The following article was written by a white man for the Huffington Post.
'"Watch your black ass, you little n*****!"
Captain Lee Abbott, my direct commander at Fort Stewart, GA, issued this inelegant warning to a boy crossing the street as we drove home through the small town of Hinesville in the summer of 1967. I was a young Army Lieutenant.
Captain Abbott came to regret this comment. Several weeks later I served as Defense Counsel in a Courts Martial of a black enlisted man who had gone Absent Without Leave (AWOL) from his German base. He claimed, and documented, an ugly history of racist behavior and racial slurs that drove him to abandon his unit. The panel of officers judging the case, including Captain Abbott, was barely attentive as I presented this racist experience as a matter of extenuation and mitigation, as allowed under the Uniform Code of Military Justice. My passionate defense elicited a yawn here and a smirk there. Irritated, I quoted Captain Abbott to provide inarguable evidence of racism. He was not happy. The accused soldier was found guilty - he was guilty - but no sentence was imposed. It was a small victory for justice.
This memory arose when I considered the arguments in so-called Fisher II, the affirmative action case scheduled to be argued before the United States Supreme Court on December 9th.
Fisher v. University of Texas at Austin is the highly publicized challenge of plaintiff Abigail Fisher, a white woman, who was denied admission to the University and claimed it was due to her race, thus a violation of the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The University's race-conscious admission policy was upheld in District Court, appealed to the Supreme Court in 2012, remanded, affirmed once again by the Fifth Circuit in 2014, and appealed once again by Fisher et al. The case has become the most crucial battleground for race-conscious admissions in education. A great deal is at stake for those of us who work in schools and colleges.
Among the arguments for the plaintiff are claims that race-neutral, class-based policies are sufficient remedy for unequal educational opportunity. Fully conflating poverty with race requires suspension of belief, given the events since Fisher first filed her complaint in 2008. The notion that we are living in post-racial times is absurd. Since 2008, Michelle Alexander chronicled the New Jim Crow, exposing the shameful and racist realities of our criminal justice system. The corpses in a Charleston church were not race-neutral. Tamir Rice, Freddy Gray, Michael Brown, Eric Garner... I could go on... were poor indeed, but also black and dead. Angry white men in pickup trucks did not fly their Confederate flags and wave their weapons in the faces of a poor white family celebrating a birthday in Douglassville, GA in July.
This is not an abstract argument to me or other school leaders. Many of the girls and boys of color who attend my school are relatively poor, as are some of the white children. But only children of color report being followed in stores. Only children of color have been stopped and frisked by New York City's finest. Only children of color have been tardy to school because they could not hail a taxi when the subway was down. Only children of color endure white kids adopting their language and music without understanding the experiences that accompany the culture. Only a child of color watched as her father was asked to clean up a spill in our school by a white parent who assumed he was a member of our maintenance staff (a position of greater dignity than held by the white parent, I might add).
My school recently produced a documentary film titled, I'm Not Racist... Am I? Therein, students of color and white students engage in honest, raw, often endearing dialogue about the realities of race in America. The students of color bring uncommon wisdom and courage to the conversation. This powerful experience happened only because we and others have crafted diverse school communities where a critical mass of students of color are finally heard, not left to watch from the fringes of the school. It is deeply troubling to think that crafting such a community might be seen as denying any white students of their rights.
Affirmative action is a modest and gentle tool. Lifting a few heads above the water does not drown folks like Abigail Fisher. As has been well documented, she would have been denied by University of Texas at Austin regardless of her race. She and other white students have an ocean of opportunity.
The plaintiffs and their supporters would have you believe that racial discrimination and hatred are things of the past. They regard affirmative action as "reverse racism," as though such a thing can possibly exist. Racism requires power and privilege, attributes in short supply in communities of color. As events all over America in recent years make painfully clear, racism is very much alive. We have not made progress since 2008.
Other children crossed the street too as Captain Abbott and I made our way through Hinesville that day in 1967. They were all poor. Only one boy was black, as Captain Abbott crudely noted. Sadly, I'm not sure we've made much progress since that sunny afternoon in Georgia either." [Source]
I am watching this Abigail Fisher case closely, and so should you. Because, quite frankly, there are still a lot of Captain Abbots running around today.
What if a white person just doesn't like blacks? What if we just don't like the way you look or talk or smell? What is wrong with that? What if it can't be helped!
Shouldn't we have our own space, away from you, if we want?
Shutup fagot cracker. what if we don't like the way tall smell. Yall smell like wet dogs. And yull have small little dick's. Ha ha. You alls wish you was Black like Us. Faggit cracker bicth.
Well anon @ 9:51pm there is a very very strong possibility that blah people don't like being aroung or smelling you. Why would you even make such a stupid comment? Oh that's right, your type isn't too bright.
Record murder rates in cities across the US, record black unemployment, record low black test scores, record disease rates, record illegitimacy ... and this is the shit you worry about, Feeled. 'LOL' just doesn't quite cover. Neither do a million facepalms.
I just realized tonight why you guys get so riled up by microaggressions and hurtful names - the problems in your "cum-yoon-tee" are so large, so intractable, SO embarrassing, you literally have to focus on little unimportant stuff white people do and say to you. The truth about your race can't even be faced head-on. It's too much for you to process.
So ... what will tomorrow's Big Outrage be? A black lady being asked to be quiet in the library? A black kid who gets shot while trying to murder someone? A lack of blacks on some TV show nobody watches? Tune in to find out!
@ Jenkum Pilot -
You're ALLOWED to not like me - that's your RIGHT. I respect that. I don't want your kind around me. I should have that right, too.
Uh, are you being forced to be around negroes? Is your cellmate blah? That would make sense.
I mean you can always go into solitary confinement or something right?
This is your area of expertise Field, what do think is going to happen? Another 5-4?
Blogger PilotX said...
Well anon @ 9:51pm there is a very very strong possibility that blah people don't like being aroung or smelling you. Why would you even make such a stupid comment? Oh that's right, your type isn't too bright.
10:09 PM
You would be surprised how many racist Whites talk about how Blacks smell. Actually they are saying Blacks 'stink'. It is one of the most vile insulting comments made, next to the N-word.
There is, however, a bigger surprise. Some Blacks agree with Whites. Actually, these are the ones who believe "White is right", and "Blacks get back."
Now that's what I call Stephen and Buckwheat at their best in hating black skin, or as Field says, "color arousal". Yep, Color Arousal at Blacks is not only Whites, it's Blacks as well.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
What if a white person just doesn't like blacks? What if we just don't like the way you look or talk or smell? What is wrong with that? What if it can't be helped!
Shouldn't we have our own space, away from you, if we want?
9:51 PM
What if, what if....if a buzzard had a harp in its ass, we would have music in the air. Now what if we didn't like the music? Shouldn't we have our own space away from that music, if we want?
The answer is this EARTH. There are a lot of things on the planet where we must learn to live together. Only racists to the nth degree can think otherwise.
There's always been a few. 300 years of dehumanization does tend to take a toll. It takes intelligence and strength to not believe the hype.
I'm just wondering who's forcing this person to be around "my kind". Who knew pilots were so disagreeable.
Most racists can't seem to believe they are racist. I've gotten in to some lengthy debates with conservatives who don't believe the Southern Strategy is something that happened no matter how much proof you give them. They've used things Strom Thurmond said to prove Democrats are the most racist party, when he is an an example of someone who switched to the Republican Party on the verge of the Civil Rights Act getting passed. The RNC even apologized for the Southern Strategy in 2005. People have different life experiences and someone who admits they are racist is much less offensive to me than the racists who deny reality and historical fact. They can be openly racist and not see that they are. I can't understand how they can get things so backwards, like believing the people who speak out against racism are the ones who are racists. There is definitely a strong tie between racism and stupidity.
Even members of the klan don't believe they're racists. The internet and new media have made it easier to deny reality. For example, rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity have huge audiences and they can spread misinformation, half truths and outright lies and the average Joe who won't fact check will eat it up. They have an entire network devoted to their worldview that tells them they aren't racists the blahs are the real racists. And the beat goes on.
"I can't understand how they can get things so backwards, like believing the people who speak out against racism are the ones who are racists. There is definitely a strong tie between racism and stupidity."
1:44 AM
Yeah, I hear ya. but there are Blacks who get it backwards too toward their own. Do you consider them racists against Blacks too? And if you do, do you consider them stupid too? Harriet Tubman sure did.
PX, the way you refuse to call your race by its dignified name says to me that you are racist against your own race.
what's wrong with calling someone Black blah? It's just another eff'd up name for you Negroes. One more won't hurt, esp since Santorum gave the name to us. PX has been eating it up ever since. Santorium is White, and we all know that "White is right".
Can it be that blacks are guilty until proven innocent? Perhaps this leads them to crime and murder more than other ethnic groups? or is it low impulse control caused by any number of things? Lead paint. the ghetto, no fathers, poor nutrition or perhaps an extreme case of "gibs me dat"
"Record murder rates in cities across the US, record black unemployment, record low black test scores, record disease rates, record illegitimacy "
And you have evidence for all of this, right?
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
The only reason race-based affirmative action is legitimately needed is if blacks are inferior.
If you sincerely believe in the need for AA, then you must believe blacks cannot compete.
You probably don't believe this however, just like you don't really believe that blacks are discriminated against in hiring, lending or college admissions. You know that AA is a racial spoils system that punishes whites for the benefit of everyone else, and since you are part of everyone else, AA is a great thing.
The civil rights movement was never really about rights, but about power. If it had been about rights, it would have been about removing governmental sanctions of racial discrimination. Instead, it codified racial discrimination and explicitly tasked the government with enforcing the disparate treatment of individuals based on race.
Our government has fought 'racism' by making race the most important characteristic in determining how the law is applied to individuals. One must assume it is something other than racism that they are fighting.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Can it be that blacks are guilty until proven innocent? Perhaps this leads them to crime and murder more than other ethnic groups? or is it low impulse control caused by any number of things? Lead paint. the ghetto, no fathers, poor nutrition or perhaps an extreme case of "gibs me dat"
4:04 AM
Suppressed emotions passed down from slavery. Whites abused whipped and raped bw, who were married to bm. There was no way to protect the women without losing life. Hence, Blacks had to suck it up generation after generation.
Today, Whites continue to trample on the dignity of bm, push them into emotional crisis. Then Whites like yourself accuse Blacks of low impulse control. In fact, Blacks have had to bare enormous impulse control from slavery to Jim Crow to police brutality to injustices to discrimination.
At some point, it becomes a breaking point. This has nothing to do with being Black. It has everything to do with being human. No human has been able to be last being abused and degraded forever by the same evil abusers. At some point, one has to fight for one's dignity, which the evil ones are trying to destroy.
"You probably don't believe this however, just like you don't really believe that blacks are discriminated against in hiring, lending or college admissions. You know that AA is a racial spoils system that punishes whites for the benefit of everyone else, and since you are part of everyone else, AA is a great thing."
It's YOU who doesn't believe Blacks are discriminated against in hiring, lending or college admissions. Everyone else knows America has had this peculiar racist system since birth. It is a reality.
However, it is clear you are far from reality with hatred toward Blacks to boot. Isn't that why you are commenting on FN? To degrade Blacks...to try to make them feel inferior so YOU can feel better about yourself?
It's not working. You are still the inferior wm who felt inferior in his own family because that's the way they treated you. So you have to find someone who is more vulnerable than YOU to degrade.
No matter. Whoever you attack, you are still who you are. It never seems to go away, does it? Ask your family why you were treated the way you were.
I do not believe blacks are inherently inferior and I do not believe blacks are kept down by white racism. Therefore I see race-based affirmative action as unjust.
No justice, no peace.
"Affirmative action is a modest and gentle tool."
Affirmative Action is/has been used since its' conception to give less qualified blahs and hispanics an unfair advantage over more qualified whites.
Has SCOUTS continues to move us towards a color blind society, Affirmative Action is being restricted or ruled unconstitutional.
Funny thing is, the people who claim they want a color blinded society or don't want people to be judged by the color of they skin, are the ones who are pissing and moaning the most because we are reaching they goals.
Truth is, these folks want to keep Affirmative Action in place so they 'peeps" can continue to get an unfair advantage over whitey.
What white libs and blahs fail to talk about is-
blacks commit more crimes against whites than whites commit against blahs.
Let's remember that when blahs and white libs want to talk about crime.
And i noticed you haven't mention that white lib who attacked a muslim, field.... I wonder why?
Boys and girls, it has come to my attention that some of you negroes have not being demonstrating an appropriate level of deference to our esteemed guests.
Take for instance little Jimmy Bold. Clearly you people are not paying sufficient attention to his genius and unparalleled success. So I've decided to right this wrong by summarising his posts that you have so shamefully ignored.
Now pay attention:
1. Jimmy has a very big house. Anybody who says he hasn't is a pussy.
2. Jimmy's house is worth more than $500,000. Anybody who says it isn't is a pussy.
3. Jimmy thinks it's a good idea for us to post $100k of our hard--earned money with some alleged lawyer we've never heard of in Las Vegas, just to prove a point about a house we don't care about. Anybody who thinks that's the stupidest dumb-fuck idea that have ever heard in their lives is a pussy.
4. Anybody who thinks Jimmy actually lives in a trailer park is a pussy.
5. Anybody who thinks that Jimmy is desperately insecure is a pussy.
6. Anybody thinks that Jimmy is compensating for something (if you know what I mean) is a pussy.
7. Anybody who thinks Jimmy is a pussy is a pussy.
8. Anybody who thinks Jimmy has a pussy is a pussy.
The Purple Cow said...
is a pussy.
is a pussy.
is a pussy.
is a pussy.
is a pussy.
is a pussy.
Anybody who thinks Jimmy is a pussy is a pussy.
Anybody who thinks Jimmy has a pussy is a pussy.
2:41 PM
Would that be a pussy as in a kitten or would that be a pussy as in a woman's vagina?
White male Affirmative Action is/has been used since its' conception to give less qualified white males an unfair advantage over more qualified blahs.
Truth is, these folks want to keep white male Affirmative Action in place so they 'peeps" can continue to get an unfair advantage over blackie.
Jimmy thinks it's a good idea for us to post $100k of our hard--earned money with some alleged lawyer we've never heard of in Las Vegas, just to prove a point about a house we don't care about. Anybody who thinks that's the stupidest dumb-fuck idea that have ever heard in their lives is a pussy.
Yeah, that sounds like old Smelly is one dumb fuck. He is either a teenager with no girlfriend or an extremely dumb adult with no girlfriend. Wanna bet me $100,000 which one it is? Anyone?
"Would that be a pussy as in a kitten or would that be a pussy as in a woman's vagina?"
Dunno, ask Jimmy, it's his word.
Affirmative Action is/has been used since its' conception to give less qualified blahs/hispanics an unfair advantage over more qualified whites.
Truth is, these folks want to keep Affirmative Action in place so they 'peeps" can continue to get an unfair advantage over whitey.
"there are still a lot of Captain Abbots running around today."
Do what now? So, is this author contending that the woman should be denied education because of her race, because there are still "Captain Abbots" in America?
I mean, when somebody ignorantly claims that, "Racism requires power and privilege," thus intentionally redefining the word on the fly to mean that only white people can be "racist" in their narrative, I think it's safe to assume where they stand: To the fringe-side of sanity.
The biggest difference between guys like this and guys like Captain Abbot: At least you know for sure where Abbot stands (assuming this guy is telling the truth). Others mask their bigotry as social justice and pretend that they get to define what a thing actually is and the rest of us are just too stupid to spot it, or part of the problem for correcting it.
And, not for nothing, but since this guy strikes me as a Rachel Dozenal without the blackface, is there any actual evidence on the books that this Captain Abbot thing actually happened, or are we just to believe his claim because it fits the narrative he's seeking to create? I mean, hell, he's painting himself as a strident warrior for justice. Again, not for nothing, but that story is awfully convenient for his narrative here. Like finding a noose on the porch. Twice. Not keeping it, not reporting it, not showing it to anyone, but bringing it up to speak about how, one day, you experienced X are thus an expert on Y.
Beengauzee hearings are vewy vewy interesting. Maybe one day they will come to an end, that is if they aren't political.
Oh, noes! The tears are deafening!
"But only children of color report being followed in stores."
Bullshit. Apparently this guy believes his haughty city location is the center of the universe, and the poor black part, the proverbial other side of the tracks, is the only place like it around. Poor white kids from the mountain hollers, trailer parks, skid row, etc, are also followed around stores. But what do smug motherfuckers like this pansy say when those white people come forward? "You're not a victim! You're privileged. Try being black! It happens to blacks more!" And other ways to play the Biggest Victim game.
"Only children of color have been stopped and frisked by New York City's finest."
Demonstrable nonsense! Thousands upon thousands of thousands of whites, Latinos, blacks and Asians have been stopped by stop-and-frisk, to the point you can find literally dozens of studies on the result. All races! This fucker is outright lying, which explains why Field likes the piece.
"Only children of color have been tardy to school because they could not hail a taxi when the subway was down."
Evidence? The "I can't hail a cab 'cause I'm black" seems a meme. I see the claim, but where is the supporting evidence that "children of color" can't hail taxis and that a white person has never had that issue? And to the extent it is studied, you better believe they only try it one way, as not to unintentionally crush the meme.
"Only children of color endure white kids adopting their language and music without understanding the experiences that accompany the culture."
This stupidity with this fucking groveling sack-lick is almost too much to bear!
1) Hip-hop/rap/urban culture is popular! Holy fucking shit. The fact these things are popular--basketball, hip-hop, urban life, etc, etc--is strong evidence against this white-America-is-racist meme, you fucking stunad.
2) WTF does "adopting" mean? What you're implying, in your SJW speak, is "appropriating," you double-talking shit sack. And apparently if a black person is responsible in any way for the creation of something, it is thus black ONLY and no one else is allowed to enjoy it.
3) "without understanding the experiences that accompany the culture." So you're blatantly saying that all black people are exactly the same! All black cultures are exactly the same! All black experiences are exactly the same! And you call Captain Abbot a racist? Holy shit, you can't make this shit up.
"Only a child of color watched as her father was asked to clean up a spill in our school by a white parent who assumed he was a member of our maintenance staff (a position of greater dignity than held by the white parent, I might add)."
Assuming this is true (evidence this guy has provided for over a dozen claims: 0), so fucking what? One person mistakes the identity of one person, and you want to extrapolate this to be all white people misidentifying and thinking ill of all black people. Ridiculous. And to add more smugness to it, you make sure to insult the one person who did this, throwing in their race to boot.
The struggle to become an American victim!
Anonymous @ 2:04 AM
I would say yes. But some people who are prejudice against their own race do have a type of original thought process that goes against the grain. I think the smart ones have Asperger's Syndrome where they are smart about some things and stupid about others.
I was just trying to teach the little pickaninny some road safety basics, something his good-for-nothing parents had obviously neglected.
Rush Limbaugh has been trying to create an American victim for years.
Anti-racist = Anti-white
Um yeah, I'm racist against my own race. Damn, anon discovered my secret. At least my klan membership is still a secret. (Doh).
Whuteemoos need their own galaxy.
If we were to have our own galaxy blahs would be the first ones to cry racism and demand we share our galaxy with them. If we didn't share, blahs would be even poorer and die out.
"If we were to have our own galaxy blahs would be the first ones to cry racism and demand we share our galaxy with them"
Nope. It's all yours.
So all whites are racist? Interesting.
field negro said...
"If we were to have our own galaxy blahs would be the first ones to cry racism and demand we share our galaxy with them"
Nope. It's all yours.
Why do blacks always follow whites and want to live in their neighborhoods?
Why do blacks do anything they can to live in white countries?
If whites are such evil racists, why don't other people flee them instead of demanding whites take them in?
JOSH--"Evidence? The "I can't hail a cab 'cause I'm black" seems a meme".
Dear Josh, what do you mean by "meme"? Seriously.
Not all blahs follow whites or want to live around them. It goes both ways. Whites vacation and buy property in countries of color all the time. People go different places for different reasons not all because of the color of the government in charge. Only racists keep track of such things.
BTW for the record, not all whites are racists. Take for example Whitey's Conspiracy, Another Bozo, Doug ect. I think they would get along with the blahs quite well. Then let's think about James Bold and others like him.
Anon 8:27pm, thanks for asking the question. Meme......is used a lot on FN. In fact, it's used so much even a Webster's Dictionary like me is confused.
Don't worry. Josh is a skillful user of words. He will clarify its meaning. But some of these Negroes use it in every sentence so much it has lost its true meaning.
Where does Field find people like PX and PC? Of course, We all know where Dr Queen comes from...and it ain't earth.
"Why do blacks always follow whites and want to live in their neighborhoods?"
My white neighbors moved next to me. Just sayin. :)
Nice folks, though.
"BTW for the record, not all whites are racists. Take for example Whitey's Conspiracy, Another Bozo, Doug ect. I think they would get along with the blahs quite well."
I agree.
Blogger PilotX said...
BTW for the record, not all whites are racists. Take for example Whitey's Conspiracy, Another Bozo, Doug ect. I think they would get along with the blahs quite well. Then let's think about James Bold and others like him.
8:31 PM
don't overestimate them. this is our problem, overestimating white folks. if you haven't noticed none of them have commented about Blacks and Whites living together. I know for a fact that there are NO BLACKS in Whitey's neighborhood.
As a matter of fact, there are NO BLACKS living in Field's neighborhood. So there.
PX, what's your excuse for Field? Make it a good one.
PilotX said...
Not all blahs follow whites or want to live around them. It goes both ways.
Well of course not all blacks want to live around white people. But to the larger point, we are told constantly how horribly racist whites are, yet non-whites climb razor wire fences and cross oceans on rafts to get into white countries. To what black countries are millions of whites trying to move to?
Here in America, the government thinks majority white neighborhoods are a problem that needs to be fixed by relocating inner-city blacks who do not want to live in majority black neighborhoods. Are there really millions of whites wanting to move into majority black neighborhoods?
"As a matter of fact, there are NO BLACKS living in Field's neighborhood."
Not sure of the numbers, only racists with an agenda keep track of such. Whites move to Belieze, Panama, Jamaica, Antigua, Senegal and many others. I don't know about millions of whites but there are many moving into DC, Harlem, neighborhoods in Chicago ect. It's called gentrification. Been happeneing for decades. I know it's hard to believe whites would do such but yes it is happening and once again not all whites are racists so why continue with this idea?
Um, isn't Field a blah man? I met him and he was the same color I am and I'm pretty sure I'm a blah man. So there is that. His wife lives there too.
PilotX said...
I don't know about millions of whites but there are many moving into DC, Harlem, neighborhoods in Chicago ect. It's called gentrification
Whites moving into black neighborhoods "gentrify" them. (Example Harlem)
Blacks moving into white neighborhoods "ghettoize" them. (Example Ferguson).
Funny that.
Not exactly the same thing, huh?
Blogger PilotX said...
Um, isn't Field a blah man? I met him and he was the same color I am and I'm pretty sure I'm a blah man. So there is that. His wife lives there too.
9:05 PM
There are blah men, and there are Black men. Field is a blah man who, like Whites, don't want to live in a black neighborhood. And he doesn't...do you understand? Obviously not. Otherwise, you would have answered the question.
Or maybe the question was too hard for you?
If we were to have our own galaxy whites would be the first ones to cry racism and demand we share our galaxy with them. If we didn't share, whites would be even poorer and die out.
White male Affirmative Action is/has been used since its' conception to give less qualified white males an unfair advantage over more qualified blahs.
There you go again.
Truth is, these folks want to keep white male Affirmative Action in place so they 'peeps" can continue to get an unfair advantage over blackie.
There you go again.
Blacks moving into white neighborhoods "gentrify" them.
Whitess moving into Black neighborhoods "ghettoize" them.
Or maybe the answer was too hard for you?
"Dear Josh, what do you mean by "meme"? Seriously."
In my context, I'm not talking necessarily about a funny photo with a caption online. I mean an idea or a behavior that penetrates through a culture and is adopted as a given, even when it has never happened to you.
I.e. Johnny, an average black guy, never before tried to hail a cab, yet tells Jason, his white friend, "I can't get a cab...'cause I'm black" without trying, knowing or showing. Just using the meme that has spread; e.g. "black people can't hail cabs."
A meme, in essence, is a stereotype that the group otherwise maligned by the generalization decides to use for its "positive" purposes, rather than it being a stereotype. Though they're the same in essence. A stereotype has truth in it, that's why you don't hear a stereotype about all those Irish who can't hold their liquor, or those Italians that hate pasta. A meme also contains some truth. Sure, hailing taxis by certain people, to no avail, usually in or to rough places but not necessarily, is something that does happen. But rather than it being considered a negative stereotype, i.e. "black men abandon their kids," which many black folks rightfully get angry at and reject, a meme, "black folks can't hail taxis," is one that's embraced and used willingly to promote the idea of a systemically racist America and an oppressed black race that's judged superficially.
Is it really true? Can black people not hail taxis with the same rate of success as white people? Try as I might, the only "studies" I'm able to find online are mostly rigged from the jump to use confirmation bias. In other words, they have black people going "undercover" and trying to hail cabs. Sometimes unsuccessfully, as the cab drives on. But they typically don't include white people. In the only "study" I could find that actually used white people as well, one cab driver, out of 40 found, agreed to take a white passenger where he would not take the black passenger. One out of forty.
Most cab drivers in the big cities certainly aren't white. They're typically foreigners with brown skin of some type, ethnic and racial minorities. Though the issue has always been presented as one of "white people fear the black man." It's a meme now.
Field negro you are such a coon. "Smiley face bc your neighbors are white". You are a house negro.
Field negro you are such a coon. "Smiley face bc your neighbors are white". You are a house negro.
Yeah, Casie Priest, have you also noticed Field's brother who does not speak of Field living in an "all-White" neighborhood away from Blacks.
You see, we have folks in our race who have double standards. One for other Blacks and one for themselves. They really don't give a damn about their own race, they just like to pretend and manipulate the black race on blogs like FN.
Please notice Field has about 7 Negroes who cover for him here: PilotX, Purple Cow, Lilac, Yisheng, and a several two-faced anons. These folks are not to be trusted.
Digital Blackface Alert!
In 70 comments (granted, a handful are mine), why aren't more people questioning this guy? Why aren't more folks pointing out his lies and then questioning if a liar lied once, why wouldn't they lie more?
Here's what I thought: Racism was bad. It needs to be snuffed out. It's not right to treat people differently based on skin tone. It's nasty stuff that doesn't belong in society.
I was wrong.
Here's what I've found out: Racism is needed, to the point it will be outright created or have claims from demonstrable liars go unquestioned, so long as someone gets to say "that's racist!"
My own fault for being that gullible, of course; I'll own it. But I truly did think that people wanted racism to be done with. I had no idea that folks would go to such lengths to invent it.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah........
This is what everyone sees when Josh posts.
But you see it, don't you, troll? In fact, you come looking for it. You can't stop yourself. You seek out everything I do, as if I have influence in your life
I'm your daddy, bitch.
And you respond to me everytime. Seems like you're MY bitch bitch.
I respond. Sure. To you? How the fuck can anybody but you know that it's you? You change your name, like a scared little bitch, every single time you leave a response here. No doubt you're a regular member with a regular name. But you show up as part of the anon crew, and then type in random dumb shit in place of a name.
Go get me a beer, son. And don't forget to say hi to your mother.
And what is it with you supposedly intelligent people who just steal the Pee-Wee Herman style of debate and say the exact shit back to me that I just said to y'all? I would think someone who changes his name 40 times a week would be more creative. Guess not. And me expecting you to be creative is probably unfairly racist and just culturally biased. What is the equivalent of you getting 230 free SAT points here?
I guess I need to give you a five-comment mulligan for fairness.
See? I OWN YOU BITCH!!!!!!!!!! Get used to it.
$50 says Josh's dumb ass just HAS to respond with some more stupid shit. Just watch! And he still thinks he's smart. What a fucking moron. I guess his mommy told him he was smart or something.
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