Field Negro, there goes your crazy left wing friends again. What is it with you people? This latest cowardly and disgusting act, by no doubt, one of you communist, just goes to show how low you people will go.
How dare you throw tomatoes at Sarah Palin? This woman is the heart and soul of the republican party (not to mention its most important spokesperson) and you people disrespect her growing legacy by throwing tomatoes at her? I say tomatoe[s] because that joker threw two...
Stop laughing field Negro, what if this had been the president? You liberals would be screaming bloody murder about racism and the president not being safe. This was no laughing matter. What if those tomatoes were poisoned with some kind of deadly venom? What if those were grenades instead of tomatoes? This Jeremy Paul Olsen fellow should be sent straight to Gitmo with the other terrorist.
But you lefties are such hypocrites-not to mention bad throwers-. You tried this crap with Ann Coulter; and you tried this stuff with Michael Steele, throwing Oreo cookies at him. (Well...that story might not be true. Whatever! ) And one of your Iraqi friends even tried it with our last president. Throwing things at people you don't agree with politically has got to stop. It is not civil, and it is dangerous. Sometimes you people even get tired of throwing things and just beat your political opponents. How do you explain that one field Negro? Ahhh Passion?
"Palin was not hit by the flying tomatoes, which instead hit two police officers standing near the former governor. Olson was arrested on charges of suspicion of assault and disorderly conduct.
Palin — who has sold more than 1 million books since starting her signing tour last month — did not comment on the incident. "
Thank goodness! Now the book tour will continue, and our next president will be be able to go on spreading her populous message to the rest of A-merry-ca. You people can't stop Sarah, field. You can only hope to slow her down.
Is Sarah's book tour taking her to Philly? I would love to volunteer my time to help protect her. Just to insure that nothing is ever thrown her way again. You never know; there might be another Jeremy Paul Olsen out there.
*Pic from Politico.com
People need to leave Sarah alone. I like her a lot, she's the only politician who's able to bring such humor and train wreck drama into my life.
You know, this book thing is so interesting (she just won't go away). I find it hard to believe that people are actually buying it in droves. I think most of them are doing it out of curiosity, while end up inadvertently lining her pockets to fund the next train wreck redux in 2012. Scary.
I always financially support my favorite authors by purchasing their books, ebooks or audiobooks, that's how you appreciate them so they can continue with their skill. But I couldn't bring myself to give Sarah my hard earned financial support. But I too was curious and was able to obtain Sarah's ebook version (ok fine, maybe I just wanted it to surf for ammunition to use against her).
but um... a friend of a friend torrented it and emailed it to me without my permission, bad friend, very bad. I will never speak to this friend of a friend again for doing such a bad thing to Sarah :)
Field, you can email me if you have anything to say about my bad friend :)
My first thought was that this guy was paid to throw tomatoes at Simple Sarah because we know how much she thrives on being the victim---white men love that. LOL
Anyway I could care less if Simple Sarah seperates a couple of fools from their money because it's their choice.
Roderick, I won't be surprised. I guess it's better tomatoes than shoes, it's the similar effect in the media. If no one knew about this pathetic book, well they'll know about it now.
If Obama is smart he'll have his minions spread the word that Palin is the one candidate that he does not want to face in the next election.
That way the wackjobs in the GOP are sure to nominate her and Obama will be able to get a second term.
Can't these people throw? Jeez. first the shoe guy missed Bush now this one can't even land one smack dab on Palin's puss. Why bother if you cannot even hit your intended target. LOL
I, for one, am happy that someone lobs the occasional tomato at Palin. That makes her think she is feared rather than the object of ridicule that she is. Let her run in 2012. She is one of the most divisive politicians in 'Mur-ka. Hell, half the repugs don's like her.
One part of the problem is that her supporters seem to think that they constitute a majority of the electorate, when simple math suggests otherwise. That is one reason why the GOP cognoscenti will not have her on the ticket. Her real function is to define the right and left boundaries that are acceptable to be an (R) candidate.
i am appalled at the rabid sexism that slew hillary and dogs palin...
palin could do not worse than obama/gwb 2.0...
she will just be MUCH more honest and amusing as she does the same racist elitist dirt that he does unchecked...
i think palin and all women who give birth will be FAR less inclined to send other mothers' children to become cannon fodder in senseless global wars...
obama has ravaged ALL as a tag teammate for gwb
obama has escalated ALL of gwb's agendas...so he has actually lowered the "change" bar for palin!
Alicia, Palin's already been indoctrinated in the NecCon Foreign Policy Orthodoxy by Bill Kristol and the like.
If you wanna imagine what she would be like as President, picture W Bush...except more impulsive.
She'd help Israel bomb Iran in a heartbeat.
who could be more impulsive or connected than gwb/obama????
at least sarah will not be coddled and excused as she destroys us all as obama is...
she will be crucified in advance just like hillary...
obama is blindly and suicidally worshipped no matter what he wields...and that makes him most lethal to all
obama is even more lethal than palin and gwb combined!
AB said:
I think palin and all women who give birth will be FAR less inclined to send other mothers' children to become cannon fodder in senseless global wars...
She is PROUD of her own son's service. She has absolutely no problem with US troops being sent to kill and die. To suggest that because she has ovaries and children would give her more pause is disproved by her own actions and words. And, you are just wrong about Obama. The US is pulling out of Iraq... something SHE did not advocate. I disagree with Obama on Afghanistan and think it is a big cluster fuck mistake.... contrary to your assertions that those of us who supported Obama, we are perfectly capable of disagreeing with some things while agreeing with others. You see Alicia, that is what thinking people do.... they look at the issues, not the person, and decide what they can and cannot support. Your assertions that Obama is worse than George Bush are simply hyperbolic nonsense. And, I will remind you that your beloved Hillary obviously does not agree with you. She IS his Secretary of State and is playing a role in setting the current foreign policy.
Yep, a million is a lot of boks. I think she got a hefty advance. Those publishers sure know their audience.
Let's see how the voters feel about her in 2012. Because I really do think she will run.
"One part of the problem is that her supporters seem to think that they constitute a majority of the electorate, when simple math suggests otherwise. That is one reason why the GOP cognoscenti will not have her on the ticket."
Yes, but Gregory, the primary is not the general. She doesn't need as much votes to come out of there on top.
Funny thing about politics where women are concerned. You're either a bitch like H Clinton or you're an idiot like Sarah.
Yeah, people who love to label female politicians can kiss my ass!
Ditto! All female politicians are perfect!
"Yes, but Gregory, the primary is not the general. She doesn't need as much votes to come out of there on top."
That is my point, Field. She appeals to the rabid base, the remaining "sane" Republicans realize that she will never win nationally. Despite the noise they make, the teabaggers do not make up the majority of voters.
For that reason, I do not think she will be included on the GOP ticket. She will function as a stalking horse, distracting attention from the real candidate. Perhaps it will be Romney, as grinder suggests.
I cannot believe that this trailer park goddess is still generating publicity. That stunt she pulled in Hawaii by blacking out McCain's name with a permanent marker is proof that she's not capable of making important decisions.
Alicia could you please document any sexism thrown Palin's way?
She is the one who has traded on her looks and sexuality unless you believe that her winks and nods during the VP debate were appropriate.
And how about all of the money spent on Palin's wardrobe and hair during the few months she was McCain's running mate?
Palin didn't have a problem being dolled up by the McCain handlers but you are claiming that she is being discriminated against because of her gender while Palin plays the victim 24/7 well unless she's taking potshots at Obama.
In your "tweet me" pic, you look a bit thinner than you do in the other sidebar pic (where you're tutoring that young boy). Have you lost weight? You're a good-looking black man, Field. I like the thin Field.
ps. (1) Don't tell Mrs. Field! (2) Don't YOU get the big head, either.
i'd love to press some maters in her face. i'd do it, if i could, arrest be damned. but at the same time, i do note the sexism with which some elements of the media treat her, as well as her fellow rethugs. she's not done anything worse than most of them, but the part of the republican front that hates her, well, they aren't shy about being sexist as they denigrate her, and far too many "liberals" are willing to employ sexism as they attack her. it annoys me.
my strategy with Palin? set phasers to Ignore. i wonder how many of those "one million" books she sold were pre ordered by professional republican mass book buyers, and which will show up in remainder bins.
@anon 1:25 I'm just wondering, would you be cool with a strange anon woman making those comments to Field if he were your husband because I seriously doubt it.
"..Don't YOU get the big head, either."
Too late, my head is already big. :) Have you seen the FN logo? That's MY head. :)
Fly..couldn't we find better role models to rep. female politicians than Sarah? I am just saying.
Greg Dragon, your sarcasm is dripping again. :)
Let's go Iggles. I like my man Lovie,but we have to beat da Bears.
Yeah we have Hillary, but apparently the many men with small balls in politics don't like her either.
Did I say da bears? Oh Lawd I am losing it. The Niners.
I guess their coach playing linebacker for da bears all those years threw me.
You need to realize that war is hell, and it is not black and white. We went into Afghanistan and destroyed what little was left of their Country. We owe them something, regardless. I don't agree with Obama's choice either, but if it were McCain/Palin in the Oval Office, we'd be into WWIII by now. Or did you forget how they wanted to bomb Iran? Or Russia? Or North Korea? Or how they wanted Israel to bomb Iran and Syria?
You would be doing yourself a big favor by looking at the FACTS, something that Palin does not know how to do. She makes them up as she goes along. Her reality is NOT reality. Please, educate yourself. And stay away from right wing talking points ad propaganda.
[quote]My first thought was that this guy was paid to throw tomatoes at Simple Sarah because we know how much she thrives on being the victim---white men love that. LOL[/quote]
I am not surprised at all that this is your take.
Some of you have no clue how much your line of thinking parallels the "All White Jury" that proceeded you.
They reached their peak of fame earlier than you did Rogue-DEM-Trick as they were able to make note of all of those "Nigras" who came into town riling up the local "Nigras". And thus triggering the good folks who respect law and order to make sure that it says that way.
Even Senator Robert Byrd accused King of "coming into town, starting trouble and then running away".
You know it was always said "We can't assure the safety of those Nigras"
(Pre-emptive not: I DID NOT SAY that "Sarah Palin was a 'civil rights leader'. The linkage is between the BIGOTS and their antics against those who they dislike that have been documented. They have little respect for free speech and an 'assault-free' zone.)
[quote]That way the wackjobs in the GOP are sure to nominate her and Obama will be able to get a second term.[/quote]
Could you articulate how this positively impacts the Black community?
The machine upon which Barack Obama ALREADY dominates every single voting district which has a 35%+ Black voting base and STILL there are massive grievances within.
I struggle to understand why you and others are not more interested in HOLDING THIS PRESIDING MACHINE ACCOUNTABLE for their governance over these key institutions RATHER THAN you giving the GOP advice on which candidate they should field in 2012.
Have you ever thought about what Obama needs to do to EARN your vote in 2012?
Or did you have your mind made up on Nov 5, 2008?
[quote]Alicia, Palin's already been indoctrinated in the NecCon Foreign Policy Orthodoxy by Bill Kristol and the like. [/quote]
Please note that with this one post you have registered more criticism against 2 PEOPLE WHO HAVE NO ELECTIVE POWER over American Foreign Policy than I have seen you do against the people who ACTUALLY HAVE POWER today.
Be proud of yourself brother.
Jody - just imagine you articulating the same line of thinking for the mothers who live in the rough parts of Philly who birth children and PUT THEM AT RISK.
It appears that you have a greater capacity to stand against OVERT policies (such as wars) which you don't like. Your main fault, however, is your inability to see the results of the ECO-SYSTEM that is created as your ideology gains the balance of power in a given area and the DEATH of the young people within strangely approximates the deaths of a US combat soldier in a war zone.
Whereas you are able to articulate BUSH as the cause of the problems for the soldiers - the cause closer to home remains rather amorphous in your mind DESPITE the dead bodies that continue to pile up.
[quote] She has absolutely no problem with US troops being sent to kill and die. To suggest that because she has ovaries and children would give her more pause is disproved by her own actions and words[/quote]
Jody I bet that you are quite comfortable with your statement and the reasoning that you have behind it.
[quote]we are perfectly capable of disagreeing with some things while agreeing with others.[/quote]
Jody it is not your capacity to DISAGREE WITH OBAMA that is your main fault. SURE you are vocal as you attempt to draw him LEFTWARD. My problem is with your general inability to call out the entire MACHINE that Obama presides upon which controls your local, state and now federal government in vertical fashion. Despite all of the problems that persist - your loyalty to your ideology over the results remains.
The mind of Filled Negro.
How does he decide which stories to queue up on his propaganda blog.
"Should I put up a 2 week old story about Sarah Palin and the tomato throw"?
Should I scan the stories in my local newspaper and tell about how outraged I am over the subjects that count the most?
* Philly Cop who was Ambushed and SHOT IN THE FACE recounts his near-death experience.
* Wolfpack of Teens blamed for Chestnut Street assault
* Murderer In Philly On Camera Stepping Over 2 Dead Bodies
* 10 Year Old Girl Murdered
* New Jersey eyes school choice as a work around FAILING schools
You've gotta love the vision of Filled Negro. He is looking out for the community.....keeping the operatives within well fed with CHUM.
as a pillar of the Negro, I mean, Black, I mean People of Color, I mean African-American Community, I have to ask you...
Where can I get decent Watermelon this time of year??? I know y'all know...
[un]constructive one. Would your defense of Madam Sarah be this intense if she were a dumbocrat?
I seriously doubt it.
And you wonder why folks call you just another partisan hack.
BTW, those stories you sited (except for one) are way older than the Palin story. (One is months old)and the ones which involve killings have already been cited in my Killadelphia murder count.
[quote] Would your defense of Madam Sarah be this intense if she were a dumbocrat?[/quote]
The RACIST CONSERVATIVES are supposed to be the hate filled people.
Can you name a recent WHITE LIBERAL FEMALE who have received a sustained attack by Evil Racial Conservatives in the way that Sarah Palin has?
There is no way that they would get away with NOT being called "SEXIST" upon doing so.
YOU DON'T GET IT Filled Negro.
I don't care about Sarah Palin. She means little to my primary focus.
My only commentary about Sarah Palin has to do with the observation of the attacks by the Hate Filled Left upon her and the double standards that follow.
On Black blogs, HuffPo hit pieces and psuedo-journalist sites like "The Root", "Black America Web" and "The Grio" the White lady named Sarah Palin WHO HAS NO ELECTED POWER has gotten more press than has:
* Maxine Waters
* Shirley Franklin
* Barbara Lee
* Shelia Dixon
and many, many others that have far more impact upon the Black Community.
When will you get tired of your own antics?
I just love when I see (NecCon).
Right then I know next,they will say I'm a constitutionalist and I
Believe ,just like Thomas Jefferson!No expansion and just trade for what we want!
Thomas Jefferson and Polk were the two greatest expansionist.Jefferson
limited the constitution to get the louisiana Purchase,Then said head west make the Indians christian if not don't put you axe down until not are left alive.
Just remember when the oil runs out.Don't come bothering us Neocons
for our oil.6000 products are made from oil.Just huddle close to each other and sing kumbaya.
When Palin came to Utah, Costco took ALL the tomatoes off the floor for the entire day. Confused shoppers were told that the tomatoes would be back the next day.
Now when Utah, which boasts the reddest county in the USA, is worried that Palin will get pelted with tomatoes, you know she's plenty unpopular all over the place.
I don't see the sexism others claim is directed at Palin, and, as a feminist, I'm pretty sensitive to it.
No, wait--it was sexist of McCain's campaign to choose her as a "trophy wife" running mate when she was so clearly underqualified for the job.
Obama and Bush were "underqualified" to be President as well, but negroes tend to get their drawz in a bunch whenever anyone says that about Obama.
McCain and Clinton were the only truly "qualified" candidates in last years election IMHO.
McCain and Clinton were the only truly "qualified" candidates in last years election IMHO.
I tend to agree with you there. However, Palin was even less qualified than Bush, and they both fall short of Obama, especially when you factor in education and intelligence. I was pleased that Obama's expertise was in constitutional law, though I'm not sure that's done us much good so far.
"i think palin and all women who give birth will be FAR less inclined to send other mothers' children to become cannon fodder in senseless global wars"
Bullshit. A vagina is absolutely NO guarantee against this type of thing. Margeret Thatcher comes to mind here.
Sister Sarah is dumb as a motherfucking stump. That's not sexist it's the truth. She is the female version of Dan Quayle. Watch this shit:
You can't make this up!!
[quote]Now when Utah, which boasts the reddest county in the USA, is worried that Palin will get pelted with tomatoes, you know she's plenty unpopular all over the place.[/quote]
Race Trader:
It is stunning how your logic works on this subject.
Do you see how you shift the focus upon the store's choice to move the tomatoes (assuming that it is true in the first place) RATHER THAN the question of the ASSAULT that has been executed by a person throwing a tomato at another.
I fear your line of thinking as applied to the Civil Rights Movement. I wonder how many hardware stores removed their ROPES from inventory in order to stop the lynchings?
From this we should make note of the LACK OF POPULARITY of Chaney, Goodman and Schwerner rather than their RIGHTS to public assembly without assault.
[un]constructive one, I don't believe you. You are all about the republicans and their party. You want your party to be in control of local governments to try out your economic and social plans.
So keep trying to convince us that you are driven by some kind of altruistic need to save your people. It's not working with me. You ran away from your people a long time ago.
Right on.
These coonservative clowns like CF don't fool anybody.
They live to do massa's bidding.
Gregory L.
"She appeals to the rabid base, the remaining "sane" Republicans realize that she will never win nationally."
The same exact thing they said about Reagan and W.
Never underestimate the conservative's desire for utter stupidity in their politicians.
If anyone is under the delusion that any of these politicians are out there to do "the work of the poeple", well I can only shake my head.
The people who are out there doing good work for people aren't the ones drawing accolades for themselves by running for political office, writing books, selling pictures of themselves, going on talk shows, etc, etc. In fact, you barely hear of these people because they ARE busy helping others and don't want nor have time for all this media clown shit.
Sigh, the worst part of someone having thrown tomatoes at Sarah Palin is that there were two good tomatoes that didn't make it into someone's hungry stomach.
if voters looked at issues rather than people
obama would never have even been elected
and he would certainly not be so beloved now
even obama nazis like you will soon awaken
women like jody internalize rabid sexism!
the fact that she send her son to war makes her an even more empathic patriot
funny how jodeeetdeetdee saw that as making her a serial killer
obama never served one day in the military!!!
the fat
who said female politicos were perfect?
men rule the world, so how would u know???
i said they are no less imperfect than the male ones who are abusing us all
are u serious?
how did u miss that cover of newsweek?
the pimping of that baby daddy levi?
the abuse of her daughter? can you imagine how a pregnant malia abused so would have set off obama nazis?
she was a GOV! was obama????
never! yet he is passed off as superior to her in all ways...
see much more:
at some pt, the obama nazis will be forced to stop slandering all who tell truths abaout the amoral and inept obama as uneducated racists etc
i am a black scholar so your slurs are moot
obama has lied about wars!
see my war ed here:
obama is a bilderberg/illuminati and a blood cousin to bush and cheney
he was selected to become prez and has uniquely sealed all of his academic, birth, and health records
he soared to the top ofc in the land with 0 political legacy
one NEVER gets MORE connected than obama!!!
your curiously rabid vaginal obsessions are irrelevant to this dicussion
until women rule, perhaps you shoud stop harping on their failures???
war is indeed a male thing
from phallic missiles to macho comm
when women rule the world, wars will lessen/cease
study the gender difs in male prisons v. female prisons
male politicos truly imprison us all
cornel west the bm sage is also
uneducated and a hater of obama the person like me?
find some better newer excuses to defend your blackish betrayer in chief!!!...ASAP!!!
i find it amazing and petrifying that so many dare to fret over the wars that palin MAY start as they simultanoeusly ignore the world wars that obama HAS escalated and jumpstarted in afghanistan/iraq/africa etc
not to mention the new civil wars of race and class that obama's RUTHLESS policies have spawned right here in the usa
that is also sexist!!!
palin is no genius
but she has FAR more political experience than obama
and what has obama done but READ well?????
obama looks dumber every day!
they simultanoeusly ignore the world wars that obama HAS escalated and jumpstarted in afghanistan/IRAN/africa etc
alicia banks said...
i find it amazing and petrifying that so many dare to fret over the wars that palin MAY start as they simultanoeusly ignore the world wars that obama HAS escalated and jumpstarted in afghanistan/iraq/africa etc
CERTAINLY something to think about.................
No one in the world is "afraid" when the Dems are in office. Which is one of the many reasons I voted for McCain. Not only did he serve in the military, Repubs have no problem dropping a bomb on someone's ass, LOL!!!
Say what you will, a war + a recessions is best dealt with by poeple who are conservative in their spending. Hence, many, many people are eventually gonna wish McCain had won the election. And I'm thinking that's gonna happen right arond the time everyone's taxes go up significantly to finance all of Obama's programs and wars.
amen fly:
i wish i could find just ONE person who can defend obama as well as millions dare to blindly worship him!
he has done nothing to date that is ANY different from the loathed gwb and he has even done so much more that is WORSE than gwb!
@ Alicia
you're a rambling fool. Could the reason why most people don't have respect for sara palin is because her messages and insinuations are that anybody that's not white, is not an "american"? Take your head out of the fog and know that there's more to america than the silly foolishness sara and loones like you will ever understand. I stand by my word "YOU'RE A RAMBLING FOOL"
brazen bimbos like you are stuffing their stockings with chris brown cds too!
rambling fools like you worship obama
and slander palin relentlessly
even though
she has FAR more political experience than obama
thanks for the projection!
ps: do you really think i even care????? really????
@CF - you lump Sarah Palin in with James Chaney, Andrew Goodman and Michael Schwerner as you attack my logic?
That's the craziest thing I've heard you say yet. And that's saying something.
hey bertha:
you lie!!!!
quote her
do you really think there are not racists all over dc now????
the beloved blackish obama's policies are more RACIST than ever!
sarah palin would never dare to be more openly racist than the blackish obama!!!
@ alicia
You have no idea what ethnic group I am (insinuation, insinuation, insinuation), goes to show you, birds of the same feather. Quit drinking sara palin water, then you'll be fine. Sara Palin + Alicia Banks ("the rebel") = TWO RAMBLING FOOLS.
you are a dual racist fool unaware that chris brown has droves of white bimbo fans!!!
women who hate women come in all races!
sexist brainwashing knows no boundaries of race or class!
you evince that with each post you CLUELESS lobotomized obama nazi!
bimbo bertha:
you are the one LYING on sarah because she is a wf
defending the blackish obama who grows more like you, a racist and hypocritical liar, each day
ps: i am still waiting on that quote from sarah stating all americans are white
@ alicia
I rest my case.
for the record:
you are resting BEFORE you quote sarah too...shame!!!
like obama,
YOU LIE!!!!!
Typical.....birds of the same feather. Look up insinuation, you can not quote insinuation, it's all in the connotation. SMH, SMH
lame bertha!
you will find no imaginary sarah palin quote in any dictionary!
the blackish obama is the racist!!!
you cannot disprove a blatant lie by harping on semantic nuances
you STILL lied on sarah!!!!
just quote her!
why split hairs over either???
you can quote neither you sexist liar!!!
[quote]You are all about the republicans and their party. You want your party to be in control of local governments to try out your economic and social plans.
So keep trying to convince us that you are driven by some kind of altruistic need to save your people. It's not working with me. You ran away from your people a long time ago.[/quote]
Actually Filled Negro - you don't see me LIFTING UP the Republican Party.
Filled Negro and WhiteBowieSteve what you really want me to do is to attack the Republicans to prove to you that I "am down".
I refuse to comply with your request. If you want to see "GOP Attacks" go to 96% of all AfroSpear sites and you can get your fill.
Here is the ironic part about it Filled Negro. Let's search your blog and your fellow AfroSpear propaganda blogs for intensive focus upon the FORCES THAT ARE ACTUALLY IN CONTROL OVER THE BLACK COMMUNITY and the GRIEVANCES that remain.
What does your assumptions of my altruism have to do with anything?
This is not altruism that you are seeing. This is a Black man who is 'SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED' and then who has committed to understanding what is allowing the grievances to persist all the while the facade of FORWARD POLITICAL PROGRESS is being displayed thus making the Negro happy for a short while.
If I was motivated by ALTRUISM why would I have stuffed WhiteBowieSteve's request that I PROVE what I CAN DO FOR BLACK FOLKS?
I don't desire to have anybody following me as I pull out my flute and start playing.
The only way this is going to happen is if TRANSPARENCY is adopted where SOLD OUT DEMOCRATS like the both of you are no longer allowed to operate in our "Secret Spaces" as if you are working on behalf of our community's interests rather than your own PARTY and IDEOLOGY.
I don't want REPUBLICANS RUNNING THE BLACK COMMUNITY Filled Negro. Leave all else the same - this would be a disaster as the Negro has been indoctrinated to accept the state of "Being In Receipt Of Benefit" in exchange for his vote. With the GOP less inclined to give entitlement handouts this would not work.
Instead - Filled Negro I want to PURGE YOUR IDEOLOGY and replace it with people who WHEN THEY TAKE OVER A SCHOOL SYSTEM - they realize how important this institution is in training up the next generation of professional service agents who will hang up a shingle of some type in the hood.
From this the CULTURE and SOCIAL NORMS must also be brought in line with this greater goal.
The key difference between you and I is that you are an agent of SOCIAL JUSTICE and thus will always lobby the external government to allot you your equal share because it is your RIGHT.
I instead focus on the valuable HUMAN RESOURCES that are present at the local level and work to align their aggregate behavior, competency and focus upon productive ends that fall in line with them BEING THE PRIMARY AGENTS FOR DELIVERING THEIR OWN DESIRED STANDARD OF LIVING.
If you can find a point where I have PROMOTED the GOP for Black people - please find it. I am all ears.
I attack those in the machine which has a death grip that blocks our minds eye and the Negroes that are complicit in keeping it affixed yet attacking those who dare try to loosen it.
Palin...Obama...Bush...who the fuck ever!
They are all of the same ilk...you folks here argue over splinters and boards.
Repug or Demoncrat...THEY'RE ALL THE FUCKIN' SAME!
Ernesto and FO...HERE! HERE!
i agree with you
but only men are allowed to bash obama as a clone and defend palin from the drones
lying bertha!
get ready to increase your bs rants!
are u serious?
how did u miss that cover of newsweek?
Roderick: So what, the picture was real. Just because Palin took it for another magazine doesn't matter. Futhermore the editor at time was a big Bush supporter. He even suggested that Cheney run for president in 2012.
Do you recall what Pat Buchanan said that Palin had aroused him during the VP debate.
If anyone is guilty of sexism it's the white men who support her because she is the MILF and non-threatening.
AB sez: the pimping of that baby daddy levi?
Roderick: Kinda like when the Levi was flown to Minneapolis from Alaska and shook hands with McCain with cameras locked on him.
Or when the camera zoomed in on Levi and Bristol holding hands while Trig was in her lap?
Is that the kind of explotation you're talking about?
AB sez: the abuse of her daughter? can you imagine how a pregnant malia abused so would have set off obama nazis?
Wow. Bristol is the victim of her mother's blind ambition. She knew that the media would be all over a pro-birth, pro-abstinance(sic) candidate whose daughter was knocked up outside of wedlock.
It's funny how Simple Sarah had no trouble with the media when People put her on their cover when she told her story about continuing her pregnancy with Trig even after they found out that he had Down's syndrome. This is what got her on the radar of McCain campaign because the pro-birth zealots hailed her as some type of hero. LOL
If Bristol had been one of the Obama girls the right wing would have dragged up all the negative stereotypes about black women created.
Also Obama would have lost a lot of white votes.
But it's funny how social conserveratives tried to make lemonade out of Bristol's lemons by brushing it off as 'oh well sh*t happens'.
AB sez: she was a GOV! was obama????
never! yet he is passed off as superior to her in all ways...
Simple Sarah was governor of a state that has five times fewer people than cities like LA and ten times fewer than NYC. Then she quit with 18 months left in her term because she was going to have to make some tough decisions because Alaska's oil revenue dropped dramatically.
It took Quitter Palin five different colleges to complete a degree in journalism.
I am sorry but Sarah's track record doesn't instill much confidence in her ability to govern as president.
$arah Palin has just released a statement regarding the tomato incident via her Face Book page. It reads as follows,
Dear real Amurikuns,
Don't you worry about poor, little $arah from Wasilla too, also cause I'm just fine. It was those Oppossition Researchers hired by that Kenyan Marxist Nazi Obama who stole the lection from me too. Also, we have to find a way to get te Nazi Obama out of office because the V.P. candidate of the losing party gets control of the Country when the Kenyan Prznit fails his duties of running Congress into the ground also too.
Alicia Banks,
You really need to stop watching so mcuh Fox Noise, stop listening to Rush and actually read various blogs, newspapers and books. Education is good for that Xtian Theocratic Soul.
to all of the sarah palin haters herein:
thank you so much!!!
you are exhibit A+ for precisely how ALL excuses are be spun to coddle obama if he/malia were abused like sarah/bp
any fertile punk who pimped malia the way levi is pimping bp would be dogged
politicos and comedians dogged bp...sarah does not pimp her kids any more than any other celeb/obama included
any magazine that published old skimpy photos of obama would be picketed and bomb threatened etc...
it is amusing how easy you blind obamabot fools make my own arguments herein by continuing to abuse sarah with such lame sexist bs...iou!!!
every silly person who claims that sarah is unqualified only proves that obama is even moreso as he is LESS qualified than her...ie all govs budget!
all of the millions who are homeless and jobless at christmas are further evidence of sarah's superior monetary skills
you dare to get more angry about the lies you tell on sp rather than the truths about obama's lies that actually govern your real world as you fantasize about a palin presidency that will never happen...???
that alone is truly priceless proof of the rabid sexism i lament!
you suicidal sexist fools are truly shameless...
know this:
while you are wilding on sarah,
obama is wilding MORE on you and yours for decades to come!!!
merry bimbo:
holy hypochristuan fools like you are the most evil and moronic people i know
and you are being so godly to a fellow female for your sexist male god too?
you sound like a hs dropout too...
your educational envy is glaring
my god is a black female
and we both hate sexist racist bimbos like you
anyone who adores the blackish bumbling obama is indeed a racist and a bimbo
he has done NOTHING to prove he is superior to sarah to date...except read expertly from his lying teleprompter
ps roderick et al:
imagine palin sending her kids to private schools in dc as she made sure no poor kids got that same opp....like your clueless elitist god obama
merry bimbo:
fox news is number 1 in all tv news ratings
only obama nazis like you need ANY news org/tv to tell you what to think about obama
obama's global failures in the real world will suffice for thinkers and seers who are far wiser than you...
here is the thing:
millions of people who never watch fox are just as doomed by the blackish bumbling obama as those who do!!!
go figure...
AB, I see that you could not refute anything that I said so you picked CS/CF's favorite tactic go off on an Obama tangent.
Please stay focused. The thread is about Sarah Palin not Obama.
Furthermore I guess you missed all of the hate that was sent Malia's way by those good conservative whites over at Redstate.
Also you couldn't name one thing that Sarah Palin accomplished as governor.All you can do is repeat this hypothetical that she is more qualified that Obama bs. What the f*ck ever.
scan up
i detailed each pt
this is actual evasion:
" What the f*ck ever."
i just checked again
you NEVER asked anything about sarah's record!... you simply ignored it as you slandered her
for the record:
JUST her being elected as gov trumps obama...no great feat is required as obama has done nothing
here is that belatedly requested political record of palin's:
you will find that obama has no comparable list to date just as he had no competitive political resume before he duped us all to become prez
sarah did more than perpetually vote present as gov too
i did not miss anyone attacking malia
the abbreviated/shut down silly racist attacks on her pale by comparison to the ONGOING, incessant, and unchecked horridly sexist attacks upon bristol
millions even swore her baby was really sarah's
late night comedians never made malia their top sketch for weeks
david letterman never crucified malia so that even he was compelled to apologize for doing so later
no fertile baby daddy would be making 1000s of dollars pimping his brief baby making sexcapades with malia without needing bodyguards etc
the products and mags levi is hawking would have been immediately boycotted by obama nazis (ie all the "faux news" slander)
i am not a sarah p fan
but i hate the RABID sexism she is enduring more than i hate any neocon
each day, obama proves to the world just how inept and fake he is, just as hillary and sarah proclaimed!
"If anyone is guilty of sexism it's the white men who support her because she is the MILF and non-threatening."
and they are no less sexist than all of the women and men who dog her and bristol as they coddle and pamper obama
i never heard pat b
but i did hear will smith tell tom joyner how much she aroused him
and i have heard many bm agree
i have NOT heard anyone do anything but crucify hillary as if she was some ogre
including the actual "shrek" clone rush l
funny how smart women like hillary who are NOT regarded as
"milfs"/dumb sex toys like sarah are STILL equally dogged by sexists pigs and their self loathing sexist bimbo drones huh???
sarah could not possibly do worse thank obama!
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