But still, there are always interesting stories for us to consider.
Like the followiing, for instance.
Should the authorities have kicked this Muslim family off the plane?
Should a white co-worker get five years in prison for putting a confederate flag image on her black co-worker's desk?
Finally, should the black lives matter (BLM) protesters been allowed to protest at the Mall Of America?
Have a happy holiday field hands.
I hope everyone is having a happy holiday. And i hope happiness and success follows you into the new year. I know there are many out there who think hope is futile. Hope is for for fools. After 7 years under a oppressive Kenyan, Marxist, Socialist Muslim regime, who can blame Americans for thinking that way?
Just keep hope alive. By this time next year, American voters will have elected Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump will make America strong again. Donald J. Trump will make sure everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Anonymous Yisheng said...
@8:23, I've actually been saying it since 1978
And it has taking you this long? Gee, you're dumb.
But rest assured Donald J. Trump will help you achieve what you couldn't achieve in 37 years-college graduation. Donald J. Trump will do more to help blacks like you than the first whooteemulatto president has ever done.
Why? Because Donald J. Trump loves everyone.
Homeland Security denied some members of the Muslim family to board the plane, but did not explain why except to deny religion was the reason. We as citizens either support Homeland Security to do their job or don't. I do.
I found the sentence excessive for the coworker placing a confederate flag on a co-worker's desk. Being an ass, especially in a non-violent way shouldn't be a legal crime. I can name many times co-workers or my employees were very mean to each other. None were prosecuted legally. Being fired would be an appropriate punishment, jail no.
BLM is a hateful group who doesn't care who they hurt: people's livelihoods, workers trying to make a living to pay the rent, people trying to get home for the holidays. With each new imposition on working people, BLM alienate more and more Americans. Protest sure and I respect the right to protest. It is a right of all Americans. I don't, however, respect that these BLM idiots who protest Illegally on private property or potentially compromise the security of travelers with their antics.
Quote: The Right Has No Brain
"Just keep hope alive. By this time next year, American voters will have elected Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump will make America strong again. Donald J. Trump will make sure everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year."
At this stage in 2012 Rick Santorum was leading the polls. At this stage in 2008 Rudy Guiliani was so far ahead, Fox News were calling the election over.
You people never learn, do you?
"Homeland Security denied some members of the Muslim family to board the plane, but did not explain why except to deny religion was the reason."
My best guess: Some clueless, spotty-faced kid, straight out of a low-to-middling American college, noticed that one of this family had a name that was somewhat similar to someone on a watch list - so panicked and banned the family. I hope he or she refunds the £9000 the family are out of pocket.
The FieldNegro said...
Should the authorities have kicked this Muslim family off the plane?
Funny how trump is mentioned yet President Obama isn't.
Must be nice for Obama that his media will blame trump for what he does.
five years in prison for putting a confederate flag image on her black co-worker's desk?
In California murder without a gun from a vehicle draws a minimum 15 year sentence.
5 years for a printed flag?
Finally, should the black lives matter (BLM) protesters been allowed to protest at the Mall Of America?
There must be a good reason BLM thought protesting and interfering with private businesses was more effective than protesting the dumbocrat ruling class.
I wonder why BLM is scared to protest their elected dumbocrat officials.
The Purple Cow said...
You people never learn, do you?
Not even is a learner.
40 More Years: How the Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation
And it only took a couple more years for historic losses for the dumbocrat party.
"Should the authorities have kicked this Muslim family off the plane?"
Yes, but they should have waited until they were halfway across the Atlantic.
"Should a white co-worker get five years in prison for putting a confederate flag image on her black co-worker's desk?"
Yes, as the sooner white people get the message about what their government has in store for them, the sooner they will get off their dumb asses and start hanging communists.
"Finally, should the black lives matter (BLM) protesters been allowed to protest at the Mall Of America?"
Yes, Americans should be allowed to protest anywhere, and the owners of the Mall of America should be allowed to decide what is acceptable behavior on their premises, and employ security personnel to beat said protesters about the head and neck with nightsticks before tossing them off the property.
The Purple Cow said...
You people never learn, do you?
In 2014, Fivethirtyeight and the rest of the liberal media was asking''What wave election?''
I want to know more about why those families were barred from entering the U.S. Better be good because if not the Brits might start messing around with 'merican citizens.
The woman got 5 years for lying to a federal agent not for placing the flag. That's the one advantage that the feds have over local cops, you can lie to cops all day long with no consequence. That's one reason city detectives think they're so much better than feds because they have to deal with lies and b.s. the feds don't.
BLM is exercising their First Amendment rights to assemble and speak. If we can get wrapped around the edges about the Second Amendment we have to show the same respect to the First. Way to go young people.
"In 2014, Fivethirtyeight and the rest of the liberal media was asking''What wave election?''
Or in 2012 Romney in a landslide?
*knocking inside the suitcase* are we there yet? :)
In reply to post questioning why BLM were not protesting "dumbocrats," weird how the trolling brigade has forgotten BLM's mission seeks to hold all candidates accountable for enacting specific economic and social policies.
Majority of protests have been assembled at democratic campaign events, as BLM is absolutely on point about upcoming elections not turning into another business as usual.
Candidates vying for democrat nominations, in particular, are being targeted to ensure it's less likely they will take the urban vote for granted.
"By this time next year, American voters will have elected Donald J. Trump. Donald J. Trump will make America strong again. Donald J. Trump will make sure everyone has a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year."
As a blogger I would be ecstatic. I would dedicate entire posts to his hair.
"it only took a couple more years for historic losses for the dumbocrat party."
Romney by a landslide.
Wait, did I say his hair? I meant that thing on his head, whatever it is.
Happy Holidays to Mr. & Mrs. Field. And for those of you observing the season - Christmas, Hanukka and Kwanzaa - extending greetings and blessings to you and your loved ones as well.
Finally, warmest appreciation to agnostics and nonbelievers, as we can all embody the spirit of a good heart that seeks to enlighten and elevate humankind. That the good will of the season still fosters joy and peace of mind ~ FAITH~
"In 2014, Fivethirtyeight and the rest of the liberal media was asking''What wave election?''
Well if they did - and I haven't seen it - that was a very good question.
Still traveling in a suitcase, Lila?? Do hope yoga is one of your many talents, my dear. Otherwise, poor Santa will miss out on the holiday baked cookies :-)
@10:40, I know you're slow and kinda retarded. But this is a NEW thread and the time it took you to clap back with something "clever" proves you're one barely educated, jealous whooteemoo.
Well so far I've got an Apple Watch, some rum, a bottle of fine Bordeaux (that's what it says on the label anyway), a book on the history of cricket, and a cafetiere.
More news as I get them.
Cool, PC. I want an Apple watch, but ain't willing to pay $700 for the one I want! My 45 year old Rolex will have to do for now.
field negro said...
"it only took a couple more years for historic losses for the dumbocrat party."
Romney by a landslide.
Typical family will save $2500
One of those statements was a prediction, one was an intentional lie.
No surprise you focus on the prediction.
Carville: Democrats Will Rule Washington for 40 Years
Another prediction that failed to happen.
40 years turned into 2 years when dumbocrats started losing their majorities.
Trump can not win! He can not win the general election. I hope my fellow Republicans will vote for the nominee who will NOT be Trump.
Romney lost in 2012 because Republicans didn't turn up to vote. If they had, we would not have had the President who brought us Obamacare, ISIS, and our very depressed, slow economy for the last 7 years.
Hillary is a disgrace, a lying, self-enriching, crooked politician and she WILL win if Republicans are petulant children and don't vote because their preferred candidate, Trump, doesn't get nominated.
"My 45 year old Rolex will have to do for now."
I've got a 1979 Rolex Submariner 1600 series. It runs slow - Rolex took it away for six weeks and told me it will cost £1000 plus v.a.t. to fix it. So my new Apple Watch and ageing Suunto will have to do for mow.
The FieldNegro said....
Should the authorities have kicked this Muslim family off the plane?
Only if you believe the Obama administration has a duty to keep America safe.
Considering how badly the Obama administration failed at vetting the San Bernardino's wife he better start trying harder.
Obama already lost the 40 year majority his party won.
A DHS source tells CBS News that one of the brothers was refused entry into Israel two years ago, and his teenage son's Facebook account has links to terrorist websites.
At least your party did some fundraising off of Trump denying the family access to America.
I hear ya on the cost to maintain the Rolex! My last cleaning for the watch was $250 in Manhattan. I suspect my next one will be more as that was 3 years ago. The current Apple watch will likely be obsolete by the time I get the next Rolex cleaning, however.
The Department of Homeland Security has begun preparing for a series of raids that would target for deportation hundreds of families who have flocked to the United States since the start of last year, according to people familiar with the operation.
The raids could become a flash point on the 2016 campaign trail, where GOP presidential contenders, including front-runner Donald Trump, have made calls for stricter border control a central issue.
It appears trump is forcing Obama's hand.
Although announcing raids in advance isn't the smartest idea. At least Obama is trying now.
"I hear ya on the cost to maintain the Rolex! My last cleaning for the watch was $250 in Manhattan. I suspect my next one will be more as that was 3 years ago. The current Apple watch will likely be obsolete by the time I get the next Rolex cleaning, however."
Oh I got burned getting mine serviced when I lived in Amsterdam. I took it to the main Rolex dealer on Muntplein, and they charged €275 to clean and service the thing. It didn't keep very good time so I took it back about a year later, they said "Well what do you expect? It's a Rolex, they don;t keep very good time." But anyway they cleaned and serviced it again and charged me another €275.
It still wasn't running right, so I took it to another Rolex horlogier on Utrechtsestraat. I told them my sad story, when I went back a week later they had fixed my watch - but they told me the watch had;t been cleaned or serviced for "at least ten years."
You got hosed, as we say in the US! I have taken mine to a little shop near Grand Central for three decades and the owner does a wonderful job. My Rolex is still running great after three years.
All I have is a sundial that I made myself. I have to guess what time it is at night.
Timm, LOL. Rolex watches are like wives or husbands. They are a commitment for life!
"Should the authorities have kicked this Muslim family off the plane?"
It's impossible to say, since we don't know why the U.S. suddenly denied their visas. But this situation exemplifies exactly the objections civil libertarians have with the No-Fly List:
*The family was not notified that their visa was going to be revoked. They showed up at the airport ready to travel, only make that discovery, with their kids crying because their vacation was now cancelled, and with no refunds for 11 international round-trip tickets (and these are not rich people we're talking about, who can easily afford that loss).
*When they demanded to know why this had happened, they were furnished with no explanation for why they had been banned from travel. Our State Department basically flipped them the bird and said they don't have to explain this.
*If they were banned in error, there is no real mechanism for them to appeal this.
In short, this is a completely opaque, accountability-free process -- which guarantees a lot of injustices will occur.
"Should a white co-worker get five years in prison for putting a confederate flag image on her black co-worker's desk?"
No, although she should definitely get fired, which she undoubtedly will be.
The cops were called to determine whether this behavior constituted any kind of threat to her coworker. (It likely wasn't a threat, just offensive as hell, given that she appears to have been taunting her coworker about the Dylan Roof shooting.) When questioned, the woman lied her ass off.
My understanding is that the theoretical five-year sentence isn't for leaving the nasty note, but for lying to the investigators when questioned. What's that old saying? It's not the crime; it's the cover-up ... Anyway, she probably won't get anything like five years in any event. This story is overblown.
"Finally, should the black lives matter (BLM) protesters been allowed to protest at the Mall Of America?"
Allowed to disrupt businesses? No. There is no right of protesters to invade private property to which they're not invited, or to disrupt businesses. The 1st Amendment doesn't grant the right to do those things. If they continue protesting in that fashion, they'll probably start getting jailed a lot more often.
I dunno, maybe that's their plan. Maybe this is some civil disobedience that is supposed to make people feel compassion and support for their cause when these young folks wind up behind bars.
But I question whether it will really work that way. It seems to me that these "disrupting" tactics aren't likely to garner sympathy. I think they will make a lot of people think BLM are assholes, and therefore infer that the cause for which they are protesting is an unworthy cause, by association with the asshole protesters.
It all looks pretty counterproductive to me, but I guess we'll all just have to see how that works out.
Counterproductive is an understatement.
Blogger field negro said...
Wait, did I say his hair? I meant that thing on his head, whatever it is.
2:56 PM
Brother Field, I am concerned how you are attacking Trump on your blog for no good reason. As a bm, aren't you afraid Trump might read your insults at him and come after you?
Believe me, you don't want to piss Trump off. Besides, you are Black and you'll make hard for all of us. FYI, we folks don't want any trouble. In fact, we want to be on the good side of the Donald.
So please, knock off the bullshit. Thanks Brother, and Merry Xmas.
That you Tay Tay? How is that clinic thing working out for you?
Brother Field, at times I am amazed at the questions you come up with. They are so creative and very few brothers can manage to think so straight. In my life as a bm I have seen many dumb Negroes but you are not one of them.
You are to be congratulated. I now understand why you live in the white section of Philly. It's obvious that you think like a wm, which is to say you are open-minded and generous and have a good soul.
Happy a very Merry Jamaican Xmas and I pray that your wife like the present you bought her.
On Xmas Day, go see the Hateful Eight with Samuel Jackson. Like DJango, the bm blows away wm. Anyway, it's guaranteed to be a thriller.
It's a good ole American six-gun shoot'em up. Everybody in America loves those kinds of blood and guts violent movies.
I bet this movie takes in millions! Whites will be standing in line to see it. Even Bill will stand in line for this one!
They say Sam Jackson favors UTS in this flick. And the wm who Jackson shoots looks like FN Bold.
Should be a good flick. I can't wait to see it.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
Still traveling in a suitcase, Lila?? Do hope yoga is one of your many talents, my dear. Otherwise, poor Santa will miss out on the holiday baked cookies :-)
3:08 PM
Hahaha! Actually I do practice yoga Faith,have all my life.
But not to worry, I always make sure my Santa gets his goodies ;)
Field, best cricket catches of 2015. Worth 45 seconds of your time.
Wishing everyone blessed and happy holidays!
Always a treat bantering with you, Lila: Glad long-life yoga activities came in handy, especially after "traveling for hours in a suitcase" :-) May you, your Special Santa and loved ones enjoy a blessed, healthy and fun-filled Christmas.
Happy Kwanzaa!
"Happy Kwanzaa!"
What? What's that mean?
What? What's that mean?
It's like Robert E. Lee day for racist assholes like you, Josh and James not so Bold.
Faith_and_Fairness said...
Always a treat bantering with you, Lila: Glad long-life yoga activities came in handy, especially after "traveling for hours in a suitcase" :-) May you, your Special Santa and loved ones enjoy a blessed, healthy and fun-filled Christmas.
1:04 PM
Thank you, and my Special Santa and I wish you and yours blessings from above and much joy today and always.
Nobody ever comments on my comments. That puts my job at risk. Somebody please comment on my post to Field. I REALLY need this job with Anon Inc.
Hillary got Bernie Sanders banned from using the DNC voter database after one of Sanders' staffers accessed files saved by Hillary's campaign. This is a big deal, because this data is essential to the candidate's voter targeting efforts. The staffer, Josh Uretsky, who took advantage of the "bug" in the software that allowed the Sanders campaign to view Clinton's files was recommended by the DNC.
"It's not as if we conjured this guy Josh from thin air. This is an individual... who was recommended to us by the DNC and NGP VAN," the adviser said.
According to the adviser, one of the references that Uretsky gave when he applied to work with the campaign was the DNC's National Data Director Andrew Brown, who works closely with the shared voter file program.
The DNC has declined to comment.
Would anyone put it past Clinton to plant data on Sanders?
Anonymous said...
Happy Kwanzaa!
Kwanzaa, celebrated exclusively by white liberals, is a fake holiday invented in 1966 by black radical/FBI stooge Ron Everett -- aka Dr. Maulana Karenga, founder of United Slaves, the violent nationalist rival to the Black Panthers. In the annals of the American '60s, Karenga was the Father Gapon, stooge of the czarist police.
In what was ultimately a foolish gambit, during the madness of the '60s, the FBI encouraged the most extreme black nationalist organizations in order to discredit and split the left. The more preposterous the group, the better. By that criterion, Karenga's United Slaves was perfect.
Despite modern perceptions that blend all the black activists of the '60s, the Black Panthers did not hate whites. Although some of their most high-profile leaders were drug dealers and murderers, they did not seek armed revolution.
Those were the precepts of Karenga's United Slaves. The United Slaves were proto-fascists, walking around in dashikis, gunning down Black Panthers and adopting invented "African" names.
And hasn't that been a huge help to the black community?
It's as if David Duke invented a holiday called "Anglika," which he based on the philosophy of "Mein Kampf" -- and clueless public school teachers began celebrating the made-up, racist holiday.
Whether Karenga was a willing FBI dupe, or just a dupe, remains unclear.
We do know the FBI fueled the bloody rivalry between the Panthers and United Slaves. In one barbarous outburst, Karenga's United Slaves shot two Black Panthers to death on the UCLA campus: Al "Bunchy" Carter and John Huggins. Karenga himself served time, a useful stepping-stone for his current position as a black studies professor at California State University at Long Beach.
Karenga's invented holiday is a nutty blend of schmaltzy '60s rhetoric, black racism and Marxism. The seven principles of Kwanzaa are the very same seven principles of the Symbionese Liberation Army, another invention of the Worst Generation.
Kwanzaa praises collectivism in every possible area of life -- economics, work, personality, even litter removal. ("Kuumba: Everyone should strive to improve the community and make it more beautiful.") It takes a village to raise a police snitch. When Karenga was asked to distinguish Kawaida, the philosophy underlying Kwanzaa, from "classical Marxism," he essentially said that, under Kawaida, we also hate whites.
While taking the "best of early Chinese and Cuban socialism" -- excluding, one hopes, mass murder, forced abortions, imprisonment of homosexuals and forced labor -- Karenga said Kawaida practitioners believe one's racial identity "determines life conditions, life chances and self-understanding."
Kwanzaa was the result of a '60s psychosis grafted onto the black community with the tacit encouragement of the FBI. Liberals have become so mesmerized by multicultural gibberish that they have forgotten the real history of Kwanzaa and Karenga's United Slaves -- the violence, the Marxism, the insanity.
Only white liberals take Kwanzaa seriously. American Blacks celebrate Christmas. (Merry Christmas, fellow Christians!)
Charlie Brown Kwanzaa:
nobody ever comments on my posts. this is discrimination by Blacks against a bm, and Whites against a bm.
you fn folks are heartless. it's the holidays and i'm being treated like shit. anon inc has put me on probation because of this.
Well, as to the flag, we all know the ways of the West at this point in our lives. It's damn near 2016; let's stop pretending this is anything but the truth. So, everyone, repeat after me: World Ends, Black People Most Affected.
You do something that's construed as racist or demonstrably racist? You're the worst type of motherfucker in the history of planet earth. Worse than someone who shoots a baby point-blank in the face because they're racists trying to "kill dey kidz too." lol That shit doesn't happen! That shit doesn't exist! It's impossible for anyone to do anything racist unless it's a white person. The definition of racism (apparently) is "all things white people do that non-whites disagree with."
5 years - that's all? Cook this fucking racist! Know your place, white people! You were born privileged with the money fairy just granting you a good, perfect, painless, lucrative life, all because you were born white. Know your place, check your privilege, and don't stir the pot! If you make a scene, you should be executed - full stop.
"5 years - that's all? Cook this fucking racist! Know your place, white people! You were born privileged with the money fairy just granting you a good, perfect, painless, lucrative life, all because you were born white. Know your place, check your privilege, and don't stir the pot! If you make a scene, you should be executed - full stop."
Harsh - but fair...
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