacare imposes a huge nonmedical tax compliance burden on small business. It will require them to mail IRS 1099 tax forms to every vendor from whom they make purchases of more than $600 in a year, with duplicate forms going to the Internal Revenue Service.
» ?Obamacare allows the IRS to confiscate part or all of your tax refund if you do not purchase a qualified insurance plan. The bill funds 16,000 new IRS agents to make sure Americans stay in line.
Nice try Hathor, but your own words preceeded you. But I'm game, do tell me your "experience" with the "black Church". And while you are at it, do tell me your knowledge of the scriptures. but be forewarned that I don't need to hear about the baby in the manger. I am sure you know what I'm implying? Have you, or have you not read the entire Bible?
Well, don't feel ashamed for making remarks that you can't support, because the overwhelming majority of people that say they are christians (or those that speak on the church) have not read the Bible.
So Hathor, do you want to throw in the towel, or smack me upside my head. Come on, relieve me of my assumptions.
You can run but you can't hide. At this point, a wise person would take a knee.
welcome back
god i missed u
preach as always!!!
u made my day
ditto to all
these cherry picking buybull toting hypochristians worship superstar preachers like they do hobama...that is why they give these demonic preacher pimps all that cash...
uptownsteve, you wrote:
For example Slappy?
You just make it up as you go along. A classic internet clown.
With the exception of Thomas Sowell, a highly respected black economist you know nothing about, virtually all recognized black writers advocate massive wealth redistribution.
Based on your uninformed comments, it appears you too want that massive wealth redistribution.
Unfortunately, you've got Obama in your corner. He's all for massive wealth redistribution too. Fighting over the best way to grab the money has led to importatn departures from Obama's staff.
Now Larry Summers is leaving. You probably do not understand how embarrassing Summers' departure is for Obama. Obama can't find a replacement. No credible business person wants the job. If there were a viable replacement, his/her name would have been made public at the moment Summers said he was leaving.
Business hates Obama. That might appeal to you. But in the real world, it's a matter of Obama hating business enough to drive out opportunity by imposing restrictive laws and heavy taxes.
Guaranteed to fail.
And the comparisons with Jimmy Carter are growing daily. One term. One term. One term. Yeah.
most hypochristians use their dusty bibles as accessories...like closed purses...shame!!!
most have never read or studied it
they are sheeple who quote fake foul fools like eddie long
"I think Christianity as practiced in the Black churches is primarily responsible for the sexual behavior of many Black people."
that MESS in the bulk of so-called black churches has NOTHING to do with Christ nor scriptures. hence my original comment. i would go further and say that i would like to live to see the day when black women, so focused on their best interests are they, that they get up and LEAVE if they are not in positions of power and there is no reciprocity. if all they are relegated to is the grunt work and giving they may as well. God will understand.
scriptures tell us that people perish for lack of knowledge. which is why the total lack of respect for education among many blacks is insanity at best. education is "acting white" i have heard it said. been accused of that many times. when in truth we should be seeking knowledge from the cradle to the grave.
i don't feel too sorry for those that CHOOSE to be fooled. all they would need to do is take their eyes off of the man and READ their scriptures. it is written quite plainly that we should study to show ourselves approved. rightly divide the word of God for ourselves.
i have personally sat in churches where the douche in the pulpit was straight butchering scriptures. sweating up a charismatic storm while he did it. that was my cue to get up and leave.
i have sat in buildings where there were at least 30 women to each man. and listened while the "preacher" told all these unpartnered black women that their singledom was sacred. they should pray, wait, and have faith. i thought to myself, that is precisely what you need to do as you wait for my give you a dime...and promptly left. that is not from God. that is exploitation. plain and simple.
don't make me call names up in here. lol. there is a brother (real sibling) to a famous supermodel/disco singer/actress from back in the day that has a "church". last name rhymes with wrong. that "church" is like a club with no drinks. it is common knowledge that this "church" is the spot for beautiful women. watching these desperate, unpartnered black women and the straight bible toting predators will make you throw up. the "preacher" had a sexy calendar out not too long ago too. which is why i am not trying to be distracted by the homosexual factor of the eddie long caper. like i said, if folks would start calling heterosexuals out, there would be "scandal" every few seconds.
folks are NOT calling the heterosexuals out because folks are still on the protect and coddle bm script until blacks in this country are the permanent underclass. notice how folks don't have a problem calling black women out with the quickness. and quite a few black women sit like mutes and refuse to stand and address the disparity. but let someone depart from the script and presto! they found their voice and it is raised to "provide" an excuse and "protect" the black man. which is backwards. lol. total and complete role reversal.
careycarey, you wrote:
And while you are at it, do tell me your knowledge of the scriptures.
Other than for fleecing people, what value is there in knowing lots of details about a book of fiction?
Hathor i don't play along. i stand and speak because silence can be deadly and is folks black women and children. ALL religions can be used to control and oppress men AND women. it tickles me that folks seem only to see it as it relates to Islam.
anytime someone chooses to throw away their blessings/fruits of sound mind, power, and love--which is what scriptures teach that God has given us in lieu of a spirit of fear...it is to their utter and complete detriment.
i am not religious. i am working on my spiritual fruits. i will not pick on the homosexuals, lie and pretend they are the cause of the disease rates in the black community or any of that other mess that will lead only to bondage and death.
plus, there is an apostle/book in the new testament with which i am still trying to flow. the sexism is stifling...i am tempted to rip that page out and toss it. lol. i have resisted the urge thus far.
Hathor, in scriptures, in Proverbs the book of wisdom; there are passages speaking to men about sexual morality. they are instructed to be faithful to the wives of their youth. there are descriptions of the type of woman they should avoid. ironically, it is precisely the type of woman that is glorified these days. the whole stripper culture takes that foolishness to a whole new level of insanity.
i am glad you peeped the quotes. it was about to be on with the whole having your cake and eating it too. lol. THAT is the convo righteous, good, "brothas" need to have with the young brothas/baby daddies as it relates to morality and scriptures. they should go just as hard as they feel comfortable to do with black women. after all, they will be addressing MEN. black men gotta hurry up and get as "strong" as they expect black women to be. there is a decline in men in general, all races, if ya'll hurry up and get on point...ya'll could actually catch up.
wow...uts...it has been a minute and you are STILL firmly stuck on sexist/denial/stupid. as a result, i am STILL committed to not engaging you. re-read your own comment. you can figure HOW folks can have and are having it both ways. you are a big boy now. you can do it. now run along with that nonsense. your wife can co-sign your crazy. that's HER job.
have a good day all
needs slaps:
larry summers has been the primary racist clown in hobama's elitist circus regime...
he has played hobama for a blackish fool as he departs after his own damage is done
uts has actually gotten worse!
he is more colorist and sexist and bromancing the free falling hobama more than ever
if all gays in all races vanished today...tomorrow the black race would still be doomed by HET ills and hobama's fleecings!!!!
Why is it call Obamacare, because the president signed it?
The congress compromised and watered the bill down. As far as many liberals are concerned they could have clogged the sewer system with that bill.
The most liberals were grateful were that the bills does give people with insurance stability; like not arbitrarily denied claims or dropped from their insurance. No one purports that it saves money only that is increase the insurance pool. That why there are "groups" now. If it would be like Econ101 as you neo-cons like to say, then volume can reduce rates.
yes eddie has always looked like a closet butch queen to me...
but i have expert gaydar
there is no singular gay look
and we gays look like hets
never judge a book by its cover
many butch buff rappers are bi/gay too
rock hudson looked macho too
eddie long is the NORM in black churches...not the exception
tyler perry was raped as a teen by an eddie long clone and i know many others
there are as many eddie longs in black churches as their are pedophiles hidden and protected in the catholic church!!!
see more here:
excuse all the typos...busy day...rushing as always
Carey Carey,
I gave up many years ago, in fact 50 years ago in trying to argue with those whose intent was to show me the right way.
At that time I thought I was a Christian, but because I went to the wrong church or couldn't speak in their tongues or held slightly different belief from them, I couldn't be defined as a "Christian".
Later in my life, I found that actually I would be more comfortable being Buddhist in the way I thought about God. I am not seeking any religion or looking to be saved, so please spare me the indignation and the faux interest in my knowledge.
"i am STILL committed to not engaging you. re-read your own comment. you can figure HOW folks can have and are having it both ways. you are a big boy now. you can do it. now run along with that nonsense. your wife can co-sign your crazy. that's HER job."
You don't ENGAGE anyone.
You just rant into the wind.
I guess that comes from being by yourself and not having a life partner.
You are always talking about what men expect from women (as if you have any idea) but not once have I ever heard you challenge bw to be responsibly for themselves and step totally up to the plate as mothers, wives and partners.
I don't know whether it's penetrateing your skull but most brothers aren't going to accept a self-righteous lecture from females like you.
Maybe you just get off wagging your finger and telling black men off but it has very little real effect.
When you're ready to show some humility AND self-responsibility, maybe someone will listen to you.
You might even get a boyfriend.
u r in very deep denial
hobamacare is a horrid hoax and hobama was NO saint in its creation or hawking
he has a pharma corp posse just as his banksters
hobamacare was expertly designed to benefit only them...all those uninsureed unemployed black hobama fans are still going to die from illness in the street
no hope
no change
no med insurance
hoodwinked by hobama!!!
give it up
fp slays your sexist bs with sheer poetry always
read her post
that is not a rant
that is real verbal art!!!
why is it always men women would never ever want telling women they need a man????
hathor, you wrote:
Why is it call Obamacare, because the president signed it?
Because he campaigned on the promise of it, because he made it the centerpiece of his administration and because he wholly identified himself with it.
Is that enough of a connection?
The congress compromised and watered the bill down. As far as many liberals are concerned they could have clogged the sewer system with that bill.
If there had been NO compromise and the bill had been passed as Dems wrote it, the impact would be far, far, far worse than what's about to hit.
The most liberals were grateful were that the bills does give people with insurance stability; like not arbitrarily denied claims or dropped from their insurance.
Your preceding sentence makes no sense.
Bottom line -- ObamaCare PROMISES much higher medical insurance bills. You may want to believe otherwise, but bills are going to rise -- a lot.
No one purports that it saves money...
Wrong. Obama said his plan would cause insurance rates to DROP. However, he stopped making that outlandish, ignorant, foolish claim a while ago.
...only that is increase the insurance pool. That why there are "groups" now. If it would be like Econ101 as you neo-cons like to say, then volume can reduce rates.
When it comes to Healthcare, there are almost NO volume benefits.
To benefit from an "economy of scale" there must be a process that can be leveraged for efficiency.
Medicine is different. In medicine, each new development costs more. And there are always new developments. Thus, the aggregate bill always rises.
Even though doctors might improve delivery of one process -- appendectomies -- any savings derived from the new procedure compared with the old procedure are lost in the sauce when new heart surgery techniques are introduced.
Forty years ago a patient with blocked heart arteries was likely to die on the operating table. Today, doctors perform heart bypass surgery all over the country and everybody survives and goes on to live many more years.
Those operations cost $100,000. Loads of them are performed every day. Thus, as a result of the development of a successful operating technique that works almost every time, insurance companies are willing to pay $100,000 for the procedure.
Forty years ago, the patient died. Forty years ago, we had far fewer ways to spend money on healthcare.
the buybull is the greatest story every told!!!
"fp slays your sexist bs with sheer poetry always"
Yeah ab.
And you are the fearless lioness warrior.
Both of you are actually a couple of neurotics who are legends in your feeble minds.
"why is it always men women would never ever want telling women they need a man????"
Even better question.
Why is it that unattractive women who don't have a man are always lecturing men on what they have to do to get women?
It's total lunacy.
who here is lecturing you on how to get a woman???
i am gorgeous and lesbian and fp has never posted her photo...so who? what?
it is YOU who has one stupid sexist line as retort:
"get a man"
like you know any real men?
we expose u as a male hyena always
and we slay u like 2 lionesses
i slay u solo daily too...
good enough?
all leos are like me
and we are always even better than we say....fyi
even that leo hobama is an even more ruthless hoax than we know
I think you gave an argument for universal health care.
Okay, focused, now that we've found love on a two way street, we are on the same road *lol*.
Your 10:01 comment was right on time, and on point. In my humble way, I give it 5 stars. But now I have to address a big fool.
Slappy said "Other than for fleecing people, what value is there in knowing lots of details about a book of fiction?"
Slappy, I heard it said that if a person talks to a fool long enough, there will soon be two fools talking. So, let me make this short. Again, since you've implied that you've never read the Bible, what kind of special kind of fool would you be to speak on it's contents-huh? But here's what you (and others) are obviously missing, fiction or not(I am not going to argue that), there are passages within the Bible that one could use as a reference, or guide, to help them structure their lives. Many of them deal with all the struggle of life. The solutions to such, have little reference to what you may believe about the Bible. If you are focusing on "stories" in the Bible, you're looking in the wrong place. It's not about heaven or hell, it's about being a better person. The results of which, can only produce a better world for you and me. All a person has to do is clean their side of the street, first.
More importantly, although you view the bible as fiction, is that to say that wisdom can not be gained by reading it? Certainly not! Only a zip fool would think differently.
when u say
"get a man"
u really men
"get distracted/get quiet/get unfocused/stfu"
there is a classic story about such sexist silencing by one of my fav happily married het feminist authors pearl cleage
it was one of my most popular fm show pcs for decades
"the time before the men came"
see it inside this book
it is YOUR bio!!!
I am sure you know what I'm implying? Have you, or have you not read the entire Bible?
"who here is lecturing you on how to get a woman???"
Have you not read the reams of self-righteous FP rants????
Like this from this morning:
"where are the good men teaching young males not to be baby daddies? heck, if they can't bring themselves to say it for moral reasons, make it about money. talk about the riddled paychecks. something!"
WHERE ARE THE BW telling young sisters not to be babies mommas????
Women control this thing no matter how much you want to cry victim.
If every unmarried black woman starting TODAY refused to let a man enter her body without either her or the guy being protected the OOW rates would plummet.
Or this self-serving garbage:
"black men gotta hurry up and get as "strong" as they expect black women to be. there is a decline in men in general, all races, if ya'll hurry up and get on point...ya'll could actually catch up."
Aint dat a trip?
it takes 2 to make a baby but...
where is one lie in all that fp posted?
the black moms are saddled with the kids their own men left behind!
those turbo breeders are usually serial single moms!!!
every question is valid!
did u answer any yet?
i missed that too....
even hobama agrees!...even as his poverty by design will make it all worse!!!
and fatherless kids are a national epidimic in ALL races and classes
rich people call it blended/divorced...
but it is all semantics
men make babies and run
while mothers and grandparents get stuck parenting solo
hobama seems to be a great dad
yet he can tell the truth about bad ones and his own kenyan sperm donor...
why do u not simply be the same exception without denying theglaring rule???
ps: i hate that hobama can only be black when bashing bad black dads!
more on hobamacare:
Last point on this subject because it is tiring.
I have no problem calling out deadbeat dads, sperm donors and irresponsible non caring buffoons.
They are a disgrace and wreaking havoc on the black community.
WHEN OH WHEN are you black feminists going to stop the female victimhood bull$hit and accept the fact that bw are just as responsible and culpabale in the failure of many black relationships and OOW birth rates.
Like I said before, you and FP may get off lecturing black men but it's not having any real effect.
Many good black men know from their own experiences what many sisters are capable of so they are not going to bear the full weight of the communties problems.
Self-reflection always works better than finger wagging.
That's something many bw need to realize.
i despise hobama
and i gave him props
i bash male and female turbo breeders herein daily
fp did not lie
if we talk about self-reflection,
bm would only lose...again!
those single moms you diss are deeply flawed as u noted...but far less than the men who help them make their fatherless babies
those single moms are LITERALLY the ONLY remnant of ANY glue holding most black hoods together
u need to relect on that!
more on what fp said
FP is back! (I'm jumping out my chair waving in the air to Steve's horror). LOL
Girl, I have to run and come back a little later. Whenever you find the time please back read some of those previous threads. Million Man March cadet Steve has gotten down right out of hand. Some day ago he was howling a mate call for white women in all languages, LOL.
Somehow he stops cackling and guffawing when you show up, the convo becomes “tiring” to him. LOL
Anyway, some very sharp sister Anonys, AB and myself have been trying to hold it down in this crazy place, it's like comic view.
Thank you sis for stopping by and dropping some of that wisdom as always!
(PS, Steve has been so paranoid, he's been seeing "FP" in almost everybody and everywhere on this blog. Your words in the past have traumatized him so. Maybe you should also consider changing your profile pic to something more calming to him like um... Paula Patton, poor Steve. LOL)
"Somehow he stops cackling and guffawing when you show up, the convo becomes “tiring” to him. LOL"
She's the one who rants and hauls ass.
LAA if FP is your hero I wish you the best.
She's the patron saint of homely angry bearillas.
hathor, you wrote:
no_slappz, I think you gave an argument for universal health care.
Due to our citizenship laws, the earnings of doctors and everyone else in the healthcare field, the cost of developing new procedures, new technologies and new drugs, we cannot afford Universal Healthcare.
In every country offering "universal healthcare", tight citizenship laws limit the number of eligible people. Doctors and other health professionals earn much less and a lot of drug and device innovations come from other countries, mainly the US.
Obama wants 45 million uninsured residents to get medical insurance coverage. Inasmuch as Americans spend an average of about $7,000 a year on healthcare, you can easily calculate the cost of adding 45 million people to healthcare rolls.
The answer, for the first year, is $315 billion. Of course the cost will rise annually.
u have never seen fp
and there you go with the silly sexist beta male slurs/bs
ditto to all
fp is my shero too!!!
males bears and gorillas could teach tons of bm like you about being alpha men/great dads etc
just like all those homo animals who could teach eddie long not to play himself/torture teens/keep it real etc....
careycarey, you wrote:
Again, since you've implied that you've never read the Bible, what kind of special kind of fool would you be to speak on it's contents-huh?
I've read the Bible, by bits and pieces over the years. Lots of stories, some amusing, some ridiculous and virtually none factual.
But here's what you (and others) are obviously missing, fiction or not, there are passages within the Bible that one could use as a reference, or guide, to help them structure their lives.
No kidding? Who knew? Your first mistake is believing other people are oblivious to the obvious.
Many of them deal with all the struggle of life. The solutions to such, have little reference to what you may believe about the Bible.
Now you're calling the Bible as Self-Help book that should have a place in self-help section of Barnes & Noble. That's reasonable. But there are better books.
It's not about heaven or hell, it's about being a better person. The results of which, can only produce a better world for you and me. All a person has to do is clean their side of the street, first.
You might have a point. But being a "better person" has no connection to organizations that collect money and exercise power. At best, religions are shadow governments. At worst -- islamic nations -- they ARE totalitarian governments.
The parts of religion devoted to human behavior and thinking have been skimmed off to form the basis of psychology and philosophy.
10:01 AM
Blogger focusedpurpose said...
i would go further and say that i would like to live to see the day when black women, so focused on their best interests are they, that they get up and LEAVE if they are not in positions of power and there is no reciprocity. if all they are relegated to is the grunt work and giving they may as well. God will understand.
I consign completely with your remarks. Though it is predominately women that fund these churches, in many, they are not permitted to sit, stand or speak from the pulpit. However, they are may surely stand in it- to clean it.
uptownsteve said..."WHEN OH WHEN are you black feminists going to stop the female victimhood bull$hit and accept the fact that bw are just as responsible and culpabale in the failure of many black relationships and OOW birth rates"
Black women go to college. Black men go to jail.
Hathor said...
Why is it call Obamacare, because the president signed it?
The congress compromised and watered the bill down. As far as many liberals are concerned they could have clogged the sewer system with that bill"
If that is true, then most liberals are idiots. Healthcare is a privilege, not a "right". Asserting that you have a "right" to goods and services provided by others, irrespective of your willingness to pay for them, sounds good to bleeding heart liberals who don't have the brainpower to think things through, but it is not compatible with the most basic tenets of liberty. If other people have a "right" to your labor, then you are a slave. Notwithstanding the outlandish lies fed us by progressives, the state of medical facilities in Cuba illustrates that an economy based on slavery is not efficient enough to provide adequate healthcare for anyone but the ruling class.
anon, you wrote:
"If other people have a "right" to your labor, then you are a slave.
Only if you are forced to provide the labor and must do so without compensation.
Notwithstanding the outlandish lies fed us by progressives, the state of medical facilities in Cuba illustrates that an economy based on slavery is not efficient enough to provide adequate healthcare for anyone but the ruling class.
The utter failure of Cuba and its healthcare system is a function of repudiating capitalism.
Frankly, given the potential value of ethanol Cuba could derive from its sugar crop and the value of oil and gas in and around the island, energy sales could most likely fund a decent healthcare system if the country were run by capitalists.
When Fidel croaks, we may see Cuba move in the right direction.
no_slappz said...
anon, you wrote:
"If other people have a "right" to your labor, then you are a slave.
"Only if you are forced to provide the labor and must do so without compensation."
Slaves were "compensated" with food and shacks to live in. The compensation was grossly inadequate, and the slaves had no choice over whether or not to accept a deal whereby their labor and liberty were confiscated.
Of course healthcare professionals won't be whipped as punishment, just fined. They won't be given shacks to live in, but they will have no say in the compensation they get for their services.
It is is a matter of degree, not principle.
An illegitimate right, such as the "right" to another person's labor, infringes on true natural rights such as personal liberty. Receiving goods and services from another person is not a right.
no_slappz said....
"The utter failure of Cuba and its healthcare system is a function of repudiating capitalism."
Communism = Slavery
"And as far as domestic violence is concerned much of it is initiated by black women who feel they can slap or scratch or throw objects at their husbands/boyfriends and the male is not to retaliate.
You will never admit to it but every brother out here knows I'm telling the truth because they've experienced it."
The damn truth!!!
True story:
About 15 years ago, I was a young man at the time, I went out with this woman who was extremely jealous. She figured I was cheating on her, she stabbed me in the neck just above my collarbone.
I spent 9 days in a coma, almost 2 weeks after waking up, I almost died again from internal bleeding.
I started to bleed out through my nose and eyes. I was rushed back to the hospital. About a month after that, I was rushed back to the hospital in excruciating pain in my chest area around my heart.
Turns out, the hole in my chest that had the catheter in me got infected because the assholes at the hospital told me the stitches in my chest would dissolve. It didn't. I have called the police numerous times on this woman, they never took me seriously. One time she broke into my house, trashed my bedroom, stole a good amount of my clothes, put them in a dumpster behind the neighborhood groc. store.
What clothes she didn't take, she tore to shreds. I called 911, and not only did the 911 operator (woman)chuckle lightheartedly at what I was telling her, she never sent the police to my house. They never showed up. I am a walking, living, breathing example of female on male domestic violence.
I have actually told other women this story and their initial response (my wife included) was "you must have been cheating on her", "pissed her off" or some other nonsense to that effect.
This is not even a Black thing. All men are always treated with some form of discord when dealing with female to male domestic violence situations. Being Black just raises the level of stigmatization.
PS- The woman was never prosecuted for her crimes.
i have said often
family/custody cases
domestic violence cases
are completely biased against men
many decent kind men and great single dads are abused due to their male gender daily
thank u for calling the police and dumping her and walking away rather than beating her...
that is what real men always do
Shabazz said...
"All men are always treated with some form of discord when dealing with female to male domestic violence situations. Being Black just raises the level of stigmatization."
True words.
This is the injustice that results from having protected classes.
This is what is, at root, wrong with Hate Crimes laws.
Everyone should be equal before the law.
Your story, horrific as it was, is something a lot of black men have experienced or can relate to but somehow it never even gets acknowledged in the media and of course from the strident protofemmes.
I'm glad that you are okay today.
In fact listen to ab's aside:
"thank u for calling the police and dumping her and walking away rather than beating her...
that is what real men always do"
How the fuck could he beat when he was in a coma?
Are you sistas that freakin nuts?
"This is what is, at root, wrong with Hate Crimes laws.
Everyone should be equal before the law."
As usual, you don't have a freakin clue.
Who is a "protected class"?
In fact blacks are arrested for "hate crimes" at a higher rate than whites.
What else is new in AmerrKKKa?
i guess u missed that part about habitually violent women in all races...always exclusively bashing bfs as u do
i know men who will knock women into a coma the moment they look at them them the wrong way/raise a hand
most men are born stronger and faster than most women...
but maybe that is alpha male wisdom you simply do not share...
You still don't get it.
I'm not trying to get into a tit for tat with you about domestic violence or anything else.
My only point in this (sigh) is that many black women have to stop this ridiculous posturing and finger wagging and understand that what is going to save the black family and the black community at large is honest and SELF-REFLECTION.
On the part of both brothers and sisters.
You, FP and LAA don't seem to want to accept that and you're part of the problem.
When one of you establishes a meaningful and rewarding relationship with a black man then you can lecturing somebody.
In the meantime you're just pissin in the wind.
Gettin all messy.
u r blinded by your own sexist lies
who has said they expect absent bm to repair anything solo???
i love many bm and i am sure
fp and laa do also
but you are hopeless
and the only pissy one here is you because your blind sexist urine is reserved for spraying bfs exclusively...
Hate Crimes are progressive laws in a civlized society..
Why should a cracker get a free bite out of my Black ass just because I am a nigger...
We tier crimes for homocide 1, 2, 3rd degree based upon the circumstances so there is no legal problem with augmenting a crime with a incentive for more punishment..
We should never reward and sanction any type of inhumanity
i think u know when i meant
u could have easily beaten her down first...and u chose not to
...as all true alpha males do
uts forgets that i have dated women too and know just how violent some can be...
i thank you again for walking away as all men and women who are more sane and secure than uts always do...
I will never accept any degree of abuse, violence towards/against a female regardless of age....
I don't care if a woman was your moma that aborted you for a hit..
Abuse of any kind is never acceptible
shabazz, you wrote:
About 15 years ago, I was a young man at the time, I went out with this woman who was extremely jealous.
How young were you? How old was she?
She figured I was cheating on her, she stabbed me in the neck just above my collarbone.
Sounds like attempted murder to me. Assault with a deadly weapon. An attack that should have resulted in a serious charge.
I spent 9 days in a coma, almost 2 weeks after waking up, I almost died again from internal bleeding.
Then you wrote:
PS- The woman was never prosecuted for her crimes.
Why not? Is there more to the story?
Why would a District Attorney let an easy conviction slip through his hands?
Inasmuch as you weren't married to her, "cheating" is irrelevant. In any case, cheating is never a justification for putting someone in a coma.
But there must be an explanation for the absence of a prosecution. What gives?
that is why all real women even lesbians love alpha men like u!
funny how it is never real men like you telling any of us to "get a man"!
hi AB!
been busy. missed you as well sis. how've you been?
AB, i am aware of the usual bw bashing. somehow, it still eludes folks (both genders) that they may want to choose a mate based on something other than skin color and the size of body parts.
i just stay focused and keep it moving. you have more patience than me. may God bless all educators. i see the special education classes you hold in here from time to time. lol. anytime a male attempts to justify domestic violence by saying something about the woman's behavior...i don't discuss further. if bad behavior was a reasonable excuse for violence...eddie big arms long should be lumpy about the head during his press conference. there would be steve mcnair corpses lining the streets. i strongly suspect that if this trend of women justifying violence of men by pointing to men's bad behavior would take firm root; that little transparent pest uts may finally be silenced. lol.
among women, i listen closely for the brain dead females that will spit that same venom. i know instantly that they are a liability to themselves and any other woman around them.
Hathor, i neglected to say earlier that i understood your second point. i think that is where boldness comes in though. IF a so-called christian man ONLY knows the submit to a man scripture in the new testament, or the Adam and Eve commonly accepted logic and is bold enough to step to me with it-i am bold enough to apply balance. i can/will hip him to new scriptures to study and work on applying so that he is NOT seeking dominion through perverted means. resist the devil and it will flee. lol. this comment will be too long if i list examples of firsthand experiences of folks burning rubber AWAY from me with that sexist nonsense.
fp is another full of shit alterego the alterego sockpuppets are in full effect today from that fucking loser piece of trash
She's absolutely friggin nuts.
A ranting, spewing Valkerie.
If that is who some sistas want to follow, God bless 'em.
I don't think too many brothers will be shedding any tears.
also AB, i don't get too worked up about those dysfunctional black folks with their excuses for why a "man" would strike a woman. i have had too many experiences with real men, black and other colors, to know that those clowns are NOT respected by REAL MEN. period.
for the females co-signing that craziness i will tell the truth and disengage when they argue. i FULLY understand that in due time, they will have an experience that will teach them that they are NOT special. if a male refers to other women disrespectfully in your presence--he don't respect you either. if these females are keeping company with males that think hitting women is justifiable, she will catch a lump in due time. in fact, i think these female protectors are doing a valuable service to sane bw. let them hold their posts.
i don't get worked up about this line of "reasoning". it is an opportunity to make sure young black women and girls understand that BEFORE they are in any type of serious relationship, they should ALREADY have vetted and know how that man handles his temper.
a dumb female devil just appeared when spoken of too!
i am well...and i se u are too!
please stay in touch and keep slaying fools like uts!
i am nothing like you
and i thank god for that ERRDAY!!!
i am:
not faceless
not brainless
not assnons
not thrasher
i never post as anyone except myself with my own face!
dual tragedies:
u never have anything to say about anything other than me
i can actually feel the collective IQ of this blog freefall the moment u post!!!
rite ya loser fp buceta breaf man hating carpet eating clone! u simply excuse women who abuse men but think its not cool for men to abuse women u and ur inconsistent thinking r fucking stupid! like that buceta muff eating lunatic!
i am:
thrasherabucetalicia banks breaf gurl
yes u r aint cha ya coohole! u is a grade a loser! chrick!
"i have had too many experiences with real men, black and other colors, to know that those clowns are NOT respected by REAL MEN. period."
The only males you've had any experiences with are the orderlies who watch you at the institution.
"men make babies and run
while mothers and grandparents get stuck parenting solo"
and it is for THIS reason they don't get to have an opinion on abortion as far as i am concerned. instead of trying to dictate anything to women- they should get together and fix THAT problem.
while ALL males do it...black folks may want to stop pretending that something REAL out of wack is not happening with american blacks.
maybe when the fatherless males are as penalized socially as the fatherless women are, folks will wake up.
when coaches will only coach young men that are accustomed to taking instruction from men-spreads into other areas, maybe?
AB, this tendency is also why the laws are they way in favor of women and children. REAL men know how dysfunctional males behave. they deliberately regulate so "communities" WON'T look like the so-called black collective is looking right about now. and we know there were outsiders involved in the breakdown...but hasn't THAT always been the case in black america? do we just point to that or man/woman up and do right by our ancestors, ourselves, and our children? what is right is never easy!
the vdlr is a classic case of the female misogynists/masochists u so expertly described
she is just 100 x more ghetto and ignant and vulgar and bald and envious and VD wise etc than her avg self-loathing internalized sexist peer...
her 2 best pals herein are uts and a kkk/jew bellywarmer...and her 10 assnon clones...that proves all solo!!!
if men could become pregnant, abortion clinics would be like jiffy lubes
attached to every bar and strip club etc
and there would be special leave at jobs/special insurance etc just for ALL of their abortions
it is far easier to buy a condom than it is to obtain a birth control pill
FP and AB
Try to think clearly for once in your life.
Is it not true that if starting tomorrow, every unmarried black woman with a daughter would stress forcefully "Don't end up like me. If you are sexually active make sure either he or you are using a contraceptive. And if not keep your legs closed." that the OOW rates would plummet immediately???
If not, why not?
whoever denied that?
they would not plummet though
because unprotected teen sex/vulgar music/pregnant teen icons/fertile young macho men playas etc are all realities across all boundaries of race and class:
"hotel motel holiday inn...if your girl starts acting up, then u take her friend"
same bs denial
dif day
"maybe when the fatherless males are as penalized socially as the fatherless women are, folks will wake up."
And how are fatherless women penalized specifically?
Can you even articulate it?
"because unprotected teen sex/vulgar music/pregnant teen icons/fertile young macho men playas etc are all realities across all boundaries of race and class:"
So it's hiphop and fertile young playas that's stopping mothers from schooling their daughters???
and many girls get pregnant only because they needed a hug from an absent dad!...
many have sex to keep boys who let them know that is mandatory...peer pressure and parental examples usually trump all parental advice
children repeat what they see not what they are told!
that is why teen moms usually become very young grannies!
they are penalized by becoming the sole scapegoats and singular pariahs you bash and degrade incessantly
u r not even trying to hear me...
it is a hyper sexualized hio hop culture and society that trump ALL...some of the best parents house pregant teens
see all u deny
and all fp said
here is another classic tome of the reality of sex etc among youth
it is also an anti-vdlr manifesto
many mothers and women DO give great sex/man/relo advice to women all the time
"dic* iz not a vitamin"
better link
more on the real bm all girls need to protect them from fertile thugs
larry fishburne is a great bm and a great dad
but his daughter was gobbled up by a thug porn star wolf
another great kid with great parents gobbled up by a fertile brutal drug dealer thug and almost lost in the pic forever
it is obvious that my original post and link as too long. so let me edit.
black heterosexuals may want to stop bashing homosexuals long enough and address the sexual immorality and consequence to the so-called black "community". those that care are doing it here:
be sure to check out "Arlene Fenton: Leaving the Burning House"
hopefulyy these efforts will make a dent in the out of wedlock births that are greatly damaging the next generation of black folks...right now.
i have consistently said: WIVES have babies. if he doesn't recognize your worth and esteem you enough to marry you; having his baby is foolish at best. scriptures teaches that the friends of fools shall suffer. how MUCH more the CHILDREN.
scriptures teaches that a good man provides for his children's children. so bw must cast off the thinking that a bm with a job or a college degree AUTOMATICLY is a "good man". bw will must cast off the grossly low expectations they have for bm. crap like "he has never been to jail". he is not supposed to!
i have been consistent in telling bw that we are responsible for ourselves, lives, and freedom. NO ONE else is coming to save us. expecting bare minimum provision and protection is too much in some circles. LEAVE those circles! STOP listening to the lies that other men will only want you for sex. you are not attractive to others. you have no options. THOSE are tactics to keep you STUCK and distracted from the first law of nature: SELF PRESERVATION.
i don't lecture men. nor do i accept lectures from dysfunctional cowardly males. and NO i won't "help a brotha out" which is code for "here, take my responsibility and yours, too." i talk to the women and girls as i am called to do. it has been my consistent suggestion that men with the answers/suggestions/possible solutions GO TALK TO OTHER MEN.
those foolish souls that are offended by my words will be ok. everything is not for everybody. check me if i am lying. check yourself if you have a violent, visceral, negative response to TRUTH. you may want to fix that. knowing the truth will make you free. i want to be free more than well received. who telling the truth has ever been well received while doing so that anyone can point to in history? i am a person just like those folks.
LAA, AB, Thrasher, Carey, Hathor- it has been nice chatting. gotta go for now. if time permits please check out the Black women led initiative "no wedding no womb". i have not done a post at my house for a minute. i am making sure to forward the link for now. i will cross post Arlene's excellent essay as time permits...
Steve, any woman regardless of race could scratch or hit you, and some might even try to run you over with the car. Just like some men tend to have more tolerance for these type women, and some don't. So basically, some women might try to get physical and act the fool, while some might rather slow poison you. And I can promise you, many men have died from slow poisoning, and their wives/girlfriends were not black.
Personally, I always tell my daughter not to hand play or HIT boys or anyone for that matter. I'm doing my part as a mother and as a parent. These days, little black boys are not taught to be more tolerant of little girly hits, there are no men in their households to teach them how to man-up. I myself have never hit a man, and woe be to the man that ever tries to do it to me.
But you know what, I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America. There are so many black men walking around who eat slaps, scratches, and lamp throwings from their white and non-black female partners and don't say a poop about it. Yet, Steve wants to talk about black women scratching men up.
Shabbaz, sorry to hear what happened to you. I'm fully aware that men can be victims of domestic violence, as I am also aware that women of all race can behave badly.
Also, some black females who are inclined to inflict physical abuse may suffer with insecurities and feelings of repression (just like the black man) which too can turn into rage, especially if she was subjected to growing up with sexual abuse and violence from men in and around her household that went untreated.
From what you described, unprovoked, that could have also been the case with your ex-girlfriend even though I don't condone her actions. It's unfortunate innocent men have to suffer for what bad men may have done to a female child in the past.
Steve should be here any minute to rebuke and cry no fair as usual.
FP, thanks for the info.
"also AB, i don't get too worked up about those dysfunctional black folks with their excuses for why a "man" would strike a woman. i have had too many experiences with real men, black and other colors, to know that those clowns are NOT respected by REAL MEN. period.
for the females co-signing that craziness i will tell the truth and disengage when they argue. i FULLY understand that in due time, they will have an experience that will teach them that they are NOT special. if a male refers to other women disrespectfully in your presence--he don't respect you either. if these females are keeping company with males that think hitting women is justifiable, she will catch a lump in due time. in fact, i think these female protectors are doing a valuable service to sane bw. let them hold their posts.
i don't get worked up about this line of "reasoning". it is an opportunity to make sure young black women and girls understand that BEFORE they are in any type of serious relationship, they should ALREADY have vetted and know how that man handles his temper."
The level of tonedeafness when it comes to domestic violence perpetuated by black women is simply astounding.
On one hand, you have a man who was nearly stabbed to death and put into a coma by a possessive woman. On the other hand, you have women who blithely ignore and dismiss that and other similar acts, instead focusing on how men should essentially worship the ground they walk on. They routinely excuse violence on the womens' part and when confronted by such, they say the man brought it on. "Oh, he must had been cheatin' on her".
Come to think of it, that's what many callous idiots say about rape victims. "Oh, she must have brought that on, wearing what she wore that night....".
"i don't lecture men. nor do i accept lectures from dysfunctional cowardly males. and NO i won't "help a brotha out" which is code for "here, take my responsibility and yours, too." i talk to the women and girls as i am called to do. it has been my consistent suggestion that men with the answers/suggestions/possible solutions GO TALK TO OTHER MEN."
So in other words, you stand on a soap box and wag your finger at "dysfunctional" black men. Then when you are asked what's up with the finger wagging and how to solve whatever problems you bring up, you dodge responsibility by saying "GO TALK TO OTHER MEN".
There are people who work to create genuine solutions. Then there are those who are just there to stir up shit. Most people would put you in the latter group.
"Steve, any woman regardless of race could scratch or hit you, and some might even try to run you over with the car. Just like some men tend to have more tolerance for these type women, and some don't. So basically, some women might try to get physical and act the fool, while some might rather slow poison you. And I can promise you, many men have died from slow poisoning, and their wives/girlfriends were not black. "
And should such behavior be condoned by society? It shouldn't. But it is, in a rather quiet and implicit manner. Society quietly says it's ok for women to belittle and heap abuse on men and that the men should suck it up and take it. A lot of young men are looking at their older, married breathren and how they are essentially being cluckoided by their wives. They really want no part of that, henceforth why they'd rather do one-night stands, booty calls, "friends with benefits" and at worse, be baby daddies who can quickly and easy jettison attachment from the woman and any offspring with little to no regret. Sounds fucked up? It is. And it's happening.
"Personally, I always tell my daughter not to hand play or HIT boys or anyone for that matter. I'm doing my part as a mother and as a parent. These days, little black boys are not taught to be more tolerant of little girly hits, there are no men in their households to teach them how to man-up. I myself have never hit a man, and woe be to the man that ever tries to do it to me."
Perhaps more black parents should teach both boys and girls to keep their hands to themselves. I don't understand why black boys should be trained to "man-up" and be more tolerant of "little girly hits". That sets up a lifelong scenario of black women believing they can get away with hitting and antagonizing black men without consequence.
"But you know what, I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America. There are so many black men walking around who eat slaps, scratches, and lamp throwings from their white and non-black female partners and don't say a poop about it. Yet, Steve wants to talk about black women scratching men up. "
Because historically, a black man who put his hands on a white woman became a black man who got lynched or hanged. Even today, a black man who puts his hands on a white woman will end up in jail straightaway.
"From what you described, unprovoked, that could have also been the case with your ex-girlfriend even though I don't condone her actions. It's unfortunate innocent men have to suffer for what bad men may have done to a female child in the past. "
Prime example of cognitive dissonance here. What happened to you in the past gives you no right to act out on it towards others in the present. Why in the blinding fuck are you even condoning this?
la audiobooks, you wrote:
But you know what, I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America.
Yeah. Sure. That's just what OJ said to himself when he started plotting to murder his ex-wife. Being a black guy who was supposed to be scared of hurting a white woman, he figured the cops would never guess he was the murderer.
This is another black thang. Domestic violence. Hit the kids, hit the girlfriend/wife, hit the boyfriend/husband.
Yeah, I've known some white families in which people got smacked around from time to time. But only a few.
A lot more were into some yelling and threatening, but no hitting.
The fact that hitting is such an open subject among blacks shows its extraordinary prevalence.
Of course it all leads back to the obvious -- blacks are inherently more violent than asians and whites.
LAA--"But you know what, I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America. There are so many black men walking around who eat slaps, scratches, and lamp throwings from their white and non-black female partners and don't say a poop about it. Yet, Steve wants to talk about black women scratching men up."
i don't know why, but i continue to be amazed everytime you say some irrational, race-baiting thing where you substitute black for white and vice vera like this.
how long have you been studying interracial relationships to have concluded this? when did you become the expert?
so, in your opinion, chances are the black man who's with a white woman is abused and hen-pecked, and because the white woman is superior to the black man (and other black women) he'll tolerate her abuse rather than end the relationship.
so there's more abuse in interracial relationships, and it's white women on black men. huh. prove it. these comments continue to show that it is only you who put white people above yourself. its plain you're against interracial relationships, but making them out to be dysfunctional with the woman beating the man and him "taking it" is pure BS you use to convince yourself of the correctness of your position. .
as steve continues to say, a little self-reflection on why your esteem is so low would do you good.
Breaking News:
Nicaraguan diplomat found dead in New York apartment
From Susan Candiotti, CNN
September 23, 2010 4:16 p.m. EDT
NYPD: Diplomat found dead
New York (CNN) -- A Nicaraguan diplomat based in New York was found dead in his apartment in the Bronx on Thursday, his throat slashed, police said.
The consul of Nicaragua in New York, Cesar Mercado, 34, was found by his driver, said Police Deputy Commissioner Paul Browne.
A knife was found at the scene, Browne said.
The body was found dressed just inside the front door to the apartment, and the door had been left unlocked, Browne said.
Investigators were looking at the case as a murder, he said.
"It appears to be a homicide," he said.
A resident who lives in the apartment below Mercado's told CNN he heard "screaming and banging" from Mercado's residence Wedneday night. Mercado lived on the sixth floor of the building.
Mercado's driver may have been picking him up to take him to meet with the Nicaraguan delegation attending the United Nations General Assembly, police said.
Mercado was found at about 10:30 a.m., said Danilo Rosales Diaz, deputy permanent representative of Nicaragua to the United States.
Mercado had lived in the United States for eight years and had been consul the entire time, Rosales said.
"He was here yesterday, working yesterday," he said, adding that the death was a "shock."
I'm figuring the killer was the Chinese delivery guy who went crazy after Mercado tipped him only a quarter.
Mack, where did I say I condoned that woman's actions? Did you not read where I said I did not condone?
And yes both boys and girls should be taught to keep their hands to themselves, especially from a young age.
However for different reasons, girls need to understand that their liddle widdle emotional hits and pushes can be matched disproportionately with a hard and vicious blow in the face from a boy who hasn't learn how assert himself verbally or to vet when not to use his upper body strength for pettiness.
Many of you still want to reap the benefits of a sexist male hierarchy society especially when it comes to dating, so then learn to man up.
I would never condone women hitting men, or people assaulting others, period. But when white women start smacking or wielding the gulf clubs, poor thing becomes a lady in emotional distress, and the average decent man knows to walk or RUN away from such "tantrum". When black women do it, she risk being beaten down like a man and taught a hard lesson, yeah check.
Field, I left a comment before the one at 7:46, it showed up then it disappeared.
Field, did you actually delete my comment that was directed to Maria?
"Field, did you actually delete my comment that was directed to Maria?"
Nope. I have never deleted any of your comments. Must be the Google fairy. :)
"Mack, where did I say I condoned that woman's actions? Did you not read where I said I did not condone?"
It's easy to say one thing, then say another without specifically saying it. It's part of the whole double standards thing.
"I would never condone women hitting men, or people assaulting others, period. But when white women start smacking or wielding the gulf clubs, poor thing becomes a lady in emotional distress, and the average decent man knows to walk or RUN away from such "tantrum". When black women do it, she risk being beaten down like a man and taught a hard lesson, yeah check."
Right, because white women never run the risk of being beaten just as badly as their black female counterparts.
I'd just want to say that black women should stop participating in the cycle of violence by needlessly provoking black men, only to fall back on "victim status" when they get a response. I've seen countless "Shaniqua" types poke, prod and provoke the men in their life just to get a response and in many sad cases, they get one.
And I'm not putting all of the blame on black women, as you might be led to believe. Black men have to learn self-control and take the stack of pringles off their shoulders. Fellas, if the lady in your life starts getting you mad, walk away. But ladies, don't go running behind them, putting your fingers in their face and provoking them to "do something", only to be horrified when he does something.
"The fact that hitting is such an open subject among blacks shows its extraordinary prevalence.
Of course it all leads back to the obvious -- blacks are inherently more violent than asians and whites."
Not gonna let you get away with that one, Slappy boy.
A predilection towards violence can't be placed on racial grounds, unless you're solely looking at statistics that fails to take into account the prevalence of violence along social and economic strata, which is exactly what I think you're doing. You see the stats that confirm your racial bias and you accept that as gospel, because it validates your own deep set prejudices.
I could just say "not all blacks are prone to violence", but then you'd completely ignore that statement and trot out the "gospel" as a rebuttal.
"The fact that hitting is such an open subject among blacks shows its extraordinary prevalence.
Of course it all leads back to the obvious -- blacks are inherently more violent than asians and whites."
Not gonna let you get away with that one, Slappy boy.
A predilection towards violence can't be placed on racial grounds, unless you're solely looking at statistics that fails to take into account the prevalence of violence along social and economic strata, which is exactly what I think you're doing. You see the stats that confirm your racial bias and you accept that as gospel, because it validates your own deep set prejudices.
I could just say "not all blacks are prone to violence", but then you'd completely ignore that statement and trot out the "gospel" as a rebuttal.
Maria, my first comment got ate by the "google fairy", and I am somewhat glad because I should really try not to be mean to a woman who is a miserable frazzle faced voyeur that knows nothing, except how to get kicks off provoking and baiting people to divert from personal issues.
I don't know how you came to that conclusion by reading my comment. I am tiered teaching and explaining things to non-black women like you. I am more convinced that anything outside of your usual copy n paste contributions, only prove how much of a dense and limited analytical thinking simpleton you really are. Why bother?
I have zero patience and tolerance when it comes to violence against black women, and I have even less patience when a low bulb whitish woman thinks she can tell me what I "don't know" in regards to the relationship dynamics between black men and black women, and with respect to making various comparisons. Furthermore, it irks me when you can sit there and try to negate my thoughts as a black female when I rightfully express my thoughts in relation to the racial indifference, violence, domestic abuse and the victim bias that usually gets perpetuated towards black women - and in whatever form I choose to present it.
Look at the previous thread where Field and others were busy focusing on the "imaginary black man" being blamed for a crime, YET that seemed to over shadow the fact that the crime itself was a vicious attack on a young woman, a young BLACK woman who was raped, beaten, slashed and left for dead!
You are threading on close grounds, Maria. A word to the wise should be sufficient.
Thrasher said...
"Hate Crimes are progressive laws in a civlized society.."
You really ARE retarded.
Field, "I swear I can't win. Didn't you read the first part of my post? I said nothing negative about the good Rev. or his church. In fact, I wished them well...."
Dear Mr. Field, I apologize for my wrong accusations about regarding religion. You did say that your preacher bashing days are over. Please forgive me for my error.
What has brought about your change of heart? Was it ISEEISEE's prayers?
Field, "Nope. I have never deleted any of your comments. Must be the Google fairy. :)"
Please consider doing so. That woman beats up on Slappz for no good reason.
"Dear Mr. Field, I apologize for my wrong accusations about regarding religion. You did say that your preacher bashing days are over. Please forgive me for my error.
What has brought about your change of heart? Was it ISEEISEE's prayers?"
Wow. It's a miracle. ISEEISEE can really pray some powerful prayers.
LA, you didn't answer any of my questions asking you to support your position that when white women attack black men, the black men take it. here it is again:
"But you know what, I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America. There are so many black men walking around who eat slaps, scratches, and lamp throwings from their white and non-black female partners and don't say a poop about it. Yet, Steve wants to talk about black women scratching men up."
here's an idea: pretend my question came from a black man or woman. try answering it without attempting to slander the questioner.
you're tired of trying to "teach" me. i find that so amusing. i don't need teaching...sorry everyone hear is open to questioning, you included, when they make outrageous generalizations.
hi sis. i was on the run earlier and did not say hi. big hug to you! you cracked me up with the paula patton avatar suggestion. lol. is she blonde now?
you know...i was going to make an effort to explain to the males that are attempting to argue rather than organize and address their colossal failure, collectively, as men. but you know, why bother?
i would rather address black women and help them understand that the united states is NOT a matriarchal society. the so-called black community is. as soon as they have had enough of being over-burdened with racism, sexism, ridicule, and the curse of attempting to function as men; ALL they have to do is LEAVE.
i am addressing women and being REAL clear about our complicity in the genocide of black americans. in doing so, i am honoring MY responsibilities. i won't "help a brotha out". i understand fully what folks mean when they say that. no thanks. i enjoy the blessings of womanhood. not trading them so folks can continue to take it easy. i watch the footage and see the black women and children out front in harm's way. it is black men's turn to take the lead. if they don't care, why should black women at this point? it.is.not.my.job.to.shoulder.failing.males'.responsibilities.
LAA, you know as well as i do, that the nonstop assault on black women makes them TARGETS. folks will NOT care. if black women's God given providers and protectors don't care--WHY would anyone else? as much as some males like to feign surprise by what we are saying, others that can see...see clearly what is transpiring. i suspect THIS is why the wm said a blk guy did it. folks can see clearly that when bm damage/destroy bw it is no big deal. wm, now THAT'S going tob e a problem! not that folks care then, they just never miss an opportunity to bicker with wm. ww...LOVES them...ww's sons...not so much. i have been asked WHY bw are so loyal to bm by nonblks? lol. no words in that moment, only strengthened resolve.
ww pretending they don't understand why folks would treat bw as though they have less worth with the quickness, are either dumb as rocks or devilish liars. i would respect them more if they would just go shut up, enjoy their white privilege, thank GOD their men dominate. I would respect them more if they would at least be real about not giving a blip about black women. all that question asking and time wasting with them is NOT the business for me.
that fool oj just KNEW wfolks loved him. when he was beating nbs around the mansion...didn't the police get autographs and let him go? until he killed her. it was no coincidence that ww judge threw the book at that behind! i watched it and had a full circle moment. lol!
AB, sis, thanks for having my back, and the links that the resident gnat will NOT check out. IF he got a clue about the conditions of the masses, he MIGHT feel obligated to teach his sons so they are not also woefully ignorant like him. he might STOP sitting up in here bickering with truthtelling women, pull his pants up, man up, and go get busy with menfolk business. he just might realize that as much as he wants to say women control/are responsible for it all...in the end the joke is on the annihilate BLACK AMERICAN MALE. i would say "man" but MEN wouldn't sit back and watch their women and children destroyed and blame them for their destruction. that's why they are recognized as MEN. even IF they die, they would die as men with respect and honor.
"I suspect a black man would more likely retaliate physically against a black woman than he would to a white woman, especially in a white supremacist society like America. There are so many black men walking around who eat slaps, scratches, and lamp throwings from their white and non-black female partners and don't say a poop about it. Yet, Steve wants to talk about black women scratching men up."
This is all a twisted figment of your "black woman-eternal victim" mind.
A man who is an abuser is not going to restrain himself according to race.
Mack Lyons,
Thanks for laying down the real.
LAA and the rest of the man-hating crew will never hear you though.
They're too stuck to their narrative.
eddie long is just another sick fuck who likes getting reamed up the ass he wasnt wrong for his message he was wrong cuz he is a fagget
someone said:
"So in other words, you stand on a soap box and wag your finger at "dysfunctional" black men. Then when you are asked what's up with the finger wagging and how to solve whatever problems you bring up, you dodge responsibility by saying "GO TALK TO OTHER MEN"."
if a "man" asks me how to solve the problem of fatherless black boys AND girls...i am being MORE than charitable by suggesting he go talk to other men. be clear, as a woman, i have NO responsibility for men handling menfolk business. my responsibility as a woman is to be able to discern the men from the boys, and teach others women/girls how to do the same.
IF ya'll can't figure it out, it won't get figured. the name if the game is survival of the fittest. if you can't figure it out as men, you have deemed yourselves unfit for survival. black women leaving to "matriarchal" so called black community and expanding their options, in addition to pursuing education, will afford themselves and their future children the benefits of womanhood in a patriarchal society. it is too simple for folks to be acting so bamboozled.
my responsibility is to other women. i urge all that can hear me to not get caught up. black love, my eyeball. it take TWO to create black love. and one key ingredient, the men, are not in too many numbers doing their part. heck it takes two to make a baby, now scroll up and look at folks write in plain words that ALL the responsibility is on the women...close your legs...feel special even if your daddy was too busy to take a few moments to help you know you are...have great self esteem while the "music" and images seek to batter it every second...wtheck! yep, i am prepared to start a whole bunch of ish son.
black women wasting their energy, breath, and youth trying to tell black males what their responsibilities as men are...are accused publicly by black males as "having an attitude", "emasculating", "over bearing", "nagging", etc. name called, degraded, and devalued in public. now WHY would any wise bw spend ANY time doing THAT? if he is a boy and needs you to teach him how to be a man...run away! most definitely don't gift him with a child.
these foolish black women's exercises in futility are also pointed to as the reason for the white/er skin obsession so many of these clueless males suffer from. i don't waste my time with that nonsense.
as i address black women and girls, it is impossible to not mention black men. no finger wagging here. (more negative depictions. i don't roll my eyes or do that neck thing either. thank you very much. might that be the womenfolk you are around?)
somehow, despite gloating about how safe a ww is with a bm; no one really wanted to answer where the bw can find safety, respect, provision, and reciprocity. i think because the fact that it is NOT with the bulk of black males, denial and avoidance is so strongly encouraged. so yep...i am deliberately and diligently working to wake folks up. i didn't start the fire, but i am calling attention to it! THE BUILDING IS ON FIRE!!! FIND THE NEAREST EXIT! lol. i don't have any apologies about it either.
clearly by the profanity you use while addressing women, your father, was either absent or never bothered to tell you it was disrespectful behavior. do it again, and i will ignore you. i don't feed stray dogs and they tend to go away.
thuggish, uncouth, coarse, disrespectful, vulgar males are beneath me. i recognize my worth, even if you are too blind to see. i don't deal with thugs at all and could not care less what they think about it. yes, i am grabbing my purse. ladies tend to prefer gentleman. don't believe the hype. thugs are despised by decent black folks, other decent folks of all colors AND the police. those displaying thuggish tendencies, from skippy gates to pookie have no sympathy coming from me. just so you know...
You're hopeless.
Totally freakin hopeless.
You are an egotistical, self-righteous, pedantic shrew who is convinced that she has the pill for what ails black folk.
However it's obvious that you don't have a clue because if you did, you'd be in a functional relationship, as many of us are, and you'd be able to lead by example.
Instead you rail against black men obviously because you can't find one who is going to put with YOU.
The sad fact is that too many sisters think the same way you do (though not as extreme) and that's a major factor in why they're alone.
I see them all the time.
Nobody is good enough for them. No good men out here. Black men run from responsibility. Black men want white women. blah, blah, blah.
If you were all that, somebody, white, black, asian or whatever would have noticed.
I guess it's just soothing to the soul to think that everyone else has a problem.
sorry to hear your preacher bashing days are over. mine have barely begun. the black church is corrupt to the bone. open your eyes, field. or go to divinity school and meet some of "our" religious leaders in the flesh, like i did. coasting on the accomplishments of people 40-60 years ago is the very definition of 'grifter.' Gay Pastor Eddie is only one of hundreds, if not thousands, of African American preachers and pastors who do little more than skim off a black congregation mostly made up of people who can't really afford to pay more graft.
and those photos. Girl, please. it's hard to get more gay than those.
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