One thing is for sure, we will hear declarations by all the candidates that will have us scratching our heads. Why? Well let's just say that the leaders of the GOP race for president have been known to stretch the truth a little bit.
"In a recent New York Times article, statistics from PolitiFact are conveniently organized to help us visualize two things that are already well known: First, that reality has a liberal bias. And second, that the more bullshit GOP candidates spew, the more successful they become.
OK, so we know that GOP politricksters lie, but all politicians lie. So this is nothing new. What's scary is what they lie about these days, and how often they get away with it. It's gotten so bad that the press doesn't even bother to report about the lies anymore. (Dog bites man. Nothing to see here folks; move along.)
Let's see what happens after tomorrow night.
Finally, congrats to Serena for winning the SI Sportsperson of the Year award. I think that it was well deserved.
As a 4.0 tennis player who understands how difficult the game is, let me say for the record that what Serena Williams did this year on the tennis court at her age was incredible.
I must confess that I admire Serena even more because I know much she is hated by certain folks in the majority population. They have hated her for years, and she has been the greatest female tennis player in the world for everyone of those years. That, to me, is just awesome.
Excelling in spite of the hateration. That's true field Negro behavior as far as I am concerned.
So now, today, she is being compared to a horse for top honors for Sportsperson of the Year. (P.E.R.S.O.N.)

@hellresidentNY I can't believe someone at @latimes thought it was a good idea to pit a black woman against a horse for "Sportsperson."

@latimes We’ve changed the headline and photo on this story to treat it with greater sensitivity. Thank you for your feedback.
PolitiFact is a partisan hack site with zero credibility.
What's scary is what they lie about these days, and how often they get away with it. It's gotten so bad that the press doesn't even bother to report about the lies anymore.
Thank you, Mr. Negro, for yet another column calling my opponents liars.
Not a smidgen of corruption here:
Remember Bryan Pagliano? He’s the senior Hillary Clinton IT guy who worked for her at State, and on her home server. When Pagliano was called to testify before the Benghazi committee he “took the fifth.” The latest Pagliano-related issue is that his State Department emails seem to have disappeared. Well not all of them are missing, just the ones written during Ms. Clinton’s tenure at Foggy Bottom.
Politico is reporting that State Dept. officials told the Senate Judiciary Committee in a recent closed-door meeting that they could not locate what’s known as a “.pst file” for Pagliano’s work during Clinton’s tenure, which would have included copies of the tech expert’s emails, according to a letter Chairman Chuck Grassley sent to Secretary of State John Kerry (embedded below).
Incidentally, Pagliano has invoked the fifth amendment to avoid testifying to Congress.
Learn something new every day. Now it's racist to picture a black person alongside a horse and to ask which did better in sports. lol
Jetpack: Check
Fuel: Check
Clear flight path: Check
Off to Mars I go...
Fuck this planet. We're doomed by sissies to devolve into rodents.
Hillary is debating on the weekend, Saturday, again, when no one is watching, again. She is a lying, .001%er, self enriching politician. How ironic you support her.
Yup, Trump and Cruz, the biggest a-holes in the Republican field, are now ranked one and two for the nomination.
The GOP is well on the way to destroying itself.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"The GOP is well on the way to destroying itself."
If your enemy gives you advice, it usually is not with your best interests in mind.
Viva Cruz!
Viva Trump!
No doubt Cruz and Trump will lose the election for us if either are nominated. I have no doubt Rubio will be our nominee, a young Hispanic, and he will likely pick a women as his VP.
I know Hillary, who made millions and millions off her and her husband's political connections, is a better candidate in the Dem eyes.
Alternative conservative media allows the gop boys to say anything they want and their supporters will believe it. Gotta take the good with the bad in today's modern media culture.
Didn't know you played tennis. Have to hit a few with ya.
"No doubt Cruz and Trump will lose the election for us if either are nominated. I have no doubt Rubio will be our nominee, a young Hispanic, and he will likely pick a women as his VP."
The party establishment are free to try for Rubio, but I doubt the Trump brigade will be having that. Rubio is insufficiently racist for them, an erstwhile fan of "amnesty."
I will be watching with great amusement when GOP leaders install Rubio, and the bigots all take their ball and go home. Or vote Trump as a third-party candidate. The elephant party ripping itself to pieces is going to be the most exciting entertainment event of 2016.
How do you feel about the multi-millionaire, lying, self-enriching Hillary, say-anything-to get elected, Hillary Clinton, Ministry of Truth?
The FieldNegro said...
What's scary is what they lie about these days, and how often they get away with it.
It seems like just a couple years ago when Obama owned the PolitiFact's Lie of the Year: 'If you like your health care plan, you can keep it'
I don't remember you writing much about that lie.
Serena for winning the SI Sportsperson of the Year award.
I'm so old school I believe a person should win sportsperson of the year award, not a horse. Even if the horse does self-identify as a human.
Serena ,deserves the title.
Yeah, she isn't the "normal" looking female, but she kicked ass in her sport! Good for her!
The FieldNegro said...
shame on the Los Angeles Times for their offensive cover featuring Serena and a horse
The pattern continues.
Shocking how often the liberal media used to get away with this stuff before social media.
PilotX said...
"Alternative conservative media allows the gop boys to say anything they want and their supporters will believe it. "
Because this definitely isn't the case with liberals and the mainstream liberal media.
"Because this definitely isn't the case with liberals and the mainstream liberal media."
Sure, I can agree with this but I don't agree that the mainstream media is liberal. That's a part of what the alternative conservative media wants them to believe so they will only depend on "conservative" media to the exclusion of all other sources. Thus the vicious circle and the belief in lies.
If you don't recognize the mainstream media reports the news with a significant liberal bias, you are a progressive or ain't too bright.
"If you don't recognize the mainstream media reports the news with a significant liberal bias, you are a progressive or ain't too bright."
Or you're just a right wing tool that wants facts to support their point of view.
PilotX said...
"Because this definitely isn't the case with liberals and the mainstream liberal media."
Sure, I can agree with this but I don't agree that the mainstream media is liberal. That's a part of what the alternative conservative media wants them to believe so they will only depend on "conservative" media to the exclusion of all other sources.
If the mainstream media wasn't liberal, there would be no need for an alternative conservative media.
That there is no need for an alternative liberal media should tell you something.
I didn't know a horse had a chance in hell to win Sports Person of the Year until Serena won the position. Wow, that says a lot about who she is: Powerful, strong, animal-like, beyond human, unbeatable.
Of course, with those qualities Whites can't help but see her as less than. What!? Let's get it straight: if you FN Negroes are still hoping Whites will see you as their equal when you keep doing not humanly possible things, then it's YOU, not Whites that seeing it wrong.
Never forget: This is America where white privilege and white supremacy reigns. and don't you forget it, Field.
Having said all that, you do have a nice blog for a brother.
BTW, what do you think about that white as snow Irish guy who knocked out that brother from Brazil in 13 seconds? Whites are getting stronger and Negroes are getting weaker. That's scary.
Horses are good athletes.
"If the mainstream media wasn't liberal, there would be no need for an alternative conservative media.
That there is no need for an alternative liberal media should tell you something."
Huh? This argument makes no sense, well to a normal thinking human. The mainstream media is neither liberal nor conservative but corporate. What sells goes on the air thus 24/7 Trump. Your second assertion is also incorrect, there is a TON of liberal alternative media. Do I even have to waste time listing them? Wow, you MUST be a conservative, you aren't even trying to seem intelligent.
"If the mainstream media wasn't liberal, there would be no need for an alternative conservative media.
That there is no need for an alternative liberal media should tell you something."
Think of it this way, conservatives need to create their own little world. Bill Maher calls it the "conservative bubble" that you obviously live in. Facts cannot penetrate this bubble.
Serena might be a great tennis player but she will never top Billie Jean King. Just look at the facts. Please no emotional Negro facts.
PilotX said...
"Bill Maher calls it the "conservative bubble" that you obviously live in."
I will try one more time: Liberals don't need to create their own bubble, they already live in one. Liberalism pervades all media, both news and entertainment. You don't need an alternative, because yours is the ideology of power. The fact that you quote Bill Maher unironically says a lot: Maher is a twisted little progressive who despises Christian whites. He is given a forum on HBO to preach hate and ridicule of half the country, yet he is seen as "mainstream".
So who should be trusted, the media that serves power and the status quo, or the media that risks societal ostracism and economic exclusion to present an alternative opinion?
"Liberalism pervades all media, both news and entertainment."
False. What you are doing is called working the refs. You accuse all media of having a liberal bias so they will go out of their way to prove they aren't biased. This has been working. Take a look at shows such as Meet the Press or any other Sunday talk show and compare the number of conservative guests as opposed to liberal. The numbers slant very much in favor of the conservatives. This was put on display during the 2008 Presidential elections in which Sarah Palin who was by all accounts unprepared and just a bad candidate attacked the media for her own shortcomings. She even labled it the "lamestream media" and conservatives lapped it up.
Now, if the media were liberal why do we never hear about the Progressive Caucus' budget proposals but hear the conservative proposals ad nausium? How about Bernie Sander's economic and environmental proposals? Not a peep but 24/7 Trump. Wanna know why? Because they are boring and don't sell ads. That's not a liberal bias, that's a profit bias.
"So who should be trusted, the media that serves power and the status quo, or the media that risks societal ostracism and economic exclusion to present an alternative opinion?"
The alternative media is useful and has both pros and cons which I stated in my first post. But recall by definition conservatism protects the status quo. Also I made a point a few days ago about the need for alternative media in the blah community as often our interests and news go unreported. Trust me, I'm no fan of traditional media but there is a point when alternative media can go too far and from what I'm seeing conservative media is going way too far to create its own reality and the mainstream media isn't helping any. The mainstream media is complicit in the right wing extremism and they should be ashamed of themselves.
Here is a prime example. How much airplay did this get as compared to the gop candidates?
PilotX said...
"How about Bernie Sander's economic and environmental proposals?"
The corporate, liberal mainstream media has decided that Hillary will be next President. Don't blame me.
PilotX said...
"The alternative media is useful and has both pros and cons which I stated in my first post. But recall by definition conservatism protects the status quo"
Then, since the status quo is a crony capitalist, liberal-progressive Diversitopia, you must be a conservative.
"Horses are good athletes."
Horses and oxen provided the muscle to build America. Whites provided the brains. Africans provided some of the manual dexterity... and have been more or less useless since John Rust invented the first practical mechanical cotton picker. Africans-in-America are obsolete farm equipment.
"How about Bernie Sander's economic and environmental proposals?"
His economic proposals have been tried and failed miserably, and his so-called "environmental" proposals start with shutting down the only energy sources which actually accomplish the things he says we must do. The man is either an idiot or a wholly-owned subsidiary of special interests opposed to most everything he claims to represent. Take him, find all his backers, and shoot the lot of them. The country may finally be safe from them.
Nothing exemplifies this more than Sanders' demand for "respect" for Muslims. Muslims are opposed to everything America stands for, and especially Left concepts like feminism and religious pluralism. Muslims do not belong here, and neither does Sanders. Send him back whence his ancestors came, and let the goyim they oppressed exact their solution upon him.
This is a tough comment to make in regards to Sister Serena Williams. I too played tennis in the 70s. Fresh out the Army going to NCCU, I- as well as many others used tennis as a status symbol. In retrospect we wanted to be the next Arthur Ashe. Got pretty good at it but finding partners were not in the cards. These times were before people started specializing in one sport.
Getting back to Serena, I wonder why she feels compelled to show her body. If she wants to display her body, there are plenty avenues for that. Young girls need to see their heroes for what they are. Constantly showing your body over-shadows your tennis abilities. These poses are provocative and she is surely not the first to use her body promote herself.
Now that females are in all jobs in the military- how long before the first female gets "Soldier of The Year" and she presents herself in a provocative pose. That pose will take away from her accomplishment as a killing machine. Plus Sis is getting older and its time to put your clothes on and leave something for wonderment. Now this is my thoughts and of course I want my people to get away from the "body" and get into the mind. Maybe they felt she disrespected herself and now she is fair game. I will await the dressing down.
"Sure I read what you wrote. Basically: SPEND, motherfuckers, SPEND! Spend NOW, while the spending is good! Debt doesn't matter. Debt isn't anything but money you owe yourselves, so SPEND, you magnificent bastards, SPEND! "
This is entirely correct. The American government is not spending remotely enough.
Government debt IS largely money it owes itself.
I repeat the American government has;t balanced the budget since 1835. The economy has done rather well during that time, doncha think?
The UK government has not balanced it's books for 350 years.Things have gone rather well this last 350 years.
Economies function at their best when the government runs a deficit. If a government balances its books, where does the extra money come from? From the people and organisations that pay taxes. So if a government is better off the people must by definition be worse off. REMEMBER: ONE PERSON'S DEBT IS ANOTHER PERSON'S ASSET."
Look at this graph, government debt and private wealth are almost an exact mirror of each other. If your government balances its books, it will be almost impossible for you to balance yours.
Remember also, all cash is government debt. Every dollar bill in your wallet is an IOU from your government. If there was no government debt and no personal debt, there would be no cash.
Tell me again which one is Serena and which one is the horse? I can understand blahs being outraged because they know most wouldn't be able to tell the difference.
I'm glad FN likes her because some in the majority don't. I guess FN has to find reasons to look past her poor sportsmanship and lies about being mugged.
PolitiFact???? First, that reality has a liberal bias???
Noting Politifact does is based in reality. Instead they base their facts on opinions and liberal spin.
I'll give you two quick examples-
Barnie Sanders claimed half of black workers make less than $15.60 an hour.
That is a lie. Politifact found more than half of the black work force makes over $15.50 an hour.
So what does Politifact call this lie? Mostly true. How does Politifact call a lie "mostly true"?
Hannity claims that the U.S. accepting 250,000 refugees. Politifact called that statement "Pants on fire".
Except what Hannity said is true.
So Politifact is left to do what the left does, lie, spin and pretend Hannity meant something different than what he said.
Got more examples if you like..
Nice to see pilotx is good at building straw men.
Sad things like Obama receiving the most positive press coverage of any president in history, JournoList and Rathergate destroys your straw men.
The Purple Cow said...
"This is entirely correct. The American government is not spending remotely enough.
Government debt IS largely money it owes itself."
Purple Cow reveals his own and the left's economic ignorance in one stunningly stupid comment.
The United States, Israel, Turkey and Saudi Arabia are all supporting and using ISIS, a milieu which is just a re-badged Al Qaeda in Iraq, for various and differing reasons.
If the American government didn’t want ISIS to be in business, they wouldn’t be.
SAP I don't think there's anything wrong with your comments about Serena.
I personally think she's the best female athlete in history of athletics. The fact that she excelled in a sport typically unwelcoming to Blacks, is a testimony to her upbringing, work ethic, and dominance.
One last comment if Serena and her sister were White, they would have been "America's Darlings" for the next 100 years with the endorsements to boot!
If Serena didn't look like a gorilla, she'd have had a better shot at being "America's Darling". Steroids come with a price.
Yisheng said...
The fact that she excelled in a sport typically unwelcoming to Blacks
What? How is tennis is not welcoming to blacks?
ALL Los Angeles schools (900 campuses) closed due to bomb threat.
The local news saying a connection to the San Bernardino shooting.
Thankfully, all the Obama supporters have their kids in private schools so this won;t affect donations.
Yisheng said...
One last comment if Serena and her sister were White, they would have been "America's Darlings" for the next 100 years with the endorsements to boot!
Because they gots no endorsements because they blah. No one considers them "America's Darlings'' cause they blah. One last comment, gee you're dumb.
PilotX said...
Here is a prime example. How much airplay did this get as compared to the gop candidates?
Even the comments point out the scene is staged.
Also the point is once again made, Muslims are not a race.
Aww damn Bill REALLY, LOL??
That's Bill @10:46.
Quote Anonymous
"Purple Cow reveals his own and the left's economic ignorance in one stunningly stupid comment."
Anonymous reveals his own and the right's economic ignorance by failing to provide anything like a counter-argument and running away like a fucking wimp, leaving us just their one stunningly stupid comment.
If someone said "gravity is a social construct" it would be a waste of time to provide a counterargument.
Same with "debt is an imaginary thing" comments by Krugbots.
You're an idiot. But we knew that.
Susan Rice: Bergdahl Served With 'Honor and Distinction'
Bowe Bergdahl to Face Court-Martial on Desertion Charges
Funny how dumbocrats believed he served with honor and distinction.
If i can speak on behalf of all mixed-raced whooteemoos, yisheng's hateful,racist postings does not represent us or the way we think.
Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.----Winston Churchill
"If someone said "gravity is a social construct" it would be a waste of time to provide a counterargument.
Same with "debt is an imaginary thing" comments by Krugbots."
Nope, he still hasn't worked it out.
"If i can speak on behalf of all mixed-raced whooteemoos, yisheng's hateful,racist postings does not represent us or the way we think."
Here, here. I'm part whootiemoo (on my father's side) and I actually kind of like white people. It's whootiemoolattoes like Yisheng that give us a bad name.
There's a difference between being a liar and someone making a liar out of you.
President Obama made a deal with the insurance companies. They welched on the deal. President Obama didn't lie - the insurance companies did. But you can't make a deal with the devil and that's what American health insurance companies are - the devil incorporated.
So President Obama owned it. The bottom line is - many people are insured who weren't before - and a lot of people who swore up and down that the ACA was going to be the ruin of America have lived to eat those words - and sign up for it when they couldn't get healthcare otherwise.
Obamacare isn't the slur it once was. The media is very careful to call it the Affordable Care Act now because they hate having anything positive associated with President Obama. They only call it Obamacare when they have to because Republicans.
lol :)
Some of my best friends are whootiemoolattoes. They are not angry and racist like yisheng.
ThatDeborahGirl said...
There's a difference between being a liar and someone making a liar out of you.
President Obama made a deal with the insurance companies. They welched on the deal.
Really?? What day was this deal made?? What day did the insurance companies welch on the deal??? Please provide us with links.
Take your time...
ThatDeborahGirl said...
President Obama made a deal with the insurance companies. They welched on the deal. President Obama didn't lie - the insurance companies did
Idiotic negro folklore.
How did the insurance companies renege on complying with the law? Wouldn't Obama be able to enforce any such provisions?
Obama dindu nuffin!
And the reason you don't hear so much bitching about Obamacare anymore is because the implementation for most Americans has been pushed out (deceitfully) until after the 2016 election.
Obama and the democrats told the biggest lies in American history over and over to get their hands on our healthcare dollars. Their party is going to fry for this once this Obamanation finally kicks in.
The Purple Cow said...
Ha! Hoorah for the American education system!
Of course the story Cow linked too was fake:
Liberal bubble dwellers like Purple Cow will believe anything that reinforces their bigotries.
@Deborah girl, interesting point that rational thinking people already knew. That righties don't understand, is not surprising
@AfroAssnon you may want to loosen the lace front of that thirsty ass fro you're rocking before you're headache gets worse.
Judge acquits Chicago police commander of abuse charge despite DNA evidence
Imagine the reaction if Texas kept clearing all their officers.
No doubt FieldNegro could find something to write about if rethugs could be blamed.
Yisheng said...
@Deborah girl, interesting point that rational thinking people already knew. That righties don't understand, is not surprising
What don't righties understand?
Another police shooting. And then the cops lies about it.
I wonder if this is going to make CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC or ABC news.
Wherever the LAPD's located, expect anything on whatever. Serena's lucky she wasn't baked in her chair. Consider the source of all this intolerance/hatred, one just brushes off the shoulders. Congratulations Serena!!
"I repeat the American government has;t balanced the budget since 1835..."
Quite the difference in being indebted to some citizens and a few foreign semi-powers as the nation is in its earlier goings, and in working that number up into the trillions upon trillions of dollars, a lot of which is foreign debt. And even assuming every single penny is money we "owed ourselves," it's just magical fairy dust. Hell, it's not even dust; dust has physical properties. This is magical space ether. This is money that only has value primarily because government says it does and we haven't been completely downgraded yet on a world stage.
By your logic, an irresponsible fraudulent person is doing fucking great when they first start the credit card application circuit. Hell, they got 3 Capital One cards, a Walmart card, $500 from Target, cards from Credit One, Surge, Orchard Bank, etc. Big-pimpin' style, thousands of dollars. And after the first five months, doing great, papi! It's only a little debt. What could go wrong?
I'm not sure about you, PC. I know we feel differently about one another. You have stated that you legitimately hate me (lmfao), while I've said before that IRL you're probably a good dude, good family guy, good at your job, etc. But I sure as fuck hope that it's your wife handling your bills and not you! Holy fucking shit. I can just imagine.
Not for nothing, but that's also how a lot of people lost their homes in '08. Obviously many were taken by those fucking crooks in the government-banking hybrid system (the same system you want to SPEND EVEN MORE!) but many folks thought, "Ah, it's just debt. What's the worst that can happen?"
You also refuse to factor the single-most important point into your Marxist gold rush analysis: It's still the American government about which we're speaking. You know, the motherfuckers that have already spent literally trillions of dollars on anti-poverty measures, and as a result we have more people with their hands out than ever before. That bunch of morons who have funded Medicaid/care to the tune of trillions and still it's collapsing under its own weight. Those dolts whose bright idea about everything they spend is to build a committee to oversee the committee that's answerable to the committee of the committee the initial committee formed, thus creating an impenetrable shield of bureaucracy around every fucking thing.
You refuse to take into account that this government we have in America cannot spend money correctly to begin with. But, sure, spend MORE! You act like another infusion via a 10-trillion stimulus is just going to make everything better. lol Please stay in the UK. Please.
I have personal skin in the game. I'm in the tax bracket that simply pays in; I don't get a rebate check like the vast majority of Americans. I'm self-employed, without weekly withholdings. I pay in quarterly. They already take over 40% of what I make. Damn near fucking half of what I earn is siphoned away from me and ends up going to pointless fucking wars, failing education, and whore-ass, can't-even-pick-a-guy-to-fuck-who-has-a-part-time-job bastard baby factories. Fuck you and fuck everyone else in the eye with a rusted fork who wants this inept government taking more of my money and spending more money and running this economy further in the crapper.
Serena is the tennis player, right?
Josh, please tell me you you don't seriously believe that government budgets and household budgets are the same thing?
I know you like to come over as dumb sometimes as part of your schtick, but not even you can be that clueless.
Josh said...
Fuck you and fuck everyone else in the eye
I wonder if the people keeping Josh under constant supervision are wearing white coats or sitting in unmarked cars.
Evading the point again, I see.
Whatever you need to do, dude, do it. I ain't mad at ya.
I see Bill most be one of those who get a fat tax check refund every year, probably a couple K for dependents too. If you don't know the frustrations of having nearly half of everything you fucking earn by working your ass off just flat-out taken from you, and to watch that money do nothing but support bullshit like wars and bastard baby factories, while some motherfuckers cannot even be bothered to finish middle-school while I'm grinding my ass off to get ahead in life -- kiss my ass.
When the vast majority of people say shit like, "My tax dollars hard at work" or "My taxes pay your salary," they're full of shit. They get back at least what they put in, oftentimes more because government has been forever playing fathers to children with big incentives to breed. People on my side of the aisle are the ones whose dollars are hijacked. And I'm happy I'm under 100k. That would put me on enemy level, and it wouldn't be long before that 100k only nets 30k, if they're lucky.
And all these morons who think shit will get better will watch as another ten million baby mamas become wards of the state and another ten million just give up on working and live their lives sucking up welfare, and how those bastards brought up without education or a work ethic just follow in the government-dependent footsteps. And in another 50 years, when my two-year-old nephew has unruly kids of his own, we'll have people from across the pond spouting their nonsense even still. "Aight, in'it? Jus spend more, bruv!"
@Bill, thing only thing crazier than a looney like Jing-a-ling is constantly communicating with him.
I just can't figure out why ignoring this fool is so damn hard.
Of course the story Cow linked too was fake:
Liberal bubble dwellers like Purple Cow will believe anything that reinforces their bigotries.
Ha! Leftist and their sheeple minds.
Mr Ed, u might want to work on your material. I am sure that seemed funny in your head before u actually wrote it.
Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, I feel that Obama, ValJar, and Hillary just aren't being straight with me:
EXCLUSIVE: An intelligence community review has re-affirmed that two classified emails were indeed “top secret” when they hit Hillary Clinton’s unsecured personal server despite a challenge to that designation by the State Department, according to two sources familiar with the review.
The sources described the dispute over whether the two emails were classified at the highest level as a “settled matter.”
The sources, who were not authorized to speak on the record, told Fox News that while the emails were indeed "top secret" when they hit Clinton's server, one of them remains “top secret” to this day -- and must be handled at the highest security level. The second email is still considered classified but at the lower "secret" level because more information is publicly available about the event.
The State Department is doing La Hillary's bidding in challenging this finding -- but it's the agencies that originated the information that get to make that call, and the information originated at the CIA and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and apparently they're not going along with Hilary's 360 Degree Deception
Bill, what is it about black penis that you love so much?
Wow, I didn't know that Yisheng is a half-breed. Explains a lot.
Amerikkka 2015: Even top corporate positions are filled on an Affirmative Action basis. As usual, such obsequiousness generates not gratitude but further demands:
Sam’s Club Black Female CEO Rosalind Brewer Demands Fewer White Male Supplier Representatives
Sam’s Club black, female CEO Rosalind Brewer told CNN’s Poppy Harlow that she recently met with a supplier whose executive team was comprised of all white males.
“Just today we met with a supplier and the entire other side of the table was all Caucasian males,” she told Harlow who asked her what she said to them.
“I decided not to talk about it directly with his folks in the room because there were actually no female, like, levels down [sic; she actually talks like this],” she said. “I’m gonna place a call to him.”
She also said she uses her position to “nudge,” Sam’s Clubs partners and suppliers to hire more minorities and women for the top spots.
That is, she insists that other companies deny positions to some who deserve them unless they belong to politically favored special interest groups that she herself belongs to. The opportunities for career advancement for hated white males at Sam’s Clubs are likely to be limited.
Racism IS alive and well in Amerikkka.
Rosalind Brewer, proving that all Progressives are natural born racists. And sexists.
Also proving that progressives aren't against "racism' or sexism, they are against whites and males.
Anonymous Carbon in Cyanide said...
Wow, I didn't know that Yisheng was such a beautiful and smart multiracial Black woman. Explains a lot of why I stalk her relentlessly.
There ya' go boy.
If one of these crazy dudes under the guise of "president" initiates a Draft, please make sure, American Government, you send horses in place of every African eligible for "drafting." They'll be able to gallop through the bombs and traps one might find in war and won't ever have to worry about rape. Thank God for American Pharoah. In time of war send the Horses in lieu of the Negro. We're too busy dying right here. Shine up those manes and tails and you can be reminded of your women during duty.
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