I have to give props to the crew over at Color Of Change for taking on Glen Beck, (You know him don't you? He is the former drug addict and certifiable crazy person -his mother killed herself because she suffered from schizophrenia-) and the folks at FOX News. So far they have gotten over thirty advertisers to withdraw their ads from Beck's show. Of course that's kind of easy for these companies to justify doing when the guy is calling the president of these divided states "a racist".
But now, of course, Beck is fighting back. And he is doing it by going after Van Jones, who was with Color Of Change a couple years ago, but now has a prominent position with the Obama administration. Forget the fact that Jones has not been with Color Of Change for a couple of years, and that he currently has absolutely nothing to do with the organization.
This is from the LA Times: "During a six-minute biographical profile, set to ominous music, Beck said Jones was twice arrested for political protests and has described himself as a "rowdy black nationalist." The talk show host cast the piece as part of a broader examination of Obama's "czars," special advisers to the president who "don't answer to anybody.""Why is it that such a committed revolutionary has made it so high into the Obama administration as one of his chief advisers?"
“Glenn Beck is trying to change the subject,” said James Rucker, executive director of Color of Change, who noted that Jones has not been active with the group in almost two years. “The issue is his baseless fear mongering.”
Now I have to give a disclaimer here: I have absolutely no problem with the incivility of political discourse as it now stands here in A-merry-ca. When it comes to politics, I am not a very civil person. But I respect those who are, and who fight their battles by quietly organizing. Which brings me to the Color Of Change people.
I have met Gabriel Goodlatte (A dead ringer for Vince from "Entourage") and James Rucker a couple of times, and they seem to be classy hard working individuals, who have mobilized thousands of people with their hard work and online activism. This latest boycott against the people who advertise with Beck is an example of what can happen when people organize around a common cause and goal. The fact that Beck and his minions are fighting back means that it is having an effect.
Glen Beck is going to get his millions of viewers every night. He will continue to see black helicopters and stoke up fear among the...ahem ahem, less educated citizens among us about the black bogeyman living on Pennsylvania Avenue. But that doesn't mean that the rest of us can't flex our collective muscles as well. As long as there is a cultural and social divide in this country we might as well pick our sides and dig in for a long hard battle. Personally, I welcome it. I love the smell of charred red necks in the morning. I hate Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the right wing hate merchants who push inflammatory rhetoric, like I do cancer. Actually, I hate them more. At least, with cancer, damn near everyone can agree that it is a terrible thing to be afflicted with. Sadly, the idiots who embrace these phonies, never realize that they are sick.
1 – 200 of 259 Newer› Newest»Well first I haven't had cable in so long that until this skirmish broke out I thought Glenn Beck was still at Headline News.
And I love it that Beck is going after Color of Change. That lets us know that what they did has had an affect, despite how Beck and FOX have tried to play it off.
Mr Field, I admire the hell out of you and your blog, and Glenn Beck is, as far as I can tell from Australia, a loathsome shithead, but this:
"He is the former drug addict and certifiable crazy person -his mother killed herself because she suffered from schizophrenia"
Is not fair. Having a mentally ill relative doesn't make a person mentally ill. Nor is 'certifiable crazy person' a particularly nice way to talk about someone with a mental illness.
You've got plenty to attack this bastard with. Lay off his mother, okay? Some of us who are 'certifiably crazy' might find it a bit crappy.
I have watched the video on Fox where he accuses Obama of hating white people and being a racist.... and then in the next 30 seconds, when called on it, says the exact opposite. I kept thinking... is this guy for real? He obviously has no convictions.... he is totally in this to be controversial. The dangerous thing is that he has a national platform, nightly, to play this game of mindless, rambling idiocy to create controversy and rile people up.... he really needs to be taken off the air. And for any right wingers who think that position is a an affront to free speech, I say BULLSHIT. He has the right to be as stupid and idiotic as he wants to be.. he does NOT however, have a "right" to a national platform to do so. Let him stand on a soap box in times square along with the other screeching loons.
And kudos to Color of Change for their efforts.
I can't stand this guy. One time he was talking about flatulence. Yuck, I can't even believe he has a wife.
True story where I live: Last year during the elections, a local black radio station for mature audiences decided they would put some political diversity by adding the Beck show (We are talking about a radio station catering to open-minded black professionals, Lawyers, Doctors, Senators etc).
Some people had complained that the Dr. Joy Brown show was becoming boring, so the station dropped it. Well after two weeks of Beck, those same people were so disgusted they begged and wrote letters for Dr. Joy or even Sesame street to come on instead. Beck only lasted a month.
Ann, I don't agree with you. The fact that Beck's mother killed herself is truth and there is nothing wrong with sharing a truth that even Beck has admitted to.
Well, who would be better to have on fux news than a sociopathic schizophrenic
"Is not fair. Having a mentally ill relative doesn't make a person mentally ill. Nor is 'certifiable crazy person' a particularly nice way to talk about someone with a mental illness."
I agree also, but, if that had been Obama's mother instead, Beck himself would have... well no further comment.
"if that had been Obama's mother instead, Beck himself would have"
Oh yes. But Mr Field isn't that kind of bottom feeder.
Im cosigning with Ann Somerville. It isnt nice to make fun of people who
1) Are mentally deficcient (for actuall medical reasons, not just plain stupidity)
2)Have relatives who are mentally deficcient.
Its not their fault that their lives have been/ currently are mucked up - Lord knows they cant help themselves!
You can sling mud, but just make sure the muds clean, ok?
PS - But its still ok to talk about somebodys mama.
Fuck that prick beck and his mammy too!
I didn't know African American's were hated so much, until the Obama campaign! what have AFRICAN AMERICAN'S ever done to RUPERT MURDOCH! why doe's he hate us so much? his entire agenda is centered around tearing down the African American Race!
Glenn Beck would do Racist thing's at CNN, but, he would do it in code!
He wore a Tee Shirt under a Jacket that said(White Man clinging to their Gun's and Religion)!!! the tee shirt was Black and the writing on the front was white!
Glenn Beck is Vocal, but, Hannity let's other's come on his show and do his Dirty Work/ he sit's back and let his guest do all the Talking! they beat up on the President for Hannity!
Glenn Beck will be off the air sooner or later, but, that HANNITY and BILL will have to be brought down in a very very STRATEGIC WAY!
Beck converted to Mormonism as an adult. That alone should put his mental capacity into question.
The fact that he extols the "free market" as the ultimate arbiter of freedom is hilarious, given that his ultra-large knickers are in a twist over advertisers retracting their sponsorship due to losing customers. This is one of those situations that define a moment in time.
I am hoping that he will return to the obscurity that he so richly deserves, so that someday soon he can be the loudest meth-head at his local dive bar.
There is some validity to Field's point. Beck may a mental illness and it would certainly explain his irrational view of the world. Your have a point that because Beck's mother had a mental illness does not mean he will, however it is likely that he can as some studies suggests that mentally illness can have a genetic component. The mental illness can heighten with a tramatic event such as death of a family member. He came from a dsyfunctional family setting, and not surprised that he has some form of mental illness or at least some deep psychology problems. I remember Dr Joy Browne that when we as human beings go through a tramatic experience, we become more of who we are and that is true. He probably became more of zealot after his mother's death. Is he not fixated on religion and morally? That would indicate some type of obbessive compulsive disorder which is a mental illness. He really sounds like a person who is in a constant state of anxiety.
Tim Wise linked to this from Crooks and Liars
and wondered if "conservative commentators" would call this loon out. Tim, I'm not holding my breath.
"When I go to bed tonight, Steven L. Anderson is going to pray for Barack Obama to die and go to hell.
You say, 'Why would you do that?' That our country could be saved."
That is not Glenn Beck's first time attacking Vann Jones. Hannity, O'Reilly, and all of them have been doing that every since President Obama picked Jones for his green czar.
While the petition was still being signed to send to Beck's advertisers, Beck was having whole segments was about Vann Jones. Hannity, Beck, and O'Reilly have told their viewers that Jones is a felon. They falsely tied Vann in with Ayers one night.
Field, you lower yourself with the comments...You know him don't you? He is the former drug addict and certifiable crazy person -his mother killed herself because she suffered from schizophrenia-) AND
I love the smell of charred red necks in the morning.
Your point would have been made without the comment about his mother and charred rednecks.
ColorofChange did a good job on getting those advertisers to take their ads off of Beck's segment. However, they should be ready now to do some serious battle with Fox. I've observed Fox for a long, long time. Their pattern is to destroy those who expose them in any type of way or do what ColorofChange did. Therefore, Fox is coming after ColorofChange with every trick, smear, and lie in the book, and they play dirty. Fox's goal now is to destroy ColorofChange and Vann Jones. All I can say is ColorofChange better put on some boxing gloves and hit them hard. Fox is dangerous and the people that work there are dangerous.
Oh wow, I didn't know those things about Glen Beck and his mom! But I'll be honest and say I'm actually a fan of Glenn Beck. He hits on points I can agree with from time to time. You know what they say "take the meat and throw away the bone"
But like Monie,
I've been without cable or access to any political news for a couple of weeks. So I cannot comment on the subject at hand until I've researched it for myself sweets, Sorry.
Senator Kennedy died.
My hope was health care reform would pass before he did. It would be a fitting tribute to him.
"Senator Kennedy died."
I will miss him. He was truly a lion.
Field Negro used the lead to show that Mr Beck has some traits that are familiar to those in the mental health profession. Many schizophrenics are genetic. The self-medicating and the religious obsession are key findings in that diagnosis.
I keep wondering what it is that scares so many "white" people about what a half-white man is going to do as President. After all this is a constitutional republic and he can't just go and do any old thing he wants; he is constrained by the Constitution, the judiciary and the legislatures right?
I know that President Bush did some serious tweaking to the system of checks and balances during his tenure; warrentless wiretaps, more power to the Executive branch, some strong evidence of fiddling the facts to start a war.
The only things that I can see that makes "white" people so afraid are the thoughts of what they have done and what they would like to do to others of colors. They are displacing their evil thoughts of dominance and prejudice onto that half white man and they are just scared spitless. They just figure he is going to do to them what has been done to people of color.
Sweet mercy they should hope for a strong Constitution and a President of faith.
Some of us are so oblivious to the built-in inherent prejudice of our countries systems that we didn't have any overt thoughts of "keeping the b#$%^&'s" in their place. Talk about clueless! But at least we don't fear our own desires coming home to roost.
Thanks to whomever put up the link that got me to "The Point Is Not To Interpret Whiteness But To Abolish It."
"There is some validity to Field's point. Beck may a mental illness and it would certainly explain his irrational view of the world. Your have a point that because Beck's mother had a mental illness does not mean he will, however it is likely that he can as some studies suggests that mentally illness can have a genetic component. The mental illness can heighten with a tramatic event such as death of a family member. He came from a dsyfunctional family setting, and not surprised that he has some form of mental illness or at least some deep psychology problems."
How would you like to be judged based on a relative with mental illness in your family? As far as trauma is concerned- every human experiences trauma and it has an effect on most.
However, many Blacks today are considered to have PTSD. Are you saying all Blacks are crazy? BTW, many Blacks DO have a relative or two with mental illness. Hell, slavery, Jim Crow, lynchings, continuous discrimination and racial profiling can be stressful and traumatic.
Does that mean all Blacks are sick and crazy?
Before anyone calls someone a certifiable loon because their mother or a relative has a mental illness- they might want to check on both sides of their own family for mental illness. Most likely you will find a couple or more mentally ill relatives hidden away in your family lineage.
Of course, Blacks tend to keep those matters secret. FYI, you are as sick as your secrets.
@Field, I agree with Ann Somers, please leave that mental illness alone because your comment sounds heartless, esp. to families with mentally ill relatives. Mental illness is a terrible and heartbraking disease that causes immense suffering for the families.
Fu*k Glenn, Fake Snooze and his mama.
And yes he must respond, we just got into his pocket. That's the ONLY thing they respond to. Everything else is just noise. But when you start messin' wit massa's money...
I don't think field said anything about all whites are crazy or classified all whites as crazy. I believe he said that Glen Beck's mother was schizo as background and implied that Beck may have inherited that trait. He never applied that to a group of people, but to an individual person. Frankly speaking, Beck does act as if he has some type of mental disorder.
Glen Beck made fun of handicapped people on his show and has done and said some outrageous irrational stuff on every segment. He breaks down and cries for no reason and comes up with some conspiracies that are way out there. Therefore, he really could have a mental disorder. It's something wrong with him because his actions and comments are not what I'd consider normal.
During the election, they talked about President Obama's mother like she had a tail on her. One of their flunkies Rev Manning even went so far as to call the woman a whore. In addition, some of them are still make disgraceful comments about her without the slightest foundation for saying it. Field did not call Beck's mother anything derogative. He stated a fact that is common knowledge.
I understand and sympathize with people who have family members suffering from mental illness and BTW mental illness does not discriminate, it is colorblind. But to take Field's comment as a personal affront to all people suffering some type of mental illness is a bit of a stretch if I have to say so myself.
BTW, now speaking of crazy, those whites folks who post over at Fox Nation, they are crazy!
Van Jones can't be too much of a Black Nationalist. His wife is White.
" I love the smell of charred red necks in the morning. I hate Glen Beck, Sean Hannity, and the rest of the right wing hate merchants who push inflammatory rhetoric, like I do cancer. Actually, I hate them more. At least, with cancer, damn near everyone can agree that it is a terrible thing to be afflicted with. Sadly, the idiots who embrace these phonies, never realize that they are sick. "
LOL my azz off ! It just doesn't get much better than that :0)
@Field -- Beck isn't just fighting back he's calling Obama racist against white people all over again and it needs to be framed that way by Color of Change and those who are defending against Beck's latest volley. He's pointing and saying, "Obama's racist: here's the proof."
@ISEEISEE -- What I learned from '08 was how much both women and black people were hated. Unfortunately, most Obama partisans didn't get that message as clearly because they were caught up in the battle between Obama and Clinton. When that was over few could feel sorry for anything sent Palin's way even when it was wrong. '08 fundamentally changed the way I look at gender. I was always aware of race but I'd thought we had gotten further on gender/sex.
Sadly, women are hated to the point where even women are unaware that the situation is wrong or even existent and will defend our current patriarchal system, sexist attacks, sexists, and misogynists as well as use sexist and degrading attacks against other women. However, for those that paid attention the raw hatred of women in this country is both deep and ingrained. It's at the level where most women don't notice the constant pervasive degradation and where women rarely challenge the status quo that assigns them to a sub status -- on par with when blacks didn't question their status. Women as a group don't yet have the awareness, desire, and acknowledgment of common purpose/status to fight back that blacks as group have attained. It's plain sad where we are on both race and gender/sex.
Thanks for clearing some things up for me Field. I always thought Glenn Beck was a bumbling idiot who got lucky being where he is as far as popularity. And I always thought said popularity was due in part to the ignorance of many.
But thanks to you I now know that he's actually not a racist bastard as I thought. His mother killed herself? Well that explains a lot, and makes sense as to why he is as fucked up as he is.
But all of that aside he gets no sympathy from me. If him or any of his beloved followers are looking for that from me. I suggest they look for it in a dictionary somewhere between SHIT and SYPHYLIS. If it were up to me, his ass would be off the air tomorrow.
Just keeping it real: I'm sensing this to be another attack on Black intellectualism. The way I see it, this attack on Van Jones and the suggested communist proclamation is nothing new and pretty much the same thing done to W.E.B. DuBois.
Somehow, I don't see Van Jones running to Africa and denouncing his citizenship and becoming communist like DuBois though. SHit, I think Jones loves KFC and the new chicken sammich they just came out with to do that.
Anne Somerville, I respect your opinion. And I honestly did not mean to disparage the mentally ill. (Although I DID mean to talk about his mama)I have a lot of sympathy for those who suffer from mental illness. But I will stick by what I said about Beck; as someone above mentioned, I mentioned his mama to make a connection to his own obvious mental issues.
And someone above mentioned black folks and crazy: Well hell yeah we are all a little crazy. I know I am.
And if you think what I wrote was mean. Go to some wingnut sites and see what they will be saying about Ted Kennedy today.
God bless Glenn Beck.He speaks the truth.Black folks can't handle the truth.
Bring up the fact that someones mother killed themselves field?? Than you what to talk about what some people will be sayin' about Ted Kennedy?
You are no better than the wingnuts you whine about.
i loathe glenn beck
but i hate censorship even more than i hate him
gb has the right to his own opinions about obama...
those who control his speech may try to control ours next
especially in an age where obama nazis rule all media
ALL silencing is contagious...
These are the words of Reverend Martin Niemoeller. They were his explanation of why he spoke out against the Nazis. He spent eight years in concentration camps for leading The Protestant Church's opposition to Adolph Hitler. The Nazis imprisoned him at Sachsenhausen in 1937 for criticizing the Third Reich. He was freed from Dachau in 1945. He died at the age of 92 on March 6, 1984.
"They came after the Jews, and I was not a Jew, so I did not object.
They came after the Catholics, and I was not a Catholic, so I did not object.
They came after the trade unionists, and I was not a trade unionist, so I did not object.
Then they came after me and there was nobody left to object."
Glenn Beck is nothing but a lowlife racist demogogue whose ignorance is surpassed only by that of his fans.
What's really perverse however is that those fool coonservative negroes at Bookerrising and Republican Brother are actually defending Beck and Republican Brother is calling for a boycott of Color of Change!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talk about Stockholm Syndrome!
At least Larry Elder, Ron Christie et al get paid to Uncle Tom.
Black Conservatives bloggers receive nothing but the joy of kissing Massa's ass.
real warriors can always handle whatever they dish out
van jones gunned for gb first
i am sure van jones can handle gb's return fire...republikkkan posses included...
"God bless Glenn Beck.He speaks the truth.Black folks can't handle the truth."
Looks like the sponsors who are pulling out from Beck's show daily can't handle Beck's "truth" either.
"real warriors can always handle whatever they dish out
van jones gunned for gb first"
And your point is?
Did you make the same noise when Bill O'Reilly went after Dr. Boyce Watkins of Syrcause University who eventually denied Watkins tenure?
I'm not worried about the black coonservatives defending Beck.
Those fools don't even realize that Beck is laughing at them.
Obama Nazis? Black nationalists and socialists? It seems like Black people take pride in ourselves, we're subverting the government. When whites do it, they're patriots.
But on Beck: the guy is a nutcase and a rising power in himself. If you think what he said about Obama was bad, I've heard the guy talk on a less mainstream radio program years ago and know what the man thinks. Basically the Middle East should be glassed and the reason we should be in Iraq is to keep it from Iran because they believe in the Muslim version of Revelations. Like the head Christians on this side have almost been salavating at the thought of War on Terrorism being the final step in the End Times, Beck believes its the same with them.
People think Beck is doing this just for money and it may be true to a certain extent, but I think he's for real. Beck is a zealot and if a completely White, Christian guy isn't running the show, Beck's going after them. Meanwhile Rupert Murdock is making money off of all of it. I don't think Murdock has anything agaist Black people himself, but I know that guy has a love affair with money; if Beck can get him the money, to hell with everyone else.
@ MR.R
We got the memo about Kennedy.
Man, you wingnuts are sooooo touchy. You whine more than a white cop in a Black professor's house.
The "truth" that Glenn Beck dispenses to the windy-licking white masses is in direct correlation to his paycheck. Now, that is some TRUTH. And if white folk were in any more denial about themselves and their weak-willed over privileged asses, we would have to change the name of all the rivers in the world and not just the one in Egypt.
Beck's family mental history is germane considering the high correlation of genetic predisposition for mental illness when one parent carrying schizophrenia increases the child's chances of developing schizophrenia by 13%.
Parental mental illness especially that of the main caregiver has been shown to affect attachment formation and the cognitive, emotional, social and behavioral development of children. These children are also at increased risk of developing psychiatric disorder in childhood, adolescence and later adult life.
Beck may not be a schizophrenic but he may suffer from some sort of personality disorder (manic depression, paranoid personality disorder, etc.)
We know Beck is a recovering alcoholic and addict my question would be why was he self-medicating and is he really all that recovered?
As for the Black folks not being able to handle the truth, here's a quote for you:
To be persuasive, we must be believable; to be believable, we must be credible; to be credible, we must be truthful.
Glenn Beck has absolutely no credibility.
@AB: My sister, you're a Black woman, a proud lesbian, and a revolutionary. That said, don't you think given the premise often espoused by anti-Obama supporters such as yourself, that you yourself are a Nazi?
You know I love you like a play cousin, but think about it for a second. What Beck in effect is doing is attacking Black intellectualism almost in the same way W.E.B. DuBois was back in the day, no?
Yes he has a right to free speech, and so did the Black Panthers, right? But that sure as hell didn't stop the gov't and COINTELPRO from taking THEM down now did it?
Same shit, different toilet the way I see it. The bottom line: smart edumacated Negroes are always a threat. And that my sister is what we as a people should defend.
blacks who are rebels do not are not obama/gwb 2.0 nazis as know obama is a clone of gwb
obama has the SAME elitist fascist global agendas as gwb!!!
you are a hypocrite if you cheer van jones for seeking to slay glen then bash glen for seeking to slay van in self defense
but i do understand your confusion as all obama nazis dare to think that ANYONE who does not blindly adore obama should indeed be slain...
i do not recall boyce calling for o'reilly's omission from fox as van has done?
did i miss something???
all warriors who wage war always risk being defeated
par for the course...fyi
excuse typos
blacks who are rebels do not defend obama/gwb 2.0 as we know obama is a clone of gwb
obama has the SAME elitist fascist global nazi agendas as gwb!!!
"you are a hypocrite if you cheer van jones for seeking to slay glen then bash glen for seeking to slay van in self defense"
You need to brush up on your reading comprehension.
I expect Beck to fight back.
My consternation was with the black conservatives calling for a boycott of Color for Change.
Having said that, I'm not going to sit back idly while some racist gasbag rants anti-black hate and initimations of violence against the (black) President.
Just remember my black libertarian friend, when the tea partiers come to cap niggas, they won't be excluding black lesbians.
i love you too bro!
i do not see glenn b as attacking black intellecuals like me/mike dyson/malcolm
i see him attacking ONLY obama who is a clone of gwb
obama only appears to be an intellectual when he has a teleprompter...
he is actually an empty suit/ puppet who is being exposed as the naked and clueless dog that he is each more each day
In the tragic case of Obama, stark distinctions are politically insignificant differences! Our denials will never protect us. Obama is indeed petrifyingly similar to Hitler in many ways:
Obama is blindly worshipped. Hitler was blindly worshipped even as he gassed Jews in ovens. Even as Americans are increasingly homeless, unemployed, and hungry, Obama is increasingly worshipped unconditionally. Obama has not saved one home or job. Yet, his adoring fans endlessly excuse every failure he botches and every blatant lie he tells.
Obama is coddled and unchecked by all mainstream media. Hitler rigidly controlled media and fabricated truths as he implemented genocide and fiscal chaos. His fans that rule media have blatantly ignored truths about Obama. Truth is always the initial casualty of war. We who seek any truth about Obama lost the media war long ago.
Obama’s fans are suicidally loyal clones of Nazis. No one dared to speak against Hitler without dire retributions. I am an afrocentric scholar who has dedicated my entire life to global African truths and social justice. Yet, I have received worse hate mail than Clarence Thomas or Michael Steele since I proudly voted for Hillary Clinton. Fortunately, Obama’s horrid antics to date have made each moronic missive and harassing incident become poetic justice.
Most Americans are arrogantly ignorant and proudly illiterate. They know absolutely nothing about precisely how Hitler rose to the absolute power he abused via Nazism in Germany. If they knew Hitler’s history, they would never doubt the accuracy of many undeniable and valid comparisons to the affiliated ascensions of George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Hypocritically, Obama’a adoring fans never objected to Bush being called Hitler. Still, Obama is Bush 2.0. The New World Order is in progress. Obama is its new blackish face. Obama and his Nazis will continue to blur distinctions and differences each day...
Your denial will never protect you. Your knowledge will. Study the similarities between Hitler and Obama here:
dubois did not attack black intellectuals
he attacked the 90% black pop/illiterate masses/ turbo breeders of his day
and then he attacked the permanence of racism in the usa IRRESPECTIVE of elitism...
even the blackish obama/gwb 2.0 is learning those eternal lessons daily...
"i do not see glenn b as attacking black intellecuals like me/mike dyson/malcolm"
Okay, enough with you for today.
do not hate
and see what some real black men think of obama here
take notes to help you wise up and man up "bruh"!!!
i am an independent, as all sane persons are...
NOT a libertarian
and i still say you are a hypocrite for attacking anyone who fires back at anyone/org who fires first...as van jones has done against gb
obama has already "capped" you and your great grandkidsu and you are cheering him on as you perish!!!
the teabaggers are far wiser than you
they see their real enemies are in DC
as they rep a rainbow of races just as we lesbians do
you are blinded by the urine colored skin of your blackish and beloved obama...as he urinates on you, you proudly shout "thank you for the rain brother!"...
“Corruption” and “politico” are synonyms in Chicago, Illinois…
President Barack Obama/GWB 2.0 is the epitome of glossy dirty politicos.
Obama purchased his very own home in Chicago via a shady sweet real estate deal fashioned by his slumlord pal, incarcerated and convicted felon Tony Rezko.
As one dirty deed deserves another, Rezko’s slumlord peers in New York are now cashing in on the swindleus package too!!!
When will the blackish Obama’s poor black victims/fans stop drinking his gray Kool-Aid? When will black Obama Nazis get to witness some town hall drama in the poorest and blackest towns where such drama is most warranted? When will America wake up and see that class is the newest race in increasingly wicked and racist politricks nationwide??? When will ALL of the sheeple awake to the legendary shearings by Obama/GWB 2.0 and his ilk???!!!
Read more about your stolen tax dollars ruthlessly bilked in NYC:
See more on Obama and his pal’s shameless slumlord dealings:
"And if you think what I wrote was mean. Go to some wingnut sites and see what they will be saying about Ted Kennedy today."
I expect wingnut sites will be quite offensive about Ted Kennedy. That doesn't make it right, nor is it 'justification' to go swimming in the city human waste sewer with them. Your comments remain mean whatever the wingnuts say about Kennedy. Someone needs to rise above the gutter mentality of wingnuts and be better human beings instead of inadvertently becoming like them.
uptownsteve said...
Just remember my black libertarian friend, when the tea partiers come to cap niggas
Yeah tea partiers are gonna start cappin' niggas any day now.So you better go run and hide behind Jesse Jackson.
allheavens said...
The "truth" that Glenn Beck dispenses to the windy-licking white masses is in direct correlation to his paycheck. Now, that is some TRUTH
You wouldn't know truth if it came up and bit you in the ass.
i admired jfk
i never admired ted
there are many who see all of ted's suffering as karma for the teen mistress he allowed to drown like roadkill
and we will never forgive him for helping obama to destroy us all
obama owes his win to the media/kennedy/oprah etc...
she was 28
she only looked 17
i know you are blinded by your beloved gated community
blacks have been capped by obama & gwb for nearly 9 years and counting!!!
seen us in the usa lately????
precisely when will the tea baggers come for us blacks?
because obama's policies may beat them to the punch as we may all starve and die from poverty and homlelessness before that specific doomsday?
obama is blood kin to cheney with blood ties to gwb
the teabaggers know elitism trumps racism always!
you will be awake and become free ONLY when you learn that same lesson
To all far Lefties,, blind with Obama worship, under the false illusion that this sick direction our country is heading towards, is a joke or hype, think again;You as individuals are not exempt. Mere pawns in a deadly game , that as past history proves nothing good -only
destruction comes of it.
AB,love reading your post.Keep spreading your knowledge though the fields.
Read & educate yourself.. If Beck is wrong, no harm,,, but what if he is right?
Millions of Americans agree..
n total, Marxist regimes murdered nearly 110 million people from 1917 to 1987. For perspective on this incredible toll, note that all domestic and foreign wars during the 20th century killed around 35 million. That is, when Marxists control states, Marxism is more deadly then all the wars of the 20th century, including World Wars I and II, and the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
And what did Marxism, this greatest of human social experiments, achieve for its poor citizens, at this most bloody cost in lives? Nothing positive. It left in its wake an economic, environmental, social and cultural disaster.
The Khmer Rouge – (Cambodian communists) who ruled Cambodia for four years – provide insight into why Marxists believed it necessary and moral to massacre so many of their fellow humans. Their Marxism was married to absolute power. They believed without a shred of doubt that they knew the truth, that they would bring about the greatest human welfare and happiness, and that to realize this utopia, they had to mercilessly tear down the old feudal or capitalist order and Buddhist culture, and then totally rebuild a communist society. Nothing could be allowed to stand in the way of this achievement. Government – the Communist Party – was above any law. All other institutions, religions, cultural norms, traditions and sentiments were expendable.
"AB,love reading your post.Keep spreading your knowledge though the fields"
Opps, that was suppose to be last.
"Yeah tea partiers are gonna start cappin' niggas any day now.So you better go run and hide behind Jesse Jackson."
I don't need Jesse.
Believe me if you or any of your inbred friends ever came to my neighborhood poppin that "tree of liberty" bull$hit you'd get a .45 hollow point right between your beady little eyes and that would definitely be considered an act of patriotism.
ditto anon!
and even hitler and his nazis were once renowned as "leftists" in germany
labels are for tin cans ONLY
never political parties/people UNLESS they are deliberate tools for division/deception/denials etc...
van jones came to glen beck's media hood shooting first
so let gb spray back too
van jones does not need your hypocrisy to spray counter fires
[quote]And I love it that Beck is going after Color of Change. That lets us know that what they did has had an affect, despite how Beck and FOX have tried to play it off.[/quote]
Please allow ME to correct YOU.
I do have satellite television and though I am not a viewer of the Beck show - this latest dust up caused me to record the two shows since his return from vacation.
Glen Beck DID NOT MENTION "The Colored Who Take Spare Change Given Out By MoveOn.org" in either of his shows this week.
He ONLY made references to "those who are bothered by his words".
He then opened his Monday show with a BLISTERING ATTACK upon the American LEFT!!!! I was PROUD THAT HE TOLD THE TRUTH about what this is!!
The TRUTH OF THE MATTER IS - that both "The Colored Who Take Spare Change Given Out By MoveOn.org" and AfroSpear are seeking to run interference for the Obama Administration and the Progressive assault upon America that is being transacted.
He laid the groundwork about the AMERICAN DEBT. He attacked evil George Bush and the Republicans in this regard as well. He made the case that this was unsustainable. He brought a brother in the financial services business to lay out the facts Charles (?).
Then he stated that he was going to expose the backgrounds of the leftist Czars who are working for the Obama Administration.
This was Glen Beck at his finest!!!
I struggle to understand about the leftist confiscators. After taking over all of the large cities in America with promises of BOUNTY for the workers. Why do you now have to make a national run as these cities that you run are crumbing.
Some of you DON'T BELIEVE that the projected $9,000 billion new debt that will be created in the next 10 years MEANS ANYTHING TO You.
With Medicare expected to be exhausted in 2020 and Social Security in 2035 I struggle to understand what TED KENNEDY has taught you to focus upon instead of the painful truth that is ahead of you.
Obama is problematic because he is pushing full steam ahead with more massive government entitlements.
FIND ME ONE ENTITLEMENT PROGRAM that actually costed less money than what was projected for it 10 years out. THERE ARE NONE!!!
[quote]And kudos to Color of Change for their efforts.[/quote]
Seriously Jody:
Could you tell me WHAT the "Color Of Change" has succeeded in doing?
For me the only thing that they did is to show that they see the WORDS said by a White man on television that they don't like are more of a threat to the Black community than the PIRATES who are killing the hell out of us in Philly, Atlanta and other places.
ab "i know you are blinded by your beloved gated community"
ab, do you really believe that uts lives in a gated community? btw uts is no match for you, but he keeps trying. lol
thanks anon!
us has often shanelessly embraced his black neocon elitism herein...
ie he has no love for the ghetto kids of turbo breeders that i have dedicated my life as an educator to saving...
he dismisses all of the poor homeless jobless blacks ALREADY slain by obama
he is in denial about how his own slaying may be next...
"For me the only thing that they did is to show that they see the WORDS said by a White man on television that they don't like are more of a threat to the Black community than the PIRATES who are killing the hell out of us in Philly, Atlanta and other places."
Here comes the uber-slave catcher, right on cue.
We blacks can't say nuttin' bad about massa until we are all perfect and every black ghetto is crime free.
CF, what reallys upsets you and other bootlickin sellouts is that Color of Change has been effective in getting sponsors off of Beck's show and thus tempering his hysterical racism.
Just as with the NABJ campaign to get Imus off the air, you black coonservatives engage in your tired brand of deflection and false choices(why are we attacking Beck when there is crime in black ghettoes)because you can't stand black folks standing up to and bringing down white racists.
i despise imus and his sexist racist slurs
imus built his entire radio career on hatred
but i never wanted him off of the air...and i predicted his hiatus would only be a brief paid vacation as it was
i hate censorship more than sexism and racism combined
I actually expect geriatric racist and sexist fools like Imus to attack black women. I am historically numb to such ancient racial hatred and verbal abuse. Interracial hatred may indeed be an eternal and global human flaw.
It is the intraracial misogyny that wounds me. I am always deeply wounded when my own “brothers” attack me so routinely, ruthlessly, gleefully, and profitably, that to compare them to Imus is to make him sound like a multicultural saint! To illustrate my point: There is a “columnist” that poses publicly as a lover of black women, yet he regularly curses and vulgarly libels me in emails as no other black male hater I have ever endured. I am adept at ignoring such juvenile wannabees. I will continue to ignore him because he is insignificant enough to ignore.
But, I can never ignore all of the significant “brothers” who disrespect me and my sisters in all media daily. “Brothers” like Eddie Murphy, R. Kelly (When is he ever going to trial?!?), Snoop Dogg, 50 Cent, and countless other “brothers” who incessantly slander us as “skeezers, skanks, tricks, bitches, hos, hood rats etc...”. I can never ignore all of the national award shows that increasingly give Oscars and Grammies to “pimps” as financial and artistic kudos that encourage these “brothers” to continue such degradation for fame and fortune.
For the record, I never had any love for Imus. But, I thought my ”brothers” were supposed to love me and inspire me to love them. As Alice Walker penned, black men are supposed to hold up half of the sky for us, as we hold up the other half for them. So, why is it that nearly every time I hear a Top 40 rap or soul song, or watch a popular video or film created by a black male, I feel like the sky is falling? Imus may feel like Chicken Little. But, my pain is caused by too many "brothers" feeling that all black women are chicken heads.
Off topic,
Corporations still do this mess?
This is not he Microsoft we have known.
Microsoft steps in it
Well, I love you, Alicia.
i "love" you too my dear frenemy
Even if you are a chicken head.
(See, it's one of those love / hate relationships)
did u miss the quotes?...
it is a "love"/hate relationship
as i reserve real LOVE for those who are real friends rather than real chickenshits /enemieslike you
As soon as I heard about what Color of Change was doing to get companies to bail on Beck, I immediately joined the cause. It'll be interesting to see how this battle plays out. As for Beck going after Van Jones, his motives for doing so to me are as transparent as Wonder Woman's invisible airplane.
By the way Field, I included a link to this post over at Diversity Ink. Keep up the excellent work!
Sigh. I guess I'll just have to live with it.
it is much easier to guffaw at a weasel than to debate a warrior huh?
apoi is only amusing to fellow weak trashy excuses for real men like you...
clones amuse clones
i bet gwb and obama are rotfl somewhere at YOU even as i type this...ha!
Off topic but the CEO of the SPCA left her dog in the car, he's dead. Same lady the screamed at the NFL for letting Vick in. How ironic.
Dog of Richmond SPCA CEO dies after being left in car for 4 hours | Richmond Times-Dispatch
Source: www2.timesdispatch.com
A dog belonging to Robin Starr, chief executive officer of the Richmond SPCA, died last week after being left alone for about four hours in her car. This morning, Starr and her husband, Ed, cried while .
To negros like steve, its all about stickin' to the man.
Poor blacks,black children with no school books or computers,all that doesn't matter.
It would be great if steve and other negros like him, would attack black issues that poor blacks face everyday like they attack the "man".
I sure as hell despise Glen Beck but I also sure as hell don't know what his mother's suicide has to do with it. Jesus. I didn't even finish the post. With so much to attack the asshole over, why would you need to mention his mother? I'm going to assume the rest of your post encouraged people not to patronize any advertisers on the Beck show and that you strongly urged negroes to put their money where there mouth is and contribute to Color of Change. You can make donations on the link below:
Who the FUCK cares about Van Jones white wife? We have to be some of the dumbest homo sapiens walking around on this planet.
I think we might be the only homo sapiens walking around on this planet, dumb or not.
Except maybe for Alicia. She might be the Missing Link.
POI: I was talking to black people. You are excused.
Mr. R.
"It would be great if steve and other negros like him, would attack black issues that poor blacks face everyday like they attack the "man"."
Hmm, why aren't you attacking trailerpark issues instead of hanging around a black website everyday?
You're probably the type who watches black men in the showers at the gym.
"it is much easier to guffaw at a weasel than to debate a warrior huh?"
You want me to pay you some attention baby?
Get rid of the cheap weave, learn to shut your mouth sometimes and work on the attitude and maybe so many brothers won't consider you a chickenhead.
Most of the sisters I know don't have such problems.
The leftwing is becoming more and more desperate.
We got union thugs at these townhall meetings with their Obama/nazi posters tryin to make everyone think they are Republicans.
Now we have a Democrat smashing windows at a Colorado state Democratic Party headquarters.Democrats tried to blame Republicans and tried to tie this in with the townhall protesters.
Obama and the Democrats won't be happy until they get people killed.
Its a shame what Obama and the Democrats are doing to this country.Everyone should listen to Glenn Beck.He is speaking truth to power.
Field, if you had a drop of Melanin on your Black Ass you'd say SOMETHING about the White Storeowner in Harlem who shot 4 Bruthas in cold blood. I know his names "Salvatore" and he looks like an older wiser Paulie Wallnuts, but when you claim to be a "Field Negro" you gotta walk the walk... "Field Negro" what a joke...that bug eyed cook in that 3 Stooges Episode had more street cred than you do...
Oh yeah Field, its SYPHILLIS you can catch from your mom, not Schizophrenia...
and you're OK, I used a condom with your Mammy...
Not so funny when someones talkin about YOUR mother is it...
you are not man enough to pay me or any real woman/warrior any "attn"
and i have never worn a weave
just as i have never been a chickenhead
i proudly don my own long flowing mane of naturally flawless locks like the true lioness that i am
do not hate me because i hunt and slay you and your fellow hyenas like apoi so bloodily and easily
Mr. R.
Where is your proof that the people doing these things are Democratic proxies?
And don't tell me Glenn Beck said so.
AB,steve is a real black man.You must keep your mouth shut,speak only when spoken to, and drop that attitude.You don't want steve to get his belt.
steve you need to learn real black men respect and listen to women.
as you are subhuman,
you are TRULY missing everything and linked to no one/nothing except fellow black apes like us...
you are the literal putrid primordial slime that sludges this cyerbspace daily...
as mother earth spawned all humanity, you are the resident misogynist and original MF herein
tragic indeed!!!
"It is the intraracial misogyny that wounds me. I am always deeply wounded when my own “brothers” attack me so routinely, ruthlessly, gleefully, and profitably
Alicia, I fully agree. However, on this very blog I have also witnessed the difference in how you aggressively respond to the black female commenters, as compared to the white female commenters.
I have seen a few white female commenters pull you up, or one has even told you to “step away from the keyboard”, but you don’t berate them as you usually do black females. As a matter of fact, that's the only time you have ever appeared to respond in a civil like manner when offended.
I'm just bringing this to your attention.
Anonymous posters are pussies..
Now that I got that out the way....
Are you suggesting that "real" black men beat women???
Or "typical" black men are violent?
Are you another one of these bitter black female bloggers who spew stupid like this and wonder why you don't get any respect?
only weak moronic men who have nothing to say dare to silence women who speak the truths that they are unable to hear...
you prove that with each quasi-iliiterate posting herein...
keep up the great work boy!
if you (or any fellow life support systems for an impotent penis that you happen to know) ever dares to raise a hand to me, you will draw back a bloody stump as you simultaneously feel your severed hand stuffed deep inside your tight anus...
bet on that
li/kola boof:
you are a blatant liar
quote me you shrew!!!
if the best you can say to me while i am routinely slurred as a racist/militant etc is:
"ab...you beat my ass worse than the wfs"
then i know i am an even better warrior than i knew!!!
thanks you lying hater!!!
you made my day!!!!
I think you may have touched a nerve.
irrespective of race and gender
i will ALWAYS respond ONLY as i am responded to!
so civility begets civility
and hateful liars like you will always get the MOST UNcivilized retorts i can muster
bring it bimbo!!!!!!!!
Now Alicia, why don’t you just reach back behind you, grab ahold of that steel-reinforced elastic band on those big ole XXL white cotton panties of yours, (if you can find it through all the back/butt hair), pull them up & over your big bubble-head, and make like a clam before you hurt my little ole feelings.
That "primordial slime" thing really hurt.
she has not touched a nerve
but even her rabid blatant lie counts as more fodder for debate than my complete annihilation of you
you have me confused with the big DL bear you wooed last pm...
get over your fat fetish!
This is was what I was talking about. Also, you don’t call those white females vicious names either as you do myself or other black females.
Btw, I have nothing against you, nor do I have anything against Ms. Boof.
I was just bringing this to your attention.
quote me shrew!!!!!!!!!
and you are also schizo as you and that retarded kid/assnons have led many uncivilized tag matches re kola herein
you are lying on yourself too???
dyam fool
Laincognita has a valid point.
quote me
your fake anon self applause is so repulsive and pathetic!!!!
A complete meltdown!
"This is was what I was talking about. Also, you don’t call those white females vicious names either as you do myself or other black females."
And let's not forget questioning the manhood of any black man who dares stand up to her.
Sounds like classic "Self-hating Negro" syndrome.
i only question blacks who pretend to men
like u apoi kid et al...
quote me re the wf lies!!!!!
it is really amusing how as soon as i slay you/kola/li/assnons etc
you start tag teaming each other as if that constitutes defeat
for the record
misery loves company
and the miserable co that you all keep only magnifies said slayings!!!!
I suppose this would be a bad time to ask if you were having any sexual "issues" with your girl friend, huh?
We're here to help, you know.
AB, i kind of agreed with you when you first said that taking action against glen beck could be dangerous to freedom of speech. kind of, because i dont think glen becks rants qualify as any known form of coherent speech. and there is always the issue of what is acceptable under the flag of freedom of speech, and what is used to incide hatred. i believe glen becks show to fall into the latter category.
however...comparing obama to the nazis? are u serious. how could u have the gall to compare president obama to one of the most infamous murderers in history? and nazis were never considered "left," i dont know what history books you're getting ur knowledge from. also comparing his skin to urine is just low. if people on this blog dont take you seriously, maybe its because while u may raise some good points, they are usually diluted in ur endless babble and ur tirade of vicious insults to anyone who dare say anything against u
see how it is
curious that you would ask that?
since, clearly, you were the one who rode a DL bear as you cheated on your own wife last night...
I know Steve, the hypocrisy is revealing, it's too vivid now.
I honestly think Alicia not only hate black men, but she also hates black women. I won't be surprise if she's not really attracted to other black women as she protest.
you tag teaming clowns really need a new routine
this one is tired:
1. alicia slew me
2. cheer my loss as "anon"
3. post as alicia
4. rehash an old lie re kola boof
5. make up some lie about her posts herein
6. pretend she is lonely and with her flawless body/wife/life etc
7. beg fn to make her go away...
i hate you and yor bois herein
i adore black women including my mom/self/wife
"alicia is so mean...she does not belong on this prayer wall with us nice saints...boo hoo"
spare me you transparent dunce shrew!!!
anon..."And what did Marxism, this greatest of human social experiments, achieve for its poor citizens, at this most bloody cost in lives? Nothing positive. It left in its wake an economic, environmental, social and cultural disaster."
free education, free healthcare, internationalism, equality, social awareness. an alternative to a dog-eats-dog capitalist world view and unchecked consumerism.
coffee and cigarettes
i detail prescisely how and why obama is akin to hitler
he is backed by financier elites
and he is coddled by media and he is blindly worshipped by his nazis
see previous posts here and much more on obama/gwb 2.0 as hitler here:
OMG..sometime the comments can overtake the damn post. Somewhere along the line blacks and mental illnesses were brought up. I didnt see that being anywhere in the argument as far as this post is concerned.
Then they are getting on you about what you said about his mom! Would I have said it? Probably not. But What does A-mur-ca know about being nice this country doesnt' give a fuck about being nice...c'mon people! Thin ass skin!!! Get together and address the topic at hand! DAMN!
gwb was often called hitler
obama has ESCALATED EVERY single bush policy with his new blackish mask...
Under Obama, just as under Bush, the government is spending huge amounts of money to try to save the values of the fictitious assets which dominate the global financial system. So far, some $13 trillion has been given, lent, promised, or guaranteed, in what has been repeatedly shown to be an open-ended process. Despite the Federal government's budget deficit, the money keeps on flowing, ever faster.
When it comes to the welfare of the population, however, the tune changes dramatically, to "cut, cut, cut." We're going to have to slash Social Security, slash Medicare, slash all sorts of other spending to bring our budget under control, we are told. Money for the bailout, money for the wars, but nothing for the people-who are the nation.
This is pure fascism. We are headed down the road to Hell, led by a Pied Piper of a President who, whatever he may think, will destroy us all unless we force him to change course.
i adore black women and black people
i do hate racists mixed nuts like you and obama
i have never coddled or even dated a wf
Only the love of a better Black woman can make my healing complete. Just as being a lesbian has absolutely nothing to do with hating men, but everything to do with loving women, my adoration of Black women has nothing to do with hating white women. I adore Black women exclusively because I love my Black self and my Black mother.
Intimate love of another should always be a reflection of self-love. This is not racist. This is divine. We are made in the image of God. It is sacred to seek lovers who reflect our own image. I thank God for creating African women. I am a femme lesbian who loves being a woman and prefers fellow femmes as lovers. Black women are God’s most beautiful works of art and strongest creations. As Zora Neale Hurston penned: “We are the mules of the world”. Yet, as Maya Angelou penned: “Yet, still we rise”...
I date Black women exclusively because I need a woman who understands/shares my life experiences, joys, fears, pains, abuses, passions, missions, dreams, perspectives, politics, emotions, vision, history, ancestry, etc...Clearly, I have yet to find all of this even in an African sister. I truly need and am desperately seeking a soulmate. Our souls are housed inside bodies that shape our experiences. As a lesbian, I need a cloned body that houses a cloned soul.
I date Black women exclusively because I need what God gave to most of us: Chocolate skin, soft sexy nappy locks, sacred breasts, magical movement, divine rhythm, protruding buttocks, soft full sexy lips, round curves, soothing voices, soul food magic, and sista cool etc...We Black women have “that thing” that no other gender or race has. That is the thing I need to live, breathe, love, heal, and to survive. This is my thing. I humbly respect that your thing may be completely different.
"I honestly think Alicia not only hate black men, but she also hates black women. I won't be surprise if she's not really attracted to other black women as she protest."
The really tripped out thing is that I really tried to be civil with AB.
I went to her website a few months ago and was really impressed with her pictures.
Despite my ribbing her, I find her to be an attractive woman.
But the constant ranting and bandwidth consumption, along with the incessant black bashing (both male and female), topped off with the pathetic cries of victimhood just gets to be too much to deal with.
i penned that before i wed my black queen
long before i met you/ you lying haters herein
tell the truth
your limpness herein trumped your lust
you have gaybashed herein incessantly as the resident elitist and tag team moron for apoi
stop lying!!!
Steve i am suggesting,no i'm telling, you that AB is smarter than you.We all know that some black men tend to fear smart black woman.
You are so scared and jealous of AB.You can't drop knowledge like AB so you want her to "shut up" and know her place.
So sit back and learn from AB.
anon thanks!
and just as apoi and us are fav mutual masturbation partners
li and kid are also a stellar duo herein
how dare they feign otherwise!!!
and any female who embraces such rabidly sexist dogs only proves that she is lower than they are
you are lower than the belly of a parasites on the bellies of slugs
"Steve i am suggesting,no i'm telling, you that AB is smarter than you.We all know that some black men tend to fear smart black woman."
You're talking to the wrong guy.
My wife is an attorney with bar licenses in 3 states.
It took me almost 6 years to get my undergrad degree.
No sweetie. I am not in the least intimidated by strong and smart black women.
In fact I adore them.
But having a big mouth, a nasty attitude and victim complex does not equate with intelligence.
And your constant references to "brutal black men", "weak black men" etc..... just let's me know that you are just another angry deprived sista furious at bruthas because you can't get one to pay attention to YOU.
what a repulsive ploy to fn!!!
so you are some IT monitor now?
pray tell:
how will "bandwith" conservation salvage obama/gwb 2.0's FREE FALL in the polls?
you and your posse are still snoring
but MILLIONS of obama nazis are waking up
why is it always sexist dogs like you who seek to abuse and silence women always the first to lament
"having a big mouth, a nasty attitude and victim complex does not equate with intelligence"
sorry excuses for men like you make all that you lament MANDATORY FOR survival!!!!!!!
Dark skinned Black girls had better have attitude. That’s the only thing that saves them in a world that pretends they’re not there or tries to erase them.
I love this anger that has driven me to write this book as a prayer, a scream, and a poem to my sisters dark and light…for every book that I have ever written has sprung from a question or a wound."
i also see you as a slacker
i earned my undergrad in 4 yrs...at uiuc...at age 16
wake up!!!
lying on me will never save one job/home/trillion stolen bucks etc
Anon: 2:56A
People tend to forget that mental illness is a disease just like diabetes. There are some studies that seem to suggest that some mental illnesses do have an genetic component. In fact, it is psy 101 if you have ever taken a course. Yes trauma does affect everyone, but in different ways. In addition, what is traumatic for you may not be traumatic for me. For example, a woman's father suddenly dies. Now she was raised with her father telling her how everything should be cleaned and going into a ritual of cleaning. Her sense of cleaniness is heightened into phobia of germs, and now it becomes a bigger problem with her father's death. Everything must cleaned and obsessed. Her cleaning becomes ritualistic and is complusive. We are have an experienced for example, a parent who does not pick up his/her son or daughter from school leaving an anxiety in the child, it is in deed a trauma to that child because a child's worse fear is abandonment.
Also, when I wrote my comment I used the word suggest which means a possibility and the last time I check does not mean with great certainty, but it worthy enough to think about. In addition, it is my opinion based on some observations and the other alternative is that Beck is just a prick forgive my language Field. However, it could the case with Glen Beck, but I do not know of many people who act out their fantasties of poisoning another person on TV. Perhaps he thought it was funny, but I found it distrubing. I mean who does that? A person can be obsessive about anything including religion. In my opinion, I think Beck has some form of mental illness and it does not have be the same illnes as his mother either. It can be complicated.
OMG alicia banks....We get it... You=Awesome. Obama=Evil Nazi. Now please.... SHUT UP!
hater jody:
do you get us/li etc too?????
be as succint in deporgramming your own nazi brain
you = saved then!
more details on obama/gwb 2.0 as hitler here:
AB is right on one thing... yes... UptownSteve.... I find you as contemptable as AB because you seem to relish in engaging and encouraging her.... The two of you should get a room. You are BOTH annoying as hell!
Here's some advice Jody.
Why don't you start your own fuckin blog and stop trying to run Field's?
you = slowly getting more balanced in your selective unauthorized self-appointed policing
keep it up
la incognita was right cause you didn't knock Jody's head off or send her a barage of hate filled post behind each other.
tee hee
hennasplace said...
Anon: 2:56A
People tend to forget that mental illness is a disease just like diabetes.
Aww hell don't be tellin me dat shit.
I gots to watch out for my suger diabetes and my mind to?
There are some studies that seem to suggest that some mental illnesses do have an genetic component.
Damn you means we gots that sickle cell gene and the mental illness gene to??Shit....A negro just can't catch a break.
Damn white people!!!It be bad enough ya'll give us high blood pressure.Now ya'll give us mental illness to??
Who is this alicia banks ?? Sista if you need someone to lay some pipe jus let a brutha know.
illight negros i be seein' ya'll in the fields.
how lame you are!
i sent jody what she sent me
will be doing that always
make note of same
you = blind fool/kola/li/liar!
like all sexists/racists you are pipeless
like all lesbians, i am proudly pipe free
i will pass but
if i were bi
only a real black man like mumia abu jamal could get me...
alicia banks said...
like all lesbians, i am proudly pipe free
If you use dildos or other sex toys that penetrate than you are not truly pipe free.
I bet Jody's pipefree.
Not necessarily by choice.
you are a moron at sex too!!!
most het and gay women do not have vaginal orgasms
most lesbians do not need/use toys
stop bragging about what a lousy boring shafting lay you are...
bone up....pun intended though undeserved:
I really wish people would stop trying to validate glen beck's racism.
So is mental illness the new excuse for racism?
" alicia banks said...
you are a moron at sex too!!!
most het and gay women do not have vaginal orgasms"
There's nothing to giving a woman a vaginal orgasm, if you know what you're doing.
Of course, if their cooter is as big as minnow bucket, that does make it a hell of a lot harder to accomplish.
mumia abu jamal? You mean that guy off the Cosby show?Girl dat nigga ain't gots nothin' fo you.
Girl i make you get that O six times before Sunday.Have you in church screamin' "Lord what done come over me".
Girl i don't care if your lebanese.Hell i don't care if your japanese,taiwanese, or russianese.Its all good.
Folks, please stop feeding the trolls. If you stop replying to them, maybe they will get bored and go away. I just skip their entries, which can be time consuming but it keeps me sane and from getting a headache.
As for Glenn the crybaby haystack head, he is a stupid, illogical over-fed, under-educated, cretin. Since when are grown men allowed to sit on tv and blubber like that, not over the loss of a loved one or some personal tragedy, but b/c they don't like the way country is going. Big fat wuss. I hate that SOB. He will have some kind of Joe McCarthy breakdown on tv one day, might even use the N word. He is nuts. I feel badly about his mother, but that is no excuse for him to be such a dirtbag and even if he does have some mental disorder himself, he is still responsible for his actions. He is a disgrace to Americans, to all of humankind, and to me specifically. Punk ass bitch.
only a brazenly impotent sexually clueless loser like you would brag about your glaring lack of sexual prowess while blaming it on vaginal size
YOU, yuor tiny brain, and your tinier limp penis have only yourselves to blame for your sexual ignorance and ineptitude
I meant to say a disgrace to men, not me. Other than being human and American nothing links me to that fool, thank goodness.
Dont you all have work to do...jobs that need tending to.
Probably going to stir the pot with this but I'm really disappointed with the overall lack of civility and communication considering all the intelligence up in here! Dropping in just long enough to advise US to learn from AB was a good gesture, Anonymous, but it could have been even better had you asked AB to also try and learn something of value from US. Rarely are "debate" and "learning" one-way streets.
FN said: "As long as there is a cultural and social divide in this country we might as well..."
(continued with my opinion!!): "...learn to speak Chinese and/or Arabic." The continued, VOLATILE in-fighting among all of these growing cliques will someday run our great country into the ground. WIth so many people talking, who's listening?? It breaks my heart to watch the current situation in the US in the media here. It seems as though the America I once knew and still love is dying quickly from that cancer FN mentioned above.
China and the Middle East need not do anything but sit back...smiling, watching and waiting. When we have all but killed one another with our intolerance, insecurities, hatred and ignorance, our new masters will waltz right on in...and everybody, regardless of the differences that we focus on to divide us, will be enslaved in one way or another.
Can't we act on our various convictions, values and attitudes without reacting so to childish taunts and meaningless insults. A little too much to ask for up in here?? Anyway, please stay healthy, happy and blessed out in the fields, folks!! Listen, learn and STAY VOCAL...but also make all of that energy count for something worth listening to, learning from and vocalizing about.
By the way, thanks again for the voice, FN!! Hope you, as well as the rest of the group, are having a great day!
i learn from many herein daily
even some real anons that are not kola/li etc
if you were honestly vigilant
you would see that i NEVER attack anyone herein who does not attack me first
and that will NEVER change...civil or no
Did AB actually link www.rense.com which is a white supremacist website?????????
us is NOT a white supremacist.
he is an independent anti- govt warrior
and i respect the truth from ALL sources
rense is a scholar and a rebel
which is dually more than i can say for you and your lying ilk!!!
i have blogged all over the www since 1992...
this is the only blog where a posse of haters and fools REPEATEDLY posts BLATANT lies about anyone/anything and passes it off as ACTUAL debate!!!
you are arrogantly ignorant
and i can effortlessly prove that with any search engine on any day
stop the bs!!!
fn deserves better than lies and games as "debates"!!!!
AB, then why don't you just stop coming on this blog. You really over do things, people have had enough already.
police your own blog
i would never post there
i come to this blog because fn an the intelligent posters outnumber idiots like u and us
like sharon from wi who omitted an entire chapter of obama's best selling bio...and then evaded being busted on it
like li/kola and kid who keep harping on ancient fantasies of kola boof
like all the assnons who clone their own pts/posts herein
what a disgrace!!!!
hater posse:
find a clue and get some common sense!!!!
there wil be no unity/civility until the evil obama nazis wake up!!!
The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves.
Goldman Sachs
The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group ...
"The American government -- which we once called our government -- has been taken over by Wall Street, the mega-corporations and the super-rich. They are the ones who decide our fate. It is this group ..."
larry flynt
Theis "Alicia" character has just about destroyed your blog.
If you ever upgrade, you should install an "ignore" buttown so that those of us who want to be spared, will not have to endure her.
Sorry about the typos
"Theis" should be "this"
"buttown" should be "button"
Do you think glenn beck and alicia have the same mother?
AB: I never implied or directly said that you did not learn from people in here. My comment was directed to Anonymous, who I saw as "fanning flames" by only asking US to learn from you. My point is that he could have also asked the same of you.
As for being aware of what I notice in here, I can honestly say that I haven't read everything that FN has written. Nor have I read everything that many of you have responded to. I have read a lot of the blogs in their entirety, though I haven't responded. Like many of you, I can also throw down when it comes to debate, arguing, getting my point across, etc (SIUC speech communication major, journalism minor; GWU School of Biz masters in travel administration with concentrations in sustainable destination management, events and meeting management, sport management...[graduated as valedictorian] ...and I will be starting a second masters degree in environmental management through Harvard University, as well as a certificate through Johns Hopkins University in environmental health. Enough about me...LOL!)
This is just my opinion, of course...but what I do think about you, in particular, is that you too have some REALLY good food to bring to this table that we all share here. Whether people choose to attack what you say is ultimately their prerogative. Similarly, whether or not you choose to attack them before they attack you or even after they attack you is your prerogative. That being said, y'all aren't the only ones sitting at this table trying to enjoy the meal.
As for me, I don't have the time or energy to fight every battle that surges my way. I am extremely vigilant regarding the battles I choose to wage, as well as the people and/or situations I choose to attack. When I do choose to engage myself in a discussion, particularly when it is environmentally, racially, religiously or politically charged, it is often more about 'sharing than swearing' (not implying that you swear). And as for sharing, though I may bring my cool-aid to the table, I'm not offended, angry, insulted or beyond myself if nobody drinks it. If you share these sentiments, than we have something in common. If not, I'll still try to sift through your meat and gravy to get to something that helps elevate my life.
Finally, may we all remember the good table manners we were undoubtedly raised with. Good night all...off to bed.
AB said: "The real war is not between the left and the right. It is between the average American and the ruling class. If we come together on this single issue, everything else will resolve itself. It's time we took back our government from those who would make us their slaves."
I agree wholeheartedly with that!! Now, once we take it back, who should we then give it to next?
"..I just skip their entries, which can be time consuming but it keeps me sane and from getting a headache..."
Me too.
obama is blood kin to cheney with blood ties to gwb
the teabaggers know elitism trumps racism always!
you will be awake and become free ONLY when you learn that same lesson...
AB...Stay away from Alex Jones and all those truther, birther bs sites.
Quoting them does nothing for your credibility at all.
angie- shut up, alicia is a loon and 1 missed med away from total meltdown.
Stop coddling morons like alicia.
People give people like this the benefit of the doubt up until they snap and kill a bunch of people or some other type of sick twisted shit.
Just like a spade is a spade, a lunatic is a lunatic.
"Despite my ribbing her, I find her to be an attractive woman."
Uptown Steve, are you serious???
Did YOU forget to take your meds today?
She looks like a fat, googley eyed out of shape sack of shit, EWWWWWWWWWW!
Ditto c!
Hey field-negro, this is way off topic but here is a story for you:
The head of the Richmond SPCA, the one who's been crying about Michael Vick being let back into the NFL left her dog in a hot car to die last week.
I wouldn't be surprised to learn that not only is Beck mentally ill, but so is Rush Limbaugh, who looked like an absolute loon at that young conservatives caucus a while back.
uptownsteve said...
My wife is an attorney with bar licenses in 3 states
I thought we established months ago that your wife MUST be weak to deal with your ass, LOL!! An Attorney, so what? Shit, they give out JD's like M&M's at Halloween from what I see given all the 8th tier colleges with night programs.
Yeah Field, picking in the mentally ill given all the mental illness in the Black community is pretty shameful IMHO. But I'm glad advertisers are making Beck pay literally for some of the crazy shit he's said.
i understand and agree
thank you for your fairness and sanity among the morons and haters herein
best wishes in all u do
do not kill any messengers of the truth in any vessels/forums/source labels etc
your lies, cowardice, denials, delusions will never change those truths or save you
i wish there was a med for courage
then maybe you could take a pill to mak you show your ugly foolish face/worthless name herein...
shabass/kizzz-zzzz-zzzee gnat:
do you whine about me because all else you post is boring and ignored herein????
i promise i will never post at your blogs
where are they anyway????
get lives you vapid vipers!
"get lives you vapid vipers!"
get meds you crazy bitch!
stop calling me by your mama's names
you psycho fake kufi clad dog!!!
Alicia,I see your cheeleaders back yay! (rolling eyes)
shabass and kazoo:
whine and slur this!
Damn Alicia Banks - you are holding the FORT against these hate filled Progressive Fundamentalists.
I am impressed.
You must have a semi-automatic and a case load of ammo.
Here is some advice though.
Build up a FRAMEWORK and force them to argue within it so that their arguments will be MEANINGFUL.
For Example:
* Safe Streets
* Quality Education
* Thriving Local Economy
* Healthy Lifestyles
WHEN ASKED - Which of these areas is Glen Becks inaccurate WORDS said about Obama a THREAT - they are forced to say that these words MIGHT create an environment of violence against Black people.
OF COURSE the are forced to look past the PRESENT VIOLENT ENVIRONMENT that too many Black people face. They can ONLY raise an alarm when there is some IDEOLOGICAL BENEFIT to obtain from it.
I am sure you have figured out by now that WhiteBowieSteve is a damned liar.
some moronic haters herein are so waaaaaaaaaay beyond real debate...they would rather slur and play games only
you are my inspiration
i am proud to be your fellow warrior herein...
[quote]Just keeping it real: I'm sensing this to be another attack on Black intellectualism. The way I see it, this attack on Van Jones and the suggested communist proclamation is nothing new and pretty much the same thing done to W.E.B. DuBois.[/quote]
Brother Rippa - you are killing me with this one.
It is clear that for you Van Jones is one of the "Protected Negroes" who's antics can't be scrutinized LEST there be a RACIST intent in doing so.
WHAT IS this guy DID CLAIM himself to be a COMMUNIST? Does this change your offense with Beck calling him what he is self-described as?
I am quite sure that you would be no surprised to know that I see Van Jones as another "Radical Of Leisure". He who has a degree from an elite, majority White institution that represents the PINNACLE of America's elitist, Eurocentric college education system.
All I need to learn about him to that he in fact traveled to England and walked the hallowed halls of Oxford and then was taken into some secret chamber and showed a box that contained the chemical for the "Essence of the White Supremacy" and then I'll have my complete picture of this guy formed.
Do you find it strange that Van Jones and other Radical Quasi-Socialists require a NATIONAL TAKE OVER to actually GET A BROTHER ON THE STREET A JOB?
I am sure that my friend Filled Negro will tell you - when the Democrats were making their ascension into power in Philly - they promised every brother a job, safe streets and a top notched school system - IF they voted them into power over the municipal government.
If something going to be different when the Progressive-Fundamentalists take over the nation?
Then they will be trying to take over the WORLD, after 2035 when this economy is insolvent.
Damn girl - you are on fire!!
Help me out.
I am trying to check out where you are coming from.
Do you have a blog entry that I can read in order to understand your general sentiments?
I understand about the "Gross Hypocrisy" amongst the "Obama Sellouts". Ted Kennedy was heard railing against the Iraq War spending a few years ago - few talk about the $106 billion war spending by the Federal Democrats this year.
Beyond specific issues about Obama or even politics.... I am looking to understand where you are coming from - and going to.
You do notice that Steve has a problem with disrespecting Black women he doesn't agree with, right?
His basic theory is "Shut up B#*#&! Don't you know that I am working on YOUR behalf? Go somewhere and sit silent"
"His basic theory is "Shut up B#*#&!"
Funny, that's essentially my sentiments toward you most of the time.
ditto cf:
all cowardly men seek to silence all real women
i am a vintage afrocentric warrior who sees obama as a clone of gwb 2.0
obama is blackish hoax on the globe who is the face of gwb's 3rd stolen term
obama is the new mask of the NWO
see all by scrolling down here:
i am also enraged at how obama has played gays for votes and then began dissing us even before he was sworn in...
i hate gaybashers/doormats/fools/fatal forgivers etc
semena was a champion
so she was given a pass
unlike other gays who are murdered and raped daily in africa
so pwhere are all those black gender cheerleaders now?
Constructive Feedback said...
You do notice that Steve has a problem with disrespecting Black women he doesn't agree with, right?
His basic theory is "Shut up B#*#&! Don't you know that I am working on YOUR behalf? Go somewhere and sit silent"
Typical behavior of a man that physically abuses women.......
Hey AB, whatcha been up to lately??
And I see my ass kissing anon psycho is back too! Sup Be-otch??? Been promoted to fries yet??
hey fly!
usual ass kicking and living life!
how are u?
i am convinced that la incognita/assnon is kola boof
shameless soulless scared lying international trick!!!
Hey not fly (going through a helluva midlife crisis)
'sup bitch!
Been promoted to shaker yet?
I see you got a new cheerleader assleaker, constipated asscrack!
Now the three of you can have the bandwidth orgy you all crave.
Happy hijacking bitches!
"I thought we established months ago that your wife MUST be weak to deal with your ass, LOL!!"
It never ceases to amaze me how every female who talks this way has a boyfriend who is about 9 inches, made of rubber, and is battery powered.
AB to CF
"i am proud to be your fellow warrior herein..."
CF is a warrior?????????
For what cause?
Kissing the most white racist asses?
That fool thinks the Civil Rights Movement marked the decline of America.
Am I wrong CF?
Anonymous (-c-): I am a VERY proud Black woman with a strong sense of southern essence going on! I don't rollover and play dead for people...Black or White...merely because they snap their fingers and demand so. LOL!!
We have this saying in the south: "If you can't hang with the big dogs, keep your butt under the porch." (No...I'm not calling anyone in here a dog.) You want to make some REAL impact, -c-, then take the time to debate the woman. Don't just run around posting about how much of a lunatic you may think she is. Though many in here may not agree with all that AB and a few others believe and/or how they choose to express it, they (AB and others) at least take the time and energy to bring their referenced points to the table. Ever think that they may be just as concerned as we are regarding the fate of Black America and want similar change for the better? For those who don't want to make the time to argue against their points, please just skip their posts (as someone suggested above). Just a thought...
At my age, I realize that people often want you to SHUT UP when you are actually making points that they fail to counter. Yeah, much like a dog barking at a car actually going somewhere (never seen one bark at a parked car!!)...it's much easier to ask me to shut up than it is for some here to counter what AB has to say. Go figure...("coddled" house negroes by their own making!!).
Before I am accused of teaching and/or preaching, I just wanted to post this one last paragraph; feel free to skip it if you wish: In my opinion, when we become too afraid to open up to new possibilities and ideas, too complacent to challenge differing views and too comfortable with that which we have come to believe as truth, we begin to operate on automatic and that does nothing more than to weaken us. I doubt that was FN'S intention when he created this blog. I will remain vocal, and as AB seems to be holding her own, I'm sure she will remain so as well. So instead of taking the easy way out by asking some of us to shut up, why don't you step up with some constructive conversation. High tail it from under that porch, show your true face and come play the game so we can also benefit from your wisdom and life's experiences. True, it's a dog-eat-dog world in many places. It doesn't have to be so in here!! LOL...
Stay blessed all...
[quote]Kissing the most white racist asses?
That fool thinks the Civil Rights Movement marked the decline of America.
Am I wrong CF?[/quote]
Steve - I realized long ago with you that in my debates with YOU I am really pitting my fundamental principles against YOURs, not for the purposes of changing YOUR mind. Instead the only thing I can do is to pray that someone else who reads both of our exchanges will be moved toward a more open mind and see that me, a self identified Black Conservative Independent does not have fangs. More importantly, however that THEY will begin to scrutinize ALL OF THE POWERS that seek to control their lives and not look past the "Local Democrats" from which they receive the bulk of their civic services.
So here we go. Same question that you have asked of me no less than 30 times prior.
I first must distill what a WHITE RACIST seeks to do to Black people:
* He wants to do us physical harm to prompt us to stay within our place
* He seeks to derail our education so that our people won't develop the skills necessary to build ourselves up ORGANICALLY
* He seeks to destroy our businesses so that we will never retain our capital resources within our own community
* He seeks to inject us with infectious elements so that we might die an early death
Can YOU tell me: Of the list of what the WHITE SUPREMACIST wants to harm Black people with - WHICH OF THESE IS NOT AN ASSAULT that our community suffers from ONE OF OUR OWN TODAY?
The thing that is most disturbing about you Steve is that while you focus upon the White Supremacist - YOU ARE A "Non-White White Supremacist".
When the WHITE MAN KILLS US he kills us MORE DEAD than when a fellow Black man kills us.
When the White man in the same school system structurally limits your school of its needed resources he is called a RACIST. When he chooses MOVE AWAY FROM YOU - allowing you the FREEDOM and self determination that YOU longed for. When the POLITICAL OFFICES THAT YOU PUT FAVORABLE PEOPLE INTO are now needed to field an ECONOMIC, SOCIAL AND ACADEMIC ORDER within which YOUR KIDS are looking toward to develop into the professional service agents which will lead YOUR COMMUNITY 20 years from now and beyond.........
YOU cast an eye OUTSIDE OF THE SCHOOLS THAT FAVORABLE PEOPLE TO YOU NOW RUN....and instead look at the UBIQUITOUS WHITE SUBURBAN SCHOOL and use it as a reference for perfection.
YOU charge RACISM that YOUR SCHOOL does not have the resources that the White school has. In your ignorance, blindness and IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY you fail to realize that the POLITICAL POWER that you fought for over these IMPORTANT INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES also had the twin component of RESPONSIBILITY that went along with your POWER.
Ironically when an observer of your POWER GRAB, like me, dares to make note that the rank and file Black people who now suffer as you grow in power ARE BEING USED BY YOU - you attack me for exposing the fraud that you represent.
WhiteBowie Steve:
YOU had the responsibility to FIELD A WORKABLE SYSTEM. Having failed - you now seek to STEP OUTSIDE OF YOUR MUNICIPAL BORDERS and make a run at the NATIONAL TREASURY - having seen that the worst possible situation for you to be in - is ALONE, BY YOURSELF, AND NEEDING TO HAVE YOUR IDEAS WORK TO PRODUCE BENEFIT FOR BLACK PEOPLE.
You want me to be pacified by BLACK (Democratic) FACES IN HIGH PLACES. I should see the PORTRAIT on the wall of the Black Democrat and THIS should be my proof that WE AS A PEOPLE HAVE BENEFITED!!!!!
Instead I have the AUDACITY to actually EXPECT SOME DELIVERABLES out of them - just as I expected from the WHITE MAN who sat in the same chair only 1 decade prior.
You actually practice the twin brother of "White Supremacy" - "Black Stultification" (look it up). I should expect less from the BLACK MAN who sits in the same seat of POWER because he is damaged goods.
Steve - it is clear that the real problem is NOT ME "kissing White folks azzes". The problem is YOU and the rest of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers who are so entrenched in your ideological bigotry that YOU KNOW NOT HOW TO MANAGE A RESOURCE with the goal of expressing the STANDARD OF LIVING that you seek.
The worst of YOUR incompetencies is that of HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT. This is proven by the THUG who are raining terror upon your community.
Pirates Attack Mother In Upscale Atlanta Neighborhood:
(Next folks - we are going to hear from Steve how Prince Georges County MD is run by Black Democrats and is the closest thing to heaven on Earth - as his defense. This is the back and forth battle as it has been going on for almost 2 years with Steve. Steve will dismiss the video above asking "Why do you think all Blacks are criminals?". IN TRUTH I was forwarding the voice of the BLACK MOTHER who was terrorized as her 3 children look on as her mother was beaten and had a gun pointed at her by 3 creatures who call themselves "MEN".)
[quote]Don't just run around posting about how much of a lunatic you may think she is.[/quote]
Some of them work using the tactic of "Once I have you labeled in a certain way - I can marginalize everything else that you put forth".
Angie - this is the classic PROFILING that they hate when others do it to THEM.
Their argument style is like this:
"You sound like the this other individual that most Black people find disagreeable, therefore, since we already know how other Blacks feel about this guy - we don't need to listen to your argument - you are GUILTY BY ASSOCIATION".
There other tactic is to use "English Lessons" - talking about spelling mistakes or run on sentences BUT NEVER MENTIONING A DAMNED THING ABOUT THE CONTENT. Ironcially - last year an inarticulate Black woman was on the news - fighting for her community. When the White right wing radio hosts began to mock her - many in the Black community called them RACISTS for using the "English Lessons" trick to AVOID analyzing the accurate point that she was making about injustice in the system.
Some people don't realize how much they have adopted many of the same techniques that their adversary has taught them.
In truth - Black and White have EQUAL positive attributes and flaws in our character. This is the case as INDIVIDUALS and in GROUP BEHAVIOR. All of us have intolerant BIGOTS in our midst who must be put in check.
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