Saturday, August 08, 2009


The incident I am going to blog about actually happened on Monday, but I told the other person involved that I was going to blog about it, so here goes.

I play tennis once a week with some very well to do guys in Gladwyne, Pennsylvania (the Main Line for those of you from the area) and invariably one of my tennis partners (this Jewish guy who will remain nameless because he reads my blog) takes me to and from the game and drops me off at the train station in Center City. (I don't drive on the Main Line if I can help it)

So Monday, after the game, we are driving back to Center City on 676 which loops around Philly. We are in his very big Mercedes sedan (why a Jewish guy would choose to drive Mercedes I will never understand) and he keeps glancing in his rare view mirror. "What's wrong?" I ask him. "There is a state trooper driving behind us", he tells me, and it's hard to tell if the worried look on his face is real or feigned. --Dude is a lawyer so you never know--. "So"? "Well, I was wondering", he says, "Is there such a thing as driving while having a black passenger?" Now I am really looking to see if my man is serious, and I still can't tell. (Driving while having a black passenger? DWHABP.... Yeah, that's a new one) So finally, I ask him: "Are you serious?" "Well yeah, I mean, you have to admit, that the likelihood of me getting stopped is greater with you in the car." I still can't tell if he is serious or not. Finally, and probably mercifully for my man, the trooper passes us with not so much of a glance in our direction. "OK, you can relax for now" I tell him, "but remember, we still have a few miles to go." Now he is laughing his ass off, and I am wondering if he is laughing out of relief or if he thought the shit was funny all along. I am thinking it's a little bit of both.

I can't resist one last shot: "For a minute there you felt what we feel every day huh?" Now I was laughing. "Field, have you ever been stopped when you felt you were profiled?" Now he seemed genuinely curious. "A few times", I tell him, "but I survived every time. I know 'the rules.'" I am hoping that he won't ask me to elaborate, and he doesn't. It's just the same, because he will never need them.

And speaking of the po po and profiling. I can't let tonight go without commenting on the beat down an *80 year old woman took in Ohio the other day. Quite a few folks sent me e-mails with the link and wanted to know what I thought about it.

Anyway, rather than give my opinion, I will let you view the tape and tell me what you think:

Good policing? Just an angry old black woman who doesn't know how to respect authority? Or policemen (or in this case police woman) gone wild with no respect for people of color.

I viewed the tape over and over, because I don't want to be a knee jerk racism chaser......*smirking*, and the question I keep asking myself is this: Would that police officer have acted the same way if that woman looked like her?

*Pic courtesy of the


Monie said...

When I heard about the 80 year-old woman and the cops I couldn't help but think of Eleanor Bumpurs in New York City. So my thought was at least they didn't shoot this little old Black lady. That's sad.

And FN you mentioned not understanding why a Jewish person would want to drive a MB. I feel the same way about any Black person driving a Volkswagen after VW decided to name it's SUV, the Touareg, after slave traders.

Meadow said...

I watched the tape and I think the female white police officer used excessive force on the old woman.

cinco said...

There are unwritten and often unspoken rules that must be obeyed. Is it right? No! Is it fair? No! It just is..

We"re all guilty of following these rules and perpetuating them under one circumstance or another.

I find it interesting that even with a friend the akwardness about race is present.

White privilege is not having to explain. Ever.

Mack Lyons said...

"And FN you mentioned not understanding why a Jewish person would want to drive a MB. I feel the same way about any Black person driving a Volkswagen after VW decided to name it's SUV, the Touareg, after slave traders."

Exactly how many people have made the connection between the tribe and their slaving exploits? Painfully few. Besides, I'd rather have the Phaeton.

Mo said...

I always cringe at the idea that in the future, God's willing, if I have children - boys - eventually I'll have to sit them down and give them "the talk." Not the one about the birds & the bees but the one on what to do when they are stopped by a police officer. Cuz honestly, the question isn't about if they'll be stopped, its when they'll be stopped.

I watched the video. And I was shocked. Was there no other way to subdue an 80 year old woman with a cane? Knife or no knife, was all of that necessary?

La♥audiobooks said...

White guy driving black guy in a nice looking expensive car? Of course there is a thing called... DWHABP. The Police has a damn right to make sure you're not carjacking and kidnapping the poor white guy with your gun to his side. To serve and protect, well only the right color. Now I'm off to view that link about that poor old black lady. Let me brace myself.

mellaneous said...

Field I looked at the video and read some of the comments on the Globalgrind site and I was shocked at some of the comments which tried to say that the police were just doing their job. It is clear that the woman wasn't a real threat but out of it, in the video some woman walked right by her and she didn't threaten them. It is clear that if the cop could grab the womans hand with the knife in it then she could have simply taken it away or at least neutralized the threat. But she clearly chose to brutalize this old woman. Either she didn't notice that the woman was old and a little out of it; or she saw her color and disregarded her age and her mental state;or she saw this as an opportunity to show her fellow citizens that the folks with the guns have the power and this is what you get when you mess with us. One of them is true.

Field, it is becoming more and more clear that we live in a country in which too many folks have become desensitized to their own rights as human beings. If doing their job includes brutalizing and disrespecting the very rights the police are supposedly protecting, then obviously we have to change the way they do their job. But the truth is it is their job to brutalize and mistreat us. Whats foolish is for some of our fellow citizens to agree with the disrespect and brutalization.

The other thing that the foolish comments tell us --just like the comments supporting the police after the Gates incident --is that a segment of our community really has a hard time empathising with its Black or "other" neighbors. There is no way around it Field. The reason that many whites say and do what they do and respond as they do when we (Blacks, People of color etc.)ARE OBVIOUSLY MISTREATED is because even in the year 2009 many don't see our common humanity. They simply can't or won't see us as they see themselves, the Golden Rule be dammed.

liberation then peace

La♥audiobooks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
La♥audiobooks said...

Sorry, my previous post was too angry.

"Would that police officer have acted the same way if that woman looked like her?"

NO. It would not have been in her instinct to throw a woman that looked like her granny to he floor like an animal. She would have found another solution. She was wielding a sword or a gun. She choose to body flip that elderly woman with brittle bones because she was disgusted by her.

Did it occur to the officer that the elderly woman could have been senile? They are suppose to be trained on how to deal with the mentally challenged and the elderly.

La♥audiobooks said...

I meant to say she was not wielding a sword or a gun. I've been fighting tears after watching that video.

mesha said...


Thanks, for posting the video. I have a couple of things to say. I would have been next to my mother or grandmother if I seen those cops manhandle my elder relative that way. Second, the black guys that were not view in the video did not come to the rescue of this elderly black woman. Third, the blood that was gushing from head make be cringe. Fourth, these cops could took a different approach to subdue this woman who was sick. She could barely walk with the cane. Fifth, if she looked like the cops, none of this would have happen.

Things are coming in three. Gates, Mike, and now an elderly woman getting beat so bad her head was blast in.

I knew things have not change. We are no longer seeing people hang from tree, but this is worse. A president having a beer fest with a known racist, apolgizing at the 1st sign of trouble, these same people contesting his birth certificate, CNN falling off of the deep end. Fox a channel spurting hate daily and I paid for it with my Comcast subscription. Gate not filing a case against the police. Heck, I am so sick of this.

Thanks for the email.

brohammas said...

I used to give a buddy of mine who lives around 30th and Diamond a ride too and from church. After picking him up one day we got pulled over.
The cop said we ran a stop sign, then launched into a bunch of questions, including asking for my ID, but not taking it when I produced it. After, "what is your home address?" and me giving the answer, the cop said, "dont forget to stop at stop signs", went back to his car and let us go.
We looked at each other wondering what just happened till we realized, I am a white guy in a tie circling the block, around 30th and Diamond... how often does that happen and why?
I'm now just surprised I dont get pulled over more.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Yeah, the police are to protect and serve white folks ONLY, and kill and maim nonwhite. What do you expect from a spin off of the patrollers during slavery days? That's why we say JUSTUS instead of Justice.

Respect Black said...

Field...I see what happened with your Jewish friend as a form of acknowledgment that other races completely realize the depraved indifference that black people are shown in society just because of skin color. I also see that experience as a way to keep us on our toes because friend is a term that we should apply to relationships with great pause these days.
I watched the video several times and no matter how many times I view it I can't see why that much force was necessary! No, I don't think if that woman looked like her she would have done what she did.


GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Are there any incidents involving an old white woman or man where the police used the same technique to subdue them?

Couldn't she have applied pressure to her wrist to take the knife?

The policewoman was rather healthy, she wasn't small frame. The old woman looked to weight about 97 or 100 pounds.

Anonymous said...

Now let us see if this old woman can get a real protest. Or will the BC still not have the energy for a Black Woman treated poorly.

Anonymous said...

That video was frightful and I had viewed it earlier because GrannyStandingforTruth has blogged on the same story. It was so horrific I don't believe I could view it again.

I'm hopeful that the paramedics took good care of her.

That officer needs more training and suspension while the case is reviewed. I don't know about that community but in most cities the incident would warrant a serious investigation.
No officer can serve the public if they can not take care of a situation with more common sense and compassion.

Is it just my imagination or have there been more incidents of police obuse of power lately?


La♥audiobooks said...

Grata, in the angry comment I deleted, I wondered if the police woman was going to get any heat on the news like the one for Gates and the monkey email.

We both know there will not be much of an outrage in the BC by black males, and not even by some black females either. Some black women are too indoctrinated to fight for the black man only, they too will also rationalize this brutality like they did the one with the "rude" 14 year old black girl. They will shake their head and wait for the next black male victim to expend their energy on instead. If this was a elderly black male bleeding on the floor, there would be hell to pay and t shirts being printed as we type.

Thank you Field for bringing this to the floor...

Anonymous said...

Its high time there was an organized response to Police Brutality. This I believe is a new low. Unless a cop slams a baby on the ground for burping, I don't think it can get worse than this. The suffering communities mainly Latino and Blacks need to start a Selma like activity, an anti Police Brutality movement of some sort in response to these kinds of activities. Silent marches or something to bring attention to these incidents.
After the Gates incident, the Cops now feel even more empowered to go ahead and abuse their power. If nothing is done by these communities, we are all doomed one way or another.

I wonder what will happen to this female cop. I can see many unfortunate days in her life ahead. You can't do that to an old woman like that and get away with it. Especially as a woman yourself. This is no doubt the work of racism, this female cop did not see a human being in the old lady. She had a male office with her, all they had to do was have one of them approach her from the back and grab her.

Nature has its way of paying one back. Let us keep an eye on her.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
prosperitee said...

I live in Columbus, Ohio and the woman had Alzheimer's and was left in the car by her daughter. Apparently, she simply decided to get out. This story did not make the news here.

Anonymous said...

"They will shake their head and wait for the next black male victim to expend their energy on instead. If this was a elderly black male bleeding on the floor, there would be hell to pay and t shirts being printed as we type."

And then people wonder why some of us won't take part in it. If an old woman like this can not be defended, then no one needs to be defended.

The reactions to this incident will tell us exactly where the community is as regards Black women. That could be your mother and Grandmother, if you cannot stand up for her, you are all pretty useless and deserve all the mistreatment that comes your way.
This incident should be the Wake up call. I want for once to see Black men collectively do something for this Black Woman. Let us pay close attention....

La♥audiobooks said...

The female cop walked up to her, she was not threatened. From yards away, she had plenty time to devise a plan to safety defuse the situation. Instead she was disgusted, all she saw was another troublesome nigger that needed to be put in place. She clearly felt there would be no repercussions from her white supremacist society for body flipping an 80 year old nigger to brake bones and bleed on the floor. That may sound harsh to some, but it is the reality in the minds of the racist.

I am not going to let this rest, even if it's in my own way. I am going to DO something.

Anonymous said...

Field..."Would that police officer have acted the same way if that woman looked like her?"

Of course not. Field, the police officer would have acted with patience, understanding and compassion. Physical force would have been the officer's last resort on a frail eighty year old white woman.

In truth, the police exist to protect and serve Whites but to punish and harass Blacks. It's always been that's just the way White America's law enforcement system works.

So, everything in the video is just another day in the handling of another black person. Age does not matter... In fact, Granny was lucky- the police have been known to shoot a black person who had no weapon whatsoever.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


What! You mean to tell me that it did not make the local news there. Well, I guess, black folks life is not worth that of an tiny insect in America. We're disposable like a disposable diaper. It's a non-important issue with them.

I was reading some of the comments from white folks concerning this incident in the comments section on that web site. I really didn't even have to read them, because I know them all by heart now. After all, they've been drilled in my head over and over and over since I was a child. They probably used the same old lines when they used to lynched blacks back in the day. That they had it coming line. I think I'll call my auntie and ask her.

And they wonder why blacks have so much distrust for the police. Maybe, they should get a rocket scientist to figure it out for them.

Anonymous said...

You mentioned that the guy who chauffered you, I mean drove you, was Jewish, a few times. Why was this relevent? If a Jewish guy kept bringing up that someone was black over and over when it was irrelevent he would be called ignorant at best and, well you know, at worst. Just sayin.

Sharon said...

Well, I didn't have to watch it repeatedly though I could hardly believe my eyes,

I could have disarmed that old lady myself and I'm 67 years old and none too quick on my feet.

It's a bloody disgrace that ANYONE could justify decking that old lady under any circumstances. Especially young fit and trained police. These cops act like they're afraid of mussing their hair or manicures by actually dealing with people -- hell no, let's just tase em or shoot em or (so courageously) slam a very old and frail lady to the ground.

Anonymous said...

How was this any worse than the tazing of the 80 year old WHITE woman a month or so ago? Oh, she was white.
I watched this video and the black spectators were making everything a million times worse by yaping and hollering from the very second the cops arrived. I think only black cops should deal with black folks, not cause I think they would do it better, so that black people can see for themselves that they can't.

Anonymous said...

"I am not going to let this rest, even if it's in my own way. I am going to DO something."

La Inc,

Please, let me know if there is anythng I can do to help. I am thinking myself.


IMO, this is a story that should stop every Black person in America in their tracks.
I am wondering why it wasn't top priority or lead in your post, instead the lead was the potential harrassment by cops of a Black Male (yourself) that didn't materialize.
Please explain.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

When I watched that video, I could feel the impact of her frail body hitting that pavement. An eighty year old woman's bones are fragile, because they begin to deteriorate in aging after menopause.

Her slow paced steps in walking and the fact that she needs a cane to walk with lets you know that she is not able to get around without one because her legs probably give out on her. Therefore, she needs the support of a walking cane to help her keep her balance.

That policewoman was a big-boned healthy young woman. Compared to that old woman. I was trained in self-defense, boxing, and martial arts by friends of mine in that profession. She could have just as easily applied pressure on her wrist and the knife would have fell out of hand. But nah, she chose to bust her head wide open and break her hand, and then to add more pain to the injury she held her broke hand in a tight grip. Hotdog! I wonder how much further damage she caused to her broken bones in her hand.

Would some please show me another incident similar to this involving an old fragile white woman or man that they've body slammed on the hard asphalt pavement. Please show me similar incidents to ease my mind.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 12:48:

"How was this any worse than the tazing of the 80 year old WHITE woman a month or so ago? Oh, she was white."

We didn't like that either and spoke out about it. One thing, I can say is none of us were saying that she deserved it or had it coming like whites do when they are black.

Anonymous said...

"How was this any worse than the tazing of the 80 year old WHITE woman a month or so ago? Oh, she was white."

It is still police brutality. Post the video and see the outrage. How are people supposed to respond if they don't know anything happened? Any person that old should never be slammed on the ground like that or tazed. That is just common sense.

I find it hard to believe that an 80 year old White Woman was tazed and little was done about it. If the community she is from did nothing then I will conceed that we do over estimate White Humanity.

By the way any kind of organized protest against police Brutality would be for all victims its just that most of them will be black.

Anonymous said...

That video was disturbing on two levels. If that was a white woman I seriously doubt the officer would have taken her down like that, and second, I know there's some spy octegenarians out there but this one wasn't likely to do anyone any harm.

That officer needs to be fired.

Anonymous said...

I meant spry in my last comment. I guess I'm busted for CUI (commenting under the influence) :)

Anonymous said...

This is the youtube explanation of events: "This old lady was in the parking lot of Walmart in Whitehall, Ohio swinging a knife at people, when the police arrived she wouldn't drop the knife so the police officer took her down, the lady also assulted a kid by hitting him which sparked the crowd of people outside anyway, he was with relatives who intervened and that's when the knife swinging started anyone that tried to help her she began to swing her knife at them threatening them."

FN, as far as you being perpexled as to why a Jewish guy would drive a Mercedes. Uh, whu? Cause it's a German car? There are a lot of people who think the Nazi's are "wickedly great" that aren't German, or even of European decent for that matter. This Jewish guy, like the rest of us, buys gas for his Mercedes whose profit goes into the pockets of the Saudis, who treats woman and gays like the KKK treated blacks. And treat infidels only a tad better. This is what should be perpexing to you.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Anonymous 1:06:

That's funny, because someone that lives there said something totally different.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

BTW, my video on my blogspot of this incident, I got it directly from youtube, and I didn't see the explanation you just gave there.

Anonymous said...

"FN, as far as you being perpexled as to why a Jewish guy would drive a Mercedes. Uh, whu? Cause it's a German car?"

@Field: What about VW? BMW? Porsche? Audi? All are German made.

And what about the Jews living and working in Germany? What should they be driving?

Anonymous said...

"I am not going to let this rest, even if it's in my own way. I am going to DO something."

Go for it, Grata, please do something. It's good to see a bw such as yourself doing something for a change.

La♥audiobooks said...

Anony 1:28 pm... what's the friggin deal? Why are you throwing a tantrum over that statement? You remind of someone who's always oddly defensive on this blog. In fact they happen to be of German descent... come to think of it.

So why is it when there is a serious topic about white racism on this blog, there is always someone from the white whiner's defense committee who always try to derail the subject, and over the most trivial crap?

Anonymous said...

O/T: I wonder what Jody has to say about the violent threats to the unions? Looks like the unions will be backing off, now?

Minnie said...

Watching that sent me to tears. I don't know what I would have done if a cop would have did that to my mother. I couldn't see me standing there being sane while blood poured from the head of my 80 year old mother.

That cop took no time to try and calm the woman down. I can almost guarantee had that have been a white woman more time and care would have been taken in that situation.

Ohima said...

Was the old lady carrying a knife? If yes, wrong action... But to be badly treated and pushed down the floor as an eighteen year-old young man is out of order. That police woman should be taught how to treat old people in general (maybe she will need extra tutuition for African descent people...)
The more I blog and read "A-merry-can" blogs I realise that racism is so visible just around the corner. We all have a dream of equal right and treatment, but it seems that many still want priviledge and power for one race. The other race should always say "Yes sir, no sir..." forever?

It's sad, very sad, but hope have to be the last to die...

P.S: Why the word N... for your blog? The word should be deleted from African American daily lives, because it is wrong to go about calling people with that word instead of their real names...,
We also need to break free from stereotypical portrait depicted by films like Big Mama, Eddie's comedy films about African descent people (ADP). Sometimes they are degrading films and most people will easily associate that image to all ADP.

Keep the peace

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


I feel ya! I would have been going to jail, no doubt about that. No way, would I have been able to stand back and watch the woman that birthed me into the world lying on that asphalt pavement with her head busted open. That Haitian and Kongo blood in me would have kicked in.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

They would have thought that I was Chaka Zulu reincarnated. I kid you not.

Anonymous said...

"Go for it, Grata, please do something. It's good to see a bw such as yourself doing something for a change."

You misquoted me LOL! And your underhanded comment wasn't missed you coward.

Daktari said...

Holy crap! I could have disarmed that woman in about 10 seconds and it wouldn't have involved slamming her ass to the ground.

WTF is wrong with the cops these days?

Anonymous said...

"This old lady was in the parking lot of Walmart in Whitehall, Ohio swinging a knife at people, when the police arrived she wouldn't drop the knife so the police officer took her down, the lady also assulted a kid by hitting him which sparked the crowd of people outside anyway, he was with relatives who intervened and that's when the knife swinging started anyone that tried to help her she began to swing her knife at them threatening them."

And may the rationalization and blaming of the victim begin. Anything not to hold a serious protest for a BW treated badly, even an old one.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


"And may the rationalization and blaming of the victim begin. Anything not to hold a serious protest for a BW treated badly, even an old one."

I tried to tell them that we know it by heart now, since we hear it over and over and over. I'm tired Grata, I'm not even gone attempt to tell them again. I wish they'd get a rocket scientist to help them figure it out. *sigh* Granny giving major eye rollage.

Anonymous said...

Dear Grata,
I am sorry if I misquoted you, but I love you and can't get you out of my mind. What should I do?

'Missing You'

Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...

Police have been brutalizing us since the inception of this country. I don't have much respect for police officers and clearly they abuse their authority all the time. I have seen them be outright abusive to elderly people, young folks and even myself. I wish that people would rebel against the tired abusive establishment. When I pay taxes, I don't agree to get a gun pulled on me when I'm driving with my son and dog. I don't agree that a police officer should have the right to use violence on anyone unless a person presents a clear and present danger to others. This old lady was likely a dementia patient with no good sense. How anyone could rationalize her degrading abuse simply shows how callous and simple minded we've become. I don't give a good damn if the person wears a badge; they don't have a right to humiliate and abuse. I hope that old lady gets a good civil rights attorney and gets that bitch police officer fired. AND I hope that bitch police officer gets a taste of humble pie...

Shinola Black said...

How much of this police woman's actions stemmed from her desire to show her male counterparts that she can be just as ruthless, gong-ho, and meticulous a follower of approved department take-down procedures against a hostile, intimidating, threatening black perp brandishing a knife?

Someone should have told her that the hostile, intimidating, threatening black perp was a frail, cane-using, eighty years old, plus, woman, and could have been taken down by a five year old.

The officer was blinded by her stupid adherence to police procedures, the possible fact that the woman was black, and that people were standing around watching how she was going to defuse this volatile situation.

Hell, all she probably had to do was introduce herself as a cop, that she was there to help her, and defend her from her perceived threats, that she was safe, and that she could now hand the knife over.

But it appears that she didn't attempt any of these things.

Her approach: be a cop first, and a person of compassion, and commonsense last.

In short, don't be human, be a cop!

TrueBlue said...

It's not automatically racist if it's cross-racial. If the elderly woman had been swinging a knife and had assaulted a child, then she had to be contained. However, you'd think the police department would have had at least two people doing that rather than letting this be one-on-one in the beginning.

We don't know the full circumstances behind the incident, but on the surface it seems like maybe she had Alzheimer's or some other mental impairment, and needed to be dealt with a lot differently. But I'd also say that her having a cane and being elderly doesn't make her innocent or saintly, either. What it does do is make it necessary for the police to have procedures for dealing with people like that.

By the way, I think it's only a matter of time until, in this blood soaked culture of ours, we have some elderly and frail person pull out a gun and kill a cop or someone else in a situation like that. So, no one should sit there and say it's automatically a kindly old grandma.

Difficult case, but you have to believe the police could have been a whole lot gentler.

Sharon from WI said...

"FN, as far as you being perpexled as to why a Jewish guy would drive a Mercedes. Uh, whu? Cause it's a German car?"

@Field: What about VW? BMW? Porsche? Audi? All are German made.

And what about the Jews living and working in Germany? What should they be driving?<<<

@Anonymous 1:28 AM

There are many American Jews who today will not buy German made products.

My BF's father fought in the Pacific theater during WWII and BF (who is Jewish) points out the irony that his dad has no problem with Japanese products, although his life was directly threatened by the Japanese during the war but still will not buy German-made products.

I have an Orthodox Jewish friend whose son recently had his bar mitzvah. I ran across a nice roller ball pen from Levenger's that I want to buy him. However the refill came from Germany (Made in Germany was stamped right on the metal cylinder).

Well, I did not want this to be an issue. I just wanted to get the boy a nice ink pen that he could use later. So I called her to make sure that this would not be a problem. She said she didn't care, but the fact that it could have made a difference prompted me to ask in the first place.

With globalization, it's really become a non-issue because a product that may be American made (such as Levenger's, an American company)can have parts from elsewhere.

And then there are products used in the manufacturing that would not necessarily be stamped on any label. For instance, BASF, a subsidiary of I.G. Farben, is used to make softener, dyes, etc. for all kinds of products--from carpeting to beach balls. How is one to boycott something like that?

In any case, I understand why Field said what he did.

Regarding the little old lady--reprehensible.

I've read of standoffs with white supremacists and militia nuts that were defused with less violence. The cop did not have to body slam her so hard that the woman lay bleeding on the asphalt.

Anonymous said...

Re: Slamming 80+ year old and color.

I'm in the minority on this cuz after seeing them taze white granny in TX and some of the other police vids I've seen in recent years I believe the police will do just about anything to anyone as long as they're not an upper class white male. I do think that without a doubt police are far more likely to brutalize black people but I think that if you're a white, latin@, asian, or of the wrong socio-economic status then you're at risk too. I think bad cops are far more intelligent in how they choose the people they will victimize. For the most part, I don't think that they suffer a burning racist rage that just bubbles up when they encounter black folks (well except for the racist ones) rather I think they choose to bully people of color because they make the calculation that more often than not they can get away with it. For these kinds of bully cops, if they encounter a white person who's not of the right class, appears dumb or poor then they'll abuse them too. They're looking for victims. I think that's why we see cops tazing white grannies or murdering a white 'redneck' drug suspect on dashcam who swallowed an unknown substance (they literally broke his neck) but we don't see these acts ever carried out on white guys who look like wealthy professionals. There's a race calculation and a class calculation that these bully cops are working. It's not emotional but systematic, calculated, and often pre-meditated brutality carried out on victims they choose precisely because they think the victims they select can't fight back through the system. They're calculating abusers and in many ways that makes it worse because they can't claim to be caught up in the heat of the moment or that a suspect presented a threat. No they're just brutalizing people.


Sharon from WI said...

I live in Columbus, Ohio and the woman had Alzheimer's and was left in the car by her daughter. Apparently, she simply decided to get out. This story did not make the news here.<<<


Do you know where she got the knife?

Anonymous said...

Tru Story Field...
Few Years ago, Those Food Stamp "Credit Cards" were still gettin the bugs worked out...
Big Fat Mammy in the express lane, with umm probably 52 items more than the limit..
Flustered Asian Cashier kept scanning the ...wait for it....


Wouldn't scan for some reason, she had to call for Backup, I mean a price check...duly announced over the PA system..Now I don't usually believe in profiling, but funny how everything without a sterotyped mascot scanned just fine...

And I won't drive a Mercedes either...

Love me some Aunt Jemima tho


Obama mmm mmm good said...

This is a case of ya'll is chickens coming home to roost.

Ya'll rap about murdering the police.Ya'll talk about murdering police .Ya'll got the bloods,crips,and the black panthers shooting and murdering police everyday.

Fact is the police has to be very careful around ya'll.

Thats just how it be.

Anonymous said...

Hey Field...
Continuing your Mercedes/Jew Theme...
Didya Know the VA has a hospital in TUSKEEGEE ALABAMA!!?!?!?!?!?!?
Lots of Negroes go there for tx too... Might wanta pass on the Penicillin...


Hathor said...

Really old people are invisible and are expected in this society to stay that way. How many times have we heard of abuse in nursing homes?

It seems that the camera person watched this lady just wander around. It sometimes bothers me, that rather than try to get help or to mitigate the situation, they rather film in order to get their 15 minutes of fame.

This person was not a journalist in a war zone.

And do mean to tell me that no one would have bothered to try to protect that child?

There is no scenario why this should have happened. It is the well meaning cowards who will always say it was probably justified, that will create a world of fascism.

Anonymous said...

The elderly woman did have alzheimer and the police are not trained to handle any situation involving mentally ill people. There was a case where mentally man who was white shot at more than 158 times. Granted the man was banishing a huge wide knife, but the force was excessive. The motto is to protect and serve, but the police are trained to deal with the publc and its that the easiest route is to beat or kill everyone with no in between. The police not know how resolve conflicts between individuals and themselves.

I listened to the interview with the director of public safety in Ohio, and he said that the situation with the elderly looks bad, but the officer did the best thing and age is not a factor. That also means that mental illness is not a fact either, and that is where a defection in training. We do not close attention to get an understaning of what is really on than what we preceived.

Hathor said...

I should have said, "It is the well meaning equivocating cowards..."

Anonymous said...

@Mr. R -- I see you still can't spell "y'all" correctly. Keep trying. It can be a hard word to get right and remember. It's not nearly as funny or embarrassing as when yankees, usually non-native speakers of the Caucasian persuasion but others too, try to pronounce it, placing stress on the wrong syllable, adding vowels, and generally coming up with a mangled word that sounds both shrill and tone deaf to natural speakers.

As to rap/hip-hop and murdering police and what not. Ever heard of Eminem? He's probably the most succesful rap artist out there and he's as white as the driven snow -- Aryan even. You know who consumes the most rap/hip-hop --in fact the demographic that moved it from a small time category that very few people in any community listened to and into the big time? White males ages 18-30. White guys keep rap in business. You also seem unfamiliar with country music and folk music. Country's full of murder, rape, misogyny and all kinds of good stuff. And rock n' roll? Do I even need to explain that one? You also seem unaware of the fact that there's other genres out there and that neither black people nor white people are solely responsible for any kind of music. People don't play, create, or listen to music because there skin is certain shade or color.

"I shot a man in Texas just to watch him die."


field negro said...


"IMO, this is a story that should stop every Black person in America in their tracks.
I am wondering why it wasn't top priority or lead in your post, instead the lead was the potential harrassment by cops of a Black Male (yourself) that didn't materialize.
Please explain."

Grata, you can't be serious. Was that a serious question? Get back to me and let me know if you were serious. If you do, and tel me that you were serious, then I will TRY to answer your question.

Now, I was watching that video, and some of the females who commented earlier were right; the men in the crowd did not come forward like the women did. That's a shame.

And if what prosperitee said is true about the loacl news not having the facts, well... us all.

I am not sure how much traction this story is getting, but it deserves more. Sadly, I don't see it being featured on the sorry ass cable netwroks like it should.

Sharon...I don't think it should matter where she got the knife. That officer should have been trained to realize that she was not a threat.

Cosign with what Minnie said.

Anon 12:48AM, I agree, the beatdown of an 80 year old white white woman was wrong as well. Police officer's should know how to properly assess a thret, regardless.

Send me the link of the incident.

And the pro po po crowd is going to get on me now. Save your breath. I am quite aware of what a tough job police officers have. ---some of my best friends are po pos--- and they will tell you the exact same thing that I am.

"@Field: What about VW? BMW? Porsche? Audi? All are German made.

And what about the Jews living and working in Germany? What should they be driving?"

Well, I can't blame anyone for driving a Porsche, I am just saying. And what should they be driving? Ahhh, Ford's maybe? No, wait, he was a racist, too. How about GM? No, wait, they are damn near out of business. Hell, I don't know,a Chevy?

"You mentioned that the guy who chauffered you, I mean drove you, was Jewish, a few times. Why was this relevent? If a Jewish guy kept bringing up that someone was black over and over when it was irrelevent he would be called ignorant at best and, well you know, at worst. Just sayin."

Anon. 12:36AM, I did that for a reason. In this country there is a tendency for other groups (such as Jews, Italians, etc.) not to realize that it is their white skin alone that gives them the privilege most whites are afforded. If that state trooper had looked in the car he wouldn't see a Jewish man driving, he would see a white man. Get it? Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

To Mr. R and Frank. I hope that your mothers and your children all get pulled over by the cops, shot multiple times, burned while they are in the car and that you get a video tape of the whole thing. You deserve to have everything you love taken from you and live a life a great misery. I hope you both live the rest of your lives in physical and mental pain. Take that to your next Klan rally.

Anonymous said...

Why isn't this all over the news. I am in agreement with you Grata. This is a black woman there will be no outrage. I wonder if Al SHarpton will come out and say anything. I don't expect much from him or the NAACP. Afterall it's not the po black man who is being mistreated.

Anonymous said...


Obama mmm mmm good said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Obama mmm mmm good said...

MR.R said...
Anonymous said...
@Mr. R -- I see you still can't spell "y'all" correctly. Keep trying. It can be a hard word to get right and remember. It's not nearly as funny or embarrassing as when yankees, usually non-native speakers of the Caucasian persuasion but others too, try to pronounce it, placing stress on the wrong syllable, adding vowels, and generally coming up with a mangled word that sounds both shrill and tone deaf to natural speakers.

I see you still don't have a clue.You really come off like a ass clown when you don't know what it is all about.

Search "y'all" and "ya'll" and see which spelling is most commonly used in American life.

As to rap/hip-hop and murdering police and what not. Ever heard of Eminem? He's probably the most succesful rap artist out there and he's as white as the driven snow -- Aryan even. You know who consumes the most rap/hip-hop --in fact the demographic that moved it from a small time category that very few people in any community listened to and into the big time? White males ages 18-30. White guys keep rap in business. You also seem unfamiliar with country music and folk music. Country's full of murder, rape, misogyny and all kinds of good stuff. And rock n' roll? Do I even need to explain that one?

No music talks about killing the police more than rap music/hip hop.

Ya'll that doing the drivebys and cop killings ain't listening to George Jones or wearing cowboy hats.

Unknown said...

about DWHABP: I wrote a story about an incident outside of New Orleans, in one of the mostly white suburbs, where a middle-aged white woman was driving and a young black man was in the passenger seat while his daughter sat in the back seat. They were lost in the neighborhood at midnight, trying to find the address of the daughter's mom and a cop stopped them. Before he saw the black man, he was simply asking if she needed help, but once he heard the address and saw the black man in the car, his tone changed completely and there were unreasonable demands and then eventually the officer searched him, roughed him up on the car and then charged the man with assaulting an officer and trying to flee. Now, you know what happens if a black man runs away from the police...the hearings have been pushed back several times. But now it's set for November. see the article:

also, forget the car debate, they all racist. if possible, try a bike.

field negro said...

Yeah what Matthew and brohammas said is real. Cops DO profile white folks in certain black neighborhoods. White folks, you might want to reconsider having black friends.

Sorry about my dyslexia overdrive this morning folks,(see my comment above) I am trying to do about five different things at once.

Unknown said...

i didn't mean to suggest not having white folks and people of color be friends. quite the fact, it was a huge clear and grounded example for all of us white folks who are in the organizing community here about how our liberation really is bound together (as the aboriginal saying goes...).

glad i've found your blog.

Sharon from WI said...

"I shot a man in Texas just to watch him die."<<<

Point well taken, but Cash would tell you it was Reno. :-)

But I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die
When I hear that whistle blowing, I hang my head and cry..

Obama mmm mmm good said...

field negro said...
Yeah what Matthew and brohammas said is real. Cops DO profile white folks in certain black neighborhoods. White folks, you might want to reconsider having black friends.

You make a great point field.Crime stats show the more black friends you have the more you are at risk to be a crime victim.

Matthew said...
about DWHABP: I wrote a story about an incident outside of New Orleans, in one of the mostly white suburbs, where a middle-aged white woman was driving and a young black man was in the passenger seat while his daughter sat in the back seat

Officer friendly just assumed that white woman was a ho and the black man was her pimp.It wasn't unreasonable to think that.

So nothing to see here.Just move along.

Jody said...

There is nothing. Nothing. NOTHING! that justifies the behavior of the police in this incident. The sad thing is, this officer was doing exactly what she was trained to do. And therein lies the problem. There is no excuse for this brutality. As to the crowd trying to intervene... if people had tried to physically intervene, the violence would have been directed at them as well. did you see how many cop cars showed up at the end? Obviously those first cops on the scene called them because they were worried that is what was about to happen.

As to the query that was off topic about the Unions.... notice they did not say they were backing down. They were just reporting the death threats they were receiving for showing up. Did not say they were backing down. If you know anything about Unions, you should know they do not scare easy.

Anonymous said...

Mr. R -- Lord have mercy, now you're acting out a common stereotype of northerners. As we say down here "y'all just love to tell us how you do it back up in Ohio and Michigan." I don't need google to tell me the signs say "Y'all come back now, ya here." Or that the water tower in Florence, Ky says: "Florence Y'all." Or that your particular shibboleth and refusal to acknowledge proper usage, bless your heart, both marks you and reveals you. Or that people, especially young people who dominate the internet, are bad spellers especially when they're appropriating things that come from outside. People spell y'all improperly because they don't know any better and for a very long time it was considered slang instead of dialect and so wasn't included in a lot of dictionaries. I guess when a white northerner doesn't know a word it's either improper or doesn't exist. William Faulkner had this problem when he tried to publish his first book and the editor told him that a lot of his words were wrong and/or didn't exist and wanted to edit them out. Faulkner had to convince the editor that not only did they exist but they were both proper and common. The editor was smart enough to check and take correction. He thus disabused himself of his ignorance and helped bring to light a literary genius.

At any rate wiki can help you navigate these wily spelling ways and break down proper usage for you. It's got an entire entry on y'all that you can study and learn to imitate so that you might improve your imitations. Remember, with both satire and mockery knowing your subject is essential. Otherwise, you fail and failure in these categories is always spectacular.

As to George Jones, people are just listening to him before and while they beat, rape, and/or murder their wives and girlfriends or go on a general killing spree. George likes to spread things out to encompass all kinds.


Anonymous said...

@Sharon -- Good catch. Thanks for the correction. :)

Nan said...

WTF? There sure wasn't a lot of time elapsed between the cops first approaching the old lady and her being on the ground. If there was a knife (and I couldn't tell for sure from the videotape or not) they definitely didn't spend much any time trying to find out why she had it or to get her to put it down.

Police brutality is an understatement -- when cops think they can safely to beat up crippled old ladies in Walmart parking lots you just know that what goes on when there isn't a crowd watching is a whole lot worse.

Anonymous said...

That f---ing cop should be whipped and fired, then put in jail for a few years with some husky sistas.

La♥audiobooks said...

The thing is, the family also has to push this in the media. In this case, the family is going to have to be the initiators for justice. I have seen a white family go over and beyond to see their racist drug addict son's story end up on Larry King, in attempt to tarnish the police dept. in the Caribbean for not finding his black killers. But we know why they were even given the time or day in the first place.

How many of these black brutalities by police have been going on when there were no evidence to put up on youtube, it's disheartening. And I couldn't help but to hear the beginning chuckles from the black male who was taping the the scene.

Anonymous said...

granny and hanna....

The elderly woman did have alzheimer and the police are not trained to handle any situation involving mentally ill people.


she only had a knife....

popo 101 it only takes about 15-20 feet for a suspect with a knife to get to you before you can draw your service weapon...dumbasses please think before you speak?

and to the anon that said....


to make sure blacks show up for work!

another dumbass...jeezzz

Anonymous said...

White women have always been more evil than white men check out any desegration school video. I say, Black folk get your carry permits -join the police department and go to law school ( any degree will do) because we are going to need you and what most cities have now ain't crap.
Not that it matters, I would like to know how this started.

Red McKilldozer said...

I just wonder why some lameass feels compelled to write in dialect.
Y'all... gimme a friggin' break.

Anonymous said...

I was listening to part of a Steve Harvey show where Judge Mathis was a guess. A caller had an issue where her niece was the victim of statutory rape by the mother's boyfriend. In a nutshell, the conversation was about the powerlessness of the aunt to do anything because the principals won"t press charges. Steve ash where the gul lived and why one can't administer street justice and said to Judge Mathis, in essence, you would not be involved in street justice - Judge Mathis went on to say that he would go to jail cause the guy involved need a beatdown.

That police woman, when not in uniform, needs a damn good near death beatdown. I look forward to hearing that that has occured in the near future.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous is quite the grammar nazi.

Yes "y'all" is the correct spelling.

Yes "ya'll" appears all over the net including all types of music.

I've been to many parts of the country and iv'e seen "y'all" spelled many different ways.

So you are both right.Now stop please.

What happen to that woman is disturbing and sad.The cop should be fired and charged with assault.

Anonymous said...

If this was a reverse situation the Black cop would have been charged or DEAD, PERIOD. WE sit and do nothing, that's why this type of behavior continues. I've been calling for 3 days now and they will not let me talk to her.

Officer. Fullerton
WhiteHill Police dept.
Columbus Ohio

Anonymous said...

@mesha, grata
The Blackman is not the enemy. So, pleas go to the gay and lesbian site to post those types of comments. It's not about the Blackman vs Blackwoman. Because If I were there all hell would have broken loose! I LOVE BLACK PEOPLE.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:33

I do not know what the dumbass comment is about, but there are other ways to deal with people who are obviously mentally without the use of force. There two officers on the scene and the one officer could have been standing behind the woman and grab the knife from her without wrestling her the ground, thereby causing less harm to the woman and yourself. The director was interviewed said the officer did the best thing, but did not said that it was right as the best does not necessary mean it was the right thing. In addition, confronting someone with a knife is not such a good idea because someone will get hurt. The officer could have stabbed if the woman was really violence. The police need better training period. Anon, there many peole living on the streets who are mentally ill and what are you going to do kill them all.

I am going to go with premise, the police are human beings and carry the same prejudices as the rest of us. We prejudge other people and situations all the time. The police just the woman with a knife but also did not notice that she was disortiented and walking around aimlessly. I picked it immediately from video that woman suffered from some form of dementia, but that eas not the officer's concerned because she was not trained and probably not experienced with dealing such a situation.

This is more race, but does play a role. I am not of the mindset that we not need the police, but they cannot treat everyone they come in contact with as criminals. I called the police when my brother broked into my apartment and stole some items to support his drug habit. First of all, the police came six hours after I called. I had gone to bed at that point, and one officer had an attitude with me. I became annoyed as he treated like a criminal, and thought that I was going to be arrested. The police could not arrest my brother because it was considered a domestic disturbance even when I told the police he was carrying a 10 inch chef's knife. They told me that I had to file a complaint with family services and they were no help either and the social worker even asked what is a chef's knife (unfucking believable). Mind you now, my brother broke into my apartment again the next day while filing the complaint with family service and at work after doing so. Fortuantely, a difference officer came was very nice and empathic, so I do not believe all officers are incompetent as there some officers who no better than the criminals they deal with. And there times when I cannot tell the difference.

So Anon, before you going around calling others dumbasses and making assumptions, you could simply asked the person further details. I have good and bad experiences with the police, so I try see it from both perspectives.

Anonymous said...

Allright, I can't stand the guilt anymore...


Tupac paid me $50,000 cash, well worth it when you look at how many records he's sold since 1996...

I'll take a Polygraph against Tupac any day of the week...


vanishing point said...

that cop is a disgusting bully who deserves to be fired, then charged with assault and go to jail, but that probably not going to happen.
if that bully can't handle a old, helpless grandma, what is she going to do when confronted with a real potential threat. that kkop is an asshole piece of crap.

Irma Marquez was body slammed in Yonkers,NY and the cop was found not guilty

TrueBlue said...

There sure wasn't a lot of time elapsed between the cops first approaching the old lady and her being on the ground.

That's a really good point. You captured something I had noticed but didn't put a label onto until you mentioned it. I think that police department must lack training in how to deal with situations like that.

I'll bet that this will wind up being a more frequent issue in the years ahead as the population ages, and as you get more Alzheimer's cases. The police already wind up being de facto mental health practitioners as it is, but thus far most of the "patients" have been much younger.

That video looks ugly, but it didn't strike me as (necessarily, anyway) racist, nor did I see any signs of sadistic abuse. What I saw was hasty action that made me question that P.D.'s training and resources.

There two officers on the scene and the one officer could have been standing behind the woman and grab the knife from her without wrestling her the ground, thereby causing less harm to the woman and yourself.

I'm not sure about that specific tactic, but I agree with the general point. This was handled by one officer. She should have waited for more people to arrive on the scene, given that there didn't seem to be such a rush that the elderly woman needed to be immobilized right away.

popo 101 it only takes about 15-20 feet for a suspect with a knife to get to you before you can draw your service weapon...dumbasses please think before you speak?

That woman, hobbling around with the aid of a cane, didn't exactly strike me as someone who at any moment was going to reach out and slash the officer.

At the very least, I think the officer should have waited until her backup arrived.

TrueBlue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TrueBlue said...

that cop is a disgusting bully who deserves to be fired, then charged with assault and go to jail, but that probably not going to happen

The cop might be a bully, but I don't think you can reasonably conclude that from the video. More evidence would be needed to justify that accusation. What does seem apparent, at the very least, is that the officer acted rashly.

Whether this was a matter of racism, garden-variety bullying, or a lack of training is something you can't tell from the video. Your willingness to assume the worst says more about you than it does about what's captured on the video.

This was not, for example, like the Texas highway patrolman who put a choke hold onto a black paramedic after stopping an ambulance on the way to the hospital. That patrolman is a racist, bullying waste of white skin. Here, while it's distressing as hell to see an 80-year-old woman knocked to the ground, I can't conclude from the video that this was automatically a story of racism or even of police abuse. Poor training for sure, and maybe more.

Anonymous said...

It was disgraceful what happened to that little frail 80 year old woman. She is someone's mother, somebody's grandmother, a child of God. But she is Black and no one was going to treat her with care, let alone step up to protect her from white law enforcement.

You have to have a fierce heart that is unafraid to die for what's right in order to face the police. From that video, Blacks aren't ready for that.

Other than a few years during the 60's- historically, Blacks have lacked the courage to be willing to die for justice and for what's right. Blacks just don't have the committed passion, "Give me liberty or give me death!" No, Blacks tend to run their powerless loud mouths with empty words, which amount to nothing. That has been their pattern. Today, it's words about the wrong done to the old lady, tomorroow it will be something else; but Blacks will not come together to do anything for their common good.

Degradation, brutality, fear, inhumanity--and a 400 year unjust society designed to squash the dignity, self-respect, and self-worth of Blacks-- were displayed in that video with 'one' brutal slam to the ground of an old black frail woman. She was a stark reminder of how vulnerable and powerlessness Blacks are; and how paralyzing fear can prevent Blacks from having the courage to stand up to help each other...

We are such a fearful race. At least the Native Indians went down fighting.

TrueBlue said...

Degradation, brutality, fear, inhumanity--and a 400 year unjust society designed to squash the dignity, self-respect, and self-worth of Blacks-- were displayed in that video with 'one' brutal slam to the ground of an old black frail woman. She was a stark reminder of how vulnerable and powerlessness Blacks are; and how paralyzing fear can prevent Blacks from having the courage to stand up to help each other.

That's the thing: There wasn't a "brutal slam to the ground." The video simply doesn't show such a thing. You see an old lady with a cane in one hand and a knife in the other; you see a cop who you hear saying, "Ma'am, would you put the knife down?" Then you see the old lady on the ground. There's no body slam. You don't actually see the cop's movement before she goes down.

So, is this 400 years of slavery? I don't think so. I think it's a cop confronting a frail old woman with a knife and a mental problem. There should have been two cops in that confrontation, but to haul out all the old accusations is, at least at this stage, over the top.

I find myself in a similar position as I was on the Gates-Crowley affair: Not liking what the cop did, but not willing to hop on the racism train. I'm definitely able to ride on that conveyance when it's appropriate, because you'd have to be an utter fool to think that racism is dead.

But in this case? I've got to have more information before I buy into anything more than "insufficient training" and/or "bad judgment" on the cop's part. You seem to want riots in the streets. Tell me, what did those riots do for black people, anyway?

vanishing point said...

Grinder, I am having a hard time understanding why you don't think that cop is a bully, that was an old lady with a cane, and she get's body slammed with blood pouring out her head, that cop didn't even know why that lady had a knife, how big was that knife anyway, maybe somebody just tried to assault her, that cop didn't care what or why, didn't try to assess that situation, she just picked that old lady up in the air and threw her to the ground, that is a bully in my book.
Under your reasoning, people can't be charged for their negligent actions? This old woman is not the first person to be brutalized, someone already mentioned Eleanor Bumpers, I gave a link to Irma Marques, Grinder, did you look at that link? The cop was found not guilty, and he was LAUGHING about it after the verdict.

Anonymous said...

grinder "That's the thing: There wasn't a "brutal slam to the ground.""

Maybe for you it wasn't a brutal slam. But for me, it was... and yes deep rooted feelings of police brutality came up for me. But I understand where you are coming from and your inability to relate to those feelings. I wouldn't expect you to think otherwise.

After all, you are White and these things don't happen to Whites on a daily basis because of their color. They are not part of your experience.

Anonymous said...

The brutalize gay people as well. There was an incident in staten Island at least ten years where police officer stop a man and he white, but officer suspected he was gay and beat him into a pulp. The officers were indicted, but not convicted. Do I think beat up the man because he was gay, yes, but the did not convict the officers probably based upon on their prejudices of gay people.

People officer are a reflection of society and the only difference is that they are allowed to carry a weapon and a badge.

Shinola Black said...

Grinder: "Not liking what the cop did, but not willing to hop on the racism train."

Everything being equal, if the person the officer took down had been obviously gay or lesbian (now, don't nitpick me on this), would you have been just as willing not to see it as homophobia?

Be honest!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

At this point, I really don't want to say too much, because I would be tempted to let out a string of expletives that I'm not in the habit of doing. That's bad when some folks make me want to cuss too.

Nevertheless, I'm gone try to the best of my ability to control my thoughts right about now as calmly and civilized as I can be considering the lack of compassion, harden black heart of certain people for a frail, 97 or 100 pound old, black woman, being BRUTALITY slammed on that hard asphalt pavement, with a POOL of blood gushing out of her head, which could have been avoided, if the macho chick, thug azz, killa cop would have took the time to negotiate with a woman who no doubt had dementia.

It is no use trying to get some folks to understand the wrong in that situation, especially, those who have no mercy or compassion for black people and that hate black people. These folks will always think that stuff like this is justified or try to find some type of justification for it because they HATE black people. It runs in their blood, their ancestors were probably the ones that watched black folks being burned at the stake and hung, took pictures with blacks corpse to send copies to their relatives. Some of them probably have pictures of lynched blacks in their photo album that has been handed down from generation to generation.

Not all whites are that cold and calculating, and you'll know them by their comments, some have compassion for all human beings. For those that what I said in the above paragraph that applies to, let me give you this fact of life. People who make up excuses for injustice and go along with the brutality slamming this woman, it will happen to someone you love or more than likely YOU, one day, maybe, not by a cop, because we all know who cops are more than likely to brutalize like macho chick did this old woman, but it will be someone else that does it, and please don't cry injustice. But one thing is for sure, the first person that will come to your mind when it happens will be that old woman!!!!!!!!!
And that's the God's heaven truth!!! So Be It!!

Dmd said...

Grinder: You should know better than to expect to post a reasonable explanation for this incident that does not include racism as the prime motive in the actions of the cop. All the evidence you need is in the video, namely that the cop was white. Same goes for the Gates incident.

How do you folks here explaint he incident in the Bronx (I believe) where a female cop (who was black) assaulted a black man for having his car door open and temporarily blocking her path as she drove down the street. She beat the mess out of him and drove off as though nothing happened. Came back to work the next day and was arrested then. Best explanation I can come up with is calling her a conservative and an uncle tom.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Yeah, she was arrested. That doesn't happen when white cops do something though, does it. BTW, no she is the same thing a thug azz cop.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

That just goes to show you how some people thinking their so smart can be so stupid at times. Dmd gone give an example of a black cop doing the same thing, but fails to see that she was arrested for what she did. Smh!
In the same note he fails to see how whites cops do that and get away with it because in his narrow-minded way of thinking, he thinks blacks are just hollering racism and they don't pay attention to details, in other words, we're dumb. But I ask everyone how stupid was his so call proof statement that gave evidence of what we've already being saying. Thanks for the info Mr. Genius at being a dummy!!!

Sit down and SHUT the HELL UP!

vanishing point said...

Grinder, just a case for you to peruse, do you think that the verdict in this case is justice or glbt hatred?

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Granny loves you but I'm going to go and sit back in the corner for a few, and chill, so I can calm down.

Anonymous said...

hennasplace "The brutalize gay people as well."

That may be the case, and I have heard of some incidents. Does that excuse what happened to that little old lady? What's your point?

My point to grinder was, whether gay or not, some Whites lack empathy for Blacks simply because they ARE Black. That old lady was slammed to the ground and you can hear it. There was blood coming out of her head from the force of hitting the concrete.

I bet most Blacks felt the slam and painful feelings and memories of being abused as Black person came up.

But most Whites probably felt nothing. It just seems to be part of their white privileged nature when it comes to Black and White issues.

In case you don't know, black gays are discriminated against in the white gay community and treated like crap. Again, 'most' white gays can do this because they feel what most Whites feel about Blacks--NO EMPATHY. It's a by-product of white privilege.

So, I don't know if you are trying to 'compensate' for what happened to that 80 year old lady, but I hope not. She IS an example of the police brutality that Blacks have gone through for centuries. And many Whites-straight or gay-support and condone it.

vanishing point said...

Anonymous, really good point, about the lack of EMPATHY, what causes that, i often wonder.

Anonymous said...

I know who you are and the blog you use to frequent. You are still the dumb ass anti-black pasty Christian you have always been. You can change your ID, but you can't change your tiny IQ.

DuchessDee said...

See FN, I have been trying to be good for the past several days. Trying to keep positive energy and here you got me angry once again.

Anonymous said...

Field, it really does happen .....

Eight years ago close to my due date. Radnor female police officer, I was on my way to my job at TV Guide. I supposedly ran through a yellow light in Radnor, before you get to the Micro Center. The light was yellow for a NANO second before changing to red. Really strange, as only a couple of lights before that I saw a black gentleman on the other side of the road getting a ticket. I didn't think anything of it until I was stopped. Driving while black, NAH, can't be?

I was very much with child and told the female officer that I really needed to go to the restroom. I got a 100 dollar plus ticket and was detained for almost an hour.

My mother used to say "God don't like ugly, and he's not too happy with beauty". I have only received two tickets in my 30 plus years of driving, and the other one I did deserve. I am so happy that my commute does not take me through that town anymore.

Dmd said...

Hello anon :) Only blog I have ever frequented is Field's and if you go back about a year or so, you'll see me commenting then. Out of curiosity what blog did I use to frequent?

Granny: I didn't fail to see anything. First of all the black cop beat the hell out of someone at gun point and then left the scene. A very different story than the story with the cop slamming down the old lady. Secondly, that cop may well end up with disciplinary action, as well she should. My point was that racism cannot explain all police brutality, and in doing so point out the reflexive response of many of you here to incidents where the cop is white and the person brutalized is black.

I'm postive some cops are racist, and that some of those cops act on that racism while on the job. But a much higher percentage of cops are drunk with power and abuse t indiscrimnantly against those they perceive as unable to fight back. (This is why the upperclass are harrassed so much less than those of the middle and lower classes, a point I believe grinder made above.)

The story of the 72 yo getting tazed was brought up... That cop wasn't arrested. He was white. So was the tazed woman. Once again my point is cops are more often drunk with power than they are drunk with racial hatred. That's it.

Clifford Bryan said...

Nice piece
Check me out on Michelle Obama

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:13

That some police officers may not be any different than the KKK in terms of brutalizing blacks, latin, asian, and gay people. You can add mentally ill and old people on that list because society does not like these groups either.

Shinola Black said...

@Dmd: "Once again my point is cops are more often drunk with power than they are drunk with racial hatred. That's it."

"More than," you say, as though this kind of police misconduct can, or should, meet some standard of measurement.

I'm inclined to believe that it's both.

And anytime I see this kind of abuse against a black, I'm not gonna measure if it's more a power-drunk act, or a racist act.

Given how cops behave against people of color, I'm going to call it racist, and drunk on power until the cop, or circumstances, prove otherwise.

In my book, cops are guilty until proven innocent.

Racism is not fair and just, why should I be?

Anonymous said...

Dear Grata,
"I am sorry if I misquoted you, but I love you and can't get you out of my mind. What should I do?

'Missing You'"


"Grata, you can't be serious. Was that a serious question? Get back to me and let me know if you were serious. If you do, and tel me that you were serious, then I will TRY to answer your question."


You can't be seriously not taking my question seriously. Here was an old woman that was treated so despicably and there you were being driven by you friend and experience a minor police incident. Yet your story leads. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:15

My point was to grinder and leeting him no one is safe from police brutality. The will brutalize anyone who they feel that no one is going to care about until it starts happening to a person of power and status. The fact of the matter that no one really cares about the elderly woman. There is a larger societal issue about how we are going deal with the increasing number of people with alzheimer because this not going to be last time something will happen. Some people with alzheimer can become very agiated and violent, and we are going to deal with how to prevent harming this person and protecting himself/herself and others at the same time. That is the bigger question. I think what the officer did was unnecessary, but it is apparent that the police are not trained to handle people with alzheimer or any mental illness.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Now, that I have cool off somewhat, I'll respond to your last post to me. Can you explain why only black cops are shot by white officers, but yet no white cop has ever been shot by a black cop before? Is that a drunk on power thingee too?

Anonymous said...

"It runs in their blood, their ancestors were probably the ones that watched black folks being burned at the stake and hung, took pictures with blacks corpse to send copies to their relatives. Some of them probably have pictures of lynched blacks in their photo album that has been handed down from generation to generation."


Thank you. And the worst are the hypocritic liberals who play the minority card but when incidents like these come about their true selves come out under seemingly rational arguments.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

I apologize dmd, I left out a couple of things in my last post that I needed you to explain to me. Could you,also, explain to me why there have been 830,000 discrimination suits against different police departments across this nation filed by black police officers for different reason involving racism, and here recently a noose being hung in a Capitol DC black policemen's locker? Is that too a drunk on power thingee?

Now, let me say this, there are poor whites that have been brutalized by the police. I won't deny that nor will I try and justify the policemen's actions. You'll never hear me justify wrongdoing. My concern is with the way that the macho chick policewoman handled that elderly woman, especially, when I know methods of self-defense, and know there are ways that knife could have been taken without slamming that old woman down on that hard asphalt pavement. My argument and beef about the whole incident stems from the woman's AGE. As my same argument was with the elderly white woman being tased. I did not like neither one of how the incidents were handled and you can go back and read in Field's archives what I said about the white woman being tased. I didn't like it one bit.

I think that the police department needs a serious overhaul, anger management classes, more diversity training done by those of like color, psychological evaluations and to weed out the bad cops from the good cops.

Antonio said...

I have a similar story.

A white friend picked me up from the airport and drove me home. Earlier that week he had bust out the back window of his car because he locked his keys in and was going to be late to work at a new job. We pulled up next to a police car and I glanced over to see a cop looking at us. I just waved and we went on our way. Well lo and behold half a mile down the road we get pulled over. Turns out my friend had an invalid license. So he gets carted off to jail while I find a ride back to my place.

Later on we speculated if the cop would've pulled him over if he hadn't seen me there. Sure the back window was smashed but the cop might not have thought anything of it if it was all white people in the car. It's a tough call.

Dmd said...


I agree with your points about cops needing better training, and better psychological testing during the hiring process. And I also wouldn't argue with you at all that the cop in this incident handled things horribly, and that most high-schoolers could have done a better job. My point was never to call any of that into question.

As for why *black* cops are shot, I don't know enough to respond to that... Do you know that to be true?

As for the lawsuits against police departments, once again I don't know enough about the numbers to really comment intelligently. I assume the number you quote is exaggerated a bit to make a point (?), and I would imagine that black cops do encounter more racism on the job than white cops. And that's not acceptable. But it is easily explained without maligning an entire race (not necessarily saying you do that, but many here do, and I think you come close sometimes.) The bottom line is blacks are in the minority in the field of law enforcement (as in most fields.) With that being true, in follows that there will be more white police officers (obviously.) Now even if white cops are racist at 1/2 the rate of black cops, there will still be far more white against black racism with the police, simply because of the demographics of the situation.

Shinola Black: So are you saying the black female cop that beat up that black dude was racist? Or that you assume she was? Your perspective only works with white cops versus black people. And that's a narrow and prejudiced view of reality. You seem to be ok with that, and even admit it isn't fair or just. As long as you admit you're not being consistent it makes everything clearer, even if nonsensical.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...


Nevertheless, I asked you those questions hoping you would see why blacks feel the way they do towards police.

1. Policemen are more likely to use excessive force on blacks and hispanics and treat them with disrespect.

2. Black police officers have and are filing discrimination suits against many police departments across the nation.

3. Blacks cops are shot by their fellow white officers,frequently, but yet no white cop has ever been shot by their fellow black officer.

4. Minority children that are under the age of 18 years old are brutality and severly beaten regularly.

BTW, even their own black police officers that took an oath to serve and protect are not treated equally, so what makes you think that they care about citizens in the minority neighborhoods?

The Cambridge police department that involved the Gates vs Crowley incident has even had a discrimination suit filed against them before. You didn't see MSM bringing that up though, did you.

The Boston Globe (Boston, MA) | January 13, 1988

Lawsuits filed yesterday in US District Court seeking $15 million in damages charge the Cambridge Police Department with disciplining black officers more harshly than white officers, thus damaging their chances for promotion.

The suits claim the city has engaged in a pattern of discrimination and harassment of black police officers, denying them equal protection of the law, due proccess, and their constitutional rights to freedom of association and freedom of speech.

Boston lawyer Douglas Louison, who filed the suits, said, "They were a long time coming. It is ironic that the city of ... " ~~Boston Globe~~

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Oh yeah, dmd, one more question how many cases of black policemen filing discrimination against the police departments across the nation, and black cops being shot by their fellow white officers would it take to convince you that there is a problem of extreme racism within the police force?

10...100...1000...100,000, or 1,000,000,000. I'm being nice by putting a one in front of the zero's.

Anonymous said...

I have a co-worker named Rosa, she is Jewish and looks like Paula Abdul. She is an Israeli. She has been profiled so much that she wears her court ID and DL info on the outside of her coat. 15 times in 1 month stopped by the NYPD. Why because she drives an old beat up Ford pick up truck. She will not drive a Mercedes, EVER. According to Rosa, Mercedes built the gas chambers in Germany. FYI


TrueBlue said...

that was an old lady with a cane, and she get's body slammed with blood pouring out her head

There was no "body slam" on that video. Stop making things up.

she just picked that old lady up in the air and threw her to the ground

That was not depicted in the video. Again, stop making things up.

After all, you are White and these things don't happen to Whites on a daily basis because of their color. They are not part of your experience.


Everything being equal, if the person the officer took down had been obviously gay or lesbian (now, don't nitpick me on this), would you have been just as willing not to see it as homophobia?

I don't think that being gay gives someone the privilege of waving a knife around in public. I'd need more information than the sexual orientation of the injured party before labeling it a homophobic action on the part of the cop.

That is the bigger question. I think what the officer did was unnecessary, but it is apparent that the police are not trained to handle people with alzheimer or any mental illness.

That's something I agree with. My first reaction is that this was a case of lack of training, not bullying or racism. I could change my mind if new facts emerged.

In my book, cops are guilty until proven innocent.

Thanks for sharing that. Seriously, I do appreciate your honesty. It shows where your head is at.

That old lady was slammed to the ground and you can hear it. There was blood coming out of her head from the force of hitting the concrete.

I've watched that recording several times now, and the "take-down" itself isn't shown. The camera was hopping around at that point, and you just don't see it. You hear the cop ask the woman (addressed as "Ma'am") twice to put the knife down. You see a glimpse of the cop trying to grab the knife. That's about it.

You don't hear the woman fall. Too many people close to the cameraman are talking. As for blood on the concrete, yes, she wound up bleeding. It's not that hard to bleed from a fall and a scrape on the head. There are a lot of blood vessels in the scalp, and as you get older your skin grows thinner.

It's a nasty looking video, no doubt, but it does not establish what some people are claiming, i.e., that the cop was a bully who threw this defenseless woman to the ground. What it shows is a cop who ought to have waited for backup. She acted too hastily, I think likely because she lacked training.

vanishing point said...

Grinder, go back and look at the video, you are not willing to look at the truth even when it stare u in the face, i almost feel sorry for u ,but i don't. you see what U want to see, that is sad, i feel so sorry for you.

vanishing point said...

btw grinder, i not making things up.

Anonymous said...

"And anytime I see this kind of abuse against a black, I'm not gonna measure if it's more a power-drunk act, or a racist act.

Given how cops behave against people of color, I'm going to call it racist, and drunk on power until the cop, or circumstances, prove otherwise."

I agree with you, and it is perfectly 'reasonable' for a black person to see that cop as a racist. But if you lack the emotional intellect that can relate and understand feelings, you will come up with what you 'think' is logical and conclude that the cop was just drunk on power and Blacks are over-the-top, as grinder and Dmd concluded.

By their assessment, what happened the cop did to that old frail lady has no connection to the history of racism and police brutality of Blacks in this country.

Most Whites look through the lens of white privilege and will see everything but a racist act by the police. But originators and perpetrators of racism tend to see things that way.

So never mind that the old black lady was slammed by a white policeman and was bleeding profusely on the ground. It was not racist nor an over-the-top act. If you are a 'reasonable' white person, your thinking will conclude that Blacks are over-the-top in their thinking. Never mind that Blacks have historically been victimized by white racists, and brutalized by white law's irrelevant in this case. In fact, by their logical rational thinking, there rarely IS a case of a racist act by the police.

BTW, this is the same white rational and logical thinking that enslaved Blacks, killed off the Native Indians, instituted Jim Crow laws, condoned the lynchings of over 5000 Blacks, and continues today to discriminate and perpetuate racism. And it is the same kind of racist mind that determines what is over-the-top thinking, which of course belongs only to Blacks.

Einstein once commented that "You can never solve a problem with the same kind of mind that created it." Dmd, and grinder are using the the same kind of unconscious racist left brain mind that created racism in the first place. That is called white privileged arrogance.

That's the problem with having only a left brain with no functional right brain. You end up being a half a person with NO EMPATHY. With that kind of mind, it is easy to overlook racism and enslave, lynch, kill, and even gas millions without loosing one nights sleep over it.

Hence, they will always...ALWAYS give the benefit of the doubt to white law enforcement no matter how abusive the cop was to that frail lady of color. Needless to say, Blacks should not expect any kind of justice from them.

Anonymous said...

Anon lovingly wrote-'Dear Grata,
I am sorry if I misquoted you, but I love you and can't get you out of my mind. What should I do?

'Missing You''

Grata replied, "Creep".

How can you be so cruel? At the very least have a sense humor. Is the world that dark for you? I think you are depressed.

Minnie said...

Anon 9:58, we can apply what you wrote to any argument that we have with most whites about our experiences.I hope you don't mind that I cut and past this as a response because this is what it comes down to time and again. We may as well be talking to brick walls.

Shinola Black said...

@Dmd: "Your perspective only works with white cops versus black people. And that's a narrow and prejudiced view of reality. You seem to be ok with that, and even admit it isn't fair or just. As long as you admit you're not being consistent it makes everything clearer, even if nonsensical."

Damn right! I've had good teachers. When you are treated for years from a "narrow and prejudiced view of reality," then you tend to respond in kind.

Don't ask me to show more mercy than I'm shown, to be more just than the justice I receive.

I said that racism wasn't fair and just. Why should I be more fair and just than racism?

Until racism in this country is squelched, or nearly so, I'm going to assume that every act of violence toward blacks is based in racism.

Why should I be less oppressive than my oppressor?

Shinola Black said...

@Grider: "That old lady was slammed to the ground and you can hear it. There was blood coming out of her head from the force of hitting the concrete.

"I've watched that recording several times now, and the "take-down" itself isn't shown."

Grinder, you're nothing more than an apologist for police abuse. Or is it an apologist for white police abuse.

You need to grow a new pair of eyeballs, or watch the video in slo-mo. The officer grabbed the old woman's wrist, and "slammed," yes, slammed her to the ground.

Again, as with the Professor Gates' case, this was badly handled.

Now you can tweak it all you wish to make it something other than what it is, but I be damn if you'd want your mother or grandmother treated this way unless you're some new kind of sadist.

Grinder, you're in denial. Either you're in great pain over this overt act of cruely by a white woman, so that you refuse to see the truth, or your sensibilities have deadened to the point of callous disregard.

Anonymous said...

"Don't ask me to show more mercy than I'm shown, to be more just than the justice I receive.

I said that racism wasn't fair and just. Why should I be more fair and just than racism?'

I agree 100% that is why I never give a rats ass when blacks are victimized. You have treated Jews, Asians, Hispanics, gays, amd woman as bad as you were treated. Hate crimes committed by blacks are always called "tension between communities." Well, I guess Emmitt Till, Jasper TX, Sean Bell, Whatever Grant, etc... I guess those were "tension between communties too". May that black bitch who wrote about the Crown Heights Lynching and the Pogroms against Asians in a way that was pretty non judgemental about the black Klansman can write about these events in a similar manner- one that is sympathetic to the lynch mob, when the lynchee is black. That'll be the day!

Anonymous said...

"There are many American Jews who today will not buy German made products."

Bullshit. There are more black people in my 50 unit apartment building who mug old ladies than there are Jews who won't by German products in the whole f-ing US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Kathy, white people lack emotion and that is it. They are all born that way. Hate is all they know. I have accepted this and that is why when I see on the news about one of their own being buried alive or found sitting in a barrel of acid, I have no sympathy. They can all go away to their demise. I heard about a white cop being killed the other day here where I live. I could have cared less. They don't protect and serve everyone. Just the whitest of their own species. I am hoping that cop that put that woman down to the ground will pay with her family's life. Especially if she has little kids. They should find them with pillows over their faces. I want that for all white people to suffer greatly. There isn't punishment cruel enough to suit them really. All I can think to do is murder their loved ones in front of their faces
and watch them cringe in pain. This is what I want for all white people from all walks of life. I hate every single one of them.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. Black people stop trying to figure out why these white evil monsters do what they do. It does not help. They all just need to be taken out. Why the fuck do black people worry about these pasty crackas so much? They have no use other than pure evil. That is all they are capable of. THey will pay.

Shinola Black said...

"I agree 100% that is why I never give a rats ass when blacks are victimized. You have treated Jews, Asians, Hispanics, gays, amd woman as bad as you were treated. Hate crimes committed by blacks are always called 'tension between communities.'"

I see you decided to come from under that dark, ugly rock you've been hiding under.

This discussion was never about the victimization of whites, but about the holding of an assumption, that "racism" is causal when a white police officer shows violence towards blacks.

I have never treated anyone the way I was treated.

Your heart is as dark and as ugly as the rock you hide under, and I feel sorry for you.

I give a "rat's ass" when anyone is unjustly victimized, it matters not their race, ethnicity, religion, creed, sexual preference, or gender.

If you're a hater, then hate, but don't blame blacks for that, or use them as an excuse to do so.

That's cowardice.

You can slither back under that rock again.

Anonymous said...

I hope those old ladies being robbed in the anon's building are all white ladies. Did any of them end up at the morgue? That would make me year. Thanks for cheering me up anon. I love it when white people suffer. I love it. I can't get enough of hearing about dumb white chicks being snatched and decapitated. I just grab my popcorn and sit back and enjoy. My fav of all is watching a dumbass white man go shoot up his community and then blow out his own brains pricless oscar worthy moment. White death. Yay.DEATH TO WHITEY

Shinola Black said...

@Anon 3:21AM: "This is what I want for all white people from all walks of life. I hate every single one of them."

You know anonyMousy, I don't believe you're black. It's easy to hide one's identity here, but it's harder hiding one's intent.

Hate poisons your own well. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

@hennasplace -- I think you and a few others have stated what I tried to say earlier a little better. Racism drives the selection of cops choosing to victimize black people. However, if you belong to other groups you can and will be chose as a victim by these bully cops. I wish I had a better word than bully because that's not strong enough for what they are.

These cops are capable of anything and will brutalize anyone they think they can get away with brutalizing. There's a systemic problem.


Sharon from WI said...

Bullshit. There are more black people in my 50 unit apartment building who mug old ladies than there are Jews who won't by German products in the whole f-ing US!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your rant just now made no sense whatsoever.

There are Jewish people who will not buy German products. But you used that post to rant and rave about black people whom you obviously hate.

I suspect that post would have agitated you if I had said the sky is blue.

Btw, all those exclamation points paint you as an hysteric

Anonymous said...

Shinola Black once again I am a black woman. Yes my identity is hidden for very good reason. I don't really care if you don't believe me, doesn't change my hatred of white people. So if you don't believe me I don't care.

Anonymous said...

There is an awful lot of deep seated hatred in America with an awful lot of guns waiting to be used for killing.

Hating people for the color of their skin, or because they look different, is the mark of an insane mind. Yet, that is the kind of mind that began America, and it looks like it's the same enslaving mind that might destroy America and everything in its path.

"Racism is man's gravest threat to man - the maximum of hatred for a minimum of reason." ----Abraham J. Heschel

Elle Woods said...

This is just wrong on so many levels. I hope enough awareness is brought to this issue. I don't care if she was holding a mace. This is an 80yr old woman who walks with a cane. were that threatened by her? I hate to cry racism but this is just ridiculous!

Mack Lyons said...

"The will brutalize anyone who they feel that no one is going to care about until it starts happening to a person of power and status."

When that happens, most people of power and status won't transform that into a social movement. Instead, the offending cop will more than likely lose his badge and pension, or be condemned to a desk for the rest of his career, with apologies all around from superiors and the chief of police. And it'll all be handled quickly and quietly. No one wants to be the guy who harassed Bill Gates or a Rockefeller relative.

"But most Whites probably felt nothing. It just seems to be part of their white privileged nature when it comes to Black and White issues."

It's not a part of the White Experience™, so it gets little to no thought until it happens to them. Or until a huge backlash rocks the country off its foundations, stripping them of nearly every societal insulation they may have had.

The whole police brutality angle won't get the attention it deserves until a few cops end up dead thanks to retaliatory attacks mirroring La Violencia:

When cops are found hanged on bridges, in trunks or in alleyways with t-shirt and necktie cuts, with stations being burnt down or blown up, then and only then will the issue of police brutality will finally get its 15...if it doesn't get overshadowed by all of the violence. To get to this point, the country has to snap, and snap HARD. It's anyone's guess as to what the catylist may be.

Mack Lyons said...

"Einstein once commented that "You can never solve a problem with the same kind of mind that created it." Dmd, and grinder are using the the same kind of unconscious racist left brain mind that created racism in the first place. That is called white privileged arrogance."

It's funny to watch grinder and other likeminded folk downplay the severity of the situation. And it's something that infuriates black people to no end, because it's a clear sign to us that they're not taking any of this seriously.

In all honesty, a white female child that's missing will guarantee heart attack-grade seriousness from grinder et al. Not this, because they don't see anything wrong with an uppity ol' nigger gettin' roughed up. I bet they didn't see anything wrong with dem german shepards gettin' a go at dem niggers, either.

So it's not a lack of empathy. It's selective empathy for those who are thought to be deserving of it. And people "of color" are just one of the groups that are assed out.

TrueBlue said...

a white female child that's missing will guarantee heart attack-grade seriousness from grinder et al.

I'm not going to respond to every accusation of racism here, but this one did make me laugh. I've been chuckling for years over the Fox News/CNN "missing white girl of the week" stories.

Call me what you will -- an Ice Person, I think -- but me and Nancy Grace are not exactly on the same wavelength, to put it mildly.

Anonymous said...

Good solid police work.Listen to the officer,drop the weapon.She could have been shot or Tased.

TrueBlue said...

I don't think it was good solid policework at all. The woman fell down and was bleeding. I am not convinced that this had to happen in that situation. I think if the officer had waited until more people arrived, there might have been a chance of a better outcome.

Minnie said...

Grinder, that woman didn't fall down she was slammed. You argue that we didn't see enough of the video to determine that she was slammed and then you say she fell. And why didn't the officer wait until more people came or at least try to talk to the woman to see what was going on before slamming her?

Some say it's racism, based on personal experience, and others call it poor police work. Like I said, we may as well be talking to a brick wall.

TrueBlue said...

Grinder, that woman didn't fall down she was slammed. You argue that we didn't see enough of the video to determine that she was slammed and then you say she fell. And why didn't the officer wait until more people came or at least try to talk to the woman to see what was going on before slamming her?

It's obvious that she fell, but the video did not show her being "slammed." I realize that you desperately want to think it does, so you can get your ya-yas out about the evil racist cop, etc etc etc, but the video simply does not show what you claim it shows.

Minnie, in short, quit making things up. There is real, hard-core racism in America. Plenty of it. Hell, look at the "birthers." They are racist through and through. Why do you need to invent racism when there's plenty of the real thing out there in plain sight?

Anonymous said...

grinder How can you charge the birthers racism? What proof do you have? Yet you say the cop was NOT a racist. How do justify and rationalize your thinking when others, INCLUDING the people on site who saw it with their own eyes say otherwise?

Minnie said...

You're right, I DON'T need to single out ONE cop for my "ya-ya's" about racist police there are plenty of them out there in plain sight. Though it may not be obvious to you because they are shouting "Nigger".

Minnie said...

(You have make make things very clear to some or the just wont get it)

Anonymous said...

grinder "There is real, hard-core racism in America. Plenty of it."

grinder, how do you determine what is racism or not?

Shinola Black said...

Anonymous said...
"Shinola Black once again I am a black woman. Yes my identity is hidden for very good reason. I don't really care if you don't believe me, doesn't change my hatred of white people. So if you don't believe me I don't care."

Okay, I believe you, but you really gotta examine that hatred thing.

As I've said, hatred's a well-poisoner, and not the well of the object of your hate, but yours.

I can't imagine that your experiences with racism is greater than mine, and I wouldn't add injury to injury by hating racists (or all whites), if you paid me.

Give it some thought. And if you'd like to talk about it, I'm all ears.

Shinola Black said...

@ Grinder: "It's obvious that she fell, but the video did not show her being 'slammed.'"

It's obvious she was slammed, and hard. Watch it on YouTube; I'm thinking you're watching the wrong copy.

It's quick, but it's undeniable.

TrueBlue said...

grinder How can you charge the birthers racism? What proof do you have? Yet you say the cop was NOT a racist. How do justify and rationalize your thinking when others, INCLUDING the people on site who saw it with their own eyes say otherwise?

When the birthers first made their allegations last fall, I followed it closely. It was definitively disproven back then, but they have kept it up even though the evidence is against them.

Given that they are wrong on the facts, then you have to ask why they keep saying it. I think it fits a racist motive. Sure, they'll deny it, but the mantra that blacks are somehow not really Americans has been out there forever.

To me, what the birthers are doing isn't even disguised; let's just say that if there's a fig leaf there, it's surrounded by God's own pubic hair forest.

As for the cop, I never wrote that she wasn't racist. Go back and read what I wrote, why don't you? I wrote that the video does not establish that she's either racist or a bully. To me, it establishes that she acted rashly. She should have waited until her backup arrived.

The cop may well be a racist, but if that's the case I'd need more evidence than what was on the video. For some people here, the fact that the elderly woman was black and the cop was white is all they need. I need more evidence than that, and it doesn't have to be someone saying, "nigger" on a soundtrack either.

For instance, the Texas highway patrolman who stopped an ambulance on the highway on the way to the hospital and stuck the black paramedic into a chokehold is a racist waste of white skin. I didn't have to hear the word "nigger" to know it.

Shinola Black said...

Grinder: "For some people here, the fact that the elderly woman was black and the cop was white is all they need."

I said, I assume racism until proven otherwise, you know, like the English system, guilty until proven innocent. Something like that....

If it's good enough for the English, it's good enough for me.

You say po TAY to, I say po TA to: don't judge me, judge the system that gave birth to my mindset.

The elderly black woman was slammed!

TrueBlue said...

I assume racism until proven otherwise, you know, like the English system, guilty until proven innocent.

Whoever taught you that the English system assumes a defendant's guilt was a stupid teacher, because that's simply not true. I'm white, so you won't believe it from me. So, try asking Field, a black lawyer.

Minnie said...

"The cop may well be a racist, but if that's the case I'd need more evidence than what was on the video. For some people here, the fact that the elderly woman was black and the cop was white is all they need."

The way she slammed that elderly woman to the ground without taking any care in calming her down is all the evidence I need.

Anonymous said...

field, can you remove this asshole spammer before somebody's computer gets a virus behind this dick?

americanmestiza said...

tuareg people are black like me. so are the yoruba who sold my ancestors away.

TrueBlue said...

The way she slammed that elderly woman to the ground without taking any care in calming her down is all the evidence I need.

You and others here have vivid imaginations. The video did not show anyone being "slammed" to the ground.

Shinola Black said...

@Grinder: "You and others here have vivid imaginations. The video did not show anyone being "slammed" to the ground."

It must be hard seeing just how cruel whites can be to non-whites.

You still want to make us wrong and you right.

The old woman's feet were lifted off the ground just before the body slam.

How hard could it have been for the policewoman to disarm the woman without slamming her, if she had her by the wrist with both hands?

Now, don't tell me you didn't see that?

And you're discounting eyewitness testimony.

You could clearly hear in the background their disbelief, and their description of what happened.

The old lady's feet clearly leaves the ground in one frame, and in the next her body crosses the policewoman's legs as the officer turns her body to complete the slam.

The old woman didn't trip over her cane.

And you want to tell me you know all about me for my position on cops and racism?

We know all about you for your refusal to see what's right in front of you.

On this blog you've lost credibility.

TrueBlue said...

Shinola Black, you are seeing things. The vid does not show both her feet leaving the ground, or being grabbed by both hands. At the time when the cop reached for her knife, the camera jumped around like crazy and simply did not slow this "body slam" you and other racism-chasers are imagining.

Stop making things up. There is plenty of real racism in America without you and others conjuring up something in this case. I think the cop should have waited for backup, and that at best she was ill trained. But to call this a racist cop slamming someone to the ground is ridiculous.

If I have "lost credibility," then I've lost it with people who want to retreat to fantasies because they feel so much better than real life in the real world. Unfortunately, that includes you.

TrueBlue said...

By the way, if you want to get your knickers in a twist, try this video.

Or maybe not. After all, the woman is white, and you couldn't give a shit about that. The only police misconduct that matters to a significant contingent of people here is that which occurs when the cop is white and the victim is black. If it's anything other than that combination, you're blind.

Shinola Black said...

Grinder: "Or maybe not. After all, the woman is white, and you couldn't give a shit about that."

You see: that's how you lose credibility. What makes you think that I'd accept police abuse toward anyone, white or otherwise?

You reached that conclusion all on your own.

What I did say: I always assume racism when whites attack blacks, especially if they're cops.

It's up to them to prove that it wasn't.

I don't give a benefit of a doubt, or struggle with whether it was or not.

Only you have that luxury.

"The only police misconduct that matters to a significant contingent of people here is that which occurs when the cop is white and the victim is black."

That's an out-and-out lie. You owe us all an apology. I have never seen a "significant contingent of people here," as you define them, show anything but concern for police abuse, regardless of the victim's race.

Now you're falling in with the Frank Drackman's on this blog.

You need to check yourself, and rethink that statement.

I tell you, your credibility is showing.

"At the time when the cop reached for her knife, the camera jumped around like crazy and simply did not slow this "body slam" you and other racism-chasers are imagining."

Thanks for the compliment. Yeah, I'm a "racism chaser." It's only fair. Racism has chased me for most of my life, and is still in the hunt.

Slow the video down. And if you still can't see what we're seeing, then you're either blind, or unwilling to believe your own eyes.

Here's what you got to ask yourself. Why aren't you seeing it, and why can't you bring yourself to believe the testimony of eyewitnesses?

The elderly woman, at the end of the takedown, is laying flat on her back, her body facing in the opposite direction in which she was walking.

Had the woman fell forward, she would have ended up on her face, not on her back.

She didn't fall backward, or she would have fallen away from the cop. And the cop would have been on the woman's left side at the end of the fall.

The cop is clearly on the woman's left side when the takedown begins, and on her right side when it ends.

And we see the cop, at the end of the take-down sequence holding the woman's right wrist with both hands, the cop kneeling at the woman's head, facing her.

You tell me how that was possible without the cop lifting her up, turning her about, and slamming her to the ground?

If you don't believe me, then believe the laws of physics.

It was a take-down, a slamming to the ground, just as the witnesses exclaimed, who had a better view than the camera, or the two of us.

TrueBlue said...

What makes you think that I'd accept police abuse toward anyone, white or otherwise?

Many people here routinely assume that all police misconduct is racial in nature.

Yeah, I'm a "racism chaser."

When the only tool you carry is a hammer, then all problems tend to get addressed by hammering on them.

The elderly woman, at the end of the takedown, is laying flat on her back, her body facing in the opposite direction in which she was walking. ... etc etc etc

Thank you VERY much for that long chain. You do realize that you've just dug your own grave there, right?

It's clear that you've deduced the events, as opposed to seeing anything that was depicted on the video. Yet, throughout this conversation, you and others have steadfastly maintained that the video shows this vicious takedown, when in fact it does not show it and you have to "prove" it with a long logic chain.

Like I say, quit making things up. When you make things up, and when you declare yourself to be a racism chaser, you lose any "credibility" you might have had.

See, I've never denied that the cop might be a racist. I've simply said that you need more than the video to establish that. And I've never argued that the cop acted properly. I've said only that I don't see bullying or racism there, but more likely poor training and bad judgment.

You have jumped to conclusions because you are conjuring up something that you very much want to see, owing to past bad experiences that have absolutely nothing to do with that cop.

When I was a kid, I was mugged by black people twice. Now, am I going to call every black person a mugger? Nope. I'll freely acknowledge the heightened awareness in some situations, but that's very different than looking at every video and seeing a black mugger.

You look at a video of a white cop and a black woman who goes down and conjure of a "body slam" that simply isn't there. You need to get past whatever happened to you and learn to engage your reason to keep your emotions in check.

Shinola Black said...

And I thought I was a hardcase. You win that title handsdown.

Shabazz said...

Grinder FUCK YOU.

TrueBlue said...

Shabazz, I wouldn't give ya the pleasure.

Shabazz said...


You're disgusting you filthy prick

Minnie said...

"If I have "lost credibility," then I've lost it with people who want to retreat to fantasies because they feel so much better than real life in the real world."

I don't know about that one. It seems when you're black you get mistreated in both the real AND fantasy world.

TrueBlue said...

You're disgusting you filthy prick

I object. I take a shower every day.

Anonymous said...

grinder "You look at a video of a white cop and a black woman who goes down and conjure of a "body slam" that simply isn't there. You need to get past whatever happened to you and learn to engage your reason to keep your emotions in check."

You have a point. So, if the old lady were your grandmother or mother, what would you do?

TrueBlue said...

You have a point. So, if the old lady were your grandmother or mother, what would you do?

If it were my grandmother, I'd say, "Holy shit, grandma, I thought you died a long time ago! How the hell did you manage to come back, and why in East Dogshit, Ohio?"

If it were my mother, I'd tell her it serves you right for not staying in your wheelchair like the doctors told you to do.

Anonymous said...

And wonder why we call you DEVILS.

TrueBlue said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TrueBlue said...

And wonder why we call you DEVILS

(loudspeaker) "Excuse me, ladies and gentlemen. Will the individual who lost his or her sense of humor report to the Lost and Found department? We have one here. It is small and shriveled, but we think whoever lost it might want it back. Thank you."

BREW730... said...

"why a Jewish guy would choose to drive Mercedes I will never understand"

Actually, Field, then name "Mercedes" comes from a Jewish girl.

Benz had made these cars and needed a place to sell them. The person who agreed to sell them(becoming one of the first dealerships in the world) said Benz would have to name the cars after his daughter, Mercedes...


Sharon from WI said...

Benz had made these cars and needed a place to sell them. The person who agreed to sell them(becoming one of the first dealerships in the world) said Benz would have to name the cars after his daughter, Mercedes...<<<

Could you plese provide a link substantiating your post?

BREW730... said...

This has been common knowledge for me for some time. I worked for Chrysler when it was "Daimler-Chrysler". This is part of the history they made sure we knew.

here's a good place to start


Royal Model said...