First, let me say for the record that I have a Jamai-Rican/Negro dialect, and I am dark skinned, so I won't be hiring Harry Reid (that soon to be unemployed Senator from Nevada) to run my next political campaign.
Folks unless you live on another planet, I am sure that you have heard about the latest gaffe coming from the dumbocratic side of the political aisle. Seems my man Harry Reid has been channelling his inner GOP. And just in case you just got back from your long trip to Mars; here is a news- line about the quote from the Sun News Company:
"WASHINGTON -- Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid apologized on Saturday for saying Barack Obama should seek - and could win - the White House because Obama was a "light skinned" African-American "with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one."
Now personally I am not surprised that old Harry feels this way. Negroes in A-merry-ca are supposed to speak with a...well, "Negro Dialect". "The man" can always tell when it's one of us when they here us on the phone, or when they hear us speaking without actually seeing us. It's just one of those Negro things here in A-merry-ca. Poor Harry has been around a long time so he was just stating the obvious. Let this be a lesson to you Negroes in A-merry-ca; master the art of hiding that Negro dialect and the sky will be the limit for you. There is nothing A-merry-ca loves more than an articulate Negro. And if he or she happens to be a little lighter in skin tone, it just makes the package that much better. I mean let's fact it; you darker Negroes can be a little threatening.
Anywhooo, seems his O ness wasted no time in forgiving old Harry. I guess this was not a "teachable moment". No beers for Harry on the White House lawn. Gee O man, I know the man belongs to your political party and that you need him to herd* those cats for you in Congress, but would it have killed you to wait a little longer to accept his sincerest apology *eyes rolling*for that unfortunate comment?
"I've seen the passionate leadership he's shown on issues of social justice and I know what's in his heart," Obama said in a written statement. "As far as I am concerned, the book is closed."
O man, this is why you are...well, the O man. You can actually see in people's hearts.
And I love Mrs. Field's home girl, Donna Brazile, but I heard her on one of the Sunday morning talk shows defending Harry and saying what a fighter he was for black folks and how he gets a pass because of his record- blah blah blah- and I wanted to throw up my eggs. Donna, with all due respect, that's bullshit! The only reason you were defending him is because he is a dumbocrat just like you. Had he been a repukelican your ass would have been all over him, and rightfully so. So let's not pretend that it's only old white repukelican men who are capable of ignorantly stereotyping people. The dumbocrats can hold their own in this department with the best of them, so spare me.
Hip Hop Mike, I saw you doing your usual jig this morning as well. Stop it! Yes there is a double standard, but you are in no position to talk. Had this been a a repukelican who made this statement your ass would have been jigging to his defense quicker than a conservative walking past a civil rights convention. Sorry Mike, your house has way too much glass in it for you to be in a television studio throwing stones.
Oh well, I am out. I have some more work to do. Trying to seem like an articulate Negro in A-merry-ca can be soooo hard.
Herd cats, HERD.
It’s not like he (Reid) was lying.
lol@TOROAZUL, YOU ARE RIGHT. I will change that now.:)*
Hey man, my birds lost last night, I am running on two hours sleep, cut me some slack will ya.
Good point Art Maggot. No dark skinned brotha with a negro accent (ebonics?) would have been elected.
God love us, Field, but you're way smarter than this.
Harry Reid has been an Obama supporter since Barack H. Obama Jr. was just a Senator. In fact, Reid was one of those who suggested that the O man run for the highest office.
Harry Reid was observing those Obama qualities that made him a little more palatable to A-Merry-Ca (that is, WHITE A-Merry-Ca); and he used less than politically correct terms to do so.
Why would you snipe at someone who's been on the O-wagon since before it was built based on a poor choice of words used in a private conversation that was meant to describe those qualities that made Obama acceptable to white america in the first place?
That's the difference between HR and your typical block-headed conservative (I'm looking at you, unconstructive feedback)-- words are NOT as important as actions, and HR has been an Obama supporter for a long damn time.
Please, brother Field, don' be carryin' water for those conservative dickheads.
Gah. Art Maggot on the case; 'nuff said.
Well there's this. We all modulate our accents depending on company -- especially politicians. George W. put on a fake Texas accent to hide the fact that he was born and raised in New England so he could win the trust of a certain group of *cough* conservative *cough* voters. Obama did it on the campaign trail. He spoke like a Midwestern Yankee until the South Carolina Primary where he really put on his preacher voice. Now, he's back to Midwestern standard. Bill Clinton got MORE southern around southerners. And we all get more whatever it is when we go back home.
We all put on a public/work mask and for a lot of us that includes a dialect for work and certain events.
Also, Reid is one of the guys who took Obama aside in 2006 and told him that he needed to run. So there's that too.
I'm not sure what all that adds up to but there it is.
I'm not sure what all that adds up to but there it is.
I think it adds up to HR is an old guy who happens to be on Obama's side.
Oh, you needn't worry: Clyde Middleton did the work of cobbling together the statements of "forgiveness" when they had a Republican (Trent Lott) in their sights.
@Ivan -- I kinda think that too, especially once I saw that Reid was 70. I read a piece on HR when he first became Senate Leader and it outlined where he came from. He grew up poor and abused. Nothing in his life was soft and he still carries a grudge that when he worked his way into law school and found himself in financial straits the Dean told him he should give up that law school wasn't for guys like him. If that's true then HR could understand and be very prone to coldly assess the odds for and against Obama and tell him to go for it.
This is a gift. To know what a man truly thinks of you, for better or for worse. Better to receive it insightfully and instructively than to rail against it.
No big thing to me - he said what "we" all say about being light-skinned and having the ability to speak job interview. But what's messed up is that some of "us" are outraged by it. And then there's the GOP calling for him to step down? Therm denounce his commentary as racist? Say it ain't so, my man, say it ain't so.
I'm out...
gotta go back and hope my Packers can pull out this win in Arizona.
Amen, ArtMaggot...
Harry Reid simply made the mistake of speaking an uncomfortable truth aloud. No reason to be mad at him.
And, until he can show us the bumper crop of African American candidates the GOP intends to run in 2012, Mike needs a big cup of STFU.
So repubs are blatantly racist and democrats are colorists? God help us.
So if you are a dark skinned Black and you make it, its affirmative action but if you are a light skinned black then its because of your skin tone?
Are we really heading anywhere other than just improving our standard of living?
My problem is not with Reid. He spoke the truth. Because he was is a Obama supporter does not mask the fact that he did not understand the power of his words.
Obama's statement should have included the fact that colorism is alive in well and that he is a proud black man or something to that effect. No, he just says "It's OK". He could have used this as a teachable moment to hi-light the difference in perception of people with darker and lighter skin tones. But of course not that would be to field Negro-ish...smdh
THe fact is that if a GOP person would have said this they would be killed in the media.
ditto fn
harry spoke the truth about how most whites feel...especially elder ones
they do prefer articulate light skinned blacks
this should be a teachable moment about many things...not a swiftly hushed moment for biased democratic fools
we should use this to teach our children many useful facts:
colorism is real and rabid
whites have no monopoly on diction
obama's speaking skills are a global asset they should all aspire to...
racism and colorism are universal wounds
anti-intellectualism and horrid diction have become chic and academically suicidal
all wounds heal best in open air
kudos to the author who busted harry
and shame on obama and all others who rushed to stop this NECESSARY national convo!
Hmmm, I think where one cpmes down on this depends on their party affiliation. Ivan, and J, you both seem to be more familiar with HR than I am,so I understand you giving him the benefit of the doubt. Not me. Although, as Rippa and ArtMaggot have said there are quite a few black [& white] folks who say the same thing everyday.
I guess it all comes down to those old stereotypes again. Sad :(
"This is a gift. To know what a man truly thinks of you, for better or for worse. Better to receive it insightfully and instructively than to rail against it."
Anon. I cannot disagree with that statement. Although it would have been nice if his O ness let Reid hang out there a little longer.
Anyway, Ripppa, I am with you on one thing, back to the game. It's a barn burner.
THe fact is that if a GOP person would have said this they would be killed in the media.
One crucial difference-- the GOP stands foursquare against any policy prescriptions that may benefit black people. Even when those policies would benefit the masses of white people as well (see health care reform, f'rinstance).
When a conservative has his bigot moment, it's usually only a coda to a lifetime's aria of racist asshattery.
I guess Mike forgot about some of his own comments he made last. For example the one "I'm gonna woo black folks over with chicken." (Granny giving Michael major eye rollage)
I didn't see anything wrong with Reid said because he was telling the truth. I'm not saying that just because he is a Democrat either. Folks better think back when Bill & Hillary made a few comments during the election and both are die-heart democrats that was offensive to blacks it didn't make no difference what party they were with as far as blacks were concerned. Negro dialect is a proper and polite term for ebonics. Had Reid used the terms "ebonics' and "nigger", hey, then it would have been offensive and I'd be on the ranting and raving ship against Reid.
From my viewpoint this is just another GOP political tactic to get rid of Reid come next election. Harry must be doing something right because it is the Republicans who have beenw working the hardest to get rid of him. Sometimes folks give the appearance of cordial and professional to the public but behind doors they give the other side hell. Evidently, Harry must be doing that or else they wouldn't be trying to cut off the heads of the Democratic Party.
God love us, Field, but you're way smarter than this
Nope, don't think so anymore.
Man, to think that in this day and age! Well, I guess some things will just never change.....
Although, as Rippa and ArtMaggot have said there are quite a few black [& white] folks who say the same thing everyday.
Boy, have you got that right. Anyone remember when Kanye said he was glad there was race mixing or there wouldn't be any video girls-read "light skinned' women? This stuff never dies.
ditto anon
as colorists go
many young black men are FAR more rabid than the wms/harry reids of the world
Hold the eggs, I am with my girl Donna Brazil on this one. Senate Reid said what a lot of folks black and white were thinking about President Obama when he ran for office. Dont kill the messenger.
many young black men are FAR more rabid than the wms/harry reids of the world
Sad but true AB
@Field -- I have strong reservations about the timing of this. It all comes from Halperin's book and Halperin is the kinda guy who thought it was funny to photoshop semen into a female Senator's hair. Not OK for a journalist working at TIME!
His entire book is an attack on democrats taken totally out of context and "paraphrased" from third hand accounts. He's got Edwards yelling at an aide, "why didn't you come to me like a man and tell me stop fucking her?" Biden and Obama fighting throughout with Obama blowing his top on Joe. A love scene between Hillary and Obama when it comes to her taking SoS. (Hillary was all "but Obama you know I can't control Bill and he'll do something" and Obama almost doing a Rhett Butler except romance style saying, "Oh Hillary I don't care about Bill. I need you.") And all kinds of other shit so thick and poorly faked that a screenwriter specializing in Hammer Films and Blaxploitation would laugh and point out how inauthentic the dialogue was.
HR supposedly said this in '08 over a year and a half ago and he's running to keep his seat right now. As a politician running, he can't take the time to challenge or explain it even if it's wrong (he could've said black instead of negro, the light skinned part could've come from a totally different conversation on white privilege for all we know (yeah right, but you get where I'm going) the wording could be completely off etc.) because explaining it will keep it going and bury him. The only option someone in his position has is to apologize and bury it as quickly as possible.
AB and others talking about colorism -- you're dead on that this is an opportunity! Political leaders, even Obama aren't gonna seize it though, but we can. There's no reason the people can't start the conversation without them. We won't get cameras but the blogosphere gives us a big wide world to talk.
Whelp, there's the reason why Alan Keyes did not win the Illnois US Senate race, despite his perfect diction.
Condolences, Rippa, but damn, what a game.
And another thing Halperin and the guy who worked with him on the book were both working journalists at major publications so why wasn't it reported when it happened? Why are all these sensational stories just now coming out?
You beat me to it, I was just getting ready to post the same thing regarding Halperin. I wouldn't believe anything he has to say regarding the Democrats because he is full of it.
Alan didn't win the Illnois Senate race because he is crazy.
I guess Halperin forgot about the behind the scenes of Obama and Biden laughing and have a good time together before they went on stage during the Presidential elections. They both looked very comfortable with each other. You can't fake that.
BTW, I was sorry to hear that Biden lost his mother. My prayers are with him and his family.
The more I think about this issue, the more I have to say that Reid's statements were stereotypical and unwarranted.
What black politician or activist, on the nation stage, has ever spoken in a "Negro dialect"?
Hell, as militant as Jesse Jackson appeared, I can't ever remember him speaking in Ebonics.
Ok, so what exactly did Harry say that was wrong?
I've been staring at this pink elephant since the DEM elections.
"Condolences, Rippa, but damn, what a game."
I co-sign. To the folks of Green Bay, I feel your pain. :(
Hi Granny. I agree about Biden's mom. She seemed cool.
OK, so Halperin wrote a hit piece. Does that excuse HR's statements? I know the guy is old but....
Granny, Reid didn't deny saying it. Using the term 'light skinned' as an attribute is so abrasive to me. What's so wrong with dark skin? The difference between the races has more to do with opportunity and culture I thought. But whatever, the world goes on.
Sister Moon said... "an uncomfortable truth aloud"
The consensus here seems that HR only spoke a truth that everone acknowledges.
Could he have said it in a better way? Maybe?
There was a photo in the L.A. Times in which HR has his arm around and a hand on Pres. Obama. There is a distinct look of distaste on Pres. Obama's face. The manhandling or what was being said??
"I've been staring at this pink elephant since the DEM elections."
You do mean black elephant don't you?
Let me stop. :)
I guess Steele decided to try another route to woo black folks over to the Republic side. The chicken didn't work out so good, so now, he thinks he can woo them over as a defender of racism. Does this mean that Steele will start criticizing the Republican's cable news network "We Make It Up News" for their racism because for years they've went out of their way to let us know how they feel about black folks with all of their top Republicans cheerleading and backing up their racism? Will he come out and rectify the wrong done to ACORN and make "We Make It Up News" do the same?
Because to be truthfully honest, it is gonna take more than the little fake outrage at Reid's none offensive remarks to convince me. I'm too old a cat to be fooled by a kitten.
@ FN:
So Big Mama (Donna) came to Reid's defense huh...?
Shocking I tell you!
Let's not forget that Big Mama consulted with Carl Rove (according to the Washington Post)...
I guess next she will be standing next to Sarah Palin...giving her some...
Politics certainly makes strange bedfellows...as the old adage goes...
In fact, he should have come out and said that charm word... biracial. Forget about light skin, negro, and ebonics.
That's the purple Godzilla in the room that certain people still want to mollify and pretend isn't there.
LOL Field, I was gong to say some smart @ss sh*t like that, you know.
I never heard anyone use the terms colored or negro until I moved to the west. I thought those terms went out of use before I was born.
Vegas is a racist town (big, still a town). If more than 3 black people stand in line at a club they will not get in to that club.
I always wonder shy blacks tourists visit this racist ass state, but ignorance is bliss I guess. Reid did nothing more than echo the sentiments on native white Nevadans.
@granny -- True. Halperin needs to take Bob Novak's title as dbag of liberty. It was obvious to anyone with eyes that Obama and Biden got along well. And Biden's mom just looked so adorable. I second your thoughts and prayers.
@field -- HR's words here are a cold calculation of what appeals to the electorate. The wrong part seems to be in the wording and speaking out of turn. Without knowing Reid, the question is: do you think he was talking about the electorate and assessing Obama as a candidate or do you think he was stating his own preferences? If you think he was stating his beliefs that Obama's ok "cause he ain't like those others" then by all means the man deserves all the hell that can be rained down on him.
@ Grata:
So if you are a dark skinned Black and you make it, its affirmative action but if you are a light skinned black then its because of your skin tone?
What a marvelous thought! But sad to say...the light skin tone does qualify...it qualifies you to get through the door..ability qualifies you to stay there...the qualification???? SKIN TONE!
(Lawd... pleese hep us lite skin-ded black wemen thas has da bilities dat no one sees...deys jus lookin' at ah culla Lawd..an utha thangs...whilst deys judgin us...)
Loved your response!
Admittedly, I don't get to this blog all that much, but I've learned something new today: apparently with all of the other ~isms out there, there's also "colorism," which is, or so I gather, different attitudes among blacks or about blacks based on how dark-complected they are.
Of course, I knew that attitudes about physical attractiveness ~ and everything that flows from our perceptions of attractiveness ~ included this particular subject, but I hadn't known that it had been given ~ism status. At some point I have to wonder if we won't reach such a great number of unacceptable ~isms that they will all become collectively trite.
Y'all want to get mad? Advertising featuring black women has really increased, but, amazingly enough, it seems that they all look cafe au lait white women.
ditto anon!!!
we have the power to make all moments teachable solo!...as i do
colorism is a perpetual convo in all of my own arenas...
i spend lots of time in the company of students P-12...it is a rabid daily reality
hurricane chris' ode to halle berry would never have been penned for a girl as dark as he is...nahmean?
nelly and many others lyrically worship ONLY "half black" women etc
The hypocrisy here is just silly. I guess the term high yellow is back in fashion too. Fools
Only when a president that looks like Eddie Murphy gets elected will I believe that Americans, both Black and White, are able to look past skin tone.
how can we as a people be so forgiving of this crap..o ness will fight hard not talk about race...i'm sorry he's a weak person for letting these poeple continue, in his on party to say racial things. (bill clinton saying 2 years ago he (o ness) would've been getting coffee for us.
o ness is not fighting hard for the community that he and family live in for years. and don't give me that he's the president for everybody..go look at everything he's doing for other's.. then we should be mad...
democratic party is a joke to the black people>>> .And by the way they only come to us around the time for election to get our vote's....switch from democratic to independent . they will start listening to us
wake up black people...
Hey Szpork:
Happy New Year and blessing to you. I had been thinking about you and wondering what happened to you.
Nothing is wrong with dark-skinned people. Anyway, there was really nothing wrong with what Reid said. It is obvious that for some reason,some whites prefer light-skinned blacks over darker skinned because for some reason they feel less threaten. Think about how they darken pictures of light skinned blacks on magazine covers to make them look threatening. Why I don't know and I think that it is a wrong assumption on their behalf. Whether they are light-skinned or dark-skinned should be obsolete.
Obama is afraid to talk about Blackness, we all should know that by now. So for him to not forgive or even delay accepting Reid's apology would have forced him to publicly acknowledge an issue related to being Black in America.
I'd be willing to bet, however, that if Reid's remarks had been directed at Latinos or Asians or the LGBT community (or any non-Black minority group) Obama would have spoken out against them.
And yet 90% of Black voters still support Obama.
@9.18 -- That Bill quote wasn't a quote. It's a "paraphrase" that Halperin says he got from an anonymous someone that Ted Kennedy supposedly told it to. Of course, Kennedy being dead means he can't call Halperin the lying sack of shit that he is. All these alleged incidents against democrats are coming from Halperin. Halperin who wrote for TIME covering the campaigns and yet didn't report it when it supposedly happened and would've had more legs as a story. And they all have a common theme -- things designed to make democrats fight amongst themselves just before the midterms. Things designed to make black folks sit home.
Now, I ask you: who is really getting played? Jumping up and down when a known liar uses unsourced paraphrasing saying democrats are as bad as republicans just before a midterm.
People do need to wake up. Wake up to the fact that someone is pulling our strings. Ask yourself who benefits from democrats fighting? Who benefits when black folks sit home or believe white democrats are the enemy? Finding out who benefits tells you who is playing and who is being played.
For heavenssake, there are "negroes" in my apt building who can turn the "dialect" on & off the way I can sound like Tony Soprano if I want to. In fact, I could probably speak enough "negro dialect" to pass on the phone with a white Senator from Nevada. It's the racial naivete that never ceases to amaze & discourage me, although I should know better by now. These people are running the country. They all understand "banker" dialect but it doesn't help.
What he said was offensive but there's some truth in his statement. I imagine Obama's light skin and diction appealed to SOME white voters. Hell, it probably appealed to some black voters too.
if u look back ..what have the democrat party done for us lately.NOTHING..come on...they are play us every year
forget the infight we're having, we need to stand for something>>> they are pulling our string and they are benefitting from us. for voting for them, and we not getting anything and return..like i said before its ok for other's to benefit from our vote.. we are not cattle and you know what happpen to cattle..
Ha Field I knew you'd write about this. I know it's funny the way old white guys like Reid think, but is what he said really off the mark? Do you think that if BHO looked & talked like Flavor Flav, he'd have had a snowball's change in hell of getting elected?
Hey Filled Negro:
You had better get this dude's IP address and stop him because he is threatening to display some BALANCE in the stories on this blog.
Just look at what this impostor said:
[quote] I heard her on one of the Sunday morning talk shows defending Harry and saying what a fighter he was for black folks and how he gets a pass because of his record- blah blah blah- and I wanted to throw up my eggs. Donna, with all due respect, that's bullshit! The only reason you were defending him is because he is a dumbocrat just like you. Had he been a repukelican your ass would have been all over him, and rightfully so. So let's not pretend that it's only old white repukelican men who are capable of ignorantly stereotyping people. The dumbocrats can hold their own in this department with the best of them, so spare me.[/quote]
There is NO WAY that the Filled Negro that I know would say such things.
(Now let me read through the posts on this thread and be forced back to reality.)
Harry Reid is an asshat. I want him gone and I am about as far from a Republican as you can get. Do you remember a year ago when his stupid ass was playing like George Wallace standing in the schoolhouse door to prevent Roland Burris from taking a seat in the Senate? What made that bit of theater so special was this was right after he dropped to his knees and fellated Joe Lieberman, after Lieberman had CAMPAIGNED AGAINST THE DEMOCRATS.
Huck Farry Reid.
That's the difference between HR and your typical block-headed conservative (I'm looking at you, unconstructive feedback)-- words are NOT as important as actions, and HR has been an Obama supporter for a long damn time.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko:
You are speaking my language dude.
You see Ivan I don't need for a White Progressive Snarling Fox to call me a "N-word" for me to see that BASED ON THEIR POLICIES they doubt the competency of the NEGRO who DOES have a "Negro Dialect".
Let's inspect their ACTIONS Ivan.
* Define the POLICIES that Harry Reid supports that have made the Black Community more ORGANICALLY STRONG where own own ACTIONS are the key forces that uphold the STANDARD OF LIVING that we seek?
* As the Progressive blob takes over more land around the nation - please detail their ACTIONS which have leveraged their control over the LOCAL INSTITUTIONS to achieve "Social Justice"?
* If legacy Southern Culture was foul because it was an eco-system in which masses of Black people DIED - what should I say about the modern systems in Chicago, Philly and Detroit which produce so many Dead Negroes each year?
Does the Black Establishment who PURPORTS to represent our racial best interests serve up any PUNISHMENT for this POLITICAL MACHINE that is running our communities? OR is it so fused with their ideological soul mates that purging these forces would be like pulling their own lungs out by reaching into their own mouths and and yanking?
Let's talk about ACTIONS Ivan.
You and Ernesto prefer "actions" where people are being SERVICED.
From this SERVICING eternal loyalties from the people will be obtained per the receipt of entitlement that THEIR OWN LOCAL ECONOMIC ACTIONS cannot support.
CF...unlike you, some people are capable of separating their political leanings from seeing the obvious truths that exist!
Perhaps someday you will take off the wingnut-colored glasses and join us.
Ernesto - do you notice how Joe Lieberman is contained in your every post against Harry "Woodrow Wilson" Reid?
Get over it!!!
He IS, however the 60th vote that the Statist Confiscators need to have their way in this nation. So they SUFFER and deal with him because they NEED HIM to carry out their agenda.
Joe Lieberman is the one force that DELAYED THE BANKRUPTCY of America by about 10 to 15 years per his insistence that the "Public Servicing Option" be removed from this Health Care bill.
It is ironic for a group of people who CLAIM that "it is OUR MONEY and we want to decide who gets it (not the insurance companies)" that the REAL TRUTH is shown in that you know that YOU CAN'T SUPPORT the "health care STANDARD OF LIVING" that you desire with YOUR OWN MONEY because if you did you would indeed support non-government co-ops by which like minded Progressives would pool their money and pay PROGRESSIVE PHYSICIANS who were not in it for the money.
Shamefully - you all can't even use the hundreds of thousands of human resources that are in the public schools and COULD BE medical professionals to be "low cost practitioners" that effectively expand the coverage.
You all are far better at fighting against EXTERNAL ADVERSARIES than you are with DEVELOPING HUMAN RESOURCES into the service agents that you need.
How long will you play the charade Ernesto?
"Define the POLICIES that Harry Reid supports that have made the Black Community more ORGANICALLY STRONG where own own ACTIONS are the key forces that uphold the STANDARD OF LIVING that we seek?"
More funding for Head-Start, lower student loan interest rates, and income-contingent repayment options. The Republican Party has been pretty good at making it harder for low income to get a college education the past few decades, apparently preferring them in the military or the prison industrial complex.
By the way, what did deregulation of the financial services industry do, CF? There's another prime example of your small government at work.
CF...The public option was a band aid solution that was designed to fail. Single payer health care (like every other industrial nation in the world ALREADY HAS) is the best, and actually only, workable plan.
If you ask me, he was always more Likud Party than anything else. Still is.
Hey if the government is going broke, then where is the money for all these wars coming from? Every few months Joe Lieberman and the gang approve another 100 billion to keep 'em going. Where is his sense of fiscal responsibility then??
Oh and how did the 700 billion dollars magically appear to bail out Wall Street greedheads? It amazes me that you small government misanthropes can still bring up the old "the government is broke" canard after that.
Harry Reid is guilty of nothing more than using old-fashioned words to say what everyone, including Obama and his advisers, already knows.
Three-quarters of the electorate is white, and about one-quarter to one-third of them wouldn't vote for a black candidate, period. Still others wouldn't vote for a black Democrat, not because he's black but because he's a Democrat.
That leaves 40-50% of the white vote available. Maybe a quarter of whites would vote for just about any Democrat, no matter what. So, there you are, with 15%-25% of whites hanging in the balance, which is enough to swing an election.
Obama got most of that "up-for-grabs" segment of the white electorate this last election. He won 43% of the white vote. That might not sound all that great, but consider this: Obama did better among whites than any Democrat since Jimmy Carter. Think about that a second: Barack Obama beat Mondale, Dukakis, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and John Kerry among whites.
How did this happen?
1. The economy was in a very scary condition.
2. Barack Obama and his advisors literally patterned him after Bill Cosby. They damn close to took lines directly from Cliff Huxtable. He was pitched as a non-threatening Magic Negro, which in so many words is what Reid was saying.
A whole lot of whites have a madonna-whore complex about blacks. You are either Magic Negro Model Citizens, or you are Hip-Hop Thugz. It was Obama's task to put himself behind Door #1, and the Bill Cosby strategy was the way they did it. Cliff Huxtable was the archetypal Reasonable Man and Model Citizen, the Magic Crossover Negro. And so was Barack Obama.
Where I think Reid is wrong was when he talked about "light skinned." I don't think that had much of anything to do with it. To white America, Barack Obama was black. Black people debated his blackness, but whites didn't, the crapola from Rush Limbaugh about him being a "halfrican" notwithstanding. Limbaugh's crap was never about percentage of black blood; it was about trying to lampoon Obama with racial slurs in general.
He was trying to keep the racist one-quarter to one-third of whites on the reservation, so to speak, and maybe grab a few strays from the persuadables. It didn't work; economic desperation and the Cosby Strategy effectively counteracted it.
The Jeremiah Wright "scandal" was all about trying to turn Obama from a Magic Negro into a Hip-Hop Thug. That one didn't work either, because of Obama's approach as exemplified by the campaign speech in Philadelphia. Team Obama deftly slalomed past the barriers. The phony Acorn scandal was another attempt, and so was the failed attempt to link him to Democratic machine corruption in Illinois.
Team Obama's problems began once he took office. The Republicans decided that Obama was a weakling who'd be hemmed in by his virtuous campaign rhetoric, and concluded that they could get away with scorched-earth obstruction because Team Obama didn't have the stones to fight fire with fire.
The Republicans were right about that, so right now we have a nice guy as president, someone we all wish well, but who no one in politics fears and therefore no one in politics truly respects.
Reid could have said he's Jimmy Carter with a tan, but everyone would have laughed because if there's one Democrat who's even more of a eunuch than Barack Obama it is Harry Reid. What a sad state. I hope everyone gets ready for President Romney in 2013, because I think that's where it's headed.
Harry Reid? Just a clumsy messenger telling us what we already knew. Big deal.
all i know is that no one in my world still uses the word "Negro" to my face. i guess i'm glad i don't live in NV.
i've been on the phone with Harry, and i doubt he knows my race. i don't speak with a "negro" accent, whatever the hell that means. i will say this: Harry is one smooth motherfucker. no, really. when he wants to, he can sound like a real Liberal. he's not, of course, but he's a master politician, in the sense that he can lie like a rug and make people believe in him.
i can't wait until he's done with the senate and take up that cushy lobbying job you just know he's headed towards. he's been a total failure as Senate majority leader.
Hey chicago dyke, Lyndon Johnson used the word "nigger" to black people's faces, or so I have read. But we have the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Medicare, and a bunch of other stuff because of him.
Just sayin'
Although the use of the term "Negro dialect" is questionable, I'm giving Harry a pass. He certainly didn't lie, he was being a political realist. Even if Harry Reid had an "R" after his name, I'd feel the same way.
Don't you guys think it odd that Liz Cheney is now all of a sudden a defender against racism? Harry's comment was one of her main themes today. Faking and shaking!
What I'd like to know is why Liz Cheney, Michael Steele, and Halperin weren't voicing their newfound activism against racism when the watermelon cartoons, monkey pictures, and all the rest of the real racist stuff was being said and done. Wasn't Steele dismissing them as not being racist. Now all of a sudden, he is fighting against racism. Yeah right! Yeah this ought to get the Negro vote.
Something I am wondering: If Reid said this stuff during the 2008 campaign, how come it's a story now?
"they do prefer articulate light skinned blacks"
What do you mean by "articulate"? Most articulate blacks also...sound black.
The Chin, and now Kenyan software engineers, et alia, ..., siphoning off even more jobs.
And, what are North American Negroes concerned about, Bill Clinton and Harry Reid stating true facts.
This fall my children's independent school will move from a semester school year to a trimester school year; one of the reasons for the change is to allow the students to learn more than one foreign language.
I had imagined that maybe either Hindi or Brazilian Portuguese would be added to the foreign language curriculum there, since they already teach Mandarin. But hmmm, given that Kenya was a British colony, I wonder if English, Swahili, or Cushitic the lingua franca there.
In addition to math and the sciences, how many languages will my children need to master in order to be competitive in this flat world?
Speaking of a flat world, the first thing out of the gate in my daughter’s high school economics class this semester:
Friedman, Thomas L., The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century.
North American Negroes, keep on fallin-nin for deh oki-doke; keep on espousing the merits of liberal crap, as the world moves on past you. Be careful that which you embrace, be careful that which you make your own.
Colonial possessions were to serve as markets for exports and as suppliers of raw materials to the mother country, ...
China is opening a copper mine in Afghanistan; who is the colonial master now?
Sleep on ig-nut-tuh-rut North American Negroe, sleep on.
Wow Grinder @ 12:14 AM. That pretty much sums up the whole unflitered truth right there.
MY $0.02...
Reid was stating the blatantly obvious. From my experience that about 95% of whites are terrified of the darker toned, tall, muscular male. Especially just out of the gym smelling like Irish Spring. Hmmm. I mean even Denzel is probably threatening to them in real life. Before we ride that train, I recall the days of the paper bag test with soroities and casting calls. I was given my first jar of ultra glow at age 12. In my darker toned husband's family, lighter grandchildren were given more gifts, money and food even...just to end up in jail. Here in Asia, you can buy gluthathione pills...to make your skin white. It's not just a black thing. It's a white supremacy colonial mentality that still isn't gone. Learn to love yourself or no one else really ever will.
I was trained to speak standard U.S. English as a child and spent time in speech and elocution class to erase my Queens "Axe me dat again." I speak that way around some of my friends that are from Queens, but now it's like switching mode. There is no way I could non-standard English at work. I doesn't fly, especially if you are speaking with non native English speaking people. It's just the reality. Do I regret the speech lessons. No. It's a necessary skill.
Reid looks like he's maybe five years younger than Jesse Helms. Even my grandparents still use dated, now offensive terminology. For a Moromon of his age, he might be really progressive.
On old white senator might be racist? No! Your don't say!
Rather than focus on him, I say we should stop the self hate first, improve our communities' economics and make our own films and magazines....more of them and total ownership. Up with the love and appreciation of our own culture and style. Did I mention that there is much folly in trying to be down with people who will always openly hate your guts.
BTW, I would take whatever Halpeirn writes with a grain of salt.
Oh, and a big jeer for that stupid Griot blog and Brazille and all of these other Dem backed Reid apologists. When will people realize that regardless of political packaging, those people think you are inferior. Don't defend them. They smile behind your back but are your trained enemies.
John B,
One can have a "negro accent" and still speak standard English. It is not the same as what some call Ebonics, a dialect, that has to do with the structure of language not the sound.
I can buy the "Reid was telling the truth" line with regards to Obama's speech skills, but the idea that being "light skinned" helped Obama with Whites is laughable, imho. He's not "high yella"...he's pretty dark for a biracial cat. Dark enough to instantly alert Caucasians to the fact that he's not "one of them".
I absolutely agree with what Reid said. I am a young dark-skinned african-american college student with a noticable "black accent", (I guess) and I honestly do not believe that RIGHT NOW I could be president of the United States. Don't get me wrong I don't believe that that the time when I will be able to be more confindent about it is far off but right now NO CHANCE. This is America and the American social structure is unfortunatly a racial hiearchy where people like me are on the bottom.
I do believ that the way Ried worded his comments was at the very least odd and maybe somewhat inappropriate. But what he said is (I feel) true. Many of my friends and I had this same conversation when president Obama was first elected and came to this conclusion a long time ago.
While president Obama is considered black to many he is not African-American in the context of which it is commonly used in American vernacular. He is partially of African descent and is American, but he is not the descendant of American slaves.
That part is what alot of people both black and white seem to leave out of any conversation regarding president Obama. While I believe he is good leader that has one of if not the toughest political climate to deal with I do not consider him African-American per-se. And i believe that America as a whole has some time before it is willing to truly accept an African-American president.
Like I said I respect the man and beleive that what he has done is unquestionably a big help to all black people, but I do not believe that America can honestly say that it is ready for an African-American to lead it.
"Do you think that if BHO looked & talked like Flavor Flav, he'd have had a snowball's change in hell of getting elected?"
Well ...NO!! Flavor Flav is a bit extreme,no?
[un]constructive one, unlike you, I am not tainted by any political party. I can speak the truth. You, on the other hand, cannot. Not if it involves your party.
Oh well, this is turning to be a "teachable moment" for some folks after all. Even if his O ness didn't want it that way.
Grinder, Mitt Romney isn't going anywhere. The Health Care Reform he did in Massachusetts is very similar to the national reform and that will kill him in the primaries. And Huckabee won't be there to split the Evangelical vote...
It's gonna be The Sarah Palin Show.
Gotta tear this guy down. We all would and did say the same thing when Lott said something as offensive. Sad that this is coming from someone that "supported" Obama's candidacy.
Field Negro, I just re-dedicated my life back to Christ so I can't cuss like I want to.
Anyways, the Congressional Black Caucus needs to be voted out office ASAP in each of their respective districts. WT__??
Those House Negros have lost their minds. Many have lost touch with reality and the plight of Blacks in this country. We are still dealing with psychological slavery.
Ernesto - You are a tragic JOKE.
In summary: EVERY ONE OF YOUR POINTS tap into GREATER SOCIETY'S belief that "No Negro" should live BELOW the standard that AMERICA has defined.....EVEN IF the aggregate result of the activities in his own community don't lead him to live at this STANDARD OF LIVING.
Ernesto if there is one difference that can be summed between YOU and I it is this:
YOU believe that you are helping people when you CONSTANTLY STRUGGLE ON THEIR BEHALF so that they might be able to live up to a standard that all Americans should have a SOCIAL JUSTICE RIGHT to live up to. (This even if you HATE the American economic system of CAPITALISM from which the bulk of your resources are drawn - but that's another debate for another day)
I am no less committed to maximizing the "Standard of Living" for people EXCEPT I see the damage that BEING SERVICED up to this level in question has upon their "cultural competence" and ability to 'forage' toward EFFECTIVE SOLUTIONS. Thus I am more inclined to consider the TWO WAY TRANSACTION that must be involved between two EQUAL ENTITIES for both of them to retain their dignity and neither to assume the superior and the other the INFERIOR.
In my view EQUALITY is a two way street. Not only should we ask for equal treatment as PROOF that we are valued in this society. There is also a need for EQUAL EXPECTATIONS from this same entity with the knowledge that there is an effort to maximize the utility of every one of the individuals contained within.
* More funding for Head-Start
MORE FEDERAL FUNDING for a program to educate Black people using resources that are derived from OUTSIDE OF the domain of PRODUCTIVE CAPACITY of our own communities. This falls in line with the milieu of MORE RESOURCES and LESS TAXES upon these same people's backs. How do you show VALUE in something that you are not YOURSELF willing to "Pony Up" for Ernesto? You are a walking PERVERSION of human behavior.
lower student loan interest rates
Ernesto I have made an observation about how EDUCATIONAL COSTS vs PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS COSTS are handled by Progressive-Fundamentalists like yourself.
You seek GOVERNMENT SUBSIDY for the educational costs which are rising faster than inflation. Yet when it comes to DRUGS - you seek to hammer the manufacturers and have the government negotiate DOWN the prices.
Question Ernesto - why don't you show any particular inclination to have the government force down tuition costs so that more moderate income people can AFFORD it?
income-contingent repayment options
From each according to his ability TO each according to his need.
Ernesto - when we study "Flight" (Corporate Flight, White Flight, Black-Flight Progressives) do you not see that what seems like a HELLAVA deal to YOU is a deal that SCREWS those who are sponsoring you?
It is only a POWERFUL GOVERNMENT INTERMEDIARY that could ever employer your CONFISCATORY and DEVIOUS plans to ever remain in place.
The Republican Party has been pretty good at making it harder for low income to get a college education the past few decades
Ernesto - in a field of FELLOW TRAVELERS - you would no doubt get a thunderous APPLAUSE for your latest rumination.
The TRUTH of the matter is that the tallest STONE FENCE that stands in the way of advanced education for Minority students is the FAILED EDUCATIONAL ECO-SYSTEM that they suffer with - which is run nearly exclusively by the PROGRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT that runs the board where these people LIVE IN THEIR HIGHEST CONCENTRATIONS.
You focus on the people who submit a COLLEGE ADMISSIONS APPLICATION. Think of the far, far, far greater number of people who WON'T BOTHER TO FILL OUT ONE as their academic experiences have not substantiated further advancement of their education?
apparently preferring them in the military or the prison industrial complex.
Always the HIDDEN HAND of the insidious force that is lurking around the minority communities - always waiting to throw a brother in jail OR allow him to use his "street weapons training" in support of shooting a Muslim in the head on foreign soil. This is the vision of "AmeriKKKa" in the world of Ernesto.
Tell me Ernesto - with the evil, racist GOP marginalized and voted out of nearly every single MINORITY dominated district in America - WHERE DO THEY GET THEIR POWER to derail the Negro from?
How are they so much more superior than the PROGRESSIVES that actually RUN THINGS in these places for them to be able to continue their malignment of our interests?
Truth is, Ernesto - the greatest fear in your life must be to be LEFT ALL ALONE with just YOU and your THEORIES and being forced to survive a mere 2 months with nothing but these theories for you to live off of.
I would buy you a video camera with a 2 month supply of batteries to record the exploits of you having to live - coming FACE TO FACE with yourself.
[quote][un]constructive one, unlike you, I am not tainted by any political party. I can speak the truth. You, on the other hand, cannot. Not if it involves your party.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
You speak the truth in these words about your NON-PARTISAN ways in about as truthful that I would be if I told you that the JLP and PNP were planning a joint Eastern Day feast to show their Unity In Love and Spirit and that real silverware will be used at the place settings despite all of the past hard feelings between these two groups as they are now all settled.
[quote]Anyways, the Congressional Black Caucus needs to be voted out office ASAP in each of their respective districts. WT__??[/quote]
Attorney Mom:
This is not going to happen ABSENT A FRAMEWORK by which to evaluate them.
Black folks live VICARIOUSLY through the "Democratic Elected Official's Portrait" that hangs on our walls. Their VICTORY is seen as our RACIAL VICTORY.
Instead we need to put all of them on trial with respect to our PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Have any of these Permanent Interests been sufficiently advanced while they were in POWER over our communities:
* Safe Streets?
* Quality Education?
* Thriving Local Economies?
* Healthy Lifestyles?
Their main failing is that they are striving for CENTRALIZED POWER instead of CONSTRUCTING COMPETENCY AT THE PERIPHERY where we are hurting the most.
@CF: Was Harry Reid wrong with his statement and was it racially insensitive?
@Field: That was a damn good game between the Packers & Cardinals last night. My Packers lost, but I'm happy to let you know I'm off suicide watch now. lol
@Granny: It's really good to see you on the board. Are you back to blogging again? Missed you!
I've heard many black people say the same thing Reid said.
Unfortunately what he said is true.
"many young black men are FAR more rabid than the wms/harry reids of the world."
What in the wide world of sports are you talkin about?
"Anyways, the Congressional Black Caucus needs to be voted out office ASAP in each of their respective districts. WT__??"
And replaced with whom praytell?
"Barack Obama and his advisors literally patterned him after Bill Cosby. They damn close to took lines directly from Cliff Huxtable."
Man, you really kill me with this bull$hit.
You've never had a meaningful relationship with a black person in your life have you Grinder?
Black folks are just caricatures and cutout figures to you.
Imaginary conversation between Reid, OBama and FN
Obama: I don’t know if it s a good time for me to run. I might not have a chance of winning and will ruin the chances of the democratic party in this election.
FN: I think you’re right his O’ness. A black man can never win here in Amerikka. If they elect you I will run down Broad St. naked.
Reid: Hmm….I think you’re wrong. Since you are “light-skinned” and have the advantage of carrying no Negro dialect, unless you want to, I think you could get enough votes from my people to win. I urge you to run and if you do you’ll have my support .
Who was wrong here?
I can’t believe AAs are mad about this. What about paper bag tests. Think Adam Clayton Powell, David Dinkins, Basil Patterson, Percy Sutton, Charlie Rangel. Light skin resonates with black folks as well. Hell if you’re light enough you can even be chairman of the RNC. I really think the outrage is misplaced.
I guess Shirley Chisholm, Ed Townes, Greg Meeks and Major Owens don't count, eh?
Alright. Does it make sense to pillory Harry Reid for some stupid thinking, but let KFC go for doing the same, if not way worse stereotyping? Actually, but sadly, what Harry Reid said has some true-to-life relevance, what KFC did was just plain mean.
Anyone who tries (those Republicans who want Reid to step down) to compare this to what Trent Lott said/thinks are just plain ignorant. That man wants American life back to the 1950's. Reid simply does not.
Thankfully, there's a Jacksonian, populist wave coming.
Field rightly pointed out that the only reason Brazile was defending Reid was that he was a Democrat. So I thank him for that.
What Field and other lefties don't get, however, is that progressivism and other 20th Century solutions are at the end of their utility. The notion, for example, that the black community can be "helped" by robbing Peter to pay Paul to purchase Paul's vote is bankrupt once Peter can up and move his factory to China, Maylasia, or India.
Thus putting Paul (let's say Paul and his family are black, for example) out of work and on state relief until he finds another, lower paying job.
Progressives never understood that people get tired of being looted. Progressivism as a going politico-economic theory of government would only work as long as Other People's Money was around for them to tax and distribute to interest groups who would vote for them. However, once global finance capitalism gave rise to ruthless mercantilist states such as China and India, progressivism as a working approach to government, with its massive centralized beauracracies and its two thousand page bills (such as Health Care Reform, for example), instantly became dinosaurs.
Relics of a bygone age: what none of you realize is that Obama and the people around him have been passed by by the Chinese and the other Asian trading powers who are pursuing decentralized solutions to problems. The ruling party in Washington is doing the exact opposite precisely because they believe it will enhance their power.
What Obama and the Democrats are doing is not only wrong, it is economically obsolete. Especially in the age of the personal computer. Therefore, Field, I submit that your support for this program of gleischaltung is not only wrongheaded, but also obsolete.
Most of the voters in this country are catching on to the fact that the nation is headed in the wrong direction. That is the only thing that can explain the increase in Jacksonian sentiment.
[quote]And replaced with whom praytell?[/quote]
The first 42 names out of the PHONE BOOK!!!!
We would have a greater chance of getting more THOUGHT diversity.
(Especially if it was the "Bowie MD" Phone book - right?)
[quote]@CF: Was Harry Reid wrong with his statement and was it racially insensitive?[/quote]
There are two perspectives:
1) Offensive to Black Folks per the standard that we can surmise based on past "offenses
2) TO ME.
With Respect to #1 - You only need to read Filled Negro's commentary to make note of the answer. Here is what you are not understanding RiPPa - in normal occasions the subject of RACE is off limits to White Males UNLESS they are making a SELF-INDICTMENT then they can talk all they want. (SEE TIM WISE!!!!!!)
Just as when Negro Leaders praised Attorney General Holder's "Racial Cowards" comment, RiPPa - THEIR ASSUMPTION is that they will be MAKING more INDICTMENTS against WHITE FOLKS than accepting them toward Black folks.
We only need to look at the Gabby Sidibe , the star of "Precious" to note that BLACK FOLKS also have a SKIN COLOR PROBLEM amongst ourselves.
#2 - I WAS NOT "OFFENDED" by Reid's comments RiPPa. In fact I would love to scrutinize the words of the Negro leaders who suggest that we should evaluate Reid by his ACTIONS not his WORDS.
I AGREE!!! The legislative history of the Progressive has been nothing short of an ASSAULT upon "Black Cultural Consciousness". Despite having more POWER on paper per the elected seats we are no more able as a community to express our own PERMANENT INTERESTS.
I assure you that I can find more SQUANDERED HUMAN RESOURCE POTENTIAL in 2010 than YOU could document "Overt White Suppression" that is holding us back.
Harry "Woodrow Wilson" Reid has many goals. One of which IS NOT to make an "Organically STRONG" Negro Community that doesn't NEED HIM and instead asks to be LEFT ALONE. (As the Black folks in ask in Bowie Maryland)
I guess you think the economic theories that cause the last financial melt down weren't obsolete. There were no "if only" in this situation; there were either no regulations in place or regulations applied to fetter that market.
What gets me is that when portfolios were losing almost 40%, people still think government is stealing there money. I guess it was alright that the bankers got their bonuses and very big bucks lending your money or outright stealing it. Those loses were equivalent to a large portion of the National debt.
Happy Trails
@CF: Negro, I asked you a simple question hoping you would share your thoughts on the comment, but you go in on what "I" don't understand? Couldn't help throwing in your critique as per usual even in your answer, could you?
This is why you're often ignored, bro.
But let's try this again:
Why didn't Reid's comment offend you?
"We would have a greater chance of getting more THOUGHT diversity."
I'm still waiting after 3 years to hear an intelligent "thought" from you.
Your one and only contribution to these boards is "Blacks are exclusively killing each other in the ghetto, dropping babies out of wedlock and dropping out of school and it's all because they vote Democratic."
It's laughable.
It is a non-issue and truth to be told, Harry Reid was right in his assessment. People are just offended that he used the word negro in his statement. This country is racist and it did matter if Barack Obama was running for president than someone like Al Sharpton. Even within black community there is a preference between light and dark-skinned black people, so I know it also matters among white people as well. Appearance matters in this society and the jury is still out on whether the country would elect an African-American woman. The country is not going to elect anyone of the jewish and islamic faith, atheist, someone who is overweight. A Latino with an accent, I do not think so. It is unforunate, but that's the way it is in this country.
Reid should have been more careful or use different phrasing, but it does not change the truth how the rest of the country feels. Do I think Reid had an insidiou intent in what he said, no, but it doesn't matter because intent means nothing.
So, what wods can we use? I posted this comment on Pandagon, Amanda Marcotte's site:
Stubbles wrote:
I’m saying we shouldn’t say “negro”, corwin.
There’s a very popular, politically liberal Philadelphia blogger who goes by the pseudonym the Field Negro. I think that most of the Pandagonistae would like his site.
To which I received all sorts of negative comments. Pandagon is a liberal site, where most of the traffic seems to be from whites, even though two of the four main bloggers are black. Follow further down from my comment, and you'll find out just how offensive our host's blog pseudonym is.
My fellow Toonzone poster, Ed Liu was correct.
You people are as dumb as a pile of shit just like these assholes at the links below:
If you have anything to say to me (I accept both nice AND naughty messages), then do it at the link below:
You can also contact me here:
Don't forget to copy and paste the links! Until then, I will continue to PWN asses!
Brother Field...somehow I am amazed at why and how we repond to how another man feels. The age of Mr.Reid tells me that the majority of his life was spent in times where he "could" speak on race as he pleased. So now we MAY have an individual that always have to be on guard about how he speaks. I am convinced that Afrfican Americans fully understand the impact of our baggage--light skin-dark skin. I always try to speak from what I have experianced in life. Being light skinned I was given a wider lattitude in most actions in growing up. But being just l/s can only get you so far as a MALE.(Generally we don't put l/s male on the Black male manliness personna) Therefor I knew that as a Black male in America I must master the language and education. Also, being a certain shade you could be more militant in your politics--Huey Newton. Also I have experianced that the courts were more lenient along shade lines. Having a son that was browner, I encourage and DEMANDED that he master the education prosesse. This levals the playing field in regards to being successful in America. I DID NOT MAKE THE RULES. African Americans, we know the formula about race here- do the right thing, then we would not be spending time on what an old man- like me, have a slip of the tongue By the way- our racially different tongue,lips and jaws create unique and distinct quality to our use of the English language. Most of us will never know our natural African language- thanks Mr. Charles.
I can't judge the man, because I despise being judged. Sometimes those in power forget that they are responsible for their actions. Reid's conscience should decide this one - or the people will put enough pressure on him to step down.
Sanity from other web-dens of iniquity: Ta-Nehisi Coates says, "...Claiming that Harry Reid's comments are the same[as Trent Lott's), is like claiming that referring to Jews as "Hebrews" is the same as endorsing Nazism. Whereas a reputable portion of black people still use the term Negro without a hint of irony, no black person thinks the guy yelling "Segregation Forever!" would have cured us of "all these problems."
And from Balloon Juice, John Cole astutely points out that "The African-American community is able to tell the difference between someone using a dated term and someone pining for the days of segregation, so they will not be convinced that the GOP is all of a sudden the place for them." (And yeah, I'm STILL looking at yo' dumb ass, CF)
So, Field, my most esteemed brother, perhaps it's your "yawdie" roots or maybe it's something in the water in Killadelphia (okay, probably not) but on this issue you are mistaken. Harry Reid is NOT a neo-Confederate; and today's "conservatives" most assuredly ARE.
I think there are many people more deserving than him!
(Do you think that if BHO looked & talked like Flavor Flav,)caught-ya
You watch the Chris Rock special,didn't you field !
Well I'm a white boy and I'm not hiring him either!
By the way my pa demdractic paper came today.Says bc/bs hiking prices and rationing health care of there
caddy plan! but dropping the pre-part. sound like anybody we know ?
redistribution the poor doesn't get richer,just the middle class gets poorer till there is no middle class.The Rich (and the beat goes on and the beat goes on)
the fact that AAs are getting mad over this shows you what our priorites are: we didn't 'cry' in outrage when a Black politician gets caught w/ her "hand in the cookie jar:
Sheila Dixon - Mayor of Baltimore
Mayor of Birmingham, Larry Langford
Judge Hermon Thomas
Rep. William Jefferson
we don't call out Black ministers screaming against Gay marriage when about 95% of their own congregations aren't even married. or more importantly our communities get worse but their churches, cars, houses, real estate properties, get bigger from the tithes Black folks donate.
or that the percentages for Black coaches in NCAA college football vs the number of Black players is woefully inadequate: 7 coaches.
but the list goes on of things for Black folks to get fired up.
so Black folks to get outraged from what some old coot from Nevada says is a bit much. (even if did speak some 'truth'). we forget that it's Harry's generation that was screaming and protesting against integration, the abolishment of the Jim Crow laws -- so they're GONNA have a "back in the day" moment once in a while. it was more of an amusingly stupid moment for me than anything else. Michael Steele's 'double-standard' play after he's said SOOOO many really problematic statements/terms/names outraged me more.
however it'd just be really nice if a Dem could just be honest about why they don't consider it a HUGE issue while providing a 'teachable moment.' but the ole' standard of: HR is a good man, he's done SOOOO many things for Black people... is so typically patronizing.
Geez: Black comedians have A LOT of material to work with these days (look for Paul Mooney's upcoming show on Showtime)
for a 70 year old white man, HR's statement was pretty progressive and accurate
Man, you really kill me with this bull$hit.
You've never had a meaningful relationship with a black person in your life have you Grinder?
Black folks are just caricatures and cutout figures to you.
Unfortunately, the video from The Daily Show where they put Obama's speeches side-by-side with episodes of The Cosby Show is unavailable.
They found half a dozen examples, and it was obvious that Obama had been scripted. It doesn't bother me that he was; all political candidates are scripted. Still, it was telling that they picked Cosby as the template.
As for my tendency to see blacks as caricatures, I think it's a piece of baggage on my railroad car. I'm not going to sit here and pose as someone who's got everything all taken care of.
That said, I think you greatly overstate your case. In real life, as opposed to a two-dimensional forum like this one, I think I go pretty far from the tendency to view blacks as cut-outs. Generally speaking, the older I get the more interested I find myself becoming in piercing the exterior and engaging with people of all kinds, even if briefly.
But not always. You only have so much time in daily life. You're not going to engage with everyone, and you'll probably engage with people who, for one reason or another, strike you as approachable. So, to the extent that I've got a wall up, or that someone else does -- for whatever reason, good, bad, or otherwise -- I won't get past the surface. That's life.
To be honest, that surface interaction is the majority of our interactions with people in the modern world. You just don't have the time to bond with everyone.
UTS, you're just as much stuck in caricaturing as anyone else here, if not more so. Certainly with me, you are. You're bound and determined to stick me in a narrow mental box. Nothing I can do about that except hold up a mirror and dare you to have a look at yourself.
Come on Field. It aint like he used the "n" word. Negro is to some degree an acceptable word. There are many organizations that still use the word in their name. Dr. King and Malcolm used the term regularly.
Reid was supporting and advocating FOR a black man for the presidency. It's not like he was trivializing or putting down a man for being "negro." He's and old man who used an old word that, in his day was perfectly acceptable.
You've not said anything to convince anybody that he committed anything but a minor faux pas.
How about we focus on those who are really an anchor to our societal and cultural development in this country rather than some old guy statesman has been a staunch defender of equal rights his entire life and uses nothing worse than an archaic term in a private conversation.
Grinder, Grinder, Grinder
Obama and Cosby are not the only black men in America to have successfully navigated the racial waters and it is racist and ignorant to suggest they are.
It is an essential element of existence for black politicians in particular to be non-threatening to whites.
You gonna tell me that Harold Ford, David Dinkins, Shirley Chisholm and Deval Patrick were fist pumping mau-maus?
I believe that you find Cosby particularly appealling because he is a black man who voiced your sentiments on race.
Thuis you will attempt to associate any black who endeavors to be "post-racial" to Bill Cosby.
Harold Ford, David Dinkins, Shirley Chiholm and Deval Patrick weren't elected president. As for Cosby and his "appeal" to me, it's got nothing to do with what I've written in this thread. I was analyzing, and explaining, not advocating.
I am hardly the only person who's noted the parallels between Obama and Cosby. Like I say, I wish the recording of the The Daily Show episode with the side-by-side comparison was still available. Too many virtual word-for-word analogs for it to be a mistake.
Look, I truly don't blame Team Obama for how they played it. I think they took a look under the hood of the electorate and devised a clever approach. That's what politics is about. You can commit far greater sins than to hitch your black candidate's star to Bill Cosby's wagon as a means of reassuring white voters.
My point is that nothing happens in a vacuum. Team Obama used their strategy for a reason. That's where my take on it comes in: I think that a whole lot of whites, and probably most of us, at some level have this dualistic view of blacks as either Magic Negroes or Hip-Hop Thugz. It's an artifact of segregation.
If you want to get mad at me for recognizing it and discussing it, fine. But I think I'm onto something with the observation.
Colin Powell is a racist:
"He is light-skinned, with the ethnically neutral voice of a television anchor and an inviting face, which the writer Henry Louis Gates Jr. described as having ''a sort of yearbook openness.'' This makes him an easy man to be around. As he told Gates in a remarkably candid series of interviews for The New Yorker: ''One, I don't shove it in their face, you know? I don't bring any stereotypes or threatening visage to their presence. Some black people do. Two, I can overcome any stereotypes or reservations they have, because I perform well. Third thing is, I ain't that black."
"@Granny: It's really good to see you on the board. Are you back to blogging again? Missed you!"
I missed you too Rippa. Yes, Rippa I have but won't be doing it on a daily basis like in the past. Nor will I be posting as much but I am back. Happy New Year to you and I pray that you have a blessed and prosperous New Year.
"Field Negro, I just re-dedicated my life back to Christ so I can't cuss like I want to."
LOL! I know what you mean and can relate, but that's okay, I can lend you some good substitutes. (wink & LOL!)
the fact that AAs are getting mad over this shows you what our priorites are:
But who's got their assorted panties in a twist over this?
Would they include... Liz Cheney, that champion of the black empowerment?
Some good points:
Black folks to get outraged from what some old coot from Nevada says is a bit much. (even if did speak some 'truth'). we forget that it's Harry's generation that was screaming and protesting against integration, the abolishment of the Jim Crow laws -- so they're GONNA have a "back in the day" moment once in a while. it was more of an amusingly stupid moment for me than anything else. Michael Steele's 'double-standard' play after he's said SOOOO many really problematic statements/terms/names outraged me more.
"It's a white supremacy colonial mentality that still isn't gone. Learn to love yourself or no one else really ever will."
"have the government force down tuition costs so that more moderate income people can AFFORD it?"
"Anyone who tries (those Republicans who want Reid to step down) to compare this to what Trent Lott said/thinks are just plain ignorant. That man wants American life back to the 1950's. Reid simply does not."
"I guess you think the economic theories that cause the last financial melt down weren't obsolete. There were no "if only" in this situation; there were either no regulations in place or regulations applied to fetter that market."
"It is a non-issue and truth to be told, Harry Reid was right in his assessment. People are just offended that he used the word negro in his statement. This country is racist... Even within black community there is a preference between light and dark-skinned black people, so I know it also matters among white people as well. Appearance matters in this society and the jury is still out on whether the country would elect an African-American woman. The country is not going to elect anyone of the jewish and islamic faith, atheist, someone who is overweight. A Latino with an accent, I do not think so. It is unforunate, but that's the way it is in this country."
"The age of Mr.Reid tells me that the majority of his life was spent in times where he "could" speak on race as he pleased. So now we MAY have an individual that always have to be on guard about how he speaks."
"Harry Reid is NOT a neo-Confederate; and today's "conservatives" most assuredly ARE."
"Only when a president that looks like Eddie Murphy gets elected will I believe that Americans, both Black and White, are able to look past skin tone."
"People do need to wake up. Wake up to the fact that someone is pulling our strings. Ask yourself who benefits from democrats fighting? Who benefits when black folks sit home or believe white democrats are the enemy? Finding out who benefits tells you who is playing and who is being played."
"These people are running the country. They all understand "banker" dialect but it doesn't help."
"I think that a whole lot of whites, and probably most of us, at some level have this dualistic view of blacks as either Magic Negroes or Hip-Hop Thugz. It's an artifact of segregation"
"Reid was supporting and advocating FOR a black man for the presidency. It's not like he was trivializing or putting down a man for being "negro." He's and old man who used an old word that, in his day was perfectly acceptable...
our societal and cultural development in this country rather than some old guy statesman has been a staunch defender of equal rights his entire life and uses nothing worse than an archaic term in a private conversation."
"Something I am wondering: If Reid said this stuff during the 2008 campaign, how come it's a story now?"
Oops forgot the quote marks for the first one.
Dana said...
So, what wods can we use? I posted this comment on Pandagon, Amanda Marcotte's site:
Stubbles wrote:
I’m saying we shouldn’t say “negro”, corwin.
There’s a very popular, politically liberal Philadelphia blogger who goes by the pseudonym the Field Negro. I think that most of the Pandagonistae would like his site.
To which I received all sorts of negative comments. Pandagon is a liberal site, where most of the traffic seems to be from whites, even though two of the four main bloggers are black. Follow further down from my comment, and you'll find out just how offensive our host's blog pseudonym is.
Dana, if you keep playing over at that Pandagon site, with all those militant feminists & lesbians, you're liable to go blind & grow a penis. Those folks are waayyy out there. Somewhere past Pluto.
"(Lawd... pleese hep us lite skin-ded black wemen thas has da bilities dat no one sees...deys jus lookin' at ah culla Lawd..an utha thangs...whilst deys judgin us...)"
Yep, different challenges for different skin tones. I am struggling to see which one is worse. Being an "affirmative action" achiever or a mere "Skin tone sponsored" achiever.
Looks like both end up at the same point. Who you are and your potential are really irrelevant in White society.
Being an Affirmative action achiever may actually be slightly better because we are kind of now used getting that hurled at us. This achievement based on skin tone is just being openly publicized (though its been known in the BC) courtesy of HR. So we may be seeing the beginning of a change in the general public's attitude towards light skinned Black people. As if we needed a new dynamic......
Yeh, I think this is a generational deal.
If you're older that dirt, like some of us, you remember (as Clarence Page reminded us this morning) that each decade has seen a shift in language in people of all colors in America. Political correctness is slippery ice. What once was the desired word -- "Negro" -- is still the label of choice among many people of color my age and older.
Obviously, there's a derivative of that word which finally got a stake through its heart and not a moment too soon.
Harry Reid is a politician (which is why he said what he said in the first place) and one who would have said just about anything to get a Democrat in the White House and a Democratic majority in Congress. He doesn't have to be my favorite politician for me to agree with that sentiment. The quotation startled me a bit until I remembered how passionately many of us felt (and how tirelessly many worked)to get Obama elected. Every political calculation was important, right down to "how he talks." Remember how Bush talked and the extent to which it did him political harm among independents?
Another journo of the younger generation, Ta-Nehisi Coates, is forgiving, too. He lands on the GOP for comparing Reid to Trent Lott and has some choice words for the opposition party.
So I have to disagree with Field on this one while saying, once again, that this is one of the very best blogs around with -- for sure -- some of the most interesting commenters, too.
This story is the epitome of the statement, "Context is everything."
I absolutely agree with the posters who have said comparing Lott's statement to this is apples and oranges.... Pining for segregation as Lott did, and stating a truth in an awkward and mildly offensive way are two very different things.
One of my daughters brought a house in a predominantly Eastern Indian and Asian neighborhood. She was living there before the majority of them. One of my granddaughter’s friends is Eastern Indian but the girl’s father is very racist. My granddaughter is an honor roll student and speaks very proper English. She is a good kid and is light-skinned but does it even matter to some that she is light-skinned? Let me explain my reason for asking this question.
Her friend has spent the night with her and has eaten many times at my daughter’s house. Nevertheless, one day when my granddaughter went to her house to visit her, she came home crying. Apparently when she knocked on the door, the girl’s father answered the door and told her he didn’t want any black people in his house because ALL black people are thugs and thieves. My granddaughter just made ten last October. None of my children or grandchildren are thugs and thieves. So, where did that man get his opinion of black folks from? As young as his daughter is she understands that her father’s way of thinking is not right.
One of my other granddaughters goes to a private school which is predominantly white. She is only five. Ask yourself this question. Why would a child five years old come home and ask her mom can she make her white so she won’t be dirty? My granddaughter is well-dressed, neat, clean from head to toe, and brown skin. BTW, she speaks proper English and Spanish fluently and no she is not biracial. She was in a program for tots that teach them Spanish. Both of her parents are college educated and in a high income bracket. When questioned about why she ask that question, her mother found out that one of the little girls at school didn’t want to be her partner in a project they had them doing because blacks are dirty and nasty. Now where did the child get that from?
Racism is taught! It always has been and it is programmed into the minds of people through tv, radio, and all of those old bigots that are still living today. That's why it still lingers in the air. The seeds are planted and they bloom into weeds called racism. Our biggest problem is eradicating the weeds so to speak, tearing it out at the root.
BTW, what's with the double standard of the GOP party? Now all a sudden they are staunch defenders of black people and Liz Cheney of all people to name a few. When in fact they've openly expressed in many ways that they believe in white superiority. How many times have you heard that Blacks are not competent enough to run a country; blacks are represented as all thugs, welfare recipients, monkeys, etc? I mean come on now; when they were in control black folks were not high on their priority list. I remember watching the RNC national convention and the DNC national convention and the difference in the atmosphere at the RNC convention. Representation of blacks was not visible at all in the crowd. Their theme has been “Take back our country” but take back your country from whom? Where did your country go? Have we been invaded by a foreign country takeover? I was born here, so was the President Black, and black victims in Katrina who were labeled refugees, welfare recipients, thieves, and thugs by a Republican President and his party.
ditto bg1
i am so sick of black racists selectively whining like uts!!!
pretending that harry reid lied and
pretending that blacks are not the most rabid colorists on earth
is hypocritical and tired
reid spoke truths that most voters of all races share/display daily
i will be posting a dated column on lott and a new column on reid asap this pm...
in the meantime
see this classic take on the colorism by blacks that uts dares to pretend is not relevant and far worse than reid's:
does UTS ever post a sane/genuine
point herein...ever????
The MAJORITY of BLACK MEN speak with a THICK BLACK dialect, so what's wrong with that? the President is well educated but, when he open's his mouth, he sound's like a BLACK MAN with GOOD grammar, he has never ever came on the scene sounding like a WHITE MAN!
The president is half white and half black and at time's, when the camera come up close to him, his skin tone look's like a white man's skin, can he pass for pure white? NO, his hair is NAPPY! look at those old school picture's of his, BIG THICK NAPPY AFRO!
I have never ever heard him come close to sounding like a WHITE MAN! he sound like MALCOLM at time's and then Dr, King, now is he putting up a front? NO, this man has been around BLACK MEN and he has picked up BLACK MEN attribute's, he even STRUT'S at time's, he SLOW DANCE'S like a BLACK MAN! go back and take a look at this man, if you pay close attention, he try's very hard to NOT go into the FULL WHAT'S UP, YALL WHITE FOLK'S are some crazy people, or the main one, MAN BLANK BLANK, ALL YALL WHITE SO and SO'S!
HARRY REID was telling the TRUTH, those two WHITE MEN that wrote that book are trying to cause KAOS with REID and AFRICAN AMERICAN'S! don't black people know how these people operate? HARRY REID was responsible for getting those SIXTY'S vote's in the SENATE! so now THEY are coming after him! this is his pay back for trying to help AFRICAN AMERICAN'S as well as other POOR PEOPLE! NO one care's about POOR PEOPLE! do you FEILD NEGRO? for if you did, you would look at the FULL PICTURE! but, no, once again, you fall into the WHITE MAN'S TRAP! PAY ATTENTION BLACK MAN!
BARACK would have been elected if he was BLACK as TAR! smart poor white people GET IT!
if obama was darker skinned and spoke with a more stereotypically black dialect then he would probably not have been elected
ref jesse j and al sharpton
obama often did audibly repulsively blacken his dialect while campaigning...ie in selma
michelle once suffered even more than obama did as she is visibly blacker
millions of white voters felt obama was half-white and thus half of them and only half of us and that endeared him by lessening his blackness
yet another reason why i refer to him accurately as blackish
harry reid told the truth about how whites see obama as less black and NO one works harder always to whiten obama than obama himself!!!
HR spoke the truth and it is a reality of post-modern America. It ain't right - but it's the truth. That seems to be a problem for many of us in A-merry-ca. We don't like to hear, speak or be confronted with truth - especially when it's unpleasant.
It is my opinion that a dark-skinned African American without a firm grasp of the King's English would not be electable to the office of POTUS. Maybe someday - but not today.
Reid's choice of an outdated racial categorical term was unfortunate, but I don't believe he meant it in a racist or offensive context.
Context, that's another concept that gets short shrift today. Halperin's quote, if read in context, indicates Reid was not only affirming Obama's "electability", but also his desire to lend his support. (I didn't get the sense that he was begrudging the fact.)
This is so reminiscent of the "Jimmy the Greek" statement about African Americans being superior athletes because of breeding over 30 years ago:
" African Americans were naturally superior athletes at least in part because they had been bred to produce stronger offspring during slavery:
“ The black is a better athlete to begin with because he's been bred to be that way — because of his high thighs and big thighs that goes up into his back, and they can jump higher and run faster because of their bigger thighs. This goes back all the way to the Civil War when during the slave trading, the owner — the slave owner would breed his big black to his big woman so that he could have a big black kid."
It's hard to hear, but it's true and historically documented (although the intent was not for gold medal garnering or Superbowl championships, but for being strong enough to be a "field negro".
Being a "field negro" does take a certain amount of stamina and courage -so I applaud the self-titled FN's (me included) at this site.
My take - I believe this thing has been blown way out of proportion. Harry Reid's choice of words were impolitic, but not racist.
i loved and miss jimmy!
just like harry, he told the truth!
i wish sarah palin had said it so the national fallout would force perpetual discussion rather than be rushed into biased silences!
Here is one of the future proposals that Republicans have in mind. Wow! I wonder does their proposal include starving the poor to death to cut unemployment too. Smh!
Fox News Presents Its Plan To Combat Unemployment: Cut The Minimum Wage
Oh goodie! As if Beck, Hannity, and Fox and Friends were not sickening enough with their fear conspiracy bigoted theories, now folks will have to hear from good old Sarah on how to see Russia from our backyards, death theories, and Lawd knows what else. Lord please save us from Palin.
Sarah Palin To Work For Fox News
I'm just curious. I find Indians eat up the stereotypes because they were from lower castes back home and now it's their chance to look down upon someone else and feel better about themselves. If they are from a higher caste, well, they enjoy and engage in this sort of behavior through religion.
I'm sure this will happen at some point in time with my kids as it happened to me years ago. How did your child handle the situation with your granddaughter and the Indian?
to Pierced: i remember all the 'hoopla' over that Jimmy the Greek statement. what's funny is that today? it wouldn't matter because apparently we only "play" 2 sports: basketball & football, w/ a few very talented female volleyball players. (although w/ the steady influx of the brothers & sisters from the Carib & Africa -- American soccer (futbol) is about to get a whole lot darker. Poor 'Soccer moms'. we don't have access or money to participate in other sports --has anyone looked at Little League World Series lately??? no one seemed uncomfortable over the fact that the teams from the US have been majority/if not all-white for many years now. it's particularly glaring when we see the teams from other parts of the world -- who aren't. so the irony of Greek's statement is tremendously glaring.
however you're right about the whole HR thing because listening to Liz Cheney & George Will was a great deal more insulting. it's LAUGHABLE to think either of those people would be able to have competent discussion on race & it was worse that none of the other guests called them out on it. instead they sat there 'quivering' in discomfort - almost like that Mike Myers/Kanye West-GW Hates Black People-moment.
oh yeah, & let's not forget another lil' racist time-bomb: Disney's "attempt" at a Black cartoon (it WAS only the year 2009!); the Princess & the Frog. Disney? Thanks, but No Thanks!
When you say "This country is RACIST" do you include BLACK PEOPLE in this statement or only WHITE FOLKS?
When you ask "Since WHEN did Republicans start caring for Black folks?".........are you saying that the PROGRESSIVE MACHINES AT THE MUNICIPLE levels where Black people live in our highest concentrations 'CARE ABOUT BLACK FOLKS'?
Please detail HOW. Let's use Philly, Baltimore or East St Louis as examples.
Granny? PLEASE DON'T detail...
[quote]This is why you're often ignored, bro.
But let's try this again:
Why didn't Reid's comment offend you?[/quote]
Brother RiPPa - since I am being "IGNORED" is that why your friends:
* "AverageBro - The Liberal Kappa" - banned me from his site?
* SoulBrother v2 DELETES my comments BUT answers to the most RIDICULUS B.S. that other posters make?
You see RiPPa - some people ignore CALCULUS despite it being in the world around them. This doesn't mean that CALCULUS is wrong.
NO - HARRY REID'S WORDS did not "Offend ME". Instead it game me more ammunition in a label that I have had in the back of my mind.
You see RiPPa on the one hand I was thinking about the term "The OBAMA SELLOUT". This is a Negro who has placed his protection of OBAMA above his own RACIAL PERMANENT INTERESTS.
Then I saw Harry Reid and Tim Kaine - the DNC chair put a new angle on the matter. They PRAISED Obama for his LIGHT SKIN. This left MILLIONS of DARK SKINNED BLACKS hanging and thus THROWN UNDER THE BUS.
I am trying to come up with a term that describes what happened. Certain NEGRO ELEMENTS were so overjoyed to see that OBAMA accepted Reid's apology that they FAILED to realize that while OBAMA was spared - the millions of DARK SKINNED NEGROS had better not even THINK of running for President.
[quote]Even within black community there is a preference between light and dark-skinned black people, so I know it also matters among white people as well. [/quote]
I prefer 'em dark!!
If I told you about the dark skinned, physically fit sista that I saw in the Publix super market yesterday, right after church, who's exercise pants caused me to commit one of the 7 Deadly Sins of Lust - Would that prove to you that some "dark chocolate is sweet enough to give some of us brothers cavities upon our integrity"? (Whew)
Would this prove to you that each of us have different preferences? in regards to skin color and other attributes?
I knew I should have taken a picture for Filled Negro to see.
I thought that someone had hacked into Black Girl #1's account as she was making sense for a hot minute. Then I kept reading. S.B.S.D.S. (Same B.S. Different Subject)
[quote]however you're right about the whole HR thing because listening to Liz Cheney & George Will was a great deal more insulting. it's LAUGHABLE to think either of those people would be able to have competent discussion on race & it was worse that none of the other guests called them out on it.[/quote]
Black Girl #1:
Today the House Negroes in the US House came to the DEFENSE of Harry "Woodrow Wilson" Reid in respect to his CIVIL RIGHTS track record.
QUESTION Black Girl - Do YOU THINK that a representative of various MURDER CAPITALS around the USA have any RIGHT to bestow CIVIL RIGHTS honors upon someone else??
If we use the Philadelphia Inquirer artcile about the murder and mayhem in Philly - can we agree that there are gross CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATIONS in Philadelphia and their House Democratic Contingent sent from the city HAVE NO BUSINESS talking about someone's commitment to CIVIL RIGHTS?
Is a CIVIL RIGHTS VIOLATION any less because some Negro Politician is unwilling to call it as such because the Assailant was Black?
I don't think Reid's "Negro Dialect" comment had anything to do with it, and besides, Obama talks good English for a Negro, its that Biden who sounds like a friggin Mongoloid.
I think it's that Fried Chicken and Watermelon old Harry had sent over to the Black Congressinal Cockus....
I smell a big fat democrat scheme..gets Reid out of the way and maybe some candidate who keeps his thoughts about Negro Dialects to himself runs instead...
Anyway, gotta go take an Obama...
Granny, I'm doing OK I guess. I still have a house. Hope everything is good with you.
I think stereo typing is taught, not racism. Subtle difference maybe but this difference offers a solution. There's a term used by bikers called 1% er's. Meaning that 1% of all the bikers cause most of the bad reputation for the rest of them. That's where we need to restart. But everyone here thinks MLK was a chump.
Grinder, "UTS, you're just as much stuck in caricaturing as anyone else here, if not more so. Certainly with me, you are. You're bound and determined to stick me in a narrow mental box. Nothing I can do about that except hold up a mirror and dare you to have a look at yourself."
Thanks for nailing Uts. The poor guy can't see his own projections. Maybe if he keeps criticizing everything you say, he will GET IT someday. One thing for sure, life will keep handing him the same lesson until he does. But some humans are just plain retarded and uts is clearly one.
Smashed The Tiny Black Box:
How did your child handle the situation with your granddaughter and the Indian?
She handled it pretty well. Better than I would have when it comes to children. When it comes to folks mistreating and abusing children, granny will pull a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on them. (wink)
He sent her to India as punishment. The little girl and my granddaughter still remain the best of friends even though her father still remains a racist. However, that might not last long after what my daughter was telling yesterday. He might not have to worry about his daughter having black friends.
The girl has been rebelling somewhat here lately. From what my daughter was telling the little girl got up late at night while her parents were sleep and went from house to house of certain ones on the block spraying whip cream and plastering toilet paper on certain ones cars in addition to some other vandalism acts . The girl taped herself with her cell phone while she was doing it too. However,whether she would have taped herself or not other neighbors on the block have cameras as well that had taped it.
I feel sorry for the little girl because she is fighting a racist attitude the best way she knows how but it's a self-destructive. That's not good!
Off Topic:
Is there such a thing as a "Hell Express Hearst"? Y'all got to read this. Unbelievable!
A Person of Interest wrote:
Dana, if you keep playing over at that Pandagon site, with all those militant feminists & lesbians, you're liable to go blind & grow a penis. Those folks are waayyy out there. Somewhere past Pluto.
I already have a penis, and I'm having cataract surgery on the 19th 'cause I am going blind! As for being past Pluto, well, Pluto is my cat, and she's as near as the living room couch!
UTS said:
"many young black men are FAR more rabid than the wms/harry reids of the world."
What in the wide world of sports are you talkin about?"
LMBAO! uts is playing the nutrole HARD. LOL! laughter is good for the soul and you just made me laugh...hard.
hey fp!
uts is too big a fool to be sarcastic so he just comes off as dimwitted/blind/wannabee bullying etc...
i just posted 2 columns on harry reid and trent lott:
hi AB-
ok...you have to admit, he was funny with that one. i am still laughing...
going to check out your posts.
stay up sis.
LA, your comments crack me up too. you just say it plain and keep it moving.
Get past it! Should Reid have been the one to say what is already known...probably not...should Obama have addressed "race" because of his statement...he77 to the naw!
Obama addressed race while he was campaigning..and he did so because a black man (pastor and trusted friend at that) made some remarks that also should not have been said.
If you want to know how OUR mixed heritage president feels about the the issue of race relations in this country youtube it...better yet...read what he just said to Reid. Obama does not have to address race relations in this country...he has to address how people are going to get money in their household to keep their homes, and provide for their loved ones.
Who gives a rat's behind about what Reid thinks...? Not one person that needs real help in this country even knows who Reid is...come on people...get a grip!
Personally, I care more about what happens in the Colts game next week...
So that's why Oprah did it,
Obama likes being a magic happy negro...Ditto Field!!!!!!!!!!
"LMBAO! uts is playing the nutrole HARD. LOL! laughter is good for the soul and you just made me laugh...hard"
You still hanging around here?
Shouldn't you be on "craigslist" trying to find a date?
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always good to tell the truth as soon as possible so avoiding speculation and possible clashes
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