Give me your thoughts on some of the news stories happening now.
For instance, is Kanye's new album going to be a best seller in red state country now that we know that he is a trump fan? And just what the hell is "dragon energy"?
Will Melania ever smile again?
Will Ronny Jackson withdraw his name from consideration to be the head of the VA?
Is Michael Cohen pleading the fifth in the Stormy Daniels case a big deal?
Has French president Macron been playing trump all along?
Finally, is it a god idea for Ben Carson to raise the rent for low income families in subsidized public houses?
I'm so lonely and depressed. I need a white woman.
Dragon Energy is this thing Kanye and I have.
It's cool.
We all know blacks desire their race to be culturally and intellectually monolithic with absolutely no individualism, but this is getting ridiculous...and hypocritical. Tell black men to stop lusting after white women if you want your Afrocentrism so bad.
Dragon Energy is...its...um...its something Kanye made up!!! That he thinks in his head he's a dragon.xD Kanye, Kanye, Kanye...
Donald Trump, sitting in the Oval Office, blaring Black Skinhead as Melania tries to sleep.
(Five) in the morning
and I'm zonin'
They say I'm possessed
It's an Omen
I keep it 300
like the Romans
I’m not sure what dragon energy is but I think it means you like banging chicks with big butts.
The black race is the epitome of whiny little bitches. No wonder you people constantly live in squalor.
White boys are pussies and retards...with tiny dicks. lol
BREAKING: Hawaiian district judge rules that Kanye West saying positive things about Trump is unconstitutional.
The NBA is unwatchable because it is filled with dimwitted dindus. I miss the days of Bill Walton and Larry Bird.
Blacks are too moronic to realize that Barack Obama sucked and Michelle Obama is an ugly hag.
"Dragon Energy" is a powder you put in a woman's drink so you can rape her.
Why are black women always so fat, ugly and loud?
I'm surprised Yisheng hasn't posted anything yet. Probably ate too much greasy fried chicken and can't get her fat ass up from the chair.
The white race is a cruel and unfunny joke.
Oh my, stalker assnon’s brother has FINALLY been caught!
No, nipples will NEVER smile again, her husband has more hips and ass than she does!!
When will dumb white trash finally wake up and realize that their god Trump is worthless?
“For instance, is Kanye's new album going to be a best seller in red state country now that we know that he is a trump fan? And just what the hell is ‘dragon energy’?”
Maybe dragon energy is the same thing as tiger blood. Kanye should probably ask Charlie Sheen because, much like Charlie, Kanye has lost his damn mind.
Actually, Kanye lost his mind a long time ago. He has been a douche for ages. It is just becoming more and more apparent to everyone exactly how big of a douche he is.
“Will Melania ever smile again?”
Yes! The moment Trump croaks, she will break into a touchdown dance, knowing she will no longer have to get boned by the disgusting orange ogre anymore, and can happily go off and party with his money.
“Will Ronny Jackson withdraw his name from consideration to be the head of the VA?”
I don’t know. I am still stuck on wondering how the man became the official White House doctor, under both Presidents Obama and Trump, if he was a raging substance abuser. Seems like a bit of a problem, no?
Maybe intoxication during the medical exam could explain how the good doctor came to the conclusion that exercise-averse, burger-munching fatass Trump was the very picture of health. (A report that probably made Melania cry, by the way.)
“Is Michael Cohen pleading the fifth in the Stormy Daniels case a big deal?”
No. There already wasn’t too much doubt Cohen was guilty of some deeply dirty shit. What are the odds this bottom feeder won’t rat on his boss? Virtually zero, I’d say. No honor among thieves.
There is a reason Trump had a Twitter tantrum when his lawyer got raided.
“Has French president Macron been playing trump all along?”
I don’t think Macron was playing Trump. He was sincerely hoping if he sucked up to Trump enough, he could nudge him toward sanity.
Trump’s ego is a bottomless black hole. You can never suck up enough to placate his endless neediness. He will always want more. And he’s determined to do desperately dumb stuff. He cannot be repaired; he must be removed.
Now Macron is headed back to France to tell his people, “Sorry, guys, I tried, but the American president is désespérément stupide.”
“Finally, is it a god idea for Ben Carson to raise the rent for low income families in subsidized public houses?”
Hey, HUD can’t be wasting money on helping poor people! It’s got to save that taxpayer cash for important things, like helping Sean Hannity get richer.
Fuck white people. Fuck the white race.
How about: The black race is smelly and obnoxious joke.
Every international leader can clearly see that Trump is a fraud.
Kill white men.
Fuck white women.
There is no such thing as a good white person.
1) "Dragon energy is a metaphor used in Taoist magic." ...says a flaky as fuck looking website, which was still less flaky than the one with bright green fonts declaring "There are Dragon Guardians, for every soul, and they each also have their own Guardians, and so on .."
So perhaps it's bullshit? Or maybe lizard shit would be more dragon appropriate?
Or perhaps he meant "dragoon energy" instead? Nah, probably not, I can't see either of them riding a horse or firing a blunderbuss...
2) Sure she will. Fergus is more than 20 years older than her, and will surely croak off long before she runs out of steam.
3) Probably not, although a meeting on that subject is underway at the white house as I write this.
4) Maybe. If the goddamn Democratic morons there allow Republicans to hold on to their control of the NY state senate it might be.
The AG of New York has asked the state lege to change a rule there concerning pardons and double jeopardy that would allow for NY state prosecution of crimes after a presidential pardon, and if the goddamn Republicans are allowed to block the rule change, Cohen might be able to slither out of testifying against Fergus in state court, so invoking the fifth now might preemptively suppress that information from getting out, at least from him, should Fergus pardon him.
As of now one Democrat is caucusing with the goddamn Republicans and giving them control of the chamber, even after the Dems won two elections yesterday. Before that it was even more stupid, with a whole faction of dimwitted Dems caucusing with the goddamn Republicans for no good reason and allowing them control of the chamber just for giggles or some such horse shit.
In the long run it probably won't make much difference, as there are plenty of crimes to bugger Fergus with even without Cohen's testimony. He just sort of makes identifying them a little easier.
5) Of course he has. That's what world leaders do with one another all the damn time. It's commonly referred to as "diplomacy" and Fergus would've stood a better chance of not getting buggered by it if he hadn't gutted the state department.
6) Judging from the painting he has of himself with Jesus, it's highly likely that Carson believes all his ideas to be god ideas.
They're not "Jesus" ideas, as they are cruel to the very folks Jesus supposedly said to help out at all costs, but that makes them fit in well with Republican ideas which tend toward the gratuitously mean, destructive and pointlessly draconian, even when they actually cost money instead of saving it, as long as they think they make liberals cry.
No, it is a very bad idea any way you want to look at it.
-Doug in Oakland
I pooped today!
Kanye West is dead to me. He misunderstood Bush. Some fucking come-to-Jesus moment. Dragons? Too much lusting after Daenarus Targerian. Trump should be lucky enough to be incinerated by dragons.
Obama has always been about building bridges and reaching out to people. Let this be the end of blind persecution of Melania Trump. (She should change her name.) I’m going to say that she smiles very much and quite often in private.
Ronny Jackson? Every piece of shit that is nominated or chosen by the monster is demon spawn. Some are under criminal investigation. Others appear to remain within the law. Drunk driving by a Virginia politician? Who could have anticipated that?
Yes. See Digby’s comical takedown of Cohen. Michael and His Goombahs. Did anyone else see the humor piece on twitter quoted? Funny shit. Find it.
President Macron playing Trump? In the beginning he was the only European head-of-state making nice with the monster. Of course he opposes just about everything to do with Trump. The guys just has a sense of humor and some pragmatism.
Ben who? Of course not. He has lost his soul if he is willing to be that much of a tool. Trump had an agenda when he picked Carson. He has finally got around to working on discrimination and elimination of rent control. After, the monster cut his teeth on New York City real estate and rentals.
After all...
Someone has to pay for the stoopid fucking wingnut gift to the koch bros. The poor have no one lobbying for them so they are the surest target to make pay for wasicu wastey largesse to large ass korporations.
Kanye's new album
Would a white classical music fan appreciate Kanye's "genius?" Heard that word used a lot this week--is he the black Bob Dylan? Must try to find out.
Will Melania ever smile again?
Who cares?
Will Ronny Jackson withdraw his name from consideration to be the head of the VA?
It's been done for him--8 witnesses were lined up to testify against the "Candyman." Trump doesn't like alcoholics, fortunately.
Is Michael Cohen pleading the fifth in the Stormy Daniels case a big deal?
No. I think that's small potatoes compared to what they've got. Wish it didn't take so long for this caae to proceed--but Trump's legal team will drag it out as long as possible.
Has French president Macron been playing trump all along?
OH YEAH! Roughly twice Trump's I.Q. I would guess, and none of the blinding narcissism.
Finally, is it a god idea for Ben Carson to raise the rent for low income families in subsidized public houses?
Nothing Carson comes up with is a good idea. He might as well be a Martian.
It'll be interesting to see whether Macron's charm will work to get us back into the Iran deal and/or Paris Accords. I'm betting we do get back into Iran but not the Accords.
This place is hilarious. It's on my list to read every day after WWTDD and People of WalMart. When the stupid stuff celebrities do gets stale, you look at WalMartians. When the stupid stuff WalMartians do gets stale, you look at Africans.
Bodymore, Murderland mayor Pugh wants convenience stores to close by 9 PM so they won't be convenient anymore. She thinks this will cut down on crime or something. Basically, she thinks that "sundown laws" were a good idea and should be brought back to control the out-of-control Africans. Too funny!
Of course, the very same proposal is "racist" if a white person makes it.
Its Baaaaack- http://thehill.com/homenews/administration/384970-trump-says-he-stayed-overnight-in-moscow-during-2013-trip
Drumpf says of course he stayed overnight in Moscow and then accused Comey of lying that he didn't stay the night. We have shot past the trillions of lies and we need the next larger denomination to keel track of lying scumsucker in WH.
Winning- how's the orange egg on yer face feel. Liberals forgot about time zones so Drumpf wasn't in Moscow.
Actually you stoopid fucking wingnuts forget Drumpfuck's inability to ever tell the truth about anything. Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Trump BSs you and the enemedia to keep you all chasing shadows. Meanwhile the indictments over the FISA court abuse are in the pipeline and that criminal referral letter for much of Obummer's cabinet isn't going away.
The magician distracts with one hand while the other does things in plain sight.
"I am still stuck on wondering how the man became the official White House doctor, under both Presidents Obama and Trump, if he was a raging substance abuser. Seems like a bit of a problem, no?"
Well of course he wasn't, and he was fine when Obama hired him, but since Trump wants to appoint him to run the VA, the NYT and the rest of the media have to dedicate all their resources in an effort to smear the man and ruin his career. America is a joke.
Dragon energy is the stage of exhaustion after flaggin’ energy.
Flying Junior said...
Kanye West is dead to me
Number 1 Fanboy Flying Junior tears down all his Kanye posters from his bedroom walls.
Flying Junior is a low- dragon energy person.
Drumpfuck the dumbfuck, the dumbfuck who can't shut his mouth, whined on Fake News this morning that Cohen handled very, very little of Drumpf's legal work, undercutting Cohen's contention that millions of his and Drumpf's documents should be covered by client/mental patient privilege.
This has already made it into a court case. Drumpf will slowly but surely hang everyone who has ever even seen Drumpfuck in person. Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahah!
Jackson didn't have to make shit up to give Obama a clean bill of health.
Under Drumpfuck, even Mother Theresa would be a pill swilling lunatic.
“Drumpfuck the dumbfuck, the dumbfuck who can't shut his mouth, whined on Fake News this morning that Cohen handled very, very little of Drumpf's legal work, undercutting Cohen's contention that millions of his and Drumpf's documents should be covered by client/mental patient privilege.”
Haha, the same response from Trump every time one of his close associates gets indicted (which is often):
“He was just a coffee boy. I barely know the guy! Who is [insert associate’s name]? Never met him.”
Trump’s right about one thing, though. Cohen didn’t handle his legal work; he handled his illegal work.
Liberals abuse of legal and judicial processes will come back to hit them, like an ice pick to the head.
Snotrag @ 2:38pm, which partyhas filed so many FOI requests with the justice department over the last 30 years that there was an immense backlog and slowdown handling them?
Hint it wasn't libs abusing the system. It was Judicial Watch, former JW head Larry "I have been banned from so many courtrooms for filing frivolous claims against B and HRC" Klayman and other right wing nutjobs.
Libs tend to use the court system properly and effectively. Stoopid fucking wingnuts are totally the opposite. They expect the courts to work in their favor and don't bother with the little intricacies of how suits are filed or how to present evidence in court.
Anonymous Dave Zirin said. Just tell yer wife and daughters and all other wasicu women to stop lusting after yooge black dicks. Problem solved.
Drumpf's very own Negresses lied under oath to Congress just like everyone else related to Drumpf administration.
Melania Trump Really Doesn’t Want to Hold Donald Trump’s Hand
Poor Donald. Where is Stormy Daniels to comfort him when his "wife" rejects him in front of the entire world?
Lying Drumpfuck admitted today that Cohen did work on Stormy Daniels case with Drumpf's blessings. Drumpf has lied about this ever since and today cut Cohen's legs out from under him again because Cohen claimed he acted alone w/o Drumpf's knowledge or blessings.
Once Kanye ages out of the "House Negro" spot, shouldn't "Sleepy" Ben Carson move in? Raising the rent on the poorest Americans of all "races" is serious HNB?! Another case of "I've got mine...." What a cruel jerk...
“Liberals abuse of legal and judicial processes will come back to hit them, like an ice pick to the head.”
Oh, like that time Republicans ignored Obama’s right to appoint a Supreme Court justice, and pulled a completely made-up legal justification out of their asses for waiting to see who the next president would appoint instead?
It isn’t Democrats who don’t give a shit about the rule of law, civil liberties, or democracy.
Newsflash: Bill Cosby just found GUILTY on all counts in his criminal trial!
BREAKING: Bill Cosby found guilty of drugging, molesting woman, faces death penalty:
That's right, they are going to fry America's dad, Cliff Huxtable, on national TV.
Remember to vote Libertarian in 2020.
What a sad and frankly pathetic way to end Bill Cosby's legacy.
I'm going to kill myself tonight, and it's all your fault.
If Cosby had never criticized ghetto culture, the Leftists would have left him alone.
As a Chinese-American I just have to say that black people being synonymous with crime and low education is not unfair.
See more at:
So Ronny backed out. Turns out he's sort of been the candy man of the Fergus white house, in between episodes of screaming insanity and infantile tantrums. No wonder Fergus liked him.
He might be OK as a doctor, but is apparently a nightmare as a boss, just like Fergus.
A lot of veterans are hella relieved right now, for a minute, anyway, before they find out which moronic destructibot Fergus nominates next.
And speaking of episodes:
-Doug in Oakland
"A lot of veterans are hella relieved right now"
Right, I'm sure they all prefer the hellish conditions and shoddy care of the Obama years to anyone who wants to reform the system. Because Fergus.
Drumpf has set out to make every point of the Steele Dossier ring true with his lies.Mueller isn't conducting a witch hunt, he is slowly stalking and soon to ambush the stoopid son of a bitch in the WH and Drumpf does most of the damage all by himself and that claptrap of a mouth he can't keep shut.Meanwhile stoopid fucking wingnuts are drowning in the baby pool wanting to re investigate BenGhazi or some such shit.
“Right, I'm sure they all prefer the hellish conditions and shoddy care of the Obama years to anyone who wants to reform the system. Because Fergus.”
The VA secretary Trump fired, David Shulkin, whom he had inherited from Obama, was reforming the system, by almost all accounts. This is what necessitated Trump attempt to appoint Doctor Drunk.
Shulkin’s firing seems to have had nothing to do with competence, and everything to do with his refusal to privatize more of the VA so that corrupt Republican donors could get rich off of government contracts.
More swamp creature behavior by this crooked White House.
Right, I'm sure they all prefer the hellish conditions and shoddy care of the Obama years to anyone who wants to reform the system. Because Fergus.
Stoopid fucking wasicu wasteys conveniently forget which stoopid fucking wingnut party got the government shut down which brought about sequestration spending. They also forget which stoopi8d wingnut fucking party cut more military spending and blocked numerous attempts to provide for the military in their quest to block Obama's legacy for 8 years.
Trump cares about veterans. This makes liberals angry.
Go figure.
mike from iowa said...
"Drumpf has set out to make every point of the Steele Dossier ring true with his lies"
Imagine still believing any part of the Trump-Russia collusion story.
Fuck the gooks and chinks!
Did you see your president's meltdown on Fox? The decimating of the office of the presidency continues😖
Twas no meltdown. GTFOH.
Imagine still believing any part of the Trump-Russia collusion story.
Imagine pretending none of it is true.
The more Drumpf keeps yapping the more truth comes out about his collusion with Putin, and pee hookers, and his business dealings and financial interests in Putee Pie.
Drumpf is failing veterans all over the place and stoopid fucking wingnuts are to blame.
Hey stoopid fucking wingnuts, pass this info around and get more legislation that lets suspects walk free if they haven't actually murdered anyone.
Threats apparently are no indication a crime will be committed. I know you can use this somewhere.
“Trump cares about veterans. This makes liberals angry.”
Uh-huh, Trump cares about veterans.
Except if they got captured and tortured in a Vietnamese POW camp. Trump “likes people who weren’t captured.”
And except if they’re Muslims who died fighting for our country. Then he insults their families.
Muslims built America.
What is the solution to the negroe question??
Watch how fast the memory of convicted rapist Bill Cosby gets buried.
When the MLK files are un-sealed, his memory will be buried just as fast. Black cities won't be able to get his name off of roads fast enough.
Bob Bancroft, you are right, I am pretty sure he has a place in there (the house) somewhere.
Answer to Anon @9:00: Give us our 40 acres.
"Give us our 40 acres."
You're Jamaican, you get nothing.
Mr Cosby has been found guilty on multiple charges! I'm looking forward to your commentary.
Damn, no blog post on Cosby conviction day?
It's NFL Draft Day, and I think a word should be said about that racist micro dick white boy Josh Allen. A limp dick white turd like him is protected by his white privilege and by racist white society. I hope he fails in his pro career.
Right after you write up a blog post on pee-pee man and nipples.
My bad, your dumb ass can't write!
Whooteemoo's vacation to your ancestors past actions:
Yisheng has the mind of a four year old.
“Right, I'm sure they all prefer the hellish conditions and shoddy care of the Obama years to anyone who wants to reform the system. Because Fergus.”
OK, you show me one goddamn veteran who wants the VA privatized, then we can talk.
As it is, Fergus trying to Harriet Miers the VA with his off the hook personal doctor is all the evidence you need that he wasn't trying to fucking "reform" the VA, he was trying to break it and sell the chunks off to his friends, like the last two VA secretaries have said and like he is doing with the rest of the goddamn government.
-Doug in Oakland
Bill Maher is a kike.
If you plan to vote libertarian you would be a half-wit to vote for economy-burning, debt-fueling, war pig, Koch favorite, Trump. That guy doesn't care if the entire economy collapses. You're a child deceived. Libertarian? Let me know who runs. Wouldn't we all love to see Rand Paul grow a pair and challenge the monster? That guy is just going to try to hang on to what he has now. He's scared shitless of the monster. Enjoy your tax cut if you pay taxes.
Dumbshit at 9:00 P.M,
Just what is a negroe?
Another day of Draft a Dindu in the National Felons League.
Well can I get at least 20 acres?
Privatize the VA and then you can explain why veterans are being put on the streets before the contract ink is dry. They will be sacrificed as a cost cutting measure so whoever gets the VA can recoup their investment fast. Been there and done that. Stoopid fucking wingnuts.
@6:58, you’re just jealous because you’re people aren’t athletic enough (or y’all enough) to be the kicker on a FBall team.
Yisheng's English is atrocious.
"Well can I get at least 20 acres?"
No. Not even a mule.
@10:05, and your breath smells like ass, so what’s your point?
Trump just ended the Korean War.
You think maybe the Nobel committee will award him a peace prize?
White guys have to earn theirs.
Female Kremlon agent colluded with Drumpfuck Junior to get the goods on HRC admits she was an informant of Putie's gubmint. More evidence of collusion and lying inthis takedown of the most criminal and stoopidest son of a bitch ever to disgrace the WH.
Korea was a "Police Action" Drumpf didn't end anything and has no chance of getting any medals for anything unless it is from a military firing squad for being a Russian agent.
Manaforts last attempot to escape justice just got tossed out of court. Yer going down wasicu wastey stoopid fucking right wing slime. Be sure to take the trash with you to the Drumpf.
"More evidence of collusion"
Actually, no.
Your head is going to explode one of these days.
From John Schindler at The Observer:
"But is Donald Trump actually a Russian agent? To the eyes of a veteran counterintelligence hand, the answer to that question is: Not exactly. Trump is far too psychologically unstable and personally compromised to be deemed a good fit for clandestine work by the KGB (or any serious spy service). However, Trump gives every appearance of being a longtime agent of influence, to use the proper Chekist term, that is a person (often a high-flyer in business or politics) to be exploited as a conduit for pro-Kremlin propaganda."
-Doug in Oakland
John Schindler had to resign from the Naval War College in disgrace:
"In June 2014, a text message conversation with a photo of a penis and John Schindler’s name atop it was circulated on Twitter. An unnamed blogger sent a complaint to the administrators of the U.S. Navy War College (NWC) where Schindler was teaching as a professor of national security affairs. Gawker obtained the emails the blogger had sent to the NWC under a Freedom of Information Act request. The emails refer to Schindler’s habit of calling himself a “spy”; detail his correspondence with an unnamed woman (who apparently received his penis photo); and accuse Schindler of staging “cyber warfare” against his online enemies, using “thuggish tactics” to silence NSA critics, and violating various federal laws.
NWC’s president ordered an investigation and placed Schindler on administrative leave. On August 29, 2014, the college announced that Schindler voluntarily resigned."
So there's that.
Even though he is unemployed, he remains committed to the NSA narrative, despite the lack of any evidence, that Russia intervened in the 2016 election on behalf of Trump. He has spent the last two two years issuing unhinged Tweets intimating that the Deep State security apparatus is about to destroy Trump. The guy is a nut, but you love him because he churns out portentous sounding pronouncements that give you a tingle up your leg.
Progressives went from mocking Mitt Romney's 2012 assertion that Russia was our enemy to believing that Vladimir Putin is hiding behind every tree in their yard - all because Hillary needed an excuse for losing the 2016 election and a distraction from her own dirty dealing with foreign governments, including Russia. Your side plays this ridiculous tune over and over, but apparently you'll keep dancing until you drop.
Declassified Congressional Report: James Clapper Lied About Dossier Leaks To CNN:
Trump supporters are the dregs of society.
Anu credit for Korean talks belongs to the 2 Koreas and China. Drumpf will take credit because he is a dumbfucker and thinks everything revolves around him.
Declassified Congressional Report- Shortly after its release, President Donald Trump touted the report on Twitter. But the report includes a stern criticism of his campaign for praising Wikileaks and a debunking of a favorite talking point among the president’s defenders: The report confirms that the investigation into potential coordination between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin began with then-foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos––not with the so-called Steele dossier.
Drumpf is going to the vet to get "tutored" Bwahahahahahahahahahaha!
Agitprop much? said.. HRC didn't lose. Russia and Drumpf colluded to get Putie's stool pigeon in the WH. The walls are crumbling all around. Drumpfuck the dumbfuck is going down.
Have y'all seen that hat? It's orange and it says MAKE KANYE GREAT AGAIN Ahahahahahaaaa
The bullshit is thick in this one- https://www.rawstory.com/2018/04/trump-never-discriminated-conservatives-demand-blacks-muslims-apologize-president/
Drumpf has never discriminated against anyone so everyone owes him an apology. I typed that with a sorta straight face......not!
Jim Crow in 2020 !
It's finally becoming clear: Putin hacked our democracy and colluded with Trump as part of his evil plan to bring jobs back to America, end the civil war in Syria, destroy ISIS, and achieve a denuclearized, reunified Korean Peninsula. More sanctions NOW!
House Intelligence Committee rules that there was NO COLLUSION between the Trump Campaign and Russia.
Nothing about da Cos going to the big house??
@9:55, nothing about your mammy in the ho house?
Local politics are alive and well at least in my immediate community. Local favorite, Lori Saldaña, is throwing her hat into the ring in the race for San Diego County supervisor. Most recently she failed utterly in her bid for the mayorship of the city of San Diego. She is again facing an uphill climb.
Alison Hartson, a thirty-seven year-old cutie, is running as a justice democrat to unseat the battleaxe, Diane Feinstein, as a Senator from California. She has received unexpected grass-roots support and considerable small donations. She put something in my mailbox last week.
Neighborhood son, Danny Schmiekowski, delegate for George McGovern at the 1972 DNC presidential convention sees this as a perfect storm, an alignment if you will. He is running for City Council, district seven.
All of this false hope is based on the two-week long reaction of various high-schoolers to the most recent Florida high school shooting.
Maybe if we wait until 2020 when more of the really young kids are old enough to vote...
Fuck millennials. Apathetic twats and stupid Bernie Bots. As far as the white vote.
Anonymous It's Over said. The Shithole House colluded with Nunes to come up with the idea there was no collusion.
The adults on that commiittee-the Dems- say otherwise.
Getting closer to indicting bill and hilly
Stoopid fucking wingnuts undercut Drumpf's skamky orange ass by saying dossier had nothing to do with FISA wiretaps.
Sroopid fucking wingnut Conanway announce a week ago wingnuts weren't looking for collusion which is why they claim they didn't find any. Dems on the other hand have found and documented collusion everywhere. Drumpf the pathological lying traitor is toast.
The best thing about this administration is watching lieburals lose their shit.
This is a hundred times better than Shrub. Shrub was a mediocrity who played to lose. God-Emperor Trump plays to win, and I'm never going to get tired of it. Bush Derangement Syndrome was just the regular old 2 Minutes Hate. What the left is feeling now is actual terror.
It ain't gonna get better, lieburals.
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