I see that the folks over at Radio Rwanda are all in a tizzy over his O ness putting them on blast in his RS Magazine interview.
"How on earth is Fox News hurting the middle class?" O'Reilly wondered aloud during a segment with Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley Tuesday night.
O'Reilly also said Obama criticized Fox because "50 percent of the commentators" on the network disagreed with the president, as opposed to other media outlets who "still love him."
And this from tweedledum:
"Once again, we are seeing if you disagree with the president's left-wing agenda, you do so at your own risk," he said, before blasting Obama for his economic and foreign policy.
"Mr. President, this network did not put into place policies that are going to result in higher taxes, higher health care premiums and fewer jobs," Hannity said.
Honestly, this is A-merry-ca, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda have every right to put all the bull s&^ they want on the air. If the brain dead red state masses want to treat every thing they spew as gospel, then so be it.
The problem is, of course, that they pretend to be a legitimate news organization. Their "fair and balanced" aphorism is an even bigger joke than the bimbos and former republican candidates and operatives who they have masquerading as journalist. (BTW, they have even helped their employees run for political office) This is the frustration with FOX. Not that they are a wingnut propaganda arm , but that they pretend not to be. I am sure that this is what frustrates his O ness as well. In his orderly academic world this makes no sense. Could the people who elected me be this dumb? Ahhhh.....Yes! Rupert Murdoch and his minions understands the emotional A-merry-can. They would rather watch a blond bimbo read slanted news than an old bald man read the truth. It's why they will always win the ratings war.
Finally, in typical -hypocritical- republican fashion, millionaire Meg Whitman is throwing her *nanny of seven years under the bus. Or, should we say, under the border fence. Seems Meg knew girlfriend was illegal all along, but...well, we can't have the voters of California knowing that we say one thing and do another now can we.
"How on earth is Fox News hurting the middle class?" O'Reilly wondered aloud during a segment with Alan Colmes and Monica Crowley Tuesday night.
O'Reilly also said Obama criticized Fox because "50 percent of the commentators" on the network disagreed with the president, as opposed to other media outlets who "still love him."
And this from tweedledum:
"Once again, we are seeing if you disagree with the president's left-wing agenda, you do so at your own risk," he said, before blasting Obama for his economic and foreign policy.
"Mr. President, this network did not put into place policies that are going to result in higher taxes, higher health care premiums and fewer jobs," Hannity said.
Honestly, this is A-merry-ca, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda have every right to put all the bull s&^ they want on the air. If the brain dead red state masses want to treat every thing they spew as gospel, then so be it.
The problem is, of course, that they pretend to be a legitimate news organization. Their "fair and balanced" aphorism is an even bigger joke than the bimbos and former republican candidates and operatives who they have masquerading as journalist. (BTW, they have even helped their employees run for political office) This is the frustration with FOX. Not that they are a wingnut propaganda arm , but that they pretend not to be. I am sure that this is what frustrates his O ness as well. In his orderly academic world this makes no sense. Could the people who elected me be this dumb? Ahhhh.....Yes! Rupert Murdoch and his minions understands the emotional A-merry-can. They would rather watch a blond bimbo read slanted news than an old bald man read the truth. It's why they will always win the ratings war.
Finally, in typical -hypocritical- republican fashion, millionaire Meg Whitman is throwing her *nanny of seven years under the bus. Or, should we say, under the border fence. Seems Meg knew girlfriend was illegal all along, but...well, we can't have the voters of California knowing that we say one thing and do another now can we.
"..Allred said that the Social Security Administration notified Whitman in 2003 that the number Diaz provided when hired in 2000 was not valid and that Whitman did nothing until June 2009, when she fired Diaz after she asked for help with her immigration status. Diaz is filing a claim with the state Labor Commission, seeking back wages and mileage.
Here's what Whitman said in a statement:
'After nine years of faithful service, Nicky came to us in June 2009 and confessed that she was an illegal worker. Nicky had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. Nicky told me that she was admitting her deception now because she was aware that her lie might come out during the campaign. Nicky said she was concerned about hurting my family and me.
As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.'"
Here's what Whitman said in a statement:
'After nine years of faithful service, Nicky came to us in June 2009 and confessed that she was an illegal worker. Nicky had falsified the hiring documents and personal information she provided to the employment agency that brought her to us in 2000. Nicky told me that she was admitting her deception now because she was aware that her lie might come out during the campaign. Nicky said she was concerned about hurting my family and me.
As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment. It was one of the hardest things I've ever done. I considered Nicky a friend and a part of our extended family.'"
Now, I ask you, who do you believe?
Fox news is a success because it is the ONLY legitimate televsion news organization in America.
All of the other news organizations are in the tank for the left/liberal/democrat ruling class.
An independent study done by a (liberal) academic group found that Fox's lean towards the right was less than any other news organizaiton's lean to the left. Fox is the LEAST biased.
You hate them because they don't color their reporting to suit the same liberal bias everyone does. Thank God there is some dissenting view.
There is obviously a market for "Fair and Balanced" reporting. The other networks would rather lose money than tell it straight. I look forward to their insolvency.
Viva Fox!
I believe Nicky!
funny thing, i posted earlier today about the e-verify system that is used to double check SS#s it's mandatory for all federal contractors and grantees but anyone can use it. whitman says we need one. uh, we got one. why didn't you use it? also, if she was doing everything legal, are we to believe she was paying taxes to the IRS for this woman for 9 years? where did that money go, pray tell?
"She said the situation illustrated the need for an electronic verification system to verify workers' immigration status. "It does speak to an eVerify system perhaps that would give everyone confidence that the documentation you are looking at is absolutely accurate," Whitman said. "But we couldn’t have been more careful about this."
Captain Renault comes to mind. I'm shocked, shocked to find that gambling is going on in here!
I believe Whitman was well aware, and if so she should taste some sort of repercussions. But we know how that will go.
And if you think about it, why is Diaz even putting in a claim for back wages and mileage, or even claiming for anything? She came into the country illegally. She defrauded as well as knowingly committed a crime. It's a risk she took.
You forgot one thing about FoxNews. It's owned by foreigners and we are allow folks from other countries ( don't forget the Saudi guy, and I'm guessing he's Muslim) wingnuts, to influence our politics.
Meg Whitman is LYING! She knew her nanny/ housekeeper was undocumented. But of course there is no way she can admit that now after all that smack she talked about undocumented workers during the Republican primary.
Was Ms. Whitman paying the appropriate employer's taxes and filing the required employment forms? If she did, she might have been "duped." If she didn't??
I hate it when the Help is referred to as a friend, part of the family or in this case the extended family. It is so reminiscent of slavery and Jim Crow.
Nicky says that Meg paid her $23/hr for a 15 hour work week. Anybody here actually believe that a housekeeper/nanny can handle a mansion plus four children in 15-hours a week. Meg was working Nicky 40-hours, plus overtime for the parties. Which made her real take home more like $8 an hour or less. This is truly a penny wise, pound foolish deal.
Think about it, Meg Whitman, a billionare, has paid out $113 million cash money for her campaign, but she was too cheap to run routine security background checks on the woman who was taking care of her home and children for seven years?
And this isn't even why I won't be voting for the wench. I won't vote for Meg Whitman, because for the 28 years before starting her campaign Meg was so uninvolved in national, state and local civic life that she was not even registered to vote. And now she wants to put herself at the head of the GOP presidential line using the CA governors mansion as a steping stone. Oh Hell no!
There is obviously a market for "Fair and Balanced" reporting. The other networks would rather lose money than tell it straight. I look forward to their insolvency.<<
Keep drinking that Kool-Aid. Hope it doesn't give you heartburn.
Everybody knows Whitman is LYING! If she was contacted six years prior to that and she was TOLD the truth about the help, how can she now claim that she just had no idea whatsoever?
Cry me a river there Ms Whitman!
I have a business and I have been waiting for the day that there is an online verification system for checking the documentation that I receive from people that have the potential to join my company.
It would be great if there were eventually a system where all background, security, credit, checks could also be done at the same time.
First having a system that was foolproof for making sure that the person presenting the identification was indeed the person they claimed to be.
The thing is how to go about something like that. Anybody can take a birth certificate and go get an ID made. There are people with so many alias's that I would think they would never be able to keep track of who they really were.
I wonder if the new system they are talking about would include something like face recognition software as to scan the database to see if there are other ID's issued in that persons name.
Maybe add also a fingerprint scanning option to make sure the person is who they say they are.
The penalties for hiring illegals is now getting so stiff that they need to come up with something to help employers tackle this problem of people misrepresenting themselves.
"Fox news is a success because it is the ONLY legitimate televsion news organization in America.
All of the other news organizations are in the tank for the left/liberal/democrat ruling class."
It's easy to say that when your own team is in the tank for the right-wing/neo-conservative/corporatist elites. Fox New only exists due to the whims of Rupert Murdoch. Besides, you guys got the whole talk radio game sewed up. When's the last time anyone has heard a liberal voice on radio besides NPR? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
Field, "Honestly, this is A-merry-ca, and the folks over at Radio Rwanda have every right to put all the bull s&^ they want on the air. If the brain dead red state masses want to treat every thing they spew as gospel, then so be it."
Fox is no worse than any of the other news organizations. Frankly, I am glad Fox provides an alternative view, instead of only righteous liberal progressive entitled points of view.
Field, if you want to call loyal viewers of Fox News brain dead, then go ahead. It shows how 'progressive' and 'tolerant' you are as a liberal. But remember...loyal viewers watching righteous liberal progressive news are probably just as brainless.
You Obamaholics are like a cult. You are willing to do anything for your 'leader' even if he is leading you to your own demise... And yet, you have the nerve to criticize and find fault with followers of Eddie Long. It's YOU who are the hypocrites.
Take a good look at yourselves.... It's time for a reality check:
"Are Blacks better off today since Obama has been President?" The answer is "NO!"
Does that mean that if one is an illegal immigrant it is okay to be treated as a slave?
There are Black folk who are slaves who are here as illegally, though not by choice.
That reminds me -- my old stomping ground's peddling plans to revitalize the city center and a baseball stadium (minor league, probably -- AAA) is one of the centerpieces. Given how the entire state doesn't give a damn about any sport other than college football (Tide and Tigers), followed by NASCAR and a smattering of college basketball....I mean come on, the city was given a couple or more chances to host a major NFL team and we just kinda blew it off....
Lack of support's always a big killer.
PROTIP: Don't go into the AL.com forums or your head will explode. Then you'll see why this state won't be able to get it's shit together for a rather long time.
LAA, "And if you think about it, why is Diaz even putting in a claim for back wages and mileage, or even claiming for anything? She came into the country illegally. She defrauded as well as knowingly committed a crime. It's a risk she took."
It seems logical that she wouldn't be paid. But the Obama administration and the lefties will fight to see that she gets paid.
Sharon from WI said...
There is obviously a market for "Fair and Balanced" reporting. The other networks would rather lose money than tell it straight. I look forward to their insolvency.<<
"Keep drinking that Kool-Aid. Hope it doesn't give you heartburn."
It's a Budweiser, and I'm fine thanks. I'll leave the Kool Aid for the Obamabots.
"You Obamaholics are like a cult. You are willing to do anything for your 'leader' even if he is leading you to your own demise... And yet, you have the nerve to criticize and find fault with followers of Eddie Long. It's YOU who are the hypocrites."
Oh come on. Even agreeing with ONE or TWO of his policies, even though you hate the rest of them, makes you an "Obamaholic". You guys gotta cut this crap out :D
"It's a Budweiser, and I'm fine thanks. I'll leave the Kool Aid for the Obamabots."
Figures you'd be drinkin chilled horse piss. Ever had a real beer?
LAB, please tell me what the hell Hathor is talking to you about. Do you two have a secret code or something? dammmmn.
mack lyons said...""When's the last time anyone has heard a liberal voice on radio besides NPR? Anyone? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?"
Do you remember Air America? And NPR is subsidized by the Government, and is broadcast over nearly 100% of the country.
Conservatives dominate talk radio because they were shut out of TV and print media. Nobody wanted AM radio until Rush Limbaugh made it a money maker.
For-profit Liberal talk radio always fails because Liberals don't need it - they've got all the broadcast networks and all but one of the cable networks. If they want to listen to liberal radio, there's NPR - with no commercials for debt relief or ass itch powder.
"Figures you'd be drinkin chilled horse piss. Ever had a real beer?"
It's real enough. And $16.79 for a 30 pack.
MackLying, "Oh come on. Even agreeing with ONE or TWO of his policies, even though you hate the rest of them, makes you an "Obamaholic". You guys gotta cut this crap out :D"
Glad to hear you only agree with one or maybe two of his policies. So you hate the rest? that's good. I am with you brotha.
You must be in a three radio station market.
"..Allred said that the Social Security Administration notified Whitman in 2003 that the number Diaz provided when hired in 2000 was not valid and that Whitman did nothing until June 2009, when she fired Diaz after she asked for help with her immigration status. Diaz is filing a claim with the state Labor Commission, seeking back wages and mileage.
Allred always holds new conferences with her aggrieved female clients and in those conferences she says something meant to put fear in the hearts of the people causing stress for her clients.
There is NO reason the Social Security Administration would tell Allred about its communications with Meg Whitman. Moreover, based on my own dealings with Social Security, the agency makes loads of clerical blunders.
Here's what Whitman said in a statement:
'After nine years of faithful service, Nicky... As required by law, once we learned she was an illegal worker, I immediately terminated Nicky's employment.
Now, I ask you, who do you believe?
The truth is somewhere between the two statements. Whitman, like most employers of household help, probably was a little lax about the laws because she was paying a fair wage to a decent person and so nothing good about putting a good employee out of work.
"There are Black folk who are slaves who are here as illegally, though not by choice."
Exactly. So what does that have to do with Diaz and her situation? I'm sure Diaz came to America willingly. That was not helping whatever point you were trying to make. Why bother compare her to actual slaves in America?
Diaz was not a slave. The woman was being paid a moderate salary even though it was based on less hours. There are "legal" people in America who are taking home less or just barely a little above her weekly income.
Furthermore, where is your outcry for black folks who are enslaved in America, especially those who didn't come by choice? Diaz will be better off than most, she has a huge network of activist and resources right here in America that will look out for her best interest, more than anyone would do for those same enslaved and illegal black folks here in America catching hell.
Field, one of my training partners used to work for Ebay. According to him, Meg Whitman's personal assistance is ...... a gay woman with a life partner and child. So, for political expediency, Whitman is willing to through her maid and her aid under the bus. She's full of crap and stereotypical rich plutocrat Republican posing as a populist.
You all need to watch "Machete":
Danny Trejo, Steven Seagal, Jeff Fahey, Michelle Rodriguez, Robert De Niro, Cheech Marin, Robert Rodriguez, Tom Savini, Rose McGowan, Lindsay Lohan, Jessica Alba, Don Johnson, Treat Williams
It'll teach all you need to know about politicians and immigration.
RK, say word. Who thought that a Chicano 'Shaft' parody would be a powerful pro-immigrants rights screed!!!
Anonymous said...
"LAB, please tell me what the hell Hathor is talking to you about. Do you two have a secret code or something? dammmmn."
Not really, I always adjust myself to assist people with various handicaps.
I don't know why these people choose to be my antagonist. It seems while Maria has the problem with processing and in-taking simple sentences, Hathor seems to have the problem with processing and expounding them. I'll give them that benefit of thought.
Gloria Allred's participation in this story means it's probably bogus.
Meg Whitman is telling the truth. But you aren't interested in the truth because you are blinded by your own prejudices. You are Obamaholics to the core of your being, esp. LAC and MackLying.
It's sick.
LACoincidental said...
RK, say word. Who thought that a Chicano 'Shaft' parody would be a powerful pro-immigrants rights screed!!!
12:13 AM
Exactly! The sad part is I can actually see some parts of the border in the USA doing exactly that. Squeeze the border to make price of drugs go up and at the same time be in cahoots with the vigilantes. Crazy!
LAA, "I don't know why these people choose to be my antagonist. It seems while Maria has the problem with processing and in-taking simple sentences, Hathor seems to have the problem with processing and expounding them. I'll give them that benefit of thought."
The best part, RK, was Seagal's God awful accent and the bionic man sound every time he used his sword.
We're in a sad time when a B-movie director and a comedian show more gonads on speaking out on immigration reform than Obama and the Democrats.
RK, "It'll teach all you need to know about politicians and immigration."
That was a bullshit movie and nothing in it comes close to the way politics and immigration works.
You liked the movie because there were no bw in it...turkey.
I'm a big Steven Segal fan from back in the day, BUT, lol..you're right, I couldn't tell if he was an Italian white or a light skinned Mexican! lol. Still my man tho!
there that nasty buceta cow laa goes again bothering maria when she knows maria is prolly asleep
cowardice to the worst level! ya sadistic jerkhead coohole!
shell never get a grip rottonkid never cuz shes too fuckin hateful the devil will never change
Rottnkid said...
Anonymous said...
RK, "It'll teach all you need to know about politicians and immigration."
That was a bullshit movie and nothing in it comes close to the way politics and immigration works.
You liked the movie because there were no bw in it...turkey.
12:26 AM
There were no bw in it because it was BASED ON THE IN MEXICAN BORDER! Damn dude, it's just a movie, get a grip.
12:27 AM
oh u deleted ur comment did u? what r u afraid that shell say something mean and emasculating that will hurt ur feelings or something?
Nope, just revised it, still fucked it up.
"There were no bw in it because it was BASED ON THE MEXICAN BORDER! Damn dude, it's just a movie, get a grip"
oh u changed ur pic again rottonkid the dog is nice
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
ok get it now
My dog as a puppy. He's a blue Amstaff. And guess what LAB? He has Blue eyes.
Furthermore, where is your outcry for black folks who are enslaved in America, especially those who didn't come by choice? Diaz will be better off than most, she has a huge network of activist and resources right here in America that will look out for her best interest, more than anyone would do for those same enslaved and illegal black folks here in America catching hell.
LAB, are you fucking serious?!! Because Diaz's great-grandparents weren't in the antebellum south, she deserves to be treated like a peasant? They brown people who, because of poverty, are exploited by rich white people who want to skimp on a paying a decent wage. The same racist, capitalist bullshit that had our ancestors shipped over as cattle, slaughter native Americans, treated Irish and Eastern European like garbage at the turn of the last century, stole the Southern US from Mexico, enslaved Chinese to build our railroad, fucked up Middle East democracies and a host of other things.
I really can't stand when Black folks some how think its cool to watch others suffer because "they're not one of us". What a load of bullshit. Swallow that Tea Party nonsense all you want, because they were saying and still say the same thing about your black ass.
Even with the assumed handicaps you think I have and someone you have a hard time responding to a simple question; I think you will not have any mistake about what I am going to say.
You are a bigot and being so is not going to get you any closer to the house.
LAC, "I really can't stand when Black folks some how think its cool to watch others suffer because "they're not one of us". What a load of bullshit. Swallow that Tea Party nonsense all you want, because they were saying and still say the same thing about your black ass."
Are you and Hathor related? cause you missed LAA's point by a century.
I am not here to play whose the Queen Bee on this site.
Hathor, "You are a bigot and being so is not going to get you any closer to the house."
ahhh, I don't think LAA is trying to get closer to the house. I do believe that LAA is trying to get as far away from the house as possible.. LOL...yep, you and LAC are definitely related..ROFLMAO.
this is hilarious.
Yo, Queen Bee Hathor, what time is it?
Field, "Now, I ask you, who do you believe?"
I believe Gloria Allred cause she is going to win the case without even going to court. Diaz is going to make some money! Gloria Allred is a powerful lawyer.
Oh no Fox isn't biased. It only seems to employ Republicans who end up running for office and thus have free campaign commercial time. Ignore the man behind the curtain.
You can't swing a dead cat around CNN without hitting a former Clinton admistration official.
CNN = Clinton News Network.
Furthermore, where is your outcry for black folks who are enslaved in America, especially those who didn't come by choice? Diaz will be better off than most, she has a huge network of activist and resources right here in America that will look out for her best interest, more than anyone would do for those same enslaved and illegal black folks here in America catching hell."
La~ show me an enslaved black person in A-merry-ca (not the mental slaves who vote conservative, or the ones, who, because of reight wing politics, are earning less than they should when they work) and I will dedicate an entire blog to their plight and quit my job and start working Pro bono for their cause.
See what La~Coincidental said.Co-sign 100%
"Meg Whitman is telling the truth. But you aren't interested in the truth because you are blinded by your own prejudices. You are Obamaholics to the core of your being, esp. LAC and MackLying.
It's sick."
Anon. I have an antique bell here in Philly, (slight crack on the side)and I would love to unload it. I will sell it to you for a fair price. Promise. ;)
"Think about it, Meg Whitman, a billionare, has paid out $113 million cash money for her campaign, but she was too cheap to run routine security background checks on the woman who was taking care of her home and children for seven years?"
Anon 11:06 pm, I take it that you are out in Cali. Please vote early and often.
Viva Fox, please see what PilotX said.
Hathor, I understand exactly where you are coming from. It must be a Philly thing. :)
field asks:
Now, I ask you, who do you believe?
Allred and her client have begun this fight because Whitman, like Tiger Woods, has money she can part with. Allred and her client, like Allred and her previous client, Rachel Utchitel, Tiger's ex-girlfriend, want some.
Meanwhile, Whitman is not seeking a job obtained by an appointment, like other women who were driven from consideration over "nanny problems."
She's leaving things up to the voters. Voters willingly support criminals like Marion Barry of Washington DC. Voters, especially black voters, will vote for a black candidate no matter how many lies he/she has has told.
Yvette Clarke, who represents my Brooklyn district in the House of Representatives, said she was a college graduate. That was lie. Her lie surfaced during her campaign. Despite her lie, she was elected because her opponent was white and the majority of voters in this gerrymandered district are black.
Bill Clinton was elected despite the bimbo-eruption occurring during his first campaign and despite the fact that he is a bona-fide draft dodger. Not a draft evader slipping through by cheesy legal means, but a true criminal draft dodger.
Anyway, as I said, there's no reason the Social Security Administation would share its communications with Whitman with Allred.
pilotx said:
Oh no Fox isn't biased. It only seems to employ Republicans who end up running for office and thus have free campaign commercial time.
Yeah, that's what Al Franken was saying during his show over at Air America -- before he became Senator.
When it comes to Allred and her client vs Whitman, who stands to gain?
Allred and her client want money. Whitman wants to become governor. Inasmuch as Whitman is a billionaire, she wants the job because she believes she knows what California needs.
Unlike Allred and her client, financial gain is not part of Whitman's picture.
LAB said
I don't know why these people choose to be my antagonist. It seems while Maria has the problem with processing and in-taking simple sentences, Hathor seems to have the problem with processing and expounding them. I'll give them that benefit of thought.
12:13 AM
you're everyone's protagonist. i process things just fine. what i don't process well is racism and bigotry. you, in contrast, you excel at these. i'm surprised you can keep your ugly going all day and night. what a thing to behold.
leave hathor alone.
Field, "Hathor, I understand exactly where you are coming from. It must be a Philly thing. :)"
Field, would you be so kind as to translate? Somebody...anybody... please tell me what the hell Hathor is talking about. I am desperate.
Dear Mr. Field, blacks disappear in Texas and end up on peanut farms far out in Texas. they end up working as slaves. i is one of those slaves that Ms. LAA is talkin about.
i want to be free. please send money.
your brother in slavery,
I see O'Reilly didn't like what the President said. I hope Fox--Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck, and company will not hurt the President.
Fox is a powerful network. No other media company comes close.
'La~ show me an enslaved black person in A-merry-ca (not the mental slaves who vote conservative, or the ones, who, because of reight wing politics, are earning less than they should when they work) and I will dedicate an entire blog to their plight and quit my job and start working Pro bono for their cause."
Field, why don't you go and ask Hathor, she was the one that said it, so I used it rhetorically.
Field, how did you miss that in her comment? You see, just admit that you too have a hard time comprehending Hathor's incoherent garbles like the rest of us. You skipped over her did't you? This stuff is serious, keep that woman far away from the mission control cockpit.
Anyway, I have to run to work, I'll be back later (no Maria and Hathor, I'm not planning to actually run, and I do own a vehicle. I meant that as a figurative expression).
And no, I am not the Anony/s, who are funny as hell by the way. LOL
Rottn, why do you set yourself up like that? Too easy. But I am not going there with you, too disturbing...
Ok bye.
Rupert Murdoch Calls Fox News Viewers Morons & White Trash
New York, New York - In a conversation with Fox News celebrities, Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity, that was picked up by an open microphone, Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of News Corp., repeatedly referred to Fox News viewers as morons and white trash. The incident took place as the three men were sitting together at a benefit dinner for the Ann Coulter defense fund. Apparently, they had been drinking heavily which may account for their lack of restraint and obliviousness to the open microphone that was positioned directly in front of them.
At one point, while addressing O'Reilly and Hannity, Murdoch said, "Can you believe the shit we get away with? Good thing our viewers are dumb as doorknobs or else we would be in trouble." To which, Hannity laughed and then replied, "Yeah, I heard that people who watch Fox News have to wear bibs to catch their drool so their sofas won't be stained by the tobacco juice, and that's just the women." O'Reilly, also laughing, then joined in by saying, "Hey, how many Fox viewers does it take to change a light bulb? None, they all refuse to change the bulb because they prefer living in the dark."
However, the unkindest cut of all that is sure to enrage Fox viewers came at the end of the conversation when Murdoch raised his glass in a toast and said, "God bless trailer park trash and idiots everywhere. Without them Fox News would be nothing and I would not be a billionaire."
After news of the recorded conversation became public, Fox News released the following brief statement, "We encourage our viewers to reject anything they hear or see that does not come directly from Fox News. Fox News is the only source of information you need for Fair and Balanced™ coverage."
You know slappy's sick obsession with hating black folks is almost laughable.
He whines about black voters supporting Marion Barry and Yvette Clarke but conveniently ignores US Senators John Ensign and David Vitters illicit affairs, patronage of brothels, payoffs for silence.
Yo slappy, why is Republican Vitter still in office but Democrat Spitzer who did pretty much the same thing was forced to resign.
And let's not forget Larry "Widestance" Craig who was allowed to serve out his term as Senator from Idaho after being busted for solciting sex in a bathroom at the Minneapolis airport.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
He whines about black voters supporting Marion Barry and Yvette Clarke but conveniently ignores US Senators John Ensign and David Vitters illicit affairs, patronage of brothels, payoffs for silence.
uptown, as usual, you miss key aspects of these situations. With respect to Barry and Clarke, their misdeeds were public BEFORE their ELECTIONS. In other words, black voters gave them a free pass for their misdeeds.
In your examples, the Republican bad boys were already in office when their stories went public. When it comes to resigning, the decision-making forces differ among senators, reps and governors.
Barney Frank is well aware of the way in which he got a free pass. But the same I-am-gay-and-run-a-rentboy-service did not work for NJ governor McGreevey, a Democrat.
Moreover, the bribery issue landed CT governor John Rowland, a Republican, in jail.
Yo slappy, why is Republican Vitter still in office but Democrat Spitzer who did pretty much the same thing was forced to resign.
Spitzer, as a result of getting caught PAYING for a hooker, was forced to leave office. If the moron had paid cash instead of wiring money from his bank, he would have held onto the governorship. But wiring money to pay hookers is an offense that leads to either resigning from office or facing a criminal prosecution.
In other words, he lost his capacity to govern. He had to go. It's different for senators and reps.
And let's not forget Larry "Widestance" Craig who was allowed to serve out his term as Senator from Idaho after being busted for solciting sex in a bathroom at the Minneapolis airport.
Obvously his gay-play bathroom episode cost him his job.
Meanwhile, Charlie Rangel, long-term tax cheat and fraudulent renter of rent-stabilized apartments, is proably headed for re-election. Fortunately, he's 80 and will drop dead soon.
Have you noticed how ineffective black politicians are?
Slappy you're so full of crap the whites of your eyes are brown.
Vitter is ahead of his Democratic challenger in polls in LA.
The GOP is totally silent on Ensign who will be in office for 2 more years.
Yeah I know the GOP crooks were in office when they got popped but if Repubs are such models of integrity, why wasn't there an outcry for their removal?
"Have you noticed how ineffective black politicians are?"
As opposed to Republicans?
i live in ar and il
2 of the brokest states in america
i thank god for my blessings each day
and i pray for all of the black and white slaves i see daily
i see black slaves daily who are
enslaved to poverty/jobs that offer no living wages/welfare that gives them only 1/2 of what they need to exist etc...
and that blackish hnic hobama and his banksters are the new overseers on this INCREASINGLY enslaving plantation of GLOBAL poverty
Oh yeah Slappy,
Isn't Republican Governor of Christian Conservative South Carolina still in office after his Argentina escapades?
You're a total clown.
global poverty is a new weapon by design via hobama et al...
global slaves are the new global citizens via global bilking and debt
the poor mexicans hated and abused today will be the pauper ranibow americans cloned tomorrow
may god bless us all
i would love to see film makers take over DC!!!
politicos are useless cowrdly sellouts
brave artists trump them always
Wide brush there Slappy? There are many very effective Black politicians just as there are incompetent and ineffective white politicians. Good god man will you get off your kick if we just admit that somehow white people are genetically superior will you go away? Typical white male, totally unimpressive but has a massive superiority/persecution complex and feels an unearned sense of entitlement. People like you are the same people that consciously keep people of color out of positions so as not to feel inferior. I feel sorry for you bro but until you learn people are people you will always have that twinge of inferiority. Did you lose your high school girlfriend to a brother or something? I feel your pain.
just because u have jungle fever
does not mean you are not one of the most dingy racist persons herein
strom thurmond made a hobama baby too!!!
mental midgets eat wheaties
then dare to buck up...ignore them
like that moron hobama
daring to tell poor broke jobless homeless americans to buck up to vote for him
shake the haters off laa...
just as we always do
just as sane voters will shake hobama out of dc asap
i hated bush!!!
but i miss him every time i see a new slave in america...
or see a bankster grinning...
or see a new bank fee...
and i see new slaves daily
re those slaves
mcdonald's = primary hirer with nominal benefits
nominal trumps none
mcdonald's has felled via hobamacare
more on slaves in the usa
more on black and white american slaves
there are so many slaves in america until they have coined a new moniker
"mortgage slave"
there are millions in the usa
and more each day!
slaves were sold once
new slaves are evicted
millions each day
eviction debris is the new litter
evict hobama in 2012!!!!
uptownsteve said...
"Slappy you're so full of crap the whites of your eyes are brown."
Uptown, you are so full of shit, you are ALL brown.
Did you write up that bit of fiction about Rupert Murdoch yourself? It's really not that good. Try a little more subtlety.
You're not Anon-TOM are you?
Please tell me THAT.
I'm the Uncle who raped you.
Anon if you're a criminal then you should turn yourself.
If for nothing else, felonious stupidity for writing that dumb shit.
pilotx, you wrote:
There are many very effective Black politicians...
Name a couple and tell me why they are effective.
...just as there are incompetent and ineffective white politicians.
Perhaps true, but irrelevent to my statement.
Good god man will you get off your kick if we just admit that somehow white people are genetically superior will you go away?
Explain the disaster that is black Africa.
Typical white male, totally unimpressive but has a massive superiority/persecution complex and feels an unearned sense of entitlement.
I see. You've reached your own conclusion based on nothing but your imagination.
People like you are the same people that consciously keep people of color out of positions so as not to feel inferior.
The only places in the world where blacks have developed life-styles above abject poverty are in free capitalist democracies dominated by whites.
On the other hand, nations where blacks run the whole show are miserable nightmare countries.
Can you explain this inability of blacks to create a prospering black nation anywhere on a continent that is overflowing with valuable natural resources.
I feel sorry for you bro but until you learn people are people you will always have that twinge of inferiority.
People may be "people", but groups also display "group behavior". Some groups have developed better behavior patterns than others. In free, capitalistic, democratic nations, the best measure of smart group behavior is prosperity.
Asians coming to the US are, for the most part, doing impressively, admirably well. Their example is worth emulating.
Sorry uptown, didn't realize you had actually been abused as a child. My bad.
But as regards the writing of dumb shit, that stuff about Fox wasn't even funny.
Ummm....Limbaugh went to AM because he was a perennial money LOSER. Once de-regulation allowed the AM radio trusts to begin, Limbaugh was one of the fillers that one was required to broadcast. So, the fantasy of fwee-market theology is once again burst by that icky librul reliance on data and Fact.
As far at the MSM being Liberal, only if one defines the term as equivalent to "literate". Perhaps one might wish to list the alleged organization that detailed alleged bias. Or just make it up because you really, really want to beleeve that being wite is a free pass to the good life, just like it was for bush.
So, a multimillionaire has to hire illegal immigrant labour and dumps her the moment it could embarrass her. Why am I not surprised. If you recall, some of the Clinton choices had equally elitist issues. Funny, how they absolutely have to hire the lowest paid and least powerful of workers. Wonder if they had hired US citizens, would they have had these problems.
"But as regards the writing of dumb shit, that stuff about Fox wasn't even funny."
Then why are you still sweating it?
Slappy muels:
"Can you explain this inability of blacks to create a prospering black nation anywhere on a continent that is overflowing with valuable natural resources."
I've got news for you pantload.
Provided this country's initial foundation of wealth with our free labor.
We set the table, ya'll just sat down and ate.
Provided this country's initial foundation of wealth with our free labor."
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Isn't Republican Governor of Christian Conservative South Carolina still in office after his Argentina escapades?
Yep. But not for lack of effort to remove him. Impeachment plans were initiated, but ultimately the plan fizzled. Moreover, the chief fizzlers were Democrats. I guess they realized if they went too hard on Sanford, their actions would result in some return fire.
Anyway, Sanford did NOT make ILLEGAL wire transfer payments to hookers. Big difference between Sanford and Spitzer.
You're a total clown.
Seems to me you were class valedictorian at Clown College.
Uptown is an angry clown, though. People laugh at him, not with him.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Provided this country's initial foundation of wealth with our free labor.
We set the table, ya'll just sat down and ate.
Ah, more than class valedictorian at Clown College. Also voted Most Gullible.
If blacks "built America", what's taking blacks so long to reproduce this miracle in Africa?
"but ultimately the plan fizzled. Moreover, the chief fizzlers were Democrats"
You just make it up as you go along don't you???
Believe it not Slappy you have more in common with some ghetto bruthas than you want to accept.
Always have to have the last word don't you?
No matter how ridiculous or provably absurd it may be.
Long as your the last one talkin.
"If blacks "built America", what's taking blacks so long to reproduce this miracle in Africa?"
Well I don't see the American miracle being duplicated anywhere, do you?
And since the European nations were so great and prosperous as you claim, why did so many of y'all haul ass over here to America to be with us?
Slappy sez
"Name a couple and tell me why they are effective."
I will after you name an effective Republican and why.
And I'm sure you're a big Giuliani fan.
Can you please explain to me how he got to be a security expert.
Wasn't he the Mayor of NYC they day it got hit by terrorists?
What is he going to advise people to do?
Give speeches? RUN?
needs slaps:
you are a blind racist fool
blacks built america
and they were stolen from africa
whites continue to rob rape pillage and destroy africa to date
and only revisionist uneducated racist bastards like you deny that
funny how you never deny the ancient jewish holocausts though...even as u brazenly dare to ignore the ONGOING african & african-american holocausts that become dually more genocidal daily...
needs slaps:
i bet you are wearing a blood diamond ring, a gold watch, and a cotton shirt as u type this ignorant revisionist bs all day too u racist fool
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Well I don't see the American miracle being duplicated anywhere, do you?
I see. So you skipped school for 18 years. Good work.
Let's see. The US made Germany, Japan and South Korea what they are today.
The same democratic capitalistic philosophy is a major part of the rise of Israel. It also explains the slow success of Brazil, Argentina and India.
Poland is going in the right direction, as are the other eastern European nations. All due to the same democratic capitalistic forces.
Meanwhile, wherever there are nations of blacks and/or muslims, the economies are defined by poverty and misery.
And since the European nations were so great and prosperous as you claim, why did so many of y'all haul ass over here to America to be with us?
Immigraton from western Europe to America was greatest from countries that were not free. Then Europe got the message and became freer and more like America, which convinced a lot of Europeans to stay home.
Meanwhile, there were NO immigration laws in the US until about 1920 and the first group to face quotas were the Chinese. Then Germans.
alicia banks, you wrote:
funny how you never deny the ancient jewish holocausts though...even as u brazenly dare to ignore the ONGOING african & african-american holocausts that become dually more genocidal daily...
Ignore today's African holocausts? Not a chance. I know black Africans are slaughtering and brutalizing other black Africans every day.
What would you like to do about it?
needs slaps:
any econ 101 student can tell you why africa is impoverished
do the simple math u moron:
500 yrs of free stolen african slave labor used to build american empires
is greater than
500 yrs of thefts as exports/rapes of humans and resources etc
u r a complete idiot u racist dog
blinded by your idiocy
in severe chronic need of some history lessons asap
Dozens of Western multinationals have made millions of pounds in profits from exploiting African bio-resources taken from some of the poorest nations on earth, with not a penny offered in return.
Africa, the birthplace of humanity, is the wealthiest continent on the planet, yet African people do not benefit from its resources. For more than 500 years, colonizers and Western imperial interests have raped and exploited Africa to bring wealth to the U.S. and Europe.
The fact is that Africa’s land and resources belong to African people, not to colonizers and Western imperial interests. African people should be the wealthiest people on the planet, instead of living in the poverty and misery that has been imposed on them by colonialism and slavery.
needs slaps:
wash the rivers of african blood off of your dirty blood drenched jew hands...and stop pretending you are some detached saint u racist lying dog!!!
needs slaps:
and go free some black camp dwellers from some of your jew slums!!!!
alicia banks, you wrote:
i bet you are wearing a blood diamond ring, a gold watch, and a cotton shirt as u type this ignorant revisionist bs all day too u racist fool
My shirts are cotton and most are stitched together by people in Bangladesh, Pakistan and all the other countries known for the expertise in stitching. Not "snitching." Stitching.
I wear a Movado Museum watch -- the one with the black face, no numbers and a little dot at the top of the dial. It's 20 years old.
Blood diamonds. Yeah, one of the big pseudo-outrages coming from Africa.
Anyway, nope, I'm not a diamond person.
The blood-diamond story is a red herring that attempts to get the conversation away from focusing on the brutal murderous nature of Africans.
WoW..All that fun I have been missing..WHOA..The same voices making the same noises..
When is this site going to evolve????
alicia banks, you wrote:
any econ 101 student can tell you why africa is impoverished
Perhaps. But you can't.
Singapore went from being a backwater asian swamp to a nation with the planet's highest per-capita income in about 40 years.
Germany, Japan, South Korea, Israel and others went through total makeovers and rose to the top of the economic ladder.
But in Africa, nothing works. You're just another pathetic excuse machine, spewing excuses that always devolve to blaming whites.
When are blacks going to build a successful country?
Marcus Garvey gave it a shot. There was the UNIA and the Black Star Ship Line that even acquired a ship and was planning a Noah's Ark type of adventure back to where it all began. Buuuttt...plans, as all plans of black leader do, went awry.
"Germany, Japan, South Korea, Israel and others went through total makeovers and rose to the top of the economic ladder."
Israel got more aid from the US last year than the entire continent of Africa.
US had a Marshall plan for rebuilding Europe and Japan.
No such plan for Africa after raping it for 4 centuries.
We built AMERICA despite the inhumanity of whites and the legal restraints against our full talents and genius...
What is interesting about underdeveloped whites like you is your cultural blind spot with regard to the clusterfucks your patriots have contributed to our nation..
Our nation began with the illegal occupation by the original illegal aliens and domestic terrorists ( pilgrims and puritans) we had to over come a very flawed consitutional blueprint which was clearly flawed in its construction and text from there we moved to a bruthal era of 2 holocausts and then the raw reality of the industrial period in our nation where even white woman and children were victims of white male carnage and exploitation..
Without the genius of Black americans in a number of areas from creating civil rights in our nation to iconic culture, arts and letters our nation would still be a trailer park with margainal people like you getting in the way..
No_Slappz, you seem to suffer from the rather simplistic meme that African (the western side of the continent in particular) was a backwater Tarzan seen before the White man showed up with guns and alcohol. And, that Black people should be happy as punch that they were 'rescued' by their European slave masters.
Utter nonsense. First of all, Africa had several complex cultures that spanned thousands of years. Egypt, Ethiopia were established nations long before white people got off the continent. And despite the whole 'dark continent' foolishness, Africans traded with Arabs, Scandinavians and even Native Americans. And they were common place in Strike One.
Second, Africans in the Diaspora were the catalyst for anti-colonial push back and human rights movements. Simply put, if Black people didn't fight for their rights to be free men since the came to these shores, your ancestors would probably still be scrubbing floors. The first slave revolts and anti-colonial battles were waged by Black Caribbean nations and here in America. Strike Two.
And finally, Black people a good chunk of what we consider Americana. Jazz, Rock, R&B, Gospel Music and Hip-hop were all invented by Black people. The cornerstones of the American gifts of music to the world were invented by Slaves and descendants of slaves. Here's one for you, No_Slappz, the banjo is an African instrument. Foul tip.
And I've give a another little truth. As others have pointed out, without Black slaves, American couldn't grow the way it did. With Colonialism, Europe couldn't thrive over the last 4 centuries. Simply put, European wealth has built on the brown backs. Three strikes, you're out.
No_slappz, there are times when I think you're a rather intelligent conservative - then you say some ignorant crap and make me realize that you're little more than an ignorant, race-baiting Limbaugh ditto head with good grammar.
needs slaps:
your glaring lack of any intelligence, vision, and education are all YOUR problems...
not mine!!!
your INCREASINGLY INDELIBLE arrogant stupidity does not constitute any academic emergency for ME!!!
you are bumbling blind brazen bigoted buffoon
check what happened in africa during those preceise 40 yrs
racists like you edit history as a u wish
reality trumps that bs
after you do so
call some of hobama's racist bankster jew pals and tell them to "FREE THE LAND"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
u dizzy demented bastard
You view of the past is based on your uninformed belief that people in the past should have functioned according to rules we practice, or at least aspire to, today.
When whites came to the Western Hemisphere, the world was a very different place. Just like it was a different place when humanity spread through Europe and across the East for the first time.
Anyway, the Age of Conquest is simply an historic fact, but a fact only understood in hindsight.
For obvious reasons your views on the past are irrelevant and meaningless. More important for you is the fact that none of what you believe will shape the future.
In fact, your belief in some mythical black superiority will most than likely lead black-dominated areas into deeper misery.
As is always true, if your views of history were accurate, then somewhere on the planet there would be a black nation standing as an example of all your claims about black superiority. Or as an example of blacks being equal to whites in the business of forming nations.
But so far, when it comes to building nations and economies, blacks have scored ZERO.
needs ENDLESS MF slaps!!!:
further proof that you are TRULY a god damned unread uneducated fool:
the cotton trade began in the usa
EVERY diamond is a blood diamond!!!
ask any jew jeweler!!!
and LITERALLY ALL american empires were built on the backs of FREE AFRICAN slave labor
as most rich black men, marcus garvey was sabotaged by amoral greedy jews like you who MUST keep blacks here to bilk as a lucratove perm underclass by any means necessary
see more on that note u clueless illiterate imbecile:
Clearly, this was not a sign of ineptitude. If anything, it was miraculous.
Also, the hostility of the U.S. and white society to African economic advancement during the period is revealed in the fact that only two years after the launching of the Black Star Line, the Black Wall Street in Tulsa, Oklahoma was attacked and bombed, destroying it. Today no one claims that the destruction in Tulsa was due to the ineptitude of the African business people there.
No. Ineptitude was not the primary factor in the failure of the Black Star Line. The most critical factor in its failure was the active opposition and sabotage by the U.S. government, the white left, and the African petty bourgeoisie. The Communist Party USA worked tirelessly to undermine Garvey while the NAACP and W.E.B. Du Bois actively sought the support of the U.S. attorney general to acquire a ship that could be used to destroy the Black Star Line.
Along with the white left and African petty bourgeois active opposition, the Bureau of Investigation (precursor to the FBI), launched its own vicious campaign to rid the imperialist world of Marcus Garvey and the UNIA. In 1922, Garvey would be indicted by the U.S. government on contrived charges of using the mail to defraud through sale of the Black Star Line stock.
Though the charge was politically motivated and facilitated by agents who worked within the Black Star Line for the U.S. government, Garvey was tried and imprisoned in 1925. He spent two years in prison before being released and deported to Jamaica.
The movement that Garvey led would never be the same after his imprisonment and deportation. Agents and opportunists within the organization and enemies without were finally able to render the UNIA ineffective. Garvey, from his location in Jamaica and separated from the connections and membership in the U.S. -- which was then becoming a major imperialist center -- was unable to effectively defend the organization. On June 10, 1940, Marcus Mosiah Garvey died in relative obscurity in London, England.
needs slaps:
i am sure your jew cousins called the rich blacks they envied and slew in tulsa "inept" too
...right after they torced them u evil lying racist beast!!!
and you whore daughters like maria typically play bait in your greedy schemes too
The history of the United States has produced much in the way of race riots, from the New York City riots of 1862 to the Los Angeles riots of 1991, this country has experienced much civil unrest between blacks and whites. The year 1919 was particularly noted for the large number of riots in the urban areas of the North where returning white veterans of WWI competed with Southern Blacks for jobs during the post-war depression. Again, in 1923, a racial confrontation erupted in Rosewood, Fl. There eight blacks and two whites died during the destruction of the Black community of Rosewood. However, the Tulsa Race Riot of 1921 was perhaps the costliest incident of racial violence in American history. At the same time, it is perhaps the most marginalized, being almost forgotten until this decade.
The Riot began on May, 31,1921 because of an incident the day before. A black man named Dick Rowland, stepped into an elevator in the Drexel Building operated by a woman named Sarah Page. Suddenly, a scream was heard and Rowland got nervous and ran out. Rowland was accused of a sexual attack against Page. One version of the incident holds that Rowland stepped on Page's foot, throwing her off balance. When Rowland reached out to keep her from falling, she screamed. The next day, Rowland was arrested and held in the courthouse lockup. Headlines in the local newspapers inflamed public opinion and there was talk in the white community of lynch justice. The black community, equally incensed, prepared to defend him. Outside the courthouse, 75 armed black men mustered, offering their services to protect Rowland The Sheriff refused the offer.
la coincidental,
Africa WAS and IS a backwater. Yes, things have changed a little, here and there.
As far as the old Trading Center stories -- Timbuktu and a couple of other spots -- yeah, I know about them.
You can't seem to get the idea in your head that despite the contact with more advanced civilizations, Africans kept their tribal ways, and many still live tribal lives today.
Consider Manute Bol, former NBA basketball player who recently died. He returned to his homeland of Sudan where slavery is still practiced.
You mentioned music. Yeah. That's great. I'm a fan. But nations do not get along on music. And these days, anyone in a half-way modern nation can enjoy any music originated by anyone anywhere on the planet. We've even got undersea whale music.
You shouldn't overplay the significance of art. It is important as evidence of a society's prosperity as well as its ability to examine itself. But art is a by-product of much greater forces. It does not stand alone and there is very little of it in repressed nations run by tyrants and dictators.
The banjo? So that's it? The highest achievement of black inventiveness?
Well, at least you didn't try something I'd expect from thrasher, who's likely to claim that it was an African who invented the first semiconductor. But, inasmuch as he has no idea what he jabbers about, it's likely he would have been thinking about the guy who punches tickets on trains.
As for you claim that without slaves America would have had a different pattern of growth. No doubt that's true. So what?
Of course slavery has a long history. As you ought to know, it began long before whites enslaved blacks. I've noticed that no other race has spent as much time noodling around the slavery issue as blacks.
The Soviet Union sent probably 50 million people to work camps and probably 30 million died in them. The number of Chinese killed by Mao is estimated at 100 million.
Nobody will forget. The historical record will stand. But as the world knows, over the last 50 years China has grown, and it is now growing rapidly. The Soviet Union came unglued. That's probably good news for Russia and a couple other former republics. Now they can rise without the hindrance of the idiotic muslim republics dragging on them.
Around the world there are examples of troubled countries rising out of adversity by waking up and adopting some principles of nationhood that work.
Then there's Africa. An eternal mess. Where the MEDIAN AGE of the populations in most countries is 19, and in some cases it is 15. Whole nations of children. And literally millions have AIDS.
Africa -- the continent where nothing works.
nneds slaps:
there has never been any human as chained or enslaved as your racist mind is to your own arrogant ignorance....tragic!!!
needs slaps:
africans built empires and pyramids and universities...
long before you demonic greedy jews ever devised a single pyramid scheme
white racist dogs like you are who later stole all that
ask plato/socrates and your slave owning cousins!
no jew scientist can even begin to fathom what africans new 100s of centuries ago
handle that u kooky kike!!!
african history
nneds slaps:
more on "cosmic slop"...
more on how you jews who slew garvey bilk and cement a perm black underclass to fatten your coffers ALWAYS!!!!
For the Trade:
Most white voters – who have long seen blacks as a drain on the country and the main cause of crime. Blacks should prove their patriotism and do what is best for the country!
The president and Congress – who need the white vote.
Television preachers – who, knowing how racist their mainly white working-class audience is, milk it for all it is worth.
The Supreme Court – who compare it to the Japanese American internment and forced military service.
All blacks – even the Uncle Tom who is the main character
White liberals
Jews - who compare it to Hitler’s Final Solution, but deep down know that without blacks they would become America’s next scapegoat.
Big business – who would lose 12% of their customers while certain industries, like oil, would be destroyed by the Trade. But mainly because without blacks the white masses would wake up and see who their true enemies are.
needs slaps:
u r a rabid jew dog
and hobama and his bankster jew-ish kennels have fatally overplayed your global jew bites
and now the globe will soon bite back
do beware mf!!!...
alicia banks, you ranted:
i am sure your jew cousins called the rich blacks they envied and slew in tulsa "inept" too
Couple of points. First, my Jewish ancestors lived ONLY in NY City.
Second, your ignorance on the subject of finance allows you to believe there was a "black Wall Street" in Tulsa. It was a commercial district where some branch of a stock brokerage might have operated. But there was no "investment banking" operations on this "black Wall Street."
However, the uninformed masses -- that includes you -- believe this groundless "black Wall Street" name is evidence of something that never existed.
Yeah, Marcus Garvey was just an honest guy who was railroaded. Okay. If you say so.
He was an earlier version of Al Sharpton, Reverend Ike and Elijah Muhammad.
needs reality checked slaps:
check this rebel scholar
he knows all about jews like you
slappy is just tossing out the bait and reeling you in.
Ever think about why he's here on a black blog all day every day ranting about Africa or black crime stats??
He's a loser and gets a cheap sense of strength and power taunting black folks over the web.
Just laugh at him and make fun of him.
That's what he's really used to.
needs slaps:
u degrade and distort all black gains...as u pretend none exist.
ancient racist bs
new day
your semantics are as impressive as your knowledge of world history
native americans put it best re their ongoing holocaust:
jews like you invented legalese and contracts to degrade and deceive
we see u mf.
we hear u too
we are not impressed
alicia banks, you wrote:
no jew scientist can even begin to fathom what africans new 100s of centuries ago
Well then, what did those africans know 10,000 years ago?
More importantly. What made the entire race forget whatever it was they once knew?
i could laugh at him once..
until his cloned corp bankster posse bought and sold hobama and made him prez
we can afford no more jokes now
evil rich heartless greedy racist elitist
mfs like needs slaps run the regime that is slaying us all
needs slaps:
the only thing they forgot
was how to swiftly surgically slit your brutal throats like shaka zulu and haile selassie et al!!!!
shame huh???
i pray we remember asap and begin the renaissance in nyc/wall st/sierra leone/etc...
got a nyc address u care to share???
needs slaps:
what made u tattooed jews forget the misery of the camps you clone as black slums???
how wide is your watch???
LAC Said..
"No_slappz, there are times when I think you're a rather intelligent conservative - then you say some ignorant crap and make me realize that you're little more than an ignorant, race-baiting Limbaugh ditto head with good grammar"
LAC with all due respect I've actually never seen NS say anything half intelligent..in fact I would describe him as a very shallow thinker. his logic is flimsy and his statements superficial. The only thing that distinguishes him from dumber wingnuts is that he can actually spell.I don't bother responding to him because I've realized he is just a parrot.
And can I just say that I'm very glad Obama called out fox and I hope he continues to do so. The fact that Murdoch owns 60% of the worlds media is a scary thought.
hey dirty jew dog needs slaps:
wash your bloody hands!!!
needs slaps' power kike kin:
jews who own hobama and run his regime
needs slaps:
what made u jews forget that you were global "niggers" long before us????
from moses to hitler???
how did you forget life before the jews became whites???
C&C: "And can I just say that I'm very glad Obama called out fox and I hope he continues to do so. The fact that Murdoch owns 60% of the worlds media is a scary thought."
Murdoch owns 60% of the world's media? What an idiot. Talk about parrots....
And it's illuminating that you take comfort in the President threatening his media critics. You would have loved Stalin.
how did u jews forget empathy when the hatred and blatant rabid lies you once endured were ALL JUST as rabid and ruthless as that which we blacks endure still?????
how did u jews 4get all that???????
hobama yesterday, jews today. what's next?
got glassesu fake fool???
how did you forget to be blog police for ALL the days needs slaps has attacked half of hobama????
Field its obvious that Whitman is lying. Its pretty callous on her part to fire someone because its not politically expediant. If she had any scruples she would have instead stood up for her and her right to be treated as human being even though she is an economic refugee.
Note to the person who continues to equate democracy with capitalism. There is no such thing as democracy for the average citizen within capitalism. The capitalist enjoy a form of democracy which is better phrased as bourgeois democracy. But no real democracy exists for the common person, which is why the country goes to war against the objections of the majority or refuses to raise taxes for the rich.
Talk of democracy is just propaganda to keep us common folks believing in the fairy tale.
BTW Field I think folks who continue to vote either Democrat or Republican in hopes of improving their lives are engaging in some kind of mental slavery.
just like thrasher buceta breaf is hurling out the jew insults today this behavior seems to show through all the anonymous sock puppets this pos puts up buceta breaf aint foolin nobody
aint it funny how someone who supposed to believe in championing rights of the oppressed engages in racial and ethnic slurring more then anyone on this blog? more fuel to the point that this piece of shit is full of shit!
buceta breaf alicia banks is nothing more than a waste of space eye am sure that people will be very happy once she dies a lonely and painful death she deserves it after all
gee mellaneous its obvious as plain as day that what u said is true but u write so gottdam much a nigga mite die from boredom before hes finished reading what u write!
if the blog police had any power theyd report that nasty buceta breafs url to google for harassment then would ban her nasty ass from posting here again but since that wont happen she will continue to be abused since she deserves it shes more useless than a trichome free bud!
when did you become a mammy maid for the keystone kkkops herein to???
wont' miss anne/maria be jealous?
who pickaninny do u be fool???
tv job loving vdlr:
got anything to say about fn's post today?
got envy?
got a vocab?
got a life????
maybe if u watched less sitcoms u would have something valid to contribute to ANY convos herein EVER????
when did slurs start bothering u????
got a dictionary???
hey lickless letch vdlr:
at least i am more postive than your bigoted no licking belly warmer needs slaps...the one u never chirp about who never licks u just like your untamed tiger won't u chippy chickenhead!
u witless mongrel wench!
mellaneous, you wrote:
If she had any scruples she would have instead stood up for her and her right to be treated as human being even though she is an economic refugee.
Scruples? Oh. In other words, a political candidate should defy the law. Actually defy the law, rather than TALK about defying the law and the unfairness of it, if you believe the immigration laws are unfair -- which they are not.
A candidate -- a white candidate -- who openly advocated breaking a law, especially a law regarding a hot political issue, would see her/his campaign go down in flames.
However, if the candidate were black and running in a black district, the candidate would likely win.
hey lickless vdlr:
it is really not needs slaps fault...U R NOT KOSHER U HOG HARLOT!!!!
mellaneous, you wrote:
There is no such thing as democracy for the average citizen within capitalism.
Clearly you have never taken an economics course and clearly you know nothing about political systems.
The economic system -- in this case, capitalism -- operates WITHIN a political structure, which, in the case of the US is democracy.
China, on the other hand, still operates a nominally communist government, in that it is still a state the relies on "centrally planning", but the economic system within the state is market-driven capitalism.
One of these days you might reach a point of understanding. A long shot, but it could happen.
Strange that you know about Stalin, but don't know that Ricard Nixon had an enemies list with journalist on it.
BTW, Richard Nixon was the 37th President of the United States (1969-1974).
If you don't understand what I am saying Google Richard Nixon and the press, enemies list.
A little tidbit of info. The Soviet Union never had freedom of the press, it was state controlled from the days of Lenin.
needs slaps:
how dare you pretend to be an econ scholar while pretending that unpaid centuries of african chattel slavery played no role in the american empire or economic rape of africa!!!
u r one brazen bigoted fool!!!
the most uncivilized sow on the net whining about the integrity of anyone's civil activism!?
dyam vdlr, i did not know needs slaps could infect u with the stench of his hypocrisy the same way your tiger gives you that VD and halitosis!!!
alicia banks said...
needs slaps:
u r a rabid jew dog
and hobama and his bankster jew-ish kennels have fatally overplayed your global jew bites
and now the globe will soon bite back
do beware mf!!!...
And this is what you do. Get vicious and violent. Call names, become delusional. Get racist and start cursing and turn ghetto. It is in your nature, it is why there has never been a succesful african nation or black run or led city or village in history, you cannibalize each other with your inabilities and ignorance.
hathor, you wrote:
The Soviet Union never had freedom of the press, it was state controlled from the days of Lenin.
The Soviet Union also enjoyed the good will of some American journalists, including William Durant of the NY Times who spent years praising the Soviet Socialist experiment.
Durant is who Lenin was speaking of when he mentioned Useful Idiots.
needs slaps posing as assnon:
ask hitler and his nazis about jew ghettos...
then tell your bellywarmer vdlr to give u some american notes on the american versions of the same...
alicia banks,
The economic recovery that will eventually arrive in the US will first appear in places like China, which, as you noted, is to be the site of a new Caterpillar factory.
Here's a little economic truth for you -- Capital goes where it's well treated and avoids places where it's not.
That's ONE reason Africa IS and WILL REMAIN a nightmare.
needs slaps:
there is no ghetto in the universe as devoid of light as that huge black hole in your racist brain devoid of an iota of wisdom about african history.... u mindless mf!!!
needs slaps:
u jews know all about routing capital
u prove that every time a diamond "goes" from the maimed hand of an african child to the amoral hand of a jew jewler...
every time a poverty wage dollar goes to vanpirish jew slum lord for an overpriced hole in a us slum...
and each time any pc of gold goes from a broken african miner to a
broken wristed bastard's watch who is a clone of u!!!!
You have to wonder why someone like no_slappz spends his time on an African American blog refuting, denigrating and outright slandering the works and culture of Africans, African Americans and basically anyone else with dark skin.
You'd figure he'd be right at home on Stormfront or South Africa Sucks (if it's still around). He'd have an instant amen corner. But he comes here, of all places. Now why is that?
Trolls can't troll unless they have an audience they can bait. You're not gonna do much trolling in a forum where everyone agrees with your viewpoint, unless you go against it and risk a prompt ban plus scathing condemnation from your former fellow members. Add to that the Field's policy on moderation and you have a target rich environment where guys like no_slappz can flourish.
needs slaps:
there is no greater nightmare than the global nightmare of genocidal racist ignorance and soul killing revisionst history...
and you are a living breathing blog haunting terror that proves that definitively herein each day!!!!
"The economic recovery that will eventually arrive in the US will first appear in places like China, which, as you noted, is to be the site of a new Caterpillar factory."
I doubt economic recovery is coming anytime soon for the U.S., not since the corporate Powers That Be™ found how easily they can pocket extra profits by cutting personnel and benefits down to the bone on the pretext of "economic troubles". You're looking at the new "normal" here.
As for capital....as it turns out, the Chinese are steadily investing in various African countries with an eye for natural resources (which are tremendously abundant) and a new market for their cheap goods (which are unfortunately displacing locally made products). It wouldn't surprise me if the world woke up one day to see Chinese military bases in Africa. Food for thought.
needs slaps:
just because u ignore african empires does not mean they do not/did not exist
when fools like you pretend africa was not great long before europe even existed and
when bigots like you actually claim africa has failed solo as if u have not raped and dominated africa and do not infect and influence africa to date...
u only prove that your lethal racist poisons are growing more toxic each day
your blind lies will never help u wash the blood from your filthy dripping hands
u only prove
needs slaps:
u greedy inept jewish banksters and hobama have even poisoned the chicoms who once were us allies
needs slaps:
you are a shameless pathological liar and generically ignorant
china hates and disrepects your dumb jew bankster clones
u and your bellywarmer vdlr are soulmates indeed
The U.S. dollar is “one step nearer” to a crisis as debt levels in the world’s largest economy increase, said Yu Yongding, a former adviser to China’s central bank.
Any appreciation of the dollar is “really temporary” and a devaluation of the currency is inevitable as U.S. debt rises, Yu said in a speech in Singapore today.
“Such a huge amount of debt is terrible,” Yu said. “The situation will be worsening day by day. I think we are one step nearer to a U.S.-dollar crisis.”
167 comments and 90% them crazed, racist (and now antisemitic) ravings of AB and her evil twin, n-s. just wow.
u r such a fake racist dingbat whore!
u did not say a word when no slaps ranted on the bm u covet for days
so stfu now nicole!!!
go count the black notches on your garter belt!
mareally not an amnesiac:
i have defended jews many time on this blog including my own grandfather
but that racist jew mf needs slsps is not in our tribe!
and neither are you u jungle fevered phony fool!
mareally the wigga of the mo:
do not ever say a word to me as u ignore your vulgar mammy maid and that kkk jew needs slaps!!!
go play with your black condoms!
mareally a traitor cave bitch:
u did not even defend your man oj/uts when he was being slain by needs slaps
eff u!!!
mareally a deadly fake swirled side pc:
ennis cosby is dead today because a wf wench like you did not help him slay a racist dog like needs slaps...
u better upgrade asap!
"go play with your black condoms!"
oh, STFU.
buceta breaf banks is once again extracting twisted half truths and turning them into lies to fit her carpetlickin agenda what a nasty foul piece of trash just like her alterego trasher!
And this is what you do. Get vicious and violent. Call names, become delusional. Get racist and start cursing and turn ghetto. It is in your nature, it is why there has never been a succesful african nation or black run or led city or village in history, you cannibalize each other with your inabilities and ignorance.
4:50 PM
buceta breaf is a very good example of the pathology that blacks suffer from in this county and her attacks on other female bloggers with differing opinions is telling of her insecurities and lack of accomplishment in life ie that cretinous sow is a loser!
yeah buceta breaf hows that 250 iq working for ya huh? cuz if eye was a bettin man eyed say that ur iq has lost its effectiveness cuz all eye see r the rantings of a ten year old trying to get attention from grown folks ya unstable shitstain!
that nasty cretinous sow once again has devolved the comment thread into sheer bipolar maniacal ridiculousness!!!!!!! no stable person would act as that buceta breaf carpetlickin sicko!
alicia banks said...
mareally a traitor cave bitch:
u did not even defend your man oj/uts when he was being slain by needs slaps
eff u!!!
You are absolutely mad. Crazy, demented. Do you challenge yourself to see how much crazy you can fit in one post? Do you challenge yourself to see the highest number of delusional rants you can fire off in one day?
You really need a nice, thick,long, throbbing mushroom head friend to do you like you never been done before. It shows.
alicia banks said...
needs slaps:
just because u ignore african empires does not mean they do not/did not exist
when fools like you pretend africa was not great long before europe even existed and
when bigots like you actually claim africa has failed solo as if u have not raped and dominated africa and do not infect and influence africa to date...
Can you name one African Nation that is great, without the direct intervention of another culture? Ever, historically or today?
Remember that fallacy about egypt was exposed. DNA testing proved the mummies were caucasian.
So where did all those mysterious great nations vanish to? Why arent they popping up today?
The weak rant on colonialism being responsible for African nations being mud pie eating societies throughout history and today is a joke. While under colonial rule they thrived. As soon as they became "free" they annihilate each other and destroy the remaining resources not knowing how to make more. Just look at the corruption and Starvation in Zimbabwe, south Africa etc. Genocides? Yes, Africa is known for them
With insane manic depressives like this AB character, this blog has gone into the crapper.
MackLying, "You have to wonder why someone like no_slappz spends his time on an African American blog refuting, denigrating and outright slandering the works and culture of Africans, African Americans and basically anyone else with dark skin."
This is a blog for African Americans? I thought it was for everybody. My, my. This changes my impression of Field. I though he was the liberal progressive type.
Thanks for the heads up, Mack.
"This is a blog for African Americans? I thought it was for everybody. My, my. This changes my impression of Field. I though he was the liberal progressive type."
Oh stop the bullshit willya ass-non?
Conservative blogs will block your ass in a NY minute as soon as you say something they don't like.
And many block anonymous trolls like yourself.
The point was why would an obvious racist like slappy spend all day everyday on a blog owned and populated by people that he despises?
NS is a white jewish bigot many of my Black jewish peers have counsel me the way you handle white jewish racism is the same way you handle generic white garden variety racism....
To be continued....
UTS, "The point was why would an obvious racist like slappy spend all day everyday on a blog owned and populated by people that he despises?"
The answer is obvious....because NS is a racist...that's what racists do. They antagonize people they don't like. GET IT?
Now, a more important question is why do dummies like UTS actually engage in conversations with a racist on a daily basis?
I'll bite No Slaps. My congressman Danny Davis has proposed and passed second chance legislation that helps ex-offenders get job training, community re-investment legislation, sickle-cell research, postal reform among other initiatives. If you go through the congress you can see for yourself what each and every congressperson has and hasn't done. It IS relevant when I state that there are just as many ineffective whites in congress because you seem to make everything racial so we have to compare apples to apples. As far as the continent of Africa have you even been there? I have and there are wonderful prosperous areas and places that need help just like every other continent on the planet. To make such broad and over simplistic generalizations just shows your enthusiasm in racism. That's fine, whatever floats your boat. I, along with several other posters, are examples of Black excellence because while I don't know your educational background or career field I'll bet a fat man a few sisters and brothers right here on this blog are far superior. And as someone once stated previously to you, if it is true that we are somehow genetically inferior to you it is downright disgusting that you would then spend your time attempting to further humiliate the supposed inferior group instead of either 1. helping or 2. just shutting TFU. You are an interesting person but not unique, America is full of "superior" individuals that came here because they were the bottom of the barrel in their homelands and loved the idea of at least being superior to niggras. You seem to be one of those types but I could be wrong.
Oh wait it gets even better, DNA testing proves the mummies were caucasion. I would LOVE to see a link to that bombshell. I know they have been trying for years to remove Kemet (Egypt) from Akabuland but that is rich. The ignorance is astounding. So ALL mummies are caucasion huh? No Black or Brown people in the entire nation? They all looked like Elizabeth Taylor? OK, I am officially offended to be looked upon as inferior to these mouthbreathing, no tooth having, uncle-daddy inbreds. Dear god the white supremecy in this country is beyond the pale. I thought it was bad when most people thought Palin was more qualified than Obama but now we are reaching astronomical levels of stupidity. If this is representative of most whites ya'll are doomed, the Chinese will own this country in 20 years.
mack lyons, you wrote:
I doubt economic recovery is coming anytime soon for the U.S., not since the corporate Powers That Be™ found how easily they can pocket extra profits by cutting personnel and benefits down to the bone on the pretext of "economic troubles". You're looking at the new "normal" here.
Your statement shows you -- like every black except Thomas Sowell -- know nothing about economics and finance. Some companies, like the Old GM and the Old Chrysler have far fewer employees today compared with two years ago.
Bear Stearns was taken over by JP Morgan. In that takeover, at least 50% of Bear emmployees lost their jobs. Lehman saw ALL its jobs disappear. Today IBM has about half as many employees as it had in 1990.
Companies ALWAYS reduce headcount to preserve profitability. Managment has an obligation to stockholders to take that step when times are tough
As for capital....as it turns out, the Chinese are steadily investing in various African countries with an eye for natural resources (which are tremendously abundant) and a new market for their cheap goods (which are unfortunately displacing locally made products).
What a shock. Even poor Africans want better quality goods than their domestic companies produce. Meanwhile, the Chinese are in Africa to expand the cell phone business, among other ventures. They might even employ some Africans to help them build more cell phone facilities.
It wouldn't surprise me if the world woke up one day to see Chinese military bases in Africa. Food for thought.
Not a chance.
Certainly not Meg Whitman.
Well, I gotta go with Nicky. I thought it was funny when Gloria Allred produced that paper with Dr. Harsh's signature was on it asking her to look into it
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