Someone should tell the president that you can't just lie away a real crisis such as this and pretend it doesn't exist. Ms. Conway, like her boss, is a habitual liar. But beyond the lying, she is clearly out of her league as recent press reports show.
"White House counselor Kellyanne Conway has taken control of the opioids agenda, quietly freezing out drug policy professionals and relying instead on political staff to address a lethal crisis claiming about 175 lives a day. The main response so far has been to call for a border wall and to promise a "just say no” campaign.The Office of National Drug Control Policy has been without a permanent director since the president's first nominee for that position, Pennsylvania congressman Tom Marino, withdrew from consideration in light of history of zealous advocacy for legislation friendly to narcotics manufacturers. As a result, the ONDCP was briefly led by a 24-year-old former campaign staffer who lied on his résumé about the length of time he served as vice president of his college fraternity—a distinction that makes him the least-qualified person to hold a White House job who did not marry one of the president's children.
Conway, for some reason, has stepped into this void, steering the administration's opioid response strategy with the help of a "skeleton crew" of political appointees who possess no relevant experience."
The irony of all this is that the people most affected by this particular drug problem are your typical trump voters. If the administration is treating the problem that affects them most in such a way, how do you think that they will treat the rest of us with problems that are unique to our communities?
And finally, this scary bit of news:
The spokesman described the planning process as being in its "infancy."
In response to the news, White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Trump had asked the Defense Department to "explore" the idea.
"President Trump is incredibly supportive of America's great servicemembers who risk their lives every day to keep our country safe. He has asked the Department of Defense to explore a celebration at which all Americans can show their appreciation," Sanders said.
The Washington Post first reported Trump told top Pentagon brass last month he wants a military parade.
"The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France," a military official told the paper. "This is being worked at the highest levels of the military."
Trump's meeting with senior military leaders last month included Vice President Mike Pence, White House chief of staff John Kelly, Defense Secretary James Mattis and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Joseph Dunford.
Trump was French President Emmanuel Macron's guest on Bastille Day last year, and later called the French military parade he witnessed "one of the greatest parades" he had ever seen.
He said last September in a conversation with Macron that when he came back from France he wanted a military parade on the Fourth of July in Washington.
Trump's call for a military parade might be hitting a few snags. The Post said shipping tanks and military hardware into Washington could cost millions of dollars, and that military officials said they were unsure how to pay for it.
After the Gulf War in 1991, the US put on a victory celebration replete with servicemembers and military gear.
Outside of France, authoritarian nations the world over have made massive displays of military power a mainstay of their public celebrations." [Source]
Do you know which other countries have large military parades? Think Russia, North Korea and China.
*Pics from
We need a serious President.
Conway hit job is more Fake News.
Don't you ever learn?
What do you thinkof the redistrictng in Pennsylvania. Some have said that could net the Dems 4-6 new congressional seats.
I'm all for the parade, as long as it includes marching Hillary down Pennsylvania Avenue in chains.
I'm all for the parade, as long as it includes marching Hillary down Pennsylvania Avenue in chains.
While trump rots behind bars.
FN: "The spokesman described the planning process as being in its 'infancy.'"
The infant should have been aborted before it was born.
"We live in a world where Kellyanne Conway has been named as the person to stop America's opioid crisis. These are strange times."
Yeah, well, we also live in a world where Betsy DeVos is secretary of education, Rick "Oops" Perry heads the Department of Energy (one of the departments he had said he wanted to eliminate because, according to him, it was useless), a guy who hates the environment now runs the EPA, and the Small Business Administration is run by the pro wrestling lady.
Oh, and Jared Kushner is going to bring peace to Israel-Palestine. Good luck with that.
All of this is a bad fucking joke, but that joke is on all of us. We are living in the movie "Idiocracy."
"President Donald Trump has asked for a military parade and the Pentagon is reviewing potential dates, Pentagon spokesman Charlie Summers said Tuesday."
Merci beaucoup, Monsieur Macron. I'd say you created a monster with the spectacle you put on to impress Le Pompous American Moron when he came to visit, but I must admit, Trump was already a monster. You just made him into an even bigger one.
"The spokesman described the planning process as being in its "infancy.""
And our president, also in his infancy, mentally speaking.
OK, two things about the parade:
First, what does he plan on doing with the tanks? Those tracks will tear the shit out of the roads, so maybe haul them on trucks? Or perhaps he could just lay down in the road and protect it with his fat, white, ass.
And second, if his "freedom fries" base possessed a working memory, or were not reprogrammable meatbags, their heads would explode about him praising a French parade.
But they don't, and they are, so sorry about that, citizens who use the roads in DC, I hope you have a better maintenance fund than the rest of us.
-Doug in Oakland
And the opioid situation is a perfect example of why you never want to trust Republicans with your life.
A wall won't keep Purdue Pharma out; they're already in.
And Fentanyl is a motherfucker. It's a tricky thing, Fentanyl. It's a widely used and effective pain killer for extreme pain, and is used in anesthesia for surgery, but it has a working dose measured in micrograms, like LSD, but unlike LSD, if you fuck up the dose a little, it straight up kills you.
It is powerful enough to be profitable as black market "heroin" when cut so heavily that the doses match, but most heroin dealers aren't adept enough in lab procedure to evenly mix the drug and the cut on a dose by dose level. So what happens is pockets of more concentrated Fentanyl, which when injected, kill the user who injects them.
I never wanted any opioids myself, but I have lost a couple of friends to Fentanyl, which is why I read about it enough to know that Kellyanne or Jared are not going to understand it enough to do anything about it.
Now, usually, Republicans just say "good enough for them" about drug users who die, but this time it's taking out Republican Fergus fans by the dozen every day.
So if you little MAGA fans want to really know how much he or his administration care about you, your family, or whether you live or die, there's your answer.
-Doug in Oakland
The black family celebrates Father's Day... in prison!
They don't celebrate Father's Day in Africa. There's a reason for this.
And in a wonderful exhibit of African family values, Nigerian father diddles 3 of his children including screwing his 3-yr-old daughter:
Black Lives Matter is absolutely correct about the post-Super Bowl riots in Philadelphia. It is a glaring example of white privilege. You don't even need to wonder what would happen if it was a large contingent of black folks.
Kellyanne Conway is one nasty excuse for a woman, but she is still more feminine and more attractive than any woman who posts here.
Kellyanne Conway is one nasty excuse for a woman, but she is still more feminine and more attractive than any woman who posts here.
9:11 AM
Sez the guy whose mule and dogs are all stump broke.
Drumpfuck needs reminding not all military parades end well. I recall a certain leader of Egypt who should have taken a pass that day.
People who think a pride parade with HIV+ gays in leather chaps waving dildos as they dance on a giant pink penis float is “brave” are whining about a parade celebrating the American military.
Every pro-Black and every anti-White identity ad is produced by Jews, who profit from racial coalition politics.
There's a lot of gold to be made from anger and hate.
From Truman to Obama chart shows % of growth of national debt by each Potus. The two largest (and the 3rd largest soon to be) are trickle down presidnts Raygun and dumbass dubya. And it ain't even close. Trickle down economics with taxcuts aimed at the wealthy are what piles up the debt. Drumpfuck claimed this taxcut was revenue neutral for the debt and they already are looking at 2.5 trillion in debt with the program less than a month old.
But that would make them essentially blue eyed ........those people.
Latest texts from FBI agents link Obama to Trump surveillance....
You gotta know Obama is going to get picked last for the prison basketball team.
Latest texts are more nothingburger designed to rip the heartsd out of wingnuts by a thousand cuts. Couldn't happen to a more deserving bunch, imho. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Nigrows rioted for days in Baltimore and jack shit happened to them. Do you recall the space to destroy bullshit comment by the Nigrow woman mayor? If blacks were held accountable for their bullshit in this country, half of them would be executed. 80 IQ Ballou high school idiots.
7th February 2018. Meters of wall built = 0.
Fuck the Alt-Right, Fuck BLM, and fuck you too.
I'm sure Trump is busy looking at photographs of old dictators trying to find the best military dress uniform to be tailored for him for the big parade. "What do you think of Pinochet, honey?"
Allow me to suggest he take his inspiration from Gadaffi in full military honor, complete with fake medals, epaulets and golden fringes. Though he may prefer to do the French thing with red, white and blue ribbons. Napoleon, maybe?
A cracka from S. Africa that legally became an American citizen launched a yt made rocket into space. This happened during Blek His'rey mummf too. Is dat rayciss? Maybe the rocket was built in Wakanda an sheeeeiiitttt
Police officer fired over he said/she said possible consensual sex? Way tom violate cop's rights.
Homeless, legless woman called the cops and said she was sexually assaulted by 2 stoopid fucking wingnuts. The cop asked how she knew they were stoopid fucking wingnuts and she claimed she had to show them how. Bwahahahahahahahahaha!
Drumpfuck screams the new emails between FBI agents are BOMBSHELLS and of course there is no there there.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts gotta stoopid. When these emails were dayed there was no HRC investigation. There was, however, a rather large intewl investigation of collusion between Drumpfuck's campaign and Russians every fucking where. Guess which investigation the emails are about. If you guessed collusion, you probably had help.
Would like to be a fly on the wall at Pentagon as this parade is being planned.
Universities that have entire departments for black and Hispanic nationalists can't bear to have a white nationalist give a 45 minute speech on campus.
Really makes you think.
Update: Citing anonymous "associates of the FBI employees involved," the Wall Street Journal is reporting the briefing was indeed about Russia, not Clinton.
Another bombshell easily defused. OMFG. Will it never end?
So, Obama was directly involved in using the national security apparatus to illegally wiretap the opposition candidate in order to rig an election?
That's all, mike?
HA! Trump knows how to troll you on the left.
Trump should take it easy on da resistance
because leader Pelosi has dementia.....
Kinky Con said...
"because leader Pelosi has dementia....."
During an extended speech on the House floor Wednesday morning, where she read a long list of profiles of DACA recipients, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi was reminded of her own grandson.
NANCY PELOSI: I'm reminded of my own grandson. He is Irish, English, whatever, whatever, and Italian-American, he is a mix. But he looks more the other [Italian] side of the family, shall we say.
And when he had his sixth birthday... he had a very close friend whose name is Antonio, he's from Guatemala. And he has beautiful tan skinned, beautiful brown eyes, and this was a proud day for me, because when my grandson blew out the candles on his cake, they said did you make a wish?
He said yes, he made a wish. What is your wish? I wish I had brown skin and brown eyes like Antonio.
This hag has so imbued her grandson with self-hate, he wishes he were a Mestizo.
Pelosi is a special kind of awful.
"Universities that have entire departments for black and Hispanic nationalists can't bear to have a white nationalist give a 45 minute speech on campus."
In this case you have to wonder why they booked the room as a church instead under their own name. Secondly Black and Latino departments are there to educate students in areas that have been historically ignored while white supremacist organizations are there to diminish other groups and push an ideology. One wants to be inclusive one wants to be exclusive, apples and oranges.
"This hag has so imbued her grandson with self-hate, he wishes he were a Mestizo."
Or the kid isn't imbued with racism like most Republicans?
HA! Trump knows how to troll you on the left.
Because that's what we all want in a president, immaturity.
"In this case you have to wonder why they booked the room as a church instead under their own name."
Because, as was shown, universities censor white nationalist speech.
"Black and Latino departments are there to educate students in areas that have been historically ignored"
Maybe, but mostly they seem to focus on the evils of white society while often crossing into pushing supremacist themes themselves.
"while white supremacist organizations are there to diminish other groups and push an ideology"
First, there are no explicitly white organizations allowed on American campuses. Ssecondly, there is a huge difference between white nationalism, which asserts that whites have an equal right to preserve their culture and advance their interests, and white supremecism, which asserts unequal privilege for whites.
There are very few white supremacists in America. Leftists conflate white nationalists with white supremacists to discredit the former. Apples and oranges.
"One wants to be inclusive one wants to be exclusive, apples and oranges."
Who is it exactly that is being excluded here?
Schiff for brains said...
So, Obama was directly involved in using the national security apparatus to illegally wiretap the opposition candidate in order to rig an election?
That's all, mike?
By gawd, if that ain't exactly what I said! Except there was nothing illegal about it. Unlike wingnuts, Dems follow the rules.
Tell me, do you allow yer chillen to act like spoiled Drumpf brats?
Newt Gingrich said...
"This hag has so imbued her grandson with self-hate, he wishes he were a Mestizo."
Or the kid isn't imbued with racism like most Republicans?
So now it's racist to accept what you look like?
So now it's racist to accept what you look like?
Nope, never was but it is also ok to admire non-whites.
The 'guess the race" game would be fun if I didn't know your agenda.
I could play it too with horrific crimes committed by....u guessed it, white folks.
The 'guess the race" game would be fun if I didn't know your agenda.
I could play it too with horrific crimes committed by....u guessed it, white folks.
Newt Gingrich said...
So now it's racist to accept what you look like?
Nope, never was but it is also ok to admire non-whites.
When I was six, I admired Jim Brown, but I didn't wish I was black.
There is something exceedingly weird when a six year-old kid feels there is something wrong with his skin, to the point he uses his birthday wish in an attempt to escape his identity.
Who thinks like this in Kindergarten? I would have wished for a bike.
And who tells a story like this on the floor of the House of Representatives, describing it as "a proud day"?
Kellyanne Conjob is still uglier than 9 miles of rough road.
Any more Drumpf bombshells I might have missed?
Kimberly-Clark, maker of paper-based products such as Kleenex, Viva paper towels, Cottonelle bathroom tissue and Huggies disposable diapers, announced earlier this month that the corporation would use its tax cut windfall to pay the costs of closing 10 factories and dumping as many as 5,500 workers worldwide.
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It wasn’t that Kimberly-Clark was insolvent. Just the opposite. Last year, its profit was $2.28 billion or $6.40 a share. For 2018, the corporation is shooting for more, at least $6.90 a share, by “reorganizing”—that is, ditching factories and worker
Thanks Drumpfuck the dumbfuck. That ought to learn workers to trust a pathological lying stoopid fucking wingnut.
Yakub in 2020
Kids always want to be someone they are not. Bet most of you wanted to be able to fly and not grow up after seeing Peter Pan. It is normal for kids to express themselves in such ways. The problem is some kids don't bother to grow up. Exhibit 1 is the orange disaster in the WH. Whines and throws fits like a four year old. I'll bet he emulated his Dad and couldn't wait to be a racist.
I'll bet mike wanted to be a human.
There is something exceedingly weird when a six year-old kid feels there is something wrong with his skin, to the point he uses his birthday wish in an attempt to escape his identity.
Amen bro. I guess the irony of this statement will sail right over our young white racist's head. But to the original point the kid never said he hated his skin color only that he admired his friend's. The self hatred bull shit was added by you. You have no clue about how the kid feels so until you ask him STFU.
I have trouble making my way through these complicated hate threads with so many contributors.
But I can say a super-duper FUCK YOU to commenter, "democrats hate white people."
People from Mexico and the Southwest corners of the United States, from New Mexico and Colorado to Baja California and the Sonora State are some of the most moral and friendly people that I have ever dealt with. Many are also natural musicians who play the guitar, trumpet or violin better than most anyone else that I know. They can sing and harmonize like angels in a choir. I have loved just about each and every one of them that I have ever met. They tend to be very happy, hard-working and family-oriented people. They often fall in love with me too because I am fortunate enough to have learned their language at a very young age. I have practiced speaking it, honing my Spanish skills almost every day that I have lived since I was twenty years old. I got my first job in my field at Kaypro Computers the summer of 1987 thanks to my ability to speak Spanish. I was the point man for Mexico and South America. I talked to a lot of technicians in Mexico, but when I talked to the computer engineers in Venezuela, we usually ended up conversing in English.
Believe me, today some thirty years later, bilingual and educated is no big deal. It's about 50% of everybody.
What I wish to say is I do not want to hear anybody denigrating this proud race of peoples. Do we have to use the antiquated term, "Mestizo?" If Nancy Pelosi's grandson admires his friend of Guatemalan heritage and she thinks that his sentiments are worthy to share... Then so be it. Nothing tires me faster than right-wing hatred of Nancy Pelosi. She was the first female speaker of the house. Nuff said.
Guatemalan-Americans are some of my favorite people. Honest and trustworthy.
More importantly, Mexican women are among the most wickedly beautiful females on earth. We are talking seriously pretty. To the point that it almost hurts to look at anyone that beautiful without crying.
So take your racist bullshit and pack it up your ass, troll.
> Police officer fired over he said/she said possible consensual sex?
A person under arrest cannot legally consent to sex. This is for the protection of the person under arrest.
> Way tom violate cop's rights.
Strange, I don't recall "mike" ever complaining about the violation of cop Daniel Holtzclaw's rights when charges made by women who first claimed they were assaulted by a black man were allowed against him in court despite the lack of any physical evidence in support. It's almost like he thinks that whites can do no right, and blacks can do no wrong.
> The 'guess the race" game would be fun if I didn't know your agenda.
I would like to stop black crimes against white people. Let black cops police black people in black countries. If black people don't want to be policed by white cops, black countries await them. Await you.
> I could play it too with horrific crimes committed by....u guessed it, white folks.
You'd probably have to go back 60 years to find anything equivalent to what black people did last week. tl;dr "Muh Emmett Till!"
"Drumpfuck screams the new emails between FBI agents are BOMBSHELLS and of course there is no there there."
"An FBI lawyer wrote in a text to her lover in late 2016 that then-president Barack Obama wanted updates on the Hillary Clinton email investigation.
Two months before the presidential election, Lisa Page wrote to fellow FBI official Peter Strzok that she was working on a memo for then-FBI director James Comey because Obama ‘wants to know everything we’re doing.’"
"Except there was nothing illegal about it."
Except for the perjury before the FISC to obtain the warrant.
Flynn has applied for the charges against him to be thrown out because the evidence is tainted, including revelations that the FBI's forms 302 (interrogation reports), which were used to support charges that he lied, were altered and are thus not trustworthy. This plea is almost certain to be granted if the entire Mueller fishing expedition isn't called off first due to the FISA violations.
Do we have to use the antiquated term, "Mestizo?"
What do you mean, "antiquated"? It's Spanish for "mixed".
Mexican women are among the most wickedly beautiful females on earth.
Until they hit 25 and turn into porkers. Or do you mean the porkers?
Flying Junior said...
"What I wish to say is I do not want to hear anybody denigrating this proud race of peoples."
You are a fucking idiot.
Nothing I said in any of my posts was derogatory in any way towards any race, including Hispanics.
The point was that a white kid had been taught to hate his own race.
Flip the story. If little Antonio had used the occasion of his sixth birthday to wish that he had white skin and blue eyes, and someone thought that it was weird and sad, would that be denigrating whites?
Mestizo means mixed European and Native ancestry; it's what the people of central America are. It's not a slur. Look it up.
The point was that a white kid had been taught to hate his own race.
The point still is you don't know that. Liking something else doesn't mean hating sonething else, well unless you're a small minded ignorant white racist troll then yes that is the only answer.
Republicans like wife beaters and child molestors.
But only black people refuse to report them because "too many black men in prison".
But only black people refuse to report them because "too many black men in prison".
Only white people appoint them to White House staff positions because there's honor among thieves.
The point was that a white kid had been taught to hate his own race.
Heyzus, what a snowflake! A little kid likes the way his friend's darker skin looks and white fuckboi racists freak the fuck out. Go find a safe space snowflake because who knows what six year old will trigger you next.
The GOP said...
Republicans like wife beaters and child molestors.
7:20 PM
You are confused again, you are referring to Hollywood.
You are confused again, you are referring to Hollywood.
Nope, no confusion at all. We got this.
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