Here in A-merry-ca Tigermania has reached what can only be described as surreal dimensions.
Over at the "fair and balanced" news channel their most popular personality is comparing him to O.J. Simpson. (That ought to keep the base fired up and watching for a few more days while the feeding frenzy goes into full gear.)
But tonight I am not going to talk about golfers who think that only blonds have more fun. Nope, tonight I want to talk about something far more important. You see, over in Africa, there is a country that is actually considering putting Gays to death for their lifestyle. ( Actually I think that there are other countries in Africa with similar draconian laws, but tonight I am going to post about one in particular.)
Yes folks, if seems that if you are queer in Uganda, the wages of your sin might soon be death.
I wonder where the Ugandans got that idea? Oh field, they have a lot of AIDS in Africa, maybe they associate AIDS with the Gay lifestyle and it's a public health issue. Nope not buying that. -There are much more serious factors causing the spread of AIDS in Africa- No, I think I know the real reason that the Ugandans were inspired to want to kill the queers.
My friends, it seems that our missionary friends have been busy spreading the gospel and christian values to the "dark continent"
"Critics have called the Anti Homosexuality Bill due to come before "Purpose Driven" Uganda's parliament in early 2010 a "kill the gays bill." As detailed in a new report from a religious right watchdog group, networks tied [1, 2,3] to Rick Warren's mentor and doctoral dissertation advisor have played a major role in organizing and inspiring Ugandan legislators who have spearheaded the legislation, which would mandate the death penalty for homosexual acts.Homosexuality is already legally a crime in Uganda that can lead to lifetime prison sentences, but the new bill would require the death penalty for something termed "aggravated homosexuality" and might even lead to the execution of HIV positive Ugandan citizens. Rick Warren has refused to denounce the new bill."
Well color me shocked! You mean the same Rick Warren whose purpose driven life led him to court the most powerful men in A-merry-ca? That Rick Warren? That sweet caring soul? Nooooo, I don't believe it. I wonder if he is a member of "The Family"? Folks, if you are not up on "The Family", you had better start getting up to speed really fast; especially if you are a secular/agnostic/progressive, like moi.
Oh well, I guess Rick and his pals have to start somewhere. Maybe if they kill enough of those queers in Africa they will get the message around to the rest of the world and those queers will change their evil ways.
They can do it the easy way, or they can do it the hard way. I am sure Rick and his friends would much prefer the easy way. That just seems more like the christian way to go.
Rick isn't "Family" material. He's too noisy. The Family hides in plain sight, but they're the people with the influence inside the Ugandan government. Warren doesn't have that kind of political clout.
Fuck them punks!! Oopz, that what they want us to do.
Rick Warren, "Pastor" Steve Anderson, the Moral Majority and the Christian Coalition are NOT FOLLOWERS OF JESUS'S MESSAGES.
I don't recall Jesus saying anything at all about gay people. Come to think of it, Jesus made it a point to befriend the marginalized. He didn't oppress the poor, sick or social outcasts further like these modern pharisees do.
I really can't see Jesus doing the Rebel Yell and hollering, "Yeah! Let's execute them!" given the nature of his death AND RESSURECTION. Let's think about it for a second. It just doesn't fit.
Now we're going to hear eveyone say how Christianity is evil. It's not. These people are doing evil and practicing the immoral under the guise of holiness. The problem is people don't read the Bible for themselves and apply some common sense. If you are a Christian, try to think in a Christ-like manner. Forget about the televangelists.
Plymouth Rock sure is landing in some strange places these days.
The new fundamentalist are perpetrating a lot of evil in Africa. The Family has educated a lot African leaders like the Wahabist in order to control African morality.
These fundamentalist also ignore the witch hunts fostered by the pastors, that include children that can result in torture and death. Once such pastor prayed with Sarah Palin in Wasilla,
I wouldn't put it passed them to ignore slavery, because the Bible doesn't condemn slavery so that they can get their kudos for saving the heathens.
This is beyond disturbing. Rick Warren always gave me the creeps. This just confirms it +10.
wow fn...ditto!!!
this is why i will always hate obama for inviting warren to dc until he invites pastor manning
black gaybashers are the worst globally...shame!!!!!!!
see more:
& hating the "sinner" = hating the "sin"
"...'love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes."
sttbb ditto
The bible is written by human men. They are not God. They never quote God or Jesus as saying ANYTHING about homosexuals. Jesus makes only one statement that can even be remotely viewed as a reference to homosexuality.
Matthew 19:12: “Jesus said ‘Some are born without the ability to marry.’”
and you have not seen any evil in africa until obama unleashes african
obama will make this holy homohaters look like saints
and you have not seen any evil in africa until obama unleashes africom
Dang, Field! I thought you were going to blog about this:
i love it
i am linking it now
AB: No offense, but how does this even relate to Obama? If anything this has been in the works since Pappy Bush, as the Uganda MP who introduced was a Family disciple. Sometimes you're on point -- but Barak Obama is not evil incarnate. Not every bad thing in 2009 was caused by this man. If I didn't know you via blogging, I'd swear you were a teabagger sometimes.
Anyway, this is just deplorable and the fact that Ugandans would actually think of passing this craziness shows just how depraved we are as people. There's also subset of this law that called for the death to any HIV positive person. That includes babies and children.
I love how so many fellow Christians feels its deplorable for a woman to control her own body but have not problem supporting murder of gays, Arabs and anyone else they don't like.
see my links
obama was selected to be gwb 2.0
and he is doing it well in all arenas
from afghan to africa
i would love to host a tea party in the hood
poor people are late as they are choking on the blackest of obama tea leaves!
i love u anyway though bro
it relates because obama is a bromancer of warren
and obama made warren a superstar on inauguration day
which was a punch in the guts to millions of gays who voted for obama
if obama had invited david duke to pray or even hickabee, most blacks would have been wounded
warren is worse than david duke to gays
You ( Field ) said that "especially if you are a secular/agnostic/progressive, like moi." Ah, there's at least one other Black agnostic in America. I just have to pretend otherwise, because I live in the South ( I'm not joking; there are folks that would rather die of cancer than be operated upon by some secular surgeon ).
Hey Field it's a little quiet in the Fields on this one. Many Black folks have some growing up to do on homosexuality. Of course the literal reading of the Bible by too many Black Christians along with the rest of the fundamentalist and evangelicals has helped backed the bogus views that exist. The Old Testament talks about stoning folks to death for minor offenses along with all kind of outdated ideas, but the only one Christian conservatives want to hold on to is a centuries old cultural bias, that ironically never addressed the rightness or wrongness of homosexuality.
Anyway as I said before on this site people like Rick Warren are dangerous and anathema to Christianity because their backwards social ideas help ideologically to keep racism,sexism, and obviously homophobia alive. Warren was quoted on MSNBC as saying that, my job is to encourage, to support, I never take sides." While the statement is dishonest ( he takes sides all the time against a woman's right to choose) it is anti-thetical to what Jesus taught.
The Bible philosophically and ideologically absolutely portrays God as taking the side of the poor and the oppressed. Jesus took up the cause of the left out on a practical level.
While Warren and some of his ilk can be commanded for some of their charity work the Biblical mandate is to do JUSTICE. The prophet Micah when asked what God required responded thusly, "love mercy, do justice and walk humbly with God."
So clearly being quiet about the murder of fellow human beings because of their sexual preference is not doing justice.
The apostle John had it right, you can't say you love God who you have never laid eyes on and hate your brother which you see every day.
Warren is a dangerous disengenous, dissembling, hypocrite.
(sorry bout preaching in the fields but you know this is my area)
liberation then peace
Filled Negro:
You know you are on to something with those Nigras in Uganda. I had a video on my blog about Rachel Maddow's report about how 3 CHRISTIAN EVANGELISTS from America flew over to Africa and MADE the entire legislature of Uganda put aside their commitment to Social Justice that was rooted in their 2,000 year old culture and instead pass this draconian law.
Filled Negro - I have long resisted the hints that you and other BQPFRC and your White Snarling Fox Liberal had about the inferiority of Black people and our ability to be so easily molded and tricked by White folks. This issue in Uganda has forced me to put aside my previous thoughts that Black people are EQUAL.
I used to think that Negroes who had control over their own nation - their own national legislature, their own executive branch could thus be expected to consider the interests of their own nation, listen to external forces but acknowledge that they are small in proportion but ultimately do what their consciousness would have them to do.
NO MORE. After reading the Filled-Negro blog I see that even in Africa - "The Negro Is Easily Manipulated".
Did you see "The Last King Of Scotland" Filled-Negro? In that movie about Unganda under Idi Amin I noticed a bit of error in their film editing. You see - when the Black African soldiers commanded by Idi Amin raised their rifles and fired into crowds of Black Africans - I noticed that there were a few scenes in which they forgot to edit out the string that was attached to the backs of these Black soliders. Thus you could see a White man's hand in the upper part of the screen, controlling all of the actions of these dependent Blacks. I didn't believe what I was seeing back then but with your fortification I now see: BLACK PEOPLE ARE NOT ABLE TO COME TO SUCH CONCLUSIONS UNLESS THERE IS A WHITE MAN MANIPULATING HIM.
Thank you for this enlightenment Filled Negro.
I wish you would find out who is commanding the Street Pirates that are killing other Blacks in Philly and elsewhere.
"Plymouth Rock sure is landing in some strange places these days"
No no no LaCoincidental, there are no O man references in my post. (The pic was a coincidence, no pun intended)I simply used Obama to show how powerful Warren is and what type of access he has to power. His O ness is the most powerful man on earth.
But of course he is in no way culpable for what is happening in Uganda.
Come on Obamaholics, you are way too sensitive when it comes to your boy.
"Hey Field it's a little quiet in the Fields on this one. Many Black folks have some growing up to do on homosexuality."
mellaneous,some of the field hands have steel toe boots. :)
Great comments!
Ahh the [un]constructive one. Still a protagonist for his friends at FOX. Boy I sure hope they are giving you something for all of your efforts. James Brown ain't got nothing on you my man. You work harder than a field Negro for those folks. :)
Our boi is now on TV gettin-nin his prize; but I digress.
North American Negroes, what is your solution to stopping the spread of HIV in Uganda? A voluntary quarantine of all homosexuals, infected or not?
How about a boatload of HIV infected Ugandans moving to your neighborhood? Yes, no?
Solutions, not criticisms Negroes. Then again, it is not really any of your punk-gott-damn business.
NSangoma... the spread of HIV/AIDS in Uganda and other African nations, and for that matter in THIS country as well is no longer predominantly through gay sex... it is through unprotected hetro sex/IV drug use and fastest growing population infected is young african americans......
Solution: Needle exchanges EVERYWHERE! Education, education, education about how this disease is spread. Destimatizing people who are HIV/AIDS positive. Treatment available for everyone.
And, Challenge homophobia whenever and wherever you see it, hear it.... including your families, churches, schools, etc. Which leads me to say THANK YOU Field for blogging about this.
Needle exchanges and education cost money. Does Uganda have the money, does the US have the monies; Jody, do you have the monies to get this done?
The quicker solution, is ...
[quote]Ahh the [un]constructive one. Still a protagonist for his friends at FOX. Boy I sure hope they are giving you something for all of your efforts. James Brown ain't got nothing on you my man. You work harder than a field Negro for those folks. :)[/quote]
Ah but your work in Philly on behalf of MSNBC, HuffPo, DailyKOS and AfroSpear has a far more deleterious impact on the Negro than I would ever imagine doing.
[quote]Solution: Needle exchanges EVERYWHERE! Education, education, education about how this disease is spread. Destimatizing people who are HIV/AIDS positive. Treatment available for everyone.[/quote]
Wow Jody.
Here is a different angle.
Since HIV/AIDS is spread by the EXCHANGE OF BODY FLUID why not focus upon the BEHAVIOR in which a non-infected person is most frequently exposed to those who are?
You see you are looking for a magic and ubiquitous prophylactic to be present. A person who chooses to NOT remain conscious and vigilante about the RISKS that are present and thus checks his behavior as such will instead grow a dependency upon your CONDOMS and CLEAN NEEDLES.
He will remain UNINFECTED as long as YOU deliver these items to him. If and when the FedEx package gets lost in route - this is the day that he will be infected because you did not center upon his humanity and will to live per his behavior.
This is why the constructs of CULTURE and RELIGION are so important. They set up non-arbitrary RULES of behavior and define a greater purpose than the simulation of one's genitalia. These need to be the bedrock upon which a "condom" strategy needs to be added to.
Condoms and needles COST MONEY.
The inculcation of societal rules are passed along free at the dinner table.
"Ah but your work in Philly on behalf of MSNBC, HuffPo, DailyKOS and AfroSpear has a far more deleterious impact on the Negro than I would ever imagine doing."
How so?
And how has your shuffling for white racists helped anyone?
Even you?
Field, man -- first let me state that this blog is a daily necessity. Absolutely love it. And yes, I agree -- people need to be up on both "The Family" ('bout to run out and buy my 2nd copy now as gave the first one away) as well as Max Blumenthal's "Republican Gomorrah". Both great reads and expose these uber-right wing evangelicals for what they really are: [mostly] racist, sex-starved hypocrites.
[quote]And how has your shuffling for white racists helped anyone?[/quote]
Au contraire!!!!
You say this while assuming that the "White Leftist Snarling Foxes" who embolden you to argue their line that Black people are "The Least of These" have no racist or inferiorist views of you in their minds. Their antics prove this constantly.
Though a horse farmer shows love and care for his beasts of burden as he tends to them - not even you are ignorant enough to assume that HE sees THEM as EQUAL BEINGS to himself.
What you NEED TO look at, WhiteBowieSteve - is the STATE OF THE BLACK MAN after decades of receiving the "Progressive Treatment" in exchange for favorable voting.
* Are we now more COMPETENT to provide the health care that we need because the SCHOOLS that favorable people now run are spitting out doctors in abundance?
YOU are content with being a CONSUMER, having your demands met. Less are you worried about WHO is meeting them.
* Are the local institutions that favorable people now run able to order the human resources at their disposal and EMPLOY their BRILLIANT MINDS so that as they express their talents in pursuit of problem solving they also are trading it for COMPENSATION from which they could purchase medical, nutritional, academic and recreational resources.
* Are the LEFTIST SOCIAL AND CULTURAL policies that you have accepted affording Black people - disease-free, healthy living with health HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS?
You and other Sold Out Negroes like us to believe that the people who are inculcated in these environments SHOOT EACH OTHER because drugs are ILLEGAL. Your perverted logic says "make the drugs legal and they wills stop killing". This flies in the face of the series of people who where shot dead via retail robberies just over the past few days after the AfroSpear "Stop Police From Electrocuting Blacks" protest.
Your positions are tired Steve.
The more power your Godless machine arranges the MORE you are prone to blame someone else and thus in this circular reference the more POWER you obtain by "grievance surfing" among your people.
Not only should you be on the look out for "White Racists". You NEED TO be looking out for the NEGROS who, via their own lack of self worth and assumed INFERIORITY are willing to always play the "Poster Child" of damaged goods, all done in the context of a TRANSACTION in which you RECEIVE SOMETHING for your efforts.
Serious questions.
I see conservative blacks like yourselfcondemn Democrats and progressives, yet you offer nothing substantive in the way of an alternative, except to say that more Black folk should be like you.
If I may be so bold, what makes your life so much better, what has your brand of black conservatism gained you over let's say my or Field Negro's life?
Heremakhet said...
buy my 2nd copy now as gave the first one away) as well as Max Blumenthal's "Republican Gomorrah".
Can you help me to understand your logic?
Where Black folks live in our highest concentrations (NYC, Philly, Baltimore, Atlanta, DC, Chicago, etc) the EVIL REPUBLICAN PARTY is weakest.
Why is it then that your understanding of the GOP, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh are the key to FIXING THE BLACK COMMUNITY?
Is it possible that THIS IS NOT THE GOAL of you, Filled Negro, or AfroSpear?
I notice that the one thing that these operatives don't like to dwell upon is WITHIN THE BLACK COMMUNITY. If there is no conservative tie-in the conversation is not interesting.
I listened to Blumenthal talk for 1 full hour on C-SPAN Book TV. Typical leftist claptrap. I would love for him to define the benefits of the religion called "Secular Progressivism" and all of the wonders that it has done by comparision.
It is stunning to see that you and others seek to base your future success based upon your ideological adversaries rather than making note that today YOUR IDEOLOGICAL SOULMATES have total run of the Federal Government and the many of the states and cities where the progressives are grieving the loudest.
ugandans/africans/all blacks fear and hate gays MUCH more than they fear aids
aids is bio war created at ft detrick maryland by us govt. scientists
specifically injected into gay men as hepatitis b shots and millions of het africans as smallpox vaccine
millions of african women are mutilated genitally per brutal sexist torture as tradition...it mandates anal sex
millions of gay men never engage in anal penetration and millions of hets adore anal sex so that an entire american porn genre is devoted to anal sex exclusively
the aids virus is smaller than the pores in condoms...so there is only SAFer sex
100% monogamy/solo sex is the only truly safe sex...
this is not about sex
it is strategic genocide of gays/blacks and addicts
tiger's whores say he never wore condoms...
while the Bible is very clear in what it says about homosexuality, it's also clear on a few things the Lord hates. among them? those who shed innocent blood and those who spread strife among brothers. i'm just sayin'! smh @ this whole mess. are they going to propose a bill to execute people who commit "aggravated premarital sex"? what about the liars and thieves? if all sin is equal, it should be treated as such.
[quote]I see conservative blacks like yourselfcondemn Democrats and progressives, yet you offer nothing substantive in the way of an alternative, except to say that more Black folk should be like you.[/quote]
Do you mind if I correct you?
3 Layers: Permanent Interests. Methodology to Obtain Them. Vehicle by which to execute the Methodology.
I am CLEAR on what the Permanent Interests are. (Won't even bother to repeat them).
The Methodology = Progressive or Conservative
The Vehicle = Democrats, GOP or non-political all together.
Thus MY ALTERNATIVE is NOT selling you the Republican Party. I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN.
My alternative is to AGREE WITH YOU!!!! Your ideology and the machine that you have affixed to as you PURPORT to advance our permanent interests ARE IN CONTROL.
I OWE YOU NO ALTERNATIVE any more than the Food and Drug Association OWES AMERICANS:
* An Alternate DRUG when they pull a drug that causes DEATH BY KIDNEY FAILURE off of the market
* A new FOOD after the one item in question was shown to contain salmonella
WHY is YOUR DEMAND for an ALTERNATIVE from me MORE POWERFUL than the clear observation that after decades of PUSHING A PILL UPON OUR PEOPLE that YOU SAID would CURE US if we helped distribute it to the NEGRO far and wide MORE IMPORTANT THAN YOU SHOWING SOME TRANSPARENCY AND PROVING THAT THIS CONCOCTION WORKS......prior to you assisting in FILLING UP THE EMPTY BOTTLES?
If I may be so bold, what makes your life so much better, what has your brand of black conservatism gained you over let's say my or Field Negro's life?[/quote]
This line of thinking is what angers me the most about you and Filled Negro.
I AM NOT WORRIED ABOUT YOUR PERSONAL SITUATION and your capacity to GUIDE YOUR FAMILIES. I have no doubt that you are good men personally. I have no doubt that you have high standards and would not allow your loved ones to suffer in stench.
My issue with the both of you is WHAT YOU ALLOW OTHER PEOPLE'S CHILDREN TO LIVE IN.
NO I did not say that you thus need to go and try to FEED all of them. This is not possible. This only INFERIORIZES their designated care takers.
What I don't respect about your ideology is that you no not the DAMAGE that you do when you fail to have the ADULTS that you purport to help be positioned as the PRIMARY VEHICLE BY WHICH THEIR OWN ADVANCEMENT AND THE ADVANCEMENT OF THEIR CHILDREN will take place within.
INSTEAD you keep beating the drum of "We wuz done WRONG" and thus you have them focused on EXTERNAL ADVOCACY in which they focus outward.
We are now staring at the Pacific Ocean of your AGENDA - there is no more land west to expand to. Despite this fact YOU ALL now want to CONVINCE THE PEOPLE TO WALK ON WATER so they can continue following you DESPITE the fact that you now control all of the KEY LOCAL INSTITUTIONS over which they are grieving over the failure.
I have the AUDACITY to have you PROVE that YOUR DAMNED PILL WORKS to take it off of the market.
Don't feed other people's kids as YOU feed yours. HAVE THE ADULTS IN THEIR LIVES do as YOU DO with your kids and thus an EXPONENTIAL AMOUNT OF REPLICATION can be had absent the DEPENDENCY and LOYALTY to YOU.
Lets see.... cost of education, condoms and needles v cost of treatment for HIV/AIDS, hospitals, meds, loss of human potential through needless death.... hmmmm..That's a no brainer.
As to UnConn.... what I am suggesting has nothing to do with detering family, churches, synogogs, temples, mosques from their teachings... We have already learned that abstinence only education FAILS! And, is living with HIV/AIDS really what you want the "punishment" to be for sexual activity for your child? Your family member? your fellow church members??? Really?????
He never answers a fuckin question.
He just rants.
"All you negroes are livin' in de projects, shootin each other and droppin babies and it's all because you support Democrats."
Why are the black middle and professional classes Democratic CF?
Why don't they support you and yours?
Can you even answer that?
CF sez
Then where the hell are you going CF?
With Rush Limbaugh? Newt Gingrich?
Give me your ideas or solutions for changing conditions and behavior in the ghetto?
I'm all ears.
I have to hand it to Rachel Meadow, anchor of MSNBC. She stayed on this story each night. She even had the nut job Rob Cohon no trying to defend himself.
Now I'm pretty sure "NSangoma" means "witch doctor" in Zulu. Right out of an old Tarzan movie. LOL Oops, I'm sorry NSangoma. Kinda smarts, don't it?
And who is this person calling you "Filled Negro?" You truly have arrived when folk crawl from the baseboards to scurry around your blog, and aren't even trolls.
Rick Warren is nothing but a street hustler, who worship the dollar bill more than his own salvation.
This is sick. Now I know the 10 commandments say "Thou shalt not kill" but it does not say "Thou shalt not be gay." SMH
President Obama, now a Nobel Prize Winner, needs to sanction Uganda heavily until they drop this silly legislation.
I am a Christian and have nothing in common with the right-wing Christianists who push such a hateful, dangerous agenda.
@ Destructive -- oops, I mean, "Constructive" Feedback. You stated, "Heremakhet: Can you help me to understand your logic?" Do you really believe that simply because in some densely populated urban areas, where the EVIL (your words, not mine though I do agree) Repubikkklan (my K's, not yours) is the weakest, the influence of their brand of conservatism isn't felt? Ever heard of a gun? Republikkkan's love them. So do crack dealers. I'm old enough to remember a popular T-Shirt from way back in the early, pro-black 90s that depicted a Klansman holding two puppets pointing guns at one another: one wore red (a blood), the other blue ( a crip). My, so little has changed since then except the Klansman has taken off the hood and robe. Now they go by much more respectable names than Grand Kleagle or Cyclops -- Beck, Limbaugh, and Hannity. Then you continue: "Why is it then that your understanding of the GOP, Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh are the key to FIXING THE BLACK COMMUNITY?" Actually, I have some advice for the ultra-conservative right, in the interest of restimulating the economy: I heard that they're making another sequel to the Hills Have Eyes movie and they need some extras. Good money in dem dar hills, ya'll!
I agree with you and the others that this legislation in Ughanda is horrendous.
But, I do think that Constructive Feedback hit on something that I also agree with:
I think the U.S.(with all its political & ideological pundits) does not wield the influence over other nations (espescially now) the way many believe it does.
Countries like Iran, Pakistan, and numerous others manage to come up with horrendous political practices independent of if what U.S. liberal and conservatives do and believe.
Even though we can connect figures like Kissinger, Cheney and even Bill Clinton with certain activities abroad, their influence is overblown and over estimated.
What little influence the U.S has will be diminished shortly. We are an Empire in rapid decline.
[quote]President Obama, now a Nobel Prize Winner, needs to sanction Uganda heavily until they drop this silly legislation.[/quote]
So you see THIS as a greater cause for a "Nobel Prize Winner" than to imperil 50,000 US military troops into a war zone?
I am a Christian and have nothing in common with the right-wing Christianists who push such a hateful, dangerous agenda.[/quote]
Do you see HATRED in a lifestyle that rejects Christian dogma for Secular Fundamentalism and thus appoints a "Do it if it feels good" agenda which later attacks the "holy" for not helping them due to their relgious bigotry?
What about the Secular Fundamentalism that exposed them to such danger?
If Christians believe that we all were made in the image of God - Jamdown - what is your message to the Progressives who operate under the banner of Christian charity yet they assume the INFERIORITY of God's creature and thus points to God for praise for the INCREASE in the length of their soup line.
What if God asks him "What have you done to have my disciples recognize their own strength that is shown by walking in my footsteps and thus DEPARTING FROM YOUR SOUP LINE?". Do you think that YOU would get a passing grade?
FN, I'm not an 'Obamaholic'. And I noted that you didn't really what these wingnuts do on Obama.
I was merely stating that it takes about only a few degrees of Kevin Bacon for Alicia Banks to go in on the man.
I wasn't the biggest Obama fan. I supported John Edwards, before he decided to pull a Tiger Woods on us. Hell, I supported Ralph Nader since I was able to vote back in '96. This gives you a clue where my politics lie.
Criticizing Obama isn't the issue, this brother needs a few kicks in the pants. Its seeing him on the same level as Black helicopters & the third man on the grass knoll.
To the point, until Christians folks discuss all sexuality like educated civilized people these kind of whacked out laws will continue to pop up.
Jody - you are one santimonous.......
[quote]Lets see.... cost of education, condoms and needles v cost of treatment for HIV/AIDS, hospitals, meds, loss of human potential through needless death.... hmmmm..That's a no brainer.[/quote]
There is nothing about your line of thinking that will allow YOU TO HAVE THESE "EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS" that are under discussion to WEIGH THE COSTS that you have enumerated and make the CHOICE that those few minutes of PLEASURE upon their genitalia OR as induced by the CHEMICALS that they put in their bodies IS NOT WORTH IT!!!
Instead you want SOCIETY to do the calculus and put a functional "body condom" over the person that protects him from all risks that HIS OWN THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS ensare him in.
Seriously Jody - Do YOU believe that all adult humans are EQUAL? Or do you see a "cared for class" and a class of PROVIDERS who are commissioned to feed them lest they starve?
The main person who is an ATTACKER of SOCIAL STRICTURES seeks to errect a "No-Fault Government Caretaker" state as a substitute.
There is NOTHING that some person who seeks to DESTORY HISMELF that you will let them do.
[quote]We have already learned that abstinence only education FAILS! [/quote]
Jody - you thorougly amaze me.
IS Abstinence Only Education present in the Liberal controlled schools in BALTIMORE and DC? THESE TWO CITIES have the highest HIV infection rates despite this.
Do you see Jody that with your own ideological bigotry you are inclined to put CONSERVATIVE/TRADITIONAL culture ON TRIAL.
When there are glowing examples of the failure of the Secular Progressive substitute your solution is MORE GOVERNMENT "trying" to defend the people from themselves.
This is why it is hard for me to accept that YOU have an inate belief that indeed ALL HUMAN'S have an equal capacity and resposibility to align their desire for a LONG, DISEASE-FREE LIFE with their serial behavior that can assure this.
it actually takes me less
kevin bacon = 6 degrees
obama = gwb 2.0 = only 1 degree
for real brother
[quote]Why are the black middle and professional classes Democratic CF? Why don't they support you and yours?[/quote]
WHY DO YOU register the value of MY THOUGHTS based upon the willingness of the Black Middle class to AGREE WITH ME?
Why is it that MORE TRUTH can be found by the fact that these BLACK MIDDLE CLASS, Educated people VOTE LIKE and support many of the POLICIES that POOR BLACK PEOPLE support. This DESPITE the failure of these policies to lift the people.....especially when they are ALL ALONE ALL BY THEMSELVES (absent the evil conservatives) in Philly, Chicago, Detroit, etc).
Sold out Blacks like YOU move away from the "danger" of the ghetto and then you VOTE for people who offer entitlement with the assumption that you are helping them.
IF YOU HAD MORE INTEGRITY - you would consider what you prefer in the governance of Bowie MD and then GO BACK to Trindidad DC and push for THIS EFFECTIVE COMMUNITY GOVERNANCE in this place - just as YOU PREFER where you live.
You and Jody share the assumed inferiority of the people in your soup line to bear the burdens of the STANDARD OF LIVING and CIVILITY that you wish to errect upon them.
Give me your ideas or solutions for changing conditions and behavior in the ghetto?[/quote]
Does anyone detect any measure of EQUALITY within the people who will receive the gratis from WhiteBowieSteve's outreach?
HOW do you HELP a people when you start out with the assumption that YOU are going to go into their world and CHANGE THEM????
1) Start out with the agreement IN YOURSELF that you are engaging WHOLEY EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS rather than perspective followers of your EXCITING message. YOU only succeed when you DISTRIBUTE STRENGTH AND INTELLIGENCE TO THE PERIPHERY with full confidence in them.
2) Get them to AGREE that following the same course is TOO PAINFUL!!!! Doing so will likely produce the SAME DAMNED OUTCOMES
3) Get them to agree that (just as with Christian Salvation) THEY NEED TO BE THE PRIMARY AGENT FOR CHANGE OF THEIR DOMAIN since they will also be the MAIN BENEFACTOR of these improved conditions within
4) Get them focused on staking out a DOMAIN of defined deminsions and COTNROLLING THAT PLOT OF LAND, maintaining a high standard throughtout. Have them focused and responsible for MANAGING everything WITHIN this plot of land. Break them of their gossip and lust for EXTERNAL AFFAIRS of other people that HAVE LITTLE BEARING ON THEM. (This will be hard for you and Filled Negro as this is what your main currency is)
5) Have them to adopt TRANSPARENT MEASURE by which the systems that they have implemented can be MEASURED FOR THEIR EFFICACY. Toss what has FAILED. Retain what has worked. EDUCATE THE NEXT GENERATION about what has worked via their culture.
Here's the point Steve. The key talking point among Black folks is how our CULTURE WAS STOLEN during slavery. The truth is that the CULTURE of the past that you hold in reverence was DEVELOPED over time using the same process above. The hunting strategies of the men were honed by the knowledge that in order to kill some prey - they needed to work colaboratively.
In today's "Educated Ignorance' more people are focused on the concept of STOLEN CULTURE and the grievance there in than they are conscious about the FUNCTION of a culture and how WE HAVE ONE RIGHT NOW but it needs adjustment for POSITIVE CHANGE to occur.
You want a LIST FROM ME of specific TASKS. I can tell that in your professional capacity you have only WORKED WITHIN a prescribed set of tasks that were defined for you.
I don't need to give you tasks. I gave you CONSTRUCTS and IDEAS. Once there is agreement at this high level THEN you dole out DAILY TASKS to these "Ghetto Dwellers" that you are so interested in "helping".
The best "help" that you can give them is to turn their "Ghetto" into a FULL SERVICE COMMUNITY - all without requiring them to move out. Merely a new consciousness is required.
Anybody ever see that episode of X-Files called "Home"? It featured an inbred family called the Peabodys where the armless and legless mother (who slept underneath the bed) was having, er how do I put this, relations with her three sons in an effort to keep the family bloodline pure. That episode foretold the future of the Birther/ Tenther/ Evangelical/ Fundamentalist movement. Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction, indeed.
i think it is both a sad and petrifying day when ANY citizen who dares to organize and protest ANY govt is slandered and maligned so...
ALL unchecked power is corrupt
even that of the "god obama"
dissent = freedom
black people need to stop insulting and start imitating
our black teasa are the most toxic
[quote] Ever heard of a gun? Republikkkan's love them. So do crack dealers. I'm old enough to remember a popular T-Shirt from way back in the early, pro-black 90s that depicted a Klansman holding two puppets pointing guns at one another: one wore red (a blood), the other blue ( a crip). My, so little has changed since then except the Klansman has taken off the hood and robe.[/quote]
You are a "Black Inferiorist" and don't even see it do you?
The two Black people who were killed 2 nights ago in metro Atlanta WHERE NOT killed by the 5 Street Pirates that they caught yesterday. They were killed by THE UBIQUITOUS WHITE KLAN. They don't even need to BE PHYSICALLY PRESENT and yet, per your line of thinking THEY made the INFERIOR who pulled the trigger DO IT!!!
I am sure that you have seen over the years many people who had just committed a "Drive By Shooting" which killed one or more Black people and was stopped by the police as he sped away.
I for one have NEVER seen such a killers car searched only to find a CD changer full of:
* Sean Hannity
* Rush Limbaugh
* Michael Steele recordings which talked about killing Blacks.
BUT WAIT!! These cars are often full of songs made by Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Jay Z and others in which THEY talk about SHOOTING BLACK PEOPLE who diss them as they step to them.
So I must ask you Heremakhet - if on his radio show Sean Hannity used the VERY SAME STUDIO MICROPHONE to record his voice that a rapper used to record the lyrics of his song - WHAT ABOUT THE VIBRATIONS OF THE MICROPHONE coming from Sean Hannity's vocal chords are SUPERIOR to those of the rapper which make them a SUPERIOR threat in your mind?
Or do you believe that these rappers who are the "Voice of the Murderous Street Pirates" are INFERIOR?
As you look at Filled Negro's Murder Count in Phiilly - how many of the killers Lisen to Sean Hannity?
Some of you all achieve a state of masturbation via your attacks upon your enemies EVEN IF your rants can't be modeled to the real world that you live in.
These are only done for pacification purposes. You get your views echoed by fellow travelers and thus "a fish don't know he wet"
thanks field for posting this..you know I read the same is going down in Iran..but this story has been following on rachel madcow for awhile (i don't give her the time of day because she is way immature in delivering the news) but my roomate likes to her podcast..I just feel like she's trivialized the genocides in Africa by singling out just this piece of legislation, Amerrykkka has had its hand in the killing of Africans for years and though it is horrible you got to tell how exactly C-street and whomever came into this at such a time how long this has been going on..but shes too lazy to do any of that kind of investigative journalism for pranking with that pop culture moment idiot...but if you're going to report people being killed in Uganda a hotspot why just limit it just to Gays or why not tell about the Gays being killed in the same fashion in Iran too?
*a hotspot for the genocides.
ditto but
black gays in africa are being killed by black african peers
not some racist outside forces via africom etc...
there was national attn given to all of the hets murdered by peers in rwanda
the evil that blacks do to other blacks is only ok/divine when those other blacks are gays
"but if you're going to report people being killed in Uganda a hotspot why just limit it just to Gays or why not tell about the Gays being killed in the same fashion in Iran too?"
Thank you.
To the point, until Christians folks discuss all sexuality like educated civilized people these kind of whacked out laws will continue to pop up.
You don't think that this kind of stuff doesn't go on in the muslim world on the regular? Islam has spread its own version of fundamentalist nonsense in Africa. The main problem is religion itself.
I think I know the real reason that the Ugandans were inspired to want to kill the queers.
You have no right to use the term queer. You don't belong to that group, therefore it's off limits.
ditto anon:
all religions = primers for hatred
we MUST discuss science too
as long as homohaters keep LYING about homos being unnatural in EVERY living species...all will be in vain...religious or not
thank you g!
i hate the word queer
it is akin to nigger
queers are strange and niggers are ignorant
there is nothing strange or ignorant about me
i am gay/lesbian/black/african-american ONLY
ab: Ok. It would have helped if she had broke that down..
she made it seem that this had not been going down before C-street got involved (to me) just to throw more mud on the right than to actually point out that other Africans had come to their own conclusion to wrongfully exterminate gays and that this legislation is just fanning flames. smh
[quote]I just feel like she's trivialized the genocides in Africa by singling out just this piece of legislation[/quote]
Might it be that the real agenda of Maddow was to attack the 3 AMERICAN Christian Evengelists who traveled to the country to link up with the church body there than she has any particular interest in health and wellbeing of the people themselves?
The Africans are like deer and rabbits - BACK DROP within the larger story that she wanted to make about the "Threat of Conservative Evangelicals" to HER agenda.
@ Reconstructive Feedback: You stated, "I for one have NEVER seen such a killers car searched only to find a CD changer full of:
* Sean Hannity
* Rush Limbaugh
* Michael Steele recordings which talked about killing Blacks.
BUT WAIT!! These cars are often full of songs made by Young Jeezy, Lil Wayne, Jay Z and others in which THEY talk about SHOOTING BLACK PEOPLE who diss them as they step to them."
Wow. Where to start? First, ever heard of the telecommunications Act of 1996? The one (signed by a philandering Democrat, I might add) that removed the limitations placed on media companies for ownership? Long story short, if Clear Channel and Emmis didn't own 98 % of the radio market because of the law, perhaps we (conscious, community minded people of Afrikan descent) could get some REAL music played on the stations that spoke to our community and not this hood-rat so-called music they play today through Clear Channel and Emmis Communications. And recent efforts to try to bring back a sense of balance to radio stations have been stymied by the same sorts of ultra conservative, money grabbing Republikkkans we're talking about. This means that more positive, community-based programming can't compete with the Clear Channel and Emmis-sponsored programming -- i.e., the Lil Wayne and Jay-Z material you spoke of earlier. (And just for the record, no - Hannity and Steele have never recorded a song talking about killing blacks, but the Republikkan Birther Movement - as evidenced by their backwoods behavior at these townhall meetings and rallies - sure does seem awfully preoccupied with bringing harm to ONE particular person, hmmmm.)
But back to Clear Channel. So the long and short of it is this: On the Am dial, you will hear your Clear Channel puppets Michael Savage and Sean Hannity going on and on about that rap music and how violent it is, and at the same time, on the FM dial, Clear Channel-owned stations are playing precisely the same music Savage and Hannity are complaining about.
Check ya facts, Constructive. I think you just got owned.
@ Destructive Feedback: Oh, and just for the record, that whole "they were playing rap music when they did the driveby" argument is so, so old. I think that one was used around the time
Republikkkans were up in arms over Ice T's Cop Killer. For all we know, these drive by shooters could have been listening to Toby Keith.
Interesting. Have you read Pam's article today on this? It appears to state that Warren opposes the proposed Ugandan genocidal bill.
1. I think the "kill the gays" bill is the tip of the iceberg. Pat Robertson has been rooting around in Africa for a couple decades. This is about a much older game: profit from Africa's minerals. The evangelicals have money to invest in minerals projects, and they use religion as a way to build trust relationships. If it wasn't "kill the gays," it would be some other religious tangent.
2. Wherever they occur, crusades against homosexuality are always diversions. In Uganda, it's a diversion from other AIDS-related issues that involve heterosexuality.
3. Of all the "Family" stuff in this case, the most interesting angle to me is that Sen. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, who is a rabies-infected dog on the subject of homosexuality (and separately, on global warming, which he denies), was at the meeting in which the "kill the gays" legislation was first discussed.
4. As vile as the legislation is, I have to put it in a broader context. This is Uganda, which in the not too distant past was presided over by a cannibal. Once you've read the story of Idi Amin, not a whole lot about Uganda can be very shocking. So, Field is right to focus on the American angle here, which IS shocking. To me, the "kill the gays" legislation is the logical conclusion of the anti-gay rhetoric we've seen from evangelicals for the last 30 years. A large segment of American Christianity is filled to the brim with hatred.
Interesting. Have you read Pam's article today on this? It appears to state that Warren opposes the proposed Ugandan genocidal bill.
Rachel Maddow made an excellent point about such statements: They are for American consumption only. None of these people who now say they "oppose" the Ugandan legislation that they helped create is making the same statements to Uganda, in Uganda.
The Africans are like deer and rabbits - BACK DROP within the larger story that she wanted to make about the "Threat of Conservative Evangelicals" to HER agenda.
CF: Exactly, now though the rhetoric can be held to fanning some of the flames on behalf of the ministers the overall goal is to contain the AIDS virus...no I dont agree with how they are doing it with this legislation..but where are her ideas and solutions if she really cares about the gays in Africa being senslessly killed...
this disease trancends sexuality lines and its time for both ends to live up to putting a stop to it.
However, Rather than saying 'this is not the way to do it.' shes taken the offensive and made it her mission to project an image that Christians hate gays and is making herself look ridiculous and immature in the process....and the people that come out on the show do little to help the case..in my eyes they both need to sit their asses down..
people are dead/dying (and why all the sudden concern for Africa now).
I consider myself to be pretty liberal but when there are a nation of people being killed or oppressed and you take that and make a window of opportunity just to throw salt in someone elses sugar to satisfy your underlying disbelief and intolerance of that persons views..that is just petty...that ain't right...that goes beyond religion, party, race, sexuality...
I thought the issue was with AIDS in Africa and ppl with aids gay or straight period. No, these two are too immature to put aside their different beliefs to rap on this but its Maddow night after night going off about intolerance...we know there are false prophets out there..but you are just supposed to be so much better calling them out on their personal beliefs than the issue..
I can't with Maddow...not when ppl are being killed...thats where the buck stop. She's always kind of irked me.
No, I don't agree with everything the right does i don't agree with everything the left does but thats the problem I have with Olbermann and Maddow Beck and them is that they inject their opinion into the news and its not only uncalled for but showing that you dont have enough self control to to blow the whistle on a issue an keep your opinions to yourself.
Jesus was beat, spit upon..what makes either one of them think that they won't have to suffer?
and even if you have no use for religion know that no one is above persecution.
i understand you
but i also understand that droves of christians DO hate gays
and that white gods and hatred of ALL gays ARE imports in africa
before white religions created sexuals sins, gays were not outcast in africa
africa is the 1st world
homosexuality is human
and human gays in africa preceded
holy haters like the lying rabid dog warren et al....
"One study on homosexuality in Africa indicates that of 78 cultures, with little contact with Western values, 49 approved of or at least tolerated homosexuality. This may indicate that homophobia (NOT homosexuality) is a Western colonial import."
Brother to Brother, anthology edited by Marlon Riggs
AB: No harm, no foul. We just choose to agree to disagree. Frankly, I've been in politics to know that American politics is probably the most regressive of any Western nation. Even so-called right wing governments in Italy would be considered flaming lefties here in the states. Hence, a GWB can get anything he wants political, while a progressive (even a DINO like Obama or Clinton) would get stumped and squashed no matter what. And its only gotten worse since the Left imploded in the 70's.
But Grinder has a point. This 'Kill the Queers' bill in Uganda, though ghastly, is a political red herring. The real goal for the Family to practice de facto re-colonization. Get the Ugandans and other African nation goose stepping to the right wing's beat and American companies can control the mineral repositories. Remember Pat Robertson propped up Sierra Leone's dictators in the 80's and 90's because he had money invested in the blood diamond trade.
This isn't about gays, per se. Its about beating the Chinese and the Russians for Africa's natural resources.
see more on hypochristians who truly hate gays:
ditto lac
i respect you as a king even when i disagree...
and yes
all of the -isms are related!
ALL divisions by sexuality/race/gender/class/color etc
are done to divide and conquer
imperialism and fascism trump all others
if i didn't know any better i'd believe the media doesn't quite realize that tiger woods only cheated on his wife. o.j. "allegedly" butchered two human beings.
dear media: you are brainwashing again.
krystalxlyte, what's your point? Your comment was all over the place. Are you in favor of this kill-the-gays stuff or not?
i really think even rush is innocent on this one
no one thinks that tiger is a brute or a murderer like oj
and they know elin is no nicole...
but both oj and tiger have become clones for bros obsessed with collecting white women like shelves of trophies
i love this!
droves of christians DO hate gays and that white gods and hatred of ALL gays ARE imports in africa
True, I was raised pentecostal (am not pentecostal now) and I do not dislike/hate gays at all...but I question if that would be a different case if I had stayed with my family's church.
I agree that the white western religion/philosophy has been used as a tool to justify the hate and the cause of hate among specifically among minorities and people of color and in pastor warrens instance, he used that opportunity window I was talkin about to divide and decieve..
its the reason those people who have proposed that ridiculous bill aren't seen as murderous hate mongers among their peers.
They fit the culprit and proof of those who came before them are the ones who use religion as a device to enhance the principles of colonization of the African people and those whom are considered inferior to their standards and "must come 'subject' to their will."
You are right not to take these people spreading hate and twisting words from their bible seriously and encourage you to do so...we were not christians when we were brought here..not pegging down christianity or anything, that is a fact.
"One study on homosexuality in Africa indicates that of 78 cultures, with little contact with Western values, 49 approved of or at least tolerated homosexuality.."
True. which makes me sincerly wonder if those cultures that had contact with western values were still in their untainted state and if Maddow had this bit of knowledge or researched about that would as much of a damn about AIDS in Africa.
Don: Say Word!! We all know that given Rush's history -- comparing Tiger to OJ was not a mere slip. Rush, as usual, was race baiting and fanning the flames of his closet KKK audience.
He was implying that a serial cheater is the equivalent of a known spousal abuser and (alleged) murderer, because, as AB perfectly stated, they're both Black athletes that like to collect white girls like trophies.
But to Kryst, I think her point is that she wants news broadcasters and not well paid pundits grandstanding on their pet issues. Why would Uganda even consider such a loopy policy? It may have to do with AIDS grip on Africa. Also, a Grinder, Uganda was ran by a Black man who thought he was Scottish and allegedly ate his enemies. But to K's point, none of that enters in Maddow's reporting on the issue. It feeds into the narrative that all Evangelical Christians want to run the world like the Taliban.
Even if said pet issue is related to a rather insane idea of killing off gays. (That's like trying to kill of left handers. Genetics tells you the job will never be done.), its still feeding that narrative. No different than Fox News hounding Obama on everything from state dinners to his damn dog. And I agree with Maddow, and I can see the bias.
ditto lac and k:
we are all biased stakeholders per our own ids and roles...
i love rachel
but she is a wf
her angle is gay hatred
that is her vested interest as a target of domestic same homohaters
who are expanding in africa
i am sure she knows little about the complex and toxic legacies of white supremacist religions in africa
and that is the vested interest of my black gay peers and i in our missions to save those who look like us...globally
Also, a Grinder, Uganda was ran by a Black man who thought he was Scottish and allegedly ate his enemies.
He thought he was Scottish? Now that just might be the weirdest part of the whole Idi Amin story! As for the "allegedly" part, I think we can safely drop the qualifier. Too many disparate reports to say that it only might have happened.
grinder: I'm sorry..I have an love/habit of looking at both sides of the people's argument when arguing a case and I think its something we're all too starved of in this US vs. THEM society brought to you by Amerrykkkan MSM I'm learning to clearly project as I go along but am in NO way for this whole 'kill the gays bill'
I only got on rachel b/c it seems that she took an opportunity to tie everything back to a personally despised organization that does not share her beliefs/feelings about practically everything else rather than choosing to be above that to say 'we have a problem in Uganda..this is the problem...why and what is being done to make sure this bill does NOT pass'
Its dangerous now not to ever question some of the things that are being reported and she has an attitude that seems to be of because she is of the liberal cause, she is above questioning.
She has as much responsibility just as the one she slams on the opposite wing to handling the news... and I am curious if anyone knows of credible Ugandan sources that can give details of just how this proposal is proceeding from a legislative standpoint and chances for passage.
On the other hand, I thought the concern with this was the containing of AIDS..but it is an attempt by the right wing in amerrykkka who could have far more nefarious plans to gain influence in this country other than to get straight Ugandans to start killing gay and colonizing Ugandans in an effort to contain AIDS (operation OIL part II?)
..I really don't think Ugandans would have issue with gays had it not been for Amerrykkkans delving into the affairs of Africa.
The hateful rhetoric these so called christians are spreading in Uganda is dangerous and is fanning the flames.
Where is the aid to help get these people nutritious food and portable water? The issue goes beyond the kill-the-homosexuals bill. It started with the "aids" and the Genocide in Africa is hoax and grew into this.
The right wingers involved in this legislation are throwing (taxpayer) money at it it's all about using unstable governments to push their cause which has nothing to do with helping the people in those countries...its wrong..and Rachel has reduced it to the simplistic notion of gays being killed in Uganda when this could be operation OIL part II..
like i said...the same is going down in Iran...but she doesn't seem to eagar to report on that...why?
I don't share your criticisms of Maddow's reporting on this. The Uganda bill looks like it was inspired by "the Family," and Maddow in fact had a Ugandan minister on her show to talk about it. Also, I don't think that Maddow is obligated to discuss Iranian oppression of gays in an investigation about Uganda's "kill the gays" legislation.
More generally, I appreciate independent thought, but "independence" does not mean "splitting the difference." There are times when one side of an issue is right and the other is wrong. This is one of those times, and I'm grateful to Maddow for drilling down on this when the subject has been almost completely ignored elsewhere in the media.
I thought you'd be interested to read about Rick Warren's recent statement concerning this matter: http://blog.christianitytoday.com/ctliveblog/archives/2009/12/rick_warren_oth.html.
Why are you fixated on Iran, the LBGTI community is being murdered and brutalized in many countries of Africa and I would think human life is more important than oil. Check out Black Looks if you want sources.
warren is a rabid vulgar homohater
his belated bactracking under duress is a flagrantly insincere PR move
he also spotlessly cleaned up his formerly homohating website when obama made him a global superstar...
don't believe the hype...
krystalxlyte, I have to agree with grinder.
I don't understand your critisism of Maddow either.
Maybe because she is a lesbian that she felt the need expose the activities of the U.S. based group's neferious doings.
As far as killing gays to combat AIDS that would work but most AIDS cases are transmitted through heterosexual intercourse.
I remember watching some special about AIDS in Africa and it was featuring a ritual where a woman whose husband who died would have sex with this man to 'cleanse' her of the spirit of his death so she would be permitted to seek another husband.
This 'cleanser' serviced many women and imagine if he or one of the women had HIV how many women would have it and their partners and so on.
I don't recall the country or region of Africa where this occured so it may not Uganda but you have to admit some of those African countries have some freaky practices. Yuck!!
yes tha rabid ignorance and homohatred fuel many horrors re: aids
many african men infected with aids
also rape young girls and virgins as a mythical cure
www.truthorfiction.com/rumors/a/aids-virgins.htm -
here is more on virgin rapes as aids cures
all sin leads to death, but unfortunately if we were to go by God's laws yes, the sin of homosexuality would lead to death.But not just Homosexuality, infidelity, etc. but now we have mercy, God won't necessarily strike us under Judgement for our sins. Thats why Jesus came.He didn't come to condemn the world.Any bible you read says that same thing, but Christ came to save us from this fate and homosexuality as well as infidelity and other sins of immorality were punishable by death in the old testament. Sorry but true. As Christians we thank God for His mercy, but we cannot take His mercy for granted. This law is a bit harsh, but if we went by what it actually says in the word, meaning if the worlds laws lined up with God's the penatly for not repenting is harsher. But God has mercy and wants ALL to repent, so dying at the hand of the govt need not be if you follow God's laws..wake up people, there is an afterlife you can't just do what you want. But God is merciful. peace.
all you can do is pray for the hearts of the Ugandan govt, I believe only God is the Judge of man, and only He has the right to take someone's life.It is not mans role. I think this is only a wake up call. Hopefully they will grant mercy and change this law.
read that buybull
There are thousands of REAL SINS in the bible that gaybashers ignore/commit. Selective smoke and blasphemous mirrors will never save their souls or mask their hypocrisy. Unlike the misinterpretations and exaggerations regarding homosexuality, the bible makes SPECIFIC references to many actual sins that gaybashers habitually ignore. (See NUMEROUS biblical references to adultery, lying, judging, dietary laws, gosiping, infidelity, disrespecting authority, betraying family etc....)
The bible is not a primer for hatred. The bible is “the good book”. Gaybashers use it exclusively as an evil bat; one they use exclusively to bash the skulls of homosexuals
you will find no claims against homosexuality
you will find that you are a sinner as you judge gays
i pray:
dear jesus, PLEASE deliver us all from the "christians"!!!!!
For more spiritual truth on homosexuality in the bible read:
Their Own Receive Them Not: African-American Lesbians& Gays in Black Churches-
Their Own Receive Them Not: African -American Gays & Lesbians in Black Churches by Dr. Horace L. Griffin
The Good Book-Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart by Peter Gomes
The Church and The Homosexual by John McNeill
What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality by Daniel Helminiak
The Word is Out-The Bible Reclaimed for Lesbians & Gay Men by Chris Glaser
Homosexuality-The Test Case for Christian Sexual Ethics by James Hanigan
Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why by Bart D. Ehrman
The Bible - various human authors and editions
hwo do you follow and pray about these biblical laws??????
1. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord - Lev.1:9. The problem is my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?
2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?
3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness - Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.
4. Lev.25:44 states that I may indeed possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can't I own Canadians?
5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath. Exodus 35:2. The passage clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself?
6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination - Lev.11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality. I don't agree. Can you settle this? Are there 'degrees' of abomination?
7. Lev.21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle room here?
8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev.19:27. How should they die?
9. I know from Lev.11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?
10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? - Lev.24:10-16. Couldn't we just burn them to death at a private family affair like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev.20:14)
how do you follow and pray about these marital laws for all hets in the bible too????
Black people brazenly ignore their bibles completely unless they are referring to homosexuals. Black people who dare to order homosexuals to obey nonexistent biblical marital laws for homosexuals simultaneously disobey biblical laws that order married heterosexuals as follows:
Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one
man and one or more women. (Genesis 29:17-28; II Samuel 3:2-5)
Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in
addition to his wife or wives. (II Samuel; 5:13; I Kings 11:3; II Chronicles
A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If
the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed. (Deutoronomy 22:13-21)
Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden.
(Genesis 24:3; Numbers 25:1-9; Ezra 9:12; Nehemiah 10:30)
Since marriage is for life, neither this Constitution nor the
Constitution of any State, nor any state or federal law, shall be
construed to permit divorce. (Deuteronomy 22:19; Mark 10:9)
If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the
widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately
does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law. (Genesis 38:6-10;
Deuteronomy 25:5-10)
Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers. (Matthew
5:31-32) (Mark 10:4)
Adulterers shall be stoned to death. (Leviticus 20:10)
Perhaps most strangely of all to date: Black people who know that King Shrub is a
thief, a liar, a racist, a warmonger, and a global mass murderer who has literally
destroyed America’s economy, educational arenas, and international security will
actually vote for him soon simply because he hates homosexuals.
Southern Doc...I feel your pain. :)
Heremhakhet, way to give it the old college try, but I am afraid that you aren't going to move the [un]constructive one from his conservative mountain.
Zimbel, I will be sure to check out Pam's article.
Sup Yawdie Chris? When are you going to drop antother one of those great essays on us?
scottcrocker, thanks for that link.
"But Grinder has a point. This 'Kill the Queers' bill in Uganda, though ghastly, is a political red herring. The real goal for the Family to practice de facto re-colonization. Get the Ugandans and other African nation goose stepping to the right wing's beat and American companies can control the mineral repositories."
Interesting point.
"You have no right to use the term queer. You don't belong to that group, therefore it's off limits."
Grinder Jody and AB gave me permission. Didn't you know? I am an Honorary Gay Negro. ;)
ditto fn!
all kings are honorary anythings they wish to be always!....bet!
notice how quiet the gaybashers get about biblical laws for THEM??????
they are really flexible about editing the buybull for everyone EXCEPT us gays!!!
i am sick and tired of fake prayiing married church folks with side pcs and tattoos and condoms/bc pills sitting at red lobster eating shrimp and bashing gays!!!!....
what holy bs!!!!
how do you pray about the lesbian and gay lovers in the bible????
The two most passionate love stories in the bible are not heterosexual ones. Lesbians Ruth and Naomi, and gay men David and Jonathan, are the most explicitly romantic lovers in the bible!
Of course gaybashers will never share these renowned facts. In fact, the very same heterosexual homohaters, who deny that Ruth and Naomi were lovers, routinely choose to quote beautiful words that Naomi spoke to Ruth as their own wedding vows! How brazenly hypocritical!!!
Grinder - Is your credibility important to you?
[quote]Pat Robertson has been rooting around in Africa for a couple decades. This is about a much older game: profit from Africa's minerals. The evangelicals have money to invest in minerals projects, and they use religion as a way to build trust relationships.[/quote]
I can't get out of my mind the notion that you and Rachel Maddow think of "DUMB, EMOTIONAL NEGROES" who are impressed by "people speaking in tongues" when I hear you explain how Uganda's national legislature and executive was TRICKED into developing this legislation.
Please do me one favor. Type these works Grinder:
"I believe that Black Africans are EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS, with the full capabilities to LOVE and HATE as any other".
how do you pray about these 10 supreme biblical laws that do not mention gays!!!???
"And God spoke all these words, saying: 'I am the LORD your God…
ONE: 'You shall have no other gods before Me.'
TWO: 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'
THREE: 'You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.'
FOUR: 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.'
FIVE: 'Honor your father and your mother.'
SIX: 'You shall not murder.'
SEVEN: 'You shall not commit adultery.'
EIGHT: 'You shall not steal.'
NINE: 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.'
TEN: 'You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.'
Yeah, looks like Warren smelled the brewing coffee and finally did the right thing today:
"What I think is most significant is that Warren called this bill "extreme, unjust and unchristian towards homosexuals". It is absolutely and unequivocally unchristian to demonize a whole group of people and to threaten them with execution simply because of their sexual orientation and their need for love and sex and intimacy and companionship like every other human being. And for Warren to deploy Christian arguments in defense of the dignity of homosexual persons is a big step forward in this debate. I am grateful to him for staying true to the Gospels." - Andrew Sullivan
oh and since when does Constructive Feedback give a fuck about "Black Africans"? This is news.
shoutout to Alicia for keepin it real on Ruth and David. LOL @ the homophobes tryin front like straight male friends act like David and Johnathan did. Like, come on.
"And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded."
1 Samuel 20:41, King James Version.
@ Field: "way to give it the old college try..."
Really dough. I know we were a bit off topic, but I think I may have shut Unconstructive down. Haven't heard a peep out of him since.
Bruh, like I said, love the site. Just keep doing what you do.
Heremakhet I will operate from the assumption that you are fully proud of all that you have typed.
[quote]First, ever heard of the telecommunications Act of 1996? The one (signed by a philandering Democrat, I might add) that removed the limitations placed on media companies for ownership?[/quote]
Heremakhet - about 4 weeks ago I saw 2 young Black kids who were selling their home made rap CD in front of the local "Food Lion". I paid $5 for a CD just to help them out.
When I popped in in my car I was astounded at the VIOLENT CONSCIOUSNESS that these 2 early 20-somethings had DESPITE them living in the suburbs.
I realize that you are attempting to make this content a function of RECORD CONTRACTS and RADIO PLAY. The sad truth is that THIS IGNORANCE EXISTS regardless of the channel that "Green Lights It".
Worse yet YOU don't attack IT and the MINDS THAT CRAFTED IT.
Yet - let some toothless redneck from backwoods Kentucky come up with a "Klan Rap". Filled-Negro will search it out and syndicate it on his propaganda blog. NO NEED for a record contract. They would get 6M hits in about one month.
[quote][ Long story short, if Clear Channel and Emmis didn't own 98 % of the radio market because of the law, perhaps we (conscious, community minded people of Afrikan descent) could get some REAL music played on the stations that spoke to our community and not this hood-rat so-called music they play today through Clear Channel and Emmis Communications.[/quote]
So tired.
iPhones, iPod, Zunes, Chocolate phones, PC streaming music, MySpace, SiriusXM, DirecTV music channels.
There are more musical outlets today than there ever has been and yet YOU try to drag me into your ideologically bigoted debate about Clearchannel and CBS Radio.
I see more INDEPENDENT rap stars with self-emblazoned vans pushing their albums than ever before. They have a MySpace page address upon the van.
RADIO PLAY is the last thing on these people's minds today.
This is merely a DIVERSION from the IGNORANT CONTENT which you are reluctant to go after BECAUSE OF WHO is saying it.
If Rush Limbaugh put together a "Greatest Ignorant Rap Hits Of All Time Performed By Wiggers" YOU would take to the protest line.
And recent efforts to try to bring back a sense of balance to radio stations have been stymied by the same sorts of ultra conservative, money grabbing Republikkkans we're talking about.[/quote]
No kidding. I would have never guessed - coming from you.
Its a good thing the GOP has no power in the Congress AND that Obama's operatives control the FCC. This conservative agenda is DEAD.
[quote] This means that more positive, community-based programming can't compete with the Clear Channel and Emmis-sponsored programming -- i.e., the Lil Wayne and Jay-Z material you spoke of earlier.[/quote]
I am not sure about that one. When I was in Miami about 4 months ago I heard what turned out to be a PIRATE RADIO. I documented the frequency of this straight up IGNORANT music that had no censoring. When I drove a few more miles it was gone. Upon further research there was no such station officially registered.
Check ya facts, Constructive. I think you just got owned.[/quote]
Indeed. I need to put some sav on my back to allow the lashing marks to heal. Thank you. Do it again sir.
I think that one was used around the time Republikkkans were up in arms over Ice T's Cop Killer. For all we know, these drive by shooters could have been listening to Toby Keith.
The fact that Young Jeezy, et all talk about SHOOTING BLACK PEOPLE is of no consequence.
IF Toby Keith mentioned merely "Whistling Dixie" he would get his own post on the Filled Negro blog.
I don't share your criticisms of Maddow's reporting on this.
and neither are you entitled to, variety is the spice of life!
Also, I don't think that Maddow is obligated to discuss Iranian oppression of gays in an investigation about Uganda's "kill the gays" legislation.
No she may not be..but ethically..I dont see how she isn't..she took on the responsibility of such a heavy story about Uganda a country she failed to mention is about 11% muslim and how Uganda will soon rank with Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Angola and Libya as a major oil producing country in Africa....now would those factors not be relevant as to why they want to pick of local dictators that probably just happen to be gay therefore have more of a reason to propose this bill? This situation bares all the recipies for a potential operation OIL part II (in which part one was disaterous on such a larger scale resulting in the loss trillions of dollars and billions of lives..gay, straight..does it matter when you're dead?) there very well may be more to this than meets the eye and though the proposed bill is wrong on so many many levels..
I think its fair to give credence to the fact that those who forget history are bound to repeat it and this should not be down played without all the necessary facts and half truths to scare people and to feed into their prejudices while further pushing your own agenda when there is soo much at stake here at home already with our fucking troops because she has a chip on her shoulder.
Not when there are people worldwide dying and sure as hell not after Iraq and especially when you don't tell your viewers how to get involved to stop this bill and help get these ppl what they need to survive.. Sorry.
I think shining a light on this bit of injustice is just as worth reporting and wouldn't hurt if she's has any real integrity about standing up for gays being oppressed and brutally killed as she puts off.
I don't understand your critisism of Maddow either..
Maybe because she is a lesbian that she felt the need expose the activities of the U.S. based group's neferious doings.
why should her sexuality effect her being a whistle blower on human suffering? I think despite sexuality, one should have the capacity of denouncing the injustice of brutality everywhere despite sexual orientation..right?
I have beef with her because she comes off as one sided and seems to want to re-educate the masses about the issues and facts to fit her agenda(no opossing views on niether her or Olberman's show unlike Matthew's) rather than letting the audience hear both sides then draw from their own reasoning...isn't that what democracy and delegating is about?
with all the fuckery witnessed by the teabaggers, fox news and such, I made a vow that I take everything I hear these pundits say with a grain of salt like i would anyone on the street...
I won't have some prime time talking head on a payroll do my thinking for me I'll just be damned.
krystalxlyte just thinks for krystalxlyte..
I hold her to the same journalism standards of accountablility as she cries out for O'rielly, Beck ect because truth be told she has a specific worldview and a set agenda just like them and certain issues makes her advocacy for this cause.
Besides, I was too finished with her when she blatantly exploited the gay community by showing a clip of some people in the act of teabagging in a gay bar just to give some visual definition of the phrase..
I don't recall the country or region of Africa where this occured so it may not Uganda but you have to admit some of those African countries have some freaky practices. Yuck!!
point taken..but its not like our trees have not borne strange fruit before..
Let's see if I have this straight:
Its the white Christians influencing the Africans, and making them hate homosexuals enough to kill them. Otherwise, the Africans would never have even considered such a thing.
Based on that, we can assume that the white Christians would push for the same kinds of laws in White countries; the only thing preventing that is other whites.
So I guess your conclusion must be that Africans can't think for themselves, and are easily open to suggestion from outsiders. No wonder they can't seem to run a successful country over there - heck, they ran South Africa and Zimbabwe (previously stable countries with strong economies) into the ground.
CF said: "This issue in Uganda has forced me to put aside my previous thoughts that Black people are EQUAL."
How so? The politicians of Uganda and the United States are probably both equally whorish and draconian in regard to the well being of their average citizens, white or black.
For the second half of 2009, national unemployment figures are currently 14.7% for blacks, 12.2% for Hispanics,figures could rise to 16%, 13.3% in the second half of 2010.
Oh hell yeah! lets legalize 14 million more!
What Islands are you from?
Jamaica, Barbados, and the Cayman Islands, have a reputation for homophobia.
Has Rick been there ?ha.
Constructive Feedback, you have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the radio industry. My family is in the radio industry. I grew up in the radio industry. I still work in the radio industry. I watched it happen. Before Clinton and the GOP deregulated radio station ownership, the largest radio companies in America owned about 15 stations each. Straight up. Now? ClearChannel owns 1,200+. CBS is in 2nd with several hundred. You do the math. Your point about "other music outlets" is pointless because any independent artist promoting their music on Myspace, Youtube, etc would *KILL* to get their song played on the radio. Okay? There are like 10 million musicians on Myspace that would jump at the chance of radio play. Radio play is still the key to mainstream music success. If a rapper doesn't have a hot single playing on the air in regular rotation, his album ain't breaking 100k in sales. That is simple fact.
Your anecdote about the Pirate Radio station is odd and irrelevant. Pirate Radio stations have a very short lifespan in this country as the FCC will eventually swoop in and drive around the entire area with detection equipment until they can triangulate the position of the illegal transmitter and shut it down at the source.
And if you have SUCH a problem with guys like Young Jeezy, where's your support for more positive, grounded rappers like Mos Def or Black Thought? Oh right - rappers like Mos Def or Black Thought would tell your Glenn Beck watching, Palin supporting, Confederate flag waving ass to suck a dick and die.
"Filled Negro". You sound gay every time you type that. Just so you know.
What Islands are you from?
Jamaica, Barbados, and the Cayman Islands, have a reputation for homophobia."
This is true. De battie mon gets no love on the rock.
To the shame of the land of my birth. :(
Swiff, thanks for the 411 on Pastor Rick. Let's hope that this leopard has changed his spots.
Since I don't feel like reading all the previous comments and wading through what I'm sure are alot of batshit sentiments, I'll just ask.
krystalxlyte, are you suggesting that the righteous liberal outrage over the Uganda Kill-the-Gays bill is the beginning of a build-up to invade Uganda? Seriously?
I read history too. I like history. But umm....I don't see any articles over at National Review Online demanding that Obama invade and occupy Uganda.
And for the record, Maddow - unlike Keith - DOES conduct interviews with opposing views...respectful, fair interviews, as a matter of fact. Peep the basic courtesy she showed that "I can cure Gayness and BTW its Gayness is caused by race" creep the other night. She's nice to guests that don't deserve it. How many other TV hosts do that?
@ FN:
I just thought of something...Donald Payne (Rep. D - NJ). He's on the committee that oversees foreign affairs in the House. He is 4th in seniority and his subcommittee (of which he is the chair) is Africa and Global Health. (Payne is black and spent all his time on African affairs). Why don't YOU call him out of hiding...YOU HAVE THE JUICE TO DO IT! (ore r u skerred?????) (weese got cho bak) Peace.
all sin leads to death, but unfortunately if we were to go by God's laws yes, the sin of homosexuality would lead to death.
As would talking back to one's parents, and a whole long list of trivialities.
I can't get out of my mind the notion that you and Rachel Maddow think of "DUMB, EMOTIONAL NEGROES" who are impressed by "people speaking in tongues" when I hear you explain how Uganda's national legislature and executive was TRICKED into developing this legislation.
"Tricked" is your word, not mine.
and neither are you entitled to
Of course I am entitled to. I think you meant to write "obligated," didn't you?
No she may not be..but ethically..I dont see how she isn't..she took on the responsibility of such a heavy story about Uganda a country she failed to mention is about 11% muslim and how Uganda will soon rank with Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Angola and Libya as a major oil producing country in Africa
The oil part of the equation is interesting, and I'd love to know whether "Family" members are involved in that business or want to be. As for Iran, I don't think that a report about an injustice in one place obligates the reporter to cover every injustice everywhere.
especially when you don't tell your viewers how to get involved to stop this bill and help get these ppl what they need to survive
Maddow's American viewers cannot "get involved" to stop the Ugandan legislation. The practical purpose of her investigation was to put pressure on "the Family" to use its influence in Uganda against the legislation.
why should her sexuality effect her being a whistle blower on human suffering?
Why "should" or why "does?" It's hardly a surprise that a homosexual commentator might focus on this story, especially when so few others will.
I have beef with her because she comes off as one sided and seems to want to re-educate the masses about the issues and facts to fit her agenda(no opossing views on niether her or Olberman's show unlike Matthew's) rather than letting the audience hear both sides
For starters, why aren't you bitching about Sean Hannity? Secondly, apparently you didn't watch Maddow's show the previous night, in which she interviewed Richard Cohen, the phony "reparative therapist."
Besides, I was too finished with her
Obviously not! In any case, I am having a tough time figuring out your logic, so I'm forced to guess that you've got some strange personal jealousy/resentment issue with respect to Rachel Maddow. I find it pretty odd, but the world's full of oddities.
Grinder Jody and AB gave me permission. Didn't you know? I am an Honorary Gay Negro. ;)
You don't need my permission to do anything, and I'm not generally in the permission-granting business anyhow. That said, I wasn't offended at all by your use of the word, "queer" in your posting. I took it as a sarcastic and supportive reference, not as a slur.
And I've got a pretty active radar for anti-gay slurs, to put it mildly. If you'd been trying to play that card, I'm pretty confident I'd have picked up on it.
see much more on gays in africa & biblical laws etc...
the holy homohaters are are so quiet always when the buybull boomerangs!...
not a peep!...
[quote]How so? The politicians of Uganda and the United States are probably both equally whorish and draconian in regard to the well being of their average citizens, white or black.[/quote]
The INFERIORIZED NEGRO is a key strategy element BOTH for "White Snarling Fox Leftists" AND a segment of Negroes who don't mind operating as a poster child as long as it is part of a transaction in which they obtain something or advance their political agenda.
EQUAL people realize that EQUALITY is a two way street.
* They not only demand equal treatment FROM the society
* They also make note of the EQUAL BURDEN of productivity and order upon them which flows into the society
This second point is so frequently forgotten
[quote]Constructive Feedback, you have no idea what you're talking about with regards to the radio industry. My family is in the radio industry[/quote]
Swift: I WOULD NOT TAKE A RADIO STATION TODAY IF SOMEONE GAVE IT TO ME!!!! Aside from the key market leaders in a given genre look at the number of them who are struggling and shutting down. Just wait until more cars receive wireless Internet connectivity as 4G cellular takes over (10 years). Traditional radio will have fewer ears listening to it than ever.
All of this is beside the point. The claim of you and Heremakhet that BECAUSE OF the radio market quality material is being stifiled is preposterous. Think about it - if this were the case wouldn't YOU be forced to listen to this garbage just the same?
And by the way I DON'T consider Mos Def or Talib as "conscious rappers". They might be less thuggish than the rest but a Black man basing his life off of their lyrics will be equally lost.
Its amazing to me to see how Filled Negro actively goes after the "offensive content" of any White person anywhere yet many of you play VICTIM - logically arguing that YOU CAN'T stop a BLACK RAPPER from spouting IGNORANCE and death threats against Black people.......because the FCC has the radio market stratified a certain way.
[quote]Oh right - rappers like Mos Def or Black Thought would tell your Glenn Beck watching, Palin supporting, Confederate flag waving ass to suck a dick and die.[/quote]
(No So) Swift:
Do you find it odd that you refer to my "death" while at the same time you purport to be fighting against the very same White Supremacist system that used to KILL US Black folks as a means of shutting us up?
Today (as Filled Negro will attest to) those who kill us in the most abundance as a means of exerting their POWER are the Killer Street Pirates.
Hip Hop music is the "Voice Of The Street Pirate" today. They talk about killing us, selling drugs in our community and how many Black women they screwed as proof of their manhood.
Yet YOU are more threatened by me, Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck? None of these forces have any POWER in the Black community and yet you STILL are grieving about the result of the institutions that favorable people now control.
"Filled Negro". You sound gay every time you type that. Just so you know.[/quote]
I thought that these type of taunts along with "No Homo" were out of style (No So) Swift?
As of today, I no longer will read your blog. I am a black gay male and despise the word queer, as I know AB does as well. It would be like a white dude saying hey nigga whasup...just cause a "black person" gave him permission. So not cool. You try to crack a joke in response to G's comment. Field, doens't that make you a hypocrite? And that makes me sad. I don't know if you have ever felt betrayed by someone you had respect for, it doesn't feel good. It hurts. And I feel kinda betrayed. Other folks have posted about your double standards, and I have never subscribed to them. I have alway given you full support man. You may "be cool with the gays" but your words are not cool. Again, align it to nigger. The black community does not like us kinda folks. I was released from my duties and "kicked" out of my church when I came out. The word "queer" was spray painted all over my house by my church members I suspect. The word queer perpetrates hate as does nigger. And you would not want a someone who was not black calling you a nigger. Just saying. Gonna keep this one anonymous man. Good luck to you and yours.
[quote]And for the record, Maddow - unlike Keith - DOES conduct interviews with opposing views...respectful, fair interviews, as a matter of fact. Peep the basic courtesy she showed that "I can cure Gayness and BTW its Gayness is caused by race" creep the other night. She's nice to guests that don't deserve it. How many other TV hosts do that?[/quote]
(No So) Swiff:
You seem to be appeased THAT Maddow brings live "opposing points of view" on her show rather than how she conducts an interview and thus highlights her ultimate agenda.
I have a video of her interviewing Dr Susan Rice - US Ambassador to the United Nations. (My video service removed it for copyright violations). Basically Maddow goes from mocking Obama's (then planned) troop surge over to interviewing Dr Rice in which she PASSIVELY listens to Dr Rice make the case that Al Queda remains as the key threat to attack upon the USA.
In my blog I asked all of the viewers to replace one Black female for another - Dr Condi Rice - and then play back the exact same words and make the assessment if Rachel Maddow would allow the same words to go UNCHALLENGED. She thanked Dr Rice and hoped that she would come back, telling her that she is a breath of fresh air in the UN as compared to Bolton.
In the very next segment (Not So)Swiff - Maddow shows who her real enemy is. DICK CHENEY. In the same show Maddow managed to attack a man WHO HAS NO ELECTIVE OFFICE while giving compliments to the woman who DOES. The very same WAR in Afghanistan that both Susan Rice and Cheney were talking about - Maddow only had "attacks" for Cheney.
It is clear that YOUR OWN ideological bigotry has you unable to make note of Rachel Maddows hypocrisy and "sellout behavior" to her claimed cause.
The 3rd video that I had was of Republican Senator McConnell who sarcastically suggested what Obama should do with the next stimulus rather than claiming the bogus job creation. What did your girl Maddow do? She showed the CBO numbers on Job creation. IF this was not a Democrat she would have noted that in the year 2009 we have lost 5 MILLION jobs. Thus the claim of 600k to 1.2M jobs created is simply A JOKE. This was not her goal (No So) Swiff. Her goal was to do what her key mission is: FIGHT CONSERVATIVES!!!
She fights them EVEN IF it means not attacking her favored Progressives when they do the SAME DAMNED THING that she had formerly attacked the Conservatives for doing.
As a Black man I laugh at the fact that so much of the Black Progressive Establishment's positions are so indistinguishable from these White Liberal Snarling Foxes. The ONLY reason why the establishment avoids being held accountable for the conditions that they preside over is because SOLD OUT NEGROES LIKE YOU would rather fight WHITE FOLKS on the outside of where you live rather than MANAGE the human resources that are on the INSIDE of your domain.
[quote]Before Clinton and the GOP deregulated radio station ownership, the largest radio companies in America owned about 15 stations each. Straight up. Now? ClearChannel owns 1,200+. CBS is in 2nd with several hundred. You do the math[/quote]
I missed this one previously.
You have no clue.
You are arguing that the issues with RADIO are REGULATORY in nature. Roll back the rules to pre-Clinton and STILL the stations are screwed.
The following link PROVES my point that "more ears are fleeing" to PORTABLE DEVICE ALTERNATIVES.
Technological choices and the convenience of controlling your own music line up, listening to what you want, when and where you want it.
I hope that you have your life savings vested in radio. You will be on Medicaid in about 15 years if you do.
i am so sorry...
i admit i am very biased by my love for fn...but i truly do not feel he intended it as a slur...
he is an african warrior king and a pro-gay ally
hope you change your mind and stay
I think this is a disgusting, outrageous law. And I don't think it is good enough to say that white people are making them enact these laws, or making them do it. Black people are not stupid and we need to determine for ourselves when something is wrong, ignorant and backwards.
I really have to say though that "b....e mon" is also an extremely offensive term used to describe gay people in the Caribbean - it's just like using the 'N' word to describe black people and should not be used by anyone claiming to be an ally of gay people.
Anon 8:20, while I'd have to defend Field on this one, I feel your pain on the word "queer."
I remember when gay activists decided sometime in the 1980s that they would "reclaim" the word by using it. It brought back a lot of painful memories, and took me a long time to get used to.
From the outside, I have a similar reaction when I hear black people using the word, "nigger." Having seen some gay people popularize "queer," I understand where it comes from. But I'm not comfortable with it at all.
In any case, I don't think you should boycott this blog for that reason. There are enough other reasons to be pissed off at things said here.
grinder-"In any case, I don't think you should boycott this blog for that reason. There are enough other reasons to be pissed off at things said here."
I agree, there has been an exodus of intelligent people who have left for other reasons. However, I still think there have been other sharp minds that have left because of gay-bashing.
being gay is not a "lifestyle" you asshole. And blaming the genocidal tendencies of the Ugandan government on "missionaries" is not just bigoted it is downright stupid.
Call GirlS
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