The po po shooting unarmed men in church; The Chinese putting mentally ill foreigners to death; The Iranians shooting protesters to death; and big time college football coaches allegedly hazing their players. What a way to end 2009. Stop the world, I want to get off.
If you are his O ness you must be wondering what the heck you got yourself into. Did you see the poor guy at his news conference yesterday? He looked like I would have been looking if I had to interrupt my Hawaiian vacation to calm you softies here in A-merry-ca. What a bunch of babies.
You cried long and hard for your president to come and assure you that everything was alright, and he had no choice but to emerge and tell you that everything was OK, and you could relax. Yes there were some failures, but your government is getting it right now. That is, of course, until the next lunatic decides to carry out his mission of death and destruction against the infidels.
Of course watching the way his people botched the first few days after the flying Nigerian did his thing, I guess he figured if you want something done right you have to do it yourself. Not that it did much good. Folks are still jittery, and his critics are still chirping.
And speaking of chirping; I want to chirp about something else that has me seeing red tonight: It's the treatment of poor women in California. As my man John McEnroe would say: "You cannot be serious!" Cutting cancer screening to women who make less than $21, 600.00 per year? (How did they come up with that figure?) So if you make $21,601.00 I guess you are OK.
I know states are facing a budget shortfall, but these are the lives of women we are talking about here. Couldn't they find somewhere else to cut? Like the salaries of their elected officials, for instance. That would be a nice start. Cali is looking at a 20 billion [with a b] budget- shortfall, these cuts would save about 10 million. I guess they have to start somewhere, so why not with the lives of a bunch of insignificant poor women?
Isn't the actions of some of the people charged with making decisions in California a form of terrorism? The people of California should have some new and improved screening for their asses before they vote them back into office.
"He looked like I would have been looking if I had to interrupt my Hawaiian vacation to calm you softies here in A-merry-ca."
I thought the same thing. You know he was pissed waking up to this nonsense on vacation. Just imagine what the bomber's dad is saying right about now...LMAO!
Being President is a lot like being a parent of many children. Even if you have several nannies, you are never truly on vacation.
He should know the rules that a black man has to be 2x as good to be considered half way equal. A press conference should have been held within 6 hours of the incident. Most people in general, would submit to a dictatorship or police state, with a white face of course, if they think they gain even an ounce of security. White wingnuts and moderates alike are calling for all Muslims to be profiled and deported. He can't wish the ignorant main stream away, (and yes, the ignorant and white supremacists are in the mainstream, they just hide it well) they must be managed and controlled. Obama has to appear to be on the job even if he's not.
As for the poor women, well, they are not worth much financially and have no lobby within the government. You know that in the eyes of politicians, financial worth equals humanity. Of course these services were going to be cut. The solution will have to come from the local level, i.e. churches, mosques, community donation and fundraisers, volunteer medical staff.
[quote]He looked like I would have been looking if I had to interrupt my Hawaiian vacation to calm you softies here in A-merry-ca. What a bunch of babies.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Without a Michael Moore type operative hating on you - there is no need to watch your vacation time.
[quote]I know states are facing a budget shortfall, but these are the lives of women we are talking about here. Couldn't they find somewhere else to cut? Like the salaries of their elected officials, for instance. That would be a nice start. Cali is looking at a 20 billion [with a b] budget- shortfall, these cuts would save about 10 million. I guess they have to start somewhere, so why not with the lives of a bunch of insignificant poor women?[/quote]
Hey Filled Negro:
Maybe you can call your friends at "What Color Changed Did MoveOn.org Give Us To Take Their Propaganda Into The Black Community In Black Face" to form a protest against the state of California.
Tell them to use the blank side of the protest signs they used against South Carolina's governor when he asked to be excluded from the "Debt Stimulating Stimulus Package". Your friends who initially suggested that no evil racist Republican who voted against the bill in the US Senate should have money sent to their state.
When an evil racist Republican governor took them up on their rant - THEY FORCED HIM TO TALK IT, protesting and lighting up the phone banks of the state.
Do you think that there is a "Frosty The Snowman Chance in Hell" that AfroSpear and Color Of Change will do another colabo against this SOCIAL JUSTICE violation in the progressive state of California?
I fear no man including terrorists, criminals, ..Obama played this overkill perfectly...Yes he deserves a B+
I'm no fan of Obama...but this issue with the attempted bomber was way overkill by the media. It kind of reminded me of "balloon boy" coverage. The driving narrative is "People could have died"...ignoring the most important fact "No one actually died". Heck, people driving these highways around during the holidays have a better chance at being killed then by terrorist.
Get a "Grip America & Grow the fu@#% up".
"The people of California should have some new and improved screening for their asses before they vote them back into office."
Either the election system is highly rigged or/and that legal ganja got caught up in the smog creating a daze in the haze.
Is there a law that can freeze and reduce ALL of these darn politicians salaries? They could bank up that bribe.. I mean lobby money they receive.
Isn't it JFK who so elonquently said, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country?" This should apply to all politicians as well.
Why do we the people, who "elect" these clowns have to always sacrifice essential services? Cuts in services = job cuts, in addition to other job cuts, thus reducing the tax base that pays their salaries yet, not only do their salaries do not get cut, they still are getting raises!!!
And why do we need city, county, state, and federal elected officials anyway? Seems like they all are getting paid to do the same thing. NOTHING FOR THE PEOPLE!
I agree with you, Obama handled this well, better than his staff or the Democratic leadership did.
But please don't advocate for another pay cut for legislators. (They just took a cut.) Mine, Manuel Perez, is doing a great job for us.
California's deficit belongs to the CA GOP - we have a 2/3 majority requirement in CA to pass a budget and to raise revenue. The CA Republicans are perfectly willing to allow every social service go bust before they'll ever vote to rescind tax cuts for corporations. Until we get a veto-proof majority or change the CA constitution, we're stuck with a structural revenue deficit.
California Budget Project has the details: http://www.cbp.org/
Rep. Peter King annoys me. He was an IRA supporter when Bill Clinton was working hard to bring peace to Northern Ireland.
When there's airline security crackdowns Americans bitch & moan. Oh please let me go to head of the line, give me special treatment. Oh please let me bring my shampoo on the plane. Oh please don't make me take off my pradas. Oh please don't randomly inspect me, I don't even look Muslim. How we gonna react if a native born crazy blows himself up in the subway?
@ FN:
"And speaking of chirping; I want to chirp about something else that has me seeing red tonight: It's the treatment of poor women in California. As my man John McEnroe would say: "You cannot be serious!" Cutting cancer screening to women who make less than $21, 600.00 per year? (How did they come up with that figure?) So if you make $21,601.00 I guess you are OK."
No...it's not OK. But let me help you out here. California is a unique state when it comes to doling out the dole (welfare). I did a quick check and it seems that figure "MAY" be based on what they use to determine eligibility for SSI or SSDI (suplemental security income, supplemental security disability income).
California works on a "credit" sysem which is based on age and length of work time (taxes in other words). It's a very difficult process to understand even for me (not bragging but it's kinda in my field).
Anywho...I would venture to say that figure has more to do with eligibility in other areas of the not-so healthy-health care (we don't have a system) but for lack of a better word...system.
On the other hand, it keeps the working poor (those making that 1$ more) unable to access services they sorely need, as they may have to pay.
Usually when we in the business see something like this we wait to see who steps up (feds, state, in this instance Kaiser Permanente or non-profits).
I feel your pain, but I honestly think it will all come out in the wash...it may still be dirty...prolly coulda used some bleach...but...isn't that how this country works?
As an aside, the poor women you speak of are going to be mostly Latinas and whites. Not that it makes a difference on who we don't help...but there is a strong push in the US to get Hispanics out now...and this is one way they can acheive their means...through some of the weakest in the nation...poor Latina women.
@ FN:
You don't do Google Ads but you have and ad on here selling polo shirts.
Can't you do something about that as the admin? Your blog has enough distractions (MHO).
it is really very interesting info and entertain one
[quote]As for the poor women, well, they are not worth much financially and have no lobby within the government. You know that in the eyes of politicians, financial worth equals humanity. [/quote]
Tiny Box:
I assure you that these "poor women" were promised that when a FAVORABLE REGIME took over the school that they later attended AND the economic regulatory machine that they would have LIVING WAGE jobs.
Now that this machine is in place after having received their votes - they still remain in their same economic strata.
Who got POWER?
Who got PLAYED?
When you have to go to the LEGISLATURE for a "pay raise" that was already your first mistake.
IF you CAN'T articulate the increased VALUE that went into the increase in your compensation package don't be surprised if POLITICAL or ECONOMIC forces take this raise away later on.
[quote]California's deficit belongs to the CA GOP - we have a 2/3 majority requirement in CA to pass a budget and to raise revenue. The CA Republicans are perfectly willing to allow every social service go bust before they'll ever vote to rescind tax cuts for corporations. Until we get a veto-proof majority or change the CA constitution, we're stuck with a structural revenue deficit.[/quote]
Soy Ink:
You have been sniffing too many fumes from your Soy.
Some of you all just don't get it. You see ADVANCEMENT via more GOVERNMENT DEPENDENCY instead of more PRODUCTIVITY and VALUE ADDED.
Soy's type of logic is why we have the Rust Belt to-damned-day. Soy - do you think that you are an "original thinker"?
In summary Soy suggests:
* Increased Taxes On Businesses
* Increased Taxes On Individuals
* PURGING the Evil Republicans who are opposed to more Taxes
* Put more Tax and Spend Progressives Into Power
* Making More People DEPENDENT Upon Government Payouts
Does anyone else see the sliding scale that Soy is? Despite having a solid power block in the state of CA legislature for Progressives - SOY doesn't look at the texture of this progressive power in this BANKRUPT STATE. Instead he sees the problem residing with the minority Republicans and it is THEY who should be purged.
City Journal: The Big-Spending, High-Taxing, Lousy-Services Paradigm
California taxpayers don’t get much bang for their bucks.
Calm down. From what I have read about other areas in which this is occurring, the cuts in mammograms are only for women under 50. This is in line with the new Health guidelines which say that women in their forties should NOT automatically have mammography. The committee made up of cancer doctors, public health people and other scientists came to this conclusion after years of study.
The reasons include the fact that the tissue in pre-menopausal breast is denser and much harder to read than after menopause. Therefore the the test is not reliable and there are too many false positives and false negatives.
False positive tests cause a lot of anxiety, even terror in the woman – and her family – as well as leading to additional tests and even invasive biopsies and more.
False negatives can be worse than no tests because a woman may ignore other signs thinking she is "safe."
Breast cancer is pretty rare for 40-50 year olds, about 1 in 1900, IIRC. But if the test had a sensitivity as high as 90%, you could expect hundreds of women to get false positives each year and 5 or 6 or so to get false negatives per 100,000 tests. (I am too tired to look the exact figures up right now).
One of the most important concerns about women automatically getting tested each year is that will give them each 10 extra doses of radiation (especially bad if they are pregnant or could become so). These extra doses are expected to lead to an additional 5 to 10 cases of cancer.
In other words, giving all the radiation when the chance of actually finding the rare case of cancer causes more cancers than it detects.
After 50 two things happen; the test is better able to detect cancers and breast cancer is more common which causes the sensitivity to go up, leading to far fewer false positives and of course more cancers actually detected.
The figure for the income cut off sounds about the poverty level which means it is for women on Medicaid, a state program (with some federal funding). They will in fact be more protected than wealthier women or those with private insurance (the insurance corps will not want to take another beating right now).
Unless there is a reason, such as breast cancer in the family or high radiation doses earlier, women under 50 should NOT have mammograms. I am sure that there is a mechanism by which a doctor can apply for a dispensation and an order for a test will be granted.
It is much better for the state to conserve money this way and use it to insure more older women actually get the test. (But for women over about 60 or 65, getting a screening every 2 years is advisable.
There is going to be hell to pay from this (witness your hysteria, dear Field and you are one of the sanest men around) but it actually is a good move forward. It is simply better health care. It is better even for those who have all the money in the world.
I will be 70 in less than 2 months and I haven't had a mammogram in years. I have known the statistics about sensitivity and specificity (though I can't work them out offhand) and I made my decision a while ago. And when a doc tells me to go one I just smile and say "yeah, I'll go do that." And I throw away the little piece of paper he gave me. None have ever asked about the results.
This is one reason why I'm am just as glad that there will be no "public plan" for now. There are going to be disruptions in peoples and doctor's routines of over use and over prescribing of medical treatments and tests. It is really for the good since much of what we have been doing is not only no good but is frequently at least somewhat harmful.
"Less is more" is never more true than in medical procedures including prescriptions!
So calm down, it is not a rotten plot and though I agree that not a few administrators should be 'surplussed' the hell of the government payroll, cutting costs in this area is a win-win.
Field, I know your not a doctor but the whole "Cancer Screening" industry is a total rip off. Mammograms are notoriously unreliable in young women, and the radiation probably causes more cancers than it detects. PSA testings the same, and if you've ever had a Prostate biopsy, which is what you get if your PSAs outside the normal range, you'll be walking like Barney Frank's boyfriend for months.
Colonoscopies are the only screening tests that are 1/2 way effective, if you don't mind having someone stick a garden hose up your keester, of course you're sedated, so you don't realize someones sticking a garden hose up your keester.
And its not the $800 Mammogram California doesn't want to pay for, its the 2 million biopsies/mastectomies/chemo/radiation/hospice that follow.
Too often people are (pre)occupied with what our President is doing and when he's doing it, instead of watching (and doing something about it) what is happening in their own xity/ and state.
President Obama has no monopoly on making errors, but too many would rather lash out @ him instead of getting involved where it matters.
To some he may be a 'tumor', but he is not the cause of the spreading 'cancer'.
Is there any state that is not xutting some parts of social services or similiar programs to 'balance' their budgets? I think not...
Hmmm, thanks to the smart doctors (yes even you Frank) for the 411. I am not much up on the actual study of the effects of cancer on women under 50, but I have heard that women under 50 are just a likely to get breast cancer. If I am wrong maybe someone can correct me.
Agape2010, I got rid of that spammer. They are all over the damn place.I just have to stay on top of them.
Also, thanks for the info on Cali. I guess that number is not that random after all.
Mobile68, I co-sign with you.
"Heck, people driving these highways around during the holidays have a better chance at being killed then by terrorist.
Get a "Grip America & Grow the fu@#% up"."
Anon., from your keyboard to my eyes.
[Un]constructive one, why am I not surprised that rethugs have the majority in Cali.
all of the health care hoaxes require that the govt become a lower bidder than all other competition...
the genocidal and insane new health rules have only just begun
obamacare = govt takeover of ALL health care and HORRID abuses for ALL who are INSURED...the public option was never real!
"reform" never entails total ERASURE...that is what obama and his elitists are peddling...
ask any medicaid/medicare patient how great govt health care is...we will all have worse now
public schools
public housing
public transpo
public health...
all are public shames!!!!
i disagree vehemently
obama deserves an F-!
he has kept 0 promises to anyone who is not megarich!
I was grading him for his posture on the overkill terrorist incident..In my view his handling was supreme and presidential..A nation cannot retreat and surrender to cowards and the kneejerk reaction of media themes which have the capacity to create fear and racial profiling in every aspect of our personal lives..
America for those of us who are non-white remains a hugh threat with regard to domestic flagwavers and mobs..This nation has and can get depraved quickly only to be sorry later and offer up some sweet apologies..
Again Obama deserves B+ for his posturing on this non-9-11 event.. The clowns in Amsterdam Airport Personell deserve the F
thanks for the correction/clarification
we agree to disagree
i see obama's reluctant/belated tough stance as one of many stunts to help him do EVERYTHING he attacked bush for doing:
no lie can lIve forever
not even bush's lies re: wmds
so we shall soon see all play out...regardless
constructive feedback
such a silly name
nothing constructive
and that is a shame
oh so literate
not witty or urbane
boy does he ramble
how he points blame
look at his postings
read them if you dare
where is the construction
it just isn't there
destuctive feedback
that would make sense
your long winded postings
would brook no offense
pointed barbs at others
doing just what you do
the height of hypocrisy
and you know it is true
Field I am just a poet
and not really that good
but someone had to say this
I just thought that I should
there is a growing fear of terrorist revenge in IL too...
[quote]Field, I know your not a doctor but the whole "Cancer Screening" industry is a total rip off[/quote]
Frank Drackman:
Your "rip off" theory on medical treatments and drugs can be put to the test by PREEMPTIVE attempts to CUT THEM OFF from access by the rank and file.
When I attended the local "Multiple Taxpayer Paid Health Care" forum where they help CUBA up as the role model - the doctor on stage DISMISSED the MRI and other technology. He said that we are paying for TECHNOLOGY rather than medical care. He stated that Argentina (it may have been Honduras) deploys more trained medical practitioners on the streets and they get better results without the drugs and gadgets that Americans have access to.
IF ONLY those who advocate for government health care in America were in fact satisfied by the presence of more doctors and thus the trillions that will go into government care via Obamacare was instead put into quintupling the number of Black physicians deployed in our communities. Ironically I WOULD SUPPORT THIS METHOD.
Isn't not just the debt money that is being spent. It is the fact that AFTER IT ALL - the Black Community DOES NOT OBTAIN ANY MORE CAPABILITY as it presently stand.
Instead we get SERVICED MORE!!!!!
Not one damned bit of an increase in our productivity.
The public schools that favorable people now control won't need to STEP UP THEIR GAME and produce more pre-med students because none of this ACTIVIST MOVEMENT is connected to our community NEEDS.
It is only connected to POWER AGGREGATION and control. The ultimate goal being the SUPPRESSION of capitalism.
Clearly you don't read Filled Negro:
The California State Legislature currently has a Democratic majority, with the Senate consisting of 25 Democrats and 15 Republicans; and the Assembly having 49 Democrats, 29 Republicans, 1 Independent, and 1 vacancy.
Except for the period from 1995 to 1996, the Assembly has been in Democratic hands since the 1970 election (even while the governor's office has gone back and forth between Republicans and Democrats). The Senate has been in Democratic hands continuously since 1970.
finefroghair..... Nice. Amusing. Thanks for the levity in prose!
Fine Frog Hair - you made me blush. Thank you. I will print this out and hang it on my wall. I will accept this as your Christmas gift to me.
* Nothing Constructive - IF you were to prepend this statement into "For MY Tastes Nothing Constructive" then I would accept this as your view.
Instead you all who come from a PROTEST/ADVOCACY disposition are troubled with a person like me who dares to note YOUR ESTABLISHMENT POSITION and thus hold you account.
THERE ARE NO CONSERVATIVES who run urban school systems. After years of struggle for power - YOU GOT IT!!
Now at the reigns you seek to CONTINUE the "they are screwing us, we must fight THEM" milieu.
What YOU detect as "negative" out of me.....I am merely a STUDENT of yours and using your own tactics.
Just as the BIGOTED ESTABLISHMENT didn't like when the Civil Rights Movement disrupted their world view - many of you act just as your adversaries have taught you.
boy does he ramble how he points blame
What YOU call BLAME, my dear (I hope that you are a gal and not a dude) I call ACCOUNTABILITY.
Again you all don't have a problem dishing ACCOUNTABILITY. You merely have an ever expanding domain of "land acquisition" and outward battle against your external enemy.
LOOK AT FILLED NEGRO. Do you think that he would have posted a "Blaming It On Bush" post? Filled Negro and others speak from the VOICE OF OBAMA. Their goal is to FEND OFF attack rather than pile on.
Many of you are living vicariously through the Democratic Party and Progressive Politics that YOU HAVE LOST YOURSELVES. You don't even know where THEIR INTERESTS stop and YOUR OWN interests stand alone.
In as much as you have WON in the political domain - the resulting communities that remain unrepaired detail YOUR LOSSES.
Hypocrisy What is Hypocrisy Frog Hair other than acting against your own principles?
Please document this claim.
Do YOU believe that the wanton civil rights violations that were documented in the review of the Criminal Justice system by the Philly Inquirer a few weeks ago but the RESULTING SILENCE is evidence of HYPOCRISY in the leftwing Progressive establishment who have not taken up the cause of the VICTIMS?
finefroghair, I am still laughing. You have some skills. :)
[Un]contructive one, if they are dems shame on them as well. Unlike you, I have no love for any of these politrickster parties.
As a melatonin deficient member of the world, I just wanted to thank you for the excellent video on Malcolm X.
He is telling it like he is, isn't he?
Field, usually I'm sort of with you, but the last couple days...
You rant about people "blaming" Obama for the Nigerian, then here's old Obama taking responsibility. That's HIS JOB, the buck stops there.
Cancer screening: read Frank's comment. Strange but true: he's right. Particularly the part about cancer risk from mammograms.
That English guy named Akmal executed in China: you have to have known junkies. How can you possibly forgive a guy bringing in 10 pounds of heroin? Mentally ill, give me a break. I'm not much for capital punishment, but I can't argue with this one. Do have any idea what opium (good proper English opium in fact) did to China? One thing about Marxists, they have a sense of history.
That English guy named Akmal executed in China: you have to have known junkies. How can you possibly forgive a guy bringing in 10 pounds of heroin? Mentally ill, give me a break. I'm not much for capital punishment, but I can't argue with this one.
The death penalty for importing 10 pounds of heroin? I agree; I am all for it. The day will come when the U.S. will implement this policy, and not just for heroin but for crack and meth too.
For those that gave stats about the breast cancer screenings for women under 50:
Does this take into account the new information we have on young women and the increased chance of breast cancer if they have had an/some abortion(s)?
One thing ALL the health care providers where I work is that we would rather take Medicaid or Medicare over Blue Cross, Kaiser, and other conglomerate insurance companies that take their sweet time to pay us (sometimes up to 6 months).
Medicaid and Medicare are under the Social Security system and they are probably the two systems in Social Security that do work. I advocate keeping them as is and let those "poor" women in California have a chance at getting any kind of health screenings.
It's easy to look down when you're on top.
you are the only person i have ever heard say that medicaid and medicare process claims swiflty
both programs are both universally maligned and despised by other industry peers
your ofc is uniquely blessed
i am actually looking from deep inside x 2...via both experience and research...as always
as horrid as medicaid/medicare are...they will both swiftly worsen when GUTTED to fund obamacare....bet
see ONGOING obamacare links here
Things I learned from this blog today:
Nigga Chink like Kim Chee
AB is pretty smart
CF is pretty smart
Most niggers are going to be put to the death penalty if Grinder is right
FN is on top of a brother and not the spammers (a little crisco and that black schlong slips right in)
Frank is an idiot\
I am high on some good shit
you are a fool
but just out of curiosity, how many of you do like the green from time to time?
My wife says that she thinks for of us smoke than white folk, I don't think so.
For some silly reason you assume
The wingnuts wanted Obama to
Take off from his vacation.
WRONG !!!!
Everytime he speaks he cost me more!
Like that puzzy going to give comfort!
Why ,you feeling comfortable.Don't thing your check not going to be messed with!
The big save people who's loosing their house scheme,worked.Now we are paying $900,000 to save houses that cost $177,000.00.Why.not just buy the house and save $723,000.
You may be profiled,but all of us are going to put up with more shit and we don't even look like the MF'ER
AB -
As researchers we know that we are out to prove that our theory is right...and as every good researcher knows...there are layers to peel to form any theory.
Having said that..I recently finished research on the Medicaid Preservation Act of 2005 and discovered many things...from a state POV (in a nutshell) the more programs you offer that give people care outside of traditional institutional care the lower costs you will have and of course the opposite is true if you do not have those progrms your costs will rise.
This directly effects persons that live in rural areas (one of my many concerns)where Medicaid and Medicare really count.
And since the majority of our clients relay on the the state/federal funds of Medicaid (and Medicare as well) our relationship with their offices is a good.
As an aside, I cannot say the same relationship exsists in the city.
Nia - Purpose
Happy Kwanzaa!!
Something about this Nigerian guy does not add up. How and who gave him the visa?
In Africa getting a US visa is like winning the Lotto. Even if he got it in Britain, being an African, its 10 times harder than for other people. They are always looking for the slightest excuse not to provide one.
Governments often provide names of their undesirable citizens to the Embassies so they can deny them visa. It works very well and it keeps people especially the middle class compliant. So they are always up to date with a list of people that should be denied. People that are no threat to America.
I remember an infamous Visa counsellor at one US embassy during Clinton's time who was known to be Reppublican and was noted to give out 5 Visas out of 100 applications. The day he left so many people celebrated his departure.
These Embassies are staffed with some people that probably hate the idea of Obama and I wouldn't put it beyond them to have let this guy through on purpose.
Having been through the gutt wrenching process of twice applying for a US visa, I am findng it very had to believe that this was an oversite at Embassy.
>>>>>>Do have any idea what opium (good proper English opium in fact) did to China? One thing about Marxists, they have a sense of history<<<<
Good point. Many people forget the opium wars and how European powers pushed opium into China. That's the main reason why the punishment seems so draconian. They've not forgotten the humilation and don't intend to repeat it.
I would take a closer look at the person that issued this guy a Visa or the one in charge of the list of Personae non gratae.
In this post 911 world there will always be someone attempting to get on a plane with a plan of an attack. The authorities usually have information or some leads. It is very plausible that some may let these individuals through to gain political capital.
Rush Limbaugh's in the hospital with chest pains... the same hospital President Obama was born in. How ironic.
[quote]Most niggers are going to be put to the death penalty if Grinder is right[/quote]
Dex - Save the "N" word dude.
Speaking of California, you can rest easier knowing that Berkeley is going to close its high school science labs. It seems that the white students are doing too well in science, while the minorities avoid the subject.
Gotta level the playing field by making the white kids as uneducated as the minorities. Nice move, Berkeley. Keep it up, and soon enough they'll be calling you "Zimbabwe By the Bay." Idiots.
I am sure that the article Grinder linked above made him cream his pants because it shines a spotlight on brown/black pathology.
That conference you went to told you in a nutshell one of he most important issues facing heatlh care costs in this country - technology.
We have the best health care in the orld if you are rich (or very poor and from another country with a diagnosis that will be good for research and writing a paper).
As technology has helped us, it has also hurt us The rising cost of health care can be directly attributed to technological advances, hospital greed, and pharmecutical(sic) companies. Insurance companies just go with the flow...they're gonna make their money either way.
Happy Kwanza!
Nia - Purpose
My father-in-law was born in 1892, died in 1986.
I remember his statement when someone brayed out that something was "The Crime of the Century" (or decade, or lustrum...whatever...):
"I certainly HOPE it is"!
Happy New Year Field! Love your blog!
[quote]As technology has helped us, it has also hurt us The rising cost of health care can be directly attributed to technological advances, hospital greed, and pharmecutical(sic) companies.[/quote]
Agape - I love you man BUT!!!!....
Why do you STOP your "greed assignments" at the evil corporations?
Is there any GREED in the American populace?
IF we PREEMPTIVELY took away this "money grabbing technology" amongst those who favored Universal Health Care - allowing them only plain ole "one on one" care with a physician equipped with the basics while providing exclusive access to such high-tech treatments to those who chose to PAY DIRECTLY for it - do you think that Jody, Filled Negro, Ernesto, Fine Frog, Granny and the rest of them would go for it?
WHY IS THIS NOT GREED as well Agape?
Their GREED is that they work to stifle and confiscate PRIVATE PROPERTY in the name of a common minimum threshold.
The key problem is, Agape, where as they are able to articulate what the RICH MAN OWES society in support of this standard........the EQUAL MAN who is POOR is never asked to DO A DAMNED THING in the way of support for this standard.
Their perverted idea of the "Service Government" merely petrifies the incompetency of the average man in providing for his own living standard.
You all are not driving for a high living standard. Many of you ONLY want a equal level of services.
Even IF this equal level is far below the AVERAGE that is obtained via a market system - this sets well with you.
Thus I can't understand why you don't NOW accept the lower level NOW since, upon your VICTORY this is the level that the nation will settle at anyway.
Sam D said...
"Less is more" is never more true than in medical procedures including prescriptions!
As a former cancer research fellow at the National Cancer Institute and current volunteer with a major breast cancer orginiation, my response to your rant is this:
Medicare has in at least one instance reduced cost of your so call money grabbing technology. Kidney dialysis. One can start out relative wealthy, but with kidney failure one can spend down their wealth having treatment 3 times a week 52 times a year. That is if they have no insurance. If their insurance is dependent upon their work and when quite a few people can not work medicare will cover you while they are on dialysis and through a transplant. By putting restrictions on the amount of money Medicare would pay for treatment. The technology changed to accommodate cost without losing quality. They were getting more money from Medicare than private insurers. I am quite sure that some insurers found ways to drop clients with kidney failure. The dialysis providers could chose what type of equipment and they found a safe way to reuse dialyzers. Even getting the cost under control the providers do make a profit.
There is no reason for some of the test equipment should cost as much as it does when its commercial counterpart does not. It is that many health care institution don't demand a cost factor be considered when purchasing equipment.
Many times the embedded computer is 2 generations older than what is in the latest laptop and the parts are mil standard which the feds have already tested for reliability.
I do realize that equipment will be more expensive than a commercial product, because there will not be the volume that will drive the cost down, but it could be a lot less. I do think that because the commercials products are getting so cheap, medical test equipment is getting more in line with electronic and chemical manufacturing test equipment.
field negro said...
Hmmm, thanks to the smart doctors (yes even you Frank) for the 411.
The real 411 here is that if you want to know how research works talk to a Scientist NOT a Doctor because when it comes to research and data from research studies, most Doctors don't know shit (which is why I think they should ALL be required to have PhD's as well).
Frank, like most well intended health care providers who lack a significant number of black patients, is completely clueless when it comes to breast cancer and Black women, so taking his "advice" his absolutely, unequivocally, ludicrous!!!!
They should ALL be voted out! Look if your a dem or a rep think about it these people are up there doing whatever helps them not us. We keep voting along party lines and their bank accounts grow while ours go into the red.
If the voting public would simply vote EVERYONE out and replace them (again dems and reps) it may make them think before they vote on any new bills?
Or not?
U.S. House & Senate have voted themselves $4,700 and $5,300 raises.
1. They voted to not give you a S.S. Cost of living raise in 2010 and 2011.
2. Your Medicaid premiums will go up $285.60 for the 2-years and
You will not get the 3% COLA: $660/yr. Your total 2-yr loss and cost is
-$1,600 or -$3,200 for husband and wife.
3. Over 2-yrs they each get $10,000
5. Will they have your cost of drugs - doctor fees - local taxes - food, etc., increase?
NO WAY . They have a raise and better benefits. Why care about you? You never did anything about it in the past. You obviously are too stupid or don't care.
OK Fly, I think you set them straight. So are you aying that (especially among minority women) the rates of cancer is jut as high for women under 40?
Hathor and Agape2010, I think you have to understand something about the [un]contructive one. He does not think that the wealthy are capable of greed. They didn't take advantage of, or steal from the poor and helpless to get it, they EARNED their wealth. *rolling eyes*.
Rock, that little bit of news about our drug addicted friend might make this the best new years, ever.:)
the Conservative right
is consistently wrong
if you think I'm mistaken
you've not heard their song
they lie to the left
they lie to each other
they lie to their kids
and they lie to their mother
in our halls of Congress
they kneel down to pray
what are they beseeching
something glorious no way
let's deny health care
a Christian thing to do
if you find this is shocking
it ain't nothing new
the party of NO
that's what they've become
their brand of idiocy
should make people numb
like metastasizing cancer
they've spread through the land
if only we could excise it
but for that we need a Health Plan
[quote]Medicare has in at least one instance reduced cost of your so call money grabbing technology.[/quote]
Hathor - this is great! I am not minimizing your response in the least for it is so.
It is ALSO the case that "Southwest Atlanta Medical Center" sits VACANT, not treating any patients because all of the "Muckety Muck" Upper Middle Class Black folks in the community drove past their local hospital to have their babies and get treated in Downtown or Midtown.
Southwest was left with nothing but patients that paid with GOVERNMENT REIMBURSEMENTS.
Think about it Hator - I attended a "Fiscal Wakeup call" conference nearly 3 years ago now. At that time they warned of our impending financial collapse at a nation and said that next president's JOB #1 is going to be leveling with the American people to not expect as much from the GOVERNMENT.
They told us that we may have to RAISE the age for Medicare up to 67(IIRC).
One of the trial balloons of this present Health Care reform was the proposal to LOWER the age of eligibility down to 55.
So tell me Hathor. Knowing what I heard previously - when I hear someone going the OPPOSITE WAY - should I just sit back and HOPE for the best? Or should I question the entire credibility of it all?
You know what I decided to do?
LOOK FOR and COMMENT UPON the lack of ENHANCED CAPABILITIES for the people at the periphery to CONDUCT MEDICAL SERVICES IN THEIR OWN COMMUNITIES to address the need.
Instead of relieving the fiscal stress upon the center - it is being increased substantially.
Where as my first regret is that I never learned to draw and thus make compelling editorial cartoons - my second regret is that I never learned how to rhyme.
So instead I must disassembly your "sweet nothings" in a more traditional form.
the Conservative right is consistently wrong
Look no further than Memphis, Buffalo, Milwaukee, Detroit, Newark, Camden, Philly and Cleveland for evidence of how the Progressive Left does WONDERS for places that it totally dominates Frog.
they lie to the left
they lie to each other
they lie to their kids
and they lie to their mother
I AGREE WITH YOU ON THIS ONE. All politicians lie.
However I am envious of the Progressive Politician. He can take over a city's ACADEMIC INSTITUTIONS with the PROMISES that he'll reform them. Despite his gross failures and LIES - he will CONTINUE to get the vote from the rank and file because he convinces them that the amorphous "THEY" are the real cause of the failure.
let's deny health care
a Christian thing to do
if you find this is shocking
it ain't nothing new
Deny Health care.
Deny Health care?
Deny Health care!
Frog - your problem is that you see what is PRE-BUILT in front of you and THIS gets defined as "your world" of opportunity that has been denied.
What you seem unable to do is to make note of how the ERODED ECONOMIC standing that followed the GROWTH IN POWER of the forces that you follow is more responsible for the DENIED CAPABILITIES TO PROVIDE HEALTH CARE in comparison to the channels of vision that you prefer.
I view piles of UNEMPLOYED MINDS in these areas where your grievance ideology is most strong as "health care professionals un-ripened". The schools that people that you favor has not produced "pre-med" students. The CULTURE that takes over fails to bring the consciousness of these human resources about their role in society.
Ironically the local FAILURE of progressivism to deliver sets forth the conditions for the confiscatory progressive to make a nationalized run at the resources. NEVER is there any introspection and detection of the circular reference that your movement is founded upon.
Those who PERVERT the Christian ethic take this call for the Christian to "HELP HIS BROTHER" and to be the "Fisher of Men' and apply it ONLY to the Christian of MEANS.
The EQUAL CHRISTIAN and EQUAL HUMAN BEING who is in NEED is NEVER, NEVER, NEVER looked upon to be a SERVICE PROVIDER. Nor is the bondage to that which derails him called SELFISH GREED.
The key flaw in your world view Frog is that you see a LONG, LONG SOUP LINE that you have assembled and you look up to GOD for praise.
MY GOD looks at your line and then asks "WHICH AMONG THEM NO LONGER COME TO YOUR SOUP LINE DAY IN AND DAY OUT BECAUSE YOU HAVE MADE THEM AN EQUAL PROVIDER FOR OTHERS AS YOURSELF rather than feeding their physical bodies and glorifying yourself in their DEPENDENCY?"
Far too frequently people like you walk away from the question, head hanging down because you have been REBUKED.
Frog the biggest people who are PLAYING WITH PEOPLE'S LIVES!!!!!! are YOU and people who THINK LIKE YOU.
You want to SERVICE PEOPLE!!!
I want to have people ALIGN their:
* Thoughts
* Actions
* Culture
with an end that can produce STRONG PEOPLE that can PERPETUATE these norms.
You will be more popular than I just as a squirrel is happy that he does not have to forage. That is until he suffers intergenerationally as he fails to teach his offspring the necessary foraging skills.
WHO is the greater MAN-HATER between us Frog?
Love your blog, Field.
I'm caught between wanting to appeal to people's better angels when dealing with conservatives who are out to destroy Obama and all he represents (Christian upbringing, don'tcha know) or treating them as ruthlessly as they have done my people for ions. Right now I'm leaning to the latter.
Oh by the way, I hate the Iggles, but because you pull for them I'll wish you luck against the Cowboys. Big game on Sunday. I'll be back to give you grief if we win. I'll disappear until the night if we don't. Lol.
Again, love your blog. Keep it up man.
Constructive feedback, by the way I am a dude just wanted you to know. You posted something that resonated with me the notion that progressives have ruined the education system in large urban areas, and to some degree that is true, but let's analyze the word conservative and how it would apply to this situation. The large teacher unions are immutable to change by definition this makes them conservative regardless of their political stripe. They have become so ossified in their thinking that they truly are dinosaurs and unfortunately the same can be said for all unions. When unions became self serving organs and forgot the greater struggle for which they were created. They became as ruinous as the forces they were trying to supplant hence their monumental failures but the economic conditions in which they were forced to exist was not the product of progressive thinking this trumped up economy can be laid directly at the feet conservative republicans and their silly notion no their outright lie of free markets and the beneficial aspects of competition. Please, they have yet to see a monopoly they didn't embrace. Adam Smith himself stated that when two businesses meet in private you can bet that the simple man will always take it up the ass. Just look at the Bank mergers how has that benefited anyone to big too fail my ass. Furthermore I am not sure who has bigger blinders you or me for one thing people who think like me are in no way responsible for the shit storm rolling over this country. I abhor soup lines but even more than that I utterly abhor the conditions and the narrow minded actions that necessitate their existence. The richest country on earth that may be true in the material sense but when it comes to other areas this country is as bereft of soul as our former vice president. Sorry Field I don't want to monopolize(there's that word again) your blog just had to set some things straight. Peace and Happy New Year hope you enjoy th Blue Moon.
Happy New Year..I will return next year to dominate this site..
I actually appreciate your slight hint of forthrightness in this previous post. I really do.
I have to note one thing and correct you on another.
1) I saw the importance to you in labeling the "Teachers Unions" as CONSERVATIVES.
You are accurate only to the extent that you are correct that they are seeking to CONSERVE their vested interests in power.
In a private e-mail debate with the woman who wrote the hit piece against Black Conservatives on Fox which Filled Negro featured a few weeks ago that the problem with the Black Establishment is that it doesn't recognized when to switch from REBELLIOUS COMBAT to CONSERVATOR-SHIP.
My definition of "conservator" is one who FIELDS A CERTAIN ORDER and then fights to retain it. This is just as the understanding that even a PROGRESSIVE can be a FUNDAMENTALIST as his world view only includes PROGRESSIVE solutions for all that ails us.
2) You said that the Progressive DESTROYED Pubic Education. I disagree. Your terms don't set up the proper analysis there in.
The more accurate term is that the Progressives TOOK THE WHEEL of the ship and thus as they rolled out their vision of education they found that they were not able to produce the desired product while confined within the FOUR WALLS of the traditional city.
In truth they found that:
* They did not have the PRODUCTIVE resources to produce the MONEY needed to fund the schools - so they continued their chase OUTWARD
* They were not able to keep the SOCIAL ORDER among the students so they claimed that the 10 year old little Black boy had "Post Traumatic SLAVERY Syndrome" despite being born when Clinton was president and we wuz not slaves
* The FAILED to get the ADULTS who are charged with shaping the community eco-system to buy into a coherent way forward.
Finally Frog I notice that you quickly PUT YOUR ADVERSARY ON TRIAL by telling me:
but let's analyze the word conservative and how it would apply to this situation.
My answer:
Let is ANALYZE THE PROMISES that were made to our community and see if they were CREDIBLE in the first place.
Further more let us see if those who took us along this course SUFFER ANY CONSEQUENCES in the future as they come at us again.
You can't be the REBEL or the "Altruist" for ever Frog.
Once you clear out the enemy and take the reigns it is your duty to COME THROUGH with your promises.
I told of the story about how my uncle lives right across the street from Samuel Gompers Elementary in PHILLY. This school had been a part of the struggle for Integration long ago. IRONICALLY, Frog - now that the community is ALL BLACK - my uncle and other Blacks from the community sees this school as a THREAT to their children's INTERESTS. They have opened a charter school around the corner.
Instead of racist Klan elements blocking the door to Gompers - it is the PROCESSES WITHIN that are repelling the people and thus they stay out.
Do you see we THOUGHT we were fighting for access into mere BUILDINGS!!!! Now that the buildings are within the domain that is under the control of "favorable forces" it is all too clear that it was actually the WHITE FOLKS that we were struggling to sit next to - NOT THE BUILDING!!!!!
The bottom line of it all, Frog - EITHER you are INFERIOR and you accept your fate as such. I will still have the same respect for you because you have been forthcoming in line with the general policy preferences there in
in showing your belief in your EQUALITY - you go and do SCIENTIFIC STUDY, extracting the ESSENCE OF WHITE EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES and bottling them up.
Return them to the lab for analysis.
Document a plan to have this PROCESS implemented on the Negro.
Decide which of these elements you CANNOT ACCEPT because they ruin your "Black Essence".
Implement the portions that are acceptable to you. Be the ENFORCEMENT and the CONSERVATOR that protect the hard fought efforts that were required to implement these things upon your FORMERLY RELUCTANT PEOPLE.
And finally ACCEPT THE RESULTS both GOOD AND BAD because ultimately THE EQUAL PEOPLE were TOLD of your findings from that which they COVET SO as their "1.0" reference of PERFECTION - and they PROSPERED on that which they accepted as CHANGE. But they failed in the areas upon which their BONDAGE prevented them from accepting.
Seriously Frog - Seriously man!!!
What about my analysis is incorrect?
* Not riled up against SOMEONE (white folks or conservative)
* Not serving the benefits of outsiders (the democrats)
ONLY doing as those like Marcus Garvey did - Sell people on their own self-interests and allow them to carry it out.
field negro said...
OK Fly, I think you set them straight. So are you aying that (especially among minority women) the rates of cancer is jut as high for women under 40?
I'm saying that breast cancer among ALL black women is deadly, especially for Black women under 40. All things being equal, including educational level, acces to medical care, and economic status, Black women under 40 are more likely to be diagnosed with larger tumors and with more deadly forms of the disease.
Personally I dont care as much about "rates" or incidence or morbidity because I've seen this data manipulated to generate a lot of misleading reports such as the one that recently came out suggesting premenopausal women 40 and over don't need regular breast cancer screening.
What I care most about is mortality or death rate because this number shows how much more deadly breast cancer is for black women versus white women, both over and under 40. But no one cares because breast cancer mortality among white women has been steadily decreasing for years.
These days when I hear about ANY medical "breakthrough", I always filter it through my "does that apply to Black folks" rule which more often than not, it doesn't.
Blogger grinder said...
Speaking of California, you can rest easier knowing that Berkeley is going to close its high school science labs. It seems that the white students are doing too well in science, while the minorities avoid the subject.
Gotta level the playing field by making the white kids as uneducated as the minorities. Nice move, Berkeley. Keep it up, and soon enough they'll be calling you "Zimbabwe By the Bay." Idiots.
12:24 AM
Grinder, just a little suggestion, when you read an article in the news, it's very helpful to see just how the topic is framed, and also, to question whether there might be more information, especially, more accurate information. The article you linked to says that labs benefit white students,from your link: ("The proposal would trade labs seen as benefiting white students for resources to help struggling students."
By Eric Klein)
Then, from your linked article, the author, Eric Klein goes on to report:
"Sincular-Mertens, who has taught science at BHS for 24 years, said the possible cuts will impact her black students as well. She says there are twelve African-American males in her AP classes and that her four environmental science classes are 17.5 percent African American and 13.9 percent Latino."
After a tiny bit of searching, Grinder, I was able to find another article about the same exact topic, here's a snippet:
"The most contentious aspect of the new schedule is the elimination of before- and after-school time for science labs. The extra funding that goes to science will be used instead for unspecified “equity grants”, aimed at reducing the achievement gap in the school."
Grinder, it says BEFORE and AFTER school science labs. Link.
Grinder, I really, really felt like calling you an asshole, but since it's a holiday, I won't.
Fly if that is your ass....yuck.
cc Kathy, grinder always post irrelevant finger wagging shit like this, then he gets upset and acts surprise when people accuse him of being a vindictive racist fuck head.
I dropped by to tell everyone Happy New Year! I pray that each and every one of you have a prosperous and blessed New Year.
I feel sorry for the other bad shit, but as far as the Iranian thing goes, where were you "I support those people" motherfuckers when the Shah was doing the same shit? Oh yeah, I forgot, he was our boy so shit was cool. Kiss my half "Black", half Arab ass
Thanks for the compliment, LOL!! But until a MAN of ANY race tells me my a$$ looks bad, I'll just chalk your comments up to racism and jealously, 'cause ONLY a stupid fat white BITCH would make such a dumb ass comment, LOL!!!
So go 'head with that flatassnon!!!
about Unc. Con.
Hathor and Agape2010, I think you have to understand something about the [un]contructive one. He does not think that the wealthy are capable of greed. They didn't take advantage of, or steal from the poor and helpless to get it, they EARNED their wealth. *rolling eyes*.
Thanks for that...I don't do rants well at all...my child is way past grown.
When I read the response it didn't even make nonsense...so I just left it.
One thing I know for sure...if it don't make nonsense...leave it!
'cause ONLY a stupid fat white BITCH
are you serious? sorry, but don't offend my white friends and those who are allies on this site cause you don't like what an assnon says about your ass. it does't matter what color one is, they don't have to like your ass. I am a black man, and the photo does nothing for me. but your response is very racist.
john said...
are you serious? sorry, but don't offend my white friends and those who are allies on this site cause you don't like what an assnon says about your ass.
You know n*gga's like you are really pathetic. Here I am a strong sista on here talking a little shit after an UNPROVOKED attack, and here you are calling me out to defend some anon white chick.
If you had a modicum of common sense which you obviously don't, your question SHOULD have been why is some anon white bitch on my ass like that in the first place.
BTW, where were your cries of racism when a certain poster here was disparaged due to the completion of her VERY beautiful skin? I didn't see your black ass calling out racism then did I?
um, yes i have "called racism" on the others. i guess what confuses me the most is how you know or why you think this person is a white woman and not a brotha or sister who just doesn't like your backside. your quickness to jump to that conclusion is racist and offensive. period. punk, no, that's not me. strong sista, love a strong sista, have one sitting beside me right now. she's my light in a dark word. strong, sane, but with a heart full of God's love. strong does not equal racist.
johhn said...
your quickness to jump to that conclusion is racist and offensive
Funny, I go from reading journal articles in preparation to submit a grant proposal to this BS, LOL!!!!
Why haven't YOU asked flatassnon why she's obsessed with me? And you call me racist for pointing out this person was white, but why haven't you called me sexist for also saying she's female???? .
What I said was racist? Oh well!!! I don't know many black folks who use the term "yuk", so I used a little somethin' somethin' called deductive reasoning to draw what I'm sure is the RIGHT conclusion.
And since you're on the mood for calling folks out, why don't you encourage the haters to get their fats asses to the gym, LOL!!!
no dear fly, white I am not, as black as the ace of spades. now, I would hope that you being black would know better than to profile folks by how they sound or talk. be better than those who judge and stereotype. some might say, "look at her ass, it's big so she's black", which would be equally as wrong. you know better.
I am gonna bite on this one. Fly's ass is FAT. She is RACIST (her remark was nothing less) and she is the reason most brothers prefer white women. She is on the defensive and tries to make herself feel better by sounding educated (journal articles blah blah. She must think she is as smart as AB. Ha, ha.
John, you sound like a gentleman, which means you do not need to waste time with Fly. She's tragic. Your post was since. Hers was not, which is indicative of her real character. I think the term cunt might apply.
Black Bitch
john said...
some might say, "look at her ass, it's big so she's black", which would be equally as wrong. you know better.
Not long ago, someone asked where my hips where. Then someone else commented on the supposed fat under my armpits.
Why are people on this blog so fuckin' obsessed by me, LOL???? Actually, it's not "people" it's likely only one pyschoassnon posing as different people.
Deep dark black men are "trouble" you know, but I love 'em anyway, LOL!!!
Fly is just STOOPID, and her ass is not attractive.
Who puts their ASS in a photo anyway?
She writes like a white screenwriter pretending to be black.
BUSTED, white girl!
Yeah, I get it. Science classes are a white racist plot.
Your butt's not fat, it's bootylicious!
And any man, black or white, who would say otherwise, doesn't know serious black pulchritude, and are too mesmerized by white to see real beauty.
Stay strong, my black sister!
And respond any way you see fit to the nonsense that's often spewed here. I've got your back.
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