Take the case of FOX Master Chef contestant, Krissi Biasiello. (In picture) I know that like another more famous white female chef, she was caught dropping the N-word, but Krissi being a racist shouldn't be worth a chase from the kid. Krissi does not have the power or the influence of Paula Deen, so she is basically just another racist in America. (Yawn) Her N-word is getting attention because she is on a popular television show.
"A current contestant on Fox’s MasterChef reality program is in hot water for tweeting inflammatory remarks about black people.
A reporter for the Philadelphia Daily News unearthed the two now-deleted tweets showing MasterChef contestant Krissi Biasiello making some pretty derogatory comments last year.
“[W]hy do the [Philadelphia] 76ers keep coming up in my who to follow,” she asked in the first tweet from 2012. “i HATE basketball. NBA = Niggers Bouncing Around,” she explained, punctuated with a “#thatsracist” hashtag. [Tweet image below edited by Daily News reporter.]
In another tweet from July 2012, Biasiello wrote: “Better make sure you’re on top when sleeping with a black guy … Otherwise it’s probably rape.” The tweet links to what seems to be a ChaCha poll on whether you prefer to be on the “top” or “bottom” during sex.
Biasiello is a 34-year-old paralegal based out of Philadelphia. She is currently placed within the top 11 contestants on this fourth season of MasterChef, a competitive cooking reality program co-hosted by Gordon Ramsay.
Following Molly Eichel’s Daily News report, Biasiello has deleted her account; but her official MasterChef account remains active." [Source]
I see you Krissi, and if you are sleeping with someone, be they black or white; let me say for the record that they deserve a medal of honor. Just saying.
Finally, CNN is examining the N-word tonight, and Don Lemon promoted the program by holding up an "index card" with the word "Nigger" on it. CNN, always looking for a ratings edge, is trying to cash in on the N-word being all over the news of late. I suspect that FOX will give the N-word their own special treatment next:
"Why can blacks say the word "Nigger" and we can't? That is not fair. If blacks can say the word Nigger to each other then so can we."
I think that you will be hearing a lot of that on Don's program. I know his position about the use of the word among blacks; he is against it.
But do we really need an entire cable news program dedicated to the N-word? Clearly the CNN bean counters believe that we do.
In about 10 years, whites will be using the "n" word IN PUBLIC like they did before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The gutting of the Voting Rights Act last week is a harbinger of the horrors to come for black people in this country.
I wish the particular white people who are obsessed with a white person's alleged right to call black people ni**ers would get over it and themselves. They don't see that this obsession is evidence of a white supremacist belief that white people are entitled to do as they please and everyone else be damned no matter what.
As for that so-called top chef, is it possible that she thought she was being satirical and stating her actual belief but the beliefs of identified racists? I don't know anything about her, but you'd think a fat chick would no better than to set herself up as a target for sex on top jokes.
Correction: I meant to write this -- As for that so-called top chef, is it possible that she thought she was being satirical and NOT stating her actual beliefs but the beliefs of identified racists? I don't know anything about her, but you'd think a fat chick would know better than to set herself up as a target for sex-on-top jokes.
Anonymous said...
In about 10 years, whites will be using the "n" word IN PUBLIC like they did before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s. The gutting of the Voting Rights Act last week is a harbinger of the horrors to come for black people in this country.
7:02 PM
Anon, you are exactly right. We are worried about 'who' can use a filthy degrading word such as the N-word, when we have lost basic voting rights. Lost of voting rights, says that we ARE the N-word. The next step is for Whites to actually say it. Why not? We can't vote like others.
There is nothing left for us but to shut up and take whatever the powers to be(Whites) dumps on us. One thing for sure, Obama lift us to equal status one iota. He reduced us.
"But do we really need an entire cable news program dedicated to the N-word? Clearly the CNN bean counters believe that we do."
Clearly we do. And if our peeps can go around labelling each other with that shit word, then Whites and everybody else ought to be free to use it also. Why is it Blacks can use that ignorant dehumanizing word and no one else can't? It's says a lot about the low state of conscience and NO RESPECT we have for each other.
Of course, the way we gun down each other in the streets proves how we feel about each other. Whites using the N-word is small fry compared to what we are doing to each other. Hell, we are engaged in genocidal acts against each other.
AND, WHERE IS THE PRESIDENT ON THIS? Obamaholics please answer.
Would the n-word include nigga? Guess not.
"Biasiello is a 34-year-old paralegal based out of Philadelphia."
Mr. FN, don't you practice in the city of Philadelphia? I understand legal circles are tight circles. Do you know anyone who has worked with this would-be humorist?
Mr Field, don't answer anon10:02pm, he's trying to Philly-bait you! Please don't answer him. Don't call any of your inner circle of friends. As a matter of fact, tell anon to go f*** himself. I know what I'm talking about, Mr Field. I am an excellent lawyer, one of the best.
I swear. These white guys are always trying to bait Blacks, just like Zimmerman and Don West are trying to do. I'm surprised Zimmerman wasn't in that photo eating a vanilla ice cream cone with the rest of the West's family.
Anyway, keep the big "R" chase going. NEVER give up, brother.
All people CAN use the word "nigger"....just be prepared for any thing coming your way. I fault us for not being able to discern what was good for one as well as for the collective. Black men, when people see me....they see you. Please act with personal dignity. The day we can no longer see skin color in the context as good or bad, we would not have to worry about the collective. My disappointment is my own. I think the plus young lady have an hidden inner knowledge about the racial sayings that "Black men loves fat white women". Her two comments are the opposite. One, she is detesting Black men in the NBA; her other statement is creating a MAKING LOVE with a Black. Her inner lust must be lurking.
Etymology of nigger = Niger, a spin-off of the Spanish word for "black"; used to describe the first Africans brought back to Europe; and subsequently, the Americas.
Early Christian slave traders/holders "morphed" the word into its ultimate and derogatory use to dehumanize Africans (a balm, as it were; relief for psychic pain).
We "Negroes" were briefly successful turning the word, "black" on its head, as in "black is beautiful". "Nigger", no matter how we spin it or use to make $$$, refuses such transformation.
Honestly, methinks white people have more of a problem with "nigger" than we black people.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: The SCOTUS and our despicable dual criminal justice system treats millions of black people negligibly better than the castrations and thefts-of-body- parts lynchings of yesteryear - aided and abetted by equally despicable (black)fratricide.
"Meanwhile, back at the ranch: The SCOTUS and our despicable dual criminal justice system treats millions of black people negligibly better than the castrations and thefts-of-body- parts lynchings of yesteryear - aided and abetted by equally despicable (black)fratricide."
12:47 AM
The SCOTUS, our despicable criminal justice system, AND our first black President treat and ignore us with disdain. Do you think that such treatment has a negative effect on us as a race when everyone looks down on us? You bet it does!
Think of the energy each one of us must expend trying to keep our heads and self-dignity up. The VRA altered to disenfranchise us as voters is the final nail in the coffin while Obama is President. How insulting and how mean-spirited of the SCOTUS. And how "weak" and "fearful" Obama is to turn his back on such wrongs against us. It's outrageous.
This fat funky white HEAUX is just what Negroe myns be relishing.
field booty, are you positive that you have not hit that already?
Letting her ride you reverse cowgirl; that way it was not rape.
I thought CNN was done examining Black folks when that Soledad person left. I guess I was wrong.
And, Mr. Field, what's up with your city. It seems to have more than its share of racists. Is
Philadelphia really a Southern city, like D.C., just pretending not to be? Yikes.
Yes Val, we have them here as wsll. No city in America is free of ignorance.
Nsangma, u are wrong for that. A brotha can't even eat his breakfast now. :(
Maybe the racism you need to start chasing is this. It's going to get real, real ugly with things like this happening so much.
i have no problem with any mere word
i do deeply loathe niggers like hobama, who rule all races, whom
this word so superbly describes...
white niggers stole and enslaved africans and taught them to be black niggers...they reign herein daily
we must eradicate all niggers before we get rid of their accurate verbal label
Anonymous said: "In about 10 years, whites will be using the "n" word IN PUBLIC like they did before the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s."
Some of us (whites) will continue to use the word (mostly in private), and some of us will continue to view those whites who use it as lowlifes.
A lot of us voted for Obama--twice, and continue to support efforts at equality which arguably are against our personal interests. That doesn't absolve us of prejudices, etc., but the point is there are too many people opposed to a retrograde movement back to Jim Crow to let it happen. And much to the chagrin of right wingers, the country is getting browner by the day.
>In about 10 years, whites will
>be using the "n" word IN PUBLIC
>like they did before the Civil
>Rights Movement of the 1960s.
So tell me about your fears of the sky falling.
Are you going to keep posting racism stories until O-bomber is back from Africa?
I see that your back at scrubbing comments that dont agree with your narrative....
more hitler swag from hobama
that nigger hobama is spying on the EU too
more on that nigger hobama's daily unmasking/scandals/lies/failures etc
Does being black excuse your nasty comment referring to her obvious fatness? You need to check your fat-phobia.
Hey Alicia....you hero Cornel "eat a sammch through a picket fence" West says Obama is pushing blacks to the "back of the bus", in favor of the homos:
I guess that means YOU GET TO DRIVE THE BUS!
Man that is one fat ugly white chick, she doesn't need to be on top of anybody!
The guy writing the 'hobama' comments is a minority among us whites. He's an empty, angry, powerless little man who is limited to posting disrespectful anonymous rants on the internet.
My first impulse is to scorn him as a moral cretin. But the fact is that he is pathetic. His life is spent casting insults on a group of people whom he pretends is beneath his contempt, but whom he obviously fears. He has no dignity, no decency, no pride.
lc/loony coon/loopy clown...wannabee me:
cornel is a heroic pro-gay scholar who has never lied about that dl nigger bankster hobama
i am proudly lesbian and african american
millions of blacks and gays are hobama nazi doormats
i am immensely proud that i am not!!!!!!!
never me
never that
that blackish black agendaless hnic hobama has given blacks nothing!!!!!!!
hobama has given gays ONLY cheap talk/equal corpses/state divorce rule...and ONLY because gays demanded it
niggers have ONLY asked hobama for tees and photos
that is ONLY what he has given them
i never have been and i never will be a racist moron dl homo homohater like that fugly fecal fool lt
I wonder if the CNN discussion will feature whites trying to provide themselves with answers amongst themselves, but televised to all to the question: Why do Black people feel that we (whites) are not entitled to use the N-word? Think about it. Are the same people who are so interested in using the N-word really capable of grasping the concepts in the answers Black people give? Or, will they once again invalidate the Black experience as less directed towards concrete racial equality?
i am a gay person who respects marriage as a human right
but i have no desire to clone het divorces/custody wars etc
my wife and i are happy as we are
like millions of fellow happy spousal educated and financially blessed lesbian duos, we will never legally marry
i do not fear homohating racist morons
i DO fear legal weddings and divorces
hobama's gestapos and spies control my life enough NOW!
why invite even more control via legal marriage????
rush limbaugh put it best:
gays have money
blacks don't
that is the ONLY reason blacks are at the back of the dl hobama's bus
Comparisons are not synonymous with equations. No fool would ever dare to EQUATE homophobia with racism in America. But, glaring similarities abound!!! Everywhere, everyday, homosexuals are refused services in public places, stalked, beaten, arrested, murdered, raped, verbally harassed, fired, evicted, legally discriminated against, rejected, slandered, libeled, scapegoated, and generally tortured, simply because they are homosexual.
Unlike Blacks who revere their preferred nigger status, I am keenly aware of my double nigger status, as one who is both Black and gay. I refuse to revere either debased ranking! I will continue to attack all who gaybash, just as I attack all who are neocon white supremacists. Eddie and Armstrong are NOT my brothers and they NEVER will be!!
The day that brothers can attack their real enemies as quickly as they attack a sister or a gay person, THAT is the day that the revolution will come!!! WE MUST STOP FIGHTING FOR OUR SPACES AT THE BOTTOM!!! The New World Order is flowing DOWN upon us ALL!! Eddie and Armstrong are supreme and evil agents of that order.
the dl hobama has DONE nothing except talk bs about gays
& pass the buck to homohating states re: gay marriage
cc that dl nigger hobama's miserable legally wedded beard michelle
who will file her 5th set of het divorce papers ASAP
AB, you forgot being fat. I'm sure that gets you discriminated against, too.
dear Mr Field, consider this my "Dear John" letter. I just can't take this FN shit anymore. I mean, I keep hoping and praying for some ray of light on FN but all I read is wretched crap about us.
You have gone waaay too far with this fat-ass post about a fat and ugly and a paralegal in a wheel chair talking about N.B.A. and sitting on top of bm having sex. I had to go to the emergency room because I became dehydrated from throwing up. You are one uncouth blogger with no etiquette and no sense of decency.
I mean, how could you? Who do you think you are, Chris Rock? Well, you have lost the best anon you could possibly have on FN. I am done with this shit. I can't even sleep at night with that low-life nasty image you sneakily dropped on me in your post.
I have a good mind to sue your ass for terror but I won't. These days my case would end up at the Supreme Court- where 'nothing' makes sense and for sure, my case would be all eff'd up by the time CT, Roberts and Scalia finished with it. So, consider yourself lucky. However, I WILL send you my hospital bill.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
"Man that is one fat ugly white chick, she doesn't need to be on top of anybody!"
Yeah but she cooks! and enjoys it!
NSangoma said...
"Letting her ride you reverse cowgirl"
I thought I had heard it all but obviously I haven't.
What exactly is "reverse cowgirl"?
Desertflower 1811, 0611 PM
What exactly is "reverse cowgirl"?
"I had to go to the emergency room because I became dehydrated from throwing up. You are one uncouth blogger with no etiquette and no sense of decency."
Anon, sorry for your troubles, but please come back. I promise to work on my behavior.
Yep, why do you guys have BET? We want WET, whah whah whah. It's so hartd being white in 'merica.
fat fugly beer gutted man boobed lard assed kkkook:
i am not an anorexic het bimbo
so fat sexist moron slob zimmerman cloned mf "men" who lie like hobama do not faze me...
ps: my clit is fatter and longer than your skinny tiny pink dick
Field, "Anon, sorry for your troubles, but please come back. I promise to work on my behavior."
Well, OK. But watch it!
Huh, this fat and ugly white chick shouldn't be so darn picky. She should be happy with what she could get, this includes being upside down with an Orangutan
Black people can't call themselves "niggers" (especially in the presence of white people) and then get mad as hell when a white person refers to them as "niggers."
If Blacks have no respect for themselves then why the HELLLL should anyone els have to. Blacks need to set the example. Calling ourselves "niggers" is just as bad as accepting the term "minority" 30 years ago when "the man" bestowed that name upon us and nobody broke their asses to protest it (not our educators, not our civil rights activists, not our teachers, not our lawyers, and not our preachers. WAKE UP BLACK PEOPLE, WAKE THE &(*^%$#@ UP!
Making it plain
Obese (another) slimy small penis likking undercover big bulldagger wanna be RAW hamburger cooking nasty! butt fuk
Ps Oh did i add drop shot
Go to sleep Afrikans the small penis are huntin
Sleep because waking up will cost your your anus and your life
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