Wednesday, July 17, 2013

This is not how we start an honest conversation about race.

I know that AG Holder wants us to have an honest conversation about race in this country, but someone should explain to our white friends that certain words are a non- starter.

"An unidentified White man was rushed to the hospital Friday with a massive head injury after allegedly calling a Black man a racial slur at a Manhattan restaurant, the New York Daily News reports.

The altercation took place at Benny’s Burritos in the West Village neighborhood around 5:30 p.m. when a White man approached a Black patron in the outdoor seating area. Douglas Reddish, 25, was eating with his girlfriend when the man, who was reportedly drunk, stumbled to his table, according to the New York Post.

Reddish reportedly tried to help the man regain his balance before he allegedly said, “This ni*ger wants to fight me!” Reddish did not take the insult well, knocking the man out cold with a blow to the face. The man fell backwards onto the concrete.

“He was out cold. I thought he was dead,” said Benny’s worker Robert Garcia.
Reddish tried to attack the man again, but restaurant employees restrained him. Once Reddish realized the man was seriously injured, cops say he fled the scene; he was eventually tracked down, arrested and charged with assault.
A woman who spoke with the man before he was KO’d says he was upset over his wife leaving him and losing his job at Goldman Sachs.

Witnesses heard the man say, “You n—–s are why I lost my job.”
“I couldn’t believe it,” one witness said. “He mentioned the N-word, this guy hits him one time and he hits his head on the curb.”

The man was taken to Beth Israel Hospital. His status is not known at this time.

See what you started, Rush? I hope you at least offer to pay that poor man's hospital bill.


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Mack Lyons said...

Please. This will be used as proof positive that those negroes are out of control and must be stopped!

Come on, anons, don't leave me hanging (sic) on this :D

Anonymous said...

Brother Lyons, this is further proof that we Negroes are brutes and further 'evidence' that people should be carrying guns for protection.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

I saw something similar in the break room at the lumber mill I worked at from 78-80. Big ol' white boy got a chip on his shoulder when the only black guy at the plant got promoted past him, so he called him a "job steeling n!&&@r" when he walked into the break room the next morning. After that it was a 2 hit fight; Black dude hit white dude, white dude hit the floor. Then they woke him up and fired his ass.

Anonymous said...

Mack Lyons, I don't know WHY some of you FN Negroes think this is funny.

This is NOT funny, you idiot. So wipe that smile off your face. Are you laughing? Well, don't. This is some serious business. How in the hell are we going to have a conversation with Whites if we go around knocking them out cold?

This incident probably has messed up Holder's game plan. Mack, you are a sick instigating piece of shit- and Field should throw your ass off of FN. It's racist fools like you that make it bad for the rest of us.

control+halt+delete said...

Slowly I turn, step by step , inch by inch...maybe the guy said Niagra Falls....

Anonymous said...

Negroes sure are violent.

Whitey's Racket said...

Whitey I am sorry that nigra knocked you out, but knowing you, you probably liked it.

Wesley R said...

Hey, Young Man, You Just Got Knocked The Fuck Out.

Anonymous said...

You do know that a white man calling a black man a felon is not against the law?

However, the black man who knocked out the white man faces serious criminal charges. The black man could, and probably will, end up being a felon (if he isn't one already) - his life ruined.

Tio Chingy said...

We have already seen large numbers of attacks by blacks on Hispanics in the name of Trayvon. This will not end well for blacks.

As can be seen in Mexico, the moderate time preferences of Hispanics tend to make them more organized than blacks and less temperate than whites when they turn violent. When black and white communities collide, the result tends to lean towards segregation. When black and brown communities collide, the result tends to lean towards the eradication of the former.

Blacks not infrequently engage in this sort of public group beating.  Hispanics not infrequently leave collections of dead bodies neatly displayed in public.  Welcome to America 3.0.

However, it is interesting to note that the black community understands George Zimmerman is Hispanic, even though the mainstream media still wants to affect that he is white.

Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Field, there is entirely too much racism going on in this country, esp in Cali. Take for instance, those four fake ass Asianic pilot names some dumb-ass anchor on TV reported to everyone:

"Sum Ting Wong"
"Ho Lee Fuk"
"Wi Tu Lo"
"Bang Ding Ow"

Now you know that dumb-ass white anchor knew what she was saying and that it was racist. Anybody listening would know those were bullshit racist names.

What I don't understand is WHY you have not used this as a teachable moment in racism. I mean, those bullshit names weren't even subtle. A kid would know what was being said in English. So WHY haven't you addressed this?

Anonymous said...

"See what you started, Rush?"

Now, Mr. Field, it is not fair to bring Mr. Limbaugh into this. Mr. Limbaugh clearly stated that, extrapolating from Ms. Jeantel's "cracka" (NOT "cracker") definition, he believed that it was now acceptable for his racially-insensitive listeners/followers to employ the word "Nigga" in their everyday discourse.

Here, however, the unnamed, formerly married, formerly-employed-by-the-loathsome-Goldman Sachs, white stinking drunk employed the epithet "ni*ger" (NOT "Nigga," nor "Niger," for that matter.) Mr. Limbaugh has not approved of the use of "ni*ger," at least, to the best of my knowledge, not recently. Let the paranoid, ignorant drunk pay his own hospital bills, if he can. May he wake up only speaking Swedish, and become a better person.

Anonymous said...

Negro knocked out a drunk guy. Wow. He should go to jail for his chimpout.

Guido said...

So is it cool to sucker punch drunk niggers now if they say something offensive?

I'm down.

Anonymous said...

A Concerned Anon said, "Dear Mr Field, there is entirely too much racism going on in this country, esp in Cali. Take for instance, those four fake ass Asianic pilot names some dumb-ass anchor on TV reported to everyone:

"Sum Ting Wong"
"Ho Lee Fuk"
"Wi Tu Lo"
"Bang Ding Ow"

Now you know that dumb-ass white anchor knew what she was saying and that it was racist. Anybody listening would know those were bullshit racist names."

Why hasn't Whitey said something about this? It's his messed up state. Man, this puts Florida to shame. Cali is no longer is credible.

Dick Holder said...

Holder doesn't want an honest conversation on race, he wants people he disagrees with to shut up while he lectures them. He will never honestly discuss black criminality and dysfunction.

Anonymous said...

"Negro knocked out a drunk guy. Wow. He should go to jail for his chimpout."

9:52 PM
You don't understand. The man was sober until the brother punch him, making the white man punch drunk.

Anonymous said...

What happened to big mouth Desert? Oh, I see. She never has anything to say when the bm is wrong. Only when the wm is wrong....never mind.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

Watching Rachael Jeantel's interview today solidified my opinion of the prosecution. They never believed in their case, over-charged it politically, dis-used their witnesses, (including leaving Ms. Jeantel hanging in the face of clear abuse) and worst of all never developed either their political Murder II charge or the most plausible theory of guilt: incomplete self defense, so that the jury ended up missing the meaning of the evidence and had no understanding whatsoever that Zimmerman's fear had to be objectively reasonable. Even after all of that, the jury went into deliberation half way to conviction, but, unfortunately without the arguments to sustain themselves or convince the others. Shame on them. I've seen jerking off in front of correctional personnel prosecuted with more competence & zeal.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

Only in Ameriklan can an unarmed teenager go on trial for his own murder.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

A non asked: Why hasn't Whitey said something about this?


It's a conflict of interest: I already represent their spokeswoman, Connie Lingus.

Anonymous said...

I hope the station in that racist Bay Area fries. I hope they pay through the nose so much they will have to sell the station to the Asian Community.

No one can tell me that the anchor woman didn't know those names were fake. How could she even say those names with a straight face?

Those names came from the Bay Area folks. That means they were Liberal Whites. God forbid they turn out to be Gay on top of it.

Now, I know people like Mack Lyons and Field are laughing their asses off at those names. They are such a sorry bunch of Negroes.

Anonymous said...

That white boy should have never embarrassed that Negro sitting with his girlfriend having dinner. The trauma he and his girlfriend must have suffered when an unidentified white man bumped into his table and called him a nigga. Lord have mercy.

Anyway, I'm glad no one shot the Negro. These days people shoot Negroes over nothing without consequence.

However, I am hearing Zimmerman is being advised to leave the country to get his life together and never come back. Actually, OJ should have left the country.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Field, is there still such a thing in the law as "fighting words"? If so is "Nigger" one of them? Could this man use that as a defense in court?

Or could he say that the use of that word has been followed by violence so much in the past that he felt he needed to act in self defense?


Anonymous said...

I'm busy right now! But I think he was justified in punching the drunk just for approaching him with his drunken crap.!

I hate drunks myself! And none better even try to ever approach me! I would have broken the chair over his head!

But for calling him that name , he shoulda stomped him while he was down!!!

Who needs alcoholics in the world? They're nothing but problems and full of infectious diseases. Ugh!

Anonymous said...

"Anonymous said...
"Sum Ting Wong"
"Ho Lee Fuk"
"Wi Tu Lo"
"Bang Ding Ow"
I laughed so hard when I heard that anchor. And she sort of realized when she finished. She pronounced the last one "fook" so she did kind of know.

Anonymous said...

Desert, "I hate drunks myself! And none better even try to ever approach me! I would have broken the chair over his head!

But for calling him that name , he shoulda stomped him while he was down!!!"

That is no way for a nice Christian Sister like you to be talking violent stuff like that.

why o why are we so violent and merciless? I think it goes back to the slave days when they put us on those special diets to make us bigger and stronger so we could work harder and longer. We have been cursed with the genes of the past.

Those civilized Whites did this to us.

Anonymous said...

Blogger Desertflower said...
"Anonymous said...
"Sum Ting Wong"
"Ho Lee Fuk"
"Wi Tu Lo"
"Bang Ding Ow"
I laughed so hard when I heard that anchor. And she sort of realized when she finished. She pronounced the last one "fook" so she did kind of know.

12:07 AM
Miss Desert, why do you Negroes laugh at such things that are clearly not funny to Whites and Asians? I mean, I bet you even laughed at that poor white man when that Negro decked him. I bet Field was laughing so hard he could barely post it. That imbecile Mack Lyons laughed but we all know he is hopeless. why o why?

Anonymous said...

Anon, Anon, you know what the drunk said when he got decked?

Sum ting Wong
Wi to lo
Ho lee fuk
Bang ding ow!


Wouldn't it be cool to have this as a ringtone?

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Anonymous said...

u ain't nothin but a racist.

Wun Hung Lo

Anonymous said...

Blogger Desertflower said...
Anon, Anon, you know what the drunk said when he got decked?

Sum ting Wong
Wi to lo
Ho lee fuk
Bang ding ow!


Wouldn't it be cool to have this as a ringtone?

12:53 AM
ROFLMAO! You are one sick puppy. This shit is not funny. lol...stop it! You are killing Field....LMAO! This is too silly for late night blogging..I'm going to

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Desert Love it
Sum ting Wong
Wi to lo
Ho lee fuk
Bang ding ow!

One thing about it little dicks cannot hang hi they are always eat or suck low hung

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Hotep people

Enter La Cubanade Matanzas, loud mouth. often ridiculous, in ya face Little Penis basher, say, what i want, get over it Afrikan
ooooops may i add to some i am also the N word ;)

))))) Whatever, Buenas i am here to piss ya off and see who can take it and who will sprout pink hair OR who will ignore me. Sadly i always win

Lets do it
HOLD IT Let me remind all of my Afrikan friends
Trays killer was not hispanic he is a JEW And i can prove it And will next time i arrive if the subject is violence

Am i happy that the man was hurt Hell no! . Am i sad that the Afrikan had to whoop that butt Hell no! why?

This is the same thing that may have happened to Tray. An angry killer approaches, the N word is used, a struggle ensues and BAMMM the killer hits his head on ground pulls a gun and shoots.

.There is too much viol but you seek it and do not know how to defend yourself OH WELL!

Now you can spin this any way you want, but lets get real in post Barak!
The N word and the insults shouted at many Afrians will get just what Mr pale male got? For eye (i) people have the right to say what they want
Free speech as long as they do not TOUCH!

The sad thing is that two of the most dangerous things a person has could not be stopped and came into play FISTS and MOUTH i prefer to use my ability to talk

It is clear that Mr Reddish was not having it (insults) after he tried to help And it is obvious that the pale male came in with hate frustration and the N word in his heart IE " Out of the heart comes the words"

Now, this is an example as well of what spirits (alcohol) will create when abused
And this is how a man who has not been able to digest the N word answered the call

With heat, anger and all things in the blender i suggest that any pale male man would do well to learn to keep that word out of thier mouths IF they are soft and cannot rumble or handle a debate about the word

The sad thing is that this is not over, and that this kind of response cannot be attributed to one person alone
People like Rush and the COOK have been saying the N word for ever, they were fed N for bfkst lunch and dinner why else would they both be so big?

Which is why i chose not to lower myself down to his level and comment yesterday He (Rush ) is a nobody an insecure loud mouth who simply does not get it Some of us don't GAD about anything he says. He nor any one else who uses the N word can ever force me to hit or shoot them or take any violence out on their person
On the other side
This is the convo we must all have with our children and esp our sons.
Yes, we must educate our sons about thier assoc all of them and esp the faded pale ones

Gee i wonder what rushy would teach his sons
oooops he has none, his little gun cannot shoot straight( little Penis) Besides i would suggest that rushy would teach his sons to shoot and ask ? later

I'm back!!! MY words GROW UP!
Its my way or the hwy and i need no help.
All your instructed to do is take your viagra and get pissed of and try to over what i am sharing

OR" grow cojones get hutzpah and seek me out and kill me.
Some of you hatas who have failed to stop me are good at that.

You become frustrated about what someone says or what you ass...umme ? duh! and then STALK PROFILE and KILL I invite you People here know where to find me Bring it

Now there are some who are possibly saying Oh she is crazy? Ass umming again! ;) No little boys and gurls, i am not crazy i am fearless
Threats insults etc do not move me The N word cannot make me go crazy you cannot break me stop me or make me shoot you However, words are my best combat buddy, I like FIYAH people with debate skills and passion
i do not read a lot of the racist rants here, but often i will read my name and if i think its worthy i will respond

I pick those i want to debate or discuss with and hurl insults at
i CHOOSE who i speak with here

Bottom line what you see here (read) is what you get
And noone breaks me! esp noone with a racist agenda creepy cave man or house negro stepinfetchit

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Hey people

Don't like me?
Get in line with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fck

7:09 AM Delete

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

I saw something similar in the break room at the lumber mill I worked at from 78-80. Big ol' white boy got a chip on his shoulder when the only black guy at the plant got promoted past him, so he called him a "job steeling n!&&@r" when he walked into the break room the next morning. After that it was a 2 hit fight; Black dude hit white dude, white dude hit the floor. Then they woke him up and fired his ass.

This is hilarious and the only time it isn't is when a crakka gets whooped or killed faker!

I love this and will not get into any con ver sa shun with cave men I do not trust them and they hate my people Why is that? HIS story!

It is not against any law to speak your mind Its is against common sense to not know how to DUKE verbally bash or or walk away Its choices

That yahoo should have been fired
he needed to know how to fight verbally as well as with his fists stupid mfkr

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

Friend said
90% of mass shootings are committed by white dudes. If I racially profiled white fellas under the age of 25, I'd never go to a shopping mall FACT!
So what is the con ver sa shun pink folks are having with thier sons?
Or why are they trying to comm and get in the bus of Afrikans who do not trust ?
The euro hates my people most crakkas think we are dangerous so why continue to stay around us? Do you think that your tiny penis's will grow with exposure?
Learn to duke be honest and open spktruth vs BS Get honest I am!,11793179

Ho lee fuk said...

once again we see just how violent black people are.

and of course this negro didn't have courage to stick around and face the consequences of his violent behavior.

blacks still wonder why zimmerman happen and why every race hates them.

Anonymous said...

This incident is not funny at all. Now this young black man will have criminal record for assault. Where are 100 Black men in law and law enforcement before a your black man becomes a felon? We could really use attorney's like our "Field Negro" and other blacks in law enforcement to volunteer their time and go into black churches, schools, and the Boys and Girls clubs in the inner city and educate our youth about how to react before, during, and after a situation such as this. As usual, it looks like eve though this whit guy was knocked out, he will still come out a winner because he gets to press charges against the Black dude and another young African American male ends up with a criminal record. Geeeez...Where are our male mentors and role models?

focusedpurpose said...

'...Where are our male mentors and role models?'

mentoring little hispanic boys, right FN? where's that photo?!

mentioned it before for this very reason. yet folks want to chase racism while mentoring everybody but little folks that look like them...

Black Ink said...

So the precedent has been set!

Field's new, "fighting words" statute :
henceforth anyone offended by the utterance of a racially uttered slur shall now be allowed to inflict serious bodily injury with impunity on the verbal offender!
How civilized!
"Gangsta rule" has now replaced the archaic rule of law. Move over Somalia......

Are you fucking kidding me?

By extrapolation, the "Field Fighting Words Defense" for criminal assault shall extend to all races and ethnicities equally, to wit: the utterance of Caveman, Creepy Cracka, Honky, Whitey, Neanderthal,..... ad nausea thereby justifies the infliction of serious bodily injury on the verbal assailant "of color"?

Legal precedent js a bitch!

Ingrained hate and victimhood leaves no room for logic or fair play......Ron White has a valid point about fixing intellectual failings.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

The Black patron should have stood his ground, and blew that drunken idiots brains out.....ooops that only applies to whiteys in the South.

Anonymous said...

MilagrosGVillamil Esq. said...
Hey people

Don't like me?
Get in line with the rest of the bitches waiting for me to give a fck

7:09 AM Delete

7:10 AM

Just wanted to give you the thumbs up Milagros. I know there are many here who appreciate your words.

Everyone here is equal and everyone here uses obscene language without any problems.

Do not let anyone here bully you and keep up the good work!

Keep up the good work

Anonymous said...

This story jusat proves negros can't be civilized.

Freedom has failed.

Anonymous said...

a great start by me:
get george zimmerman back into a real civil trial asap!

get real attys for the martins asap!

gz is a kkkiller and he needs to be slain via a real fed/state court asap!

Anonymous said...

gz is a child kkkiller!

self defense NEVER begins with an armed chase!!!
A man who stalks a child, and then finds that child fighting back (and likely winning), cannot then use self defense and kill the stalked child if events go against him. Law of the land – for obvious reasons.

If Zimmerman’s retelling of the event were accurate, the confrontation Zimmerman described with Martin would have occurred much sooner than it actually did;
Zimmerman covered more time and distance after leaving his truck that night than he revealed to police;
Based on the times and distances Zimmerman said he covered, Zimmerman would have still been on the phone with Sanford police when he claims he was attacked by Martin;

This is the only mechanically possible shooting position that matches the trajectory of the gunshot wound (and the test firing scenario) and the mechanics of arm, wrist and elbow. It is so obvious Zimmerman did not shoot from his back as to be blinding. So, how does one get the hoodie 3 inches away from the chest in this position.

Easy. Zimmerman is holding Trayvon by the hoodie, Tryavon is trying to pull away. As Trayvon bobs back and forth trying to back away (as Zimmerman’s gun is now out and pointed at his chest and he is yelling for help), the gun goes off. Zimmerman’s efforts to hold Trayvon by the hoodie pull it away from the body. It is just one of many scenarios that do fit the trajectory path, entry pattern and wound. but one thing is for sure, there is not trajectory that works with Zimmerman on his back, elbow planted on the ground, as he testified. None.

He lied to cover up the fact he stalked, got into a fight, and then killed an unarmed innocent kid. After all, he’s lying for his life right now.

The fact Zimmerman went farther (or lurked longer) than he admitted is probably due to the fact he was the one hiding. And after Trayvon thought the coast was clear and resumed his evening stroll and talk with his girlfriend, it was Trayvon who was probably ambushed.

Zimmerman had enough time to go the “T” and his truck probably 4 times over between his first call and the 9-11 call with the shot fired. So what was he doing all that time? Playing cop?

Anonymous said...

AB, you fool. There won't be a civil trial because there isn't any evidence to have a trial....There also wasn't any evidence to have the first trial, you fool.

Even Jimmy Carter said the verdict was 'legally' right. But YOU want revenge even if the law exonerates poor Zimmerman. Where is your compassion and sense of mercy?

Now we have a big mess on our hands because of folks like you and are too emotional....

You worship feelings and passion instead of brains and intellect. Too bad you aren't smart.

Anonymous said...

Blogger focusedpurpose said...
'...Where are our male mentors and role models?'

mentoring little hispanic boys, right FN? where's that photo?!

mentioned it before for this very reason. yet folks want to chase racism while mentoring everybody but little folks that look like them...

8:49 AM
Oh yeah, I remember that. I thought it was a little weird considering the blog is named "FIELD NEGRO". Our black boys need mentoring something terribly and Field is mentoring a Hispanic boy. I have said it before, and I'll say it again: Field and Obama are two of a kind. They talk a good game but their actions suck.

Anonymous said...

After reading Desert's comments with the names of those pilots, I am convinced she is putting something in those cupcakes and cakes she is Lord have mercy.

Anonymous said...

fuck with me niggers and I will shoot you dead in self defense just like mr.zimmerman did.

Anonymous said...

anon1:38pm, no one wants to mess with you. Negroes know you are a bad-ass white boy--someone to leave alone. God bless you, sir.

focusedpurpose said...

interesting to note BO's kill list is above the courts of America.

as an atty you often wish facts were chocolate as please know that request cracks me up...i hear the request made in the forrest gump voice. lol.

anon, both FN and BO are jokers. lol. when folks tell you who they are believe them. i have said time and again...field and house negroes are both slaves. the fact that they remain in the field and house indicates strongly that freedom is NOT a part of their agenda. i care not what a person says so much as what they do. universal law indicates that all will be known by their fruits.

Anonymous said...

Right on brotha man, my only wish is that you had knock his cracker arse into last week, lil punk!

PilotX said...

I wish somebody would knock Rush's fat ass out.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...
After reading Desert's comments with the names of those pilots, I am convinced she is putting something in those cupcakes and cakes she is Lord have mercy.
1:37 PM"
kum on nao
yoo wong
wi gud gal

Anonymous said...

Field's followers celebrate when violent behavior is levied black on white but condemned with equal fervor when it is levied white on black.

If ignorance and hate were censored on this blog there would be very few words published.

I find it very telling that no reasonable intelligent rebuttal to Black Ink's comment @ 9:33 AM was presented.

Is equity the goal or merely rhetoric in the hearts of my black brothers and sisters?

I'm betting that if any comments are forthcoming; profane racist rants and irrational discourse will have an profoundly sad and pathetic.

Anonymous said...

Queen FP:


only house nigs like that house nig in chiekf hobama would dare tell real warriors ro accept the evil erroneous trayvon verdict ETC!!!

ONLY justice brings peace!!!

Anonymous said...


only house nigs like that house nig in chief hobama will dare to evade and ignore justice for trayvon


field negro said...

AB where did u march for TM? Lot of posers on this blog. My community work here in Philly speaks for itself.

Anon@3:37, was GZ behavior violent? Just curious to hear your thoughts.

Anonymous said...

Field, "Anon@3:37, was GZ behavior violent? Just curious to hear your thoughts."

Anon3:37???I don't get the connection. Could it be the Field made a mistake? Nah, that's impossible.

Anonymous said...

@Field: What a very nice tribute to Mr. Mandela! I enjoyed it very much.

Anonymous said...


what di your march achieve???

the winds of revolution MUST be fanned by far more than marching feet!!!


Anonymous said...

what did your march achieve fn???

did you don your hobama tee ioo???

Anonymous said...

poser =

a bm atty who does nor mention ndaa

a bm who lives in killy and supports hobama's gund grabs



Anonymous said...

a bm who lives in killy and supports hobama's gun grabs

u amuse me mr fn!!!

Anonymous said...

u hobama nazis are TRULY bold brazen jokers!!!!

cc that overrated million man march fn

cc all the played out nigs who STILL march for massa hobama

On my talk radio show, I often speak against all marches. I believe that they are all ineffectual, favoring style over substance. The flames of revolution must be fanned with FAR more than the winds of marching feet. I support NO marches, including The Million Man March.

I would rather see a million brothers gather to pay child support, promise to become superior fathers, or pledge to be monogamous. I loathe the sexism and gaybashing of the Nation of Islam. I am wounded by the misogyny of Louis Farrakhan and the lechery of Ben Chavis.

Anonymous said...

do not march for trayvon!

HUNT gz & WIN justice for trayvon!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

poser =

a bm atty who NEVER mentions ndaa

a bm who lives in killy and supports hobama's gun grabs



Lt. Commander Johnson said...

So....if the white guys dies, is the black guy who hit him guilty of second-degree murder? Or man slaughter?

He's already been arrested for assault.

Anonymous said...


remember i am a techie warrior/rebel researcher

u march

i hunt/earch



Anonymous said...

u march

i hunt/search


field negro said...

Anon@3:47' that question above was for u.

field negro said...

So AB, u didn't march.

What have u found in your hunt? And how has it advanced civil rights and social justice?

Anonymous said...

Field, "What have u found in your hunt? And how has it advanced civil rights and social justice?"

AB has done a lot. She teaches children and give them encouragement. AND, the children she teaches and mentors are BLACK. That's something you can't claim. YOU mentor Hispanics, not that that is bad, but considering the suffering black children are having educationally and staying alive, you ought to at least throw a bone to them.

AB is a fighter for justice for Blacks. She calls it like it is, and that includes Obama. YOU haven't said a damn word about what Obama is doing to us. YOU are an Obamaholic. Regardless what Obama does, YOU approve or you look away. How do you sleep with yourself?

Maybe you need to go on the Jesse Lee Peterson show so he can straighten you out?

Anonymous said...

Lord have mercy, they are attacking Field AND Obama AND Joyner. What is this world coming to? smh
somebody please shut-up AB. She is being TOO TRUTHFUL. She is a big mouth and has no mercy for our wonderful brother who is President.

Anonymous said...

Lt. Commander asked: "If the white guy dies, is the black guy who hit him guilty of second degree murder?"

No one gives a phuck about the former cave dwelling white guy, what truly matters is that the black guy is justified in standing his ground.

Anonymous said...

I am devastated that Detroit has hit bottom financially. It is bankrupt! This is the largest bankruptcy in the history of America! Lord have mercy. How did my peeps let this happen? This is horrible.

Well, I am glad that it won't happen in Philly, Baltimore, Newark or DC. They have GOT to be smarter than the brothers in Detroit.

Anonymous said...

@Field, what are you talking about that this is not how we start a serious conversayion about race in this land of the slaves, home of the weak (whites).

Creepy crackers were never honest with native Americans. They were nevere honest aboutformer slaves having been granted a good chunk of land that took up most of the southern portion of the US southern states. They were never honest about us having been supposedly freed by Pres. Lincoln. They were never honest about former slaves having been re-enslaved after the Union troops were removed from the south after Confederates got their arse kicked. Shhhhh, right now, Edward Snowden revealed just how corrupt our government truly are. Now, here comes booty licking Field stating that "this is not how we start a serious conversation about race"

Phuck that, it's time for guerilla warfare at night from roof tops and befriend them during daylight hours as if we have love for them. NOT!

LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Making it plain

This is conversation about how to deal with RACE

This one did not get away with murder

And no matter he will never be free

Anonymous said...



my entire life has been proudly spent evading and rebelling against racist poser house nigs like hobama and fn!!!!!!!

cc ndaa!!!

self defense NEVER begins with an armed chase!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...



my entire life has been proudly spent evading and rebelling against racist poser house nigs like hobama and fn!!!!!!!

cc ndaa!!!

self defense NEVER begins with an armed chase!!!!!!!

alicia banks said...

teeny weeny assnon:

big cowards hate anyone who has courage and truth...

i get that a lot from tiny scared ignorant illiterate mfs like u

cc your false blackish god hobama

alicia banks said...


u march and lie about hobama

i will hunt gz and tell rebel truths about BOTH kkkillers of black children

cc ndaa/soaring student loans via hobamacare/millions of layoffs looming/fema camps


xox said...

In Hayward a white woman jumped on stage and attacked a 73-year-old black musician, because he dedicated a song to Trayvon Martin. We should all kill each other so that rats and roaches can take over the earth. The world will be a much better place.

control+halt+delete said...

Racist whites used to hide behind they hide behind their women's skirts.

control+halt+delete said...

...and guns like little girly men.

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LaCubanadeMatanzas said...

Thanks buddy but no thanks the united snakes of amerikkka has enough cave women and small penis cave men to say nothing of hollywood and bollywood

Go try though

Anonymous said...

Black people don't want honest conversations about race.

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