I am all for health insurance reform. I really am. And when the senate got the 60 votes over the weekend to make this bill filibuster proof I was happy for the dumbocrats. I am not one of these "uber" leftist who say give me a public option or nothing at all. I understand how the A-merry-can political system works, and I am willing to take the baby steps. Do I want a public option? Of course I do. A government run health insurance plan would drive the cost of health care down for everybody. In fact, if I were King of this A-merry-can world, we would have a single-payer health plan tomorrow. But I am not. the King of the A-merry-can world is money. And right now the insurance lobby and their fat cat friends have damn near all of it. But I digress.
So I am glad for these sixty votes, but I am not happy at how they got there. If what is being reported is true,(the wingnuts are calling it a bribe) Senator Ben Nelson (D-Nebraska) cut a sweetheart deal for his home state of Nebraska. Seems they won't be paying their fair share of the contributions to Medicare for a long time to come. He is not alone. Apparently Mary Landrieu from my favorite state, Louisiana, did the same thing. She held out for a cool one hundred million.
Honestly, I have no problem with folks looking out for their home states. (Unless their name is Joe Lieberman ,who has just become a whore for the insurance industry. Wait...did I say just become? Sorry, l I take that back; he has been a whore for them for a long time.) But shouldn't these people be voting their conscience and convictions? If you think health care reform is needed, why hold out to the highest bidder for your vote? The whole thing just stinks a little too much for the kid.
Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) was on one of the Sunday talk shows, and he was talking about how unconstitutional it all was. He argues that 30% of the people he represents in his state are African American, and if Nebraska gets this deal there will be some equal amendment issues to consider. Ooooo kaaaay. Like when was the last time a GOP official cared anything about the equal rights for black folks? Still, there is something to that argument. The one that says that some citizens shouldn't get certain benefits at the expense of others just because their elected official happens to be slicker.
But, at the end of the day, it looks like his O ness might have a nice Christmas present. And he will be able to say that he got some historic legislation past. That will be something for dumbocrats to run on in what will be a tough election year in 2010.
And if what the CBO chief is saying is true; it's a bill that A-merry-cans could find themselves being able to live with in the long run.
" The bill would cost an average of $87 billion a year for the first ten years. It would expand coverage to about 30 million Americans. It is projected to reduce the deficit by $132 billion over the next ten years. Here's the summation from CBO chief Doug Elmendorf's blog:"
I am no economist, but that doesn't sound like a bad deal to me. Certainly not as bad as some of the deals that were cut to get to 60 votes.
*Pic from Jen Sorensen @ Slowpokecomics.com
Field I'm with you. I would love to see a single payer health care system, even though I work in the healthcare industry. Its simpler and cheaper.
That being said, I knew it wouldn't happen. The only way Obama could pass single payer healthcare would be to create some constitutional gymnastics -- write an executive order starting some sort of public insurance company. In other words, he'd be no better than the tin pot dictators who ran Latina America in the 80's.
We have to inch our way towards progressive in this right wing loony bin we call the United States of America. Otherwise, we get wingnut backlash (i.e. teabaggers and deathers).
It is better to have this bill than no bill at all. I concur with your assessment and will add that Obama will go down in history as the president who succeeded in getting heallthcare reform done. People do not realize that the bill opens up the gate of having types of reform that may include a public option or single payer in the future. Change does not happen over night, but over time no matter Tavis Smiley says.
No one has tweaked Medicare part D in four years.
You wouldn't (well, you would) believe some of the commercials the SC GOP is using to stir up the teabaggers. EVERY COMMERCIAL ABOUT HEALTH CARE SHOWS MOSTLY DARK COMPLEXIONED BLACK PEOPLE RECEIVING HELP FROM WHITE HEALTH PROVIDERS. Since the introduction of the welfare state, southern teabaggers associate ANY government assistance as taking money from hard working Whites in order to help Black people. YET EVERY OTHER YEAR, SC HAS ONE OF THE NATION'S HIGHEST STD RATES ! AND DESPITE WHAT MANY LIARS SAY, IT'S MOSTLY WHITE COLLEGE STUDENTS WHO GET NEW HERPES OR HPV INFECTIONS. Do these White students ask their parents for advice? Nope. They sneak to, you guessed it, government run college clinics or other free clinics for help. There are so many White people with Herpes in SC that it's considered more of an annoyance than anything else (to them). So many of them have it, and they don't see herpes or HPV as an impediment to normal dating, or meeting significant others. Hopefully, when some of these folks can afford the Valtrex they need, they'll appreciate having a president that actually cares about their needs.
Politics. Nasty Politics. I agree with you. There is the reform I want to see, and then then the reform which makes sense. Reform can only happen in baby steps because of the political system we have in place. Checks and balances have been exploited to no end by the opposition.
It’s a shitty bill.
However- I’m sick of the so-called “liberals” and “progressives” who are trying to lay the blame for this at the Prez’s feet. It’s the Senators, stupid. We need to vote some of those meatheads out of office. They don’t need to be there. But, people in America are generally apathetic (or stupid, take your pick). Hopefully, there are enough of us who have been awake (or have recently awakened) to get that job done.
Rahm Emanuel needs to go, too. One good thing about the Prez getting Rahm to be Chief of Staff---Rahm is OUT of the House of Reps, where he aspired to be speaker (and probably would have been, had he stayed there). Now, that’s forever dead. He could’ve done even more damage if that had come about.
That’s all.
How exactly does the bill proposed, by design, will insure and extra 30 million people?
The HMOs, health insurance industry, trial lawyers and pharmaceutical industry are fighting tooth and nail against this, in order to preserve the status quo which has been very, very profitable for them. Hence the lobbyists working overtime to keep the Senators and other legislators all bought up and happily fed.
In the end, all the health care bill will end up being is a hollowed out shell of it's former self that'll preserve the status quo for decades to come, if it manages to make it at all.
I'm sick of the whole mess. No pun intended.
If I had my way, free public health care would be a right the same way free public education is. For everyone, regardless of citizenship status.
And before you start bashing public education as a model, back the hell up. I'm a teacher and a damn good one. And there are many more out there.
And while I'm in charge, the military has too much damn money to spend. A friend of mine told me about her son who is training somewhere in the US where the military has REBUILT an Iraqi landscape, complete with villages and inhabitants, who are Iraqi, who remain in character, so that troops can practice in a realistic situation. How much must all that cost? Boggles the mind. I'm all for a strong defense but some of this shit is ridiculous.
Enough out of me. Ranting right before sleeping is counterproductive.
Field, you might recall that I predicted this outcome four months ago. The operative sections:
I expect that Congress will pass "health insurance reform," and that the Obama administration will try to put lipstick on that pig. Democrats will support it, and the Republicans will walk away laughing. They will know the truth: The plan will do nothing other than to transfer the blame for America's health care crisis from the healthcare industry that created it, and the Republicans who protected them, to the Democrats who failed to do anything about it.
From the looks of things, it's probably too late. I'll be surprised if President Obama's health care plan survives in anything but name only.
That sound you hear is my hand patting my back. The bill sucks, and everyone knows it. Barack Obama is Jimmy Carter with a much deeper tan. The next thing coming is the Democrats losing their House majority and half of the Senate majority. Couldn't happen to a nicer bunch of spineless goddamn cowards.
Hey, look on the bright side: At least we won't have Harry Reid to kick around anymore. He's not going to be re-elected.
Harry Reid should be tarred and feathered, and then not re-elected. His failure to stand up to Joe LIEvermin will be seen as the end of his political career and the moment the Dumbocrats sealed their doom in 2010 and perhaps 2012 as well. Obama's acquiescence in the Senatorial gutting of this bill has landed him in a shitstorm of derision from many who had the audacity to hope for less than a sellout of the public option.
This strategy of trying to appease people who will never vote for you is a disaster and he needs to turn it around fast. Firing Rahm Emmanuel is a good first step. Prevent another 1994 from happening in 2010. Oh and shitcan that unholy trinity of Wall Street...Geithner, Bernanke, and Summers...ASAP as well.
It's a crappy bill. At this point I hope it doesn't pass.
Most seriously I think a federal mandate to buy insurance is unconstitutional. I know states have that for auto insurance but that's the states not the federal government and more importantly you have the choice not to drive.
I can't recall any other instance where the federal government has mandated that individuals must purchase something from a private party simply because an individual exists. That's unprecedented. It's a pretty serious power grab. I just don't see where the Federal government gets that power. I think there are pretty serious 9th and 10th amendment issues here, not to mention a perverse reading of the Commerce clause.
There's nothing in this bill to guarantee cost reduction. Nothing. We are about to gift 30 million new customers to the insurance industry (along with federal subsidies) and just HOPE that sooner or later the insurance industry CHANGE its mind and cut rates sometime down the line.
We've limited or eliminated the ability to import lower cost drugs from Canada. No competition for Big Pharma = increased costs for drugs.
There is no public option.
There is no Medicare buy in.
There is fuzzy language about spending limits. Currently I think that lifetime spending limits are removed but annual spending limits are still in.
The bill cuts spending for Medicare.
Most outrageously the bill provides for taxing of certain health care benefits. Not only is this in direct opposition to what candidate Obama said he would do (remember how hard he went after McCain for proposing this? )it will be a rather substantial backdoor tax raise on people making much less than $250K a year-something else which candidate Obama claimed he was against. It also endorses the loopy idea that the problem with our health care system is that people are going to the doctor too often. People also claim that this will help people because companies will pay them more in cash. Right. If anyone believes that I would like to sell them some oceanfront property in Nebraska. Real cheap too.
So basically the bill as written forces everyone without insurance to buy insurance, cuts certain Medicare benefits, raises taxes and leaves the insurance and pharmaceutical companies free to charge as much as they like.
This is reform?
It is said "Do not let the perfect be the enemy of the good". But this bill isn't good. I think all in all it's worse than the status quo.
As far as the politics, does anyone really know what President Obama wants on this issue? I don't think so. This has shown me that either he is too weak to FIGHT or that he is simply not the man progressives thought he was. He really DOESN'T want a public option or single payer and was content to let Lieberman play "bad cop".
That's cool. He should be as centrist as he wants to be. But right now I don't think he should be expecting the base to turn out enthusiastically in 2010 and 2012. Time will tell.
Just dropped by for a few minutes. Not staying too long because it is too cold for me.
It seems that a lot of people are upset with Obama behind the health Care Bill for not dictating to Congress how to do their job like Bush did for eight years. Correct me if I am wrong but isn't Congress the one that makes legislature and the President's job to sign or veto it. I didn't know that his job description included making legislature too. Strange how no bill has been signed or passed yet but everyone is in an uproar. Has anyone read the bill?
Politics is a very dirty business. Yup, a very dirty, nasty business. The political pundits, health industry, Republicans, and lobbyist have played Americans for the biggest suckers in history. And guess what? Americans like it because they've fell for it hook, line, and sinker. They do it every time.
For eight long years and longer than that the past Presidents made some screwed up policies that led us into the mess we're in now. People labeled them great Presidents. Were they really? All of them had a hand in leading us into the mess we're in now. The economy is so bad until it is no telling when it will be straight again. Yet and still, President Obama has only been in office for almost, not quite 12 months and he is the blame for everything that ails America and Congress mess. How rich! Smh! Was President Obama ever given a fair chance since day one? I'm talking about the same fair chance that was given to other Presidents. Almost 12 months compared to 4 yrs, 8yrs, or even 2 years seems a little unfair to me.
After watching the difference in how they've treated this President, I doubt if white folks will ever have to worry about another black person running for the sacred office of President ever again. At least they've accomplished that without a doubt. They can just let good old Sarah Palin have at it now and finish screwing it up. Who knows she might even revived slavery again or teach us how to see Russia from our backyards. That ought to make white folks happy again.
BTW, Medicare is not all what it is cracked up to be either. They've been cutting and trimming on it for years now. It is barely a shell of what it used to be. Ask me how I know.
One more thing, whether folks know it or not, we've always had a form of public option the only thing is that not every one had health care. You had a choice between which medical insurance you wanted and were able to choose between Blue Cross, Kaiser, etc.
[quote]I understand how the A-merry-can political system works, and I am willing to take the baby steps. Do I want a public option? Of course I do. A government run health insurance plan would drive the cost of health care down for everybody. [/quote]
Filled Negro the Progressive Take Over of Philly and the "Rust Belt Cites" in the Northeast were supposed to be BABY STEPS forward as well. We all know how well that has worked out. After seeing how difficult it was to get your economic schemes to work LOCALLY you decided to nationalize your attmepts to keep the wealthy from moving away from your taxing grasp thus causing your scheme to collapse.
This new healthcare monstrosity:
* Rasies $520 billion in new taxes over 10 years - thus violating Obama's promises of "No Knu Taxes On Anyone but the Evil Rich"
* Collects taxes for 10 years but only pays out reformed benefits for 6. (And you wonder why they claim that it produces a surplus)
* After 10 years the Congress must pass a 21% CUT in payments on Medicare billing for the second 10 years of claimed "SAVINGS" to work.
Today the majority Black "Southwest Atlanta Medical Center" sits CLOSED!!! The former pride of the community where Black medical professionals were seen about 4 years ago - stepping up to provide for the medical care for the community as they purchased the hospital with promises to make it all work out should be used as a model for FAILED GOVERNMENT HEALTH CARE.
It seems that the wealthy Blacks from the Cascade section who had PRIVATE HEALTH INSURANCE chose to drive past their community hospital and instead go to Buckhead and downtown for their medical care. This left Southwest ATL hospital with mostly GOVERNMENT PAID clients (Medicare and Medicaid). Since the GOVERNMENT doesn't pay the same reimbursement rates as does the EVIL CAPTITALISTIC Sicko Private Health Insurance companies......the HOSPITAL CLOSED due to insolvency.
So fill in the blanks. IF the government rate is not sufficient back then - what is going to happen IF they go through and cut the payments by 21% and MORE people are coming to the table with Government Insurance plans?
Today all of this is FEEL GOOD THEORY. When I sat in a progressive "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care" forum I heard so much good news from the progressives!!
* We are going to put health care insurance companies out of business and this money is going to go to create HIGH PAYING JOBS for poor people!!!!!!
* You as a poor person are going to pay less money than you do right now and get BETTER health care!!!! Its going to be so wonderful
Now that a portion of what you got will be enacted we will see one painful truth:
Like the Wall Street Trader. Like the Union contract negotiator - THE AMERICAN HEALTH CARE CONSUMER won't stop his demand for more until the entire system implodes from insolvency. From there they will be forced to accept the level of resources that the system could justifiably bear. (ie: the employee at GM who resisted the Toyota pay rate for years now gets paid @ this level after the bankruptcy).
The day when the medical care resets down to the inferior level as many others receive is in our future. For the Progressive this matters not. As long as MISERY IS DISTRIBUTED EQUALLY across the masses and MONEY is no distinguishing feature - YOU ALL ARE MOST HAPPY.
The ironic thing about it all is - though money should not be a factor in your theory (people over profits) it is your economic ideology's INABILITY to generate organic wealth but instead confiscate and redistribute CAPITALISTIC WEALTH is what you depend upon to make your system work.
Wait until you effectively regulate and suppress capitalistic profit. What will you use for your source of funds to maintain a standard of living that your theories alone can't support?
[quote]BTW, Medicare is not all what it is cracked up to be either. They've been cutting and trimming on it for years now. It is barely a shell of what it used to be. Ask me how I know.[/quote]
I love you Granny but your line of thinking is stunning to me.
Let's walk though your logic for a second.
You say that MEDICARE has been cut for years now.
Can I ask you a question? HOW do you figure they are going to achieve the savings in this future plan?
You talk about BEING PLAYED via the Republicans and the Indutry? Granny you will soon see that with the evil Insurance company making $16 billion per year in profits for the top 15 companies THIS WAS NOT ENOUGH MONEY to justify the attacks against them. Throw all of this $16 billion in profits into the system to pay for services and this STILL would be a small fration of the more than $90 BILLION IN NEW SPENDING from the government that this claimed reform will mean.
Let's be honest Granny - the size of these profits were never the problem as this industry's profits were in line or lower than most other industries. Instead the goal was to find a demon by which to focus public angst against as a means of riling up the masses in support of reform.
Ironically Granny - you and others have less problem with $90 billion in DEBT MONEY than you do $16 billion in PROFITS.
Project ahead. The federal deficit from your favored medical service provider (the government) is now $12,100 billion dollars. It will grow to $20,000 BILLION in about 10 years.
Why don't you shift your consciousness from WHAT YOU ARE GETTING in the way of entitlement over to IS IT SUSTAINABLE over time?
It is stunning that from your mouth is the complaint about Medicare costs. Senator Kent Conrad said yesterday that Medicare is scheduled to be insolvent in 8 years. Grannie - WHAT DO YOU THINK IS GOING TO HAPPEN TO THE ENTIRE BASE OF ENTITLEMENTS over time?
The key "Sold Out behavior" seen by Black legislators and progressive operatives is that NO WHERE in this legislation is there a strong charge for a dramtic increase in minority Physcians. Instead of focusing upon distributing the competency for medical treatments to the periphery (into our communities) you all choose to be made CONSUMERS - In Receipt Of Services yet unable to FINANCE or PERFORM these services via your own community competency.
When all of this funny money collapses - Where will you stand in your ability to provide care for your own community?
Since you took the consumer route the answer will be: "Not able to deliver upon the promises of the takeover".
I thought that you all were "progressing"?
field said: I understand how the A-merry-can political system works, and I am willing to take the baby steps.
I'm not willing. Not on this issue. This is literally life and death for thousands of people, and you don't compromise on matters of life and death.
And Granny, I love your spirit but please, please quit apologizing for Obama's sellouts and cave ins. Lyndon Johnson had to threaten, cajole, bribe and harangue plenty of folks to get Civil Rights and Medicare passed. He did it. Obama refuses to do it. Roosevelt and Truman got things done with fire and brimstone populism and saying to hell with the Republicans. Obama talks about bipartisanship while the Republicans give him the finger. I'm done with this milquetoast bullshit. I don't care what color Obama is, people want someone with a pair of nuts for chrissakes. He doesn't look smart or diplomatic anymore, he looks like a sucker, or worse yet, a water carrier for Wall Street interests. I'm through with "hoping", it's time to take a stand for what is right and good!
CF please STFU, I heard not a peep out of you when GWB was pumping up the deficit more than all 42 previous presidents COMBINED. Now you're worried about a deficit, GTFOH.
Look, all I am saying is that people are getting all bloated and out of shape over public option when we've had public option all the time. On a job when you fill out your health insurance forms. Your ask which medical insurance and dental insurance plan do you choose. That's public option! And it did not make a difference in lowering cost of insurance. The only cost was lowered was them eliminating certain health care procedures.
Oops, I meant to say "them eliminating certain health care procedures that they will pay for and kept their companies profits up in order to keep paying their greedy CEOs.
Have you guys watched that movie,
"2012 yet?
HI GRANNY! Nice to read your coments again , and see that you are alright. I hope all is well out on the leftcoast.
As for the [un]constructive one.
I will just use the words of Ernesto:
"CF please STFU, I heard not a peep out of you when GWB was pumping up the deficit more than all 42 previous presidents COMBINED. Now you're worried about a deficit, GTFOH."
Yep, your peopole have had their chance on the federal level, it's why we are in this mess in the first place.
Shady_Grady, I feel your frustration, but isn't this better than business as usual from Big Insurance?
I think it's a little more than "lipstick on a pig", as Grinder says. It's more like a lot of makeup on a pig. :)
"Politics. Nasty Politics. I agree with you. There is the reform I want to see, and then then the reform which makes sense. Reform can only happen in baby steps because of the political system we have in place. Checks and balances have been exploited to no end by the opposition."
SpkTruth...your online name is fitting.
"Have you guys watched that movie,
"2012 yet?"
Granny, I am waiting for the DVD on that one. How was it?
I want to read it before I decide what I think about it. I have heard so many pundits of all stripes speaking about it, but given that it just passed, I haven't read what just passed. The talking heads have said so many confusing and conflicting things I don't think anyone should take what is being said about it as fact. I need to go get a cup of coffee, download the sucker, and read it through. I suggest others do the same.
[quote]This is literally life and death for thousands of people, and you don't compromise on matters of life and death.
So get this. This is a PRIORITY. A "life or death" situation for THOUSANDS and yet functionally YOU ASK NOTHING OF THEM and the community that they live in to be the PRIMARY VEHICLE to express their OWN WORTH.
[quote]CF please STFU, I heard not a peep out of you when GWB was pumping up the deficit more than all 42 previous presidents COMBINED. Now you're worried about a deficit, GTFOH.[/quote]
Ernesto - first of all you are wrong and clueless as usual. I was attacking Bush's reckless spending for years. IRONICALLY when I broke this deficit spending down and noted that the "EVIL" spending that you like to attack (defense and tax cuts) were taken out this STILL did not address all of the growth in the red.
Social Security/Medicare/Medicaid represent the 3 growth areas for government spending.
Do you see the logic of you seeking to argue against my criticism of DEFICIT SPENDING by the present Federal Democrats by pointing to other DEFICIT SPENDING?
The words "STFU" perfectly encapsulates what you want of me. You want me to SHUT UP so that the next round of Debt Spending can go unabated.
This is why I say that people like you won't be forced to change until, like the GM union worker and the Wall Street trader - THE BOTTOM FALLS OUT and you are forced into acceptance of the painful truth.
Do you see the illogic of MAKING IT ALL ABOUT ME and my concern for the Deficit Ernesto? This debate tactic only holds true in the context of this blog. What you REALLY NEED TO DO is to go educate yourself as to realities of the financial markets and how the growing debt is going to impact future government operations.
You see - if I were never born - this would STILL be the case. This ain't about ME!!!
Greenspan Worries About Debt's Impact On Selling Treasuries
Now let me apply Ernesto's illogic:
Who is Alan Greenspan to render a CREDIBLE commentary after all that he is done?
You see Ernesto engages in "character assassination" and dismissal rather than economic fact.
He will be among those who are most impacted once the day of reckoning comes due for he believed that all he needed to do was to discredit people, assuming that this was sound policy.
Good points LACoincidental and GrannyStandingforTruth!
"Ernesto - first of all you are wrong and clueless as usual. I was attacking Bush's reckless spending for years."
In the three years I've been exposed to you I've never read anything but internet fellatio from you for Republicans.
[quote]Look, all I am saying is that people are getting all bloated and out of shape over public option when we've had public option all the time[/quote]
Granny: This is a tired talking point!!!
We have had:
Social Security/Medicare - a program for RETIRED people who have lived past their productive years and are at the tail end of their lives.
MEDICAID/SCHIP - a program for YOUNG PEOPLE who are at the beginning of their lives but who's parent's economic situation has prevented them from obtaining health care.
MEDICAID/MEDICARE - A program for ADULTS in their prime but who are too POOR or who are disabled.
Granny - take away these EXCEPTIONS and the remainder were people who were expected to WORK FOR their health care services.
Your idea of a "Public Option" is to make EVERYONE a "ward of the state" in receipt of this healthcare. In some perverted manner this is seen as PROGRESSION!!!!
I can't relate to this.
The evil private insurance companies which made $16 billion in profits are less attractive than the federal government conglomerate who ran up a deficit of $1,400 billion during the same time interval.
I take it that PROFITS ARE EVIL yet DEFICITS spent on ENTITLEMENTS are proof that they CARE ABOUT YOU!!!!!
The key variable that most of you are failing to see is that beyond your state of presently "BEING IN RECEIPT OF A BENEFIT".......the system that you accept must be ENDURING AND VIABLE. This system is not.
Worst of all some of you see the victory as won as you can walk down to the clinic for care and not receive an invoice for services rendered.
Nowhere is there talk about "Minds and Money". How will your community leverage the SCHOOL SYSTEM that you now have control over to deliver more Physicians into service to perform that which is of VALUE to you? Isn't it more self-affirming of your worth to have this institution reconciled with this greater purpose? Then the failing school becomes a THREAT TO YOUR INTERESTS and you actively fix them. Instead today you look at what others are doing and demand that OTHERS PROVIDE YOU WITH THE FIX.
Is your community EMPOWERED - Filled Negro or have you been merely provided with MORE SERVICE of which the system that you have control over locally was not able to render for you DESPITE THE PROMISES that were made upon your ascension into power?
Most of you are content with "BEING IN RECEIPT OF BENEFIT" and fail to see that by not concerning yourself as to WHAT PART YOU PLAYED in its delivery - you merely further abstract:
* Your educational system
* Your financial acumen
* Your social order
from the ultimate outcomes that you receive.
This is a heightened case of SLAVERY except there is mass complicity from the recipient.
This bill ss what came out of some of the most stupid objections by congress, by the news and by some of the most muddle-brained folks writing their puzzled opinions on the forums I've been visiting.
EVERYONE, and I mean everyone acts like the concept of getting healthcare for every citizen in the U.S. is some new fangled kind of rocket science. Like it's some new flashy light thing that came out of the heavens and everyone is bewildered, wondering "WTF is that"? Despite the fact that nearly every other civilized country that IS NOT the United States has done that very thing for years now. Is America, Americans THAT STUPID!
[quote]In the three years I've been exposed to you I've never read anything but internet fellatio from you for Republicans.[/quote]
I can only hope and pray that people make note of the substance of the posts from Ernesto and WhiteBowieSteve.
They, like Filled Negro need to throw you chum and make this as a "Republican vs Democrat", "Bush vs Obama" debate all the while hoping that you won't pay attention beyond going to your respective sides to cheerlead.
Anyone can go to my blog and make note of my attendance of the "Fiscal Wake Up Tour" from nearly 3 years ago. They warned about the impact of the US Debt and that the next president, WHOM EVER IT IS - needs to focus on cutting the debt and GETTING AMERICANS USED TO EXPECTING LESS FROM THE GOVERNMENT or fiscal collapse will occur in our future.
Have you ever seen Steve provide objective analysis as to where this nation stands fiscally? OR has it only ever been BLAME for the other side.
If only Steve were able to scrutinize those who control the local economic forces which have more negative impact upon Black folks in an upclose and personal basis.
The rant never changes.
You can go back 3 freakin years and check CF's posts across the internet and it's the same damn thing.
Blacks across the board in America are living in a position of dependency and dysfuntion.
And it's all because we continue to support liberals who hand us things that are either harmful to us or things we don't deserve.
As opposed to conservatives, whom CF never explains how they would make life better for blacks (here's where he leaps intothe "politics don't matter, it's self-responsibility that counts rap")but at least they won't smile at you before they screw you.
It's tired my friend.
Shady_Grady, I feel your frustration, but isn't this better than business as usual from Big Insurance?
In a word, no.
I think the people who were opposed to any meaningful reform acted just like kidnappers. They claimed that unless they got everything they want in the bill, they would kill the bill.
At this point, I say let the bill die. Shoot the bill in the head. Progressives see now that Obama and other corporate democrats are only responsive to money and organized unrelenting pressure-which progressives haven't provided. That was a BIG mistake. The other thing that progressives should learn is that either the President is not with us on health care reform OR the President can be cowed by determined and organized opposition-even when such opposition is in the minority.
Let the bill die and go after the obstructionists in the next elections.
If were just one compromise or two or three or x, then I could see supporting the bill. But everything worthwhile has been systematically stripped out of this bill. I don't think we can have reform and still have completely unregulated private insurers. I want to take the time to get reform right instead of passing a measure which will make it even harder to have reform in years to come. The stock prices of several companies impacted by this bill have risen. The bill's possible passage is good for those companies.
Taking single payer off the table before negotiations even started was another bonehead move. It's like going into a car dealership and declaring that you MUST buy a car that day and MUST have a car from that particular dealership. The negotiation process will be a little different...
Like when was the last time a GOP official cared anything about the equal rights for black folks? Well, John McCain is trying to get a pardon for Jack Johnson if that counts.
Here's an interesting article that uses the health care fracas to pinpoint an issue with Obama's communication and leadership styles-his penchant for conflict avoidance.
Obama Leadership Style
It IS still early and perhaps two years later we'll see a different President. But the indicators are worrisome.
Anyone who thinks this isn't a good bill hasn't read it and doesn't understand how change happens in Washington, D.C.--or our form of government.
Single payer never had a chance and never will. Obama knew that.
Sure, there have been compromises but it is definitely better than the status quo.
Personally, I don't like how close we came to abortion restrictions (such as saying plans can't even offer it if they accept any federal funds, as proposed by Stupak) and don't want to see those creep into the final bill. I also would prefer a stronger employer mandate.
BTW, I object to the term "Dumbocrats." Who do you think got anything done despite all the lies from the right (death panels, etc?).
[quote]And it's all because we continue to support liberals who hand us things that are either harmful to us or things we don't deserve.[/quote]
You are clueless.
If you had any sense about you you would see that you are still entrenched in the Democrat/Republican game where you are most comfortable.
You see WhiteBowieSteve - IF your primary focus was upon obtaining your PERMANENT INTERESTS you would stand upon this foundation and then YOU WOULD BE THE PRIMARY SCIENTIST seeking out for those actions that lead you and your people to this end.
INSTEAD you are a CONSUMER - waiting for some one to MARKET TO YOU so that your dirty shirt will be cleaned with "New and Improved Tide". Later on you complain about how much money they now charge you and that there is no competition among alternatives.
YOU never bothered to learn chemistry and create your own cleaner.
As opposed to conservatives, whom CF never explains how they would make life better for blacks[/quote]
This unsolicited statement from Steve pisses me off. NOT because of the taunt but because it is intrinsically a BLACK INFERIORIST STATEMENT.
What do I have that this adult does not?
What demands will YOU MAKE OF HIM that he listen to me and follow my lead?
Is there any chance that there will not be a TWO TIERED outcome from your plan? With me being the SUPERIOR?
What if this inferior is never DEVELOPED into his complete self but is only left as a CONSUMER? Have you really benefited him Steve?
[quote] (here's where he leaps intothe "politics don't matter, it's self-responsibility that counts rap")but at least they won't smile at you before they screw you.
It's tired my friend.[/quote]
Steve please articulate how I have "screwed" Black people?
You are driving district from Baltimore Maryland.
If you want to see some "Screwed Black People" per the failings of those who control their key institutions- you don't need to drive too far.
A camel is a horse built by a committee.Thats our government!
The dept of energy in 1974 .was suppose to reduce our dependence
on foreign oil.in 1974 we used30%.
Now the dept has 16,000 employees and 100,000 contractors.now we import 74% of oil.Any one rememeber
when our government got into the car insurance business to make it cheaper? I do,still waiting to get paid on a claim from the 70's.How
about social security? We put the money in the pot and the government
spent it instead of using the money for what it was intended.Now
it's the guys before them fault.We are about to get an influx of how many immigrants,so how many more
will be with out insurance or will have to be subsidized ?A government
employee,doesn't produce anything but a tax,yet government never gets smaller.A government retirment
never fails,if they make a bad investment,then our taxes are raised to cover the difference.I'm all for everyone having health insurance and immigration,but in a ression do we really need government taking away more of our spending power.Why are the doctors and the lawyers being cut a different deal? If its all good. Why is it now two people making a whooping $59,000.00 going to have to pay more? why is it your or somebody is going to be responsible for your child's insurance until the age of 27.Why do doctors have to go into a speciality,so they can pay off their loans.Why isnt
a college education being made more affordable for the poor?Why aren't the poor required to take additional schooling to recieve aide.Instead of taxes,taxes,taxes.
Remember bay boomers = Your mom,dad,auntie and uncle.Can you cover the slack?All the states are on the edge of being bankrupt.Who do they cut first police,garbage,etc.
"This unsolicited statement from Steve pisses me off. NOT because of the taunt but because it is intrinsically a BLACK INFERIORIST STATEMENT."
You keep saying how Democrats and their policies are HURTING US?!!!!
Then whenever you are challenged to show how your way would HELP us, then you resort to the self-responsibility rap.
You're a fraud.
"ou are driving district from Baltimore Maryland.
If you want to see some "Screwed Black People" per the failings of those who control their key institutions- you don't need to drive too far."
And I can show you black people in the Baltimore area who are doing very well.
Played by the rules, got their educations, professional careers and/or started businesses.
Now tell me that the MAJORITY of black people in the Baltimore/Washington area are dysfunctional ghetto dwellers.
I dare you.
There you go, lying again Hathor.
From the Center for Disease Control and Prevention-
1. Gonorrhea Rates are 30 times higher in African Americans that whites.
2. African American women are the highest risk group for genital herpes.
This is from US News and World Report-
48 percent of African-American teenaged girls have an STD, compared with 20 percent of white teenaged girls.!
Why didn't you produce a link?
Alright ups,
no politico is to be trusted as ONLY corps rule our world
what we end up with will be WORSE in every way than what insured people have now
the poor and uninsured will remain the same even though obama pretended THEY were the issue all along
they never were!!!
obama's mom died being abused by the same medical corps that obama now pays by bilking all of us
thus proving yet again
that he his paper thin soul is even thinner than his resume
howard dean MD is telling rebel truths about this health rehorm hoax
see more:
I am always amazed that the same line; "Government produces nothing but taxes/paperwork/'insert your own demon'.
Having served honorably, and worked with government employees all over the world and at home, I can say that I have never been the worse for dealing with them. An increasing population, infrastructure responsibilities, safety/hazard awareness, and (thank God) increasing awareness of domestic problems by a steadily increasing portion of Americans...
All these items require both larger government and less tax loopholes. For every R out there saying governement is bad, there are thousands who survive only by dint of a combination of government and charitable assistance. Both of which are being defined by the cost in dollars. A very sad state, but I believe that my country and our people will keep changing for the better, despite the efforts of a scared, conservative, xenophobic, nationalist minority.
Happy Holidays to all. (sorry if it came through twice)
No one will be worse off.
I also served honorably and I also
had to wait to be discharged,because of dental records.Which I was told I needed.
Problem was I never had to go to the dentist and wouldn't have used theirs if I did.By the way,I'm a Independent.(there are thousands who survive only by dint of a combination of government and charitable assistance. Both of which are being defined by the cost in dollars. A very sad state,). Department of Defense's $640 toilet seat and $436 hammer and the National Park Service's $797,400 outhouse $1,791,000 by Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member TomHarkin (D-Iowa) for swine odor and manure management$465,000,000 for the continued development of the F-136 engine as an alternative engine in the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF) programdespite the fact that no other part of the plane would be competed once production commenced.”Last year, Rep. Murtha earmarked $23,000,000 for the NDIC, which is administered by the Department of Justice (DOJ). However, the DOJ has asked Congress to shut the NDIC down because its operations are duplicativeThe government claims they will cut fraud.I guess they need to do that first and then bill us.Again a horse is a camel built by a committee!!!!
by worse i mean that
ALL of the current quality of service will decline and costs will increase
premiums will increase for all
we will be forced to buy insurance/fined/jailed
employer insurances will eventually be nullfied
the govt will become an inferior insurance competitor
we will all soon see...
these devils will be in the final details of the final bill
Yes, AB, and the world will end.
Of course, you would not be able to find one good outcome of the bill, because you are a right-wing conservative nutcase...
There is no Medicare buy-in, there is no public option, so it is a lie to say the government will become an inferior competitor...where are you getting your talking points from, Rush Limbaugh?
the world actually ended in 2000
when obama's mentor took over
obama just has next on lock until 2016
"the public" includes workers who are currently insured by employers you idiot
& employers who obama is taxing to death and who will DUMP their rolls in every way possible asap
* employees who will opt NOT to pay the skyrocketing costs of current premiums via pvt insurers
do your homework
and get back to be when obama signs the final bill you foolish obama nazi
Having been responsible for ordering numerous parts (including hammers), I never paid that much for my tools. As always, the agenda behind the numbers should be the first thing considered. As far as medical/dental care, I never had a problem, and worked with many who felt the same. I do not consider myself exceptional, and I find that most issues were easily worked out, if both parties are willing.
Rather like the statement about what goverment workers produce, the comment about a camel is simply a case of making a "Rule of Exceptions".
i hate rush even more than i hate you
but even rush is dead on re: obama
you tell me:
how does it feel to be more ignorant and blind than rush????
Have you guys watched that movie, "2012" yet?
Yeah, and it was fantastic. I love disaster movies. Great special effects, cheesy plots (always a love story in there, and some cartoonish good guy/bad guy stuff), laughable sequences, terrible acting ... all in all, Hollywood at its best.
Don't miss it! For God's sakes, the world ends. How much better can it get?!
"Don't miss it! For God's sakes, the world ends. How much better can it get?!"
Then they put one male and one female of all animals on the ships for a reason. Leave it up to the gays and the human race will die out because they think their way is natural against the laws of biology and logic.
Of course, because you hate people who are smarter than you, and who have facts to support their position. You are a rank amateur.
Don't fool yourself into think you're actually capable of having an informed debate about health policy.
I assume since you are "married" in a state that does not recognize same sex unions for health benefits and because you have "four jobs," none of which could be fulltime or offer benefits, that you are currently uninsured or have an individual policy with a high deductible.
Don't know you that under the bill you'd be able to get a lower priced policy, and there would be no pre-exiting condition clauses that probably make you uninsurable now, given your mental disorders?
The shame is on YOU for not being able to see the forest for the trees!
Leave it up to the gays and the human race will die out because they think their way is natural against the laws of biology and logic.
Better watch out for those infertile straights, then. Ban the vasectomy!
why is it always homohating morons who insist on interjecting "gay agendas" into all debates????
i wonder if assnon had condoms in his hm/birth control pills in her blood when s/he posted that bs??
i pray that assnon is a sterile
gaybashing het
we have enough fools in this world
bashing me is a tired waste of time
bashing obama may save the world
i have 2 supreme corp posts with supreme medical benefits 4 now...
1 is ft
1 pt
my wife has 1 ft job which she has held for 22 yrs
and i own 2 freelance businesses of my own
my life is charmed and blessed
as you are lulled into imaginary nirvanas by obama
because ignorance is bliss
JEALOUS assnon:
where is your own "informed health debate" within your silly hater rants herein?????????
mine superior debates on health hoaxes and MUCH more are here in videos and texts:
why is it always evil fools who should never breed who are always fretting over sterile gays????
millions of gays breed daily
just as blended/invitroed hets do...
Hey AB...didn't you say you were from Arkansas? I somehow found my self at the Walmart in Conway, Ar, this weekend, and I could have sworn I saw you in there shopping for panties over in the pup tent department.
Anonymous said...
1. Gonorrhea Rates are 30 times higher in African Americans that whites.
As an academic master of advanced statistics courses( as in "A grades), and a fomer infectious disease epidemiology student at the CDC, I'm always amazed at the efforts some folks put forth to advance this idea that Blacks are haborers of sexually transmitted infectious diseases. Least we forget that the government sponsered the Tuskeege Experiment back in the day...........
The CDC website does state that gonorrhea rates increased among Blacks, BUT the number of gonorrhea CASES increased among whites during the same period of time. Now I could breakdown for you the differences between the definition of rate verses a case (or indicence as it's often referred), but I don't have time. Suffice it to say that the number of cases is far more important statistically speaking than the rate.
But of course, had you mentioned the right number in it's proper context,(and I got that info from the website YOU cited) then your point of trying to make Black folks look bad would have been in vain.
So my suggestion to you is the the next time you want to quote stats on the incidence of infectious diseases in the Black community, you do so in a group of folks that doesn't also include a Scientist who speciality happens to also be infectious diseases. ASSHOLE!!!!
just saw your sidebar on republicans who demand readings
this health hoax mess may be one mark that even obama nazis are unable to try to wash off when obama's hoax is law
i am so proud you admit that you are a cross dresser too you lonely perv!
i know peasants like you prefer walmart
but here's a free tip tiny:
you'd catch more hefty honies at lane bryant
silkier fancier panties there for your solo sessions too
expand your stalker horizons!!!
best wishes with that you lewd loon!
NO prez has acted more racist than the blackish obama!!!!
[quote]You keep saying how Democrats and their policies are HURTING US?!!!![/quote]
Why do you keep focusing upon EXTERNAL forces?
Instead of asking the question above why don't you show some intellectual honesty for once and STEP BACK ON THE INSIDE and then ask your question outward:
"With respect to the NEEDS of our community; The political control that 'favorable people' now have over key institutions (schools, economic forces, etc) and the favored ideology and culture that has been cultivated by those with influence:........ARE THESE COMMUNITIES IN QUESTION NOW EMPOWERED TO SUPPORT THE STANDARD OF LIVING THAT THEY DESIRE WITH THEIR OWN HUMAN RESOURCES PROVIDING THE KEY ENABLERS OF THIS LIVING STANDARD?
Steve - Ultimately you want to have a "Democrat vs Republican" debt. Take away the GOP from the communities that are most concentrated and STILL you will be talking about the "GOP" rather than the deficiency in your theories.
It is quite ironic that when the wealthy of this nation try to defend the STATUS QUO by pointing to "all of the rich people who are doing fine" - as they over look the poor - they are called OUT OF TOUCH.
When YOU do the same thing as illustrated above you like to believe yourself as "Black Conscious" and PROUD of the system that is in place.
Then whenever you are challenged to show how your way would HELP us, then you resort to the self-responsibility rap.[/quote]
And YOU see this as "Blaming The Victim". Who is more perverted with his response?
Do you understand or know anyone that can answer the question of how Nebraska and LA can get away with their "sweet deal"; won't the Supreme Court have to weigh in on this question????
Good to hear from Granny again too!
Thanks for any input that may come this way in the comments. I've learned much by reading your blog the past year.
Mele Kalikimaka to all from
Makaii on Maui
p.s. Even Bo the dog wants to come visit Oahu this year.
Please rethink your comments. Here is a press release from the CDC about the very same subject!
"Blacks represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, but accounted for about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all chlamydia and syphilis cases (48 percent and 49 percent, respectively) in 2008.
Among women, black women 15 to 19 years of age had the highest rates of chlamydia and gonorrhea (10,513 per 100,000 and 2,934 per 100,000, respectively), followed by black women ages 20 to 24 (9,373 per 100,000 and 2,770 per 100,000, respectively).
Denying/lying about a problem will not make it go away. I notice you didn't even attempt to refute the 48% std number among black female teens.
Anonymous said...
Denying/lying about a problem will not make it go away. I notice you didn't even attempt to refute the 48% std number among black female teens.
I neither need to deny or lie about the "stats" you post because you forget one critial factor in your analysis. SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS!!!
In other words, amoung my peers/friends/collegues in the 200K+ family income level, there are no high rates of STD's among our teens.
The fact is that lumping all Blck folks together as if education doesn't make a difference is just part of the larger racist agenda some people have in America to keep Black folks down mentally. You don't want to highlight the LOW rates of STDS, murder, suicide, and other social ills among Black teens from educated and high income families because it makes you with feel inferior, as well you should. As a group, we're smarter than you, more educated than you and have more disposable income than you.
Now if you want some STD stats, lets talk about some of those rural spots along the Appalchian mountains. Billy Bob and 'dem be spreading LOTS of disease!!!
I don't want to own the label "uber leftist" but I am so sad about this.I feel the only winners are the insurance companies who will now have more clients for their unregulated monopoly. Look for them to make even more profits. I know the Obamaholics would like any bill to pass so that Obama can have a "win" in his column.
A nice Christmas present for Obama indeed, but the millions of uninsured in this country are getting screwed..
Ok, Anon racist jerk, here's your free stats lesson beginning with a quote from the website you mentioned above"
"Dr. Gottlieb and colleagues analyzed questionnaires and HSV-2 blood tests from 4,128 high-risk individuals visiting STD clinics from July 1993 to September 1996 in five U.S. cities - Baltimore, Denver, Long Beach, Newark and San Francisco as part of project RESPECT, a trial evaluating HIV prevention counseling."
This is what's called a biased sample size. Why? Because educated Black folks see private Docs and generally do NOT go to clinics for mecical services. Second, educated Black folks don't generally fall into ANY high risk category where STD's are concerned. And third, the largest number of educated Black folks are found on the east coast and in the South and only 2 of the 5 cities sampled meet that criteria.
So you take an extremely biased sample size and attempt to extrapolate anything meaningful about the STD rates among ALL Blacks? GTFOH man!!!!
What percentage of blacks (or whites for that matter) make over 200k like you and your friends? The answer is a VERY small percentage! Secondly, I don't take anything; I didn't conduct those studies. Write a letter to the CDC if you don't like it.
However, if you think those stats are okay indicators, that's fine. Everyone knows ignoring a problem will make it go away eventually...
"As a group, we're smarter than you, more educated than you and have more disposable income than you."
What group?
Having a photo of your ass for your avatar is rather tacky.
Anonymous said...
Having a photo of your ass for your avatar is rather tacky.
Not if my intent is to make sure folks like you know where they can kiss when they start the with silly shit that frequently occurs on this blog, LOL!!
BTW, do I sense a little jealousy because YOUR ass would take up Field's entire page, LOL??
Anonymous said...
What percentage of blacks (or whites for that matter) make over 200k like you and your friends? The answer is a VERY small percentage!
But the percentage of EDUCATED Black folks, who are often NOT included in studies like these, is NOT as small as the media would have you believe. Ever heard of an HBCU??
BTW, next time you're in metro DC, take a drive through PG County. There are MANY six figure families in that 'hood.
Poeple like you and the media LOVE to focus on negative bullshit stats about Black folks like "there are more black men in prison than in college" which from what I understand, only differs by about 100K. But what people like you FAIL to focus on is the number of black men who are NOT in prison, who have GRADUATED college and are holding down jobs which FAR exceeds the number in prison.
Fly, typical how the foolish anon distracted you when he/she switched the subject to ass. Dumb and dumber Bimbo. And stop lying about your important career and how much you don't make. You got serious issues, you're the new AB these days.
Hey fly, how much do you make a year exactly?
I noticed you go to great pains to try and convince total strangers of your superiority, why such a sense of insecurity? I never mentioned black men and prison. Why bring it up? I never doubted that there were educated blacks. you don't need to convince me. Who else are you trying to convince?
"But the percentage of EDUCATED Black folks, who are often NOT included in studies like these."
So, you are saying the CDC intentionally left out educated blacks in theses studies to skew the findings?
ignore mareallyafraidofaidsinfectedojs
posting as assnon
keep slaying fools sista!
assnon is mareallyahatingonbfs as an uneducated assless racist wf wannabee lonely horny for a big black stud/obama baby mama...
nothing enrages her ilk more than scholarly black beauties like you!
Anonymous said...
You got serious issues, you're the new AB these days.
Don't hate me because I'm finer than you sweetie, LOL!!
You know, not ONE of you assnon fcukers is bold enough to post a profile, picture, email contact, ect. And the reason is clear. Collectively, you haven't done a damn thing with your lives other than eat, shit, and take up space!!!
Anonymous said...
I noticed you go to great pains to try and convince total strangers of your superiority, why such a sense of insecurity?
ONLY someone who is insecure and threatened by the confidence and academic acumen of someone else, would even ask such a dumb ass question, LOL!!.
Got a bachelor's degree? You know these days you can earn one online, wink eye, LOL!!!
Anonymous said...
Hey fly, how much do you make a year exactly?
Enought to cash your ass and make plenty change. Next question, LOL?
alicia banks said...
assnon is mareallyahatingonbfs as an uneducated assless racist wf wannabee lonely horny for a big black stud/obama baby mama...
You know I think you're right. Only a silly ass white woman would make a comment about underarm fat.
Still I think you have to be a lame ass psycho post post with a username and as assanon. But then those with no backbone, fail to stand..............
dear anony,
Fly is right, the CDC used a sample of five cities, of which, only two of those cities might even be considered representative, and it also does not take into account the available health care and preventative medicine that may or may not be available in those cities.
I think what Fly is saying is that the sampling is flawed, and I agree.
Alicia, I been meaning to tell you, your invention of MaReally should be trademarked, it's the best one you ever thought of.
"assnon fcukers is bold enough"
That would be "are" bold enough.
cckathy, what would make a "assless" white girl like you kiss the asses of AB and that lying Bimbo? Have you found any OJs on the site as yet? You've been here hunting for quite some time now, I guess not. Foul mouth white girls have no pride anyway.
just remember the scareist thing in the hood,gonna be the 50yr old white man whos lost everything and is never lived in the hood and is scared,with a fully load automatic!
[quote]"Blacks represent 12 percent of the U.S. population, but accounted for about 71 percent of reported gonorrhea cases and almost half of all chlamydia and syphilis cases (48 percent and 49 percent, respectively) in 2008.[/quote]
Anon - There is difference between a person who throws up these unsavory stats for no other purpose than to IMPUGN a "race" of people and those people who present these stats with the goal of identifying the COMMON BEHAVIOR and associated MESSAGES that a group of people have accepted as their baseline which serve to make them disproportionate victims of these diseases that are contracted by exchanged body fluid.
There is nothing genetic about these stats. I assure you that a Black couple in a committed long term relation are NOT represented in these numbers.
IF your goal is anything more than to impugn a people per their race you would learn to provide more context to your claims.
Me personally I would be interested to know what percentage of these people took a high school sex edu class that promoted "WRAP IT UP". So many Progressives are inclined to attack "Abstinence Only" education as a flop. The truth is that few majority Black (and thus liberal) school systems ever adopted A.A. as their policy. Despite this fact Baltimore and DC are hotbeds for HIV infections. Thus proving that many Blacks have become ill under this policy that has been pushed upon them.
The thought that a prophylactic of .3 mil thick of latex can sufficiently abstract you from your risky behavior is just plain ignorant.
Anonymous said...
"assnon fcukers is bold enough"
That would be "are" bold enough.
Not really, "assnon fcukers" as a noun would be "is, not are, silly rabid.
cckathy, what would make a "assless" white girl like you kiss the asses of AB and that lying Bimbo? Have you found any OJs on the site as yet? You've been here hunting for quite some time now, I guess not. Foul mouth white girls have no pride anyway.
9:01 PM
lol, about the "assless" part. that was good.
CF:There is nothing genetic about these stats. I assure you that a Black couple in a committed long term relation are NOT represented in these numbers.
IF your goal is anything more than to impugn a people per their race you would learn to provide more context to your claims.
This must be a hollydaze, I actually agree with CF tonight, thank you!:))
"Not really, "assnon fcukers" as a noun would be "is, not "
You're worse than Bimbo who did just that to get by in
"scientist" school. Fuckers are plural.
I agree with CF too, that assanon was an ass, but Bimbo is still a Bimbo.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Not really, "assnon fcukers" as a noun would be "is, not "
You're worse than Bimbo who did just that to get by in
"scientist" school. Fuckers are plural.
9:26 PM
Not really assnon,
using "assnon fcukers" as a descriptive noun, *previously mentioned*, would be singular, not plural. nighty night now:)
for example, Assnon Fcukers is a very good description of certain people who comment. well, that is just an example. as i said, nighty night now:))
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Not really, "assnon fcukers" as a noun would be "is, not "
You're worse than Bimbo who did just that to get by in
"scientist" school. Fuckers are plural.
9:26 PM
not to be too picky, but it's "fuckers is plural" nighty night now.
"not to be too picky, but it's "fuckers is plural" nighty night now."
Ok she's a Bimbo and you're a Ding-Bat.
Applying the same ignoramus logic:
Kathy and Fly is stupid. Some white girls is so stupid.
Poor stupid Kathy.
I am sure you realize there is more than one anon. I have not posted since 1:37, and I have not said anything racist.
Anonymous said...
cckathy, what would make a "assless" white girl like you kiss the asses of AB and that lying Bimbo?
Ok, I'm thinking either a man with a small penis or an assonmymous black bitch. Which is it, LOL?? What do you guys think?
I think I'mma have to go with an assnonynmous, black bitch, LOL
Anonymous said...
"not to be too picky, but it's "fuckers is plural" nighty night now."
Ok she's a Bimbo and you're a Ding-Bat.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Change that. Imma go with middle age white man with a VERY small penis, LOL!! Bimbo and Ding-Bat are "I used to watch Archey Bunker on TV and loved it" language of low income white folks, LOL!!!
Anonymous said...
Ok she's a Bimbo and you're a Ding-Bat.
FYI, Shenequa and Tyrone didn't keep you out of that top college. Molly and Peter did, LOL!!! So get over it!!!
yes, very tiny, indeed, so small, that the other women were laughing about how teeny tiny it was, or is it is? lol
"how teeny tiny it was, or is it is? "
Bimbo, taking up houise with Dingbat isn't helping you. Just because she's white doesn't mean she's smart.
PS, I thought you would like "houise" as in Archie, a little humor, just in case you didn't catch it. You're not too quick like that.
ignore mareallyaracisttrolling for ojs!
she does not condone any racial harmony that is not sexual...
each time mareallyastalker calls you AB, i smile with pride
only a foolish racist carnal court jester like her would diss dual sista queens...proud to be in your regal company
You are confusing all your Anons..there are at least four. I don't know how "mare" is, but that is not who I I am.
You are still stupid, you still have no facts, you still make no sense, you are still insane. Oh, and a liar.
Anon 1029 AM: Quit trying to polish this turd of a bill that was crapped out by the Senate and their insurance company sponsors. It's yet another government bailout/subsidy for those private industries that can afford to pay to play in the world of high price hookers known as the United States Senate. Government subsidized capitalism is the type of socialism we have in this country.
Did you read the bill? Tell me what's good about it. Did you not notice how the health insurance company stocks responded today? The speculators think this bill is great for the insurance companies. Are their instincts wrong?
Who cares if is liked bu the insurance industry. It is also liked by patients and doctors.
I am not going to quit anything--and you're the turd.
Did you read it? Methinks not.
No one has debated any of the points I raised. So you tell me what YOU read and want to change.
Yeah, I thought so. Just like AB.
Anonymous said...
You are confusing all your Anons..there are at least four. I don't know how "mare" is, but that is not who I I am.
Ding, Ding, Ding!! I think we have a winner here!
How in the hell could an assnon have the capacity to even speculate about the number of anons wihtout being a few if not all of them, LOL?
Yep, white, old, and phallic obsessed. Poor thing. First you had to attend a crappy state school for college thanks to Affirmative action, and now this, LOL!!!
Now about this bill, it was carp from the start because it didn't address tort form in medical cases. Again, Obama has to look our for his fellow Attorneys!!!
What? I know there is more than one anon because I am one and i didn't post the other stuff by anons. Are you retarded?
And tort reform is the only thing Republicans cared about--blew your own cover, didn't you?
Anonymous said...
What? I know there is more than one anon because I am one and i didn't post the other stuff by anons. Are you retarded?
And tort reform is the only thing Republicans cared about--blew your own cover, didn't you?
YOU sure are defensive aren't you assnon?
Tort reform is what people MANY people in the medical profession (especially Physicians) care a LOT about. So I guess by your small penile logic, ALL Physicians are Repubs?
Hey, Dumbass (boy, I love the level of discourse you have pulled this down to):
Yes, physicians are historically Republican. However, did you not see the link I posted?
You clearly are an idiot.
Anonymous said...
Yes, physicians are historically Republican. However, did you not see the link I posted?
So lemme see if I'm understanding this middle aged, white male, peniless argument correctly.
Physicians are "historically" Repubs. No kidding, Shitlock Holmes!! So I guess this goes for Black Physicians too?
You know theres a HUGE difference between the words "historically" and "ALL" although NONE of that applies to Black Physicians.
Oh nevermind. I'm wasting time debating with an assonon who blames affirmative action for why he didn't get into his forst choice college, LOL!!!
assnon is a truly bold buffoon to challenge someone to bravely "debate" while simultaneously being too cowardly to even post a name and photo!!!
see much more on this health care hoax here:
this bill will be WORSE for everyone and poor uninsured people
will get NOTHING!...we will all be bilked in advance and then watch our premiums rise as the quality of ALL of our care declines...RAPIDLY!
and masochistic obama nazis will cheer obama on even as it all unfolds....shame!!!
Oh nevermind. I'm wasting time debating with an assonon who blames affirmative action for why he didn't get into his forst choice college, LOL!!!
I have no idea WTF you are talking about it. I never said a thing about college and that is a false statement.
Go ahead and end the conversation...you don't know how to debate on facts anyway.
a huge nursing org slammed obama and his health hoax today
NO medical professionals support this bill
howard dean MD is the tip of the rejection inceberg
as always,
the obama nazis will only diss them all sexists/racists/haters etc
but those who are sane and awake know this is further proof of the BILKING & ABUSE we will all soon endure...
hey assnon:
what is the deal with all those fertile het soldier duos wishing they were sterile like us gays???
so much for your breeder bs
Hey, ABlardass, you don't consider the AMA as representing medical organizations? How odd!
hey fat bastard:
the reduction in doctors' lucrative salaries will be one of the most immediate and drastic effects of this bill!
how moronic and evasive you are in the "debates" you feign!!!
hey assnon/portly penisless poser:
like obama, YOU LIE!!!!
try posting some links with the bs you claim herein you fat foolish boy!!!
even the AMA "supports" obama's health hoax CONDITIONALLY!!!
sane people are down with the nurses on the FRONT lines of health care!
ps: where is your buff photo you invisible idiot???!!!!!
I posted the links hours ago. As you say SCAN UP.
I never said any endorsement wasn't conditional. I said mine was conditional.
And the next time you go to the ER and assume that the doctor treating your mania isn't on the front lines...
I am neither fat nor a bastard nor lacking or have need of a penis...figure THAT one out.
I am neither fat nor a bastard nor lacking or have need of a penis...figure THAT one out.
8:03 PM
MaReally? lol
you fat fools keep confusion herein by all posting as assnons
YOU figure out why all you fat cowards dish out what you cannot take!!!!
i am still awaiting a photo of your chiseled body...
alicia, if you ever wonder why a bunch of people who might otherwise sympathize with you are not glad to see you here, scroll up. You posted 12 of 15 messages prior to this one. Good God, woman, do you ever get tired of that?
AB, "assnon:
i am still awaiting a photo of your chiseled body..."
I don't want you to start fantasizing about my beautifully chiseled body. I have wrecked homes with just a picture of me. I am having compassion for your love life by not showing my crafted divine body.
You should be grateful to me.
anon 643 am: you didn't raise any points WORTH debating. You said that "Single payer never had a chance and never will. Obama knew that."
It never had a chance because it was NEVER GIVEN A CHANCE, even though a clear majority of people wanted it. All Obama had to do was call it "The Expansion of Medicare Act" and put the onus on the 60 senators to pass it. There was broad public support for that type of plan. THERE STILL IS, which is why you see Obama and the Dumbocrats poll numbers tanking lately. People rightfully see these cave ins to the likes of Joe Lieberman as a sham and a sell out.
Max Baucus, who took 2.5 million dollars from health insurance companies, had people ARRESTED who tried to crash his hearings, supporting single payer. The fact that you accept this mess so easily makes you part of the problem.
@anon 3:26...
GOOD ONE. Couldn't have said it better myself!
your fake flawed counting skills are as inept as your oft failed attempts to appear to be a liberal gay herein....you racist hater
you are transparent and pestering nelly nitpick
spare me...i see u boi
spoken like the as yet invisible fat blubbery man boobed lying coward that you are...
Yeah, right...that sounds like a male version of you.
Spare us all--please!
the only thing worse than you morons who are too afraid to show your names and faces is when you tag team each other like invisble wrestlers
go count granny ETC here
you and grinder need to get your own invisible blogs
you will never police me here!!!
and when you finish your selective counting and bogus policing...obama will still be destroying the world as expertly as i destroy you in EVERY debate herein
Well, we'll be sure to take your advise.
NOT!!! LOL!!
AB, "you will never police me here!!!"
Never say "never"!!!
anon 6:43 am: I usually don't do cut and paste, but this is to refute your bogus claim that "doctors support this bill":
Pro-single-payer physicians call for defeat of Senate health bill
Legislation ‘would bring more harm than good,’ group says
For Immediate Release
Dec. 22, 2009
David Himmelstein, M.D.
Steffie Woolhandler, M.D., M.P.H.
Oliver Fein, M.D.
Mark Almberg, PNHP, (312) 782-6006, mark@pnhp.org
A national organization of 17,000 physicians who favor a single-payer health care system called on the U.S. Senate today to defeat the health care legislation presently before it and to immediately consider the adoption of an expanded and improved Medicare-for-All program.
While noting that the Senate bill includes some “salutary provisions” like an expansion of Medicaid, increased funding for community clinics and the curbing of some of the worst practices of the private insurance industry, the group says the negatives in the bill outweigh the positives.
The negatives, the group says, include the individual mandate requiring that people buy private insurance policies, large government subsidies to private insurers, new restrictions on abortion, the unfair taxing of high-cost health plans, and cuts of $43 billion in Medicare payments to safety-net hospitals. Moreover, at least 23 million people will remain uninsured when the plan finally takes effect, they said.
“We have concluded that the Senate bill’s passage would bring more harm than good,” the group said in a statement signed by its president, Dr. Oliver Fein, and two co-founders, Drs. David Himmelstein and Steffie Woolhandler.
Addressing the Senate in an open letter, they write: “We ask that you defeat the bill currently under debate, and immediately move to consider the single-payer approach – an expanded and improved Medicare-for-All program – which prioritizes the advancement of our nation’s health over the enhancement of private, profit-seeking interests.”
Does anyone remember the name of the book that Field had listed on the side bar a couple of days ago. He was recommending it as a "good read" but I didn't write the title down and now it's no longer there. Can someone help me out?
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