
Mr. trump has been taking credit for Obama's economy. Will he still do that after the Dow lost over 600 points today?
Is there anything that Devin Nunes will not do for Mr. trump?
What do you think the Russians have on Mr. trump?
If Barack Obama paid hush money to shut up a porn star who he had unprotected sex with, would he have been impeached?
Was the GOP ("bombshell") memo a big fat nothing burger?
Are Eagles fans really as bad as everyone says they are?
What do you think of the Federal Reserve restricting the growth of Wells Fargo because of their abuse of the trust of the consumers?
Has Paul Ryan destroyed whatever little credibility he had left with the American people?
Are the folks who were secretly racist before been emboldened with the election of Donald trump? (Rhetorical question. Of course they have.)
According to Bannon it's all about the money or money laundering to be exact. I heard the other day that Mueller won't release his findings until after the elections becuse with the GOP in charge nothing will come of it if there is a finding of wrongdoing.
The memo was a yuge nothing burger. Very misleading and I have to agree with Jim Comey's assessment.
We need to get control of at least the house for things to return to normal.
”Was the GOP ("bombshell") memo a big fat nothing burger?”
Yup. It was a Trump bullshit special: angry allegations, but as usual, zero proof.
Trump’s conspiracy theory that the “Deep State” is attacking him is premised on the idea that the FBI ordered wiretaps on Carter Page because of the Democrats’ oppo research (which included the revelation of Trump’s pee-pee fetish). But that oppo research was originally commissioned by Republican primary opponents of Trump. And the FBI was already investigating Page’s shady dealings with the Russians long before the 2016 election.
Do criminal stuff, become the subject of a criminal investigation. That’s kind of how it works. Sucks to be you, Carter Page. And since you hired him, sucks to be you, Donald Trump.
Anyway, Devin Nunes is a sad little dick-licker who hopes Trump will reward him with an important job. He may be disappointed if Trump goes to jail.
If Deferment Donald believes his comb over is his true hair-do, how can we believe anything that comes out of his mouth?
The Russians have videos of Cheeto being pee-ed on, along with illegal business dealings.
1) I don't know that Fergus has anything to do with what is happening in the stock market, and even Krugman walked back his initial freak out about what this administration would do to the markets, so I'll put my money where my mouth is and say that if Fergus wasn't responsible for the boom, he's not responsible for the bust either.
It does kinda step on his boasting about it, though.
2) Uh, tell the truth?
3) I don't know about "on" him, but the list of things they got from him is long and depressing.
4) If Obama had an unpaid parking ticket the Republican house would have impeached him.
5) Sort of. I mean it wasn't at all what Fox news has been telling Fergus it was for two weeks, but right at the end of it was something noteworthy: The FBI investigation about Fergus' involvement with Russia's attack on our election wasn't triggered by the Steele dossier, it was triggered by George Papadapolis getting hammered and running his mouth to some Australian diplomat that Russia had the DNC's stolen emails.
Which sort of undermines the bullshit reason they were saying it was so important because of.
6) I haven't the foggiest. No, wait, I sold pot to some Eagles fans back in the seventies, and they seemed OK... oh wait, wrong Eagles.
7) On the one hand, I think they should make it right for all of the customers they cheated, but on the other hand, my checking account is with them and they have given me decent customer service this time around. They fucked me around a little back in the eighties, when they bought Crocker, where I had my account, but that was a long time ago and they aren't even the same people any more.
8) What credibility? Ryan has been a Randite fraud since the media decided that he was the smart Republican numbers guy they had been hoping to find to prop up their bullshit both siderist business model.
9 Emboldened? Try whipped into a nativist frenzy to scare morons into voting for Republicans.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug pooped his panties.
White people are absolutely worthless.
Memo released. Atlas shrugged.
Wingnuts cried, Thuggers thugged
Everyday Joe Blow is thinking abuut the memo- "Pink. I I think I will dye my hair pink."
Another day, another dud brought to you by stoopid fucking wingnuts and wasicu wasteys. The party that is so incompetent that even though they control all aspects of government, they can't accomplish anything to help 99% of Americans. Why, you ask. Incompetence, I say. Look around. It shows up in every aspect of stoopid wingnuts lives. Thirty years of mining dirt on the Clintons has yielded a large expensive hole but no jewels.
Promises of smoking guns that aren't. Indictments coming down the pike that don't. Dems going to jail? Not in stoopid fucking wingnut's lifetime unless Dems go voluntarily. And let us not forget the millions of wasted taxpayer dollars that have funded and continue to fund witch hunts against fine upstanding people like HRC! Bwahahahaha!
Don't forget Fusion GPS opposition research was started by and partially paid for by wingnuts looking for dirt on Drumpfuck's dirty, skanky ass.
Paul Ryan has little credibility just like his little white dick.
The mangled apricot stinking up the WH has a little problem. New employment numbers shows black unemployment under Drumpfuck is going up. Drumpfuck lied? Say it ain't so.
My man.
Where are you, wasicu wastey rascals? I'd like to hear your defense of the crown memo. Did it make you all tingly inside?
No surprise that it’s an egotistical, narcissist white man that’s taking down the office if the presidency because ONLY a white man would be given permission to.
No surprise Drumpfuck claims total vindication without a shred of proof.
Drumpfuck- the alleged father of two wasicu wastey thrill killing white hunters, said trophy hunting not gooooooooooooood.
"Mr. trump has been taking credit for Obama's economy. Will he still do that after the Dow lost over 600 points today?"
Of course! What 600 point loss? ;)
"Is there anything that Devin Nunes will not do for Mr. trump?"
Ummm...Probably not
"What do you think the Russians have on Mr. trump?"
Money talks and &*******t walks, but who really knows...
"If Barack Obama paid hush money to shut up a porn star who he had unprotected sex with, would he have been impeached?"
*Gasp*! Unprotected??? Sheesh! He's a real risk taker that one! and Obama? of course! and then Hillary would have put her on the staff! x*D
"Was the GOP ("bombshell") memo a big fat nothing burger?"
I would have to say it looks like a diversionary tactic from what little I've seen.
"Are Eagles fans really as bad as everyone says they are?"
All any kindofball fans are crazy! What the heck do people get out of tossing a ball around and getting hurt in the process?
"What do you think of the Federal Reserve restricting the growth of Wells Fargo because of their abuse of the trust of the consumers?"
No idea, no, maybe so, I'm outta the loop
"Has Paul Ryan destroyed whatever little credibility he had left with the American people?"
Politicians have credibility??? News to me!
"Are the folks who were secretly racist before been emboldened with the election of Donald trump? (Rhetorical question. Of course they have.)"
I'm counting the police brutality beatings and deaths since he took office, and I dare say I think they are less now, (correct me if I'm wrong)so far anyway. My uneducated theory is that racist people were so enraged at having a black man as POTUS, and their anger exploded. Now because they see a white man as POTUS their anger is somewhat appeased I think. I could be wrong...Not that the race soldiers have lessened their anger, but I'm thinking they don't want to make their POTUS look bad.
Anyway this from a person that does not watch TV,at all,so yeah...
"Mr. trump has been taking credit for Obama's economy"
Eight years of sluggish growth and delayed recovery: "It's Bush's fault!"
Economy takes off as soon as Trump is elected: "Obama gets the credit"
The election of Obama and his presidency brought out the racists, but the election of tr**p and his presidency emboldened them even further.
So proud of our free press for their heroic efforts in protecting a vulnerable federal institution like the FBI from the perils of accountability to the US citizenry.
-Turd in Oakland
The thing about white boys is, they are always compensating for their tiny dicks. It's true of Butt Trumpet and all his supporters, and little Mikey Pence, and little Paul Ryan, and the list goes on and on. Sooner or later they just have to come to terms with the fact that they aren't packing much down there, which is why they were/are so threatened by a guy like Barack Obama.
Michelle had a bigger dick than Barack.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Michelle had a bigger dick than Barack.
You'd know because you fellated them both? Of course you would.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Mike pooped his panties.
I've been watching every pundit and panel member within shouting distance of a microphone telling us how insignificant and spurious the Nunes memo is - how it's all smoke to protect Trump.
I've also watched over the last couple weeks as FISA expert after FISA expert guaranteed us all that the FBI and DoJ would never/couldn't possibly present raw, uncorroborated intelligence to the FISA judge - it's unheard of, they say. Laughable. It would be shot down immediately.
The Nunes memo shows that they did. They did present raw, uncorroborated intelligence, they weren't laughed at, and they weren't shot down. They got the warrant, and Comey, Adam Schiff, Jim Sciutto and scores of their colleagues are telling us there's nothing to see here.
In the real world, which exists away from the Resistance's comforting echo chamber of the MSM, yesterday was a profoundly important day.
Trump, by rejecting perpetual war, seeking better relations with Russia, calling for imposition of Glass-Steagall banking separation, endorsing what he refers to as the American System of political economy, and promising massive infrastructure development and a modern manufacturing platform for productive jobs, threatens the existing Globalist order. This is why we see this unprecedented campaign against his Presidency.
80 IQ Negroes Rule !
Schiff said memo would endanger national security. It did not.
He said it contained sources and methods that couldn't be released. He was lying.
He said it was materially altered. It was not.
Time and again he repeatedly feeds media and public talking points that are just not true.
Why is Schiff running point for the Democrats?
The memo reveals a clear violation of Donald Trump's and his campaign personnel’s Constitutional rights, as well as an attempt to use the intelligence community to alter a Presidential election.
This is high treason and people need to be prosecuted.
80 IQ Negroes Rule !
trump is a negro?
A second source has now confirmed that in a meeting on January 10, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein used the power of his office to threaten to subpoena the calls and texts of the Intelligence Committee to get it to stop its investigation of the DOJ and FBI.
These actions are likely to merit Abuse of Power and Obstruction of Justice charges.
You wanted a Constitutional crisis, and you got it.
The memo reveals a clear violation of Donald Trump's and his campaign personnel’s Constitutional rights, as well as an attempt to use the intelligence community to alter a Presidential election.
Bullshit, the memo is fake news. Carter Page was on the FBI's radar because he was dealing with Russian spies. Hmmmmmm, what is the obsession with Russia by trump? He invites the top Russian spies to D.C. this week. Trump is in with the Russians and we need to know why. The Republicans are complicit and will be going to jail alongside trump.
A second source has now confirmed that in a meeting on January 10, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein used the power of his office to threaten to subpoena the calls and texts of the Intelligence Committee to get it to stop its investigation of the DOJ and FBI.
Link or it didn't happen.
"trump is a negro?"
Trump is the baddest nigger on the planet.
Trump is the dumbest nigger on the planet.
Cheeto has the widest ass of ANY President in modern history!!
Hope Hicks is going to jail too.
A second source has now confirmed that in a meeting on January 10, Deputy Attorney General Rosenstein used the power of his office to threaten to subpoena the calls and texts of the Intelligence Committee to get it to stop its investigation of the DOJ and FBI.
Rosenstein’s threat to Nunes should NOT go unpunished. He’s threatening and trying to intimidate (obstruct justice) on a Congressmen and the Republicans in the Intel Committee for trying to do their mandated oversight. Should be reported to the DOJ OIG to investigate.
Trump's allowing Russia to take over America should not go unpunished. He should be tried and executed as the traitor he is along with the rest of the Benedict Arnold Republican Party.
Russia seems to be running America better than Obama did.
Putin's evil plan for America is taking effect:
*Lowest unemployment in decades
*Higher wages
*Lower taxes on working people and businesses
*Bring millions of jobs and billions of dollars back to America
*Make America energy independent
*Stop starting endless wars
*Rebuild American military
*Hold lawless government officials to account for their corruption
He must be stopped!!!
March 12, 2017:
By claiming that former President Barack Obama ordered a wiretap but not producing evidence to back up his charge, President Trump may have done irreparable harm to his own credibility, California Rep. Adam Schiff said Sunday.
The president eight days ago tweeted that his Trump Tower offices were wiretapped by the Obama administration during the 2016 election, though he has yet to produce firm proof backing up the accusation.
“You know, there are one of two possibilities here. Either the president quite deliberately, for some reason, made up the charge. Or perhaps, more disturbing, the president really believes this,” Mr. Schiff said.
Stoopid fucking wingnut Paul Ryan tweets about Wisconsin teacher happy with her 1.50 pay raise per week. Then twitter lambasted him so he removed it. Wow, she gets a whole $78 dollars per year more from koch bros billions in taxcuts.
Wapo gives memo story 4-count them- 4 Pinocchios and gives excellent explanations why the memo's charges of spying sre stoopid fucking wingnut lies.
"I'm counting the police brutality beatings and deaths since he took office, and I dare say I think they are less now, (correct me if I'm wrong)so far anyway. My uneducated theory is that racist people were so enraged at having a black man as POTUS, and their anger exploded."
The police aren't the public. What happened is that the overwhelming repudiation of Obama, represented by the Trump landslide despite the usual massive Democrat vote-rigging, deflated black egos and entitlement and made them less likely to act out in interactions with the cops. Better behavior, better results.
This is why such things were rare in the Jim Crow south. Black people were kept in line and knew where the lines were. It was only when you got un-acculturated blacks from elsewhere (like proto-rapist Emmett Till, son of rapist and murderer Louis Till) was trouble almost inevitable.
To your point, what happened to South Africa:
Average murders per year under apartheid: 170
Average murders per year since 194: 24,137
"Wapo gives memo story 4-count them- 4 Pinocchios"
Wapo is owned by billionaire Jeff Bezo, who uses it as a globalist propaganda rag.
Keep fighting for the interests of the mega-rich, mike.
"wasicu wasteys"? The last time I heard word salad like this, I was visiting a home for victims of senile dementia. Is that what this place is?
Fake Noize is owned by billionaire carpetbagger from bloody Australia and is used as right wing propaganda outfit and wingnut only press releases.
Wapo gave clear and concise reasons why the memo stunk to high heaven which, by the way, you didn't bother to address or refudiate.
Keep fighting for the interests of the mega-rich, Anymoose.
Anonymous said...
"wasicu wasteys"? The last time I heard word salad like this, I was visiting a home for victims of senile dementia. Is that what this place is?
7:03 PM
No wonder stoopid fucking wingnuts never fully evolved. Stand around with a finger up your air hole when any 2 year old with a modicum of curiosity would know enough to Google something they don't understand. You "fat takers" will never catch up. That is where the wastey comes in. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Filled Negroes Unite !
Hey yall......It's Black Hysteria Mumf
TRUMP 2020!!
Average murders per year since 194:
Since 194? You are one old muther fucker.
Trump 10 to 20.
Black people were kept in line and knew where the lines were.
Yup and now we say fuck your lines and if you tried that shit today you'd get your ass whooped like that white bitch in Mississippi who talked shit to some negro. Try that dumb shit on one of us punk. Your 150 IQ wouldn't save you from the ass whooping you'd get.
Colorado grade school teacher assaulted a student for not standing during the Pledge.
Kamikaze Dems and Islamic Jihadists strike another train, this one in South Carolina. When will they ever learn to use tonnes of explosives to achieve maximum mass casualties? What say you, Alex Jones?
Harley-Davidson just closed a plant in Kansas City, laying off 800 workers. Managers blamed both a provision of the tax bill and Trump’s decision to pull out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership.
Passage of the tax bill didn’t affect or delay the decision of Toys-R-Us to close 180 stores–nor the closing of 63 Sears locations. Kmart has closed 45 stores; Macy’s has closed 68. Walmart made a big deal out of its response to passage of the tax bill, announcing $1000 bonuses (the company made less noise about the fact that only employees who’d been with the company for 20 years would actually get a thousand dollars), and immediately followed up that PR blitz by closing 63 of its Sam’s Club stores and throwing thousands of people out of work. (Given Walmart’s turnover rate, I’d guess there weren’t a lot of 20-year veterans getting the full bonus amount, either.)
Industry publications are filled with layoff announcements: Pfizer announced it will eliminate 300 research jobs in New England; another 4,000 are expected to lose their jobs with AT&T. Kimberly-Clark is using its tax windfall to reward shareholders, while laying off between 5,000 and 5,500 workers. Comcast said the $1,000 bonus it splashed across the news would serve as severance for 500 terminated employees. Microsoft, Coca-Cola and a host of lesser-known brands have also fired hundreds of workers.
The tax cut didn’t change any of these decisions, and other policies of the Trump Administration are only accelerating the job losses.
From Sheila Kennedy's blog.
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