If there is a dumber person in A-merry-ca than Sarah Palin I would like to meet him/her.
"The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama's "death panel" so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their "level of productivity in society," whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil."
Yeah...riiiight. OK Sarah, "death panels"?
Well, I know one thing, if his O ness is going to be picking such a panel I would love to be considered for an appointment to it. I would have a field day. (No pun intended) Folks like Nancy Reagan, Dick Cheney, Alan Greenspan,and Robert Byrd would be put to some serious consideration. I know Dick is kind of young but he has some serious heart problems, that shit costs money, not to mention the secret service protection that I am sure he is still getting. Yep, Dick Cheney? Check!
But it's not only the old and sick I would consider. Folks like Ollie, Rush,Sean, and Bill would have a lot of sleepless nights, I can guarantee you that much, because the "death panel" would always have their asses under serious consideration.
Oh field, that is just crazy, why would you even bring up a crazy ass rant from Sarah Palin. She is not even a legitimate and serious republican candidate anymore. Yes, but Newt is, and he agrees with her.
“You are asking us to trust turning power over to the government, when there are clearly people in American who believe in establishing euthanasia, including selective standards.”
Folks like Newt and Sarah can relax. The panel won't be going after everyone. If, for instance, I am selected for the "death panel", I will not go after Trig, her Down Syndrome baby. Babies are off limits to the death panel. I agree with Sarah there: That would be "downright evil". So Trig lives. Unfortunately for Sarah, the government has decided that she cannot keep custody of the poor child; we want to give Trig a fighting chance.
*Pic by Peter Dunlop Shohl, courtesy of HuffPo.
In response to your search for a dumber person than Palin, I think you've already found them. Or I should say, they found you. Trolls like Constructive Feedbag immediately leap to mind, but there are others to be sure. CF makes Palin look brilliant by comparison, which doesn't speak well about either individual.
Idiocracy, here we come.
Theater of the Absurd. I am concerned that we are all getting sucked into a downward spiral of negativity, anger and fear. The fringe right acts like raging lunatics and in response... our reaction is anger and fear that they will do harm. So, I would like to engage in conversations about what I want. I want single payer health care. I want everyone on all sides to take a big breath and calm down and stop engaging in fear and anger producing hyperbole. And finally, I want to remind myself that most Americans want health care reform and an end to denial of coverage and denial of care. Now, we just need to remind our representatives of the the same. And, maybe we should ask that mental health is included so that when those who are losing their minds can get some care.
FEILD!! Long time lurker but not you got a fire under me. A town hall is coming to dallas in a matter of days and I will be in full force to tell those whitey righties to 'STICK IT' to private insurers campaign. Please join me push back effort towards these liars and cowards by featuring the slogan on your poster, car, shirt, or by donning a single latex vinyl.....EXAMINING GLOVE on your hand with your index finger extended to let these corporate clowns and all of g. becks bastards know that they can stick it with the lies they have been feeding the sick and dying If you are attending a town hall near you!
Its time to stop letting all the lies from these morons slide and its time to stop the fear mongering and false, fickle, fake misinformation trickling down from the republicans in congress, in the senate and in our own cities and states! We gotta rep for our man in office and get behind him like these insurance phonies get behind them and theirs. Lets come together and Tell the mob that we have voices too and to 'stick it' with the lies, hate ,fear mongering, and of course private insurer only with sky high premiums and valley low coverage.
We the people, voted for change. dammit.
Tell the right loons to'Stick it!'
and stick it to your congressman/woman if you live in red states ESPECIALLY if you're in Texas like moi.
stick it to private insurers and pubes in washington For a healthier America!!
oh and don't worry I go shirts and buttons coming soon! ;)
FEILD!! Long time lurker but not you got a fire under me. A town hall is coming to dallas in a matter of days and I will be in full force to tell those whitey righties to 'STICK IT' to private insurers campaign. Please join me push back effort towards these liars and cowards by featuring the slogan on your poster, car, shirt, or by donning a single latex vinyl.....EXAMINING GLOVE on your hand with your index finger extended to let these corporate clowns and all of g. becks bastards know that they can stick it with the lies they have been feeding the sick and dying If you are attending a town hall near you!
Its time to stop letting all the lies from these morons slide and its time to stop the fear mongering and false, fickle, fake misinformation trickling down from the republicans in congress, in the senate and in our own cities and states! We gotta rep for our man in office and get behind him like these insurance phonies get behind them and theirs. Lets come together and Tell the mob that we have voices too and to 'stick it' with the lies, hate ,fear mongering, and of course private insurer only with sky high premiums and valley low coverage.
We the people, voted for change. dammit.
Tell the right loons to'Stick it!'
and stick it to your congressman/woman if you live in red states ESPECIALLY if you're in Texas like moi.
stick it to private insurers and pubes in washington For a healthier America!!
oh and don't worry I go shirts and buttons coming soon! ;)
FEILD!! Long time lurker but not you got a fire under me. A town hall is coming to dallas in a matter of days and I will be in full force to tell those whitey righties to 'STICK IT' to private insurers campaign. Please join me push back effort towards these liars and cowards by featuring the slogan on your poster, car, shirt, or by donning a single latex vinyl.....EXAMINING GLOVE on your hand with your index finger extended to let these corporate clowns and all of g. becks bastards know that they can stick it with the lies they have been feeding the sick and dying If you are attending a town hall near you!
Its time to stop letting all the lies from these morons slide and its time to stop the fear mongering and false, fickle, fake misinformation trickling down from the republicans in congress, in the senate and in our own cities and states! We gotta rep for our man in office and get behind him like these insurance phonies get behind them and theirs. Lets come together and Tell the mob that we have voices too and to 'stick it' with the lies, hate ,fear mongering, and of course private insurer only with sky high premiums and valley low coverage.
We the people, voted for change. dammit.
Tell the right loons to'Stick it!'
and stick it to your congressman/woman if you live in red states ESPECIALLY if you're in Texas like moi.
stick it to private insurers and pubes in washington For a healthier America!!
oh and don't worry I go shirts and buttons coming soon! ;)
^^ damn sorry..it kept giving me an error message
field negro,shouldn't ya'll be the ones worried about death panels??
I mean the white government gave ya'll the Tuskegee Experiments,the negro project,crack,put the sickle cell gene in ya'll is childhood vaccines, and put chemicals in ya'll is baby formula that made ya'll lactose intolerant.
Don't think cause ya'll gots one in the Whitehouse ya'll is safe.Has ya'll done seen,he'll sale ya'll is ass out quicker than Mc Hammer.
Ya'll say what ya'll want, i'm wit my fav MILF on this one.
Yeah, y'all have done everything in the world to get rid of us black folks by using every genocide method you could think of. But guess what, It didn't work, we're still going strong, and we'll be here when you die. Haven't you figured it out yet, we are a STRONG people. Nontheless, we thank you for that true confession though. Mass murderers on a large scale must run in your family,it's in the blood, huh? Folks like you just can't get enough of trying their best to kill people of color. Smh!
Eugenics is the racist white man's way! MURDERER!!!!
Jody said...
Theater of the Absurd. I am concerned that we are all getting sucked into a downward spiral of negativity, anger and fear. The fringe right acts like raging lunatics and in response... our reaction is anger and fear that they will do harm.
Ya'll is reaction is to send union thugs out to beat,rape, and murder amyone that disagrees with Obama.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Yeah, y'all have done everything in the world to get rid of us black folks by using every genocide method you could think of. But guess what, It didn't work, we're still going strong, and we'll be here when you die. Haven't you figured it out yet, we are a STRONG people. Nontheless, we thank you for that true confession though. Mass murderers on a large scale must run in your family,it's in the blood, huh? Folks like you just can't get enough of trying their best to kill people of color. Smh!
Eugenics is the racist white man's way! MURDERER!!!!
Thats why ya'll needs to be worried.America ain't never treated ya'll is well,so what makes ya'll think they ain't gonna be no death panels?
When field once again tells ya'll that ya'll is got to bend over and take it for the Democrat team--what will ya'll is do?
This one of the funniest observational posts you have written, and could you include the folks too stupid to breathe panel. They need a special panel. I did see one guy tonight that Keith Olbermann mentioned he was one of the tea party who was part of the protest against healthcare who got hurt when a fight broke out at one of the townhall meeting. In addition, the guy is unemployed and has no healthcare insurance, but is asking for donations to defray his medical. What a paradox, talking about swimming against the tide. You forget about Michael Steele - the black male bimbo
Jody "Theater of the Absurd. I am concerned that we are all getting sucked into a downward spiral of negativity, anger and fear."
I agree, Jody. I am praying that we won't go much further down that rat-hole of anger, fear and ignorance. The most frightening thing about our country is the scale of ignorance that permeates America. It truly has become a stupid country, but maybe I have been blind and it has always been that way?
Anyway, 'stupid does what stupid does' and it will be a miracle if America doesn't destroy itself. I wouldn't be surprised if we go down in history as the world power with the shortest lifespan...the 'flash in the pan world power.'
Sarah Palin maybe stupid but she represents a good portion of America.
I dont know about you FN, but i really enjoy it when Sarah speaks. It brings laughter and a smileto my face because here in philly as a sw contracted out by DHS we are not getting PAID!!!!. Ya the state workers are getting theirs. We (vendors are what they calling us) are left out in the cold. So leave SP alone. she is a joke.
This is one of those many,many lies from Obama...
Barack Obama promised to negotiate health care in public on C-SPAN.
To achieve health care reform, "I'm going to have all the negotiations around a big table. We'll have doctors and nurses and hospital administrators. Insurance companies, drug companies -- they'll get a seat at the table, they just won't be able to buy every chair. But what we will do is, we'll have the negotiations televised on C-SPAN, so that people can see who is making arguments on behalf of their constituents, and who are making arguments on behalf of the drug companies or the insurance companies. And so, that approach, I think is what is going to allow people to stay involved in this process."
Don't you think if Obama did this instead of shoving this up everyones ass things would have been much better?
Granny: "...Folks like you just can't get enough of trying their best to kill people of color. Smh!"
Granny, I think you misspelled 'Smh'. It should be "Shm!" That fits Mr.R better.
Mr R:
"Thats why ya'll needs to be worried. America ain't never treated ya'll is well,so what makes ya'll think they ain't gonna be no death panels?"
See, now, that's where you got things all twisted and wrong at. You the one that needs to worried. LOL!
Anonymous 9:57:
You know you right!
This talk of Death Panels have brought out the BEST in Field's blog writing skills and K. Olberman's talking and writing skills. WOW what a day. Loved that illustration, courtesy of HuffPo. Now I'll have to go read that too.
Mr.R. you are the epitome of what I am referring to... you seem to revel in making outrageous, insulting comments here. You write things that I am quite sure if you were face to face with any of the posters here, especially Field or Granny, you would never say.
Mr.R. why do you seem to enjoy being hateful? Is your life so empty and sad that you need to come here and try to get some attention? What is it they say, negative attention is better than no attention at all.... Is that it Mr.R.? In your real life, do you find it impossible to have meaningful relationships so you come here and lash out like a child. I feel sorry for you. Does no one love you? You are a sad, sad human being.
You know I think there are too many people that have dropped too much acid and this is creating mass brain freeze.
The most frightening thing about our country is the scale of ignorance that permeates America.
Well said, Realtime recently featured some fun survey facts that sum up America fairly well: A majority of American can't name a single branch of government, or explain what the Bill of Rights is. 24% of people couldn't name the country we fought in the Revolutionary War! Or my personal favorite: According to a Newsweek poll done in march of 2007:
Only 13% of Americans believe in naturalistic evolution (that is that God had no part in evolution)
However, 48% of Americans believe that God created "humans pretty much in the present form at one time within the last 10,000 years or so"
Jody said...
Theater of the Absurd. I am concerned that we are all getting sucked into a downward spiral of negativity, anger and fear.
I dont think so. It is making Amerikkka look more racist to the people that have invested in this country, ie Saudi, most of middle East, China, India and even Japan.. They are the holding the $ strings.
Mr. R aka Mr Republican is just here to get attention. I guess he is part Wink, Wink Sarah P KKK rally.
As for Sarah, she is dumb media hoe. She still using her 15 minutes to get attention including her Down Syndrome child or grandchild to get people (birthers, tea party, Newt, Soccer moms, and John McClain my friends)attention.
As for the media. They luv the rating of this racist undertone. Just remember, these people that are unrulely at the health meeting are the same at Sarah (Strawberry shortcake)rally probably did not vote for PRESIDENT Obama anyway.
I am just waiting for the Saturday Night Live special to make her look more like a fool and her "stupid" followers...
Ha. Ha.. nothing like a brunch of fools to laugh at...Where is my popcorn?
Wow, I actually didn't finish this post. (Got called away to a slight emergency. NEIGHBORS AND THEIR DOGS!)And I hit the publish button. Anywhoo, just a couple of changes. It should make more sense now.
Still, i think most of you got what I was trying to say. Yep, the "theater of the absurd" comes to mind.
krystalxlyte, go get em in Big D, don't let those deathers and birthers scare you away.
Gregory, you are right, I might need a dumb repellent. :)
"Mr.R. you are the epitome of what I am referring to... you seem to revel in making outrageous, insulting comments here. You write things that I am quite sure if you were face to face with any of the posters here, especially Field or Granny, you would never say."
Jody, I find the guy kind of cute in a pathetic sort of way. He is kind of like our regular...oh, I don't know, right wing mascot?
The 95% of the coons who voted for this thin skinned loser are the real slaves. you call yourself Christians but believe as your messiah does, killing babies and engaging in homo behavior. I thought Conservative Black Woman was kidding about you animals, but you are seriously demented if you think your boy in charge is going to destroy this country like you apes destroyed the whole continent of Africa. Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country.
When I saw Palin's quote, I thought I had clicked on "The Onion" by mistake. Then, I found out that she was serious.
God Help Us if Palin, or any other far-right Republican, ever gets into the White House.
Mitzi: "..Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country."
What's so unusual about a black man part of Stormfront these days? Are you dating or married to one of those Stormfront women? Now that is what I would call a real 'kicker'.
Way to go, Mitzi. You are helping to fully integrate our country! Can't wait to see those brown Stormfront kids.
Some gerrymandering imitation WarHawk, without the actual balls to pick up arms in combat himself babbled:
"The 95% of the coons who voted for this thin skinned loser are the real slaves. you call yourself Christians but believe as your messiah does, killing babies and engaging in homo behavior. I thought Conservative Black Woman was kidding about you animals, but you are seriously demented if you think your boy in charge is going to destroy this country like you apes destroyed the whole continent of Africa. Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country."
Of course you are. And I work in HR for the Taliban.
Come on! No intelligent person here believes you are black. You wouldn't need to advertise the fact unless you planned on revealing a deeper more troubling problem than your racist ignorance: your purported self-hatred.
No. You are a racist, non-black troll coming here and trying to steal some thunder from Mr.R(acist).
Find your own blog! We already have our own mangy mongrel.
LOL@Mitzi, I am sure CBW is proud of [it].
Mr. Bigsby is that you? :)
"The 95% of the coons who voted for this thin skinned loser are the real slaves. you call yourself Christians.."
So I take it that you are a Christian? Hmmm, it all makes sense now.
Mitzie, please come back, I am sure I speak for everyone else when I say that you are funny.
Mitzi said...
The 95% of the coons who voted for this thin skinned loser are the real slaves. you call yourself Christians but believe as your messiah does, killing babies and engaging in homo behavior. I thought Conservative Black Woman was kidding about you animals, but you are seriously demented if you think your boy in charge is going to destroy this country like you apes destroyed the whole continent of Africa. Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country.
10:42 PM
Darn Mitzi breathe.
It will be ok..Now here is my two cents. Go kill yourself. Go in the middle of street and lay down. Beathe Mitzi, it will be ok. President Obama will invite you for a bear.
How care if you are Black? but are you human? Breathe..
Now get and watch Strawberry Stortcake on the tv..
Breathe...Ha Ha..The world is laughing at you..Those comments were so funny..You and your kind bankrupt this country for decades..PRESIDENT Obama is your president too..
Re: Mitzi, Mr. R
Why is it always the dudes with the smallest set of testicles who want to jump up and push the collective to fight? Always the little guy, the fucking shrimp, who has the Napoleonic Complex, and has to compensate for his small stature/penis. These are the ones who stand in the back or middle of the crowd, shouting "Hang him !!", yet never have the testicular fortitude to step up and tip the fucking stool over. I know you, little guy....your that guy. The GOP will always have a "that guy" somewhere in the woodwork, you know, the guy without the heart to do something himself, and who is propped up by his alleged "Party" as they watch from the background, and laugh heartily when his (meaning: their) bullshit backfires on him. The Patsy. The Sucker. The Lollipop. The Dixie Cup.
Poor, frail boy....who was it? Which big, bad black guy was it who took your money every day at the bus stop? Was it those damn monkeys they bussed into your peaceful, lily-white high school? Did those savages steal your Sony Walkman, and bust your Jackson 5 tapes into a hundred pieces? Or was it the blacks who beat you down in County lock-up when those Spic scumbag cops busted you for those DUI's? Fuck those Spics, right? Think they're White anyway. Did anyone rape you in County, MR R.? Smacked your pale asscheeks with his turd-colored penis, maybe? What was it really? That black woman who got the job you wanted at the hospital, just because he must have used some entitlement program to graduate from radiology school? Damn...don't you just hate these coloreds, Mitz? Making their way through this White, Christian nation like that, even over all the shit we throw at them daily? Fuck em', right? Damn them Darkies.
Sorry about the language field, I'm new.
"Sorry about the language field, I'm new."
Nothing to be sorry for, we encourage freedom of expression here. Language be damned.
I think Mesha is ready to give Mitzie a beatdown right now. :)
Guess who my money is on?
I might join Twitter and Facebook just so I could be one of the first to get her insane messages (rather than days later, through the filters of the Gotcha Media).
I second the Mitzi invite. Comic relief.
I hope Palin does a TV show. Her farewell speeches were scripted & they made no sense. Imagine what she'd say if she had to fill an hour.
Keep up the good work.. Because if you was not hitting the right spot, people like Mitzi and Mr R would not comment. So sad in this day in time. I guess they feel like 42% of American that voted for McClain and Sarah in November, left out, a has been, living on credit culture, Disney why of thinking folks, believing in Santa Claus, and the list goes on.
Darn where is my popcorn?
Twitter and Facebook are a joke..just another way to track people down and to get advertisement $. Check this out that was on Mediatakeout.com..Never discuss your job on these public website.
You know if Sarah Palin were Sherika Paulson, and she had the same underachieving background and the personal baggage. WE WOULD HAVE NEVER HEARD ABOUT THIS CHICK.
Democrats don't let the scrubs play in the big game.
Doesn't she remind you of the Homeowner Association President, or the real estate agent who won't show you the "nice" neighborhood, or maybe that person at work who would blame the new black person the first time a soda came up missing in the break room? But she would start of by saying "I'm not accusing anyone....but we never had this problem before Styrone was hired".
To the guy who sits at home, in a loveless marriage (a la' Mark Sanford), who drives around all day listening to Rush, Who sits in his basement reminiscing about that time in high school he caught the pass in the big game, and is constantly mad that his daughter likes guys named "Antwon" instead of guys named "Brett", she is a right wing wet dream.
Now I'm reminded why I can't stand that woman.
One thing is clear she always speaks angry and ugly...
LOL! We have a couple of Sybils on the loose in the fields posting in their different personalities. That's okay, because we do have a resident psych on board in the fields too that might be able to give them the help they seriously need.
I checked out the link. People can be amazingly mindless. Just goes to prove that there are people dumber than SP. Stupidity knows no bounds in America.
lol! I am seriously cracking up at some of these comments. Especially this "Mitzi" ritz faking the funk and getting ripped proper. Thanks for the shout out field mane. I love this blog and I would sincerely encourage every african american to GO to these town halls if your work schedules permits of course and get behind the prez on this. Do it for the grandmother who is strugling to get her money right for her scripts or the brother with sugar who got dropped from his plan because of a pre-existing. Make your presence known. raise your voice. This is why we voted. and Remember: the loud irate, sassy, dissatisfied sista in wal-mart that lies within our psyche scares them more than anything and if anything will prompt the lackluster securty that have been attending to get on the j-o w/ these equally irate hired YT protesters.
They just might be beyond help.
Sarah is Alaska Sybil. She has gotten just enough grief about the "death panel" that she's couching her words today. But they still carry the same koolaid that way to many folks are drinking. I think Bill, Sean and Rush mix the ingredients. I doubt she has had an original thought since she tried to explain why she had to college-hop four times.
And a death panel wouldn't be that far-fetched, what with the bean counters already making decisions about who can have what test or surgery. It's just a slow death.
"...the bean counters already making decisions about who can have what test or surgery. It's just a slow death"
That is one of the things about health care that disturbs me the most. It's like being a prisoner on death row waiting to see is someone is going to give you a stay of execution. It should not be that way. I don't think anyone has the right to decide whether a patient should live or die. Health care should be about helping folks remain healthy and alive for as long as their time on earth permits.
Damn, Field, you are ringing the dinner bell for the crazies with this post. Come and feckin' get it.
Mitzi writes: "Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront."
He's either a liar or one seriously deluded fool. Dude, bussing the tables at a StormFront event does not make you a member. Making "friends" with racist cocksuckers of this caliber would suggest only the most casual acquaintance with reality, if you were telling the truth.
As for Mr. R, he reminds me of those guys who hang out in the locker room at the gym. You've no idea who they are but they try to make conversation with you in the steam room. I think he has a mancrush on you, Field.
So true. Unfortunately our system is more disease care than healthcare. If we really cared about health, we would do all we can to insure that EVERYONE has access and can afford competent, compassionate and timely care. And do all we can to give all the chance to have optimum health--from access to healthy food, to safe places to get fresh air sunshine.
On a related note, those who get their knickers in a twist over "rationed health care" need to pull their heads out of their arse and come up for air.
Health care is currently rationed. It is rationed on the basis of ability to pay rather than severity of need.
The sad irony is that many of those who are protesting against "gubbmint run health care" would be those who would most likely benefit most under the proposed solution. Like I said, we are not far from Idiocracy.
The 95% of the coons who voted for this thin skinned loser are the real slaves. you call yourself Christians but believe as your messiah does, killing babies and engaging in homo behavior. I thought Conservative Black Woman was kidding about you animals, but you are seriously demented if you think your boy in charge is going to destroy this country like you apes destroyed the whole continent of Africa. Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country.
Who let Alan Keyes out of the attic again?
Nope that's not Alan Keyes. That would be more like Jesse Lee Peterson he really does hang out with the KKK, CCC, and Stormfront folks. I seen pictures of him hanging out with them.
@Whatever: "Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country."
No, you're not black, just in the heart. Got undeniable proof? I thought so.
@Gregory: "The sad irony is that many of those who are protesting against "gubbmint run health care" would be those who would most likely benefit most under the proposed solution. Like I said, we are not far from Idiocracy."
They're your republican types who feel that a government-offered, or government-sponsored anything is an attack against their freedom.
These are the free-market types who actually believe, or has been taught to believe, that we're a true capitalist society.
I seriously doubt if we've ever been, but they bought into that myth, and many are prepared to do whatever is necessary to cut off their nose to spite their face.
It's pretty pathetic....
Trapped in South Carolina said...
Re: Mitzi, Mr. R
Why is it always the dudes with the smallest set of testicles who want to jump up and push the collective to fight?
Nice to see your a expert on testicles.Any other homo fantasies you care to share??
Always the little guy, the fucking shrimp, who has the Napoleonic Complex, and has to compensate for his small stature/penis. These are the ones who stand in the back or middle of the crowd, shouting "Hang him !!", yet never have the testicular fortitude to step up and tip the fucking stool over.
Since Democrats were the ones doing the hangin' than thats not me.
I know you, little guy....your that guy. The GOP will always have a "that guy" somewhere in the woodwork, you know, the guy without the heart to do something himself, and who is propped up by his alleged "Party" as they watch from the background, and laugh heartily when his (meaning: their) bullshit backfires on him. The Patsy. The Sucker. The Lollipop. The Dixie Cup.
Yeah...And tell me again why Obama can't get Obamacare passed??Ya'll have the numbers to pass anything ya'll want.So why isn't it done yet?
Poor, frail boy....who was it? Which big, bad black guy was it who took your money every day at the bus stop? Was it those damn monkeys they bussed into your peaceful, lily-white high school? Did those savages steal your Sony Walkman, and bust your Jackson 5 tapes into a hundred pieces? Or was it the blacks who beat you down in County lock-up when those Spic scumbag cops busted you for those DUI's? Fuck those Spics, right? Think they're White anyway. Did anyone rape you in County, MR R.? Smacked your pale asscheeks with his turd-colored penis, maybe? What was it really?
Jody said...
You write things that I am quite sure if you were face to face with any of the posters here, especially Field or Granny, you would never say.
Its really sad to see people still thinkin of blacks has violent and they doing nothing more than beat,rape, and murder.[Although lookin at the interracial crime stats ,their not that far off}
That black woman who got the job you wanted at the hospital, just because he must have used some entitlement program to graduate from radiology school?
Naw im just happen that a black woman got a job.Thats one less crack ho i have to worry about.
Damn...don't you just hate these coloreds, Mitz? Making their way through this White, Christian nation like that, even over all the shit we throw at them daily? Fuck em', right? Damn them Darkies.
Coloreds??Only Democrats still use that word.We like to say nigga or negro. Thanksabunch!!!
Jody said...
Mr.R. you are the epitome of what I am referring to... you seem to revel in making outrageous, insulting comments here.
Your selective outrage is sad. But thats also so liberal of you.
Looks like there was some true to the Alaska blogger's story that the Palin's are splitting up. Check out what Levi, the father of Palin's grandchildren said about the Palin's marriage.
THANK GOD for Abortion, best thing since the Sickle Cell IMHO... Without it there'd be 45 million more y'all driving down property values...
and didya kno there's a VA hospital in TUSKEGEE ALABAMA?!?!?! Talk about Stupid....
Awww, Frank, you're just jealous 'cause Mr. R got named right-wing mascot instead of you. Poor baby.
Humans want and need respect and love. But Americans feed on disrespect, humiliation, hate, and stupidity. They cannot restrain themselves from incorrigible thinking, speech and behaviors. It seems to come naturally; and has become a form of entertainment and high drama. Americans actually feel good degrading one another.
The maturity, moral intelligence, and sense of right and wrong has disappered in America. It has given way to the weight of greed, hatred, lust, anger, mistrust, and violence.
It's just a matter of time before this empty-souless country is finished...
Say it aint so FN...Get off Twitter....
Sarah Palin is the best gift to us. Please, Sarah, keep on talking and digging yourself in deeper.
And Krystalxlyte, I'll be seeing you at the town halls in Big D :)
Well, if that cartoonist, Peter Dunlop Shohl, can make Sarah Palin look that hideous, I'd sure as hell hate to see what he could do to Nancy Pelosi.
That woman is ugly enough to scare a butt plug out of Pee-wee Herman, and she certainly doesn't need any help to look any worse.
Say what you like about Palin, but, in a pinch, I wouldn't mind tapping that one time.
[quote]Trolls like Constructive Feedbag immediately leap to mind, but there are others to be sure. CF makes Palin look brilliant by comparison, which doesn't speak well about either individual.
Filled Negro - I have to give it to you.
Here I was coming to your propaganda site seeing if you had run with the "David Scott Story" yet and what do you know.....
GREGORY is talking about me.
You know Gregory - it is interesting that people like you are so brief in your rebuttal of me.
Whereas to make my point I need 15 paragraphs. YOU are able to make your point in 2 sentences.
When I grow up I want to be an ideological bigot just like you.
When asked WHY I think as I do I can say "BECAUSE".
When as to JUSTIFY my position I will only need to look at the other people who believe as I do. I can infer from the POPULARITY of this position that I am correct.
Its just so much easier.
Then I can go with the flow with my friend Filled Negro.
You see with respect to the Sara Palin story I wouldn't have to make note that in the year 2009 Filled Negro has done more Sara Palin stories than he has ANY STORIES taking the POLITICAL/SOCIAL/CULTURAL and PARENTAL leadership in the City Of Brotherly Love to task for the murder count that is ratcheting up.
My friend Filled Negro, like so many others in the AfroSpear brotherhood and Color Of Change are more interested in fighting REPUBLICANS and CONSERVATIVES than they are in actually carrying out/fight for the promises that they were sold upon when they agreed to support the machine that now dominates every single institution that controls their community and the civic services they receive.
Gregory - I realize that YOURS is not an opinion that I am going to sway. You are too entrenched and bigoted in your own way. There is no amount of real world evidence that is going to convince you otherwise.
I am only thankful that you have no authority over me.
(Thank you again Filled Negro. I don't need to go to any other Progressive-Fundamentalist web site in order to understand what is on the mind of the Progressive. Your site rocks in this regard.)
"I dont think so. It is making Amerikkka look more racist to the people that have invested in this country, ie Saudi, most of middle East, China, India and even Japan.. They are the holding the $ strings."
Well, considering we are the economic engine of the world they are praying America doesn't go down; if it does, we take the rest of the world with us.
Besides, the Saudis still practice slavery and won't let their women drive cars, the Japanese spent the first half of the century conquering, enslaving, and commiting genocide in the Pacific and the second half of it covering it up. The Chinese are busy with ethnic cleansing in Tibet and supporting dictators the world over and the Indians have anti-muslim pogroms to attend to. I'm sure they will all understand.
Well, POI hope you never get in a 'pinch' because SP would not want your filthy disgusting ass touching her. Try 'tapping' chickens and cows. Your sick dumb uncivilized ass would find great ecstacy.
Humans are not your speed, esp. women.
[quote]I want single payer health care.[/quote]
Hi Jody.
How are you today.
You want to abstract the payment for medical services from the "Point Of Service" over to Tax Day, April 15.
Thus instead of "Single Payer Health Care" - the more accurate term is "Multiple Taxpayer Paid Health Care".
Lets just get the term correct.
There IS NOT "Single Payer" as the Federal Government, short of printing up money out of thin air and thus running up the national debt with treasury bonds is NOT the source of this money.
Here is what I struggle to understand about your ideological underpinnings. There was so much HOPE associated with the municipal and then regional take over by your ideology and your party as it relates to the standard of living that the people living under this new ideological regime would benefit from.
Fast forward and in short order we see that you all have moved past the actual delivery of these promises in the cities and regions that you control. The employers that once provided these services to you have vacated the regions where THEY are the "bad guys" and they are the host from which blood is drawn from.
Having seen that the local and regional power play has left a massive void you now seek to nationalize the health care. Oh yes. I sat in on the local community forum about "Single Payer Health Care" put on by WRFG. I listened intently. They actually attacked Obama. They were further to the left of him and were pissed that he didn't outright expel the "corporate interests" from the health care game. They want a GOVERNMENT "command and control economy". It seems that this suits you well.
It is interesting that in the places where your ideology is strongest and after you "regulate" these corporations - the people continue to suffer. (See Detroit).
Having gained this control and still been stifled by their their mobility in getting away from your clutches - you see that the only way to block their escape is to GO NATIONAL!!!!
Again I am forced to come back to the "Friends and Family Plan" construct with you Jody. Is it healthy to have so many people desperately seeking to escape your calling circle the first chance they get?
YOU want "health care". This speaks NOTHING about your plans to:
* EDUCATE your favored people to allow them to execute upon this for their own benefit. There is constant talk about the unemployement problem in our community. After you put us "into the state of receipt of benefit" nothing that you have shown indicates that your people will be employed (Oh yes the "Single Payer Proponents" claimed that they are going to shut down the Insurance companies and use this savings to create 2.5 million NEW jobs. OK)
* Ironically Jody - if some of these people WERE assigned to provide you care - no doubt that there would be complains that you were provided with inadequate care because of WHO you were shunted off to.
* FINANCE this effort so that as few EXTERNAL dependencies as possible cause you to have to compromise yourself in order to obtain their agreement
It seems to me, Jody, that this claim a target that is on wheels. This same tired claim is picked up and moved after each of your victories. It never gets looked back upon regarding how much land you have taken over but how short your ideology's attainments have been.
Hey Gregory - I am sorry man. Sara Palin was not available to review my rant. Do you mind providing ACTUAL CRITIQUE? Or are you in the "Black Girl #1" literary club?
POI, you are part of the scale of ignorance and incivility in America.
Ooops. Looks like I stepped on some big, ugly, gnarly, nasty feminist toes.
A little deodorant might help that foul disposition of yours....whoever you are.
P.S. What do you tell a feminist with two black eyes?
Nothing. Ya done told her twice.
"Here's the kicker, I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country."
A nigger calling his fellow niggers "animals"? I do say you've gotten mighty uppity there, boy.
If we **really** wanted to get rid of the oldsters, we'd repeal Medicare. And the Dems haven't proposed that yet. Lemme think, which party *has* proposed that? Oh. Yeah. Now I remember. It was the Newt Gingrich and his Rethugs.
This merits a repeat,
"Health care is currently rationed. It is rationed on the basis of ability to pay rather than severity of need."
"Health care is currently rationed. It is rationed on the basis of ability to pay rather than severity of need."
We are capitalists who care about people with money and the ability to pay. That's the way capitalism works.
So what's the problem?
POI said, "A little deodorant might help that foul disposition of yours....whoever you are."
Take a look at your own disposition if you dare. You need more than deodorant, you need a sense of decency and humanity. Unfortunately, it will never happen for lost souls like you.
The President should put a halt to all the Republican's that are receiving unemployment!
The President should make it his personal job, to make sure Southern Republican's do not receive money from the Stimulus package! let these people see what a Black President without sympathy ca really be like!
White folk's claim their America is being dissembled, well let certain part's of America go to total Waste! forget about those Sicko's! let them have their so called Perfect America!
It has been confirmed, a certain segment of White American's are beyond HELP! they are proving it day after day! they are beyond PRAYER! these people ancestor's have truly Screwed them up!
I have no other choice but, to live in a country with people that will protest against HEALTH! but, will stand beside a President, that will send innocent young people to a UNJUST WAR! that being the ex President!
These people will go Poor Broke and Hungry before they accept help from a Black President! they will turn down free Health, they claim it is about too much money being spent! no! it is about wanting to see the President FAIL!!!
I got this from Daily Kos:
*** UPDATE *** More on the man with the gun... William Kostric is a married man in his mid 30S who works in sales. He says he moved here to New Hampshire from Arizona about a year ago, because it's a "live free or die" state -- and he thought Arizona was becoming too restrictive with its gun laws.
He's passing out a bookmark that says, "Join the Second Amendment Revolution, the most exciting pro-liberty movement in over 200 years."
HA! I live in Arizona....they've just passed a law that you can carry a gun into a bar. Yup, they're really tough with the gun laws!
They need to do to this guy what someone would do to a white President,SHOOT HIS ASS.Tell Secret Service to act like they're guarding Reagan and TOS.
Jody, I think your boyfriend is back. Should I tell him, or do you want to tell him yourself? :)
"Health care is currently rationed. It is rationed on the basis of ability to pay rather than severity of need."
We are capitalists who care about people with money and the ability to pay. That's the way capitalism works.
So what's the problem?"
No problem, unless you happen to be poor.
sarah really is a moron
but obama/gwb 2.0 really is a nazi
and she is a fool who is actually right about the details of his health plan:
go figure
truth is stranger than fiction
and obama's health plan is much dumber than palin
President Obama's repeated statements that he intends to make the "tough choices" of slashing medical costs, including by means known to rule out medical treatment for those very old (like his grandmother), or incurable, or simply poor, leaves nothing to the imagination. The Administration is gripped by a utilitarian Nazi mentality, and it will move inexorably toward mass murder unless you move to stop it now.
Field: "No problem, unless you happen to be poor."
Field, I was being sarcastic but you made my point. As I have mentioned earlier capitalism cators to money and it has NO moral or human reason to care about people. Do you think healthcare reform is really going to happen in an overly materialistic society like ours?
Look at whats happening at town hall meetings. Violence is erupting over the possibility that there might be healthcare for everyone. Obviously for some Americans that's far too generous and humane for our society. They would rather see the poor die without healthcare.
Another thing that gets to me is that doctors won't volunteer to help the poor in our country but they'll go to other countries to provide free healthcare.
Anonymous said...
Look at whats happening at town hall meetings. Violence is erupting over the possibility that there might be healthcare for everyone.
Violence is is "erupting" because Obama sent his goon squads and union thugs to attack people.
Trapped in South Carolina, your post is truly funny. Many of my stormfront buddies had a good laugh over it. They can't believe the blind obedience you coons have to this chump in charge. Be careful trapped, I'm from Greenville, South Carolina, don't slip fool.
I will say this about this blog, its extremely anti-American and racist toward whites, you really can't take the high road with many of the comments here. I mean truly, much of the stuff here is alot more violent and extremist than stormfront. Yall are actually looking in the wrong direction when it comes to who will you take down your messiah, I'll let you figure it out, but they voted for him as well. I've heard all your rhetoric before and you guys just don't measure up in terms of the violence that has perpetrated against people. Your ancestors were enslaved and marginalized beyond belief and you still haven't moved beyond that, I doubt you ever will. I would say take a page from the Asians, but I forgot you folks hate college, but love prison. God you people just don't measure up. I'll be over at stormfront and my confederate sites of yall want real dialogue, as blackman, I really disappointed in the cowardice I see here. maybe in another 400 years. I really am black. Trapped, don't slip. I went to Southside High School.
POI, my esteem for you sunk today, all i can say is, eeewwww.
Mr. R, jealous becuz Mitzi beat u out? hmm? "goon squads" lol.thats about as stupid as Palin, ok u almost win.
FN, Dumber than Palin, that is hard to beat, she is ugly inside and out.
alicia, what happened to you, you know Palin is dumb, why do you call Obama nazi, that is the most universal word in the world of wingnuts, alicia, i think you are so intelligent at times, what happens that makes u say this shit?
POI, CF, Mr.R, Frank: Are you guys from the same sewer?
From Bob Cesca's progressive blog:
Quote of the Day
"Imagine he was Muslim and waiting for Bush with a gun. How long would that guy have lasted? You think they'd let him just sit there and wait for Bush?"
—Cenk Uygur on the gunman protesting near the president's town hall event today
Muslim... Or black. Imagine a black man brandishing a gun in plain view anywhere within a mile of George Bush during his visit to New Orleans after Katrina.
The gunman's sign quoted Jefferson: "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure." Cenk points out that Timothy McVeigh wore a t-shirt with this quote just before his terrorist attack at Oklahoma City.
"Another thing that gets to me is that doctors won't volunteer to help the poor in our country but they'll go to other countries to provide free healthcare."
Anon. that's a great point.
And I think I got your sarcasm. We are like minded spirits.:)
Field, I just don't know what to say to UnConn..... first, he kinda creeps me out. Second, that rant above made absolutely no sense. It is impossible to respond. But more importantly, his rambling pretty much speaks for itself.
Kathy-"POI, my esteem for you sunk today, all i can say is, eeewwww."
Good for you Kathy. I had a feeling you would speak up because that guy has no respect for women.
Have you noticed that not one bw has denounced POI? What's up with that? Go figure.
oh and Mitzi, did i mention that u are a lying asshole plant, nobody believes u? stormfront? lol.
mitzi scrawls: "I will say this about this blog, its extremely anti-American and racist toward whites, you really can't take the high road with many of the comments here."
This is sockpuppetry of the lowest order. One can only assume that this is a parody.
i am not unintelligent because i refuse to blindly worship obama and his health plan
violence is erupting because trillions of tax dollars are being bilked to fund a severely flawed health care ponzi scam as MILLIONS of jobs and homes are SIMULTANEOUSLY lost...
[quote]I am a black man and a member of the Sons of the Confederacy and Stormfront. You entitled animals are not going to ruin this country[/quote]
Dwight Dalton:
You had better hope that these groups don't go looking for a Nigra to lynch with the underlying theory of "Any Nigra will do".
You might want to start wearing a GPS so the authorities can find your body.
[quote] Amanda said...
"Health care is currently rationed. It is rationed on the basis of ability to pay rather than severity of need."[/quote]
Can we take this a bit further?
Rationed on the basis of one's ability to pay? Sure it is.
Isn't the flat screen television rationed in this same manner? So what is the indictment?
OH - you say "Well Health Care is a fundamental need, while a television is a luxury item." (I wish you all would have said the same thing about the Free Internet scheme that went bust in Philly about a year ago).
My problem with Progressive-Fundamentalists is that where as you all are quick to document NEEDS.....your only recourse is to demand that the greater society FILL THESE NEEDS as PROOF that it values everyone EQUALLY.
What my good friends Filled Negro, Jody and Anon don't seem to get is the other side of the transaction.
IF a group of people after having run a political power grab and taken over their city/county/region now control the key institutions they must ask themselves "WHAT is the ultimate value of this POWER GRAB if we are still turning to t outsiders to FULFILL our needs"?
Filled Negro - If you know that HEALTH CARE is a fundamental requirement do you ever tell the young drug dealers that you talk to that they are needed in the MEDICAL ESTABLISHMENT to help their community rather than on the streets and thus needing a Defense Attorney?
It seems that you all are currently being victimized by the imbalanced agenda that you have been running.
You are ultimately CONSUMERS making REQUESTS than you are DEVELOPERS OF PEOPLE who can focus them upon crafting a self sufficient community and city.
[quote]Field, I just don't know what to say to UnConn..... first, he kinda creeps me out. Second, that rant above made absolutely no sense. It is impossible to respond. But more importantly, his rambling pretty much speaks for itself.[/quote]
Jody - I am a happily married man and a resident father. I can take the "They are motivated by racial hatred" diversions. But I don't need to be accused of being a stalker. Alright?
I think that you follow me loud and clear. You are a quite literate person and you "get it".
What you purport to have me do is to KEEP TRYING HARDER to convince you away from your own bigoted and entrenched position.
As I told Gregory - my "rambling" long diatribes are more offensive than the "paper cuts" - the one line assaults that are abundant on this board. As long as the assailant is ultimately CUTTING your adversary - you won't ever ask that person to show to YOU that he can justify his position to YOU, even as much as you agree with it already.
At worst case Jody - if your grab of external resources for your people so that they can "eat another day" is COUNTERBALANCED by the ORGANIC ORGANIZATION efforts that will assure that more PRESENTLY UNEMPLOYED BLACK PEOPLE are trained as medical service professionals that are actually DELIVERING the services AND their knowledge is applied to lift the community's healthy lifestyle practices - your position would be far less REPULSIVE to me per its 100% DEPENDENCY as it is right now.
Filled Negro - WHERE is your "Cultural Consciousness"?
I thought that you were a "Too Black Too Strong" type of guy?
Certainly you are not going to allow the Evil Black Conservative to assume this position while you seek to secure resources from your long time adversary?
If there ever was a time where I would love to see a warning AGAINST "Amerikkka" (Oh sorry - you use "A-merri-ca") it would be now, among those who see the dangers of dependency without works.
"Look at whats happening at town hall meetings. Violence is erupting over the possibility that there might be healthcare for everyone. Obviously for some Americans that's far too generous and humane for our society. They would rather see the poor die without healthcare."
Sooner or later, we're gonna have our own "Latin America" moment, when the poor decide they have nothing to lose and make their demands known....violently.
"Anonymous said...
Kathy-"POI, my esteem for you sunk today, all i can say is, eeewwww."
Good for you Kathy. I had a feeling you would speak up because that guy has no respect for women.
Have you noticed that not one bw has denounced POI? What's up with that? Go figure.
Well, Anonymous, MOST people could probably figure out I was just enjoying pissing you off. Trouble with you feminists, is you have no sense of humor..
So, whenever I get a chance to push a feminist's "piss-off button", you better believe I'm going to push it till smoke comes out of their ears.
So, maybe I've got a little sadistic streak in me, but I have all the respect for women in the world.
Except for fat dykes.
POI "Well, Anonymous, MOST people could probably figure out I was just enjoying pissing you off. Trouble with you feminists, is you have no sense of humor.."
I am sure that is the reason...that feminists have no sense of humor. It couldn't possibly be that A Person of Interest lacks sensitivity and is a proud self-centered asshole.
BTW, your assumption that I am a feminist is wrong. I am a man who does not like men like you objectifying and degrading women, esp BW. You would not get away with this on other blogs.
However, by the silence on this blog, it seems to be ok. So go ahead, enjoy yourself. I am moving on.
"So, maybe I've got a little sadistic streak in me, but I have all the respect for women in the world."
"Except for fat dykes."
Like Alicia Banks.
"BTW, your assumption that I am a feminist is wrong. I am a man who does not like men like you objectifying and degrading women, esp BW. You would not get away with this on other blogs"
He was talking about that WHITE bitch Sorry Sara Palin asshole.
We really need to work on our educational systems. Logic seems to be missing from most arguments here. President Obama only is able to work within the constraints of our constitution republic. He can neither cut aid etc off to whites anymore than he can give greater advantages to people of color.
So many people seem to write something and get to far fetched conclusions about the health plan and never refer to actual pages or paragraphs in the bill in progress.
Uprisings, naw, except for crazy people at either end of the spectrum. Look at our history; as pathetic as it is; the haves, the whites; the men have actually have actually changed slavery, segregation, sexism et cetera. Yes, only after long and vicious struggle, but change has happened. There are now people of all ethnicities who are haves, who are working for fairness in our country. This bill may not be the best solution, but it is a start; the tide of history is with this idea.
" Anonymous said...
BTW, your assumption that I am a feminist is wrong. I am a man who does not like men like you objectifying and degrading women, esp BW. You would not get away with this on other blogs.
However, by the silence on this blog, it seems to be ok. So go ahead, enjoy yourself. I am moving on."
Hmph. Yeah, I shoulda figured that. Pussy-whipped.
Tell ya what, sweet-cheeks...before you "move on", how's about getting me a beer & making me a sammich?
"He was talking about that WHITE bitch Sorry Sara Palin asshole."
Well, since it SP, I guess that makes it all right. Are there any other 'bitches' POI should be 'tapping' out of lustful hate?
Let's face it. The only difference between the disgusting rhetoric of Rush/Glen Beck/Sarah Palin and you/POI is the color of your skin and a much lower IQ.
"Let's face it. The only difference between the disgusting rhetoric of Rush/Glen Beck/Sarah Palin and you/POI is the color of your skin and a much lower IQ"
Why do you feel rush/glen/palin have a higher IQ than me?
Because they're white?
Dickface, you can't be serious.
" Anonymous said...
"He was talking about that WHITE bitch Sorry Sara Palin asshole."
Well, since it SP, I guess that makes it all right. Are there any other 'bitches' POI should be 'tapping' out of lustful hate?
Let's face it. The only difference between the disgusting rhetoric of Rush/Glen Beck/Sarah Palin and you/POI is the color of your skin and a much lower IQ."
See there, now you've gone & hurt my feelings.
On the other hand, I'd say you could probably use a good tapping yourself, Anon. I feel confident it wouldn't be your first time.
"fat" only works on weak hets
and "dyke" is a ref for a butch
i am a fine toned femme lesbian that men like you MULTIPLY...thanks!
your vulgar sexist inaccurate slurs only amuse and replicate me
we lesbians appreciate you more than mere words can say
apoi is indeed the beloved resident sexist fool...
how much do you weigh?
it is usually fat bald men with small penises who go around calling superior women "fat dykes"...
I'm 5'11", 172 lbs with a full head of hair, Dearest Alicia.
Guess there must be some other reason I call fat dykes "fat dykes".
I wonder what in the world it could be?
(BTW, I never called you a "fat dyke")
i could take an educated guess:
you are merely a life support system for an impotent penis...
miserably alternately ejaculating through your lewd sexist "humor"?
you prefer all females anorexic and silent/barefoot and pregnant?
real men do not hate and slur all women as you rountinely do
ab-"apoi is indeed the beloved resident sexist fool..."
Thanks for the info, ab. I didn't know POI was so honored for his sexist rhetoric on this blog. Field should note that in his sidebar.
I won't speak out against him or try to defend the honor of women here again. Obviously that is HN behavior...My mistake. It's all very strange and disappointing to me, but that's part of black experience in the Fields, I suppose.
One thing for sure, I am in the wrong company of Blacks here. Well, keep up the good thinking and high self-esteem. I can tell you are going places.
sexism rules all because too many excuses for real men like apoi are allowed to rule too many arenas unchecked by real men like you!!!
please stay!
the rebel women here need rebel men like you!
you hold up half of our sky...thanks!
Alicia, I'm proud to say the johnson is in fine working order. But, thanks for asking.
Nope, I like my women to look good in a bikini, and to be able to fill it out. (notice, I didn't say I liked a bunch of flab hanging out, though.)
I happen to like women who can carry on an intelligent conversation. They're rather hard to find, though.
I've had three kids, so I certainly don't want them pregnant. Whether or not they want to wear shoes, I'll leave that to them...they just better not get the notion they wear the pants, if you know what I mean, and I think you do.
And I certainly don't slur "all" women. Just the ones that deserve it. Especially feminists.
"i am a fine toned femme lesbian that men like you MULTIPLY...thanks!"
"One thing for sure, I am in the wrong company of Blacks here. Well, keep up the good thinking and high self-esteem. I can tell you are going places."
To the pharmacy to get her(?) meds.
You're a cool dude POI.
We should kick back some beers and watch spike sometime!
Anon1:24pm "Why do you feel rush/glen/palin have a higher IQ than me?
Because they're white?"
No. It's not because they are White. It's because you are supporting what they are saying about Blacks by your own degrading words toward BW. But to you, it's a joke, and everybody is laughing with you. Well, to Rush/Glen Beck/Palin you support their claims...Blacks are a joke.
You should be "seriously" trying to find words that respect and uplift our women, but you and POI are such a dumbasses with unconscious self-hate that any explanation to get you to understand or 'see' is useless.
But just remember this: it's BM like you and POI that is helping Black America to its deathbed.... You suicical maniacal jackass.
There is only one other person worse or dumber than Palin. It's Blacks like POI and you. God wasted clay and breath on you.
"No. It's not because they are White. It's because you are supporting what they are saying about Blacks by your own degrading words toward BW."
Scroll up and read the original comments asshole, and you will see POI said something derogatory towards sarah palin, a white chick.
Go carry your white ass somewhere else and stir the pot there, because that's all you're doing here cracker.
Anon "You're a cool dude POI.
We should kick back some beers and watch spike sometime!"
Yep. He is cool. Just the kind of dumb ass dude you racists love. POI would love to drink beer with you. However, it is not necessary. You see, POI will degrade Blacks without you drinking with him. He loves to coon and make you laugh by degrading BW. He is the worst detriment to the black race but a dependable dumb loyal supporter to racists like yourself.
"He loves to coon and make you laugh by degrading BW. He is the worst detriment to the black race but a dependable dumb loyal supporter to racists like yourself."
Anon "Scroll up and read the original comments asshole, and you will see POI said something derogatory towards sarah palin, a white chick."
After you scroll up, scroll down and read the following comments from the original comment, you sick ass brainless moron.
Wassamadda, you pissed now?
You're just mad we won't drink beer with you!
His boyfriend probably just called him a bitch, and that's why he's so upset and acting like a drama queen.
what/who is your visual for the flab? your mother then?
i pray your children are males and not females...no women should ever have to live with men like you!
i have no idea how your wife endures a rabidly insecure sexist dog like you as a mate
why is it that all insecure men who can barely wear their own pants fret over women in pants so????
men like you turbo breed lesbians...and we homos greatly appreciate your massive contribution to our populations...bio kin or not
funny that only ignorant men lament an imaginary scarcity of intelligent women...
men like you evade intelligent women for their mental "pants"
i am a proud femme lipstick lesbian intellectual professional and so is my gorgeous wife...we are proudly childless by choice
i would rather be free than risk giving birth to a rabid sexist dog like you
the best fellow feminists i know are real men...like michael eric dyson and phil donahue...and they never seem to have a problem locating or wedding intelligent women...
very tiny "johnsons" work/breed too...
i prefer skinny dipping to wearing bikinis though i look flawless doing both...
it is both a compliment to gays and a tragic insult to hets that fools like apoi assume that all sane feminist men are gay
and i am far less amazed that you do not have/need/want any boyfriend than i am that apoi allegedly found a female to marry and breed...
i am always honored to welcome real men like you to my site...het or gay:
Shaddap Beeeotch!
ab "i am always honored to welcome real men like you to my site...het or gay:"
Thanks ab. I see a great need for all bm to not only respect bw but to recognize that they themselves become better individuals by doing so. There is no manliness in sexually degrading women, Black or White.
The spirit, strength and survival of the black race going forward is to recognize our need for one another; and to treat each other with the same respect we would want for ourselves--regardless of gender, sex, or sexual preference.
POI crawled out of sewer and IS a disgrace to our race, to manhood, and to humanity. But as you have mentioned earlier, he seems to be the beloved sexist resident here. Again, it is strange and sick to me.
Maybe Field, or somebody, will do a post someday to explain why POI is so honored for his demeaning sexism.
Anyway, I appreciate your appreciation of me.....Peace.
Hey anon. 8:06:
Shaddap Beeeotch!
Alicia you fat dyke:
It looks like somebody beat your ass with an ugly stick!
Siilly dyke, dicks are for dudes!
anon8:26p "dicks are for dudes!"
You know nothing about dicks, punk.
at least try to pick some original slurs...and know that even those will be hurled in vain
i have no use for "dicks"/lobotomized pricks like you...
and your point is???
my flawlessness is mandatory for my health as a diabetic...
do not hate me because i am a beautiful femme lesbian happily wed to a clone
hate me because you will never be man enough to be called a dyke yourself and because even femme lesbians like me are closer to a real man than you will ever be
why is it that the cowards like you who always calling others fat and ugly etc always post with "anon" photoless ids???
i assure you that there are millions of butch dykes who will be mistaken for real men before you are...but i am not one of them
Anon: 8:30:
Shaddap Beeeotch!
Punk faggot!
Shaddap Beeeotch!
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