It's Christmas party time, and the field and a few of his friends are getting their party on. (Props to Jody and the Camac Street crowd for another great party.)
So I am at this one party when I spot this sister who I have been knowing for a minute. Lady has more curves than a Jamaican country road, and she has the whole package: Dark and lovely, baby hair with the serious cut, the whole nine. (Hey just because I am on a diet doesn't mean I can't look at the menu. Right?) I see Ms. Thing every year at this one party and every year she looks better. Ms. thing is always playing the "Lone Ranger" role and this year is no different.
Hi field. "Hey what's up?" Mrs. Field let you out by yourself? "Yeah, how about that?" "Are you all still together?"" Yes we are." She is looking at my "LoJack" ( also known as a wedding ring) so I know she knows the deal. Field, why are all the good men taken? It's so tough out here for a sister. I am looking at her and I am wondering why she isn't taken. Unfortunately field, I think I am doomed to be single for a long time. "No, I don't think so", I tell her, "you will be hitched in no time. Just hang in there. " I don't know field, it hasn't happened yet, I am not getting any younger. Really? She could have fooled me.
Ms. Thing gives me a hug (down field) and we say our goodbyes. Back in my single days. (A looong looong time ago. Loooog before Mrs. Field.) I would have probably tried to holla at Ms. Thing, but those days are over. Now I can only wonder what it would have been like and wish girlfriend luck. I am sure she will be fine. Later on I spot her still working the room, and she is talking to some dude with damn near as much cash as Tiger. Dude is married as well, but he is all over Ms. Thing.
I am left to wonder if a lady like that really wants to get hitched, or if she is enjoying living this way: Turning heads and breaking hearts until she doesn't have it anymore. She says that all the good men are taken, but if they weren't would she want them? I am guessing not.
I am leaving the party to make another stop when Ms. Thing stops me: Field are you leaving already? "Yep, I have to make my rounds ". Girlfriend comes over and gives me a hug (down field) and tells me she will definitely call me to do lunch or something. I tell her that"it's all good" when I know damn good and well that it's not. Bye field, I hope Santa is good to you this year. One more hug; one more squeeze; that menu sure is looking good.
*Pic courtesy of Mamahenfolkart.com
Hey Field, don't think we forgot bruh...Lucy may have some 'splainin' to do, but you got some runnin' to do...down a long, broad street. Make it happen fool!
hmnn.. a woman that is fine and permanently single is c.r.a.z.y....
I have cousins like Ms. Thing. A friendly warning to whomever needs to read this...
She treats men in this way because they allow her to do so. They either don't know any better or they enjoy being used. Either way she does it because she can.
She gets whatever she wants out of seemingly successful men (clothes, money cosmetics, sex, attentionm etc.) and entertains as many of them as she can at once.
She will only "settle down" when her looks start to fade and feels as though she HAS to settle for a much older sugar daddy.
This lifestyle has the benefit of no strings attached. She does not WANT the responsibilities of a relationship. Chances are that her dad or father figure hurt her and her mom or mother figure either encouraged this behavior or taught her well. Either way, she's probably damaged goods.
I would advise the men who meet her to run before your burned. My cousins who do this find amusement from taking advantage of these guys.
@Woe: Yep!
Field, it's haaaaaaaaard out here for a single sister. I disagree with marci, we're not single bcse we're crazy; we're tired of putting up with crazy. No car, no job, living with mama, lying, cheating, baby mama drama, insecurity, no self-confidence, physically and emotionally abusive. When you hit 40, it seems like that's all that's left.
I now own TWO cats. I'm on my way.
Sometime women don't want to be married and to have a relationship on their terms, it may be done more easily with a married man. I know of some instances the woman had been a mistress as long the man was married. She wasn't waiting to take the wife's place, nor did she want too.
I sometimes think that if I were ever to marry again, do I want to share a household. Not interested in sharing income, keeping house, cooking or having to modify my habits. Do you think many men would agree to that?
I don't know whether Hathor is white/black/male/female but he/she/got the thing.
I'm white, female, over 50 less than 60 and I've been a mistress to 2 black men for 6 and 3 years, overlapping. Mostly by accident -- the blackness -- my other main squeeze was younger than either and white.
Men marry the wrong woman. And/or women go crazy over babies.
"She gets whatever she wants out of seemingly successful men (clothes, money cosmetics, sex, attentionm etc.) and entertains as many of them as she can at once.
She will only "settle down" when her looks start to fade and feels as though she HAS to settle for a much older sugar daddy."
This describes my sister (who looks 20 years younger than her age), and ALL of her friends. They want "the right men", but what they don't say is that part of being the "right man" is being 6 feet 3 inches, six-figure salary, good looks, etc., etc. There are a LOT of women looking for a profile of the perfect man that relatively few men can live up to. Needless to say, men do the same, for differing reasons (mostly), but both aren't right.
Finding a good "catch" is a type of competition, and landing a "big fish" is akin to being the one driving Prince's "little red Corvette."
Until we settle for ordinary people as being good catches (which will never happen), things will remain the thing.
Field Field Field...down boy. I wonder if she'll be reading your post :-)
And Marci I ain't crazy...I took a break, even lost my mojo for a while, mojo is but and I'm back on on track and on the scene.
I don't need men for economic reasons, I can take care of myself thank you
Could this woman be making a habit of only hitting on married men like you? She clearly has poor boundaries--too much touching. I'm guessing she is now on Mrs. Field's watch list.
How many affairs with married me do you think she's had? That's one reason people stay single--until they finally break up a marriage and "win" the man--and then, since all they want is the chase anyway, spend the rest of their lives continuing the hunt anyway...serial cheaters who can't handle a real marriage.
You'd be surprised how many "single" women have a history just like that.
LOL@Woe.That run is coming.I actually spoke to the lawyer last night who said he will rep.me Pro Bono.He is one of Philly's finest,so I know I am good. Look for the run this spring.:)
Marci did you say c.r.a.z.y.?Well I will pass on lunch for sure now.
And no Raggy Dee Ann,I don't think she will be reading this.Girlfriend doesn't strike me as the reading type.
Woe.... not ONLY did the lawyer offer to rep him, a judge wants to know when he will do the run! Ha!!! Field, Thanks for coming out, it was indeed a great party and good to see you there.
@Dora--you are disgusting and you wear your sleaze with pride! SHAME!!
Damn, Anonymous-- how is what Dora does any of yo' damn bidness any way?
I am sick right unto death of self-righteous, finger wagging pompous assholes blathering on about someone else's morality. Holier-than-thou muhfuggahs who genuinely believe the Universe ain't ever gonna kick *them* in the face, despite their oh-so-perfect moral stands.
Lighten the f*ck up. People like you are why I'm a part of the "America-hating crowd." The French have more gyot-damn sense about sex than puritan-ass god-bothering Americans will ever figure out.
The guy I used to train horses for years ago took me aside one day (I was a teenager) and told me, "Son, whatever you do, NEVER take up with a female that's more ape-shit crazy than you..."
He further observed that in my case this gave me a lot of leeway...grrrr...
I told my wife of 41 years) this, and she wailed, "Why didn't he tell ME that? I thought he LIKED me"!
Do they brag about it? NOPE. Still disgusted.
Clearly there's a self-esteem issue going on, and probably borderline personality disorder, too.
Field, when you are out just read the menu. Remember breakfast lunch and dinner are served at home. As to the items on the menu, you know why they are there. Judging how many calories they'll put on you is pointless.
funny post today FN.
She just needs to validated everyday all day. Please dont judge people! You, me, her,them well all make this world the fascinating, patchwork unique planet that it is. I am glad she is her and i am me. lol.
Besides, she is on her way being a cougar, turning young sons out. lol.
Long time reader, first time poster;
I know what you mean Field, I get the same thing. I'm married but am always being tempted by the Ms. Things of the world, that's why I just stay low on the radar.
And I agree with Marci and Field Hand G...She is either crazy and damaged goods or just enjoys playing the game because she can right now.
Smashed the Tiny Box
1:35 AM
You nailed it.
I know a few "Ms. Thang's" as well which is why I'm not real sympathetic to the "men are predators/women are innocent victims" mindsets.
There are many women out here who are calculating, predatory and manipulative.
They have the goods to play the game and they do it.
"Field, it's haaaaaaaaard out here for a single sister. I disagree with marci, we're not single bcse we're crazy; we're tired of putting up with crazy. No car, no job, living with mama, lying, cheating, baby mama drama, insecurity, no self-confidence, physically and emotionally abusive. When you hit 40, it seems like that's all that's left."
So what happened before you were 40?
kudos for NOT being tiger!!!
does your wife read your blog?
i would catch major hell from my queen for this post...smile
i am barely allowed to even watch janet jackson on tv...
happy holidays
het or gay
male or female
single people who play these games with wedded/attached others do so for the ego, power, bounty, and to maintain their own freedom simultaneously
some people enjoy taking only what belongs to another...
"The presence or mere fantasy of male competition for the woman you desire triggers a man’s testicles to increase sperm production so as to better compete for the egg with the other guy’s sperm, enhancing arousal, erection and ejaculation.
Tiger himself seems to be turned on by the Sperm Wars effect. Consider how he goes for “slutty” women who have a lot of lovers. His text messages may make him seem *jealous* of their other men, but he’s actually aroused by the competition."
i think this is why celebs have an even HARDER time being monogamous
those who prey on spouses/attached persons
prey even HARDER when the person they snag/seduce is famous
tiger was extra aroused by sharing a whore with derek jeter etc
Hey Field, ONE WORD
"Genital Herpes"
OK, its 2 words.
Its like the 5 yr old Mercedes with 2,000 miles, $10,000 below Blue Book, when somethin looks to good to be true, its umm you get my drift..
And WTF is "Baby Hair"???
Throw me a bone here, I just figured out what "Baby Daddy" means..
Shame about that young NFL receiver...why don't y'all wear seatbelts??? I know, just another way the Man's keepin ya down..
Why do men have to project their own agendas onto women they can't have? You're a good man, to be sure, and not at all "Tiger-y", but every beautiful woman that doesn't have a man isn't a runaway bride. Sometimes it's the most beautiful woman that walks alone. Men are afraid of them because they fear they can't live up to that much woman.
"Sometimes it's the most beautiful woman that walks alone. Men are afraid of them because they fear they can't live up to that much woman."
Show me a beautiful woman and I'll show you somebody whose dance card is always filled by somebody.
Yeah, there will be guys who are intimidated but there will be as many or more who aren't.
If she's not with anyone, it's because she's screwed up in the head (by her father or maybe both parents) and she figures she'll use her looks to get what she wants for as long as she can.
your rabid sexism always rules in ALL of your posts
there are women and men who really just prefer to be solo forever
especially when most marriges end in increasingly brutal divorces/custody wars/bilkings like that pending for tiger...
millions of people who are not physically ideal beauties
have wonderful monogamous marriages
millions of flawless people
never wed by choice
and not all are predators...
you do not have to demonize/degrade all single women to make your pt
for every single woman you slander, there is a single male clone...fyi
millions of beautiful educated young women who never want to feel like elin are choosing NOT to marry
"for every single woman you slander, there is a single male clone...fyi"
No doubt.
There are a whole lot of brothers who are users, manipulators, predators and players.
However, whereas females like you are quick to identify and condemn predatory men, you deny or make excuses for predatory women.
Doesn't wash.
"millions of beautiful educated young women who never want to feel like elin are choosing NOT to marry.
C'mon AB.
I'm not feeling real sorry for Elin either.
She was a golddigger herself.
You think she would have married him if he was Tyrone Woods, the caddie?
In some cities the number of eligible black women outnumber the males by 4 to 1, or even 6 to 1! It's not easy for a single college educated black woman to find a black man on her level who's single.
do you know we are all hip to your blatant tangents herein???
as usual
i was the FIRST to mention predators come in both genders herein!
elin was happily single and educated when she met tiger...and he wooed her relentlessly...she was NOT a golddigger and it was NOT love at first sight
which is why his matchmaking pal is blasting tiger...he feels guilty for helping him FOOL elin into being nordic PR for tiger's fake euro family man swag
From MSNBC: Among black women with postgraduate educations born between 1956 and 1960, the median age at which they gave birth for the first time was 34 years old. This was about the same as it was for white women in the same demographic. But once white women reached their 30s, many more of them did give birth, often more than once. Many black women did not. The rate of childlessness among this group of black women rose from 30 percent for those born between 1950 and 1955, to 45 percent for those born between 1956 and 1960.
more on tiger and elin and his weak sloppy game!
in tiger's case,
the MAN is the villain!
elin is a victim!
"Elin met Tiger when she was working in Florida as a nanny for pro golfer Jesper Parnevik, whose wife, Mia, offered Elin the job after meeting her on a trip to Sweden. However, Mia could not have predicted Elin’s romance with Tiger. “She had no interest in golf or golfers,” Mia said. “She thought they were so silly and she was always making fun of them.”
After he met Elin, a very nervous Tiger called the Parnevik’s home constantly to speak to her. But even after making his feelings obvious, Tiger was too nervous to ask Elin out himself, so he had a friend do it for him. "Her reaction was, 'What the hell was that?'" the friend said. "She thought it was so weird and pathetic. Of course she said no."
"It's not easy for a single college educated black woman to find a black man on her level who's single."
Then she better take what she can get.
I know black women who have a trail of men running after them.
The ones who complain about it being so "hard to find someone on my level" usually aren't in a very good position to be choosey.
A college degree don't make you sexy.
ditto -insecure sexist dogs feel that a college degree makes women LESS sexy!
they prefer women dumb and dependent so that they can feel superior to them and control them
many women stay single to evade being smothered and bused by these sexist men like YOU!
My wife is an attorney with more education than I.
She was also smart and secure enough to know that letters and titles don't make the man.
When I first met my wife she was in her second year of law school and I was an undergraduate at Univ of MD and an enlisted man in the US Coast Guard.
She told me that some of her girlfriends said at the time "He's cute but he's in the service. He doesn't even have his degree yet."
Well twenty some odd years later, we've built a pretty good life together and some of the same females who talked smack about us are still by their damned selves.
You do the math.
does she read your sexist posts herein???
catch that bio all about us???
I've never seen Steve say anything he should apologize for. And his wife has more education than YOU.
You, psycho, on the other hand, keep hitting on people here. And saying horribly racist things about both whites and biracial people.
And of course, you're in a dysfunctional relationship.
Does she refuse meds, too? SHAME!! (LOL)
what is taking you so long to leave?????????
it is not a contest
unlike you who are UNEDUCATED, i am elated with my own superior education/ 3 degrees/4 careers etc
got tuition?
got a life?
got a promise about leaving to keep?
shoo you tiny hater...shoo shrew!!!!
got valium???
LOL, you are so impotent. That's your comeback? LOL.
you are confusing female organs wirh your own limp penis
that confusion is certainly related to the comparitive lack of length...
I am not UTS, and you should know there is more than one definition of impotent, as you claim to be so educated and successful. Oh, right, you teach first graders. Sorry.
got a DICKtionary?
i teach adults too hater
and kids p-12
clearly you are unfit to teach anyone of any age as you know nothing
just as you have accomplished nothing but turbo breeding brats solo
i feel your pain as starkly as your envy
in keeping with our biology theme,
it would be much easier if you both would simply grow spines and just post in your cursed names and stop hiding behind assnons!!!!!!!!!
racist horny lonely uneducated white women like you despise nothing more than beautiful educated adored coupled black woman like me...het or gay
i see that more clearly which each envious curse and lie you post herein
i hope santa brings you a black stud/dildo/condoms... for christmas
best wishes,
I'm sure you know all about dildos, Alicia.
Yoy probably use one of those orange traffic cones.
just because YOU have never adequately filled any vaginas does not mean they are all big
unlike your lover and mareallylonely,
my wife and i do not need or own any toys
again you speak from experience
huge orange cones?...who knew?
i did know you were a chubby chaser though!
you are clearly obsessed with fat tight women
as most tiny unhung men like you are
I am not Anonymous and don't know why you would think I am.
@Alicia Banks
Can we just have one day when you don't hijack the topic at hand with your long winded, back-to-back-to-back, insult laden, self important, drivel? I mean really!!!
My wife is an attorney with more education than I.
Enough education, I trust, to know that the last word in your sentence should have been "me." It's the object of a preposition, the preposition in this case being "with."
it is mindboggling to me that folks will automaticly assume that there is something "wrong" with a woman if she is single. does this assumption also apply to men? bm are as single as bw...don't take my word for it, look it up.
it is great that your woman chose to marry down. most women from all cultures are advised/taught NOT to marry down though. this practice seems to be encouraged for bw only. i am happy to see more bw reject that madness.
your assessment that her friends who reminded her of the lesson are "by themselves", seems to read as an insult.
please consider, some women would prefer to be with themselves than with someone that is not on their level. more and more women are refusing to "take what they can get". more and more women are learning to be with themselves and only with those that enhance the quality of their lives.
congratulations on being the exception. longevity, love and happiness is typically NOT what ensues when folks marry down.
hi! you congratulated FN on not being Tiger. lol! that's the thing, the Tigers of the world don't really tell folks they are Tiger. they get caught and caught up. lol! not saying FN is Tiger or NcNair or Snoop or Magic or Kobe or....
final thought:
a guy friend told me that males pay prostitutes for sex for a reason different than most women think. he indicated that males pay for the female to LEAVE moreso than for the sex.
by the same token, i think some females look to/for attached men for this same reason. they want to make sure he will LEAVE and take his needs, issues, demands, etc and go back home to his wife. let her deal with it. she only wants him some of the time.
now i do also know that there are some idiots that really convince themselves that he will leave his wife for her. these are typically the delusional idiots that try to convince themselves that they are somehow better than the wife. their delusion is often times fueled by the pack of lies he tells about how unhappy he is, how his wife doesn't understand him, isn't there for him, put on too much weight, doesn't want sex...lol! game.
blessings all,
"My wife is an attorney with more education than I.
Enough education, I trust, to know that the last word in your sentence should have been "me." It's the object of a preposition, the preposition in this case being "with."
that was funny. thanks for making me laugh so hard!
i would hope that at some point folks would stop distorting the words and views of AB. she is perfectly entitled to defend herself against anonymous attacks that in no way relate to what she actually said.
thank you!
see that bold brazen bastard budd manic!!!!?????
not a word to uts/mareallyastalker et al ...ever!!!
i am sooooooooooo sick of slimy slithering selectively blind blog police herein who IGNORE all who attack me/all my shared wisdom links etc....IT IS THEIR LOSS!!!!!!!!!
i NEVER attack anyone who does not attack me
and i will NEVER EVER EVER not attack them back when they do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you keystone kkkop!!!
hell no!!!!!!!!!
HELL NO!!!!!!!
budding manic:
"self important"???
this is the real deal:
cowardly fools like you hate that i attack haters WORSE and BETTER than the attack me
and you hate that you are INFERIOR to me in every way
including the fact that you need glasses herein and i do not!
NEVER forget that the most important thing about me is that i was born to SLAY drones like ALL of you haters herein!!!
Something you should know about Born To Fight Lyrics
Tracy Chapman - Born To Fight
They're tryin' to take away my pride
By stripping me of everything I own
They're tryin' to hurt me inside
And make me into a white man's drone
But this one's not for sale
And I was born to fight
I ain't been knocked down yet
I was born to fight
I'm the surest bet
There ain't no man no woman
No beast alive that can beat me
'Cause I'm born to fight
They're tryin' to dig into my soul
And take away the spirit of my god
They're tryin' to take control
And monitor my every thought
I won't let down my guard
And I was born to fight
I ain't been knocked down yet
I was born to fight
I'm the surest bet
There ain't no man no woman
No beast alive that can beat me
'Cause I'm born to fight
it is great that your woman chose to marry down."
Marry down?
I bet you don't even have a man and you have the nerve to talk this bull$hit.
Get real.
budding manic:
"long winded"?????????
what about cf and granny and MANY others herein????
why pretend you do not see them too????
is it my common volume or my provoked uncommon VENOM that truly vexes you???????
your self-appointed/self-important, selective, and inept blog policing will ever never control me!!!!!
once more with feeling:
i KNOW u are an assnon because u BLATANTLY exposed yourself as assnon yesterday!
got amnesia?
i KNOW you are usually assnons as you are a PERPETUALYY lying coward who has claimed to be gone incessantly...
and you have weird twisted recurring signature fantasies rooted in my imaginary flirtations...
do not hate me because i am blissfully happy with my queen and you cannot even pay a bm drone to do u!...
actually i am involved in a committed relationship. stand corrected. if i were not, i would not perceive that as an insult. the time i have ever spent single, has always been my choice. i think you are incapable of acknowledging or understanding this concept based on the views you keep spewing. as a single woman i am whole and lacking nothing.
you may consider calming down as well. lol! emotional outbursts are not a good look. emotional discipline, you could practice it if you really put forth the effort.
marrying one less educated, less monied, lower classed, etc. is commonly referred to marrying down. i did not make this up and your visceral response to the truth is your personal problem. i don't see why you are so offended. i congratulated you on marrying up.
ditto fp!
the truth hurts
and uts is perpetually MORTALLY wounded by all of the truths he evades herein
I'm curious, AB, what is your first language? Surely not English, as your writing is unintelligible. "Morrtally wounded by all the truths he evades?"
How can he be "wounded" if he has "evaded?"
I guess that's why your four fake jobs pay you the big bucks. So big you're posting on FN's blog all damn day.
when you finish posing as assnon and pretending that i am not rushing through typos as always...
i am a comm scholar and a gifted writer
that is also why i am hated by the inferior likes of you herein
i make NO effort to blog perfectly/spell check my rushed posts herein etc
and i never will
you will not police me or my posts
but you are welcome to an extensive archive of my suprb formal writings anytime all over the net!
you selective blog police are so comical!
i am a SUPERB writer
yet the only poster herein who is not even allowed typos
spare me the juvenile transparent bs
got glasses?
why are you always timing other people herein when YOU are here all day???????
je parle quatre langues actuellement...
et toi fou?
Now, don't be gettin' on Alicia Skanks case because of her typing.
You'd probably have a hard time typing too, wearing a feedbag all the time.
you are confusing my PC with your pathetic and defective penile implant
you are the resident letch/chronically masturbating moron and proud of it
buddy manic:
care to suggest any rules for this limp lewd loon apenislesspervertoi???????
have fun at that buffet this weekend!!!
you really need to stop wasting your tired fat jokes herein and save them for your chubby chasing peers!
i bet you are short ALL over you nasty nitwitted napolean!
"Look for him wherever the food is. If you want to identify a chubby chaser, you have to go where the overweight people hang out. Try looking for him near the buffet line"....
I'm single and I see women like this all the time. They use the heyah out of guys. I feel sorry for these dudes. You got women that cry and screem about Tiger when the majority available women use their God given beauty for greed and material things. Shiiit some get their mortgage paid too. As long as I'm single I'm not spending a dime on a dime. I'll wait to find a good woman and continue to play the dimes like the slots in Vegas.
Hey FN shoot her my number, I enjoy hugging the curves like a Harley.
I find pathetic that people post on a blog titled "field negro", yet so many of you resort to the house nigger behavior of ALWAYS talking shit to/about other posters here.
Moving on.....for years I wondered why so many of the women in my family were single then as I got older, I realized that women in my family simply don't take much shit off men. Again, I don't believe the media hype that good BW can't "find" good BM.
As for this post topic, it amazes me how whoreish some so called "successful" women can be. Slinking around holiday Christmas party's flirting with other women's men is serious house nigger behavior. But I guess when you lack self-esteem you're desperate to do anything to get attention.
Phil4Real said...
As long as I'm single I'm not spending a dime on a dime.
With this philosophy, you'll be single for a while, LOL!!!
People who want to be in serious relationships "invest/commit" 3 ways: Emotionally, Physicallly, AND Financially. In ALL THREE ways!!!
Well....quite actually
The correct usage is "more education than I." If you expand the sentence to its fullest, you wouldn't say “more education than me have." This example shows one reason why we had to learn to diagram sentences in school. So it wasn't all a waste in my case.
see more on languages here
Thanks ab...This seems like interesting reading. I'll check it out.
u r welcome!
i am still moving all archives to my new site asap
i will post a trilogy on ebonics asap...
hi Fly-
field negroes and house negroes are all SLAVES.
today there is no physical bondage. it is strictly mental. when one's thoughts are influenced, it impacts their behavior. hence what you see.
Phil, keep in mind, one cannot use without being used. games are for children. wise grown folk get this and act accordingly.
Ditto!!! FN!
Alicia's birthday bash
"actually i am involved in a committed relationship."
Probably with a battery-powered device.
"marrying one less educated, less monied, lower classed, etc. is commonly referred to marrying down."
Well dear that's definitely not the case here but going by your definition of "marrying down", men have been doing since the beginning of time.
I thought you proto-femmes didn't need to be "taken care of".
Methinks you're just trying to rationalize the fact that nobody wants you.
UTS you can forget it, the three man hating stooges live in denial. JAWS and Furby are now friends and FP is their new twisted leader. Speaking of leaders, where's JAWS these days anyway?
don't you and mareallybored have anything else to do??????
the fake assnons bs is so tired
i will repost my ebonics archives asap this pm
have a great weekend
tired assnon:
the adorable furby jokes are played way out
get some new jokes...immediately!
Another comment/thread colonized by Alicia Banks. It never fails. I dont know your or have anything against you, but you cant colonize every other thread here with your narrow GBLT agenda. Seriously. Give other folks a chance without having to go after them 'cause they arent doing what you're doing.
Hey Fly,
Yes I'm single, and definitely not alone.
Don't get me confused with one of your exes!!! Not spending a dime on dimes, means I don't waste money on women with foolish ideas and self serving desires. I bring cash to the table when a woman's worthy. Why pay for CZ? When I can save for a 2+carat princess cut H-VVs.
cc that to uts!
cc that to uts!
see my BROAD wisdom all over this blog and my own!!!...
got glasses?
I'm afraid Field left a critical piece of information out of his little story. It is information that would change, if not the whole story, then certainly the balance of perceptions between him and the woman in question.
Focused Purpose,
Please do NOT grammatically INcorrect Grinder. The sentence, "My wife is an attorney with more education than I." was indeed correct according to traditional grammar rules.
The prepositional phrase was "with more education". It was followed by the comparison "than I" which is short for "than I have". Since "than me" is most commonly used nowadays, it has become an acceptable norm.
You, however, should become acquainted with the shift key on your keyboard and learn to capitalize letters as appropriate.
eeerm. apologies for those that are long term single out of choice..
i meant to say in a short as i could possible what smash wrote...
i know women like this also.. they are growing in numbers...
they are indeed crazy..
"I'm afraid Field left a critical piece of information out of his little story. It is information that would change, if not the whole story, then certainly the balance of perceptions between him and the woman in question."
Now see.....
Give it up, Grinder. Don't be an ass.
Phil4Real said...
Hey Fly,
Yes I'm single, and definitely not alone.
Which basically means that you're ONLY involved with women on a physical level.
Yeah, I'm sure decent women everywhere are looking forward to getting played for physical reasons only, LOL!!
No, it doesn't.
You can be single and dating and not in a relationship.
Not a thing wrong with that.
Oh, yeah, the information.
Okay, what Field didn't tell us is that upon meeting the woman, he licked his own eyebrows and informed this woman that he can breathe through his ears. That is what drove her wild. Has nothing to do with who's a sistah, nor is it any commentary on her morals or desperation.
No woman could or would resist the lure of the circus. Field, you will just have to learn to keep your instrument in check.
"Okay, what Field didn't tell us is that upon meeting the woman, he licked his own eyebrows and informed this woman that he can breathe through his ears."
OK, now that's funny. "Lick my eyebrows"?
Originally, I had you simply telling her that you've got a seven inch tongue and can breathe through your ears, but a picture is worth a thousand words. ;-)
Bon appetit! Or should I say, bone appetit? If I were Mrs. Field, I'd negotiate some pretty strict rules on the display or mention of that particular asset. Many people's tongues get them in trouble, but it's usually trouble of a different sort!
Anyway, it's Christmas, so don't withhold that gift, my friend!
interesting post... women in our culture seem to enjoy the accoplades and attention.... even to the point of making a "woe is me" statement..... and yes.. lead us not into temptation...
Jesus, Grinder. WTF is wrong with you?
apparently grinder has an old playboy from the 70's and is using the jokes from the back....lol
maybe that's all he got left, you know the pages all stuck together and all????
Anon 11:59, if you hung around here long enough, you'd eventually realize that I am one guy who actually did read Playboy for the articles.
well grinder apparently you didn't understand the articles...huh
as time permitted, i came back and found the immature children at play...uts and anon, to be specific.
i don't have time. have at it folks.
here's the thing with mud slinging, all that engage in it end up covered in mud. i am not even remotely interested. that behavior is decidedly beneath me.
i tried to make it simple and plain. i hope you can comprehend what i am saying.
in closing i would only say that in uts' case it seems that his wife married down by marrying someone less educated IN ADDITION to being decided lower classed, as evidenced by the profane, crude crass way that he addresses women. uts, your parents and wife must be so proud.
Field, "Bye field, I hope Santa is good to you this year. One more hug; one more squeeze; that menu sure is looking good."
With statements like this, I wonder if Field is really married? It sounds like he is pretending to be a good husband but is actually running around like Tiger Woods-which is ok if Mrs. Fields is like Elin Woods-she will stay with him no matter what. LOL
Hi Field and all. I've been a FN reader for about a year now; switching back and forth between several interesting Af-AM blogs.
I wanted to comment on this thread but after reading all the unnecessary and negative back and forth between the same ole personalities - perhaps I'll save my topic intro response for another day.
Thanks for your conscientious and often humorous blog postings, FN.
I look forward to reading them all in the new year. Enjoy your holiday vacation!
anon 4:52
Hi Field and all. I've been a FN reader for about a year now; switching back and forth between several interesting Af-AM blogs.
I wanted to comment on this thread but after reading all the unnecessary and negative back and forth between the same ole personalities - perhaps I'll save my topic intro response for another day.
Thanks for your conscientious and often humorous blog postings, FN.
I look forward to reading them all in the new year. Enjoy your holiday vacation!
if an anon posted something utterly usless and no one was around to read would they have really posted it????
Hi negro,
Usually I am not regular to read article on blogs, but I would like to say that this write-up very pressured me to check out and do it! Your writing taste has been surprised me. Thank you, quite nice article.
Wilson Peter
matchmaker Chicago
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