The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
And yet, "treason" is what your president was accusing democrats of , all because they did not stand and cheer for "the great leader while" he spouted endless bullshit at his state of the teleprompter address.
He also called them" unAmerican". Forgetting, of course, that choosing not to stand and cheer for an opposing political view is a very American thing to do.
But this is who trump is. He is the guy who implored his minions to boycott the "sons of bitches" who play in the NFL, but held that lame Super Bowl party (complete with college cheerleaders) at his home in Florida.
You have to wonder how long it will be before these people realize that they are being played.
Speaking of the Super Bowl, congrats to my birds for beating Tom Brady and the Cheatriots on Sunday.
It was long overdue.
Nick Foles, I wish I was your agent today.
trump tweeted congratulations to the Eagles. But he should have saved himself the trouble. The members of this team do not like the president, and already a few of them (including the team leader) has stated that they will not be visiting him at the White House.
"There are now three members of the Super Bowl champion Philadelphia Eagles who will not visit the White House if the team receives an invitation from President Donald Trump.
Safety Malcolm Jenkins -- among the most vocal leaders in the NFL players' protest movement -- on Monday told CNN's New Day that he would not go to the White House.
"No, I personally do not anticipate attending that," Jenkins said.
Asked whether he had a message for Trump, Jenkins said: "I don't have a message for the president. My message has been clear all year. I'm about creating positive change in the communities that I come from ... I want to see changes in our criminal justice system.
"I want to see us push for economical and educational advancement in communities of color and low-income communities, and I want to see our relationships between our communities and our law enforcement be advanced.
"That's what myself and my peers have been pushing for for the last two years, and that's what I'll continue to do." [Source]
Besides, when someone calls your mama a bitch, I am sure that it's pretty hard to take him up on his offer to visit.
*Pic from
Eagles flyin, stock market crashing!!
I just read that Timberflake said that "his son will NEVER play football" HA! What a fool,and he puts on his little plaid shirt and little bandana tied around his neck, (did he have a cowboy hat on too? xD) and then insults the millions of people watching a foot ball game who take their sons to football practice every week!!! Sheesh! Methinks he won't be back too soon ;)
Philly Fans eat celebratory horseshit... Negroes and stupid white democrats crawl out from under there rocks to party !
"And yet, "treason" is what your president was accusing democrats of "
Because treason is what they've been up to.
The FBI took a key witness who helped them take down a Russian spy...and turned him into a Russian spy himself to get a FISA warrant. In other words, they LIED about Carter Page.
Tht's right - Carter Page worked undercover for the FBI helping bust Russian spies for three years, until March of 2016. Six months later, they needed a pretext to retroactively cover their FISA abuses, so they used his work for them to justify spying on Trump.
You laughed when Trump said he was being bugged by Obama.
Trump has been right about everything so far. These cocksuckers are going down.
Timberlake's dumb as comment is not a surprise.
White folks NEVER think before they speak.
That's what "White Privilege" does.
It makes them oblivious to having to be accountable for their dumb ass words and actions.
Shiiiit....he'll be invited back to eat from the football table in spite of himself.
Why you should never go to a black doctor:
Welcome to trump's America.
Tht's right - Carter Page worked undercover for the FBI helping bust Russian spies for three years, until March of 2016
Poor Malcolm Jenkins. I want to cry for him.
“I spilled baked beans all over myself watching Cars 2 in a theater and a black teenager shouted ‘this nigga eating beans’ and everyone laughed”
-Barack Obama
PX, this has been AmeriKKKA since the 1600s. White folks just didn’t know it until Cheeto was SElected.
Yeah but until recently actual nazis weren't running for public office as Republicans. They at least tried to hide that shit😂
"He also called them" unAmerican". Forgetting, of course, that choosing not to stand and cheer for an opposing political view is a very American thing to do."
The Democrat political view is to oppose America, which is a grossly un-American thing to do.
Why do you go to so much effort to prove that you don't belong here and have to go back, when it's so obvious to everyone?
"I want to see us push for economical and educational advancement in communities of color and low-income communities"
Those "communities" have been put ahead of heritage Americans, educationally and economically, for 50 years now, and have only gotten worse. Their failure is due to bad behavior, and rewarding it has only created more of it.
"I want to see our relationships between our communities and our law enforcement be advanced."
By which he doesn't mean his "communities" behaving better, but being allowed to get away with more and worse criminal behavior.
It's time to just get rid of all of you. Every. Last. One.
"White folks NEVER think before they speak."
Shitskins always project.
Treason, Fergus, really? You mean like aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power's attack on our election, treason?
Oh, that's right, you didn't really mean it, like you don't mean any of the stupid, stupid, things you say.
You just hope that the things you say are outrageous enough to distract everyone from the steady trickle of evidence against you that comes out pretty much every day.
But it's a stupid strategy: everyone is getting used to your verbal malfunctions, toxic tweets, and general fuckheaded assholery.
Pretty soon you'll have to start doing stuff to make a workable distraction, instead of just running your mouth, and while that is somewhat scary, you're really bad at actually doing things, so perhaps you should have thought ahead. Or at all.
But then again, maybe not: you don't think too good, either.
You still believe you're up against an assistant DA from Manhattan who can be overcome with a brace of mob lawyers and worst case scenario a cash settlement from daddy's money.
You can not buy your way out of the trouble you've made for yourself this time.
"Where's my Roy Cohn?"
He's dead, motherfucker, he's dead.
You're running a Zaphod Beeblebrox presidency, only without the style or entertainment value. So I guess that thing on your head is a second head, then. Too bad it's just as stupid as the other one.
-Doug in Oakland
> this has been AmeriKKKA since the 1600s.
This was a bunch of English colonies until fighting a war of independence after 1776. You've been a fuckhead since you were born.
> White folks just didn’t know it until Cheeto was SElected.
El Jeb and Rubio and Cruz were Selected, but they lost to the public. You are now going to get what you deserve.
Not from Trump. Trump is too easy on scum like you. But what follows Trump will show you no mercy.
> until recently actual nazis weren't running for public office as Republicans.
Until recently Americans had no idea of their power. Now they're Taking America Back. GTFO while you can.
> You mean like aiding and abetting a hostile foreign power's attack on our election, treason?
Which power was that, Douglas? Israel? I notice that Israel loves Africans... as long as they are going to the USA or Europe. When Africans show up in Israel, they are deported to Rwanda or Uganda and given enough walking-around money ($3500) to get them to Merkel's Germany. Isn't it funny how that works?
Until recently Americans had no idea of their power. Now they're Taking America Back. GTFO while you can.
Uh yeah no. You ignorant fuckboys with your goofy kahkis and tiki torches don't scare anybody. All you'll do is get exposed as the stupid fucks you are and get fired from whatever minimum wage job you have and then have more time to bitch online with the other mentally challenged fuckboys. Yawn. How long have we been waiting for your promised race war? 40 year old virgins don't scare anybody punk.
Bwahahahahahhahahaha! Wanna see what happens when fuckboys wear nazi symbols in public? Watch his punk ass get knocked the fuck out just like the punk bitch anon @1:21 would if he really was bad enough to put his nazi bullshit where his bitch assed mouth is.
Remember when Richard Spencer got smacked in the mouth and ran off like the bitch he is? That's all the punks do, no need to leave anywhere. If they buck up slap their punk asses and watch em go down.
How much looting did you do after the Eagles won, Field?
Be honest now. ;)
Actually Anon, I wanted to get the Liberty Bell but there was too much security.
Hot damn Doug YOU SAID THAT!!
Knowing trump, there'll be no invite to the White House for any players of political conscience, maybe no team invite at all. After all, Obama did that. Trump is more comfortable if visitors praise and flatter HIM, not the other way around.
Honestly, WTF is wrong with this Doug guy?
field negro said...
"Actually Anon, I wanted to get the Liberty Bell but there was too much security."
Field went to wine and cheese Super Bowl party with his white neigbhors; they kept him in check.
For years, the Left told "colorblind" white people that they need to acknowledge their whiteness.
Now young whites are becoming *very* aware of their whiteness...Just not in the way the Left had hoped.
I suspect the Left will come to long for the halycon days when whites were supposed to say that they "didn't see color".
"For years, the Left told "colorblind" white people that they need to acknowledge their whiteness."
Really? Who is "the left"? Can you provide us an example of "the left" telling colorblind whites to accept their color? And BTW, isn't colorblindness a medical disorder? And why didn't "the left" tell others to accept their color or was this message solely directed at whites? So many questions..........
What an awful, racist, bigoted bit of agitprop you linked to there.
Have you ever been to "rural white America" PilotX?
It really isn't dark and terrifying.
This kind of Hate Porn is absolute trash.
Anonymous said...
Shiiiit....he'll be invited back to eat from the football table in spite of himself.
9:51 PM
Yeah true...
FEMA Gave $156m Contract For 30m Meals For Puerto Rico To Black Woman Called “Dr. Tiffany Brown”—She Delivered 50, 000
FEMA Contract Called for 30 Million Meals for Puerto Ricans. 50,000 Were Delivered.
By Patricia Mazzei and Agustin Armendariz, NYT, February 6, 2018
The mission for the Federal Emergency Management Agency was clear: Hurricane Maria had torn through Puerto Rico, and hungry people needed food. Thirty million meals needed to be delivered as soon as possible.
For this huge task, FEMA tapped Tiffany Brown, an Atlanta entrepreneur with no experience in large-scale disaster relief and at least five canceled government contracts in her past. FEMA awarded her $156 million for the job, and Ms. Brown, who is the sole owner and employee of her company, Tribute Contracting LLC, set out to find some help.
Ms. Brown, who is adept at navigating the federal contracting system, hired a wedding caterer in Atlanta with a staff of 11 to freeze-dry wild mushrooms and rice, chicken and rice, and vegetable soup. She found a nonprofit in Texas that had shipped food aid overseas and domestically, including to a Houston food bank after Hurricane Harvey.
By the time 18.5 million meals were due, Tribute had delivered only 50,000. And FEMA inspectors discovered a problem: The food had been packaged separately from the pouches used to heat them. FEMA’s solicitation required “self-heating meals.”
“Do not ship another meal. Your contract is terminated,” Carolyn Ward, the FEMA contracting officer who handled Tribute’s agreement, wrote to Ms. Brown in an email dated Oct. 19 that Ms. Brown provided to The New York Times. “This is a logistical nightmare.” [More, emphases added]
And yet, "treason" is what your president was accusing democrats of
1) Democrats casually toss around treason charges for the last 1.5 years
2) Trump apes their rhetoric, as was 100% inevitable
3) Democrats thereby lack standing to justifiably object to Trump's idiocy
4) Democrats get mad when you point out that this sequence of events was utterly, banally predictable
As the dossier scandal encroaches further on the Obama administration, Obama suddenly retreats into his bunker. While he deployed his surrogate Holder to lash out at Nunes, the former president is suddenly MIA.
We all know now what happened: The outgoing administration illegally spied on the opposition campaign, and lied about it. It's just a matter of time before some of those involved go to jail. They are taking this slow, because it is going to rock the country to its foundations. I imagine Obama will be shielded enough to prevent being charged himself, but his legacy will forever be tarnished by the worst scandal of all time.
heritage Americans = white privilege.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts got their asses handed to them on the Nunes dud memo and now they're gonna get their asses handed to them again on Page being an FBI employee. Stooipd fucking desperate, despicable, deplorable wingnuts are too fucking stoopid to learn from 30 years of mistakes. I laugh in your stoopid fucking wingnut faces, stoopid fucking wingnuts. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Devin Numbnuts was colluding with the WH and giving them secret info into colluding with Putin case. Numbnut's contact was a former lawyer that worked for Numbnuts. That is treason and should be punishable by death for all stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Carter Page is on tape in Russia trashing American foreign policy and begging to lick Putin's balls. Not a pretty sight and while he was an adviser to Drumpfuck the dumbfuck's campaign of crooks.
Drumpf followers tweet, email, share more fake news stories than all other groups combined. As we have been saying for years about stoopid fucking wingnuts.
Putin seems to be running America better than Obama did.
Just sayin'.
Finally, something I can give Drumpfuck total credit for- 1175 point drop in the Stock Market. The highest one day drop ever and handily beats 777 point drop under dumbass dubya about a week before Obama the Great was legally elected Potus.
Lawyers reportedly don’t want Trump to talk to Mueller because of Trump’s habit of lying
Lordy, you say that in lights!
Drumpfuck failed/lied again.
President Donald Trump came into office promising to reduce the U.S. trade deficit — and by that measure alone, his first year might be considered a dud.
The U.S. trade deficit increased more than 12 percent in 2017, to $566 billion — its highest level since 2008, according to figures released on Tuesday by the Commerce Department.
The bilateral trade deficit with China rose to a record $375 billion in 2017, and trade gaps with Mexico, Canada and Japan also increased.
Drumpf spends too much time playing with himself.
So Devin Nunes went on Fox & Friend this morning, you know, to play the roll of the Friend.
Among other things, Nunes admitted that he had never read the underlying document of The Memo, wasn’t aware that the FISA court was informed that the Steele document was gained from a political search, and did not know that Carter Page had been a worrisome critter even before Trump was running for president. He also announced that Trump never even met George Papadopoulos.
Imagine being 'mike from iowa'.
Thinking of giving up black inventions for Lent.
Two-pack, u might have a hard time surviving. But good luck with that.
A more realistic goal would probably be to give up sex. You don't seem like a person who would be missing much.
Just saying.☺
"Have you ever been to "rural white America" PilotX?"
Yup, spent a lot of time there. Iowa, S. Dakota, N. Dakota, Illinois, ect. Sure good people but also a lot of confederate flags and such. No real reason to spend time there now.
Be nice to you trolls Field😂
field negro said...
"A more realistic goal would probably be to give up sex."
I'd rather just give up peanut butter.
Dow closes up 567 points. I guess we're back to thanking Obama?
Please tell me what to think, I'm a moron.
Thank Obama. Sean SFW Hanratty @ Fake Noize blamed the crash on Obama because of all that cheap nearly interest free money available. Drumpf still thinks he is the reason for the yooge climb of the stock market which started back in 2009.
Give up circus peanuts. They remind me of the mangled apricot with the cheap spray tan and tiny hands. Plus they are sickeningly sweet, unlike the mangled apricot with the cheap spray tan.
Sheriff didn't want to scratch cop cars so he ordered man in low speed chase shot and bragged about it afterward, on tape. The sheriff was white, the victim is dead.
Ranking Democrat Adam Schiff caught colluding with Russians to obtain dirt on president Donald Trump - the same thing he is accusing Trump of doing.
It is time to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Schiff's well documented Russian collusion.
Like I said, when only extreme right wing sites carry these bogus stories, they are totally bogus.
Drumpf's FEMA had no business hiring this woman, Heck of a Job, Brownie. Just goes to show how incompetent every outfit under Drumpf really is.
mike from iowa said...
Drumpf's FEMA had no business hiring this woman
What, because she is black? Or a woman? Fuck you, racist cracker.
Drumpf is looking forward to a government shutdown this week. He has already told bi-partisan group trying to make a spending bill it is dead on arrival. Drumpf thinks disrupting millions of lives and costing low level employees valuable resources while those at the top still get theirs is a good thing.
Blame stoopid fucking wingnuts for voting for and not controlling the orange shitgibbon. The majority of Americans do not support the wall boondoggle.
Most of the top State Department offices are unfilled. Drumpf's opioid debacle has sidelined the doctors and scientists and Kellyanne Conjob is dumber than a rock and has no idea what she is doing as head of the committee.
> they're gonna get their asses handed to them again on Page being an FBI employee.
The Obama administration first hired Page as an employee, and turned around and accused him of spying the very same year (without evidence). None of this is on Trump.
> Stoopid fucking wingnuts got their asses handed to them on the Nunes dud memo
It's going to be very interesting, watching "mike from iowa" retreat ever-deeper into his bubble of delusions as indictments are handed down and the guilty cop pleas. No pleas for Lynch, Comey, McCabe or Rosenstein, though.
> Drumpf's FEMA had no business hiring this woman
Agreed. It is time to end the minority business set-aside program which is the only reason it happened.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Once again, Anymoose- The Obama administration first hired Page as an employee, and turned around and accused him of spying the very same year (without evidence). None of this is on Trump.
Prove it. Put up or shut up! I want definitive proof Obama hired page, not a bunch of wingnut goofballs passing along rumours.
"Prove it. Put up or shut up!"
Just in case you were unclear on the issue, the election wasn't until November 2016 and Trump didn't take office for another two and a half months. This is all Obama and his people. Every bit of it.
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