Ahhh the beauty and perils of marriage. I have to blog about this story, because it involves one of my favorite A-merry-cans: the only man in A-merry-ca with a mirror that actually lightens his skin tone when he looks into it.
Of course I am talking about my man, Clarence. That would be Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas. He of the coke bottle fetish and the Clarence in wonderland legal opinions. Although it's not really Clarence I am focusing on this time, it's his wife. Yes, his wife.
Apparently Virginia Thomas has decided to let her true party colors fly and step up to the plate in the "teabagger" movement.
"Into the heightened political atmosphere between the Supreme Court and the Obama administration comes now Virginia Thomas, the conservative activist and wife of Justice Clarence Thomas, who is founder of a new nonprofit lobbying and political-organizing group catering to the "citizen activists" of the "tea party" movement.
Virginia "Ginni" Thomas says Liberty Central Inc. will educate motivated citizens to "preserve freedom and reaffirm the core founding principles," according to the group's Web site, and will serve as a way for concerned Americans to "make a difference in the fight for liberty and against the liberal Washington agenda." [story]
Yeah, I hear you there Ginny, knock yourself dead. Just remember that your husband gets his big fat Supremes salary from the federal government that you and your friends hate so much. And I know that a lot of pillow talk goes on between you two when you are getting your Wesley and Annabella on, but I just hope that you are not influencing my friend Clarence when he has to make very important decisions on our nation's behalf. I am all for "educating and motivating citizens", I just don't need you "motivating" Clarence too much come bed time if you get my drift.
I am not going to get into the ethical aspects of this. (Clarence, I know you don't have to, but you should recuse yourself if any teabagger case comes before you. You are already on shaky ground. You did rule with he majority in that Citizens United case.) Folks will be able to go back and forth on that one. (The lefties will rip it and the wingnuts and their coon-kicks will defend it) Besides, who are we kidding? We all know where Clarence stands. It's not like the guy is on the fence ideologically. Still, I don't know, the Supremes used to be so much better of at least not acting like they were so partisan. First Alito's little outburst, and now this. Oh where have you gone Earl Warren?
"Virginia Thomas did not return calls on Monday. But she said in an interview with a conservative blogger at a meeting of the Conservative Political Action Committee last month that she had left her job working for a small college because of her concern that the country is off-track. ..."We've got to get the Constitution back to a place where it means something . . . or we're headed for tyranny," she told blogger Ed Morrissey."
"Tyranny" huh Virginia? Now I see where Clarence gets his mojo.
1 – 200 of 208 Newer› Newest»It was a Coke can, actually.
Field, this stuff's playing out like a sitcom or something. Some of them Supremes are trying to open up for some reason along with the decade-late teabaggers...wtf?!
Clarence better be careful with those "core founding principles." Mann Act? Jack Johnson? Poor Clarence. He's so trusting.
Field, thanks for this post. it does my heart good to see a Supreme Court Justice's wife involved in the politics of this nation. She is right, this country is waaay off track and needs people like her to help put it back on the right path.
These Dems and their health bill and whatever else they try to do goes to hell in a hand basket. Of course, Dems have never been much of politicians anyway.
That's a great picture of Clarence and his lovely wife holding hands. That is 'true love', and as Jody often says, "love is hard to find these days". It really soothes the heart to see such love in post-racial America.
Btw, did you hear that Tiger will be back for the Masters? I am sure his lovely wife will be there too.
Well, the teabaggers are going to win this fight because the progressives, liberals and Dems just don't have the political will, savy, or endurance to go the distance with the teabaggers and the GOP.
God bless the Supreme Court.
Okay, but where was Ginni and her ilk when Bush and the Republicans were pushing through the Patriot Act and using AT&T to eavesdrop on American citizens?
Think Texas will include Clarence in the new texbooks?
"Okay, but where was Ginni and her ilk when Bush and the Republicans were pushing through the Patriot Act and using AT&T to eavesdrop on American citizens?"
She was working at a small college providing education to our American children.
I work for a lawyer who's wife is a judge.... Because she is a judge, and she does not want even a hint, ever so faint, but even a hint of political partisanship, my boss goes out of his way not to engage in political activities like Clarence's wife is doing....
It may be "legal" but I would bet that overwhelming, most judges consider it unethical. I certainly do.
It must be hard being a self-loathing Black man, who was the product of right wing affirmative action. Now, he's sleeping with folks who would lynch his Black ass as soon as watch him. Good luck on that Constru....I mean Clarence.
Clarence Thomas reminds me of the character Clayton Bigsby from the Dave Chapelle show.
But seriously, I can understand that people are mad for the moment, as we're going through the worst economic crisis in decades, without having a properly functioning Social Security and Health Care system to prevent tragic household situations.
I can also understand that people who never got the chance to go to a decent school, don't know a lot about what the words left and right mean and don't understand what this government is doing.
But that the wife of a Justice shares that those feelings ... that's rather amazing .... or is Justice Thomas so conservative that he preferred to marry a wife who's much more stupid than he is? That she and the "tea party" party she represents wants to go back to the "core values of what made this country so great", this could include making sure minorities go back to second-class citizens. I mean, don't these people think these things through? The "great silent one" sits back and lets Roberts and Scalia tell him what to do and now obviously his wife. Weird that it was up to the Supreme Court to allow corporations "freedom of speech" and allow them to donate untold billions to influence elections........AND Miss Ginny creates a "movement" that would allow her organization the benefit of this SC "decision."
How convenient, Indeed.
She and Clarence need to go into a bar in a rural Mississippi town and see how the local white tea-bagger hillbillies treat a mixed race couple.
Are there really racists in the tea-bagger party.......is Ed Too Tall Jones....too tall?
How is this not political, partisan, and not affecting a Justice on the Supreme Court. These people on the right that are saying that Ms. Thomas is a patriot and a real American would not be saying the same thing if Michele Obama started a left wing activist group or even if Speaker Pelosi's husband did the same. This is right wing activism at the heart of our judicial system. Justice Thomas must now recuse himself from all cases that involve anything to do with the constitution. Wait, that is every case that the Supreme Court hears. I guess maybe for the sake of the country he should just resign, then he and his wife can support any organization they choose.
Was it a can? My bad.
"Think Texas will include Clarence in the new texbooks?"
Yes, I think they will.
Val, apparenty "tyranny" is in the eyes of the beholder.
You know I've disagreed with you about CThomas FN, but I honestly DO think his wife is totally setting him up for conflicts of interest down the line. So if he is the ethical man I'd like to believe he is, he WILL recuse himself in tea party cases.
"Are there really racists in the tea-bagger party.......is Ed Too Tall Jones....too tall?"
There are racists in every party and all over America. You have proven that you are one also.
And so, your point is?
It also bothers me that tea party enthusiasts are associated with the likes of Glen Beck and all those Fox News type folks. The truth is that we have been losing our sovreign rights for a long time and this occurs regardless of Dems or Gopers being in control because we really live in an oligarchy. Tarp proved this to me, while my folks are starving in the streets our government felt it fine to fatten the pocketbooks of banksters at citizens expense.
NO our government does not truly represent the best interests of the people now, which is sad.
Wow, what a coon grin. I've never seen one like that before, not even in those old racist black and white cartoons. Is it just me or does the COTUS actually seem much more happier and dutiful than everyone else in the background photo? Sick.
Evidently teabagging cuts off your air supply.
"I honestly DO think his wife is totally setting him up for conflicts of interest down the line."
Good. It will be a means to an end.
MRigmaiden, I agree and I am confident that CT WILL recuse himself in cases involving tea party. He lives a life of ethics.
Clarence is a still a loon, same as he ever was. Yet, he's no different than Van Jones, or Harold Ford Jr, Wille Brown or Obama's buddy, Skip Gates, in getting his jungle fever on. They are all had to get their trophy.
If she is so "against the liberal Washington agenda" how can she possibly explain why it has taken over a year for this administration to get an up and down vote on overhauling the much needed regulation and rules for Health Care in this nation of ours. Something that has spoken of and proposed by both Republican and Democratic past presidents for the last 60 years.
Aloha from Makaii
could this man be scummier
his wife is such a troll
he's the absolute epitome
a red white and blue asshole
his conscience non existent
ethics all shot to hell
recuse himself forever
remove his sulphuric smell
chalk one up for teabaggers
they can surely reel them in
all across the social stratum
these suckers just love spin
wife of supreme court justice
wants the government to disband
it is all just too ironic
they're too dumb to understand
fuck you to Clarence Thomas
to his wife I say the same
and to all you dumb teabaggers
please bow your heads in shame
"Clarence is a still a loon, same as he ever was. Yet, he's no different than Van Jones, or Harold Ford Jr, Wille Brown or Obama's buddy, Skip Gates, in getting his jungle fever on. They are all had to get their trophy."
They fell in love with women-human beings, not trophies.
Filled Negro:
Your blog is an important element in my "Early Warning Tsunami System". When I see Filled Negro talking about something I know that the "red tide" will soon blanket many of the other media touch points of the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist Racism Chaser network.
This time I had you beaten by a few days. I had better tune that network of ocean sensors a bit.
BLAX News: Of These Two Black Men Which Of Their Wives Will The Lampblack Yellow Journalists Focus Upon?
(Monica Conyers or Virginia Thomas)
You make me proud Filled Negro!!!
Field do me a favor and tell me just what the folks from the Tea Party are referring to when they say things like," we've got to get the Constitution back to a place where it means something"
I mean you are right or whoever mentioned the Patriot Act but is that one of their issues?
What is conservatives problem with the constitution?
Are these folks aware that the core founding values included the exclusion of women. One of the values they upheld was also the institution of slavery.
Count me out I don't want to go back there and I don't know why women or working people or farmers would want to go back there either considering the backseat that early lawmakers placed them in.
Come to think of blacks weren't citizens then we had to wait til after the founding fathers were done and secure the 14th ammendment.((oh about 1866)
Hell we weren't free until the 13th ammendment. Yeah they are going to far back for my comfort lol.
Now I am all for being vigilant about enforcing the 4th ammendment and equal protection under the law clauses.
And I'll join the Tea folks complaint about the defense budget and all the money being spent to support Haliburton, Bechtel and the other war profiteers.
My bad there were no signs or bullet points opposing this.
Guess I'll have to wait!!
Carry me back to old Virginny.
There's where the cotton and corn and taters grow.
There's where the birds warble sweet in the spring-time.
There's where this old darkey's heart am long'd to go.
"Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" is a song which was written by James A. Bland (1854 – 1911), an African American minstrel who wrote over 700 folk songs. Written in 1878, soon after the American Civil War, when many of the newly freed slaves were struggling to find work, the song has become controversial in modern times.
Bland himself was an educated black man born in Queens, New York, and educated at Howard University. The song however is written from the perspective of a seemingly nostalgic former slave. The controversy over "Carry Me Back to Old Virginny" rests on whether or not the song may be intended or interpreted ironically. The ex-slave describes his slavery and his owners in picturesque and ostensibly positive terms.
Click for Wikipedia entry: Carry Me Back to Old Virginny
Glad to be back in CONUS, Field. Catching up on past threads, it looks like it has been a trollapalooza here.
They fell in love with women-human beings, not trophies.
Ohhh Sure... Are you telling me In a day in age where highly educated black women are single in record numbers these guys couldn't find a black woman? it's just a coincidence that a disproportionate number of highly successful black men marry out? Give me a break.
TSC: "This is right wing activism at the heart of our judicial system."
Defending the constitution is right wing only to leftists.
I suppose you are cool with the left wing activism in the executive branch?
You are an insufferable fool with an exceptional degree of confidence in your misconceptions. (hey maybe you should run for
president, it worked for the last guy)
mellaneous "Are these folks aware that the core founding values included the exclusion of women. One of the values they upheld was also the institution of slavery."
Everyone is aware of it. Did you just learn that? That is NOT waht the tea party is about, sir.
You should really try to learn what the tea party is about instead of fabricating things in your head and then assume your misperceptions are fact. Honest educated people don't do that.
anon1:32a "You are an insufferable fool with an exceptional degree of confidence in your misconceptions. (hey maybe you should run for
president, it worked for the last guy)"
I agree-he is a fool. Without question TSC IS one of the biggest moronic imbeciles known on this blog.
"Honest educated people don't do that."
Mell is neither honest or educated, and he makes his living misinforming people.
anon1:18a "Ohhh Sure... Are you telling me In a day in age where highly educated black women are single in record numbers these guys couldn't find a black woman?"
Why should they have to explain anything to you? You have NO sayso on how they get to live their lives. THEY get to choose who they will be with, NOT YOU.
"Mell is neither honest or educated, and he makes his living misinforming people."
Mr. Justice will use the Steve Martin defense: "Well, exCUSE ME!"
Anonymous said...
"Honest educated people don't do that." Mell is neither honest or educated, and he makes his living misinforming people.”
Anonymous said...
"Mell is neither honest or educated, and he makes his living misinforming people." AMEN.”
Still at least Mellaneous isn’t such an appalling, slavering, craven, micro-penised, littlle coward that he posts under an ‘anonymous’ moniker.
Neither does he log in as another anonymous poster just to agree with himself.
Clarence Thomas. The only man whom I would reserve the word "Nigger" exclusively for. And look at that grin. This fool actually thinks he's an "honorary White".
His "Nigga Check" is long forthcoming, but it'll come soon, if not soon enough.
TRAPPED IN SOUTH CAROLOINA! keep SPEAKING!, and don't you EVER STOP! we need to hear from BLACK MEN like you!!! look at this THOMAS idiot! what a Disgrace! and TISC, these ANON'S want you to be SHUTUP! they call you a RACIST! NO! the word is (CAUSE)!
I don't know who these ANON'S are, but, The TEA PARTY MOVEMENT exist because, we have a Black MAN and WOMAN in the WHITE HOUSE! the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is a FACADE! these people are the SLAVE MASTER'S OFFSPRING'S! why do you think they are SPEWING RACISM! these people have been calling the First Lady a Chimpanzee! so in other word's, they are saying, the FIRST LADY is NOT a HUMAN BEING! so what are they telling us?
Those White Forefather's that wrote the Constitution, had Slave's! which mean's, they were Slave Master's! they did NOT write the Constitution with Slave's in mind! why do YOU think these RUTHLESS TEA PARTY PEOPLE, continue to scream about the (CONSTITUTION) these people know what they are doing, they are far from Dumb! but, they want us to think they are, they are SLICK! don't forget their History!
Mellaneous, what do you mean by, count you out? are you saying, if White Folk go REALLY REALLY CRAZY and try to ENSLAVE BLACK FOLK! you will decide NOT to be a Slave? is that what you are saying? please enlighten me, and break it down in a simplified manner!
Capitalistic Greed! that is why this country is in this MESS! BLACK FOLK didn't have anything to do with it, this fall's in the Lap of the White Man! so let them protest, against their own Greed and Self destruction! the chicken's have come home to Roost!
These TEA PARTY PEOPLE, know the President is a Constitutional Lawyer! did we hear anything about the Constitution, when BUSH was in office? NO! but, all of a sudden, we hear the word CONSTITUTION!
Hey Negro seem like you dont want to get burn again Iam still waiting for you to blog about the Usa and Isreal food fight.
Y'all just cant handle a REAL N-Word, one who's got more Melanin in his little finger than Barak's(Peace be upon Him)got in his whole skinny Ethiopian body...
And Clarence was the one who got her/assed, who put that pubic hair on his coke can anyway???
And who care's if his wife's a little chunky?? We all kno y'all like Big Butts, and every time I see Michelle Obama(Peace be upon Her) I keep thinkin I switched to Planet of the Apes by Mistake...
Seriously, first Black President and his wife's got straighter hair than Ashley Judd...Is this what y'all got lynched/beaten/picked cotton for?? Lets see a REAL First Lady of Color, with A Big Angel Davis style Fro', and a tat in her cleavage...
Shit, Obama(Peace be upon Him) talks more White than I do,
Hey Negro seem like you dont want to get burn again Iam still waiting for you to blog about the Usa and Isreal food fight."
Don't worry Anon. It's coming. AND DID YOU SAY "BURN AGAIN"? The day I get burned after a post will be the first.
"His "Nigga Check" is long forthcoming, but it'll come soon, if not soon enough."
Mack, it came. But he tried to cash it and it came up NSF.:)
[un]constructive one, it is you who is slipping. You failed to notice that I linked your fine oped about your boy and his wonderful wife, Ginny, in the post. ;)
"Neither does he log in as another anonymous poster just to agree with himself."
Sup Gregory? "trollapalooza" huh? I love that word. Yes, I was linked to a few wingnut sites a couple of weeks ago. I think you are seeing the results. :) But it's all good. This is why I love A-merry-ca. We are all entitled to our opinions.
Frank, when are they going to let you out? I see you are having those Ashley Judd fantasies in the big house. Hang in there Frank. I don't care what any of these Negroes say, you are my man.
[quote]Are these folks aware that the core founding values included the exclusion of women. One of the values they upheld was also the institution of slavery.
It seems that you are being dishonest
Its ironic to see that the same PROGRESSIVES who seek to ADD "The Right To Health Care", "The right to a QUALITY education" and all of the other ENTITLEMENT RIGHTS that Jesse Jackson Jr had enumerated in his book want to PRETEND that the Constitution is FOUL AND FLAWED.
Can you tell me what document YOU base your "Social Justice" upon?
Now can you tell me what the human beings in Guatemala, who are not WITHIN THE BELLY OF THE BEAST base THEIR SOCIAL JUSTICE rights as human beings from?
You know as well as I do that the CONSTITUTION is an AMENDED DOCUMENT and thus it is CHANGED by supplanting any portion of the document.
Section 1. After one year from the ratification of this article the manufacture, sale, or transportation of intoxicating liquors within, the importation thereof into, or the exportation thereof from the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereof for beverage purposes is hereby prohibited.
Section 1. The eighteenth article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is hereby repealed.
Mellaneous - using your claim -CAN WE SAY THAT THE US CONSTITUTION IS AN "Anti-Alcoholic Drinking" document?
The 3/5ths constitution, slavery and other issues have been SUPPLANTED by the 13, 14 and 15th Amendments
Clarence, this is the operator with your negro wake up call. Will you accept the charges?
[quote]Clarence Thomas. The only man whom I would reserve the word "Nigger" exclusively for. And look at that grin. This fool actually thinks he's an "honorary White".
Mack Is Lying:
IF ONLY this were so with you.
IF CLARENCE THOMAS was the only "official Nigger" in your book then
1) What about this Black man has you to logically permit him to be called the same names that RACIST WHITE FOLKS used to call Blacks just prior to LYNCHING them? Is Thomas acting more like the Klansman.......OR ARE YOU when you substantiate their view of us?
2) WHAT HAVE YOU DONE against Jay-Z and his famous song "The Empire State"? I hear a WHITE BOY co-worker lipsyncing the song at a sales call in the lobby of a big evil corporation we were calling upon to assist them in stealing money from the working poor in America. I typed up the LYRICS of the song on my phone - and there it was: the word NIGGER - 3 TIMES!!!!!
Mack Is Lying - BLACK AND WHITE united!!!!!! Saying the word "NIGGER" thanks to Jay-Z and other "Hip Hop Voice Of The Street Pirate"
3) CAN YOU BE SPECIFIC as to what Clarence Thomas has done to Black people that has harmed us and then I will detail how Justice Ruth Bader Gingburg thinks that Black people are INFERIOR UNDER THE LAW.
I am of the opinion that the main problem that Hate-filled Black Leftist-Fundamentalists and White Snarling Fox Bigots have with Clarence Thomas is that HE HAS THE AUDACITY TO SEE BLACK PEOPLE AS EQUAL UNDER THE LAW.
For an ideology that is based upon seeing Blacks as THE LEAST OF THESE this is very problematic to their entire strategy.
Keep in mind that Ruth Bader Ginsburg referenced a ruling in which RACISM was found when a company mandated that all managers must have a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Since 32% of Whites and only 12% of Blacks had H.S.D's - this was seen as "disparate racial impact".
If Thomas is a "Nigger" then what is GINSBURG as she doesn't see you as an EQUAL HUMAN BEING in her perverted sense of the law????
Mellanous - how do you make a person into the UN-Least Of These?
Is this for YOU to do or does HE have to do most of the transformation?
You don't talk about my Ashley Judd fantasies and I won't talk about your Ginny Thomas fantasies...
and I notice you didn't refute my Michelle Obama(Peace be upon Her)remarks...get that girl a GerriCurl!!
Filled Negro:
Indeed you have pointed to the syndication of my work that appeared on Booker Rising.
I challenge you to REFUTE my claim. To you the threat to Black people from Clarence Thomas is SUPERIOR to the pattern of corruption that one might identify in the Black Establishment Machine who's product benefits PROGRESSIVISM and the Democratic Party MORE THAN THEY CAN BE PROVEN to benefit where we ACTUALLY LIVE To-Damned-Day!!!!
IF ONLY you, Filled Negro, were so observant about PATTERNS in this case as you are with your ringing indictments against the Conservative South.
IF ONLY you had contempt for ANY area where the Negro was murdered at a rate higher than average. Instead you tell us that the RACIST'S knife cuts the Negro deeper
IF ONLY you had contempt for ANY area where the Negro's education was adminstered in an inferior manner. Instead you believe that the struggle to get Blacks into Gompers Elementary in West Philly for access to quality education from 40 years ago was a more valliant exercise than is the task TO-DAMNED-DAY to return the present day school to its FORMER GLORY now that ALL OF THE WHITE FOLKS HAVE DEPARTED.
Filled Negro - yours is a PERMANENT STRUGGLE MILIEU .
Progressivism is NOT ORGANIC!!!
It enumerates RIGHTS and then CHASES AFTER THEM by some external AUTHORITY.
When Progressivism SITS IN THE SEAT OF AUTHORITY it merely LOOKS OUTWARD once again to FIND SOME GREATER AUTHORITY to pick up the tab.
As a Black man I am more THREATENED by who YOU speak for than any array of conservatives that you can find calling Brother Justice Clarence Thomas "our man on the court".
Clarence Thomas sees me as an EQUAL HUMAN BEING UNDER THE LAW. YOU need me to accept my INFERIORITY and strike out against anyone who tells me OTHERWISE.
Look at that skinning, grinning Negro Uncle Tom Thomas.
Lawd have mercy he got a big-boned Becky and a blonde one at that.
I bet every morning is like Christmas to Clarence because the first thing he sees after he wakes up is his Snow White.
That makes him happy the rest of the day.
You got that right Roderick.
Slappy wakes up every morning and says "Gots me a white woman and a black Corvette. God Bless America!"
"Ohhh Sure... Are you telling me In a day in age where highly educated black women are single in record numbers these guys couldn't find a black woman? it's just a coincidence that a disproportionate number of highly successful black men marry out?"
What exactly is the proportion?
Do you even know?
The overwhelming majority of successful black men are married to black women.
I get tired of these bull$hit stereotypes.
"When Progressivism SITS IN THE SEAT OF AUTHORITY it merely LOOKS OUTWARD once again to FIND SOME GREATER AUTHORITY to pick up the tab."
How can you say this nonsense with a straight face?
When conservatives had almost total power over the federal government from 2000 thru 2006, what they did do CF?
Did they increase the budget surplus?
Did they lower the federal deficit?
Did they create more jobs?
Did the standard of living for the average American improve?
Did they decrease crime?
Was the world made safer?
Hell-Fuckin-No on all counts.
Under rightwing rule, as always, every indicator decreased or went negative.
You are nothing but a partisan hack grinning and dancing for folks who would riot if you tried to move next door to them.
i have very mixed emotions about this
i despise clarence
his wife has the right to her own political actions
not all of the tea partiers are racists...racists are all over DC
if virginia joined tavis' tea party, that would be fine by me, unlike the psycho dog she wed...see?
i hate hobama as much as i hate clarence...but hobama has done FAR more damage to the globe than clarence's ruthless supreme ct decisions....nahmean?
uptownsteve said...
What exactly is the proportion?
Do you even know?
The overwhelming majority of successful black men are married to black women.
I get tired of these bull$hit stereotypes.
So do I!! The ONLY people talking about these lame ass stereotypes of who successful Black men marry are: 1) Successful Black women who can't get/keep a successful Black man 2) Unsuccessful Black women who can't get/keep ANY man!!!!
Successful Black men are NOT afraid of their Black female counterparts!!!!!
As for Clarence Thomas, he's "physically challenged" so who would want to marry his ass anyway??? And his wife works should get his black ass impeached!!!!!!
This is going to be an interesting thread today.
Steve tapped white bro, does that make you a hippocrite? Run RK run.
La♥audiobooks said...
Wow, what a coon grin. I've never seen one like that before, not even in those old racist black and white cartoons. Is it just me or does the COTUS actually seem much more happier and dutiful than everyone else in the background photo? Sick.
10:53 PM
That smile reminds me of a Paul Mooney skit I heard, something along the lines that when he wakes up in the morning he says, "nigger, nigger, nigger" over and over and by doing that it "keeps my teeth white." Of course the way he says it is much funnier. lol. Oh well.
The overwhelming majority of successful black men are married to black women.
I get tired of these bull$hit stereotypes.
Why don't any of the white supreme court justices have black wives? Why aren't there white pro footballers, golfers, or basketball players walking around with black wives? The same thing goes for white politicans.
I'm not making any point against black men. I'm just making points against self hating, successful, black men who choose white trophy wives. In this day in age it's just a slap in the face to single sisters.
At least you have a black wife (along with Field) that's good to hear.
Your claim is ironic.
I can point to Chicago, Newark (prior to their GOP gov) Baltimore, Milwaukee and a few other places and document an ARCHITECTURE where there are PROGRESSIVES from LOCAL TO COUNTY TO STATE TO FEDERAL representing them and STILL there is great economic malaise.
For you - you are more easily masturbatorily stimulated that GEORGE W BUSH destroyed the economy, public schools and triggered mass unemployment than you are able make note that DESPITE the favorable conditions where your ideology goes UNCONTESTED YOU STILL can't point to your paradise. (Well except in Bowie MD of course).
WhiteBowieSteve it appears to me that the bigger indictment is against you. YOU HAVE WHAT YOU HAVE LONGED FOR AT PRESENT. Ironically despite controlling the schools and the local economies where your people live - your best hope for HEALTH CARE comes from putting a lasso around the NECK OF THE BEAST.
You most CERTAINLY can't point to:
* More medical professionals being produced from the schools that you now control
* More of the human resources that you now control - entering the marketplace and producing the economic wealth by which your desired STANDARD OF LIVING is buttressed.
INSTEAD you ONLY have your "Social Justice Contract" by which you hold up to the red eyes of the BEAST and you DEMAND THAT HE LIVE UP TO HOW HE PROMISED TO TREAT YOU. HIM not YOU is the agent which affords you to live at this higher standard.
IMPRESS ME by packaging up your flawed theories and applying them to Laos or Honduras. You can give them each TWO VOTES and they STILL won't provide themselves with the nutrients that YOU consume from the BEAST who you say is your oppressor.
Your greatest oppressor resides between your two ears. It is the parasitic worms of ignorance and assumed inferiority that stifle you the most as a free man to-damned-day.
very interesting...
ie: what if his wife was a bf who tea partied with tavis and i?
would that be cooler?
is it cool that maria shriver is a dem and her hubby ahnold a dl neocon racist son-of-an-actual nazi republican stooge?
i would NEVER describe either of these 2 dregs as "trophies"!!!
2 trophies =
quincy jones & peggy lipton
robin thicke & paula patton
janet jackson & new beau colin farrell
UpsideSteve was dating this white girl in the coast guard until Clarence came along and took his women. As you can tell, he's still pretty bitter about it.
"What exactly is the proportion?
Do you even know?
The overwhelming majority of successful black men are married to black women.
I get tired of these bull$hit stereotypes."
And the majority of successful black women are not married. Period.
And the disproportion that the anony was probably referring to most likely surrounds the disparity between black men and black women in IRs, especially the resourceful black males who tend to date out much more than their black female or white male counterparts. The fact that most black males deliberately choose to date out does in fact erupt from an iniquitous pathology based on anti-black (therefore anti-black female) indoctrination. Steve, lets be real and honest. (love sees no color my ass).
The main thing I have to say to black females like the anony, is that they should also explore their "horizons" with white/non-black men, and forget about that "anything but a black man" mentality. Let the garbage woman do her job, take out your trash, while you exchange it for her family "jewels". Happy riddance.
(Imagine the ego bruising carnage and NAAC[M] whining that would come from these same hypocritical black males if the tables were flipped the other way instead. In due time my friends, in due time).
[quote]I don't know who these ANON'S are, but, The TEA PARTY MOVEMENT exist because, we have a Black MAN and WOMAN in the WHITE HOUSE! the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is a FACADE! these people are the SLAVE MASTER'S OFFSPRING'S! why do you think they are SPEWING RACISM! these people have been calling the First Lady a Chimpanzee! so in other word's, they are saying, the FIRST LADY is NOT a HUMAN BEING! so what are they telling us?[/quote]
IseeIsee - what ever it is that has you possessed - I hope that it comes out of you one day.
If the Modern Day Negro wants to see what our forefather's suffered from LOOK NO FURTHER THAN THEM!!!!
BUT WAIT!!!! It is indeed with this INSPECTION that your claims FALL TO THE GROUND!!!!
You need us to follow YOUR CHARACTER ASSASSINATION and receive daily reports from Filled Negro and HuffPo and Daily KOS and Rachael Olbermann than we as "Intellectual Negroes" should be expected to SEEK OUT FOR SELF.
So IseeIsee - after years of studying the Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-fundamentalist RACISM CHASER (that be YOU) I have learned that the best way to expose him IS TO hold up TODAY with YESTERDAY and allow him to see that he is merely a "Made In China" FACSIMILE of the movement that he claims to be the modern day instantiation of.
I bring you a VIDEO of what happened to the REAL NEGROES of the past when they were crazy enough to SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER to the WHITE MAN in St Auginstine - more than 50 YEARS AGO:
Compare that to LAST SUMMER!!
The National Tea Party had their largest gathering yet in WASHINGTON DC!!!
Oh no. The National Black Family Reunion had their COOKOUT the same weekend.
IseeIsee - you'd expect to see:
* Negroes lynched
* Negroes beaten with bats
* Negroes arrested by the police as the Tea Partyers who's fists were bloody from hitting Blacks going free
Per my monitoring the ONLY Blacks killed on that weekend in Metro Washington were victims of a STREET PIRATE ATTACK in Baltimore!!!
Sadly they would have been kilt even if the Tea Party was NOT IN TOWN.
IseeIsee - what ultimately is your agenda? If it is "Saving the Negro" you'd be working more WITH HIM rather THAN on his behaLF.
"Why don't any of the white supreme court justices have black wives? Why aren't there white pro footballers, golfers, or basketball players walking around with black wives? The same thing goes for white politicans."
I don't know. Why don't you ask AB who claims white guys just love black women.
"I'm just making points against self hating, successful, black men who choose white trophy wives. In this day in age it's just a slap in the face to single sisters."
Then direct your ire to the few self-hating clowns who do this.
People like you have an agenda.
You'll walk past 20 black couples and as soon as you see a black man and white woman, you'll say "All the black men are running after white women."
It's ridiculous.
I want eurocentric Africans to embrace their eurocentrism just as I embrace my afrocentrism. Stop insulting me with your lies about fictitious colorless realities where “race is not an issue”!!! That is akin to saying “oxygen is not an issue” or “gender is not an issue” or “income is not an issue” etc....
Why is interracial love so often restricted to black and white unions? How many other beautiful races of persons are on the earth? Why does the interracial propaganda that bombards us never seem to promote other racial mixes as adamantly and expressly as it does black and white unions? White supremacy rules all mixed equations. Thus, whiteness must always be in the mix.
Race is complex. Racism intensifies that complexity. Mixed race persons should see their reflections in many races. Yet, even they most often seek only the whitest lovers they can find. Because even their exotic blood is no shield from mundane white supremacy.
"And the majority of successful black women are not married. Period."
You couldn't prove it if your life depended on it.
I see successful beautiful sisters in relationships with brothers every day.
The ones who aren't in relationships or who can't stay in relationships?......we've been down this road before La*Audio, no need in going there again.
You're not going to convince me and I'm not going to convince you.
"especially the resourceful black males who tend to date out much more than their black female or white male counterparts"
That's because a lot of white women are attracted to black men and flirt with them.
White men tend not to pursue black women for a variety of reasons.
That's the part you don't want to deal with.
Purple Cow is loggin in as anonymous and blaming it on anons. what a dope!
I love the poem!
congress is filled with racists!
racists are everywhere!
mike moore and i and tavis etc...we are teabaggers too!
and we are not racists!
dissent = patriotism per howard zinn and mlk and mant heroes
these men would praise the teabaggers, warts/racists and all just as i do
they are in hobama's face...good enough for me!
"Ohhh Sure... Are you telling me In a day in age where highly educated black women are single in record numbers these guys couldn't find a black woman? it's just a coincidence that a disproportionate number of highly successful black men marry out? Give me a break."
People marry who they want to marry. They are not obligated to stay stuck in their race if they don't want to. Sounds like you have a negative opinion about bm.
That's probably why you are alone.
"Those White Forefather's that wrote the Constitution, had Slave's! which mean's, they were Slave Master's! they did NOT write the Constitution with Slave's in mind! why do YOU think these RUTHLESS TEA PARTY PEOPLE, continue to scream about the (CONSTITUTION) these people know what they are doing, they are far from Dumb! but, they want us to think they are, they are SLICK! don't forget their History!"
The left has poisoned so many minds, including the minds of so many black people, that they are willing to tear up the very constitution that freed them.
Slavery was never prescribed by the Constitution. That this evil was not forbidden in the first draft of the document is America's original sin, but when the 13th ammendment ended slavery in 1864, America was one of the few places on earth that slavery was outlawed. Until Britain ended slavery in 1834, it had been part of human history since the dawn of time.
The 13th ammendment is part of the constitution. Defending the constittution includes defending the 13th ammendment. Implying that tea partiers somehow support slavery is insane.
what they mean is:
"we do not want obamacare
we want jobs and homes
why is no politico listening to us???"
"Slavery was never prescribed by the Constitution"
However it was countenanced by the Constitution and the damn authors of the Constitution were slave-owners.
hobama is a clone of gwb
but he has done MUCH more to piss people off and leave them broke and homeless and jobless...
gwb never bought an auto co
or a bank
so ANYONE who protests this blackish clone of gwb is cool by me...belated constitutional gripes and all
no one else has seen hobama's law school transcripts or his law degree...did jesus how only u?
white men prefer that their children look like them because they love themselves
most black men adore babies who look MUCH whiter than themselves
self hatred & white supremacy are very real
i have a bf pal who loses it every time she sees a black dad solo in public with a mixed child...she laments all of the
black men who abandon and never spend time with blacker babies who look like them...
It has taken our collective oppressors centuries to teach Africans to hate ourselves. Global white supremacy is very real and ancient. Not a single African in America was ever supposed to survive. We are all living black miracles. Slavery, institutional racism, constant media attacks, incessant eurocentric imagery, and mentacide, etc... are all designed to deliberately destroy us. These tortures take their toll on our emotional, physical, and mental health daily.
It is a great feat to survive all that we do. It is an even greater feat to love ourselves and those who look like us as we survive. I am proud to be up to that task. Despite the toil and the pain of being black and blue, I will not stop looking for an equally Black and regal Queen to share my throne...
Why is it that when black love fails, interracial love is presumed to be medicinal or superior? Yet, when interracial love fails, individualism is lauded as a reason to quickly seek a better white person? It is not racist to love yourself and your own race. It is not racist to want your children and grandchildren to look as you did when you were a child. It is not racist to want to see your own reflection in your lover’s face. It is human to love a person who looks like you or your parents.
i tell that pal that any child who spends time with any parent is blessed...and i tease that pal aboout prozac...and then she just curses me out too!
"most black men adore babies who look MUCH whiter than themselves"
Just black men?
I have known many beautiful darksinned sisters over the years who will only date lightskinned black men because they didn't want their children to be too dark.
But I'm going to leave this topic alone now because some of you sisters are so caught up in your self-serving delusions that you refuse to accept reality.
Obama's daddy got him a white woman. He was by all accounts a pretty smart fellow, so how come his son turned out so dumb?
In an interview yesterday, Chairman Zero said he supported the Louisiana Purchase --- the taxpayer-funded bribe Mary Landrieu got in exchange for her vote on ObamaCare --- because "It also affects Hawaii, which went through an earthquake."
Earthquake in Hawaii? WTF?
The day before, he told an audience that his healthcare bill would lower premiums by 3,000%!
Or maybe he just thinks were that dumb.
You know UTS, it's a HUGE waste of time to argue with a person who doesn't fit the demographic of a successful, Black woman. I mean really, how da' hell would THEY know what successful Black women do?
"THEY know what successful Black women do?"
They sure don't sit in front of a microscope pretending they know what they're doing!
"Earthquake in Hawaii? WTF?"
"In fact, in 2006 -- one year after Hurricane Katrina -- then-President Bush declared that "a major disaster exists in the state of Hawaii" due to "an earthquake that occurred on October 15, 2006, and related aftershocks."
u cannot routinely bash black women herein...laugh at their loneliness...pretend no men want us...
AND then dare to deny that black men are statistically more likely to be colorists who wed outside of their race...
you cannot call me a clone of gabby s and then pretend that bros do not reject and degrade black women just like you do all the time...
you cannot act like the very men we lament and then deny they exist when we lament them...
this makes you JUST as huge a hypocrite as mr will be now every time she pretends to be some neutral demented jurist who does not despise gays...
I respect La*audio but it's obvious to me that the reality of why so many sisters are alone is just too painful for many of them to deal with.
I hear white women who are single saying the SAME DAMN THINGS.
"Shortage of good men, too many gays, (white) guys running after Asian women, men are afraid of strong successful women."
Maybe, JUST Maybe you aren't that attractive and can't get the kind of guys you want.
Maybe you're a disagreeable unrealistic person who doesn't thrive in relationships.
Just like these righties are always saying to blacks "The problems are internal."
That was 2006 dumbass!
I said none of the things you asserted.
So I will not engage in a strawman argument.
you just proved yuor own hypocrisy
wm and wf do hate each other the same way for the same reasons (sans the colorism and white supremacy)
gender wars know no boundaries of race or class
all men are wallets to most women
and all women are sex toys to most men
black men get to be JUST sex toys to wf who do not want or need their wallets...see?
kepp it real bro
or at least stop being exhibit A 4our sexist/colorist/oj realities
keep it real bro
or at least stop being exhibit A for our sexist/colorist/oj realities
yes u did!:
"I hear white women who are single saying the SAME DAMN THINGS."
they do say all the same things
but they ONLY say dif things about bm because they demand DIF things from bm
all wm think all wf are golddiggers
many wm only dig sex from bm
that is reality
l audiobooks is 100% correct. you can talk about successful black marriages, but the fact is 41% of all black women have never married, compared to 21% of white women.
the rate is worse for high-achieving black women.
them's the facts, tho i know they don't matter. because HEY as long as MMM has her man, anyone who says anything else is just envious.
Marriage eludes high-achieving black women
Many remain single and childless, according to new research
" audiobooks is 100% correct. you can talk about successful black marriages, but the fact is 41% of all black women have never married, compared to 21% of white women."
So that would mean that 59% have been married.
Correct me if I'm wrong Maria.
And 59% would be a MAJORITY.
Not a minority as LA suggested.
laa has me shouting like i am at revival with dicedicyicy today!
and those unmarried black women are getting younger & more gorgeous/richer/educated and lonelier everyday
and now they compete with latinas more each day too!
and gays are humans with all the same issues
all relos are hard
and all are sabotaged by colorism/white supremacy etc
there are TONS of lesbian and gay ojs too
one of my best bf friends was once a media peer in atl
she said she refused to ever meet my lover beause every celeb black gay she knew had a white lover...she was shocked to find out that i dated black women exclusively then...and she now loves my wife too
bell hooks pens a lot great stuff on black self love/euro gays etc
"Among black women with postgraduate educations born between 1956 and 1960, the median age at which they gave birth for the first time was 34 years old. This was about the same as it was for white women in the same demographic. But once white women reached their 30s, many more of them did give birth, often more than once. Many black women did not. The rate of childlessness among this group of black women rose from 30 percent for those born between 1950 and 1955, to 45 percent for those born between 1956 and 1960."
Link: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32379727#storyContinued
Also- Marriage down among educated black women
Also- "The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies reports that by age 30, only half of African-American Women are likely to tie the knot. These numbers pale in comparison to other groups. Ed Gordon discusses the issue with two social experts, Ronald Mincy of Columbia University and author Grace Cornish-Livingstone."
Link- http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5495033
from the same story: "differentials between marriage rates of whites and blacks exist both for highly educated women and less educated women. And both sets of women have difficulty finding partners who are doing as well as they are. And I think that's a really critical part of the problem."
no one who has a soul/who is not oj can feel anything but empathy for these women!
thanks 4 the links
"The rate of childlessness among this group of black women rose from 30 percent for those born between 1950 and 1955, to 45 percent for those born between 1956 and 1960."
I volunteer my services and my Grade A manbutter to any reasonably attractive women in need.
the unmarried rate for successful black women is twice what it is for successful white women.
that's stunning enough. and above, that's the same story i linked to.
"and those unmarried black women are getting younger & more gorgeous/richer/educated and lonelier everyday."
Sorry AB but the gorgeous ones have a line of guys running after them.
It's the ones who THINK they're gorgeous and they aren't who are alone.
The rate of never married black men is similar to the rate of never married black women.
Most married black men are married to black women. This is true of black men of every conceivable description or status-handsome/ugly, dumb/smart, rich/poor, tall/short, business owner/working stiff, etc.
The focus on IR marriages that always seems to come up in some quarters is just scapegoating.
If every last single black man that was married to a white woman divorced her and married a black woman, there would STILL be lots of black women that weren't married.
Although it often seems to get ignored by people with other agendas, the vast majority of white women and the vast majority of black men don't wish to marry each other-and they don't.
If someone wants to be married and isn't they need to look first and foremost at themselves to see what the issues might be. Chances are quite good that that's where the "problem" is. This is true regardless of gender or race. Putting the "blame" elsewhere is just a dodge to protect the ego. It's no different than a man complaining that all women want a tall man or a wealthy man or whatever while not working to improve himself in the areas he has control over to which women respond.
That's the game. Deal and adapt.
No one "owns" anyone else and no one is going to be able to guilt, harangue, shame or bully anyone else into marriage.
White (or non-black) women are not a threat to marriage prospects of black women. Something on the order of 90-92% of married black men have black wives.
Preach Shady.
I meant to say "nothing but a black man" mentality in my above comment.
Preach it too AB.
"Maybe, JUST Maybe you aren't that attractive and can't get the kind of guys you want"
Yet black men both successful and unsuccessful seems to be able to get the kind of woman/women they want. And why should black women have to be the only one to possess attractive and agreeable traits? And what do you think most black males consider "attractive"? Take a guess.
"I see successful beautiful sisters in relationships with brothers every day."
Some people think having a casual sex buddy is a "relationship" too. And I guess the "Sanitation Technician" brother is a good kinda guy, so he should count. But yet a successful black man would never be caught dead with an overweight, too dark, or "unattractive" black female. And Steve thinks he's playing fair.
You see Steve, that's just part of our bf/bm relationship issues. I respect you too, but AB have you pegged when she calls you a sexist. After all that could be said and done, deep down you know I'm telling the truth. But I'm done with this discussion too, we get nowhere.
Thank you Maria, you did mention that on previous thread. But sorry, for some reason Steve doesn't want to play fair with the obvious ratio stats.
uts is hopeles as he has now become exhibit B too:
"It's the ones who THINK they're gorgeous and they aren't who are alone."
he is blind to many lonely black beauties i see everywhere everyday
ALL of these women should be chased down by uts' own rule...even his alleged idol nbushe w..no???
see what a real bm who REALLY loves black women has to say...this is a superb book!
also see:
Thanks for that Shady. I'm, so sick and tired of the "woe is me" attitude among Black "groups"; women, gays, disabled, uneducated, poor, hell, don't we ALL have something to complain about?
I was at a meeting a few years ago where the top Blacks in the US in research and medicine were honored, and you wanna know how much time we spent complaining about the lack of BW Docs, Scientists, Lab Directors, tenured professors, senior scientists, ect? NOT ONE MINUTE!!!! We were too busy discussing how to ensure we have fellow colleagues and replacements than to trip on things we can NOT control!!!
now i am tithing with dicedicyicy!!!
preach it!!!
"yet a successful black man would never be caught dead with an overweight, too dark, or "unattractive" black female"
which takes us back to the wf dreg mrs. ct no?
look at her!
and her bm has a supreme job for life too!
she got a 2 fer
a stud & a 9er
ALL of the gorgeous educated rich bfs that ct sexually harassed look much better than the wf dreg he chose to actually wed...nahmean???
uptownsteve said...
As I said earlier I know of many white women who have the same complaints as many single sisters.
ALL women complain about men in one way or another. However, Black women seem to me to be the ONLY ones who have allowed these BS stats about BM men and relationships affect their ability to find what they want in a partner.
OTOH, I do feel that some BM have taken these stats to heart and use them as an excuse to be assholes toward BW!! In these situations, BW need to stand by whatever moral code they have and dismiss the BS the minute they see it. There are PLENTY of BM willing to "do right" but if you don't require it, they won't bring it!
AB: Maybe if you did something about that moustache you'd get yourself a nice bm and you could ditch that cucumber.
Just sayin'
Thank you AB, I was gunning for that example too. Steve also seems to have short term blog memory :)
alicia banks said...
ALL of the gorgeous educated rich bfs that ct sexually harassed look much better than the wf dreg he chose to actually wed...nahmean???
No self-respecting BW I know would even be attracted to a man like CT. In my experience, BM who prefer WW over BW, are a certain" type", usually the insecure, unattractive, dealing with demons from childhood type. Good riddance!!!!
cowardly vulgar assnons prove with each post that they do not have enough testosterone to grow a penis, or a moustache, or to buy a cuke!
assnons are hungry scared eunuch vegans!
"OTOH, I do feel that some BM have taken these stats to heart and use them as an excuse to be assholes toward BW!! "
uts's ruthless sexist colorist bs falls in this file for me
It would be interesting to know what profession or field Mrs. 600 pounds (on the other thread) husband is in.
AB La*Audio
This video proves exactly what I'm talking about.
This one woman claims that for the longest she wouldn't date any man under 6 foot 3.
This is what I'm talking about when I say unrealistic.
It's not that there aren't available men on their level, it's just they are unrealistic about what their level actually is.
And believe me, the producers of this video probably went out of their way to find physically attractive women for this piece.
But I bet that a date with one of them would probably be about as much fun as going to the orthodontist.
my buttery chocolate soft hairless flawless skin is as smooth ALL OVER as the coins assnons use to buy viagara, wigs, weaves, penile implants, plastic dolls, lube, vaseline, and cukes.
proudly illiterate assnons NEVER buy any books with those smooth coins though...tragic!!
it would be nice if fn would sell scared juvenile dumb assnons something intelligent to contribute to ANY convo herein with said smooth coins...tragic!!!
if u really believe that women are lonely because they only want tall men...u r hopeless!
the video link i posted above SPECIFICALLY addresses how such trivial lists/requirements/hts etc no longer matter to most lonely sbf
ie many tiny short men are HUGE sex symbols:
hill harper
ja rule
Laa: I'd meant to tell you before, your profile always crack me up, I mean that in a good way. lol
"which takes us back to the wf dreg mrs. ct no?
look at her!
and her bm has a supreme job for life too!
she got a 2 fer
a stud & a 9er"
Look at HIM!
Thomas looks like Mighty Joe Young.
And Ginni Thomas was a highly regarded, politically connected Virginia attorney when she and Thomas met.
It wasn't like he married Flo from the diner.
Upswipe said: "Thomas looks like Mighty Joe Young"
Man, he looks just like you!
AB, "uts:
u cannot routinely bash black women herein...laugh at their loneliness...pretend no men want us...
AND then dare to deny that black men are statistically more likely to be colorists who wed outside of their race...
you cannot call me a clone of gabby s and then pretend that bros do not reject and degrade black women just like you do all the time...
you cannot act like the very men we lament and then deny they exist when we lament them...
this makes you JUST as huge a hypocrite as mr will be now every time she pretends to be some neutral demented jurist who does not despise gays..."
Whoa...talk about 'slaying' folks. ab you are the great slayer.
This week on Basic Black, America’s longest running television show addressing issues facing the black community our panelists look at the right-to-life movement in African American communities and discuss a recent report revealing the stunning racial disparities in wealth and the worth of a black woman. Tonight our panelists are: Latoyia Edwards, New England Cable News; Kim McLarin, writer-in-residence, Emerson College; Peniel Joseph, professor of history, Tufts University; and Rev. Irene Monroe, syndicated columnist. TUNE IN to our live Broadcast at 7:30pm EST at www.basicblack.org and on Channel 2 in Boston.
This week on Basic Black, America’s longest running television show addressing issues facing the black community our panelists look at the right-to-life movement in African American communities and discuss a recent report revealing the stunning racial disparities in wealth and the worth of a black woman. Tonight our panelists are: Latoyia Edwards, New England Cable News; Kim McLarin, writer-in-residence, Emerson College; Peniel Joseph, professor of history, Tufts University; and Rev. Irene Monroe, syndicated columnist. TUNE IN to our live Broadcast at 7:30pm EST at www.basicblack.org and on Channel 2 in Boston.
"It's not that there aren't available men on their level, it's just they are unrealistic about what their level actually is."
That is some of the truest shit I have ever heard.
Kill'em UTS!
TSC: "That is some of the truest shit I have ever heard."
Just cause you don't measure up, doen't mean women shouldn't have standards. Somebody should.
[quote]Wow, what a coon grin. I've never seen one like that before, not even in those old racist black and white cartoons. Is it just me or does the COTUS actually seem much more happier and dutiful than everyone else in the background photo? Sick.[/quote]
LA Audiobooks (you are not as lost as some others who I can think of). Let me ask you about the irony of your assessment.
Do you find it ironic that you can identify a Black man who is smiling and after affixing your own personal hatred to him interpret it as a "coon smile"?
Can you tell me how YOU can be angry if a White RACIST were to view a picture of Obama or even Jay-Z and then use their own viewpoint to conclude that this too is a "Coon Smile"?
SUMMARY: What allows YOU to apply racist and ignorant labels to your adversaries that prove to be "off limits" to others?
Shouldn't you who is asking OTHERS to respect you by not "going there" with certain words be able to limit YOURSELF?
2) You compare Thomas to a RACIST CARTOON character?
* He has no black face
* He has no make up
* This is not photoshopped
Yet you say that this INDIVIDUAL BLACK MAN is a "coon"? Can you put into words how a Black man can be "UN-Coonish" other than him agreeing with you?
3) You said that HE IS HAPPY and DUTIFUL?
Again - Not even a butler's outfit and yet you use your own opinion to render this interpretation.
Can we both agree that this was rendered from YOUR MIND and nothing intrinsic to the picture?
With so many Black Females being troubled with the "one who got away"........and married a WHITE WOMAN - WHAT if Brother Justice Clarence Thomas is happy with his WHITE WOMAN?
(I assume that) With YOU as a Black Female IF your goal is to be happy with your own mate - WOULD YOU observe what the White Woman does to make the Black Man happy, DISTILL this essence down to the basic ingredients and then apply it to yourself?
(I suggested that those who worship Barack Obama's achievements should look toward his WHITE MOTHER, study what she did to raise up the BLACK BOY who is now PRESIDENT, distill it down to the fundamental essence and apply it liberally among the Black boys who they are charged with raising up today)
We as a people seem to have a problem with the COON-level RESPECT. How might we figure out MORE COMPLEX issues when the basics are not even settled upon?
OK, I've said this before and AB (usual) and Maria (which suprised me) jumped down my throat. There are certain set of black women that successful black men avoid. But what it boils down is attitude at the end of the day. A girl can always lose weight or get a make over. Its a whole other level to change your mindset.
You could have Gabrielle Union's look, stockbroker money and move like Debbie Allen her prime -- if you're mean-spirited, arrogant, nasty, clingy or just plain crazy BM with goals and character will avoid you like the plague.
And MMM, I agree, most 'Becky Chasers' as my mother calls them have serious self-loathing issue. Is every BM with a WF a 'Becky Chaser'? Hell No!! That's just foolish!! Was Frederick Douglass a self-loathing Black man?
But guys like Thomas make it clear that they hate what they see in the mirror. I don't hate these Negroes, I just feel sorry for them.
I've never dated a white woman and probably never will. And my sister and cousins are all educated Black women who never had a problem meeting men.
I think this whole 'No available Black men' is, as UTS pointed out a bunch of stuck bougie chicks who are all expecting to date Denzel Washington, Lebron James or Bob Johnson.
As Bubba Sparxx said "Let's keep it real, ain't none of us are ever gonna date a model!"
i do not remember that at all
i agree with that!
i also KNOW and agree that that droves of ojs/black men EXCUSE carbon copies of all flaws INCLUDING bad attitudes/wt/etc when they are coated behind the kryptonite like
BLINDERS of white skin/naturally blonde hair/naturally blue eyes...etc
fat ugly white women with HORRID personalities like mrs. thomas (recall all those toxic interviews when he was being grilled about long dong sylver videos/public hairs on coke cans etc)
white women who are JUST as fatally violent/mean/evil
elin: FORE
steve mcnair: fatally closed both black eyes while sleeping hear his wf
nicole: gave oj tip for tap on his whoring/doping/stalking etc
long before he slew her
reject fat bm rappers and celeb wm wiggas like bubba sparx DO date models all the time...and most are white/asian/latino...
NOT black models...unless they look like veronica webb/halle berry
even racist eminem/enema dated mariah carey and now abuses her because she wed a better and authentic bm
that is also TRUTH !
when laa called it a coon grin
that was not hatred
that was visual accuracy!
there is no more ruthless coon in american than ct!!...he is even worse than hobama as he has a beautiful black family and even dogged his own mom for cooning over harry belafonte
pubic hairs on coke cans etc)
mrs thomas has a horrid personality!
but in her defense:
i see racist tea partiers as no more demonic than racist politicos who rule DC...
i see them as that racist jury in
"a time to kill"
they could not see gwb's sins because he was white...but hobama's blackish cloning of those sins have set them off on belated protests...
that white jury could not see that the sins of those 2 brutal pedophile kk rapists...until they imagined a brutalized white girl...better late than never!
as hobama and gwb both brutalized america, i am i am just glad to see the jury awake!
and just like slave masters who had more interracial sex than anyone else ever will and owned papers on each bf concubine...a black spouse/black sex has NEVER been proof of racial wisdom or nobility!
the most racist people i know are lewdly completely obsessed with interracial sex just like dicedicyicy/mr/all gaybashers are obsessed with gay sex...shame!!!
ALL of these lonely women do not have bad attitudes
some are meek, mild, passive, and they cook and clean too!
there is NO prevasive flaw that excuses or absolves any of their pain or abandonment by men who look like them....fyi
AB: "there is NO prevasive flaw that excuses or absolves any of their pain or abandonment by men who look like them..."
If they look like men, that's probably the problem.
[quote]there is no more ruthless coon in american than ct!![/quote]
This is a PREPOSTEROUS statement.
Greater than the ridiculousness of the constant assault on "Brother Justice Thomas" is the conspiracy of SILENCE against the Negro's who's actions make them deserving of such a title. Instead they are offered PROTECTION.
In my observation Justice Thomas' main sin is that he sees BLACK PEOPLE AS BEING EQUAL UNDER THE LAW!!!
This does not sit well with BQPF Racism Chasers and their Bigoted Snarling Fox White Leftists that egg them on. Their entire strategy is to MARKET the Black man as "History's DAMAGED GOODS".
Some Blacks don't mind putting on the wardrobe and hunching their backs in order to take the picture of the POSTER CHILD which the Snarling Fox likes to distribute. As long as this is done as part of a FATEFUL TRANSACTION. We agree to hunch our backs ONLY if doing so leads to a certain PAYOFF in the end, AB.
This is a delicate balance though. No UNSOLICITED claims of BLACK INFERIORITY can be tolerated. This will get you called a RACIST if a White or Japanese make observations and then render judgment in kind. (Hell I just watched a documentary in which Somalians also thought that Black Americans were violent per the images seen of us)
IF however, the Black Establishment and his White Liberal Snarling Fox cohort AGREE that together they will market BLACK INFERIORITY as part of a campaign to receive a certain entitlement or enjoinment against a certain unsavory policy THEN the BLACK doesn't mind agreeing to play the role AB.
THIS is what needs to be more problematic than anything that you can accuse Thomas of doing.
Those who claim that Thomas has executed an INNOCENT MAN - never seem to be so concerned that they GO OUT AND FIND THE KILLER - per the DEAD BODY THAT PROVED THAT THERE WAS A FREAKING MURDER!!!!
My friend Jody and Filled Negro have taught me one thing and it is this:
* There is a REAL WORLD that goes on and then there is a WORLD OF 'LEGALESE'.
This second world CLAIMS to be a model of the REAL WORLD with the goal of rendering JUSTICE.
In truth, far too often people who are enjoined in this second world LOSE THEMSELVES in their own aggrandizement; rendering out comes that are a gross MOLESTATION of the real world.
For me the LACK OF "officiacity" does NOT degrade the caustic impact of certain Negroes that do nothing short of REIGN TERROR upon our community.
In truth it is those who GREEN LIGHT their efforts per their own complicity, allowing this consciousness to jump the SYNAPSE BETWEEN GENERATIONS who should be receiving the scorn that you and others put upon Clarence Thomas.
More Negroes fear THEM than they so the sight of Thomas.
I am only now seeing Shady Grady's comment.
"The rate of never married black men is similar to the rate of never married black women."
And why is that? Too many black males DO NOT want to get married to anyone, period, much less to black women. And look at how many of them are still out of prison and yet still not marriageable material for anyone!
"Most married black men are married to black women."
You see there Mr. Shady, THAT's another cop out and scapegoating tactic people like you like to throw around whenever the mere mention of the blatant IR disparity and the shameful black female discrimination pathology comes up.
"If every last single black man that was married to a white woman divorced her and married a black woman, there would STILL be lots of black women that weren't married.'
Again. Why do you suppose this is still happening? Don't make me go there!
"If someone wants to be married and isn't they need to look first and foremost at themselves to see what the issues might be."
Here we go. We are not allowed to victim blame black males collectively against institutionalized white supremacist oppression in society, but yet it's acceptable to victim blame marriageable black women for the rejection/sexism/incompatible mate oppression and discrimination inflicted on them by the very BLACK MAN and according to Steve, white/non-black men?
"Something on the order of 90-92% of married black men have black wives."
You are too dishonest. That is just a so-called percentage of black men who ARE married, but what's the percentage of black men who are NOT married? All that bullshit you stated, but you still can't get around the initial fact/question: What is the percentage of black men married/dating to non-black women as compared to the percentage of black women married/dating to non-black men? I am too tired and angry to debate. You can save your Jedi mind tricks for the dingy brained black woman who sit in a filthy clinic lab all day fondling stool samples. I don't have that kind of energy.
Also Shady, maybe I'm mistaken, but for some reason I was under the impression that you were a white male. I HOPE you are not a white male trying to be so versed in knowing the relationship pathologies among black people.
But don't worry Steve, jun bug and dem, black women in IRs are growing! And more black women are also smarting up and not sitting around waiting for "nothing but a brother" and his cousin the convicted felon janitor.
And go to hell to whom ever is upset. I'm done.
PUH-LEEZE answer this for me.
In a community filled with lonely angry sisters and single mother families, just WHO is discouraging black women from dating outside the race?
NO one who should matter ever!
that is precisely what many young bf are doing and more power to them!
they have a lot of catching up to do to ojs!
assnons are invisible...so they do not look like men...they look like ghosts with invisible missing spines that match ghostly missing visages!!!
hey cf:
do ct's rabid LETHAL turbo coon decisions from the bench...where he is "more evil and mean" than scalia PER SCALIA vex u so too?
gee..hope so
La♥audiobooks said...
You can save your Jedi mind tricks for the dingy brained black woman who sit in a filthy clinic lab all day fondling stool samples. I don't have that kind of energy.
And on that job where I supposedly "fondle stool samples" I have to literally beat the men, Black, White, AND other off with a stick!!! REGULARLY, LOL!!
So move on, La Dildo and take a look in the mirror the next time you wanna know why you sleep in a twin bed alone! That is if you can do that without cracking that mofo!!
uptownsteve said...
In a community filled with lonely angry sisters and single mother families, just WHO is discouraging black women from dating outside the race?
UTS, who in the hell wants to go out with a borderline diabetic, obese, angry at the world, bitter Black woman with a boulder on her shoulder?
Can you imagine what a date with La Dildo would be like? No trips to the local bookstore because her ass doesn't read books hence the username. If light skinned chick walked by she'd probably suck her teeth, roll her dirty neck, and talk shit about how "bougie" she thought she was. And never mind talking her to a decent restaurant. She'd probably ask for a #6 and order "swimps" as an appetizer, LOL!!!!
Naw bruh, it's clear to me that some people are alone for damn good reasons, LOL!!!
i just read online that clarence thomas officiated rush limbaugh's wedding
2nd just wondering ..is there anyone out there that still disbelieves anita hill
MMM:"And on that job where I supposedly "fondle stool samples" I have to literally beat the men, Black, White, AND other off with a stick!!! REGULARLY, LOL!!"
Beating off men with a stick? Is that the other kind of sample you are collecting? I hope you wash your hands first.
"..is there anyone out there that still disbelieves anita hill"
I do. That bitch is a proven liar.
"Anonymous said...
Why don't any of the white supreme court justices have black wives? Why aren't there white pro footballers, golfers, or basketball players walking around with black wives? The same thing goes for white politicans.
I'm not making any point against black men. I'm just making points against self hating, successful, black men who choose white trophy wives. In this day in age it's just a slap in the face to single sisters.
At least you have a black wife (along with Field) that's good to hear."
What percentage of black men are professional atheltes, politicians and supreme court justices? You are talking about the exception.
i know u r angry
but i agree with laa 100%
i love u both
and when u cc things in anger like:
UTS, who in the hell wants to go out with a borderline diabetic, obese, angry at the world, bitter Black woman with a boulder on her shoulder?
sexist colorist men like uts enjoy it way too much
and use it to dog all black women
MOST of whom do NOT fit that description
ie...me and all my fellow 46 yr peers ENVY how so many young bfs we see can have 5 babies and still have stomachs even flatter than ours at 16....nahmean?
THIN healthy gorgeous flawless sistas are lonely too...i see them daily at the gym
halle barry/vanessa williams/and me...we are all severely diabetic...and that does not describe us either..fyi
assnons are illiterate...so they have no idea that anita hill is a lesbian or that that why she made ct so hot..or that TONS of other young bf peers signed affidavits against ct that were legally suppressed by his attys
ct and rush l are close like bros
further proof that he is indeed a rabid coon!!!
AB: Did you take your meds today? So much love in the air. You are not your usual raving lunatic self.
tons of black men that work at mcdonalds and burger king chase white women exlcusively too...
i never love assnons!
i always love people who dare to tell the truth like laa.
and i always love mamm too!
even when we disagree...
assnons miss me when i am lioness so they hate me when i am a kitten...
doctors say 24+ mil people are walking around with diabetes and have no idea they are...because they are not obese...fyi
millions of skinny people are severely diabetic
it is a genetic disease that is most often related to emotional stress/genes...not diet
"...41% of black women never married...blah...blah...blah. Only 21% of white women never married...blah...blah...blah..."
Has anyone ever looked behind the stats? For example, what percent of the "41%" choose to be single? What percent of the 79% of white women who married, married for the right reasons? How many are happily married as opposed to fronting, miserably?
Take a statistic for what it's worth, which is not very much.
michael baisden recently did a show on people who hate their jobs
many called in and said they became diabetic at wk...they did not become obese..they just stressed out/became depressed
dis-ease = diabetes
i am quadruply dis-eased in amerikka
and again
you can take a fat/mean/uneducated/ugly/diseased bf and paint her white...she will nab the avg euro bro in a heartbeat
alicia banks said...
i know u r angry
but i agree with laa 100%
AB, I understand where you are coming from 1000%, but when that jealous, hateful shrew La Idiot decided to come after me with the stupidest bullshit I've EVER seen on the net and posts insults as Assnon, she picked the wrong one. There was NO WAY in hell I was EVER gonna let that shit ride just as you don't!
Now about UTS, I don't think he has a colorist attitude at all, but so what if he does? I have a colorist attitude too almost completely dissing light skinned men in favor of chocolate bruhs, but I never see Black folks get in arms about that. See I get that we';re "allowed" to celebrate dark skin but the moment someone wants to celebrate light skin, folks get their panties in a bunch.
I say you can't have it both ways, we are ALL allowed to have our preferences!!!!
Now about diabetes, endocrinology isn't my area (though I did get an "A" in that class) but there isn't a Black person around who shouldn't know who/what predisposes a person to developing the disease.
CF, don't you black repubs have a sense of humor? You think it's only you guys who know how to jive and Jester for entertainment purposes? :)
Steve chuckled.... "In a community filled with lonely angry sisters and single mother families, just WHO is discouraging black women from dating outside the race?"
The same black community who told those young black girls to run far from the "evil white man" and stay true to the "brothers" and her race so that the "brothers" can go in and out of prison while sexing them up, impregnate them and abandon them at the "brothers" disposal. Or to go school and come back to marry-down with a bad credit non-insured janitor, cause he's a good "brother" who needs a sistah's support. All while they fawn over Tyron becoming a somebody and marrying a non-black girlfriend to "suck it to the evil white man", and of course to give them some pretty light grandchilin.
The same black community who taught those young black girls to eat their pain and abuse away while preaching about how the "brothers" love dem some meat on a woman, and how the "evil white man" don't want them any way.
The same black community and the same colorist intra-racist black males walking around them, and in the media who send signals to those young black girls that they are not to be loved, respected, desired, or cherished because they don't fit the prototype. So they might as well stay ignorant in the black community to become an uneducated-abandoned-lonely-bitter-angry-overweight-unhealthy-breeder, then get old and send all their money to the black church and wait to die. That's who. I am tired going down this road with you Steve, let it go.
"And on that job where I supposedly "fondle stool samples" I have to literally beat the men, Black, White, AND other off with a stick!!! REGULARLY, LOL!!"
I promised myself to let this go but other naive black females might be reading this. Most men can be very intuitive and sexually instinctual when it comes to women. Many of them are able sense when a female is either sexually promiscuous (easy), or lack the capacity to vet when men have premeditating non-virtuous feelings about her. Therefore, these type females naturally confuse the male's ill-intentions with compliments or adulation, and thus comes that self-flattering declaration on how she has to "fight them off with a stick".
Furthermore, if this is actually happening in the work-place where men know they risk sexual harassment charges, and yet there is a multitude of them who are still confident to make such risk over ONE particular female, that should be a red flag with a slap of insult towards that one female in question.
Definitely not something to brag about, you need to visit the HR office for one of those pamphlets immediately.
CF @3:41p Your comment was a masterpiece. It is something every individual black person needs to look within to see where this perceived 'coon' is coming from.
Where did this ugly offensive coon business originate from and why would any black person adopt and utter something so ugly and degrading to their race?
i feel u!
but i also just agree with laa
u and me agree to disagree on this one
the most beautiful man on earth to me is blair underwood
and female is pam grier
so i am a chocoholic too
but most of the world and ALL of follywood celebrates yellow bfs exclusively
there is no female denzel except halle/paula....nahmean?
Like racism, colorism rules all, especially in Hollywood. I am convinced that light skinned wives with long hair, who look more like their white spousal peers, would prove far more memorable in the eyes of racist announcers. Similarly, black-skinned Eddie Murphy is infamous for casting black-skinned women as whores and fools in his films, while yellow women are his stars, spouses, and heroines. In the loosely autobiographical "Purple Rain", Prince tellingly cast an Italian woman who looks like Sophia Loren, in the role of his real life mother, who looks like Oprah Winfrey. I love my homie Bernie Mac and his new show. Yet, weekly I notice that the actress who plays his wife is lighter skinned than himself...
A culture shocked Spike Lee created "School Daze" to capture the uniquely rabid Southern colorism that he endured as a New Yorker at Morehouse in Atlanta, Georgia. As a native Chicagoan transplant and talk radio veteran in Atlanta, I was often appalled at the colorism that callers would brazenly express on my shows. At election time, many arrogantly ignorant fools would call in to bash candidates expressly because they felt they were "too dark skinted to vote for."
Halle has truly earned all of her accolades. Yet, I know that she would win far less adoration and favor if her skin looked like Denzel's. Halle has no equally praised or popular dark-skinned African-American peer in Hollywood. And, it is common industry knowledge that actresses who play the love interests of black men on film are always deliberately chosen to be lighter-skinned and shorter than their black-skinned leading men.
Two grossly belated Oscars do not a revolution make. Racism and colorism still rule the land that Queen Halle and King Denzel reign over. For the moment, I am a very happy villager, in a global village from which the movies, and their awards night, are merely an escape. In our righteous elation, let us remember the real life battles that rage on in our real world.
coon originated with black overseers who beat and abused fellow slaves WORSE than wm masters...like mean old black racoons...again
ct is a CONSUMMATE COONS and so are his supremely CRUEL COONISH legal decisions
The following quotes are taken from the November 1996 issue of EMERGE magazine. They were published in an article entitled “Supreme Insult” by George Curry and Trevor Coleman.
“EDITOR’S NOTE (by George Curry):
I apologize. Exactly three years ago, we ran a cover illustration of U. S. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, resplendent with an Aunt Jemima-like handkerchief on his head. In retrospect, we were far too benevolent. Hence, this month’s cover with Clarence appropriately attired as a lawn jockey. Even our latest depiction is too compassionate for a person who has done so much to turn back the clock on civil rights...During slavery, the lawn jockeys on plantations were used to let other owners know when a slave had escaped. According to slave narrative, a lantern would be placed in the jockey’s hand and would remain there as long as the escaped slave remained free. Now you know why there’s a lantern in Clarence’s hand on our cover. That’s Clarence Thomas--he’ll leave a light on for you.
Research more of the horrid truths about Clarence Thomas in the following books:
Supreme Discomfort: The Divided Soul of Clarence Thomas by Kevin Merida & Michael A. Fletcher
Strange Justice: The Selling of Clarence Thomas by Jane Mayer
Raceing Justice, Engendering Power: Essays on Anita Hill, Clarence Thomas, and the Construction of Social Reality edited by Toni Morrison
Speaking Truth to Power by Anita Hill
u have posted sheer poetry and prose here with sistafire...
amen to all
why are all these so called pro black people crucifying tyler perry but ignoring eddie murphy and TONS of music videos etc???
i am posting on that bs asap
Tell you what I despise most about CT. He knows DAMN WELL he couldn't have been accepted to Yale based on his stats alone and he was an Affirmative Action beneficiary, now he wants to close the very door he walked though MANY times to other minorities
we disagree about uts too
but that is cool
every day all day herein uts proves that he thinks bfs are inferior and he really thinks all OTHER races of men agree with him
he is dead wrong
scan up and check all he posted today
all black neocons are like that
ie i despise john mcwhorter too:
I strive to empower and emancipate black scholars, as McWhorter works overtime to secure the deadbolt locks on the doors to ever whitening bastions of academia. McWhorter and I are both enduring excrutiating racial pain. My pain is numbed by African-American excellence. His is numbed by African-American eradication. I seek to increase our numbers in universities. He seeks to sanction our scarcity.
Millions of African-Americans from diverse socioeconomic and educational backgrounds are intellectually superior and successful. We have spent our entire lives working diligently to become superior scholars and professionals in every arena. However, unlike McWhorter and his ilk, we do not allow that success to blind us to reality. We do not become demented by delusions of our own uniqueness or grandeur. We do not fall victim to the compliments of racist whites who view us as anomolies as they divide and conquer us. We question our rarity. We do not revel in it.
i was diagnosed at 36...about the same age as my mom and dad were...
both are 66 and doing well...i plan to be so too
neither of them are on insulin...they take only oral meds
i have been insulin dependent for 10 yrs
it is really scary to think that i cannot live without a med...
halle once went into a diabetic coma on a sitcom set when she was younger and even thinner...she had not eaten and thought she was just hungry...
thank god that has never happened to me...only
because i really watch what i eat and eat on a rigid schedule and i keep my insulin pens closer than my guns and mace...
if i had not resigned from NCLB, i would have had a coma any day before my babies...i left before i traumarized them so
diabetes is depressing and no joke...shame that fat bashing bros
like uts and gutless hos like mr like have so much fun with so much pain...
dis-ease is never a joke...
Why is the AB troll always here?
patti labelle and halle barry are official diabetes activists etc
assnons wish they could be visible here...hater cowards!
is that "movin' on up" I'm hearin'?......
assnons are sugarfooted sneaky scared bitches that cause dis-ease on blogs each day!!!
Constructive Feedback, I feel Sorry for you! I really really do, and I keep you in Prayer!
I am Possessed with (Both eye's being wide open) and the day both eye's close, well, I will began to write the way you do! but, for now, IseeIsee! it's not my fault you are Blind, by way of Confusion!
The TEA PARTY, that was held in Washington last year, was set up to Agitate Black's! but, my people did NOT fall for the TRAP! it was set on a day when Black's were having their meeting at the Mall! think this was a coincidence? well, You probably do, in your World, the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is really about WHITE FOLK being upset over TAX'S! in your World, the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is a JUST CAUSE! but, if so, where are the Angry Minority's? where are the Black people that pay TAX'S? can it be, they are Familiar with a True and Just CAUSE? can it be, the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT has a Stench to it? and Black Folk know a RAT when they Smell it! after all, a MOVEMENT is something that Move's FORWARD! the TEA PARTY exist to STOP anything or anyone that will benefit from CHANGE!
FEEDBACK, when you hear the word's (Entitlement Program's) what Group of people come to your mind?
MeandMyMicroscope said...
Tell you what I despise most about CT. He knows DAMN WELL he couldn't have been accepted to Yale based on his stats alone and he was an Affirmative Action beneficiary, now he wants to close the very door he walked though MANY times to other minorities
What's sadder is that Clarence Thomas feels guilty about getting the opportunity to go to Yale Law and has built a career undermining his own achievements.
Again, for a Black man to show no pride in his community or in himself despite his accomplishments speaks to the kind of twisted mind he has. Sad really.
MAMM, what is your exact field in Biomedical research? Just curious.
"MAMM, what is your exact field in Biomedical research? Just curious."
Give her a sec while she googles something to write down.
You are wrong for that!
LACoincidental said...
MAMM, what is your exact field in Biomedical research? Just curious.
I use lab techniques common in Pathology to conduct research in traumatic brain injury.... for now. I really like Neuropathology, but I'm really pushing to get back into infectious disease soon because that's the area I plan to earn my PhD in. Ideally, an infectious agent that adversely affects the brain would be ideal!!!
I have a brief mention of my research in my profile
It doesn't appear that you understand how life works. It also doesn’t appear that you have ANY regard for intelligent reasoned debate but are more at home with ranting profane emotional eruptions. I’ll simplify my points for you.
Most Black men do not wish to marry white women. Most White women do not wish to marry black men. And surprise, surprise they generally DON'T.
That's it...
“You see there Mr. Shady, THAT's another cop out and scapegoating tactic people like you like to throw around whenever the mere mention of the blatant IR disparity and the shameful black female discrimination pathology comes up.”
No, LA, that’s a little thing we call reality. You might want to inhale it sometime.
Of the black men who WANT to marry, most of them marry black women. Why do you think that is? Hmm. Could it be that most black men really do have a preference for black women? Imagine that…
Here we go. We are not allowed to victim blame black males collectively against institutionalized white supremacist oppression in society, but yet it's acceptable to victim blame marriageable black women for the rejection/sexism/incompatible mate oppression and discrimination inflicted on them by the very BLACK MAN and according to Steve, white/non-black men?
People blame Black men collectively for just about everything under the sun. I don’t know what color the sky is in your world. You certainly seem to have no problem blaming black males.
But in my world an adult does not sit around blaming other people for his romantic failings. Men certainly are notoriously unsympathetic to a man who fails to marry or to find a girlfriend.
If what a man is doing romantically isn’t working, he needs to change it or he needs to get out of the game. The same holds true for women. No one OWES you a partner. It’s up to every individual to go out there and attract a mate. Game on.
Also Shady, maybe I'm mistaken, but for some reason I was under the impression that you were a white male. I HOPE you are not a white male trying to be so versed in knowing the relationship pathologies among black people.
Uh..no. I’m not white. If I were white I might think that your ranting is typical of black women. But since I’m not I know it’s just individual to you. Facts are facts. In a world with BILLIONS of people of the opposite gender, anyone who puts the majority of the blame for their romantic failings on other people is not an adult. They’re a child. They may have an adult’s body and even temporarily trick other people into treating them like an adult but they are nothing more than a ranting two-year old trapped in an adult body. Adults take responsibility.
Can I tell you what I DESPISE more than YOUR "MOST"?
The machine that struggled for the last 45 years to take over the school systems where our children attend in their highest concentrations. Upon their VICTORY.......official portraits hanging on the wall representing their tenure over the school BOARD - our children never got the BENEFIT that was to come once people who "CARED ABOUT THEM AND HAD THEIR BEST INTERESTS IN MIND" took OVER.
If you are concerned about Brother Justice Clarence Thomas' qualifications to get into Yale - WHAT SAY YOU about the thousand and thousands of Black students who NEED NOT EVEN BOTHER to apply to COLLEGE - let alone an elite law school - their EDUCATION from "people who care about them" did not qualify them.
Since you are a science gal - could you make a PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION between the angst you feel about Thomas' opposition to AA and how you feel about the Establishment Machine that is mis-leading per their jobs as school system administrators for our schools.
(I thought that you said that you were a "conservative Black female"? )
LA*Audio wrote
Too many black males DO NOT want to get married to anyone, period, much less to black women. And look at how many of them are still out of prison and yet still not marriageable material for anyone!
Maybe if marriage were a better deal for men, you’d see more men willing to enter into it. However since it’s NOT, I think you will start to see more men of all races rethink the entire concept. And it’s not men’s fault that women have a marked preference towards hypergamy. Maybe we should spend the next 40 years ensuring that we give special attention and preference towards men-especially black men- so that they are no longer a minority in colleges or increasingly the workplace. That way more of them will be “marriageable material”, since women do not like to “marry down”. This will run counter to current feminist preference but I’m good with that. =)
“Too many black men don't marry”? By whose standard? It’s generally not unmarried black men that are running around screaming about how they can’t find a wife. Have you considered the possibility that SOME unmarried black women might not be the catches that they think they are? Perhaps that’s why they’re unmarried. Either black men know their own interests best and are responding rationally to their particular circumstance or somehow black men are uniquely dumb and missing out on all the wonderful opportunities that every unmarried black woman represents. Hmm. I wonder which possibility you think is the case.
“Jedi Mind Tricks” LOL That’s pretty good.
“These aren’t the black men you’re looking for. Marry white! Marry white!!”
As I said above but you obviously didn’t understand-if every black man married to a white woman traded her in for a black model tomorrow, that still wouldn’t change the fact that many black women would still be unmarried. Now the logic gets kind of complicated here but stick with me. This means that white women are not the problem. White women are an easy scapegoat for SOME black women who want to be married but aren’t. SOME White women do the exact same scapegoating talking about Asian women. SOME Asian men don’t like that many Asian women marry white men. I've even heard that some white men don't like seeing white women with black men. Who would have thunk it..
In every group some people have those feelings.
Marriage is a two way street. Just as a man has to convince a woman that he's worthy, a woman must do the same.
LA Audio:
I am not a Republican. They exist in the "American Political domain". My consciousness resides in the "Community Cultural Consciousness and COMPETENCE Development Domain"
WHEN YOU allow others to "make light" about the things that YOU want to make light of then I will accept your challenge.
Instead it appears that you want to be allowed to call a Black man the same names that many Black men heard just prior to their lynching. I am asked to UNDERSTAND the punch line.
I believe in recognizing every human being as a human being, neither white, black, brown nor red. When you are dealing with humanity as one family, there's no question of integration or intermarriage. It's just one human being marrying another human being, or one human being living around and with another human being.
[quote]the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is really about WHITE FOLK being upset over TAX'S! in your World, the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT is a JUST CAUSE! but, if so, where are the Angry Minority's? where are the Black people that pay TAX'S?[/quote]
Please do "pray hard" for me, my Christian Sister in Christ.
I am talking about one of those GO UP TO THE FRONT OF THE CHURCH type prayers. Where you get down on both knees in front of the podium and start to TREMBLE type of prayers!!
The type of prayer where the female usher who comes behind you and kneels down with you begins to shake as she too feels your energy.
IseeIsee - I want you to do a "BURDEN DUN BEEN LIFTED OFF OF MY BACK and now I am FREE" type of prayers.
I have a 100% belief that you have it in you. Thank you my sister.
Oh, about that Tea Party thing.
You asked where are the Black folks. IseeIsee - in your question you seek to make an indictment against the WHITE FOLKS. As if they are intolerant to accepting the Negro into their protests.
WHAT YOU NEED TO DO (and I don't know where you live) is to go and watch the various TAX HIKE PROPOSALS around town where BLACK FOLKS LIVE and then watch as our brothers and sisters act in very "TEA PARTY -LIKE" manner - REJECTING the increase in LOCAL TAXES.
Do you know that ole Shakespeare saying about the rose and what you call it? I have seen many a Negro ask for some "Spenda" for their TEA because they don't want the calories that sugar has and that after taste of the "Sweet and Low" is DISGUSTING. It ruins the character of the TEA that they drink.
Ya feel me?
Preach it Shady!!!!
CF, I AM a conservative but one who simply thinks for herself on issues that are important to ME!!!
BTW, what does that have to do with seeing CT for the coon he truly is!
La♥audiobooks said...
Many of them are able sense when a female is either sexually promiscuous (easy), or lack the capacity to vet when men have premeditating non-virtuous feelings about her.
Damn you're an idiot, LOL!!!!. EVERYONE knows that men don't "wife" ho's, which probably explain YOUR single status, LOL!!!
Geez woman, you're a pitiful soul to not know a damn thing about Black men and/or relationships. No wonder you're so angry and bitter! A few other the men here try to help your pathetic ass out and you just get more angry and bitter.
FYI, reasons I attract fine, successful men of all races is because I'm hella smart, fine, speak proper english (ie swimps, LOL) educated, paid, can cook, and you're gonna like this one, I'm nice and easy to get along with. In other words, "he musta liked it because he put a fat ass ring on it""
Oh, oh, ohhhhhhh, oh, oh, ohhhh, oh, oh, ohhhhh, oh, oh, oh,, repeat and shake that wedding ringer girl!!!
MMM I am surprised that you think lowly of CT since you are a con. He has made some really good legal decisions and his dissents tend to be thought provoking. It saddens me that so many people are quick to call him a tom etc. What in particular has he done legally that bothers you so much?
M. Rigmaiden said...
MMM I am surprised that you think lowly of CT since you are a con. What in particular has he done legally that bothers you so much?
I will always have a SERIOUS problem with hypocritical Blacks, specifically those who would not support the very legislation which got them where they are today.
In other words, no Black who has benefitted from AA as CT has, should deny that opportunity to anyone else, so it's his position on AA that makes him a "tom" in my book.
Being conservative doesn't mean I support EVERY other conservative. I reserve the right to pick and choose among conservatives and liberals, which candidate I wish to support.
"Tell you what I despise most about CT. He knows DAMN WELL he couldn't have been accepted to Yale based on his stats alone and he was an Affirmative Action beneficiary, now he wants to close the very door he walked though MANY times to other minorities
What's sadder is that Clarence Thomas feels guilty about getting the opportunity to go to Yale Law and has built a career undermining his own achievements."
HA! What about Barry Obama? Affirmative action all the way - every other prez candidate had to release their academic records - not Barry (must of got lost along with that birth certificate). The difference with Barry is he loves himself too much to ever feel any guilt. There is not one thing genuine about Obama.
I understand what you are saying MMM, but I was hoping that you might show a specific legal opinion written by CT that might elucidate your feelings. When I look at some of his writings, particularly his dissents, I don't get that he is self loathing or whatever else; I do see him as complex. In Kelo v. New London he said that he dissented because the people most likely to be hurt by the policy would be minorities and those not likely to have political power. That doesn't exactly sound Tomish to me.
" It also doesn’t appear that you have ANY regard for intelligent reasoned debate but are more at home with ranting profane emotional eruptions."
Mr. Shady, no profane disrespect was directed to you. In your need to silence and discredit/negate my perspective, It's evident you just tried to patronize my intelligence and dramatize my emotions.
And for what it's worth, I wasn't yelling at the monitor, nor rolling my neck, nor snapping my fingers as I typed, in case you figured I would be so inclined.
"Most Black men do not wish to marry white women. Most White women do not wish to marry black men. And surprise, surprise they generally DON'T.
That's it..."
No that's not it. Again, you are using that statement as a cop out to stray from the original point that the original anony was referring to. I think which is, there is a disparity between black males in IR's compared to Black females in IRs. That's it. Please stop trying to divert. In reasoned debates, honest adults don't do that.
"Of the black men who WANT to marry, most of them marry black women."
It would be interesting to know how much of the black males who do date/marry black women, do so only because white/non-black females may not be accessible to them at the time, or may not have given them the time or day. It's a study worth exploring.
"People blame Black men collectively for just about everything under the sun. I don’t know what color the sky is in your world. You certainly seem to have no problem blaming black males. "
The black community as well as general society don't seem to have any problems questioning the black man's mother and her technique in upbringing children after her adult male child commits carnage unto others. Black females also get irrational blames, or they never get the benefit of doubt from the same white supremacist oppressive society, and not get the doubt or protection from others in the very black community when it happens. No black marching T-shirts for black girls. I could go on.
"If what a man is doing romantically isn’t working, he needs to change it or he needs to get out of the game. The same holds true for women. "
i hope it's real comforting for you to hold black men to the same standards and emotional needs as most women, vice versa. I guess this is just another one of those emasculated pacifying tactics that are still given courtesy to black males subsequent to slavery/Jim Crow.
No one OWES you a partner."
It's seems only in the black community this insidious chant is being dished out to black women. No other race of people subject women to adapt to this mentality. It is expected for women to be paired, loved, and protected along with their children by a supportive partner. Men also accept their protective and providing roles, even if it's sexist to some extent. My boyfriend is black Hispanic, and even in the black Hispanic community it is crucial for black Hispanic women to be paired and protected, this is normal and expected.
"It’s up to every individual to go out there and attract a mate. Game on."
But yet the standards for a woman to bestow said attractions seems to be bias and historically subjective for black females trying to do the same.
"Maybe we should spend the next 40 years ensuring that we give special attention and preference towards men-especially black men...
That way more of them will be “marriageable material”, since women do not like to “marry down”."
African countries have been practicing this for decades. African females have made great sacrifices for African males. African males don't return or they practice their 'freedom" by marrying outside the black race and devote their resources and education elsewhere. This is why so many African females/children are unprotected and still suffering in many parts of Africa to this day. Black males are proving themselves to be historical failures of their black mothers/sisters/children and their race.
"Too many black men don't marry”? By whose standard? It’s generally not unmarried black men that are running around screaming about how they can’t find a wife."
That's because most of these black males are satisfied with just being able to sex up and use up women without having any accountability or commitment. As a black female, I don't even care to be married myself, but I demand a high level of respect and commitment. You also seem to be very iniquitous and sexist in your overall thinking.
"It's just one human being marrying another human being, or one human being living around and with another human being."
In other words, people like you want others to subscribe to the "love sees no color", "we are one race, the human race" selective rhetoric so that you can continue to implement self-serving discriminations and your sexist transgressions without detection so you don't have to be held accountable.
I have so much to say to you, but I am too drained this evening, and don't care to proof read. We will never agree on anything based on your willful statements. But please know when dealing with me, save your sexist self-serving sheep wool for someone else who's not a free thinking adult living in the real world with blue skies like yours.
To be honest MR, I don't have the time or motivation to read decisions by the members of the supreme court and it's everything I can do to fit in time to read documents related to my own field of study.
Like a lot people, I have issues that are near and dear to my heart that once I hear something I don't agree with, I tune out everything else.
That said CT didn't become a coon the day after he joined the supreme court. He became one when he tried to destroy the reputation of Anita Hill.
Thanks AB, I try. Even though I may not be a lonely-ugly-uneducated-overweight-manless-etc etc and etc black female, I will always be a black female, and I still have to raise another black female in this world. So I still have a vested interest until the day I die, and I refuse to be silenced until then.
"To be honest MR, I don't have the time or motivation to read decisions by the members of the supreme court and it's everything I can do to fit in time to read documents related to my own field of study.
Like a lot people, I have issues that are near and dear to my heart that once I hear something I don't agree with, I tune out everything else."
OK then how can you come to a reasonable decision about CT if you don't do the research to back it up? Sometimes you may hear things by the media that are spun a certain way. Then when you do the research and get the facts you might feel differently. At least you admitted it though; you haven't really done any research to validate your feelings about CT it is just what you've heard, even regarding Anita Hill, and then you make a value judgment based upon that.
I have a friend who is at Tulane getting her PhD in neuroscience. She asked me once if 27% was a good interest rate on a credit card because she did not have time to research out of her field of expertise.
It's always good to come out of the box sometimes. Here is something CT once said:
"If ever there were justification for intrusive judicial review of constitutional provisions that protect “discrete and insular minorities,” United States v. Carolene Products Co., 304 U.S. 144, 152, n. 4 (1938), surely that principle would apply with great force to the powerless groups and individuals the Public Use Clause protects. The deferential standard this Court has adopted for the Public Use Clause is therefore deeply perverse. It encourages “those citizens with dis-
proportionate influence and power in the political pro-
cess, including large corporations and development
firms” to victimize the weak. Ante, at 11 (O’Connor, J., dissenting)."
Thats just it MR, I don't have to "back up" anything to anybody!! I was crystal clear on why I don't like CT and that's all I need to support my dislike of him. Honestly, if I had the time to read every opinion of every public figure, I wouldn't be able to work or have a life!!!!.
FYI, I watched the hearings on his conformation with my own eyeballs so why must I read his every opinion to know he's a asshole??
No one person is all "bad" and we all have our own personal litmus tests for what makes a person one thing or another. I will never forgive him for his position on AA no matter what his future opinions are.
M. Rigmaiden said...
I have a friend who is at Tulane getting her PhD in neuroscience. She asked me once if 27% was a good interest rate on a credit card because she did not have time to research out of her field of expertise.
Come on now, you'e comparing apples and planets.
MR, I've rarely found patronizing behavior to be characteristic of intelligent, thought provoking debates.
MR, MMM is a fraud, don't bother.
So you just are saying that based upon your feelings and what you saw years ago your opinion of him is fixed. No, I wasn't comparing apples to planets. Just because someone is competent in one area does not mean they are competent in another area, that was the point. You said that you don't have time to read his legal opinions and you base your decision upon what you once saw so it isn't like you have actively kept up with his career and examined his legal philosophy or anything.
The point is that most people DON'T know about his legal opinions or dissents; they just have opinions of him based upon impressions from a previous time.
Sadly though, I think he was and is misunderstood by the public at large and hoped that looking at some of his legal opinions might shed light into his character. That is all. Nothing patronizing about that.
Either way, I'm sure you'd agree that the quote from the dissent I quoted above does not look like that of a self loathing person; it looks like the writing of someone who cares about the dispossessed.
"It's just one human being marrying another human being, or one human being living around and with another human being."
In other words, people like you want others to subscribe to the "love sees no color", "we are one race, the human race" selective rhetoric so that you can continue to implement self-serving discriminations and your sexist transgressions without detection so you don't have to be held accountable.
That's a 1965 quote from Malcolm X!!!
Haven't you read that quote before?
Malcolm X, who married a dark skinned Black woman, said that. Malcolm X evidently recognized that a person's private choices in who they marry are just that, private. But I don't think Malcolm was using "selective rhetoric" here. He was being an adult. The rest of the quote makes it quite clear that his issues were with white supremacy and the racist nature of society. Any negative reactions that he had to IR marriage were caused by that society. But go right ahead and say that Malcolm was sexist or self-serving or didn't want to be "held accountable". =)
It would be interesting to know how much of the black males who do date/marry black women, do so only because white/non-black females may not be accessible to them at the time, or may not have given them the time or day. It's a study worth exploring.
Ok, see obviously you have some issues. So never mind that a black man CHOSE to date, marry, have children with, provide emotional, financial and physical support for, grow old with, leave money to, this black woman. We KNOW that deep down inside he REALLY wanted a white woman all along.. (shakes head)
"If what a man is doing romantically isn’t working, he needs to change it or he needs to get out of the game. The same holds true for women. "
hope it's real comforting for you to hold black men to the same standards and emotional needs as most women, vice versa. I guess this is just another one of those emasculated pacifying tactics that are still given courtesy to black males subsequent to slavery/Jim Crow.
How in the world is saying that an adult is responsible for their own happiness "emasculating", "pacifying" or any other negative characterization. As I wrote, men don't sit around being supportive of or listening to other men who have no luck with women. In fact it's much the opposite. =)
Adults (men OR women) take ownership of their lives. Children don't.
"No one OWES you a partner."
It's seems only in the black community this insidious chant is being dished out to black women. No other race of people subject women to adapt to this mentality. It is expected for women to be paired, loved, and protected along with their children by a supportive partner. Men also accept their protective and providing roles, even if it's sexist to some extent. My boyfriend is black Hispanic, and even in the black Hispanic community it is crucial for black Hispanic women to be paired and protected, this is normal and expected.
Uh no. There are an incredible amounts of complaints by/focus on white women in college or in their 20's, 30's or 40's about white men that won't commit or behave how these white women THINK they should. Thus the popularity of books like "The Rules" or "Maybe you should settle" or NYT articles criticizing hookup cultures on campus. Men and women have ALWAYS sought to bend the other gender's behavior to suit their own purposes. This never quite works out as well as either gender would hope. However most people reach a happy or at least satisfactory equilibrium. And it is STILL up to the individual to get out there and shake their tailfeather..
And as far as the different rates of IR marriages between BM/WW or WM/BW, that is something that we'd have to get WM to address. Perhaps they should be hectored, criticized and vilified for not marrying enough BW to make some people happy.
And if BM are such horrible losers then of course one should be happy that they are supposedly all marrying WW...
L*books said to MMM:
I have so much to say to you, but I am too drained this evening, and don't care to proof read. We will never agree on anything based on your willful statements. But please know when dealing with me, save your sexist self-serving sheep wool for someone else who's not a free thinking adult living in the real world with blue skies like yours.
bravo. thank you for kicking the dog so eloquently. she's an idiot who thinks she's SO HOT men would risk their careers playing sexual footsie with a married woman (who sounds like she has no boundaries and has probably strayed at least twice). no one builds themselves up the way she does without the real purpose being poor self-esteem and personal failures. notice it was "black, white, other?" too damn funny.
MR, I hate wasting time commenting on things I never wrote, so this is my last comment to you about CT.
You know Macaroni, it's just like you to think I'd fuck up my security clearance over bullshit. But all your comment really tells me is that the reason you don't have a man is because a woman at your Ex's job took him from you, and obviously it wasn't that hard. What happened, did he leave you for a real white woman???
Shady_Grady said...
And as far as the different rates of IR marriages between BM/WW or WM/BW, that is something that we'd have to get WM to address. Perhaps they should be hectored, criticized and vilified for not marrying enough BW to make some people happy.
Personally, I think reason WM don't marry more BW is because some of them obsess about having white children. Based on how society defines white, only WW produce white children, a notable exception being folks of Italian decent.
LOL! have a great day at quest!
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