While you Negroes keep slinging and splitting each others' wigs in urban A-merry-ca, those other folks keep living out their Mexican "Federales" fantasies in meth havens all over rural A-merry-ca.
You Negroes could learn a thing or two from those other folks; start slinging from the inside.
"VAN BUREN, Mo. – One county on the edge of the Missouri Ozarks seemed oddly immune to the scourge of methamphetamine ravaging the state, boasting few meth raids or arrests in recent years. Some residents now think they know why, after a meth bust landed the Carter County sheriff himself in jail.
Tommy Adams, county sheriff for a little more than two years, was arrested earlier this month after giving meth to an informant at his cabin on a remote and hilly gravel road, according to a court document. He also allegedly snorted the drug himself with a straw. Authorities would not detail the extent of Adam's alleged meth involvement, but charged him with meth distribution. He is being held in Cape Girardeau County jail on $250,000 bond...." [Source]
You Negroes could learn a thing or two from those other folks; start slinging from the inside.
"VAN BUREN, Mo. – One county on the edge of the Missouri Ozarks seemed oddly immune to the scourge of methamphetamine ravaging the state, boasting few meth raids or arrests in recent years. Some residents now think they know why, after a meth bust landed the Carter County sheriff himself in jail.
Tommy Adams, county sheriff for a little more than two years, was arrested earlier this month after giving meth to an informant at his cabin on a remote and hilly gravel road, according to a court document. He also allegedly snorted the drug himself with a straw. Authorities would not detail the extent of Adam's alleged meth involvement, but charged him with meth distribution. He is being held in Cape Girardeau County jail on $250,000 bond...." [Source]
I know Tommy, times are hard, they just don't pay sheriffs like they used to.
Finally, yet another Charlie is giving an interview. But, sadly for this one, he isn't "Winning!"
This one will continue to spend the rest of his miserable life in prison for committing some of the most heinous crimes in A-merry-can history. And yet, he seems to be joining the legion of O haters around the country. I am not surprised though, he fits the wingnut profile.
Still, this all has to feel like the worst kind of piling on for my man O. I mean first your own people, and then one of A-merry-ca's most notorious murderers? Where does it end?
The only good news for O is that in order to win a second term he only has to beat a republiclown. And unless they are in a lab building a secret candidate as I type this, I am sure that O isn't losing any sleep over any of his likely opponents.
The only good news for O is that in order to win a second term he only has to beat a republiclown. And unless they are in a lab building a secret candidate as I type this, I am sure that O isn't losing any sleep over any of his likely opponents.
Field, that is hilarious, maybe they could hire Dexter's Laboratory!
Charles Manson does fit the profile of someone who believes in global warming.
Mold and Charles Manson have lots in common.
"The only good news for O is that in order to win a second term he only has to beat a republiclown. And unless they are in a lab building a secret candidate as I type this, I am sure that O isn't losing any sleep over any of his likely opponents."
Just remember boys and girls,the same things were said about Jimmy Carter.
Really? Or are you just making that up?
Well, Charlie and I are both Homo Sapiens sapiens. We both are older than you. We eat food.
That's about it.
Feel free to invent things to tell yourself.
Have to agree, Field. The current crop of Rs could not win unless they bushed the results. And we recall how well that turned out.
Cape Giradeau...isn't that the place ManDumpling was sired?
Mold and Charles Manson have lots in common.
Moldi Manson Loxs....HA-HA....both quite a bit nuts...HA-HA or for the gay ones out there, Tee-Hee.
my nose bleeds if eye snort the stuff that sherriff is a gottdam fool!
Anonymous said...
Moldi Manson Loxs....HA-HA....both quite a bit nuts...HA-HA or for the gay ones out there, Tee-Hee.
Moldi Manson Loxs, funny indeed. Thanks for including gays.They tend to be all up in your face about getting left out.
"Just remember boys and girls,the same things were said about Jimmy Carter."
Unless Marco Rubio throws his hat in the ring or someone tees up Jeb Bush to toss his hat in, there aren't any GOP figures coming along that look remotely Reaganesque.
This is whats going on in Obama's America.People are so desperate for jobs,they are fighting and running each other over for min. wage jobs at McDonald's.
Hey Field
Here is some serious FN behavior for you...http://www.xxlmag.com/news/2011/04/talib-kweli-shuts-down-colt-45-promo/?sms_ss=facebook&at_xt=4da61017ad6a9743%2C0
Think you should post it since we don't see enough positive news about Hip Hop artists.
whats wrong with colt45? how that make him a field negro miss lady?
mack lyons writes:
there aren't any GOP figures coming along that look remotely Reaganesque.
Reagan, in 1980, was not "Reaganesque." Among young voters he was known as Governor Ray-Gun the guv who started charging tuition at the University of California.
Reagan also took a shot at getting the Repubican presidential nomination in 1968 and 1976, but failed both times. Nevertheless, he squeaked out a win against Carter, who had destroyed his presidency because he lacked the nerve to intimidate Iran and because he was an economic moron.
Hey, that sounds just like Obama. In fact, Obama is clearly Carter's love child.
Thus, if we examine the Reagan/Carter election, we see that it had many of the characteristics of match between Romney and Obama.
Now that S&P has said the credit rating of the US might drop, it ought to be clear to all the dummies, including uptownsteve, that Obama is a loser when it comes, well, governing, but especially the financial parts.
holy fuck field, you moderate AFTER the crazy shit all day. R you stupid? It's too late.
The kindergardener who brought a gun to school, was he white?
Absolutely fantastic article on Liberals and Blacks
Liberalism: The New Crack
Black Americans have the misfortune to be one of the largest political collectives in the American electorate. The Democrat Party depends on collecting 85% or more of a substantial black turnout for its political survival. In order to keep these voters motivated and properly bundled, black leaders and white liberals sell a narrative of hopelessness. That is the only logical conclusion to draw, when told that getting through life is impossible without the maternal protection of a vast government. It’s the end result of denying there can ever be a permanent triumph over racism, and even temporary victory is impossible for individuals. Only a desolate life could be shaped entirely by the hatred of others.
The endless class warfare rhetoric of the Left teaches its clients to hate their own aspirations, and turn away in disgust from those they should be studying. No greater disservice has ever been done to the poor than convincing them to make enemies of the people who might wish to hire them. Replacing ambition with resentment is equivalent to handing a sledgehammer to a drowning man.
Anonymous said...
my nose bleeds if eye snort the stuff that sherriff is a gottdam fool!
Wow, I see the media is really reaching to the bottom of the barrel to get a comment from Charles nutjob Manson on Pres O.
"Police say the fight was over a boy, and it started verbally and escalated into a physical fight that spilled into the crowd."
So it wasn't even about getting the job. It was two women fighting over a man who was probably more "boy" than "man" and it devolved into a shitstorm of epic proportions.
"Among the injured was the owner of the McDonald's, as well as a manager."
Ouch. You know those two ladies aren't getting hired.
"Reagan, in 1980, was not "Reaganesque." Among young voters he was known as Governor Ray-Gun the guv who started charging tuition at the University of California.
Reagan also took a shot at getting the Repubican presidential nomination in 1968 and 1976, but failed both times. Nevertheless, he squeaked out a win against Carter, who had destroyed his presidency because he lacked the nerve to intimidate Iran and because he was an economic moron."
I meant Reaganesque in today's terms, as in candidates today having the same sort of appeal as Reagan had developed.
Carter lost out because he wasn't willing to press the full and crippling weight of American vengeance upon Iran during the hostage crisis. An entire year of that shit plus bringing Americans down with a constant flood of bad news and lowered expectations hurt him plenty. Reagan campaigned on pumping 500 cc of saccharine sunshine up America's ass in the form of "Morning in America".
"Finally, yet another Charlie is giving an interview. But, sadly for this one, he isn't "Winning!""
i thought Charlie gave a very good honest interview. i mean, he spoke the truth and has gone straight. so, Mr. Field, what are you talking about? there is nothing wrong with charlie now, he is clean.
Mr. Field said, "The only good news for O is that in order to win a second term he only has to beat a republiclown. And unless they are in a lab building a secret candidate as I type this, I am sure that O isn't losing any sleep over any of his likely opponents."
A monkey could beat Obama, and makes ANY Republican opponent even more formidable:
Make no mistake about it, there will NEVER be another term for Obama or a bm as President. Obama's first and last election was a "one-shot" deal, which he royally screwed up.
Mr. Field, I thought a political follower like yourself would know that. However, Blacks seem to always get blindsided because they just don't "get it" and never will. Face it. Blacks just don't understand the politics of America.
bonic asks:
The kindergardener who brought a gun to school, was he white?
No. The school population is about two-thirds black and one-third hispanic.
excuse me but i think that was a cheap shot by Field at the sherriff. he is innocent until proven guilty IN A COURT OF LAW.
mack lyons writes:
Carter lost out because he wasn't willing to press the full and crippling weight of American vengeance upon Iran during the hostage crisis.
Imagine that? Such wimpiness. What would Obama do in the same situation? Inasmuch as he is standing by while Libyans get slaughtered like Tutsis in Rwanda, we know he'd do nothing, just like Carter.
Obama is showing the same spinelessness that sunk Jimmy Carter.
An entire year of that shit plus bringing Americans down with a constant flood of bad news and lowered expectations hurt him plenty.
Jeez, are you writing about Carter or Obama?
Charles Manson, reborn as a political commentator. Who cares about the inane thoughts of an imbecilic murderer?
FN, I don't get it, you don't sound please with one of your lib'ruls, Manson is not a right winger, funny how you say everything you don't like is "right wing"
Clearly Manson is one of your children, you may even be genetically related. He said;
‘Everyone’s God and if we don’t wake up to that there’s going to be no weather because our polar caps are melting because we’re doing bad things to the atmosphere.
So he blvs the same shtuff you do as a liberal, wuts the problem?
Anonymous said...
Really? Or are you just making that up?
Well, Charlie and I are both Homo Sapiens sapiens. We both are older than you. We eat food.
That's about it.
Feel free to invent things to tell yourself.
Have to agree, Field. The current crop of Rs could not win unless they bushed the results. And we recall how well that turned out.
Cape Giradeau...isn't that the place ManDumpling was sired?
Did the aliens forget to remove your anal probe?
Dammit Field, the last time I drove thru Carter County,MO, those S.O.B.'s had the nerve to give me a speeding ticket!
It was Limpball's crankhead cousin.
bionic, "The kindergardener who brought a gun to school, was he white?"
what a silly question. the only kids who carry loaded guns while in kindergarten are black kids. that's because most black parents know nothing about parenting their own children.
but field would never post anything so outrageous about blacks. he would rather post something about charles manson than to show how out of control things are in the black community.
Imagine you're getting up there in years, but you have $160k socked away and you're living in a paid-for home, only for someone to snatch you out of that home, sell your possessions, then drain your bank account while they load you up with sedatives and plop you in front of a TV. And then when you're tapped out, you get kicked out with nary a penny left to your name.
It happened to this man: desmoinesregister.com/article/20110419/NEWS03/104190369/Hansen-Des-Moines-man-s-life-slowly-tossed-away
"what a silly question. the only kids who carry loaded guns while in kindergarten are black kids. that's because most black parents know nothing about parenting their own children.
but field would never post anything so outrageous about blacks. he would rather post something about charles manson than to show how out of control things are in the black community."
I understand you trolls are supposed to bring your "A"-game, but this is just weak. I mean really, really weak. Go back and work on your form, anony.
"I understand you trolls are supposed to bring your "A"-game, but this is just weak. I mean really, really weak. Go back and work on your form, anony."
Yes, they have been a bit lacking of late.
Brooklyn, thanks for that story, I will check it out.
Anon.10:19 PM, better late than never with deleting the stuff worth deleting.
My question would be this: Why isn't there a delete button in some folks brains?
I can never understand why people are shocked! Just shocked! when they find out that the local big wigs and law enforcement are up to their armpits in shit like the sheriff?
I know a local deputy who has been transporting prisoners for twenty years, and quite a few of the transportees have pointed out that if the "authorities" were really interested in in knowing who was running the crimial enterprises in the area, they should just read the billboards on the main commercial drag.
mack lyons links:
It happened to this man:
Imagine you're getting up there in years, but you have $160k socked away and you're living in a paid-for home, only for someone to snatch you out of that home...
After reading the article, it's clear there was collusion between a judge and the people he appointed as guardian and conservator of Bob Queener's assets, and that the collusion resulted in fleecing the old man who was suffering from Alzheimers, memory loss and autism.
Obviously he came to the attention of Iowa's Department of Human Services because some neighbor called to report on the troubling behavior of the crazy old coot next door. Based on the article, his family had had no contact with him, which is why the neighbors finally got around to calling the state agency.
"Nevertheless, he squeaked out a win against Carter, who had destroyed his presidency because he lacked the nerve to intimidate Iran and because he was an economic moron."
Sorry Slappy but you wouldn't know reality if it was dangling on your weak chin.
Reagan won by a landslide in 1980 exactly because Carter underestimated him, the economy was tanking, the Iranian hostage crisis and Carter's media self-implosion (the killer rabbit, Amy's nuclear advice).
Obama is ten times the politician Carter was and the economy is recovering.
Next year this time he should be in a very good position poll wise with the economy churning.
Romney got beaten soundly in the GOP primaries in 2008 by John McCain who had all the charm of a wounded pit bull.
Romeny will have to explain all his flipflops such as abortion, gay marriage and Afghanistan.
And how is Romney going to attack universal healthcare when he presided over the first state test case?
Obama in 2012.
one reaps what they sow...no?
what karmic fate awaits that legendary global clown hobama???
will you say anything about al sharpton?
like you would if he was a vote czar for gwb as he is for hobama???
is that clown al not much more influential than charles manson?
cm is a clown in a cage
a isl conspiring with that clown hobama to imprison millions globally?...locked down by lies and poverty????
who has been more abusive?
the brutal elitist hobama to his poor jobless homeless hopeless unchanged fans?
the coddling masochistic suicidal fans who still adore and defend hobama?
hobama = WINNING!!!
charles manson and his psycho wm/wf hippie pookies (NEEDS SLAPS - DO TAKE NOTE!!!) slew 15 people?
hobama and his banksters have slain millions...even those unborn who will be slain by debt at conception!
who is the worst monster?
charlie and his band of homicidal hippies or hobama and his global posse of genocidal banksters?????
even that psycho charles manson has always been crazy like a fox
and he is also correct about that brutal bankster hobama!!!
like cornel west
even manson endorsed that evil clown hobama...once
one bloody new world order TRUMPS one bloody crime spree!!!
hobama loving nig uts:
it is morbidly amusing how u hobama nazi drones hated that racist crack dealer raygun...
until u found out that your blackish false god hobama idolized raygun
now u mindless nigs love him too
blind gullible drunken hobama nazi uts:
the economy is worse than ever
ask any one of the millions of jobless Americans who will reach 99 weeks and be cut off of us in 5 days!!!
it is only getting better within the false PR composed by hobama’s lying regime for his election
and only fools like u believe that BLATANT DSINFO because u live well behind gates that hide the reality of poverty and doom for MOST Americans in 2011….shame!!!!!!!
and only blind racist deluded detached fools like u will vote for hobama ever again
u too will be awakened soon
even behind your elite gates
happy meal hawking hobama nazi uts:
did u miss all the post re the melee at mcdonald's???
did u know they were fighting for jobs that pay FAR below any living wage???
did u think they were just brawling over free hobama posters like you'd do????
hobama drone coon uts:
raygun will never be a hero
hobama will never be more than an evil amoral bankster clown
and gil scott-heron will never remix this classic song
How soon they forget. st reagan cut deals with the Iranians to keep US citizens hostage. Now, how exactly is this not Treason?
He also took great advantage of the Rs fractured politics.
The stolen debate book didn't hurt as st reagan could pretend to have a clew...when all he had was the other person's paper.
I did read the human interest story...and found it one-sided. BigeveelGubmint done stealerate a man's home! Cue fauxtrage.
Before we jump to false conclusions...we might ask how one is declared incompetent to arrange one's affairs. He has been apart from family since the 1970s...thirty years...so it might be sane to assume they are not too interested in being involved. What condition was he, and his house, in when the State intervened? The State can be reimbursed...go ahead, look it up. What meds is he on? Alzheimer's drugs? Most don't sedate you. So, what does he take to function?
Seriously, there is more to this tale.
May it please the readers...I found this on Pharyngula...and though it was relevant here.
The Douchiest Thing
Anonymous said...
May it please the readers...I found this on Pharyngula...and though it was relevant here.
The Douchiest Thing
Well, it's no surprise you know a lot about being a Douchebag. How many times did your parents try to flush before they realized you weren't going away?
uptownsteve said...
What does this mean?
Rolling On The Floor Licking Mold's Balls and Ass - ObamaHeaven?
Lowdown Steve at it again with his butt buddy.
How soon they forget. st reagan cut deals with the Iranians to keep US citizens hostage.
You have more in common with Charles Manson than you think.
uptownsteve said...
"Romeny will have to explain all his flipflops such as abortion, gay marriage and Afghanistan."
Flipflops won't be a problem.Obama wears the biggest filpflops in the house.
Obama will have the media on his side{remember in 2008 Obama got the most positive press coverage in history and during his 1st term the media still has Obamgasms).
Check Pew Resreach and Gallup.
Also Obama is going raise over a billion dollars thanks to those who have ties to terrorism.Remember Obama asking for donations via untraceable pre-paid credit cards?
must read!
new book on that cia baby hobama and his missing real bc
birthers = WINNING!
and we will win until hobama stops paying millions to hide it!!!
Anonymous said...
May it please the readers...I found this on Pharyngula...and though it was relevant here.
The Douchiest Thing
Ha-Ha Mold this is funny!!!
Especially you of all people posting it . Tell the truth did one of the people you habitually stalk on another website as Socrates or Granma or one of your various Vulgar Anon personalities send post that for you? It's great you get a kick out of this sort of reality. Is this where you and Socrates learned to use SockPuppet so frequently?
alicia banks said...
happy meal hawking hobama nazi uts:
did u miss all the post re the melee at mcdonald's???
did u know they were fighting for jobs that pay FAR below any living wage???
did u think they were just brawling over free hobama posters like you'd do????
AB,spot on.The only jobs being created by the Obama regime are low skilled,and low paying.
Hows that hope and change workin' fo ya?
This is what happens when you deny welfare to Detroit.{moldimasonlox}
I bust the windows out yo carrr!!!!!
anon 10:46:
u made my day
u slew both felled molded hobama swooning mongrels in one fell swoop
Down wit da Anon trolls
"Obama will have the media on his side{remember in 2008 Obama got the most positive press coverage in history and during his 1st term the media still has Obamgasms)."
I guess that's because the network anchors weren't calling him a chimp and a Muslim terrorist like the rightwing bloggers, huh?
"Also Obama is going raise over a billion dollars thanks to those who have ties to terrorism."
Like who ass-non?
Watch, he won't answer.
"Remember Obama asking for donations via untraceable pre-paid credit cards?"
No I don't. Any proof?
Watch again.
anon 10:50:
only the most die hard hobama nazi drones like uts are still drunken on hobama's kool-aid...
the rest are too busy trying to find fast food jobs and dodge eviction/foreclosure/layoffs etc...
BTW Ass-non
Reagan DID cut a deal with Iran to keep the hostages until he was sworn in.
Truth hurts, don't it?
alicia banks said...
anon 10:46:
u made my day
u slew both felled molded hobama swooning mongrels in one fell swoop
Thanks, now UTS will come back with some sort of assinine unrelated question designed to ignore the obvious and distract, something like
"Right and Why then did MOLD's Mom tell his dad he had no balls? Go ahead answer that, I'll wait..."
I think it's great that Charles Manson is "joining the legion of O-haters". When the rest of the country sees Charles Manson as one of the faces of the Republican party, they will try to put even more distance between themselves and the Rethugs. This can be good for Pres. Obama in the same way as having Palin as the Republican nominee.
st reagan cut deals with the Iranians. To keep our folks hostage. Whatta role model!!
Sorry lads...I use but one nom de Intertubes. Just because you have to invent support...does not mean others do. Try Facts. It does wonders for your romantic life and gaining respect.
RIP Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith)
no prez in history has ever been adored and given a free pass by the msm like hobama...
it is a racist insult to even hint at denial of this blatant fact
he was NEVER investigated by the msm
that is why his missing bc/dl life/chi murders/slums etc are ALL belated news now
annette_b said...
I think it's great that Charles Manson is "joining the legion of O-haters". When the rest of the country sees Charles Manson as one of the faces of the Republican party, they will try to put even more distance between themselves and the Rethugs. This can be good for Pres. Obama in the same way as having Palin as the Republican nominee. Repubs caught the hoax of global warming the day they found out Obama started a company with his fannie and freddie redistribution break the US economy CEO pals to sell...get this...to sell carbon exchange credits... Wow he has you fooled.
11:06 AM
Actually Annette, he is a definite liberal, he makes threats if you don't listen to him on global warming, that is liberal dear.
Anonymous said...
st reagan cut deals with the Iranians. To keep our folks hostage. Whatta role model!!
Sorry lads...I use but one nom de Intertubes..
intertubes? Like InterTUBE Socks? Aha, your not just the original sockpuppet, your the original TubeSock Puppet. I didnt think anyone even wore those anymore, don't you get hot...oh wait...I get it...more lotion fits in your tube sock for when you are getting off by sockpuppeting and stalking AB.....does that do wonders for your "romantic life" as well?
Down with ass-non trolls
Hey clown you posted the American Thinker bull$hit twice and then post 5 other links that don't have $hit to do with your assertion.
What a fraud!
Hobama has a reverse midas touch…all he touches turns to mud!!!
He is failing at all he touches and we are losing!
His ONLY real successes have been paying banksters/rich tax payers and escalating global wars….
A report that the US government plans to sell off much of its remaining stake in General Motors this year despite the firm's lackluster share price caused investors to flee the stock Tuesday.
After the Wall Street Journal reported a government sale could come within the next six months, GM's shares fell by nearly 1.3 percent to end at $29.59.
The government sale would "almost certainly" mean that US taxpayers would take a loss from a politically controversial $50 billion rescue of the auto giant in 2009, according to the paper.
The government would need to sell its roughly 500 million shares for $53 dollars each in order to break even, but GM's stock is currently hovering at a price of just under $30 per share.
At the current price, the government would lose more than $11 billion, but the Obama administration is willing to accept the loss in order to cut its last ties to the auto manufacturer, the newspaper said, citing unnamed sources.
uptownsteve said...
BTW Ass-non
Reagan DID cut a deal with Iran to keep the hostages until he was sworn in.
Truth hurts, don't it?
Negro,you should post links that work.
There is no factural proof.
Yes the truth hurts, but you've never feel that pain.
uptownsteve said...
"Also Obama is going raise over a billion dollars thanks to those who have ties to terrorism."
Like who ass-non?
Watch, he won't answer.
"Remember Obama asking for donations via untraceable pre-paid credit cards?"
No I don't. Any proof?
Watch again.
Remember Osama, Monir and Hosam Edwan?
The proof has been posted above.Obama has taken illegal donations from terrorist and foreign sources.Yet, Obama has the balls to complain about the Chamber of Commerce.
Obama knows he has the media in his pocket and they would not dare to look into Obama's illegal stash.
More proof that hobama is STILL coddled by the msm
if his clone gwb had said this
detailed transcripts would blanket all headlines
alicia banks said...
must read!
new book on that cia baby hobama and his missing real bc
AB, rockin da fields.
Love the Drudge headline
Isn't it interesting how so much relating to Obama is missing and can't be found?
Kinda like Clinton and all those terrorism documents that "just come up missing".
Makes you wonder whats to hide?
st reagan cut deals with the Iranians to US citizens hostage.
Proof? Ummm...really? You give us wingnut liars as proof?
Al Jazeera is pretty good as is most .gov not taken over by christmoles and/or bushmoles. The rest is nonsense. Try Facts.
The inmates have taken over the asylum.
Gee, now you are selling Drudge?
Silly paid wingnut Troll...the only hope you have of electing an R is $4/gallon gas.
As far as books...we all know that the wingnuts use Vanity press services...and they will literally print whatever you want...for money. Which might give rise to the question of why did these heroic brave patriotic heroes not go to a major House? Oh...those places do Fact-Checking.
As far as Drudge...he's been living off his single 'scoop' for how many years now? And what has he been correct about since then?
You could ask who pays his bills...but since it is the same crew that pays yours...it would be counterproductive. Folks might think you are dishonest...taking cash to push the wingnut Wurlitzer. They might consider you an astroturfer.
Anonymous said...
st reagan cut deals with the Iranians to US citizens hostage.
Proof? Ummm...really? You give us wingnut liars as proof?
Al Jazeera is pretty good as is most .gov not taken over by christmoles and/or bushmoles. The rest is nonsense. Try Facts.
What facts?You haven't presented anything that can prove you claims.
can u even imagine gwb and his goons ordering the slaying of a gay lover/church peer and it remain ONLY a local story in tx?????
as hobama has done in chi???
UTS, They really need someone to hear their 'troofs'...and the streetcorner doesn't annoy enough folks. Like poo-smokers who just have to stink near public areas.
Clinton and docs that were missing? Was this the same lies as the missing 'w' from the keyboards. Nice tale for Goobers...but totally false.
You know, being jealous that he never paid...and had many willing adult persons who offered...only makes me smile that you are so bereft.
Well, I don't use 'sorces'...but I do have a long list of valid sources. Perhaps you could visit the local Library and learn the difference. Or, take a basic class at the local college. Or, learn from the School of Hard Knocks (hint, if they are liars...they tend to lie).
Pouting that you use crap, get called on it, and then find that I have no wish to play 'you does it too' game...only shows your unwillingness to do the actual work necessary to find Facts.
Try Facts, it helps your case.
Union thugs threaten the wrong Koch Bros.
A case of mistaken identity has entangled a small family-owned Des Moines company in union protests and led to a death threat.
Angry callers are mistaking Koch Brothers, a Des Moines office supply firm, with the brothers who own Koch Industries, the global energy conglomerate. Billionaires Charles and David Koch have fought Wisconsin unions, financed the tea party and opposed climate change rules.
Dutch Koch, president of the Des Moines company, wants everyone to know he’s not one of those Koch brothers, and he’s not politically active.
“I initially thought it was humorous to be confused with a multibillionaire,” he said, but then a death threat was left on his answering machine. Koch reported the call to the FBI, which he said traced it to a California man.
The Koch Brothers employ 65 employees in Des Moines and Cedar Rapids. Brothers George, William and Frank Koch founded the company in
Anonymous said...
Clinton and docs that were missing? Was this the same lies as the missing 'w' from the keyboards. Nice tale for Goobers...but totally false.
You know, being jealous that he never paid...and had many willing adult persons who offered...only makes me smile that you are so bereft.
The only lies are what you post here everyday.The proof is there.Try google.
drudge is one of the FEW last real journalists left
that is why hobama hates him so
and that is why hobama hates the net as the last real open voice of those who dare to speak without teleprompters!!!
this is my fav real journalist:
russ baker
alicia banks said...
can u even imagine gwb and his goons ordering the slaying of a gay lover/church peer and it remain ONLY a local story in tx?????
as hobama has done in chi???
I'm glad to see there's still people in the media that hasn't had Obamgasms and can do honest reporting.
Thanks AB.
But be really,really, careful AB.The left and the media have already proven they will do anything to make sure the Obamessiah gets re-elected.
Yep...the lie that Obama done stole the election from the gawd-fearin' wite man is already making the rounds of the wingnuts. So, either you agree with mental defective wingnuts...or you stole the vote.
Funny how a single call from a person who might be mentally ill is 'pwoof' of union involvement. Can you show this alleged union? What is the involvement of the union?
Yes, I can see that I pointed out your extensive error and you are still smarting. Must be terrible to be you, lying away, and this little old lady shows you up. Easily. And you want some harm to me. Well, you could, like, use Facts. That would make me quiet. Or, you could attempt your bullying some more. Which makes me laugh at you. Or try to pretend to non-existent expertise. And I will show that you have little...if not none. Because...I starts with them pesky Facts. You should too.
Try Facts.
Black Reality TV Today:
Police released a dramatic video Monday of a man fatally shooting a teenager in Brooklyn Sunday.
Andre Pitts, 18, was shot multiple times in the fourth-floor hallway of an apartment building on Lott Ave. in Brownsville Sunday night.
Police are looking for a black male in his 20s, about 5-foot-8, caught on video wearing a black jacket with a green hood and red sneakers.
In the security video footage, the suspect can be seen following his victim out of an elevator and firing his gun several times. His face is clearly visible on camera as he walks out of the building calmly after shooting the teen.
Police ask anyone with information to call the NYPD's Crime Stoppers tip line at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls are confidential.
Hobama owns the msm!!!
If you have to be convinced that Obamacare was not created with the best interests of average Americans in mind, consider the fact that the government health care bill has allocated a $5 billion "slush fund" to be distributed specifically to companies, states, labor unions, and media outlets hand-selected by the Obama Administration. And nearly a million-and-a-half dollars from this fund have already been given to both The Washington Post and CBS Corporation to use for their early retirement programs.
The "Early Retiree Reinsurance Program" (ERRP) is said to have been created for the purpose of helping "participating employment-based plans" cover a portion of the costs involved with employees who retire early. But based on how the money has been distributed thus far, the fund appears to be nothing more than a payoff slush fund that both rewards supporters of Obamacare with cash, and encourages those in influential roles to continue supporting the health care scheme.
needs slaps:
file this under
killer wm pookies in bk
A Brooklyn man was nabbed in the vicious stabbing death of a gal pal after calling his ex-wife and admitting he "lost it," police sources said.
Brian Sohtz, 36, told his ex on Long Island that his girlfriend, Daniella Mannino, was "probably dead" after he "hurt her" during an argument inside his 65th St. apartment in Bensonhurst about 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, the sources said.
The ex-wife then called Suffolk County police, who alerted officers in Brooklyn's 62nd Precinct to check the apartment, sources said.
Cops then found the 34-year-old Mannino's body lying in a bathtub, where she was left to die after being stabbed "quite a number of times," a source said.
"She's a nice girl," said a man who identified himself as Mannino's uncle. "She's a beautiful girl. She loved her kid."
Mannino's devastated parents, Joe and Madeleine, broke down in tears early Wednesday as they left the family home in Bensonhurst with other relatives.
needs slaps:
file under wm psycho husband father sex murderer demonic pedophile caught on tape
On Sunday, February 1, 2004, in Sarasota, Florida, 11-year-old Carlie Jane Brucia was on her way home from a sleepover at her friend's house. Her step-father, Steve Kansler, was on his way to pick her up in route but never found her. Carlie, deciding to cut through a car wash not far from her home, was approached by a man and led away, never to be seen alive again.
The surveillance camera at the car wash showed a man in a uniform type shirt approaching Carlie, saying something to her, and then leading her away. NASA, with technology used in the investigation of the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster, assisted the investigation by working with the video to enchance the image. The FBI also worked to help find Brucia and the man who abducted her.
After receiving tips as to the identification of the man, the Sarasota police questioned Joseph P. Smith, who had been in their custody since the day after Carlie was abudcted on an unrelated parole violation charge. A woman who said she lived with Smith was one of the tipsters who contacted the police. Smith refused to admit to any involvement with Carlie Brucia's disappearance until Thursday, February 5, when he finally told investigators where he hid her body.
On February 6, it was announced that Carlie Brucia's body had been found. She had been murdered and left in a church parking lot just miles from her home.
Joseph P Smith, a 37-year old car mechanic and father of three who had been arrested at least 13 times in Florida since 1993, and had been previously charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment, was held in custody as the main suspect in the murder of Carlie Brucia.
On February 6, it was announced that Carlie Brucia's body had been found. She had been murdered and left in a church parking lot just miles from her home.
silence + fear = death
i am a veteran warrior
and a lioness
i will be fine as always
i have been getting hate mail from hobama nazi blood kin since 2007
and this too shall pass
see many more black rebels who dare to call out hobama here
Slappy, I don't know why you insist on, day in and day out, posting stories of Black on Black crime.
And it's convenient you forget that the mess this country is in right now is 99.99999% the fault of people who look JUST LIKE YOU!!!!
"drudge is one of the FEW last real journalists left"
You have definitely crossed over and entered the land of 1000 buckdances.
Slappy is still traumatized by the violation his cellmate Tyreek gave him during his stay at Rikers.
Heckling negroes on the web is his way of payback.
You can almost admire the audacity of conservatives here who propound Ryan's plan for $2 Trillion worth of tax cuts for the super-rich and then complain that it's the Democrats who are the ones launching class warfare!
It's the Republicans who have declared class warfare. Everything they say and everything they do is about class warfare. Making the very rich, incredibly rich at the cost of health care and education for the poor.
Drudge is something...but he is not a journalist.
Wonder why wite folks love him so much?
Not all Rs wish to penalize the poor for having the bad judgment to be born that way.
Not all Rs wish to remove middle-class lifestyles from union members. Not all Rs want to remove public education. Not all Rs hate medical care for others.
Just some.
Drudge is a racist slime
No wonder AB loves him.
blogger is erasing my msgs again
racist hobama nazi scum uts:
no one is more racist than broken betrayed black fools like u who STILL pretend that hobama is NOT a more brutal MORE RACIST clone of gwb.
u dumb mongrel drone!
Barack Obama behaves as if he has no historical or cultural knowledge of “the nation over which he presides.” The president’s labeling of African Americans as “mongrels” reveals an astounding and fundamental disrespect for Black Americans as a distinct people. As an epithet, “mongrel” is an even “more powerfully shaped political charge than the ubiquitous ‘nigger!’”
This has been a short glimpse of the history of the “mongrel” term that Obama brought to the morning broadcast couch like some benign little nugget. Of course, even a president has the personal right to call himself any names he pleases. But Obama told the ladies of “The Show” and millions of viewers that “we” African Americans are “a mongrel people” – a label he is not entitled to inflict on 40 million Black folks, many of whom know full well the poisonous historical (and, yes, contemporary) properties inherent in the term. Obama’s talk show behavior is consistent with his politics, which constantly tries to erase the very idea of Black America. (As in his introduction to most Americans, at the August, 2004 Democratic National Convention: “There is no Black America…there is only the United States of America.”) In ways big and small, Obama reveals that he does not accept or respect African Americans as a distinct people, culture and polity who cannot be reduced to a flotsam and jetsam of various and sundry human parts. Apparently, that’s how he thinks of himself.
Another must read
More fatally belated real news about hobama from the msm
Hobama’s cia mama/bc etc
Better late than never!!!
The earthy figure in the photograph did not fit any of those, as I learned over the course of two and a half years of research, travel and nearly 200 interviews. To describe Dunham as a white woman from Kansas turns out to be about as illuminating as describing her son as a politician who likes golf. Intentionally or not, the label obscures an extraordinary story — of a girl with a boy’s name who grew up in the years before the women’s movement, the pill and the antiwar movement; who married an African at a time when nearly two dozen states still had laws against interracial marriage; who, at 24, moved to Jakarta with her son in the waning days of an anticommunist bloodbath in which hundreds of thousands of Indonesians were slaughtered; who lived more than half her adult life in a place barely known to most Americans, in the country with the largest Muslim population in the world; who spent years working in villages where a lone Western woman was a rarity; who immersed herself in the study of blacksmithing, a craft long practiced exclusively by men; who, as a working and mostly single mother, brought up two biracial children; who believed her son in particular had the potential to be great; who raised him to be, as he has put it jokingly, a combination of Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi and Harry Belafonte; and then died at 52, never knowing who or what he would become.
By January 1968, Ann had gone to work as the assistant to the American director of Lembaga Indonesia-¬Amerika, a binational organization financed by the United States Information Service and housed at the U.S. Agency for International Development. She supervised a small group of Indonesians who taught English classes for Indonesian government employees and businessmen being sent by U.S.A.I.D. to the United States for graduate studies. It would be an understatement to say she disliked the job. “I worked at the U.S. Embassy in Dja¬karta for 2 horrible years,” she wrote to a friend. As Obama describes the job in his memoir, “The Indonesian busi¬nessmen weren’t much interested in the niceties of the English lan¬guage, and several made passes at her.” Occasionally, she took Barry to work. Joseph Sigit, an Indonesian who worked as the office manager at the time, told me, “Our staff here sometimes made a joke of him because he looked different — the color of his skin.”
Hobama’s entire family are bona fide cia agents
Hobama was born into the cia
Hobama was born and groomed to be prez select and extend cuz gwb’s 2 stolen terms into 4 stolen terms….shame!!!
See all of the details and photos here:
The photograph of Armour Dunham with Barack Obama, Sr., indicates that the “furniture salesman” in Hawaii was, in fact, working with a CIA-funded project to rapidly educate aspiring politicians to serve in post-independence African governments to counter Soviet- and Chinese-backed political leaders in the region.
There is a strong reason to believe that Armour Dunham worked in the 1950s for the CIA in the Middle East. An FBI file on Armour Dunham existed but the bureau claimed it destroyed the file on May 1, 1997. Considering the sour relations between the FBI and CIA during the Cold War, it is likely that Armour Dunham was being monitored by FBI director J. Edgar Hoover in the same manner as a number of other CIA officials and agents were being surveilled. Similarly, the pre-1968 passport records of Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, were destroyed by the State Department.
There is a photographic clue that the Dunhams may have been assigned by the CIA to Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s. A photograph of Obama’s mother and grandparents has emerged that shows Stanley Ann Dunham wearing what may be a school uniform with the insignia of “NdJ,” which stands for the College Notre-Dame de Jamhour, a private Jesuit Catholic French language school in Beirut, Lebanon. Graduates of the school include three former presidents of Lebanon, Amine Gemayel, Bashir Gemayel, and Charles Helou, all of whom maintained close relations with Washington.
Corp whore = HObama!!!
The debate over Republicans’ insistence on continued tax breaks for the superrich and the corporations they run should come to a screeching halt with the report in Tuesday’s Wall Street Journal headlined “Big U.S. Firms Shift Hiring Abroad.” Those tax breaks over the past decade, leaving some corporations such as General Electric to pay no taxes at all, were supposed to lead to job creation, but just the opposite has occurred. As the WSJ put it, the multinational companies “cut their work forces in the U.S. by 2.9 million during the 2000s while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million, new data from the U.S. Commerce Department show.”
Big government, the devil that Republicans love to inveigh against, is big precisely because it is so active in so many costly ways in serving the interests of our biggest corporations. Corporate lobbyists attest with their every breath that big government and big business are bedmates in a bountiful venture that impoverishes the rest of us. It is time to admit that we are, in practice if not surface appearance, close to the Chinese communist model of state-sponsored capitalism that sacrifices the interests of ordinary workers, be they in the public or private sector, for the exorbitant profits of the superrich. It is the corporations that need big government to protect their interests, and one would hope they would be willing to pay for the services that their government so faithfully renders to make them obscenely wealthy as it studiously ignores the well-being of the rest of us.
Moldilox Said;
"Not all Rs wish to penalize the poor for having the bad judgment to be born that way"
No but liberals do. Instead of seeing a life of opportunity, they see a life of endless problems they need to solve.
"The endless class warfare rhetoric of the Left teaches its clients to hate their own aspirations, and turn away in disgust from those they should be studying. No greater disservice has ever been done to the poor than convincing them to make enemies of the people who might wish to hire them. Replacing ambition with resentment is equivalent to handing a sledgehammer to a drowning man.
Sounds as if you not only wear a dress as a man, but you have ahold of two sledgehammers.
Hobama is a WORST spy and cop than gwb!
President Barack Obama is actually siding with police who want to use GPS devices to track you without a warrant. It always disturbed me when on “Star Trek” the captain asked the ship’s computer where a crew member was and was told the person’s exact location. Even civilians such as the ship’s physician and the empathy counselor were not immune from these inquiries, the answers to which could after all sometimes have been embarrassing. Is America heading toward being one big star ship, where government officials can casually inquire at will into our whereabouts and private doings?
It should be remembered that it is perfectly possible for the police to make a mistake or act maliciously and to monitor someone who is innocent. The ACLU charges that these practices are increasingly common. If police and other security personnel are allowed to engage in domestic surveillance of this sort without a court warrant, they can start following large numbers of innocent people and learn details of their private lives. Just this year, Tacoma, Wash., police engaged in unconstitutional surveillance of anti-war activists, using an employee at a military base, which is even more troubling. Blanket permission for law enforcement to conduct warrantless GPS tracking of activists could reveal their private peccadilloes, which in turn could be used to blackmail them.
ab, whoa! this is some heavy stuff! now watch. and wait for uts to make his moronic "I love Obama" comment.
I bet he won't say a thing?
does anybody know it charles manson was a racist? i don't think so.
charles manson was a rabid racist
he still is
he killed to begin a race war
and he killed a black drug dealer before the infamous crime spree etc
see all here:
that racist psycho charles m
is spot on about that brutal blackish amoral sold out corp whore hobama
As always, a book purporting to reveal all the secrets of a president's life appears at some point during his administration. A few were written about Bush and a few were written about Clinton. Neither said anything of value.
Just like the books about OJ that people bought because they were hoping the book would contain an admission from him that he killed his ex-wife and Ron Goldman.
With Trump claiming that Obama is hiding the facts of his birth, there's no doubt this book about Obama will sell. Frankly, Trump is probably has a stake in it.
uts/da mayor of utopia:
we are not ok!!!!
this is NOT a sign of recovery!
Gas prices reach five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19, 2011. Unrest in the Middle East and price speculation have steadily led to higher oil prices and consequently higher gas prices throughout the year so far.
Read more: http://www.upi.com/News_Photos/view/f772b5b1f31e2af83d29d52d228dd553/Gas-prices-continue-to-rise-in-Washington/#ixzz1K6LnYyQE
Could happen.Its shocking news to all you Obama supporters who thought Obama was gonna fill your car with gas.
Not only is he not gonna do that, we are now approaching historic highs for a gal. of gas.
Thanks Obama..Your supporters are gonna really need to work overtime at all those McD's jobs to afford some gas.
Hows that hope and change workin' fo ya?
AB, "Gas prices reach five dollars per gallon at a gas station in Washington, DC on April 19, 2011. Unrest in the Middle East and price speculation have steadily led to higher oil prices and consequently higher gas prices throughout the year so far."
Thanks AB. I am so glad you are on this blog because you keep in touch with reality and able to voice the truth. If we depended on uts or some others, we would know nothing but bs.
Well, I drank the koolaid, and I must say that at least the Prez is working on jobs for his peeps. I just got a job at McDonald's and I'm 72! and I was in competition with a 60 year old white woman.
Yep. The Prez is tops in my book...go on with yur bad self, Prez.
did you black racist negroes catch the story of the two twenty-something Brits who were murdered in Sarasota FL by the 16 yr old negro?
They must have believed the lie that negroes are no more violent than any other race. Haha!! Who could be that dumb? Liberals, that's who.
hey alicia, posting stories of domestic violence murders by whites does ZERO to counter the tidal wave of violent black street crime that is continuing to sweep the U.S.
nice try, but no cigar.
yes, alicia, it's shocking how the police can put a GPS on anyone's car if it's parked in public AND they can now also enter your property and put it on the car that's in your driveway. The forces or privacy invasion have got rulings that the driveway is not 'curtilage'. All you can do to keep them out is to put a fence around your whole property. Once again the law favors the rich.
hey Wayne, you lazy thing, wake up and start approving posts -- you censorer you
I heard those tourist were looking for drugs. But not suprised that little detail was left out of the story.
Dr. Queen said...
"I heard those tourist were looking for drugs. But not suprised that little detail was left out of the story."
Oh, that changes everything. they deserved to die.
Never mind.
Black folks die in the hood everyday. Where's your concern for them assnon?
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