I thought that you A-merry-cans went to war in 1775 to rid yourselves of those evil Brits.
Now look at you. You can't get enough of the Prince and Kate's upcoming wedding. The hype and publicity around this wedding here in A-merry-ca has been absolutely sickening.
All the major networks are sending their anchors across the pond, and we will be inundated with coverage of these two young people hooking up all week. We will know everything about Kate's ring, her dress, her honeymoon, and her makeup. It's enough to make every red blooded A-merry-can man cry. (Notice I said man, because I suspect that that many of those who belong to the fairer sex are eating this stuff up.) This is the Super Bowl of weddings, and they are covering it like one.
But again, I have to wonder, why do we care? What is this sick obsession A-merry-cans have with royalty and wealth? People are struggling to make ends meet and yet we can't get enough of a stupid wedding.
I guess, in a way, it's a kind of escape. A real life fairy tale complete with a Prince and a "commoner" becoming Queen. Honestly, every time I see one of those experts on British royalty on television I want to go out and smash the next Mini Cooper I see. It's such a waste. Isn't there more important stuff that the networks could be educating us on or talking about? Like, for instance, why is gas going to be damn near $5 per gallon before the end of the summer? Educate the public about the crude oil market and how it works. Why is it that more than half of the republicans in this country believe that their legally elected president is a foreigner and some type of "Manchurian Candidate" ? Why is it that the wealthy folks in this country keep getting wealthier and the middle class keeps shrinking? Those are the things that I want to see on news programs, not what fabric Kate Middleton's dress is made from.
Look, I love the British, I really do. I was born a British subject myself. But other than the EPL and Naomie Harris, I really need a break from all things Brit for awhile. So thanks Kate and William, because of you I have British overload. April 29, 2011, can't come and go soon enough for me.
I bet I am not alone.
"Notice I said man, because I suspect that that many of those who belong to the fairer sex are eating this stuff up."
Perhaps you meant those with "fairer skin" of the opposite sex. Not this black chick, I could care less about those people and that wedding.
Frankly I don't give a rats ass about William or his paleface skin and bones squeeze!
I suspect it's more phony crap, after all how many times have they broken up? Because he has to "appear respectable" in order to be king. "King" in this day and age!
Who cares? These people are filthy rich. and I am in no mood to add to their riches! F them and their stupid phony wedding.
Guaranteed they'll be sleeping with other people in less than three months!
Personally I like Harry much more. He's smart.
Am I bitter, NAH! ;) Just realistic.
I'm hungry, Gotta go eat.
I'm BEYOND sick of these two.
Anonymous saids.....
Everything Aunt Jemima just wrote is wrong. AA is reverse discrimination. It is not fair. Bias does not level the playing field. Blacks get special consideration when applying for
African Americans are about 10% of the population. Let’s say there are 100 job positions available. Ninety goes to whites and ten goes to blacks. This is discrimination against whites? Well! According to your logic, it is. So let me get this straight! If a white applicant doesn't get the job, then it is the fault of the 10 blacks. Never are there questions about the qualifications of the 90 whites. All white people are brilliant, right? This applies only to African Americans.
This is what intellectualism is the bigoted world of white supremacy. Besides, if Affirmative Action was working as you implied there would be no such thing as black unemployment. However, the last I heard it was around 15.5
Hi Field, I want to point out this NY times poll www.nytimes.com/2011/04/23/world/europe/23royals.html?smid=tw-nytimes&seid=auto
that says only 6% Americans care about this dog and pony show, which as always means this is mostly Media masturbatory smoke and mirrors.
The media isn't educating the public on the crude oil market, because they meet a demand to increase ratings.
Most consumers of news want to be entertained or have their beliefs/stereotypes reaffirmed, NOT educated.
Dr.QueenK said...
"I'm BEYOND sick of these two."
That's because you'll never be married, just like like you'll never be a doctor.
Aunt Jemima said if Affirmative Action was working as you implied there would be no such thing as black unemployment. However, the last I heard it was around 15.5
That's cause they keep getting fired at Mack donalds for videotaping girl fights.
Frankly I don't give a rats ass about William or his paleface skin and bones squeeze! desertmeanlady
u got some serious issues with lite skint womens jess like ur gurls buceta breaf banks and laa why? the wedding between those two people is immaterial to my life and obviously to yours but why u gotta hate on them? eye wish them a happy marriage and thats all eyeve said about the whole thing but damn u mad! and u hate wite womens how come when people dont like women they always insult their appearance? not anything else of note but how they look? haters
Dr.QueenK said...
So how long did it take for you to google all that looser, LOL??
See how I have you jumping through virtual hoops, looking up things on the internet. I bet I could make you bark like a dog too, LOL!!
BTW, you're not really so dense at to believe that only ONE person on the entire planet has worked on gp120 are you? Well damn, no wonder you couldn't get into grad school, you have NO IDEA how scientific research works ameoba girl!
Here's a news flash for ya'. At any given time there are probably hundreds to THOUSANDS of investigators working on "hot" diseases like HIV.
Now scurry along little person. It's already way past your bedtime!
9:30 PM
Oh the Queefa is a phony, all generalizations. YOU said you were the one who had gotten published, no one else. Now did you mean you used to get coffee or maybe were the janitor for the lab of Peter K? Yes there are hundreds of uncredited authors whose entire work was credited to Peter sure..uh-huh....although YOU said YOU were published but cannot provide specifics on exactly what, where and when you published something.
Phony ghetto thug, thats all you are and all you gots. Your a fake and a Fraud and at this point suspected of being Mold's sister.
Now try and say something racial to try and downplay this, you got caught not because your a lying phony, but because your a victim of racism. Shoot for the stars, like to see your twist and attempt to slither out of this one.
Hey Field, I'd love to see a post about Farrakhan's statement that Pres Obama as the first Jewish president.
Interesting indeed!
Oh the Queefa is a phony, all generalizations. YOU said you were the one who had gotten published, no one else. Now did you mean you used to get coffee or maybe were the janitor for the lab of Peter K? Yes there are hundreds of uncredited authors whose entire work was credited to Peter sure..uh-huh....although YOU said YOU were published but cannot provide specifics on exactly what, where and when you published something.
Phony ghetto thug, thats all you are and all you gots. Your a fake and a Fraud and at this point suspected of being Mold's sister.
Now try and say something racial to try and downplay this, you got caught not because your a lying phony, but because your a victim of racism. Shoot for the stars, like to see your twist and attempt to slither out of this one.
11:20 PM
Uh, yeah. Anyone notice how she's embellishing her background everytime she writes about it? Fellowship at NCI? Georgetown graduate degree? REALLY!
Remember this--she has been admitted to NO medical school AND had to quit her job to study for the m-cats.
She spends all her time instead here attacking Maria, who hasn't even posted here for more then a month.
Loser. Liar. Joker.
More than 500 Nigerians were killed this week in post-election violence. Most of the violence occurred in the Muslim north when it emerged that Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian – had defeated a Muslim candidate.
Most of the victims were Christians murdered after the Muslim candidate lost the election this month. Governorship elections are scheduled for Tuesday.
The BBC reported:
A Nigerian human rights group says more than 500 people died after presidential elections earlier this month.
The Civil Rights Congress said the violence happened mostly in the northern state of Kaduna and that the number of victims could be even higher.
Rioting broke out when it emerged that Goodluck Jonathan, a southern Christian – had defeated a Muslim candidate from the mostly Islamic north.
Tens of thousands of people have fled their homes to escape the violence.
Mr Jonathan’s presidential rival Muhammadu Buhari has denied instigating the “sad, unfortunate and totally unwarranted” events.
The Civil Rights Congress said the worst hit area was the town of Zonkwa in rural Kaduna where more than 300 people died.
“The updated figure is about 516,” said Shehu Sani, head of the congress.
Correspondents say Nigeria is braced for possible further unrest over governorship elections on Tuesday in most of Nigeria’s 36 states.
u got some serious issues with lite skint womens jess like ur gurls buceta breaf banks and laa why?
Both LAA and DesertLady are actually light skin.
I guess no one really wants to talk about the future king and queen of England, LOL???
The buzz on the Hill tonight is that Obama is to be impeached over his refusal to release birth certificate. Joe Biden will be sworn in to finish remainder of term. Hillary Clinton will be appointed Vice President.
"eye wish them a happy marriage and thats all eyeve said about the whole thing but damn u mad!"
And why does she have to always be showing off Diana's sapphire ring???
Mark my words, they'll be "poniendose cuernos" (Google it) in no time hahaha!
The only thing I'll be watching on Tuesday is PBS "Blacks in Latin America" at 8pm.
Okay, okay, maybe I'll watch a little of that boring wedding, only so I can criticize it later ;)
"The only thing I'll be watching on Tuesday is PBS "Blacks in Latin America" at 8pm."
wannabes are pathetic. real negros only please.
The Obama administration is circulating the draft of an executive order for comments from several government agencies. Titled "Disclosure of Political Spending By Government Contractors," it represents the Obama administration's attempt to implement by executive fiat portions of the DISCLOSE Act as to federal contractors.
The executive order would require companies to delve into the personal political activities of their officers and directors and require them to report political contributions those employees have made, not out of corporate funds (which is illegal), but out of THEIR PERSONAL FUNDS ("all contributions or expenditures to or on behalf of federal candidates, parties or party committees made by the bidding entity, its directors or officers, or any affiliates within its control; and any contributions made to third party entities with the intention or reasonable expectation that parties would use those contributions to make independent expenditures or electioneering communications").
There is a very simple way to prove that this Obama order is all about punishing his enemies and rewarding his friends: unions that sign collective bargaining contracts with the federal government are EXEMPT from the "disclosure" requirements. Liberal groups, the largest of which are all unions, spent $95 million on outside expenditures alone in the 2010 cycle alone.
One can only imagine what liberals might say about such an order were it to be targeted at labor unions and promulgated by a conservative administration. The draft executive order in any event constitutes bad public policy. It is designed to circumvent resistance from Congress, the Supreme Court, and the FEC, and it is meant to facilitate the practice of Gangster Government.
and the royal nerve of these people, they call the Kate a "commoner" HA!
They say Prince William is marrying a "commoner"!
"COMMONER" I MEAN REALLY! William looks pretty common himself, with those hereditary horse teeth that all those royals have and that no amount of orthodontics could ever completely correct! LOL!
Do she ever get tired you ask? Not really :)
On a more serious note, my thoughts are that perhaps we care because for a moment we can live vicariously through these privileged people. We can see how the proverbial "other half" lives. We can dream of the "good life" and all of the things we will never get to enjoy.
Brother Field....quess we have to see if their are any re-runs on TNT on that day.(Commenters...I don't know if TNT will be carrying it or not). Give credit for the whites on the globe for being able to keep control of events of their culture. Would like to see how the abused people of colonialism veiw these events. Lot of the wealth was taken and this I too give credit for. You may not like it, but this race of humans know how to dominate. On that day (wedding), I will look at my pictures of 37 years and counting. I might look at the Ebony issue of the beautiful Mr and Mrs. Obama wedded. Historically, take a peep at the people...Some of you have jobs and it good to be able to take part in the conversation. Thank God for retirement...their were many shifts when I thought I could not do another day.
Desertflower said...
On a more serious note, my thoughts are that perhaps we care because for a moment we can live vicariously through these privileged people
And make fun of their teeth. You a mean old lady.
What's crazier than thinking someone who won't show their original birth certificate has something to hide?
I'd say that believing George Bush perpetated the 911 attacks is an order of magnitude crazier, at least.
A University of Oho/Scripps Howard Poll done during the Bush administration tells us just who is crazy. How likely is it that people in the federal government either assisted in the 9/11 attacks or took no action to stop the attacks because they wanted the United States to go to war in the Middle East?” the poll asked.
A full 22.6% of Democrats said it was “very likely.” Another 28.2% called it “somewhat likely.”
That is: More than half of Democrats, according to a neutral survey, said they believed Bush was complicit in the 9/11 terror attacks.
I care. Yeah. I admit it. I'm excited about this wedding. I want to see what Kate will be wearing, if Prince Harry will tear up, and what Charles, the prince turned eco-architect will be saying.
There is so much awful news that tends to leave people hopeless. I'm happy for those two and hope they have a long marriage and lots of kids. With such high divorce rates and the pressure those two will be under, I'm hoping they can overcome the odds.
hy is gas going to be damn near $5 per gallon before the end of the summer?
Most likely due to the declining value of the dollar, the decrease in oil production from our suppliers, increased global demand for oil and market speculation.
Why is it that more than half of the republicans in this country believe that their legally elected president is a foreigner and some type of "Manchurian Candidate" ?
You know the answer to this. Those republicans, birthers, teabaggers and closet racists want to believe this lie. It's a beautiful lie for those people. Not to believe this would tear down their worldview. After all, those people feel it should be them that has an ivy league degree. They should have presidential power. They resent being governed by what they have been taught, (subconsciously or otherwise) is an inferior. If it isn't affirmative action that caused this "nightmare" then they have to face reality that they are not of superior stock. They are questioning their self worth, and the birther lie is comforting to them. The truth isn't.
Why is it that the wealthy folks in this country keep getting wealthier and the middle class keeps shrinking?
Because the "wealthy" or people who control large multinational corporations have purchased their elected officials. Where else was Bohner, Obama, Jesse Jr., and Allen West gonna get their campaign money. Elected officials enact fiscal policies that benefit their patrons. Election reform would be nice, but not likely to happen. The average citizen or poorer citizens can easily be lied to and manipulated through their news source of choice. They are told and believe that the tax code is fair or that corporations and the wealthy are somehow going to create jobs if they are "unburdened" of what little taxes they do pay. It's ok to doubt what I'm saying. Ask an accountant about tax shelters and investments for people who have larger incomes.
Desertflower, "Who cares? These people are filthy rich. and I am in no mood to add to their riches! F them and their stupid phony wedding.
Guaranteed they'll be sleeping with other people in less than three months!"
I can't believe you said, "F them and their stupid phony wedding." And you call yourself a "flower"? Lord have mercy.
And then you have the nerve to say, "they'll be sleeping with other people.."? Flowers don't talk like that. Lord have mercy.
Yesterday you talked about beautiful Paltrow's knees like a dog, and now you're talking about my favorite British couple like a dog.
Dear Mr. Field, please do something about Desertweed. I think she is picking on me.
Oh the Queefa is a phony, all generalizations. YOU said you were the one who had gotten published, no one else. Now did you mean you used to get coffee or maybe were the janitor for the lab of Peter K? Yes there are hundreds of uncredited authors whose entire work was credited to Peter sure..uh-huh....although YOU said YOU were published but cannot provide specifics on exactly what, where and when you published something.
Phony ghetto thug, thats all you are and all you gots. Your a fake and a Fraud and at this point suspected of being Mold's sister.
Now try and say something racial to try and downplay this, you got caught not because your a lying phony, but because your a victim of racism. Shoot for the stars, like to see your twist and attempt to slither out of this one.
11:20 PM
Uh, yeah. Anyone notice how she's embellishing her background everytime she writes about it? Fellowship at NCI? Georgetown graduate degree? REALLY!
Remember this--she has been admitted to NO medical school AND had to quit her job to study for the m-cats.
She spends all her time instead here attacking Maria, who hasn't even posted here for more then a month.
Loser. Liar. Joker.anon wit sense
And why does she have to always be showing off Diana's sapphire ring???
Mark my words, they'll be "poniendose cuernos" (Google it) in no time hahaha!
The only thing I'll be watching on Tuesday is PBS "Blacks in Latin America" at 8pm.
Okay, okay, maybe I'll watch a little of that boring wedding, only so I can criticize it later ;)Desertflower
ahhh eye think eye know what ur problem is miss lady u need to get out of the house and stop watching teevee eye dont watch teevee and it is clear that field negro watches a lot of teevee he talks about shyt that they only put on the teevee if u dont poison ur mind wit that crap u wont feel a need to tear them down cuz they ugly and rich and u pretty and poor muah muah muah miss lady u gone be okay but u need to get out and see the sunshine and feel it let it energize ur soul to help ur mood those that insult others r hurting inside jess like some other hatuz out here...
Both LAA and DesertLady are actually light skin. idgit
gosh idgit where u seen a picture of them laa is a cat a mouse a book a piece of paper and wuteva else and desert lady is a bowl of froot how u know how they look idgit?
Response here in the UK has been pretty lackluster as well. Only 4000 applications for a street party license have been received for the entire country, which is less than the number received for London alone for the last royal wedding, (5000). Those applications are almost exclusively from wealthy areas, predominantly in the south of England. The poor everywhere, and the middle-class in the North of England, Scotland and Wales no longer give a shit about the Royal family. If they ever did.
One other point about the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family to give them their correct family name. A friend of mine is a journalist on the Guardian, and he absolutely insists that our future king, Prince Charles has converted to Islam.
"The buzz on the Hill tonight is that Obama is to be impeached over his refusal to release birth certificate. Joe Biden will be sworn in to finish remainder of term. Hillary Clinton will be appointed Vice President.'
where do these people come from?
VR, if that NYT poll is correct we are being played.
Purple Cow, you know I love your country, right? But this wedding thing has gotten old really fast. :)
And if what you said about the Prince is true, Glen Beckkk is going to get his show back on FOX. :)
"Purple Cow, you know I love your country, right? But this wedding thing has gotten old really fast. :)
Oh man, you think you've got it bad, try living here. Nightmare. It's even starting to get in the way of the cricket coverage.
But what's most irritating is that despite the 24/7 media coverage, even here in Hinglan', absolutely nobody cares. (Except the media and a bunch of bloody toffee-nosed southerners.)
Really couldn't care less about the upcoming nuptuals. In the 21st century, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of royalty, in the first place. Why should anyone respect or kowtow to people whose sole qualification for the job of most expensive government supported family is that they were were born? They don't earn the wealth. They aren't spectacularly educated. And their sole obligation is that they do charity work, which frankly, since they don't have real jobs, is the least they could do.
And for these women who think marrying a prince is such a swell thing, I recommend that they consider Diana. She died trying to hide from the monster that she fed. She used the press and played to them when it was good for her, but died in a car trying to keep them from documenting the part of her life she wanted to keep hidden. That loss of privacy is a high price to pay for just being rich. It's a horrible way to live.
Oh, yes, the "special" people who are born two steps from home plate and think they hit a homer. Plus are entitled to be carried the rest of the way to the plate. England, Germany, or Albania for all I know, it's all the same.
But, here in the USA we wordhip an aristocricy of our own which seems to involve who has the largest amount of pieces of paper with the biggest numbers on them.
It is automaticly assumed that they are entitled to even more of them, they can never have enough, even at the expense of those who have little.
Their doings are discussed as something worth knowing, their utterances treated as sage pronouncements no matter how absurd or ridiculous, their actions and tastes the source of endless speculation. They have no need to act even sane, they are "above" all that.
This no matter how arrogant, dishonest, stupid, bellicose, or downright cluelessly they behave. And the bigger the assholery, the more they are admired.
Whenever I see something like a "royal" you name it anywhere in the world, I wonder who will have to do without what to support it.
But it's they "symbilism" that counts, not the reality.
Well said, on the 'Prince' and the 'Commoner' link. But it's also the legacy of Princess Di, who Americans also fawned over, as this is her son getting married.
bankelele said...
Well said, on the 'Prince' and the 'Commoner' link. But it's also the legacy of Princess Di, who Americans also fawned over, as this is her son getting married.
I think you mean white americans, because I can't think of a single Black or Hispanic American that cares!
StillaPanther2 said...
On that day (wedding), I will look at my pictures of 37 years and counting. I might look at the Ebony issue of the beautiful Mr and Mrs. Obama wedded.
What a lovely idea, I think I'll do the same! And add a few flicks from generations past too!
ditto fn:
i could not care less
pop stars/movie stars/rap stars are also royalty in america...
same mindless groupies...
different countries...
and ALL of it is intended to distract us from how the politicos abuse ALL "commoners"
i am very glad the opulent shallow hobamas were not invited...as they DO care indeed!!!)
the brits think court jester rap stars are more regal than hoax politicos
kanye & snoop were invited...
this was an even greater diss to the hobamas
Black Brooklyn News Today:
Blood flowed yesterday in Brownsville, where one man was killed and two teens were wounded in separate shootings.
A 15-year-old girl and a 14-year-old boy were each shot in the leg when a gunman opened fire on Livonia Avenue near New Jersey Avenue at about 5 a.m.
It is unclear if the teens were the intended targets. Both were treated for non-life-threatening wounds. The gunman fled.
Minutes later and just a few blocks away, on Fulton Street near Vermont Avenue, a man was shot dead outside Pop's Diner.
Willie Kirkland, 23, had been arguing with a man in the diner, and when they took the fight outside, the killer pulled a gun and shot Kirkland once in the chest before fleeing.
A thug stabbed two men -- one fatally -- yesterday in their Brownsville home, cops said.
Cleon Leslie, 42, had been arguing with Alrick Holding, 45, in the building on Herzl Street near Newport Street at about 10 a.m. when Holding grabbed a knife and stabbed Leslie on the left side of his head, cops said.
Leslie died at Brookdale Hospital.
Holding then stabbed Leslie's 54-year-old uncle, who also lives in the home, police said.
The relative, whose name was not released, was in stable condition.
Holding was charged with murder, assault and weapons possession.
busy weekend...
re: gwenyth p and keli g
i agree with all 3
money/looks/blood ties/genes...
all may help or hinder
the moral of the story:
why hate/be catty?
especially on/to a gifted blessed clone?
i see more enyy and hypocrisy than racism here....
gp is one of the coolest wfs on the planet
and she can sing!
if hobama could sing
i would cut him some slack too!
Dr. Queen:
you are gifted and blessed regal sage...
and that is why the vdlr is playing a jealous vulgar psycho kelli to your medical regal gwyneth
lies and envy are fatal diseases
carry on Doctor as you surgically slay the fatally diseased vdlr!!!!!!!
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers,one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry asses out there and earn one for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! Losers!
Hey AB! I've got a busy day today starting with the gym and ending with my local coffee shop, so I'd better get on with it!
Have a good one and as usual, early congrats on slaying the beasts on this blog who dare to challenge you!
Ask any Pre-K teacher/daycare staffer
The 2 yr old shooter is no shock!
The youngest kids are the worst because they have the youngest clones of the vdlr as mothers
Two girls who police believe are aged about 12 and 14 robbed a bank Tuesday in Symmes Township, Ohio, and evaded police capture despite helicopters and dogs being sent to the scene, the Cincinnati Enquirer reported.
The girls entered a 1st National Bank in the township south-east of Cincinnati and gave a note to a teller demanding money.
Dr. Queen:
Have a royal day Doctor!
MISSISSIPPI: NAACP Official Convicted Of Voter Fraud. “In Tunica, Mississippi, ten guilty verdicts of voter fraud were returned yesterday against NAACP officer Lessadolla Sowers. She was sentenced to five years for each count without the possibility of parole and will serve the terms concurrently. Sowers manipulated the absentee ballot process in the 2007 election.
Since Lessadolla Sowers is black and a Democrat, the MSM will censor the story.
Dr.QueenK said...
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers,one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry asses out there and earn one for yourself!
You do sound mentally disturbed.
"to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists"
You have put forth nothing to prove you've been successful at anything.
All you have done is post sh*t.The success you claim doesn't exist.Therefore,there's nothing to deny.
field writes:
I thought that you A-merry-cans went to war in 1775 to rid yourselves of those evil Brits.
Here's black logic at work. This example dovetails perfectly with the issue of slavery.
The US is almost 10 generations past the Revolutionary War. Moreover, only a small percentage of today's US citizens can trace their ancestry to people actually living in America at the time of the Revolution. (I'm one of them.)
What does it mean? It means we know a little about the Revolution and we're glad the war was fought. But we also know it was a great thing that both America and Great Britain moved forward into an extraordinarily beneficial relationship.
There's no multigenerational ill will toward Great Britain.] because the white world can get beyond the past. Whereas, the black world seems to magnify the past whenever possible, making it nearly impossible to move beyond its grip. The black mind is still in bondage.
why is this the only blog online where people demand detailed resumes and explicit job histories more often than any corporate head hunter????
only to deny any such UNWARRANTED personal/private info even when it IS presented????
i have never seen such rabid hate and abuse online as i see on this blog daily...
i agree with most of what u post
i have never seen fit to demand to see your face/resume etc...
kosher kkk needs slaps:
send that racist bs to all the
white fools in ga who act like the civil war ended last wed.
start with the CNN center and its museum/shrine to gone with the wind.
u r a bigoted bagel eating buffoon!!!
kosher kkk needs slaps:
also cc that rabidly racist moronic bs to the kin of henrietta lacks...
tell those white medical thieves rooted in the racist robbery of THEIR past that they owe her black kin eternal TRILLIONS with interest!!!
i told u so
i called this one first
The lone Republican in the Hawaii State Senate told a radio interviewer today he believes "the real issue" stopping Barack Obama from releasing his long-form birth certificate is something the president has to hide, perhaps even the name of his actual birth father.
Hawaii State Sen. Sam Slom further told the host of "Aaron Klein Investigative Radio" on WABC 770 AM in New York City that so long as Obama refuses to be transparent about his past, questions about the president's birth remain "a legitimate issue."
"My particular point of view – and why I haven't identified myself as a 'birther,' per se – is that [Obama] probably was born [in Hawaii] and that the real issue is not the birth certificate, but what's on the birth certificate," Slom told Klein.
Read more: Hawaii senator questions Obama's true birth father http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=291041#ixzz1KXzXGzHW
young rainbow heathen pookies with guns rule the world
this is a hate crime too!
They also released a transcript of the 911 emergency call from a Newtown resident in which she told a dispatcher:
‘We just see a white dude laid out. There is blood everywhere. He is just laid out. Don’t know if he’s dead.’
Shawn Tyson, a 16-year-old drop-out from a special needs school, has been charged with killing the pair.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1379046/Florida-Britons-searching-meal-early-hours-missed-turning-It-cost-lives.html#ixzz1KY2OQ1kw
"Those applications are almost exclusively from wealthy areas, predominantly in the south of England."
I bet no Blacks are in those areas. Britain is a racist country. move to America, the Land of the Free.
alicia banks said...
why is this the only blog online where people demand detailed resumes and explicit job histories more often than any corporate head hunter????
only to deny any such UNWARRANTED personal/private info even when it IS presented????
i have never seen such rabid hate and abuse online as i see on this blog daily...
If i say i'm hotter than a $50 flat screen,i expect to be called out.I expect people to want to see my real picture.
If i claim to be "published",have a big money job,or have 2 or more college degrees, i expect people to call me out and want proof.
The thing with moldilox and Queenie is they like to think they are better than everyone else.They like to make claims and throw it your face.
I call bullsh*t.Its one of those unwritten rules of net posting.
"Never make claims about yourself that you can't/won't back up with proof."
This is the net.Nothing is ever has it seems.............
great headline from Gateway Pundit
Change!… Obama White House Releases Nowruz Message, Muslim Ramadan Message, Muslim Hajj Message, Muslim Eid-ul-Fitr Message… Skips Easter
Yesterday, te Obama White House failed to release an Easter message, Christianity’s most sacred holiday.
Does anyone still want to make the false claim that Obama is a Christian?
alicia banks said...
i have never seen such rabid hate and abuse online as i see on this blog daily...
You missed a LOT over the weekend when the assnonymous crew attempted to disparage me with the blog of someone else, LOL!!
All they really did in the end was to connect two future Dr. Sista's which goes to show you how making "your enemy your footstool" has been mastered by Black folks, LOL!!!!
@ SPC:
He also doesn't wear jewelry during Ramadan. He was photographed at a a press conference last Ramadan without his watch or wedding ring on. The Whitehouse spokesman said the wedding ring was out for repairs.
ssouth park,
A search of the www.whitehouse.gov website using "easter" as the key word produces only the following:
Get Up and Go!: The 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll
No other Easter message of any kind appears on the official White House site.
Thus, it's clear he retains too many of his Islamic sensibilities and he should be known as the Indonesian Candidate
Dr.QueenK said...
All they really did in the end was to connect two future Dr. Sista's which goes to show you how making "your enemy your footstool" has been mastered by Black folks, LOL!!!!
You are one sista who will neva be a docta!
Stanley Anne Dunham has no love for the United States. She put a lot of personal effort into educating her son. Therefore, it's more than reasonable to think that Obama carries on the same contempt his mother maintained through most of her life.
Of course she had to have been driven half mad by a father weird enough to name her Stanley.
@ Slappz: The antipathy Field and other liberals dutifully show to the royal wedding is mostly because Obama wasn't invited.
Obama wasn't invited because he has rudely snubbed Great Britain on numerous occasions. He puts his personal animus ahead of his responsibility to manage the country's relations.
Obama hates Britain because his father (who he never knew because he abandoned him) fought against Brtish colonial rule in his native Kenya.
How could we forget Obama not wanting to mention the line "endowed by their Creator" when talking about the Declaration of Independence.
Maybe after he gets defeated in 2012, he can make history and for fill a boyhood dream of becoming the President of Indonesia.
AB, "i see more enyy and hypocrisy than racism here....
gp is one of the coolest wfs on the planet
and she can sing!"
ab, thank you! While you were gone, i was the only gp supporter. she has talent: she can act and sing. she has earned her way through effort and hard work.
why do folks on this blog hate on her? what has she done to them? NOTHING! they just LOVE to hate.
no_slappz said...
ssouth park,
A search of the www.whitehouse.gov website using "easter" as the key word produces only the following:
Get Up and Go!: The 2011 White House Easter Egg Roll
No other Easter message of any kind appears on the official White House site.
Thus, it's clear he retains too many of his Islamic sensibilities and he should be known as the Indonesian Candidate
The fact that Obama is willing to be so disrespectful and have contempt towards Christians tells you a lot about Obama.
Anonymous said...
@ SPC:
He also doesn't wear jewelry during Ramadan. He was photographed at a a press conference last Ramadan without his watch or wedding ring on. The Whitehouse spokesman said the wedding ring was out for repairs.
Sure it was out for repairs.Just like Obama's 57 states remake was just a mistake.
"and u pretty and poor muah muah muah miss lady u gone be okay but u need to get out and see the sunshine and feel it let it energize ur soul to help ur mood those that insult others r hurting inside jess like some other hatuz out here...
Awwww, thank you for calling me pretty, I love that...and you know, you may have something there, I may need to get out in the sunshine more...
khia213 said...
Really couldn't care less about the upcoming nuptuals. In the 21st century, I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the idea of royalty, in the first place. Why should anyone respect or kowtow to people whose sole qualification for the job of most expensive government supported family is that they were were born? They don't earn the wealth. They aren't spectacularly educated. And their sole obligation is that they do charity work, which frankly, since they don't have real jobs, is the least they could do.
And for these women who think marrying a prince is such a swell thing, I recommend that they consider Diana. She died trying to hide from the monster that she fed. She used the press and played to them when it was good for her, but died in a car trying to keep them from documenting the part of her life she wanted to keep hidden. That loss of privacy is a high price to pay for just being rich. It's a horrible way to live.
I totally agree! It's a huge hypocrisy is what it is!
7:01 AM
alicia banks said...
and ALL of it is intended to distract us from how the politicos abuse ALL "commoners"
u reminded me of a day when i slew a hostile native african prof as a teen at uiuc
he was speaking down to us as african-american students/kin
he said:
"i do not understand u american blacks always announcing your black pride...it is like a tiger in the jungle saying
"hey i am a tiger...i am a tiger"...
i replied:
"perhaps that is because the other animals in YOUR jungle are not disrespecting/slurring/enslaving the tigers/calling them house cats/hyenas..."
respect begets respect
loud lies beget loud truths
if envious hateful lying peasants like the vdlr herein would stop slurring and lying on Queens....
we would not have to defend our royalty
detailed correction as self defense is NOT bragging!!!
Dr. Queen:
keep royally correcting this hyena haters herein!!!
alicia banks said...
i am very glad the opulent shallow hobamas were not invited...as they DO care indeed!!!)
9:42 AM
They weren't invited!!! Really??? Why? That's incredible!
Dr. Queen:
I just scanned it...
I spent the weekend away at a femily wedding...
I woke up to a flat tire at my hotel Easter morning...
A young black man treated me like his very own mother...
I called to compliment him to his manager and gave him a great tip he earned...
There are still many young kings in the world...
Shame that the vdlr and her legions of thug clones disgrace and erase royalty like him so....
Alicia Banks said...
i replied:
"perhaps that is because the other animals in YOUR jungle are not disrespecting/slurring/enslaving the tigers/calling them house cats/hyenas..."
Did he laugh at you? He shoud have.
laughing retarded hyena cc:
he respected me and my truths and stfu...permanently
and i earned an A in his african literature class
he learned a great lesson about intercultural competence from my eloquent educational retort
clearly it is a lesson that has escaped you to date
fix that asap u mangy moron
alicia banks said...
A young black man treated me like his very own mother...
I called to compliment him to his manager and gave him a great tip he earned...
There are still many young kings in the world...
How sweet! Gotta love my brotha's and you for being so kind!!
I spent the most of the weekend writing/debugging Java programs with a little vacay, MCAT review, and slaying haters thrown in too, LOL!!
I also got a BIG meeting this week with a potential dissertation advisor, so I'm super excited!!! I also got some breast cancer outreach to do as well, so I got a rewardingly busy week ahead!
Okay, back to the books for me!
Dr. Queen:
best wishes!!!
i know u will shine like gold as always!!!
Dr. Queen:
i despise these haters/stalkers/psychos/kkk/vdlr cloned fools herein
i just saw all the slime/lies posted sat and sun...
same bs
dif days
u won!
as always
Alicia Banks said..
and i earned an A in his african literature class
African literature? What the hell would that be?
Black Philadelphia News Today:
City's black residents now top all groups
Their numbers dropped, but other changes put them first. Population rose for the first time in 50 years.
By Michael Matza, Kia Gregory, and John Duchneskie
Inquirer Staff Writers
Today, the city's black population is 644,287, according to the latest census, and for the first time it clearly outnumbers all other racial or ethnic groups.
This evolution happened even though the number of African Americans in the city, excluding Hispanics, declined about 1,800 over the last decade and their share of the population remained about the same.
Key to the new black plurality: the continued steep decline in the city's white population. In 2000, each group accounted for about 42 percent of city residents, but the white share is now 37 percent, after a loss of 82,000 people.
Meanwhile, an influx of Hispanics, Asians, and other groups - now 21 percent of the city's 1.5 million people - boosted Philadelphia's total for the first time in 50 years.
The black plurality coincides with another trend: More and more middle- and working-class African Americans are leaving the city for suburbia.
Since 2000, the black population of the city's Pennsylvania suburbs jumped 26 percent - by 47,000.
"You need to look at it not only from a racial-ethnic point of view, but also the distribution of incomes," said Mark Mather, senior demographer with the Population Reference Bureau, a nonprofit in Washington that interprets census data.
Are relatively "higher-income blacks moving away from the city, leaving behind a poorer population without a lot of prospects?" he asked. "That wouldn't bode well."
In the last decade, average income in white households in Philadelphia rose 4 percent to $65,100, adjusted for inflation. But black household income fell 10 percent to $40,200. Overall, the average income in the city fell 1 percent.
Neighborhoods with the highest concentration of African Americans - West Oak Lane, Kingsessing, and Nicetown, among others - were slammed twice.
Many who could move out did. Many who remained experienced a significant drop in income. In Tioga-Nicetown, which is 94 percent black, average household income fell 35 percent in the last decade - the city's biggest drop - to $26,800. That's half of the citywide average.
As gentrification gathered speed in some predominantly black parts of the city, superheating property values, several things happened. Some homeowners cashed in and bought again, either in suburbia or other parts of Philadelphia. Some renters got squeezed out or were left stranded in pockets of poverty.
"Yes, Philadelphia has 42 percent blacks," said Voffee Jabateh, director of the African Cultural Alliance of North America, a Southwest Philadelphia advocacy group for African immigrants, but by and large "these are not blacks that have a strong economic voice."
universal racist moron:
your GLOBAL illiteracy is no shock.
carry on...
alicia banks said...
Dr. Queen:
best wishes!!!
i know u will shine like gold as always!!!
I'm sorry Alicia, but you can't polish a turd.
I'm afraid that dissertation advisor will see right through Ms. Queef's phony ass. The only hope for her is that they need to fill that quota.
kosher kkk needs slaps:
thank u for posting your fear of a black planet...
too late!
get over that asap
this is why we know you are lying about your abortion bs too...
u made my day!
"Are relatively "higher-income blacks moving away from the city, leaving behind a poorer population without a lot of prospects?" he asked. "That wouldn't bode well."
You bet we are. Who wants to live with low-life ghetto trash like Ms. Queef?
Leaving Philadelphia --
White flight, black flight, it's all middle class flight.
Philadelphia may well become the next Detroit -- without the industry.
Instead of the Detroit story of failing companies leaving people jobless, the Philadelphia Story will be a tale of how the human capital decamped and took their skills elsewhere.
That's funny.
I felt the same way about the coronation of Obama, as you feel about the "Royal Wedding".
Anonymous said...
Alicia Banks said..
and i earned an A in his african literature class
African literature? What the hell would that be?
Hateful fiction with supplements of deluded false history.
The Tiger doesn't lose his teeth claws and ability to run and then demand the rest of the jungle feed him.
Nor is the weasel a lion or the king of the jungle playing prop me up politics, the animals see right through that and the smartest and most capable animals are the survivors, the others are eaten and not allowed to convince the other animals they are deserving of Jungle welfare and delusional support while they destroy the jungle.
Yes, the only ones lapping up the bootlicker love...are the media 'personalities'.
It is tough to justify massive salaries for being cute or photogenic when the business is RIFing people with real, honest journalistic skills.
Plus, the money isn't coming in for smooching the behinds of Cons.
SPC, as posted. Jealous, much? Instead of wailing that you are such a waste of skin...and that eveel old ladies are far more credentialed....get some from a real University. Or, enlist (like that will ever happen).
Slappy, pretending Galt was a real human is a trait best reserved for inexperienced teenage lads. And you may want to ask what happens when gas is no longer cheap.
When you are stenographers...the royals are the acme of your craft.
i find it horrifying that the prince is marrying a commoner.
that screws up the royal blood. purple cow should be outraged! that's worse than a billionaire marrying uneducated ab from the hood. it is against the law of nature and should not happen.
ab, "kosher kkk needs slaps:"
no_slappz said...
Philadelphia may well become the next Detroit -- without the industry
Without Industry? What a freakin' idiot!
Astra-Zeneca, PPD, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, and Merck.
And that's just a short list of pharmaceutical companies that recruited me out of graduate school, not to mention research schools like UPenn, Thomas Jefferson, and Temple.
Philly will NEVER be Detroit!
Geez, what a dumb ass so busy wasting time trying to discredit me and YOU don't know jack $hite!
Ms.QueenK said...
Astra-Zeneca, PPD, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, and Merck.
And that's just a short list of pharmaceutical companies that recruited me out of graduate school,
Yes, but they are not going need people like you to mop the floors after they go out of business.
Good point Field, very good point.
and why should us commoners care? But you already know why its out there, distract, distract, distract by any means or foolishness necessary.
"Why is it that the wealthy folks in this country keep getting wealthier and the middle class keeps shrinking?"
Field that is indeed the question that needs our attention.
Yes, but they are not going need people like you to mop the floors after they go out of business. anon wit sense
it is utterly crazy how this nasty sack of shyt claims to have edumacayshun and all she gots is a bad attitude poor vocabulary and a mind in the gutter all the time in order to be a scholar like doctor or phd candidate one must function at a higher level much higher than the base emotions of rage, hatred and unbridled sexuality which is the exact opposite of what quarrelsome queefkin the wannabe dawktaw posts here duh she aint no dawktaw she aint even no lab tech
Field others I noticed someone complained about the White House not having a Easter message.
I put together some thoughts about it that you have to be religous to appreciate.
Want to read it, here it is;
"In celebrating Easter many main stream Christians will miss one of the other major significant aspects of the resurrection. And that is Jesus resurrection was not just a spiritual event, but a political one as well. The resurrection represents “hope,” eternal hope that downtrodden humanity, systems of injustice and inequity can be overcome."
Uh, yeah. Anyone notice how she's embellishing her background everytime she writes about it? Fellowship at NCI? Georgetown graduate degree? REALLY!
Remember this--she has been admitted to NO medical school AND had to quit her job to study for the m-cats.
She spends all her time instead here attacking Maria, who hasn't even posted here for more then a month.
Loser. Liar. Joker.anon wit sense
Assnon @2:06 PM, If Field is gonna allow you jerks to waste his space, then I'm gonna use space to reply in kind.
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers,one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS LOSER HATERS!!!
Assnon @2:08 PM, If Field is gonna allow you jerks to waste his space, then I'm gonna use space to reply in kind. And this will be my reply to you from now until infinity.
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers,one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS LOSER HATERS!!!
mellaneous said...
"Why is it that the wealthy folks in this country keep getting wealthier and the middle class keeps shrinking?"
Field that is indeed the question that needs our attention.
When somebody says that that top 1 percent saw its income go up by X in the last decade, they are not really talking about what happened to actual households in the top 1 percent. Rather, they are talking about how much money one has to make to qualify for the top 1 percent. All that really means is that the 3 million highest-paid Americans in 2010 made more money than did the 3 million highest-paid Americans in 2000, the 100,000 highest-paid Americans this year made more money than did the 100,000 highest-paid Americans made in 2000, that the 50,000 highest-paid Americans made more money this year than did the 50,000 highest-paid Americans made in 2000, that the 1,000 highest-paid Americans this year made more money than did the 1,000 highest-paid Americans made in 2000, etc., which is not shocking. But, as the Treasury data show: They are not the same people.
* Income mobility of individuals was considerable in the U.S. economy during the 1996 through 2005 period with roughly half of taxpayers who began in the bottom quintile moving up to a higher income group within ten years.
* About 55 percent of taxpayers moved to a different income quintile within ten years.
* Among those with the very highest incomes in 1996 — the top 1/100 of one percent — only 25 percent remained in the group in 2005. Moreover, the median real income of these taxpayers declined over the study period.
* The degree of mobility among income groups is unchanged from the prior decade (1987 through 1996).
* Economic growth resulted in rising incomes for most taxpayers over the study period: Median real incomes of all taxpayers increased by 24 percent after adjusting for inflation; real incomes of two-thirds of all taxpayers increased over this period; and median incomes of those initially in the lower income groups increased more than the median incomes of those initially in the high income groups.
Or, as the authors of the study put it: “While the share of income of the top 1 percent is higher than in prior years, it is not a fixed group of households receiving this larger share of income"
And here's one for the road:
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers, one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
success as a scientist? wut at ass wypin at the nursin home where ure a cna? chrick please
u aint a dawktaw nor do u have a shred of education to back up anything uve said ya loser so uve also repeated urself and sound like a loon a lying incompetent loon at that even wite trash having spc who aint know the difference tween you're and your callt out that filthy buceta lickin moron for her garbage
u cant study for the mcats if ure insulting people and talking shyt online all day sweetie pie and u also cant study for the mcats if u have no intelligence or background in an area sweetie u will need to do a whole lot more then talk shyt online if u are to pass the test but given your behavior here it is unlikely you're going to tak the test at all dummy
Ms. Queef:
But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists,
It sure is easy, because you are such an easy fake to spot.
Ms. Queef:
But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists,
It sure is easy, because you are such an easy fake to spot.
LMBAO!!!!Mr. Balls
yessuh mista balls gots the balls to let all yall know this nasty filth pile aint shyt funny how even long after its been discredited it still clings to its false identity same as its rogue state alterego qoohole banks same types of insults same base statements same need to protect its fragile ego that it will spam to rid the comments of readily seen insults loser! et cetera et cetera et cetera
Ms. Queef said... "2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years."
No, it will be more than pathetic, which it is now. It will be psychotic when you are a 50 year old nut still studying for them MCATs.
@rich aren't getting richer- I don't have time to gather the stats that I have seen, but suffice it to say that real income has been declining for workers since the Reagan administration.
Just about any stat you read will reveal that the rich are getting richer. In fact its the point of the very system. It enables the wealthy to prosper at the expense of the poor.
The bank bailout is a clear and present example of how the rich get richer. Hell in this case they lost and still got richer.
"yessuh mista balls gots the balls to let all yall know this nasty filth pile aint shyt funny"
Hey, that's Dr. Balls to you.
I'm thinking about studying for the MCATS.
if u have all that edumcayshun with degrees and masters etc then why do you have to study for the mcat if u know ur shyt it should be a breeze dummy u also cant study for the mcats if u have no intelligence or background in an area sweetie u will need to do a whole lot more then talk shyt online if u are to pass the test but given your behavior here it is unlikely you're going to tak the test at all dummy
yessuh dawktaw balls eyes been thinkin bout studying for to be a dawktaw too suh u ca call me Dr.?anon suh now that we both dawktaws dont u hate it when someone like quarrelsome queefkin try to front like she smart as us dawtaw balls? chrick aint ha the smarts of a two year old!
241 deletion it was ab but since she posting under dawktaw queefkin had to sign out and sign back in she so stoopid
dr queen writes:
Philly will NEVER be Detroit!
Geez, what a dumb ass so busy wasting time trying to discredit me and YOU don't know jack $hite!
My two posts were about Philadelphia. The name of the lunatic "dr queen" did not appear in either post and there was no implied connection.
Nevertheless "dr queen", the future quack, connected posts about the darkening and benighting of the city of Philadelphia with herself.
It appears dr queen has the delusion that she is at the center of the universe and that everything is about her. That's a sign of impaired mental health.
To my dear ASSnonymous internet stalkers, one who's cleaning up the BP oil spill, the other who's too pathetic to pursue higher education and put her demon seeds in daycare, and a third who couldn't write proper english if someone slapped it on the head with a dictionary, why don't we take this little beef to the email and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
Dr. Queen:
the moron vdlr just exposed her arrogant uneducated ignorance...
she is bragging about not studying even though she cannot even spell osmosis...
and she has never passed any test other than sporadic OTC pregnancy kits...
mellaneous said..."In fact its the point of the very system. It enables the wealthy to prosper at the expense of the poor."
No, distortions of the system, like the bank bailout you cited and crony capitalism like Obama proctices with GE enable the connected to propser at the expense of the unconnected.
But the free market system, given proper boundaries, is the way for prosperity for all.
no_slappz said...
My two posts were about Philadelphia. The name of the lunatic "dr queen" did not appear in either post and there was no implied connection.
Nevertheless "dr queen", the future quack, connected posts about the darkening and benighting of the city of Philadelphia with herself.
Why not highlight the lack of industry in Philly and prove me wrong? That's right you can't, you're just another right wing racists lunatic talking $hit out of your mouth, LOL!!!
alicia banks said...
she is bragging about not studying even though she cannot even spell osmosis...
and she has never passed any test other than sporadic OTC pregnancy kits...
Now THAT was cold, AB!!
Jugular vein style, LOL!!!
Dr. Queen:
i am a fierce lethal lioness who hates mangy yapping hyenas...
u know how we do!
mellaneous19@yahoo.com said...
@rich aren't getting richer- I don't have time to gather the stats that I have seen, but suffice it to say that real income has been declining for workers since the Reagan administration."
Please take the time to look at the stats, because you are repeating false propaganda promulagated by the Democratic Party.
During the horrible, horrible Reagan years, as National Review noted back in 1991, the average income growth for actual households in the lowest income bracket was 77 percent over the course of a decade; income growth for actual households in the top group was only 5 percent during those same years. Of those who were in the poorest fifth in 1979, 85.8 percent had moved to a higher bracket by 1988, and 14.7 percent of them moved to the top bracket — which is to say, the poor of 1979 were more likely to be the rich of 1988 than to be the poor of 1988. The poor got richer, and some of them got a lot richer. Reagan’s record has not been matched — Ronald Reagan was the champion of the poor, as it turns out — but economic mobility has been pretty stable for the past 20 years: About 50 percent of U.S. households move from one income group to a different one every decade, and actual households initially in the low-income groups see proportionally more income growth than do actual households initially in the high-income groups.
Those at the top are getting more, but they aren't the same people every year. Most people in that highest strata only get there for a short time.
dr queen writes:
Astra-Zeneca, PPD, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, and Merck.
Impressive line-up of Big Pharma.
And that's just a short list of pharmaceutical companies that recruited me out of graduate school, not to mention research schools like UPenn, Thomas Jefferson, and Temple.
It happens that all the companies on your list are developing drugs for both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Thus, when you say you were "recruited" by the companies and the research schools such as Penn and Temple, it appears they wwere recruiting you for the purpose of testing these drugs -- on you.
the rich are richer the ever
and getting richer daily
and the middle class is being slain by hobama
the poor are getting poorer
all 3 = global misery looms/class war intensifies
There are 49 million people in the US who live in households that eat only because they receive food stamps, visit food pantries or soup kitchens for help. Sixteen million are so poor they have skipped meals or foregone food at some point in the last year. This is the highest level since statistics have been kept. Source: US Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service.
Yes, there is a class war – the war of the rich on the poor and the middle class – and the rich are winning. That war has been going on for years. Look at the facts – facts the rich and their false paid prophets do not want people to know.
One of every six workers, 26.8 million people, is unemployed or underemployed. This “real” unemployment rate is over 17%. There are 14.8 million people designated as “officially” unemployed by the government, a rate of 9.6 percent. Unemployment is worse for African American workers of whom 16.1 percent are unemployed. Another 9.5 million people who are working only part-time while they are seeking full-time work but have had their hours cut back or are so far only able to find work part-time are not counted in the official unemployment numbers. Also, an additional 2.5 million are reported unemployed but not counted because they are classified as discouraged workers in part because they have been out of work for more than 12 months. Source: US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics October 2010 report.
The median household income for whites in the US is $51,861; for Asians it is $65,469; for African Americans it is $32,584; for Latinos it is $38,039. Source: US Census Bureau.
Fifty million people in the US lack health insurance. Source: US Census Bureau.
Women in the US have a greater lifetime risk of dying from pregnancy-related conditions than women in 40 other countries. African American US women are nearly 4 times more likely to die of pregnancy-related complications than white women. Source: Amnesty International Maternal Health Care Crisis in the USA.
About 3.5 million people, about one-third of which are children, are homeless at some point in the year in the US. Source: National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty.
Outside Atlanta, 33,000 people showed up to seek applications for low cost subsidized housing in August 2010. When Detroit offered emergency utility and housing assistance to help people facing evictions, more than 50,000 people showed up for the 3,000 vouchers. Source: News reports.
kosher kkk needs slaps:
u are having another death camp flashback u rabid racist dog
nazi docs perfected bio war on doomed jew lab rats like u
carry on kapo
For the first time since the 1940s, the real incomes of middle-class families are lower at the end of the business cycle of the 2000s than they were at the beginning. Despite the fact that the American workforce is working harder and smarter than ever, they are sharing less and less in the benefits they are creating. This is true for white families but even truer for African American families whose gains in the 1990s have mostly been eliminated since then. Source: Jared Bernstein and Heidi Shierholz, State of Working America.
Income disparity in the US is now as bad as it was right before the Great Depression at the end of the 1920s. From 1979 to 2006, the richest 1% more than doubled their share of the total US income, from 10% to 23%. The richest 1% have an average annual income of more than $1.3 million. For the last 25 years, over 90% of the total growth in income in the US went to the top 10% earners – leaving 9% of all income to be shared by the bottom 90%. Source: Jared Bernstein and Heidi Shierholz, State of Working America.
The wealth of the richest 400 people in the US grew by 8% in the last year to $1.37 trillion. Source: Forbes 400: The super-rich get richer, September 22, 2010, Money.com
The top Hedge Fund Manager of 2009, David Tepper, “earned” $4 billion last year. The rest of the top ten earned: $3.3 billion, $2.5 billion, $2.3 billion, $1.4 billion, $1.3 billion (tie for 6th and 7th place), $900 million (tie for 8th and 9th place), and in last place out of the top ten, $825 million. Source: Business Insider. “Meet the top 10 earning hedge fund managers of 2009
In 1973, the average US CEO was paid $27 for every dollar paid to a typical worker; by 2007 that ratio had grown to $275 to $1. Source: Jared Bernstein and Heidi Shierholz, State of Working America.
Since 1992, the average tax rate on the richest 400 taxpayers in the US dropped from 26.8% to 16.62%. Source: US Internal Revenue Service.
Eleven million homeowners (about one in four homeowners) in the US are “under water” or owe more on their mortgages than their house is worth. Source: “Home truths,” The Economist, October 23, 2010.
For the first time since the 1940s, the real incomes of middle-class families are lower at the end of the business cycle of the 2000s than they were at the beginning. Despite the fact that the American workforce is working harder and smarter than ever, they are sharing less and less in the benefits they are creating. This is true for white families but even truer for African American families whose gains in the 1990s have mostly been eliminated since then. Source: Jared Bernstein and Heidi Shierholz
no_slappz said...
dr queen writes:
Astra-Zeneca, PPD, GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson and Johnson, and Merck.
Impressive line-up of Big Pharma.
And that's just a short list of pharmaceutical companies that recruited me out of graduate school, not to mention research schools like UPenn, Thomas Jefferson, and Temple.
It happens that all the companies on your list are developing drugs for both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Thus, when you say you were "recruited" by the companies and the research schools such as Penn and Temple, it appears they wwere recruiting you for the purpose of testing these drugs -- on you.
u r far too intelligent to play kosher cheerleader to that jew pig skinned needs slaps...
It happens that all the companies on your list are developing drugs for both schizophrenia and bipolar disorder.
Thus, when you say you were "recruited" by the companies and the research schools such as Penn and Temple, it appears they wwere recruiting you for the purpose of testing these drugs -- on you.
3:09 PManon wit sense
Dear Kosher Cheerleader and Nappy Slappy:
Why don't we take this little beef to the email (flynmy40s@gmail.com)and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
dr queen writes:
Why not highlight the lack of industry in Philly and prove me wrong? That's right you can't, you're just another right wing racists lunatic talking $hit out of your mouth, LOL!!!
First, as I stated, the posts were about Philadelphia. Not you. But it seems when you are not the center of attention, your nerves start jumping.
Second, it was my intention to make a connection between the disappearing MANUFACTURING jobs in Detroit and the decline and fall of the city. Apparently, even though Detroit is known only for vehicle manufacturing, my point was missed.
Third, I also stated that Philly is a city of human capital -- another term that seems to have flummoxed you -- and human capital has tremendous mobility.
Meanwhile, pharmaceutical companies do not need to put themselves in places like Detroit, where they are well positioned to do what car companies do. Big Pharma can open a facility anywhere.
Moreover, the companies you cited have operations around the world, which means they can easily shift operations to another site and the employees can move if they want to stick with the same company. Or they can go to another company.
No one in Detroit has that luxury. But Philadelphia can easily lose its human capital because many of the businesses operating there can leave if conditions decline, which they are.
If Philadelphia decides to jack up property taxes on one of those Big Pharma companies, that might trigger a move. Meanwhile, the Big Pharma companies may well have their facilities NEAR Philadelphia, but not IN Philadelphia. Lots of Big Pharma companies have sites NEAR cities, but not IN them.
see a brutal rapist...who is 11
Thanks for fibbing to us, Freeper. While you like to pose that since your Masters got rich, we all did....it is not true. Only your Owners got the cash.
The lie that the poor got better when st reagan was President is based on your Faith...but not on actual data.
For the increase in 'wealthy'...we not that the 'almost wealthy' were the beneficiaries. Must have slipped your attention. Not to be honest about that.
As far as incomes...Freepers are well-known for lying. And using lies as 'sorces'...well, let's just point out that no matter how often you try to sell polished feces on this blog...some of us will ask why you are doing so...and show exactly how your polished feces...is feces.
Just because you are indigent mold, that means nothing.
Crazy, border-lined retarded racists with no real education and no work ethic are supposed to be poor.
There is no other outcome for you.
Dear Assnons,
Why don't we take this little beef to my email (flynmy40s@gmail.com)and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
Why does is that Queef sticking around?
Somebody open a window.
Why is it that Queef is still sticking around?
Somebody open a window.
muah muah muah nucka dat funny!
Dr. Balls said...
mold: no matter how often you try to sell polished feces on this blog...some of us will ask why you are doing so...and show exactly how your polished feces...is feces.
Are you speaking to AB? She was trying to pass off that turd Ms. Queef as something shiny.
muah muah muah nucka u even funnier
Why don't we take this little beef to the email (flynmy40s@gmail.com)and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS COONCASTIC RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
not with the program vdlr:
I so smart!!!!
You so stupid!!!!
What is wrong with you peoples? Bow down before me!!!
I is a Queen!!! And a Doctor!!!!
I'll kill you if you don't give me respect!!! Gold dot hollow points!!!!
Why don't we take this little beef to the email (flynmy40s@gmail.com)and keep Field's commenters out of the brouhaha you've created in your 9 year old minds. You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
So get used to my Dr. Queen moniker because 1) I 'm not going to stop posting on this blog with it and and 2) It WILL be more than appropriate in the next 5-7 years.
And in the meantime, get some damn goals of your own! LAME ASS RACISTS LOSER HATERS!!!
...She spends all her time instead here attacking Maria, who hasn't even posted here for more then a month.
Loser. Liar. Joker.
Well, somebody knows how to spell loser correctly (not, looser).
Hell, we all make spelling mistakes, but if you are people are going to boast about their academic accomplishments, at least show you can discern between "loser" and "looser."
Anon, I bet you have never received a fellowship from UNC or earned a degree from Georgetown. But yet, you know how to spell loser.
Go figure.
fat fertile foolish faker vdlr:
when did u start caring about teachers???
if u truly cared about any of us, u would help those truant bastards with their homework sometime/anytime...
u would also skip a few happy hours at the club to attend an occasional parent-teacher conference
Anon28310 said...
Well, somebody knows how to spell loser correctly (not, looser).
Hell, we all make spelling mistakes, but if you are people are going to boast about their academic accomplishments, at least show you can discern between "loser" and "looser."
Anon, I bet you have never received a fellowship from UNC or earned a degree from Georgetown. But yet, you know how to spell loser.
Go figure.
Now that gets 4 snaps in a Z, with 2 pinky fingers, LOL!!!
depraved demented unglued unlicked uneducated vdlr:
holla at yo play baby deddy boy/barabbass/hobama...
stalk this!!!!
“Just as Esau in his day sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, we have come to pretend that a race-neutral pathological liar and finance capital callboy and his status-striven wife hold the answers to our destiny as a people.” Esau never regained his inheritance, and the same disaster may befall Black America. “As I watch the social safety net being destroyed for generations to come, I can still hear African Americans saying it was worth this to have a black man in the White House.”
In spite of the fact that the Obama adroitly ignored all salient issues concerning African Americans, the race-neutered obots prepared themselves to be full partners in the rapine Anglo-American empire right or wrong, thus casting aside our golden robe as humanity’s vanguard for socio-political righteousness.
Almost two and one half years later, an increasing number of us can see that it was a hoax on us. The novelty of a black in the White House is over. African Americans have turned their backs on Malcolm X, Martin Luther King, Josiah Williams, Harriet Tubman, Ida B. Well, Adam Clayton Powell, Huey Newton, Rosa Parks, and the legions of living and deceased men and women who have refused to lay down and die as space-age slaves with consumer debt. Millions bedeck their homes with pornographic black struggle negation images of Obama in their homes and churches. Just as Esau in his day sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, we have come to pretend that a race-neutral pathological liar and finance capital callboy and his status-striven wife hold the answers to our destiny as a people. Esau was said to be hungry and made his decision in haste, but scores of millions of people refuse to look and see massifs of evidence that Obama never had one desire to do anything but hurt African Americans.
master blog spammer/uneducated unlicked unglued vdlr:
spam this!!!!
According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.
In the age of affirmative action and grade inflation, a minority in a relatively easy major like political science had to under-perform dramatically to avoid minimal honors. Obama apparently did just that.
The specifics we may never know. As the New York Times concedes, Obama "declined repeated requests to talk about his New York years, release his Columbia transcript or identify even a single fellow student, co-worker, roommate or friend from those years."
Would that Bristol Palin could get off so easily!
There are any number of possible reasons for Obama's reticence about Columbia: his grades, the courses he took, his writing samples and, of course, his associations.
At that time, for instance, both Bill Ayers and Obama fell within the orbit of left-wing Columbia superstar Edward Said. Just recently out of hiding, Ayers was attending the Bank Street College of Education, which adjoins the Columbia campus.
Five years after leaving Columbia, Obama decided on law school. His lack of resources did not deter him from thinking big. Nor did his B-minus effort at his Hawaii prep school or his equally indifferent grades at Columbia.
As Obama relates in "Dreams From My Father," he limited his choices to only three law schools – "Harvard, Yale, Stanford." (It must be nice to be Obama.) He does not mention his connections.
Harvard Law School is notoriously difficult to get into. Annually, some 7,000 applications apply for some 500 seats. Applicant LSAT scores generally chart in the 98 to 99 percentile range, and GPAs average between 3.80 and 3.95.
If Obama's LSAT scores merited admission, we would know about them. We don't. The Obama camp guards those scores, like his SAT scores, more tightly that Iran does its nuclear secrets.
We know enough about Obama's Columbia grades to know how far they fall below the Harvard norm, likely even below the affirmative action-adjusted black norm at Harvard.
As far back as 1988, however, Obama had serious pull. He would need it. As previously reported, Khalid al-Mansour, principle adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, lobbied friends like Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton to intervene at Harvard on Obama's behalf.
Read more: Why Obama is mum about Harvard http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=74877#ixzz1KZhGQt1M
What I just say?
alicia banks said...
"According to the New York Sun, university spokesman Brian Connolly confirmed that Obama graduated in 1983 with a major in political science but without honors.....As far back as 1988, however, Obama had serious pull. He would need it. As previously reported, Khalid al-Mansour, principle adviser to Saudi Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal, lobbied friends like Manhattan Borough President Percy Sutton to intervene at Harvard on Obama's behalf."
Screw the birth certificate. I want to see how he got into Harvard and who paid for it.
This guy is unreal. Nobody knows the first thing about him other than what he (or Bill Ayers) wrote about himself in his autobiographies.
How did a guy with no past get elected President? Are we crazy?
Lex said...
Screw the birth certificate. I want to see how he got into Harvard and who paid for it.
This guy is unreal. Nobody knows the first thing about him other than what he (or Bill Ayers) wrote about himself in his autobiographies.
How did a guy with no past get elected President? Are we crazy
Ivies tend to accept students from other Ivies, especially for professional school, so there's NO secret about what happened there.
As for crazy, I voted for the other guy for president, LOL!!!
lex obama is a demon jess like bush jess like clinton jess like hw bush and all those who came before him demons seed the seats of power on this planet or reptiles same difference they look nasty if u observe...
As for crazy, I voted for the other guy for president, LOL!!! ghettoese hoochie liar wannabe dawktaw
golly howd that work out for ya hon? ya think palin would have made a good vp? ure even dummer then u first seemed to be ya ignint idgit loser!
FN, why do you allow AB and her pet Fly aka the "Dr. Queen" to ruin the comment section day in and night out? As a black woman I find those two nut balls quite embarrassing.
FN, why do you allow AB and her pet Fly aka the "Dr. Queen" to ruin the comment section day in and night out? As a black woman I find those two nut balls quite embarrassing.anon wit sense
he trying to respect free speech but we know he crazy cuz if he respected FREE speech he'd let the free speech stay and delete the PAID astroturf speech duh!
Anonymous said...
FN, why do you allow AB and her pet Fly aka the "Dr. Queen" to ruin the comment section day in and night out? As a black woman I find those two nut balls quite embarrassing.
But you see absolutely NOTHING wrong with all that other crap, right??
As a Black woman, I think you're a cooncastic idiot!
Anonymous said...
he trying to respect free speech but we know he crazy cuz if he respected FREE speech he'd let the free speech stay and delete the PAID astroturf speech duh!
We see YOU Socranut, a little white man, posting under another username as a Black man with dreds AND as assnon 28103, LOL!!
Fruitcake, with 2 snaps in a circle, LOL!!!
You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
if u were successful in a scientific discipline ude show any seminal papers uve authored and in short order jess another reason why ure such a phony liar!
A lot of people I've known have gone to Harvard. All of them had top top grades and staggering board scores.
Most recently the nephew and niece of a good friend applied to Harvard Law.
The nephew had 3.5 GPA from Washington University in St Louis and an LSAT score of 179.
The niece has a 3.8 GPA from New York University and an LSAT score of 180.
The highest possible score on the LSAT is 180.
The nephew did not get in. The niece was accepted. She's in her last semester. The nephew is in his last semester at NYU Law.
There is ZERO chance Obama or his wife had the college grades or the LSAT scores to get into Harvard.
no_slappz said...
There is ZERO chance Obama or his wife had the college grades or the LSAT scores to get into Harvard.
And the last time you asked your attorney or other profesional for thier GPA's and test scores before requesting thier services was...................I'll wait idiot!
Nappy Slappy, Bush got into Yale.
And the world KNOWS he's a dumb ass!
No one can righfuly say that about either the Prez or his wife!!
They DOUBLE Ivied on your racist ass, LOL!!!
Opps my bad, make that quadruple Ivied on your racist ass, Columbia, Princeton, and Harvard X 2!
The question about how Obama paid for Harvard Law School has been around for a while. It's far more relevant and meaningful that the concerns about where he was born.
It's more than likely Obama's bills were paid by muslims, which would come as no surprise since Obama was under the sway of the highly anti-Semitic Professor Edward Said.
If Said weren't dead, we could ask him about Obama. But he conveniently croaked in 2003, putting him, Obama's mother and everyone else with some knowledge of Obama's youth, permanently out of reach.
Anyway, Said is one muslim in a position to have linked Obama with benefactors willing to pay his tuition at Harvard. It's been said that Obama found a benefactor.
Remarkably, when it came to George Bush, critics screamed because he was admitted to Yale and Harvard with less than stellar credentials. But it was what it was -- the end of an era when it was easy for the sons of prominent Americans to get into the Ivy League schools.
Obama's admission raises other, deeply troubling questions, which his supporters have no plans to discuss or answer.
I'm sure Obama prefers having to fend off questions about his birth certificate rather than having to worry about some key points of his mysterious past coming to light.
Trump should ask Obama who paid his tuition at Harvard. Private investigators would likely get to the bottom of that one.
I'm up late studying until around midnight these days, so I got you until infinity jackass!
You know it makes perfect mentally disturbed sense that two of you underachievers in the scientific field would choose me as the target for your daily insults, but absolutely NOTHING in my amazingly blessed life changes because of it. In the two years you two have unrelentlessly stalked me on this blog, you could have finished a Master's degree by now. But it's obviously easier to deny that my tremendous success as a Scientist exists, than to actually get your sorry racist/cooncastic asses out there and create a career for yourself!
The LSAT is not the sole factor to gain acceptance into law school. However, it is a very important factor.
Let's keep the LSAT score in perspective. The LSAT score is only a predictor of how a 1L will perform in his/her first year.
Aside from that, it's just a number that reflects a percentile.
no_slappz said...
Obama's admission raises other, deeply troubling questions, which his supporters have no plans to discuss or answer.
I have an answer even though I didn't vote for Prez Obama.
The answer is editor of the Harvard Law Review.
Did the muslims by that and so what if they did?
Anon28310 said...
Let's keep the LSAT score in perspective. The LSAT score is only a predictor of how a 1L will perform in his/her first year.
Aside from that, it's just a number that reflects a percentile
VERY good answer honey child!
Now "Sashay.... Shaunte" and Naomi Campbell walk out the door girlfriend, LOL!!!
dr queen writes:
Bush got into Yale. And the world KNOWS he's a dumb ass!
Bush got into Yale at the tail end of the era when sons of prominent people were admitted. There was nothing unusual about GWB's acceptance.
You can blather about the unfairness, but private universities can accept anyone they want and reject anyone. That's the benefit of being a private school.
Anyway, your comparison of the acceptances of Bush and Obama make it plain you know nothing about why substandard applicants are admitted to colleges.
Inasmuch I'm certain your board scores were unimpressive, if not downright low, it's not in you to look deeply into this issue.
No one can righfuly say that about either the Prez or his wife!!
Nonsense. I read Michelle Obama's senior thesis that she wrote at Princeton. It's weak.
Princeton accepts the best and brightest students in the world -- and her senior thesis makes it plain as day she is not bright.
Her thesis boiled down to a questinaire sent to as many black Princeton grads she could find and then organizing their responses.
Based on the banality of the work, I'd say she probably falsified some of the questionaire responses.
What did she ask on the questionaire? Essentially she wanted to know if the grads had maintained their cultural "blackness".
Most replied in ways that made it clear they were tickled to get into the high-paying mainstream white world and that they used their Princeton tickets to get there on the express train.
In her conclusion she expressed disappointment at what she had discovered.
But I'm betting the true results were worse than she suggested. I'm betting she cooked up the responses of the respondents who purportedly said they getting back to the dashiki and their Kenyan roots.
Meanwhile, Barack, while head of the Harvard Law Review, made a name for himself by publishing NOTHING, a previously unthinkable performance for someone in this poistion.
Thus, we know Michelle is a dim bulb and Obama wrote nothing.
We now have to two most visible cases of what you get from Affirmative Action in education.
If a private school can admit whomever it pleases, then why are you complaining about Princeton admitting Michelle Obama, assuming she wasn't qualified?
no_slappz said...
Inasmuch I'm certain your board scores were unimpressive, if not downright low, it's not in you to look deeply into this issue.
I haven't taken my "boards" yet but you're right, no Asian would have been impresed by my test scores since THEY are the ONLY racial group that out averaged me!
it is utterly crazy how this nasty sack of shyt claims to have edumacayshun and all she gots is a bad attitude poor vocabulary and a mind in the gutter all the time in order to be a scholar like doctor or phd candidate one must function at a higher level much higher than the base emotions of rage, hatred and unbridled sexuality which is the exact opposite of what quarrelsome queefkin the wannabe dawktaw posts here duh she aint no dawktaw she aint even no lab tech
Why do we care?
WE don't.
Shut up you non English speaking psycho !
I can't wait for this royal wedding mess to be over with as well. I am happy for the William and Kate, but good grief, there are more important matters that need attending to.
My daughter has a friend from England who says that the overkill we are seeing in the States is not being played in England like this.
not alone! i despise the concept of "royalty." it's absurd. winning the birth lottery doesn't make you 'special.' being rich doesn't either. i can use 'common' in a sentence, but not to describe supposed differences in people. i don't like to see an active monarchy, anywhere. it reeks of Dark Age thinking and worse. i have seen and heard exactly 0 reports, "updates," run-downs or stories about this wedding and i'm going to keep it that way. i don't even listen to npr anymore. lies and fluff, why bother.
no one gives a rats ass about royal rich people because we are to busy working our asses off.
opec sets the price of oil not the oil companies since bongo has stopped our drilling in the gulf and on land.bongo has no problim with the chinese commies drilling in the gulf he will probly let them drill here in the states as long as they take the oil to china.we have more oil and coal than all the middle eastern countries put to gather but the national socialist have prevented us from developing it.just remember you voted for this third generation commie even after he said he was going to cause fuel prices to sky rocket.
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