
trump's buddy Duterte told Philippine soldiers to shoot female rebel soldiers in the vagina.
Wow! What's with these power hungry autocrats and their hatred for women?
Here in America we have our very own version of Duterte. Although he likes to grab women by the pussy, not shoot them there. He also likes to defend men who ("allegedly") beat the crap out of their wives.
Did I mention that trump loves this guy Duterte?
"President Trump praised President Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines in a phone call last month for doing an “unbelievable job on the drug problem” in the island nation where the government has sanctioned gunning down suspects in the streets. Mr. Trump also boasted that the United States has “two nuclear submarines” off the coast of North Korea but said he does not want to use them.
The comments were part of a Philippine transcript of the April 29 call that was circulated on Tuesday, under a “confidential” cover sheet, by the Americas division of the Philippine Department of Foreign Affairs. In Washington, a senior administration official confirmed that the transcript was an accurate representation of the call between the two iconoclastic leaders. The official was not authorized to publicly discuss the call and confirmed it on the condition of anonymity." [Source]
trump sees a lot of himself in men like Duterte, and he sees a lot of himself in men like Rob Porter, Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Corey Lewandowski, and all the other pigs [living and dead] who have been accused of similar things. It's why he seemed so passionate and sincere in his defense of Porter.
To him it was personal. And he can certainly relate, he has been accused of abusing (and even raping) countless women in the past.
But this is where we are in America. The country is being led by a man who wants an ("alleged") wife beater to be given the benefit of the doubt, and he even feels sorry for him. Sadly, not a word about the victims. He doesn't even use the "bully pulpit" to address the serious issue of domestic violence in this country. And yet, some of us stick our heads in the sand and try to pretend that this is normal. Let me assure you that it is not. Unless, of course, you happen to live in the Philippines.
*Pic from memegenerator.net
Field is 100% down with the program:
Trump supports punching Filipino women in the vagina! He's a brown pussy puncher!
Ignore the real news and call Trump racist/sexist every day, day after day.
Normal people are tired of it, but Democrats just can't get enough of it.
Why does the official presidential portrait show Obama with an extra finger on his left hand?
Congrats to Chloe Kim. Asians are dominating the Olympics like always. Just like we do in genetics, science and biology.
We respect and cherish our women. Black and white men could learn from us.
"What's with these power hungry autocrats and their hatred for women?"
Women terrify them, that's what. And remind them, briefly, of how fucked-in-the-head they are.
How fucked-in-the-head would you have to be to hit a woman? How far gone insane would you have to be to think shooting women in the crotch was a good idea? How stupid and evil would you have to be to vote for someone who gets off on that shit?
Well, maybe they thought that all of those years of Rush and Fox wouldn't affect how they think.
Maybe they didn't think about it at all.
Now they've elected an ignorant, narcissistic, bastard hell-bent on taking the country back to the beginning of the cold war, only without having to outsmart the Soviets.
Sucks to be them, because it's not gonna work, it'll only fuck things up for a while and marginally slow the arrival of the inevitable. Just like they always have.
They suck.
-Doug in Oakland
"Well, maybe they thought that all of those years of Rush and Fox wouldn't affect how they think."
Because that programming advocates abusing women?
How fucking insane are you?
Keep butt-fucking those straw men, loser. In the real world, people are starting to notice things are getting better, much better.
Guilt by association said...
Field is 100% down with the program:
Just so we're clear on the Narrative for today, the former president selecting a guy who described his art as "sort of a play on the whole kill whitey thing" to do the official portrait is enlightened and good, but the Attorney general saying we have an "Anglo-American" legal tradition is racist.
He told the enemy we have two subs off their coast? I thought we weren't going to tell our enemies what we were doing?
Trump's whole platform was based on the entirety of DC being corrupt which is why he took no one's money. He is breaking the back of the powerful and greedy whose big lie (that they don't work for or serve the American people) is being exposed.
And you have the whole of "progressive" America defending the establishment and their corrupt institutions.
Strange days indeed.
In the real world, people are starting to notice things are getting better, much better."
Rasmussen: Trump Approval at 49%
Rasmussen seems too GOP-tilted, but...
Since last week's State of the Union address, Trump’s approval ratings have been running slightly ahead of where Barack Obama was at this stage of his presidency.
Also, Trump's RCP average is trending up to 41.8%, which isn't great, but then, Obama had 43-44% approval throughout most of his presidency and the media called him "very popular."
The Obama portrait is just embarrassing.
"How stupid and evil would you have to be to vote for someone who gets off on that shit?"
Shooting up Republican Congressmen at baseball games, shooting up churches, trying to Assassinate the President Twice, Rape Melania signs, sending white powder to Donald Trump Jr. and his wife, and beating elderly Trump supporters is what Liberals consider “Tolerant.
History will view this time in America VERY shamefully.
I’ll cover the pull-ups for wacky Wasian, whomever decides to get him the Black Panther onesie, make sure you get the ones with the snaps in the crotch.
You forgot Bill Clinton. Hell, you forgot Hillary and Obama. Glorious negro month my negroes.
Darwin and Lincoln's birthday today.
-Doug in Oakland
@9:41PM, Rewritten for truthful purposes:
We focus on fake news and refuse to call Cheeto racist/sexist every day, day after day.
Normal people are tired of it, and Democrats think we’re stupid.
Domestic Violence: A Secret Epidemic in the Black Community
"the research shows that IPV (intimate partner violence) in the African American community is more common and violent than in the Caucasian community"
Must be all those years of Fox and Rush.....
Just so we're clear on the Narrative for today, the former president selecting a guy who described his art as "sort of a play on the whole kill whitey thing" to do the official portrait is enlightened and good, but the Attorney general saying we have an "Anglo-American" legal tradition is racist.
Let me mansplain this to you, toots- The racist, perjurer Sessions is supposed to represent ALL Americans and see the laws of the nation are faithfully executed. He has never represented Blacks or minorities in any government position. Therefore, he be racist and unfit to hold any governmental jobs.
The portrait painter represents himself and does not necessarily speak for any one else. If you really feel the need you can call him whatever you want. You have that right.
Whites vastly outnumber blacks, therefore whites commit domestic violence vastly more than blacks. Then whine about being the victim when they get caught. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
ps racist, perjurer Sessions never said anglo american legal tradition, he said anglo american sheriff tradition. His pre-raped remarks said legal and racist, perjurer Sessions got off point and winged himself into a racist remark.
As of the beginning of this week, though, he was at 41 percent overall approval. That’s a percentage that’s higher than only 12 weeks that Barack Obama was president. Put another way, 97.1 percent of the time, Obama’s weekly numbers were higher than Trump’s most recent average.
From WAPO. Read 'em and weep.
Ain't nobody tried to assassinate the orange orangutan. Probably an animal right's activist sent harmless powder to Drumpfuck junior and libs don't shoot up churches. That's for stoopid fucking wingnut wasicu wasteys.
Smack your bitch up!!!
Chicago February 2018 to Date:
Shot & Killed: 14
Shot & Wounded: 35
Total Shot: 49
Total Homicides: 17
mike from iowa said...
Whites vastly outnumber blacks, therefore whites commit domestic violence vastly more than blacks.
A white guy who can't understand per capita. He's as confused as the negros.
mike from iowa said...
Whites vastly outnumber blacks
And yet blacks commit more crimes against whites.....
mike from iowa said...
The portrait painter represents himself
The portrait painter represents a pattern of anti-white hatred of the obama's and the left....
mike from iowa said...
"Let me mansplain this to you, toots- The racist, perjurer Sessions is supposed to represent ALL Americans and see the laws of the nation are faithfully executed. He has never represented Blacks or minorities in any government position. Therefore, he be racist and unfit to hold any governmental jobs."
This is so mind-numbingly stupid it is painful to read.
Field should have a talk with this cracker.
mike from iowa said...
ps racist, perjurer Sessions never said anglo american legal tradition, he said anglo american sheriff tradition.
The position of sheriff is part of the Anglo-American legal tradition.
Senator Barack Obama, in a speech given in the Senate on September 27, 2006 defending the rights of habeus corpus for terrorists:
The world is watching what we do today in America. They will know what we do here today, and they will treat all of us accordingly in the future—our soldiers, our diplomats, our journalists, anybody who travels beyond these borders. I hope we remember this as we go forward. I sincerely hope we can protect what has been called the "great writ"—a writ that has been in place in the Anglo-American legal system for over 700 years.
I must confess, I was in 8th grade when this happened and I don't recall hearing anything about it. Might be because much of the daily news was aimed at 68 Tet Offensive in Vietnam or that I was getting my appendix out about then.
Your argument matters not. I told you what racist, perjurer Sessions said. Not what you think he meant. You hash it out with the racist perjurer what he meant.
The portrait painter represents a pattern of anti-white hatred of the obama's and the left....
No wonder stoopid fucking wingnut wife beaters beat wives. I suspect they all wear guns when beating their wives, too. Makes a man feel like a well heeled heal. Just to remind the bitches we could shoot them if we wanted. Macho macho wasicu wasteys. Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
I don't hate whites, per se. I love making fun of you stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Obama's director of American Indian & Alaska Native Education, William Mendoza, ($140,000) resigned in 2016 after arrest for taking pictures up women’s skirts on DC Metro.
Anonymous said...
The Obama portrait is just embarrassing.
It's the perfect representation of his presidency--he hired someone solely based on race and politics and ended up with the worst result imaginable.
It's downright poetic.
$49 billion dollar surplus under the first month with the new tax reform in place. Didn’t the Democrats say that this would run us broke? Seems they were wrong yet again. I guess they would rather lose then win in today’s world.
Winning! said...
$49 billion dollar surplus under the first month with the new tax reform in place.
Hey stoopid, this is the season when people who have delayed paying taxes start paying taxes. That is where the money is coming from plus you have no way of knowing there was a surplus. Just cherry picked info that means nothing in the face of 7 plus trillion deficits predicted by the kock bros taxpayer money give away.
"$49 billion dollar surplus under the first month with the new tax reform in place."
Already paying down Obama's debt!
David Sorenson, White House speechwriter, has been accused of domestic abuse by his former wife. She reported that he "put out his cigarette in my hand."
This is not a man with an uncontrollable temper. This is a sadist who should be locked up.
Merciful god.
"accused of domestic abuse by his former wife. She reported that he "put out his cigarette in my hand."
Bitch be lyin'
"The position of sheriff is part of the Anglo-American legal tradition."
And the position of crayfish is part of the sexual tradition of ignorant trolls who got Drano in their heroin again...
-Doug in Oakland
Asheriff is a government official, with varying duties, existing in some countries with historical ties to England, where the office originated. Historically, a sheriff was a legal official with responsibility for a "shire" or county. In modern times, the specific combination of legal, political and ceremonial duties of a sheriff varies greatly from country to country.
The word sheriff is a contraction of the term "shire reeve". The term, from the Old English scīrgerefa, designated a royal official responsible for keeping the peace (a "reeve") throughout a shire or county on behalf of the king.[2] The term was preserved in England notwithstanding the Norman Conquest. From the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms, the term spread to several other regions, at an early point to Scotland, latterly to Ireland and to the United States.
Krugman pointed out that the Republicans were dead set against stimulus spending when the unemployment rate was 8% but there was a Democratic administration to take the political credit for its needed effects, but just passed a pair of bills that add up to a larger stimulus than the ARRA now, when the unemployment rate is 4% and it's likely the Fed will raise rates to counter inflation, but there's a Republican administration to take credit for any somewhat risky benefits to the economy that accrue.
Meaning that 1) they were lying all along about deficits 2) they were lying all along about not believing Keynsian economics actually work and 3) they are and always were hysterical frauds when it comes to economics.
You know, the same shit we've been saying about them since, oh, forever.
-Doug in Oakland
My niece, a proud college Jewish girl, was just raped for 4 hours in a locker room. Water polo team held her down yelling "Trump, Trump!"
"Bonenfant told NPR, "To be honest I'm really mad, really pissed, because I actually voted for Trump. So knowing that his guy threw out this case that affects people like me, I feel kind of like stupid -- just kind of like betrayed.""
We tried to tell you.
-Doug in Oakland
So the WH was told about Porter inan FBI investigation last July and did nothing until that report was made public.
There is a new WH defense everyday and the timeline, like goalposts get moved every day.
This pathological lying POS can't get anything straight so he blames the media and cries fake news. Stoopid fucking wingnuts. Just less than 15 months ago we had an articulate, Black statesman in the WH. One who worshipped the woman he married and was an excellent Father to his daughters. Now we got a stoopid fucking wingnut who thinks everything begins and ends with him and he hates women and just about everything else, except himself.
Theory: "mike from iowa" has suffered at least one massive head injury leading to permanent brain damage in his life.
You wish, Doc. Dis and cuss.
Speaking of hysterical frauds when it comes to economics-
“It really does now look like President Donald J. Trump, and markets are plunging. When might we expect them to recover? Frankly, I find it hard to care much, even though this is my specialty. The disaster for America and the world has so many aspects that the economic ramifications are way down my list of things to fear. Still, I guess people want an answer. If the question is when markets will recover, a first-pass answer is never.”- Paul Krugman
The white penis is a social construct and method of domination; symbol of ritual subjugation of alternative gender and racial ways of being.
Only three more days to Black Pamper!!!!!!!
Wonder if trump will do anything about it. Yeah right.
WH caught lying again.
FBI caught lying again.
Lyin' Ryans wingnut challenger in shitholeconsin(the wingnut parts) posted a pic of Prince Harry and his fiance, but he placed Cheddar Man's likeness on her body.
Ain't racist wingnuts the life of the party and soon to be death of the party?
Remember how up until Drumpfuck was sworn in, all the economic news, the job creation and unemployment numbers were all totally fake because Drumpfuck knew better than everybody what was going on. As soon as Putin got Drumpfuck safely ensconced in the WH, all those fake numbers became legit because of Drumpf's policies. Except we haven't seen these policies actually do anything except give billions more of the treasury to the koch bros and Drumpfuck the dumbfuck.
Director Honkey said...
FBI caught us lying again.
"a pic of Prince Harry and his fiance, but he placed Cheddar Man's likeness on her body."
That's fucking hilarious! Thanks mike!
Trump is the ultimate woman-hating pussy.
Any man who supports him is less than a man.
"Theory: "mike from iowa" has suffered at least one massive head injury leading to permanent brain damage in his life.
No, you fuck, I'm the head trauma guy. Dropped off of a table at six weeks old, two concussions at age twelve, broke a helmet while wearing it at fourteen, and had a stroke in 2008.
Get it right.
-Doug in Oakland
That explains Doug.
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