I don't ever remember reading about so many killers taking out their own family members and loved ones in such large numbers in one part of the country.
I wonder what is responsible for this phenomenon.
We all know the story by now of Timothy Ray Jones Jr., the animal who allegedly killed his five children and dumped their bodies in a trash bag. (I think he was from Alabama.)
And now we have Don Spirit. This animal who was masquerading as a human being allegedly killed his adult daughter, five grandchildren, and one other child.
The Gilchrist County Sheriff's Office confirmed the gruesome details in a press conference Thursday night.
Gilchrist County Sheriff Robert Schulz said Don Spirit is the man responsible for the slayings.
Schulz said deputies were called to the rural home on around 4 p.m. after Spirit called 911 and threatened to harm himself and others. When deputies arrived, Spirit committed suicide, Schulz said. GCSO believes the victims were already dead when officers arrived." [Source]
I am against the death penalty when it is carried out by the state. But if someone like this wants to go ahead and sentence himself to death and then carry out the sentence, well...
Sadly, this kind of stuff happens in places like Florida far too often. It's a dog bites man story down there.
And before my white friends accuse me of being a "racialist"; please note that I am mentioning the story a depraved Negro named George Mason III as well.
This Negro killed three family members and tried to kill a fourth before being taken out by a truck.
"A Florida man killed three relatives Friday and tried to gun down a fourth when a passing truck ran over the murderer, halting his rampage, police said.
George Mason III, 42, is clinging to life after being struck in the middle of Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd. in the town of Brooksville as he chased after his half-brother, Gabriel Taylor, 33.
Taylor was shot several times, including once in the head, and is in critical condition, police said." [Source]
Florida again.
There must be something in the water.
FN is posting stories about depraved individuals.
How about some gruesome crime photos too since your a lawyer?
'Django Unchained' Actress -- We Got the Pictures ... And It Looks Like Sex
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/17/django-unchained-actress-racism-lapd-daniele-watts-pictures-photos/#ixzz3DiunP3oT
Daniele Watts was having with her good white man. The police were right to ask her for id. And detain her when she invoked black privilege.
She what happens when field rushes to judgement?
'Django Unchained' Actress -- We Got the Pictures ... And It Looks Like Sex
Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2014/09/17/django-unchained-actress-racism-lapd-daniele-watts-pictures-photos/#ixzz3DiunP3oT
Daniele Watts was having sex with her good white man. The police were right to ask her for id. And detain her when she invoked black privilege.
She what happens when field rushes to judgement?
Cray-cray! Both of them!
Spirit He had also "accidentally" shot an 8 year old son to death in 2001 on a hunting trip.
and George Mason's neighbors all said "he had been crazy all his life."
Untreated mental illness. Gone wild.
Very sad!
Yep! That's sex alright! 0-O Little slut couldn't wait to get home with the felon.
These things are so common in Obama's America.
I'm becoming numb to it all.
I blame you field. Day in and day out you harp on white crime. I know my peeps. I don't need you to point out how violent my peeps are.
Shit's depressing. You know there's nothing more dangerous than a depressed white person?
Just sayin'.
How's about posting something positive about whites every once and awhile.
Look at Rand Paul. He's standing up to the neocons who want war.
Rand stands with America. Will you stand with Rand field?
One more thing-
Field, you sure that's Don Spirit and not Jeb Bush?
Kinky I knew he reminded me of someone!!! Lol!
Hepa hepa aarriba! Signor Kinky... you still stinky. Signor Kinky...How many Mexicans does it take to screw in a light bulb?
JUAN! Get it? Ole!
Signor Kinky, please don't take offense. After all, Cisco Kid was a friend of mine. He drank the whiskey.......well, you know the rest. Aiiieee, arriba! You write some funny shit.
Kinky, "Shit's depressing."
Field, not only has Kinky stole some cake in PR, he has now stolen my lines. This shit has got to stop.
depressed Negro
not sure if folk deliberately do what they do...
+ try HARD to miss ALL clues.
IF folk are interested, this king put it all together for folk Right nicely:
don't agree with all he says.
it is not necessary that i do.
but he hits enough of the Real notes for me to Stand in solidarity on those points of agreement.
notice the pic of the BM as king kong that it took folk longer than a minute to get it...over here in the fields, back in the day.
@FN, not sure if you deliberately chose the actress that thought d'jango unchained made sense to do + mentions it like it is an honorable claim to fame.
but let me help you brotha man. in your new found ability to see what is happening to Black women and girls. this story and the countless ones like 'em make a bit more sense, now that you can better see:
i remember this story from back in the day. also remember being happy that little daughter of Sion had a daddy that wasn't phoning in his responsibilities. so when she called for him...
he was at home and able to come for her, in her time of need.
@ whoever posted the cia, ashkenazi jew, tmz link...
i think the whole debacle is a way to incense BM + shame BW- the folk that are described to a Tee in Torah KJV Deuteronomy 28...
particularly those BW in IR relationships. the powers that be do NOT want to see BW and WM get together. BW roll HARD for their men. just as WM roll HARD for their women. IF there is enough dialogue or Love...
Gentile WM MIGHT just WAKE UP.
+ stop wasting so MUCH time hating Black folk. many appear so busy doing the hate + superior thing that they don't seem to notice the WM head hunters creepin' up on 'em.
be clear: ms d'jango unchained is NOT helping with her nonstop antics. but Black folk that thought d'jango unchained made sense are liable to do ANYthang...
since self respect is not as present as it should be at this point in history. clearly. that's for the actors, actresses AND the souls that PAID ashkenazi created/run h-llyweird to get cussed them OUT.
in the most RACIST of ways...
side-note: i see a grip of white girls/women that appear to take their dressing cues from poor mk'd miley cyrus. my point concerning ww/girls not being auto labelled as prostitutes stands.
to keep it 100% Real...western women, all colors, would be wise to go back to making our own clothes- or altering them into new garments. those in the fashion industry clearly don't like US too much. not that the men fare much better. operation degrade humanity is WELL underway...
blessings all!
started to say things differently. lol! then i censored myself and it came out like a typo.
so here's the correction:
since self respect is not as present as it should be at this point in history. clearly. that's for the actors, actresses AND the souls that PAID ashkenazi created/run h-llyweird to cuss them OUT.
in the most RACIST of ways.
Yah KNOWS i AM doing my very best to lay to rest old ways of speaking/operating:) pray for me Messiah as i pray for all in your Mighty Name.
blessings all!
It's all Obama's fault!
I remember listening to Love Line years ago and they had a game called Germany or Florida because all weird and depraved stuff always seems to happen in one or the other.
I don't think Kinky is Hispanic.But I might be wrong.
Bill, I don't think u could handle those photos.And I am not trolling u, just being honest.
Kiiiinkyyyyyy! Are you Hispanic? Or do you have any Hispanic blood in you?
So why is that Anon talking Spanish to you then???
I think he has blood...mmm hmmm...Spanish blood running through his little cake stea...er I mean cake eating veins...
I've noticed Kinky gets up very late and starts posting in the evening usually....
Kinky contestanos muchacho de Dios! Queremos saber si tu eres de la persuasion Hispanica okay?
FN said...
Folks are going crazy in the South these days.
No doubt something to do with the obama economy.
Record number of people unemployed.
Record number of people forced onto food stamps.
Record number of people depending on the government to get by.
All the will the top 1% gets richer.
Yeah, the obama economy is helping the people that donate to obama.
The people voting for obama, not so much.
"Folks are going crazy in the South these days. I don't ever remember reading about so many killers taking out their own family members and loved ones in such large numbers in one part of the country.
I wonder what is responsible for this phenomenon."
I'm going to say that terrible conservative governmental policies are most responsible for this phenomenon.
Southern states' economies are still the most unequal and unfair in the nation. As far as economic policy goes, the South's short-sighted economic policy is just to pay their workers absolute shit, and hope that lowered costs for businesses will allow their states to poach jobs and businesses from the rest of the country. It's worked -- but only to a very limited degree. Basically, their economic plan is to mimic third-world Latin American backwaters that are based around having a bunch of disempowered peons toiling away for their brutal masters on the hacienda. Almost 150 years after the end of slavery, Southern leadership still sorta thinks in terms of slavery economics.
Overall, this is a dumb plan, as compared to the far better alternative of long-term investment in things like their citizens' health and education, local infrastructure, and developing modern-world growth businesses. That's where a healthy, fair economy will ultimately come from, but that approach requires patience, generosity, and faith in your fellow citizen -- none of which is in evidence in the South.
So you've got an especially high number of angry, desperate, impoverished people in that part of the country, just looking to lash out at someone else. And then, what do you know, you've also got a ton of guns in those parts as well. Southerners sure do love their guns, and always have. Part of it comes from a love of hunting, but part of it is just ... nuts. And regulation is lax to non-existent. When I lived in Texas, there were dealerships where they'd sell you a truck with a shotgun already sitting in the rack.
So the formula isn't complicated. It's the formula for most violent crime, everywhere in the world:
Lots of poverty and inequality + lots of guns = lots of bloody corpses.
field negro said...
Bill, I don't think u could handle those photos.And I am not trolling u, just being honest.
Thanks for the concern.
Spent 10 years with a search & rescue team that worked with the local lapd.
Saw a lot of gruesome stuff.
Thankfully no kids involved.
"Southern states' economies are still the most unequal and unfair in the nation. "
This absolutely untrue. The greatest disparity between earners at the top and the bottom exists in the "blue" states of California, New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and Illinois.
Maryland and Virginia, along with Washington D.C., also made the income inequality top ten list, with only two red states – Texas and Louisiana – making the top ten.
Researchers compared the top 25th percentile earner to the bottom 25th percentile earner and divided the sums into each other, then ranked states by number. California, in which a top 25th percentile earner makes 2.55 times more than a bottom 25th percentile earner, is by far the most unequal state, followed by New York, New Jersey, Michigan, and President Obama's home state of Illinois.
In Washington, D.C., however, a top 25th percentile earner makes 2.6 times the amount of money a bottom 25th percentile earner makes, which represents the biggest gap in the nation. Maryland and Virginia both make the top ten group of biggest gaps in income, and Maryland experienced the largest gap increase in the past decade of any state: 12.05%. .
And the Federal Government is where all the money is going. Eight of the 13 wealthiest counties in the U.S.A. are in the D.C. region.
@Bill 10:27, today's economic climate was started by Regan and you damn well know it.
Field, you don't have to go to the south to find these creatures, they are in every state, town, village, and hamlet of this country, from the left coast to the right. Case in point from just last week: Joseph Oberhansly of Indiana who not only stabbed his ex-girlfriend to death, but cooked and ate some of her brain, lungs and heart. Did the deed while he was out on bail mind you. This freak had already killed a former girlfriend back in 1998 who had just given birth to his child. What in the world he was doing walking around loose is beyond me, but you know how they protect each other. Even the murdering cannibals. Even the ones who kill their wives, girlfriends, parents, grandparents, children, grandchildren, other people's children, perfect strangers, pets, other people's pets, etc., etc.
How much do you want to bet that someone, somewhere will pull the 'victimized white male' card from the deck and offer lame excuses for the freaks you've written about?
Lord have mercy, Pam!
But I am afraid u might be right. I also really a story this week where some guy killed his ex girlfriend's dog, cooked it, and gave her a meal with the little pooch while they briefly reconciled.
That is sick.
Bill, if u have been so up close and personal with human suffering, how can u be a member of a party that causes it?
Yīshēng said...
@Bill 10:27, today's economic climate was started by Regan and you damn well know it.
Is that how you defend the gap widening more under obama than bush?
Why is it so much worse under obama than bush and clinton?
What obama policy has increased the accelerated the widening of the gap?
field negro said...
Bill, if u have been so up close and personal with human suffering, how can u be a member of a party that causes it?
Please explain which republican law caused stupid drunk people to fall off cliffs.
I'll wait.
Please name a republican law that did as much damage to the black community that bidens drug law did.
I'll wait.
Unlike you continuously defending the democrat party, I don;t defend republicans.
I mock democrats.
Like by me asking you to cite the republican law that did as much damage as bidens drug law to the black community.
I'll wait.
Bill please tell me you're not this dense.
Do you honestly believe that a single Black man would be allowed to have caused so much financial devistation to so many White people?
We are living in a era of greed and I hate to tell you this but Black folks haven't accumulated enough wealth as a group to cause Wall Street to take a tumble. No, the real culprits behind the financial toilet this country is in are White and male.
So YOU Bill are to blame for why Islamicterrorists hate AAmerica, YOU sent jobs overseas, YOU have allowed foreigners to ruin Academic research centers, and YOU arw the reason the country is STILL in a depression.
Sí mi mujer hermosa isla.
Eso annon es un tonto racista. No preste atención a la tonta.
Antes de que yo tengo un pedazo de torta deliciosa, me encantaría un poco de sopa de pesca
Disfrute el fin de semana mi princesa puertorriqueña
Yīshēng said...
Do you honestly believe that a single Black man would be allowed to have caused so much financial devistation to so many White people?
Rich white people have no problem with the widening gap.
Do you see any stories on msnbc/cnn/abc/cbs/nbc about record number of homeless white people? Record number of poor whites on welfare?
See, poor white people aren't important to the rich whites either.
We are living in a era of greed and I hate to tell you this but Black folks haven't accumulated enough wealth as a group to cause Wall Street to take a tumble.
Did I say black people caused it?
So YOU Bill are to blame for why Islamicterrorists hate AAmerica, YOU sent jobs overseas, YOU have allowed foreigners to ruin Academic research centers, and YOU arw the reason the country is STILL in a depression.
I never knew I had that much power.
At least you didn't blame me for kenny g.
Democrats can't run from they past. Bless their hearts, they try so hard.
Politician accused of dropping pants, hurling racist slurs dropping out of race
Activists Want "Django Unchained" Actress to Apologize to LAPD About Detention
Civil rights advocates jumped to her defense, including Earl Ofari Hutchinson.
Hutchinson said the audio recording and photos cast doubt on Watts' account and he is now calling on the actress to apologize to the LAPD.
Just another hollywood liberal trying to promote herself.
Nothing new.
Is field going to apologize to the LAPD and white people?
Pamoron said...
How much do you want to bet that someone, somewhere will pull the 'victimized white male' card from the deck and offer lame excuses for the freaks you've written about?
This never happens.
Externalizing criminal behavior is a Black Thing.
So YOU Bill are to blame for why Islamicterrorists hate AAmerica, YOU sent jobs overseas, YOU have allowed foreigners to ruin Academic research centers, and YOU arw the reason the country is STILL in a depression.
If those photos "look like sex" to you guys, you have even less real-world experience of sex than I imagined.
señor kinky said...
Sí mi mujer hermosa isla.
Eso annon es un tonto racista. No preste atención a la tonta.
Disfrute el fin de semana mi princesa puertorriqueña
1:51 PM
Ooooooh I like that! Princesa! YES!
Thank you Kinky!!! :*D Mi Rey!
That NFL Roger Goodel commissioner is so full of it! Holy Crap! I haven't seen such BSing in a long time!
We're gonna do this, and we're gonna do that, and we're gonna do the other thing, and we're gonna get these people to the table, and bla bla bla!
"GOING TO" being the operative words!
PC, I agree. Thus there will be no apology coming from Field to the LAPD.
Bill, u cannot be serious.
Gutting programs that help poor and middle class people and giving tax breaks to rich corporations is the republican mode of operation.
But I am sure u already knew that.
Field, the guy cooked his ex-girlfriend's dog? And had the brass b*lls to feed it to her "while they briefly reconciled"? I'll bet it was brief. Can you imagine how his girlfriend reacted when she found out she'd been fed her pet?
Some of these cases of what I'll euphemistically call 'mainstream' pathology are like something straight out of a horror movie. But we know how real life has provided a never-ending fount of material over the years, don't we?
Mainstream pathologies, Field, mainstream pathologies. There's nothing else like them on the planet.
Pam said...
Field, the guy cooked his ex-girlfriend's dog? And had the brass b*lls to feed it to her "while they briefly reconciled"? I'll bet it was brief
That depends on how the dog tasted.
Purple cow, those pictures back up what witnesses claim happen.
Daniele Watts was having sex with her good white man. The police were right to ask her for id and detain her after she invoked her black privilege.
Of course the racial grievance industry will never admit that they were wrong and that they rushed to judgement.
They still tell us the Duke hoax was real and white cops smeared dog do-doo all over Tawana Brawley.
To all FN fans: Has it occurred to any of you that Bill is actually Black pretending to be White?
'Bill' is his pen name on FN. Guess what his 'real' name is?
"They still tell us the Duke hoax was real and white cops smeared dog do-doo all over Tawana Brawley."
Being black means never having to say you're sorry.
Heyyy... Kinky...
Since you like Rand Paul so much tell me what you think about the medias claim that hes LYING about McCain taking pictures with leaders of ISIS??
I'm still waiting on everyones standpoint on "THE EMPIRE"s latest endeavor over in Syria...
Police in Elgin, Illinois attempt to address the united state of america i.e.,racism by recruiting candidates that reflect the demographic of their city.
What will they think of next? I guess all western european americans aren't so bad after all.
Sorry to break topic but, I'm just sayin'.
There's evil shit bags in every race. Lets just all agree to that.
Were it that simple, the united state of America..never mind.
Easy Yisheng,,, the truth is the light and I can truly see thru the many accusations regarding one- half Black African (American). If he destroyed this country in 6 years- either the guy got a biggg S on his pajamas or tales of brilliant white males may be false.
I hope that the people that thinks the Blacks is the problem in US wake up. We control NOTHING in America.
Talking about what Blacks control. I will be waiting with bated breath to se how this plantation system in America that is centered about sports will spin out. The finger pointing has started. I knew this day would come. You can't continue to lavishly pay these guys and not take the whole package. There is an old song about a man taking a snake to bed with him. When he got bit he was surprised of the snake's actions.
A large percentage of the Black stars that America prop up comes from places that these owners would never go to in person. Their mindset is I pay you... now act like a good ole boy-(with a small b),
#6:45 Billy Bob?
StillaPanther2 said...
"I hope that the people that thinks the Blacks is the problem in US wake up. We control NOTHING in America."
This is true. Blacks are not the problem. Blacks suffer most from the status quo.
The problem lies with those who use blacks in their war on traditional America.
Who do you think that is?
It's not the "Klan" or "corporations" or "racist whites".
Can you even name who really controls our destiny?
What exactly is "traditional america"?
Anon, why don't you tell us who "controls our destiny"?
Who benefits from black dysfunction and alienation?
Who benefits from more broken families?
Who benefits from increased income inequality?
Who benefits from the desperation of long-term unemployment?
Who benefits from racial and ethnic polarization?
All of these drive votes to the government party.
The government party serves a tiny elite whose personal and tribal fortunes soar as the welfare of the nation crumbles.
Step back and look at the trajectory of the country over the last half century. Follow the money. Who has lost and who has won?
White folks will never admit it but there's something drastically wrong with them. This story is too sad for words. Something must have been in those caves in the Caucasus Mountains. These strange looking "people" always seem to have a few screws loose. The Superiors. Right on!!!!
FP said:
"particularly those BW in IR relationships. the powers that be do NOT want to see BW and WM get together. BW roll HARD for their men. just as WM roll HARD for their women. IF there is enough dialogue or Love..."
Nobody cares about ugly Daniele Watts and her even uglier white felon boyfriend who were having sex in a car with the door open. They apparently WANTED people to see them fucking. According to witnesses, she used a tissue to wipe herself and him off and threw the tissue on the ground by the car. ewwwww
If white men "roll so hard" for their women then why do HALF of all white marriages end in divorce? Apparently white women know a lot more about white men than you do.
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