"Don't play with me!" Mr. Gibbs, I think you better listen to that sister. That, my friends, was April Ryan of American Urban Radio, dressing down White House press secretary, Robert Gibbs. Mr. Gibbs, you deserved that.
And now I really have to wonder about the folks his O ness have been surrounding himself with. Would Robert Gibbs have told a white male pool reporter (or even a black male one) to calm down and compare his behavior to that of his child? But wait, let me make sure I get the quote right: "Gibbs instructed her to "calm down" and to take a deep breath," adding "I do this with my son and that's what happens."' Yep, that's what he said. Not cool Mr. Gibbs. Not cool. April, expect to see your name and your mug on some [right]wingnut sites in the coming days.
Now, having said that, it's time to attack black a little bit as well. April, WTF kind of question was that? This is the White House not some Hollywood studio or a Page Six New York Post briefing.
"Ryan claimed that there have been whispers around Washington insinuating that Rogers had overstepped the traditional role of her title at the event to become the 'belle of the ball,' thus 'overshadowing the first lady.'" Huh? Girlfriend, you can't be serious with that line of questioning. Come on now, "whispers around"? You are a reporter. Leave the rumors and innuendos to us bloggers.
So yes, it was an inappropriate question. But it was one that Gibbs should have done a better job of handling. He is the White House press secretary for crying out loud; he should know how to handle such things without letting his hidden issues rise to the surface.
Boy I wonder how many other people around his O ness have these hidden issues? I am sure it won't be long before we find out. Some folks just can't keep their issues hidden for long.
April is not that great of a reporter/journalist in my opinion.
Everytime I see her asking a question or being interviewed on one of the talking shows,I cringe!
So her spat with Gibbs comes as no breaking news.
And FN why is it a shock to discover hidden racism coming from Gibbs?
She was acting like a petulant child. It wasn't that her questions were all that bad, but rather that she wouldn't shut up and let him answer. Of course, a white man can't tell a black woman to be an adult, because enough black people are sufficiently defensive that in some situations blacks must be handled with kid gloves or they will be labeled as racist.
And you wonder why so many whites choose to opt out of the whole picture and not engage? Really!
I have had reason to be in the White House press room in the past. That reporter was given quite a bit more running room than most reporters would get. Once Gibbs went to someone else in the audience, that was her cue that her 45 seconds were over. It's pretty uncommon to see reporters try to take more time, especially as combatively as that reporter did.
If she had been white, she'd have been slapped down harder. I've seen it happen. She dealt the race card from the bottom of the deck. Hers is precisely the kind of b.s. that underlines legitimate claims of real racism.
What issues did you see with Gibbs?
That woman was down right obnoxious! She took the whole Black Woman attitude way too far and I actually applaud Gibbs for the way he handled her.
I see white men put down fellow White men all the time when they display such childish behavior. And who the hell says,"Don't play with me?" in such a setting. That was so ghettoish.
Now instead of looking at Gibbs "condescension", imagine if he were a Black male, he would have probably been much ruder to her than that, probably in the style of Bill Cosby to Wanda Sykes.
Not to excuse condescending behavior by white males, which is way too common in our part of the world, but I would have told her to shut the fuck up and had her ass thrown out of the room at about 20 seconds in. But that's why I'm not the white house press secretary.
Seriously though, who gives a fuck about Hollywood bullshit when there are 10x more pressing issues that a reporter given such access could be asking about!? No sir, I would have gone OFF on ole girl and her eye-rolling, ignorant ass.
"Don't play with me?"
Just what was she going to do?
Move her neck back and forth and go all ghetto?
This woman is just another low class, socially and intellectually unsophisticated woman who is in a place far above any standard she is capable of meeting.
She deserves to lose her access to the WH.
Dude, you could at least try to pretend that you're not loving this shit!
You think the Iggles are gonna beat Atlanta? I am fucking PRAYING!
Generally speaking, when a reporter refers to impressions that are "all over town," or some such, the only place those impressions have been formed are in the reporter's own imagination.
April Ryan isn't the first reporter to use that hackneyed device, and won't be the last. So, like I said before, her line of questioning, while ridiculous, was a pretty common sort of ridiculousness that you sometimes see from the dumber members of the press corps.
What made her special was her tone, combined with one too many Venti Americanos at the Starbucks near the White House. The woman certainly loves the sound of her own voice, a trait also shared by others in the press corps, but commonly with more restraint.
Ah, Amanda Knox. I hope that you learn how to say "no, Amanda likes COCKS" in Italian, soon :0)
Don't Play With Me? Are you serious?
What was she going to do? Put on some vaseline and take off her earrings? Was she going to meet him in the school yard at three o'clock?
Her asking gossip oriented questions did not bother me. Gossip and punditry is what passes for news these days. In fact I was not even listening to her question until she stated "No --that's a real question, don't fan it off, I'm serious" and her huffing, puffing and rolling her eyes, that's when I knew girlfriend was ghetto.
I am African-American I work in an all Black and Latino work environment(I am a teacher). When I am in the professional mode I don't speak that way. I don't speak to parents that way, my colleagues, nor my supervisors.
Despite her crisp enunciation, she was "straight-up hoodrat" @ the White House Press conference.
But I would say Gibbs been around too many black folks. Because what I was thinking the same thing he was saying "girl --calm yo' azz down and take a deep breath." However that "I say that to my son" is when he was probably showing his whiteness. She was unprofessional in her decorum and he responded to her in as such.
Saying that, it was hilarious to watch. This is the closest the White House Press Room will get to "playing the dozens" But as the White House Press Secretary, he should have handled her better.
I can't defend this woman. Not at all. The only place someone of this caliber should be covering is the BET Music Awards. Her manner and tone fits the fucking bill.
No props to Gibbs, either. The way he was snapping his neck I'd have to say that his inner black woman was just dying to come out.
Brother Field...All things will come to light. My homeboy (Brother Iverson) is returning to Philly. More matured(?), with a singular purpose. Hope the hole is not too deep. On subject, Blacks being in the press briefings will have growing pains as well as a ferrating period. I think the first question that was posited by a Black jounalist that I (I) heard was a sports question. I knew then that be careful for what I ask/pray for. Having seen this questioning of the past presidents' press secretarys since the start on television, I was elated to see the faces of the reporters inclusive of Blacks...now they too have to push the learning curve and be more in tuned to current concerns of my people as well as all people.
Obama had a black press secretary until he was headed to the White House. That always bothered me because Gibbs seemed so wussy.
This woman did not deserve to be treated with anything but disdain.... Her question was ridiculous and her manner was unprofessional. Gibbs lost it in his response, but it is easy to understand why he went there.... and personally, I do think he would have taken the same attitude and maybe even the same words had the question, back up by her attitude had come from a white dude.
Field, I'm sorry but Ms. April sound straight as ghetto with her "Don't Play with me". Let me ask you something if Gibbs was a Black man and told her loud rude behind that would you still be pissed at him?
As a Black woman I think he could have handled it better. And yes, if want to look at all the negative angles with Gibbs response back too Ms. April I hint a little sexism in his remark. Black women in America get both "racism and sexism" attacks. But, sexism direct at minority women in ignored in favor of only knowledgeable sexism dealing with White Females. Sorry, I think Gibbs sounded more sexist then racist...So, Mr. Gibbs is not racist in my opinion.
Hmmm, color me surprised (No pun intended) Methinks we are being a little harsh on April.
I wasn't feeling the question, but I wasn't feeling the response either. Just an ugly incident all the way around.
Grinder, I am not sure I agree with you on this one. I am guessing Mr. Gibbs would not have answered a man in the same way. Just a hunch.
As for the racial angle; why do you say that SHE played the race card?
Jody, I disagree, yes her question was inappropriate, but Gibbs is supposed to be a professional. He should have done a better job of dealing with the situation.
".. I was elated to see the faces of the reporters inclusive of Blacks...now they too have to push the learning curve and be more in tuned to current concerns of my people as well as all people."
StillAPanther.., I think most of us feel that way.
You think the Iggles are gonna beat Atlanta? I am fucking PRAYING!"
Physioprof, me and you both. But I am worried. My iggles always make new QB's to them (Redman is playing, not "Matty Ice")look like Johnny f*&^%$g Unites.
Anon 10:50, I actually agree with you. Read my post again. I think I said that he would have probably treatd a black male differently as well.
Did I just write Johnny Unit-e-s and no Unit-a-s? Forgive me football gods. Don't hold that against my Iggles.
Also, Field look up how Robert Gibbs first address the whole "Sarah Palin" issue when she first appeared on the scene. Obama and Biden had to walk back Gibbs attack on Sarah when she was first introduced.
I think Gibbs is unprofessional period. The man has issues with women. I have been watching how he handles women reporters and it is not good. I hate how people are trying to use the racism angle while ignoring the obvious sexism in his comment. Your post his correct Field...
Rogers was the one who fucked up, but she'll never be held responsible. A couple of low-level SecServ guys will lose their careers, but the dc diva won't ever feel any blowback.
It was her job to see that crap like that didn't happen. The SS guys are about bombs and guns and shit like that. Rogers was busy being IN the party to care about her job...
Gibbs could have had a bad day, and to top it off this person asked him a question more suitable for Page Six. We have all been in a similar situation like Gibbs and we blow our cool. I know I did when Greyhound refused to allow my father to change his ticket to come down to Charlotte for Thanksgiving, and to say I was pissed is an understatement. I was not feeling like my dipolmatic self and told them they stranded a senior citizen and prevented him from having Thanksgiving dinner with his family. I even told them I will never use your services again. If you think about it, Gibbs restrained himself because he really could really went off. He could have been really rude. I did apologize to the customer rep because I was angry with but Greyhound. People make you angry.
""Gibbs instructed her to "calm down" and to take a deep breath," adding "I do this with my son and that's what happens."' '
Field, I agree. He's suppose to be trained to handle situations without letting his hidden issues take over him, and he did it so fast I might add. I am sure this was not the most ridiculous or difficult question thrown at him.
I may not be familiar with this female reporter, or her reputation. However, she asked a question, regardless of how stupid it may sound, she was not being disrespectful. (To some of us black folks: I thought we established what type environment/feelings could make a black woman/black man become defensive or be perceived as having an attitude).
Anyway, he was the one that interrupted her with his dismissive "exasperations", and not allowing her to finish. He initially began to set the negative tone when he did that. I too wonder if he would have been so condescending, dismissive, and lacked such patience if the reporter was a white female. Many in society are aware that black females don't get the benefit (not even from other black people), and there is less societal repercussions for abusing us in various manners. However, if a white female reporter had asked him about Mickey Mouse, the white fem. groups would have still called for his head on a platter. Maybe Gibbs and April had a negative history that would explain, I don't know. Even so, he was initiator with the unprofessional and condescending attitude.
Gibbs had already answered questions about Ms. Rogers from other reporters before Ms. Ryan lost her damned mind. I'm sure he was exasperated to have to be going over it again.
Like having to explain something to a 5 year old.
How come you never wonder if the O man himself doesn't have hidden issues? After all, we are know by the company we keep.
Nelocote, that's the problem. He may be seeing her as 5 year old, not a grown woman who deserves equal adult respect.
Personal experience:
Last year I was in GA, and my daughter and I was in a Claire's store in a mall. I sent my daughter in the line to purchase her items. Eventually, a mature white male had managed to ease himself in front of my daughter - she was 11 at the time. Apparently, while she was standing in line, she turned her body on a side angle to check out the trinkets along the shelving. He took advantage of that without verifying and eased himself in while forcing her to move couple steps backward to accommodate him.
In a calm voice I explained to him what he did (being a black female, it's shameful I have mention that). The man would not budge and we exchanged words under our breath. The cashier basically asked us to get it together. The creep then said, "I'm good, she's the one who's uncontrollable").
I knew then what he was trying to epitomize when he said that. It also became clear he walked over my daughter because she was a child, a black female child. Now, I could have gone jetting under his mother's underwear carib style, but I held back for the sake of children, and I didn't want to justify his agenda. It's a shame that black females have to suppress their feelings in order to not be perceived as the stereotype and risk validation.
I did not hear the question or the comment that happened in the WH press room...therefore I will have to research to reply. On another note...has anyone noticed the decline of the civility of the White House et.al in general since the Clinton Admiistration? Before you gang up on me about "clownin' on the Clinton plantation"...they did invent "gotcha" politics...and the Oval Office was so lax and laid back it was a perfect place to get a little sexual healing. Usher in the 2nd Bush (hidin in the bushes) and the very cowboy way he used OUR Oval Office to do ANY and EVERYthing HE wanted to do (with the permission of Cheney of course). Ahm jus sayin'. Peace.
@ Mack Lyons...LOL w/tears for real about Gibbs "inner black woman wanting to come out."
This woman is nothing but pure classless ghetto. Tie a do-rag around her head and you can't tell the difference.
She should lose her press pass.
I think I will send an e-mail to RG suggesting that she not be allowed anywhere near the WH again.
His behavior was unnecessary, but the reporter really needed to get the hint and go with another line of questioning. She seemed so aggressive and bitter. If anyone has some issues, it would be her. She needs anger management therapy.
"Like having to explain something to a 5 year old."
I agree. She WAS like a 2 year banging on her high chair. Nothing Gibbs could have said would have stopped her 2 year old anger. Typical raging angry sista.
FIELD + JODY, is there a law regarding internet harassment? If so, what should posters know and do to protect themselves?
Should posters be concerned about their comments made on YOUR blog? I seem to recall you wanted people to voice their feelings freely. Did I misunderstand you?
I ask because of a threat made to another poster on one of your recent threads.
Please consider blogging about this matter because that's the kind of stuff that will prevent people from freely expressing themselves on YOUR blog.
I would appreciate it if you would clarify this matter.
April lost my respect when she asked Bush what could only be described as a major house negro question. It occurred on March 6, 2003 during a presidential press conference. The progressive journalism community were stunned by her. In my opinion, the only thing missing was her addressing Bush as Massa Goyge and a tap dance. The question:
THE PRESIDENT: April. Did you have a question, or did I call upon you cold?
Q Oh, I have a question. (Laughter.)
THE PRESIDENT: Okay. I'm sure you do have a question.
Q Mr. President, as the nation is at odds over war, with many organizations like the Congressional Black Caucus pushing for continued diplomacy through the U.N., how is your faith guiding you? And what should you tell America -- well, what should America do, collectively, as you instructed before 9/11? Should it be "pray?" Because you're saying, let's continue the war on terror.
Grinder, I am not sure I agree with you on this one. I am guessing Mr. Gibbs would not have answered a man in the same way. Just a hunch.
We can never know how he would have answered a man. Or another woman. This situation was unique, not because the line of questioning was ridiculous but because of her hostile tone, repeated interruptions, and failure to take the clear hint that Gibbs was moving on.
In short, the woman was rude, and that is not a quality that plays well in Washington, even when you're powerful enough to get away with it.
As for the racial angle; why do you say that SHE played the race card?
On the surface, she made no accusation of racism, but I think the "playing with me" remark was a subtextual accusation of racism. Of course, my judgment along this lines could be conditioned by your having set this up as a racial incident, but I doubt it: Would a white reporter have either sex made the "playing with me" remark?
Why is it that I could tell those who were the harshest in their assessment of April were black men? White folks hate us and black folks hate us too.
Why do we always blame outlandish behavior by blacks as "ghetto"?.
That's an affront to many who live or are trapped in high risk communities. Many do have the social skills along with grace although they are economically challenged!
April wasn't appropriate in her responses, however, as an avid viewer of press conferences; those white guys can get out of hand too! Do we call them ghetto!!!!
April wasn't appropriate in her responses, however, as an avid viewer of press conferences; those white guys can get out of hand too! Do we call them ghetto!!!!
No, but do you remember Sam Donaldson, the sharp-tongued ABC News correspondent? He got tons and tons of hate mail. Stop seeing a racial conspiracy in every single thing, and you'll be much better off.
"No, but do you remember Sam Donaldson, the sharp-tongued ABC News correspondent?"
That's nothing. Mike Wallace and Dan Rather were physically thrown out of conferences.
April was exceptionally rude to Gibbs. I don't blame him for his remarks. She needs to be kept out of future White House media conferences. The White House does not need some immature out of control reporter badgering them.
I have a feeling that we won't be seeing April for a while. She has lost her WH reporting position.
is worrying about desiree rogers going to get me health insurance and a full time job?
is it going to help (a little bit) to reverse the damage that that bush cabal have done to America?
um no.
i feel like that was where gibbs was coming from when he told her to chill because in the grand scheme of matters there are bigger issues at play than some court intrigue April wants to ki ki about.
Good Lord, People if Gibbs is guilty of anything is being sexist...He was not being racist the woman was rude. And he answered her back in a condensing mocking tone used on many female reports by men of authority.
Gibbs was not being "RACIST" you morons he was being "SEXIST". Now, repeat after me the word is "S.E.X.I.S.T". This is a perfect example of why sexism against minority women is ignored. Whether it's an Asian, Latino or Black woman people jump on the racial aspect and over look the extreme sexism. It's almost as if we the public is to assume the only bias thing minorities women face is racism never sexism. Oh, that's right only White women can claim sexism...
Why would April, being a BLACK WOMAN herself, want to go on and on about Desiree Roger's? why would she want to be apart of trying to make Desiree Roger's, look like a Incompetent black woman? now that's the question that should be asked!
When I see APRIL on TV, I cringe as well, she is not as Professional as she should be, for a reporter! and now look,, this woman was trying to cause Discord! she had to ask that question!
I am a African American woman, and it is beyond me why OUR people just DON'T get it! when will we see the FULL picture, Desiree Roger's is new to all of this, but, that (REPUBLICAN) who was in charge of the SECRET SERVICE that night FAILED to do his job, he was suppose to go behind DESIREE ROGER'S and whomever else and TRIPLE CHECK! this is the SECRET SERVICE! DESIREE did her JOB, she is NOT part of the SECRET SERVICE! she is a SECRETARY! and I pray, BIG MOUTH WOMEN, such as APRIL, will go some place and SHUT their BIG GHETTO acting MOUTH so DESIREE ROGER'S won't LOSE her JOB!
Remember VAN JONE'S? this black man had to step down because FOX NEW'S would NOT let up! and now we have DESIREE ROGER'S! is she BLACK! was VAN JONE'S BLACK?
Sorry, Field, that reporter is an idiot who belongs on access hollywood or one of those inane shows. Gibbs gets my support, and frankly I would have liked him to be more blunt toward her and others who are so insipid.
Thanks for your blog, read it daily.
I'm with most of the other posters. He wasn't as rude to her as she was to him. I hope never to see her again.
Maybe you're feeling a little sensitive because of the current climate in America. This from Charles Blow's NYT piece titled "Black in the Age of Obama"
april isn't getting any support from this black blogger here, either...
and to put it in context, seems this was the second day she badgered gibbs with the same questions.
those of you who pretend to know what briefings are like also know they can be humorous and light-hearted...and that's what gibbs was being.
he wasn't racist, and he wasn't sexist. and this phrase is new to me:
"In my view, April Ryan is being what we in the African American professional community call a "crabbarel": a black person who wants to take down another black person because the target has reached some level of fame. Mentioning that Desiree Rogers is at fashion shows and other events is not the point and calls her real intent into question. Desiree Rogers style and looks may be April Ryan's issue, but Ryan needs to get over it.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/blogs/abraham/detail??blogid=95&entry_id=52927#ixzz0Yp2FhdPC
Some folks just can't keep their issues hidden for long.
EVERYONE has hidden issues. Period. It does not matter if they are around his O ness or not.
iseeisee at 4:36 AM, thanks for that perspective.
Well. field, Gibbs is from Alabama.
Does anyone have a link to the presser?
Put her on the red carpet at the EBT awards. She needs to learn to be quiet. "Don't play with me!" Really chick?!?! That kind of foolish behavior is why people think all black women have "angry black woman syndrome."
I like Gibbs...he's like that Nerdy Guy from the Mac commercials evil twin...
And have you SEEN April Ryan??? Talk about a Face Made for Radio...Thats right, she's one of the "Lee" sisters (First name Ug).
Nostrils you could park Air Force One in... sort of like what Rush Limbaugh would look like in Blackface and Drag... Makes Whoopie Goldberg look like Tiger Wood's hot Nordic Wife...
Wow. Straight ghetto mess at the White House Press Corp. Sorry, I got Gibbs' back on this one, field. This 'reporter' was the typical 'neck snapping sista girl' in the media asking a rather silly question in a fairly obnoxious manner. I have to agree with other posters -- for being that obnoxious, she got off easy.
Asking a question and a prick don't mix well within a White House press meeting. You can be tough and keep your professionalism. Helen Thomas has done it for decades. Its the reason you rarely see people like Amy Goodman from Democracy Now! in the press corp. I love her reporting, but that chick tends to get out of pocket (even though she's right 80% of the time).
Its also didn't help that April was asking some rather 'bat squeeze' questions. Honestly, Desire Rogers, the White House event planner? Why not attack the White House sous chef while you're at it. Leave that ghetto gossip for National Enquirer and Wendy Williams girlfriend. To Gibbs point I'll translate -- "You ghetto bitch, don't you have more important things to ask when we just sent 30K kids to die in the middle of a desert?!"
If she were white person, Gibbs would have probably played her harder than he did.
I see nothing wrong with how he handled it. I wouldn't have brought up the son angle but I wouldn't have given her 5 seconds of my time with that BS question. What he said about returning to important questions would have sufficed and she would still look like the chastised fool that she was.
Frank Drackman said...
I like Gibbs...he's like that Nerdy Guy from the Mac commercials evil twin... And have you SEEN April Ryan??? Talk about a Face Made for Radio...Thats right, she's one of the "Lee" sisters (First name Ug).Nostrils you could park Air Force One in... sort of like what Rush Limbaugh would look like in Blackface and Drag... Makes Whoopie Goldberg look like Tiger Wood's hot Nordic Wife...
As a black woman I feel ashamed for laughing my ass off at Frank comment about April. But that chick really is ugly. hahahaha
'Does anyone have a link to the presser?"
Dandy, there is a link to it in the post.
Girlfriend is getting no love. But someone mentioned the crab angle, and that might be why as well.
The focus by April is lame.
I have been waiting for these events to become more common. Having worked with competent professional blacks for many years (that I enjoy and thankful to have as coworkers). Having said that there have been many times when I seen them become agitated to the point they lose their professional behavior and act out in a manner that is not typical of their professional behavior, I refuse to use the “ghetto behavior” phrase.
I know just as well as many blacks do that having a black family in the White House events were, are going to happen when/while having so many blacks in the public eye. There’s just no way around it folks. When you have geeky/nerdy white folks enter acting with so many more blacks than they normally would this was just inevitable.
So, hang on my friends this certainly will not be the last time.
Now my opinion is she allowed her black woman to come out! This is (in my opinion of having worked with black women) why so many black men prefer women of other races. Black men I work with tell men they like the whole black women thing however it’s just not worth all the trouble of living with being married to someone that will go off on them like this women did! I mean she got an answer it wasn’t the answer she verbally attacked this white geek unfortunately for her he was in command of the situation and was able to shut her down.
Makes me wonder what the, what would have happened it the bf reporter had of said that to a bf press secretary? Actually it’s going to happen at some point in the next couple of years and it’s going to be quite the little show!
Can’t wait to see it!
"Now my opinion is she allowed her black woman to come out!"
Please explain this remark.
I hope other black women reading this thread are taking notes of the blatant contempt others have for black womanhood.
I hope other black women reading this thread are taking notes of the blatant contempt others have for black womanhood.
hey, ya'll are the ones that act that way do'nt get pissed at others for pointing it out!!!
Anon 1:15 PM... The excessive ease at which you broadbrush every gender/racial group you have ever had any interaction with leads me to believe you are a simple-minded twit that few men of any race would find interesting.
"Leave the rumors and innuendos to us bloggers."
Gibbs's comment was more sexist than anything else, treating the woman like she's a child, but he's responded glibly and sometimes harshly to other folks, white male folks. I recall that when conservatives were screaming about Obama addressing school children, he said the were in "silly season," which they were.
But they didn't like that much. Naturally they said Gibbs was disrespectful.
He seems to have low tolerance level for dumb questions, but possibly should consider a more diplomatic approach. Until then, perhaps we should dub him "Gibbs the Glib."
Why would April, being a BLACK WOMAN herself, want to go on and on about Desiree Roger's? Why would she want to be a part of trying to make Desiree Roger's, look like a Incompetent black woman? Now that's the question that should be asked!
I asked the same question when I saw the press conference clip. The answer I thought to myself was...April is hating on Desiree. Unfortunately, that is a problem with many black women when it comes to other black women. I know many in the Fields know what I am talking about. There is a lack of Sisterhood, we should be proud of each other success instead and encouraging of each success instead of being envious.
Brother Field... I understand African Americans using beauty standards that they have adopted moreso than the majority race. This image that a Black women is ugly has been created and enjoined by a race that have always felt that our features, hair texture and etc, is inferior. How sad, in America you can be smart and have the wrong looks and be demonized and critisized but you can be not smart, have little sense but be glorified because your nostrils are not wide. Sad, because- today, this minute- there will be born little Black babies that are seen less than because the width of her/his nose. The biggest tragedy is that the "new, modern African American" will be the one who will escalate this self hatred. I am a Black male who sees beauty in the Black female, and for me, if I wasn't married to a Black female for 37 years, I would take April over my boy Tiger's women. Don't snip/snipe, this is my preference. To call this women ugly is YOUR preference. Allow me to have mine.For too long, my race have been also subjected to ridicule due to the width of a nose or the lenght of their hair. And this was done by my people. I could care less what the whites say...they want the same as I do and that for their race to be on top.
I could care less what the whites say...they want the same as I do and that for their race to be on top.
I think most people's dreams are personal dreams, not group dreams.
I had read an article today where a black columnist has held Rogers accountable, as one commenter has. I would like to know just how so. Is the social secretary suppose to know every guest personally, in order to notice some out of place, especially if the checklist has been completed. I am sure the Secret Service is suppose to do that. Now congress is seeking to question her, to find a scapegoat for their failure to keep up the staff and funding for the Secret Service or let it be know that Dept of Homeland Security is falling down on its job managing the Secret Service.
I think talking to April Ryans as if she were a child is very sexist, and it doesn't matter if Gibbs talks that way to men, partly because it's just plain wrong, and partly because women have a history of being treated like children, AND, he was also insinuating the 'woman as hysterical" idea by telling her to take a deep breath.
Also, to whoever said that shit about April Ryan being ugly, she isn't ugly, but whoever said that has got a really ugly interior.
April's Pic, btw.
Mr. Gibbs could have respectfully told her 'Freeze your lips this not no damn gossip hour with wendy williams or some shyt, respect the house and keep your nose out of official business that dont concern you..the country will be better for it!'
I think that's exactly what he did. She acted like a child, and wound up being treated like one. Gibbs isn't a machine, he's a human being. She pissed him off, and he did a Muhammed Ali on her. He floated like a butterfly, and stung like a bee.
KO, Mr. Gibbs.
LMAO!! I LOVE IT! It doesn't get more Field than Ms. April!
Ok I know Mr. Gibbs probably felt that she was disrespecting, rightfully so. He has (from what I see) a notoriously condecsending, smart ass way of dealing with press trying to cheapen and further malign the administration which is VERY commendable..but bottom line they are both grown ass adults..smh
I doubt that she will get her name on a mug...of all things..I've yet to see this on any cable news or otherwise because AmerryKKKan MSM can't stand a negro who stands on their own two against them and their ilk like ms April did and like to characterize us only as being strictly confined to the house ..(which is clearly the only negroes he's used to cuttin and runnin for.) or worse... angry and dangerous negroes! Its always one or the other. They'll probably emphazize on the nature of her question, albeit ill timed and totally not called for than gibbs being just as disrespectful.
Mr. Gibbs has a notoriously smart ass mouth, and likes to get fresh with people asking the simplest of questions...I respect her for putting him in check...for standing up and letting him' know 'i aint naw one of dese oreos inna the big house I slap you cross-eyed!'
and Mr. Gibbs could have respectfully told her 'Freeze your lips ho this not no damn gossip hour with wendy williams or some shyt, respect the house and keep your nose out of official business that dont concern you..the country will be better for it!'
oh what a world it would be if for once we heard his 'O'ness or Michelle put some of these goat mouth mofos running nothing but their mouths in check..
and was it really so much for Miss Rogers to do her job then enjoy the party..she is somewhat responsible for this going down anyway.. I mean when you are the host how often do you really get to enjoy the party, especially when that party is for someone else?
i believe you mean it doesn't get more house, not more field. see sidebar to your RIGHT.
oh what a world it would be if for once we heard his 'O'ness or Michelle put some of these goat mouth mofos running nothing but their mouths in check..
LMFAO.....this is what everyone is talking about!!!!
bw want to be right out there in front yet the first time a bw gets pissed about someything (and it don't take long) BAM!!!! she starts all that ghetto shit....LOL
the majority of the country see it and calls them out on it and BAM they get all pissy....LOL
all i do is sit back and laugh!!!!
I'm on Gibbs' side with this. That chick was out of pocket. There is a time and a place for everything and a white house press conference is not the time or place for gossip BS. She goes on the list with the Dinner Crashers, she should not have been there. Either not have been there or checked her ghetto along with her coat, at the door. "Don't play with me..." Was she serious? I think he actually did a good job with the way he handled her. I personally would have said more to her...on the lines of "who the hell let you in here? Are you a real reporter? Can you ask a question about a serious issue? How about you sit in the back and let the real reporters ask questions first..."
She actually proved his point when he compared her to a child with her "Don't play with me" comment.
i believe you mean it doesn't get more house, not more field. see sidebar to your RIGHT.
yass!! My plow and a smothered porkchop for aedit button up in this...!
LMFAO.....this is what everyone is talking about!!!!
bw want to be right out there in front yet the first time a bw gets pissed about someything (and it don't take long) BAM!!!! she starts all that ghetto shit....LOL
the majority of the country see it and calls them out on it and BAM they get all pissy....LOL
all i do is sit back and laugh!!!!
LOL!! Maybe..but I'm willing to bet Gibbs was ready to crap all of his pants when he heard what she said (albeit ghetto and out of line)but..i don't recall him having a retort afterwards and he changed that tone! that in and of itself is funny! LOL!
and I'm almost willing that he wont get cross with another bw in public like that again EVER...LOL
bw may want to be 'right out there first' and when we get pissed we "start all that ghetto shit" but it works on you punks (majority of the country) when you cross the line everytime!
Given the economic meltdown and continued, persistent high unemployment rate (10% officially, and 17% unofficially), Gibbs going off on this ghetto "reporter" is a non-issue in my opinion.
I'm sure Gibbs will have much bigger issues to deal with than some gossip and rumors that Ms. Thang happened to have overheard.
Isn't this "reporter" intelligent enough to ask a question that is not based on whispers at a White House Press Conference?
I think the security issue is very important, and the secret service already took the blame for it, in fact, I think three secret service people were put on desk duty, THEY FAILED, and that is serious to me.
Also, I hate it when people are called "ghetto", that bothers me, but I guess that is cuz I am white, and it's something white people say way too often, a new code word.
Isn't this "reporter" intelligent enough to ask a question that is not based on whispers at a White House Press Conference
Nope. Either she is on the Murdoch payroll or she is flat out too clueless to prioritize the issues of the day. Which unfortunately makes her no different than 80 percent of the WH press corps.
I'm sick of these presstitutes falling for RNC talking points/diversionary tactics. Desiree Rogers is not in charge of security, that is DHS/Secret Service territory. If they can't handle keeping a couple of attention whores from crashing a state dinner, then I want a refund on the "war on terror".
ditto fn!
i hate the glib toxic gibbs
gibbs' typical sexism was much less offensive than the moronic question itself!
but blacks blindly worship the obamas
this bf's question was about the blasphemy of outshining the great god michelle obama and it made the reporter sound like a gd fool
She asked a silly question, but talk about reciprocal unprofessionalism by Gibbs. Let's not forget here that this dude is the WH press secretary so he should be pro at these situations. He should of been able to resolve the situation, while at the same time, baking a cake.
I saw her picture, and no she is not ugly unlike others might be saying.
That don't mean she ain't stupid.
Look, she could have asked questions that MATTERED, like questions about climate change or jobs in the Black community or AIDS Day. Or AfPak. Instead she wasted time with gossippy questions! C'mon, daughter!
Act like an adult and ask adult questions and maybe u won't be treated like a petulent child...
this incident had nothing to do with michelle obama, who, to be gender correct, would be a godDESS.
You know it's really sad when your OWN people try to bring you DOWN, WHITE folk's are calling DESIREE ROGER'S an AFFIRMATIVE ACTION SECRETARY! now ho doe's that sound! WHITE FOLK'S were sitting back waiting for something like this to happen! as if they CARE about the PRESIDENT SAFETY! PLEASE!
I blame every BLACK PERSON sitting their BUTT'S in the WHITE HOUSE for this! have these people forgotten they are BLACK? these black folk's must be in a WHITE HOUSE TRANCE! don't they listen and watch the new's! these CRAZY WHITE FOLK'S want everything BLACK with a POSITION out of THEIR WHITE HOUSE, including that little BLACK dog!
I don't know what is going on but, WHITE PEOPLE are ANGRY as the DEVIL!!! and yet, the PRESIDENT has a WHITE REPUBLICAN over his PROTECTION! are you kidding me? where was MICHELLE when this was decided? other BLACK FOLK'S on his STAFF let this PASS by? and now look!
Those WHITE FOLK'S made it into that PARTY because, BLACK FOLK'S in that WHITE HOUSE was not THINKING in term's of (don't you ever ever let your GUARD'S down when someone tell's the PRESIDENT, he hope's you FAIL!
The day I see the President with two SECRET SERVICE men standing by his side VISIBLE with BIG MACHINE GUN'S, will be the day, he has FINALLY got it!!! but, until that day come's, he will continue to walk around as if he can be a TRADITIONAL PRESIDENT! until then, we will hear more about this type of stuff happening! because if the HEAD is not in order, the rest will not line up!
Desiree brought some of this on herself, why doe's she need to be on BLACK MAGAZINE COVER'S? is that part of her JOB DESCRIPTION! NO!!!
This is not about April Ryan trying to bring another black person. I'm black and question where was Desiree Rogers in all of this. Was she monitoring the guest list, like from what I've read, past social secretaries do. As far as Ryan asking about Rogers trying to be more popular than Mrs. Obama is ridiculous. But asking about Rogers whereabouts and actions that night is fair. As for Gibbs, his comment was sexist.
Sheldon and I are watching Wanda Sykes tonight and he inadvertently referred to you as the "house nigger" and I corrected him, of course.
I think it was all in the context of shit. :lol:
We all should be organ donors.
Give somebody part of yourself.
Where are your eyes?
Our shit is not the best.
It was a long walk back to the hotel.
First of all, I have seen in the past that black reporters invited to the White House always ask silly questions. When Obama (two months into his presidency) had an emergency press conference about AIG, the bonuses given to employees in London and CT, every question had the words credit default swaps, deriviatives, TARP until Obama asked the Ebony magazine reporter the last question. The black reporter's question was "What about the children in the tents?" I actually cringed because the press conference was about the international financial sector and Wall Street insturments.
They are giving black kids scholarships for communication and journalism, but after paying out all that money, these kids are not learning about world problems or expanding their knowledge of US or international politics. They are just being taught Access Hollywood type crap. They don't even have to speak well.
"bw want to be right out there in front yet the first time a bw gets pissed about someything (and it don't take long) BAM!!!! she starts all that ghetto shit....LOL"
That's true and that's the reason bw are not so desirable. 'Most' over-react and are overtly aggressive, displaying a strange kind of masculine energy. I guess that is what they call "acting ghetto", as if that shameless ignorant ugly behavior is appealing and something to be proud of.
I hope they will exclude her from future media conferences. Gibbs works for the President and that reporter showed no respect. Gibbs did not deserve that.
OT-Field, why have you not answered anon2:24am's questions?
Is that something taboo, or something bloggers don't talk about?
"FIELD + JODY, is there a law regarding internet harassment? If so, what should posters know and do to protect themselves?"
Anon 10:40 PM, Let's talk. You can be criminally prosecuted for Internet stalking and harrassment, and your files are subject to discovery. There might be civil issues to be concerned about as well.
Companies like google can be subpoenaed to give up the goods on a blogger or a person who comments on a blog. There are cases like that making their way through the courts now.
Having said that, I think the level of stalking would have to be pretty serious. Not the garden variety hate mail like moi gets every day via e-mail and in comments.
"Should posters be concerned about their comments made on YOUR blog? I seem to recall you wanted people to voice their feelings freely. Did I misunderstand you?"
No, you did not. I do want people to voice their "feelings freely". The only time they should be concerned is if the person starts trying to take it outside of just blog posts and comments.
Just remember the old adage sticks and stones....
I really don't think there's any need to over-generalize this, although I do understand the impulse. I've watched Anderson Cooper's performance on CNN become more and more trivial, and at times stereotypically gay, and have cringed at the image the guy is sending out. And then I tell myself, hey, relax.
Look, April Ryan is an airhead who works for a gossip rag. She is out of her league in the White House, and does not belong there. She asked a dumb question, wouldn't take "no" for an answer, and then she got ridiculous and Gibbs slapped her down.
I wish she had been uppity instead. We need more uppity journalists of all races, asking hard questions that matter, and then sticking with them. Too many damn softballs, and no teamwork from the press. They should be following up each others' questions and leaving these people nowhere to hide.
Instead, April Ryan asked a petty, personal question based on her own imaginings. It was ridiculous to begin with, and got more so quickly. But it doesn't mean that black women are fucked up. It means that April Ryan is the wrong person in the wrong place. And, quite honestly, Field, you swung and missed by a mile on this one. Black women reporters don't get an automatic wild card when they act like eighth grade girls.
I just watched the video clip. I have to say that April Ryan was out of line. She is not professional enough to cover the White House. Gibbs, perhaps, could have handled her more professionally, but he was justified. I think her White House credentials should be revoked. I'm ashamed of her.
I saw the clip and clearly, April Ryan is a classic example of the negro from the g-g-ghetto who goes off to college, acquires a degree or two...never becomes "re-socialized" and winds up looking and sounding like a hood rat in an environment where she clearly has no business being in...
The behavior that April displayed is part of the the reason why I lead discussions at my blog such as "The Resocialization of The Black Woman".
I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Gibb allowed a male reporter to receive a cellphone call, answer said cellphone call and stand up and leave a briefing session in process, without comparing said male reporter's behavior to his two year old son.
On the attractiveness of Ms. April Ryan, I don't know what are talking about. Based on the photo on your sidebar, she is a very handsome woman.
Funny we see the likes of Sen. Joe
Lieberman, Mitch McConnell and David Vitter (these men were selected based on my reaction to them whenever I see their faces) on television everyday and I have yet to read a comment on how ugly they are. Why is that? And why is there a need to reduce women's value to nothing more than their appearance?
"Funny we see the likes of Sen. Joe
Lieberman, Mitch McConnell and David Vitter (these men were selected based on my reaction to them whenever I see their faces) on television everyday and I have yet to read a comment on how ugly they are. Why is that? And why is there a need to reduce women's value to nothing more than their appearance?"
givepeace...I co-sign.
"I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Gibb allowed a male reporter to receive a cellphone call, answer said cellphone call and stand up and leave a briefing session in process, without comparing said male reporter's behavior to his two year old son."
I will direct that one at Grinder.
I don't think I swung and missed. Maybe not a homerun, but at least a double.
OK y'all,
I admit I called Mssss. Ryan "Ugly" without seeing what she actually looked like, just heard her disembodied voice from that You Tube clip...
I was wrong.
She's not quite as repulsive as Whoopie Goldberg.
Don't think Tiger Woods will be payin her a booty call anytime soon though...
Better be careful Gibbs, the media could turn on u any minute. They put u guys in the WH, they can take ur ass out of the WH. U owe her an appology.
It was SEXIST. That said women of any pigmentation or ethnicity whatsoever are better off calling it racist if that want some redress because no one gives a red hot damn about sexism in this country not even a big portion of women. Get sexually harassed at work and want to sue you better claim racism, religion, or another protected class because the law gives sex/gender a hell of lot less legal protections. Don't get paid the same as men? Claim race, religion, national origin etc. because you'll be wasting your time on a gender based suit.
When Imus called the Rutgers Ladies Bball team "nappy headed hos" did anyone mention sexism? Hell, no. And yet the statement and the lesser mentioned ones accompanying it were attacks specifically aimed at the players' sex and his opinion that the players lacked femininity (unlike the equally black and female Tennessee Lady Vols Imus perceived as classy).
Now, if you care about actually uplifting women and working towards equality call it what it is: SEXIST. The sacrifice though is that neither the law nor society will care at first. You'll lose your immediate lawsuit BUT you'll have stood up and in the process helped to awaken and empower more women along with men who believe in true equality. Once women finally come to the realization of how bad things are we'll start to get somewhere but understand that women are so far down few will even recognize what's obviously wrong even when it hits them square in the face. No one has lit the candle for women in this country for the majority of women even to truly see where they stand and how things are.
--J, you made some points. However, if women are lower in getting respect between the man and woman totem pole, then we all know who would be last to receive respect in the white woman and black woman level In my opinion, this was both sexist with a possible undertone of racism. I suspect he would have instinctively reconsider/hold back his dramatic reaction if this was a white female reporter. The same with Imus.
Much respect.
@La♥Incognita -- You're right about that black women will unfortunately get stuck on the low end of the totem pole as well as undertones although I doubt Gibbs would make hold back in that particular situation with any woman (he's in power there and his domain whereas the women are alone).
The sad thing is though when men do hold back from saying anything to a white woman (or any woman) they're doing it for one of two reasons and neither have anything to do with her. They either (a) fear her white and/or powerful/wealthy husband or (b) fear her family. This is why "ladies" get treated with respect. It's nothing to do with women and everything to do with men not disrespecting each other's property and therefore the man himself and having to deal with the consequences of that action.
Strip a white woman of a husband or family and watch. Hell if she's poor you'll see it regardless. Pair a black woman with a powerful or wealthy white man and watch these same fools bite their tongues (reminds me of a KY politician who had known black wife pre-Civil War Era [right before]. I'm pretty sure he was a US Senator and no one said a thing about it so long as he was in power and even after he was out of office they didn't say much because he was still powerful).
Even the standard teabagger who spouts slurs, defames Michelle every chance he gets and utters all kinds of insanity wouldn't dare insult Michelle Obama if he was in a setting where he knew he'd have to deal with Barack and if something slipped out he'd fall over himself trying to take it back and make good with Barack. BTW, that's also the reason they attack Michelle -- they're really attacking Obama aiming straight for his ego and most prized possession** same as they attacked Bill by going after Hillary and Chelsea.
**Though I doubt O thinks possession ;) MO's a partner and democratic women being treated that way as well as displaying their own strength, intelligence, and independence tend to drive hard core sexists even more insane.
"However, if women are lower in getting respect between the man and woman totem pole, then we all know who would be last to receive respect in the white woman and black woman level In my opinion, this was both sexist with a possible undertone of racism"
Notice how it's the Black Social Secretary and the Black Newswoman who are the center of the controversy and not the Secret Service?
Desiree Rogers is Social NOT Secret Service, she's not law enforcement or police, but it's all her fault?
"(he's in power there and his domain whereas the women are alone). "
Great point, J!
"I would like to remind everyone that Mr. Gibb allowed a male reporter to receive a cellphone call, answer said cellphone call and stand up and leave a briefing session in process, without comparing said male reporter's behavior to his two year old son."
I will direct that one at Grinder.
I don't think I swung and missed. Maybe not a homerun, but at least a double.
I don't know what cellphone etiquette is in the WH briefing room. It may well be different than it is in, say, a movie theater. It might be closer to many business environments (depending), where cellphone interruptions are routine.
Field, we'll have to disagree. If you consider the number of comments on a thread to be the sole measure of whether or not you connected, then you connected. I look at the quality of your postings, and I think you swung at a ball in the dirt.
p.s.: The reason I am unfamiliar with WH cellphone etiquette is that my familiarity with the place was in the pre-cellphone era.
It was never a courtly environment, but it was always one where the press secretary was in control. People could, and did, ask stupid questions. But you couldn't repeatedly interrupt the guy, and then interrupt other people, etc. The woman was out of line. No ambiguity there.
LOL...i listened to and determained she got the "Flying Bitch Slap".....LOL
and deserved it!!!!!!!!!!!!
smartass....bet she don't do it again.....LMAOROF
Field-"Anon 10:40 PM, Let's talk. You can be criminally prosecuted for Internet stalking and harrassment, and your files are subject to discovery. There might be civil issues to be concerned about as well."
Thanks for replying, Field, I really appreciate it. Please excuse my ignorance in this matter, but I have one more question, which I hope isn't a bother to you... From a 'legal' perspective, would you mind giving an example(or two) of what is considered:
1."Internet Stalking" and,
2."Internet Harassment"
both criminally, and from a civil point of view?
Something else to remember. The overwhelming majority of what goes on in the WH press room happens off camera, and that includes press briefings, most of which are not televised.
Once the cameras go on, it is a performance on both ends. "Life is a stage." You might not like that, but it's true. Gibbs understands it very well. April Ryan? Not so much.
c.c. Kathy, "Desiree Rogers is Social NOT Secret Service, she's not law enforcement or police, but it's all her fault?"
According to the aggressive behavior of April Ryan, Desiree Rogers was the focus of her questions and did not care about the Secret Service.
April was out of bounds with her behavior and questioning. Gibbs was being kind to her, and also gently reminded her of childish behavior which doesn't look so good as WH reporter.
Frank: "OK y'all,
I admit I called Mssss. Ryan "Ugly" without seeing what she actually looked like, just heard her disembodied voice from that You Tube clip...
I was wrong."
Wow, Frank. It sounds like you are digging on April. You really are attracted to black women, especially the dark ones. Go ahead, admit it. You dream about them but haven't had the guts to approach one, right?
How's Houston, Tx. these days?
The day of the cellphone incident Mr. Gibb had asked THREE times that all cellphones be placed on vibrate.
Even if he had not reminded these professionals to turn off their phones, on what planet would a ringing cellphone be approriate at a televised briefing in progress?
Also in the past I have seen other reporters use what I would consider "a tone" that were not responded to in that manner.
"April was out of bounds with her behavior and questioning. Gibbs was being kind to her, and also gently reminded her of childish behavior which doesn't look so good as WH reporter.
3:47 PM"
well, you must know more about it than me, since I never heard her get a question in, maybe i missed that part?
also, i do resent your charactorizing her as "childish", please. did you ever here Gibbs being called "childish"?
I have no problem with the manner and style of any questions posed by reporters in the white house..This America's house paid by tax dollars not a private office..
Fuck protocol, pomp & cicrcumstance in a nation that has a jim crow legacy and where the word nigger was invented..April can shake her ass and head all fucking day for my money..
cc Kathy, "well, you must know more about it than me, since I never heard her get a question in, maybe i missed that part?"
Oh, come on. Go back and review it again.
Thraser "April can shake her ass and head all fucking day for my money.."
She was performing to reach people like you.
I think the reporter was being a hectoring black bitch, but it could have been worse. She could have been a violent white skank with a 9-iron. Gibbs? Man in the middle with a quick wit, if you ask me.
Envious she was not appealing to intellectual cowards like you wo hide behind a pc..
Go girl do yo thang..I care less about gentile manners in a nation with a leacy of depravity
Thrasher, "Go girl do yo thang..I care less about gentile manners in a nation with a leacy of depravity"
Yeah, might as well be as depraved as the ones we hate. That's very good thinking...you are a genius.
grinder said....
"I think the reporter was being a hectoring black bitch, but it could have been worse. She could have been a violent white skank with a 9-iron. Gibbs? Man in the middle with a quick wit, if you ask me."
Calling a white woman a "skank" doesn't hide or mollify the fact that you just brazenly called a black female a "black bitch". This isn't the first time you did this, it becoming a habit. You blatantly de-humanized a black female to a dog or animal status for no reason other than to be daring and to see how far you'll get. You even implicated the type animal along with black skin as if there was relevance.
Would you be happier if I wrote "black skank" and "white bitch?"
After all, I am pretty sure there are comments around here where I called Woods's wife a violent Swedish psycho bitch. Who according to the latest reports has moved out of the house.
Uh-oh, Tiger. First she scratches your face. Then she takes divots out of your SUV. Now she moves in for the kill, an I.V. line into your wallet.
Look, guy, "ditch the bitch and make the switch." Gay marriage ain't legal in FL, so the man-whores won't get a thing.
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