Apparently it's not only black men who get the business from folks who swear "to protect and serve"; it seems that black women have been catching it as well.
Now comes another story from Los Angeles where a sister was profiled and arrested for....wait for it...showing public displays of affection with her white husband.
"Django Unchained" actress Daniele Watts says she was accosted by police and handcuffed on Thursday in Los Angeles after being mistaken for a prostitute.Watts, who played house slave "CoCo" in "Django" and is Martin Lawrence's daughter on the new FX comedy "Partners," shared the news on Facebook.
"Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place," she wrote.
Watts also posted a picture of herself sobbing as she stood in front of an office in shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes.
"Today I was handcuffed and detained by 2 police officers from the Studio City Police Department after refusing to agree that I had done something wrong by showing affection, fully clothed, in a public place," she wrote.
Watts also posted a picture of herself sobbing as she stood in front of an office in shorts, a t-shirt, and running shoes.
An LAPD public information officer said there was no record of the incident as Watts wasn't arrested or brought into the station for questioning.
According to Watts and her husband Brian James Lucas, Studio City police mistook the couple for a prostitute and john after they showed public displays of affection. Watts refused to show her ID to the cops, and was therefore handcuffed and seated in the back of their car until they could figure out who she was. They let her go quickly afterward." [Source]
The message here is this: Sisters, if you are married to (or dating) a white man, be very careful how you interact with him in public; sadly, you could be mistaken for a prostitute.
Her poor husband got a white privilege reality check. I am not sure that he signed up for this when he linked up with this sister, but now he knows.
Another white person now understands what it feels like to have white privilege go wrong. Like the husband of Daniele Watts, her situation was brought on by her interaction with Negroes.
"SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah (AP) — A woman has criticized police in the Utah County city of Saratoga Springs over the fatal shooting of her 22-year-old son, saying she believes the outcome would have been different had he not been black.
Susan Hunt of Saratoga Springs said her family wants answers about what happened leading up to Wednesday's shooting by officers of her son, Darrien Hunt.
On Saturday afternoon, law enforcement authorities issued a statement saying that the man lunged at officers with a sword.
The Deseret News reported that police say they were called about 9:40 a.m. Wednesday to investigate a "suspicious" man walking near businesses along Redwood Road while carrying a "Samurai-type sword."
Before the statement was issued, Susan Hunt told the Deseret News: "They killed my son because he's black. No white boy with a little sword would they shoot while he's running away.
"Those stupid cops thought they had to murder over a toy. This is my baby. This is my family. And they ruined my family."
The city on Friday issued a statement saying the shooting was under investigation by the county attorney's office.
"We sympathize with Mr. Hunt's family during this difficult time," the statement says. "Any claim that our officers' actions were a result of Mr. Hunt's race is completely unfounded and speculative. Our officers responded to a call for service and addressed the situation that was presented to them."
Based on the limited information the family has been given, Susan Hunt said, it believes a shot was fired by police during the confrontation and multiple shots were fired after he ran away."
"When the officers made contact with Mr. Hunt, he brandished the sword and lunged toward the officers with the sword, at which time Mr. Hunt was shot," Utah County Chief Deputy Attorney Tim Taylor said in a statement. [Source]
Ms. Hunt, welcome to our world. Please keep talking about your experience to white America. Maybe they will understand what it's like a little better if it's coming from you.
According to Watts and her husband Brian James Lucas, Studio City police mistook the couple for a prostitute and john after they showed public displays of affection. Watts refused to show her ID to the cops, and was therefore handcuffed and seated in the back of their car until they could figure out who she was. They let her go quickly afterward." [Source]
The message here is this: Sisters, if you are married to (or dating) a white man, be very careful how you interact with him in public; sadly, you could be mistaken for a prostitute.
Her poor husband got a white privilege reality check. I am not sure that he signed up for this when he linked up with this sister, but now he knows.
Another white person now understands what it feels like to have white privilege go wrong. Like the husband of Daniele Watts, her situation was brought on by her interaction with Negroes.
"SARATOGA SPRINGS, Utah (AP) — A woman has criticized police in the Utah County city of Saratoga Springs over the fatal shooting of her 22-year-old son, saying she believes the outcome would have been different had he not been black.
On Saturday afternoon, law enforcement authorities issued a statement saying that the man lunged at officers with a sword.
The Deseret News reported that police say they were called about 9:40 a.m. Wednesday to investigate a "suspicious" man walking near businesses along Redwood Road while carrying a "Samurai-type sword."
Before the statement was issued, Susan Hunt told the Deseret News: "They killed my son because he's black. No white boy with a little sword would they shoot while he's running away.
"Those stupid cops thought they had to murder over a toy. This is my baby. This is my family. And they ruined my family."
The city on Friday issued a statement saying the shooting was under investigation by the county attorney's office.
"We sympathize with Mr. Hunt's family during this difficult time," the statement says. "Any claim that our officers' actions were a result of Mr. Hunt's race is completely unfounded and speculative. Our officers responded to a call for service and addressed the situation that was presented to them."
Based on the limited information the family has been given, Susan Hunt said, it believes a shot was fired by police during the confrontation and multiple shots were fired after he ran away."
"When the officers made contact with Mr. Hunt, he brandished the sword and lunged toward the officers with the sword, at which time Mr. Hunt was shot," Utah County Chief Deputy Attorney Tim Taylor said in a statement. [Source]
Ms. Hunt, welcome to our world. Please keep talking about your experience to white America. Maybe they will understand what it's like a little better if it's coming from you.
As an old white woman, I remember the '60s. And, to say the least, I am horrified as to how the media have allowed state legislatures, our courts, Congress and other culprits to renege on Civil Rights and the New Deal without many sane comments or commentary.
We need to attend to our politicians and police at home, while stopping the waste of $trillions in the middle east defending the BP, Halliburton, Koch and other criminal interests, while the Bush Family Saudis laugh.
Jesus wept? Nothing like I weep for the loss of the progress we deserve. Thank you for your blog, Mr Field. You give an old woman hope.
Wonder why field didn't mention this latest incident of color arousal ?
Two Brooklyn women tired of 'white people moving into the area' force tenants out at gunpoint, then squat in apartment: police
Precious Parker, 30, and Sabrina James, 23, were arrested Saturday after they allegedly kicked two men and a woman out of an Ocean Ave. apartment on Thursday. Authorities say the crime was partly motivated by race and class resentment.
Two women were arrested after they robbed and then intimidated three tenants out of their Brooklyn apartment — and the crime was partly motivated by race and class resentment, law enforcement sources said.
Precious Parker, 30, and Sabrina James, 23, knocked on the door of an apartment building on Ocean Ave. near Newkirk Ave. in Flatbush at 9:30 p.m. on Thursday and held a 34-year-old man, a 37-year-old man, and a 25-year-old woman at gunpoint demanding they move out or be killed, police said.
The women then stole $800, an iPhone and personal information from the tenants, police said.
The terrified residents left soon after, said a night porter, who declined to give his name.
“They just left,” he said. “They said somebody wants to kill them.”
The usurpers then squatted in the apartment, a law enforcement source said.
The source added the trio may have been targeted because of their race, as one of the women said she didn’t like “that white people were moving into the area,” the police source said.
Read more:
FN said...
the Studio City Police Department
Not surprised.
A city so liberal the right-wingers are pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, pro-big taxes and hate fox news.
Same with the "valley village" part of north hollywood.
the pain on these ladies' faces reduce me to tears.
i pray Almighty will hear the cry of our generation, in Messiah's Name.
Do you really think anything will change in the racist psyche of the police? No, it won't.
Racism is a 'prejudice'. It is a disease that won't go away by laws or discussion. It is in the psyche, the mind and heart.
As long as there are Blacks in America, and there are White policemen, there will be UN-lawful murderous shootings of bm.
And the story will always be the same: "The bm was aggressive and attacked them."
You see, as long as White America remain convinced that the bm is a savage and less than human, there will be bm shot everyday by the police.
And sadly, 99.9% of the time they will get away with it.
It's a bitch being a bm in America. It is depression at its darkest hour for bm and bw.
Speaking of white privilege-
Rotherham researcher 'sent on diversity course' after raising alarm
A researcher who raised the alarm over the sexual abuse of teenage girls in Rotherham more than a decade ago was sent on a ‘ethnicity and diversity course’ by child protection bosses who refused to act on her evidence.
The researcher, who was seconded to Rotherham council by the Home Office, was told she must “never, ever” again refer to the fact that the abusers were predominantly Asian men.
Speaking to the BBC’s Panorama programme under the condition of anonymity, the researcher said that she identified more 270 victims of trafficking and underage prostitution by mainly Muslim gangs in Rotherham.
But, despite being sent to Rotherham Council, the report – based on interviews with underage girls seeking help from the council’s anti-child prositution project, called Risky Business – was never published.
Indeed, the council tried unsuccessfully to sack the researcher after she resisted pressure to change her findings.
Data to back up the report’s findings also went missing from the Risky Business office the weekend after she submitted her report, the researcher told the programme.
Recalling the reaction of one official after she had submitted the report, the researcher said: “She said you must never refer to that again. You must never refer to Asian men.
“And her other response was to book me on a two-day ethnicity and diversity course to raise my awareness of ethnic issues.”
One of the girls who was allegedly abused, whose name was changed to Isabel to protect her identity, said that her abuser told her he would “play the race card” if the police tried to take action.
Just another example of YT getting away....What? The perps ain't YT?
I have to agree with FP's post on the last story, we have always been fair game. Anytime we are killed there is never so much as a sympathetic thought. It's always she/he had it coming, you people are animals (or some kind of other dehumanizing comments), you do it to yourselves so why can't we or as we see above why don't you talk about white people being accosted by blahs. I mean look at Trayvon, he was a teenager coming home from a store and was killed, no sympathy whatsoever. These types are so insistent in their beliefs they frequent blogs and sites for us and spew their lack of humanity. SMDH. Oh well, what else is new?
BTW, the Maceo concert was insane! He played alot of old funky James and some of his own stuff.
Pass the peas.........
Mr Field, I have said it before:
"Racism is a spiritual illness and requires a spiritual solution."
I personally think we are in trouble with God because we have separated ourselves from Him.
No one can help the fact that blacks have no sympathy for their fellow man/woman.
I'm with you px.
If we don't care about each other-how can we expect YT to care about us?
No mention of black spree killer Brandon Howell?
Notice how black spree killers(who kill whites) hardly get any national media coverage?
And no sympathy from blah folks?
Must be black privilege.
The further divisions by race only weaken America and make it easier bait to those who would like to destroy this entire country ie Islamic terrorists.
The old people say that "the way you come in is the way you'll go out". America was founded and built by blood of people of color and it's other people of color who seem hell bent on returning the favor.
In the history of humanity no ill deed has EVER gone unpunished eventually.
"In the history of humanity no ill deed has EVER gone unpunished eventually."
Blacks are running America now.
Time to pay da man yt.
Does anyone really expect 'anything' to change between Whites and Blacks? I mean, it's been centuries and nothing has changed between us.
We are worse off than the Israelis and the Palestinians. There is, and will be NO solution to our ill.
White prejudice will always see Blacks as less than human, uneducated, violent and poor who deserve to be killed by the police. That is just a fact of life in America.
Why would Whites change their attitude toward Blacks? Why would they give up their status of superiority which brings with it White Privilege?
No one in America would do that unless they wanted to join the human race. White history indicates Whites want to be separate from the human race because that is the only way to remain superior and to be treated as special.
I don't know, maybe God has intended for America to be like this?
Anonymous Anonymous said...
I'm with you px.
If we don't care about each other-how can we expect YT to care about us?
9:17 PM
That has been our problem, hasn't it? That is, we base our value about ourselves according to how Whites treat us.
Well, that's a 400 year old truth. Uncle Toms, STEPHENS, slave catchers, House Negroes...all point to the FACT that at heart, Blacks don't care about Blacks because Whites have not cared about Blacks.
We value our lives according to how Whites value us. It's been that way since slavery. And slavery really can eff up people for centuries to come.
Personally, the effects of slavery will be with America right up to the end.
Actually anon @9:17 I don't really care what whites think of us. I wish they would leave us alone once in a while. We know what they think but for some reason they feel the need to put in their two cents.
And then we have the geniuses who always ask why sites that cater to us don't discuss white topics. Not only do we get nosey whites we get astoundingly dumb ones." Wha wha wha, a white was touched by a negra why don't you post about that Field?"
Ain't that the truth @ 10:32.
Slavery is in our blood, sweat and tears.
I prayed our first black president would be safe during his time in office.
There hasn't been this much conservative hate for a president since JFK.
The more desperate whites get,the more racist and violent they get.
When whites could no longer keep us "separate, but equal" they bombed us. They killed our children.
When the white racist establishment was losing their grip on power,they tortured, raped and murdered our brothers and sisters.
When whites could no longer proudly wave their confederate flags in our faces, listen to their racist country music and have their hate crimes go unpunished, they blew up a federal building. They created militia groups to kill us.
When our first black president was elected, they joked about killing him. Obama has received more death threats than any president in history.
I get nervous every time i hear Obama is going to a red state.
The white power structure is dying in this country. By the time the 2030's are here, whites will be the majority in less than 30 states. By the 2050's, whites will be a minority group. They will only be the majority in a handful of states.
No more Republican party. No more Republican presidents.
I'm a old man. I won't be alive when this happens. I have a daughter and grand children. I'm afraid for their future. I'm afraid for our society.
I'm afraid whites are gonna try to tear this country apart. Start a civil war or try to secede.
Sometimes i think this is why white cops are killing so many of our youth.
We must unite for common goals.
Unite against our enemies.
Stop behaving like they want us to.
Our future depends on it.
in lieu of a long comment:)
Well gee pilotx.
Didn't field proclaim himself to be the chaser of racism?
Didn't field proclaim himself to be the authority on color arousal?
With no qualifiers?
Ins't fields motto "Silence is Never Golden!"?
So why isn't field chasing this racism and color arousal?
Why is field being silent?
anon11:36pm, I too fear the future for my children and grandchildren. Actually, looking back at the history of America, it was never safe for Blacks.
Slavery was pure hell, evil. Jim Crow was a period of terrorism, great fear, murders and lynchings of Blacks were common. Growing up in that period was living in terror. There was no law to protect Blacks. We were powerless in a white racist society.
Today, the disease of racism continues to grow like a bad cancer. Instead of lynchings, they just shoot us dead as though we don't have a right to live.
These people are evil. There is no other way to say it. Their history tells their story in America. Their murderous behavior rivals the Nazis of WWII.
However, the Universe always bends toward Truth and Justice. Sooner or later the Universe gives back to what one puts out.
"So why isn't field chasing this racism and color arousal?
Why is field being silent?"
Why is Kinky an idiot? Why doesn't Kinky go to stormfront to get the kind of racism chasing and color arousal he's looking for? Maybe there is no Black on white racism.
Ha! Reminds me of the lady who asked Dr. King on Meet the Press why he doesn't protest for the whites in the south being discriminated against in blah establishments. White folks never change.
Anon 8:39 I feel you. That moment in the 60s whereby the past could and should have been the past.
Still looking for an article of a contemporary hanging of a white male by a mob of Blacks. Our negative actions need no escalations. They speak for themselves. I will be the last person to say the hanging did not happen.... just want to keep real what I know. And I continue to be disappointed by some of the daily tragedies here and abroad. I thought with man be able to communicate better, we would know when we are overstepping boundaries. Live and let live.
Hi-5 to Anons 11;36 10:14 and PX
Hey brother Panther. Good to see you putting it down.
StillaPaanther2 said...
Still looking for an article of a contemporary hanging of a white male by a mob of Black
Is it different if the mob beats the person to death? What the hell are you saying?
The black on white murder rate is 50 times the white on black murder rate, and has been so for half a century.
KJV Genesis 15:13-14
13 And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;
14 And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge; and afterward shall they come out with great substance.
KJV Acts 7:6-7
6 And Almighty spake on this wise, That his seed should sojourn in a strange land: and that they should bring them into bondage, and entreat them evil four hundred years.
7 And the nation to whom they shall be in bondage will I judge, said Almighty: and after that shall they come forth, and serve me in this place.
Abram = Abraham. see KJV Genesis 17:5 for the name change + why.
Abraham's seed, the Shemites, would be enslaved in a strange land for 400 years.
the sons of Gomer Ashkenazis cornered the slave trade. they hail from Yapheth/Japheth. not from Shem. just as Blessed Blacks hail from Shem not Ham...those that read Torah already KNOW this. those that hate US + lead US...
lead US astray. while they rob US of our birthright. Blessed Blacks are convinced they are Gentiles. when in fact we are not.
breaking this down could make for quite the long comment, so i will give Scripture and those that want it can go look it up for themselves.
KJV Genesis 9: 18- teaches who the sons of Noah are.
KJV Genesis 10:2-3 teaches where the Ashkenazis come into the mix. these are the slave traders NOT the enslaved. the Promised land was NOT to be occupied by Shem through bulldozing + blasting on those that have lived there for centuries. those of US that read Scripture KNOW this and have a responsibility to NOT go with the corrupted okey doke. realizing that fear of man = a soul snare. we know this 'cause THAT'S whats written.
there's much more, in the political publication written by Kings for the benefit of Kings. aka the Bible which has been whitened + perverted + remixed. yet IF you seek Him + Truth...
whoomp, there it is! lol.
seems no matter how hard folk try to bury the Truth, it just keeps popping out:) funny that...
let's speak on His Promise to His People.
2 Chronicles 7:14- If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
and it ALL belongs to US. THAT'S what's written. THAT'S what it is.
don't take my word for it. look it up:) ask Him to show you...walk/talk with Him...
KJV Genesis 15:18
18 In the same day the Sovereign made a covenant with Abram, saying Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river of Euphrates:
KJV Genesis 17:8- And I will give unto thee, and to thy seed after thee, the land wherein thou art a stranger, all the land of Canaan for an everlasting possession; and I will be their Almighty.
there are many sound asleep Blacks that have no clue who they are.
just as there are Edomites so full of misinformation they make me want to cry for them at this point in the game. just because folk believe a lie...
doesn't make it Truth.
@Anon @ 1:42am- bougie Blacks are learning there isn't much separating them from those other Blacks...
they don't likey.
it is very important they feel "special"+ the only one. these types of Blacks make for Good gatekeepers for historical enemies 'cause they tend to hate Blacks in general. starting with themselves from what i observe. what did they think would happen when the ish started hitting the fan?
go here and see the educated whites that are wide awake, somewhat, lament over all their degrees + debt that can't be bk'd. while other folk can kick it at 3 am...
this comment cracked me up:
"The real smart ones stayed home and took advantage of every government handout imaginable. Welfare, Section 8 Housing, and food stamps don't have to be paid back. However, student loans are a debt that stays with you that even bankruptcy can't wipe out."
what the enemy meant to destroy gets turned for folks' Good...
that's what's written.
@This is Now-
yep. and guess what, it won't get much better, really. you lament 50 years of violence by folk that have all cause to hate white folk. according to the math, you may want to grab a seat and holla back in 350 years.
be clear, those that allow hatred + murder to snare their souls, got it coming. no matter what color they are.
KJV Genesis 9:6- Whoso sheddeth mans blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of Almighty made he man.
arrogant folk acting like 400 years of pure uncut wickedness just gets wiped clean UN recompensed CLEARLY don't know Yah Almighty, His Word nor the fact that He is a just Yah.
like folk get to rob His People + enjoy the spoils all in our faces. tossing crumbs/table scraps + whining the whole time while doing even that, and it's all Good?
don't folk like to pretend this is a Christian nation, based on the Bible?
what gives, really? for supposed superior intellect, much just makes no sense...
but i got your back. i will post the ode/heads up to Esau/Edomites as written.
Really TIN? When was the last Blah mob to beat a white person to death? Don't worry your little heart, you're almost 9 times as likely to be killed by a fellow white than a scary negro. That should help you sleep well.
Obadiah 1:1-21
1 The vision of Obadiah. Thus saith the Sovereign Almighty concerning Edom; We have heard a rumour from the Sovereign, and an ambassador is sent among the heathen, Arise ye, and let us rise up against her in battle.
2 Behold, I have made thee small among the heathen: thou art greatly despised.
3 The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?
4 Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Sovereign.
5 If thieves came to thee, if robbers by night, (how at thou cut off!) would they not have stolen till they had enough? if the grapegatherers came to thee, would they not leave some grapes?
6 How are the things of Esau searched out! how are his hidden things sought up!
7 Al the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border; the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.
8 Shall I not in that day, saith the Sovereign, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?
9 And thy might men, O Teman, shall be dismayed, to the end that every one of the mount of Esau may be cut off by slaughter.
10 For thy violence against thy brother Yacob/Jacob shame shall cover thee, and thou shalt be cut off forever.
11 In that day that thou stoodest on the other side, in the day that the strangers carried away captive his forces, and foreigners entered into his gates, and cast lots upon Yerusalem/Jerusalem, even thou wast as one of them.
12 But thou shouldest not have looked on the day of thy brother in the day that he became a stranger; neither shouldest thou have rejoiced over the children of Yahudah/Judah in the day of their destruction; neither shouldest thou have spoken proudly in the day of distress.
13 Thou shouldest not have entered into the gate of my people in the day of their calamity; yea, thou shouldest not have looked on their affliction in the day of their calamity, nor have laid hands on their substance in the day of their calamity.
14 Neither shouldest thou have stood in the crossway, to cut off those of his that did escape; neither shouldest thou have delivered up those that did remain the day of distress.
15 For the day of the Sovereign is near upon all the heathen: as thou hast done, it shall be done unto thee: thy reward shall return upon thine own head.
16 For as ye have drunk upon my set apart mountain, so shall all the heathen drink continually, yea, they shall drink, and they shall swallow down, and they shall be as though they had not been.
17 But upon mount Sion shall be deliverance, and there shall be set apartness; and the house of Yacob/Jacob shall possess their possessions.
18 And the house of Yacob/Jacob shall be a fire, and the house of Yoseph/Joseph a flame, and the house of Esau for stubble, and they shall kindle in them, and devour them; and there shall not be any remaining of the house of Esau; for the Sovereign hath spoken it.
19 And they of the south shall possess the mount of Esau; and they of the plain the Philistines, and they shall possess the fields of Ephraim, and the fields of Samaria and Benjamin shall possess Gilead.
20 And the captivity of this host of the children of Yisrael shall possess that of the Canaanites, even unto Zarephath; and the captivity of Yerusalem/Jerusalem which is in Sepharad, shall possess the cities of the south.
21 And saviours shall come up on the mount Sion to judge the mount of Esau; and the kingdom shall be the Sovereigns.
that's what's written. it is also written that those who worship Almighty in Spirit and Truth are heirs to the promise of Abraham. KJV Galatians 3:28-29.
this is now...on many different levels:)
folk in the know already discuss how BO has brilliantly used his education to break the system. hidden in plain sight. time does not permit me to stroll through archives searching for the breakdown. if folk want to know they may seek and find it for themselves.
it is high time for americans to wake up and know that Almighty is Real. so is the enemy to our souls. the wrath is lined up already. it is Patience and Grace that is being afforded this nation/world.
Blessings all!
Please provide a link to back up that claim.
Take all the time u need. I will wait......
dear mr field, why aren't you getting more hits? i remember the days when you would be over 100 hits by now.
what did you do to drive away your 'premier' commenters? i miss them.
what ever happened to ab, and granny and cf and sharon from wi and the lawyer from oakland?
man, you got nobody now. guess that's how it goes in life. all things must come to an end, sooner or later.
our country is suffering and it looks like more suffering is to come. america needs its heart and mind and soul purified. so suffering is good for it.
Field, don't know if you have read this but an astounding 72% of Americans disapprove of Republicans.
I thought you might want to know this. Hope it makes your day.:)
Blog mistress Sandra Rose (or her commenters) is indicating that Danielle Watts and her husband may have been having sex in a vehicle when the police came upon them. Having sex IN PUBLIC is against the law even for married het couples the last I heard.
In any case, I thought that when a black woman MARRIES a white men she is "protected" from this sort of "disrespect". Assuming they were just being affectionate and not actually having sex in public.
Doesn't BWE principles say that if a black woman marries a white man that most of her troubles will vanish? As if by magic.
Susan Hunt's biracial son was shot down just like he was any old regular full black dude.
@This is Now-
yep. and guess what, it won't get much better, really. you lament 50 years of violence by folk that have all cause to hate white folk. according to the math, you may want to grab a seat and holla back in 350 years.
be clear, those that allow hatred + murder to snare their souls, got it coming. no matter what color they are.
Pretty soon it will be your turn again.
Payback is going to be a real bitch this time.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
@This is Now-
yep. and guess what, it won't get much better, really. you lament 50 years of violence by folk that have all cause to hate white folk. according to the math, you may want to grab a seat and holla back in 350 years.
be clear, those that allow hatred + murder to snare their souls, got it coming. no matter what color they are.
Pretty soon it will be your turn again.
Payback is going to be a real bitch this time.
11:35 AM
Psalm 54:1-7
1 Save me, O Almighty, by thy name, and judge me by thy strength.
2 Hear my prayer, O Almighty; give ear to the words of my mouth.
3 For strangers are risen up against me, and oppressors seek after my soul; they have not set Almighty before them. Selah.
4 Behold, Almighty is mine helper: the Sovereign is with them that uphold my soul.
5 He shall reward evil unto mine enemies: cut them off in thy truth.
6 I will freely sacrifice unto thee: I will praise thy name, O Sovereign: for it is good.
7 For he hath delivered me out o all trouble: and mine eye hath seen his desire upon mine enemies.
@FN, are you requesting a link from me? you did not specify. as indicated in initial comment, time does not permit such errands.
however, if you are keen to know, google is always available. there is a technique taught BO @ that he has executed brilliantly, in keeping with Kenyan prophecy.
don't wait for links. seek + find, if you are truly so inclined.
to my payback friend, please know, Yah Almighty has not given me a spirit of fear. but one of sound mind, Power + Love.
Blessings to all!
ps. all includes enemies, too:)
i pray Messiah will pray for my enemies, even. in Messiah's Mighty Name i pray.
Anon11:35am, give up the idea of payback and learn to forgive. Whites "know not what they do."
forgive typos. much to do...
Much Love all!
"Silence is Never Golden!"
Except when Field's hypocrisy/double standards are exposed.
Then silence is the best policy.
StillaPaanther2 said...
Still looking for an article of a contemporary hanging of a white male by a mob of Black
When i spoke of black mobs lynching whites-I'm using the 1991 and beyond definitions that the NAACP and white Democrats defined in anti-lynching state laws that were passed in the south and mid-west during the 90's.
Under those terms, all these weekly black mob attacks are considered lynching.
Which could explain why the NAACP and white Democrats have spent the last decade trying to repeal lynching laws they once demanded to be passed.
Sadly, PilotX continues to live up to the stereotypes the right has about black democrat voters.
Pilotx whines about how whites lack sympathy.
Yet pilotx shows us he has no sympathy for anyone who doesn't look like him.
Pilotx talks about the lack of diversity in the Republican party.
Yet Pilotx demands the blogs he reads have no diversity.
Pilotx wants to talk about Trayvon.
Yet pilotx dismisses black on black or black on white crime.
The racial grievance industry thrives on people like pilotx and field.
Daniele Watts is NOT married to Brian James Lucas. He is a convicted felon.
Meaning that, according to BWE principles, he is damaged beyond repair (dbr). So a white man can be dbr. Imagine that!!!!
"Now comes another story from Los Angeles where a sister was profiled and arrested for....wait for it...showing public displays of affection with her white husband"
Um no. She was detained for not showing id.
Black privilege allows for a black person not to have to worry about credibility.
They are not married? Brian Lucas is a convicted felon?
Just like Whites to find something wrong with the innocent person of color in order to free the guilty White.
"Um no. She was detained for not showing id."
Since when did cops ask for ID of a woman showing affection in public? Oh, I forgot..the woman is Black...never mind.
Actually, she was fortunate. She could have been shot numerous times until dead.
Okay, that's a pretty weird set of circumstances. A 22-year-old man wandering down the road with a samurai sword? (According to the story, the sword was blunt, but that wouldn't necessarily be readily apparent to onlookers.)
Maybe this guy was mentally handicapped or something, because that's a very odd thing to do.
None of that justifies his being shot by the cops, unless he was actually attacking them. But I'm just saying ... it's very strange behavior.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since when did cops ask for ID of a woman showing affection in public?
Since the 1990's at least.
So, just like back in South Africa during Apartheid, it is alright for the police to randomly approach you on the street and ask for your ID? Wow."The times they are a changin". :),.aspx
Hey Field check out the St. Louis chapter of NSBE and what they're doing to help the youth in Ferguson. Good read, looks like they've had a pre-college initiative for years and now are working to get businesses to relocate/stay in the community. I like to see positive smart sistas and brothas putting in work.
"Yet pilotx dismisses black on black or black on white crime."
I don't dismiss anything but they're enough sites that discuss such no need for another.
"Pilotx talks about the lack of diversity in the Republican party.
Yet Pilotx demands the blogs he reads have no diversity."
There is no diversity in the GOP and I don't demand anything. I just appreciate when I can go to a website with like minded individuals who can post about topics that concern us without being constantly bombarded with taunts about bongo parties, chimpouts, go back to Africa, racial grievance industries and talk about plantations. Trust, I belong to groups that select its members and don't allow those types and it is so much more serene. A few people here will understand and I'm shocked you don't Kinky. (Shocked face):-O
Anonymous said...
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Since when did cops ask for ID of a woman showing affection in public?
Since the 1990's at least.
2:34 PM
For a bw showing affection to her white husband, you are exactly right. I would take the timeline even further back to the Jim Crow days. Of course, you and I know that those days have returned to glorify modernity, post-modernity and post-racial era.
For all we know, the person that called the police was very likely the White ex girlfriend of the guy. And I didn't need the movie Django to tell me what a jealous white woman will do.
"None of that justifies his being shot by the cops, unless he was actually attacking them. But I'm just saying ... it's very strange behavior."
2:26 PM
That might have been strange for the young man to be carrying a blunt 'toy' sword. Yet, it's common and 'normal,' for cops to shoot bm dead.
If it is necessary to shoot a wm, they shoot to wound or tase. BM are just shot dead. Now, if we are to have a fair and equal society, that double standard by law enforcement has to end.
Cops should be accountable for killing and murdering POCS. This has to stop. People have reached their limit with corrupt law enforcement.
If I was a cop and I saw somebody coming down the street waving a Samurai sword and he didn't stop, and he didn't drop it?
Ain't NOBODY gonna wrestle a sword
form him!
If her son had mental issues which it sounds like he had, momma should had him checked out a looooooong time ago!
and if I was called to a possible lewd act in progress, and she didn't want to show me id? Boom! It's jail time kids! I don't give a shit what your color is! When I ask for something, you better give it,and give it fast!
Besides, get a f***** room allrighty? Nobody wants to see necking, fingering or whatever the sex was going on okay?!!!
I think they should at least be fined!
There are situations and there are situations. You gotta discern!
"Black privilege allows for a black person not to have to worry about credibility."
2:18 PM
My, my. An evil descendant of lawless slave masters, Jim Crow laws, KKK terrorizing, lynchings and genocidal eradication of 'Native' American Indians...has the moral audacity to talk about 'credibility'.
"So, just like back in South Africa during Apartheid, it is alright for the police to randomly approach you on the street and ask for your ID? Wow."The times they are a changin". :)"
FN, that's not what happened. Someone called the police and reported a black female and a white male were engaging in a LEWD ACT in a car with the car door open. This was enough for the police to approach the couple and ask for their ID. The white male, a convicted felon, knew what time it was and showed his ID. The black female (Daniele Watts) refused to show her ID and was briefly handcuffed. She was not arrested.
She should have been!
PR you've got to know that there are White folks who see interacial relationships as "lewd" irrespective of what the couple is doing.
As for the White woman with the mentally ill Black son, mental heath services in the US are a joke which is why prisons are filled with so many untreated mentally ill people.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
My, my. An evil descendant of lawless slave masters, Jim Crow laws, KKK terrorizing, lynchings and genocidal eradication of 'Native' American Indians...has the moral audacity to talk about 'credibility'.
I'm not a Democrat......
My descendants fought against all that.
You're welcome.....
Now dr. queen. You know nice white ladies have always been nice to you.
Wouldn't hurt y'all to show some appreciation to nice white ladies.
Nevertheless, you post about our mental health system was spot on.
The "Django Unchained" actress who claimed she was harassed and hurt by cops after making out with her boyfriend was actually having sex in her car according to witnesses ... then went on a rant with cops accusing them of racism and not knowing who she was ... according to police audio obtained by TMZ.
Daniele Watts had just left CBS studios in the San Fernando Valley around 2 PM Thursday. She says she was making out with her BF, but we've learned witnesses from the nearby Art Directors Guild office building told cops they were watching her and her BF have full-on sex in the passenger seat WITH THE DOOR OPEN!
Read more:
So she was having sex. Just one question.
You know it's bad for black women when the famous ones can't find a good white man.
Yīshēng said...
PR you've got to know that there are White folks who see interacial relationships as "lewd" irrespective of what the couple is doing.
As for the White woman with the mentally ill Black son, mental heath services in the US are a joke which is why prisons are filled with so many untreated mentally ill people.
6:17 PM
I'm thinking the original caller was one of those persons, but the cop was responding and did find them in the car, although they may or may not have still been engaging in the conduct.
The thing is that when a cop asks for identification you have to give it. She refused. Because if that's okay then might as well not even have cops, what for if they get no respect? There's a difference between wantonly shooting a young man with his hands up as Wilson did,and doing your job as a law enforcer.
And truer words were never spoken,too true, there is no mental health care any more. These are many of the homeless and it's a truly sad situation.
But if you have a guy brandishing a sword, what are you gonna do? Shoot a tranquilizer dart at him is a good idea, but sadly they haven't made those yet for these situations...We need mental health
Kinky, "I'm not a Democrat......
My descendants fought against all that.
You're welcome....."
6:26 PM
No one asked what political party you belonged to or what you fought against.
From your racist comments that have been consistent since you have been here, you revealed who you were a long time ago. And I DO thank you for letting FN know how you feel about African Americans, which is the same as slave masters Jim Crow law-makers....Democrat or Republican, you are from the same camp.
You have shown your pride in being evil, and doing evil to Blacks. "YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE." No one can change that, not even you. Only God can. But you are too evil for the Almighty.
"My descendants fought against all that.
You're welcome....."
Oh that's his gig. He thinks we owe him something. Typical white male privilege at work.
@Kinky, I got no issue with WW, if she's attractive, we get along great.
But if she's unattractive as is often the case in the medical and research world, she's mean, vindictive AND hateful. And if she's overweight, mulitply all those hateful traits by a million.
Ironically the older I get the worse the ugly WW are especially once they find out my age. Looking 15 years younger is great (Black rarely cracks) unless your working for a WW that looks 15 years older than she really is.
Right on about WW dr. queen.
I'm becoming a fan:)
"My descendants fought against all that.
You're welcome....."
Why that's mighty white of your ancestors to treat Black folks like human beings. Too bad you think they need to be thanked for that. You are one sick individual.
A lot of black women like thugs. Some months ago FP made the case on this very blog for why so many black women are attracted to thugs.
Football player Ray Rice knocked out his fiancé and guess what? She married him!!!
Chris Brown beat Rihanna to a pulp and guess what? She wanted to get back with him.
Beyoncé married a former crack dealer (Jay Z). Go figure.
Many black women (especially the yella ones, it seems) like that thug lovin.
Now it seems that some of them like goofy looking white guys too - as long they have an 'F' behind their names. F as in FELON.
Advice: Ladies, be careful about men who have been to prison.
My guess is that Brian James Lucas, the white felon boyfriend of Daniele Watts, might be working out some "down-low" issues on poor Ms. Watts.
I think he might have been "bubba's bitch", if you know what I mean, while he was incarcerated. I'm sure you've heard about black men raping white guys in prison. It's almost like a rite of passage for many white men who go to prison.
Advice: Ladies, be careful about men who have been to prison.
Wouldn't this advice be better suited on a blog of uneducated Blacks?
There's obviously not ONE degree among your examples of the "many" Black women who date men of ill repute.
"Wouldn't this advice be better suited on a blog of uneducated Blacks?"
It's hard to believe that this is a serious question.
If you've never seen or heard of an educated and/or successful black woman with a thug/felon/drug dealer husband/boyfriend/baby daddy/fuck partner then you need to get out more.
If you've never seen or heard of an educated and/or successful blackwoman with a thug/felon/drug dealer husband/boyfriend/baby daddy/fuckpartner then you need to get out more
My Doctor/sister's bridesmaids ALL have "Dr" in front of their names, except me (and I'm working on mine now ;) ).If you've never heard of THIS before, then you need together your head out of your ass and your body away from rural White America/ 'da hood, which ever your flavor.
There u go.
Why would businesses want to relocate to a town where the "citizens" burn it down and destroy it?
Your mind is fucking deluded.
"My Doctor/sister's bridesmaids ALL have "Dr" in front of their names, except me (and I'm working on mine now ;) ).If you've never heard of THIS before, then you need together your head out of your ass and your body away from rural White America/ 'da hood, which ever your flavor."
Black women are the MAJORITY of women infected with the HIV/AIDS virus in the U.S. Half of all black women in the U.S. have genital herpes. I could go on but you get the picture.
If the "advice" doesn't apply to you and your imaginary "doctor" friends then keep it moving ya stupid bitch!
The people of Ferguson lived peacefully for years before a teen was shot by the police. Why does any business locate anywhere? To make money. There is money in Ferguson so somebody will step in to get it. Grow up anon.
There is no money in feguson you moron. Most of those "peaceful" folks you speak of are lazy, useless drones on welfare. There is no great tax base to support businesses. Same thing goes for Detroit, Birmingham, east st. Louis etc etc...GET IT!?
You do owe white folks. They got you out of that shit hole africa!
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