Anyway, I have a news flash for Kanye West: Donald trump cares a lot less for black people than George W. Bush. I don't care how much "dragon energy" he has. And his dislike for us manifests itself in many different ways.
"A white man shot up a Waffle House in Nashville, and killed four people. The belief by officials is that more would have been killed in the "iconic diner" if a young man, James Shaw Jr., had not disarmed the suspected shooter, Travis Reinking (who was captured in the woods), while he was fixing or reloading his AR-15 rifle. On Sunday, every major network hailed Shaw as a hero. The Mayor of Nashville thanked him for saving lives.
But because he is black and the suspect is white, and the dead are people of color, our president has said nothing about this mass shooting. True, Trump is owned by the NRA, and this organization (or death cult) impatiently wants the current and unprecedented sequence of resistance against American gun madness to cool and cease, and, in essence, doesn't care who shot who. It just does not want the shooting to excite more resistance. The fact that the victims of the Waffle House shooting are not white, but de facto second-class citizens, will make it easier for it to enter the void at the end of the current news cycle. Trump can comfortably sit this one out.
There is also lots of justified talk about this mass shooting being racially motivated, and therefore another act of domestic terrorism. But again, only white American Christians who are killed by Muslims have the honor of being the victims of terrorism. White Christians killed by white people are just unlucky and have to moan and go on. Let me repeat this: If you are a white person killed by a white supremacist, you are nothing. If you are a black person killed by a white supremacist, you are less than nothing." [Source]
Kanye, it's OK to be a "free thinker", but if you support a racist with power you are not free, you are a mental slave.
"Kanye, it's OK to be a "free thinker", but if you support a racist with power you are not free, you are a mental slave.
You can be a free thinker, as long you think what we say you are supposed to think. Because the wrong kind of free thinking makes you a slave. Or something like that. Word.
Someday, black people will be allowed to form opinions based on some other aspect of who they are other than being black. But until that day, Field will be there to stick them in his House Negro box.
He met Kanye and I think they like each other. They are two peas in a pod, self promoting clowns. Why wouldn't Kanye like him?
Who the hell cares what the hell Kanye thinks or says about the POTUS. He has been mentally unstable since his mother died.
And with all of the mind altering prescription medication that he may be on, it's only a matter of time before he is completely out of his mind.
He needs to go somewhere, shut up and sit down.
What the NRA doesn't like about this case is that the asswipe was disarmed by an unarmed person. They would have liked it if he had been shot instead. They like everything better when somebody gets shot.
-Doug in Oakland
Anyone who works with Trump comes away ruined.
Kobach's trial is going just ducky:
-Doug in Oakland
Fucking-A, man.
Kanye is a chump, and Trump is Drumpf.
I took a big shit this morning and it smelled like Yisheng.
Didn't realize blacks were allowed to be "free thinkers." I thought you people were suppose to be a monolith that pledges allegiance to the Democratic Party and pervasive victim mentality.
Kanye, like anyone, can "think" what he wants. But when the facts of Trump's racism, and no doubt they are facts, stares you in the face and you declare otherwise because the two of you share "dragon energy" then others are free to call you out on your dumb-assery as that of an ignorant moron. In that sense, yeah, Kanye and his Donald are two peas in a dumb-assed pod.
Didn't realize blacks were allowed to be "free thinkers." I thought you people were suppose to be a monolith that pledges allegiance to the Democratic Party and pervasive victim mentality.
That's because you're an idiot.
Blogger PilotX said...
He met Kanye and I think they like each other. They are two peas in a pod, self promoting clowns. Why wouldn't Kanye like him.
No doubt, and I seriously doubt he gets better album sales too.
Bill Cosby is a hollyweirdo elitist rapist....
Amazing how the alt left bullies anyone who does not "think" their way.........
Kanye "I don't like to read" West and President Tiny Twitter-hands have a lot in common in that they don't like those things with paper and lots of printing in them (i.e. books). Too many big words for them. Thinking in Twitter tweets or soundbite lyrics is more their intellectual level.
America continues its inexorable descent into a real-life Idiocracy.
Top five ways to be a better ally to white people:
We're going to hear about the expiring rapper at the Waffle House for a long time. We're still hearing about the Charlotte church victims and even Emmett Till. This will go on until the last leftard is strung up from a lamp post.
Meanwhile, 14 shot in 15 hours in Chiraq and <crickets> from Field Negro.
Selective outrage is hypocrisy, and America is sick to death of it—and you.
This week alone, Trump has:
✅ Been endorsed by Kanye.
✅ Confirmed a gay ambassador to Germany.
✅ Brokered Korean peace.
He is the worst racist homophobic warmonger ever.
Donald Trump is actually a wannabe Black man, who is a closeted tranny/homosexual and a hippie peacenik!
The Alt Reich and Conservatives are getting played like suckers by their hero.
Until 2008, Trump Was a Big Democratic Donor
It took liberals exactly ONE lost presidential election to go from "America should occupy Wall St!" to "Wall St. should occupy America!"
I stopped taking Kanye seriously when he married into the Kardashians. This publicity stunt with tr**p is more idiocy.
Kanye West is a moron, but he is still smarter than your average negro.
Being in close proximity to former micro dick white boy Bruce Jenner and now no dick tranny "Caitlyn" Jenner has seriously warped Kanye's mind into believing that Butt Trumpet is "good." House Negro is being too kind to him.
Bump's shelter dog chose euthanasia over having to fuck Bump's grossly obese, toothless wife's fat ass and allow Bump to felate the dog to orgasm.
One more thing, fuck Russia/NRA.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
Oh lookee here- another white privileged cop shooter captured alive. Not even tased, beat, kicked while handcuffed. No shots in his back or side.
Anonymous Dave is kinda dumb said...
Didn't realize blacks were allowed to be "free thinkers." I thought you people were suppose to be a monolith that pledges allegiance to the Democratic Party and pervasive victim mentality.
That's because you're an idiot.
Thought that one through didn't you, all the way up to that 85 IQ. Came up with a real zinger.
If people were more savvy they would say fuck the Democratic and Republican parties and vote Libertarian. A lot of the problems in this country would be fixed, including not having a President Trump (or President Clinton for that matter). You want to be a free thinker, then vote Libertarian in 2020 (and 2018).
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Trump is so desperate he needs support from Kanye West. LOL
The white race is a disease.
There is no such thing as a good white man.
If Kanye just gets a bunch of black people to stay home on election day to smoke another blunt, he'll hand Trump a lot of power.
It amazes me how much black people project (and what Feeled lets them get away with).
"The white race is a disease."
What he really means is, his own race is a disease... but can't admit it to himself.
"There is no such thing as a good white man."
This comes from someone who doesn't know a good black man, and hates that. But he has to project his own failures outwards.
"Kill white men.
Fuck white women."
This gets posted all the time. Apparently, genocide is okay with Feeled.
Bill Cosby got just what was coming to him.
Druging and raping is sick and depraved behavior in itself...not to mention a black man druging and raping white women!!!!!
Another black man thinking he can play by the white man's game and get away with it.
Black men will never get it through their brainwashed heads that white women are trained to go after the money (black money, white money, animal money, mineral money) they don't care what kind of money!
And you can't pay a white woman off to be quiet and go away...cause she ain't going away.
She lies quietly and dormant like a cancer and metastesises and comes out somewhere else at a different time. Sometimes months later or sometimes years later...but she ain't going away without a pay day!
A black woman would have settled for a few thousand dollars, a new weave, a manicure, a pedicure and her rent paid for a few months (and a black man would have complained about that too).
But a white woman will keep the chains on your ankles and drain your entire bank account.. they will settle for nothing less than a house, and millions and millions of your dollars.
Bye, Bye Bill.
Black people don't need Kanye to keep them home on Election Day.
They do a pretty good job of staying home all by themselves.
Black self hatred is still so deep that black folks are still talking that " he's too dark, she's too dark, good hair bad hair" bullshit.
Further indication that black men and black women raising their children today are no more proud of who they are than they were 100 years ago.
The brain is an easy tool to manipulate. When you control the brain, the heart will follow.
And blacks continue to be manipulated.
Kanye has been a cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs for a very long time.
Not only does he seem to be confused and grappling with his sexual identity...but whatever coping drugs he is on have made him even more looney.
Opiods aren't the only drugs we need to crack down on in this country.
Years ago when you had a problem you made an appointment to TALK with. psychiatrist....nowadays everyone wants to give you a pill for this, a pill for that, and pill for the other.....
The brain is a central message system...when you mess with its wiring you're talking about permanent irreparable damage.
I'm Chinese-American and think Kanye is ok for a rapper. A lot of the music blacks listen to is garbage though. I mean, have you ever been next to a black person while they're in their car?
See more at:
Meet the next POTUS, President Kanye West and his VP/wife Kim Kardashian!
"Kill white men.
Fuck white women."
This gets posted all the time. Apparently, genocide is okay with Feeled.
And you, Baldingo, what have you done to prevent it besides come to a Black blog and whine?
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Kanye West is a moron, but he is still smarter than your average negro.
Phillip Bump is an idiot and is dumber than a box of crayons.
Thought that one through didn't you, all the way up to that 85 IQ. Came up with a real zinger.
Actually did BP. And my IQ is still 45 points higher than yours. Hell, it's higher than your entire inbred family with your large forehead.
Chicago April 2018 To Date:
Shot & Killed: 30
Shot & Wounded: 159
Total Shot: 189
Total Homicides: 38
Donald Trump is a very stable genius.
And Kim Kardashian is a quantum physicist.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Meet the next POTUS, President Kanye West and his VP/wife Kim Kardashian!
So we’re going from nipples to a$$?
Trump supporters are the dregs of society.
Anonymous said...
The brain is a central message system...when you mess with its wiring you're talking about permanent irreparable damage.
5:59 PM
None of these rappers have or are doing anything for their people, the Hispanic ones either. Philanthropy is a word unknown to them...
Rural white America April to date:
Number of OD's: 40,000
Number of teeth: 1
Number of high school diplomas: 0
Number of showers taken: -5
Kanya can marry a white woman, bleach his hair blond and hug a racist but no matter what the does or how hard he tries, he can never, ever be white. He should embrace his blackness. That would be beautiful.
Turns out this has been a publicity stunt to sell his album. Who'da thunk it?
-Doug in Oakland
People that get all worked up over Donald Trump are missing the real problem.
Donald Trump is only a symptom of a disease.
That disease is called Whiteness.
Feel free to escape the disease. #Blaxit to #Africa. ASAP.
I notice that you're not doing this. Nobody's flocking to Jamaica, Liberia, Ghana, even all-black Haiti. If you are saying one thing and doing the opposite, that makes you a hypocrite; if you believe something that stupid, you're an idiot.
TRUMP 2020!!
You're a lawyer, not an accountant.
Black men are doing a lot better under Trump than they were under Obama.
Seriously, read the numbers.
Now, Kanye may be crazy (and I'm sure he knows that Trump doesn't care about black people. Who the HELL do you think does care about black people? Certainly not the CBC!)
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