My thoughts go out to the family members and loved ones of those who lost their lives today.
I am not going to give my opinions about guns and gun violence. You all know where I have stood on this issue over the years, so there is no need for me to rant about this latest tragedy.
The president has had enough, and he said as much tonight when he spoke to the nation about this latest slaughter of innocents.
He tried, once again, to use the "bully pulpit" to change our opinions about the gun culture that exists in our country, but as we have seen time and time again this is just an exercise in futility.
Anyway, I would like to know what you (regardless of how you feel about guns) would do to help curb the senseless gun violence that is so widespread in our society.
*Pic from
I'd try to reduce poverty and increase opportunity for those growing up poor. If you have a better option than becoming a drug dealer or a gang banger, you might take it. Or you might not. But if some did, that would at least help. I don't know if it would make a difference in the kind of senseless slaughter that happened today, though. With roughly the same number of guns in circulation as people in America, when someone fully loses it, there will probably be a gun they can get to enact their sickness with. But making it a little more difficult for them wouldn't hurt anything. I grew up with guns, but left them all in Eureka when I moved to Oakland in '84, so I know they can have their place, but feel that if we didn't worship them like we do, it might be easier to agree on just where and when that place should be.
And finally, I have been to Roseburg Oregon. I used to race motorcycles, and went there to race a couple of times in the early eighties. It seemed like a nice, calm little place. Quite a contrast with the body they found shot to death and wrapped in plastic before it was dumped on Union St. in West Oakland (across the street from where I once lived) that I read about today. Will we ever do anything about this situation? The answer to that question will be writ large in the definition of who we are as a people going forward.
-Doug in Oakland
Well, if it's already been decided we're not going to do anything about access to guns (the NRA appears to have decided this for us), then we're left attacking the motive for using them.
But then, we run up against other complaints from some of the same wingnuts who resist gun control.
If we want to do something about street crime, we've got to create a fairer economic climate so that everyone can earn a legitimate living. That means greater funding of education, industrial policy to develop poor urban and rural areas, better transportation to jobs, labor laws that boost the average worker's wages, etc. It also means reversing "tough-on-crime" economic policy: ending the Drug War, less-punitive sentences for non-violent crime, incentivizing employers to look past ex-cons' records in hiring, etc.
Inevitably, all of that stuff requires higher taxes and lower incomes for rich people and/or being "nice" to criminals, so that's a "no" from conservatives.
On the other hand, if we want to reduce mass shootings, the main avenue is addressing mental illness. Yet, mental health care costs rich people money, so that's out, too.
Thus so we're back to the usual completely ineffective conservative remedies: scold black people, recommend everyone get some more Jesus in their lives, bash immigrants. Lather, rinse, repeat.
Same shit, different day.
"It also means reversing "tough-on-crime" economic policy: ending the Drug War, less-punitive sentences for non-violent crime, incentivizing employers to look past ex-cons' records in hiring, etc."
This should read "tough-on-crime" justice system policy.
Excluding cop shootings, white deaths get a lot more media coverage.
And the beat goes on. Nothing changes but the date.
Bill said...
Excluding cop shootings, white deaths get a lot more media coverage.
That was the thing I forgot to include in my comment above:
Stop making mass killers famous. Some of my favorite blogs are already doing this, naming them as "the latest asshole" in their posts about mass shootings, and bad behavior in general. In the "remove the incentives" approach, that seems like a fairly easy and effective incentive to remove.
-Doug in Oakland
"Anyway, I would like to know what you (regardless of how you feel about guns) would do to help curb the senseless gun violence that is so widespread in our society."
Pray. Prayer is very effective when you are committed to prayer. Unfortunately, nobody really believes in prayer which leaves only one option: Try to figure out the impossible with the human biased ego. That means this discussion keeps going round and round with no solution. Even the President has given into the suffering of despair.
Has it occurred to anyone that we are destroying ourselves? Seriously. Has anyone noticed?
More mental health assistance. Reagan closed the doors on many mental health facilities. I think Obamacare is spending money on mental health so maybe that's squaring that circle. We also have to get hold on such easy access to guns. Start allowing lawsuits on gun shops and manufacturers and I bet we see some move ment but that would require some courage from lawmakers.
Let's just all sit around and see just how far people are going to lose their minds. There's probably not a nary one working with a full deck as it is! Guns will be blazing like the Wild, wild West, I guess. This country has seriously gone flat-out Looney Tunes.
Interesting piece about Reagan and mental health policy.
There's one thing everyone is missing re: mental health in America. That is, ALL Americans are mentally ill and therefore are capable at any time of using their stash of weapons to kill masses of people.
You see, people who already have guns are going crazy everyday. So even if you were to make extensive background checks, it probably wouldn't make much of a difference. Hell, husbands kill their entire families at least once a month and they were sane by societal standards.
The only 'sure' way to stop the carnage is to stop gun buying and shut down the NRA. Since this is America and that makes too much intellectual sense, it won't happen.
Isn't it amazing that Europe and Canada and other countries got rid of personal gun buying yet America still keeps on buying?
It's the same with health care. Other countries provide health care for all of its citizens but America doesn't. America is a weird place destined to fold like the Soviet Union did when the Berlin Wall did.
We are imploding from within and there doesn't seem to be anyway of stopping it.
"The president has had enough"
He never gets enough of demonizing the occasional White who does what Blacks do day in and day out. It is all about demonizing, disarming and dispossessing Whitey. The same number of deaths every couple of weeks just between Baltimorgue and Chicongo... not a peep from him.
"Excluding cop shootings, white deaths get a lot more media coverage."
Because if you called equal attention to all the Black-on-Black murders in the big cities around the country, people would actually wonder what is wrong with Blacks. Which they should. As it is, mass shootings by Blacks are quickly stuffed down the memory hole. Quick, who was Omar Thornton... and did you even know that Colin Ferguson is Black?
Nope, these are "hate facts" and taboo. "Progressive" policy is to "de-stigmatize" mental illness and "fight racism" so that all freedom can be eradicated, replaced by controls on everyone suitable for keeping schizophrenics and savages under control.
Interesting study where Americans don't believe God could help and therefore prayer is out of the question. My o my.
Because if you called equal attention to all the white-on-white murders in the big cities around the country, people would actually wonder what is wrong with whites. Which they should.
Oh here we go again with James "Momma's smelly cootch" Bold. You would think his dumb ass would leave after humiliating himself with all the ridiculous Las Vegas lawyer betting and shit but here he is again proving definitively that whites are far from any type of superior race.
Nope, these are "hate facts" and taboo. "Progressive" policy is to "de-stigmatize" mental illness and "fight racism" so that all freedom can be eradicated, replaced by controls on everyone suitable for keeping schizophrenics and savages under control.
As long as we keep your psychotic ass under control. We can tell by your posts you're about one meth hit away from shooting up a preschool class yourself because it seems cowardly white boys like yourself like to shoot innocent people daily. Our only hope is you're too fucking dumb to hold down a job and be able to afford a gun or that if you're as stupid in real life as you seem to be here you'll shoot yourself (which you should do anyway).
Now all we need is Bill's dumb ass to post about the latest "dumbocrat" story and Kinky to post about democrat plantations and we'll have the rest of the fucking retarded master race power rangers. James would be the pink ranger and Bill would be brown because he shits himself. Kinky would just have his lips glued to smelly's ass. Gotdamn Field, is this a comedy site because your racist trolls are fucking hilarious.
Jeb reminds me of Bill.
. and did you even know that Colin Ferguson is Black?
Yes we know asshole. We also know that it happened 22 fucking years ago and another white asshole like yourself killed TWICE AS MANY good white people 14 hours ago and not a peep from you. I guess white mass murderers are ok in your book. You only get offended when a nigra kills whitey huh? You are certainly one fucked up individual James. Maybe that syphilis your momma gave you is working on that brain cell.
Bet you guys were hoping it was a white dude, eh?
PilotX said...
More mental health assistance. Reagan closed the doors on many mental health facilities
Did reagan do that via executive orders?
Or was it an act of congress?
The president has had enough, and he said as much tonight when he spoke to the nation about this latest slaughter of innocents.
White on white crime is something for the president to worry about.
Strange how Black on Black crime doesn't bring this kind of reaction from the President.
"When was the last mass shooting in your country TPC?"
Good question, there have been three in the UK in my lifetime, that I can recall off the top of my head.
There was one not far from here in Whitehaven (I know, I know) about five years ago. Pretty little town. I think there were around a dozen people killed just randomly, IIRC.
Then there was a school shooting in Dunblane in Scotland in the mid-90's, one young boy survived by hiding in his teacher's desk. His name was Andy Murray and he grew up to be an international tennis star. I think about 25 or so kids and teachers died.
Then there was Hungerford in the mid 80's, a guy with an AK47 went round shooting up random people in the street. Again about 25 or so died as far as I can remember.
That's it for my lifetime, I remember reading about three cops who were shot in London in the mid '60's, but they were killed in a shootout with gangsters, so I'm not sure if that counts as a random mass shooting.
License gun possession. Make people affirmatively prove their mental fitness and good character before buying & posessing them. Require that they be locked in a heavy duty gun cabinet when not in use and subject to inspection by law enforcement at any time. Register all guns in a ballistics database. Serialize ammunition. Outlaw carrying them in public, either open or concealed.
I wonder if he shouted "Blat Libe Maddah!" before the police greased his high yellow ass?
Quote:Little Jimmy Bold
"A friend of mine just sold a 55m² London flat for around £650,000. I'm afraid your overpriced real estate doesn't impress me."
Firstly, stop lying Jimmy-Boy. You don't have any friends in London or for that matter anywhere else.
Second of all thanks for exactly proving my point for me, you dumb shit!
The fact that you care as much about London prices as we care about your alleged house prices was exactly the point I was making!
(Christ onna crutch boys and girls, what a fucking moron!)
"You're probably dumb enough to believe that. In real life, you clowns screw your mothers and sometimes even your grandmothers."
Well golly gosh, thanks for the in-depth etymological research, genius! Where would black folks be without the educated white man to teach them history!
"Now show me your money, you punk-ass pussies."
We've had a lot of these aggressively macho racists sleaze ball on this blog over the years. I always think in their over-sexualised abuse they are attempting to compensate for something. If you know what I mean...
As one of my ex girlfriends always used to say "Big Mouth - Small Dick"
PC, for a bm you are a pretty aggressive 'mouth' yourself. What does THAT mean? Is the meaning different for a bm?
Is it possible that a bm such as yourself could have a big mouth and a small dick?
Hmmmmmm. Let us think about this.
@ Purple Lips 4:40 -
Black "men" are notorious for being "aggressively macho" and hurling lots of "over-sexualized abuse"; guess they're trying to overcompensate for something as well, right?
Big Mouth = Small Brain = AIDS-Infected Dick
According to PC, there have been 'just' as many mass killings in the UK as in the USA. It makes sense. Whites in America come from places like the UK and Ireland and other messed up places that love to kill.
Wow, anon5:12AM, that really hurt. PC and Field are NOT going to like your comment very much. You would do well to apologize asap before PC becomes loud and aggressive.
Correction: anon5:12AM is anon6:12AM.
I have noticed how quiet FN has become after anon6:12am slammed PC and the rest of FN Negroes. Even Field and PX have run for the hills!
As a bm, this is disheartening.
"The president has had enough, and he said as much tonight when he spoke to the nation about this latest slaughter of innocents."
Yeah, right. He is such a weak President who lacks the energy or the spine to fight the good fight that would benefit Americans.
The only way to resolve this reoccurring tragedy is to get rid the guns. Humans can't be trusted with guns, esp Americans. They are too violent.
field negro said...
"To be fair, in Kinky's head, it made sense to him when he wrote it."
Strange things happen in Kinky's head.
7:47 PM
Field, what are you doing in my head and how long have you been there?????????
Wow, that comment about bm with small brains really made PC STFU. Thanks anon.
What the hell are so many Blacks doing in Kinky's head?
PilotX said...
More mental health assistance. Reagan closed the doors on many mental health facilities
And what were the conditions at these "mental health facilities"?
And how much money did Reagan and every president since JFK spend in attempts to fix these "mental health facilities"?
We never hear the left talk about that. Funnie is that....
Also, we never hear the left talk about how much money these liberal blue states have cut from mental health care.
Another thing we never hear the left talk about is how they teamed up with the ACLU to pass laws that make it damn near impossible to stop the mentally ill from committing mass shootings or hurting others. See the Colorado theater shooter or the navy yard shooter...
I'm sure if Field checked the origin of all those anonymous posts from 6:04 onwards he would see they originate from the same I.p. address.
I am glad Obama has now made it ok to politicize mass shootings. Wanna bet the next mass shooting done by a leftwinger or Muslim Obama will be the first to complain about people politicizing?
And Obama finally admits what most Americans have known all along, Obama wants gun confiscation. Watch the liberal media try to defend Obama and "clarify" what he meant to say.....
Looks like the shooter is bl-racial or black like Obama. How long will it be before the left/liberal media refer to the shooter has a white black? Or white african american?
Politicians need to address the laws surrounding treatment of mental illness, specifically mental illness in young men. But, in our PC world discussing laws to involuntarily commit mentally ill people isn't allowed. Family members can't even commit an obviously mentally ill adult. Instead, politicians continue to want to take guns from law abiding citizens.
Obama lectures and makes ever damn thing about himself, he doesn't discuss the real issue. Last month 60 people were murdered in Chicago, a 13 year record. Zero word from Barry on gang violence.
Until we as a nation are willing to discuss the real issues, mental health laws, these heinous crimes will continue regardless of gun laws.
"Until we as a nation are willing to discuss the real issues, mental health laws, these heinous crimes will continue regardless of gun laws."
...and that my friends is why the N.R.A. spends in excess of $250 million per year; to convince useful idiots like this guy to spout this pro-gun nonsense.
Sad it takes over a billion dollars a year to convince useful idiots like yourself to spout anti-gun nonsense.
Is Obama jinxed?
Obama goes on teev and talks about gun violence and how Australia has banned guns.
A gunman killed an employee at a police building in Australia, before being shot dead by police in the ensuing gunfight.
Is America exporting cop ambushes now?
Dumbocrat logic.
“My hope is the marathon runners realize they’re not going to be able to finish this race and instead of being angry and complaining, that they join in the protest,” he told WCCO-TV on Monday.
BlackLivesMatter is planning on blocking the finish line at the TwinCities Marathon.
And they believe blocking the finish line will cause runners to join the protest?
Nobody gives a shit about the black lives matter idiot protesters except the black lives matter idiot protesters.
"And what were the conditions at these "mental health facilities"?
And how much money did Reagan and every president since JFK spend in attempts to fix these "mental health facilities"?
Did you read the accompanying piece I ............never mind.
"Conventional wisdom suggests that the reduction of funding for social welfare policies during the 1980s is the result of a conservative backlash against the welfare state. With such a backlash, it should be expected that changes in the policies toward involuntary commitment of the mentally ill reflect a generally conservative approach to social policy more generally. In this case, however, the complex of social forces that lead to less restrictive guidelines for involuntary commitment are not the result of conservative politics per se, but rather a coalition of fiscal conservatives, law and order Republicans, relatives of mentally ill patients, and the practitioners working with those patients. Combined with a sharp rise in homelessness during the 1980s, Ronald Reagan pursued a policy toward the treatment of mental illness that satisfied special interest groups and the demands of the business community, but failed to address the issue: the treatment of mental illness"
The abstract from the piece I posted. Certain individuals could actually read it and it may answer their questions. Just saying.
Ok, sure. The current mentally ill involuntary commitment laws in total are Reagan's fault or Bush's fault or Limbaugh's guys who shirk any and all responsibility for anything are so predictable, just like our feckless president.
"Ok, sure. The current mentally ill involuntary commitment laws in total are Reagan's fault or Bush's fault or Limbaugh's guys who shirk any and all responsibility for anything are so predictable, just like our feckless president."
You guys broad brush and take complex issues and devolve them down to 3 second soundbites unlike our thoughtful, deliberate and effective President.
Another interesting piece.
Yes Pilot, Ronnie the actor is probably one of the worst presidents in American history.
Meanwhile, our republican friend Bill takes trolling to an incredibly illogical level.
Check this out.
"Meanwhile, our republican friend Bill takes trolling to an incredibly illogical level."
What? You mean blah blah blah dumbocrat party blah blah blah, aren't good posts?
Kinly con- man, please be sure to read the part where the shooter says that he is a "conservative republican".
Salon? No thanks.
Reagan tops Obama in growth, income growth and jobs created.
Obama tops Reagen in growth in poverty, homelessness and people leaving the work force cause they can't find jobs.
Most Americans consider Reagan one of the best. A kind, wonderful man who brought America back. Which is why Obama and the Clinton's are always comparing themselves to Reagan.
How many Republicans are out there comparing themselves to Obama. Exactly.
Not to mention income gaps and inequality which has gotten worse under the Obama regime.
The top 10% has benefited more from Obama's policies than any other president. Meanwhile, the middle class is shrinking and the poor are getting poorer.
Isn't it time the left start calling Obama the "wall street president"?
field negro said...
Meanwhile, our republican friend Bill takes trolling to an incredibly illogical level.
You believe blocking the finish line at the twin cities marathon is going win people over?
Obama's fans ignore your easily verifiable facts, Kinky. Them identity politics folks done be blinded by his skin color. He one a them.
That shooter don't look like no white man, Field. In fact, he claims to be "mixed" so I've read. Do you only condemn and justify his crimes by his "politics" and not his skin color?
"Obama's fans ignore your easily verifiable facts, Kinky. Them identity politics folks done be blinded by his skin color. He one a them."
Hardly. On his dating site he described himself as a "Conservative Republican."
He's one of you.
I was referring to Obama.
Kinky_Con said...
Looks like the shooter is bl-racial or black like Obama. How long will it be before the left/liberal media refer to the shooter has a white black? Or white african american
He turned into a white conservative Republican as soon as he committed this crime.
Before that he was a black anti-Christian.
Fancy that.
Worked for Zimmerman.
"Most Americans consider Reagan one of the best."
I would LOVE to see where he got this gem. Most people I know don't like the man. Maybe most conservative Americans consider Reagan one of the best.
"How many Republicans are out there comparing themselves to Obama."
In the future you may have a few. I don't recall Mike Dukakis comparing himself to Reagan. Give it some time.
Well since the shooter was blah now we get to see James Bold go on a tantrum that wasn't going to happen before.
Reagan, like W was considered an amicable dunce. Republicans like their stupid.
PilotX said...
Reagan, like W was considered an amicable dunce
By the liberals he ran circles around.
The Economist, in June:
“The regularity of mass killings breeds familiarity. The rhythms of grief and outrage that accompany them become — for those not directly affected by tragedy — ritualised and then blend into the background noise. That normalisation makes it ever less likely that America’s political system will groan into action to take steps to reduce their frequency or deadliness. Those who live in America, or visit it, might do best to regard them the way one regards air pollution in China: an endemic local health hazard which, for deep-rooted cultural, social, economic and political reasons, the country is incapable of addressing. This may, however, be a bit unfair. China seems to be making progress on pollution.”
-Doug in Oakland
"By the liberals he ran circles around."
Such as?
dinthebeast, thank you for the excerpt from the economist. It's right on.
I think Reasonable Minds will agree that A Person with a Gun Can Kill Many People Quickly, but A Person Without a Gun Cannot Kill Many People Quickly for:
Do ALL Lives Matter less to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice System more than the NRA's interpretation of the 2nd Amendment?
If we examine the evidence through this lens, a reasonable mind can begin to associate NRA / Gun Tolerance with:
Mass Killings;
Black on Black Crime;
Sustainability of the Drug War;
Demonization of Mental Health;
Let's treat each other as part of the human race
I think Reasonable Minds will agree that the BLM movement is shorthand for:
Do Black Lives Matter less to the Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice System?
If we examine the evidence through this lens, a reasonable mind can begin to associate:
Actions outside the scope of the 4th Amendment;
Lack of Effective Law Enforcement Strategies that Mitigate Crime in the Black Community;
Excessive Sentencing for Non-Violent Minority Offenders
Let's treat each other as part of the human race
PX replied, "I would LOVE to see where he got this gem. Most people I know don't like the man. Maybe most conservative Americans consider Reagan one of the best."
This gem came from Obama when he was campaigning for President. It's no secret that BO has the highest regard for Reagan. He has made that clear.
The people you know live on the South Side where they don't know very much except how to shoot each other dead on a weekly basis. Give it up, PX. You don't have time for politics, you are too busy dodging bullets.
BTW, have you noticed that you are spending A LOT more time on FN than the 15 minutes you CLAIM you do?
I don't know who lies more, You, Field or PC. No wonder you three are atheists....there is no way for you to live with yourselves with faith in God in your hearts.
I went to see the independent film "The Black Panthers" yesterday. It reminded me of what the Panthers stood for: "Love of its people", and the good it did for our children and our community. Looking back, the Panthers were our last line of defense as a united people after the assassination of MLK.
Hoover and the FBI destroyed the Panthers who were the 'courage and pride' of Black America. The term, "I'm Black and I'm proud" actually came from the Panthers.
I highly recommend this historical document. It will have you cheering and crying, esp if you are as old as I am.
Bobby Seale still lives in Oakland today. Years ago, he made a run to be Mayor of Oakland but lost.
The 60s and early 70s were a flash in time of "high hope" for Blacks...their dignity, respect for each other, food for the hungry, food for the children, education for the children, community 'protection' and 'safety' for its was a great era for Blacks and America...
Sadly, it's gone, snuffed out by the FBI and our government.
Go see it. It will give you a historical perspective of how far we have fallen.
The people have changed in America, and it's certainly not for the betterment of anybody.
"This gem came from Obama when he was campaigning for President. It's no secret that BO has the highest regard for Reagan. He has made that clear."
I was referring to his claim about Reagan being the most loved. You are certainly not too bright.
"The people you know live on the South Side where they don't know very much except how to shoot each other dead on a weekly basis. Give it up, PX. You don't have time for politics, you are too busy dodging bullets."
Uh yeah.
"BTW, have you noticed that you are spending A LOT more time on FN than the 15 minutes you CLAIM you do?"
Do you have a stop watch on me? Are you a stalker anon? Maybe YOU need to get a life son and stop worrying about me. I'm doing quite well.
He had white-supremacy leanings and was obsessed with guns, according to one official
I wonder why the LA Times article didn't mention his mother is Black?
Does being Black/bi-racial ruin the stereotype of only white kids shooting up schools?
No new Friday post? I hope all is well with FieldNegro.
anon@ 8:14AM:
A good friend of mine met Bobby Seale while training for a canvassing job. He invited her in and they had a long conversation (mostly him telling stories) while she blew off the training in favor of a conversation with history. His wife served them tea. She confessed to him that he was one of her heroes, and he steered her toward helping his daughter with her effort to get trees planted in urban areas.
The times have really changed. Whereas the Panthers got the governor of California (Ronnie the Idiot) to pass gun control laws with a quickness by showing up strapped at the Capitol in Sacramento, now days such behavior by anyone darker than a Tea Partier (or a Cliven Bundy supporter), would likely result in them being shot with a sniper rifle from the cowardly safety of the armored vehicle they got from the defense department.
I'll try to check out the movie, it sounds interesting.
-Doug in Oakland
@ Doug:
Did Bobby Seale tell your friend about the time Huey Newton whipped him and anally raped him with such force that Seale had to have his anus surgically repaired?
Those Panthers really knew how to have fun, I'll tell you.
No he says the same thing that he said at the time, that the story was just more bullshit put out there to try and discredit the Panthers by people terrified of them.
-Doug in Oakland
You heard anything about this Field?
"No he says the same thing that he said at the time, that the story was just more bullshit put out there to try and discredit the Panthers by people terrified of them."
Doug, the Fox Noose crowd believes everything they're told.
I wonder why the LA Times article didn't mention his mother is Black?
Because we all know racist assholes like you will gladly point it out.
Anonymous said...
I wonder why the LA Times article didn't mention his mother is Black?
Because we all know racist assholes like you will gladly point it out.
5:24 PM
You know better.
Black people can do no wrong.
As a percentage of society, blacks are the biggest law breakers, drains on society, troublemakers. Not all blacks of course. Most are middle class and normal folks. But as a percentage of the population, blacks are the scourge of our society and liberals refuse to acknowledge that in the press.
Straight from the Panther's lawyer:
I will never forget standing next to Elaine, as I did months later in growing horror, as she threatened KQED-TV host Bill Schechner over the telephone. "I will kill you motherfucker," she promised him in her machete voice, if he went through with plans to interview the former Panther Chairman, Bobby Seale. Seale had gone into hiding after Huey expelled him from the Party in August. As I learned long afterwards, Seale had been whipped — literally — and then personally sodomized by Huey with such violence that he had to have his anus surgically repaired by a Pacific Heights doctor who was a political supporter of the Panthers. A Party member told me later, "You have to understand, it had nothing to do with sex. It was about power." But in the Panther world, as I also came to learn, nothing was about anything except power
Huey Newton raped Bobby Seale.
"I'll try to check out the movie, it sounds interesting."
-Doug in Oakland
2:46 PM
It's showing at Landmark Theaters, which is the Piedmont Theater in your area. I understand it's another famous theater like the Grand. What's with all of these famous theaters in Oakland?
Hmmmmm. I wonder where is StillaPanther2 is at? Is he hiding like Bobby Seale? BTW, Huey was killed in the streets of Oakland. It was drug related. Huey started his slide downward when Bobby Seale, while in Algeria, spoke out against the Panthers becoming an organization of food support for the black community and it's children.
This is where the internal battle began between the two. It was strictly a difference in ideology. Seale wanted the Panthers to fight the government and FBI. Huey saw the futility of doing that and saw it as a way of annihilation for the Panthers. Hence, the split in the Panthers.
This film documentary by all involved from the supporters of the Panthers, including liberal Whites from NYC to CA, was fascinating. You will laugh at some events, cry at others, hate both Hoover and Reagan...and leave sad the Panthers did not survive, but glad and amazed that the Panthers happened.
It leaves one wondering and thinking that had the Panthers survived, this country would be different and the black community would certainly be infused with the dignity due a human being.....
"You will laugh at some events, cry at others, hate both Hoover and Reagan...and leave sad the Panthers did not survive, but glad and amazed that the Panthers happened."
It's impossible to hate Ray-gun. He is a national treasure, just ask Kinky.
In total numbers, whites are the biggest law breakers, drains on society, troublemakers. Not all whites of course. Most are middle class and normal folks. But as a percentage of the population, whites are the scourge of our society and conservatives refuse to acknowledge that in the press.
check out this website for the trailer documentary and showtimes across America:
It was sold out here in Chicago but it'll be back in December.
@ anon 5:51 -
"most (blacks) are middle class and normal"
And most gays are sane and monogamous! Ha!
I love the Fixer. :)
But as a percentage of the population, whites are the source of our society.
Thanks for the shout out, Field.
But as a percentage of the population, Blacks are the source of our society.
And thanks for the shout-out.
And most gays are sane and monogamous! Ha!
Most are but you on the other hand..............
This time the killer was just as black as Obama is. Congrats, you people are catching up on the spree murder front. Eventually, will you do that at 8 times the rate of whites, as with the rest of the murders?
High rates of black violence in the late twentieth century are a matter of historical fact and the trends reached their peak not in the land of Jim Crow but in the North. Look it up.
Black folks blame their incarceration rates on “the system,” but blacks have long been part of running that system. Black crime and incarceration rates are happening under the control of black mayors and city councils. The most violent cities in the United States today are run by blacks. Fact.
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