Watch out Mr. Bad Hair, it looks like O is fighting back.
Still, my question to O would be this: Why? O, let bloggers like yours truly have fun with the birther crowd, sane people (what few of us are left) in this country have no time for such nonsense.
The more the wingnuts ride on that birther train the more people who actually have a brain will want to send that train to the closest insane asylum or tea party rally.
"President Obama has a message for Republicans who embrace the birther movement: You're only hurting yourselves with this nonsense. Obama told ABC News's George Stephanopoulos that he was born in Hawaii and "doesn't have horns," stressing that birthers just makes the GOP look bad in the long run.
"There's been an effort to go at me in a way that is politically expedient in the short term for Republicans but creates I think a problem for them when they want to actually run in the general election, where most people feel pretty confident the President was born where he says he was, in Hawaii," Obama said.
The president added, "He doesn't have horns. ... We're not really worried about conspiracy theories or birth certificates."
You are wrong Mr. President. Metaphorically speaking you DO have horns, your horns just happen to manifest themselves in the color of your skin.
Oh Lordie, more on Trump and Obama's birth certificate. Looks like Trump is getting close, that's why Obama is speaking out about it.
Many black progressive liberal dems are shaking in their boots because they know if Obama gets caught it will be a terrible mark on Blacks. Lord, please don't let Mr Trump find anything...PLEASE!
Trump went after Bill Cosby. You know back in the day you don't mess with any comic let alone a black comic. Tracy Morgan went after Trump this week on The Daily Show and it was good. My question is who else has Cosby's back. You know aa few years ago, Pryor, Robin Harris and Bernie Mack wouldn't let anyone talk ish about Cosby. Ok Chris Rock, Tucker, etc... what's up?
"Still, my question to O would be this: Why? O, let bloggers like yours truly have fun with the birther crowd, sane people (what few of us are left) in this country have no time for such nonsense."
I believe that Trump will be the next Prez. Who can stop him? Obama must start speaking out cause Trump will take him to the shed and that would be awful. No one beats the Trump.
Mr. Field, if I were you i'd stop making fun of Mr. Trump's hair. He remembers his enemies and when he becomes Prez you are toast. I don't mean to scare you so, but I am just trying to help a brother out. I'd hate to see him coming after you.
Anon: 10:18
There are just some things that are just STUPID; and then there are just STUPID PEOPLE. Remember regardless what is found good or bad, true or false, made up or madeup. It should only reflect on him and not the people. Because if that was the case, with all of the STUPID THINGS THAT WHITE PEOPLE HAVE DONE; WHAT IS THAT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, UMMMMM, And they want to continue to lead.
Anonymous said...
I believe that Trump will be the next Prez. Who can stop him?
This might!
How Many Times Has Donald Trump Filed For Bankruptcy?
In 1991, unable to pay a $3.5 billion loan, he declared business bankruptcy. He also came close to filing personal ruin. At the time, his personal debt was estimated to be around $900 million. Due to the bankruptcy, banks and bondholders lost millions. They came to a compromise with Donald Trump. The banks gave him lower interest rates and a longer time frame to repay the debt and Donald Trump gave the investors half the ownership of the Taj Mahal. In mere months the casino was back in business.
Not even a year later, Trump Plaza Hotel folded and Donald had to declare bankruptcy. Again, he worked out a deal where he’d give up 49 percent of the hotel to Citibank and the other lenders and he’d get more time to pay the loan back. It took him two years to repay most of his debt with many sacrifices. He had to give up the Trump Shuttle.
How Many Times Has Donald Trump Filed For Bankruptcy? (part 2)
The bankruptcy saga didn’t stop there. In 2004, Donald filed for bankruptcy protection and restructured his debt. He reduced his ownership of Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts to 27 percent and gave bondholders stocks to help lower his debt and then stepped down as CEO. In 2005, things settled down and Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts came out of bankruptcy with a new name, Trump Entertainment Resort Holdings.
Unfortunately the reemergence didn’t last long. On February 17th 2009, Donald Trump filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with a debt ratio of $50 million in assets to his $500 million in debt. This filing made the third bankruptcy for Trump Enterprises.
"Many black progressive liberal dems are shaking in their boots because they know if Obama gets caught it will be a terrible mark on Blacks. Lord, please don't let Mr Trump find anything...PLEASE!"
Exactly why should "black progressive liberal dems" be afraid of a man who's got a bad case of Attention Whore Syndrome? The only way the GOP is going to nominate this guy is if they wanted to 1)turn their end of the campaign into a 3-ring circus and 2)lose. They'll probably lose anyway unless a guy like Marco Rubio shows up and plays a Latino, slightly more moderate conservative version of Obama, but if they wanted to lose with a bang, they'd pick Trump. Which they probably won't.
"The more the wingnuts ride on that birther train the more people who actually have a brain will want to send that train to the closest insane asylum or tea party rally."
The Birther wing of the Teabagger Express will evaporate as soon as the object of their focus (Obama) leaves office. For that matter, the Teabaggers themselves will break camp and fuck off to collect their SSI benefits once a "proper" (white Christian American male) president is installed in office.
Is Trump really a billionaire?
Published: Thursday, July 16, 2009,
Judge tosses Donald Trump's lawsuit seeking billionaire status
CAMDEN -- Donald Trump said a judge was wrong to dismiss his lawsuit this week over how much he's worth.
Trump sued Timothy O'Brien, author of the 2005 book "TrumpNation: The Art of Being The Donald" for writing that Trump is worth $150 million to $250 million.
For most people, that would be something to brag about. But Trump said it was inaccurate -- he claims he's worth between $5 billion and $6 billion -- and that O'Brien knowingly published a wrong number in an effort to damage him and sell more books.
Superior Court Judge Michele Fox dismissed the lawsuit Wednesday, ruling that O'Brien was not trying to defame Trump.
Camden County Courts Civil Division Manager George Coan said the judge did not address how much Trump is actually worth when she gave her ruling from the bench. Rather, he said, her analysis ended when she found that O'Brien, who cited sources for his figures, was not acting maliciously.
In a statement, O'Brien, now an editor at The New York Times, said the ruling backed him up. "I am deeply gratified that the court's decision has vindicated the reporting in TrumpNation," he said.
the ruling backed him up. "I am deeply gratified that the court's decision has vindicated the reporting in TrumpNation," he said.
Is Donald Trump a Billionaire?
According to David Cay Johnston, the author of the book "Free Lunch"- In 1990 Donald Trump's own financial statement showed he had a negative net worth, owing $600 million more than the value of his assets".
Trump is just a minor distraction. What this country needs is another person they can relate to, like William H "Alfalfa Bill" Murrey who became Governor of Oklahoma. The media didn't think he had a chance during the depresssion, dressed in old clothes, wearing a longjohn top, telling the people he would plant corn on the statehouse lawn, but the people proved them wrong.
Trump: The Least Charitable Billionaire
The Donald is a miser, not an “ardent philanthropist.”
Now that Trump is again threatening to run for president--and has, for the first time, gained some political traction thanks to his embrace of the “birther” movement--The Smoking Gun has examined how the 64-year-old developer has spent some of that massive fortune. Specifically, Trump’s philanthropy over the past 20 years, which has been channeled through the Donald J. Trump Foundation.
A TSG review of the group’s Internal Revenue Service returns dating back to 1990 reveals that Trump, the foundation’s president, may be the least charitable billionaire in the United States.
How miserly is The Donald?
From 1990 through 2009, Trump has personally donated a total of just $3.7 million to his foundation, which was incorporated in 1987. In fact, the billionaire is not even the largest contributor to his own charitable organization.
Tax returns show that World Wrestling Entertainment has given Trump’s foundation a total of $5 million in return for the developer’s assistance in working a couple of televised angles along with WWE boss Vince McMahon. The WWE gave Trump’s foundation $4 million in 2007 for his help in promoting that year’s WrestleMania festivities, and another $1 million in 2009, when Trump (pictured below with McMahon) pretended to purchase part of the WWE empire.
The real estate titan’s foundation has also banked $205,000 from media outlets and supermarket tabloids in return for exclusive photos (People magazine, for example, paid the foundation $150,000 in 2006 for the first shots of Trump’s newborn son Barron).
During the past two decades, the Trump foundation has made charitable contributions totaling a paltry $6.7 million.
Both the amount of money Trump has donated to his own foundation as well as the aggregate contributions made by the not-for-profit group are pitiful when compared to the philanthropy of other high-profile tycoons like Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison, Ted Turner, Michael Bloomberg, David Geffen, or S.I. Newhouse.
"Watch out Mr. Bad Hair, it looks like O is fighting back."
Fighting back, the way this issue has been handled from the beginning, by ridiculing those who dare ask to see his original birth certificate. How does Obama just get to laugh off requests for a basic identification document? Why so much effort to hide it? Why can't even the Governor of Hawaii find it?
Let me ask you this Field: If you wanted to be President (or stay President), and there was some silly matter that would cause tens of millions of people not to vote for you, and you could clear it all up in five minutes by showing a piece of paper, wouldn't you do it?
There must be a very good reason Obama would rather have the current situation, where many people question the details of his birth, than to have everyone know what those details are.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Just a little?
Caution! This will make you sick!
Larry King interviews Robin Givens
Aired June 22, 2007 - 21:00 ET
KING: We're back with Robin Givens.
This is crazy, but you were once actually named the most hated woman in America.
KING: This was at age 24. One biographer of Donald Trump claimed that you had a sexual relationship with him.
KING: And Donald denies that, by the way.
GIVENS: Well, he should.
anon@11:12pm-"It should only reflect on him and not the people. Because if that was the case, with all of the STUPID THINGS THAT WHITE PEOPLE HAVE DONE; WHAT IS THAT TO SAY ABOUT THEM, UMMMMM, And they want to continue to lead."
No, no. It reflects on the entire black race. Where have you been? Hell, there 'should' be no racism, but there is. There 'should' be equal protection under the law but there isn't. A white person can be as stupid and dumb as he/she wants to be and it will not reflect on the entire white race. Why? Because Whites have the power and have white privileges. Blacks don't.
"If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race."
Bill Cosby
"Let me ask you this Field: If you wanted to be President (or stay President), and there was some silly matter that would cause tens of millions of people not to vote for you, and you could clear it all up in five minutes by showing a piece of paper, wouldn't you do it?"
Let me ask you this, Mr. SoeteroX:
If you had tens of millions of people who would not vote for you on account of a piece of paper, if you showed them that piece of paper, would they vote for you then, or would they just find another excuse to NOT vote for you (i.e. "it's a fake")?
When your entire reason for being is predated on someone lacking a piece of paper, are you going to let the sudden presence of that paper render your entire cause null and void, or are you going to press on by finding something wrong with that bit of paper (i.e. "it's not the right kind, we want the original")?
Obama is "ridiculing" those who have made it a crusade to essentially disqualify him as a president on account of a piece of paper.
Last thing: if Arnold Schwarzenegger found a loophole that enabled him to be fully qualified for running for presidential office, how many of these same "birthers" would be breaking their necks to give him cover throughout his campaign? Would the GOP openly shun him because his birth certificate still said "Austria" or would they quietly ignore it out of partisanship?
"If you had tens of millions of people who would not vote for you on account of a piece of paper, if you showed them that piece of paper, would they vote for you then, or would they just find another excuse to NOT vote for you (i.e. "it's a fake")?"
I don't know, but at least the pretext would be removed. that's no reason for not clearing up the issue.
As to your Ahnald question, you make no sense. If there was such a loophole, there would ne no need for "cover". Arnold's a dick anyway, and he would never get the nomination.
"No, no. It reflects on the entire black race. Where have you been? Hell, there 'should' be no racism, but there is. There 'should' be equal protection under the law but there isn't. A white person can be as stupid and dumb as he/she wants to be and it will not reflect on the entire white race. Why? Because Whites have the power and have white privileges. Blacks don't.
"If a white man falls off a chair drunk, it's just a drunk. If a Negro does, it's the whole damn Negro race."
Bill Cosby"
When you've been brainwashed to see an entire race as a bunch of unmitigated failures no matter what they do, for the expressed purpose of a few moneyed interests who wanted to retain said race as a perpetual pool of free labor and as a boogeyman for keeping poor whites in line with, that tends to happen.
Follow the fucking money.
"I don't know, but at least the pretext would be removed. that's no reason for not clearing up the issue."
Forgive me, but the way you phrased that answer isn't making much sense. There's no "pretext" here to be removed. There's a contingent of people who accept the theory that the president was born in some mud-and-straw hut in the deepest parts of Kenya, probably because these same people believe all Africans were born like that. In order to keep that theory alive, they will most certainly have to reject whatever paper Obama offers them, because such proof of his citizenship will kill the theory, leaving these poor souls with not much left to go after Obama with.
"As to your Ahnald question, you make no sense. If there was such a loophole, there would ne no need for "cover". Arnold's a dick anyway, and he would never get the nomination."
There wouldn't be any "birthers", either, with that logic. But you have to wonder -- conservatives rail against a man who is most definitely a born citizen thanks to his reluctance to give into the "papers, please" routine, but they'll most likely embrace a man who definitely was not born here, but instead qualified for the presidency with a loophole or two. Anyone see the hypocrisy here?
Meanwhile, Arnold, who happens to be an internationally known movie star and a former governor of the largest state in the Union, has a better shot at being president than a real estate mogul who probably would have lost his shirt if it wasn't for the mass media pumping him up into some heavy-hitting bigshot.
Yeah, Ahhhnnuuud's a dick. But he's a cocky, self-confident, jockish dick, and those are the ones America seems to love, like it's high school all over again or something. Trump exudes this overbearing, bombastic dickishness that turns a lot of people off.
mack lyons-"Follow the fucking money."
So what? Whatever. Bottom line is Blacks reflect on the entire race whether they follow the money or not. Hell, follow the money in Detroit and see what you come up with.
You folks had better watch what you are saying about Mr. Trump, or you might become part of his investigation.
If he reads this post by Field, things are going to get pretty hot in the fields and Mr. Field 'might' have to shut down his blog because of Trump.
The stupid.
It burns.
To all the brain doners out there:
You can't get certain government clearances without the FBI and CIA clearing you. The CIA and FBI vetted the POTUS under the Dubya administration and couldn't find anything. You can't be a Senator unless they clear you first.
Mack Lyons said...
"Forgive me, but the way you phrased that answer isn't making much sense. There's no "pretext" here to be removed."
Yes there is, your supposition was that the the birth certificate issue was merely a pretext for opposing Obama, and it would not matter even if he could produce it. That is the meaning of "pretext".
Mack Lyons: "There wouldn't be any "birthers", either, with that logic."
No, there is no loophole, so the people providing "cover" are doing so with no basis in law. Again your analogy fails.
The fact is, one has to be a "natural born citizen" of the United States to be eligible to be President. One's birth certificate is the key piece of documentation regarding this matter. No one is talking about loopholes, just the law.
It's pretty goddam simple: show the birth certificate and end the speculation.
Really Mack, what possible "good" reason is there for stringing this out?
kid: You can't get certain government clearances without the FBI and CIA clearing you. The CIA and FBI vetted the POTUS under the Dubya administration and couldn't find anything. You can't be a Senator unless they clear you first.
That's not true. You can be a Senator if you are elected Senator; The CIA and FBI have no authority in approving Senators.
Obama circumvented the vetting process for security clearence s by being elected President.
Trump can lose more money than you can ever make, and still keep expanding. It's called CREDIT. Stupid. They don't loan money to 'po ole broke dick dogs who they KNOW ain't ever going to pay it back, anymore.....(can you say Project 8?).....Oh no....that's where you live for free!
Thank God they got rid of those black Democrats who were running Freddie & Fannie, and giving house loans to anyone with a shopping cart....but not before those black dudes running Fannie & Freddie rode out of town with multi-million dollar bonuses.
If they had been white, you'd be calling for a lynching.
kid said...
To all the brain doners out there:
You can't get certain government clearances without the FBI and CIA clearing you. The CIA and FBI vetted the POTUS under the Dubya administration and couldn't find anything. You can't be a Senator unless they clear you first.
1:57 AM
Brain Doners? Who done what with what brains? By any chance Dr Kid do you mean donors? Not cool to call people stupid and then actually turn out to be not so sharp yourself.
Pelosi signed two documents for Obama, one had the proper statement of consitutional eligibility while the other did not (statement was deleted) one was filed in Hawaii only, the other was filed in all the states and would you believe it wasnt a statement of constitional eligibility rather it was a certification of nomination - this was the second letter Pelosi signed and sent to 49 states.
Obama could never have gotten security clearance with his background and "associates" but by becoming president he was granted the highest clearance.
Funny how Pelosi signed both documents so she knew one was incorrect and how the Obama people used the defense in all court cases that he had shown his certification of live birth to the DNC when he actually did not, they redacted the sentence of eligibilty and again sent a certificate of nomination.
Wonder what they are all hiding?
Is this who sent you here?
The CofCC considers itself a traditional conservative group opposing liberals and neo-conservatives, supports National self-determination, Immigration restriction especially an immigration moratorium, Federalism especially States Rights including a roll-back of Federal oversight of state controlled Education, self-responsibility in local government including home rule, opposition to Free Trade and global Capitalism. Its specific issues include states rights, race relations (especially interracial marriage, which it opposes), and conservative Christian values. They have criticized Martin Luther King, who is considered by the organization as a left-wing agitator of Black American communities with notable ties to Communism, and holding personal sexual morals unworthy of a person deserving national recognition,[12] and consider the Civil Rights Movement, and the Frankfurt School as elementally subversive to the Separation of powers under the United States Constitution. Consistent with paleo-conservatism, they regard American culture as an offshoot of the European cultural, specifically the Anglo-Saxon Protestant tradition. Consequently, the Council of Conservative Citizens is currently active in organizing the restriction, reduction, and/or moratorium of immigration, enforcing laws and regulation against illegal aliens, ending what they see as racial discrimination against whites through affirmative action and racial quotas, overturning Supreme Court rulings and Congressional Acts such as forced busing and gun control, ending free trade economic policy, and supports sexual morality including promotion of Defense of Marriage Act and ending any attempts to make homosexuality a civil right. In turn, the CofCC works with a number of European nationalist such as Front National, and Vlaams Belang and the United Kingdom Independence Party.
You're just the Klan with suits on. You used to be the White Citizens Council. Your supporters include Pat Buchanan,Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin among others.
Goebbels was wrong saying that repeating a lie over and over again will make it true. BTW, quoting the Canada Free Press is kind of strange when it isn't allowed in Canada because of it's anti bias laws.
Oh my Lord, Man. You are truly stupid.
When you don't understand Constitutional Law, as was just layed-down to you, then we're headed into a REAL Civil War.
You wanna try?
I say, let's get it over now, you bitch. Let's really say what we mean, and mean what we say.
Think them Yankees are gonna pull the cart for you now?
The only people that would profit from a Civil War would be the Koch family and the other billionaires.
To quote Prince:
"You're gonna have to fight your OWN damn war, because we don't want to fight no more".
Who are you going to fight with no one there to fight, each other?
If you want to start a war in the United States maybe you should talk to the Secret Service or FBI.
Well, I suppose "Prince" would be an authority, as appsossed to Sun ZU, Van Calusewitz, or Mayhan.
AND there will be "SOMEONE TO FIGHT". I never realized rhat till I began reading this blog, and wondering what the black person in the grocery line behind me was really thinking.
I'm glad I have a Carry Permit, and started my daughter in traininig to shoot handguns since she was 10.
'scuse the typos. I was rather angry.
@Pork Chop Jones
Lee Jung Fan once said that they best way to fight is to not fight. Who are you going to fight, yourself? Or maybe you want to go after the United States Government? Well be my guest and I can E-Mail to your prison cell saying I told you so.
Kid....you saw what I said.....my point is, at least, according to most commentators on this blog, the white people are evil people.....(of course, this must be an exception for white women.)
NOW. explain that to me, or tell me I'm lying)"
I know what you're doing, and YOU know what you're doing, so be honest.
And, as far as Lee Jung Fan goes, you take your pimp, crack-smoking hero up your punk ass. As I'm probabaly sure you're doing , about now. You know how them homie bunkmates like it early in the morning, before the screws make the rounds.
"Mr. Field, if I were you i'd stop making fun of Mr. Trump's hair. He remembers his enemies and when he becomes Prez you are toast.."
What do you mean "TOAST"? Was that a racial slur? You know I am rather sensitive to such things. :)
Seriously, do you think he will get me? Tell him I will sit on the porch and be a good Negro like some of these other ones running around here.
Ms. Ann you are all over The Donald. :) Yes, he does have a shaky credit history. I wonder how he would straighten out the country's mess and he can't fix his own? His casinos in AC are losing millions.
He is a good self promoter, so I guess that makes him the perfect republican politrickster; all fluff and no substance. (See Reagan)
Pork Chop Jones said...
And, as far as Lee Jung Fan goes, you take your pimp, crack-smoking hero up your punk ass. As I'm probabaly sure you're doing , about now. You know how them homie bunkmates like it early in the morning, before the screws make the rounds.
6:38 AM
@Pork Chop Jones
Lee Jung Fan is Bruce Lee's real name.
"kid said...
Pork Chop Jones said...
And, as far as Lee Jung Fan goes, you take your pimp, crack-smoking hero up your punk ass. As I'm probabaly sure you're doing , about now. You know how them homie bunkmates like it early in the morning, before the screws make the rounds.
6:38 AM
@Pork Chop Jones
Lee Jung Fan is Bruce Lee's real name.
7:16 AM"
Kid, I apologize most whole-heartedly. You just can't ever tell with them slant-eyes.
But, I still bet you would wish Vu Nugyens' johnson was up your hinney rather than Bubba J
Fred's from the Missississi Delta.
That'd be a blue gum dick.
Here's the real kibosh on the birther issue: Do you really think as mercenary as Bill and Hillary Clinton are and how desperately she wanted to be president, that if there were an iota of evidence to support the birther question, that they would have not exploited it during the primaries? Birthers are probably the same folks who believed the whole "Hillary killed Vince Foster" conspiracy. If you think the Clintons would kill to stay in office, what is the chance that they wouldn't use something so convenient?
For that matter, would Mitt "I'm a Ken doll" Romney have not raised it?
I wish they'd just come out and call Obama what they want to and get it over with.
Way to dodge a reasonable question, Field:
"Let me ask you this Field: If you wanted to be President (or stay President), and there was some silly matter that would cause tens of millions of people not to vote for you, and you could clear it all up in five minutes by showing a piece of paper, wouldn't you do it?
There must be a very good reason Obama would rather have the current situation, where many people question the details of his birth, than to have everyone know what those details are.
Makes you wonder, doesn't it? Just a little?"
Black News Today:
April 15, 2011
BEDFORD-STUYVESANT, N.Y. (PIX11)— Administrators at Brooklyn Academy High School in Bedford-Stuyvesant canceled Friday's talent show in the wake of a all-girl gang assault on one of the student contestants, PIX 11 has learned.
According to authorities, 17-year-old Shacara McLaurin was brutally attacked by at least five other students on April 1st, one of them hitting her in the face with a padlock wrapped in a sock.
"Yo, b--ch, I got a lock," one of the teen suspects allegedly shouted, as she pummeled McLaurin with the weapon.
"I wasn't able to open my jaw. I wasn't able to talk. I wasn't able to sing," the victim told the New York Daily News.
One of McLaurin's fellow classmates, Jacky Alcine, told PIX 11 he had heard McLaurin rehearse for the talent show and knew she was a favorite to win.
"She has a great voice," he said. "It fills the room."
Some students said they heard a rumor that the attack may have been prompted by a dispute about a boy.
Police say the assault took place outside the home of McLauren's vocal coach on Halsey Street, several blocks from the school.
According to published reports, McLaurin received a warning on Facebook, the night before the beating.
One teacher who runs a GED course in the same building as Brooklyn Academy said the attack was terrible.
"They should be supporting each other in developing their talents," teacher, Nicole Graves, told PIX 11. "This is a disturbing example of how some young people behave today."
Police from the 79th Precinct have arrested five female students in the last two weeks in connection with the attack. Aaliyah Smith, 17, is believed to be the gang's ringleader.
The other students arrested are identified as Decory Fletcher, 16, Ashanti Garner, 17, Brittany Williams, 17, and Chazmia Morrison, 17. All of the students were released without bail.
McLaurin loves singing so much that she once auditioned for the "American Idol" TV show. Fellow students at Brooklyn Academy say they haven't seen her since the assault.
"I have a great relationship with the blacks. I've always had a great relationship with the blacks,"
Donald Trump April 2011
If Obama responds to Trump and hands over a copy of his birth certificate, his acquiescence will lead to more and more demands for a million other documents. Thus, Obama will never produce the document.
However, the price he pays for withholding his birth certificate is the lingering belief that he must have something to hide.
Therefore, Obama is stuck. Which decision is less harmful? We won't know till the results are in from the 2012 election.
However, due to the overall disaster of the Obama presidency, a competent Republican, like Mitt Romney, stands a good chance of winning.
"Let me ask you this Field: If you wanted to be President (or stay President), and there was some silly matter that would cause tens of millions of people not to vote for you, and you could clear it all up in five minutes by showing a piece of paper, wouldn't you do it?"
No. Not if those "millions of people" would never vote for me in the first place. And not if they look loony to the rest of us by keeping this silly issue alive.
Please see what khia213 said.
Neither of Arnold Schwarzenegger's parents are American. He was born in Austria. Therefore, there is ZERO chance he can run for the presidency. Never.
However, it appears there are a lot of American's, including a high percentage of blacks, who believe that a child born to an American citizen who is in another country at the time of the birth, in ineligible to be president.
But, any child of an American citizen is, at age 35, eligible to be the US president. The place of birth is irrelevant.
Nevertheless, a lot of nitwits believe it matters if Obama was born in Kenya. It would matter if his bizarrely named mother, Stanley Anne, were not a citizen. But she was. Therefore, he is a citizen. End of that story.
Nevertheless, there is an issue. The issue is integrity. Even though Obama's citizenship is not in question, his integrity is. Was. Obviously he has none.
But it's too politically risky for him to cough up his birth certificate.
If birthers wanted to push this issue, their best bet would be to look into the system of recording births in Kenya. However, the records from 1961 are probably missing, or wildly inaccurate.
White News Today:
"A 43-year-old Massachusetts man is in police custody after authorities found the bodies of his wife, mother-in-law, son and daughter in his home with a note that read, “I did these horrible things. What I've done was extremely selfish and cowardly. I murdered my family.”
Thomas Mortimer IV was arrested Thursday in connection with the quadruple homicide of his family that police believe was premeditated.
Police say that Mortimer called his 4-year-old son's school to tell them he would be absent, told his wife's sister that she would be late returning her phone call and called in sick from work before he went on a murderous rampage and killed them." ;)
khia213 writes:
Do you really think as mercenary as Bill and Hillary Clinton are and how desperately she wanted to be president, that if there were an iota of evidence to support the birther question, that they would have not exploited it during the primaries?
Hillary would NOT have exploited the birther issue for a few reasons.
One, at the start of the primary season, it was believed by Democratic voters and candidates that the nomination was already won by Hillary. Hence, no need to smear a candidate who appeared to have no chance of winning.
Two, as I've stated, even if Obama were born in Kenya, he is a citizen because his mother was a citizen. hence, the birther issue is phony from the start.
Three, Obama is not responsible for the site of his birth. Therefore, if there was an effort to hide the place of his birth, he had no role in it.
Meanwhile, the birth-location issue was raised with respect to McCain. He was born in Panama where his father was stationed. But, like Obama, because his mother (and father) was a US citizen, he too is a citizen. Hence, this is a non-issue, except for dimwits.
Birthers are probably the same folks who believed the whole "Hillary killed Vince Foster" conspiracy.
Yeah. Sure. That was 20 years ago. That generation of screwballs has been replaced by a new crop. That's how it goes.
If you think the Clintons would kill to stay in office, what is the chance that they wouldn't use something so convenient?
You're statement shows your remarkable idiocy. You jump from the delusional views of anti-Clinton people to suggesting the Clintons actually conspired to murder Foster. Then you equate the imaginary view of anti-Clinton people who believe in a hit ordered by the Clintons is comparable to the true but relatively benign game of smearing a political opponent.
For that matter, would Mitt "I'm a Ken doll" Romney have not raised it?
Romney gets a free pass on this one. Trump is doing all the work for him. In any case, Romney, running as a Republican hopeful in 2008, would have dismissed the Obama birth issue as no different than McCain's birth. Thus, a waste of time.
Obama says:
"You're only hurting yourselves with this nonsense. Obama told ABC News's George Stephanopoulos that he was born in Hawaii and "doesn't have horns," stressing that birthers just makes the GOP look bad in the long run.
In other words, Obama wants nothing more than to run a campaign on issues of policy. The real deal. He does not want to lower himself into the political muck that might smear him in ways that he cannot prevent without lowering himself deeper into the muck.
Meanwhile, his condescension is hilarious.
Why, though, would he want to stop Republicans from hurting themselves? Isn't that good for him?
When he claims that Republican spending plans would turn the US into a "third-world nation" is he not making a point of how he believes Republicans would harm themselves -- and others? Is he not using Republican beliefs as a weapon against them?
Why not the birther issue? If it hurts Republicans, he should use it for all its worth to benefit himself.
Of course, by mentioning it, he proves there is something to this birther issue, and it's worrying him.
Meanwhile, by stressing the he "doesn't have horns", he has opened himself to charges of anti-Semitism. Claiming that Jews have horns is one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards.
Kid Said...
You're just the Klan with suits on. You used to be the White Citizens Council. Your supporters include Pat Buchanan,Ron Paul, Rand Paul, Ann Coulter, and Michelle Malkin among others.
Goebbels was wrong saying that repeating a lie over and over again will make it true. BTW, quoting the Canada Free Press is kind of strange when it isn't allowed in Canada because of it's anti bias laws.
Very poor attempt at deflection while not saying a thing you have managed to throw in Nazi, KKK, anti bias....your really a dimwitted democrat. Your not worth any more knowledge, you can't handle it so I will not waste my time.
Now go "doner" something good today like read a book.....yo, yo, mofo...I'm Out...Peace.It's all good in the hood.
Love how you twist into 'logic pretzels' to hide the racist Goober love of birtherism and miss The Donalds(tm) utter failure at business.
Sorry birthers, you can no longer order AfAms around...wahhhh.
It is a non-issue used to identify others who are conflicted with Reality. Sort of a 'secret Goobershake'.
Ummm...if anything, R Oppo Research is quite good. I doubt they missed a golden ticket like MoooslimSocialismussKenyanCommnist.
This is a crew willing to commit libel upon a woman's medical provider...to make minuscule political points with a bunch of cretins.
Trump has continuously lost money in one of the best markets ever. A real estate dude in NYC with tons of prime sites. And he loses his shirt. Foreclosing on him would be admitting error...and it would be embarrassing for the bankers. Those of us who have connections to NYC recall quite clearly the 'short-fingered vulgarian'.
Still, there are some fools who really, really want a sleazy salesman to 'lead' the country. What could go wrong?
Mold Said...
Sort of a 'secret Goobershake'.
Ummm...if anything,
I bet you have swallowed quite a few of those "goobershakes" the ones that didn't miss and splatter all over your face ya queefy under-roo wearin transgendered whackjob....want a tissue or will you lick it off as usual? Don't forget to chew the chunks with the blackened stumps you call teeth.
I love Constitutional law 'experts' who received their wisdom in a weekend seminar...for which they paid much money.
Ummm....Goobers...you could buy a text that would make you more competent.
Here's a nice take on 'statistics'...and how they are poor indicators..http://www.balloon-juice.com/2011/04/16/david-simon-on-the-america-that-got-left-behind/
Left Behinds...heh.
Wouldn't it be loverly if the Republicans run the Donald, it would be just like the New York race for Governor, with Carl Paladino, all Cuomo had to do was smile and nod to win.
Anonymous said...
I love Constitutional law 'experts' who received their wisdom in a weekend seminar...for which they paid much money.
Ummm....Goobers...you could buy a text that would make you more competent.
Now we know why you call adults goobers..it makes you think of the white stuff your "uncles" (moms man friends) splattered all over your face, then they tell you that you have been goobered. How about that, your the orginal "goober" all along.. What a sick picture you put in my head, from now on I don't think I will be able not to think of you getting a "man facial" everytime I see the name "goober"
See ya round MoldiGoober
mrs.howl said...
Wouldn't it be loverly if the Republicans run the Donald, it would be just like the New York race for Governor, with Carl Paladino, all Cuomo had to do was smile and nod to win.
IP address Verified, this is MoldiGoober
no_slappz said...
meanwhile, by stressing the he "doesn't have horns", he has opened himself to charges of anti-Semitism. Claiming that Jews have horns is one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards.
Or maybe it's his response to the wingnuts referring to him as the devil?
Dr. Queen said...
no_slappz said...
meanwhile, by stressing the he "doesn't have horns", he has opened himself to charges of anti-Semitism. Claiming that Jews have horns is one of the oldest anti-Semitic canards.
As opposed to the dimmiecrats thinking he is the Messiah? Nah, hes to incompetent to be the devil, maybe he is the antichrist then.
Anonymous Anonymous said... 1:57 AM
Not cool to call people stupid and then actually turn out to be not so sharp yourself.
Stupid you say? Yet, you post a link to the Canada Freepress! This is a right-wing, lunatic publication- whose editor Judy McLeod, is described as "demented" by her fellow Canadians. As a matter of fact, she plagiarized a satirical article from the Onion, and posted it as fact. She also reported that Nancy Pelosi was involved with Aliens that could save us from global warning. Apparently John Travolta was the inspiration for this. It's no joke. You can read it in her own words here:
Kid is right of course. No respectable Canadian Press-would ever accept this mindless nonesense as journalism. She has however, found much acceptance by the usually right-wing kooks in America. You may find her work among Matt Drudge, Glen Beck, Newsmaxx, and The Rant.
field negro said...
"Let me ask you this Field: If you wanted to be President (or stay President), and there was some silly matter that would cause tens of millions of people not to vote for you, and you could clear it all up in five minutes by showing a piece of paper, wouldn't you do it?"
"No. Not if those "millions of people" would never vote for me in the first place. And not if they look loony to the rest of us by keeping this silly issue alive."
I'm sorry, but that's lame. You don't, for little effort and no cost, remove an issue from the table that is costing you votes, because you assume all of them won't vote for you anyway? Absurd.
"They" look loony to you because you are completely on board with the campaign of ridicule levelled at those who are asking for the birth certificate. It was a brilliant bit of semantics to conflate these people with "truthers" by calling them "birthers", but there really is no comparison between believing an absurd conspiracy theory about 911 and wanting to see a single document. Is there?
I mean what is so crazy about asking for a document from the President that someone needs to play T-ball? What's the big deal?
If you held a gun to my head and asked me on pain of death to answer correctly where Obama was born and who his parents were, I'd saw Hawaii and Stanley Ann Dunham with Barak Obama Sr. But I'd be nervous.
Why won't Obama produce his birth certificate?
He did.
Why won't Sarey produce the birth certificate for DownsBaby?
Get over the racism, it makes you stoopid. He won both the popular vote and the Electoral...as we, the US citizens, vastly preferred him to the Geezer and the MILFy wingnut.
He did.
And no, you, being who you are, can not order him. ;)
Stupid you say? Yet, you post a link to the Canada Freepress! This is a right-wing, lunatic publication- whose editor Judy McLeod, is described as "demented" by her fellow Canadians. As a matter of fact, she plagiarized a satirical article from the Onion, and posted it as fact. She also reported that Nancy Pelosi was involved with Aliens that could save us from global warning. Apparently John Travolta was the inspiration for this. It's no joke. You can read it in her own words here:
Listen Pancake hankie wearing head, you lost me at the third attack before you even looked at the article. Why is it all that democrats csn do is attack sources and never discuss content? I just happened to post that source who linked it from numerous other sites, thats all. Besides your a demented person so who cares what you think.
Nice name, you gonna go buckdancin tonight or are you a white dude?
"Why won't Obama produce his birth certificate?"
Why didn't W and the 42 old white men before him produce theirs?
Republicans only want his birth certificate for one thing...to tear it up.
The Republican Party is getting pathetic. WND said that the POTUS father was Frank Marshall Davis, Malcolm X, and Jimi Hendrix. If any of those three were his father then the citizenship issue would be null and void.
It has it's own blog. Repeating a lie over and over, and over does not make it true. You're only pissing Black people off more and more. I worried about that. You see we have self control whereas Tea Baggers and nuts don't. How many more little white girls born on 9/11 will a Tea Bagger shoot? How many more Tides Foundation will a Glenn Beck fan shoot? How many more police will Glenn Beck fans shoot. How many more doctors will get shot to death in their church?
When will Republicans stop killing people?
"How many more little white girls born on 9/11 will a Tea Bagger shoot? How many more Tides Foundation will a Glenn Beck fan shoot? How many more police will Glenn Beck fans shoot. How many more doctors will get shot to death in their church?"
So true, Kid, and just think, they are worried about Muslims instead of their own terrorists.
They are running out of scapegoats for the failed policies of wingnuts and Cons. Wile it felted good to them to pretend they were on the 'winning team'...it cost them their jobs, pensions, houses and futures. But the options that used to suffice for blaming others...are fast declining. AfAms are productive members of society (one is an elected President!), women are unwilling to toil in the home for male ego, and we actually know Muslims.
Just discovered ur blog...im feeling it. check out my blog post on the comb over one @ harveysglobalpolitics.blogspot.com
The post: hey dude i want my country back...
field negro said...
"Why won't Obama produce his birth certificate?"
"Why didn't W and the 42 old white men before him produce theirs?"
How do you know they didn't? Who was the last man running for President whose father was not a U.S. citizen?
McCain had to produce his.
Again, what good reason is there for hiding it? There just isn't one. And you know it, so you make like it's "racist" (like everything else).
kid said...
No, he has not. He showed a "Certificate of Live Birth" printed off by the state of Hawaii in 2008. It is not a copy of his original birth certificate. It does not have the information that is part of a birth certificate. Obama's sister has one, and she was born in Indonesia.
"How do you know they didn't? Who was the last man running for President whose father was not a U.S. citizen?
McCain had to produce his."
Link please? Take all the time you need......
healthysouls, welcome to the fields. I will check out your blog.
Umm...how many Founding Fathers were British citizens?
Can any Goobers produce their birth certificate?
Ummm...since you-all are decidedly uninterested in the failure of Sarey to produce a birth certificate for the DownsBaby...yes. Racist.
As far as the other 42...what is so unique to Obama? Oh.
As posted, this is a tenet of beleef. Holding strongly to it in the face of all evidence marks you as a racist Goober...and one of the Elect. The troo beleevers. Sort of like the IntelligentCreationistDesign fools.
Birthers try to sound like they are discerning seekers of Truth. Which is why I wave the much more inconsistent tale of Sarey in their faces. It is a form of seeing whether they indulge their racist needs to deny the legitimate President of the US.
Silly Goobers, a person who seeks Truth...seeks it everywhere. ;)
soetoroX, you wrote:
How do you know they didn't? Who was the last man running for President whose father was not a U.S. citizen?
The citizenship of the father is irrelevant. It is the citizenship of the mother that makes the difference.
Inasmuch as Stanley Anne Dunham was an American citizen, Obama is an American citizen, even if he was born in Kenya.
As for presidential candidates and their fathers who were not US citizens, well, there are quite a few. Obviously all the early presidents were born BEFORE the establishment of the United States.
The next generation had fathers who were not born in the US. The last presidential candidate who was NOT born in the US was Barry Goldwater. He was born in Arizona before Arizona was a state, an event that occurred in 1912.
Assuming Obama was born in Hawaii, he would have had the same status as Goldwater if he had been born two years earlier. Hawaii became a state in 1959 along with Alaska.
A better trivia question is who was the FIRST president born in the United States. And, secondarily, who is the first president whose MOTHER was born in the US?
Slappy, when did you decide to go to the Fact Side of the Force?
Trump is NOT running for president. He will not cough up his financial records as required of all candidates. Meanwhile, since he has far less money than he claims, he will NOT finance his own campaign.
He never makes big bets with his own money. Instead, he's mastered the art of gambling -- literally -- with Other People's Money.
As to his success, well, his casino's have had their ups and owns, but all of them have filed at least one bankruptcy. Because of the ties between his businesses, the failure of one has hurt him in others.
He was forced to sell his yacht, the Trump Airline Shuttle, and the Plaza Hotel because he was overleveraged. Notice that he no longer has any showy toys.
However, his real estate business has worked out well. He is not a landlord like his father. Mostly he builds condominium projects and sells all the units, taking his money out that way, but leaving his name on the building.
Overall, I'd say his wealth is like his hair -- mostly an illusion maintained through the liberal application of some secret sauce.
field negro said...
"Why won't Obama produce his birth certificate?"
Why didn't W and the 42 old white men before him produce theirs?
they did, standard policy, until this one came along, then as always, excuses and exceptions.
Umm..Trump trades his name for cash. Not really a success at real estate. But a wonderful one at sales.
Despite the fact that Obama is a citizen, it is also possible he was born in Kenya.
If he was born in Kenya, then he will face a new credibility problem. But not a problem about eligibility.
His integrity is already shot. He has failed to deliver on his campaign promises, except for healthcare. But even his supporters now know that his healthcare plan is more money in the bank for the companies he said he was against.
He's probably thankful for the birther issue because he can talk about the silliness of the believers which allows him -- as usual -- to avoid serious talk about issues that matter.
I'm beginning to think he'll spend more time tweaking the birthers, and secretly thanking them for sending campaign into useless digressions. A politician's dream.
However, Romney will do his best to discuss the economy, something he knows far better than Obama ever will. This time more people will listen.
"Why didn't W and the 42 old white men before him produce theirs?
they did, standard policy, until this one came along, then as always, excuses and exceptions."
Link please? Take all the time you want, I will wait.......
"What do you mean "TOAST"? Was that a racial slur? You know I am rather sensitive to such things. :)"
Dear St. Peter, Field is messing with me.
The Constitution says:
No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.
Inasmuch as everyone in the government who has Top Secret clearance is vetted by the FBI, you can be sure Obama's background was checked. But even though the FBI performed its due diligence, there's no reason to expect a report to the public from the FBI or an acknowledgement that Obama was born in Kenya.
But if the FBI discovered he was not a US citizen, that would change things. And very possibly Joe Biden would be president. Oh, the horror, the horror.
no_slappz: "Inasmuch as Stanley Anne Dunham was an American citizen, Obama is an American citizen, even if he was born in Kenya."
A citizen, but not a natural born citizen. Under the laws in place at the time, because his mother was 17 and his father a British citizen, it does matter where he was born. There is a legal differerence a "natural born" citizen and a naturalized citizens. Only natural born citizens are eligible to be president.
no_slappz: "As for presidential candidates and their fathers who were not US citizens, well, there are quite a few. Obviously all the early presidents were born BEFORE the establishment of the United States."
Yes that is quite obvious, thank you. People born before there was a country couldn't have been born in the country. The point was that Obama was receiving extra scrutiny for facts other than the fact he is half black. The last president with a foreign born father was Chester Arthur, a long time ago. There was some question of whether or not Arthur's father was a citizen; opponents were trying to show that he was not, which would have made Chester not a "natural born" citizen. Records being poor as they were in the mid 1800's, it was hard to prove either way. We shouldn't have such problems today.
And we don't. There is a birth certificate somewhere that could clear all this up.
field negro said...
McCain had to produce his."
Link please? Take all the time you need......
Since you not to have mastered Google:
There was some question as to whether McCain was a natural born citizen, because he had been born in the Panama Canal Zone. McCain submitted copious documentation, including his birth certificate, to the U.S. Senate in 2008 . The Senate determined he was in fact a “natural born” citizen, and was eligible to run for President.
Also, this birther site lists an United Press wire article from the Deseret News and Telegram, on Oct. 2, 1952, describing how Eisenhower had submitted his birth certificate to prove his elgibility to run for President.
So no, it's not unprecedented for Presidential candidates to be asked to provide birth certificates.
SoetoroX said...
"There must be a very good reason Obama would rather have the current situation, where many people question the details of his birth, than to have everyone know what those details are."
And the good reason would be that if he produced it again; all of these birthers would go and try to find something else damaging. This keeps their energy nicely tied up into something not just useless but actually damaging to the Republican efforts.
Anon 8:16 PM, you gave me TWO. (T-W-O-)
"Why didn't W and the 42 old white men before him produce theirs?
they did,...."
You are about 40 short. But take your time. Since you mastered google I am sure that the others will be forthcoming.......
Lady-Cracker said...
"And the good reason would be that if he produced it again; all of these birthers would go and try to find something else damaging"
Again? He has never produced an original birth certificate.
Doing so would make the whole "birther" issue go away.
Lady-Cracker said...
"And the good reason would be that if he produced it again; all of these birthers would go and try to find something else damaging"
Again? He has never produced an original birth certificate.
Doing so would make the whole "birther" issue go away.
"You are about 40 short. But take your time. Since you mastered google I am sure that the others will be forthcoming......."
I promised you one, and gave you two. You are being willfully obtuse. Does that work in the court room, or do you need to actually acknowledge facts presented to you?
SoetoroX, play along with me, give me one more.
See, this is how it works. My original statement was that there are 43 other Presidents who never showed their birth certificates or were never asked to. You said they were. Then you gave me two. TWO!
So tell me, how am I being "obtuse"?
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