The Field Negro education series continues:
"I don’t like to accuse people of racism. That word is used far too often, unjustly, to smear good men and women. It has been thrown at House Speaker Paul Ryan, Sen. John McCain, former Gov. Mitt Romney, and other decent conservatives. It has been attributed to anyone who defends law enforcement or opposes a government program. When everyone on the right is a white nationalist or white supremacist, these terms lose their meaning.
But Donald Trump is a racist. He meets what Ryan himself once called the “textbook definition” of racism. Trump singles out particular ethnic, racial, and religious groups for suspicion. He holds all members of these groups responsible for the misdeeds of other members. He casts aspersions on individuals based on creed and background. And he explicitly advocates discrimination. If these behaviors don’t define bigotry, nothing does.
Let’s give Trump the benefit of the doubt in every case where his conduct could be explained, even implausibly, by something other than prejudice. Housing discrimination by his father’s company? Young Donald wasn’t directly involved. The Central Park Five? He thought they were guilty. Questioning Barack Obama’s birthplace? Trump just wanted to be thorough. His failure to denounce David Duke? Trump couldn’t hear the question. Calling the removal of Confederate statues an attack on “our culture”? He meant we should own our history. Calling Sen. Elizabeth Warren “Pocahontas”? He’s being ironic. Hounding NFL players who kneel? He feels strongly about the national anthem. Set aside all of that, and you’re still left with four patterns that can’t be explained away.
The first is Trump’s habit of associating certain ethnic or religious groups with violence. In 2013, he targeted blacks, writing on Twitter that “the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics.” He also retweeted fake black-on-white crime data. In 2015, he kicked off his presidential campaign with a tirade against Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people.” Later that year, Trump claimed to have seen thousands of people cheering the 9/11 attacks in northern New Jersey, “where you have large Arab populations.” In each case, Trump imagined or misrepresented the threat. He never does this to whites.
Within these groups, Trump blames the innocent for failing to control the guilty. He has held Barack Obama responsible for black crime, explicitly because Obama is black. “President Obama has absolutely no control (or respect) over the African American community” Trump wrote in 2014 during the riots in Ferguson, Missouri. A year later, Trump jeered, “Our great African American President hasn’t exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!” In 2016, after the Orlando massacre, Trump falsely charged that “the Muslim community does not report” its extremists. He concluded that Muslims should be punished collectively for such incidents: “The Muslims are the ones that have to report them. And if they don’t report them, then there have to be consequences to them.” Trump refuses to apply this policy of collective responsibility to whites. After Charlottesville, he argued just the opposite: that “very fine people” shouldn’t be faulted for rallying with Nazis.
Trump has persistently cast aspersions on particular poeple based on race, ethnicity, or religion. He suggested to evangelicals that they couldn’t trust Ted Cruz because Cruz’s family came from Cuba. He suggested to Protestants that they couldn’t trust Ben Carson because Carson is a Seventh-day Adventist. He retweeted an allegation that Jeb Bush “has to like the Mexican illegals because of his wife,” who is Mexican American. At rallies and in TV interviews, Trump charged that Gonzalo Curiel, the Indiana-born federal judge presiding over the Trump University fraud case, was incorrigibly biased against him because “we’re building a wall. He’s a Mexican.”
The clearest standard of bigotry is advocating differential treatment based on race, sex, ethnicity, or religion. Trump has done that repeatedly. In 2013, he dismissed the military’s integration of women as a stupid mistake, arguing that it had led to sexual assaults. In 2015, he demanded a “complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States.” In 2016, he warned that Muslim migrants were too dangerous because once they were allowed into the United States, they might proselytize for Islam, and there was “no way” to “prevent the second generation from radicalizing.” In his attacks on Curiel, Trump reasoned that no judge “of Mexican heritage” could fairly preside over his fraud case, because such ancestry entailed “an inherent conflict of interest.”
This behavior has continued in office. During an Oval Office meeting last summer, according to the New York Times, Trump complained that Haitians coming to the United States “all have AIDS.” He also warned that people from Nigeria, if they were allowed into our country, would never “go back to their huts.” Six weeks ago, Trump retweeted messages from a hate group, which by their plain language (“Muslim destroys a statue of Virgin Mary!” “Muslim migrant beats up Dutch boy on crutches!”) sought to incite anger against all Muslims.
The White House denied the Times report about Haitians and Nigerians. But now there’s confirmation, from a Democratic senator, a Republican senator, and others who attended or were briefed, that Trump made similar remarks in an Oval Office meeting with lawmakers on Thursday. During a back-and-forth about migrants from Haiti, El Salvador, and Africa, Trump fumed: “Why are we having all these people from shithole countries come here?” He specifically asked, “Why do we need more Haitians?” He demanded that Congress “take them out” of a list of immigrant populations temporarily allowed to stay in the United States. Instead, he said the United States should accept more people from countries such as Norway.
Trump disputes his exact language in the meeting. But on Friday morning, in a series of tweets, he affirmed his reasoning. “USA would be forced to take large numbers of people from high crime countries which are doing badly,” he wrote. “I want a merit based system of immigration and people who will help take our country to the next level.”
What Trump is proposing, as sketched in his own tweets, is not a merit-based system. A merit-based system would accept or reject applicants based their own merits. Trump is saying that applicants should be accepted or rejected based on country of origin. He’s saying that the individual should be judged by the group. If you’re Haitian, you’re out.
That’s bigotry. It’s not some left-wing activist’s definition of bigotry. It’s the textbook definition. And while quotas by nationality are common in immigration policy, it’s hard to explain why Trump thinks and talks this way on so many other issues, not just about foreigners but about Americans. He has been doing it for years to every group with whom he doesn’t identify: blacks, Latinos, Muslims, Seventh-day Adventists, Cuban Americans, Mexican Americans, Arab Americans, Korean Americans, and women.
A president who keeps saying bigoted things and pushing bigoted ideas, despite repeated warnings, is a bigot. A party that continues to excuse him is a bigoted party. And a country that accepts him is a bigoted country. Don’t be that party. Don’t be that country." [Source]
TRUMP 2020!!
Well said, Field....well said.
Field didn't say it.
"When everyone on the right is a white nationalist or white supremacist, these terms lose their meaning."
But but but Trump is racist!
Too late.
Racist = any President who isn't 100% for policies that are explicitly anti-White.
Trump is a civic nationalist who pursues citizenist policies that don't favor any racial group. Because our government has favored all other groups against white Americans for generations now, a race-neutral President is considered racist by race obsessed non-whites who feel entitled to their favored status.
William Saletan is a Jew dedicated to the destruction of white nations. He cares not one whit for POC, who are only a tool to be used against white America. He views any let up on the cultural demonization and governmental discrimination against whites as a threat to this central goal.
White people cannot be allowed to think they might have a future in the world. Saletan tells us it's not racist for the Left to use the government to racially transform America into a non-white country, but it is racist for the Right to want to stop the government project to make them a minority.
Trump's policies have benefited everyone who is a citizen of America, regardless of race. But since white people are included, he must be denounced as racist.
Keep it up. The more you push these absurd lies, the quicker this game will come to an end.
If White people disappeared from the world, so too would reason, justice, beauty, science, achievement, and peace.
Just look at any comment section, yours will do just fine, and you see president trump was inevitable. This is one big stupid racist country and we needed to represented properly. An articulate thoughtful President just won't do, we need a loud, ignorant bigot to suit us thankyouverymuch.
If White people disappeared from the world, so too would monster truck rallies, selling babies for meth, polka music, chew, flat asses, bad dancing, bad comedy, white fuck boys and racism.
oh, and stupid internet trolls.
“The concept of envy – the hatred of the superior – has dropped out of our moral vocabulary… The idea that white Christian civilization is hated more for its virtues than its sins doesn’t occur to us, because it’s not a nice idea… Western man towers over the rest of the world in ways so large as to be almost inexpressible. It’s Western exploration, science, and conquest that have revealed the world to itself. Other races feel like subjects of Western power long after colonialism, imperialism, and slavery have disappeared. The charge of racism puzzles whites who feel not hostility, but only baffled good will, because they don’t grasp what it really means: humiliation. The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.”
-Joseph Sobran
In 2013, he targeted blacks, writing on Twitter that “the overwhelming amount of violent crime in our major cities is committed by blacks and hispanics.”
Fact check: TRUE.
Saletan: "The clearest standard of bigotry is advocating differential treatment based on race, sex, ethnicity, or religion"
Isn't that the whole premise of Progressivism? Advocating differential treatment based on race, sex, ethnicity, or religion is the Field Negro's entire worldview.
Saletan: "What Trump is proposing, as sketched in his own tweets, is not a merit-based system."
The Left considers "merit-based systems" a tool of white supremacism. Saletan is absolutely shameless in projecting the bigotries of the Left onto his enemies.
Even though race doesn't exist, you can empirically identify a white person based on whether a person tolerates the narcissistic, uncivil, and aggressive tantrums of non-whites.
"Trump falsely charged that “the Muslim community does not report its extremists."
Fact check: TRUE.
"Saletan tells us it's not racist for the Left to use the government to racially transform America into a non-white country, but it is racist for the Right to want to stop the government project to make them a minority."
Except it's not the government driving the upcoming and inevitable majority-minority status of the country, that's just what the right wing media says to get idiots like you to do what they want: keep their ratings up and buy the reverse mortgages and dick pills their advertisers are selling.
And besides, majority-minority does not equal non-white. There will still be more than enough white people around to fuck up everything good in the country for decades, so you won't really have to worry about looking even more despicable by comparison.
You'll most likely be long dead before the major social changes fully take hold, and there's probably a cause and effect relationship in there somewhere.
-Doug in Oakland
"The white man presents an image of superiority even when he isn’t conscious of it. And, superiority excites envy. Destroying white civilization is the inmost desire of the league of designated victims we call minorities.”
Bullshit, only a racist fuckboi would believe something this fucking racist and incredibly stupid.
Fact check: Bullshit
This ain't Britain asshole.
Isn't that the whole premise of Progressivism?
"Except it's not the government driving the upcoming and inevitable majority-minority status of the country"
Of course it is. The government sets immigration policy. The government decides whether or not to enforce the border. The government subsidizes third-world immigrants and allows their employment by corporations.
Check the birthrates, asshole. This would happen if not one single immigrant was allowed into the country.
Or are they a government conspiracy also?
-Doug in Oakland
"This would happen if not one single immigrant was allowed into the country."
Not true. Immigrant birthrates have consistently fallen toward parity with the native rate. Also, whites are the only demographic that has shown an increase in birthrates over the past two years.
Go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better, but watch what actually happens.
-Doug in Oakland
Also, whites are the only demographic that has shown an increase in birthrates over the past two years.
Two whole years huh?
More goofy white fuckboi shit. Damn Field, this is ridiculous.
You guys are so jealous of whites it's painful to watch.
@The inferior African species @ 5:33 -
I am's a blakcman and I degree with you. I have a agree of with ciense and ticknologey and these whiteboi's are perthitic. They all haves small Dick's to, LOL. We are the superor race. Look at Wacanda. Blackpanter is my faverit movie.
But "woke brown person", aren't whites in the minority? Check on that and get back to us.
Bottom line..
White men will always be envious and hateful of people of color.
It all happened when they took one look at the size of a Black man's package and said,
"Holy Shit, if our women get a hold of that...then we're done!."
Black men...the most beautiful of all of god's creations...and yet the most hated and hunted by white men.
With regard to Blacks and Police Brutality:
"Black Lives Matter Too!"
You can't expect a race of people who are raised to believe that Blacks are "less than human" to all of a sudden put their brainwashed racist upbringing aside when confronting anyone Black during a police stop.
If Blacks are regarded as "less than animals" by most whites then they shouldn't expect the "slave master" to stop police brutality. It just AIN"t gonna happen. They take great pleasure in shooting unarmed Blacks in the back and WORSE.
The question is: What are Blacks going to do about it?
Re field negro post:
But "woke brown person", aren't whites in the minority? Check on that and get back to us.
Yes, whites are the true minority. Hell, if you look around the world you will see that whites are the true minority and they know it.
Why do you think whites have gone out of their way throughout history to keep people of color DOWN?
ANSWER: So that they can remain ON TOP!
Why do negroes celebrate unwholesome individuals like Winnie Mandela?
With the weather heating up the Chimping Season will soon be upon us. Where do you think we'll have a Cat 5 this year? A full-on bongo party with looting and rioting orcs.
Maybe if they time a not guilty verdict for the Sacramento cops who shot the orc there with a hot Friday we could get some good TNB.
MAGA, Make America Goy Again...
Has anybody seen "Ready Player One" yet? I did, and found Olivia Cooke so cute I actually jerked off to her right there in the theater. LOL!
Comrade Trumprovsky is better known as the Evangelicals new 'white savior in chief' the ultimate racist with a touch mega stupidy!
Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.
Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are not decent conservatives. True, they are not as bad as Butt Trumpet, but like Butt Trumpet they are all micro dick white boys.
> After Charlottesville, he argued just the opposite: that
> “very fine people” shouldn’t be faulted for rallying with Nazis.
William Saletan wants open dissent to be a crime if people he deems unsavory associate with it. This is as un-American as honor killing. William Saletan is a fake American.
> The first is Trump’s habit of associating certain ethnic
> or religious groups with violence. In 2013, he targeted
> blacks, writing on Twitter that “the overwhelming amount
> of violent crime in our major cities is committed by
> blacks and hispanics.”
In NYC in 2016, 56.4% of all suspects in cases of murder and non-negligent manslaughter were black and 35.0% were Hispanic. For arrestees, those figures were 52.4% and 35.9% respectively For those of you who can't do arithmetic without a calculator (which is 100% of you libtards) that's a total of 91.4% of suspects and 88.3% of arrestees.
In other words, William Saletan is calling Donald Trump "racist" for speaking plain, factual truths.
And that is why America is fed up with you. We are sick of your lies. I hope that you all start paying for them and go join your father, the Father of Lies.
> oh, and stupid internet trolls.
Can't have internet trolls without an internet. White people invented it, you know.
> majority-minority does not equal non-white. There will
> still be more than enough white people around to fuck up
> everything good in the country for decades
Feel free to go to a non-white country and enjoy the "non-fuckuppedness" there. Try Wakanda, I hear it's nice there this time of year.
Blacks are the very definition of whiny little bitches.
dinthebeast said...
"Go ahead and believe that if it makes you feel better, but watch what actually happens."
Migration is not inevitable, it is not desirable, and it is not necessary. Countries like Hungary have proven that migration can be stopped, and countries like Japan prove that migration is not necessary.
Blaxit in 2020 !
2018 will be for Democrats what 2010 was for Republicans.
Police: Sleeping black girl shot while black mom handles gun at party in Lansing
Associated Press:
02/27/2018, 10:23am
4 negroes killed, 21 negroes wounded in weekend shootings across Chicago
Who killed Martin Luther King Jr.? His family believes James Earl Ray was framed.
If niggers want respect they should do the following:
*Get an education
*Learn how to conjugate verbs
*Pull their pants up off of the goddamn ground and stop showing their underwear
*Stop being LOUD, RATCHETT, and GHETTO
(ever notice how Blacks are always the loudest in the room they have no idea of what social norms are).
*Get an education
*Stop sexually physically, emotionally, and mentally abusing black boys.
*Get married (set an example for your children)
*Stop killing each other and then complaining when the cops kill you.
*Clean up your goddamn dirty ass neighborhoods
*Stop expecting the school to raise your kids (there's a reason ghetto kids remain 2 years behind suburban kids academically)
*stop snorting and smoking dope (didn't you get the memo that whatever you ingest comes out in your body fluids...including your sperm..there's a reason why so many Black kids are "special ed" You're turning your kids into retards BEFORE THEY ARE BORN!
Black people love it when (((white))) people rail at white people for minding their own business. It lets them get away with stealing, like black megachurch pastor Kirbyjon Caldwell.
Everybody in Washington is a bigot and a liar.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
With regard to Blacks and Police Brutality:
Regarding Racist Police and Police Brutality:
You can't expect a race of people who are raised to believe that Blacks are "less than human" to all of a sudden put their brainwashed racist upbringing aside when confronting anyone Black during a police stop.
If Blacks are regarded as "less than animals" by most whites then they shouldn't expect the "slave master" to stop police brutality. It just AIN"t gonna happen. They take great pleasure in shooting unarmed Blacks in the back and WORSE.
The question is: What are Blacks going to do about it?
If white fuckboi trailer trash want respect they should do the following:
*stop selling their babies for meth
*go to the denstist and get that tooth fixed
*stop having sex and babies with relatives
*move out of mom's trailer
*spend less time trolling negroes online and go to school
*brush their tooth instead of chewing tobaccy
*learn to read
*stop believing everything Rush Limpballs tells them to believe like the deep state bullshit
*put some fucking tires on your pickup truck
*stop raping babies
*get over the civil fucking war, you and your red necked grand pappy lost, you and your fellow red necks won't rise again, well except when you watch your sister/cousin/aunt shower
*get a job and get off "disability"
*lose some weight, so go to the gym instead of the Piggly Wiggly for pig feet or whatever country assed fuckboys eat
*take a fucking shower, no one wants to smell wet dog all day
*get a haircut, mullets went out in 1979
*put on a goddamned shirt (for those fuckboys living in Missouri especially)
*learn to pronounce Missouri, there is no a at the end of the word just like there is no R in Washington you ignorant hillbillies
*use deoderant
*schools aren't government plots to indoctrinate you into communism, I know it's a lame excuse but hey your uncledaddy went back to the third grade at age 45 so all is not lost, you can learn to read Jethro
*learn that the gottdamned world does not revolve around you despite what stormfront or whatever racist ass website you look at the pictures on.
*get over the fact that Becky like negro men, I mean she has taste and it isn't my fault you're still a virgin (unless you wanna count relatives)
*remember, there is still hope you can one day enter polite society and lose your fuckboism if you really try hard
Hmmmmmm, let's see what white fuckboys are up to. What's the female version of a fuckboi? Fuckgirl? Well whatever. As the title implies this is the methiest shit white fuckpeople do while high on meth.
1. kill their babies by shooting them up with meth
2. have another baby hooked on meth by shooting meth while pregnant thus ensuring another generation of fuckpeople who will definitely troll unsuspecting regular people
3. put their baby, hell maybe it wasn't even his baby, in the freezer
Well, just read the story of what the "superior" race does in their free time ya know because fuckpeople have no jobs they just pimp out their babies for meth money. Enjoy and have the vomit bag nearby.
The most corrupt cheater ever to get Russia elected as Potus has the nerve to call Obama "cheating Obama". Drawing and quarteing is too good for the stoopidest wasicu wastey son of a bitch ever to set foot in the WH.
"Paul Ryan, John McCain, and Mitt Romney are not decent conservatives."
McCain and Romney are at least conservative. McCain is in his eighties and Romney is in his seventies.
It doesn't seem like the right is producing actual conservatives any more. The job of conserving norms and traditions has been ceded to the Democrats for years, as has the job of actually governing.
It makes it more difficult to enact a liberal agenda when you also have to do the job your opposition party has become too damn crazy to do, but I don't believe it to be a strategy, just a side effect of how damn crazy they have allowed themselves and their media to become.
Ryan is a total fraud who got where he is by exploiting the media's both siderist business model that needs for there to be a smart, capable, Republican to hold up the lie that is their denial of the true state and nature of the modern Republican party, that is, crazy as a shithouse rat.
He looked good on TV, spoke his dogma on cue, and so was elevated to their "smart Republican" role, despite being a goddamn Randite fraud who never once made the numbers in his "budget" add up.
Basically there aren't anything but extremists in the workings of the Republican party any more, and they continue to respond to the failures of their right wing ideology by moving farther to the right, until now they are not conservative any more, they're right wing extremists.
-Doug in Oakland
Doug is not an extremist.
The question is: What are Blacks going to do about it?
12:42 PM
Obey the law and conform like most people do.
First Russia investigation crony going to jail. Thanks Robert Mueller, you might just save democracy.
You can't expect a race of people who are raised to believe that Blacks are "less than human"
Turns out that non-sub Saharans are about 20% Neanderthal (not 2%), so pure blacks are at most 80% human.
Sub-Saharans are a different species, literally. Wonder why we can't get along? That's why. If you don't like "racist" policing, it's because you won't behave... because you can't. There's no fixing it, we're just going to recognize it and remove you from our societies.
The question is: What are Blacks going to do about it?
You expect people who deny moral agency for their crimes to actually DO something, beyond chimping out?
What they're going to do when the time comes is get on the truck.
well trump is right about the nigerians and haitians....they need to go home to enrich their own countries...the welfare bums can go and beg.
Well Donnie Drumpfuck needs to repatriate all his overseas businesses and pay a living wage to make a handful of American citizens lives better, but he won't because stoopid fucking wingnuts are better than everyone else. It is called white privilege. Wasicus get the benefits of skin color not afforded to anyone else.
Wasicu wasteys be singing a different tune if cops of color routinely shot whitey in the back for no reason at all. Let's give it a shot. Volunteers or are you pussified fucking honkeys afraid to get shot for no reason at all?
Active shooter at youtube HQ.
Another alt left false flag operation.
pathology arguments are much older. Between 1900 and 1930, blacks were three times as likely as whites to be killed. Their killers tended to be black—black were 80 percent of Mississippi's murderers and 60 percent of its victims. According to historian David Oshinsky, the actual murder rate among African Americans was likely higher. "We had the usual number of [Negro] killings during the week just closed," the Jackson Clarion-Ledger reported in 1904.
trumpbots are not very smart.😑
"Doug is not an extremist."
Actually, I'm not. The more extreme on the left tend to refer to me as a goddamn corporatist Hillbot, I assume for the high crime of pointing out the fact that it's easier to enact your agenda if you get elected...
-Doug in Oakland
1 woman, believed to be the shooter,is dead and four others taken to the hospital.
All the fucking weaselly, sniveling waicu wasteys and all their guns did not prevent this shooting, now did they?
All the fucking weaselly, sniveling waicu wasteys and all their guns did not prevent this shooting, now did they?
6:29 PM
YouTube is a gun free zone and Kali does not have shall issue CCW. Less guns=more crime
Police: Woman on CTA bus stabbed in head by a black stranger
Calling for death camps for conservative whites is not extreme.
“I want a merit based system of immigration and people who will help take our country to the next level.”
Kicking all wingnuts out of office would raise America's level at least a dozen rungs. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Doug uses so much emotion in his post. It must be the estrogen therapy.
YouTube is a gun free zone and Kali does not have shall issue CCW. Less guns=more crime
Cheap fucking excuses is all you have...after the fact!
Sub-Saharans are a different species, literally. Wonder why we can't get along? You obviously don't want to get along with them and risk yer wasicu privilege, honky.
Benghazi Gowdy and fucknut SC Sinator Scott have colored a book about how black and white overcame race to something something something.
I haven't stopped gagging or laughin at these 2 clowns who overlooked 50 years of Blacks working with Dems to fight racist wasicu wasteys. Apparently they think they discovered racial harmony or some such shit.
Police: Woman on CTA bus stabbed in head by a black stranger
Another alt-right false flag operation.
Woman hides meth in her va-jay jay. Wanna guess the race? Hint, she's not a negro.
Mueller is just warming up. More trumpies are going to jail.
Hey, whatever happened to those thousands of sealed indictments that would lead to US Marines frog marching Democratic judges and the CBC off to jail? It's been 4 months. Yawn, I guess the same day as the white race war huh? Tick tock mother fuckers.
Shorter Mueller: Fire me and you get Andrew Weissmann.
Sort of like Fergus, impeach me and you get Pence, only Weissmann is your worst nightmare if you're a crook.
-Doug in Oakland
Yishengcow wished she looked like Stacey Dash.
Average black woman is ...... ugh.
So we won another election, this time in Wisconsin. Perhaps Walker was scared to hold those other two elections for a reason.
-Doug in Oakland
The average white woman? Search "the women of Walmart". Excuse me while I throw up.
Get real,
Every white person in Trump's base and in the world knows that Trump is a bigot and a racist and hates ALL Blacks.
But do you really expect them to admit that he is???? I mean really .... Duh!
White folks stick together like "White on Rice."
And they LoVE to "Divide And Conquer" niggers.
(Example: Look at how black men and black women hate themselves and each other....)
LOL....ha ha ha
More stereotypical derogatory behavior by Dumb Ass Blacks in Ratchet Reality TV shows keeping Blacks Dumb and Making White Networks Rich:
… the reality (pardon the pun) is that the problem isn’t VH1, Mona Scott-Young, Shaunie O’Neal, Evelyn Lozada, or even silly little Stevie J. Instead of pointing a finger at “the man” or “the system,” we need to look at ourselves – the black women who are actually WATCHING these reality shows and using them as their role models.
There are far too many of us who are oh-so-willing to enthusiastically embrace a minstrel show about black women struggling with various levels of economic disempowerment while simultaneously being sexually exploited, and emotionally and physically abused by the men in their lives – all in the name of “entertainment.”
As tragic as the Love and Hip Hop types of shows and storylines are, what is sadder is the mindset of its viewers, women who’ve been brainwashed into believing that there is no damage being done to our people.
Jewish Americans would never allow a reality show featuring selfish, whiny “Jewish American Princesses” who love to shop, nag their banker husbands, and guilt trip their yarmulke wearing, dreidel playing children to make it to television.
Chinese Americans would never support a reality show revolving around seductive “Dragon Ladies” who play chess, iron shirts and unravel calculus equations with equal skill while running around in cheongsam dresses.
How is it that this is the “entertainment” we’ve chosen to embrace after so many of our people have died and been imprisoned in the fight to give us racial equality and opportunity for economic advancement?
Why in the world are we helping the networks get rich by using our women as fodder for real-life Blaxpoitation lacking in any sort of artistic or social benefit?
I don’t know what it’s going to take to wake us up, but eventually the
“Crazy Black Reality Show Chick” will find its place in the destructive pantheon of black female memes, right next to the seemingly immortal “Mammy”, “Jezebel,” “Welfare Queen,” and “Angry Black Woman.”
Again: More stereotypical derogatory behavior by Dumb Ass Blacks in Ratchet Reality TV shows are keeping Blacks Dumb and Making White Networks Rich:
You obviously don't want to get along with them and risk yer wasicu privilege, honky.
If they're so great, what do they need me for? Nobody would have to write fiction about Wakanda because Liberia would already be that shining beacon for humanity. In reality, Liberia just had a period of cannibal warlords and a real-life "General Butt Naked".
Psycho from Iowa puts their behavior down to me being a "wasicu wastey", as if some emanation from my brain thousands of miles away can turn Africans from doctors and scientists and philosphers into borderline morons who engage in hair-trigger violence and whose most notable accomplishments are single-story mud huts and blowing air into cow's anuses. Psycho from Iowa's ideations are eerily similar to the homeless schizophrenic ranting about CIA mind control and Jews, except he thinks my "racism" is controlling a billion Africans.
tl;dr Psycho from Iowa is insane, and so is everyone who thinks like him. Dangerously insane.
With all the drugs we're seizing out of Mexico, we must have a fuck-ton of heroin and fentanyl in evidence rooms. When it comes time to use it, lethal doses for the irremediably lib-tarded are in order.
I almost feel bad for Ben Carson, being surrounded by an administration full of bigots and racists. Then again, he made his bed.
Who is the worse kike: Bill Maher or Woody Allen?
Both are pro pedo........
Richard Spencer said...
Police: Woman on CTA bus stabbed in head by a black stranger
Another alt-right false flag operation.
9:31 PM
Nope...just good ol TNB.
Cheap fucking excuses is all you have...after the fact!
7:53 PM
Nope, before the fact, kali is a non shall issue State...only Hollyweirdos and rich elites get permits.
YouTube is a gun free zone campus...so that means no real security. Those little no gun stickers do not stop criminals.
Nope...just good ol TNB.
Just like mass shootings are TWFBB.
Wow, this idiot forgets the name of the building in which he lives.
America loves incompetent white fuck boys in charge.
Why aren't most blacks against gun control? Without guns you people wouldn't be able to participate in your favorite activity: shooting each other.
> Calling for death camps for conservative whites is not extreme.
Keep on showing your true colors. We have the guns and the ammo. We're keeping lists and checking them twice. When the flag goes up, don't expect to see much of what follows.
It's been a dream of mine to kill a white man.
White boys got tiny brains and tiny dicks! LOL!
Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, have you figured out he one constant all mass killings with guns have in common? Please tell me you are smart enough to know guns tie them all together. You do know that, don't chew? Hello, Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, are you there? Hello, hello.
From USA Carry- California Concealed Carry Quick Stats
May Issue
Licenses issued to Residents Only
Minimum 18 Years Old
Valid For Up To 2 Years
$300 estimated
Processing Time within 90 Days with exceptions (see below)
California Reciprocity Maps
Uh hem Anyfuckingstoopidwaicumoose, you were saying?
University of Chicago Police officer shoots male black burglar near campus:
Uh hem Anyfuckingstoopidwaicumoose, you were saying?
10:16 AM
May issue not SHALLL issue...you "may" get one if your politically connected or a hollyweirdo but most places as a common working person you will be denied your rights.
mike from iowa said...
Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, have you figured out he one constant all mass killings with guns have in common? Please tell me you are smart enough to know guns tie them all together. You do know that, don't chew? Hello, Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, are you there? Hello, hello.
10:11 AM
Why do all the hollyweirdos and rich elites hide behind men with guns and body armor and secure compounds??
Even Nacy Pelsoi has a CCW(nice to abuse her authority)
Psycho from Iowa, have you noticed what all "necklacings" have in common? Are you proposing to ban tires and gasoline?
Psycho from Iowa, have you noticed what all "food deserts" have in common? Ban "civil rights" and they'll go away.
Lynwood black man accused of criminal sexual assault of young teen:
mike from iowa said...
Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, have you figured out he one constant all mass killings with guns have in common? Please tell me you are smart enough to know guns tie them all together. You do know that, don't chew? Hello, Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose, are you there? Hello, hello.
10:11 AM
Mike have you figured out what the common denominator is in all big city crimes and homicides rapes thefts??
Life is good when I get this deep state into Anyfuckingstoopidwasocumoose's head.
May issue not SHALLL issue...you "may" get one if your politically connected or a hollyweirdo but most places as a common working person you will be denied your rights.
Prove it, Bitch. Put up or shut up. This isn't Fake Noize yer dealing with, here. I demand irrefutable proof which you can't deliver because it only exists in fevered, fly-blown, moose brains.
I'm Chinese-American and have experienced more racism from blacks than from whites. Stop being hypocrites about racism.
See more at:
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Anonymous said...
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
11:47 AM
Where would everything come from then?????
Denied CCW in California:
"less than 1 percent of the state’s population(kali) had active permits last year, according to the Center for Investigative"
Prove it, Bitch. Put up or shut up. This isn't Fake Noize yer dealing with, here. I demand irrefutable proof which you can't deliver because it only exists in fevered, fly-blown, moose brains.
11:07 AM
We do,every time. You come back with your Bill Maher or Michael Moore approved script and lie and lie and lie.
Progressive left thinking is a mental disorder.
California is a model state for the democratic left nightmare.
Less than 1% of the state has a CCW,that means hollyweirdos and connected politicians and social elites, the progressive model.
Its about power and control. For the special people, not the common man or woman.
Diane Feinstein in 1995 on her concealed carry permit: 'I know the urge to arm yourself because that's what I did'
Remember Mr. and Mrs. Common Person (working class),not only do they want to take your guns and 2nd Amend. away, they want to ban freedom of religion too, control all forms of media, then pack the SCOTUS with libtard judges to legalize lowering the age of consent to 13,they want to fuck your kids.
Anonymous said...
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
11:47 AM
hate speech.
wasicu wastey racists take time to call in on MLK.
Raw Story
Racist callers flood C-SPAN for MLK 50th anniversary: ‘James Earl Ray had a dream and it came true’
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Remember Mr. and Mrs. Common Person (working class),not only do they want to take your guns and 2nd Amend. away, they want to ban freedom of religion too, control all forms of media, then pack the SCOTUS with libtard judges to legalize lowering the age of consent to 13,they want to fuck your kids.
12:06 PM
Better stock up on Ex-Lax Anyfuckingstoopidwasicumoose. You are full of shit like usual.
Does Wakanda have a Roscoe's Chicken N Waffle?
Anonymous said...
Does Wakanda have a Roscoe's Chicken N Waffle?
1:43 PM
On the silver screen anything is possible with CGI.
Not bad for two Jewish guys to create the comic hero and dozens of white and Asian cgi/computer techs to create the film.
"California is a model state for the democratic left nightmare."
Righty-o. So stay as far away from it as you can, you would hate it.
By the way, literally everyone I know here is armed, except the children, and I don't know many children, so some of them may be also. I know I was.
-Doug in Oakland
The Korean community is squared away.
Does anyone here know a guy named Dindu Nuffin?
If a politician kept talking ad infinitum about white trash and all of the white people on wefare etc. I said, "God bless him!" He's speaking the truth!
You hate "white trash" because your people can't even come up to their level. You rage about the occasional story of selling kids for meth while you turn your own into "ghetto lobsters" on a daily basis.
You see them accomplishing things that are forever beyond anything you can do (or even understand) and your jealousy enrages you. You hate them for demonstrating your inferiority just by being who they are and doing what they do, leaving you completely alone. That's the white virtue that is now demonized as "privilege".
You won't have "white privilege" in your face over in Africa. You won't have indoor plumbing and reliable electricity either, but the continuous state of rage over seeing your true state will abate. If you are bothered, go. Go now.
If you stay, it's only because you hate what you could never make and want to destroy it out of spite. Okay, MFers. It'll be back at ya soon enough.
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