Is the fact that the NRA accepted contributions from 20 Russian linked contributors a big deal?
Is Wendy Vitter unfit to be a federal Judge because she cannot say that segregation and Jim Crow was wrong?
Did Mr. trump change his policy about announcing when he is going to attack another country?
Why isn't this story about ICE possibly causing the death of an immigrant couple in California getting more national attention?
Why do you think the FBI was also seeking records about that infamous Access Hollywood tape when they raided Michael Cohen's home?
What will Paul Ryan's legacy be like? And did he make a "Faustian Bargain" with trump?
Finally, why does Scott Pruitt still have a job?
Why do you think the FBI was also seeking records about that infamous Access Hollywood tape when they raided Michael Cohen's home?
Because, after 18 months of investigation, they have no evidence of collusion and are now fishing for anything that they can hurt Trump with.
What will Paul Ryan's legacy be like? And did he make a "Faustian Bargain" with trump?
His legacy is that he left his party in shambles by faithfully pursuing the policies favored by his donors over those favored by the Republican base.
He made no bargain, "Faustian" or otherwise, with the President. He and McConnell did their job for the establishment and delivered next to nothing for Trump or his voters.
He could have buried the Democratic party for a generation, but he didn't, because they are on the same team.
Finally, why does Scott Pruitt still have a job?
Because he is effectively pursuing the President's agenda by reigning in excessive regulatory burdens.
Better question, why are Peter Strzok and Lisa Page still employed by the FBI?
The New York Times tweeted this today:
If this is all just a big witch hunt, why does Trump care so much about preserving attorney-client privilege in the first place?
If you are not a witch, why would you be afraid of witch hunts?
There is no principle, from attorney-client privilege to the very rule of law itself that the left will not repudiate to get their way.
"Show me the man and I will show you the crime" Lavrentiy Beria, head of Joseph Stalin's secret police.
"If you have something that you don't want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn't be doing it in the first place..." Eric Schmidt, former Google CEO.
Roper: So now you'd give the Devil benefit of law!
More: Yes. What would you do? Cut a great road through the law to get after the Devil?
Roper: I'd cut down every law in England to do that!
More: Oh? And when the last law was down, and the Devil turned round on you — where would you hide, Roper, the laws all being flat? This country's planted thick with laws from coast to coast — man's laws, not God's — and if you cut them down — and you're just the man to do it — d'you really think you could stand upright in the winds that would blow then? Yes, I'd give the Devil benefit of law, for my own safety's sake.
Paul Ryan's legacy will be that of just another micro dick white boy. Don't worry, Butt Trumpet will end up the same.
Mark Zuckerberg would probably be a more trustworthy Commander-in-Chief than tr**p. That's how sad things are right now. Oh, and Paul Ryan is really bland and boring; typical of Wisconsin.
Why do negroes care more about Russia than about the prevalence of black-on-black violence, drug use, and AIDS in your ghettos? Priorities, priorities.
“Is the fact that the NRA accepted contributions from 20 Russian linked contributors a big deal?”
I would say it was a big deal that NRA took money from Vlad, who hates America.
Except that when they’re not taking money from Vlad, the NRA are taking money from gun manufacturers, who also hate America.
So maybe it’s not a big deal.
“Is Wendy Vitter unfit to be a federal Judge because she cannot say that segregation and Jim Crow was wrong?”
It doesn’t look great. But we’ve got a president who said there were “good people” among the Nazis at Charlottesville, so this is the “new normal,” I guess, for as long as this terrible joke of an administration lasts.
“Did Mr. trump change his policy about announcing when he is going to attack another country?”
I’m thinking not. Trump warned the Russians in advance the last time he bombed Syria. If he does it again, that’s really no change at all.
“Why isn't this story about ICE possibly causing the death of an immigrant couple in California getting more national attention?”
Because the scary orange man in Washington diverts media attention away from literally everything else.
“Why do you think the FBI was also seeking records about that infamous Access Hollywood tape when they raided Michael Cohen's home?”
This is just a guess, but I think the FBI are investigating the illegal lengths to which Cohen went to cover up Trump’s indiscretions/crimes.
Did he hire armed goons to make violent threats to Stormy Daniels if she didn’t keep quiet? And if Cohen did that, he may also have pulled similar shady shit in an unsuccessful attempt to cover up Trump’s “pussy grabbing” moment. Hence the interest in the tape and any other records related to it.
“What will Paul Ryan's legacy be like? And did he make a ‘Faustian Bargain’ with trump?”
Here lies Paul Ryan, accomplished liar and kisser of rich people’s heinies?
“Finally, why does Scott Pruitt still have a job?”
Trump is a crook himself, so naturally, he is pro-crook when it comes to his employees.
“There is no principle, from attorney-client privilege to the very rule of law itself that the left will not repudiate to get their way.”
Attorney-client privilege does not apply when the attorney himself is involved in the client’s criminal enterprise. Evidently, that’s exactly what Mueller and company think was the relationship between Cohen and Trump.
P.S. Bob Mueller is not “the left”; he is the law.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
Blacks should be against gun control. Gun control would curtail one of you people's favorite pastimes: shooting each other.
I'm Chinese-American and think it's weird that black people are so against segregation when you people self-segregate all the damn time. This is what happens when you let your cultural insularity take over your minds.
field you win
the lies and fake news
have balanced out
preponderance be damned
the impostor
might soon be called out
imagine justice be served
1) Yeah, kinda. We don't have receipts for the millions of dollars the Russians may have funneled into the election through the NRA yet, but we may before it's over.
All you have to do to understand the Russians' approach to the NRA is look at Aleksandr Torshin's multi-year project of a pro gun rights group in Russia.
There will not be gun rights in Russia as long as there is a Putin, so what the fuck was his project about?
Well, as it turns out, it was about building a relationship with the NRA as a political strategy, as Torshin "methodically cultivated ties with leaders of the National Rifle Association and documented efforts in real time over six years to leverage those connections and gain deeper access into American politics."
And they just LOOOVVVE him down in Tennessee.
They think he's standing up for their second amendment rights, so his plan is fairly successful among the credulous in the Republican party. But so was Paul Ryan's "budget" for that matter, so who really knows?
2) Maybe. I mean, I don't think she's fit to serve if she actually holds views that the Brown decision was wrong, but her non-answer is actually pretty typical of judges and justices facing senate confirmation.
Her views on reproductive rights are a little harder for her to distance herself from, though, and her advocacy for them is not in question.
Also, her basic judgement can't be very sound if she's still married to David the fuck Vitter.
3) Policy? What policy? He doesn't have policy, he has Twitter tantrums.
4) Because the level of bullshit hysteria over "illegals" has surpassed the level of value and respect for human life held by a large segment of the Republican media audience, who may be stupid and wrong, but still buy the reverse mortgages and dick pills the advertisers are selling.
5) To confirm his MO for the covering of Fergus' ass?
6) Ryan will live on as a warning/example of what the both-siderist media can do when they try to elevate obvious Randite frauds such as him to fill roles that don't actually exist but need to in order for their business model to work.
Anyone with an internet connection could have discovered the fraudulent nature of Ryan's claims to competence in any area that involved mathematics and money the whole time he was in congress.
His numbers have never added up, and the reduction of debt and deficits, his stated reason for living, much less entering politics, stands in stark relief to the only actual achievement he has on his record: a tax bill that added a trillion and a half dollars to that debt and raised those deficits back up to a trillion dollars a year starting in 2020.
7) He's just Fergus' kind of a guy, and keeping him on is generating a buttload of distracting headlines about things that aren't Fergus.
-Doug in Oakland
Wendy Vitter...
Now we are looking at one sexually frustrated woman.
Yeah Field. Hemming and Hawing. Fuck that.
Fuck all y'all.
Life here is hard! Really hard...
This investigation is so over collusion. Try to keep up. Mueller is going for the gold noose around Drumpfuck's pussified, lying throat.
All the pain and congressional losses wingnuts get this year is only what they deserve plus a whole lot more.
"Is Wendy Vitter unfit to be a federal Judge because she cannot say that segregation and Jim Crow was wrong?"
The problem isn't that Wendy Vitter won't say that segregation and Jim Crow were wrong. The problem is that 54 years of experience proves that segregation and Jim Crow were absolutely right and necessary, but federal judges are so pussy-whipped by (((disingenuous egalitarians))) that they won't say so.
"Why do negroes care more about Russia than about the prevalence of black-on-black violence, drug use, and AIDS in your ghettos?"
Stop noticing the stuff that makes them look bad! STOP NOTICING! Noticing is RAYCISS!
Trump is trying to dodge his taxes by arguing to local authorities that he’s really not as rich as is implied in the lies he tells the public.
"Is Wendy Vitter unfit to be a federal Judge because she cannot say that segregation and Jim Crow was wrong?"
Freedom has failed.
Everyone, including blacks, was much better off before the civil rights movement.
Radical equalitarianism was designed to destroy white America. Blacks have been used as weapons, and have suffered the most from this project.
It's only going to get worse.
The Mueller investigation is not about Russia. The targeting of Donald Trump serves to protect Hillary Clinton and her enablers/co-conspirators in the Obama administration from prosecution.
Chris Hayes tweeted today:
And the idea that the opposition to strikes against Assad is such a defining moral question it excuses explicitly joining forces with reactionaries and white nationalists, is, to my mind, misguided, to put it mildly.
So, if you oppose escalating a war that has killed 500,000 Syrians, you are a white nationalist.
The progressive, tolerant position is to use another dubious chemical weapons charge to launch another disastrous war in the Middle East. You must support the overthrow of another dictator to facilitate another radical Islamist takeover of yet another country or you are racist. Trump needs to kill some brown people right now or he is definitely in Putin's pocket.
George Bush had more evidence than this before he invaded Iraq.
Funny how today's progressives, including Field, have done a 180 on imperial wars like this. It's almost like it's different when they think it's their empire.
“George Bush had more evidence than this before he invaded Iraq.”
No, he definitely didn’t.
The wisdom of invading Syria is debatable, but there’s not really any doubt that Assad has gassed his own people. Multiple times.
How many times is America going to let Jews push it into doing their dirty work before we wake the fuck up?
"there’s not really any doubt that Assad has gassed his own people. Multiple times."
Really? You have seen this evidence?
Just two months ago, Mattis admitted we still don't know if Assad actually had anything with the Sarin gas attack last April that initiated our last bombing of Syria.
No evidence has been presented to the American people for this latest attack either.
Every time America tries to leave, there is instantly a gas attack to pull us back in. How fucking dumb is this country?
You might want to lay off all the furious, unhinged Jew-blaming. Too much of that and you’ll give yourself a stroke.
Beginning in early March, Russia’s ministry of defense began to claim that it had picked up intelligence about “provocations” planned by Islamist militant groups outside Damascus designed “to accuse government troops of using chemical weapons in the Eastern Ghouta against civilians.” Defense ministry officials later elaborated that the conspiracy to mount false-flag chemical attacks involved a whole cast of characters ranging from U.S. special operations forces operating in the Syrian desert to Free Syrian Army members in the south of the country to al Qaeda members in Idlib Province.
FN: "Why isn't this story about ICE possibly causing the death of an immigrant couple in California getting more national attention?:
Because one they are not immigrants and two they are here illegally breaking the law.
Illegal aliens not immigrants.
FN:"Why do you think the FBI was also seeking records about that infamous Access Hollywood tape when they raided Michael Cohen's home?"
They are grasping at straws because they do not have anything on President trump.
Its the cry wolf effect, cause people to think something is going on when nothing happened.
"Defense ministry officials later elaborated that the conspiracy to mount false-flag chemical attacks involved a whole cast of characters ranging from U.S. special operations forces operating in the Syrian desert to Free Syrian Army members in the south of the country to al Qaeda members in Idlib Province.”
Everything’s a “false flag” to the wingnuts now, from Vlad and his disinformation ministries to good old Alex Jones.
But perhaps we just need to consider the possibility that Assad is an evil war criminal and America's gun laws don’t work? How about that?
False flag, my ass.
FN:"Is the fact that the NRA accepted contributions from 20 Russian linked contributors a big deal?"
Nope,nothing to see move along. Total bullshit story. So now the NRA got Trump elected??? NRA membership is soaring as many in America see thru the gun control gun grab as a threat to their liberty and sovereignty of the USA.
Chicago April 2018 To Date:
Shot & Killed: 9
Shot & Wounded: 65
Total Shot: 74
Total Homicides: 14
Speaks truth to power wingnuts won't accept the fact that Clintons aren't crooks no matter how many times they aren't ever charged with crimes.
Anonymous said...
FN:"Is the fact that the NRA accepted contributions from 20 Russian linked contributors a big deal?"
Nope,nothing to see move along. Total bullshit story. So now the NRA got Trump elected??? NRA membership is soaring as many in America see thru the gun control gun grab as a threat to their liberty and sovereignty of the USA
Why do wingnuts accept money from foreign nationals to inject into American politics? Aiding and abeting Russia to interfere in elections is a treasonable offense and should be punished by firing squads of libs with fully automatic assault weapons.
False flag, my ass.
"Remember the Maine!"
"Gulf of Tonkin"
"Weapons of Mass Destruction"
"Gassing his own people!"
Trump approval at 50%:
Wakanda gassed those people.
Russia was posting a month in advance of the chemical attacks so Drumpf's minions would fall for the garbage like they usually do.
Drumpf is a dupe on a rope and Putin is his closest adviser on Syria.
Drump-f's ass is grass and Mueller's got the whole batallion of lawn mowers racing his way.
Rural white America April to date:
Number of OD's: 25,000
Number of babies sold to white men to have sex with for meth: 25,000
Number of teeth: 2
Number of showers taken: -1
Why do you white fuckboys care more about wondering what negroes care about instead of caring about the prevalence of opioid over doses, baby rape and violence going on in your trailer parks? Priorities man!
Whites should be for gun control so maybe their 3 year olds would stop shooting them in their backs. What a bunch of dumbasses.
I'm Indian-American and find it weird that white fuckboys obsess about negro people all the damned time. Don't the rest of you find that weird? In my country of origin fuckboys just did fuckboi stuff and not post daily about negroes and Chicago crime stats Weird and very fuckish.
Everyone, including blacks, was much better off before the civil rights movement.
And how do you know this fuckboi? Any evidence? Did you do research or a get a degree in sociology or like all dumbassed white fuckboys you just pulled this out of your unwashed shaggy ass?
MFI "Speaks truth to power wingnuts won't accept the fact that Clintons aren't crooks no matter how many times they aren't ever charged with crimes."
They are huge criminal enterprise protected by a corrupt FBI in bed with them. The Clintons have never been investigated for "real". That is going to change.
Dave Zirin is a fuckboi said...
Whites should be for gun control so maybe their 3 year olds would stop shooting them in their backs. What a bunch of dumbasses.
3:15 PM
That's the ghetto
Anyone else smell a Democratic landslide in November?
Genocide In Chicago: 'Our Youth Killing Each Other'
The numbers came from a 2007 U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics report, which stated that blacks were victims of 7,999 homicides in 2005 and said that 93 percent were killed by people who shared their race
The problem is that 54 years of experience proves that segregation and Jim Crow were absolutely right and necessary, but federal judges are so pussy-whipped by (((disingenuous egalitarians))) that they won't say so.
No, the problem is white fuckboys who are poor, uneducated and just can't accept the fact that their white skin doesn't give them any special powers and are soooooooo overrated. It burns them up to see successful negroes so they want to go back to a time in which they could control what negroes did so they wouldn't look so bad to their kids who are wondering why the "inferior" negro has a great job and money while uncle/daddy doesn't have a pot to piss in and is "between jobs". Now take this ignorant fuckery back to stormfront or whatever site other fuckboi losers blame negroes for their lack of success with women and life in general.
Love scratching my asshole said...
Anyone else smell a Democratic landslide in November?
3:31 PM
TRUMP 2020!!
Yup blame (((them))) and everyone else but themselves for not being able to compete without jim crow to help them out. What a bunch of crybaby snowflake pussies! Man the fuckup, you should be able to handle this so called superior race fuckboi.
Losers can't hack! BwahahahahahahahahHahahahaha!
Superior race babies born addicted to meth. Asgardians!
Think about how dumb these Asgardians are. They use the flag of the losing side of the civil war so right there that shows these dumbfucks are not the swiftest in the pack. Add into that they readily admit without white male affirmative action i.e. jim crow, they can't compete so they blame their losing ways on laws that prohibited legal discrimination. Loser assed fuckboys are lost without laws that favor them. Such a sorry bunch. They go to websites that pump their heads up about their loser asses being better than others and uses soooooo many excuses to explain why if they are sooooo superior why is it that so many of them are virginal losers. Rush Limbaugh is the prime example of this mindset. No wonder their dumbassed grandpappies lost the goddamned war. Now I guess I'll just sit back and wait for these brain warriors to lose the next civil was they're planning with toy drones. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
> they readily admit without white male affirmative action i.e. jim crow, they can't compete
Jim Crow wasn't about jobs. Jim Crow was about crime control. Keeping the Africans at the back of the bus was about keeping them from robbing people and perving on white women.
You can't "compete" against a legal requirement to hire anyone other than you. Are you ready to give up Affirmative Action, diversity mandates and "disparate impact"? If not, don't talk about competition.
Stormfront is behind a paywall now. But is it a big, beautiful, paywall?
-Doug in Oakland
mike from iowa said...
Russia was posting a month in advance of the chemical attacks so Drumpf's minions would fall for the garbage like they usually do
Mike's hot take: Russia called the false flag chemical attack a month ago in order to provide coverage for a real chemical attack they planned to spring as soon as their side had won, thus starting the conflict all over again. Because reasons.
Nothing gets past this guy!
"Funny how today's progressives, including Field, have done a 180 on imperial wars like this. It's almost like it's different when they think it's their empire."
Remember, the real reason neoliberals hate Russia isn’t because it’s undemocratic or expansionist, it’s because they protect Christians and don’t allow gay pride parades.
Hillary voters would start WW3 and kill all life on earth in a nuclear holocaust to defend trannies’ rights to recruit children.
The roots of Russophobia’s emotional appeal to the left seem clear: It comes as a huge mental relief to the ultrasensitive liberal mind to be able to hate an outside group with impunity, and even to appear virtuous in the process. Of course, the object of that animus is a Christian and European nation that stubbornly refuses to be postmodernized, or become gripped by self-hate and morbid introspection; a nation not ashamed of its past and unwilling to surrender its future to alien multitudes; a nation where nobody obsesses over transgender bathrooms, microaggressions, and other “issues” indicative of a society’s moral and intellectual decrepitude.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
The truth is out there for all to see. Just disabuse yerselves of the notion Fake Noize is truthful and you can see the light.
Fake Noize is less trusted than MSNBC and CNN. They even showed a graph, accidently proving this fact. Howard Kurtz couldn't get rid of it fast enough.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts are desperate to hold onto power even though they can't govern and cannot investigate to save themselves. If they can't legislate their twisted brand of kristian sharia law, they will hopefully stock the judiciary with enough right wing taliban to do the job for them.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Genocide In Chicago: 'Our Youth Killing Each Other'
Fake News. Drumpf put an end to Chicago violence last summer when he sicced the feds on them.
Congratulations to the orange spaz attack in the WH. Apparently he fathered a child around 30 years ago and a tabloid paid a doorman hush money to keep it kwiet. Now the story is out and the doorman has confirm3d the hush money aspect. No wonder Drumpfuck doesn't want anyone, let alone any exes snooping in his lawyer's files.
Oh what a tangled web we weave when Drumpf has shit for brains up his sleeve.
How many crimes has HRC been charged and convicted of?????? What, crickets.
Here's another false flag- Chemical weapons watchdog confirms Russian ex-spy, daughter poisoned by sophisticated nerve agent
Naw, must be a fake news story.
Drumpf voters dream life has everything. Birth, adoption, incest, birth and murder,murder,murder and suicide all perpetrated by wasicu wasteys.
Black racism has risen steadily over the last decade.
The unhinged rants of Psycho from Iowa are amazing.
Sad to watch someone lose (what little is left of) their mind, but amazing.
National Enquirer has paid out a boatload of pesos to make stories of Drumpf's peccadilloes go away.
White people ain't shit.
mike from iowa said...
How many crimes has HRC been charged and convicted of?????? What, crickets.
6:21 PM
Not yet,when Trump straightens out the FBI Bill and Hillary will be packing.
Corruption in the FBI not legitimacy........
Fake News. Drumpf put an end to Chicago violence last summer when he sicced the feds on them.
6:07 PM
So why is the morgue overflowing with dead negroes and homicide detectives making bank in OT????
mike from Iowa has no life.
Stoopid fucking wingnuts want a vote on a balanced budget amendment, now that their taxcuts for the koch bros jacked up the deficit to a trillion bucks or more.
Sure got a lot of little Drumpfucking pissants focused on me. I must be more popular than the orange shithook in the WH.
Jim Crow wasn't about jobs.
No shit asshole, geez another superior race genius. No wonder they have to spend all their time bitching about how bad they have it since jimmy crow ended. Boo hoo hoo, I can't yell nigger without getting my ass kicked. Go fuck your mother/sister again ya smelly pale ape.
So why is the morgue overflowing with dead negroes and homicide detectives making bank in OT????
Really fuckboi? Sarcasm and irony are loat on stupid fuckboys. Superior race my ass.
Maybe I should buy stocks in morgues is rural white Oklahoma. If jim crow was still around maybe so many Asgardians wouldn't be dying at record rates. Now only if I was a white fuckboi and not a successful negro I too could OD on hillbilly heroin.
Eeewwwww, now white fuckboys have drippy dick syndrome. I wish I was lucky enough to be a white fuckboi so I can be hooked on meth and have a drippy dick. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Too bad I'm only a wealthy negro with a healthy dick. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha! Doesn't trump have drippy dick too? That's why he's so senile? Bet he's a methhead too. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Because he is effectively pursuing the President's agenda by reigning in excessive regulatory burdens.
Um no, Scott Pruitt is a weird mother fucker who built a fucking phone booth in his office because we all know spies are tapping EPA phones. This dumbass has to fly first class because people said mean things to him in coach. Oh, he also has a large security detail because EPA chiefs are of course routinely in danger. How much crazy do we fucking need?
Sound proof room? Scott Pruitt thinks he's Maxwell fucking Smart. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Lisa Jackson thought she was Richard Windsor.
I don't know any liberals who want us in a war in Syria, just like I didn't know any liberals who wanted to invade Iraq back in '03 and cause this civil war in Syria.
-Doug in Oakland
anon 11:55pm = fuckboi
Mike from Iowa is a Russian Bot.
Yisheng = nigger
lilac = cunt
Why would Russia give money to the NRA to back a pro 2nd Amendment Prez when Russia does not believe in allowing its citizens(subjects) from owning guns??
Russians gave money to Hillary.
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