"I think a lot of people who live in that area would feel a lot better if they had a little more information," Strickland said. "If it is a murder-suicide then let people know so they don't think there's some lunatic out there. We got a lot of people who panic and the more information you put out there, the better you make them feel."
"New Hope isn't run down or trashy at all," Vizcaino said Saturday. "It's the kind of place where you can actually leave your keys in the car and not worry about anything."'
But let me stop, your community has been through enough. As someone who lives in a community where we have had our share of mass killings I know it can't be easy. And I should and do feel your pain. That's the thing, here in A-murder-ca, we are all just one community. Whether you live in a trailer park on an old plantation, or in a concrete jungle on the east coast.
Finally, speaking of communities with mass killings; seems there was a double slaying up at Virginia Tech last week and that killer is still on the loose. What the hell is going on in A-murder-ca? Has it always been this bad with the killings and mayhem? Or is this a new phenomenon like "Wii games"? I feel for the people of Virginia Tech, too. They have had some issues recently with mass killings. And, not to mention, someone was recently beheaded on campus. (Yes, beheaded!) By all accounts, these latest victims were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.
“They were both godly young people, the cream of the crop..."
Hell, maybe we all are in the wrong place at the wrong time.
mass murders or the most grusome ones get news headlines and "regular" killings have become so prevalent, they're almost "normal."
it nearly impossible to find a job, tent cities increasing, the mentally ill roaming the streets with no place to go, etc, things are going to get much worse.
america in now a very dangerous country to live in.
My favorite poet of all time, nikki giovanni, teaches at Virginia Tech. The mass murderer was one of her students.
And the young woman was beheaded in public, in a coffee shop, if I remember correctly.
I don't know if there are more of them, field, but we sure hear about them.
btw, I have a couple of nominees, one for FNOTD and the other for HFNOTD - Lisa Campbell and Ally Jacobs. These two women are to be so very highly commended.
I heard they arrested the dude who called it in to authorities for drug charges. Either murder-suicide or some silly drug deal went down...
RT, great minds...I already have those two up.
Anon, there are a lot of dangerous places on earth, but I thought here in A-merry-ca we could pick our spots to go and find safety. I am not so sure that that's the case anymore.
ch555x, thanks for the 411.
"Has it always been this bad with the killings and mayhem?"
Field I imagine what it was like when Black people were being routinely killed in this country.
Or Native Americans.
Violence is as American as apple pie and baseball. The difference now is that we have so many news outlets/ blogs, etc. that stories like this that may have been only a local story becomes National news.
You can two more dead bodies at Virginia Tech. I heard a couple of days ago two people were found dead on the campus. If I had a daugther or son, he or she would not be attending that school.
I do not know of any place where one can leave their doors unlock. I think like to remember a by gone era of leave it Beaver and I do not believe it existed then. And with you on the trailer park New Hope looks trashy to me, the name New Hope is a dead giveaway. Besides, I am in the process of moving and just bagged seven bags of trash and packed eight boxes of books. You do not realize how much stuff you have until you move, but I digress.
Just another reason not to visit Georgia if you're a person of color unless you're planning on hanging out in Atlanta.
The killings don't scare me. Here in Cali we're the gold standard when it comes to mass murderers. That's why I'm staying away from those crazy a** town hall meetings on health care.
Rob said...
Just another reason not to visit Georgia if you're a person of color unless you're planning on hanging out in Atlanta.
Thats where most of the people of color get killed at ya nut.
@ch55x -- They arrested the guy but he's been let go. He found the bodies and was arrested for posession but has since been released. The latest I heard is that they have no known suspect for this crime but are looking for a suspect. Scary!
White on white crime damn shame. SMH
oops--sorry, field, I should have scrolled down before I left that nomination. I'm just so impressed by these two officers. They really showed initiative and solid thinking. Some of the coverage I saw rather ignored Lisa Campbell and focused on Ally Jacobs, which, sadly, didn't shock me but did piss me off.
Its a shame to see what Obama is doing to this country.
Unemployment continues to rise.
The number of homeless is rising in every state.
States are having to cut services for the poor.
No increases in Social Security for 2 years.
Utilities rates will rise this winter.
Taxes are coming down on the middle class.
Obama wants to take over our healthcare and Obama wants control of the internet.
Radio and tv will be next.
Obama is wanting to start a civil war.
Obama will turn America into a third world country.
MR.R said...
"Its a shame to see what Obama is doing to this country."
I hope he keeps it up. Maybe, just maybe, you'll pack up and leave.
@Tersi -- ROFLMAO! Now that's some serious Troll Fu you've got going on. Poor, poor, Mr. R doesn't know who caused all of that. As my momma would say, "Bless his heart, he just can't help it."
--J, LOL it was so obvious he had me cracking up. He must have scurried to think up on something.
(damnagit, they can't have any talk about white on white crimes.. not sir, not while I'm on troll patrol. Let's stick to the ills of the black race (thank goodness they ain't talking about Joycee Dugard's rapist abductors - phew).
Speaking about detracting and cracking up.. Field I just have to share this vid, I haven't seen it in a long time before today, it had my sister and I cracking up. Don't you just miss the Carib?
Michael Jackson Billy Jean Soca
Ok, now back to the ills of white on white crime and the shocking behaviors of our model minority citizens...
Has anyone missed the fact that Virginia Techs 1st mass murderer was a foreign Asian student and the beheader too was Asian. So there is a foreign element in these crimes and I wonder if they would do the same in their home countries. Maybe they take American freedom a little too far?
@Grata - I was thinking the first murderer was a first generation American; that his parents had immigrated before he was born. I could be wrong, though.
The poor girl who was beheaded had only been in the US about two weeks, though, from Beijing.
Now we got lunatic Chinese students coming over here to kill other Chinese?
This weekend was also the anniversary of mass murder by indifference; Hurricane Katrina.
I probably shouldn't have laughed at A-Murder-ca but I did. The only thing I can say Field is that its the end of the times and people have lost their damn minds! A-mur-ca is a scary place to be..hell the world is a scary place to be. And people wonder why I don't want to bring children here! You did say beheaded on campus right? RIGHT!
Oh and Field... I can' stand to read the other comments on your post because you have some real fckng idiots that read here as well as the sane folk! ugh *rolls eyes and mumbles* " What Obama did to this country" GTFOH<--(get the fck outta here fyi)
I do not if there is a foreign connection with the murders a Virginia Tech. There is no connection between the mass murders two years and the recent murders. Although, I think there may be a gang element with the three murders. The gang could be Asian and I do not know if the victims were Asian.
Mr. R. I do have a couple of questions for you. What are your reasons that leads to believe that Obama wants to start a civil war? Will there be a war between the rich and the poor?
"Just another reason not to visit Georgia if you're a person of color unless you're planning on hanging out in Atlanta."
Rob, that was an unintentional play on words I am sure. But I don't like the words hanging and Georgia together if you get my drift.:)
"Oh and Field... I can' stand to read the other comments on your post because you have some real fckng idiots that read here as well as the sane folk! ugh *rolls eyes and mumbles* " What Obama did to this country" GTFOH<--(get the fck outta here fyi)"
Go, it's just a couple, and the occasional trolls.But it's cool, we welcome all points of views here. It's my public service to all the sane folks out there, just so that they can know the type of people they live with in this country.
Hennasplace, why would you even ask mr. r a serious question?
My friend Filled Negro:
I thank you for your concern about my home state of Georgia. It is indeed a tragedy that the lives of 7 people were snuffed out. This story made national news.
However, Filled Negro, around this same time there was another mass murder in the Peach State that apparently did not make it up to the City Of Brotherly Love.
Please afford me the opportunity to impart this information upon you and your band of bloggers.
The Deadly 4's: 4 Years After Katrina, 4 Lives Taken, 4 Year Old Little Girl Witness, All 4 Nothing
As usual: Color Of Change will lead no protest march in collaboration with AfroSpear.
Tersi to Mr. R
"I hope he keeps it up. Maybe, just maybe, you'll pack up and leave."
Good one.
What do you expect to accomplish protesting criminals?
Don't we pay cops to lock them up?
ditto fn
murder/violence in america is old
but the pervasive escalation of extreme and serial murders in an increasingly impoverished/unemployed/homeless/bankrupt/enraged...america is all BRAND new!
the mass murderous crime sprees
have just begun!
"The cost of daily living, from buying food to getting medical care, will become difficult for all but a few as the dollar plunges. States and cities will see their pension funds drained and finally shut down. The government will be forced to sell off infrastructure, including roads and transport, to private corporations. We will be increasingly charged by privatized utilities-think Enron-for what was once regulated and subsidized. Commercial and private real estate will be worth less than half its current value. The negative equity that already plagues 25 percent of American homes will expand to include nearly all property owners. It will be difficult to borrow and impossible to sell real estate unless we accept massive losses. There will be block after block of empty stores and boarded-up houses. Foreclosures will be epidemic. There will be long lines at soup kitchens and many, many homeless. Our corporate-controlled media, already banal and trivial, will work overtime to anesthetize us with useless gossip, spectacles, sex, gratuitous violence, fear and tawdry junk politics. America will be composed of a large dispossessed underclass and a tiny empowered oligarchy that will run a ruthless and brutal system of neo-feudalism from secure compounds. Those who resist will be silenced, many by force. We will pay a terrible price, and we will pay this price soon, for the gross malfeasance of our power elite."
chris hedges
i adore nikki g too
and she warned campus officials about that va tech killer long before he slew all...
[quote]What do you expect to accomplish protesting criminals?
THIS was not a question that was asked when people where being killed during the "Atlanta Child Murders", etc.
The demands from those who were tired of children being killed were two fold:
1) To the Murders the message was: 'We Are Not Going To Allow You To Keep Killing Black Children'
2) To the AUTHORITIES it was "What Are You Doing To Protect Us? OUR LIVES ARE VALUABLE".
So here is the point where we are at. You say that we can't "Protest Against Criminals". I agree.
Then when "too many" of them are locked up - YOU and other Progressive-Fundamentalists talk about:
* The conspiracy to do so
* The costs of locking people up
* How White folks don't get locked up enough
So I ask you, UptownSteve - what ORGANIC action do YOU suggest to end the violence in these communities that DOES NOT make prime reference to WHITE FOLKS?
You have people that you favor in control over the POLITICAL and the CULTURAL environments in these places. How do you plan to express your plan via this channel?
At what point do you abandon your strategy because the evidence shows that it has failed to deliver Safety?
Constructive Feedback said...
However, Filled Negro, around this same time there was another mass murder in the Peach State that apparently did not make it up to the City Of Brotherly Love.
Please afford me the opportunity to impart this information upon you and your band of bloggers.
The Deadly 4's: 4 Years After Katrina, 4 Lives Taken, 4 Year Old Little Girl Witness, All 4 Nothing
Black organizations won't get involved with that unless they were murdered by Rush Limbaugh or FOX NEWS.
Black organizations like color are nothing more than media whores.
"THIS was not a question that was asked when people where being killed during the "Atlanta Child Murders", etc."
Right, so they set up a task force and assigned and FBI serial killer profiler and ended up locking up Wayne Williams.
You're a total white weenie suckin fraud.
You are actually offended at any mention of white misbehavior and then AMAZINGLY attempt to wrap any examplle of blacks behaving badly around the neck of every black American.
At least every black American who isn't a white weenie suckin Tom.
"So I ask you, UptownSteve - what ORGANIC action do YOU suggest to end the violence in these communities that DOES NOT make prime reference to WHITE FOLKS?"
YOU'RE and your coonservative buddies are the clowns who incessantly claim that it is the job of law abiding blacks to end crime in inner city ghettoes.
That "black America" is this stand alone entity with the United States, uniquely pathological and dysfunctional.
I say the black middle class majority is no more responsible for inner city crime than white middle class people are for these atrocities in the trailer park.
And the law abiding people of the inner city ghetto are in a daily battle to just survive and not in any position to fight crime and purge negative forces from their neighborhoods.
If you believe different, please detail a specific plan for black America to deal with inner city crime.
Something a bit more nuanced than "Don't be sayin nuttin bad bout massa."
Black on white crimes are exploding .
I'm just reading about a 12 year old lil negro murdering a fine young white woman here in Detroit.It doesn't say if the white woman was raped by the the 12year old negro. Most likley she was raped.
What ever happen to hope and change.
[quote]You're a total white weenie suckin fraud.[/quote]
Do I need to pull up the protests to FREE WAYNE WILLIAMS?
Yes sir. Before there was a "Free Troy Davis" campaign and prior to "AfroSpear" coming on the scene the Black Progressive-Fundamentalists worked to get Wayne Williams free from jail.
The only "White Weenie Sucking Fraud" around here IS YOU.
Upon a Black person getting killed the key distinction between your abject silence and your protests is the POLITICAL OPPORTUNISM that you can make use of with the KILLER.
I just heard on the news that the 7 White folks were BEATEN TO DEATH with a blunt instrument.
I know that you are no fan of the 2nd Amendment. THIS is not a case you will be able to exploit toward those ends.
"Do I need to pull up the protests to FREE WAYNE WILLIAMS."
Go right ahead.
You can place them right along side of the blacks supporting Glen Beck.
You can find a few fools to march for anything.
Were any responsible, prominent blacks involved in a "free Wayne Williams" movement.
You're a clown CF.
You never answer a direct question.
You just divert and rant, divert and rant, divert and rant, divert and rant, divert and rant, divert and rant.
wayne williams was framed!
no person was actually ever charged for killing one dead child
even wayne was convicted for the murder of an adult!
even the parents of many murdered children agree ww is innocent!
ROTFL @ La incog.
@ Rob,I lived in Australia for 2 years, I swear the serial killers are crazier. Here in Texas, no other state could match these here wacko serial killers.
You know what i am trying to figure out..a white cop arrest a black professor on his "own" porch and yet a white cop let a white man continue to have a kidnapped woman and her children live in the backyard without a look see.
Beg your pardon, DuchessDee, but that'a a ridiculous comparison.
Maybe that woman in the back yard should have done a little more screaming and yelling, like the good professor.
Heck, she was living in some kind of tent, wasn't she?
"Maybe that woman in the back yard should have done a little more screaming and yelling, like the good professor."
What would you had done had you been harrasssed by cops for entering your own home???
Smiled and said no problem???
I doubt because I've seen white folks yelling at cops.
Yall seem to understand that cops are civil servants and that the public is NOT subservient to the cop.
I think that woman was an idiot, everyone is afraid to say it.
Steve, I didn't criticize the professor for bitching and hollering.
I was just saying, maybe the woman should have tried a bit of the same.
I wonder how far their nearest neighbor was? I've yet to see the house, or whatever kind of "set-up" this pervert had made for her in the back yard, which kept them so concealed for so many years.
My bad.
I haven't been to Brunswick in a long time, but there used to be a huge dock on St. Simons Island in Brunswick, all the locals would come out at night, and fish for shark, they had wide leather belts to hold the fishing lines, and guns to shoot the shark when they got caught.
I remember once asking locals where the train station was, (about two miles away) and they never even heard of it, they had never been that far away from home:)).
I can't believe the name of that trail park, New Hope Plantation, that is too much.
I think I read somewhere that forty percent of all suicides at Cornell University were committed by Asian students, who can suffer from depression and also suffer from a feeling of being invisible and pressure to perform to the high expectations that have been assigned to them soley based on ethnicity. In addition, I also read in one of the comments in the link, that anti-depressants have been involved in nearly all these murders.
I don't think I would be sending any of my kids to Virginia Tech anytime soon either. The doctor who treated the student who murdered the thirty two students had taken all the medical records on him, I think I read just recently, that those records were just found in his house.
I wanted to see if would ask those questions because silencing him would not to anyone any good. I really want to know his thought process then it would get into his very psyche. I think he honestly believes all those things in his comments, but need to know the reason behind those beliefs. I think he suffers for a mental illness, but he would be the very person who would go and act with violence. So I think him very seriously.
Don't you get the impression that CF is really Jesse Lee Peterson incognito? Smh!
"This weekend was also the anniversary of mass murder by indifference; Hurricane Katrina."
Bob you nailed it with that comment. That is definitely what it should be called instead of Hurricane Katrina-mass murder by indifference. My dad's side of the family has lived there generation after generation before the Louisiana Purchase. Therefore, you know every time Hurricane Katrina comes up I get one of those hotter than fish grease attitudes.
One of my cousins lives in Georgia. He is a news anchorman for WSB-TV in Atlanta.
This "woman" was 11 years old when she was kidnapped.
Don't judge someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes.
"Hell, maybe we all are in the wrong place at the wrong time."
That is true. Welcome to earth, Field.
re: CF, LOL,
Anonymous said...
"I think that woman was an idiot, everyone is afraid to say it."
11:52 AM
I think you're an idiot, and I'm not afraid to say it.
Kathy said, "I think I read somewhere that forty percent of all suicides at Cornell University were committed by Asian students, who can suffer from depression..."
Your unproven racist comment about Asians sucks. In fact, you are a liar.
Anymous 4:42you write:
Your unproven racist comment about Asians sucks. In fact, you are a liar.
Let's see, 13 our of 21 between 1996 and 2006, maybe it's higher than forty percent.
I am impervious to your flattery:))
Kathy said, "I am impervious to your flattery:))"
You have been "impervious" all of your white adult child life.
anymous 6:01, why thanks!
"This "woman" was 11 years old when she was kidnapped.
Don't judge someone unless you've walked a mile in their shoes."
She was not a child all those years. Even a dog knows to escape when he is being abused. I saw the pictures, she was not chained and she was out in public among people all those years. She is an idiot. I know it and you know it.
Anonymous said...
She was not a child all those years. Even a dog knows to escape when he is being abused.
How many of Michael Vick's dogs knew to escape?
Anonymous said...
How many of Michael Vick's dogs knew to escape?
Cause they all be in prison!!! Yo!!
getting lonely, blogging to yourself? lol.
Maybe I'm late with this, but I just saw where the head of Va animal cruelty organization left her dog in the car.
[quote]You can place them right along side of the blacks supporting Glen Beck.[/quote]
When you say "Support Glen Beck" please detail?
1) Those who said "Glen Beck is correct!! Obama is a racist" I DO NOT AGREE WITH
2) Those who ask "Why did 'What Color Change Did MoveOn.org Give Us To Market On Their Behalf' chose to use their time to get Progressive-Fundamenalists to sign a petition against Glen Beck WHILE THEY ARE DEAFLY SILENT about the Bloody Summer that has transpired in most major metro areas in America"......I am in full support of these type of Blacks, WhiteBowieSteve. The bottom line is that these type of operative groups seeks to CHERRY PICK upon what they focus upon. They will nearly ALWAYS choose the IDEOLOGICAL and PARTISAN diversion while saying little about the most CONSEQUENTIAL issues impacting Black America. They need to be CALLED ON THIS!!!
3) Glen Beck is going through the RADICALS in the Obama Administration. ME PERSONALLY - I am not surprised at ALL with Van Jones and others. In fact most of you all will have no problem with his radical leftist.
Its ironic that you all would applaud when an evil racist Republican Administration has their CORPORATE ties exposed. For some reason. however when a Leftist President brings leftists into his administration and someone goes after them - he must be the Unibomber mixed with Tim McVeigh for doing so.
[quote]Don't you get the impression that CF is really Jesse Lee Peterson incognito? Smh![/quote]
Why because I consider myself a CHRISTIAN, Granny?
I believe that "Jesus Christ Is My Savior" - Granny.
Now ask some of your "Friends" on this board if they would say the very same thing.
Aren't you supposed to be the "Fisher Of Men", Granny?
Or is "bearing false witness" more attractive to you?
I still love you Granny and there is NOTHING you can do to shake this.
Constructive Feedback said...
[quote]Don't you get the impression that CF is really Jesse Lee Peterson incognito? Smh![/quote]
"Why because I consider myself a CHRISTIAN, Granny?"
I see you sidestepped Granny's real question--the one she alluded to. Do you, or do you not, hold Jesse Lee Patterson in high esteem, both politically, and as a frequent guest on Fox News?
Come clean, CF, you know he's one of your idols? Tell me you don't aspire to be just like him?
CF "I believe that "Jesus Christ Is My Savior" - Granny.
Now ask some of your "Friends" on this board if they would say the very same thing."
Tersi - so NOW you want me to talk so you can read my comments?
[quote]I see you sidestepped Granny's real question--the one she alluded to. Do you, or do you not, hold Jesse Lee Patterson in high esteem, both politically, and as a frequent guest on Fox News?[/quote]
About 4 years ago when JLP was on a local radio talk show as a guest I GOT TO TALK TO THE MAN DIRECTLY.
I told him direct that he makes some good points but then he loses people because he is so focused upon JESSE JACKSON.
Tersi - I told him "People know Jesse Jackson and they don't know you. You are better off to state your own views and then show the people who care about the truth as you see it how your alternative is working".
From this you can extract my views about the man and his philosophy.
I am quite sure that YOU would prefer that I issue a blanket condemnation of the man and thus you'd be happy.
I DISAGREED with his "defense" of Glen Beck. I don't believe that Barack Obama is a "racist". I think that his press conference response was due to his leftwing ideology which tends to blame the police before the individual.
With that said - I REFUSE to allow a disagreement that I have with Glen Beck's analysis of Obama's "racism" to cause me to cover my eyes, ears and mouth over the expose' that he is presently running about the leftist figures in the Obama Administration.
Just imagine Tersi if the punishment for falsely accusing people of being Racist was death. Surely Rep Watson and many others would be stoned - now wouldn't they?
Jesse no doubt has some issues. All you can do is agree where you agree and disagree where you don't.
"About 4 years ago when JLP was on a local radio talk show as a guest I GOT TO TALK TO THE MAN DIRECTLY."
I bet you did.
"Hey Jesse is it more effective to kneel or just bend over when you're kissin white ass?"
This, hands down, is your most balanced, and reasonable presentation of your position that I've ever read.
For the most part, I was willing to listen, rather than pass over.
This is the style that might win you some converts. Not exactly saying it will, but you'll stand a better chance.
"Just imagine Tersi if the punishment for falsely accusing people of being Racist was death. Surely Rep Watson and many others would be stoned - now wouldn't they?"
Just imagine CF if the punishment for being a racist was death. Surely, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al, would conduct themselves with more civility, and less demagoguery, or face the hangman's noose.
"With that said - I REFUSE to allow a disagreement that I have with Glen Beck's analysis of Obama's "racism" to cause me to cover my eyes, ears and mouth over the expose' that he is presently running about the leftist figures in the Obama Administration."
Here's where I'm conflicted. Why should I listen to Beck at all, if he can't get a simple analysis right?
My instinct is to distrust any other analysis coming from this man.
"I am quite sure that YOU would prefer that I issue a blanket condemnation of the man and thus you'd be happy."
I'm happy despite you, not because of you. And you can do as you please: condemn, or not. But, taking the position that you take, puts your own credibility here at risk. And if strengthening your credibility is not your aim, why are you posting on this blog.
Without credibility, you have pretty much lost any chance of a serious hearing, wouldn't you say?
There are too many analysis, and analysts out here for me to sift through Beck's. I don't owe him that.
I don't have the time to give him the benefit of the doubt.
And the Obama analysis is not the first time Beck's gotten it wrong.
If his analysis is cogent enough for you, so be it.
I carefully pick and choose those whose facts, knowledge, and rationality I respect.
I neither respect, nor feel it necessary (or my duty), to give Beck a hearing simply because he's a pundit on Fox News, and espouses a certain philosophy or principles.
If Beck distorts realty, intermix his political philosophy to cover his real message, under the guise of offering a principled conservative analysis of President Obama's administration, or any other administration, I'm not constrained to listen, or give his message credence by listening.
You, on the other hand, can do as you please. For me, Beck has no credibility. And JLP is a toady.
reguardless of what people thought of my comment on new hope thats the way them people live don't judge something till you are there 2 see it so what ever messages u have to say thats cool just because alot of u live in a jacked up place didn't mean i did field negro because when i lived there it wasn't like that it was nice now how certain people keep there lots doesn't make new hope trashy so get a life and a clue b4 u talk please. Lisa
if u really knew the story u wouldn't talk i hate georgia just as much as the next because i am a latin woman living in a white state but still have enough respect not to talk about what i dont know so watch what u say its not right that man made new hope look bad i mean who in there right minds would kill there father or family members u all talk about that but u cant talk about the black on black crimes that make blacks look bad just like whites think that they dominate everything i think that every1 needs to just be quiet and mind there own and that is 1 thing georgia is not good at i should know my family was one of the first puerto rican family 2 move in to darien and got picked on 4 not being white and could not speak english so i know what i am talkin about get ur self out of the trashy talk that ur doing and stop judging its only Gods place to judge not urs. wasn't meant to be rude so don't take it that way by all means i am not racist because both my sons r half black but really b careful what u say. Lisa
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