Tough post tonight. Really tough. I am seriously hurting for the people of Haiti. Every time I see images of those children and old women on television- bloodied and in some cases dead- it breaks my heart. I can't even begin to imagine the level of destruction and despair that those poor people are going through. It's Katrina times... [pick a number]. "Tens of thousands" feared dead? Wow! I remember the Indonesian tsunami, and I felt the same way. Seeing human suffering on such a large scale is always so hard to take.
I have mad love for the people of Haiti. I have been to that island and in spite of the immense poverty there, they are some of the most beautiful people that you will ever want to meet. To see them going through this really hurts.
And, for the record, I have to give credit to good old USA and all the countries that have stepped up the plate to try and help and give aid to Haiti. What should be the true spirit of humanity seems to be alive and well in the world. (Not even that crack- pot of a preacher, Pat Robertson, can make me think differently. He is just one man speaking from the dark side, so I won't trip.) His O ness, to his credit, seems to be all over it. Word is that he has been working the phones none stop and is actually getting impatient with the pace of the humanitarian aid bureaucracy. That's a good thing. He is determined not to be like 43 was with Katrina. It will be interesting to see what happens to all those refugees who are sure to spring up as a result of this. But I am getting ahead of myself. First things first.
Special props to organizations like World Vision, The Red Cross, Unicef, and Wyclef Jean's Yele Org. ( Featured on my sidebar.) They have all been front and center both on the ground and in trying to raise funds, ($250,0.00.00 so far to Yele.Org. The site even crashed today) and it has to be an immense and colossal task.
It's funny, but in a way, tragedies like this always tend to make me hopeful for humanity. Just watching the way countries and organizations step up to the plate and try to help is refreshing. It makes world citizens of us all. So, in spite of this tragedy, I am encouraged.
To my brothers and sisters in Haiti: Je vous aime de tout mon coeur
I'm shaking my head at some of the really ill comments made tonight by Bill O'Reilly (no surprise) and Chris Matthews. People are dying while they are worrying about "a flood of illegal immigrants". Sick!
"(Not even that crack- pot of a preacher, Pat Robertson, can make me think differently. He is just one man speaking from the dark side, so I won't trip.)"
He better thank GOD most people in America had already made their chunking yearly donation to his "pact with embezzling" church before this tragedy in Haiti happened.
And why the hell do "certain" people speak of the 1791 Haitian slave revolt like it's some kind of bad strike against Haitian people? wtf.
My heart goes out the Haitian people (only one day at a time can they recover/heal from this crisis and pain). One of my closest friends is a medical physician with Haitian roots, she's flying out to Haiti in the morning to assist as a volunteer. I wish I could also do more.
thank you so much for this post
i found this to be a good explanation of some of haiti's troubles.
Why Haiti keeps getting hammered by disasters
By SETH BORENSTEIN, AP Science Writer – 1 hr 49 mins ago
When it comes to natural disasters, Haiti seems to have a bull's-eye on it. That's because of a killer combination of geography, poverty, social problems, slipshod building standards and bad luck, experts say.
The list of catastrophes is mind-numbing: This week's devastating earthquake. Four tropical storms or hurricanes that killed about 800 people in 2008. Killer storms in 2005 and 2004. Floods in 2007, 2006, 2003 (twice) and 2002. And that's just the 21st Century run-down.
Correction the recent church donation thing was Rick Warren's Mega church. Sorry, they all look alike, I mean sound alike to me with their church begging and hypocrisy.
Field, I too am heart broken and spent this day thinking about the people of Haiti... worrying there is no food, no clean water.... where will people sleep tonight as I lay my head down in my nice, warm, safe, clean bed..... and I too am taking comfort in the amazing generosity of our fellow brothers and sisters around the world, even in these tough economic times...
I am also struck by the immediate understanding by so many of the small minded, mean spiritedness of the very few who have closed their hearts to the Haitian people and spilled their vileness from their lips.... There are moments when ugly is clear for all to see.
Finally, I am proud that my President is acting quickly in my name.
Ernesto and La-Incog..I feel you. Yeah, I will get to O-lie-ly, Robertson, and Rush another time. They are sick. I am guessing that even the most ignorant right wingnut feels some sense of sadness for all the human suffering going on down there. But not these clowns.
Chris, I honestly didn't even want to write tonight. I have some other work to do and I can't do it. I need to turn off the television.
Jody, it's kind of scary. But maybe other people will finally see them for what they are.
Notice I didn't say WHO they are.
Filled Negro:
I have harassed every one of my wife's Jamaican friends who have called this evening (yes I am married to a "Yardie") to detail WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO FOR YOUR CARIBBEAN BROTHERS AND SISTERS?
(Most said that they'd "pray for them")
They claim that the Jamaicans and Caribbeans in the ATL would set up collection stations for clothing and medicine to send. They are advising all to donate money to the Red Cross.
This entire situation is like a strike by a blunt instrument upon Haiti when it was already down upon its knees from a series of other assaults.
(Yes I sent a donation today)
[quote]"(Not even that crack- pot of a preacher, Pat Robertson, can make me think differently. He is just one man speaking from the dark side, so I won't trip.)"[/quote]
I agree with you about Pat Robertson's ill-timed comments.
HOWEVER - why do you denounce HIS comments but say little about the more frequent claims that:
* The CIA has caused the revolt of about 10 years ago?
* The legacy of undercutting of the nation by France and the USA are the primary reasons for the situation of today?
In my view these comments are in line with Pat Robertson's - if not loony then, undoubtedly out of line with the REAL WORLD TRUTH upon the ground
Funny how This President has boots on the ground and aid on the way right now.
It's nice to have a real teacher in class after all these years with a sub.
Field Negro ALL is WELL, GOD is watching, and if you think for one minute, I don't ask GOD why? then think again.
I am a Born again Christian, and PAT ROBERTSON is suppose to be BORN AGAIN as well, but, trust me, this man SERVE'S TWO MASTER'S! and trust me, this STUFF is deep ROOTED in WHITE AMERICA! don't get me started tonight about, what BURNING the CROSS really mean! THIS AIN'T GOT NOTHING to do with LOVING GOD!
Pat Robertson and RUSH LIMBAUGH said some wicked thing's, about the PRESIDENT and HAITI, but, it is the GRACE of GOD that AMERICA is yet standing, and they want to talk about HAITI, please!
All thing's work together for the GOOD, yes, it hurt's to see what is going on in HAITI, but, what was SEMI covered up, has been EXPOSED by GOD! GOD want's AMERICA and the WORLD to see, just how neglectful we are, when it come's to POOR PEOPLE, or the LEAST of those, the one's WITHOUT, the one's by the WAYSIDE, the one's CAST aside!
HAITI is a POVERTY STRICKEN COUNTRY, SHACK after SHACK, POOR BLACK PEOPLE for as long as I can remember, I was not born in HAITI, but, these are still my PEOPLE, they may live over there, but they are still my people, I don't know a soul in HAITI, but, you best believe, if they HURT I HURT! and they are hurting, so I hurt with them.
MERCY LORD, MERCY on your PEOPLE! GOD help your people, to be better than what we are!
It is not worth the effort or time it takes to discuss those individuals of the likes of Pat Robertson. Haiti has seen more than its share of troubles and now an earthquake to devastate the country further submerging the people in a deeper state of despair and poverty. It believed that people are resilient and it is my hope that Haitian people remain resilient.
This is awful beyond words. I have good ties to Haiti (many Haitans I know are so proud)and there are a couple of family members that live there and we are not sure if they are still alive.
Haiti has been through far too much to have this added to their plate. I cannot even begin to express my sadness at what is happening.
My Haitian friends are still trying to find love ones. These comments have truly made my blood boil.
Constructive one [please note my title for you tonight] there is hope for you yet. Having said that; I need your wife's#. I need that yawdie to talk some sense into you. :)
RainaHavock, I take it you mean the words of one Mr. Robertson et al. Yes,they make my "blood boil" as well.
Field--here is what Ta-Nehisi Coates said about Pat Robertson:
Check it.
Oh and here's some stuff on Reid from Coates too...
Field the dude that appears in the Robinson video needs to be House Negro of the century.
LOL. Ok CF, I give up. I am now completely clueless to what you just threw over my head which went strait into outer-space. You win.
"* The CIA has caused the revolt of about 10 years ago?
* The legacy of undercutting of the nation by France and the USA are the primary reasons for the situation of today?"
Maybe because those sound like they are more the truth? ding ding ding.. Did I win? Ok I'm off to bed, this is too hard.
My heart just breaks for these poor
people.Don't have nothing have really never had nothing.the very
little bit they had is gone.What little bit of happiness they had was family and friends.now even thats broken.After you read this,just stop for a second and look around at what you have.These
people would love to have and never had. Then say a silent prayer to your god of thanks.I have been down and out,but i have NEVER been this down and out!
@ FN:
I do understand... but...
It's not good for the spirit to watch death and destruction on an everyday basis with the knowledge that there is little you can do.(fact)
Since you do not have a God to turn to there is little chance of you finding any spiritual relief.(MHO)
You are right to turn the TV off. Just keep it in your heart and mind that Haiti has been through many disasters and lost many lives...yet it lives on. (fact)
I believe that Haitians will rise up from this with a keener knowledge and awareness of how to make their country safer during such disasters.(MHO)
Then...I am an eternal optimist :)(fact)
God uses the weak and foolish things of the world to confound the wise.
Haiti: certainly weak, and has been foolish from time to time.
Pat Robbertson & cronies: certainly have enough education to be considered wise.
Which means they are confounded. Any time ANYONE on this earth presumes to know the mind and thoughts of the Creator of the Universe and ALL THINGS...are always being confounded...and one should never listen to ANYONE that makes money(or takes advantage of)off/of poor people...which is how Robertson made his initial million.
And as an aside...he needs to sit his old azz down anyway. (I'm done)
Hello FN and all...(happy New Year!!)
As I sit with my family in the States and watch the news about yet another major natural disaster, I am reminded that our lives really are a mix of precious gifts. Though I can't travel to Haiti to volunteer, I will do what I can from where I am to help people get their lives back together. I have already made a donation...and will be sending off clothes and other necessities once I return to Japan.
I wish you all the best this new year. Stay healthy, happy and blessed.
The situation in Haiti is devastating.
Hopefully sunrise will bring some much needed help to Haiti. Today wasnt a good day. Look like everyone was on their own.
I am devastated over what has taken place in Haiti. Dark Moon like you I too have some family ties there. Strange, but some of my roots and family were also in New Orleans and now this.
Robertson, Rush, O'Reilly, and the rest of those jerks made those cold-hearted and callous remarks hoping to block and persuade people not to send help to Haiti. I was tempted to write them all a letter in behalf of my family and Haiti to tell them to kiss our black buttocks in big capital letters. And Field your house negro of the day sitting there bobbing her head up and down like a puppet on a string while Robertson made those callous, asinine remarks made me wish that her hair weave would disintegrate right there on the spot.
Sorry,you folks have to excuse me, but I had to vent because blood is thicker than a false prophet and the devil's imp (Robertson, Fox News Crew, and Rush) the real ones who have made a pact with the devil! Ole evil beasts!
I heard Rush today on the TV and boy did he make my blood boil, such a poor excuse for humanity. Obama is going to use this clamity for political leverage just the audacity of the statement left me speechless well almost wrote a poem about it here it is:
if there is a heaven
that means there is a hell
within this desolate dismal place
Rush Limbaugh's bound to dwell
he's a sickening racist bastard
who never shuts his mouth
a fat and loathsome creature
who's idolized across the South
what is excellence in broadcasting
Rush Limbaugh coined the phrase
it is certainly nothing that he does
his show deserves nor warrants praise
how about his dittohead audience
they are brainless without a clue
what a massive group of morons
if they took over we'd be through
too bad he's not drawn and quartered
or roasted live upon a stake
a pay per view execution
Oh! the money that we could make
Very nice blog you have here. I like reading political blogs for some reason. Anyway, I have a site myself where people from around the world come and debate on popular issues. I feel as if this will give citizens some form of power, letting their voices be heard.
I'd like to exchange links with you to help spread some traffic around between each other. If you'd like to, please leave a comment under our "Compadres" page when you've added our link and we'll return the favor.
Until then, keep up the good work.
The more I see pictures of the victims & destruction and hear stories about the magnitude of the earthquake, the more curious I get about the Dominican Republic. Considering the magnitude of the quake and the breadth of destruction and death, why aren't there any stories detailing or even mentioning any structural damage or loss of life in the DR? That seems very strange to me.
Hey Field thanks for this post. I have friends who are Haitian and actually have not heard from all their relatives on the island. A fellow church member is still waiting word from her son in law who had left Port a Prince only hours before the quake.
Folks need some serious education on the history of Haiti. CF made an outlandish statememt when he tried to compare Robertsons statements as being as loony as the FACT that the French and US imperialism has been undermining Haiti and its ability to govern and organize its own society and use its own resources for the good of its own society.
I mean does CF have no shame, these things are documented for crying out loud. And he is always on others for talking out of school and in this case he isn't close to the truth.
Man that just adds to my disgust and heartbreak over this thing. Just can't seem to get a break I can't believe he would send money and then piss on the truth about Haiti.
Field I am sure you are aware of this sordid history of US and French interference in Haitian affairs, hell the US just recently kidnapped Aristide and not long after collaborated with their appointed lackeys to further knock down trade barriers, effectively putting many Haitian farmers out of business who could not compete with cheap and subsidized US crops. Anyway www.democracynow.org had a good informational piece on this today for anyone who wants to really inform themselves.
I still can't believe that CF would do that even on this occassion. Field I am mystified at the mean spiritedness of folks.
Anyway I hope they get help soon. Its too slow for me Field even I knew that they need heavy equipment over there when I saw the pictures last night. Where are the bulldozers the heavy shovels and where are the makeshift medical tents. Folks are dying right now yet the news people are on the scene already, where is the help?
merci beaucoup monsieur...je suis vraiment triste aussi...mon dieu les aidera...
it is great to see millions ignoring bill o and helping anyway!
I was wondering the same thing about the bulldozer, shovels, etc. However, I think it has something to do with that piece of what looked like a highway that was split in two they showed every once in a while. Because they keep saying something about how are they going to get the supplies from the airport to where the people are (something like that). I can't remember their exact words right now because I am overwhelmed by the pictures of the results of the disaster being shown on the tv screen.
In other news, poor Teddy Pendergrass is gone.
ditto anon
i miss him!
Teddy (Pendergrass) dead at 59. What a loss to the lovers of his music. I will always remember January 14, 2010 as a day the world mourned Haiti and Teddy.
The more I see pictures of the victims & destruction and hear stories about the magnitude of the earthquake, the more curious I get about the Dominican Republic. Considering the magnitude of the quake and the breadth of destruction and death, why aren't there any stories detailing or even mentioning any structural damage or loss of life in the DR? That seems very strange to me.
The earthquake's epicenter was 9 miles SW of Port-au-Prince, which is 50 miles west of the border with the Dominican Republic. The news reports say the quake was felt in the D.R. but did no damage there. How to help in Haiti.
In all that horror & death, I saw the ruins of the palace, parliament, cathedral, & old banks, I thought, "At least they are done with those burdens now, the oppressive weight of those symbols. Now maybe they will believe they have a choice." Because the curse of the Haitian people was a belief that nothing could really change.
@Bob, you have got to be joking. What a stupid comment.
"In this great future, you can't forget your past." - Bob Marley (No Woman No Cry)
Field, as a fellow brethren from the islands I feel your pain and how you're looking at this all over our television. I could remember being fresh off the "banana boat" and living in NYC at a time when "being Haitian" was the running joke among "our folk". This post made me think of those days, and it is good to see that though a joke back then. We all knew that we were citizens of the world with a common history - Caribbean history.
Having said that, it is good to see people come together in the spirit of humanity to do good for a group of people who have been the butt of jokes for ages. I remain hopeful as I type this with tears in my eyes as I hear Robert Nestor Marley tell me that "Everything's gonna be alright."
Peace Dread
La♥Incognita, Jody, iseeisee, Ernesto, Chris Chambers, Granny and mellaneous:
I will REPEAT my claim!!!!
The words said by Rev Pat Robertson are the TWIN BROTHERS of the words said - FAR MORE FREQUENTLY - by the people who YOU FAVOR IDEOLOGICALLY.
Mellaneous - I KNOW MY HISTORY!!!!
If you notice I made the statement that THIS HISTORY, when placed in its PROPORTIONAL CONTEXT of the issues TO-DAMNED-DAY do not account for the painful truth that is on the ground. Historically Haiti's leadership changes at the blade of the machete rather than the ballot.
Pat Robertson was WRONG to attribute a FORCE that is crafted from his own IDEOLOGICAL BIGOTRY as the reason why the nation suffers its present fate.
YOU ALL are WRONG when you point to the external molestation from the past as the PRIMARY reasons why this nation remains poor.
BOTH OF YOU see a set of circumstances that "does not compute" in regard to your WORLD VIEW --- that you are not WILLING TO CHANGE!!!!! Thus the use of CONSPIRACY THEORIES act as a filler. They allow you to RETAIN YOUR WORLD VIEW and the CT's fill in the gaps. Your mind is MASTURBATED to satisfaction as a result.
Ironically IF someone, after taking their lumps from you all with regard to receiving BLAME were to LEAVE HAITI THE HELL ALONE and allow them to stand on their feet, unmolested by outside interference for 200 years into the future - would be the main ones rendering PROTEST!!!!!
You'd claim that "after 200 years of undercutting them THE WORLD IS LEAVING THEM ALL ALONE TO DIE"
Please stop your foolishness!!!
The truth is that in listening to Pat Robertson you are holding up a "PHOTOGRAPHIC NEGATIVE" of your own theories up to the light and you DON'T LIKE WHAT YOU SEE because it is as FOOLISH as what you rest YOUR OWN BELIEFS on!!!!!!
PRINT IT AND HANG THIS ON YOUR WALL folks for it is an accurate analysis OF YOU!!!
Teddy P. died of colon cancer@ at a local hospital. Sad. :(
Dude had some serious pipes.
Yes Rippa, today we are all Haitians.
Jason, I (and I am sure others) will check out your blog.
finefroghair, thanks for that poem. You are priceless.
[quote]Field I am sure you are aware of this sordid history of US and French interference in Haitian affairs, hell the US just recently kidnapped Aristide and not long after collaborated with their appointed lackeys to further knock down trade barriers, effectively putting many Haitian farmers out of business who could not compete with cheap and subsidized US crops. Anyway www.democracynow.org had a good informational piece on this today for anyone who wants to really inform themselves.
I still can't believe that CF would do that even on this occassion. Field I am mystified at the mean spiritedness of folks.
Here is where I stand:
I have a firm belief in the ABSOLUTE EQUALITY OF ALL HUMAN BEINGS!!!! I believe that all of us have the POTENTIAL to be equally COMPETENT and thus deliver the same results as we assemble together.
I also understand that the land mass that the USA, Nigeria or China are built upon are going to allow them to render far more wealth and productivity than will Haiti, Cuba or Montserrat.
You take the "American Revolution Era" sanctions from France and the refusal by Thomas Jefferson to recognize this "Black lead" nation as the KEY REASONS WHY they are as they are today.
Rest assure, mell - REGARDLESS of the global interaction to Haiti over the next 100 years - YOU would STIL be pointing to 1791 and what Thomas Jefferson did.
You see Mell - here is my problem with people who THINK LIKE YOU:
As I enumerage the key forces that POSITIVELY and NEGATIVELY impact a people and then STACK RANK THEM by their proportional power - so frequently those forces that enjoy POPULAR assumption as being the key reasons for the present state far too frequently aren't the main forces that are drowning the place.
The larger indictment of your analysis, however, is uncovered as we look at your views of what THE PEOPLE LIVING TO-DAMNED-DAY in Haiti or any other nation should do to insure that their people's fate in the year 2210 will be any different from their fate in 1791.
The INDICTMENT of these others in HISTORY prove to be more powerful in your mind than the failure of you and others to errect a more functional system that can produce more favorable outcomes TODAY.
IF we burned all world history books today and everyone started from scratch - the ONLY force that would change Haiti's fate is the presence of a SYSTEM that has the masses in those lands WORKING TOWARD THIS FAVORABLE END.
OK field, time shut those big lips of yours and help out. Get your black ass down to Haiti, heck I've even been there and I'm an evil White Man. You won't even have to fill sandbags or tote stretchers, all those collapsed buildings??? Someones gonna get sued, ofcourse you might have to go the volume route to make any coin, since the average Haitian makes about $16/yr and thats mostly from ummm I'm not sure how they make money in Haiti...
Seriously if your next post ain't from Port Au Prince YOURE the House Knee-Grow.
See you in Haiti...
no earthquake coverage on fox news. on my friend's blog.
If I showed you VIDEO PROOF that this claim against Fox is a LIE - would this cause you to alter your tendency to believe everything you read on a blog?
I record most of the evening line up of both Fox News and MSNBC (with LinkTV) included within on the 3 video recording devices that I have. I do this as part of my "propaganda research".
I assure you that Fox is covering this. The ONLY claim that one could make is that Rachell Maddow spent more time on Haiti than did O'Reilly or Hannity. To say that they did not cover or gave the story short shrift is a LIE.
my tendency to believe everything on a blog?
don't think that fits. and i don't doubt my friend's observation.
"It will be interesting to see what happens to all those refugees who are sure to spring up as a result of this."
I hope this..I hope if anything good can come out of this it's that the refugee laws toward Haiti are changed.
What are the chances?
FN, hopefully this type of event will make you realize how petty your racism chasing is. Racism is real and accurate accounting on it is necessary, but some of your stretched out and inaccurate posts are not.
On tv, they are saying there are not "enough hands" do dig out bodies and survivors. Field, get on a plane. Oh, you just write and send some money. More copouts.
FO... as of yesterday, the US has suspended all deportation of Haitians. When people bitch that there is no difference in how Obama Admin handles their shit and the previous one handled theirs...
I hope we all remember this and that there IS a difference. In first 24 hours, our military has taken over air traffic control so that planes can land.... our Navy's sea hospital will be in port today, and 3 C Transport planes have been off loaded and supplies and rescue equipment are now on the streets.
Thank you; I checked to see which organizations you were recommending so I could choose one. When I saw the news yesterday I was taken back to almost five years ago, my experience with Katrina, sitting on a bed in a motel in Texas, frantic for my neighbors, not knowing where they were, how they were, who to call to find them. Just as hard was when we returned, after finding them all, only to have some die from stress, some from rebuilding accidents, some because their souls were in too much pain. Each death cut further into my own grief over my city. I was shaking last night, I shake as I write this, because I will never lose that memory or the emotions from it. Facing cancer was easier, as was almost dying when a car hit me - a blood stain on the sidewalk for over a year - than the experience of the flooding of my city. Now, in Haiti, a country where they were eating mud cookies to survive, this. I can hope that finally Haiti will get the attention it has needed for too long, and that we all give generously. Thank you, FN, for the links, and your help in focusing on the need.
So much sorrow in my heart, I won't ever read the political squabbling and nonsense people come out with. Pfffft, it's gone.
The best way to help now is to send money to reliable organizations with a track record of effective aid: Red Cross, Doctors without Borders (medecins sans frontieres), etc. Sending stuff now that can't arrive, or trying to go there yourself where you will be in the way--save it for later, when there is an infrastructure to handle it. That is, unless you are a member of a relief team with its own supplies. Seeing the teams of rescue workers from all over the world mobilizing, hearing of the aid our country is sending...it's not enough to wipe out the horror and the sorrow, but it reminds me that people always have the choice to be their better selves.
Robertson is a quake. But all of this is God's will, we Christians know this. God chose to allow this destruction for some reason.
Lamar.... have you ever worked in a crisis environment? The LAST thing Haiti need right now is a bunch of people who are not a part of an emergency response team "showing up"... Remember, every person that goes to Haiti right now needs to have the resources and capability to be completely self sufficient... food, water, tools, sleeping gear, etc... The BEST thing we and you can do right now is to send funds to those organizations that have the capacity to be of help, not a hinderance.
... In 1825 France demanded that Haiti pay the French government 150 million gold francs to "compensate" French plantation slave-owners for their "financial losses" and in exchange for France's recognition of Haiti's independence. Years later, the amount was reduced to 90 million gold francs. ...
Summary: Haiti was forced to pay France for its freedom. When they couldn't afford the ransom, France (and other countries, including the United States) helpfully offered high-interest loans. By 1900, 80% of Haiti's annual budget went to paying off its "reparation" debt. They didn't make the last payment until 1947. Just 10 years later, dictator François Duvalier took over the country and promptly bankrupted it, taking out more high-interest loans to pay for his corrupt lifestyle. The Duvalier family, with the blind-eye financial assistance of Western countries, killed 10s of thousands of Haitians, until the Haitian people overthrew them in 1986. Today, Haiti is still paying off the debt of an oppressive dictator no one would help them get rid of for 30 years.
The rest of the world refuses to forgive this debt.
So, in a way, maybe Robertson is right. Haiti is caught in a deal with the devil, and the devil is us.
Many "Thanks" for the tips/recommendations re relief for Haiti. On-going response gives us tremendous hope - 'Us at our best'. Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders get my donation.
Aiyee, God (or gods or goddess or goddesses of whatever!)--are there no DEISTS left in this hemisphere beyond ME?
You know, those who hold to the notion that there IS a God, and that god created all of this and us, but then left it to us--this being OUR plane; these being OUR issues; this being OUR struggle... Certainly helps me avoid wasting precious time with "Why?", so I can get on to the business of moving my a$$ and doing what needs to be done--here, now!
Let us stop concerning ourselves with the beyond for a few moments and get focused on the now, m'kay?
[quote]So, in a way, maybe Robertson is right. Haiti is caught in a deal with the devil, and the devil is us. [/quote]
1) What would have been the consequences of NOT PAYING the loans and thus defaulting - as the Duvalier's did years later?
2)By 1900, 80% of Haiti's annual budget - WHY do you focus on the "80%" amount instead of the gross domestic product in total from this nation? (IF what you say is true in the first place)
Just for grins, NSignificant - can you detail the CURRENCY that Haiti paid this debt in? For there to be "high interests loans" there would have to be some sort of CURRENCY exchange or material bartering (ie: sugar cane, gold, rum, etc)
Please help me out NSignificant.
You would fortify your claim IF you were to provide more details of these "sub-prime loans" prior to Duvalier .
Get over it Field, God gives folks no more than they can handle. Everything that happens is God's will. I agree with the above posters too. Cry, be sad and move one. If they knew Jesus, they are fine.
Why can't all the religious nut balls just shut their mouths for one? Please stop talking about God's will, or what God wants until you can provide some tangible proof for it. Don't we have enough mindless "faith based" nonsense in this country already? It's time to move on to fact based discussions. So if you feel bad for people of Hati, send some damn money; prayers don't build houses or feed children.
"It will be interesting to see what happens to all those refugees who are sure to spring up as a result of this."
how can they be considered refugess when they are still in their home country? to me, the term refuge is now the white mans dog whistle for nigger. didn't expect to see that from you field.
Main Entry: ref·u·gee
Pronunciation: \ËŒre-fyu̇-ˈjÄ“, ˈre-fyu̇-ËŒ\
Function: noun
Etymology: French réfugié, past participle of (se) réfugier to take refuge, from Middle French refugier, from Latin refugium
Date: 1685
: one that flees; especially : a person who flees to a foreign country or power to escape danger or persecution.
have they fled? where will they go?
Pre-emptive clarification for NSignificant:
[quote]90 million gold francs[/quote]
So let's follow the narrative from the story you provided.
1) The newly liberated Haiti was to pay $90 million gold francs to the French
2) This was done BECAUSE the new leadership saw the need to continue TRADE WITH their former colonizers.
3) The Haitians was forced to "work the land" - (I assume) producing sugar cane, rum, and spices that were traded with France and the United States. Thus the "payment" had to be from proceeds of agricultural goods rather than - for example - the collection of taxes in cash from the internal economy in Haiti and then channelling these funds to the French and Americans.
Question NSignificant - Why didn't the leaders of Haiti decide to close their borders and CUT OFF these colonial exploiters?
I am NOT trying to "Blame the Victim", instead I am seeking to extract YOUR understanding of the reasons why they did as such.
The debt was a function of their desire to remain attached to their former colonial oppressor. (If you disagree please explain)
have they fled? where will they go?
I'm really surprised they're not flooding into the Dominican Republic, which by comparison to Haiti, is quite prosperous.
(At least I haven't heard anything to that effect. Which is kinda surprising, actually, given the devastation in Haiti)
Don't forget the the Dominican Republic was long dominated by the Spanish, the French and was forcibly taken over by Hati before it won independence. For the past thirty years the DR has become a success story.
The way these organizations step up to the plate is great, but people need to make sure the organizations are actually doing what they pledge to do and doing it with most of the money.
I posted today about some of the problems with aid agencies and some of the problems that Haiti has faced in the past and present.
If it had not been for a lot of people "just showing up" after Katrina, a lot more people would have died. There were many stories of people going to NOLA out of frustration with the government. There are NOLA residents alive today who are glad they came.
I think this monumental disaster underscores just how different an Obama administration is. Remember this after all you so-called liberal progressive bitches hand Palin a win in 2012. I'm just sure Stupid Sarah would do more than Obama has for Haiti, right? That assumes she knows where and what a Haiti is.
[quote]I think this monumental disaster underscores just how different an Obama administration is.[/quote]
Anon and Jody - HELP ME OUT.
It is clear that you both are operating upon the "standard line" that "Bush screwed up after Katrina" but OBAMA - has given 2 days of speeches and thus he has already OUT PERFORMED Bush on Katrina.
I don't care to get into a debate as this is merely based upon your BIGOTRY that you are satisfied after 2 days of the Haitian Hurricane.
Sadly Jody is like the Black woman in Georgia that I saw on television after the floods in September 2009.
On the day after the flooding and she was put up in a RED CROSS shelter - she said on a television interview "I am thankful for President Obama. We now have a president who cares about us"
Jody - the only problem was that NONE OF HER BENEFITS received at that point came from the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. Local FIRST RESPONDERS and the Red Cross were on the scene.
FEMA came about 3 days later- I GIVE THEM CREDIT!!! They did what FEMA was supposed to do: THEY HANDED OUT CHECKS for housing. They handed out CHECKS for repairs of homes. They condemned homes so that homeowners could qualify to have the government purchase their homes.
Here is what some of you all don't see. In your IDEOLOGICAL AND PARTISAN BIGOTRY you are easily satisfied with those you like and can never be satisfied with those you hate. From this those who are ACTUALLY FAILING YOU (See New Orleans for abundant examples) walk off free from condemnation. They gain more power and you get screwed even more in the future.
Many of you can't even define an immutable threshold by which you could be satisfied REGARDLESS of how is in power and thus manage BOTH PARTIES in the same way.
Instead many of you focus as the modern day "All White Jury". Your "guilty judgment" is 100% based upon the characteristics of who is on trial instead of your measure of the law.
And you believe that only the RIGHT if full of HATRED.
The news accounts sound utterly horrific. The U.S. needs to move quickly to try to head off starvation, epidemics, and complete anarchy there.
This is in our backyard and the people of Haiti desperately need our help. That's enough to go on, and Obama is right to signal that he'll be pulling out all the stops.
The arguments over how far to go to help them, and over Haiti's history, really ought to get put into the back seat for the time being. Those people are literally fighting for their lives, and it is this country's job to step up to the plate.
The reason: It's what we do. We are part of the brotherhood of the civilized.
One specific idea, relative to black people. There are a number of wealthy professional athletes who come from that area. They should be stepping up right now with money, and using their personal celebrity to get behind relief efforts.
The reason: It's what we do. We are part of the brotherhood of the civilized."
right...when weren't toturing people, invading countries, and continuing wars we should be ending.
i am so NOT going to let folks use this opportunity to praise the almighty USA. charity knows no nationality. one of the first relief planes on the ground was from china.
and let's not forget all the shoemaker's children who STILL have no shoes.
@ grinder
I agree that we need to help as a nation, but we also need to be wary about where the nation is giving the money -- is it going to the people who need it or to the people who are running the organization? Is it going to buy products that are needed for these people in their time of need or is it going to be pocketed by people who are just looking to make money off of others' charity.
People need to really look into who they give money to and how and if it is getting to the people who are in need.
Well Grinder, I don't know about athletes, but Wyclef has been putting his money where his mouth is for years. You need a talent hip-hop artist to raise funds your some progressive cause, Wyclef is your man.
For Pat Robertson to say something so racist & silly should make any good Black Christian think twice (well three times) before sending that old bastard any money.
Constructive Feedback what in the hell are you talking about. You talk as if history doesn't count and is if US and French interference either didn't happen and if it, did no big deal.
Your reasoning is faulty. If folks are continually interfered with and exploited for other peoples purposes what are they to do, if that outside force is too powerful to overcome. Don't you know your history, part of the pact with France included unequal trade.Are you really unaware of the number of times that the US government has interfered in the affairs of the Haitian nation.
How in the hell are you supposed to organize your society if others keep interfering? You keep alleging that what others on this blog are saying about the interference of imperialist countries in Haiti is untrue, but it is you that is unaware of the real history of Haiti.
But I agree with you about one thing, the people should take control of their own country and run it in a way that would benefit everyone. I think there should be a revolution in that country. I actually know folks who are trying to do just that, they had a chance several years ago. But oops when the US intervened to save Aristide in 2004 their real purpose was to head off revolutionary ferment, which was making headway.
I think you my friend should sit this one out, because your inability to look at this clearly without finding a way to defend your capitalist idol/master and without beating up on the resulting victimized and suffering humanity is showing.
Your foolishness on this subject is getting perilously close to Limbaugh and Robertson!
CF, you are a useless moron. An aircrft carrier is en route, two C-130s are already there with military engineers and planners. Between 2000-3500 troops are en route. The military is securing the Port au Prince airport and do what is necessry to make it operational. Clinton cut short her Asia trip to manage the relief effort.
You are a demented fool I would not normally even respond to but your lies are just disgusting.
btw, why should we be looking to black athletes to be championing the cause of haiti? ain't that a little regressive racial thinking?
bill clinton's doing a damn good job right now. (regardless of whatever he was alleged to have said about coffee--which was apparently a references to BO's AGE not race).
(regardless of whatever he was alleged to have said about coffee--which was apparently a references to BO's AGE not race).
If you believe that, I've got a condo in Port au Prince to sell you.
my prayers go out to the people of haiti. may they recover from this ordeal.
I think it is "noble" that Americans are still giving donations despite the fact they will likely be blamed for the earthquake (or the next stubbed toe of a Third Worlder).
btw, why should we be looking to black athletes to be championing the cause of haiti? ain't that a little regressive racial thinking?
If there was a massive earthquake in Italy, you'd have Italian Americans stepping up to the plate. There are a bunch of Dominican baseball players here, and I think they ought to be doing that.
It's too early just yet -- the relief efforts look like they're at a stage where the U.S. military has to go in there was basic stuff like water, fuel, and food. But at some point, there will be wider efforts.
Similarly, the cigar industry located in the Dominican Republic should be pitching in, and I'm sure they will be.
anon @2:14
have you read the book? what's the full quote and the context that it came from?
CF...I'm glad to hear of your donation for the relief effort. As a Black man married to a Jamacian sister you should know a little history of the islands. Here's a quick primer on U.S. involvement in Haiti:
An excerpt:
During the Duvalier family dictatorship -- Francois "Papa Doc", 1957-71, followed by Jean-Claude "Baby Doc", 1971-86, both
anointed President for Life by papa -- the United States trained
and armed Haiti's counter-insurgency forces, although most
American military aid to the country was covertly channeled
through Israel, thus sparing Washington embarrassing questions
about supporting brutal governments. After Jean-Claude was forced into exile in February 1986, fleeing to France aboard a US Air
Force jet, Washington resumed open assistance. And while Haiti's
wretched rabble were celebrating the end of three decades of
Duvalierism, the United States was occupied in preserving it under
new names.
"There are a number of wealthy professional athletes who come from that area. They should be stepping up right now with money, and using their personal celebrity to get behind relief efforts."
Go ahead and name them. And tell my why you think whom ever, or what ever isn't doing such already.
Hey, Anonymous @12:08pm - I'm a liberal, progressive bitch, and I think you've got a couple 3-4 screws loose if you think I'd ever vote for the Quitta from Wassilla.
Just as one should never pre-judge someone's actions/reactions/thoughts based only on the color of their skin, eyes or hair, so too it is a serious mistake to judge someone only on the shape of their excretory plumbing.
Mr. Field Negro, I share your heartache at the photos and stories I see coming out of Haiti. This poor old woman wishes dearly that I had more than my meagre financial donation and sincere prayers that I could give to help. I wish I were a doctor, or a trained rescue worker and could go and physically do whatever was needed to help those who have been harmed by this disaster.
Here is a list of baseball players from the Dominican Republic.
In the immediate term, the Haitian infrastructure (such as it was) is so devastated that any talk of reconstruction or other aid is somewhat premature anyway.
I'm thinking about what will be happening in another month or so. The situation there looks like it will get very desperate, very fast.
No, I haven't read the book, Maria, nor do I intend to. BUT...a reporter for the NY Daily News did, and according her, this was in the book. You can take it in any "context" you prefer:
Bill Clinton helped sink his wife's chances for an endorsement from Ted Kennedy by belittling Barack Obama as nothing but a race-based candidate.
"A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee," the former president told the liberal lion from Massachusetts, according to the gossipy new campaign book, "Game Change."
The book says Kennedy was deeply offended and recounted the conversation to friends with fury.
After Kennedy sided with Obama, Clinton reportedly griped, "the only reason you are endorsing him is because he's black. Let's just be clear."
The revelations in "Game Change" are guaranteed to reopen the 2008 Clinton racial wounds that had been scabbing over amid his post-election public silence and his wife's high marks as Secretary of State.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2010/01/10/2010-01-10_bill_clinton_told_ted_kennedy_that_president_obama.html#ixzz0ccfdDbjD
hey CF have you ever heard of a psychological condition called "learned helplessness" and how this may be applied to the nation of Haiti. We (USA) have been an exploiter nation for far too long but the times are changing we are rapidly becoming a debtor nation soon we'll be exploited let the good times roll.
froghair, I agree. This country is turning into Argentina. It has been on that track for 10 years. Our racial and ethnic battles are going to be very different in 20 or 30 years than they are now.
Here in Puerto Rico, we're very familiar with the Dominican people. Many's the time we've heard them in our backyards running to a waiting car that will take them to San Juan. Once when I lived by the beach, in a swampy area behind, there was an entire family hiding for a week in waist deep swamp water. Puertoricans will always aid them, even though it is against the law. I, as a former paramedic, have been on the scene as drowned Dominicans wash ashore, their bodies frozen in the poses of rigor mortis.
Almost every month, when the moon is new (the full moon illuminates too much and will give them away to the Border Patrol) they brave the sharks and violent waters of the La Mona passage in homemade rowboats packed like sardines, to get to Puerto Rico. Once here, if they're not caught by the border patrol, which many times they are, they call relatives and get rides to San Juan where there are many of them with hotdog/sandwich carts or as construction workers or maids and nannies to the elite of San Juan etc. Their ultimate goal is to get to the United States to work. So things can't be all that good in the Dominican Republic, and I hear that the corruption there is also monumental. I've heard that the lack of money is the root of all evil. I know it's more complicated than that, but words fail me. I've spoken to quite a few people here that say,"I know whatever I give to Haiti, will go towards the mansions of the government officials there, the people won't see a cent." but they give anyway.....
We live with coruption too...so we know how that goes....
"learned helplessness" is a racist construct oft employed by racists to attack those who have been disenfranchised by the ruling class...
It is not a term of art but an offensive pyschobabble term that is easy to hide behind and pretend to be an intellectual in the room...It is a classic cheap shot found in the chatterclass...
grinder sez
"If there was a massive earthquake in Italy, you'd have Italian Americans stepping up to the plate"
Any examples of this?
Take all the time you need racist.
I grew up in Pentacostal Christian Church where the pastor told his flock of an all black church to vote Republican for R.Reagan. As I see it, when you accept Jesus in your life. You've consciously decided to give your mind, body, and soul to the will of the Religeous leader you choose to follow. No matter how whacked out they may be, ie. Jim Jones. I'm not putting down Christianity, but too often I see poor decisions made by Christians in the name of Jesus. I doubt Jesus would condone some of the things Christians do today. Really Christianity today is the lie they say the devils been playing. If you are a true believer of God your mission should be humanity, selflessness, charity, family, hard work, and prayer. These whack jobs are trying their best to be conservatives, they lose site of being a true believer. Love God, yourself, and people.
Peace and Blessings
thank you, steve
well, there was one, and there were italian-americans who stepped up. BUT people didn't automatically go OH! mario batali should be leading the charge! (as in, all we care about it is food. btw, please don't watch jersey shore).
as in, grinder's first thought was BLACK ATHLETES raising money for haiti. not prominent x-pats of all kinds, such as actors, singers, etc.
right or wrong? racism or just insensitivity? you tell me.
As far as the people in Haiti, I'm heartbroken by the photos. It's not enough these people are poor and endure civil war, now this. I pray for them and send money. My coworker has family there, and she doesn't know what's going on right now. I pray for her and her family as well, that they be safe. Everyone is touched by this. All Haitans have been dramatically changed by this event. Things can only get better from here. This appears to be the low of lows for them. I'm very sad.
Peace and Blessings
La*Incognita sez to grinder
"Go ahead and name them. And tell my why you think whom ever, or what ever isn't doing such already."
Yeah, I'll wait for him to do it as well.
Especially since Wyclef Jean has already initiated a major relief effort with his website.
I wonder if Grinder challenged prominent Asian-Americans to fund a relief effort for the victims of the SE Asia tsunami in 2005?
This guy's hatred and resentment of black people is pathological.
Pat Robertson needs to get on his knees, repent for what he said about Haiti, pray for those people, then put some actions behind those words and send some money.
And while he's still down there, pray that God will not bring judgement upon this country! God is no respecter of persons or countries - He doesn't play favorites.
@Grinder: "There are a number of wealthy professional athletes who come from that area. They should be stepping up right now with money, and using their personal celebrity to get behind relief efforts."
Grinder, as usual, I believe that you mean well.
But I'm not going to take names and see who's doing, or not doing, their part to ameliorate conditions on the ground in Haiti.
I'm going to do my part, and trust that others will do theirs, as they're moved to do so.
The disaster in Haiti is not just a Haitian tragedy, or a black tragedy, but a human tragedy.
I would help those stricken by a similar disaster, no matter what part of the world they hail from.
And I would do it, whether the rich step up or not; the famous step up or not; or members of their own ethnic group or nationality, step up or not.
The only person I'm holding responsible here is me. Others can do whatever they choose.
I'm not their conscience, nor do I wish to be.
"The disaster in Haiti is not just a Haitian tragedy, or a black tragedy, but a human tragedy."
Thank you.
Frank, aren't you a doctor? Why aren't you in Haiti trying to help? Oh, that's right, never mind.
Actually grinder, Italian Americans here in Philly are about to lose their parade because of a lack of funds. And guess what, some of them are lamenting the lack of funds from their own community to save it. Go figure.
Grinder, I co-sign with BD, I think you might mean well, but damn your stuff comes out sounding the wrong way sometimes.
Yes mellaneous, our friend CF has some issues with his history. But he is a smart guy, let's hope that he keeps studying. :)
Robertson's comments need to be taken in the context that he, along with Falwell, always blame natural (and sometimes manmade) disasters on God punishing people. Earthquake in CA was God punishing the Bay Area for being tolerant of gays, 9-11 was because of abortion, the Holocaust was God punishing Jews for something or other too. "God's punishment" is ALWAYS the way those guys see it .
We can't forget the vicious overthrow of the Aristide by the U.S. government that continues to this very day: http://chris-floyd.com/component/content/article/1-latest-news/1900-help-haiti-the-unforgiven-country-cries-out.html
maria said...
i am so NOT going to let folks use this opportunity to praise the almighty USA. charity knows no nationality. one of the first relief planes on the ground was from china.
1:22 PM
Maria, who got that airport open and functioning so relief supplies from the US and other nations could come in?
gosh, anon--who do you think opened the airport?
no reason to jump on me and don't take what i said out of context.
grinder was praising americans for their charity--the whole world is responding, not just america. we shouldn't be using this for more jingoistic pats-on-the back.
as far as i know, the airport was not damaged and that americans had no part in that.
and the first two planes in were french, and the third chinese. find someone else to badger...i'm not playing.
[quote]CF, you are a useless moron. An aircrft carrier is en route, two C-130s are already there with military engineers and planners. Between 2000-3500 troops are en route.[/quote]
Your point is WHAT?
That all of the homeless Haitians will be housed by Friday?
Please MAKE A POINT instead of a LISTING OF ITEMS WHICH BROUGHT YOU PRIDE IN THE PRESIDENT THAT YOU FAVOR and then I'll know what the heck you are talking about.
[quote]These whack jobs are trying their best to be conservatives, they lose site of being a true believer. Love God, yourself, and people.[/quote]
I will put the Christian doctrine preached by ANY "mainline" CONSERVATIVE Christian preacher alive today against the FOOLISHNESS preached by Rev Jamal Bryant of Baltimore.
Aside from impregnating a teen-aged parishioner and divorcing his wife who charged him with spousal abuse - during the election last year WORSE than the offensive of having preacher suggest that the flock VOTE FOR REPUBLICANS.........he thought it to be UNGODLY that evil Sarah Palin was against ABORTION.
Now get this Phil4Real - I recall a few years ago while watching "Bill Moyers Journal" seeing a group of CHRISTIAN LIBERALS in DC having a PRO-ABORTION rally. I was floored, however, when the daughter of one of the LEFTIST pastors justify Abortion as "Godly" by saying "God helps those who have to make difficult decisions get through them.
I struggled to understand the biblical quote that HER FATHER used to justify the "vacuuming" of one of his gifts from the womb.
MAYBE you can help me out?
[quote]Constructive Feedback what in the hell are you talking about. You talk as if history doesn't count and is if US and French interference either didn't happen and if it, did no big deal.
Your reasoning is faulty. If folks are continually interfered with and exploited for other peoples purposes what are they to do, if that outside force is too powerful to overcome. Don't you know your history, part of the pact with France included unequal trade.Are you really unaware of the number of times that the US government has interfered in the affairs of the Haitian nation.
How in the hell are you supposed to organize your society if others keep interfering? You keep alleging that what others on this blog are saying about the interference of imperialist countries in Haiti is untrue, but it is you that is unaware of the real history of Haiti.[/quote]
Let's analyse things the REVERSE MANAGE to your argument.
CAN YOU DETAIL the situation where COMPETING WORLD POWER DO NOT "interfere" in another nation's business for their own agenda?
When Hugo Chavez teams with Robert Kennedy Jr and offers discounted fuel oil to "poor" Bostonians with the stated reason of "undercutting the evil American oil interests". When Chavez gets regional nations to sign up for discounted oil from Venezuela with the hopes of purchasing their loyalty AGAINST the "Infidel" (oh sorry, wrong region of the world). I mean "The Evil Imperialists" is he seeking to INTERFERE in these nation's and America's INTERNAL state - in your view?
Mell - I am 1000% confident that if I looked toward you - you'd be able to articulate every SLIGHT against Haiti since 1791. I am quite positive of that.
What I have severe doubts about you is your ability to articulate a strategy in which the KEY HUMAN RESOURCES alive in Haiti and who have the consciousness of mind that "OUT THERE, THERE EXISTS A MUCH BETTER WAY" - that YOU and others would be able to provide a prescription to them that would allow them to do what is necessary to actually ACHIEVE THIS END.
Instead, I suspect that America and FRANCE will be the two greatest determining factors in their future glory - per your plan.
This is what I suspect. I might be wrong.
At least Ivan and Ernesto told me that I am wrong. I am starting to believe that they don't like me.
As long as my friend Filled Negro "likes me" - I can endure all other assaults though.
Maria, I just asked a question.... Who got the airport open and functioning? And yes, the airport was damaged.
[quote] We (USA) have been an exploiter nation for far too long but the times are changing we are rapidly becoming a debtor nation soon we'll be exploited let the good times roll.[/quote]
Fine Frog?
What do you mean "BECOMING"?
The United States "IS" the "Greatest Debtor Nation" in world history!!!!!
At 12,100 billion now and growing to 21,000 billion in 10 years......I struggle to understand WHY ON EARTH you all seek to get MORE DEPENDENT on someone who is living in a luxury apartment but is paying his rent using CREDIT CARD ADVANCES????
Do you REALLY think that you are going to be getting "FREE" health care in 30 years? You had better steal a tank of "Laughing Gas" because this is what you are going to need to get buy.
HEY L.A.C.!!!!!!
Did you see the US Budget Deficit numbers for December 2009? A RECORD was set!!!
Hey Field, did you checkout that email I sent you the other day?
La Incognita, you're a VI Massive??
Robertson's comments need to be taken in the context that he, along with Falwell, always blame natural (and sometimes manmade) disasters on God punishing people. Earthquake in CA was God punishing the Bay Area for being tolerant of gays, 9-11 was because of abortion, the Holocaust was God punishing Jews for something or other too. "God's punishment" is ALWAYS the way those guys see it.
Yeah, except isn't it funny how tornadoes in Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas are never God's punishment for the high divorce rates of a the fang-dripping evangelical, and Hurricane Katrina wasn't God's punishment of Mississippi for having casinos on the Gulf Coast?
Anonymous said...
"La Incognita, you're a VI Massive??"
eh eh? waaah... big up! Another VI massive en deh place? Wah yo sayin, wah goin on dred?
LOL. Ok Let me stop, I got excited. Nice to know there is another VI folk reading this blog. :)
Grinder, I co-sign with BD, I think you might mean well, but damn your stuff comes out sounding the wrong way sometimes.
Well, it's a good thing that one rich athlete isn't a defensive, race-baiting bullshitter, ever ready to douse a good idea with a gallon of fashionable posing.
Of course, he's not black. He Calabalasian, or whatever. But it seems as if, in between screwing every blond chick the PGA Tour has to offer, the man just might be joining the give-a-shit club. Try it, you might like it.
"Yes mellaneous, our friend CF has some issues with his history. But he is a smart guy, let's hope that he keeps studying. :)"
Yes, I agree. CF is a smart guy.
Troubling info on Wycef Jeans, uh, charity. Among other things his Hatian relief "charity" pays for his recording studio and shells out big bucks TO HIM for performing at HIS OWN charity concerts!
grinder, "Of course, he's not black. He Calabalasian, or whatever."
It's Cabalasian. Show some respect for his race. I think it is wonderful that Tiger is helping Haitians.
Like so many non-Blacks, he has had so little experience with Blacks. Hopefully, this help kill the idea that Cabalasians are prejudiced against Blacks.
Btw, I predict that Elin and Tiger will stay together.
No Rippa, I don't think so. Send me the e-mail again.
"Btw, I predict that Elin and Tiger will stay together."
I co-sign.
And I heard about him wanting to give to Haiti as well. Hey, I don't care where the $ comes from, as long as it does some good I am cool with it.
LOL @ fang-dripping evangelical
Billions of dollars have been sent to Haiti and yet they have produced little results. We are not even entirely sure where all the money has gone; similarly, Haiti has more NGOs working there than most places in the world. Little has changed in the country though. The real question is what will become of Haiti?
@ Anonymous 11:48
A lot of the money likely never reaches the nation as it goes to the people in charge of the organizations' pockets.
They do have hella NGOs (some of which are still functional, some not) in Haiti.
I posted some info on how they use the money on my blog explaining where it goes and does not go.
David Brooks column to day in NYT bordered on pure racism and depravity...
What drives white folks to feel this way about other human beings?? Instead of offering a column with some ideas to help foks in Haiti Brooks invokes voodoo, parental neglect and the progess resistant nature of culture in Haiti for causing an earthquake!!!!!
This racist prick blames the people of Haiti for causing the earthquake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The real interesting question is what separates Haiti from the relative success of the Dominican Republic? After all they share the same island.
Jared Diamond's "tale of diverging economic paths"
“Je vous aime de tout mon coeur”
Champ, quel que soit ce que certains de vos attaque opposants ici pourraient dire, je sais que vous avez un cÅ“ur de compassion et c'est ce qui compte. Nos gens sont un peuple fort — survivants naturelles et cela trop communique. Larmes endureth pour une nuit mais la joie vient le matin.
This racist prick blames the people of Haiti for causing the earthquake!
One exclamation point will do, especially when it follows a flat lie. I am very far from a David Brooks fan, but his column did not blame anyone for causing the earthquake.
I just heard about the tragedy in Haiti and made my way to an internet connection as soon as humanly possible and donated to the Red Cross.
I am a physician currently on a humanitarian aid mission in the South Pacific and i see this kind of poverty and suffering everyday. I applaud all of you who donate and send your love and prayers to our brothers and sisters in Haiti, but i also want to encourage you to consider contributing to organizations such as Child Fund International and other non governmental organizations who provide aid to impoverished peoples around the world EVERYDAY.
I know times are tough for most, but please let us not let disastrous times be the only times we give, in the spirit of humanity, to those less fortunate than ourselves.
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