"This season some viewers have complained that Aaryn Gries, one of the competitors on the show, has made offensive statements about blacks, gays and women during the live feed.
Some subscribers have expressed outrage, including season 12 “Big Brother” competitor Ragan Fox, who has penned an open letter on his blog to CBS. Fox wants CBS to show more so that viewers can get a sense of what the competitors are really like. “What’s the point of casting racial, ethnic, and sexual minorities if production’s going to edit out the racism, ethnic discrimination, and homophobia that these people encounter inside the house?” Fox’s blog reads.
More than 3,000 people have signed a Change.org petition asking CBS to remove Gries. “Racism and Homophobia shouldn’t be allowed while competing in a TV show that streams live 24 hours a day,” the petition reads.
In the wake of the petition, Zephy Talent, the agency that represents Gries, has dropped the 22-year-old.
“Aaryn, season 15 cast member of Big Brother, revealed prejudices and other beliefs that we (Zephyr Talent) do not condone. We certainly find the statements made by Aaryn on the live Internet feed to be offensive. Any views or opinions expressed in personal commentary by Aaryn, either on any live feed from the House or during the broadcast, are hers alone and do not represent the views or opinions of Zephyr Talent. Upon much consideration, we have decided to release Aaryn from her contract with Zephyr Talent,”
Sorry Aaryn, I personally hope that you get to stay. The viewers and other cast members should learn to understand the true meaning of reality.
Of course, if you believe the conservative leaning Rasmussen people (the ones who picked Mitt Romney to win it all), the reality for most people in the majority population these days is that black folks are the ones with racism issues. Go figure.
"A poll released Wednesday by Rasmussen found African-Americans are more likely to be viewed as racist than whites.
Thirty-seven percent of poll respondents said "most black Americans" are racist, compared to just 15 percent who said most whites are racist and 18 percent who said most Hispanics are racist.
Black respondents ranked their own demographic as more likely to be racist. Thirty-one percent of African-Americans said most blacks are racist, according to the polling organization, while only 24 percent of those respondents said most whites are racist.
"There is a huge ideological difference on this topic," Rasmussen noted in a release accompanying the poll. "Among conservative Americans, 49 [percent] consider most blacks racist, and only 12 [percent] see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27 [percent] see most white Americans as racist, and 21 [percent] say the same about black Americans."
Eugene Puryear, a national organizer for the ANSWER Coalition – an activist group whose acronym stands for Act Now to Stop War and End Racism – thinks some Americans misunderstand the issue.
"Oftentimes the assertiveness of African-Americans is seen as reverse racism," Puryear told U.S. News. "The fact of the matter is personal hatred isn't really the issue; the issue of racism is about poverty and inequality." [Source]
I never knew that I would live to see the day when whites would play the victim card as much as they do now. Especially white folks on the right. They have essentially flipped the script on this whole racism discussion.
But wait.....I must be missing something here, because the last time I checked white folks were doing alright. So why now? Where did this strain of victim hood come from all of a sudden? I suspect that it has something to do with that Obama fellow. The imagery of seeing a black man as the most powerful person on earth is enough to change perceptions. I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard or read the following: "How could America be racist against blacks ? We have a black president for crying out loud!"
dave 2 hours ago
Dave, if you think it's bad now, just wait until after the verdict in the trial of a certain vigilante down in Florida.
Field, "Of course, if you believe the conservative leaning Rasmussen people (the ones who picked Mitt Romney to win it all), the reality for most people in the majority population these days is that black folks are the ones with racism issues. Go figure."
Brother Field, Rasmussen is considered the 'best of the best' when it comes to surveys like this. Like you, I hated reading that our folks are more racist than Whites. But it's true, brother. It's REALITY.
It's too bad they didn't include Asians, Jews and Mexicans in the survey. We would have come in fourth.
FN said, "Some of my peeps are mad at Big Brother for allowing racism among their house guests. Not me. This is reality television, and racism is a reality here in America. It stands to reason that if you put a few random Americans together you are bound to find a racist or two among the group."
I agree with you except the last sentence. "It stands to reason that if you put a 'few' Americans together you are bound to find 'a' racist or 'two' among the group."
A 'few'? 'a' racist or 'two'? Come on, Field, you know better. This is America. We are ALL impacted by racism. That means when you put a few Americans together they are, more than likely, "going" to be racists. No doubt about it.
Now I am willing to believe that one or two might not be racist but that would be a 'freak' of nature in America.
"This season some viewers have complained that Aaryn Gries, one of the competitors on the show, has made offensive statements about blacks, gays and women during the live feed."
Brother Field, I don't believe it. I want proof. What did she say?
I was attracted to that woman, please don't let it be true. I refuse to believe it. She was set up by some jealous Whites and insecure Negroes. I want that woman back on the show.
Dear CBS, if you put her back on the show, it will make your show a lot more 'real'. Not only that, the ratings will go through the roof!
Besides, I bet my last dollar that EVERYONE on that show are racists.
Black racists eh? Plenty of those: Clarance Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Tim Scott, Herman Caine, E.W. Jackson, Allan West, Alveda King... and many more.
Field you are so right, they should definitely have left her.
What I want to know though, is did the other cast members call her on it? Did they check her?
Or do they just stand by meekly when she uttered the slurs?
But as you well say, of course they should leave her, she is a part of a society that still harbors racism,homophobia and chauvinism.
Perhaps she may have even changed her viewpoints as the program progressed.
People do change ya know. If they didn't therapists and psychologists would be out of work :)
Desert, you give people and therapists too much credit because most people don't change. And therapists, psychologists and psychiatrists are overrated. Hell, some of them are the craziest people I know.
Also, racists don't change their viewpoints, esp if it's about Blacks. Racists are racists for life, with a few 'exceptions'.
You see, it's not that easy for a white person to give up the 'root' of their racism--which is White Privilege. And in a materialistic society, why should they? Think about that.
Rasmussen had Romney winning with at the very least 279. Now we are suppose to listen to them and gallup for that matter. As far as polling is concerned, fivethirtyeight.com is the best by far. They predicted the 2008 and 2012 presidential elections, and the 2010 rise of the tea party.
Rasmussen made a minor mistake in the last last Presidential election. But they have since bounced back as the 'best'. As a bm I believe their poll on Racism. I mean, it makes a lot of sense.
Thus far, I have not seen anything to dispute the survey. Of course, some of you FN Negroes just can't handle the truth...you never have been able to face your own shortcomings.
We need to own up to responsibility. This is what Clarence Thomas keeps trying to tell us.
Field, "I never knew that I would live to see the day when whites would play the victim card as much as they do now. Especially white folks on the right. They have essentially flipped the script on this whole racism discussion. "
They've always flipped the victim role on us. It's pretty easy to do to Blacks. I mean, what are we going to do? NOTHING.
Anonymous said...
"I was attracted to that woman, please don't let it be true."
Oh c'mon Anon, you've never even watched that show!
You're just saying that cos Field put that picture up there of her in blue panties with a little scarf tied around her titties!
That's just a ho!
Just because blacks react to to racism, it's perceivec by whites as blacks being racists? Go figure! Since ObomBer was SELECTED, whites have for the most part attempted to trade places with blacks, not literally from a social stand point, but merely abstractly to give the appearance as being racial victims as a group. The Sh#t isn't working!
Desert, "Oh c'mon Anon, you've never even watched that show!
Ok, you got me. But thanks to Field, I'll be watching for the next racist on that show. I have never seen such sexy looking racists before. The ones I have seen have teeth missing and they wear flannel shirts and old boots. I swear. These racists are evolving. Darwin was right.
Since Wednesday 7/313 to today 7/413, 19 have been shot in Chicago on the Southside.
Does anybody know if PilotX is ok? It's been a while since we heard from him. I hope he hasn't been shot.
Lord have mercy, there is genocide going on the Southside of Chicago. It's terrible.
Anonymous said...
"Ok, you got me. But thanks to Field, I'll be watching for the next racist on that show. I have never seen such sexy looking racists before. The ones I have seen have teeth missing and they wear flannel shirts and old boots."
You won't watch either. You're too old to watch those type shows :p
I swear they need to make Black History mandatory, so that these folks claiming that NAACP, BET, BLACK HISTORY MONTH, Miss Black America, Association of Black Psychologists, and Black Farmers Association are racist could be enlightened. Lord help them.
Do they not know that BET is owned by a white man, NAACP was started by a white man and white people belong to it, Black History month is sponsored and started by white folks. The other ones were started because Blacks were not allowed to join their organization and ignored blacks and their interests.
After all, they have Counsel of Conservative Citizens , KKK, Academy Awards, Miss America, Miss Universe, Fox We Make It Up News, The Medical Association, Psychologist Association, White Farmers Association, TeaParty, and the Republican Congress. So, why are they complaining?
I tell ya, some people are born messy.
@Whitey Conspiracy, I totally agree with you, but you left out two of them, JESSE LEE PETERSON and REVEREND MANNING.
Jesse Lee Peterson is at the top of the list. Well, Thomas and him run neck and neck and tie for that position.
Please don't forget Ward Connerly.
millions of whites voted for hobama in 2008
they proved they were smarter than most blacks by NOT voting for hobama in 2012
u r blinded by your hobama love fn
it is truly tragic to witness even as hobama unsmasks his own racist evils
the ONLY problem is that the blackish bankster hobama has made millions of white americans become as poor/poorer than blacks
and blacks are still the pooREST
rather than brewing black tea parties,
poor black hobama nazis are bashing poor whites
cc africom/the black agendaless hobama/the opulent vacationing hobamas/homeless/jobless/gunless/wwiii etc
racist drone man bankster hobama makes ward connerly look
honest peaceful and sane
rev manning has been clairvoyant re: hobama
and he has never told a lie about hobama!
more on racist clowns
why do u STILL ignore:
hobama's own blatant racism???????
hobama's black agendaless swagger
“Rasmussen made a minor mistake in the last last Presidential election. But they have since bounced back as the 'best'.”
You’re not just a liar, it’s worse than that – you are full of shit.
This is what Nate Silver – y’know the guy who correctly predicted the election outcome in all 50 states – says about Rasmussen’s results.
Several polling firms got notably poor results, on the other hand. For the second consecutive election — the same was true in 2010 — Rasmussen Reports polls had a statistical bias toward Republicans, overestimating Mr. Romney’s performance by about four percentage points, on average.
So for the second Presidential election in a row Rasmussen consistently over-reported support for Republicans, in 2012 of the 25 polling organizations only American Research Group performed worse than Rasmussen. In 2010 they underestimated one Democrats support by a staggering 40%(!) The worst single error in polling history.
Since the election they have been again criticized for phrasing their questions in a way designed to receive the answers they want. In particular with reference to their regular Obamacare poll.
As a bm I believe their poll on Racism….
Listen son, letme break some news to you. Go look in the mirror, you will discover that YOU. ARE. NOT. A. BLACK. MAN.
Why do you people keep doing this? You are fooling nobody.
Why don’t you have the courage of your own convictions and start telling the truth - just for once in your lives.
To sum it up in a nutshell by the Last Poets: “Niggers are afraid of revolution.” Hell. niggers are afraid to die; instead, niggers cower in fear and refer to themselves as fake field negroes; conservative negroes; integrationist negroes; mild mannered groveling negroes, obsequious negroes and ass kissing, white shoe wearing negroes like C.L. Bryant.
My Lord, when will negroes realize that the only thing that former cave dwelling whites truly understand is some fire power pointed at their chest.
Alicia get help for your O fixation.
your hypocrisy regarding your very own O fixation failed to answer my valid queries:
why do u STILL ignore:
hobama's own blatant racism???????
hobama's black agendaless swagger
hobama has earned my hatred:
wtf has he done to earn your love????
cc his daily scandals/drones/africom etc
hobama's ndaa is the most globall yracist law ever!!!
hobama's ndaa is the most globally racist law ever!!!
how does fn ignore it???????
why are you so helplessly fixated on blindly adoring that racist hobama???????
why are u racist hobama nazis so hopelessly unchanged...even as hobama no longer bothers to mask his racism???????
When Barack Obama leaves the White House in January 2017, what will black America, his earliest and most consistent supporters, have to show for making his political career possible. We'll have the T-shirts and buttons and posters, the souvenirs. That will be the good news. The bad news is what else we'll have.... and not.
When Obama leaves office, we'll still have gentrification as the only model of urban economic development.
To be fair, this isn't the exclusive failure of President Obama, it's the failure of vision of the entire black misleadership class, stretching over decades. But as the most powerful actor in the land, the man whose career is the crowning achievement so far of the black political class, Obama absolutely deserves to wear the jacket for leaving things as bad as or worse than the day he assumed office.
The day Barack Obama leaves the White House we'll still have the world's biggest prison state, with three quarters of its inmates black and brown, the insane 40 years War On Drugs, and a black person murdered by police, private security or vigilantes every day or so.
The best the Obama administration and its allies in Congress could do to address the 100 to 1 cocaine to crack penalty disparity was cutting it to 18 to 1 without changing the sentence of a single person already serving unjust time. Hundreds of thousands of black and brown youth are still doing years for mere grams of crack or minute scraps of marijuana. The police and prison state will, as before, remain the nation's preferred means to address poverty, homelessness, mental illness, immigration and many other social, economic and medical conditions.
We'll have US troops in more than thirty African countries enforcing Western land grabs and the corporate neoliberal order, and keeping Africa barefoot, sick, hungry and afraid, but well-armed. And we'll have an even larger overall military budget with more troops and more overseas bases than under George Bush.
During the Clinton and second Bush administrations, the US bankrolled, trained and supplied the armies of 52 out of 54 African nations to ensure that the continent remained the poorest and most war-torn on earth. Under its first black president, the US has stepped up the game with actual deployments of drones, mercenaries, special forces and other US military units in more than thirty African countries to enforce the neoliberal order in which Africa's wealth is diverted from its people into the economies and overseas bank accounts of the West and a handful of native kleptocrats.
Martin Luther King told us decades ago that the number one purveyor of violence on this planet was the US government. Barack Obama, who many fancifully associate with King, hasn't changed that one iota.
When Obama leaves office, it will be legal and acceptable for US presidents to unilaterally murder with or without announcement of cause anybody, anyplace on the planet within the reach of US drones, special operators and mercenaries.
When Obama assumed office the US was secretly imprisoning and torturing thousands in at least a dozen countries around the world. We are told now that torture and secret jails are used less often now, that the preferred expedient being simple murder via special ops team or drone.
why no word on ndaa/africom???????
how can any african be fixated on loving that racist hobama???????
cc africom/jobless/homeless/ndaa/cbc diss etc
why are u fixated on allowing that racist celebutante hobama to be more racist than a reality tv show star???????
how can u ignore the racist realities of ndaa/africom etc???????
Hobama flaunts his adoration of white male global banksters. He flagrantly celebrates his exclusive loyalty to the white male Wall Street criminals, who comprise and control his entire apartheid regime. Hobama proudly wallows in his bloody obsession with global and domestic drones. Hobama drools at the Mainstream Media (MSM) that coddle and cheer him through serial illegal wars, AFRICOM, CISPA, unprecedented prison funding, martial law, unconstitutional gun grabs, FEMA camps, DHS ammunition stockpiling, Hobamacare casinos and layoffs, and numerous other maniacal antics.
So I'm watching a live stream of the GZ trial and the doctor that did the autopsy is being crossed.
And....he doesn't know how to speak English! He's Asian but obviously he.....I dunno even know what to say...???
I mean call me picky, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm thinking that a job such as that one should have the prerequisite of knowing the language?
Black Sage, "To sum it up in a nutshell by the Last Poets: “Niggers are afraid of revolution.” Hell. niggers are afraid to die; instead, niggers cower in fear and refer to themselves as fake field negroes; conservative negroes; integrationist negroes; mild mannered groveling negroes, obsequious negroes and ass kissing, white shoe wearing negroes like C.L. Bryant."
Thank you, brother Sage. I have been saying this on FN for years. But all I get accused of from FN Negroes like Field and PC is that I am White and not Black!
It'll be interesting to see if they throw you out of our race too. They don't like Blacks who think differently from them. They unconsciously think they are the 'Creators' of the black race, which means they created us out of F,E.A.R.="Fuck Everything and Run"...
Isn't that the bottom line of the Last Poets lyrics? As a fearful race, we have been running since slavery. Maybe if we had some courage 'in the beginning', ie, we were willing to die for liberty instead of imprisonment by the white devils, enslaving us would never happened.
Desert, "You won't watch either. You're too old to watch those type shows :p"
1:57 AM
86 is not that old. Women still want my bod. You see, wm are waay ahead of bm because they can still get it up even at 100yrs old! I have ww, and bw coming to visit me just to experience a 100yr old.
Field, please consider doing a post about how bm peter out earlier than wm as they age. That's a fact proven by Rasmussen.
Anonymous said...
"You see, wm are waay ahead of bm because they can still get it up even at 100yrs old!"
First of all, thank you for answering me, I'm thinking everyone is still asleep after yesterday:))
Secondly I wasn't referring to sexual activity. Let's be clear, YOU went there, not me:P I was referring to watching 'young' type programs only.
Thirdly, yes, you may be right about longevty of usage of the wm. I wouldn't know, having had such limited sexual activity myself, (I almost qualify for sainthood just so ya know;)
But I have seen, in my medical experience, that the size of the bm can sometimes be so large as to inhibit the proper or complete erection of the organ, especially in later yeatrs. And this is for real now, I'm not kidding.
So I'm thinking that even if the wm is/or may be active longer, and again I don't know this to be true, and maybe it's just you, but there is also the matter of quality over quantity. and by quality I mean how much pleasure you have generated.
But don't answer, it's not the proper place and Field won';t like it and will delete. :P
I always felt that you had the potential to be canonized one day as a Saint.:)
"But don't answer, it's not the proper place and Field won';t like it and will delete. :P"
Yeah, I know. That Field is a very jealous Racism chaser.
why have you fixated ignoring that racist bankster/gun runner/ global american drug dealer hobama
and humberto leal garcia?????????
cc troy davis/eric holder/hobama's gun running in mx etc
why have you fixated on ignoring that racist bankster/gun runner/ global american drug dealer hobama
and humberto leal garcia?????????
cc troy davis/eric holder/hobama's gun running in mx etc
The Alicia Banks Troll is tiresome. Why won't it go away? Why?!
The list is long Granny, but yours are worthy inductees. Usually whenever I hear one of those virulently racist self-hating black people speak, I can't help but remember Dave Chappelle's defining take on them in his blind black klansman skit, especially the professionals, the spokespeople who rent out their black skins to disguise our national policy of real systemic violence to black people in this country, especially young male black people, the overwhelmingly favorite target of those same kkk'rs who Chappelle so belittlingly caricatured.
Um Field, I know you're not from here and all but just to clue you in whites have been playing the victim card for decades. I keep telling folks about that Meet the Press interview with Dr. King in the early 60's in which the interviewer asked him why he wasn't doing more to stop blah on white discrimination in the south. Conservatives have always been clueless about reality.
On another note, chick's name is aryian so what else should we expect? Bet her middle name is klan.
Hey Granny you hit the nail on the head. When you mentioned the whites citizens council, kkk and other white interest groups I wonder if dave included them when he said whites want equality for everybody? These folks are interesting if nothing else.
It's very hard to find any love for a straight-haired gang of pale lookin' folks who've been equating afro'd dark skinned people with King Kong for the past 500 years. Very hard indeed.
Field is like most out there. Eyes Wide Shut. The game of denial and averting attention from self is an old old game that everyone sees right through these days. Blacks are considered the worst racists in American today because of black mob violence, so called justice in the name of Treyvon (beatings, murders, burnings, rapes, ect..) scores and scores of black on white hate crimes being reported all over the nation in record numbers. Come on man, get real. Blacks ARE the haters in society today.
Making it plain
Ragmusty is the worst of the worst
And any rag like that which appeals to the right wingnuts what else can be expected ?
Suffice that those who applaud it are often small dicks with big mouths, raggedy teeth and bad breathe And or begging for recognition without 2 dimes in the jeans pocket hmmmmm Bring it
Who by the way actually hate Afrkans like you and i who will spkourpeace ( granted your much more classy) ))) Jajajajaja
Also raggermustys wear sneakers 24/7 and don't own a pair of specs and sleep alone
And the Ragmusty appelas to those who say they are racist by labeling themselves racist via being BLACK who does that?
Gotcha Still trying to figure it out jajajajaja Chess?
ps No ya can' t u have a JOB where you work for someone
Whites play the "victim card"? Are you serious??? I suppose you believe that nobody is hurt when blacks receive unearned and undeserved Affirmative Action handouts on the basis of skin color? That is absurd - if a black person receives preferential treatment, then it stands to reason to some white person got screwed over so that an unqualified black could get the handout.
Blacks have been getting a free ride in the U.S. for many, many years although most are too self-absorbed to see this.
Also, blacks are far more racist than any other ethnic group in America. I question why anyone is surprised by this conclusion - this is common sense to anyone who has lived in a multi-ethnic area for any length of time. Just look at the George Zimmerman case - blacks only look at race, yet it they examined the facts objectively, they would see that the shooting was completely justified in self-defense.
@Kurt...GTFOH...it's "the hate that hate made"...and turn-about is after all, fair play. Blacks have grown weary in this 21st century... no longer tolerating your inherent belief in white superiority and privilege. Black folks are tired of that shit...To use the Martin murder as an example is a poor one...George Zimmerman is a fat fucking failure, a wannabe cop who failed to make the cut dismally and has trouble accepting he will never be one. That piece of human waste was looking to victimize someone with his sorry ass...his profiling and stalking his victim who of course just happen to be a YBM, was pretty damn obvious. As usual white folks see this differently than blacks...thru the blind eyes of their own racism. All the young black men I know would have probably responded the same, being stalked by some fat cracka...assuming he was some pervert or pedophile looking for a piece of black boy ass. He had to use his gun as Trayvon was giving his ass a beatdown for stalking him and not identifying his reasons for following him. What was most unfortunate was Martin didn't have an equal opportunity being armed to defend himself properly and kill that pig.
@Anonymous Martin viciously attacked Zimmerman. Zimmerman was being beaten MMA-style and reasonably feared for his life. Martin's decision to beat Zimmerman was not justified. Maybe blacks think that is how to deal with an issue like this, but nobody else does.
As far as I can tell, the only racist person in this incident was Martin himself, who called Zimmerman a "creepy ass cracker." You are being very hypocritical if you don't think that term is racist. If Zimmerman had called Martin a "creepy spade," I doubt that any white people would doubt that Zimmerman's choice of words was racist.
Martin make the conscious decision to "keep it real" and learned the hard way what can happen when "keepin' it real goes wrong."
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