First, congrats to the Mexican Navy for capturing El Chapo. (That's him above in better days.) I must admit that I never thought that they would take this guy alive.
Word is that they owe this capture to US intelligence operations. I am quite sure that if our friend Donald trump was our president he would take credit for his apprehension.
Then late last night here in Philly some lunatic tried to execute a police officer in the name of Islam. (Save the "It's Always Sunni In Philadelphia" jokes, please.)
The Poor cop is lucky to be alive. Dude just runs up to him and starts blasting. The cop gets shot 3 times, and gets out of his patrol car and returns fire.
The shooter's mother says that he had some mental issues. He used a stolen police officer's weapon (irony alert) to do the shooting, so background checks would not have prevented him from getting his hands on this particular weapon.
I am not going to make excuses for his depraved behavior like certain folks like to do when we have situations like this. The mental issue he had is that he is a depraved lunatic who probably should not have been on the street.
Up in New York some poor teacher was fired for wanting her students to know the truth about something that actually happened for fear that it would "rile up black students".
But this is a part of a larger pattern in this country where those on the right and other like minded individuals would like us to rewrite history.
Educators and education journalists also brought attention to “Playing History: Slave Trade” — a video game that was sold as an educational resources about slavery, but that actually allowed players to stack slaves on top of each other like Tetris. Screenshots of the video game were retweeted many times on Twitter, and the criticism eventually led the CEO of the company that made the video game to address the controversy.
Still, there has been substantial backlash from conservatives who want to present U.S. history with fewer references to the civil rights movement, discrimination, slavery, and violence against Native Americans. After the College Board changed its AP history standards to include more information on slavery and Native Americans, the RNC said the standards “emphasizes negative aspects of our nation’s history while omitting or minimizing positive aspects” and advocated for Congress to stop funding the College Board. Conservative legislators began pushing legislation to prohibit spending on AP U.S. history courses, and eventually the College Board caved to the pressure — agreeing to add specific mentions of the Founding Fathers and use the term “American exceptionalism.”'
And did you hear the one about the man from North Dakota who drove all the way to Washington to kidnap the Obama's dog, Bo?
"An officer responding to a tip from the Secret Service tracked down Stockert at the downtown D.C. hotel. He admitted that he had a shotgun and a rifle in his pickup truck, both unloaded, along with ammunition for the weapons, according to a police report.
It's illegal to possess unregistered firearms in D.C.
The report said police also found a machete and a billy club."
At first I was a little concerned for the first dog, but then I read this:
"When he was arrested, the police report said, Stockert claimed that his parents were John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe and that he came to the capital to announce his campaign for president and advocate for a $99 per month healthcare plan."
This dude is clearly crazy. But I wish him luck with his campaign for president. He can't be any crazier than some of the candidates already in the race.
Take for instance Donald trump, he was telling his brown shirts to throw a protestor out in the cold last night and take his jacket.
"Republican front-runner Donald Trump directed security to kick out Bernie Sanders supporters from his Vermont rally and to confiscate their coats.
"Throw them out into the cold," Trump ordered security, as protesters shouted "Bernie! Bernie!" during his rally Thursday night in Burlington, Vt."
Yeah I would probably vote for the wannabe kidnapper over the trump dude.
LePage, talking about Maine's heroin epidemic, described out-of-state drug dealers as "guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty" and said "half the time they impregnate a young white girl before they leave."
LePage, who's white, didn't describe the races of the drug dealers on Wednesday during a town meeting in Bridgton, and a spokesman said Thursday he wasn't making a comment about race.
But moderate Republican and LePage critic Lance Dutson, who called attention to the remark, said the governor was playing to people's racial fears.
"This is one of the most blatantly racist statements he's ever made," said Dutson, a former CEO of the conservative Maine Heritage Policy Center who helped create the GOP group Get Right Maine to combat extremism. "One of the things that's offensive about it is that it's reminiscent of this fearmongering in American history that people would like to think is long gone." [Source]
If true, what does this say about the "young white girls" in Maine? Maybe he should be lecturing their parents and not D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty. (Where did he get these names?) I am going to ask the one person I know in Maine how this guy was even elected in the first place.
*Pic from
Whatever LePage’s faults are, he “calls ’em how he sees ’em”. You can't fault that, if what he says is true.
I remember reading a while back that LePage paid for a Jamacian young man's undergrad and post grad education and treats him like a son. Can't remember the details, however.
Finally, I'm glad the policeman survived. It was a miracle after looking at the video footage of the attack. And, by the way, no background checks or Obama EOs would have prevented this crime.
"I am not going to make excuses for his depraved behavior like certain folks like to do when we have situations like this. The mental issue he had is that he is a depraved lunatic who probably should not have been on the street."
See, there I've got to disagree with you. I am assuming that you're making some kind of reference to this narrative that white people make excuses about being crazy when they commit a mass killing.
The problem with this is that they often aren't "excuses." Some white folks are genuinely crazy, and really shouldn't be held accountable for their actions. Ditto, some black folks, Latino folks, Asian folks ... Severe and violent mental illness is a real thing, and it is a common factor in random or mass shootings. It isn't just some made-up, phony cop-out.
The family of this black guy who just shot a cop are saying he's got mental problems. Our justice system shouldn't automatically accept that claim at face value -- legal insanity defenses have to be proven -- but it shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, either. Just saying.
(I don't think anyone would dispute that the guy trying to steal the Obamas' dog is totally off his rocker. Straight to the rubber room with that dude.)
I am going to ask the one person I know in Maine how this guy was even elected in the first place.
Paul LePage is an unbelievable jackass. I blame a guy named Eliot Cutler for LePage's having won two elections. Cutler has no chance to win himself, yet he keeps running as an independent and splitting the Democrat vote between himself and the actual Dem candidate, which has let LePage the circus freak get into office.
LePage won in 2010 with 38.1% of the vote and in 2014 with 48.2% of the vote. Facing a single Democratic candidate, he'd have gotten creamed at least once, and probably both, times.
Someone needs to take Eliot Cutler out back of the woodshed and beat the snot out of him.
"Whatever LePage’s faults are, he 'calls ’em how he sees ’em'. You can't fault that, if what he says is true."
It isn't true. It's a racist fantasy and LePage is an embarrassing joke.
Maine's about 95% white. If some of the white folks in his state are getting hooked on heroin, it's not because black thugs showed up and forced them to stick needles in their arms (while also forcing loads of white chicks to have their babies).
How dumb do you have to be to blame nonexistent black people for local social problems? LePage might as well blame space aliens.
Good Brotha Field,
You know there are hundreds of brothers, driving over 300 miles to sell heroin to the white people of Maine!!!. Never mind they would stick out like a sore thumb!! And never mind the fact that the overwhelming majority of Heroin users/abusers/sellers are white!!! But of course, the typical white republican believes that!!.. Now all we need is some Boot-licking Black Republican to co-sign what he said!!!!..LMAO
Clearly, the reason they're getting so many drug dealers up in Maine is that everyone has heard about how the white girls up there are.
Fuck white people
No, fuck black people, asshole.
Whites are using heroin much more than blacks, especially young, middle class whites who got hooked on oxy and other painkillers via scripts from their physicians for pain. Those pills are expensive so they look for a cheaper opiate alternative to feed the addiction. Viola Heroin.
I watched a documentary on the HBO recently about young, white people hooked on the drug in Cape Cod. So sad. It must be a terribly difficult addiction to break.
The Ministry of Truth said...
How dumb do you have to be to blame nonexistent black people for local social problems? LePage might as well blame space aliens.
7:05 PM
How do these people get elected??? I mean, they are so friggin out of touch with the reality that surrounds them!!! Who's running the country???
Dear Mr Field, I hate to throw this Muslim thing in your face, considering you are 'pro' Muslim, but one of Philly's finest was attacked and shot several times. When the attacker was questioned the Muslim said he did it in the name of Allah. Now, I don't know about you, but this really makes me nervous when Muslims start killing our police because the cops don't follow the rules of their religion.
Anyway, it's on video where you can see the viciousness of the Muslim who shot the cop several times.
The FieldNegro said...
Up in New York some poor teacher was fired for wanting her students to know the truth
The pattern continues.
out-of-state drug dealers as "guys with the name D-Money, Smoothie, Shifty"
The in-state drug dealers have names like Michael, Teddy, Bobby, etc.
Paul LePage May Face Impeachment This Year
Rick Snyder should be next
How Michigan literally poisoned an entire city to save a few bucks
"How do these people get elected??? I mean, they are so friggin out of touch with the reality that surrounds them!!! Who's running the country???"
Paul LePage is the wingnut to end all wingnuts, and possibly the worst state governor in America. Which is really saying something, in a country that also includes awful, incompetent fools like Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Kansas Governor Sam Brownback, both of whom are systematically destroying their states.
LePage has held meetings with loony "sovereign citizens," much like Ammon Bundy and his fellow clowns, who are holed up at that park in Oregon, and has suggested overthrowing the government by force is a perfectly sensible idea.
He has tried to send public funds to religious schools.
He has advocated bringing back child labor.
He has tried to undermine workers' ability to file unemployment claims when laid off. And he has, ludicrously, claimed 47% of the state's able-bodied residents don't work.
He has tossed artwork out of the Maine Department of Labor building, because it depicts labor unions, which he hates.
He has hired all of his unqualified, idiot relatives to go work in the state government.
He has joked about killing a political cartoonist who drew mean things about him, and also about blowing up a hostile newspaper.
He has called the IRS "the Gestapo."
He has refused to attend MLK Day events and told the NAACP to "kiss his butt." He also says President Obama "hates white people."
Those are just a few of Paul LePage's greatest hits.
Ahahaha! Oh Truth, he sounds like our governor of the moment here in PR! They could be intellectual (and I use this word loosely, veeeeery loosely x) twins!
Can someone please shut Lance Cockstrong and The Ministry of Truth the fuck up? They are beyond annoying...and worthless.
over time the majority always sanitize their history. Go forward without any grief. As for the governor, many whites do travel hundreds of miles to get their "fix". Many white girls give their bodies up (sex), in the "dope" game. "Dippin and dabbin" for 40+ years, I never brought heroin from a white. At the hand to hand sales, the young Black males tend to be the seller. High volume still is the domain of the others in my neck of the woods. East coast.
This seems to run counter to the racial dynamics shown in my only source of information concerning the heroin trade:
"Hey, white boy, what you doin' uptown?
Hey, white boy, you chasin' our women around?
Oh pardon me sir, it's the furthest from my mind
I'm just lookin' for a dear, dear friend of mine
I'm waiting for my man"
The older I get, the more cynical I get in regards to "perfect events". This may sound crazy to you, but I am wondering why all these attacks by so called Muslims are done by mentally challenged Black males. This latest attack effectively takes any collective sorrow for Tamir Rice off the table. It also effectively ensure future killings of Black males permissible.... as if they needed any permission. All of these unique events- odds and probability of the gun stolen years ago from a POLICE OFFICER, shooting a full magazine at point blank range and only a flesh arm wound. The officer putting on a cape and tracking down the suspect one block away. ALWAYS the hero. You can't script these events any better than Hollywood. lucky there were- as usual- cameras in place for the wide angle.
If this sounds like someone with no trust in policing, you are damn Skippy!
It's always Shiite in Philadelphia. Couldn't resist. Sorry about that.
"But moderate Republican......."
There's a such thing? I don't believe it. Next you'll be telling me about Santa and the Ice Cream Bunny or something.
"When he was arrested, the police report said, Stockert claimed that his parents were John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe and that he came to the capital to announce his campaign for president and advocate for a $99 per month healthcare plan."
If for some reason Dr. Carson doesn't get the nomination and drops out this guy has my vote. How can he not win with a lineage like that?
Carson/Cain '16
Some of my friends think history will say Muddy Waters was white some day. I don't know if that particular example will happen but we are lied to a lot. A lot of African history was covered up here. But they don't even tell us the truth about what is going on now.. I don't know if it is true or not but some very damning information about our intervention in Libya was just reported in the Foreign Policy Journal. I also don't know if Seymour Hersch's version of the bin Laden raid is true or not. I suppose a Pakistani guard telling us where bin Laden was for the reward money sounds more likely than Zero Dark Thirty. And Pakistan hiding that they stood down so their population wouldn't know they were letting us get bin Laden, after we pressured them by cutting aide, might sound a little more likely than the Seals secretly flying through their airspace unmolested. A minor point that Hersh included was that some, like Leon Panetta, wanted to say that torture helped find bin Laden because that would give CIA agents some protection from prosecution. Panetta did say that torture worked. One thing I do believe is that they will tell us anything.
This Le Page dude, though. *shakes head*
Excellent stuff from Gary Younge (the pride of Barbados!) in today's Guardian.
" Wealth inequality in general has increased since Obama came to office, as has the racial wealth gap and the poverty rate. The Dow has performed far better under him than it ever did under George W Bush, and he has added twice as many private-sector jobs as his predecessor. If he were a socialist, he wouldn’t be a very competent one.
Meanwhile, he has used his veto powers less often than every president since Lincoln with the exception of Warren Harding and James Garfield – both of whom died during their first terms. He has also signed fewer executive orders (which bypass Congress to force limited changes in policy) than any two-term president since Ulysses S Grant, who left office in 1877. That makes him the least assertive American president in more than a century."
'Obama was right to weep: he's got plenty to cry about'
Fuck all white people. They are fucking worthless pieces of shit.
The Purple Cow said...
If he were a socialist, he wouldn’t be a very competent one.
Like you said...
Wealth inequality in general has increased since Obama came to office, as has the racial wealth gap and the poverty rate.
The rich got richer and the poor poorer.
More people dependent on the government.
Please don't belittle the work Obama has done to "Change" America.
After a five-year undercover operation, Chow was arrested by the FBI in March 2014 along with a former California state senator, Leland Yee.
It's easy to tell he is a dumbocrat.
No mention of political party.
Another example of the media protecting dumbocrats.
Seems like the ''pride of Barbados!'' left somethings out of his post.
Like the reason why Obama hasn't used his veto powers much. He has Sen. Reid cock blocking for him.
And the whole signed '' fewer executive orders''talking point was debunked by WAPO and The USA Today.
That's the left. Always dishonest.
Governor Page is correct that most of these types of social pathologies come with the influx of negroes into Maine.
"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."
--- George Orwell
LePage is a fine governor and this nontroversy we fade away like all faux leftwing outrages.
I see that at least 20% of Democrats are considering supporting Donald J. Trump. Democrats are finally seeing what real hope and change looks like.
The rigid tribalism of you Black clowns never ceases to amaze me. For instance, here is a picture of the modified Airsoft gun Tamir Rice was carrying. Can't tell it's not real from a distance, can you? You'd shoot anyone who pointed something like that at you, wouldn't you? So why are you blaming the cops for icing the stupid shit for his own act of deadly stupidity? Why aren't you blaming his mother for not taking it away from him and whupping his ass for being so damn stupid?
Because you cannot see logic, reason or law. You only see the tribe vs. the not-tribe, because you're Black. And every time you go off on a Tamir Rice rant, you open more people's eyes to what you are.
"A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure
Filled it with vice, and called the thing a dindu nuffins."
"Thanks to social media, it has become easier for parents to call out these issues in history classes."
These examples are minor deviations from an almost total blanketing of leftist narratives in school curriculae. Don't worry, Field, the cultural marxists who control school content have things under control.
The rigid tribalism of you racist white trailer trash imbeciles never ceases to amaze me. For instance, here's a story about armed whites pointing guns at federal officers which is fucking illegal. Didn't know you can get away with that scot free did you? As a federal officer you'd shoot anyone threatening you with a gun wouldn't you? So why are you not outraged at the hypocrisy when a kid isn't even given a chance to put the "gun" down? Why aren't you not blaming the cops out in Nevada for not icing the wanna be soldiers pointing guns at federal officers?
Because you cannot see logic, reason or law. You only see tribe vs. non-tribe because you're white. And every time you go off on a Tamir Rice rant you open more peoples' eyes to what you are.
"A beast they wrought, in semi-human figure
Filled it with vice and called the thing a fucking white trailer trash wet dog smelling asshole."
There, fixed it for ya.
These examples are minor deviations from an almost total blanketing of righty narratives in school curriculae. Don't worry, Field, the cultural nazis who control school content have things under control.
There, fixed it for ya.
White liberal explains her fear of guns...
I'm less afraid of the criminals wielding guns in Baltimore, I declared as we discussed the issue, than I am by those permitted gun owners. I know how to stay out of the line of Baltimore's illegal gunfire; I have the luxury of being white and middle class in a largely segregated city that reserves most of its shootings for poor, black neighborhoods overtaken by "the game." The closest I typically get to the action is feeling the chest-thumping vibrations of the Foxtrot police helicopter flying overhead in pursuit of someone who might be a few streets over, but might as well be a world away.
She's not afraid of "criminals with guns" because she lives in the white part of town.
"The rigid tribalism of you racist white trailer trash imbeciles never ceases to amaze me."
Right, because every time some White punk waving a fake gun around gets shot by somebody there's a huge upswelling of outrage at the police or the private citizen who understandably saw a threat, not at the idiot waving the weapon. This happens all the time, right? Why, I can think of...
... exactly ...
... ZERO times this has happened. In my entire life.
And you wonder why I come here. Your stupidity is appalling. It's also one of the funniest things I've ever come across. It's proof positive that something can have the ability to write grammatically correct English and still be unable to think.
Quote:The Right Has No Brains
"And the whole signed '' fewer executive orders''talking point was debunked by WAPO and The USA Today."
...and you've got evidence right? Let's see it.
Cuz here's mine...
James Bold said...
"Because you cannot see logic, reason or law. You only see the tribe vs. the not-tribe, because you're Black."
Only white people are foolish enough to believe in universalism.
The black people who ally themselves with white liberals are not "liberals", they are nationalist/tribalist/racists who share none of the univeralist/equalitarian values of their white partners, but vote with them merely to get more resources and power for their own people.
Blacks are like any sane people throughout history: They pursue their own interests.
Only white people place the interests of other peoples equal to or above their own. Whites have been taught that even recognizing their people have interests too is racist.
The thing that binds together the leftist coalition is hatred of White America. White leftists are a mix of naifs who believe in kumbaya universalism and true believers who seek to destroy white culture. Blacks hate and resent White America, and therefore find much common cause with liberals. The fact that should this project succeed, blacks would wind up with nothing does not register.
The Purple Cow said...
Cuz here's mine...
You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters.
Republicans are afraid to go campaign in African-American and Hispanic areas. Racists. At least Chris Christie admits the truth.
And you wonder why I come here. James not so Bold's stupidity is appalling. It's also one of the funniest things I've ever come across. It's proof positive that something can have the ability to write grammatically correct English and still be unable to think.
There, fixed it for ya.
James Bold is typical of the brainless white male.
White men are worthless. White women, on the other hand, are good fucks.
Right, because every time some White punk waving a fake gun around gets shot by somebody there's a huge upswelling of outrage at the police or the private citizen who understandably saw a threat, not at the idiot waving the weapon. This happens all the time, right? Why, I can think of...
Because cops don't shoot white people when they're pointing a gun a a fucking federal officer. Now go take your dumb, inbred, ignorant, wet dog smelling, trailer park dwelling, unemployed, snuff chewing, welfare using, fat, sixth grade dropout ass and go play in traffic. You window licking, mother fucking, sister impregnating, monster truck loving, hillbilly looking goofball.
There's only huge upwelling of toothless gun toting cowards like you when white guys get arrested for arson. I saw your father/uncle hiding under a tarp om Oregon the other day. Just as fucking stupid as you are James sot so Bold.
Her's where James spent his welfare money. Took a bus to join the other gun toting, scared of their own shadows white morons. Protesting the gubment!
James Bold is typical of the brainless white male.
Nah, James is a little dumber than most. He stands alone in his stupid. The only person dumber than Bill.
The Purple Cow said...
...and you've got evidence right? Let's see it.
True, he has issued less.
But he found a loophole to exploit knowing his lapdogs would defend him from the actual verbiage while ignoring the point he took unilateral action.
It's true that Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any president in a century. But he's signed far more presidential memoranda, a lesser-known tool often used to initiate a change in federal regulations, than any other president.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Even the whitehouse uses the phrase "Presidential Memorandum" instead of "executive orders" talking about Obama's recent actions on gun control.
"You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters".
Honestly, what can you say to people as dumb as this?
Purple Cow is nothing but a dishonest moron - it is pointless to correct his lies with facts.
The Purple Cow said...
"You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters".
Honestly, what can you say to people as dumb as this?
You don't understand what an "executive order" is, what the role of the executive branch is in the American government, or how this function has been executed in the past. Yet you come here and express your ignorant opinion over and over again.
You really are a stupid motherfucker.
"You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters".
If his executive orders are illegal the courts will invalidate them. If not they will stand just like Obamacare. If what he's doing is so illegal why haven't Republican legislators started impeachment proceedings like they did against Nixon who was REALLY a crook. Then again he was a Republican so that's like the same thing.
Purple Cow is nothing but an honest man - it is pointless to correct his facts with lies.
"Governor Page is correct that most of these types of social pathologies come with the influx of negroes into Maine."
Except that there is no meaningful influx of negroes into Maine. Which is why everyone is appalled at / ridiculing LePage.
It's one thing when you're talking about crime that's concentrated in black neighborhoods in a diverse major metro area. It is probably inevitable that, in that circumstance, we will be having a debate over whose fault that crime is.
But it's taking race-baiting to its ultimate extreme to blame crime on black people in a state where there are virtually no damn black people!
The same goes for the hordes of abandoned biracial babies in Maine: These exist only in Paul LePage's fevered imagination.
"You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters."
I see. So the "scope" of Obama's executive orders is what matters.
When Obama re-prioritizes deportation proceedings to deport criminals before working families -- which does not constitute any meaningful change to the law, since all illegal residents couldn't be deported immediately anyway, due to resource limitations -- that's somehow supposed to constitute "tyranny."
But when George Bush tore up the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments, and authorized mass surveillance, indefinite detention and torture, that's really no biggie. Just, you know, a tweak to the enforcement of the law. Those are just executive orders of "minor" scope. LOL
Oh wait, now I see why you don't care about what Bush did: Because the people affected by that particular kind of Constitution-shredding were either not American, or at least, not the right kind of American.
@James Bold 2:02PM
No doubt you have seen the video. Would you exit the car in point blank range and risk getting your fool head blown off if you were not damn sure there was in fact no risk involved?
And not a peep out of you about this?
"If what he's doing is so illegal why haven't Republican legislators started impeachment proceedings"
Because we live in a post-constitutional America
The Ministry of Dumbassery said...
But when George Bush tore up the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 8th Amendments, and authorized mass surveillance, indefinite detention and torture, that's really no biggie.
Actually, what Bush did was vetted by the courts.
Obama expanded NSA surveillance to everyone, but you're too dumb to care about that.
The Ministry of Ignorance said...
"Except that there is no meaningful influx of negroes into Maine."
The Feds have been shipping thousands of Somalians to Maine for years:
Shut the fuck up Lance Cockstrong. Your mom was a dirty whore. I'm glad that bitch is dead.
Bill said...
The Purple Cow said...
...and you've got evidence right? Let's see it.
True, he has issued less.
But he found a loophole to exploit knowing his lapdogs would defend him from the actual verbiage while ignoring the point he took unilateral action.
It's true that Obama has issued fewer executive orders than any president in a century. But he's signed far more presidential memoranda, a lesser-known tool often used to initiate a change in federal regulations, than any other president.
President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.
Even the whitehouse uses the phrase "Presidential Memorandum" instead of "executive orders" talking about Obama's recent actions on gun control.
Thanks Bill. Seems like leftwing journalist always have trouble finding facts like this. Could be they are being dishonest.
The Ministry of Truth said...
"You stupid motherfucker, it's not the number of executive orders its the scope and legality that matters."
I see. So the "scope" of Obama's executive orders is what matters.
When Obama re-prioritizes deportation proceedings to deport criminals before working families -- which does not constitute any meaningful change to the law, since all illegal residents couldn't be deported immediately anyway, due to resource limitations
Back the truck up Ministry of Truth. If we apply the way Obama counts deportations to the Clinton Administration, Clinton deported over 11 million illegals with fewer resources. So why can't Obama deport 13 million with more resources???
Because we live in a post-constitutional America
Um yeah, I guess your dumb ass is waiting for the black helicopters and Walmart detention centers. Teh stoooopid is strong in this one.
No doubt you have seen the video. Would you exit the car in point blank range and risk getting your fool head blown off if you were not damn sure there was in fact no risk involved?
Well, seeing that James not so Bold is an idiot but then again he would probably be wetting his pants as soon as a call about a negro came through. James could never be a cop because he would have to change his underwear too many times to be effective.
And you wonder why I come here.
No we don't wonder why you come here. We know why. You are a racist piece of shit who has failed in life and somehow thinks he can feel better by trying to convince others that they are somehow inferior because of the color of their skin. We laugh at fools like you James, try some therapy to get some self-esteem. Since we know you can't afford it maybe it's covered by Obamacare. You racist assholes talk about race wars and other silly shit that your daddies and grand daddies dreamed about. You are welcomed here anytime James, you are comedy gold. Since your dumb ass is visiting why not spin some more yarns about you shooting someone with your bad ass. Ha!
James Bold, are you still a virgin?
James Bold, are you still a virgin?
Nah, his mother rapes him regularly. That's why he has a son/nephew. very confusing in the Bold household, all of them are related and have massive foreheads to prove it.
"White men are worthless. White women, on the other hand, are good fucks."
And there aren't any White women without White men to make them.
"Because cops don't shoot white people when they're pointing a gun a a fucking federal officer."
TNB, thinking that stuff that doesn't show up on your Blacktivist radar screen doesn't exist. All you have to do to prove you're wrong is google "suicide by cop". Also look up the cases of James Boyd (unarmed homeless White man shot dead in N. Mexico), Dillon Taylor (unarmed White man shot dead in Utah), Zac Champommier (unarmed White teen killed by trigger-happy DEA agents while driving through a parking lot in California), and more.
All those White folks, killed by cops even when they had nothing that even looked like a gun. But "dat ain't real", right? It doesn't fit your tribal persecution narrative. The really funny part is that if Autumn Pasquale, Jacob Kudla, Christian Newsom, and other victims of Black murderers back to Kitty Genovese had gotten the same attention as Tamir Rice, there wouldn't be any "civil rights" or integration in the USA any more. There might not even be any Blacks in the USA any more.
That's really what has to happen. The problem is that you don't live in reality, which is why you must go to Africa. In Africa you will kill and eat each other into the extinction you deserve as a failed hominid species.
"Now go take your dumb, inbred, ignorant, wet dog smelling, trailer park dwelling, unemployed, snuff chewing, welfare using, fat, sixth grade dropout ass...."
NAPAs always project.
"If his executive orders are illegal the courts will invalidate them."
Hell, Obamacare is illegal. The SCOTUS held that the non-compliance penalty is a "tax" and allowed by the Constitution, ignoring that the bill originated in the Senate when the Constitution requires all revenue bills to originate in the House. The SCOTUS (Roberts especially) has been blackmailed into lockstep with the Obama agenda (actually, the agenda of his handlers).
"Except that there is no meaningful influx of negroes into Maine."
Really? The horde of Somalis in Lewiston aren't negroes? But damn, are you a bunch of ignorant dumbfucks.
"When Obama re-prioritizes deportation proceedings to deport criminals before working families"
Obama prioritized the deportation of persecuted Christian home-schoolers from Germany while importing Syrians.
"Would you exit the car in point blank range and risk getting your fool head blown off"
Cops do that because that is their job. I know that's incomprehensible to you, but that is because you are not Homo sapiens sapiens, you are Homo sapiens africanus—a different and incompatible beast.
"You are a racist piece of shit who has failed in life and somehow thinks he can feel better by trying to convince others that they are somehow inferior because of the color of their skin."
Oh, not at all. I am certain you are inferior because of the content of your character. I sport with integral calculus for fun and speculation, while you do what? probably wondering just WTF I'm talking about. But you're not human as Europeans understand the term, and doomed to extinction. That's fine, you will have fun all the while as you always have.
Since you didn't answer either of the question James Bold I will answer them for you:
1. No you wouldn't. And neither would any cop if there was any possibility that it was a real gun. They would proceed with caution following the correct police procedures for confronting an active shooter.
2. No. It is only an open-and-shut case of lawful self-defense when the shooter is white. Blacks cannot legally own guns. The KKK in fact originated for the purpose of taking guns away from blacks.
You lose Aryan Einstein. Go back to watching Duck Dynasty and sporting with piledriving gerbils up your Anglo ass.
Mr. Muh Dik continues his disconnect from reality. Does he still think that "hands up, don't shoot" was anything but a fraud either? Seems likely. But let's go over Tamir Rice instead of getting distracted.
"No you wouldn't. And neither would any cop if there was any possibility that it was a real gun."
Mr. Muh Dik is projecting his own cowardice on police officers. In truth, "As Garmback drove off the street and near the gazebo, Loehmann leaped out of the car and within two second fired two shots that struck the boy." Further, the dispatcher did not tell the officers that the 911 caller suspected the gun to be fake; the officers were driving straight into what they thought was danger, and if the gun HAD been real there never would have been any grand jury convened.
How does it feel to tout your dick so much, when you don't have any balls?
"It is only an open-and-shut case of lawful self-defense when the shooter is white."
Really? No charges in the case of the (Black storefront church) pastor who shot and killed a man coming at him armed with a brick:
Amusingly, the confrontation occurred because Deante Smith claimed the pastor was muh dikking Smith's wife. Talk about stereotypical....
"Blacks cannot legally own guns. The KKK in fact originated for the purpose of taking guns away from blacks."
If only... the country would be so much better for it. In reality, the courts seldom press felon-in-possession charges against NAPAs caught with guns. That leads to "overincarceration", you see.
At least some things are going right, like the two Dindus robbers made good in Chicago:
" the 911 caller suspected the gun to be fake". This from you who said this. Kind of shoots your argument full of holes, so to speak. Dispatcher did not tell the officers. Irrelevant. If a random 911 caller knew the gun was fake, then so would the police officer. So turning back to the question. You would not exit the car in point blank range unless you were damn sure there was no risk involved. And neither would any cop.
As to the other self-defense question. I answered it for you as I knew you would. So what the fuck are you arguing about? You think the country would be better then you and your KKK Komrades should go on a rampage or something and take the guns from them, like in the good old days.
Bottom line James Bold, I don't know you but I hate your guts. Stay the fuck in Jerkoff Junction or whatever redneck town you live in.
"" the 911 caller suspected the gun to be fake". This from you who said this. Kind of shoots your argument full of holes, so to speak."
Quoted to establish context.
"Dispatcher did not tell the officers. Irrelevant. If a random 911 caller knew the gun was fake, then so would the police officer."
Even after I linked the image of the actual modified Airsoft gun, Mr. Muh Dik declares that officers—who were told nothing of the suspected fakery—had to have known, in an instant, from a distance, when the object was stuck in Rice's waistband, that the gun was not an actual firearm.
This statement is so astoundingly stupid that I have to award it TEN duncecaps. Nobody capable of writing grammatical English should be unable to see the gaping logical hole in it, but Mr. Muh Dik proves that reasoning capacity is one of the last and weakest facilities to develop in the African; he proves to be almost completely bereft of it. It is something the African seldom needed and simply did not select for, making Africans unfit for membership in societies developed by the more-evolved.
"Bottom line James Bold, I don't know you but I hate your guts. Stay the fuck in Jerkoff Junction or whatever redneck town you live in."
If that means Africans will stay out of Jerkoff Junction or whatever redneck town I happen to live in, it will become VERY popular. Can you make that happen? I'll invest in real estate there, because I know it will appreciate given the absence of Dindus... just as it becomes worthless wherever you are.
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