So now comes the tale of Kenneth Gladney; a Negro who is dead set against Obamacare and any changes that might be made to health care as we now know it. But there is one little problem: Old Kenneth doesn't have health care, and he didn't have it when he went to a town hall meeting on Thursday August 6, 2009, to make his feelings known. Field, that's a damn lie, Kenneth was covered under his wife's plan. See, it's right here on Gatewaypundit and Prolifeblog: "False-- Kenneth does not have medical insurance. He is covered under his wife's plan."
Unfortunately for Kenneth, he got his ass kicked at that meeting, and now he has become the black version of Joe The Plumber for my friends on the right. If you believe some media accounts, ole Kenneth was just minding his own business, being a good patriot, when a bunch of union thugs questioned him on why he was there. They then yelled racial epithets at him and commenced to give him the Rodney King treatment. Now they (the right) are outraged that a black man could be treated this way. [*eyes rolling* ]Why no beer for Kenneth President Obama?
Still, Kenneth, who has apparently been properly schooled in the ways of capitalism from his friends on the right, is making the best of this bad situation.
"Kenneth wants to make it clear that he is not funded by any special interest group or political party. Kenneth vows never to accept funds from any of these sources. Project Liberty is "people-powered." As with any endeavor of this magnitude, there are costs associated with this. If you would like to help defray these costs in this fight for liberty, stand up with Kenneth and donate today.
I am Kenneth Gladney. You are Kenneth Gladney, Remember, we all are Kenneth Gladney."
(Well, somebody is lying, because if Kenneth has medical coverage under his "wife's plan", why is Kenneth collecting money to cover medical costs?)
I am not Kenneth Gladney. Kenneth Gladney is the very antithesis of everything I stand for. Kenneth Gladney is a jigging buffoon who is nothing but a pawn in a very important struggle for the well being of millions of A-merry-cans. For him to take his dumb ass to that meeting to give out "Don't Tread on Me" flags was beyond housishness. (I made that word up) "Don't Tread on Me"? Negro please! Your ass should have been selling that shit at the RNC convention, not a town hall meeting about health care reform. The insurance companies have been treading on people in this country forever. And they obviously "tread" on your dumb ass because you don't even have health insurance. And yet you are a poster boy (emphasis on boy) for the right wing loons in this country who would try to stand in the way of health insurance reform.
Sorry Kenneth, you get no sympathy from the field. Negroes like you make me sick to my stomach. I am sorry you got your ass kicked. But I bet you will feel better just in time for your right wing tour.
Field I may be wrong but, is this the Black Man that was at the MCCAIN/PALIN campaign, he told (Mccain to please go after OBAMA during the debate's!
Glenn Beck is LOSING SPONSOR'S!!!! I think it's about SEVEN!!!!!
Hope he enjoys his moment in the spotlight. Maybe he's looking to be the black version of Joe the not Plumber.
Just when I think I've heard the stupiest story such as Palin's Death Panels, you come up with even a more bizarre story. And your links take us to some of the most messed up web pages I've been made aware of on this health care issue news. I always thought August was a slow news month but this year maybe it will be different.
Maybe it's time for you take a vacation on Maui.
Fuck Kenneth Gladney.
Union thugs using the same kind of tactics the kkk use to use to keep ya'll from receiving ya'll is rights gets a thumbs up from field?
Negros be forewarned.This is what happens when ya'll leave the Democrat plantation.
"I am not Kenneth Gladney. Kenneth Gladney is the very antithesis of everything I stand for."
You mean you stand for whatever your Democrat masters tell you to stand for.
There was no violence whatssoever until Obama called in the union thugs and his goon squad.
Now you got union thugs holding up Obama/nazi signs in Michigan,and other places.
Democrats using small children has plants.
Its sad to see the left resort to these tactics.
Don't ya'll know ya'll gots the numbers to pass anything ya'll want?
Your better than me field...i glad he got his ass kicked...this fool was on fox doing his best jig...fuck kenny
RE: Mr. R
I bet you smiled when you saw the lady in Missouri get her poster torn up today.
Taking you down point by point would be a waste of time, especially since it's been done quite well by others. You want to come out of this clean. You want to be blameless. But even if you were the guy who filed food requisitions for the guards at Dachau, you still worked for the Nazis. Actually, to be more precise and only slightly hyperbolic, you're like the guy who cleaned floors for SPECTRE, the evil organization that James Bond was fighting. At the end of the day, you could look at where you mopped and say, 'Goddamn, that's one shiny motherfucker of a floor,' while behind you Ernst Blofeld is watching a giant fucking screen showing the launch of a nuke at London. When the British agents arrived, your ass would still get mowed down.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness."
John Kenneth Galbraith
Oh just look at that cute picture. He looks like a pig in shit. A house negro's wet dream come true. It must be a special feeling to be adored and kissed on the head by white people... especially when you're able to win the cold hearts of white rethuglikKkans. All that pain was an honor. Yup, he's now a significant human being, later for the rest of us.
He won't be the first, and he won't be the last jigg.
Conservatives wanted to stay loyal to England.
Conservatives wanted to make President a life-long appointment.
Conservatives fought against bringing in slave-free states without slave-holding states.
Conservatives fought for the 3/5 rule that counted slaves as partial humans.
Conservatives fought for secession from the Union because they wanted to keep slaves.
Conservatives fought against women"s suffrage.
Conservatives fought for prohibition.
Conservatives wanted to keep us out of WWI and WWII.
Conservatives created Jim Crow laws.
Conservatives lynched blacks routinely.
Conservatives fought against integration.
Conservatives put up "whites only" signs.
Conservatives fought against the civil rights act.
Conservatives wanted to stay in Viet Nam.
Conservatives eliminated state-run asylums and put those with mental health problems out in the street.
Conservatives brought you homelessness and huge deficits.
Conservatives fight to destroy unions and back corporations.
Conservatives want to keep gay Americans second class citizens by denying them the same rights the rest of us enjoy.
Conservatives deny Global Climate Change and fight ANY environmental legislation.
Conservatives fought against Social Security.
Conservatives want to teach Intelligent Design in schools.
Conservatives want to do away with the education cabinet post.
Conservatives want the Church imposed into all aspects of your life.
Conservatives advocated the war and occupation in Iraq.
Conservatives advocate going back to the Gold Standard which was responsible for making the Depression worse.
Conservatives want to do away with Medicare for old people and with Medicaid for poor people.
Conservatives see no problem with our spending $2,500,000,000.00 per week in Iraq and 3 trillion dollars overall.
Conservatives support NAFTA and other job-busting free trade agreements.
Conservatives are against any attempt to provide universal health care or health insurance to all American citizens.
Conservatives believe deregulation brings about competition and lower prices.
Conservatives don"t believe in welfare except of the corporate kind.
Conservatives believe that tax cuts for the rich somehow make poor people money.
Conservatives think unions, that represent the little guy, are a communist plot.
Conservatives think trickle-down and top down economics helps those at the bottom.
What have conservatives ever done in this country that is good?
Conservatives are the most hateful people on earth. If you don't agree with them, or look like them, or of a different political party, they want to harm you.
Or, Mr.R, do you want to wax poetic about the oppressed middle-aged white man? That's like saying the New England Patriots are oppressed.
Trapped in SC said...
RE: Mr. R
I bet you smiled when you saw the lady in Missouri get her poster torn up today.
Well you know,when black women start talking out the side of their necks.
Field have you no sympathy! Constructive Feedback took a hell of a beating.Theyu have film of it and as we all know except MR.R he's a plant. Who go to a march with their lawyer present for the beatdown and no witnesses.I hope he don't have kids , they would be dogged out for their rest of their lives.
Man what is wrong with you! Why would you link to Ann Coulter! Are you trying to get me to go "all out"? Anywhoo. Miss Ann say: "Now, I’m not a constitutional scholar, but I’d be willing to bet some money that said activity is protected by the first amendment"
No. You obviously are not a scholar of any stripe. Anyone who was awake in Constitutional Law knows that the 1st amendment only protects you against GOVERNMENT action. Getting your negro ass kicked for talking out of the side of your neck is as American as apple pie! Welcome to the house MoFo! I hope you enjoy your stay. By the way, you might want to get a bucket. I believe the roof is on fire!
Trapped in SC , feel better after that insane rant?
No--I am Spartacus!
He's a noble man! No. He's the new Rosa Parks!
Field, I was waiting for you to speak up on this poster boy for playing a patsy. Didn't another black man knock him down? If that's true, then good luck getting that prosecuted as a hate crime, Kenny.
Thank you Trapped in SC, that was on point!
"Now you got union thugs holding up Obama/nazi signs in Michigan,and other places.
Democrats using small children has plants."
Links please!
Malik, sorry about the [m]Ann Coulter link, I don't know what came over me.
Do you feel better now that the D.A. has dropped the pedophilia charges?
Sit your wingnut, teabagging ass down.
"Field have you no sympathy! Constructive Feedback took a hell of a beating.'
LOL. Now, please don't summons him. But I don't think it's him either way. They said that guy has a wife.
MR.R said...
Union thugs using the same kind of tactics the kkk use to use to keep ya'll from receiving ya'll is rights gets a thumbs up from field?
Negros be forewarned.This is what happens when ya'll leave the Democrat plantation.
"I am not Kenneth Gladney. Kenneth Gladney is the very antithesis of everything I stand for."
You mean you stand for whatever your Democrat masters tell you to stand for.
8:49 PM
Look you sorry ass mother fucking bitch. Those police that make sure your punk ass get home,union.the people that pick up your trash, union.My father the autoworker and my mother the nurse , union. Stop sucking Oreilly's dick .The union built America and St. Ronnie of Assisi destroyed it. If the right keep it up withthe fake ass astroturfed, ratfuckers, doing fake shit, the U.S. will be at civil war. It will be minorities, gays, Women , and progressives against rich selfish , prejudice white men.If they don't share then the end result is Marxism or Communism.
One more thing punk, my mother and my aunt almost went to see Rep. Fudge at a meeting today. If anything happened to my mother those fake ass teabaggers, won't be in wheelchairs unless they 're in heaven.
MR.R said...
There was no violence whatssoever until Obama called in the union thugs and his goon squad...
What you getting, $.50 per post?
mr. r, (Assholes like you don't deserve upper case letters)
You know I have read this for a few months now. If you have a fundamental disagreement with the policy positions that blacks support, fine.
If you prefer total unchecked capitalism over regulation, fine.
If you a person that believes in low taxation, fine.
But go to hannity.com or freerepublic, places with like minded folks that share your love of stupidity, the places where you can suck the dick of the right wing.
I'm just glad that the civil rights acts of the past were not referendums that could have been voted on, for I know where you would stand.
Or maybe you are a member of that common species, the white male conservative (angrywhitmanus imafuckincowardus).
Go join a fucking militia or something.
Mr. R and all the other Neo-Cons dopes out there -- if you think that a President who hires a former bank executive to run his financial recovery initiative is a Socialist, you need to get a dictionary. But never mind, I digress.
On to this pathetic Negro who got his but kicked for essentially being a scab. First, I don't condone the attacking of anyone in a public debate, particularly a Black man -- even a stupid one.
He's an unemployed Black man arguing against the government helping pay for healthcare. So, he has no healthcare and is a member of a sub population at risk for everything except cervical and breast cancer. BUT, he's fighting to continue to let insurance companies screw him over? Stupid is as stupid does.
But, something tells me the fix is in. I don't think this cat faked his attack, but I think attacking him was staged by the same right wing goon squads who started these Astro-Turf scare tactics in the first place. For the uneducated, corporate and powerful interests have often inserted agent provocateurs to disrupt or distract a political movement, particularly progressive ones. If the insurance industry can convince old people that Healthcare Reform is a legalized "Logan's Run" and can ship fake "concerned citizens" all around the country -- why wouldn't they hire a couple of good ol' boys to pose as Teamsters and beat the snot out of some anti-reform local yokel & blame it on union.
R.J. said...
Field, I was waiting for you to speak up on this poster boy for playing a patsy. Didn't another black man knock him down? If that's true, then good luck getting that prosecuted as a hate crime, Kenny.
Sorry Kenny would win . They don't let minorities win those cases any more.Only whites are discriminated against.
Someone needs to find an address for this idiot and send him a trophy with the engraving: House Negro of the Year 2009
Gladney has been exposed as a phony thank god !!! I only wished he really had gotten his ass kicked instead of just falling on his ass.
UPDATED 7:18 P.M. CLEVELAND, Ohio — Police removed two people who attended U.S. Rep. Marcia Fudge's congressional district address at the Ford Auditorium on the campus of Case Western Reserve University, which ended at 8 tonight.
Police forceably removed a man who shouted about killing old people just before 7. University police removed a second man a few minutes later after an outburst.
After the second person was removed, Fudge said she doesn't mind debate, but said, "This is still my meeting. I will be respectful of you, and you will be respectful of me."
Detracters settled down after those two were thrown out.
Fudge spoke for 30 minutes, highlighting the federal dollars congress has directed to Northeast Ohio this year. She also talked about health care reform. She then spent nearly 45 minutes answering audience members' questions, most of which were about health care.
Her remarks drew mostly applause and some boos.
One supporter, Dr. George Randt, of Bay Village, wants to see Medicare expanded to everyone.
"That's my favorite plan as a patient and a physician," he said. He held a sign that said "Medicare for All Now. Everybody in, nobody out."
Mike Perokop, 54, of Cleveland Heights, held a sign that said, "Government is sick," which was topped with an American flag and a yellow flag that said, "don't tread on me."
"What I have seen so far of all these congressmen is they show up at these events, they ask questions, but I don't see them learning anything," he said. "I've not heard any congressman say they have been swayed and will look at this differently."
CF and MR.R that could have been my mother there so fuck you.
"Mike Perokop, 54, of Cleveland Heights, held a sign that said, "Government is sick," which was topped with an American flag and a yellow flag that said, "don't tread on me."
This guy lives in cleveland Heights the most liberal , progressive, gay friendly city in Northeastern Ohio.Those people there are going to be pissed.
"Mr. R and all the other Neo-Cons dopes out there -- if you think that a President who hires a former bank executive to run his financial recovery initiative is a Socialist, you need to get a dictionary. But never mind, I digress.
On to this pathetic Negro who got his but kicked for essentially being a scab. First, I don't condone the attacking of anyone in a public debate, particularly a Black man -- even a stupid one."
Great points LACoincidental.
Oh Lawd, you all done pissed off kid. I sure hope the [un]constructive one doesn't come around. I swear kid will jump out of the computer tonight.
Omg, that photo is just so sad. Lol He should be House Negro of The Year!
Oh wait Henry Louis Gates has to be in the running too.
This must be the year of the house negro.
Oh wait; Kenneth has a wife?! Lol, Field please tell me she's not White! Lol
But if she is I'm sure she is so proud of her Kenneth.
"Oh wait; Kenneth has a wife?! Lol, Field please tell me she's not White! Lol"
Pheww, I'm glad somebody finally said it, I was waiting patiently. If I had said that.....
And of course she's white. He has all the symptoms.
Sorry I don't know what's up with my internet tonight.
ROTFLMAO--I did not know about this fool!
"Field I may be wrong but, is this the Black Man that was at the MCCAIN/PALIN campaign, he told (Mccain to please go after OBAMA during the debate's!"
No, that was another ass-licking Uncle Tom named James Harris.
I heard about this guy a couple days ago and thought whether he knew the meaning of irony. Irony sort of still applies because even under his wife health plan, the company wiil not pay his claim because was involved in a fight. Blue Cross does not pay a claim if the individual is involved in a fight. In a fight, you assume the risk of being hurt much in a way of being at a baseball game with assuming the risk of being hit with the ball while watching in the seat. That is probably why Kenneth is begging folk to help pay for his medical bills.
Symptoms? Leave it to you to make it sound like a disease. The other basher should along shortly.
Well, I went to a town hall this evening. The questions were not pre-selected. There were people there for and against, though far more for than against. You did not have to sign up in advance to get in. First come, first serve in line. And guess what.... No fights, no yelling, a couple of looney questions, which Joe Sestak patiently answered. Good questions from those for and against... and Sestak was very knowledgeable in his answers (yes he has read all 1,000 + pages)..... Hmmmm happened in Philadelphia..... I was impressed by everyone on their best behavior. Union City without union goons.... pretty much a contridiction of all the hype says these things have been promoted to be.
Kenneth is more than likely a member Jesse Lee Peterson's BOND. That's the type of stuff Jesse Lee Peterson pulls. Think back how he tried to setup Judge Mathis, Jesse Jackson and his son at a meeting with GM that Jackson had to help people get a job. Yup, that's got Jesse Lee Peterson's footprints all over it. I wouldn't put it pass Steele for coming up with the idea of busing folks from out of town to the town hall meetings, that's something he would pull, remember he did that before too.
Kenneth is, well, I'd rather not say, because it would not be nice.
Granny thinking to herself->maybe, if they have a meeting in South Central, maybe, I should be hospitable and send Mr R an invite. Yup, and to show my appreciation if he accepts my invitation to attend, I'll even give him a nice complimentary blue shirt to wear as a gift.
"...and to show my appreciation if he accepts my invitation to attend, I'll even give him a nice complimentary blue shirt to wear as a gift."
Thanks Granny I need a laugh!
You welcome Kid!
Jody "I was impressed by everyone on their best behavior. Union City without union goons.... pretty much a contridiction of all the hype says these things have been promoted to be."
Just what I would expect in a peaceful town like Philly.
OH-11 Teabagger-liberal kumbaya group hug!
by ves man
OH-11 Teabagger-liberal kumbaya group hug
Wed Aug 12, 2009 at 07:07:16 PM PDT
Hell has frozen over, thanks to the Larouchies.
I never thought I'd see the day that teabaggers and liberal bloggers would have a group hug. Larouchies brought an Obama Hitler mustache sign to the OH-11 town hall (Marcia Fudge's state of the district address), and for some reason, one of the people holding the sign was a young black man.
Art McKoy, a local organizer, talk radio host, and member of Black on Black Crime in Cleveland, was there, and WENT OFF.
The whole thing is on the video, including (a) Art McKoy getting the black kid to stop holding the sign, and (b) TEABAGGERS DENOUNCING USE OF THE SIGN!
Wow. Again, from Blogger Interrupted's Tim Russo, creator of the McCain Palin Mob MEME OF ALL TIME who of course, is the master at this.
I got this from Kos, it even has film. Their technique is to get a tom to do it.
I finally found the union version and video.
I would bet there were very few people at that event who knew what that Gadsden Flag was. I had never ever seen it until 3 years ago on someones blog.
Sorry Kenneth, you get no sympathy from the field. Negroes like you make me sick to my stomach. I am sorry you got your ass kicked.
You are a better person than I, Field, because I am not sorry he got his ass kicked. Fuck him.
Monie: "Oh wait; Kenneth has a wife?! Lol, Field please tell me she's not White! Lol
But if she is I'm sure she is so proud of her Kenneth."
Well, if she is White, that is further proof that for some right wing Blacks like Ken--we live in a post-racial world. When are you sorry Dems going to catch up and leave the past behind like Kenneth has?
Labels: Don't Tread on Me, health insruance reform, Kenneth Gladney, Prolifeblogs., St. Louis, town hall meeting
I just wanted to point out that you misspelled "insurance" in your "health insurance reform" label.
What flag is the counter to it?
The Union Jack
Anonymous said...
I see all the Don't Tread on Me flags out there. It's historical and the Tea people have taken it as their own.
What flag is the counter to it? A USA Peace flag always works but I'm looking for something with more impact - ideas?
The peace flag is a good idea ,but to piss 'em off the UNIA Flag green, Black, and Red.
Is that white guy rubbing his head for good luck?
Gamn, he does have his hand on Kennyboy's head, doesn't he?
Gee, those folks are awfully friendly when you do what they want. Kenneth better not slip and say the wrong thing or he'll get his ass whupped in the other direction.
Kenneth is behaving idiotically.
Did you guys know that the Black Women Attacked At St. Louis Townhall Is Former Hero Of The Republican Liberty Caucus?. She is also a former activist and Green party candidate.
Oh Lawd! I'm just so overwhelmed by all of this newfound love from the right for us black folks.
St Louis has so many handkerchief head fools ready to do their jig for approval. So glad I left there when I did
C'mon Field, the economy hasn't improved much as people would have us believe. Kenneth being a Black man - unless the townhall wingnuts painted him that color; yeah they been fakin shit - is one of many Black men who are victims of the current 78% unemployment rate and needs the money. Ok, so maybe it's not exactly 78%, but hey I gotta make shit up just like everybody else for effect. You know Field, just like all this racism stuff you make up on this blog?
What if *gasp* the guy in the picture actually believes that politicians should be held accountable and that universal health care is not in the purview of the federal government and is a states issue? Imagine that all the Blacks who believe in small government, gun rights and getting rid of the Fed were branded as Toms. Oops, that is what many of your readers have done to me. This is what happens when people have tunnel vision. Sad.
He will love it when a jack boot coming crashing down on his head!
"You know Field, just like all this racism stuff you make up on this blog?"
Yeah Rippa, I have to stop that. :(
M. Rigmaiden, you are right, the poor guy could actually believe all those things, but I just can't give him the benefit of the doubt. Past histroy has shown otherwise. And, if he does believe all those things, well then he needs "The Drop Squad" more than ever. I am just saying.
"Oh Lawd! I'm just so overwhelmed by all of this newfound love from the right for us black folks."
Granny, isn't it lovely?
BTW, how is the blog? I have been over in a few days. I will be by today.
Hathor, thanks for that link.
Anon.11:48PM, thanks for that correction of "insruance" on my label. I think I updated that. The regulars here know how to look past my dyslexic tendencies.
field, some days this shit just makes me so tired that I'm almost glad I'm so old I won't be around that much longer to watch this play out. Then again, I get so royally pissed off at these f***ers I can hardly sit still.....
Dammit. It's not just the poor who will always be with us, but apparently also the profoundly stupid.
Sarah Deere
"jigging buffoon"
I like that...
You know, I hate to say it, but I don't know what the Drop Squad is. What is that? Thanks for the response btw;)
The average annual cost of Healthcare in the US is $6,000.
The average annual cost of Medicare is $8,000.
The average annual cost of VA healthcare is about the same.
The average annual cost of Medicaid in NY State is $12,500.
In other words, the government programs cost more than private plans.
If you want a national healthcare plan you must have the honesty to admit it will cost MUCH more than private alternatives.
Does anyone praise the quality of care from Medicaid? No.
When it comes to delivering services the government spends more and gives less.
As Obama said, just look at UPS, FedEx and the Post Office.
M. Rigmaiden said...
You know, I hate to say it, but I don't know what the Drop Squad is. What is that? Thanks for the response btw;)
If you don't know, it would just be a waste of time trying to explain it to you.
Go to hell you stupid coon.
People like you make me sick to my stomach you fucking plant.
Oh -c- I was hoping that someone as witty and kind as yourself could explain the concept to me. A plant and a coon? Wow! That is utterly wonderful. It is always heartening to know that I have affected someone so strongly because that means you have actually listened to what I have said. Furthermore, the time you took to make a comment to me shows that you care.
Thanks for caring and have a great day. Now I will ask again, what is the drop squad ?
Day'um Y'all some violent Mo Fos...
Surprised y'all aint boycottin Kentucky... that new KFC commercial is pretty good...
The one for the "Grilled Chicken" you know, ya got the hot asian chick, the metrosensual white guy, and the Nigger, closin with
"Hey Don't be Eyein my Bucket"
Its not Amos and Andy, but it'll do...
OK I found out that the Drop Squad was a movie about race traitors and a group that deprogrammed them. What an interesting concept.
This, however, does not necessarily have anything to do with Black people who believe in gun rights, small government and the Constitution. I don't get how you could equate Blacks with these beliefs to race traitors.
It saddens me that such strong language is bandied about when discussing people with whom you disagree politically. I thought we were all brothers and sisters, which is why I come here and have always been a faithful reader- despite the abuse I've faced by some of the commenters here.
Whom did you think were all brothers and sisters?
M. Rigmaiden said...
OK I found out that the Drop Squad was a movie about race traitors and a group that deprogrammed them. What an interesting concept.
This, however, does not necessarily have anything to do with Black people who believe in gun rights, small government and the Constitution. I don't get how you could equate Blacks with these beliefs to race traitors...
Get a clue- the constitution was not written with us in mind genius, we were still in slavery then.
Gun rights- Blacks, Black men in particular are disproportionally disenfranchised so we can be voicless and defenseless. It is not mere coincidence we have all these healthy young Black males who cannot vote or purchase a gun.
Small Government- I won't even waste my time with that one.
We can't even govern our own damn neighborhood. It is not coincidental you see cops hiding in the cut in predominantely Black neighborhoods.
I recently moved across town from one Black neighborhood to another.
They are ALWAYS hiding out somewhere in my neighborhood, yet we don't have problems with crime here. M. Rigmaiden, my words may sound harsh, but these people don't give one flying fuck about ANY of us, or you for that matter. We, as Black people need to fuck all the kumbaya shit and wake the fuck up before it's too late. IT is us against them. It really is.
Look around you. It really is.
-c- Have you not heard of the first Black Senator Hiram Revels who INSISTED that BLACKS SHOULD NEVER DISARM themselves? If you honestly think that nobody gives a fuck about Black people, then why or how could you possibly advocate gun control? I hope that I have misunderstood your position on this matter because otherwise you are woefully inconsistent. it makes absolutely no sense to talk about young Black male disenfranchisement and gun CONTROL in the next. The two are intimately connected and if you look at societies where the majority of people have legally been disarmed, you are seeing oppressed peoples.
As to the Constitution, yeah we were in slavery back then. And the 3/5the compromise was a mess. However, aside from that the Constitution is a great document that outlines the structure of our government and the rights of its citizens. The second amendment is absolutely crucial for all Americans, particularly Blacks precisely because of our historical marginalization.
Small government means exactly what it says. Our federal government is involved with damner every aspect of our lives, yet the quality of our lives has not really improved as a result of this meddling. You say we cannot govern ourselves, but I disagree. We govern ourselves all the time, otherwise our country would be in chaos. There is not a one to one ratio between police officers and citizens.
Lastly, the police presence in Black and minority neighborhoods is not a sign that we cannot govern ourselves at all; it is a sign that the government does not trust us. It is a sign that is a foul reminder of days past where a Black man could get lynched simply for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Consider all of the police abuse in Black and minority neighborhoods.
In my town, police are on the South and West sides of town 27-7 but that has not affected the crime rates because police don't curb crime; in many ways they contribute to it.
You can say whatever you wish, but your thoughts are disjointed and poorly presented...So no, I don't take anything you've said to heart in the least.
oops 24 7
M Rigmaiden, I may disagree with you on most things, but I have not found you to be disrespectful or rude, or deeply insulting to others here..... And, I don't think we all need to agree about everything to be able to get along or post here. In fact, I see your views as more of the main-stream conservatives, and not the wacky fringe right, and I recognize there is a difference. I also do not think it is cool for "c" to have attacked you like that when you asked a sincere question about the drop squad.
Okay Jody. Thanks very much. What's interesting is that some mainstream conservatives say that I am liberal, while you say the opposite. Heh! Categorization is a mutha but basically I come here because I get to see different perspectives on things that I might not ordinarily consider.
Always find the fear of " big gubmint" a laugh. The monopolistic corporations are all for small government- so they can control even more aspects of your life. Shit, they beam their propaganda bullshit into your skull every damn waking minute, to get you to buy their shit, 99% of which is totally useless. They break our unions and demand that we work longer hours for less pay and fewer benefits. Then they pull up stakes and move to Asia or Latin America to get even cheaper labor. And then have the balls to blame American workers for their own lay- offs ' cause we ask for too much ( like a decent standard of living).
Give me big government anyday, with its annoying regulations, agencies, and restrictions acting as a shield between me and these rapacious capitalists.
"I also do not think it is cool for "c" to have attacked you like that when you asked a sincere question about the drop squad."
'c' is a jerk.
You are creating a false dichotomy where you say big government over big corporations. The problem is that the two are inextricably linked in our society right now. Big corporations lobby the Congress to pass laws that favor them and screw us over. A very good example is the legislation passed a coupla months ago that exonerates Big Pharma if someone becomes injured due to swine flu vaccine. Now how is it in our best interest, as American citizens, to NOT be able to sue a drug company if they create a product with undisclosed side effects? This is is exceedingly foul abuse of process and all the folks in Congress who actually supported this legislation ought to be tarred and feathered in the town square and summarily fired.
I don't want big government/big corporations telling me what to do. I want to be able to enjoy the beauty of life with my family and loved ones without worrying about this stuff. I don't watch television, I haven't been clothes shopping in a coupla years and certainly enjoy my organic backyard garden.
I take individual freedom and kinship networks over big government and big corporation oligarchy any day!
It's funny how the brokest folk who are broken by capitalism, are the most hardcore defenders of it.
Is that dude getting kissed on the top of his head by a random white man?
That picture is speaking loud and clear.
Maybe he likes the way Kenneth tastes.
Cannibals invariably are Republican and conservative.
Well, at long last, the wingnuts are out-and-out saying it:
Baltimore Sun: 'Death to Obama' sign holder in Hagerstown detained'
HAGERSTOWN - Authorities in Hagerstown said they turned over to the Secret Service a man who was holding a sign reading "Death to Obama" outside Wednesday's town hall meeting on health care reform.
Washington County sheriff's Capt. Peter Lazich said the sign also read, "Death to Michelle and her two stupid kids." He said Secret Service agents took the unidentified 51-year-old man into custody after deputies detained him.
The Secret Service did not immediately return telephone calls from the Associated Press inquiring about the matter.
President Barack Obama was not at the meeting held by Maryland Democratic Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin.
Whens Wayne Williams gettin out of Prison... Y'all probly don't even know who that is, Wiki it, nah, y'all couldn't spell Wiki if I spotted y'all the "W", "I", and "K"... hes the guy wrongly convicted of the Atlanta Child Murders in 1982, everyone knows it was the KKK...How come none y'all show up for his parole hearings?? Send him some Toys r Us catalogs?
Field, please don't ever take down this blog, its funnier than a barrel of monkeys, heck, it IS a barrel of monkeys...
There's always at least one negro willing to carry water for massa. still.
This is a great site that you have here. I have a debate site myself and I would like to exchange links with you. We need to stick together. Let me know. Jason
m.ringmaiden aka auntie annie:
Hey dummy, nobody said anything about gun CONTROL moron, did you just make that shit up?
I was talking about the fact that Black men have absolutely NO gun rights. What good is an unarmed man against an army with firepower?
You are really stupid.
Black people like you need to be exterminated.
You serve absolutely no purpose to our race coon, get a clue and a life.
A black "coonservantive" is more of a threat to our race than the white man.
But you wouldn't get it though. Conservatives never do.
And the anonymous pussy could mind his/her fucking business before I get started on your ass too.
Your mother is a jerk you little fucking scab. Why don't you go shoot some heroin or something? It's a damn shame.
Your mother should have just swallowed you!
Frank, when we can decipher your broken English, maybe someone will give you an answer.
Y'all's relly edlimacated up good roun dem parts ah reckon.
M. Rigmaiden,
It is not clear who started that fight, but I doubt that it had anything to do with the things you mentioned. I hardly think anyone was upset by the Gadsden flag as the libertarian blogs would make you think. I doubt if many peole would know what it means. Now if Gladney had had a Confederate Flag I can see him being beat down. I think the right is clutching at straws to find violent acts against the right for their philosophy. They want to play the victim card and to proclaim that Barack Obama is a thug and any violent act is being done as his behest. Of course many are buying it and do think a civil war is ahead.
Sadly since Obama has been elected their seems to be a spatic knee jerk reaction to his every move and policy, especially from those intellectual conservatives whose vocabulary has now degenerated to the school yard bully's speech.
c did your mother leave you at the dump in newspaper? You sound like she did.
Sorry you don't know who she is. It is just as well. She didn't want you anyway.
Anonymous, did your mother leave you at the crack house?
Sorry she had to sell her body to get her fix.
Btw- next time you try to be witty, learn to spell first.
c why should I spell for you? You can't read. And you certainly know a lot about crack. Is it your profession?
"c why should I spell for you? You can't read. And you certainly know a lot about crack. Is it your profession?"
Every time your mother comes around to give me my weekly $10 blowjob, that's how I know so much about crack.
Be right back, someone's knocking on my door.
As far as I can tell from the video, Kennyboy didn't get a "beatdown". There was a black SEIU supporter on the ground, another (I assume) union guy was straddling him, trying to protect him, and Kennyboy was off to the side, trying to get to the man on the ground. At that point, someone ran up and pulled Kennyboy onto the ground, and he popped right up within a few seconds. Someone did a frame-by-frame analysis on the video, and the guy who starts hollering "You're going to jail!!" a few seconds after Kennyboy got to his feet is...his lawyer.
"Thanks very much. What's interesting is that some mainstream conservatives say that I am liberal, while you say the opposite."
You think Obama is a Marxist, and some mainstream conservatives call you a liberal? Really?
c said, "We can't even govern our own damn neighborhood. It is not coincidental you see cops hiding in the cut in predominantely Black neighborhoods."
Speak for your own neighborhood, c. Obviously your neighborhood stays on crack. That's why you can't govern.
c said, "We, as Black people need to fuck all the kumbaya shit and wake the fuck up before it's too late. IT is us against them. It really is."
You sound like you are awake..LOL No c, it is not 'us against them'...it is Blacks and Whites against mindless turds like you. Your thinking is so disjointed that you make no sense. You curse and degrade Blacks here on FN Blog, and then you talk about being together. Do you really expect people to take you seriously? GET REAL.
BTW, my mother was a professor at a University for many years. But your experience in life can't imagine or comprehend that. All you know are crackheads, ho's, thieves and murderers in the hood. That's your entire universe and sadly, it makes you feel good to dump on your fellow Blacks and expect them to swim in that sewer with you.
Don't expect Blacks to join you in any fight because it is clear that you are a "loser."
Well, I have spent enough time on this blog with you. Try to stay alive, and don't forget to watch your back! So goodbye -c-, and good luck.
Thanks for your response. Yes, I more or less commented on a line from FN's post where he blanketly condemened Black cons as race traitors. I appreciate the time you take to answer my inquiries because the we think differently on these issues and it is sometimes hard to see the other sides' perspective.
As to this anonymous troll -c-. You went from quasi civil to plumb evil mean! Have you forgotten your manners today?
Actually, I wrote that it was possible I misunderstood your stance on gun rights but I am all for gun rights for Black people. On this issue, we might be in agreement. However, your schizophrenic tirades make it impossible to have a civil dialog.
Too bad, but as a wise man once said; "There's a sucker born every minute!"
Seems Kenneth is the official Townhaller mascot now. So I guess we will see him on t-shirts, bumper stickers and lawns everywhere soon!
"It's funny how the brokest folk who are broken by capitalism, are the most hardcore defenders of it." - Ecosoulintellectual
And that's America.
That might be true, but that woman did not look like she was faking. By the way she moved, she looked like she was ready to tear that man's head off. It took more than one policemen to drag her out of there. MSM did not show what happened in the beginning to provoke her, because they wanted you to see a dangerous black woman, another fear tactic method. All black people are to be feared and dangerous is the image they wanted you to see. Had they not wanted to play the deception game, they would have showed you the beginning of why she was angry. Don't think for a minute they missed that part of the scenario too. They had camera situated all over the place to catch all angles in every direction and every isle in that place.
I just thank God it wasn't me and pray that I never have to be put in those types of situations.
I guess my blog must be pushing some buttons because I'm being watched. Imagine that, me an old lady speaking the truth and her opinion, but not inciting race wars, violence, treason, or sedition is considered a threat. You think I should tone it down some? (wink)
I really cannot figure why a Congressperson would show up at these Town Hall meetings. What's the point? All anyone is doing is yelling like they are crazed and now they are fighting and carrying guns too. WTF.
I would be on a beach in Martinique instead.
Anonymous you can't be serious.
You are a grade "A" asshole.
If you and auntie annie want to believe whites are with us, that's your dream, not mine.
I SERIOUSLY hope you don't have any children.
People like you and auntie annie are an embarrasment to the Black community.
And I still believe your mother's a crackhead.
Some of these anonymous folks are the same anonymous people posting as if they are different people.
"All you know are crackheads, ho's, thieves and murderers in the hood. That's your entire universe and..."
You're making some pretty big assumptions there, don't you think?
Yes, the information about Maxine Johnson's political affiliations are true; as far as the information I was able to retrieve. However, Granny, as I pointed out in my post on my blog, the willful ignorance and disrespect shown her was extremely rude. It was harsh and arrogant.
Finally, this afternoon she (Ms. Johnson, herself), was interviewed by Rick Sanchez on CNN;she finally got a chance to give a true narrative of what happened. Ms. Johnson who drove an hour outside her district, into Hills, or Hillsboro county, (whichever it's called) also explained that she had been warned from others in St. Louis, about the racist attitudes prevalent in that community. However, she was determined to show her support for health care reform because: 1.)As an activist in her community, she was aware of the disparity, 2.)She was determined to show her support for Barack Obama.
When I began writing my post on my blog, the lingering images of her being gang exited compelled me to dig deeper; nothing about that seemed right, and I wanted to know more. We had the right know, and Ms. Johnson's reputation deserved salvaging. In my humble way I hope my bog post contributed to that effort.
The saying goes: Truth crushed to earth will rise again. Well the truth of what actually occurred and the assault upon former Green party candidate Maxine Johnson, is slowly evolving.
Indeed Granny, if given half a chance, Maxine Johnson and her daughter who accompanied her, would have beat that man's azz like they were his mama. It was obvious in the video on my blog they were outraged and shocked by that man's aggressive spiteful behavior, and so was I.
I hope these wingnuts haven't faked this attack too. Let's not forget what happened during the campaign. Remember the white girl with the backwards 'B' carved in her face. They will do shit like this.
Crazy ass house negros and white people. They are going to start a civil war up in here.
Also, hear about the sign at a town hall meeting in MD? Looks like some white wingnut decided to hold up a sign threatening to kill Pres. Obama and Michelle and her 'stupid kids'. He was arrested. Story on Huff Post.
Well, so now the conservatives are calling union members "thugs", I thought they reserved that as a code word for Black.
Really, I bet there are a whole bunch of white people watching that "beating" and wondering who the thug is. Maybe it was the older woman with the cane, hmm.
I actually do believe that Kenneth needed some money and took an acting job with the tea-baggers,who also probably hired screen-writers for Palin, too, I mean, who would even think of "death panel"? Sounds like something out of Star Trek. I hear screen writers are hurting, they probably got jobs with the tea-baggers too. The whole video is an outrage, really, Kenneth wasn't even hurt, he was probably beating up some old man or something, and got hurt when people pulled him off.
@Tafaraji: Can I get a link to your blog? I'd like to checkout that post.
I you click on her first comment, her blog comes up with the post.
RiPPa, thanks for your interest. My work really isn't that impressive.
There's more information developing that I haven't had a chance to document. There are photos of the assailant in handcuffs, postings of his campaign contributions and several other pieces of information being unraveled.
Clicking my name will lead to my post or, you can get there by typing what's below into your browser.
Irony alert: Since the dumbass holding that sign threatening Pres. Obama and the First Family is going to the Big House he will be getting government health care.
"Is that dude getting kissed on the top of his head by a random white man?"
Yep. That can only mean one thing. The wingnuts are going to save our country from a race war....Thank God.
Baby, granny just wanted to make sure that everyone knew that woman wasn't faking and how the MSM tried to play it off. That's why I addressed it. Basically, I was trying to draw more attention to what you said so that I could bring up what I observed in that video.
Yes, exactly, that woman was getting ready to whup a new Sunday on that man, and she didn't need her daughter's help. I think her daughter moved in out of reflex as most children would do. I could tell by her moves that she would have put a serious hurting on that man. In fact, he should be thanking Jesus this morning, that his behind was saved by the bell. Because he'd be laying up in the hospital and she would have been in jail.
wow...my sentiments exactly. field, get out of my head..no...please make yourself at home while you are in my brain...i want to see what you have to say when they start breaking out the effigies of obama with a noose around his neck dragging from behind a pick up truck and such..
i've seen lap dogs recieve the same affection as he in that pic
thank you.
Field, I live in Los Angele"s they have a man pinned in his car, he has been making Death Threat's toward the White house! this has been going on for Seven hour's! they sprayed tear gas and yet he refuse's to come out of his car, the FBI is on the scene! and all of this was going on while I was watching Cable!! I don't really watch the local new's!! all of this under my nose!!! they went to his home and searched it! talked to his neighbor's, and they claim he is on Medication!!!!
"I guess my blog must be pushing some buttons because I'm being watched. Imagine that, me an old lady speaking the truth and her opinion, but not inciting race wars, violence, treason, or sedition is considered a threat. You think I should tone it down some? (wink)"
Granny never "tone it down" if you are being honest with yourself and with your readers.
Tafaraji, thanks for your work with the Johnson incident. I will be checking out your blog as well.
C, M Rigmaiden is good people, we don't agree on much when it comes to politics, but i respect her passion and her ability to defend her position. She is consistent, and one of the few black conservatives I respect.
"Irony alert: Since the dumbass holding that sign threatening Pres. Obama and the First Family is going to the Big House he will be getting government health care."
Yes Red, that is irony.
krystalxlyte, I like what you did with the place. :)
Houseishness is a good concept. It is also very difficult to pronounce.
The spell check suggestions are ghoulishness, housemistress, outlandishness,and roguishness.
Don't Kenny remind you of a seal that is jumping for a piece of fish being thrown at him. Orf! Orf!
Michael Vick is an Eagle. What do you think?
M. Rigmaiden
I actually agree with SOME of your principles, but you must open your eyes to some harsh realities at play in the debate over health care reform.
This "majority" of angered Americans that are protesting health care reform are motivated not by the concerns you share, at least not the rowdy ones. Every protester that has become the media's new idiot savant can't answer simple questions as to what motivates their resistance to reform. Listen to their "civilized" discourse at town halls is like watching a 2 year old play with his food, that is if the meal is word salad. Paranoid schizophrenics are more coherent and more entertaining than these bunch of puppets!
Chris Matthews stupidly interviewed that fool with the gun at a Presidential event. I say stupidly because what did Matthews expect to gain from speaking with this mental midget? He gave a national platform to a man whose only reason for being on the national stage was the sheer audacity and stupidity of bringing a loaded weapon anywhere near a heavily guard American President and carrying a sign intimating assassination. The only difference between him and the Hagerstown idiot picked up by the Secret Service is subtlety.
With mock surprise the man answered Matthews' questions as to why he felt bringing a loaded gun helped his cause. The man clearly could not link the two as the obvious answer was bravado and intimidation. Why else carry a loaded weapon around with you? And I'm for gun rights, but this isn't the Wild Wild West! The man could not articulate his opposition to health care so I will do it for him: Obama! And that is what unifies these reactionary thugs who dare point the finger at others as cause for their "victimization".
The above is an interesting read from someone that will go ignored by both the mainstream media and conservatives alike.
Javier: "Chris Matthews stupidly interviewed that fool with the gun at a Presidential event. I say stupidly because what did Matthews expect to gain from speaking with this mental midget?"
I thought as you did and didn't watch that Hardball segment.
Chris Matthews' actions are FoxNews' stock in trade, focusing on the fringees.
He brought the stature of his show down a notch or two.
"Michael Vick is an Eagle. What do you think?"
Two things: 1. I hope he takes the Eagles straight to the Superbowl.
2. I hope he has learned his lesson and see dogs as wanting to live like he does. Do not take the life of another dog.
GO EAGLES!! When you reach the Superbowl, the Raiders will be waiting for ya.
Anon 10:07PM, see what I think on my sidebar. If anyone who happens to be a dog lover have some good season tickets they would like to get rid of, I am your man. :)
FN and Javier:
Thanks for the comments:) Javier, I appreciate what you are saying. you are saying that since I vocally oppose some of our Presidents' policies, I have aligned myself unwittingly with wingnuts, racist assholes and the like. Okay, I am being a bit hyperbolic but the point has been made. This is what is difficult about being pigeonholed as a 'conservative'. I don't watch FOX nor care for Rush, Hannity or all those other cats because they spout so called conservatism but really are just statists appealing to an identity politic to which I do NOT belong, nor would I care to belong there...
With that said, I thank you for the links and will read them. I sincerely hope that more people with principles that are legitimately expressed will be shown in the media. You have made a fair point, as well as Hathor and even angry Kid that many of these people opposed to President Obama aren't opposed based upon principles or policies, rather they are thinly veiling their racist hatred of him. And I believe you guys are right on that point.
There are people out there who aren't part of the GOP, who are Black and dislike his platforms and they aren't Toms or race traitors. I am just saddened that the prominent Black so called conservatives tend to go in that direction...
Beautiful!! lol
And I was looking all over for that picture of this clown being kissed but I couldn't find it. You know they were thinking "We've got ourselves a good $%#@$%!#%#@$%@#$% here"....See America.... The White-Ring movement :) is not really racist afterall... we have plenty of Negroes on our side".
I can just imagine that was going through their heads.
And despite the fact that he's being used....this fool is playing right along, just as obedient as can be.
You stated what I was trying to say a couple of days ago..... I try to balance my posts too much instead of just calling it like it needs to be called. I use to tell it like it is... but now i'm too pre-occupied with appearing centrist or balanced...when sometimes that doesn't work. It hasn't been getting me any readers either.
Wonderful writing, thank you. More info on this incident can be found at Angry Black Bitch's blog (can't find the link, sorry). And a ty to Tafaraji for that article about the Missouri incident.
In Missouri, if there are injuries after an accident, the injured party is allowed to "double up" so to speak on the money for the injury received.
Like this: Even if he has health care, he can also go to the at-fault party in the accident. BAsically, he gets to hit both of 'em up for the medical bills, and keep the money from both.
I don't know if the same would hold for this case or not, but it's a thought.
Speaking of the right-wingers and how they really feel about their "minority friends," do you see Alberto Gonzales can't get a job now? After all the good work he did for his "good friend" George W. Bush? Do you mean there's not ONE Republican law firm that will give him a gig?
field, a friend of mine sent me this link about Gladney- apparently he knocked down a minister who wouldn't fight back. That's what really happened http://links.org.au/node/1205
Just so the rest of you know who I am, my name is Nabil Al-Murabit. Now with that said, I think its sad that you have "Blacks" Negroes, Afro-Americans, African-Americans, Colored or whatever the hell we're calling ourselves these days, that are more concerned with those of the majority culture then their own ass. Dude has access to health care, even though its not his. How many households wish at least one of the parents had health benefits.
I'm a liberal, well a centrist (whatever the hell that really means) I'm for limited government, gun rights (hell yes) and no taxes. But I'm smart enough to know that limited government historically looks out for the benefit of the majority, taxes are a needed evil (somebody has to fix those fucking pot holes and pay for public safety assests). What makes this dude any different then those other dumb ass coons that join the repuglican party? Do thay actually think that party has their best interest at heart when their members put their fellow "Blacks" on food stamps and compare the president to Curious George and other lower primates? Those bitches can kiss my ass and get the corn out while they're at it
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