"I am going to blog about this Tiger mess again, and then I am going to leave it alone"
I can't believe that I previously wrote that. What was I thinking? Like A-merry-ca is going to let me leave this story alone. Our collective prurient interest is too strong. Throw in the racial angle and we can't drive past the train wreck just yet.
It didn't take long did it? But now A-merry-ca is reminding Tiger's black ass that he is black again. (I was wondering when I was going to get a chance to post that *pic ArtMaggot sent me a few days ago. Well, as it turns out, I didn't have to wait long. Remember Dave Chappelle's joke about the "Race Draft"? I keep seeing it over and over in my head.) Leave it to Rush to say out loud what a bunch of folks from a certain segment of the population is thinking. Apparently Rush doesn't think Tiger is helping the black frame of mind.
".. Limbaugh said, “Black unemployment is terrible. The black frame of mind is terrible. They’re depressed. They’re down, Obama not doing anything for them. How’s that hoax and change working for ya? They’re all livid. They thought there was going to be an exact 180 degree economic reversal, and it’s done nothing but get bad for everybody, but they’re especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned, and I’m sure Tiger Woods’ choice of females not helping them out with their attitudes either.”' [Link]
Huh? First of all fatso, Tiger is Calabanasian or whatever the f#^* he likes to call himself, so please don't try to dump him off on us now. And don't even try to lump his O ness in with my man. Obama has a white mother yet he considers himself a black man. It's why he will always have a place to come home to (metaphorically speaking) no matter how bad he f&^%# up. Us black folks are like that, we tend to circle around our own. Hell, even O.J.; and that hurt, because the man did murder his wife. But some people are so predictable. Rush, it's not black folks who are in a "terrible" frame of mind" because of what Tiger did, it's people like you who were all too willing to accept his phony ass front. You did it because he liked to pal around with CEO's who looked like your sorry behind while pretending that he wasn't who he was. And you and all your middle aged white male friends who envied his golf swing and his blond wife, were all too willing to look past his blackness and see____________[fill in that blank] whatever it took to soothe your racial angst.
So sorry Tiger, as the bimbo parade continues and they all have a certain hue, your Calabanasian ass is looking more and more like just another slave catching house Negro with some self hatred issues. Not one sister? How about an Asian "jump off"?...... Yeah, I didn't think so.
One blogger wrote the following:
"If Tiger Woods had cheated on his gorgeous white wife with black women, the golfing great's accident would have been barely a blip in the blogosphere."
I take it he is talking about the black blogosphere. I still think we would have been talking about him, but maybe in another context. I know that if I am going to be honest, I wouldn't be looking at him the way that I do now. Still, articles suggesting that the distance between Tiger and blacks are widening because of this latest scandal have it wrong. That distance has been very wide for as long as the Calabanasian man has been around. But now that he has hit a bump on his putting green, just watch how some people try to close it for us.
1 – 200 of 289 Newer› Newest»Tiger is only about 1/8 Black. I guess he's finding out no matter what percentage Black he are or how far he tries to distance himself from Blacks (Caublasian?), he will always be Black in the eyes of White America.
Oops, typo. I mean "what percentage Black he is".
I'll parahorase what someone said elsewhere.
"My black frame of mind is ruined because Tiger's 'universal ass' chose white whores over black ones. Whatever will become of me?"
Oh, and limpballs, some valuable, advice from me. Just my opinion....
Overeating can be a sign of depression or guilt. Researchers have made correlations between morbid obesity and dementia. Put the oxycontin and let the Carribean boys go.
Why do folks get so upset about interracial marriage? I could care less of a brotha or sista falls in love with someone of a different color. It doesn't affect me one bit. As a Christian, love is love. Right?
sodio, its not what, its the why. I've got good friend from college married to a white woman and he's from South Philly. 15 minutes talking to this Ivy league educated brother, you realize that he sneaks off to the fields once in a while. Or, he at least hangs out on the patio.
Tiger's parade of trailer home Barbies is endemic of his own issues with race and sexuality. As was the Caublasian or whatever he calls himself. He's a talented, but deeply self loathing man of color who is doing everything to run and hide from his identity. It would be one thing if self identified as Asian. But from his string of skanks, he doesn't even like his Thai side much. And personally, habitual adulterers are usually lacking that is serving to dull.
Regardless of his indiscretions, he is still one of us. Mixed, multiracial and birracial people have always been called Black in this country even if they don't want to admit it. And our hearts are quite large; we forgive rather easily. I am saddened for his marriage that he has serially cheated on his wife. He should not have gotten married if he couldn't stay faithful.
This points to aspects of his character. Apparently, his appearance standards are not high and he clearly prefers white women. Ultimately I feel sorry for his child because it will be more distanced from its heritage than he has chosen to be!
I hope his wife takes him to the cleaners and teaches him a lesson; marriage vows are sacred!
My God, his Mother must be deeply saddened by his public affairs. I never understood his reluctance to embrace either side of his heritage but oh well...his identity is a peripheral issue compared to the hell he will soon catch in court!
Field, I never understood why some of you keep trying to claim this sick turkey.
Now Elvin has a 2 mil. house in her homeland, she'll move a white male lover in the house soon enough. LOL. They always say, when a "black" man makes money, it always finds it's way back to the white man. LOL
I am not even enjoying all of this, no sir, not one bit. :)
Sodio, so does that mean you also think Tigger the n____ fell in love with all those mistresses who just happen to be white as well? LOL.
Just when I think Rush can't get any more stupid , you provide another link which shows him up just like the Wizard hiding behind that curtain in The Wizard of Oz.
This year of 2009 has had the craziest stories(MJ TALE OF WOE, AMANDA KNOX, PARTY CRASHING THE WH, BEER FEST ON WH LAWN.....), but I'm always amazed at how fast you come up with the links to all this folly and explain it to all us readers in your style.
Looks like we will all be reading your blog in 2010. Can you believe it 2010. That sounds like a science fiction story.....
As for Tiger, it sounded like he was trying to follow in Wilt Chamberlain's footprints but he has a few thousand more to go. I don't think Wilt cared what color the girls were he liked them all.
Unfortanately like you said America just can't get enough of this train wreck.
Aloha from Makaii
p.s. It is a great time to visit Maui now, the big waves are crashing on the North shore.
It didn't take long did it? But now A-merry-ca is reminding Tiger's black ass that he is black again
So, you say this and then you quote Limbaugh. Does Rush speak for white America?
Don't really care if Tiger calls himself CannibalAsian. He fell flat on his face with his multiple side-pieces and he's paying for it big time. That squeaky clean image he tried to put out wasn't going to last.
He even lost his Gatorade endorsement.
Like a golf ball, Tiger's life is spiraling down an empty hole.
And Rush "oxycontin" Limbaugh can go shove it.
Limbaugh, et al., are all too happy to see Tiger get his "comeuppance". Too much melanin to be "white", he beat them at their own game. That is what this story is about, when you dig to the bottom of the stereotypical whispering.
If infidelity is somehow a disqualification then half the Senate, old white men, may be in peril should things go wrong. As for rumours of prescription drug abuse, well, Limbaugh should be the last one to make light of that situation.
I might tell Tiger jokes, because that is the Irish thing to do when the high fall low. However, when the the racists hold him up as an example of the inherent problem with "blackness" then I stop laughing.
Field, I'm stealing that pic, bro. That shit made me crack the fuck up! Where's Paul Mooney when you need him? He was telling us about this shit years ago, but folks wasn't paying attention.
Tiger and the sisters? Shit, he prolly had them tossed them over to his white buddies in exchange for stock tips.
Why aren't there any black female celebs with multiple white guys on the side? Why is it always black men doing this? Clearly, sisters are keeping their loyalty.
I don't know about that love piece. Probably not, but I feel bad even trying to guess that one out. Even if it is just boinking (that's a curse word for me), I still cannot figure it out. I find dark skinned ladies absolutely stunning. From a pure physical standpoint, the darker the better. And my lovely bride is very dark. I on the other hand am a pretty light skinned bro. I just assume everyone has different tastes, and some folk (Tigger the %%) like white.
Why aren't there any black female celebs with multiple white guys on the side? Why is it always black men doing this? Clearly, sisters are keeping their loyalty.
How do you know there aren't? Perhaps us females are too sneaky to get caught. Both genders play my brother.
M.R. I agree. Too many people treat marriage like its long term dating. And too many brothers want to be 'players'. Boys play, men build.
Anony, I think the sistas might be a bit more discreet. And smarter.
How do you know there aren't? Perhaps us females are too sneaky to get caught. Both genders play my brother.
Sistas may play, but not with white men. Nor do many play because we see so few examples. If it was happening with any regularity, a few cases would come out in a big way. You can't keep much private nowadays.
...and Limbaugh's still spewing nonsense!
LA Coincidental said "He's a talented, but deeply self loathing man of color who is doing everything to run and hide from his identity.'
Well said.
Also, I live in a certain part of the Carib where black females are the majority pool of women, and also outnumber men quadruple to one. Yet there are certain black men who "coincidentally" just happen to fall in love with white females back to back, and one after the other. Now, what are the odds? LOL
I would still strap one on and make Tiger scream like a the bitch he is.
A real man likes it when a sista pulls some ass play out. For real.
"Tiger and the sisters? Shit, he prolly had them tossed them over to his white buddies in exchange for stock tips."
Rippa, do you write jokes for a living? Boy you sick.:)
Wk, I heard about that;Tiger lost the Gatorade spot. But I thought I heard somewhere that all of his endorsement money is already guaranteed.
"Now Elvin has a 2 mil. house in her homeland,"
Yep, and girlfriend got it before all this went down. Tiger's name isn't even on the deed. So "whose zooming who?"
"Why do folks get so upset about interracial marriage? I could care less of a brotha or sista falls in love with someone of a different color. It doesn't affect me one bit. As a Christian, love is love. Right?"
Sodio, you missed the point. I am guessing that most of the folks commenting here don't have a problem with interracial relationships. (MOST) It's when you make a conscious effort to exclude one race that I think most folks have a problem.
"So, you say this and then you quote Limbaugh. Does Rush speak for white America?"
Well the man does have millions of listeners a day.
Of course he doesn't speak for white America, just a certain segment of the majority population. I think they are called republicans...let me stop.
Girl, my husband always wants me to play down there, but I REFUSE that.
Tiger was called the Micheal Jordan of golf, never Jack Nicholson, who record he is trying ro beat.
Am I the only one who had not heard this? Beautiful.
My understanding is that Tiger didn't date sista's because he wasn't "up to par" in certain parts of his anatomy, LOL!!
Personally, I find this entire situation amazingly funny!! What funnier is that tomorrow another famous wealthy man will get caught doing the same stupid $hit!!
"If Tiger Woods had cheated on his gorgeous white wife with black women, the golfing great's accident would have been barely a blip in the blogosphere."
hmm is that person insecure much?? LOL!!
yeah we are trashing Cheetah Woods because we know the only thing black he's touching is the front end of that wrecked up escalade...because we are way too easy...oh the irony! (eye roll)
I wonder if it ever occured to them that maybe a bw didn't want Cheetah and not the other way around..nah i'm dreaming.
I don't believe for one minute his wife laid a finger on him though..if she had gone to his dome with one of his irons he'd be in a concussion still..whereas i have a feeling that he knew if he was with a shaniqua and anything domestic would have gone down..
he would have got that wig split..we will fight a man of any race..and call for our brothers, cousins, uncles and all..
and its not surprising how white amerrykkka is all of a sudden hyped behind a famous black man it always happens when he is either
a) dead
b) going to jail
c) suffering the backlash of fighting the white establishment
d) accused of a crime by another white person
e) engaged in some outright coonery
f) is engaged in a messed up love life with a white woman.
Flynm 40's
I assume you are saying that black men are usually bigger down there, but not Tiger. So he had to go to white women because they are used to smaller white males?
FlyNMy40s: I'm sure plenty of women were more than willing to forgive the fact that Tiger meowed instead of roared in the pants.
I suggest that everyone, particularly men, read a book called 'The Samson Syndrome'. Its in most Christian bookstores (take a deep breath, I'm trying to convert anyone.) One of my favorite books.
The book lays out the life of Samson and how is own personal flaws, not Delilah screwed him up. The premise is that Samson is a model for many a powerful or successful man who lets a little bit of tail ruin his fortunes.
Tiger is the classic 'Samson Syndrome', a powerful athlete brought low by a stable of cheap floozies.
Are black dudes really bigger down there? I don't think so. And I have fucked many of both.
I am guessing that most of the folks commenting here don't have a problem with interracial relationships. (MOST) It's when you make a conscious effort to exclude one race that I think most folks have a problem.
What about when you make a concious effort to exclude anyone not in you racial group? Nobody ever seems to have a problem with that.
Personally, I hate the 'Black man swinging' stereotype. honestly, it cheapens Black men to be no more than show horses. As if all we can is hump any hole we can hour hands on. Or that we're only good for breeding and running around with a ball and have no spiritual or intellectual depth. Just saying.
I think you meant Jack Nicklaus...
LA...but is it true? Whatcha packing?
"My understanding is that Tiger didn't date sista's because he wasn't "up to par" in certain parts of his anatomy, LOL!!"
Fly, the thing that bothers me regarding those snarkish type statements, is how they basically imply that black women are generally focussed on sex or being sexed oppose to securing loving healthy relationships when it comes to men.
I also resent the statements on another thread that implied a black female would have done more damage to Tiger if she was his wife. These are not "cute" statements and they perpetuate negative stereotypes, while also encourage others to use more physical force to overpower us in various situations.
No offense, and I'm sorry for the sidetrack rant, but I had to get this off my chest.
Tiger is the classic 'Samson Syndrome', a powerful athlete brought low by a stable of cheap floozies.
they are not cheaper than samson
Well said LaIncognita
Yet there are certain black men who "coincidentally" just happen to fall in love with white females
and statements like this perp. stereotypes as well.
Thanks,Field;you were spot on with ALL the points,especially about Limpballs.
I'm one sistah who couldn't care less about high profile brothers who prefer white women. I'm an equal opportunity dater,myself.:-)
So it cracks me up when that fat, thrice divorced,impotent,hearing impaired drug addict is telling ME that Tiger's dating preferences are impacting "the black frame of mind."
Spoken like a cheap nympho whore...but you are a black woman. Guess that is what you all amount to.
anon 10:17
I did. Didn't feel like leaving site to check spelling.
dd said...
Tiger is the classic 'Samson Syndrome', a powerful athlete brought low by a stable of cheap floozies.
they are not cheaper than samson
dd, true dat, Samson cheapened himself for sex.
Anon@10:21 -- What I'm packing is the business of me, my God and my current love interest.
LACoincidental said...
Personally, I hate the 'Black man swinging' stereotype.
Personally, I love it and I have a healthy, happy 13 year old to show for it, LOL!!
Ty-ga is lucky to be rid of girl-friend, for in another 15 to 20-years, she is going to be whipped
Day-Um Sol, why you hard on 'em.
Cheetah avoided black women because he didn't want to catch a disease, it's true. And he didn't want to get caught up in any narcotics arrest that black women are always bringing on the brothers.
But that's no reason to be hating on him. Besides, it's difficult to find a black woman who isn't all fat and all. It's a myth that we all like those giant behinds that you have.
La♥Incognita and your anon crew need to get your gigantic drawz out your a$$e$ and lighten up.
A stereotype is ONLY true if YOU believe it and obviously you have some self-esteem issues to work out.
You know, field, I really enjoy your blog. A lot. Read it every single day. Find your point of view refreshing, thought-provoking, and downright interesting. However....
Rush Limbaugh does not speak for me. And to think that Rush = "The whites" as you proclaim in your headlines is offensive. You marginalize every white person who wants to speak here when you lump us all in that same bucket.
I wonder sometimes if that is not a plow used by POC's to control the tenor and direction of the race discussion. Not that you'd do that.
I thought it went without saying, but since it doesn't.....
First of all, the white community does not speaking with a unified voice any more than the black community does. Second, I don't presume to speak for the black community, nor should you or Rush presume to speak for the white community. Rush speaks for himself and his sycophants--misguided though they may be. I presume you speak only for yourself. Isn't that what your disclaimer professes in your sidebar?
I'm just saying. If you want me to respect you, respect me, too. I have meaningful opinions on racial matters and I shouldn't be marginalized because of my inclusion in the majority race. /rant
current love interest
A christian does not have a current love interest. a christian is pure till marriage and only has sex with that one person.
You never answered the question Fly.
One of the "Tiger girls" pronounces him 'well endowed.' You couldn't even get that part right.
you are a cheap whore and you are a negative image for negresses anywhere...go away slut.
Reminds me of a song.
"World champions and MVP's/Still a nigga."
Meanwhile, still no new news on Big Ben's rape charge.
Fly said: "Personally, I love it and I have a healthy, happy 13 year old to show for it, LOL!!"
Since that time he swung it your way, 13 plus years ago, is he still in the picture?
But that's no reason to be hating on him. Besides, it's difficult to find a black woman who isn't all fat and all. It's a myth that we all like those giant behinds that you have
nope sorry..
the devil has once again proven to be a lie!
Fuck you glete. Did I make myself clear asshole?
"N**ger wake up call" is right. Did you see they're calling him a sex addict now? Insane.
Black Culture Blog
Tiger is brand an image created by sponsors and the first billion dollar althete. The color is green as far as corporate sponsors are concerned. Tiger is an exceptional althete and probably will not see another golfer of his again. However, there is a difference between the golfer and his public image who his father helped to create.
I am not decider of who is black and who is not. The problem is Tiger's indifference such as having a business interest in Dubai when there is a problem with slavery in the reason which does not fit with in the public image. However, he is not going to speak out about it because there is money on the line. The color is green.
Tiger needs to find his identity. Does he find himself as decent human being or continue to allow a company or anyone else mold him to something they want. Tiger will have to go through the process of owning himself.
The truth no one writing knows Tiger and I certainly do not have anything in common with him other than skin color and that is not enough for me. It did not bother me that he married a white woman. I cannot take when he succeeds or when he does not, I did except Tiger to put the weight of the black community on his sholuders because it is not fair and he realistically cannot take the pressure. I bet left to his own devices, Tiger just wants to play golf.
La♥Incognita said...
Since that time he swung it your way, 13 plus years ago, is he still in the picture?
Lemme get this straight. Black men with big black penis' don't hang around to raise their kids?
I think you need to ckeck yourself.
Speak it Field speak it. All I can say is "Tell the truth and shame the Devil"
Cheetah picked cheap skanky looking types who mainly advertise that they are available to be used for sex - but would expect to get money out of it eventually and so are also "amateur" prostitutes, so to speak.
So lookee right here we have krystalxlyte, and she more than qualifies ---- but she's not good enough for Tiger because she's not white. That's the kind of racism that really gets me angry.
We have Fly here, too -- and though she's kind of monkey faced, she comes right out and says she is concerned mainly with a man's penis --- but she's not good enough for Tiger either. Why, I ask you? It's because she's not white. We've got some really distorted values in this country.
@anon 11:45 PM: wake up, 'krystal' is a white gayboy wigger who wishes he was a black woman.
Why fags think they get an automatic reception in the black community is beyond me. No self-respecting black man approves of fags, and no self-respecting black person approves of wiggers who want to attach to our community like leeches.
The irony of this race thing regarding Tiger is that if he had declared himself Cablinasian years ago no one would have cared how good he was at golf outside of the golf world.
The reason he is so rich and famous is because the media loved the great Black golfer narrative.
It was only after Tiger got rich that he discarded his African American-ness and became Cablinasian.
So in his Time of need I'm still waiting for all of the other Cablinasians out there to support him.
And so far the Cablinasian contingent has been silent. Lol
If Tiger had cheated with a black woman, she would have been a Parisian born fashion model three generations removed from Senegal.
i'd like to drop a quote from my favorite brutal racial-political satirist movies: The Confederate States of America (or CSA): "you may be light, bright, but you damn sho' ain't white! -- that's free of charge Tiger.
with all the... "reports" coming out like a herpes outbreak i hope for his sake he doesn't have any 'Tiger-cubs' on the way...
sorry i just think this whole thing is ridiculous & FN your pic for this posting couldn't have said it better...
"I never understood his reluctance to embrace either side of his heritage"
In Thailand if a Thai woman marries a black man, she is considered low class, almost a whore. Most Thai families will disown their daughters who marry black men. In fact, a lot of Thais have problems with Thai women who marry white men. That's the one secret that remains untold: Thais are some of the biggest racists on the planet. The Laotians, Burmese, and Cambodians can't stand the Thais. There is always tension between the countries because of the Thais.
Tiger might have a psychological identity problem with his Thai side and Black side. I am willing to bet he lost all sense who he was when his father died. In either case, he is uncertain of who he is, other than just a great golfer.
Does anyone know if his father had any living black relatives, or even associated with them? I don't recall his father or Tiger having any Blacks or Thais around...it was just the two of them.
Very well written post FN!
Eldrick Woods has taken too much of the headlines and airwaves, so let's move past it. Now that portrait that Michael Jackson commissioned; all I can say is "wow".
Brother Field. You stole the words out of my mouth when you stated that "How about an Asian "jump off"?...... Yeah, I didn't think so."
I actually was pulling for Tiger, thinking "please, let ONE of his 'extras' be Philipino." My opinions about [Pussy cat] Woods would actually improved (outside of the deception to his wife; that's never cool...and why I've never married). These other bimbos are like Carrie Prejean. This is the best thing that could ever have happened to them.
So, let them snort cocaine for a couple of years, "write" a few books, go on Larry King 50 times, hire Nancy dis-Grace as their attorney, and they will be fine.
P.S. I still hate that I didn't attempt to invite your ass to meet my family when I was in Philly earlier this year. Believe me, you would have been right at home. I didn't become who I am by growing up in a family full of the "house types."
"Did you see they're calling him a sex addict now? Insane."
I mentioned about sex and love addiction in Field's first post about Tiger, but got no reply. It is obvious that he is an addict. However, most Blacks don't know much about it, even though America is a sexually addicted society. To most Blacks, it's normal way of life. It's like alcoholism- it is so prevalent that it seems normal.
Any addiction can ruin your marriage, family, and career. It takes over your life and you can't stop until you "hit bottom". I hope it doesn't happen to Tiger, but it looks like he is on his way.
I wish I wrote jokes for a living. Speaking of which: I read where Gatorade dropped Tiger's power drink or whatever. Word on the street is that they wasn't feeling his new slogan:
Tiger Woods... is he in you?
Chris Brown is thanking Tiger for removing his name from headlines. Chris is no longer feeling the heat on his neck.
"Why fags think they get an automatic reception in the black community is beyond me. No self-respecting black man approves of fags, and no self-respecting black person approves of wiggers who want to attach to our community like leeches."
So anon 12:09 AM apparently thinks that all "fags" are white? Some "fags" are black, latino, Asian and everything else. I'm a BLACK GAY MAN and I'm glad I don't want or need the "approval" of the so-called "black community". The "black community", with it's out-of-wedlock birthrate of 70 to 80%, can go to HELL (which is where it's going anyway).
I was thinking about the Dave Chappelle's Race Draft skit, too. We need him now.
Black women are not angry at Tiger. We have no misconceptions about the type of women Tiger likes. We're just surprised how many women have come forward.
When will White women get the label "Angry or Bitter White Women." I wonder what would have been said if these women had been Black.
"A sister is always trying to bring a brother down"
"The sisters are jealous because he's married to a White woman"
So Tiger, knock yourself out with all the White women you can. "Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger But she ain't messin' wit no broke N***z
Earl, a retired United States Army lieutenant colonel and Vietnam War veteran, was of mixed African American, Chinese and Native American ancestry. Kultida (née Punsawad), originally from Thailand, is of mixed Thai, Chinese, and Dutch ancestry. This makes Woods himself one-quarter Chinese, one-quarter Thai, one-quarter African American, one-eighth Native American, and one-eighth Dutch. He refers to his ethnic make-up as “Cablinasian” (a syllabic abbreviation he coined from Caucasian, Black, (American) Indian, and Asian).
Don't you know about the American one drop rule, Tiger "Cheetah" Woods? It's cold out in the fields, huh Mr. House "Blasian"?
ditto fn!!!
rush is a racist sexist dog
tiger has never been black
i would only have been surprised if all of tiger's whores were NOT white
i expected them all to be clones of mareallytrashy as they are
tiger has never been black in any way
and proudly so
i will take tiger any day over the blackish obama
obama is a perp/hoax
tiger never pretended to be black
tiger did not betray and impoverish and bamboozle millions of blacks...
tiger is a pimp
but obama made all voters whores in his global stable
This just in: Woods was admitted to the hospital that night for an overdose. The good news is that it was Ambien and vicodin, not narcotics or anything.
i would only have been surprised if all of tiger's whores were NOT white...tiger has never been black in any way and proudly so
Thanx, Alicia.
I am so tired of us welcoming back into the fold those who would deny us. Now it turns out he ODed. Let his non-black, universal self figure it out in rehab or divorce court.
When will folks learn the word shun. It's one of the vital steps in learning to take care of your own, ironically. I swear that the way Black folks practice Christianity i.e. not shunning, endlessly forgiving ne'er do wells and sociopaths, will speed up the downward spiral.
My husband plays golf. He never had respect for the Woods the individual. Why? After he won the masters, the usual "fried chicken and collard greens" snipes were made. Shortly thereafter the fool made the infamous "universal" statement.
I can admire and appreciate good looking, successful, moral men, from all over the world. Traveling will do that to you. As for dating whites from America, I can say from experience that UNLESS it's under certain circumstances (i.e. this person is his own/man or woman, financially independent of rents/relatives, an independent thinker, and has RESPECT FOR YOU AS A PERSON and BLACK PEOPLE IN GENERAL) these type of interracial relationships tend not to work out. The white man or woman your dating better be able to tell their momma, daddy, auntie, boss, pals, and the world to fuck off in a moment's notice when they start the "don't date that n*gger" pressure. Most can't. Most people in general cave into society's and family's expectations. If I were widowed and living in America, I'd probably stick to Black or non white-Hispanic men. Too old for added drama.
Other than my kids, I would never tell anyone who to date because it's none of my business. There are just my preferences and experiences.
You just cannot have a lasting relationship with a person who thinks you are inferior, consciously or subconsiously. Maybe Elin wasn't that sort of person. She wasn't American either. That might make a difference, maybe not. Who knows. I'd resent a date overlooking my so-called "inferior blackness" because of my accomplishments and money. Now, this may not be why their relationship ended. No one should have to stay with a disrespectful cheater. It does take at least two people to make a relationship fail. Although Tiger DOES look sleazy.
"Lemme get this straight. Black men with big black penis' don't hang around to raise their kids?"
I don't think that was her point Bimbo and you didn't answer the question. Never mind we know the answer.
FUCK YOU, you hatin', asson, dumb mother fucker!!!
You anon shitheads ALWAYS start the name calling when people express opinions and views that are different than your own. Get a fuckin life, then go back and finish high school because you're obviously one ignorant piece of shit.
Here's a news flash to YOU and all the other name calling bitches on this blog. KISS MY FINE BLACK ASS from here to hell and back.
Now for the reading pleasure of Fields other posters, why don't you send me an email to:
I wonder if Fly would be good in bed? Would y'all think of her as type negro female, with the foul mouth and all? I don't.
A man does generally want a lady in public and a wild tramp in private, but Fly might be the reverse on both scores.
Personally, I feel sorry for women like Kim who feel the need to advertise how wild for penis they are... then disappoint in person.
I personally find this just totally hysterical. I am going to assume Tiger has real interest/feelings in/for his wife. I am not hearing the Gov Sanford whine of "my soulmate" lies to indicate his heart is somewhere else. I suspect Tiger wasn't getting what he wanted in the sack at home so he went elsewhere. It was known in golf circle's he loved the strip club and what he got there.
As to his endorsements this will make him more human(for better or worse) than he's been seen before. Even if he lose's them all for a year or two the minute he starts winning majors again they'll pay even more.
I can't wait until Obama's past with white womens finally comes to light. Up until now, he and Michelle have only been pretending that their near divorce a decade ago was due to him "working" all day and all night - just like Tiger was out of the house every night "working" at bars on PR stuff. Uh huh.
Every black man thinks that the blonde caucasian woman is a trophy.
Remember when Obama was dry-humping that Latina singer at the fundraiser event, and Michelle wouldn't even look at him when he returned to their table? So Obama likes brown meat also.
Meanwhile, Barry Obama continues to stick it to the poor. His new stimulus will reward middle class homeowners with 50% rebate of energy-saving improvements. But those who get by from week to week can't afford the other 50%, they're screwed and get nothing.
Just like the money given to new-car buyers, while used car buyers were screwed. Just like money given to those buying a SECOND home, while poor renters get screwed. Just like how Barry and his trendy white liberal 'environmentalist' friends will drive up the price of gas and electricity, and the poor will get screwed. Just like how LIHEAP is reduced this year from last year.
From a male nurse...Vicoden is a narcotic. Worked as ER nurse as well as psych. Don't minimize the drug in the Vicoden versus heroin conversation. Both provide the same results during misuse and usally if one is in recovery Vicoden will not be used as a Rx for moderate pain. One of the greatest difference in drug use is that some drugs are cheaper/cleaner/more accessable(Vicoden) than MUCH higher priced/dangerous to obtain/non-sterile drugs (Heroin). Even in the medical field we USED to treat-mistreat patients according to the type of drugs used. By the way...this mindset has changed due to a drug is a drug and both patients are in need of compassion and TREATMENT. So IF IF IF Tiger is misusing the drug Vicoden... when and IF IF IF he comes to a hospital he will MAYBE be seen as an addict. I had to use caps because Generation X and ME Generation people/bloggers SOMETIMES look for the SMALL of the conversation not the BIG :) :). This is an information Blogg as well. I truly have been educated/entertained/informed on the latest. GO BABYBOOMERS
As a progressive white WOMAN, I sympathize entirely with the plight of the black man in this racist country. However, I am dismayed by the looks of jealousy I get from black females in my corporate environment and on the street. If the cultural bias is that white women are superior, that's not my fault. And my hair is blond NATURALLY. I don't dye and straighten it. I work on my body all the time and don't eat pork as if it were going out of style. I didn't have illegitimate children in my teens.
So I end up being hated and envied. That's why I won't allow any black women to be hired into my department. It's just too disruptive. Maybe when you learn your place and stop with the looks of violent jungle threat, you will be allowed to mingle again. In the meantime, try to learn to use makeup properly and you might be able to compete better for men.
Filled Negro:
Can you detail which elements of Rush Limbaugh's diatribe IS NOT TRUE per your own consciousness?
* “Black unemployment is terrible. - YOU even said this
* The black frame of mind is terrible. They’re depressed. - Though I wish he would have qualified this and said that this was the case with "Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chasers" instead of "all Black people" - I believe that this component is spot on as well
* They’re down, Obama not doing anything for them. - Words taken straight from the Congressional Black Democrat Caucus here
* They thought there was going to be an exact 180 degree economic reversal, - This was true when "Obama was a blank canvas for everyone to paint their hopes and dreams upon.
* and it’s done nothing but get bad for everybody, - This I disagree with. Quasi-Socialists don't mind it "being bad", you all want BAD to be MORE EQUALLY DISTRIBUTED. As long as this is the case it is less problematic.
* but they’re especially upset about it because they look at him as one of them, and now they feel abandoned
I have to agree with Rush Limbaugh on this one as well. In the mall yesterday, Filled Negro, I saw a 2010 calendar that said: "From Slavery To The White House".
Some Negroes never fail to amaze me at how they can exploit a certain situation, always making SLAVERY the founding of our people and our consciousness. MIGHT this be the problem?
(Oh wait. I am talking to someone who calls himself FIELD-NEGRO......and he's from Jamaica, not descended from American Slaves. NEVER MIND).
OJ and Tiger and Obama's father all went wild over white sluts. We need an association of black psychologists to come up with a name for this disorder.
Anon 8:18... If you were even remotely as 'progressive' as you tried to claim; you would not have made your post. A truly progressive individual would not need to to state that they are progressive; that they have naturally blond hair; that they work out; and that black women are hostile toward them. A truly progressive individual lets their actions speak for the type of person they are. A truly progressive person would never call out anyone for having a child out of wedlock or on their makeup skills. And as for the biased hiring practices, perhaps you don't allow any black women to be hired into your department because you are afraid of the competition; or maybe you have no say in who gets hired where; or maybe you are a troll and trying to get some bs started. Not all black women hate and envy white women, so just stop with the nonsense.
YOU listen to Rush??? Jesus Effin Christ, even I don't listen to that blowhard...
You seriously need to get a life, check out some sports talk radio, I know they gotta have some good shows in Philly...
And get off my Boy's (Tiger) back, some people like White Meat, some people like Dark Meat, it's none Y'alls damn business.
Its in the Hole!!!!
ditto sttbb!
i refuse to allow one more celeb to become black ONLY on their way to jail or poverty etc...
Anonymous posters are pussies.
"Every black man thinks that the blonde caucasian woman is a trophy."
Where do you get this bull$hit from?
White America has always held up the blonde white woman as the gold standard and many self-hating people of color have internalized that but it's stupid and racist to assume every black man wants a blonde.
I personally don't
Had some. Not really a big deal.
tiger DID embrace his asian side ONLY
he often spoke of thailand as his homeland etc...
it was ONLY the african side he flagrantly rejected
that is why he told black racist jokes to interviewers and dissed tyra banks...
that is why i have never been a fan
see more links etc:
i get email from racist jungle fevered wfs like anon often...i think they are really wm posing as wfs...it is VERY hard for most wm to admit that wfs adore black men EVEN more than bm adore them...
Why is it that when black love fails, interracial love is presumed to be medicinal or superior? Yet, when interracial love fails, individualism is lauded as a reason to quickly seek a better white person? It is not racist to love yourself and your own race. It is not racist to want your children and grandchildren to look as you did when you were a child. It is not racist to want to see your own reflection in your lover’s face. It is human to love a person who looks like you or your parents.
Why is interracial love so often restricted to black and white unions? How many other beautiful races of persons are on the earth? Why does the interracial propaganda that bombards us never seem to promote other racial mixes as adamantly and expressly as it does black and white unions? White supremacy rules all mixed equations. Thus, whiteness must always be in the mix.
"OJ and Tiger and Obama's father all went wild over white sluts. We need an association of black psychologists to come up with a name for this disorder."
The disorder is racism. There is also another disorder called black jealousy.
tiger's whores are saying that he is well endowed but a lousy rude lay (sans ambien)lay...and that he has very low self esteem as he thinks he is ugly....i agree
i think he looks like a colorized cross between alfred e. newman and the nutty professor/jerry l
i know no bf except tyra banks who ever wanted tiger
tiger's dad was a rabid uncle tom who abandoned a black wife and 3 kids to become thai with tiger....
this book BLASTS tiger and his dad:
see more on tiger's racial sins at my blog
Its very simple Spear Chuckers...
If Black Women were Cars they'd be an 86' Cavalier with a broken taillight...
Tigers worth billions
he ain't drivin an 86' Cavalier
Nome Sane???
and whats up with Blacks sayin "Nome Sane?" every other friggin word??? How did Slavery cause THAT???
Nome Sayin??
obama was very honest about his wf love in his bio
i think he chose michelle because she was superior to all the wfs he dated
and yes
obama is bi and loves wms too
see the videos on larry sinclair and donald young at my blog
and read all here:
i really hate it when anyone blames wives for men who cheat
if a wife was a nympho sex slave, most husbands would still cheat
they cheat because they love sex and can get away with it. period.
tiger cheats more because he is rich and famous and travels and can afford it and has many more opps....
chris rock said it best in his
book (paraphrased):
men cheat because we must taste strange
it does not mean our wives are not perfect or that we do not love them
never blame yourself
we are just men
and we need strange sex
and we get it as often as we can
i love chris for his honesty
ditto to all!
those "christians" have no problem shunning us gays though
"it is VERY hard for most wm to admit that wfs adore black men EVEN more than bm adore them..."
Anonymous said...
I wonder if Fly would be good in bed? Would y'all think of her as type negro female, with the foul mouth and all? I don't.
It's occurred to me that you're pissed because you obviously have a small penis which is when you started with the personal attacks.
So lets go back and forth with this shit all day because I have both time and opportunity.
The thing is that no matter how much you attack me, your penis is still small, you still can't pleasure a woman because of it, and you're life is an empty black hole. That's why you're lame ass LOVES Tiger because he's living the life your penisless ass can only dream of! Shame!
It's one thing to be a loser who attacks women on blogs (because you obviously lack the balls to go after a man), but to get upset over a penis comment about Tiger makes you truly pathetic!
So once again, FUCK OFF you penisless loser!!!
Hey AB, what's up? I see you're still laying down the truth!
Field I'm not going to lose any sleep over this Tiger thing. I'm sure the caublasian community has his back. My heart is like an aligator:)
So once again, FUCK OFF you penisless loser!!!
Just because Fly reinforces the stereotype does not mean all of us are like that. She's a hoe with no class. And gives the rest of us a bad name.
I think most black men are bi. They just too tough to admit it. They love sex (all men do though) and they like to get BJs from other men. I don't know how many "straight" bros I sucked off (literally hundreds). Too many to count. Most with kids and wives. The only difference is that there is a deep seeded homophobia in our community which causes our men to be on the DL. At this moment, I probaly have 12 dudes I suck regularly (all married bros btw). I am a sports nut, work out, and act very "straight" so I guess I am not a threat to them. I break the stereotype and they say I do it much better than their wives.
hey fly!
i see you are still slaying the haters!
I don't know how many "straight" bros I sucked off (literally hundreds). Too many to count. Most with kids and wives.
Now that's disturbing..
Not more disturbing than any other person fucking around.
i think he chose michelle because she was superior to all the wfs he dated
Or perhaps Obama realized with a white woman he would have no future political career. Especially if he needed the black female vote.
FlyOnShit says: "Hey AB, what's up? I see you're still laying down the truth!"
haha, that's so trite: when the slut Fly comes under criticism, she immediately starts looking for an ally by publicly sucking up to public-buffoon Alicia.
Fly is so trite that she can think of nothing but the worn-out 'small penis' comment. Too bad that there is no Affirmative Action plan to make Fly clever.
Hey, buffoon Alicia: the only white females that go after low-class negro boyz are the skanky sluts. It's like having am infallible touchstone: white girl with ghetto boy == slut detector
ditto ty!
i have deep sexual convos with my friends and i used to have them every thu at wigo in atl on the air too...
i think most people are bi
that is why they fear gays so
there is a classic scene
in "the women of brewster place"
where oprah says this about the lesbian couple in the film...
lonette mckee and paula kelly
i say men love sex more than women because they risk so much more to get it
but the clitoris is the only human organ designed exclusively for orgasm and it has 8000 nerves...a penis only has 4000
i know the world would be a less brutal place for ALL relationships if people would just be more honest about sex and stop lying to spouses...
you are clearly a sex starved wm
do not blame me because you do not have the guts to become a wigga like all the other wms who want to date wfs
it is mandatory to be a bm to get a wf
i get that so i feel your pain
All this discussion about Woods' heritage says more about the commenters than Woods. Maybe people have short memories, but the term "Cablinasian" was meant to be inclusive of all his background, not exclusive of his black. Would some white racists fail to note the difference? Sure, but it is more pathetic is that so many blacks do not want to allow him the choice of wanting to count every part of his heritage. Evidently his mother does not count for much in the eyes of some black people. Blacks have embraced the one-drop rule that was invented by whites. Slash from Guns N Roses is more black by percentage than Tiger Woods, but blacks don't seem to be clamoring to get a piece of him.
Woods has put his family and livlihood at risk due to his lack of self-control. Am I surprised he played the field? No - he's one of the most high profile athletes in the world. They have opportunities with women that ordinary men can only dream about. What surprised me was his recklessness.
Lol post about tiger turns to penis size throwdown!
well, since Alicia is so disrespectful, I suppose she deserves no respect. So it must be said that I am of east African descent. I don't have the ape-like features that Alicia and Flyin40 have. They are the type of girls who were so jealous, they made my life miserable in school. But now things are reversed. Alicia discovered she could never get a man so she became lesbian. Flyin40 publicly brags about how she has sex with strangers, maybe she feels their packages in bars and that's how she chooses which drunk gets to bang her that night.
I have a good life now, they are what they are - foulmouthed skanks. That's karma.
Gnome Sayin
I am straight, but love BJs. Wouldn't turn one down from anyone, and I doubt most guys would.
And this post just keeps going downhill...
do not blame me because you do not have the guts to become a wigga like all the other wms who want to date wfs
What the hell are you talking about? Have you taken your medication today?
we agree to disagree
i see "cablinasian" VERY differently:
When Tiger was the victim of a racist attack as a student at Stanford University, he phoned the NAACP. I guess he thought the "C" stood for Cablinasian. Actually, it stands for "Colored". And, that color is BLACK! This comical moniker itself is so revealing of Tiger's eurocentrism and denial. "Ca" is for Caucasian. It appears first for emphasis and dominance, although it is the alleged heritage which is least visible in Tiger's skin. "Asian" appears in its entirety, as a tribute to his mother. Yet "bla" is hidden and incomplete, as a diminishing insult to the blood of his Black father, the golf coach who made Tiger who he is today, thus clearly the parent to which he owes his greatest debt
THERE IS NO PURE RACE!!! ALL of us are multiracial!!! But racism is REALITY!!! In that reality, we are as we appear.
Tiger Woods is black because he looks black. I am certain that he enjoys his blackness when he is charming the blonde white women he adores, when he is being the token “cool dude” at the white fraternity houses he frequents, and when he is bonding with fellow “celeb bros” like Michael Jordan. How dare Tiger claim to be black ONLY when it behooves his libido or his social calendar! Tiger wants to be white only when it appeases bitter, racist white golf fans, sinister neocon politicians, and his own eurocentric delusion.
Tiger told Newsweek magazine (12-9-96) that he was “1/8th African American”. Why does he chant such manic mantras? Would slave traders have stuffed Tiger’s black body into only 1/8th of any hole in the bowels of any slave ship? Would slave masters have whipped Tiger on only 1/8th of his black back? Would Klansmen (even today) lynch Tiger into within only 7/8ths of an inch of his life? Will the racial genocide that neocons are planning affect only 1/8th of Tiger’s future, as a visibly Black man in America? Will the New World Order pre-empt only 1/8th of his future golf victories?
see MUCH more on tiger's LEGENDARY racism against blacks at my blog
hey anon, it's unfair to say that Alicia could not get a man. I bet she spent many a night handing out drugs in bars until finally she got one who saw past her manly body and apelike face and she could take him home.
But she must have been hurt when they awoke from their haze in the morning and ran shrieking from her welfare apartment. So it's natural she became a God-cursed Sodomite. Now she's doomed to spend eternity in hell.
Soon Kim (FlyOnSheeite) will make the same transition.
Now, no one should be concerned that either of these bull-dykes has their feelings hurt. Each has a hide as tough as the water buffaloes they resemble. They'll just say some profanities back and they'll be fine. Ghetto rats have no sensitivities to worry about.
you are a delusional psychotic wm
respect begets respect
beauty is in the eye of the beholder
i was botn a lesbian and my wife and i are gorgeous african queens
you are so gruesome that you have wisely chosen to be invisible herein
like all racists, you only think bfs who look like wfs are beautiful
fortunately, your wfs are making as many beautiful mulatto babies
with as many bm as they can rape as fast as they can
you will have lots of beauty to admire eternally...
i do not go to bars
i hate cigs!
i have never smoked anything
and i only drink red wine on special occasions...
my smooth buttery chocolate skin and my pure body and soft clean locks are gifts i share with my wife
i would never taint them in the dives you know all too well...
your vulgar twisted fantasies will do nothing to help you become a bm to get a wf
god creates homos in all species and jesus never said anything about gays
homosexuality in not a sin
ignorance is
so you are the moron doomed to hell solo
you will be alone just like you are now while all the bms and wfs
are in heaven....together as they are now
hope someone places your fav vaseline or lotion in your casket...
Speak for yourself, I love lesbians. Try to get my wife to try it all the time. She refuses though :( Sex is sex is sex. It all feels good with whoever as long as there is a connection. When we drop this stupid human construct called a moral compass (which people use so hipocritically all the damn time) life will be much better. Humans love sex and there is nothing wrong with that and nothing wrong with exploring it. My wife knows I feel this way and we talk about it. She is not...yet ;) But we adore eachother, are best friends and have a lot of fun (and been together 10 years).
Alicia needs an IV pole for the times when immediate acting meds are required. StillaPantha, can you hook her up quick?
Then we can get back to real conversation, rather than the megalomaniacal rantings of AB, who thinks she knows all about sex and everything else because she read some books and watched some tv shows.
Alicia honeybun, you can't learn all about life from books. You end up hollow, which is shown in yourslef by how you think sex is all about genital friction. You have no love in your life, dearie. Deviants never do. It is your vast feelings of inferiority that led you astray, I'll pray that you find your way again so
me day.
fortunately, your wfs are making as many beautiful mulatto babies
with as many bm as they can rape as fast as they can
Actually, ww are far more race concious than white men. White women are the least likely to date outside their race. Take a look at the recent OkCupid study of a million online daters. It found white women the least likely to date out of their race.
Here's a quote from the study: White women prefer white men to the exclusion of everyone else.
your envy and illiteracy are showing simultanteously
fix both
when tons of vulgar mean fools post to this blog and start whining about how mean i am...i know i am slaying like fly!
gee...thanks for that!
that study is not in my reality and ot in the nba/nfl...nor on my tv/radio/in videos...nor in tiger woods's stable etc...
poor Alicia, living in her delusional world.
The old saw about gay animals is a lie, just as is everything that the Sodomites claim. Animals are not perverted like you are.
St. Paul, who was directly inspired by Jesus, said that homos were abominable. But you in your bottomless delusions think you know more about Jesus than St. Paul does?
Not telling you how to run your blog but did you ever consider deleting at least the "anonymous" trolls?
like most buybull toters
you are an illiterate fool
who has never read that book
fix that
The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. You will not even find the word “homosexual” in any version of this text. The angels came to destroy the city BEFORE they met the evil mob. Lot offers his virgin daughters to that same mob. Later, these same girls rape Lot. Lot’s wife was destroyed. If this story condemns homosexuality, then it also condones incest and gang rape. And, Lot’s wife was a lesbian. NONE of which is true.
From The Good Book: “The Hebrew verb “to know” is rarely used in a sexual sense. It occurs 943 times in the Old Testament and in only 10 of those does it have the sense of carnal knowledge. Sodom is referred to throughout the Old Testament as a place of wickedness and is synonymous with it. But, nowhere does it state that homosexuality was the wickedness in question...Sodomite refers almost exclusively to a male prostitute...to say that homosexual conduct is wrong because the bible says it is, is not to answer, but to dismiss the question....Sex can be productive without being reproductive. Homosexual rape is never to be condoned. It is indeed, like heterosexual rape, an abomination before God. David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”
From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”
From What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “The sin of Sodom was abuse and offense to strangers-insult to the traveler, inhospitality to the needy. The story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on someone’s front door. The bible offers NO valid conclusion whatsoever about homosexuality.”
god creates countless gay animals and gay plants...
of all species, only mornonic humans gaybash
Most pseudo-christians have never read/understood the bibles that they use exclusively as primers for hatred. Likewise, they have never researched sexuality or owned a library card. If they ever become educated, they will discover the following.
-Human sexuality is not black or white. There are droves of gray areas. All human males begin as females in the womb. Many humans are born with male genitalia and female internal organs, and vice versa. Many humans reach puberty or have menstrual periods before age six. Many humans are born with ambiguous or dual genitalia. (Research pediatric surgery, hypothalamus gland studies, precocious puberty, homosexuality in siblings, hermaphrodites, sexual arousal etc.)
-The film “Jurassic Park” is based on ACTUAL scientific study. Millions of viewers missed the actual bisexual frog used to clone all those female dinosaurs. These exclusively female dinosaurs bred.
-Many animals can change their sex at will. Many animals are bisexual. Many male animals become pregnant. Many animals have multiple sex organs. When such animals mate, both parties are impregnated simultaneously. (Research oysters, frogs, sea lions, cardinal fish, sea horses, river bullhead fish, mouth brooder fish, angler fish, lyre-tail coral fish, ten-spiked stickleback fish, orange sea perch, slipper limpets, roman snails, banana slugs, ravens, emperor penguins etc.)
-Many animals are homosexual. Many homosexually mate for life. (Research dolphins, monkeys, pigeons, dogs, cats, graylag geese, pink flamingoes etc.)
-There are many all female animal societies. Many of them reproduce females exclusively, by parthenogenesis. Many of them have sex for pleasure with fellow females. Many animals strictly segregate themselves by gender. (Research desert grasstail lizards, lions,whiptail lizards, water snails, rare birds, elephants, bees, ants, and spiders etc.)
-There are even homosexual plants. (Research Jack-in-the-Pulpit etc.)
anon: Alicia has always had a life devoid of love. She cannot exist without delusion, for reality would be too hard for her to face. She looks in the mirror and cannot even see that she is fat! If you truly are a Christian, you would have mercy on her. She truly means no harm.
Fly, on the other hand, is a skank. She gives the rest of us a bad name.
No here's the perfect accompaniment to this post.
Al Sharpton goes after Tiger for not having any black women in his harem?! Says it will hurt the self esteem of young black girls!
Almost fooled ya huh?
However, Eugene Robinson isn't joking around. A lack of diversity among Tiger's mistresses.
i know you wm prefer your females emaciated
that is one more reason why wf love black men so much
they do not have to be bulimic and anorexic to love bm
my charmed life is filled with love unlike you
and i am not fat
but the white bellies of many wfs impreganated by bm are very fat...
my brain is fat too
like that fat hole where your missing brain should be
and that big fat white jar of vaseline that is the only lady in your own lonely life
It takes a pretty delusional pyschopathic asshole to go back and forth posting under different usernames, then do the same posting as assnon. YOU ARE ONE SICK BITCH!!!
FYI, AB you're killin' this asshole, DEAD, LOL!!!! Wish I had as many jokes as you!!!
And to all the people complaining about how the blog gets off topic, why don't you SAY THAT SHIT TO THE ASSHOLE ATTACKING PEOPLE HERE!!! I know from my husband the IT expert that's it's easy enough to ban IP addresses so in my mind, the solution is pretty obvious and VERY easy.
Eugene Robinson's WaPO article on Tiger was a masterpiece!!!
the anonymous coward called steve thinks that getting an account under any old name is somehow not being anonymous. Post your real name and address, you anonymous Urkel.
We know you're to afraid to post a picture, because of all the laughter you'd get, boy.
Meanwhile, Alicia the buffoon has not responded to the point about St. Paul. All she can do is copy/paste from homo writers and their drivel. She can daily post her attacks on Christianity but black people don't stand up for their religion and oppose her.
ditto fly!
like all the kkk who post here every day that no one ever whines about!
Alicia Buffoon says, "my brain is fat too"
OMG!!!!! You can't make this stuff up!!! I can't type from laughing so hard :)
you are too inept to quote specific scriptures as
you have never read your bible
christanity is not a black religion
you have never read anything about any religious history
you are arrogantly and sinfully ignorant
3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex.(Also see WHAT IS REAL SEX herein.) Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....
From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”
Assnon, you never posted a scripture, you paraphrased. How can AB respond without anything to respond to? Duh.
Not telling you how to run your blog but did you ever consider deleting at least the "anonymous" trolls?
LIke what you have to say is more important? Anyone can make a name on here. Look I am really ASSNON but I put my name as Digger.
uptownsteve said...
Field, Not telling you how to run your blog but did you ever consider deleting at least the "anonymous" trolls?
Finally, SOMETHING we agree on!!
People have to do whatever floats their boat, but I NEVER allow anon posters on my website, because the kinda asinine bullshit we see here with the asson bullying ALWAYS happens.
black people tend to have an aversion to black slavery in your buybull too...
“There is a striking irony that African-American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.
I am not an atheist. But, I have absolutely no use for any religion. Human men create all religions. Most religions are comprised of sexist, racist, xenophobic, and elitist myths.
For decades, I have written and spoken about my deep hot hatred for religious bigots. Most "Christians" are the global epitome of hypocrisies and hatreds that curse my life and torment my spirit. I despise evil sinful “holy” people who live inside churches as if they were bath houses. They are sinners who engage in so much trifling and deceit daily that they must run to churches every time the doors open.
African-American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time, they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’
FlyOnShit, nobody ever goes to your asinine website. You're just one of many thousands of fools who think you are producing something when it's merely laughable. You might as well go scrawl on a
bathroom wall, which is where your kind belongs.
You're too technologically illiterate to realize anybody can make up any idiotic name (like I'mNotOveraged_I'mFly) and that is still being anonymous.
if we "homo writers" do not slay illiterate het gaybashers like you, then who will?
Lots of wild,crazy,racist, psycho and unsubstantiated posts here from the usual suspects and the legions of "anonymous" too cowardly to identify themselves. Makes for interesting reading,though :-).
African-American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time, they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’
Didn't Black Christians deliver the presidency to Bush the second time around (right after he stole the election)???? Just asking...........
Fly = low class whore who likes big black dick
Trash, trash, trash.
Oh, and she's kinda dumb too.
I am using a name so you don't complain about me being anon.
Alicia Buffoon: you are mired in your deviancy. Quoting what some homo writer says, as in "that word doesn't mean what it says, it means the opposite", doesn't change anything. That can go round and round forever, and is the current strategy of deviants trying to justify themselves. I don't care what perverted things you do, just don't try to force everyone else to say that it's normal and good.
You will face a Final Judgment, and then when you try quoting perverted writers I guess you'll find out once and for all.
yes they did
gaybashing black fools pastors and sheeple like assnon were PIMPED by gwb as he stole 8 yrs!
see more at my blog on that
and see:
Anonymous said...FlyOnShit, nobody ever goes to your asinine website. You're just one of many thousands of fools who think you are producing something when it's merely laughable. You might as well go scrawl on a
bathroom wall, which is where your kind belongs
Vassson (that's short for vasoline and asson), I guess some of my work here has been done. I used the word Asinine in it's proper context, and now you know how to use it too. Bravo, Boo Boo, Bravo!!!!!
Now we just need to get you some Extends (extra strength), growth hormone because you are obviously a Napolean like short piece of shit, a gym membership, some Jenny Craig, and hair remover, and one day you may be suitable enough for a blow up doll!!!
I'm just wondering do your little hands EVER get tired, Vasson?
judgers like you are judged
nothing is as final as your deadly ignorance
even in advance of your belated literal death
there are no commandments about homos
but there is this one:
thou shalt not judge
ya know?
and YOU are clearly a sinner
you bigoted homohating hypochistian illiterate buybull toting moron
hey assnon:
why do you holy gaybashers
NEVER utter a peep about the gay and lesbian lovers in the bible???
The two most passionate love stories in the bible are not heterosexual ones. Lesbians Ruth and Naomi, and gay men David and Jonathan, are the most explicitly romantic lovers in the bible!
Of course gaybashers will never share these renowned facts. In fact, the very same heterosexual homohaters, who deny that Ruth and Naomi were lovers, routinely choose to quote beautiful words that Naomi spoke to Ruth as their own wedding vows! How brazenly hypocritical!!!
mynameisanaon: Fly is too dumb to get it. She got her degree on the Affirmative Action plan and she's too dumb to realize that, too.
Meanwhile, Alicia Buffoon thinks that fat is beautiful and God is evil. Whatever meds she's on (everybody says she is), they're not good enough.
And stevie boy is afraid to post a photo, even though he's here every day for months on end.
I'm trying to get things back on topic but they keep interrupting me. As for the overaged whore who's scared of getting older, I don't know much about her but she sure talks trashy. No decent woman talks like Kim does. Maybe she's a hermaphrodite. Her and AB seem to get along too well.
Thank you!!!
The two most passionate love stories in the bible are not heterosexual ones. Lesbians Ruth and Naomi, and gay men David and Jonathan, are the most explicitly romantic lovers in the bible!
I have been saying this for years!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Foolish Christians.
mynameisanon said... Fly = low class whore who likes big black dick
Pinkyfinger, if that's all you got with your verbal diatribes against me (there you go Vasson another word for your vocab) you ain't working with much....of course all of us reading here all ready knew that, LOL!!!
FYI, they only whores around here are the ones you have to pay to screw you pinkyfinger a$$.
Lord Fly, you a hot mess.
Alicia Buffoon: Jesus has not expressly forbidden child molesting. Do you think then that it's okay in Christianity to be a child molester? He also didn't forbid drug addiction, arson, etc.
Your problem is that you live a loveless life cloistered with books written by homos that defend perversion.
it is a good thing you cannot become a bm and snare a wf...because you have just exposed that you would be a lousy lay and she would be more bored than your cramped hands are now...
most women do not have vaginal orgasms
but imaginary shafters like you have no clue...
Anonymous said...mynameisanaon: Fly is too dumb to get it. She got her degree on the Affirmative Action plan and she's too dumb to realize that, too.
Looks like you were too stupid to realize that you're posting under Vasson and Pinkyfinger. DUMBASS!!!
So lets' talk about this affirmative action bit. What's your issue, the Harvards and Hopkins of the world wouldn't let your white trash ass in? Here's some news. Affirmative action didn't keep you out of those schools. It was you're pedigree that killed you. You're a piece of white trash shit, you're parents are white trash shit and you had the audacity to think you're mediocre SAT scores and some bullshit story about being poor and white would get you in.
Schools like these don't want people like you and never will.
child molesting has nothing to do with adult sexuality
since some children are chronic masturbators like you, i get your confusion
clearly jesus runs nothing in your own evil life
so why are you doling out jesus to us homos????
you save your own sex starved soul
and do not fret over the souls of homos
like wfs with bms, we do not need you
It was you're pedigree that killed you. You're a piece of white trash shit
evidence that those who are racialized, will racialized others to feel better about themselves. sad really. the person who gets bullied find someone to bully ..same thing really. thanks for keeping reinforcing those stereotypes there stupid.
hey assnon:
jesus never said anything about those beautiful gay lovers in the bible?
does that vex you too?
most women do not have vaginal orgasms
say what???
Ms. Fly, I just showed up here and see other anons before me. Will you always insist that there is only one? Are you so spaced out that you don't realize people naturally dislike you because of your attitude and your whorish mouth? Please try to show some class. I have no idea what pinkyfinger means, I was raised better than to be around that kind of locker room talk.
I personally could not care less is you are a hermaphrodite. I can see from your photo that you have that look. So what? Most of us are tolerant here. Don't get so upset if people talk about it, it's nothing to be ashamed of.
most women have clitoral orgasms only
vaginal penetration is done foe men's pleasure and often accompanied by simultaneous manual clitoral stimulation
hey fly:
you and we must be much finer than we know
too many assnons invest WAY too much time lying about our beauty OT
ugly people rarely get called ugly
it is redundant and unnecessary
as they know they are ugly
that is why they post as assnons with no ugly photos
Anonymous said...evidence that those who are racialized, will racialized others to feel better about themselves. sad really. the person who gets bullied find someone to bully ..same thing really. thanks for keeping reinforcing those stereotypes there stupid.
Is this your third personality Vasson, Pinkyfinger? If so, I'm gonna have to think of a new username for you, LOL!!!
If not, you need a serious reality check. The top schools in the US are ALL about pedigree. And by pedigree I mean that the #1 reason a person has a shot at a school like this is because their PARENTS are alumni. Pedigree.
So the reality is that white racists trash like Vasson/Pinky Finger wouldn't have a snowballs chance in hell which isn't suprising considering the unwarrented attacks against me here.
Which brings to me another point, why is it when a racist on this blog attacks either me or AB, VERY few people address the racists comments? Could it be that when I'm called a black whore or AB called a fat and ugly you ignorantly think this asshole isn't also talking about YOU, black women? And what about the so called brotha's on this blog? Do you think that this asshole isn't also talking about your wife/girlfriend/significant other?
Yeah, I can ALWAYS "depend" on my people because ONLY on a Black blog could a piece of white trash routinely attack and offend Black women and nothing be done about. Shame!
manual clitoral stimulation
Okay, I don't get this. so women masturbate while they are being penetrated????
Fly, I guess you don't realize your photo is showing that underarm jelly going on. Try to fix that with Photoshop, or wear long sleeves only.
And since you made the faux pas of bringing in people's parents: You're very light skinned. Was your mama steppin' out on your absent papa? With the white mailman maybe?
Then it wouldn't be steppin' out, it'd be getting it delivered.
P.S. Your buffoonish pal (and role-model that you apishly mimic) is too stupid to realize that I'm her old nemesis, whom she insults here daily even when I don't post. Karma.
Fly, the comments are directed to you as an individual. Try to stand on your own feet and stop begging for others to shield you from the results of your own verbal transgressions. Most women do not have the trash mouth that you are so proud of, or publicly brag about what penises they've had.
I am an Asian female, btw, who first read this blog yesterday. I was laughing the whole time about your offbeat assumptions about me - and also about Asian males in general. Dozo yoroshiku.
alicia banks said...that is why they post as assnons with no ugly photos
GREAT point as usual, AB!!!
Asson 12:26, I don't give a flying shit what you think is lady like because you don't define that for me. Just because you're passive, and let people run all over you, don't make the stupid mistake of thinking that makes you more lady like. It simply makes you more DOORMAT like.
The fact is that there's a real man in my life how so loved this strong sista that he didn't hesitate to put a ring on it. There's a supervisor so impressed with this strong sista that she didn't hesitate to promote me to Director making me the youngest, and Blackest, and ALL without DR. in front of my name (not yet).
So if being a doormat works for you, continue to do the damn thing. Because what and who I am obviously works on too many levels to count.
Real women know there's a time to be cool and there's a time to open up a can of whop ass.
Anonymous said...
Fly, the comments are directed to you as an individual. Try to stand on your own feet and stop begging for others to shield you from the results of your own verbal transgressions. Most women do not have the trash mouth that you are so proud of, or publicly brag about what penises they've had.
Damn, you really are one crazy mofo, ROTFLMBAO!!!! Don't you think that's a stretch to go from white trash male with small penis to Asian female?
AND FYI, if you're an Asian female I seriously doubt YOU would have much to brag about where penis' are concerned, LOL!!! I truly don't understand your pain no do I care to EVER understand your pain, LOL!!!
FYI, it's by default that any woman who dates Black men KNOWS the penis issue of what I spoke of yesterday, so I guess any woman who's been with a black man is a whore??? Do yourself a favor and go back to that elementary logic and reasoning class you took at community college, because you don't know shit about the obvious, lol!!
"As a progressive white WOMAN, I sympathize entirely with the plight of the black man in this racist country. However, I am dismayed by the looks of jealousy I get from black females in my corporate environment and on the street. If the cultural bias is that white women are superior, that's not my fault. And my hair is blond NATURALLY. I don't dye and straighten it. I work on my body all the time and don't eat pork as if it were going out of style. I didn't have illegitimate children in my teens."
Thank you for saying this. many Black females ARE jealous, especially the ones who are constantly complaining and finding fault with others, instead of themselves. It is a disorder of character. And many DO eat a lot of pork, beef, ribs, pies, junk foods, etc...so much that some are so huge that they look like beef on the hoofs clopping along. They just don't take care of themselves but complain about ww.
Men are drawn to beauty, regardless of color, and bm are no different. Fat women just aren't that attractive. Tiger married a very attractive woman. While I don't condone his extramarital affairs, he has a right to be with the kind of women that turn him on, not with those who turn him off! Human beings make choices to suit themselves, and not the wishes of other folks, esp. black people.
Besides bitching about Whites controlling Ameirca, some Blacks want to control the lives of other Blacks to assuage their oun jealousy. It's very sick.
I don't blame you for not wanting jealous women in your department, it is disruptive and more importantly, unproductive in business.
FlyOnShiite said to the Asian: "The fact is that there's a real man in my life how so loved this strong sista that he didn't hesitate to put a ring on it"
That sounds plainly like some incest fantasy. What other perversions do you like? Do you wear a strapon and work him over with it? Do you wear one of those weird latex costumes? Damn, that's perverted. I thought others were kidding when they said you were a hermaphrodite.
Anonymous said...
Fly, I guess you don't realize your photo is showing that underarm jelly going on. Try to fix that with Photoshop, or wear long sleeves only.
Couple things I'm certain of. 1) You're too fucked looking up to even post a picture. 2) My arms look better than than your entire body, so much so that a full body surgery wouldn't help you. And surgery is the only way to remove the ceullite you have from head to toe 3) I've got 5 carats of proof of a man who is more than satisfied with my appearance. You probably don't even have a Cubic zirconium on a silver band.
Now, do you have anything else because I gotta get the class so I can maintain my near 4.0 GPA, LOL!!!
Please, everybody can we get back on topic? I'm not naming names but some people need to be more mature.
thank goodness Fly finally turned tail and ran away with some lame excuse. Now peace can be restored, with the main agitator gone.
I'm wondering if anybody knows about the Ambien thing. I'd never heard of that, I'd think it just makes you sleepy.
So what is it about Tiger Woods that drives black women wild? Seven-inch tongue and breathes through his ears, or is it just that cool billion? This thread is the craziest I've seen here, by a long shot!
Anonymous said... Please, everybody can we get back on topic? I'm not naming names but some people need to be more mature.
Hard to name names when you're talking about yourself.
Anonymous said...
thank goodness Fly finally turned tail and ran away with some lame excuse. Now peace can be restored, with the main agitator gone.
As long as you speak ill of me, I'll be back to dig in your ass, trust me on that.
Field this was one of the best posts ever on this subject. I remember someone asking in the previous thread about "the Cablinasian community" coming to his rescue.
Only one thing I wish you would have elaborated more on. That is how the little Swedish strumpet was hired to play the trophy wife/mother. No, I have no sympathy for her in this mess since this was a business deal as much as a wedding. And now word is she might be signing a 70 million dollar contract to keep playing the part in order to salvage the endorsement deals. If that pans out, it's got to be a new world record signing for a prostitute. Tiger's main problem was not having wording in the pre-nuptial contract mentioning the sidepieces.
Where is Paul Mooney and his insight. He had it right.
Poor Tiger, he will still continue to mess around with White females. that is all he knows.
too bad, the dark the berry the sweeter the juice
"So what is it about Tiger Woods that drives black women wild?"
I would think it's a better suited question for white females, apparently.
Oh boy, the trolls are on the loose.
you are such an evil lying joker
scan up to see how YOU initiated EVERY tangent herein!!!
then, when you were slain, you feigned interest in returning to fn's topic under the duress of a dual beatdown by fly and i...
we see you as the faceless fake hard up racist sexist coward that you are....
now you are brazenly bragging about your own cowardice the same way wfs brag about their awesome bm lovers in bed...
some black women have to become wfs with dye etc just to get the attn of bm like tiger...surely you should not make light of that only because there is NOTHING you can do to appear to be a bm for the very same reasons...
do not hate bfs simply because even hair dye and perms will never make any wm black enough to snag a wf!!!
see more on tiger's penchant for ambien sex:
many men masturbate women during penetration or many women do it themselves...this is easily evident in most porn films
many women prefer rear entry vaginally as it internally stimulates some clitoral organs
but the most powerful female orgasms, ie multiple orgasms, typcially come via direct clitoral stimulation
I never liked golf, considering it a boring rich man's sport. Tiger's dilemma is a "who cares?" issue for me on the potential loss of endorsements. What angers me aboiut him is that he totally and publically disrespected his wife with other women. He's not the only one of a long line of men in politics, sports, and even the clergy who have done this. I never really considered myself a feminist, but it is time for sisters to unite! White and Black women have experienced this humiliation. It's disgraceful. Can't ypu men keep it in your pants? And if you can't, remain single, please!
I stopped liking Tiger Woods after he was filmed farting on the golf course. Man, that bumped our CO2 level up right there.
I do love golf, though. I ain't rich nor (all) white, but it's a skills game.
grinder, "So what is it about Tiger Woods that drives black women wild? Seven-inch tongue and breathes through his ears, or is it just that cool billion? This thread is the craziest I've seen here, by a long shot!"
Can't you tell? It's called black suffering. The post brought out the seven deadly sins, to include resentment, despair, blame, jealousy, and SHAME.
Tiger, OJ, MJ, Sosa, and a host of other Blacks continue to mirror the SHAME of being Black, which is a painful tender wound that goes back generations...the SHAME of being descendants of slaves. It is so tender that any White can guage it and trigger an over-reaction from Blacks. Like Rush did.
That is why Blacks become crazy and outraged on a blog like this. Low self-esteem, low self-worth and latent anger in a race that has been robbed of its spiritual DNA...its dignity.
Read most of the comments and the post. This post isn't about Tiger: It is about 'dignity', or lack of it. The word is never spoken, but comes out sideways in mean-spirited ways toward each other, such as calling each other nasty names, that even Whites can't top.
Racism and slavery has done a lot of damage to a race still struggling for its 'dignity' as a human being. I am afraid many won't make it.
It is sad, but I am sure you can relate to 'some' of the hurt as a gay man.
i am a proud feminist/womanist
and i am tired of ALL cheating spouses too!
see more on boring golf and racist tiger at my blog!
"Cheetah picked cheap skanky looking types who mainly advertise that they are available to be used for sex"
like your mutt ass stringy haired meth head snaggletooth mom hookin when she spawned you on the bathroom floor of a truck stop down the street from 8 mile. LOL.
You retarded dog ass dumpster semi-aborted child you're too dumb to come up with your own synonyms and phrases.
The anon trolling is a undercover prison d*ck sucking skinhead who probably on lockdown for prostitution..
gotta make that bread some how to pay his 39.99 monthly internet installment just to troll on black blogs posting his fantasies and praise of transgender wiggers like the flatbacks Cheetah prefers hahahah!!
when will you stringy haired flatback bitches stop chasing cars and coming out in public sperm hanging all out your mouth..oh i forget you're not good enough for your own next to asian women.. you filthy pasty stinkin dumpster reject whores! LOL!!
Ok...there are way too many anon trolls on here, it disrupts the quality of the dialogue.
classic! ditto!
you made my day
Oh boy, the trolls are on the loose.
the people who love their unpaid internships must have taken an early christmas vacay to the ski resort this year! LOL!!
i do not know any black woman who is jealous of tiger's whores/wife...especially now.
this is not about tiger's women's whiteness....it is about his own delusions about his own imaginary whiteness
i knew tiger was oj on thorazine long ago
i hated tiger long before i knew he was a rabid dog
ab: anything for you sista!
keep posting your wisdom!
Ditto what K said, LOL!!!
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