There are some things that right wingers and I can agree on. Things such as school choice, and limited government in certain instances. But there are certain beliefs that these folks have that would prevent me from even consider joining their gang. Their bigotry against Muslims comes to mind.
Which brings me to Governor Krispy Kreme. I have ripped him in the past, but I have to give him credit for not giving in to the wave of bigotry that has swept over his party. Governor Krispy Kreme actually nominated a Muslim American lawyer for a judgeship in his state. (New Jersey)
Finally, a potential republiclown candidate for president does the right thing. (BTW, of all the candidates in the republiclown field, only Governor Krispy Kreme trails O in head to head polls by less than double digits. )
His fellow republiclowns, on the other hand, were not so tolerant of those evil Mooslims.
"...Consider these statements by other Republicans, all likely to run for president next year: "I am convinced that if we do not decisively win the struggle over the nature of America, by the time they [his grandchildren] are my age they will be in a secular atheist country, potentially one dominated by radical Islamists and with no understanding of what it once meant to be an American." Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, once the most powerful Republican in the country, said that last Sunday.
"Not all cultures are equal. Not all values are equal." That was the response from Rep. Michele Bachmann (R., Minn.), a tea party favorite, to a 2005 debate question about riots among French Muslims.
"No, I will not." That was Herman Cain, a longshot candidate who appears before mainstream conservative crowds, last weekend on whether he would appoint a Muslim as a judge or cabinet member."
Herman, you disappointed me. A black man showing bigotry to others? If anyone should show tolerance to others it's you.
"But Christie - who has been courted to run for president - has basically done just what Cain said he would never do. In January, he nominated Sohail Mohammed, an Indian-born Muslim living in Clifton, to Superior Court in Passaic County. Mohammed awaits confirmation by the Democratic-controlled Senate.
Christie had not said much publicly about Mohammed until Tuesday, when he took a question at a Hammonton town-hall meeting from a Marlton man with an American flag on his shirt. Reiterating an accusation that has circulated mostly in the right-wing blogosphere, the man wanted to know why Christie was appointing an "Islamist" who defends Guantanamo Bay inmates.
Christie first said Mohammed was not involved with Gitmo inmates and instead had represented those detained after Sept. 11 before they were released and exonerated.
"Now, I have to tell you something," Christie said. "If it is disqualifying for the bench to be an Arab American in New Jersey who represents innocent people and gets them released, then this isn't the state I believe it is."
Christie, who misspoke in calling Mohammed an Arab American, went on to say Mohammed is a "good, decent American and New Jerseyan." The man with the flag on his shirt thanked the governor, and there was cautious applause." [Source]
OK, he isn't perfect, but he might be the best they have.
*Pic from saveJersey.com
I don't know about Governor Krispy Kreme, but...
Hermain "cocaine" Cain, aka Hermain Munster Cain; a new right -wing Frankinstein, was here in Iowa doing his best slappy white a very popular song.
here >>>http://careycarey-carrymehome.blogspot.com/2011/03/look-mom-theres-black-man-on-tv-hes.html
I agree. he seems sane which is a step in the right direction for those guys. I'll take him over Bachmann and Palin everyday and twice on Sunday. Seems as if blue states have a monopoly on reasonable Republicans because they have to get so many votes in the middle. Now S.C. or MS could learn a thing or two but then again it's S.C. and MS.
"Their bigotry against Muslims comes to mind.'
Only to a liberal would wanting to keep America safe from Muslims would equal bigotry.
Islam is a religion, a political doctrine and a military. There are 1,400 years of historical proof.
Nothing about Islam has changed since its beginning except for the number of people who embrace it.
Embracing Islam means rejecting every right granted by the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Islam is painfully clear that it will NEVER permit Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Religion. Hence, it is incompatible with democracy as we know it.
Moreover, Islam declares that women are slaves. Muslim women living in Islamic nations have no rights. And non-muslims living in Islamic nations live with laws that make Jim Crow look pleasant.
Why people who agonize incessantly about the slavery that ended 150 years defend Islam today is one of the great mysteries. People who claim the legacy of slavery is never more than a moment away seem to support an ideology that still supports it. Crazy.
"Keeping America safe from Muslims" is a lazy statement at best and a dumb statement at worst.
Why? Because Muslims have fought and died for this country. Muslims died in the WTC. Some of the first responders to 9/11 were Muslims.
The statement "keeping America safe from Islamic terrorist" would show that you are capable of a critical thought.
By the way, when whites were terrorizing free blacks from 1865 to 1965, I didn't read any statements akin to "Keeping America safe from White Christians."
No_Slapz, you have clearly NEVER read the Quran.
What you speak of is extremism EVERY religion on the planet has been guilty of that at some point in history.
"Wanted for war crimes said...
"Their bigotry against Muslims comes to mind.'
Only to a liberal would wanting to keep America safe from Muslims would equal bigotry"
Yeah, that's what they said about the natives, the blacks, the chinese, the japanese, the jews, the communists...
Good lord when will your kind stop? When it comes to be you that is the threat?
What's that old addage about they came for this group, that group...I did nothing then they came for me and there was no one left to defend me...
That is you in a pill.
Anon28310 said...
By the way, when whites were terrorizing free blacks from 1865 to 1965, I didn't read any statements akin to "Keeping America safe from White Christians."
Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?
Talk about a lazy statement.
Queen said...
What you speak of is extremism EVERY religion on the planet has been guilty of that at some point in history.
Key word is "history".
Dr. Queen said...
Wanted for war crimes said...
Key word is "history".
So are you implying that Christian "history" is significantly different than Islamic "history"?
Because as the decendant of slaves, I'll beg to differ with that. As the decendant of slave owners, I'm ashamed that slavery was justified in part, in the name religion. And as the decendant of people who were "discovered" by Columbus, life was damn good until the pale faced arrived!
"Only to a liberal would wanting to keep America safe from Muslims would equal bigotry"
Yeah, that's what they said about the natives, the blacks, the chinese, the japanese, the jews, the communists..."
The Hispanics, the Irish....no wait....they (The Irish) look like "us" so, they are cool.
"Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?"
The Klan!
And damn near every other racist in A-merry-ca.
Anon28310 said...
"Muslims died in the WTC"
Ya, and since they were the ones in the cockpit, they were the first victims!
On behalf of the POTUS, the OFA, and the Obama 2012 commitee I want to personally thank no_slappz and Wanted for war crimes for establishing the cirrular firing squad and for bringing banana clip magazines to the Republican Presidential Campaign.Field you were right, "Operation Get Christie Love" will work. Boy you Republicans had me worried for a second but I knew you had to give it the old college try.
Now no_slappz when you were referring to a religion having political doctrine and a military were you referring to the Vatican or Salt Lake City? Get back to me when there's a female Pope or President of the LDS Church.
field negro said...
"Only to a liberal would wanting to keep America safe from Muslims would equal bigotry"
Yeah, that's what they said about the natives, the blacks, the chinese, the japanese, the jews, the communists..."
Idiot. Most of your examples are ridiculous, but didn't the japanese attack pearl harbor? didn't the communists spend 40 years aiming nuclear weapons at our cities and promising to bury us? Haven't muslims killed thousands of Americans in recent years?
Now Donald Trump was against the Area 51 rec center and even offered to buy it from the developers. He's even saying that the POTUS might be a Muslim. Didn't he have a beauty contest where the winner WAS a Muslim?
Now what two things do Bob Marley and Donald Trump have in common?
They have one parent born in the United Kingdom and they were born in Jamaica. Donald's a Yardie Mon. OK let me say this before anyone have a heart attack, Donald Trump was born in Jamaica, Queens. Now the Birthers and Tea Baggers will believe anything, they wil think that Donald is a Black man.
Dr. Queen,
You don't have Christians doing the same things they were doing hundreds of years ago.
Thats why when Liberals on tv or in the print media wanna say " but Christians did it to" they have to go back way, way, back in history.
On the other hand, you just have to go back 5 mins to find a terrorist act commited by Muslims in the name of Allah.
Those troops that slaughter thousands off the Ivory Coast, their Muslim right?
Looks like Pastor Terry Jones was right.
What would happens when Liberals burn bibles?Do Christians start murdering Liberals? No...We just call you sick and move on.
Dr. Queen said...
Dr. Queen said...
Wanted for war crimes said...
Key word is "history".
So are you implying that Christian "history" is significantly different than Islamic "history"?
Because as the decendant of slaves, I'll beg to differ with that. As the decendant of slave owners, I'm ashamed that slavery was justified in part, in the name religion. And as the decendant of people who were "discovered" by Columbus, life was damn good until the pale faced arrived!
Now you know why its imporant to have strong immigration policies.
Wasn't life good before ms13 moved into town?
@Anonymous 8:47 PM
There are 1 billion Muslims in the world. Do you have some sort of "Final Solution"? Half the Muslims in the world are Asian which means will Michelle Malkin and her two children go quietly to that Concentration Camp she said that people that "look" Muslim should go to? BTW, she was also for the Japanese Internment thingy too.
Wanted for war crimes said...
Wasn't life good before ms13 moved into town?
If it weren't for the mothers of the ms13's, white kids in the suburbs wouldn't have nannies.
But since you don't live in the suburbs, you can't possible relate to their plight!
Did you put a ad on the net for wingnuts to come on this site?
Speaking of wingnuts they received their message and they repeated it over and over unless someone missed it the first 200 times. The Democrats had no unified message and it killed them in 2010. Part of the wingnuts plan as long as I can remember is to elevate a 'Bad Guy' to fight against. Again, it was the Blacks, Mexicans, Gays, Muslims. Where they not messed up but fucked up is when they went after the Unions. By doing that they are going to get hammered in 2012.
Hey CareyCarey- You live in Iowa? Have you gone to Clinton ( I Think) and gotten some Flavor Flav Chicken? When I heard about that I was like The Flav has some people in Iowa?
Liberal indoctrination has rotted the minds of an entire generation to the point you can no longer make rational distinctions. One can be serious about analyzing and addressing the very real threat from Islam and not be a knuckle-dragging racist. Liberals have been purged of the ability to discriminate based on truths. To a liberal, there is no difference in the threat of terrorism and violence posed by Islam as by Christianity. Seriously, that is what they believe.
When you are young the word "Liberal" has very positive connotations and it's not really about altruism-it's about grand ambitions and the refusal to be inhibited by the old and the cautious. Liberal also means "without sexual hang-ups" and this has great appeal to the young who are invariably filled with anxiety about, and overvaluation of, sex.
"Liberal" connotes virtue unfettered by fears. It connotes an artistic rebellion against old fashioned and boring talk about self restraint, the dangers of the cosmos, penalties and consequences, the need for careful analysis and reflection before taking action. Most of today's young who are meticulously Liberal cannot begin to define liberalism as a philosophy of government. So when a conservative promotes Limited government it sounds like a personal affront to youth and what they perceive as their burgeoning intellect and its virtually limitless power. Who wants to go to a university which operates on the premise, "You are very stupid but we will try to teach you a few important things, and, Oh, by the way you can't drink or use drugs here." No, many of the college professors are largely eternal liberal youths themselves although possibly embittered by disappointments in their own grandiose ideas.
Lastly youth prefers to believe in its own clarity, the ability to Think Big Thoughts and cut through all the BS. They believe that they possess a kind of beautiful, Noble Savage intuitive wisdom and discernment that are truly superior to their elders. It is this mind set that the psychopaths currently controlling the government are continually manipulating. To offset this poison requires a wise and patient and focused father. Are you doing your job? Did your father?
kid said...
@Anonymous 8:47 PM
"There are 1 billion Muslims in the world. Do you have some sort of "Final Solution"? Half the Muslims in the world are Asian which means will Michelle Malkin and her two children go quietly to that Concentration Camp she said that people that "look" Muslim should go to? BTW, she was also for the Japanese Internment thingy too."
What? How do you go that place?
And Michelle Malkin never said any such thing about sending Muslims to concentration camps. As far as the Japanses internment camps go, she wasn't even born then.
Are you really that foolish?
I think Islam is an evil, insane, violent cult, but I would never support imprisoning people in concentration camps for their beliefs. I do think it's a good idea if we limit the number of evil, isane, violent cultists coming into our country though. Isn't that common sense? I mean, drop the koran, and your are welcome, but until then, we don't want any of that crazy shit here.
I think the field of potential republican candidates will be different come November of this year. I think Rick Perry will join the pool and will present a stiff challenge to President Obama. Perry is as conservative as they come and says things (things you would find offensive) in a manner that people find acceptable. He is as sharp as they come. The candidates right now are just testing the waters to see what issues are hot and cold.
@ Hoo
Liberal aren't as open minded as white racist are, give me a break. Go to a synagog in Georgia and ask the people there what do they think about the cross? You will hear the story of Leo Frank a Jewish man from New York that was hanged by the Klan, the people that light up crosses. This "Christian" group killed Jews, Irish, Catholics, Native Americans, Asians, Hispanics, and Blacks.
The Armed Forces have a manual that teaches gang members how to act in other countries. No one from Princton or Yale is signing up for the Armed Forces so guess who has to do most of our fighting? La Eme, MS-13, Vice Lords, Bloods, Crips, Gangster Discipiles, and the Aryan Nation.
kid said...
@ Hoo
Liberal aren't as open minded as white racist are, give me a break. Go to a synagog in Georgia and ask the people there what do they think about the cross? You will hear the story of Leo Frank a Jewish man from New York that was hanged by the Klan, the people that light up crosses.
They will also teach Leo was framed by a negro.
@Anonymous 9:42PM
From Michelle Malkin's Wikipedia page:
Her first book, Invasion: How America Still Welcomes Terrorists, Criminals, and Other Foreign Menaces, was published in 2002 and was a New York Times bestseller.
In 2004, she wrote In Defense of Internment: The Case for 'Racial Profiling' in World War II and the War on Terror, defending Japanese American internment by the United States government during World War II, and arguing that the same procedures could be used on Arab- and Muslim-Americans today. The book engendered harsh criticism from several Asian American civil rights organizations. The "Historians' Committee for Fairness", a group of professors, condemned the book for not having undergone peer review and argued that its central thesis is false. It was announced in August 2004 that the Hawaii-based newspaper MidWeek dropped her column as a result of the controversy. Beginning in November 2004, this move was followed by The Virginian-Pilot, with criticism that she was "an Asian Ann Coulter". Malkin responded, "I'm not Asian, I'm American, for goodness' sake. I would take the comparison to Ann Coulter as somewhat of a compliment. I have a lot of respect for Ann Coulter." Malkin's opponents attempted to get the Manzanar National Historic Site (a former relocation and internment camp) to ban her book from their store, but failed.
Michelle is what's call a self hating racist. She's just like Jesse Lee Peterson. Asians call her a "Coconut" or a "Banana", white on the inside and Brown or Yellow on the outside. She is a Tom pure and simple.
Damn you racist aren't even trying anymore. Now you're just phoning it in.
The thing that scares me most about Liberals is that they are power hungry.
They have proven they will commit voter fruad,break/ not enforce the law,wipe their asses with the Constitution and put the safety of Americans in jeopardy in order to remain in power.
Obama is going to spend over a billion dollars to get elected to a second term.I fear what else he's willing to do.
Internment camps.Another great Liberal idea.
Another reason why Liberals in power are so dangerous.
@Anonymous 10:08 PM
They will also teach Leo was framed by a negro.
Eye thought dat us colored folk wuz dumb? Look like that Brother and OJ was the only ones that got away with it. Then again many historians say that the brother was a compulsive liar and would say anything for the money. BTW, there were many other Jews lynched by white Christians like Schwerner and Goodman. Their case was depicted in the film "Mississippi Burning". Ronald Reagan even went to the city where they were lynched Philadelphia, Mississippi to kick off his campaign and to talk about states rights.
field negro said...
"Only to a liberal would wanting to keep America safe from Muslims would equal bigotry"
Yeah, that's what they said about the natives, the blacks, the chinese, the japanese, the jews, the communists..."
The Hispanics, the Irish....no wait....they (The Irish) look like "us" so, they are cool.
"Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?"
The Klan!
And damn near every other racist in A-merry-ca.
God this is the reason most people dismiss the 20% of flaming liberals as idiots. Just look at the drivel you write and spew, anything as long as its against
America, against someone who may be white, someone who may be mainstream.
If you equate modern day Muslims who follow the koran, worship Mohammed the pedophile who preaches killing, keeping your women as less then human with anything you have said, then you are truly either hatefully disengenious or just not very smart.
How many christians were killed just over the last few days due to some idiot burning a koran? How many? How many bodies were just found in South Africa? Was it over a thousand? WHo did this? WHite men? How is Muslim tolerance for homosexuality in Somalia? Didnt a little girl who was raped just get killed because she did not have the requisite 4 male witnesses to verify they raped her, so she was accused of adultery as proscribed in the Koran? Either its true about intelligence levels or liberals are just hatefully disonnected people.
I hope you get what you want someday, of course you think you will be able to control it and its only the white man they hate. Your right, the black man is just an animal to arabs and similar who who follow islamic law.
Kid said: "defending Japanese American internment by the United States government during World War II, and arguing that the same procedures could be used on Arab- and Muslim-Americans today."
The first time you said she was "for" it. Defending Roosevelt's wartime decision is not the same as saying it was in retrospect a good idea, and that quote is nothing close to your earlier "that Concentration Camp she said that people that "look" Muslim should go to".
Busted, fool.
And I respect Malkin for saying she is an American. Conservatives are a community of individuals sharing common ideas. Leftists like you believe race determines everything.
Racist Asians call her a coconut, just like the racist blacks around here call patriots Toms.
Fuck you and your racist liberalism.
I stand with all Americans, regardless of color.
Wasn't it Dubya that said "The constitution is just a G*d**n piece of paper". You're scared of the POTUS when Gov. Scott Walker said that he would use troops on his own citizens and use plants at marches. What REALLY scares me is that Kasich is 10x crazier than Walker and looks like that he would do anything to hold on to power. the President hasn't fired one person but all these Republican Governors are firing people left and right. the white people of Ohio have woke the hell up.
Herman, you disappointed me. A black man showing bigotry to others? If anyone should show tolerance to others it's you.
Can you please explain this statement. Why do you demand that someone show tolerance to lets say a modern day religion that calls for killing of your own daughter if she dates someone not approved by you or god forbid a black man?
WHy do you preach tolerance to those who practice today pedophilia and in fact say it is not a sin to bugger young boys, so they do this frequently?
WHy do you preach tolerance for those who treat women like cattle and will beat punch and whip them into line or stone them if need be?
Why is someone a bigot if they WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS no matter how much fake lying liberals try and make them bigots, racists or what have you. Are you that weak and useless of a human being that you practice cowardice and running away from problems by painting those who handle the adult work and speak the truth bigots? What are you going to say to murderous muslims except look someone else doesnt like you, they are bigots?
Are you truly that much of a useless coward? Are YOU?
kid said: "Wasn't it Dubya that said "The constitution is just a G*d**n piece of paper"
no, you dumbass.
kid: "Gov. Scott Walker said that he would use troops on his own citizens and use plants at marches."
No again dumbass. He never said that he would use troops. And that quote on the tape about plants, he was talking about union thugs using plants to start shit.
Fools like you will believe anything!
"As the decendant of slave owners, I'm ashamed that slavery was justified in part, in the name religion. And as the decendant of people who were "discovered" by Columbus, life was damn good until the pale faced arrived!"
Oh she just had to let us know about the "white" and the supposed "Native American" in her family roots, your typical self hating black. And the word is "descendants".
Field you hear about dude getting shot to death at a BBQ on Belmont Plateau? SMFH, we shootin up BBQs in the park now?!
Killadelph in full effect
@Anonymous 10:40
Malkin is for interment camps for Arabs and Muslims. First most of the Arabs in the United States are CHRISTIAN. Half the Muslims in the world are ASIAN. I will STFU and vote Republican when Michelle and her two kids report to camp. BTW, FUCK YOU AND YOUR RACIST COUNTRY. I will be damned if I have to live like a foreginer in my own damn country.
@Merciful Fate
Are you talking about Muslims or Mormons? No Muslims I know of went around burning crosses and castrating black men down south. Muslims didn't destroy Rosewood. Muslims didn't make "Birth of a Nation" and then go out and kill thousands of black people after seeing it. Muslims didn't kill Emmitt Till, it was all white Christians. The Muslims that did 9/11 were Ronald Reagan's al-Qaeda. Ronnie trained those boy so if you want to hate the people that trained them then go to Reagan's library and tear it down.
"And as the decendant of people who were "discovered" by Columbus, life was damn good until the pale faced arrived!"
Life here before Columbus arrived was a constant state of warfare, killing, and tortue.
kid said..."I will STFU and vote Republican when Michelle and her two kids report to camp."
You will STFU and vote Republican when you grow up and get some sense. You need to get out of your mom's basement first thing.
@Anonymous 10:55 PM
Saying something is not true does not make it true. The "cross eyed Koch sucker" as Keith Olbermann called him did say those things, it was on tape.
"cross eyed Koch sucker"
You have crossed the line for the last time, kid.
"Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?"
And these idiots don't even know the Klan was a "Christian" organization. Dear god, is teh stupid that deep in conservative circles? And they wonder why they can't be taken seriously. Not trying to start a flame war but really? Dman, at least read a little history before commenting.
BTW, this from Mr. I want equality. Yeah, we should all be equal unless you're a Muslim.
PilotX said...
"Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?"
And these idiots don't even know the Klan was a "Christian" organization.
Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't.
I know you 20%'ers are so desperate to believe Christians are the real terrorist,but damn you got to try harder than that.
Michell Malkin is so big a Aunt Jemima/Toom that Geraldo Rivera of Fox said this:
"Michelle Malkin is the most vile, hateful commentator I've ever met in my life, ... She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people" and "It's good she's in D.C. and I'm in New York, I'd spit on her if I saw her."
I don't remember seeing any Muslims lighting any lower case T and putting them on my lawn. Just from the hatred we seen here today you know that they will not back Christie. To the right helping one Muslim is helping too many Muslims.
"he was talking about union thugs using plants to start shit."
Nice, too bad it was conservative Attornies General that were making plans to start "shit". Of course union members and "racist" Asians and Blacks aren't real Americans. Hmmmm, seeing that most Asians think Malkin is a sell out and most Black folks think conservatives are Toms does that mean the majority of us aren;t patriots? Only good conservative people if color can be good and real Americans.
These people are jokes. Only white, rural, country music listening, union hating, Republican voting people are true patriots. Damn shame they can't open their minds to new ideas and accpet the fact that some of us may think differently. Sad.
And WFWC actually tried to make us believe he wasn't a bigot. Ha, only took a few hours for that shit to fall flat. trying to hold bigotry in must be like trying to hold a fart in.
Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't.
I know you 20%'ers are so desperate to believe Christians are the real terrorist,but damn you got to try harder than that.
'Scuse me cuz but don't the KKK have a giant cross witha flame in the middle on their robes? they also pray at the begining and end of their ceremonies and they light a GIANT CROSS not a giant star of David or star and cresent. Look at their charter they call themselves a Christian organization.
Nice bit about union thugs---
This kind of union thuggery is all too common and is in keeping with the larger political goal of preventing union members from exercising their own rights of free association. The Walker reform that union leaders hate the most would require unions to be recertified annually by a majority of their members and let those members opt out of paying union dues.
Union chiefs like Mr. Parrett know what that means for their political clout. After taking office in 2005, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels used an executive order to end collective bargaining for public workers—a power granted by former Governor Evan Bayh.
The number of state public employees has since fallen to 28,700 from 35,000. But more important, the vast majority of those employees stopped paying union dues. Today, 1,490 state employees pay union dues in Indiana, down from 16,408 in 2005. Similar declines have played out in Washington State and Utah, when those states gave members the freedom to choose.
This is the prospect that has Wisconsin labor leaders so furious these days—furious enough that they'll even threaten the livelihoods of local business owners who won't join them at the barricades. This is the nasty modern reality of government union power.
"Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't."
Well, you oughtta know. But still they are a self identified "Christian" organization. Ok, so does that make the KKK less dangerous or evil than Muslim terrorists?
"Nice bit about union thugs---"
Sure, demonize union members all you want but why is the FOP backing Dems for the first time in years? When cops come out to decry Republicans they have a problem. Just saying, the cops that protect you and the fire fighters that would pull your sorry ass out of a fire are union members. When you call the FD to save your ass let them know how you feel about their union, I dare ya. Also let the union pilot that got your ass safely from point A to B how you feel about unions. Bet you were educated by union teachers too. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Ae the union members in your family thugs too?
"Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't."
They lynched folks, intimidated people and were a terrorist organization but at least they didn't do it in the name or religion. I'm sure the families of those killed by the KKK sleep better knowing this.
boneheads like kid,
You nitwits are so blind you cannot grasp the simple fact that Islam IS different from Christianity and Judaism.
There are no Christian Theocracies. Do you know a Christian Theocracy is? A nation that derives its constitution and legal system from the Bible is a Christian Theocracy.
There are none.
What is an Islamic Theocracy? A nation that derives its constitution and legal system from the Koran. There are dozens, and the number is growing. Especially in Africa.
Soon Nigeria will become an Islamic Theocracy. Turkey has given up almost all pretense of being a democracy. Soon it will revert to its fundamentalist Islamic roots.
Yes, I've read the Koran. It's a horrifying text -- because it is the basis of governments.
Islam has never experienced a Renaissance. There was never a Reformation. This death cult has remained in its original form for 1,400 years.
Go to the SPLC website and see that christian racist organization are a bigger threat to the United States than Muslim Terrorist groups at a ratio of 2 to 1. That means that things at the airport would move a lot quicker if you had a atheist line.
PilotX said...
"Which whites were doing it in the name of religion?"
And these idiots don't even know the Klan was a "Christian" organization. Dear god, is teh stupid that deep in conservative circles? And they wonder why they can't be taken seriously. Not trying to start a flame war but really? Dman, at least read a little history before commenting.
BTW, this from Mr. I want equality. Yeah, we should all be equal unless you're a Muslim.
Are you as stupid as you look? Who, where, what is the KLAN? What do they have to do with Muslim Extremists? WHAT? Try and think like an adult. WIth your train of thought you are syaing that Muslim Murdering crazy extremists are ok in your book because the KKK was Christian, actually you nincompoop they were baptist and protestant and lordy knows us Black folks aint no catlicks, weeze all baptists or protestants. So then you hate black folk who go to church and wish them dead like muslims do because the Klan may have followed the same religion.
God your so stupid it hurts to try and connect the faint dots that might be in your head.
kid said...
Michell Malkin is so big a Aunt Jemima/Toom that Geraldo Rivera of Fox said this:
"Michelle Malkin is the most vile, hateful commentator I've ever met in my life, ... She actually believes that neighbors should start snitching out neighbors, and we should be deporting people" and "It's good she's in D.C. and I'm in New York, I'd spit on her if I saw her."
I don't remember seeing any Muslims lighting any lower case T and putting them on my lawn. Just from the hatred we seen here today you know that they will not back Christie. To the right helping one Muslim is helping too many Muslims.
Holy SHit, when did this happen to you that you saw it, quick send me the news articla and I will go down there and kick those Krazy Klan guys ass, when did they burn the cross on YOUR lawn, was this last week? Oh, sorry to hear you got castrated too, that would explain a HELL of a lot about you though...you and your MIke Tyson voice..wah..wah.wah...mommy dey were racist in history, I cant do anything because...because...mommy...wahh..wah.....pathetic, childish and weak. No respect deserved at all. No wonder why Black women are strong, with crying little wussies like you around someone has to take charge.
The defenders of Islam are defenders of slavery.
Defenders of Islam agree with Muhammad that Freedom of Speech is a capital crime punishable by death.
The Islamic legal system gives muslim men the RIGHT to enslave women.
PilotX said...
"Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't."
Well, you oughtta know. But still they are a self identified "Christian" organization. Ok, so does that make the KKK less dangerous or evil than Muslim terrorists?
Well lets see..Muslims will have murdered more people this year than the kkk ever did in its history.
A black person is more likely to be killed by your local black gang than you are the kkk.
The kkk is only dangerous to you 20%'ers. Everyone else just laughs at them.
PilotX said...
"Did the kkk do what they did in the name of religion? No they didn't."
They lynched folks, intimidated people and were a terrorist organization but at least they didn't do it in the name or religion. I'm sure the families of those killed by the KKK sleep better knowing this.
God you really are stupid. I thought it was an act. WHAT does the KKK have to do with Muslims? Nothing except you think whitey is getting his and you aren't bright enough to realize you are also american and western and you are also even further down the totem pole in sharia law, you are Black. Your just a coward who is using an excuse of hating whites to excuse your lack of adult thought on muslim extremism. Dont worry, someone else will handle the problem, just like always for the cowardly inept children.
"WIth your train of thought you are syaing that Muslim Murdering crazy extremists are ok in your book because the KKK was Christian"
Uh. no I am not saying that. No crazy murdering extremists are ok in my book. Ok, now ask mommy to read you a story and go to bed.
kid said...
Go to the SPLC website and see that christian racist organization are a bigger threat to the United States than Muslim Terrorist groups at a ratio of 2 to 1. That means that things at the airport would move a lot quicker if you had a atheist line.
The splc,who has been sued for racism itself, is nothing more than a leftwing hack site.
Just compare body counts.The facts speak for themselves.
'Scuse me cuz but don't the KKK have a giant cross witha flame in the middle on their robes? they also pray at the begining and end of their ceremonies and they light a GIANT CROSS not a giant star of David or star and cresent. Look at their charter they call themselves a Christian organization.
Scuse me, did the kkk say "praise the Lord and hang the nigga?" not that i know of.
Does the Muslim say "Allahu Akbar" before he kills innocent people? Yes he does.
. "Your just a coward who is using an excuse of hating whites to excuse your lack of adult thought on muslim extremism"
First off moron how many times do we have to go over this shit. It's YOU'RE not YOUR. Dear god is this a new strain of stupid we've stumbled upon. Secondly I don't hate white people. It may be hard for someone of YOUR intellect to discern but I'll make an effort to explain slowly. The point is killing is killing, it doesn't matter who does it. I am statistically more at risk being killed by a fellow American who is a Christian than I am by a Muslim terrorist. If you want I'll pretend to be scared of the evul mooslims if that'll make you feel better hon.
I agree Field you got to give credit where credit is due. What Christie did was a somewhat courageous thing to do because it surely wasn't politically correct.
PilotX said...
"Nice bit about union thugs---"
Sure, demonize union members all you want but why is the FOP backing Dems for the first time in years?
When union members come to understand Republicans have their best interest at heart,they will be happy Republicans stood tall for them.
Remember,when Americans are given a choice,they are just saying no to unions and yes to freedom of choice.
Why are unions against freedom of choice?
"The kkk is only dangerous to you 20%'ers. Everyone else just laughs at them."
Yeah, and you piss your bed because you see Osama Bin Laden everywhere you go. Night night Johnboy.
"voice..wah..wah.wah...mommy dey were racist in history, I cant do anything because...because...mommy...wahh..wah.....pathetic, childish and weak. No respect deserved at all. No wonder why Black women are strong, with crying little wussies like you around someone has to take charge."
No more than the white guys on this blog crying about not having jobs and being deneyed a bank loan because of affirmative action. Wah wah wah, Ican't be president because some Black guy got affirmative action.
Sure tough guy, I'll just say "there's a mooslim terrorist" and you'll shit your pants.
@ Weasley, yeah man, my family has been here since 1865. But no, I'm a KFC kind of guy.
But check this, I know Clinton Iowa (a small town) very well. It used to be a jumpin' little town when a women's Job Corp was there. Yes sir, 300 "black women" were shipped in to learn a new skill. Well, most of them learned how to catch a man so they'd never have to return to their little dusty southern towns.
Every week new women arrived and it was on... dances, parties and love on a two way street.
But don't get me wrong, Clinton Iowa still has a few black faces, but even I was surprise when Flava Flav chicken landed there. But man, did you hear about his plans to go to school there? The dude is trying to film a reality show (in Clinton). Yep, he's going back to get his GED.
Those Union thugs can be really, really violent. I do know of a few gray haired school teachers that carry ice picks and brass knuckles. Then the lunch aids know Tae Kwan Do and carry nunchucks.
Utah is a Christian Theocracy and the Vatican is a Goverment. People like Pat Robertson, Rob Parsley, John Hagee, and Jack van Impe scare the shit out of me. they all have said at one time and believe that the POTUS is the antichrist. they eevn said that Muslims pray to the Devil. the only people that I know that pray to the Devil are Satanist and most of them are white. Mormons did not believe until 1975 that black people desended from the Devil. They declared blacks human in 1975. There have been a small bloc of Mormons partly influence by Glenn Beck that they are the chosen people. They want to take America back to where Women were in the kitchen, Blacks in the back of the bus, and Hispanics back across the border.
"When union members come to understand Republicans have their best interest at heart,they will be happy Republicans stood tall for them.
Remember,when Americans are given a choice,they are just saying no to unions and yes to freedom of choice.
Why are unions against freedom of choice?"
Republicans have NEVER been good for unions and union members. Last I checked the last Republican administration and congressional Republicans tried to outsource MY job and it was my union and congressional Dems that saved our jobs. Unions are all about freedom of choice. I choose to be affiliated with a union so I am. Obviously you aren't so you're not, what's not free there? Were you ever forced to join a union? I doubt it.
Don't believe all the b.s. you read about unions, they do much good for its members which is why the FOP is not supporting Republicans anymore. Are you saying thousands of cops don't know what is good for them and need you and other self righteous Republicans to tell them?
You want the real deal about unions? 9-11 may not have happened in the way it did had our union gotten the security procedures we asked for years before that day. We wanted secure doors that couldn't be breeched, ya know kinda like we have now, but the airlines industry cried about the cost. Funny, it cost a helluva lot more and we got em too late but I digress. It's the unions now fighting to get good rest requirements so you won't have tired pilots flying your trips, maybe a factor in the Buffalo accident 2009, bu of course that might cost the airlines money so they oppose it. What's good for us is good for the flying public so when you step on a plane many of the safety enhancements have come because of union involvement.
"A black person is more likely to be killed by your local black gang than you are the kkk".
That's the first thing you said correct tonight. BTW, you're more lightly to be killed according to FBI by someone in your family or that you know that is the same race. In most murders the victim knew their murderer. So that means that whites kill whites mostly, Asians kill asians, and black kill blacks.
"The splc,who has been sued for racism itself, is nothing more than a leftwing hack site".
Boy you're a fucking joke. The SPLC even goes after Black hate groups. You're just mad that the SPLC went after the Conservative Citizens Council who used to be the White Citizens Council. Yes their cover was blown.
I read somewhere that the same people that are organizing the Tea Parties are trying to take over one of the Pilots Union retirement plans. do you know anything about it personally?
I haven't heard that Kid. Most retirement plans are negotiated between the company and the union representing that company's pilots. Many of our guys that have retired had their pensions taken over by the PGC so they lost alot of money. That too is something unions fight for, the rights of their members to not be taken to the cleaners when a company declares bankrupcy. I'll look into that but I haven't heard anything about it. We're very protective of our retirement plans as we are forced to retire at 65 which os before SS kicks in so we're careful of what we get when we get "fired".
PilotX said...
. "Your just a coward who is using an excuse of hating whites to excuse your lack of adult thought on muslim extremism"
First off moron how many times do we have to go over this shit. It's YOU'RE not YOUR.
Liberal Cowardice at it's finest. NObody, Nobody gives a damn wether someone uses your you're, y'all or up YOURS.... I aint impressed at all, not in the slightest. Remember You were previously schooled on the proper use of your as a contraction, so stop deflecting with bullshit noone cares except a weak deflecting liberal.
Now, If as you say "killing is killing and it does not matter who does it I agree.
Adults would discuss the matter at hand for no matter how horrific some events were in history they do not change specific events happening now. So, if killing is killing and you are against that, why then do you say nothing about Islam yet counter with something that implicates white people in history? Neither one cancels the other, however one is past and one is current, what are you doing about the current besides deflecting those who are adult enough to stand up and speak by inferring they might be bigots for something that has absolutely no relation whatsoever?
Do you expect those who really do know how to use Your and You're properly, to respect your intellect or motives?
kid said...
Those Union thugs can be really, really violent. I do know of a few gray haired school teachers that carry ice picks and brass knuckles. Then the lunch aids know Tae Kwan Do and carry nunchucks.
Utah is a Christian Theocracy and the Vatican is a Goverment. People like Pat Robertson, Rob Parsley, John Hagee, and Jack van Impe scare the shit out of me. they all have said at one time and believe that the POTUS is the antichrist. they eevn said that Muslims pray to the Devil. the only people that I know that pray to the Devil are Satanist and most of them are white. Mormons did not believe until 1975 that black people desended from the Devil. They declared blacks human in 1975. There have been a small bloc of Mormons partly influence by Glenn Beck that they are the chosen people. They want to take America back to where Women were in the kitchen, Blacks in the back of the bus, and Hispanics back across the border.
Please, Please, Please, I beg you to stop proving the science of the Bell Curve, it is frightening to see it in action.
Here's the location for the story
You guessed it. The Wisconsin story and the collaboration between Lindsay and Octopus are interconnected. Here is a brief synopsis:
The story involves former Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, Senator Max Baucus of Montana, former Secretary of the Treasury John Snow, former Vice President Dick Cheney, and 103 legislators in the House of Representatives.
Over 1,100 retired airline pilots lost 40% of their pension funds when their employer, USAir, filed for bankruptcy protection. Every organization and institution offering redress failed the pilots at every step along the way.
US Air (employer) declared bankruptcy after 9/11 and alleged that all pilot pension funds had been lost. During the discovery phase following bankruptcy proceedings, USAir admitted having 78% of the funds which was turned over to the PBGC; later it was shown that US Air had 103% of the funds.
ALPA - the airline pilot union abandoned their retired pilots by refusing to represent them in claims against USAir … thus violating their own bylaws;
U.S. Congress -– The pilots lobbied Congress to redress their grievance. The Airline Pension Act of 2003 (the bill known as HR 2719) was sponsored by 103 legislators but died in committee;
The Law firm representing the pilots was bought by a rival firm that represented only management; thus the original law firm withdrew from case;
Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) – Although the PBGC recovered 103% of the pension funds, pilots are receiving
only 60% of their pensions; there is a pending class action suit between the pilots and the PBGC.
Current Status – of the 1,100 retired pilots participating in the class action suit, 285 have since died – with no resolution after 8 years of litigation. The matter is still pending.
At one point during the lobbying effort, one of the petitioners (a retired pilot) was pulled aside by a chief aid of one of the senators mentioned above, who said:
“[Name redacted], I want to tell you something in strict confidence. If they find out I told you, it will cost me my career and my future. They are not only NOT going to help you, but it is their agenda to dismantle all Defined Benefit Plans worldwide, not just in the U.S.”
According to this aid, these were the goals of the leadership: To remove all legacy costs as a long-term obligation off corporate books with the goal of increasing shareholder value. Not targeting pilots specifically, their aim was to use USAir as a test case for cutting legacy costs in key industries, such as automotive and steel and the public sector, by circumventing or overturning laws that protected these pensions. The pilots were chosen as a test case because they were regarded negatively as “under-worked, over-paid playboys.”
Former Treasury Secretary John Snow was formerly the Chairman of CSX Corporation, a holding company sold to the Carlisle Group after Snow accepted a cabinet post in the Bush/Cheney administration. Dick Cheney held board positions in CSX and Electronic Data Systems (EDS). EDS was the largest creditor named in the USAir bankruptcy filing. As Treasury Secretary, Snow had jurisdiction over the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC). Snow was Cheney's choice for the Treasury position. These are the relationships between the key players in this story.
As you can surmise from the above synopsis, busting unions and seizing pension assets has been a long term objective of the GOP. Lindsay and Octopus are awaiting the outcome of litigation between the pilots and the PBGC before publishing the full account.
"voice..wah..wah.wah...mommy dey were racist in history, I cant do anything because...because...mommy...wahh..wah.....pathetic, childish and weak. No respect deserved at all. No wonder why Black women are strong, with crying little wussies like you around someone has to take charge."
No more than the white guys on this blog crying about not having jobs and being deneyed a bank loan because of affirmative action. Wah wah wah, Ican't be president because some Black guy got affirmative action.
Sure tough guy, I'll just say "there's a mooslim terrorist" and you'll shit your pants.
Nah, I just revel in white supremacy emasculating a weak buck like you who understands he has to accept affirmative action or he cannot compete.
WHo in the world said anyone can't be president because a Black Guy got affirmative action and made president? He is totally incompetent, no surprise there and won't be re-elected - adults will not allow this to happen. Unlike you when you see a "mooslim" terrorist I would not be afraid to tackle the problem head on, not tackle it by being a coward and starting to associate guilt with crazy links and statements about the KKK as if one cancels the other and relieves you of any responsibity for serious thought. YOu aren't relieved, your (<-----hey look - catch this one spanky..) YOU ARE just dismissed as cowardly, infantile and useless. Now go cry some more tough guy...waahhh....wahhh...look at history...its so hard..wahhh.wahhh.
@Anonymous 1:27AM
Now I done heard everything now, he got elected because of Affirmative Action that's a hot one. You call us crybabies because we won't stand still while you try to kick out asses, get real. My job on this 'net is to let the brother not DO VIOLENCE. If we get buck wild the right would just blame it on it's because we have a black President. Black men are not cowards, just look at Nat Turner, Malcolm X, or Huey P. Newton. Denesh D'Sousa a republican writer says that black America is in the condition it's in because black Americans haven't had a sucessful slave revolt like other places. Is that what it take, that we have to kick your ass? I don't think so. I'm going to try to let this Democracy thing work out first. Besides if there is to be any rioting we'll just let the people that cling close to their gun and God and their Union take care of it.
"Do you expect those who really do know how to use Your and You're properly, to respect your intellect or motives?"
As someone who does not know the difference it doesn't matter in this case does it? If you want to have a rational adult conversation as you indicate here is my adult take on the situation. We blame "them" (being Muslims) for being crazy and killing "our" people. Hell, we go crazy because "they" killed 3,000 Americans on our own soil. Naturally people get upset when their people are killed. With that in mind how many of "their" people have "we" killed? Do "they" also deserve to be outraged when their people are killed? I don't think I'm cowardly for pointing out the obvious. I had this converstaion with a conservative friend of mine and he stated it doesn't matter because "they" are evil. If we hold such beliefs that we are always the good guy and are always right no matter what and they are always wrong we will see acts of terror well into the forseeable future. Is that bad? Of course but that is the harsh reality. We kill them, they kill us. If you have a good solution I'm sure we'd all be grateful but painting all people of the Muslim faith is not only silly but detrimental to longterm peace. IMHO
"Nah, I just revel in white supremacy emasculating a weak buck like you who understands he has to accept affirmative action or he cannot compete."
Tell you what dipshit, show me where I have been outcompeted by anyone of any race and then we'll talk. Just try to outdo me and see what happens. I make fools out of people like you who think because I'm Black I'm somehow inferior. Save me the racist bullshit and propaganda because I have to retrain too many white male pilots who don't know half what I do. It was white guys who needed affirmative action for so many years to have flying jobs not us.
"Herman, you disappointed me. A black man showing bigotry to others? If anyone should show tolerance to others it's you."
Field, you are the pot calling the kettle black. You consistently show your prejudice toward Whites and sometimes bw quite often. I remember how you used to try to trash CF, an upstanding brother. Herman is an honorable man. Please do not trash the next President of the USA.
Gield said, "Christie, who misspoke in calling Mohammed an Arab American, went on to say..."
What's wrong with the term "Arab American?" Is there something offensive about it?
Kid, the USAir fiasco is a mess. I don't know the ins and outs because they decertified their union and formed their own. I don't fault them too much for doing that but I would disagree thatthey were left high and dry by ALPA. Other than that the story does seem pretty accurate as far as conservative politicians giving corporations a way out of defined benefit plans and using those funds to either pay stockholders or line their own pockets. Sad that the public doesn't understand the real deal. Sure pilots make a better than average salary but many have kids in college and ex-wives to pay for and we used to have to retire at 60 so we had fewer years to work to establish a retirement nest egg. So if the ex-military and non alike had to wait years before other sources of income kicked in not withstanding the fact that many had planned on the retoreement they were promised. Seems workers in this country get the short end of the stick because too many working stiffs identify with the corporate honchos than their fellow working sister and brother. Joe the non-licensed plumber stomping to take away benefits from his supposed fellow working joe. Sad day in America if these conservative pricks get reelected.
"Please do not trash the next President of the USA."
When did Field trash Obama?
" Secondly I don't hate white people. It may be hard for someone of YOUR intellect to discern but I'll make an effort to explain slowly. The point is killing is killing, it doesn't matter who does it. I am statistically more at risk being killed by a fellow American who is a Christian than I am by a Muslim terrorist"
PilotX, that was perfect, you are now cleared for landing.
This fear of a Moooslim planet is really getting to some of my Christian friends. Frankly, as an agnostic, I find the whole thing rather funny. I don't agree with a whole lot of stuff that Muslims do and believe in, but then I feel the same way about you Christians.
But here is the thing: I believe that you Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindus,Bahai,Jews,Shintos, Taos, Sikhs...(I hope I didn't leave anyone out)all have a right to co-exist in the world without being f&^%$d with. The small percentages of extreme Muslims who do that are wrong, and so is the small percentage of Christians. Get it now, wingnuts?
"God you really are stupid. I thought it was an act. WHAT does the KKK have to do with Muslims?"
I take it you mean radical extreme Muslims. Well they actually have quite a bit in common since they both want to use violent acts to get rid of something they despise. The only difference is that one isn't afraid to die for what he or she believes in while the other is such a coward that he uses a sheet to cover his face. ;)
field negro said...
I take it you mean radical extreme Muslims. Well they actually have quite a bit in common since they both want to use violent acts to get rid of something they despise. The only difference is that one isn't afraid to die for what he or she believes in while the other is such a coward that he uses a sheet to cover his face. ;)
What I'd like to know is why are men like Field and PilotX such a intellectual "threat"?
What's also interesting to me is that if either Field or PilotX held sold blue collar jobs, half of the posts in this thread probably wouldn't exist.
field naively writes:
The point is killing is killing, it doesn't matter who does it.
In America, it does matter, and it matters WHY someone is murdered. Manslaughter is one form of homicide, and often punished in a remarkably mild way.
But killing out of hate -- as muslims do -- is much worse in the eyes of the law.
I am statistically more at risk being killed by a fellow American who is a Christian than I am by a Muslim terrorist"
Your statement MIGHT be true, though wildly inaccurate. The chance of a white Christian killing a black male is very close to zero.
On the other hand, your chances of getting killed by a black killer who happens to be a Christian are far far far far higher.
In other words, it's all about race -- Not religion.
all religions are the same:
MOST are equally evil/racist/sexist/hypocritical...
and ALL are created by human men
NONE have any place in politics!!!
"Herman, you disappointed me. A black man showing bigotry to others?"
Are you really surprised Field?
Cain is a coon-servative.
That's what they do.
that blackish "dancing monkey" hobama has been buck dancing all over the world since 2008...
hobama has monkey shone all over black fans/black poverty/the homeless/the jobless/libya/global bankster coffers etc!!!...
no monkey could EVER dance better!
ask cornel west or any libyan!
there are no liberals in power...
there is NOTHING liberal about hobama!
hobama has been WORSE than bush in every way
more racism/poverty/war/elitism/jobless/homeless etc
On the other hand, your chances of getting killed by a black killer who happens to be a Christian are far far far far higher.
In other words, it's all about race -- Not religion. ballzack
sure ballzack is rite cuz these filthy trolls threatned to send mail bombs and cyanide to another blogger and they are all supposed to be black so much for black solidarity hah?
the vdlr is a liar and a fool
wise persons know that bill cooper/jeff rense/alex jones are ALL scholars/warriors/sages/researchers/revolutionary icons
racist foolish unlicked uneducated untruthful unread vdlr:
never fret
you never read or research a thing
u r free to ignore all wm who hate that half white hobama
wtfu u pookie groupie!!!!
hobama will NEVER be one of yo baby deddies!!!!!
see more on TYPICAL evil buybull toting homohating sexist racist hypochristians here
"Only white, rural, country music listening, union hating, Republican voting people are true patriots."
Weren't you the one defending the anti-war position of blacks during the Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghaniststan wars on the basis that these were white mans' wars? How patriotic is that? Is Libya the black man's war?
By the way, those who do most of the fighting, and dying now are white men. Blacks have voted with their feet and taken rear guard support positions at a higher percentage than whites.
see millions of black men who hate that blackish hobama here
all of them agree with jeff/alex/bill about bush and his MORE BRUTAL blackish clone hobama!!!
millions of wise people of all races who are awake hate hobama
just as they hated the kinder gentler gwb
just as alex/jeff/bill
ONLY pookie hobama nazis/suicidal fag hags like the vdlr dare to proudly STILL SNORE in their drunken dl demon hobama kool-aid laced slumber....SHAME!!!!!!!!!!!
ALL of hobama's wars have ALREADY made vietnam look like a BRIEF summer camp!
field negro said..."But here is the thing: I believe that you Christians, Muslims, Buddhist, Atheist, Hindus,Bahai,Jews,Shintos, Taos, Sikhs...all have a right to co-exist in the world without being f&^%$d with."
That puts you solidly with the majority of humanity, probably well over 60%, so that's a pretty safe position. However, Islam specifically forbids coexisitence with other faiths, as it is their duty to make Islam dominent wherever they live.
ALL of hobama's wars have been BLOODIER than gwb's
that is why soldiers are killing themselves/raping peers/beating spouses etc
more on hobama from a wf who also agrees with US about that neocon warlord hobama
cindy sheehan
Three days after the current evil Emperor was installed by the oligarchy, he ordered a drone bombing in Northern Pakistan (a country that we are supposedly not at war with) that killed 36 civilians and since then, he has been absolutely mad about drone bombings, increasing Bush’s total over 300 percent in far fewer years. Even though I never supported Obama who funded wars as a Senator and who is NOT a peace president, I said at the time: “Three days in and already a war criminal.” I was thoroughly attacked by Democrats who once affiliated as “peace” activists for not giving Obama “time.”
Well, Gitmo is still open, military tribunals will resume for men who have been illegally detained for up to a decade now, US Tomahawk missiles are raining down on innocents in Libya (killing people to save them is the NEW PEACE), dictators are still supported, Israel is still occupying and oppressing Palestine, activists are being targeted by Obama’s DOJ while BushCo are being protected, the USA PATRIOT ACT was renewed, the Gulf is dying–and where is the outrage?
no_slappz @ FN: "I am statistically more at risk being killed by a fellow American who is a Christian than I am by a Muslim terrorist"
"Your statement MIGHT be true, though wildly inaccurate."
Since there are over 120 million Christian men in America, and probably less than a million Muslim men, then yes, statistically that's probably true. But that is abusing statistics in a lawyerly way.
For example, since there are millions of swimming pools in America and tsunamis occur only a couple of times per century, you are also statisitcally more at risk to drown in a pool than in a tsunami. Does that mean a swimming pool is more dangerous than a tsunami?
I guess your point is that something has to be a specific threat to you, Mr. F. Negro, before it matters. But using your analysis and using data from your lifetime, you are much less at risk from getting killed by a white supremecist group than you are to falling victim to a Muslim terrorist attack,yet you seem to think the klan is lurking behind every woodpile.
If you want to use statisitcs to assess the threats to your person, you can stop worrying about the klan and mooslims and take real steps to make yourself safer, like stop riding in cars, keep your wife from getting too mad at you, and move out of Killadelphia.
Damn....I surely hope this won't interfere with her pusuit of a college degree!
You know, I always wondered why they never had a "made for TV" movie about this Princess. (Well if they did, I missed it)
But then again, no, I guess I pretty much already know why they never did.
Rev Right and Slappt
Well if you are talking statistics you two are far more likely to be killed by some toothless inbred goober like yourself than a Muslim or a black yet you two have no problem making Muslims and blacks the objects of your racist nightmares.
White kids riot in Richmond after VCU loses in the Final Four tourney.
Very low media coverage of this.
Imagine if this had been Hampton University?
Remember Greekfest 89?
needs slaps:
for your global white pookie files
shame that a family dog is a superior parent when compared to most pookies!!!
uptownsteve said...
Rev Right and Slappt
"Well if you are talking statistics you two are far more likely to be killed by some toothless inbred goober like yourself than a Muslim or a black yet you two have no problem making Muslims and blacks the objects of your racist nightmares."
I am racist because I recognize there is something about Islam that fosters violence? Or that i care about threats to other people? Hmmm.
At least 1,000 Christians (black ones) were slaughtered this week at the Salesian Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus mission in Duekoue, Ivory Coast by Muslim troops loyal to Alassane Ouattara.
When is the last time something like that happened when the slaughterers weren't Muslim?
I can accept that a majority of muslims finds these acts reprehensible, but can we drop the moral equivalency nonsense between Islam and other religions?
You really don't want to get into a tit for tat regarding violence between Christianity and Islam, do you?
Christianity has wiped out entire NATIONS.
BTW, how many Iraqis have been killed by US forces.
I swear, UTS. White folks don't even know how to throw-down on a good riot. No burning cop cars or buldings, no stabbings, nolotov cocktails, no horses or dogs.....white folks is so dull.
I've seen blacks cause more of a ruckus in Burger King.
more on those evil hypochristian homohating buybull toting koran haters
they cause muslims and gays to be murdered daily!!!
they disgrace jesus globally!!!
Florida pastor Terry Jones burned a Koran and broadcast the images to the Muslim world—inciting an Afghan mob to kill U.N. staffers. Leon Dische Becker meets the congregants. Plus, John Avlon on Terry Jones' excuses.
Looks like civil rights icon Crystal Mangum needs a good lawyer.Fields, where you at?
uptownsteve said...
You really don't want to get into a tit for tat regarding violence between Christianity and Islam, do you?
Christianity has wiped out entire NATIONS.
When??? 300-500 years ago? Muslims are wiping out people over different faiths all over this world today.Look at what they have been doing in Africa in the name of Allah.
Did all you wites forget about the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia? What about the christian battles of WWI and WWII? Must have been left out of The Beleevers Guide to History. I think every single abortion murderer was christian. As are those who are 'missing' girl children who wish to leave. Did we forget the christian Reconstructionists?. Or the christian Identity thugs?
Dover was an attempt to impose theocracy...as is any other IntelligentCreationismDesign activity. Same with enforced prayer in schools...having Ten Comandments...
Even here in wite Pennsyltucky there have been riots with wites...Bloomsburg had one not long ago. How did all the wites miss that one? Oh, those brave heroic lads assaulted at least three women....so how is this a Muslim issue, again?
Make it illegal to be in a union...who can afford to join? wsj online is an anti-union 'sorce'. Pretending it has validity shows extreme bias and a willingness to lie for the kkkause.
Feel free to pretend that 'others do it to'...even though the evidence shows otherwise.
you black racists are a riot!
we've just seen the muslims murdering people because someone burned their Book of Peace.
remember when you all were claiming that the Fort Hood murderer was being unfairly portrayed by evil whitey?
there's no bigot like a nigra.. except for maybe the white suckups who kiss your butts here
Anonymous said...
Did all you wites forget about the ethnic cleansing of Bosnia? What about the christian battles of WWI and WWII? Must have been left out of The Beleevers Guide to History. I think every single abortion murderer was christian. As are those who are 'missing' girl children who wish to leave. Did we forget the christian Reconstructionists?. Or the christian Identity thugs?
Dover was an attempt to impose theocracy...as is any other IntelligentCreationismDesign activity. Same with enforced prayer in schools...having Ten Comandments...
Even here in wite Pennsyltucky there have been riots with wites...Bloomsburg had one not long ago. How did all the wites miss that one? Oh, those brave heroic lads assaulted at least three women....so how is this a Muslim issue, again?
Once again we see the 20%'ers tryin to rewrite/make history up.
Keep tryin' 20%'ers.......
I see that 'kid' is the latest loudmouth shithead to be posting here. Looks like steve has yet another sock puppet.
either that or it's another liberal white gay college boy, slumming with you negroes because he thinks that being a deviant is the same as being black
hey "kid", you are very bit as much a shithead as steve... who has the same mindset as a liberal gay white college boy anyway
The ONLY thing that comes to my mind whenever a white man mentions Crystal Magnum, is the white man's OBSESSION with watching a Black woman shake her ass!
wfwc said:
Once again we see the 20%'ers tryin to rewrite/make history up.
Keep tryin' 20%'ers.......
You are wasting your time responding to mold. nothing it says makes any sense (christian Identity thugs?) or has any basis in fact (WWII was christian jihad).
on a lighter note, I know that you black-racist negroes just worship Madonna because she buys your black babies to use as status symbols.
It turns out that her Malawi project (building a school), was just a front used by the jews that run the Kabbalah racket to fund their own mansions. Millions were grabbed. Was Madonna angry at that pilfering? No, she joined right in with the campaign to pin all blame on some African blacks who may or may not have diverted a few thousand.
It turns out there is even a bigshot public relations firm that specializes in helping conniving white liberal celebrities to build their image as negro-loving philanthropists.
Oh well, at least you dupes still have Ariana Huffington to be using you... I mean SAVING you negroes.
In addition to the general purpose of giving federal bureaucrats more control over the life and death of every American, ObamaCare also advances more specific objectives — such as spreading the wealth around from taxpayers to the unions and crony capitalists who finance Obama's campaigns:
"Facing questions from both parties in the Congress, the Obama Administration has now revealed how it has spent over $1.7 billion on part of the Obama health law, known as the Early Retiree Reinsurance Program. This plan is intended to help companies pay the cost of health care for their early retirees, but lawmakers say it is wrongly benefiting companies like AT&T and General Electric, who have billions in profits on their bottom lines."
The list of beneficiaries of Comrade Obama's largesse goes on for miles, but I'm pretty sure you won't find your name on it. Unsurprisingly a union tops it, with a massive payoff of $206,798,086 going to the UAW. General Electric, which does not pay taxes, pulls in $36,607,818. Government Motors, which doesn't pay taxes either, makes $19,002,669.
As Jimmie Bise notes at Hot Air,
"Companies now have a crystal-clear example that if they pony up a few million dollars to Washington politicians, they can expect to see their money returned to them multiplied many times."
Most of us who have watched Washington politics know this has been true for a while but I can't recall a time when our government was this blatant about paying back its corporate and union supporters. If ever there was a time for the taxpayers to push back hard against the rent-seeking and paybacks, it's now. Obamunism is the corruption implicit in hypertrophied government taken to its logical conclusion.
" Dr. Queen said...
The ONLY thing that comes to my mind whenever a white man mentions Crystal Magnum, is the white man's OBSESSION with watching a Black woman shake her ass!
11:57 AM"
The only thing that comes to MY mind, is:
Why isn't that nasty skank already in prison?
If you wites are such 'experts' ...prove me wrong. Use valid sources and Data and show the error.
As far as 20%, that is the number associated with continued beleef in the competence of bush, the scientificiness of creationism, and the utter disregard for Facts. Oddly, it is directly connected to wingnuts and TeaCrackers.
You should find something Fact-based, rather than attempt to call others what you are guilty of doing.
It makes you appear...juvenile and without merit.
See what I mean?
Eveel unions...yeppers...just toss them in with the corporate scum and hope that no one will figure out it is guilt by lying or association.
Like I would believe a group of lads who treat Breitbart/Okeefe as honest. Or who lap up the hagiography of st reagan.
Before trying to pretend to authority on a subject..you might want to check your sources. These make it seem like you are a not-too-bright teen.
The work isn't even up to High School level. The General Education class.
Another standard mole tactic: Accuse you opponents of that which you are guilty of.
It's called projection.
crystal magnum is a lying pookie and kin to vdlr 4 sho!!!!
tragic how pookies like cm and the vdlr disgrace all real rape victims/moms/black women etc!!!!
ALL religions are created by flawed human men
ALL religions breed hate and murder etc
"Your statement MIGHT be true, though wildly inaccurate. The chance of a white Christian killing a black male is very close to zero."
Why is it inaccurate moron? I did not include race, you did. Your reading and comprehension skills are horrible but we already knew that you racist. See, everything is about color to conservatives. WFWC and Rev Right any comments about Slappz? thought so, typical hypocrisy.
speaking of tragedies like cm...
shame that so many fought 4 those 6 tragic pookies in jena
they NEVER deserved it!!!
and those they duped are STILL being tortured for their noble deeds done for those thug pookies/6 deep posse of vdlr's cloned baby deddies!!!!
I notice none of the wingers ever answer the question about how many civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afganistan. i guess they don't matter. Rev. Right CLAIMS to care about people getting killed so maybe he knows or is he lying? So Rev. how many civilians have been killed by the U.S. military in those two countries?
QUOTE: Some moron or other - "Your statement MIGHT be true, though wildly inaccurate. The chance of a white Christian killing a black male is very close to zero. "
That might just be the stupidest single sentence ever written on the internet.
more civilians die daily in ALL of hobama's wars
hobama ADORES using more predator drones than ever... they kill at random!
here u go:
PilotX: "Rev. how many civilians have been killed by the U.S. military in those two countries?"
Very few, as wars go, as the US does not target civillians.
Most civillian deaths have resulted from bombings and murders perpetrated by the various competing sects and tribes. The number of collateral deaths caused by US forces in Iraq pales in comparision to the number that were being killed each year by Saddam.
Show me data Rev. Right. Not that I don't trust your stats though. Trust but verify.
"the US does not target civillians"
Ya know except for that whole atomic bomb thing. Oh, that's right, anything that happened prior to 2009 doesn't count.
Please pardon me for neglecting my posting of engaging chimpout stories from the news. Here's a recent good one:
March 30, 2011 8:11 AM
"Bikini brawl at Burger King caught on tape, Fla. woman charged with felony (VIDEO)"
Before you look, can you guess what race is most likely to commit assault and property damage crimes because their order was wrong somehow?
"PilotX said...
"the US does not target civillians"
Ya know except for that whole atomic bomb thing. Oh, that's right, anything that happened prior to 2009 doesn't count.
1:12 PM"
Only regret I have about the "atomic bomb" thing, is that we didn't have five or six more to drop on those poor, innocent civilians.
I'm sure they would have shouln no mercy on us. Remember Pearl Harbor? The Bataan Death March? The Rape of Nanking?
Ever read abouh the mortality rate of Allied POW's of the Japanese?
My heart bleeds.
hey racist lipless hairy chimp cloned assnon:
i saw the vdlr at BK too!
violent female pookies come in all races...especially the white ones who rule all reality tv in the usa!!
rainbow pookies in all genders rule the world!
more rainbow pookie madness
unlicked uneducated unwise unfocused unaware unchanged unsaved unassisted vdlr:
do much more than lie and slur...ASAP!!!
hobama needs err lass one u blind masochistic suicidal nazis more than ever!!!!!
get over me
get that energy on your blackish false god's 2012 prez select bid ASAP!!!
I can't anymore. I worked too hard for him. I gave too much. I stood out in the freezing rain on Super Tuesday in Union Square holding a sign seven months pregnant begging for votes all day. I knocked on doors in Pennsylvania for two days begging for votes while I was nursing my new newborn baby, taking breaks to pump milk with a portable breast pump and a cooler in my car every three hours. I was a maxed out donor. I made two videos I put up on YouTube at my own production expense. He owes me. He needs to at least keep his promises, and he hasn't. I haven't wanted to say anything so as not to betray my party, but I am an American first, and a Democrat second, and keeping my mouth shut is wrong. We need another option in 2012. I'm afraid Mr. Obama is a one term president, and the sooner we recognize that and start working on Plan B, the better off we will be when the time comes. Pretending he's doing a good job isn't helping anyone, and I'm afraid the "give him time" grace period is over. It's reelection time already. I want another option.
To be sure, defections like Michelle's could be devastating to Obama's reelection bid. His approval rating continues to be stuck in the low-mid 40's, if you believe recent polls like Gallup. And half of those surveyed don't want him reelected. Yet his advisers say that time is on his side. That the economy will improve enough to win over a majority of voters. That may be true. But the opposite may be true as well. Unemployment remains unacceptably high near 9%, and about 14-million Americans are still searching for work. The budget deficit is at a record high, and the economy, while recovering, isn't recovering fast enough. The military engagements in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya won't help him either. People are fed up. They're dissatisfied with the political system and the politicians who've failed them. The Michelles of the party gave their heart to a new lover. Someone who promised an entirely new kind of relationship. They put their trust and faith in Obama, and there's no mistaking that he broke those hearts.
Democrats should be scared. They should start praying that someone like New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie doesn't enter the race. He 's wildly popular among moderates and independents, and many believe he'd trounce Obama. And while all eyes seem focused on human Ambien pills like Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, don't be surprised to see a dark horse like Sen. Scott Brown (MA) toss his truck into the ring. He'd be quite the formidable opponent for Obama. Considering the aggressive, calculating and often ruthless campaign tactics of the GOP, 2012, for all of the reasons stated above, could be a truly horrible year for Obama.
I simply wish Prez Obama had been patient and allowed himself to get experience on the national level before running for President. Had he let Hilary have her moment in history, it would be her not him, taking the heat for the county's woes and because she's white, the problems wouldn't seem nearly as bad as they are. By now, the country would have been desperate for change and Clinton would have lost a re-election bid assuming she wanted to run again in the first place, and Obama would have been very clearly on the "right" side of history.
And instead of the history books reading about how the country's first black President "singly handedly" ruined the economic future of the US for generations to come, history would instead say that is was the first Black president that saved the day.
Too bad he couldn't wait just "four more years" to run.............
Oh yeah, and the Repubs are gonna win the white house in 2012!
The US targeted Native American civilians. The firebombing of German and Japanese cities targeted civilians. You could add in the Philippine 'Insurrection'..our glorious raining down of witeness upon the Vietnamese and Cambodians...the 'encouragemen't we dropped on the Cubans...the 'assistance' the South gave during the Civil War to join their noble cause of owning people and not doing any icky work...
Christie as the best? Wow.
Dr. Queen:
the banksters & corps rule all now
that is why the SCOTUS has made corps "people" officially
any prez will only be a sOck puppet
i love hc
ditto for hillary and bubba
i have lost respect for hillary via libya...ie she is rich enough to quit NOW or at least REBEL and tell us the truth about hobama ganking african oil and gold!!!
i will never vote again
it is truly amazing that post his retarded cuz king shrub/gwb
hobama had the LOWEST prez bar in history
and hobama STILL failed so miserably that he gave the repubs CPR
that is more proof that repubs = dems
i will not be played by good cop/bad cop/dem/repub politicos EVER again
one thing hobama has done perfectly:
Dr. Queen:
even as he campaigns
hobama is unmasking his blackish elitist face
Can you imagine GWB hosting a similar event in any impoverished/newly gentrified area like harlem???
gwb would have been crucified by the hobama loving msm!!!
Earlier in the evening some 50 people (one observer estimated there were four of five Black guests) forked over $30,800 apiece to attend the Democratic National Committee’s fundraiser at the Red Rooster. A block away, more than 200 demonstrators braved an icy windchill factor, many of them unemployed or barely earning in a year the amount requested for one night in Obama’s Harlem venture.
Unless the Rs find a Tom Ridge to run...they will lose. Christie may be sold as rational...but no NJ residents still beleeverate it. Like christian 'stealth' candidates for School Board, they must lie to be elected.
Once the citizens realize the nature of wingnuts...they universally detest the wingnut.
I'm with you AB, there are NO viable candidates for President as far as I can see!
molded moron/felled nell:
so how does the foolish formula work for all the former hobama nazis who now hate hobama?????
want to see some universal detesting...check hobama's free falling poll numbers u blind hobombabot!!!!
Dr. Queen:
ONLY warriors like us must save us
the global pookies rule
and the politicos hate all who are not global banksters
they already have a new bank in libya!!!
may god bless us all
the politicos/banksters rule all globally
the people have been robbed/bombed/ignored slain
and ONLY MOST of the people in the usa are too busy being pookies to care
watching mindless tv and eating tosxic burgers etc
Keep that in mind...every time a wingnut is revealed...the citizens are repulsed by the dishonesty...and most certainly by the idiotic 'policies'. All the spin on FOX can't help.
No wonder wingnuts lie.
hear more on how hobama is universally detested by all who are awake all over the globe!!!
international rebels are protesting in the streets
americans watch the nba and dwts
Anonymous said...
Keep that in mind...every time a wingnut is revealed...the citizens are repulsed by the dishonesty...and most certainly by the idiotic 'policies'. All the spin on FOX can't help.
No wonder wingnuts lie.
Hey MOLD no Socrates today? Yeah I guess showing up early as the VUlgar Assnon and writing all those posts took a lot out of you, no worry you forgot your fake ebonics on this post and sound like the lily white Socrates anyway so it's all good.
AB sez
"tragic how pookies like cm and the vdlr disgrace all real rape victims/moms/black women etc!!!!"
If Crystal is convicted she can now join the ranks of felon as are two of the Duke Lacrossse players.
I'm sure they would have shouln no mercy on us. Remember Pearl Harbor? The Bataan Death March? The Rape of Nanking?
Pearl Harbor was a military base or did you not know that? Wingnuts know no history. I'm glad the good Christian 'mericans don't have any qualms about killing civilians. You read this Rev? And you wonder why "they" hate us?
i missed where u ranted about these wm who cm falsely accused the way u scream about white women who do the same to innocent black men...
a lie is a lie and a rapist is ra pist...irrespective of gender and color!
uptownsteve said...
If Crystal is convicted she can now join the ranks of felon as are two of the Duke Lacrossse players.
I remembered one of them was convicted of a hate crime against a gay dude in DC. I didn't know about the other one but I'm not surprised the media coverage of this is pretty nonexistent.
Dr. Queen:
all of the -isms are related
sexism/racism/heterosexism etc
"I notice none of the wingers ever answer the question about how many civilians have been killed in Iraq and Afganistan."
Because the staggering number of deaths and injuries of Iraqis and Afghans just tosses their
Islam is the religion of evil" bullcrap out of the window.
The Constitution is the reason they had field Nigga's it disenfranchised Black's...Take it and wipe your ass'es with it...I am no longer an African American stick the 14th amendment up your ass'es because you turned around and stole it, when it was only written to make African's who had been enlsaved AMERICAN'S yall call stick it up your ass'es holding it next to your heart's swearing it is your AMENDMENT...who the hell do you think we are, well motherfucker's I have got my DNA done and you stole my ancestors from Sierra Leone West Africa I am Mende I ain't no motherfucking Feild Nigga I am a decesdant of Mansa Musa..the Emperor of the Mali Imperial Empire. FUCK YOUR FUCKING CONSTITUTION burn it or wipe your ass'es with it stupid Teaneck's.
hobama is ganking all drugs and oil and gold globally...
he has to reup 23 trillion he gave to banksters by any means necessary
his serial wars are countless!!!
and each corpse in libya via hobama's bombs bursting in air proves that amerikkka and its constitution remains the same racist doc it always was!!!!
hobama and his banskters are making his hero ronny raygun look like a small time drug dealer!!!
hobama is the darkER alliance!
Good point Steve. They do tend to live in their own little rightwinged bubble.
n ways that have escaped most observers, the Obama administration is now trapped in an endless cycle of drugs and death in Afghanistan from which there is neither an easy end nor an obvious exit.
After a year of cautious debate and costly deployments, President Obama finally launched his new Afghan war strategy at 2:40 am on February 13, 2010, in a remote market town called Marja in southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province. As a wave of helicopters descended on Marja's outskirts spitting up clouds of dust, hundreds of U.S. Marines dashed through fields sprouting opium poppies toward the town's mud-walled compounds.
Pearl Harbour was about 71 years ago..and that give wingnuts an excuse? We did some pretty mean things to their lads on the island campaign. The movies, although gruesome...were sanitized. Now how do the War Crimes of Japan...taken to court and their versions of Cheney and bush dealt with according to law...apply to wingnut needs to assault others and not face consequences?
We killed around a million Iraqis...just because wingnuts put hands over ears and yell...the US killed over a million. Why? So bush could parade in his Commander Codpiece playsuit? For the snuff gratification of Cheney?
You'll note the extreme courage of wingnut neocons when it comes to eveeldoers who have nukes. Heroically brave when using waldoes to take out wedding parties and sheepherding lads...neocons avoid North Korea and Iran like both have nukes...and will use them on neocon homelands. It's easy to be John Wayne studly when the foe has rocks and pre-WWI firearms. It is not so easy when the foe has a nuke that could be placed in a neighbourhood of like-minded chickenhawks. Despite their extensive manly collection of war pr0n...most chickenhawks are decidedly not warriors...unless the opponent has no way to fight back.
Just look at how Chris Christie stood up to a union supporting R voter...when there were a couple of State Troopers to shove the protester. CC showed his true colours that day. Nothing like being a cheap-*** punk who runs behind others...then yells about how 'he' took on the 'threat'...of an opposing viewpoint.
The Rs have purity now...pure Goober. While it pleaseth the base and primary voters...the majority finds the candidates utterly lacking basic honesty, competence, and ability.
UTS, PilotX...if one heeds the Data, one would have to admit error and change. How many Left Behinds ever admit to being wrong?
"i missed where u ranted about these wm who cm falsely accused the way u scream about white women who do the same to innocent black men..."
Mainly because I know there are always Rev. Right, Slappy and...uh YOU to defend the white boys.
Aside from the fact that I damn well that SOMETHING ugly happened that night in Durham.
uptownsteve said...
Aside from the fact that I damn well that SOMETHING ugly happened that night in Durham.
It's pretty common knowledge that a crime was committed and not just paying for sex either.
ALL pookies lie!!!
have u even read the case???
she lied just like tawana brawley did
and she betrayed strippers and others of all races and genders who actually are raped daily
u r such a lying weak amoral dirty racist beta male bitch
we NEVER speak for u because YOU never speak truths!!!!
racist liar uts:
i BET u screamed loudly when this pookie clone of crystal told the same LIE on college boys who happened to be bm clones of the wm at duke
shame on u u racist sexist lying dog!
— A Hofstra University freshman who had claimed she was raped by five men in a dormitory bathroom changed her story after prosecutors confronted her with the revelation that a video of the encounter may have been recorded, a prosecutor said Thursday.
The recantation on Wednesday night led to the immediate release of four men, including one student at the Long Island college, who had been arrested on rape and other charges. Police had been seeking to arrest a fifth man when the charges were dropped.
it is your horrid BLINDING racism that will not let u see that the blackish hoax hobama is NOT your god/saint/messiah/bromanced idol/ god...u racist mongrel!
Dr. Queen:
i revere and respect u
and your opinions always
even when we disagree
i know you are not a racist fool like uts
we agree to disagree my regal sistas
i have just seen way too many pookie moms like the vdlr who lie
even about their poor abused babies' SSNs/baby deddies/babies'school records/credit histories etc
i will always believe she lied
and karma is real
alicia banks said...
I will always believe she lied
and karma is real
Here's what I think happened.
She was paid to have sex with one or more of them and got ready to leave. THAT is when I think they raped her. Her problem was that she knew what she did was illegal so was forced to leave out the part about taking money for sex. But I've always felt someone there raped that woman or at the very least tried to force her to have sex.
Of course, the white boys could NEVER admit they paid her to have sex because their Mama's and white girlfriends would have been quite "perturbed" and knew that they broke the law by paying to have sex in the first place.
Cain's position is a matter of LAW, not race or religion. Islam requires women & gays & others to be treated illegally under US Constitution and US law. Interesting that the left misses or ignores this. (at their peril, methinks) Muslims are permitted to lie to Infidels.(That's me and maybe you, too) So much for the Oath all US gov't workers must swear to uphold US Constitution & US law. This crap has no place anywhere near US gov't or US courts. Case closed.
Maybe all this means is that the NJ gov. understands there are a lot of voting Muslims in his state. You know, 2012 is going to be scary. I don't have faith that Americans will vote to move the country ahead. Those who want to move it backward seem to be the loudest.
BTW, thank you, Field, for the shout out to my Whose Shoes Are These Anyway? blog. I would have said something sooner, but grad school is working me this semester. :-)
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