I watched the activities on MSNBC today, and seeing all those people coming together to say never again was a beautiful thing.
I saw all those people, but there were some very important people who unfortunately I did not see.
"Another day, another political leader (or two) failing to grasp the very simple concept of optics and symbolism.
Today’s what-the-hell-were-you-thinking winners are Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as it pertains to their respective no-shows to the 50th anniversary of the march on Selma. Did House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) attend? Yes. RNC Chairman Reince Priebus? Yes. Former President George W. Bush and Laura Bush? Yes. Do all of these GOPers being in attendance mean Boehner and McConnell are excused for not taking a day to show unity around a truly historic event in our nation’s tumultuous history on race relations?
Absolutely not. Nor does it excuse Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for not attending, nor the second and third ranking Senate Democrats (Dick Durbin of Illinois and Chuck Schumer of New York) from blowing it off, either. But Boehner and McConnell are the focus here, and here’s why:
Optics is a topic that has been discussed before on this space, particularly as it pertains to President Obama and ill-advised tee times.
Note: As a fellow southpaw on the links and one who can appreciate the stress relief golf can provide regardless of score (I shot 62 this morning…on the front nine), nobody is begrudging someone with as stressful a job as Mr. Obama owns from getting away from it all for a few hours. It’s not exactly a new thing either: Democratic President Woodrow Wilson reportedly played 1200 rounds of golf.
Republican President Dwight Eisenhower racked up around 800. Nixon loved it. So did Clinton. Party is irrelevant. With Mr. Obama (who has played over 200 rounds, which suddenly looks relatively small), the issue around optics is not around playing golf, but the timing of certain outings…particularly last summer when he was on the first tee less than 20 minutes after a statement on American Jim Foley’s beheading by ISIS, and especially for not going to Paris following terror attacks there when many other world leaders found the time.
In Boehner’s and McConnell’s case, each appears to at least be wise enough to leave the clubs in the garage this weekend (especially Boehner–a scratch golfer). But that doesn’t make the optic of two-thirds of government leadership not being in Selma yesterday any less embarrassing for the Grand Old Party..." [Source]
I disagree with the writer. This is much more than just "optics". This is personal to us black folks.
The two leaders of the republican party not being in Selma is a personal affront to every person of color in this country.
Republicans say that they want to reach out to minorities, but this is not how you do it. Talk is cheap.
Show us that you are sincere by showing up in places like Selma.
I have a lot of issues with George W. Bush, but I give him credit for showing up in Selma.
Unfortunately, the current leaders in his party are causing folks like Colin Powell to say the following:
“I still see it in the Republican Party,” Powell said. “And I still see it in other parts of our country. You don’t have to be Republican to be touched by this dark vein.”
“America is still going through this transformation from where we were 50, 60 years ago,” Powell said.
“You have to remember it was just 60 or 70 years ago that we still had poll taxes, that we still had literacy tests in order to vote, that voting places were only open two days a week for African Americans. So we’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go.”
I don't think that people like John Boehner and Mitch McConnell share the sentiments of Colin Powell.
To them, we have already arrived.
Michael Steele really laid into his party too. I bet the GOP whip was too busy attending klan meetings to be there.
It's hard to overstate what a dumb decision this is for a party desperate to show that it is comprised of and open to far more people than just old white men. "We do dumb real well," said former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele. "It is astounding to me that whether it is supporting the continuation of the Voting Rights Act or commemorating a pivotal part of American Civil Rights history [Selma], Republican leadership prefers to sit on the sidelines."
According to Bobby Jindal the gop is the stupid party and the man of Steele says they do dumb really well. Hmmmmm, seems like if you're not so bright that's the party for you and the trolls here prove that everyday. Ha!
"I have a lot of issues with George W. Bush, but I give him credit for showing up in Selma."
George W Bush showed up to NAACP request when asked. Obama did not. You might have issues with Bush, but not responding and showing empathy to Blacks is not one of them.
I had complete confidence that Bush would show up for the Black cause. He always has.
However, Obama has not and neither have a number of important Dems NOT SHOWN UP. Field, you ought to on Chuck Schumer. Of all the Dems Schummer ought to know about what we went through in Selma...considering he is Jewish. But hey. Maybe Jews don't give a damn about Blacks?
As far as McConnell and Boehner are concerned, they have been racists all of their lives and just can't get past their contempt and hatred of Blacks.
"In today’s congressional GOP, this is what diversity looks like. Because of the 19 new Republican House committee chairs announced by Speaker John Boehner, all are white and male. No women, no minorities."
Shocking huh? Even in 2015.
It's like there are no sensibilities any more. Only fighting and battling in the halls of government between the 2 parties.
As though the only important thing is to beat the other guy.
Such an important milestone for the US and they don't care to be there. Says too much, all bad...
"Such an important milestone"
"...truly a historic event"....
We live in Post-Negro America. The only people who care are narcissistic black navel-gazers.
I find it interesting that in uncensored blogs, many whites who took part in the "Civil Rights" movement openly regret it and admit it was a mistake. Just recently I went to a very interesting lecture by an activist, who is counter-programming against the BGI narrative and the press for more White Guilt Gibsmedats.
Oh, yeah, you've come sooooo far /s/
Speaking of black success stories, where da Baby Daddy of the room temperature proud to be a thug, cradle to casket, Tony Robinson be at?
The BGI are pushing his whore white mother in the media as if that will make a difference, but no baby daddy.
Brother Field and other FN Negroes, I hope you will take note what anon7:46pm has said. It hurts me deeply to read something like that.
However, it's the truth today. I mean, have you heard much re: our civil rights or our rights as citizens? The answer is "NO".
Like anon has implied, Whites don't give a damn about Blacks...they hate us. We can look forward to more murders and killings by the police.
Anon, thanks for your comment.
Brother Field, I wish you had not posted today. In fact, I wish you had taken the day off.
Do you know what the Whites are going to do to your post? Whites like Bill, Josh and Kinky are going to rip us apart.
What's to celebrate? Have you seen Selma lately?
Southern cities had segregation rules, poll taxes, and literacy tests for a reason. The old power structure was broken, and fifty years later, black-run Selma is in ruins.
One wonders if there is even a working public water fountain in the Selma of 2015. When the city was controlled by evil whites in 1965, at least a "colored" water fountain worked.
MLK walked across that bridge and the negroes of Selma lived happily ever after.
So you go ahead and celebrate that "never again" will Selma be a prosperous, safe and civilized place to live. I'm hitting the links.
"Uncensored" blog. WTF is that? You mean a white supremacist site? Who gives a shit what those asshats think? They were probably klan members anyway but thanks for sharing anon @7:46. Now we can get back to not giving a shit what you think.
I find it interesting that in racist blogs, many white racists who took part in the "Civil Rights" movement openly regret it and admit it was a mistake.
There, fixed it for ya.
Yeezus! That's THE most disgusting penis I have ever seen! But the artwork is pretty good though!
"Republicans say that they want to reach out to minorities, but this is not how you do it. Talk is cheap.
Show us that you are sincere by showing up in places like Selma."
I disagree. Showing up to a feel-good rally is ultimately equally cheap, for a Republican.
For somebody like Reince Priebus to show up for an event commemorating black voting rights is meaningless, when he leads a party that, on a state level, is working very hard to disenfranchise Democratic Party voters with phony anti-voter-fraud laws. (There is no significant problem of in-person voter fraud. This tactic is every bit as sleazy as the old literacy test and poll tax routine from Jim Crow.) If you're not denouncing and expelling from your party the people who are doing these things, then what is the point of you? Showing up in Selma proves nothing, when your party has abandoned outreach to minority voters and has instead opted to make sure there is no such thing as a minority voter.
This is no different from Paul Ryan, who will pretend to care so very, very deeply about the plight of poor people -- while promoting the same old policies that will stomp on the poor. Ryan's PR stunts don't prove he's had a change of heart; he never had a heart to change.
Prayers and weepy sentiments are nice and all, but they don't ultimately improve anyone's lives.
Where are the actions? Show me the policies. Policies or GTFO.
Cheap and perhaps even their guilty conscience made them fearful of imagined repercussions. Cowards!
But there is such a thing as sensibilities and paying respect to an event that changed the face of America. An America that they also govern.
PilotX said...
"of the 19 new Republican House committee chairs announced by Speaker John Boehner, all are white and male. No women, no minorities."
Maybe he is interested in competency rather than quotas.
If we don't stop giving people positions of responsibility based on their race or gender, pretty soon there won't be anything that works in this country.
If white people are so bad, then why does everyone want to move to their countries?
"Maybe he is interested in competency rather than quotas."
Or maybe 1. there are no people of color in his party or 2. he, like you, believes only white males are competent. Sad either way.
"If white people are so bad, then why does everyone want to move to their countries?"
What is a "white" country? Definitely not America.
"If we don't stop giving people positions of responsibility based on their race or gender, pretty soon there won't be anything that works in this country."
You're absolutely correct, we need to stop giving white males positions they're not prepared to handle.
"Arrived" where? What/where is this faux destination that I keep hearing about?
A day when 13% of the population has 50% of the wealth, 50% representation across the board, etc? A day when blacks have the power to enslave whites? What or where is this destination, exactly?
As for Civil Rights Reenactors, that's probably not as popular a genre as Civil War yet, but it will be. All those cute little progressives out there with signs and slogans, pretending that we live in an America where they're going to be hosed back at many moment. It's just so precious. Shouting about discrimination and racism and creating a standard by which those things must exist, lest they're out a hobby.
More fashionable than a tricorn hat, but still...
I wanna pinch their little cheeks.
There are Republican politicians who are racist themselves, and probably some who don't want to offend their racist constituents. For all of their faults, I don't believe the Bushes are racists. Neither was Mitt Romney. He was so happy when he heard on the radio that the Mormon Church finally decided to allow black priests that he had to pull over to side of the road and cry.
Reagan was probably the last racist president, and you would probably have to go back quite a ways before that to find one that didn't have some kind of realization that civil rights needed to be advanced.
"I wanna pinch their little cheeks."
While wearing a klan robe. Thanks for your input Josh now get back to giving BJ's at the truck stop.
"All those cute little progressives out there with signs and slogans, pretending that we live in an America where they're going to be hosed back at many moment. It's just so precious."
No asshole, they're honoring those who risked their lives for freedom. Glad no one depends on you to do something other than write stupid shit from your mom's trailer.
Josh, why are you mick bastards such racist fucks?
Because they have an inferiority complex. The Irish were always looked down upon by the English and that continued when they got to America so they developed the "at least I'm better than a nigger" mindset. Some of the most vicious racists have Irish ancestry. Their racism helps them feel better about themselves.
Here's an awesome read of the president's Selma speech via Time.com.....http://time.com/3736357/barack-obama-selma-speech-transcript/
"Some of the most vicious racists have Irish ancestry."
Citation needed.
I realize that those weasel words are for the anon triplets who constitute a portion of my fan club, but nevertheless they're weasel words. What does "some of the most" mean? You got a number? You have data at all? You have a list of Irish racists ready to go, and by which measure(s) are they being categorized as more or less of anything?
Or, what's probably more likely, is this just something you pulled out your ass to buddy up to one of the triplets?
The sad thing is that Boehner and McConnell think avoiding the Selma anniversary will help their chances for re-election.
Even sadder if they're right.
"The Irish were always looked down upon by the English and that continued when they got to America so they developed the "at least I'm better than a nigger" mindset"
At least we have that.
Who all seen the Leprechaun say yeah!
200,000 jobs added for 12 consecutive months all with no Republican help. First time since 1977. Worst president ever? I recall a recent President who was losing around 200,000 jobs a month and he had an R after his name.
Field Negro said...
Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, you should have been there.
There must be a good reason Bill & Hillary didn't want to show up.
There must be a better reason dumbocrats are running cover for Hillary.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
200,000 jobs added for 12 consecutive months all with no Republican help. First time since 1977
Teh stupid is deep in this one.
"200,000 jobs added for 12 consecutive months all with no Republican help."
Gee, what's been different for the past couple of years? Oh, that's right, we got a Republican congress. Keeping the Idiot in Chief in check has done wonders for the confidence of American businesses in inching forward with growth plans.
The boost to the US economy came from the fracking that Obama tried to kill. The fall in oil prices that happened despite his efforts will result in a trillion in real stimulus this year.
Despite all this, growth will remain anemic until this punk is out of office.
Anonymous said...
"Republicans say that they want to reach out to minorities, but this is not how you do it. Talk is cheap.
Show us that you are sincere by showing up in places like Selma."
I disagree. Showing up to a feel-good rally is ultimately equally cheap, for a Republican.
It was not meant to be a feel-good rally. It was to recognize, honor and pay tribute to a life-changing and life-giving great moment in the history of America and the world.
To not acknowledge this obvious time of change is to carry immense and profound prejudice against the people who stood up for themselves as American citizens.
But you are right: Republicans like Boehner and McConnell are deeply racist and have proven over and over again that they are....and, they are quite proud of it. This fact alone makes them unworthy of the Congressional seats they hold. They are not for the people, they are for their own out of contro selfishness.
Anonymous Bill said...
Field Negro said...
Mr. Boehner, Mr. McConnell, you should have been there.
There must be a good reason Bill & Hillary didn't want to show up.
There must be a better reason dumbocrats are running cover for Hillary.
12:05 PM
There is good reason they weren't there, but this is FN blog. Field would not castigate them and Schumer for not showing up. Whites in the Democratic Party are looked up to by folks like Field and other Blacks like PX, etc.
However, as PX said in his comment that talk is cheap, one can note that Hillary and Bill have behaved in the same way as the ugly Repubs. But Blacks cannot afford to see Dems in the same way as Repubs. If they did, everything in America would be utterly hopeless for them.
Blacks are toast...been that way since Obama became President.
Dear Mr Josh, I am one of the anons who hold your opinions to be some of the most insightful ones especially when it comes to racist argument.
As I have said in the past, I have agreed with your comments 100%. It is amazing how right you have been on these Black and White racial matters.
Here is a video about the 'racist dust-up' at OU. I would like your opinion about it.
The thing is, the members at the OU Chapter have ALL been expelled. Surely not all of them chanted racist slurs such as nigger and lynching on that bus? Surely there are some who innocent?
As a bm from the South, sometimes I think racial attacks of the wm is over the top. Let's hope Field won't make a racist and political' big deal out of this.
Ha! Fracking created 200,000 jobs huh? Unfortunately the falling oil prices have actually caused a loss of jobs but we're focused on the overall economy not just certain segments.
As far as all blah folks being toast I think we'll be alright. I've done pretty well with Barack in office. No huge terrorist attacks that hurt the aviation industry like under the last guy. We survived two Bushes and a Raygun, if we can survive that we can survive anything.
"the falling oil prices have actually caused a loss of jobs"
In the oil industry.
But the stimulus to the rest of the economy is enormous.
That being said, 200,000 part-time minimum wage jobs is nothing to crow about.
"The Irish were always looked down upon by the English and that continued when they got to America so they developed the "at least I'm better than a nigger" mindset. Some of the most vicious racists have Irish ancestry. Their racism helps them feel better about themselves."
I would say the same thing about straight blacks and gays. Straight blacks have a deep inferiority complex (because of Slavery and Jim Crow) but they feel they can always say "but at least I'm not gay". Some of the most viciously homophobic people in America today are straight black people.
If Field's racists trolls were smart enough to attend college, I'm certain they'd be members of the frat SAE:
The Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma is America's holiest site, the equivalent to Mecca and the Hajj; white journalists and academics pray to Selma five times a day, knowing an obsessive focus on the horrors blacks once faced on the bridge are needed to perpetuate the system known as Black-Run America (BRA).
Because if you open your eyes and actually take a look at BRA, you might lose some of that religious fervor.
Here’s a brief overview of Selma in 2015:
In 2015, Selma is 80 percent black and now has a black mayor, a black chief of police, a black district attorney, a black school superintendent, a majority black city council, and a majority black police force.
In 2015, Selma City Schools are 97 percent black. Last year, the Alabama Department of Education’s Board of Education voted unanimously to take over Selma City Schools in the aftermath of a scathing state investigation.
In 2015, fifty years after the Voting Rights Act was passed, Selma has lost a third of its population, around 10,000 White people.
In 2015, 42 percent of the population of Selma lives in poverty, which is twice the state average in Alabama.
In 2015, Selma is represented in the US Congress by a black woman, Rep. Terri Sewell, in the Alabama House of Representatives by a black man, State Rep. Darrio Melton, and in the Alabama Senate by a black man, nine-term incumbent State Sen. Hank Sanders.
In 2015, Selma is the fourth most dangerous city in Alabama with the third highest number of murders per capita and the fourth highest number of property crimes.
In 2015, Selma is struggling with code enforcement on numerous blighted, abandoned homes.
In 2015, Selma is one of the worst cities in which to do business in Alabama.
In 2015, Selma is an epicenter of new HIV infections in rural Alabama. The HIV infection rate in Dallas County is 106.8 percent above the national average.
There's nothing to celebrate in modern Selma, where the remnants of the civilization Europeans built is crumbling to bricks and concrete; while the Africans in America in charge of the city whine about the legacy of Jim Crow for keeping them from abiding by the law, performing well in school, and creating the type of community where outside investors would consider opening up businesses.
White people will always be blamed for the horrible academic performance of the 99 percent black Selma Public School system, just as white people will always be blamed for individual black people in Selma failing to collectively create the type of community that business owners deem an economically viable city for investing in...
Crime? Obviously it's the ghost of a former white Selma resident goading a current black Selma resident into robbing a store or private residence, or pulling the trigger of a gun...
By every possible metric measuring social capital in a community, the 80 percent black city of Selma is a monumental failure.
.. one small step for a black man, one giant leap for inducing white guilt.
members of the frat SAE:
The downside of warning labels.
If not for the...
WARNING! The Federal government has found it harmful to use this Toaster in the bathtub.
...label that bus would have had a few less passengers.
"Citation needed."
When do you use citations when you spout your stupidity?
"Or, what's probably more likely, is this just something you pulled out your ass to buddy up to one of the triplets?"
You know a lot about pulling things from your ass. Literally and figuratively.
PilotX:Freeing slaves from the Republican plantation since the 70's said...
200,000 jobs added for 12 consecutive months all with no Republican help. First time since 1977.
When Obama took over in January of 2009, one of the first things he did was start fudging the way the official unemployment numbers were calculated. The Obama Labor Department has continually increased the number of long term unemployed people that it no longer counts.
If you calculate today's unemployment rate using the same labor participation rate that was used in June of 2009, unemployment is at 9.6%.
The Department of Labor announced [Friday] that the official unemployment rate fell to 5.5 percent last month, the lowest it’s been since Spring of 2008. Good news, right? Well, kind of. The official unemployment rate masks a problem that’s been plaguing the economy since shortly before the 2009 recession: a continuing decline in the labor force participation rate, which basically measures the percentage of the able-bodied population that’s either working or looking for work. After holding steady at roughly 66 percent from 2004 through late 2008, the labor force participation has been falling, and falling, and falling some more, with no end in sight.
This decline has significant effects on the official unemployment rate. People who are unemployed and eventually stop looking for work are no longer counted as being part of the labor force, which means they’re no longer counted by U.S. statistical agencies as being unemployed. The result? An artificially low official unemployment rate.
Kersey@4:18pm, you really hurt with your statements about Selma. If what you say is true, Selma is in ruin. And that is very depressing. It sounds a lot like Detroit.
My God! has Selma really gone down that far since Blacks were elected to offices?
It must be true because no one on FN has said one word against your comment.
Anyway, it's good to know what the condition of Selma is today. It really hurts.
The best part about the Selma 50th Anniversary were the participation by many young adults.
For those on here who want to point out how bad things are now for blacks in Selma, Thank you for reminding us how great things were for blacks in Alabama back in the day.
How many people were killed on that bridge on "Bloody Sunday"?
There were a lot of Blacks killed on that bloody Sunday. They would have killed more if they had more cops. Blacks lives didn't matter then and they don't matter now.
Kersey said...
Here’s a brief overview of Selma in 2015
Kersey could you please provide a brief overview of life for Black people living in Selma in 1965.
"If you calculate today's unemployment rate using the same labor participation rate that was used in June of 2009, unemployment is at 9.6%."
Um yeah, we'll take your word for this.
"Kersey could you please provide a brief overview of life for Black people living in Selma in 1965."
An asshole like Kersey would say they were happy and content. Then again what else would an asshole like Kersey say?
What is amazing about blackinalabama is he has no idea about his own people in Selma. Furthermore, he is asking a racist to enlighten him about Negroes in Selma...Hahahahaahah
"knowing an obsessive focus on the horrors blacks once faced on the bridge are needed to perpetuate the system known as Black-Run America (BRA)."
Knowing racist assholes need to downplay the past racism experienced by blah people they come up with dumbassed created names such as "Black Run America". Feel better asshole?
"What is amazing about blackinalabama is he has no idea about his own people in Selma. Furthermore, he is asking a racist to enlighten him about Negroes in Selma...Hahahahaahah"
Actually he does, he's just asking an idiotic racist to try a thinking exercise. Too bad you're too stooopid to realize this.
Teh stupid said, "Actually he does, he's just asking an idiotic racist to try a thinking exercise. Too bad you're too stooopid to realize this."
If he knew, he would have said so. Some of you Negroes can be so stupid. I guess that is why you call yourself "Teh stupid"...cause you like being stupid..Hahahahahahahaha..LOL
GOP slogan for 2016 'Yes We Klan'!
Anonymous said...
"What is amazing about blackinalabama is he has no idea about his own people in Selma. Furthermore, he is asking a racist to enlighten him about Negroes in Selma...Hahahahaahah"
I was playing to the racists people of today who say black folks were better off during Slavery and/or during Jim Crow.
Next time I will make sure you know when I am being sarcastic. By the way, I hope you were being sarcastic and not just another Dumb Ass.
Life for black people was better in 1965.
A majority of black families were intact.
A majority of black men had jobs.
Black schools weren't violent warehouses.
Black neighborhoods weren't war zones.
Dear god white people are delusional. Tell you what anon @ 2339 why don't you ask a blah person who lived in the south in 1965 and ask them if things were better then. We know the answer but you need to learn for yourself.
"When do you use citations when you spout your stupidity?"
Find something I've said for which you require a citation, and I may just indulge you.
But you won't. You'll say some stupid shit, smear poop on the walls, and act like you've done something productive. Pretty much sums up your day, I imagine.
"Tell you what anon @ 2339 why don't you ask a blah person who lived in the south in 1965 and ask them if things were better then"
I can attest that things was way better in 1965. Why, things was even more better in Alabama in 1945.
"I can attest that things was way better in 1965. Why, things was even more better in Alabama in 1945."
Teh stoopid is strong in this one. And it can't be fixed.
"I was playing to the racists people of today who say black folks were better off during Slavery and/or during Jim Crow.
Next time I will make sure you know when I am being sarcastic. By the way, I hope you were being sarcastic and not just another Dumb Ass."
10:46 PM
Sure you were, Alabama...sure you were. This is a blog where it pays off to be straight up front instead of your Negro fancy sarcastic shit because 95% of the readers take your writings at face value. They don't think like you do.
If you really want to be sarcastic, the best way is to lay out the facts, show the guy commenter that he is a liar and THEN hit him with sarcasm.
But you had no facts to refute him, so you proved that you knew less than he did.
I swear. I wish there was "one" Negro on FN who could lay out facts in the face of these racist trolls. But alas! Negroes don't even know about their own history...now that is called dumb and ignorant.
No, they shouldn't have attended and we're suckers to moan about their absence. An "affront" to people of color? Please. They don't care about Black people or Selma, they don't care whether you vote, they don't care what you think and they most certainly don't care about 'optics'. They are 100% committed to maintaining and keeping Black people in a state of perpetual second class citizenship- not commemorating an event that represents a tick in their "Loss" column. What we ought to do is appreciate their honesty and comport ourselves appropriately.
Our expectation of respect from people who have vowed to strip us of humanity says much more about our lack of self esteem than it does about their political prowess.
"Our expectation of respect from people who have vowed to strip us of humanity"
Who exactly has "vowed to strip you of humanity"?
Liberalism twists peoples minds to the point they project their own base emotions on the designated object of hate.
It is you who are stripping the humanity of people you have been taught to fear.
@Anon 11:48am
I'm no liberal and you can peddle that liberal vs conservative bullshit elsewhere- not interested. Any conscious Black person knows that there is no guarantee of respect from either group. There are plenty of racist liberals and certainly no shortage of conservative ones. Together they are the "who" dedicated to stripping Black Americans of their humanity by denying them basic human rights by maintaining and perpetuating white supremacy.
Your attempt to make a "point" by simply reversing my statement is intellectually lazy. Work harder and come back with something original.
Who teaches you to hate yourself and the wrong kind of white people?
White racist assholes---
Who needs 'em----
White obstructionist slackers, and their Negro suck-ups!
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