I am sure that not many of you reading this have ever heard of Marilyn Davenport. You would be excused if you didn't.
She happens to be a hot- shot republican party official in Orange County, California and a tea party member.
I am also sure that many of you reading this who happen to be in a certain clique of A-merry-cans have seen the picture accompanying this post. (One of my regular posters uses it as their pic to accompany his/her post.) It's the kind of stuff ignorant racist circulate among themselves to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic lives and miserable existence.
Rather than attack O on the substance of his policies, (and there is room for attack) they choose to use racist caricatures to poke fun of his ethnicity. Nice!
So anyway, seems that my tea party friend made a mistake that racist of her ilk often make; she sent an e-mail which was seem by others outside of her racist circle and was called on it. (Maybe the NAACP was right.) But here is the funny part: She actually got upset at the thought that others would find it offensive and used the old "some of my best friends are black" meme to justify her despicable actions.
"Oh, come on! Everybody who knows me knows that I am not a racist. It was a joke. I have friends who are black! Besides, I only sent it to a few people - mostly people I didn't think would be upset by it," explained Marilyn Davenport , Teapublican activist and member of the Orange County Republican Party Central Committee.
Davenport is in hot water for circulating a racist hate-email depicting President Barack Obama and his parents as chimpanzees. The email also noted, "Now you know why - No birth certificate." As with most white racists on the defensive, Davenport's "excuse" was that she only sent the email to her closest racist friends, that she is not a racist , that she didn't realize the email was racist, and that it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of black people as subhuman.
These are each classic forms of racism denial. Instead of an apology, Davenport said she was concerned over who leaked her racist email and then blamed the media for running it."
Those comments were from a blogger named ThosPayne ,who is clearly not a tea partier or a conservative because he seems to be,well, a decent person.
Now, as is to be expected with these types of incidents, there are calls for Ms. Davenport to resign. (Because we all know that this incident is an aberration..... yeah right!) We will see.
Personally, I hope she stays on and does what she has been doing all along. If she leaves she will only be replaced with someone who is better at covering up their true feelings about a certain beige man in the people's house. Besides, this is A-merry-ca, calling the President the son of chimpanzees is not the same as yelling fire in a crowded theater.
So go on tea party lady, do your thing. I am sure that you have a lot of supporters out here who are behind you 100%. We will find find out soon enough if they actually vote.
At some point in GWB's first term, it became popular among his opponents to adjust his photos and other images in a way that made him into Hitler.
One day not long before the 2004 election I was in Princeton, NJ, walking on the main street. A person had set up a card table with election materials on it.
Actually, he was registering voters. But next to the table was a life-size poster of Bush as Hitler.
When it comes to images, presenting the president of the United States as Hitler is a lot more offensive than presenting him as the descendant of apes.
...and so Wayne kicks off the 2012 Obama re-election effort here, negro style: anybody who makes fun of Obama be racist, whitey be racist, tea party be racist, blah blah blawdey!
Remember the endless cartoons of that idiot Bush2 as a chimp? That be okay, but the same for Obama be racist.
Your double standards are showing yet again, Wayne. You have an endless supply.
P.S. I thought Obama's mother was white, eh?
If I tell a "few" friends something that I don't want to get out, and don't tell them not to say anything, it's my fault if the beans get spilled.
I'd also more than likely be able to determine which one would have let the cat out of the bag.
This lady obviously needs to keep her friends closer, as they are also her enemy.
Let's not forget, the image of Obama as the Joker was 'racist', too. How so??? Because any criticism of a negro is 'racist'.
You people* burned it out, the charge has little power anymore, thank goodness.
* "you people" = black racialist opportunists
Haha!!! Once upon a time, a supposedly irreverent upstart tv show called Saturday Night Live said that they would be outrageous and "offend everybody". But eventually they showed their true stripes as liberals and inaugurated unofficial rules that they would never offend women (remember that ital comic that got banned), then next you can't offend negroes, that's fo sho.
That episode with the Pope? You can now offend Popes and Catholics all day every day, so that is reversed. But you can't offend Muslims, though. Not Jews either.
In short, the censorship of political correctness reigns supreme on SNL - as almost everywhere else. If anyone doesn't comply with the orthodoxy, they be raciss.
We ALL know what the hidden message behind the image is.
There is a difference between criticism and caricatures. Criticism of a black is just that, criticism that is probably not racist.
Caricatures of the president as a monkey racist.
Further, the reference of GWB to a chimpanzee is not the moral/racial/historical equivalent of the reference of BO to a chimpanzee.
I should have to point this out. But, as usual, white denial/ignorance is rampant.
Thankfully, the chasm continues.
no_slappz: "When it comes to images, presenting the president of the United States as Hitler is a lot more offensive than presenting him as the descendant of apes."
Perhaps, but Bush was also frequently referred as chimp. Googling images for "bush chimp" gets 278,000 hits versus 201,000 for "obama chimp".
But, one must never pass up a chance to characterize opposition to Obama as racist or the Tea Party as a bunch of yahoos. Right Field?
That being said, this lady was an idiot for forwarding something so many people find offensive, and she is getting what she deserves.
Sure Slappy, like the returning VietNam vets were spat on. Funny how that meme circulated so quick among the hordes of Chickenhawks.
Tell yourself this often enough (like Jews 'blood libel' and Goobers will beleeve it)
Davenport did make the futile attempt to pretend she is not racist. What gutless cowardice!! At least the skinheads have the honesty to stick to their racism..instead of lying.
Weeping false tears that nearly everyone with eyes recognized the astounding similarities between bush and chimps...only shows that you really wants to say 'migger'..and you wonder why the adults keep telling you 'No'. Well, Goober...seems that calling AfAms apes, chimps,monkeys has a long history of racial animus. Was there any for bush? Or was it his continued poo flinging and screeching?
Not every R is a TeaBagging moron. While Davenport and her crew brag about the new clothing for Rs made of feces...there are quite a few Rs who would cheerfully shower and change.
Poor, poor victimized racist creep. How terrible for her that her racism was revealed and she can no longer pretend to be rational. Boo hoo. Wahh.
Let us all give her the mantle of victimhood that the TeaBaggers wrested from abused children, Japanese Tsunami survivors, and crime victims...so that we may feel the great deep and abiding sorrow for the unmasking of a TeaBagging racist.
-bleep- her! I'll send my sympathy and money those who need it.
Dr. Queen said...
"We ALL know what the hidden message behind the image is."
Monkeys are communists?
I have to admit, I bought one of those screaming chimp dolls with the long arms and velcro hands and named it "Incurious George" during the Bush years. Every time Bush said something idiotic on television, I pushed the doll's belly and made him squeal. The squeaker finally died....
That said, that was mocking, and this is racism. There is a difference. If I wanted to mock Obama, I'd call him Spock, or Professor, or Reagan Jr. Now, where did I put that Spock action figure?
"It's the kind of stuff ignorant racist circulate among themselves to make themselves feel better about their own pathetic lives and miserable existence."
Does it make you feel better about yourself fields when you make fun of Gov.Christie's weight?
Remember Allen West?
Its typical Liberal behavioral.What pisses the other 80% of America off is you whine like little bitches when someone does it to your guy.
Rev Wite, nice try. False equivalence. bush actually looks chimpy, acts chimpy, and racists can't claim this close proximity of bush to chimps is based on anything but bush's own self.
Funny how you never once mentioned Obama's ears are much like those of Toby jugs. But then, the whole point is to allow racist gits the opportunity to indulge their idiocy, no?
See, when you immediately go to the racist moron nonsense...your claims are specious. Not one iota of effort in finding non-racist material.
"Marilyn Davenport"? I thought I was dealing with yet another garden-variety Teabagger sockpuppet. Feels a bit wierd to allude to an actual GOP party official as a "whore".
"We ALL know what the hidden message behind the image is."
Funny how Obama's mother is also cast as a chimp. I guess when a white woman wanders off to the "dark side"....
"Further, the reference of GWB to a chimpanzee is not the moral/racial/historical equivalent of the reference of BO to a chimpanzee."
In other words, when people referred to Bush as a "chimp", they were referring to how his facial features resembled one. But when people refer to Obama as one, the first thing most people think about are the historically-known racial connotations behind the "chimp" descriptor (i.e. "blacks behave like monkeys", etc).
That could be used as a double message -- call the president a "chimp" and not only do your bigoted buddies immediately understand what you meant, but when others call you out on it, you can throw up plausible deniability by remarking that you were only talking about how he looked and not about any racial connotations.
I have a serious question for Wayne Bennett: why are you such a little chicken? A week or so ago, you were explaining your extra-enthusiastic support of Obama and you used the trite code phrase that "he looks like me". Why can't you just be honest and say out loud and plainly that "I support Obama because he's black"? Why be such a mealy mouth? You sound chicken to me.
(Leave out for now any quibbling about whether he's black or mulatto or whatever.)
In fact, I personally have never seen any prominent negro be honest and say, "I support him because he's black". Yet we all know that's exactly the motivation. We all know what guides black attitudes and black voting (aside from non-typical candidates like Alan Keyes).
Once upon a time some months ago, I went to read an opposite place called StormFront. I imagine that you certainly despise them (and I don't agree with them, btw; I think they are wrong on being totally aligned by race and not by principle). But at least they say very plainly what they believe. They have more courage than you do. But you waffle and shuffle and jive your way through life. Don't play the angles every minute, Wayne-boy. Be a man instead.
Grow a pair for once in your life, Wayne, and speak the truth plainly and out loud. Decades from now you'll be proud of yourself for not being a mealy mouth negro.
There you go again...can't resist your impulses to say the N-word. Like Pavlovian puppies.
Not Spock. One of the Vulcans who used DCCC logic to do stoopid. st reagan the Minor...LOL!!
Allen West? The person thrown out of the mil...during a war? Umm...how does one lose their commission during combat? Oh...you can't tell me. But it is significant that he was sent away. Ask someone who served. Or look up the sources for your Clancy war pr0n.
For lads who can't resist making disparaging comments about female posters, your sudden worry over the fragile ego of men and Christie is...IOKIYAR. It is disquieting to see such morbid obesity. Especially when he is trying to steal the food off others plates. And lies.
@Mack Lyons:
I'm a bit confused here, so even though it's inconsequential I have a question - since I haven't been here much lately: wasn't there an actual negro named Mack that was here previously? Maybe from Pittsburgh? Are you the same person, or is use of the moniker Mack just a co-incidence?
I didn't think that the old Mack was gay, yet you are. Or do you not admit that? I remember a Mack that was a reasonable sort of person here.
I guess a person does need a scorecard to keep up :)
Ahhhh! Obama was soooooo cute when he was a little chimplet! Doncha just want to pat his furry head and give him a banana? Those litle overalls are precious! He even has that scowly and imperious look that he has now. Maybe he needed his diaper changed.
While on the subject of identities: is "chicago dyke" a real person? Rather, is that her real picture?
She is extraordinarily beautiful, at least the picture is. Hauntingly good looking, and somehow it's not just physically but she her looks show the inside as being very appealing. I bet she's very smart, too. Don't the rest of you see all of that?
And that collar is super hot.
Republican Party of Orange County
1422 Edinger Suite 110
Tustin, CA 92780
Phone: 714-453-0900
Fax: 714-453-0999
Chairman: Scott Baugh
"I guess a person does need a scorecard to keep up :)"
Mack is gay by orientation, but still a virgin. He lives in his mom's basement. His lack of life experience doesn't keep him from expounding on every imaginable subject. He's kind of like LAC, only he doesn't have a job and he's not fat.
LaTreen Dartay said...
Look your not dealing with your average moron, I am a moron of higher caliber so you ain't foolin anyone.
High caliber moron? You said it, I didn’t
anon @ 7:36
Look a little closer at that picture.
One final question for you actual negroes: don't you EVER want to just vomit over the white suckups who come here to show that they're "down wit da negroes"?
I remember an Indian (WA state) artist I knew who just hated the "new age" whites who were craving her stuff yet they offended her sense of culture and history and dignity as if they were parasites. She was right, I think.
Don't any of you negroes have a similar pride? Don't any of you negroes despise the white parasite liberals? Not one of you???
Worst of all are the white gays pretending to be negroes. Doesn't that make you sick?
Yeah, white patronage (exercised by Liberals, mainly) makes me sick. But white racism (exercised by Conservatives, mainly) makes me sicker.
"Does it make you feel better about yourself fields when you make fun of Gov.Christie's weight?"
"Fattie" doesn't have the same painful impact as "Nigger". At least you can shed weight. Shedding your skin color is a bit more difficult...
"Perhaps, but Bush was also frequently referred as chimp. Googling images for "bush chimp" gets 278,000 hits versus 201,000 for "obama chimp"".
So you're going by Google image search results for your data. Not exactly the most scientific method to pursue, but whatever works for you. FYI: The term "Obama" acheived about 168,000,000 results (in 0.19 seconds, to boot!). "Bush" only received 58,000,000.
And to answer your question, Anon, I'm not affiliated with the gentleman from Pittsburgh. I've never seen his posts either, to be honest.
@the whiskey > quote
anon @ 7:36
Look a little closer at that picture.
holy freak, if that's a man I'll never come here again. Holy freakin A (white talk)
Somebody save me from eternal embarrassment. HELP ME YOU FREAKING NEGROES!!!! HELP ME PLEASE!!!!
Hehe, did I get deceived???? Damn... I'll never drink again, I swear... Some of you negroes help me out here please, have a heart
Alicia help me out here. I think you are very admirable but don't ask me to accept white male gay homos as hot-looking lesbo half-black 'chicago dykes'.
Damn, thanks to anon for clueing me in: never trust internet. Damn.
Btw, any higher IQ negroes see this as what we used to call "shtick". But yet maybe it's true.
Holy freak.
P.S. I must try to lock-om "Anon" as opposed to 'anonymous'. Some of you negroes aren't half bad and some are smart. It's a shame your hero is 'fiddy'.
I discover I like some of you negroes.
Mack Lyons said...
"Does it make you feel better about yourself fields when you make fun of Gov.Christie's weight?"
"Fattie" doesn't have the same painful impact as "Nigger".
Who used the word "nigger"?
Why does fields feel the need to insult someone who is over weight? Does it make him feel better about himself?Does it make him feel more of a man?
He who lives in glass house shouldn't throw stuff.
Here is my favorite thing about FN, when the comments get repulsive, he swings in and then moderates, but only AFTER the offensive things have been spoken. Kind of pointless dontcha think? A little late perhaps?
both hobama and king shrub EARNED depictions as apes and hitler!
they are clones
that is as it should be
fine by me
how can u take a dig at peggy noonan for penning speeches for raygun
give hobama a pass for adoring raygun and busting unions like raygun and dissing blacks like raygun...????
i adore peggy because she is a superb writer
even when i disagree, she masters her craft always
"Here is my favorite thing about FN, when the comments get repulsive, he swings in and then moderates, but only AFTER the offensive things have been spoken. Kind of pointless dontcha think? A little late perhaps?"
Sorry, watching the Knicks and the Celtics. (A bunch of chimps jumping around to you conservatives.) Now what did you say, again?
dr. queen writes:
We ALL know what the hidden message behind the image is.
Hidden message? What was hidden? Oh yeah -- the message that humans are descended from apes. That one.
Every other message was right out there in the open.
alicia banks said...
"both hobama and king shrub EARNED depictions as apes and hitler!"
I resemble that remark!
Since you're so into descendants and history, tell me No Slapz, why is it that educated low life white folks never see a dentist?
In my previous job, I worked with a Doc who much to my dismay, revealed her redneckness when she opened up her mouth to speak to me for the first time. And I knew my Black a$$ was in trouble from that point forward, LOL!!!
And I won't even get into that stringy dark hair, that always smelled of canine de fleur, LOL!!!
So what's up with that anyway?
The Evolution of Prejudice
Scientists see the beginnings of racism in monkeys
Obama's folks are racist.this could explain why Obama hates white people.
no_slappz said...
dr. queen writes:
We ALL know what the hidden message behind the image is.
Hidden message? What was hidden? Oh yeah -- the message that humans are descended from apes. That one.
Every other message was right out there in the open.
The "hidden" message is that Ms. Queef has an extraordinary body hair problem and that pictures of chimps wearing clothing make her extremely self-conscious. AB mentioned once how hirsute Queef was.
Ms. Queef said....
Since you're so into descendants and history, tell me No Slapz, why is it that educated low life white folks never see a dentist?
In my previous job, I worked with a Doc who much to my dismay, revealed her redneckness when she opened up her mouth to speak to me for the first time. And I knew my Black a$$ was in trouble from that point forward, LOL!!!
And I won't even get into that stringy dark hair, that always smelled of canine de fleur, LOL!!!
So what's up with that anyway?
Well, based on your own account, you are a racist pig.
They had themselves a rally in my hometown on Friday last. So, I Donned my "Who Would Jesus Deport?" T-shirt, and a Marine Corps bb cap; grabbed a protest-sign that I snagged at a solidarity with Wisconsin rally last month, and joined them. : )
Mel Gibbon said: "AB mentioned once how hirsute Queef was."
Yes, I remember. The exact words were "frighteningly hairy"
dr queen asks:
why is it that educated low life white folks never see a dentist?
Educated low-life? Oxymoron.
In my previous job, I worked with a Doc who much to my dismay, revealed her redneckness when she opened up her mouth to speak to me for the first time.
Is it what she said? Or the condition of her teeth?
And I won't even get into that stringy dark hair, that always smelled of canine de fleur
It appears your group of "educated low-life whites who never see a dentist" is a group of one.
Why were you sniffing her hair?
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
They had themselves a rally in my hometown on Friday last. So, I Donned my "Who Would Jesus Deport?" T-shirt, and a Marine Corps bb cap; grabbed a protest-sign that I snagged at a solidarity with Wisconsin rally last month, and joined them. : )
Hey Whitey, this you yelling racist shit at a brother?:
This has to be Whitey:
Dr. Queen said...
Since you're so into descendants and history, tell me No Slapz, why is it that educated low life white folks never see a dentist?
Why is it uneducated blacks pretend to be a doctor?
No-slapz, why don't you tell me why your people come to work with wet hair?
And if educated low life is an oxymoron then so is the phrase politically astute peebagger.
BTW, educated rednecks with stringy, smelly wet hair and bad teeth will always be envious of blacks who actually use thier dental plans and blow dryers.
Besides, she probably didn't want to stray too far from her
roots! You know, gotta stay down with the hee-haw homies!
Queef: "BTW, educated rednecks with stringy, smelly wet hair and bad teeth will always be envious of blacks who actually use thier dental plans and blow dryers."
..and know how to spell "their".
You know Assnon/garlique, I can't think of one black person I know personally in metro DC that's uneducated!!
Now THIS is what Malcom and Dr. King were talking about, LOL!!
Ms. Queen said...
"Besides, she probably didn't want to stray too far from her
roots! You know, gotta stay down with the hee-haw homies!"
As marginal as your chances of getting into medical school already were, this type of racist remark is not the way to improve your image.
We are sorry, Ms. Queen, you simply do not have the "right stuff".
Lemme know if there are any spelling errors here:
See any Garlique? Or should I spell that Garleak?
Dr. Queen said...
You know Assnon/garlique, I can't think of one black person I know personally in metro DC that's uneducated!!
Now THIS is what Malcom and Dr. King were talking about, LOL!!
Don't you mean Dr. Malcolm. Oh that's right, he never used that honorific, because he was not a doctor. MalcomX was an honorable person.
You queef, are a frontin' phony!
Awww come on AMA, you know the hee-haw homies comment is funny as hell, LOL!!!
Dr. Queen said...
Lemme know if there are any spelling errors here:
Yes, you misspelled "Ms. Queef" as "Dr. Queen".
The cracking noise you hear assnon is the sound of the $hit that's accumulated in your underoo's which you haven't changed in 3 days.
Now I also understand why the teeth comment hurt your feelings. Yours probably look like you've been chewing on yellow crayola crayons, LOL!!
Dr. Queen said...
Awww come on AMA, you know the hee-haw homies comment is funny as hell, LOL!!!
I hope you think it's funny when I crack this beer can upside your head.
@AB: So-racist behavior is o.k. and you can actually say that you "adore" Peggy because you hate President Obama so much and the chimp and Hitler labels are o.k. with you.
You are sad indeed and your hatred has clouded the fact that she probably feels the same way about you with or without the ears!
Gold. Dot. Hollow. Point.
Before you got within 5 feet of me, you'd be wearing your rib cage on your distal phalanges.
So you may want to ease up on the threats Assnon because you know white folks don't run all that fast and besides Superman, none are capable of outrunning a bullet.
Punk ass!!
Dr. Queen said...
"Gold. Dot. Hollow. Point.
Before you got within 5 feet of me, you'd be wearing your rib cage on your distal phalanges.
So you may want to ease up on the threats Assnon because you know white folks don't run all that fast and besides Superman, none are capable of outrunning a bullet.
Punk ass!!"
More violent death threats at internet posters. It is time to take stock of your sanity, Ms. Queen.
It is the mark of an inferior mind to threaten violence when bested in a debate. In truth, you are as dangerous as a brain-damaged pit bull with no teeth.
As wise old Felcher Jones once said, you are a "frontin' phony".
Assnon what's your record for having conversations back and forth with yourself?
Racists are not good at self evaluation.
"In fact, I personally have never seen any prominent negro be honest and say, "I support him because he's black". Yet we all know that's exactly the motivation. We all know what guides black attitudes and black voting (aside from non-typical candidates like Alan Keyes)."
Why it couldn't POSSIBLY be because he is a better choice than his opponents right? I mean wasn't one of Mccain's first acts choosing Palin as VP? That alone lost him any credibility. Maybe if you find that answer you can also find why 90% of southern whites voted for McCain. By your own logic Al Gore and John Kerry are also Black men right? Please do some research before asking suck easily dismissed inquiries.
"But at least they say very plainly what they believe. They have more courage than you do. But you waffle and shuffle and jive your way through life. Don't play the angles every minute, Wayne-boy. Be a man instead"
Because we all know if a Black person votes for another Black person we are immediately doing it because of solidarity and not because we believe they are the best candidate. Hmmmmmmm, funny I don't recall Al Sharpton or Jesse Jackson winning too many primaries do you? More drivel from "colorblind" conservatives. Shame, I have to vote for the white guy to prove I'm not a racist to a racist. My advive Anon, stay at Stormfront, you'll be more comfortable there.
"90% of southern whites voted for McCain"
That's not true.
Brother Field... the 76s came close...they need a finisher. Still root them from the days "my Home Brother" lil Iverson tried to save the day. I thought maybe Brother Camello tried to be the "last shot hero". They still have a second or two to tie. About that picture of the monkey. Speaking to the 60 and over Brothers. We know what it means. A lot of us saw/felt the white abuse openly. Now we/young generation let things like that slide because their is no deep felt feelings about the majority race that disrespect us still in our face and have you questioning your beliefs if it was memrex or not StillaPanther2. By the way. Black people don't feel you have to justify your feeling. The white people mothers and fathers were living and was in America when they disrespected us in our face DAILY. White young people...ask your parents how it was before the end of Jim Crow... when Blacks had to defer to them in soo many ways. You all act like this "good feeling treatment" has been here long. We, or at least I have not forgotten. The information age/computer age have compressed time and events.
like all illiterate hobama nazis
u lie like hobama
and your reading retention skills are horrid
try again
do better asap
quote me or stfu
Dr. Queen:
who is queef?
what are these ignorant monkeyshining nigs lying about now???
alicia banks said...
"who is queef?"
That hot little breeze in your face when you stop munching.
Mr. Field, for the sake of your black Republican brothers let's not make a big deal out of this.
Ms. Davenport has apologized profusely and does not consider herself a racist. You should take her at her word. And she has already explained that she has black friends that she has lunch with on occasions.
There is nothing here worth posting about unless you are just anti-Republicans and look to make a big deal out of nothing. BTW, you show your inconsideration for your black Repubs who are trying to climb the GOP ladder of success.
Mr. Field, you are making it very difficult for millions of black Republicans. In the end, this whole thing could turn out to be YOUR fault.
vulgar dl blog junkfood assnon:
u r vulgar and ignorant
and your bear bottom is flatulent
they have otc meds for that...ick!!!
every sane person knows that BOTH hobama and gwb are empty suits...
they are BOTH apes/monkeys for their bankster/warmonger/ puppeteers...
they both dance like trained animals for the elites
and BOTH are depicted as monkeys and hitlers justifiably!
monkey see
monkey do
2 monkeys are cloned in dc
when he is not homohating
he slays hobama
pastor manning rocks
he is one of the FEW men who called out that thug that drove the sister in nyc to matricide
StillaPanther2, I remember well how demeaning and mean-spirited the Whites were and still continue to be. What is pathetic is the new generation of Blacks seem to have frozen feelings or no feelings at all. There is no outrage or any black leader to stand up, speak out, and demand respect and that Ms Davenport but ostracized from politics because of her blatant racist attitudes which has continued for quite some time.
Blacks have lost their courage, integrity and willingness to stand up and fight for their dignity as human beings.
ab, "vulgar dl blog junkfood assnon:
u r vulgar and ignorant
and your bear bottom is flatulent
they have otc meds for that...ick!!!"
Which anon are talking to?
I can't believe Field has that degrading photo as part of his post. I swear, among Negroes, no one knows which side the other is on. But for sure, it's not for the dignity of Blacks.
anon 1:0
i am talking to that fake fecal dl fool at 12:49
who posted TMI about his filthy analingus!!!
Actually Kyra you are correct. Let me be more specific, 90% of whites in Alabama and Mississippi voted for McCain. Better now? In the rest of the southern states it was about 70%.
"Blacks have lost their courage, integrity and willingness to stand up and fight for their dignity as human beings."
Aw horseshit!
anon 1:12
did u ever post that to millions of white and black blogs who posted king shrub as a monkey????
the truth hurts...
hobama is the worst dancing monkey prez in history
dancing 4 banksters/wall st/africom etc
"Mr. Field, you are making it very difficult for millions of black Republicans. In the end, this whole thing could turn out to be YOUR fault."
Now THAT is funny.
ab, "anon 1:0
i am talking to that fake fecal dl fool at 12:49
who posted TMI about his filthy analingus!!!"
Yeah, I don't blame you. That was filthy and I am glad you slayed that piece of crap.
Dr. Queen:
You know I have never done anything but praise your regal beauty and royal brain...these nigs are lying as always...
I will never let any peasant bait me against a Queen like you...
all lying monkeyshining assnon:
quote me
Dr. Queen:
You know I have never done anything but praise your regal beauty and royal brain...these nigs are lying as always...
I will never let any peasant bait me against a Queen like you...
all lying monkeyshining assnons:
quote me
see cornel west slay hobama's favorite fellow dancing monkey/monkeyshining hobama nazi vote czar/permed out ape al sharpton!
PilotX, "Now THAT is funny."
Well, you won't be laughing when Ms. Davenport turns the table on poor Mr. Field. Remember, Ms. Davenport is White! That means Field is no match against her should she decides to blame his black ass for this mess.
But I am praying to God Ms. Davenport won't use her white power to mess up Field and his career. PilotX, you should be praying too. I mean, what would you do if the Davenport GOP shuts down FN blog? Pray, man. Pray.
needs slaps:
file this under rainbow baby killers/fatal global pookies
NEW YORK – "How could she?"
It's the headline du jour whenever a horrific case emerges of a mother killing her kids, as Lashanda Armstrong did when she piled her children into her minivan and drove straight into the frigid Hudson River.
Our shock at such stories is, of course, understandable: They seem to go against everything we intuitively feel about the mother-child bond.
But mothers kill their children in this country much more often than most people would realize by simply reading the headlines; by conservative estimates it happens every few days, at least 100 times a year. Experts say more mothers than fathers kill their children under 5 years of age. And some say our reluctance as a society to believe mothers would be capable of killing their offspring is hindering our ability to recognize warning signs, intervene and prevent more tragedies.
kudos to donald trump
he has always bashed bush
and he bashes his clone hobama
2 bashed cloned monkeys = kudos!!!
stay tuned to donald t and all of us who have consistently bashed these 2 cloned monkeys
hobama & king shrub
2 cloned hoaxed prez apes
ab thanks for the link al sharton vs cornell west followed by al sharpton vs tavis. looks like al has been busy beating up on folks against the Prez. he is doing a great job. i had no idea he was such a smooth operator.
what does rev manning think of sharpton? manning vs sharpton: now that would be a "great" verbal slugfest!
Anonymous said...
Rev Wite, nice try. False equivalence. bush actually looks chimpy, acts chimpy, and racists can't claim this close proximity of bush to chimps is based on anything but bush's own self.
Funny how you never once mentioned Obama's ears are much like those of Toby jugs. But then, the whole point is to allow racist gits the opportunity to indulge their idiocy, no?
See, when you immediately go to the racist moron nonsense...your claims are specious. Not one iota of effort in finding non-racist material.
Right and Obama couldnt have a walk on part in Planet of the apes without makeup. all he would need to do is swagger and he chimps right in.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
LaTreen Dartay said...
Look your not dealing with your average moron, I am a moron of higher caliber so you ain't foolin anyone.
High caliber moron? You said it, I didn’t
Good, I wasn't sure with your IQ if you would fall for it, you did. Estimated I.Q for you lowered a few points for sure.
How about a shmoke and a pancake hanky head?
Mack Lyons said...
"Does it make you feel better about yourself fields when you make fun of Gov.Christie's weight?"
"Fattie" doesn't have the same painful impact as "Nigger". At least you can shed weight. Shedding your skin color is a bit more difficult...
To you, since when do you define what people find more offensive? Cause your Black? Why is being black so sorrowful and hateful to you?
ab, i am so glad you showed up this evening. it was such a pleasure without uts and dlvr. maybe tomorrow we'll get lucky and neither will show up?
Nosmo King said to Macklyons, "To you, since when do you define what people find more offensive? Cause your Black? Why is being black so sorrowful and hateful to you?"
Thank you Nosmo for nailing Mack.
dear mr field, i can't take being black anymore. please do a post on how a black person can change the color of his skin. i believe sammy sosa and michael jackson successfully did so and never had to deal with Blacks again.
Please do a post on how to accomplish this ASAP! i am even willing to pay you some cash to do it....i have got to get the fuck out of this race.
Cause your Black? Why is being black so sorrowful and hateful to you?nosebleed queefkin
damn gibson or southpark conservative or eraser whatever or whoever u r u aint foolin nobody ya dumb idgit! making the same ole mistakes talkin bout your instead of you're u r an ignint samabytch!
dumb samabytch dont even know his grammar talkin bout obama nucka take the plank out cher eye fore u talk bout sawdust in his ya fool
I got a hundred gun two hundred clips
Goin to new york, new york
I got a hundred gun two hundred clips
Goin to new york, new york
Dear, field negro. check out this guy.
Why is it uneducated blacks pretend to be a doctor?
10:44 PManon wit sense about 'i is a dawktaw queefkin the qoohole'
hell brother eye aint know why that idgit insists on calling itself a dawktaw since it aint even in grad school and aint ha no vocabulary fitting of a ten year old the imbecile u know what that means qoohole queefkin imbecile? cuz that what u is go look it up idgit!
oh eye forgot sumbody axed about what does queefkin mean well a queefkin is sumbody who tries to act important but simply lack the skill and intelligence to pull it off u know the same type of person who wants people to call her a dawktaw when she aint eve ha a college edumacayshun? ignince is never bliss!
Anonymous said...
Cause your Black? Why is being black so sorrowful and hateful to you?nosebleed queefkin
damn gibson or southpark conservative or eraser whatever or whoever u r u aint foolin nobody ya dumb idgit! making the same ole mistakes talkin bout your instead of you're u r an ignint samabytch
Hey MOLD, go to bed, don't you have to get up and check the mailbox for your gubnment check? Or is mommy ok that you quit school and stay home now? Yes, we know it's you and we also dont give a fuck about wether you understand the proper use of your, you're or y'all ya piece of shit mental midget.
Anonymous said...
oh eye forgot sumbody axed about what does queefkin mean well a queefkin is sumbody who tries to act important but simply lack the skill and intelligence to pull it off u know the same type of person who wants people to call her a dawktaw when she aint eve ha a college edumacayshun? ignince is never bliss
MOLD your a sick little boy. As Dr Queen said, go change your wonder woman underoos!!!! Before somebody goobers on your face again, oh wait you swallow goobers now right? What a waste of life you are, hey look I didn't have to use fake ebonics to insult you, your, you're, y'all are shit, get it? Now go to bed before I really do call your mother and tell her you been swallowing the goober stuff again.
"I can't believe Field has that degrading photo as part of his post. I swear, among Negroes, no one knows which side the other is on. But for sure, it's not for the dignity of Blacks."
Oh stop it and grow some.
Hiding nasty racist and vile stuff won't make it go away.
Yes brother Panther and Wesley, we wuz robbed. Do you think the NBA could stand for the Heat losing in the first round? Never.
No Slappz
"At some point in GWB's first term, it became popular among his opponents to adjust his photos and other images in a way that made him into Hitler."
Since it was so popular, let's see one Slappy.
Take all the time you need.
PilotX said...
Because we all know if a Black person votes for another Black person we are immediately doing it because of solidarity and not because we believe they are the best candidate.
I know a LOT of Black people that voted for Prez Obama because he was Black and Black folks should deny it. Of course, White folks have been doing it for over a hundred years, so I really don't get what the big deal with admitting that it happens would be.
On paper McCain was, hands down, the better qualified candidate which is why I supported him. Had the resume's been reversed, black folks would have screamed racism from every mountaintop around that a 20+ year senator was overlooked for the presidency because he was Black. And would have been justified in doing so.
I was also concerned that because Prez Obama is Black, he could never crack into the "good 'ol boy" network prevalent in so many occupations and I think this has been the case to a certain degree. What is clear is that while he has some great ideas and had a few bills passed, he wasn't quite "ready" for the big leagues and I think more time as a Senator would have helped him tremendously.
Finally, I STILL believe there are folks in the US that would rather see him dead than serve out his first term. And I wanted NOTHING to do with this either.
Looks like the Hee-Haw Homies were up all night.
And that makes sense because that's prime meth refining time 'down south from what I understand.
wite trash qooholes aint even write engwrish properly ya fools trollign this blog l the time dummy
Pssst! Come 'mere/ Lemme tell youse guys a secret.
So all you anon's and B none's, spin as you might, we all know who and what you are. But keep talking. By the way I see the numbers going, you asschunks are even offending white folk.
O.C. Republican Party leader slams colleague who sent Obama-chimpanzee email
Marilyn Davenport downplays the controversy over the email, which showed President Obama's face superimposed on an ape, and says she won't resign from the party's central committee.
By Christopher Goffard, Los Angeles Times
April 17, 2011
Some Orange County Republican leaders are denouncing an email distributed by a long-serving party committee member that portrays President Obama's face superimposed on a chimpanzee, with the words: "Now you know why — No birth certificate!"
County GOP Chairman Scott Baugh has called for the resignation of Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the party central committee who sent the email to some committee members and others last week. Baugh said he received it Friday afternoon and quickly responded with an email telling Davenport it was "dripping with racism and is in very poor taste." He said the issue should be referred to the Orange County GOP's ethics committee.
According to an email Baugh sent to committee members Saturday, Davenport described the Obama photo as a "joke" and wanted to know who had leaked the email to the OC Weekly's R. Scott Moxley, who broke the story. She called the leak "cowardly" and wrote, "Anyone brave enough to come forward?"
Reached at her home in Fullerton on Saturday, Davenport declined to comment. In an email to central committee colleagues, however, she described the controversy as "much to do about nothing" and vowed that she would not resign.
"I'm sorry if my email offended anyone, I simply found it amusing regarding the character of Obama and all the questions surrounding his origin of birth," she wrote. "In no way did I even consider the fact he's half black when I sent out the email. In fact, the thought never entered my mind until one or two other people tried to make this about race. We all know a double standard applies regarding this president. I received plenty of emails about George Bush that I didn't particularly like, yet there was no 'cry' in the media about them."
If Davenport refuses to resign, she should be ousted, said Michael Schroeder, former chairman of the California Republican Party and an Orange County GOP activist. "I looked at it, and my jaw dropped," Schroeder said.
Tim Whitacre, another long-serving committee member, came to Davenport's defense, describing her as "a polite, gentle grandmother." He said Baugh was using the issue as "political payback" because Davenport has been critical of Baugh's leadership. He said Davenport sent him the Obama email last week, but it did not offend him because he regarded it as "a light-hearted stab over the birther question."
"We send emails back and forth — motivational, fun, this and that," Whitacre said. He described her email as a personal one, having no connection to GOP business, and he said there were no grounds for an ethics case.
"But I am praying to God Ms. Davenport won't use her white power to mess up Field and his career. PilotX, you should be praying too. I mean, what would you do if the Davenport GOP shuts down FN blog? Pray, man. Pray."
Nah, praying to the invisible superhero in the sky is a teabagger/conservative thing. She probably has problems turning on her computer and sending e-mails to her friends, no worries about her finding a blog. Most conservatives aren't that smart.
uptownsteve said...
No Slappz
"At some point in GWB's first term, it became popular among his opponents to adjust his photos and other images in a way that made him into Hitler."
Since it was so popular, let's see one Slappy.
Are you really that out of it?
There are over 2 million bush hitler images on the web. There are about the same for Obama. Seems like a pretty popular pastime.
Go back in your cave uptownsteve.
Butterfly McQueen
"I know a LOT of Black people that voted for Prez Obama because he was Black and Black folks should deny it."
However that was not the only reason Butterfly. Obama was not the first black man to run for President.
And of course you know that a lot of white people voted for McCain over Obama simply because he was white, don't you?
"On paper McCain was, hands down, the better qualified candidate which is why I supported him."
Simply because he was in the Senate longer?
Okay Butterfly, so this time around using this logic you should be giving your vote to the person with the most Presidential experience, right?
NO Slaps said:When it comes to images, presenting the president of the United States as Hitler is a lot more offensive than presenting him as the descendant of apes
So, was Bush's whole family portrayed as Hitler? Did Bush's admin act like a dictatorship trying to find out what I read in the library and stuff like that.
Honestly, Bush did remind me of Curious George, it was silly and absurd to think he was the President of the United States.
Whether you like President Obama or not, he is not the asshole that Bush is/was.
anon 2:12 AM:
i wish they could just ignore me or debate me...
Dr. Queen:
I will NEVER give any prez a free pass...potential asassination comes with the job!
JFK was executed because he refused to be Hobama.
I think Hobama is the safest prez in history as he is a SUPERBLY OBEDIENT TRAINED MONKEY for banksters/elitist repubs/wall st etc
"Go back in your cave uptownsteve."
Only one problem ass-non.
Your link didn't produce any "Bush as Hitler" images.
C'mon dude. With two million images on the web you should be able to find ONE.
tee hee
"On paper McCain was, hands down, the better qualified candidate which is why I supported him."
Really? How so? He finished near the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, he had a horrible record during flight training so had his father and grandfather not been high ranking officials in the Navy he would have been on janitorial duty not flying jets. He also was known to have a volcanic temper and many fellow senators worried about his access to the nuclear codes. I have to disagree he was the better candidate. Your opinion about Black folks voting Obama simply because of skin color is also off point because didn't Alan Keyes run also?
This is why he became a U.S. Senator in the first place, the Illinois Republican Party recruited Keyes to run against him in the senate race believing we are dumb enough to simply vote on skin color. Black people have LONG been voting out interests vice racial solidarity. Black people have voted for more white candidates in one election than the number of Black candidates a white person has voted for in their entire lives. It was just a bonus he was Black because had John Edwards or Hillary won the nomination they would have gotten 90+% of the Black vote because we understand the Republican party and we reject it. Bad analysis!
'MericanThinker...is that like the Con habit of sticking Family on everything they want to shove down the willing throats of wingnuts?
Loved the 'Conversion on the way to Damascus' fable sold to the Goobers. Another 'sorce'.
Do you vet these scam artists...or just hand over your money?
Oh...it has the same mail drop as a number of other astroturf orgs. Does it not strike you as odd that the 'Merican Family Association, the Family Association of 'Merica, the Association of 'Merican Familys, and the host of other fakes have the same 'officers' and share a single address?
The bush is Hitler deflection is a nice ploy. Keeps you from having to discuss the racist Heeyuck from OC. Unlike bush, Hitler was successful. And not a Legacy. And the baleful whines of those who are mortally offended that the 'Worst President Ever'(tm),was compared to Hitler...for having the same policies and outlook...makes me smile. Go for it brownshirts! Yes, you do follow your historical ancestors of like mind.
Davenport still refuses to own up to her problem. Character? How does cheerfully emailing a piece of racist drivel approach the question of character...unless we are speaking of her...lack. Notice how Gooberette deftly sidesteps all policy decisions that address the character astroturf meme...which we first heard when Rs discvered that Bill C did not have to pay full price and up front...like they did. Bill C got it for free and from a fully consenting adult partner. What is this never-defined and nebulous 'character'? Is it that only Rs have it and Ds, by gawd and literacy, don't?
The country has tilted rightward in policies since the 1970s. How have your wages, benefits and services fared under Con choices. I know the rich are doing quite well...with the money you gave them.
Question Queen. Did you think McCain made a good decision when he chose Palin as his running mate? Did that in any way change your belief he was qualified to be president?
uptownsteve said...
Okay Butterfly, so this time around using this logic you should be giving your vote to the person with the most Presidential experience, right?
The idea you're proposing here didn't work that great with the second Bush, so why in the hell would I use such ignorant logic for choosing a Prez in 2012?
Prez Obmama made history, did the best he could with that he had although going to war in Afganistan was a dumb idea as was getting involved with Libya. Now he needs to step aside and give Hillary her shot at history too!
"Why is it uneducated blacks pretend to be a doctor?"
A lot of Blacks have low self-esteem and little money. Therefore, playing doctor helps them to temporarily feel better and act like they are somebody with money. Everyone knows it's a lie, but they play along because it's very hard being Black in A-merry-ca when you are seeking white approval.
PilotX, thanks for the reminder of the Legacy passes of Ring-knocker John McCain. He was so far below standard many classmates thought he received special privileges. Must be he was secretly AfAm...or something. I still wonder he picked MILF Palin. Her record is atrocious, she has little mass appeal, and women detest her. Unless he needed the religio-Goober vote...there really is no reason to pick the FOX supported astroturf gal.
PilotX said...
Question Queen. Did you think McCain made a good decision when he chose Palin as his running mate? Did that in any way change your belief he was qualified to be president?
Of course he didn't make a good decision and I don't think "he" made it. His "people" made that decision to counter the Hillary effect. Of course it backfired.
But now lets talk about Biden. As far as I'm concerned he's a closet racist for that "Obama is clean" comment.
Before saying Biden is a closet racist...look at his actions over the years. Are they consistent with racist Gooberism...like Teabaggers? Does he mourn for the days when 'those people' knew their place...like nearly all Rs?
Not that Biden is without sin...only wingnuts are, just ask 'em...but you might want to look at it like a person worried that Obama had skeletons in the vast multitude that bush and st reagan did. Or an appetite for life...like Clinton. Or a curious habit of being present when 'stuff happened'..like Bush.
Obama has none of that. Things going as current...he will be one of the most famous US Presidents ever. Washington, Lincoln, Obama. Schoolchildren for decades will be learning this. Brings a smile to my face.
PilotX said...
Really? How so? He finished near the bottom of his class at the Naval Academy, he had a horrible record during flight training so had his father and grandfather not been high ranking officials in the Navy he would have been on janitorial duty not flying jets. He also was known to have a volcanic temper and many fellow senators worried about his access to the nuclear codes. I have to disagree he was the better candidate
1) Some of the BEST doctors I know graduated at the bottom of their medical school class. Moot point.
2) You need to look into Prez Obama's path to the senate. He played dirty to get to where he is today, throwing other Black folks "under the bus" so to speak. Competition is one thing, dirty politics is another.
3) What about Keys? Black folks aren't Repubs so bringing him up is moot and irrelevant to this conversation.
4) As for tempers, Prez Obama is cool but during war a Prez with a temper is a better choice IMHO. In this case, Prez Obama's "cool" comes across as weak and you know it.
5) Military service should be REQUIRED to serve as Prez. And please don't waste time citing great ones who didn't serve, because it doesn't change my mind on this.
Listen, I've been having this "debate" with Black folks for the past 2 years. I don't think for one minute anyone Black would STILL be giving me grief over my support of McCain had Prez Obama been black. So please spare me any additonal commentary on how Black folks aren't influenced by color because clearly that's not the case.
Listen, I've been having this "debate" with Black folks for the past 2 years. I don't think for one minute anyone Black would STILL be giving me grief over my support of McCain had Prez Obama been black. So please spare me any additonal commentary on how Black folks aren't influenced by color because clearly that's not the case.
That should read had "Prez Obama not been Black".
Argh!! Loooonngg day!
This thought just crossed my mind: If the tea-party Orange County Republican is depicting Obama/parents as chimps, does that mean she believes in evolution? Just wandering in the field.
As a white southerner, who got out as soon as I could, I well remember the KKK leaflets
showing N-----s as monkeys and Apes. It wasn't funny then and it isn't funny now. It is raciest at its lowest form.
As a resident of Orange County,Ca. I am deeply offended that this woman and thousands of others here have dis honored not only me but the rest of the white population with her stupid act.
She should resign from the Republican party and admit that she is just one of many tea party scum.
Perhaps I am the only person commenting who actually lives in the great state of California. So here's the political bottom line on this most recent incident. In November of 2010 every single state-wide office was won by a Democrat and Democratic majorities were returned to both houses of the legislature. A clean sweep. As one internet wag put it, "Nobody wanted to vote for the white man's party."
Makes me sick, to be honest. Hard to believe in this day and age, those kinds of people not only exist, but are stupid enough to pass this kind of crap around. I'm sure she's a birther too. My husband and I are both over 60 and white and proud Obama supporters. We like him although we don't agree with everything. It's so nice to see someone smart in the oval office after 8 yrs of Bush. We wanted smart. That's the problem. He is very intelligent. Drives the racists crazy because they have crackpot theories about genes.
Larraine "My husband and I are both over 60 and white and proud Obama supporters... It's so nice to see someone smart in the oval office after 8 yrs of Bush. We wanted smart. That's the problem. He is very intelligent. Drives the racists crazy because they have crackpot theories about genes."
Typical silly conceited white liberals. "Any white person who opposes Obama is of course racist, and we're not one of those!"
America elected Obama when they wouldn't elect Gore and Kerry - obviously Obama's race didn't cost him votes.
And who thinks there can't be smart black people? Maybe 0.1% of the population. He's half white anyway, so you are the one with the crackpot theory.
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