Mrs. Field is trying to get me to watch the Grammy Awards Show. I am not biting. I am trying to blog, instead. Notice I said trying. She has the television going full blast in the other room. I am guessing she is going to make me listen to it or watch it whether I like it or not. "That Lady Gaga sure can sing". Yeah, whatever. I am still not biting.
So anyway, while perusing the blogosphere I came across an interesting read over at the excellent Maynard Institute blog. Some of you have probably heard about it by now, but I would really love to hear the sister's take on it.
Mrs. Field usually gets Essence Magazine, and I admit that I usually "sneak a peak" from time to time, but I must have missed the Reggie Bush issue:
"A high-profile black athlete with a white girlfriend?" Jenice Armstrong began Wednesday in her Philadelphia Daily News column.
"No big thing.
"No big thing.
'Well, not unless the athlete happens to be on the cover of Essence magazine and that particular issue is supposed to be all about 'black men, love and relationships.'
'Then, what you have is a potentially sticky situation especially since the cover model is none other than New Orleans Saints player Reggie Bush, who is romantically involved with Kim Kardashian. Besides her reality-TV show 'Keeping Up with the Kardashians,' Kardashian's biggest claim to fame is a pornographic sex tape she made with former boyfriend Ray J, brother of singer Brandy.
'. . . The image of Bush has irritated a long-frayed nerve that is further aggravated by the fact that Essence, a magazine many black women think of as their own, made him its cover image. It's stirred up an old debate about high-profile black men and their preference for dating white or light-skinned women.
'. . . on Essence.com, a lively debate is waging with more than 1,300 comments posted on this issue.' (The comments page has apparently been deleted.)
'"Essence declines comment,' spokeswoman Dana Baxter told Journal-isms. " [Story here]
Ms. Baxter, I don't blame you. I wouldn't touch that one with a twelve foot pole.
Before I go, can someone tell me why Taylor what's her name keeps winning awards? I think the Kanye payback is complete. (BTW, he was right) Enough already!
*Pic from the Maynard Institute blog.
1 – 200 of 352 Newer› Newest»I saw that issue in the doctor's office last week. Wow, I'm surprised it was that current.
Do all the women in the issues, whether ads or articles, exclusively date dark/black men? Anyway, are black men who are attracted to white women automatically barred from "black society"? I thought color didn't matter.
Besides, he is used in the magazine to portray what society finds fine men to be, nothing else. It was a fluff piece to begin with.
I was a subscriber to and enjoyed Essence for years. But I became concerned a few years back when they were bought by the Time Warner conglomerate;I'm not sure if they still own the magazine.
I realize that they're a major and valuable resource for many sistahs.
But I'm well past 40, rock a short hairdo, indifferent to trends and fashion,never married,childless,solidly employed,
financially stable,height/weight proportionate,exercise regularly,vegetarian and date whom I please.
So Essence no longer speaks to me.This became evident by the uptick in their articles about "baby mama drama" and worrying about finding/keeping/dealing with black men.
I've granted myself the racially/culturally open dating options since high school.Thankfully,my friends and family,despite snarky comments about "white boys",had my back :-).
So I don't stress,fret nor suck my teeth about whom any brother,famous or lowly,chooses to hang with.
It's a waste of energy!
Kanye's problem at the time was also liquor. He was drinking steadily.
This drinking could well have been, as he said, related to his mother’s death. I believe he was correct in what he said that he had not given himself time to grieve her death. I say this because I have seen it happen before.
Drunks with sadness, anger and grief inside, will do all sorts of crazy things. I believe this was his case. I really don't think he realized the repercussions and certainly he meant no harm.
The problem is that all actions have consequences. But that's how you learn.
My thoughts on Reggie are that those Kardashian girls are Albanian or Lebanese, but, you know, love is love, and nobody can rule in the heart and the mind.
"Before I go, can someone tell me why Taylor what's her name keeps winning awards? I think the Kanye payback is complete. (BTW, he was right) Enough already!"
Don't dilute Taylor's talents or awards. You wouldn't want that done to you, would you? Kayne is an asshole and had no right to do what he did.
Glad to see Essence is honoring bm. Those 1300 deleted comments were probably written by a bunch of black male bashers that were too ugly to post.
I've yet to pick up a 'women's magazine' regardless of whatever other demographic it was targeted at that was good for women. Seriously, women's magazines are terrible for women -- always pointing out problems you never had before reading the issue in order to sell you products you didn't know you needed before you started worrying about whether your toes were the right size or your collarbones were fat. And the relationship advice is the same way -- problems you didn't have before you read it so you can try the solutions/advice you don't need and that's ultimately damaging to you.
Women's magazine's are an overlooked peddler of neurosis and social as well as psychic damage to American women of all colors. Stay away from them. They are madness.
taylor? for god's sakes, the girl is 19. she's not THAT good!!! i agree with field.
That cover looks like the Black Cosmopolitan. The look of the Essence's Sexy Black man has changed in thirty years, his body was more of a sprinter's than a football player.
i like this comment on the daily new site:
People who admire Reggie Bush should be bent out of shape because Kim Kardashian is an idiot, not merely white.
Reggie Bush....oh my dam* such fineness!!! He's the reason I'm pulling for the Saints this year!
As for the Grammy's, I'm thinking if Beyonce' had popped her c**chie less in her videos, she may have won album of the year, LOL!!! And crotch grabbing in a dress? Wear pants the next time you want to do that boo!
And I used to be an avid reader of Essence, but as someone else mentioned earlier, I haven;t read it much since Time Warner purchased it.
@ FN: Taylor is cuz the Pop Muse industry is always on the hunt for another white female girl group or girl as the best "selling" appeal to well teenagers. Britney is too much of a mess and Madonna too old.. so... as P would like Pop life everybody needs a thrill...
on Essence, i thought the former black Johnson Publishing company sold this off some years back and it is essentially no longer a "black woman's zine". As for as a Bush on the cover, well you could have had Sammy Sosa or K Chenault[?] of Amex i digress but the way i see it, if a dude has on dogtags... well, you know a dawg you cant change nor fantasy about cuz well like to roam...free!
Here's the problem with the controversy with Reggie Bush and Kim Kardashian, she has not Identified herself as white being part Armenian. People need to stop harping on what some black men are or aren't doing because
1.It's sensationalist bullshit
2.It's none of their business
Dat brotha on da DL, (S)ain't it clear?
Maria, "taylor? for god's sakes, the girl is 19. she's not THAT good!!! i agree with field."
You're jealous. Instead of being happy for her, you have to try to tear her down. Didn't anybody tell you that life is too short to be a little person?
ditto fn!
thanks for your empathy!
this is not about insulting interracial couples
it is about abusing black female subscribers!!!
reggie on the cover on essence is about as appropriate as:
michael jackson on the cover of a magazine called
"melanin appreciation"
dmx on "law abiding citizen"
kim k on "virginity"
fat joe "men's fitness"
lil wayne on "esquire"
vanilla ice on "vibe"
anna nicole smith on "sobriety"
oj simpson on "afrocentric gentlemen"
and essence has abused its bf readers before!
Maria, "People who admire Reggie Bush should be bent out of shape because Kim Kardashian is an idiot, not merely white."
Yep. you like to tear women down...I rest my case.
AB, "it is about abusing black female subscribers!!!"
Well, subscriptions are up and Essence is selling a lot of mags with Reggie on the cover. Maybe your opinion doesn't mess with the rest of the bf population?
i am STILL waiting for uts or anyone else to tell me why kim k and reggie b are praised as a duo and superhead and darius mccrary are disrespected why?...
superhead slept with ray j too...but they never made a XXX tape!!!
kim k is a much worse doorknob/whore/gold-digger with 0 income/idiot/genetic skank etc...
superhead is a chef/mom/housekeeper/author etc...
the racist double standard is ALSO a factor in why we do not want to see reggie on the cover of ANY mag dedicated to bfs!!!...
in your demented dreams only!
this is not a non-issue like all you post
unlike you delusions, this is real
essence lost me decades ago for such bs
and i am happy to see a new wave of women axing them just as i did
essence may garner millions of new kim k clones out there who adore all ojs...reggie/oj redux included
it is like
ru paul on the cover of a "muscle/wwf" mag
AB "i am STILL waiting for uts or anyone else to tell me why kim k and reggie b are praised as a duo and superhead and darius mccrary are disrespected why?..."
That's because Reggie and Kim are in love and they make a nice couple. They will soon become America's favorite couple.
Are you against interracial couples? You have SOMMMME nerve!
hey assnon:
you are a flagrant fool
darius and ks are engaged and in love too..actually!...and longer!!!
you have NOOOOOOO clue!!!
i love many interracial couples
i hate oj clones of the cover of black women's mags
my query remains unanswered...you failed you liar!
AB, and stop calling me assnon when you are the one who is acting like an silly jealous ass against poor Kim. She has been devoted and faithful to Reggie, which is probably more than you can say you have been.
see precisely how i feel about interracial couples here
and this is how i feel about reggie
and why he should NEVER be on the cover of essence
Meshell Ndegeocello powerfully conveyed this very same rage in her classic rebel tune entitled “Soul on Ice” from her debut CD Plantation Lullaby ( 1993):
"We've been indoctrinated and convinced by the white racist standard of beauty
The overwhelming popularity of seeing, better off being, and looking white
My brothers attempt to defy the white man's law and his system of values
Defile his white women....
Visions of her virginal white beauty Dancin' in your head
Your soul's on ice
Illusions of her virginal white beauty dancin’ in your head
You let my sisters go by
Brother brother brother
Are you suffering from a social infection/mis-direction
Excuse me, does your white woman go better with your Brooks Brothers suit?...
Used to be customary to bow one's eyes at the sight of a white face
conks and fade creams
sad passion
deferred dreams
I am a reflection of you
Black and blue
pure as the tears of coal-colored children
crying for acceptance
You can't run from yourself
She's just an illusion...
Black love anthems play behind white-skinned affection ...
But you no longer burn for the motherland brown skin
You want blond-haired, blue-eyed soul
Snow White passion without the hot comb
Is that open-minded love thing an equality thing?
Take a look in the mirror
You don’t love yourself..."
Kim K and her sisters are pseudo black women. I don't get their obsession with black culture. Then again, I do. :) I do believe that the media has some kind of agenda. Divide and conquer; because I believe that there are just about the same number of famous black women that date white men but they don't get nearly as much exposure. Then the media keeps promoting this 70% black women are single crap. I just wonder what's the purpose. Since when is the white media concerned about our well-being? I smell a set up.
And Lady Gaga was robbed. She had the hottest album, period. Many people had not even heard of Taylor Swift until Kayne; only young teenage white girls. Then the VMA's pushed her into a whole new level of superstardom.
AB, stop acting like a holier-than-thou unconscious horny nun.
how would you know how faithful a celeb troll/doorknob like kk has been????
how do you know ks has been any less faithful??? especially when airing her own trysts is her niche???
like airing XXX romps with ray j is kim k's!!!
do you see that you are a racist moron revering an excusing a white trick whore???????
Essence stopped being relevant a long time ago. It's sad that the quality has gone down over the years. It used to be more of a political magazine. I don't get the whole Reggie Bush thing. He has a great body and I know of many BW who still consider him attractive. I'm not one of them, but everyone has their tastes. Being in an IRR doesn't alter the fact that he's a BM and by many accounts, successful at what he does. Good luck to Kim and I hope that she gets that engagement ring.
do i really have to be that to criticize the internationally renowned skank kk that you so curiously revere???
for real????
i have never been a whore
and i am a monogamous lesbian
kim k and reggie are both germy scum to me!!!
why are all the well wishes ONLY for kk and not ks too?????
nina simone:
see how assnon ignores the beautiful BLACK duo of dm and ks while harping ONLY about what a "nice" couple the 2 sleazy slimy clones kk & rb make???
spare me that euro bs!
Essence USED to cater to the black woman...but they are in a recession just like the rest of the American economy. They have to sell their magazine...they don't care who buys it.
Add to that, white women have been trying for years to get the "black look" of the black woman...what better way to show them how to get that and a black man at the same time than to put Reggie Bush on the cover...
all I know is the Colts are gonna key in on Bush in the "BIG GAME"... he's better be ready to win!
PS - Mrs. Field is RIGHT about Lady Ga Ga!
AB, "and this is how i feel about reggie
and why he should NEVER be on the cover of essence"
You see. There you go trying to put a damper on some bm happiness. You even try to tear down uts for no good reason. I am beginning to think you don't like real bm. You like those spineless ones like Cornel W. and flip-flopping Dyson.
Reggie is a real man and he will prove it on Superbowl Sunday. And guess what? he's going to be on a few more women's mags. Why? Because those mags sell with Reggie on the cover.
Btw, Kim will be at the game to watch her man try to stop the Colts. Unfortunately, he won't be able to, but he will play a good game. In fact, the more I think about it, that game won't even be close.....Colts 45 Saints 10
ks sexed ray j long before kim k
they never made a nasty sex tape like kk
i hear tom joyner and lots of other bm bash ks always while they droll like oj/reggie over kim k
if you were not a sexist racist dog
you would understand i loathe reggie because he is NOT a real bm
i love darius m because he IS a real bm
and unlike you
i will not excuse any whore just because she is white or lucky enough you find ONLY a bm fool liek reggie who will consider her wife material
skanks like the kardashians date bm because bm are typically the only men willing to rish std infections to bed them/stupid enough to wed them
reggie bush is unfit to shine cornel pr mike's shoes!
bye you silly euro bastard!
AB, you don't know nuthin. KK is not White and she loves Reggie. And anybody will tell you that her soul is Black. Hell, she doesn't even look White. That's what is confusing everybody in America. Racists like you who can't tell if they are black or white, confuses you. And stop calling her a whore!
She is trying to live her life in a wholesome manner but has made a little mistake in her life. But Reggie is helping her to straighten out her life.
You can't stand to see someone else successful and happy can you? You are sooo jealous.
AB, "GO COLTS!!!!"
For once in your life you are right. I don't appreciate you calling me a euro-bastard. I have never called you a name, although you deserve it. But I will rise above your childish name calling because I know you can't help it. And you have the nerve to disrespect KK?
It's past your bedtime. go to bed.
Field, just want to congratulate you on passing the 2 million mark.
Was half of that AB?
A ghastly TV show.
Hey Field I feel you on the Grammy crap. The Haitian situation is still on my mind. I am putting together a piece on what we can learn from the US governments response to the crisis and the way the press portrayed the situation. I'll send it your way.
On this one brother I think you settled the controversy earlier when you alluded to the idea that its hard to find someone that you love and loves you back; to each his own....
anxiously awaiting your next post-
Alicia, I totally agree with you. No better way to slap Black female readers in the face than featuring a wealthy Black athlete who tossed sisters aside for aspoiled rich, skanky Ofee who got famous for blowing a third rate R&B crooner on YouTube. Do you think Reggie Bush would be willing to trust Lil' Kim or Trina with his money? But if Black women are crazy enough to buy this issue, it is what is.
Yes, Kim Kardashian is pretty and has a great body, but so do most strippers in a high price gentlemen's club.
@Nina Simone -- I just came across this by accident (tucked in at the bottom of article on) and thought you might be interested in it since you brought up the old stats that the media seems stuck on. Of course, I haven't seen any publicity on it but as you point out the media doesn't care. I'd go a step further with that and state the media has no concern for any color other than green and the promotion of whatever will earn them more green. But check this out, black college educated women are actually doing better than white college educated women when it comes to improving their odds of marrying:
The data also point to significant racial differences. While white women with college degrees are slightly less likely to marry than their less-educated sisters, a different scenario emerges among African-American women. Today, 70 percent of black college-educated women marry by age 40, compared with 53 percent of those who never finished high school. In the 1950s, black college-educated women were much less likely to marry than those with less education. "What all this tells me is that our perceptions lag behind the reality of our time," Stevenson said. "College-educated women have been closing the gap very steadily."
@AB -- I think you know that I agree with you a lot on the problem of colorism but I read your link to your views on IR dating, and while I think you make some good points, I also think the implication that any black person who chooses a white partner is doing so because of pain inflicted upon him/her by other blacks or because of some underlying self-hatred is incorrect. This may have been true for older folks or in other times but it's a big leap to make in this day and age. For some of us, black (as well as other colors) really has been beautiful since the day we were born.
I agree AB on this. Essence fcuked up! My mother and I stopped reading after we noticed a)the hair care ads were for featured straitened hair or weaves/wigs, and b) the ads at the very beginning of the magazine always feature White or other non-Black women.
For those who don't understand the problem Black females are having re: this issue of Essence, let me spell it out for you:
1. Essence is a magazine that is geared towards Black women
2. This particular issue was about Black love; i.e., an intimate relationship between a Black man and a Black woman.
3. Reggie Bush (here to referred to as RB) is dating Kim Kardashian (here to referred to as KK).
4. KK is 50% Armenian, 25% Scottish, and 25% Dutch, making her 100% White.
5. RB and KK are in an interracial relationship. This being so, their relationship =/= Black love.
Get it now???
I could give a fcuk who Reggie dates or how defined his stomach is. The fact of the matter is, Essence should not have put him on the cover of an issue that is dedicated to Black love.
While I could not care less about who Reggie Bush dates, I certainly saw the irony of him being selected as the cover model for a magazine issue highlighting black love.
Essence could have selected any number of handsome, successful Black men in loving relationships with Black women.
If this had been a magazine issue celebrating interracial relationships, then I would have had no problem with Reggie Bush along with KK being on the cover.
It saddens me to say this, but Essence magazine became inconsequential to my needs 2 or 3 years ago. And this current issue only serves to confirm that opinion.
Kanye's problem at the time was also liquor. He was drinking steadily.
This drinking could well have been, as he said, related to his mother’s death"
cacturose, you are right. I forgot to mention that I didn't approve of the way KW said what he did. Although I do agree with the content of what he said.
"While I could not care less about who Reggie Bush dates, I certainly saw the irony of him being selected as the cover model for a magazine issue highlighting black love."
Oh yes, irony. There are lots of ironic things here in A-merry-ca.
"Field, just want to congratulate you on passing the 2 million mark.
Was half of that AB?"
Now see... :)
Women's magazine's are an overlooked peddler of neurosis and social as well as psychic damage to American women of all colors. Stay away from them. They are madness.
J, you might be right, I am still f*&*%d up in the head from reading all my sister's mags when I was a kid. :) True.
anon--i didn't tear anyone down.
i copied a quote from the comments that appeared with the column about this magazine.
to me it summarized, in a pithy way, two objections--her race and her lack of intelligence. i didn't say i agreed with either. i didn't say i disagreed.
field asked for black women to comment, so i didn't.
Kanye might do better if he'd get those big black balls outta his mouth...
Thats what he sounds like anyway...
And why would anyone makin decent money date/marry/screw a Black Chick??? Only reason Obama did is to get y'alls votes, Jee-Zus, the way y'all be hatin on Clarence Thomas...
Hey its Black History Month!!!!!
Shortest most miserable month of the year...
oh, and i'm jealous of taylor swift? sure, like i aspire to be a country singer...right.
It seems to me that Reggie Bush is featured as one of the "10 sexist men you've ever seen." Nothing to do with the relationship article.
This is not a serious mag Y'all.
I've been seeing this coming for a long time. What do you expect from an insidious magazine which has always been sending out signals and messages to black females in order to benefit the black male hierarchy.
Essence must have clearly felt there would be no repercussions for this blatantly insensitive showcasing. The initial audacity offends me the most. I have never known a magazine, company, organization, network, or even a politician to offend those who primarily butter their breads.
Black women need to boycott Essence along with many other numerous organizations. Stop funding those who are willing to exploit and disrespect the feelings and the over all betterment of black-femalehood. When will some of us learn, the neon signals are flashing. Wake up.
Maria at 11:32 pm, I'm sure you well know this situation isn't about a woman being an "idiot". You only mentioned that comment to placate the racial aspect for your own comfort level.
i agree with field.
of course you do Maria, I think we could have all called that one.
I gave up on Essence years ago. It's fixation on how to get a man to marry you was a real turn off. As for the Reggie Bush cover, I don't care that he's involved with a white woman. But if your edition is supposed to be about black love, then it really is ridiculous to put someone who isn't involved in it on the cover. That would be like Black Wealth magazine putting Bobby Brown on the cover.
"Field, just want to congratulate you on passing the 2 million mark.
Was half of that AB?"
and the many trolls?
Don't pat yourself too hard on the back my man.
field asked for black women to comment, so i didn't
Maria, if Field said suck my black donkey dick would you? Jesus, stop trying to be black. A complacent, easy speaking, progressive white woman you are, and that has won over Field, but not all of us. You are a wolf's in sheep's clothing. I wonder why you are even here.
La♥Incognita said...Maria at 11:32 pm, I'm sure you well know this situation isn't about a woman being an "idiot". You only mentioned that comment to placate the racial aspect for your own comfort level."
i said the comment indicated race wasn't the ONLY reason for objections, and to the balance of your statement, well...i am assuming that is some kind of attack but i can't even tell.
thanks, tho. and now you go have yourself a great day!
i guess now YOU have some kind of "racial aspect for your own comfort level."
"Add to that, white women have been trying for years to get the "black look" of the black woman...what better way to show them how to get that and a black man at the same time than to put Reggie Bush on the cover..."
There is a merging of the 'looks' amongst black, latina and white women and voi la! Eva Longoria.
The fashion media is pushing this. Rememeber that make-up company that lightened Beyonce's skin tone in that ad?
I didn't count, but NPR this morning ran through the list of grammy's she won last night. Amazing!
quote me or be quiet
you are illiterate so i am not
surprised that you missed the entire anti-racist theme of my renowned column "black love and gray lies" linked above...
i boycotted essence in the early 80s...when the DL colorist bf hating eddie murphy was constantly on its cover and in its pages...those covers & features were just as ironic as eddie m!
then i hated essence for pretending that euro staffer linda villarosa was the only lesbian in america...yet filling its pages with TONS of gay men only...just like insecure het gay men who welcome ONLY lesbians but hate gay men...
then i hated essence for disgracing the memory of emmet till...see that link above also
so that scummy oj redux on the cover now is just one more sin in an ancient and long lists of RABID offenses to bfs by essence
essence has been disrespecting black women for yrs!!!!!!!
HONEY magazine is the best bf mag ever...it has always been FAR better than the euro fluffy colorist apolitical....essence
honey wound NEVER but a moronic reject like reggi b on its cover
i am honored to help you win any awards for this stelllr blog!
yuo are welcome!
go colts!!!
no one in americal is jealous of a skank like kk
though i am certain many envy the success of ks's best selling books
only a true house nigger oj would paint kk as some noble queen deserving of a ring from any sane real man
study the history of the editors at essence
when susan taylor's husband and other sexist euo niggers like you took over...that is when the best editors resigned and it has been a joke ever since...
men like you enjoy disgracing women who look like you...and you prove that by defending that dreg whore kk and her black stud dunce rb with each post
reggie b is also intellectually unfit to pass any class that profs dyson or west teach!!!
how dare you defend uts who has earned everything he takes from everyone herein!
especially when he is far more adept at defending himself than you are!!!
"how dare you defend uts who has earned everything he takes from everyone herein!"
Damn ab. I thought we kissed and made up.
You even said you were sorry we couldn't have sex!
Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.
"i am STILL waiting for uts or anyone else to tell me why kim k and reggie b are praised as a duo and superhead and darius mccrary are disrespected why?..."
Once again STRAWMAN.
Whose praising kk/rb?
Speaking for myself I could care less about Darius and Superhead.
If he wants to get a big knott on his johnson that's up to him.
you know i only slay you when yuo earn it...assnon drug you into this not me!
but again you illustrate my point
YOU and aassnon are praising kk
and darius incessantly!!!
both of you are STILL
wishing darius luck solo as if somehow kk will make a more virtuous ideal spouse etc
why not wish rb luck too???
why no jokes about kk's stds???
as if kk is somehow less diseased than ks...dismissing her XXX videos with the ray j etc
shame "bruh"!!!!!!!
rushing and pissed!
i meant:
YOU and aassnon are praising kk
and rb incessantly!!!
MOST bros are praising rb and dissing darius ONLY
as most bros WORSHIP that skanky kk
there are millions of beautiful women of all races
charlize theron
salma hayek
angelina jolie etc
all are beautiful and decent wfs
but bros choose dregs kk to revere?????
salma is latino
ashley judd is another very cool beautiful wf
and if rb did date a cool latina/wf
that oj fool would STILL have do business on this essence cover!!!!
that oj fool would STILL have NO business on this essence cover!!!!
that is precisely it
you do not even care about darius and ks
but YOU care enough to incessantly defend kk and rb
euro bros like you and assnon will take a bf home and enjoy hot sex with her and call her an "easy whore/trick/skank"
but the same from a wf will warrant "sexually adventurous/ free spirit" etc
ONLY because kk is white and ONLY because ks is black do bros diss ks MOST/and bash dm ONLY as you high five rb
Seriously though sistahs.
Answer something for me.
This is specifically for AB, La*Incognita or FP (if she's been released from custody.
Do you believe there is some kind of worldwide media conspiracy against black women?
I understand the anger against rap videos and beauty contests which favor light-skinned white or near white females.
But now you're saying that even Essence, the flagship black women's magazine, doesn't serve the cause of black women?????????
yes uts:
it is the same conspiracy you doc daily against black men
sexism is even more real than racism
as black men like you and the sexist men who ruined essence oppress women who look just like you even more than white men do
uptownsteve said...
"how dare you defend uts who has earned everything he takes from everyone herein!"
Damn ab. I thought we kissed and made up.
You even said you were sorry we couldn't have sex!
Oh well. It was nice while it lasted.
I didn't know you liked 'em fat & sweaty, Steve.
I have a couple of takes on this. First, what's up with that chick and her sisters? All of them are boning "Black" dudes. I don't have a problem with that. I've dated and married both White chicks and "Black" women and I'll go with the Asians thank you very much. But I digress. "Black" men, if they're going to deal with the "Sista's" need to get their shit together. "Black" women are more highly educated and more highly employeed. That means we're dealing with them from a position of weakness. Not physical weakness, but from an educational and financial weakness. Personally, I'd like to see my boys get educated, get good jobs, save their bread, get their tilts and then step to the sistas on an equal footing.
you have me confused with that big DL bear that rode your fat sweaty hairy ass all last night!
kudos on that new video you and all of your trick clones star in too!!
that fat hairy sweaty DL dreg psycho aprisonhooi just made a gay pass at you dude...
heads up!
Actually POI is an alright guy that I've been jousting with on a couple of blogs for about 5 years now.
He's a conservative but a fair guy with a sense of humor.
He seems to enjoy giving you $hit though.
""Black" women are more highly educated and more highly employeed. That means we're dealing with them from a position of weakness. Not physical weakness, but from an educational and financial weakness."
Where are all these highly educated and highly employed females at my brother?
Cuz' every one of my friends and relatives who are single are trying to keep these sistas hands out of THEIR pockets.
apoopgameroi is a fecal fool indeed
and he is very jealous of you too...
@FN - I wasn't commenting on the article itself, but on the way the media sensationalizes issues within the black community to make profit. That acts as a minor distraction for more serious issues. It's even worst when magazines which claim to empower black people men/women do it.
My question to black women is where do you see empowerment coming from?
Normally, I take what AB says with a grain of salt. But Steve, she's got a point here.
a. Nothing is more a kick in the crotch to overall Black female self-image than to feature another muscle bound, pretty boy House Negro who has left fine Black women on the road to pursue quite possibly one of the skankiest white women in recent history.
b. Kim Kardashian is a skank, end of discussion. She's a spoiled rich white girl with a big butt and a taste of big black bucks. She has no education and no visible talent other than pouting her lips, buying expensive clothes and shaking her ample bottom. If her father wasn't a millionaire trial lawyer, she'd be working the pole over at Magic City.
c. Too many Black men fetish this white woman whose claim to fame is being shaped like an average in shape Black woman her 20's.
d. From the Essence cover and article, the subliminal message is that educated single black women must debase themselves to the level of an unpaid porn star to get a successful handsome Black man. That's just wrong on so many levels.
She has ample cleavage at both ends. Great, she's got a body like Vanessa Del Rio in her prime. But from what I've seen in the media and the fact that she's not embarrassed that she's caught on tape giving some dude head, shows she's got the IQ of Sarah Palin.
Look she's gorgeous, I'll give her that. But she's also a out and out dunce and a media whore. Doing healthcare work for 6 years, I've met these types over and over again, great to look at but nothing going on upstairs. Walk around a few hospitals and doctors offices, you're bound to trip over plenty of hot secretaries with the intellect of fourth graders.
The fact that this vapid tramp and her coven of coal burning, brain dead sisters are being raised as media darlings shows us that if Yahweh wanted to throw earthquakes at countries for stupidity and filth, we'd be #1 with a bullet.
Looks fade but stupid is forever.
Honestly, I'll take a a regular looking Black woman with a good heart and intelligence over a rich white chick the body and the IQ of washed up stripper.
For the record, my Black queen is labor lawyer.
FunkyStarkitty50 said...
Good luck to Kim and I hope that she gets that engagement ring.
And when that happens, she will divorce him a year or two later. And she will be able to claim millions in the divorce settlent....
Marriage isn't the institution it use to be. It is now nothing more than a gold diggers paradise.....
Anon @1:23 -- if she does run off with half RB's loot, he'd get what his dumb ass deserves. Sames goes for Lamar Odom. (Why marry the ugliest Kardashian sister?) She's an obvious gold digger.
I hear what you're saying and I respect it but how the hell is the "black male heirarchy" responsible for the Essence cover?
This is just another example of what I was arguing with you and FP about?
At what point are you willing to hold BLACK WOMEN'S feet to the fire and make THEM accountable for anything?
Black men don't run or buy Essence.
Essence's publishers know that pretty boy athletes on the cover will sell bigtime copies.
Also, remember when Essence had Sudanese model Alek Wek on the cover?
(btw, my wife subscribes to Essence and I will read it occasionaly)
I could not believe how vicious many of the black female letter writers were toward Wek.
Calling her ugly, nonrepresentative of true black beauty, resentful of her fame and exposure etc......
Is that cool?
At some point some sisters have to start checking themselves.
Why are you hating on Reggie Bush?
He has been dating KK for how many years but has yet to put a ring on her finger?
Like the old saying goes why buy the cow if you can get the milk for free. LOL
Divide and conquer; because I believe that there are just about the same number of famous black women that date white men but they don't get nearly as much exposure. Then the media keeps promoting this 70% black women are single crap. I just wonder what's the purpose. Since when is the white media concerned about our well-being? I smell a set up.
Let me put on my conspiracy theorist hat on and ponder a bit.....hmmmm....wonder if the Powers That Be™ are trying out dosing the gene pool with a little Cafe Au Lait until the black coffee ends up more or less a beige creme? They're doing their damnedest to strike black men off the minds of black women with heaps of bad press, turning them on to "other alternatives".
By presenting pictures of successful black men (like Reggie Bush) with white (or in Kim K's case, "white") women, I guess it's supposed to ding the self-worth of less-confident black women (the ones who are self-confident won't give a damn, trust me), making them feel they're not good enough for most black men so they either settle with the bottom of the barrel or "order out".
Or maybe I'm reading a bit too much into this? I got the hat on, after all. But you gotta look at how the black man/white woman pairings are treated damn near like a circus act while white man/black woman relationships are ignored and almost treated like they're normal. Hmmm........
and uts:
while you and black "men" like assnon are always harping on wfs as saints and angels...i clock ALL golddiggers of ALL races!
unlike her peer kk, ks digs her own gold!
and ks prefers married men who tend to have far less germs than the single bm hos like rb that kk and her kin chase!
speaking of gold diggers:
the BEST paid and skilled gold diggers are always wfs...ask any of tiger's newly rich hos!
do you think this dead bro may have fared a bit better if he had not chosen wf/kim k cloned hands "in his pockets"????
And btw, if anyone thinks that Essence still represents black women's interests, they have another thing coming. In fact, it's here, in plain view and living color.
I don't expect any less from corporate rags. And since Essence is now one of them, well....you get the point.
@ Anonymous 2:17
I read that article and I saw that they tucked that little piece of information way at the bottom. See, they never tell those statistics on the news. It doesn't go with their agenda. Another thing I have a problem with is why are we always compared to white people. It's always "..'x' amount of black people are (fill in the blank) compared to x amount of white people." Like white people are the model that we should all base our lives off of and aspire to be like. It's all propaganda and a form of mind control because it influences people's opinions.
"while you and black "men" like assnon are always harping on wfs as saints and angels"
AB this is ridiculous and you know it.
Just ask Maria.
Mack Lyons
"But you gotta look at how the black man/white woman pairings are treated damn near like a circus act while white man/black woman relationships are ignored and almost treated like they're normal. Hmmm........"
Or justified by the godawful behavior and betrayal of us terrible black males.
How do I live with myself?
maria is not a skank
like kk
you would rather attack an innocent celubate blogger than say one damned word about the infamous slimy hollywood doorknob that is kim k
i just hope you start salting the bogus repasts of obama/gwb 2.0!
do you see how uts et al will say nothing to insult kim and rb as they readily to ks and dm??????
did you hear how that klepto chickenhead kim k stole ray j's bf mom's credit card and used it too???....
and she charge 12 THOUSAND+ dollars to it too!!!
i call that intergenerational gold digging!
kk is a criminal and a slut!...yet still revered by euro bros....shame!!!!
I see that the Haitians want America to take over their country.
My answer is, "No fuckin' way." Let Robert Mugabe run the show. Or maybe uptownsteve.
You were probably responding to me, instead of LaIncognita. (We're different people.) But to your point, yes, Black women as a whole have a lot of self-love to learn.
But it doesn't help that the largest circulated Black women's magazine slaps them in the face with that cover.
when did you start to care???
you are late
the usa took haiti over long ago
that is why it is so historically cursed
why do you lament "conceited uncrealistic..." sistas so then???
it is not lack of self love that dooms us
it is the DUAL hatred of white and black men that CO-conspire
to sabotage that love and doom us!!!
all you ignorant unfair kk fans and fools like rb who singularly diss ks etc
"But to your point, yes, Black women as a whole have a lot of self-love to learn."
I disagree.
I think most black women have plenty of self-love and a truckload of self-righteousness as well.
Have you read ab and fp's posts for instance?
What many of them need is a bit of humility.
i disagree
we need more secure men who are not threatened by that humility...in all races
madonna is hated for her confidence too
so what was that fake query/ref all about then?
Or justified by the godawful behavior and betrayal of us terrible black males.
How do I live with myself?
Well, booze tends to take the edge off, but you still feel like shit come morning. Weed just slows you down (and makes getting/keeping a job a problem) and crack/meth/heroin.....hoo boy. Of course there's the whole gun-to-the-head, but you said you wanted to "live", didn't ya?
But seriously, you don't mean to tell me that this is all justified because the many among us choose to act like complete jackasses? Not when there are plenty of decent examples made invisible precisely because they don't make the headlines? Oh dear...
I see that the Haitians want America to take over their country.
My answer is, "No fuckin' way." Let Robert Mugabe run the show. Or maybe uptownsteve.
Really? America had it's fingers in the Haitian's Kool-Aid ever since that country had the audacity to NOT want to be enslaved by western powers. France was (and probably still is) pretty bitter over being told to GTFO by a bunch of nègre.
Frankly, the last thing Haiti needs is more of Uncle Sam's patronage. He's only there for whatever natural resources happens to be laying around (in this case, gold mines and oil deposits). And to put those goddawful niggers back in their places.
"But seriously, you don't mean to tell me that this is all justified because the many among us choose to act like complete jackasses? Not when there are plenty of decent examples made invisible precisely because they don't make the headlines? Oh dear..."
Mack I was being sarcastic.
I thought YOU'D get it.
Can't we all just get along?
Yeah, if the price is right.
Cool, my car or yours?
@ Mack Lyons
"But you gotta look at how the black man/white woman pairings are treated damn near like a circus act while white man/black woman relationships are ignored and almost treated like they're normal."
That's an easy one to figure out. White America is infatuated with black men. And of course none will admit to it but I think it's white men that are more obsessed than anyone else. White women for centuries have been thought of as off limits and sacred; also as the crème de la crème of all women. Add in the sterotypes of black men being, "bigger", hypersexual, and dangerous. Its fascinating and frightening at the same time; and still very much taboo. On the other hand black women since slavery have been dehumanized and thought of as worthless. So there is no interest in white men/black women couples.
We might want to get off the road.
I heard 'bout you.
kk to superhead:
my bride price is ideal!
until the next foolish rb cloned black buck comes along to upgrade me that is!....
OK, I'll bring the beer!
Hey where is Fly, she is the epitome of the messed up black woman.
and maria, oh nevermind.
@ Field I agree I never even knew there was a singer name Taylor Swift. At first I thought it was due to me being "old" so I asked a cousin in Europe to do a "poll" to see if any young teens could name one Taylor Swift song.The results were out of 25 persons "polled" showed 22 persons could not name one song; 2 persons asked who was taylor swift; one was able to name a song although they stated that knowledge was acquired after the person googled the name Taylor Swift after the Kanye incident.
now apparently this girl is a country singer but let us be real she is no Shania Twain or LeAnn Rimes. So truly I think her (taylor) talent is overrated if the previously mentioned persons are used as a standard.
As to the IR relationships and the mainstream media that is easy,its a conspiracy.Let us be real white media trying to create the myth that black men are actively pursuing white women over black women.Please that is rubbish most black males that i know worldwide don't even date white women (but thats just me).
Here is a little experiment I want you to try.Check any IR dating site you will even see the facts are reverse.You will find as percentage more black females on those sites than black males.
But you wont hear or see that in the mainstream white controlled media.Why?
Because to those media black and other non white women wanting to be with a white man is the most natural thing in the world...that is not a novelty.
now if you check the framework in which the media presents the story.Its not just black men dating white women;its SUCCESSFUL black men dating white women. This is done for three reasons:
1. Its to insinuate(or more correctly soothe the male white ego) that white women would not date black men or marry black men unless they are successful.
2.To reinforce the scarcity myth carried by black women.We have all heard it, the "good" black men are either gay, married , or dating white women. This in turn creates the perception of white women stealing "good" black men creating racial animus against them by black women.
3.To reinforce old fears about the black savage that will come and defile the pure, pristine white women.Heck that crap works. Nazi propaganda posters did the same thing but instead of black savages, they put jew savages.
I can hear some of you guys now:
C'mon JC a vast media conspiracy to perpetrate myth so as to generate racial animus.Then you going to tell me Bigfoot shot JFK
Ok then pop quiz:
1. Raise of hands who knew Robert Deniro and Stone Phillips had black wives?
2.Now could you without doing any checks before hand. Pick out Deniro and Phillips wives from a picture line up?
3.Now finally could you pick out the white wives of the following celebrity black men with out doing checks:
Seal, Tiger Wood (caublasian but still...), and Ice T.
I didn't know about Stone Phillips.
We've known for a while that DeNiro was into the flava.
Plus Roger Ebert!!
Taylor is adored by teens, I work with teens daily. we live in the US, not Europe.
Black women, get over it. Look within to figure out why so many of us date outside our race. You may not like the answer. I tried dating black women, but finally, it was too much drama. As many of my brothers will attest.
cc that bs to nordic elin woods!!!!!!!!
cc that bs to the FATALLY "dramatic" wf dorice moore too
any of you aware that bill maher only dates black women? it has created friction on his show with some black female guests, particularly with michel martin, whom i think is a super journalist--among the best if not the best on radio today.
and as are as taylor being beloved by teens: that's great, except the grammys are supposed to be about talent, not popularity. i know, i know, i'm naive!
btw, AB, i'm not a skank, you are correct. not sure how i got to be part of that debate. but i'm not a blogger.
see if you can find a drama free medium to help you cc that to
the fatally "dramatic" sahel kazemi too!!!!
think steve mcnair might still be alive had he stayed home with that bf "drama queen" he wed?????
in my book anyone who posts to a blog is a blogger
and that rabid fool anon and uts interjected you!...
scan up
yes maria
i love bill maher
he was engaged to ks
i bet he would never even date kk!!!
Too funny @ the Kanye payback is complete. Yes, I agree. For the longest everyone felt like Kanye's impromptu speech against Swift/in favor of Beyonce was the reason for her instant celebrity.
But winning over artist who clearly deserved the award? Nah.
It's deeper than we think.
I remember the outcry over Essence's cover and following sentiment concerning black woman, etc. Households were divided over that particular issue.
Geaux Saints! #whodat
i know, i just didn't get the point or the context. honestly, just too busy!
all of our shared personal stalkers herein work OT...and
they all take full advantage of our mutual micromanagament herein
@ UTS:
LMAO kidding. But seriously, Roger Ebert? Did not know that guess that proves my point.
@ Travoba: Sorry what i can attest to is that WOMEN in general are drama,no matter the race.
@ AB: U are just a.... you know what never mind.
you have no mind to mind
i get that!
cc your mindless sexist bs too:
scott peterson
drew peterson
john edwards
watch nancy grace!
she will have some male drama for your woman hating dumb ass nightly!!!
travoba said...
Black women, get over it. Look within to figure out why so many of us date outside our race. You may not like the answer. I tried dating black women, but finally, it was too much drama. As many of my brothers will attest.
You must be into the "Sha-nae-nae" type of Black women because educated, articulate, well-paid sista's I know only go drama on a man when his a$$ gets out of line.
So why don't you go ahead and admit that what you're really looking for is a doormat.
"I do believe that the media has some kind of agenda. Divide and conquer; because I believe that there are just about the same number of famous black women that date white men but they don't get nearly as much exposure. Then the media keeps promoting this 70% black women are single crap. I just wonder what's the purpose. Since when is the white media concerned about our well-being? I smell a set up."
pretty much. and folks like "travoba" fall right in and increase the divide.
my question:
where are all the folks that come out of the woodwork talking about their daddies and other "good" bm when negroes make the types of statements that travoba made? hmmm? where are those adamant bm protecting females? doesn't anyone know decent bw?
the racist on the thread bashing bw garnered no response either. interesting. where are the "good" bm on this thread?
uts to you i say this, and you will need to relish the last energy i will give to you:
i don't have any desire to answer your silly question. some folks are better left the way they were found. you strike me as one such individual. God bless educators. i will stand down and let AB expend patience on you. lol! you are free to remain as clueless as the day is long as far as i am concerned. and if your wife is still subscribing to essence, well...there is truly someone for everyone. clueless+clueless=ignorant bliss. lol! now go in peace. ladyboys make me tired.
as long as bw are soft targets folks will continue to insult our intelligence and us outright, denigrate us, and judge us all by the least of us.
at some point, more bw will need to get fed up and stop wasting so much energy moving OTHER folks' agenda forward.
the reality is...there are significant numbers of bw that hate other bw or are indifferent at best to the plight of bw. these females usually hate themselves and every other bw. enlightened bw have their work cut out for them in helping other bw see that there is strength in numbers. no other group is a "monolith" either. somehow, they figured it out and actively work it out.
It's not whether Kanye was right or wrong about who should win what award, it's about bad manners by a drunken buffoon who only embarrassed himself.
yes, insisting on reciprocity, like EVERYONE ELSE on the planet will greatly benefit bw. refusing to support those that don't support us will do wonders for bw.
essence has been a mess for awhile now. this particular cover is right on point though. lol! "black love" is an endeavor that misguided bWOMEN must continue to focus on. lol! hopefully the cover snapped more bw awake. lol! look and see how NOT focused on "black love" quite a few bm are and move the heck on already! (and i don't just mean those folks in interracial relationships either! look at how folks treat their CHILDREN and talk to be about "black love" then.)
and be real clear...i could not care less who anyone dates. my only concern is that though folks are quick to talk about bw not liking interracial relationships that involve bm, folks refuse to speak to the bm (and the beasts of burden females that assist them) that try to block bw exercising those same options. THAT'S the ONLY thing that bothers me. bush and kk make a cute couple. may they be happy together.
Taylor Swift is actually quite talented. for those of us that listen to all types of music, her accolades do not come as a surprise. she is the new Shania Twain imo. musically she deserves the kudos.
on a different note as to why the response to kwest acting an ungentlemanly fool with Taylor Swift, see, white and other men understand their manhood is gauged by how they protect their women and children. aside from their garden variety sociopaths, collectively, white and other men are on their jobs. kanye west, jamie foxx and david letterman learned this the hard way in '09. certain segments of the male population may want to take notes. they seem to have it backwards. somehow, quite a few, of another segment of the male population, seem to think their manhood is gauged by how DISRESPECTFUL they can be to the women and children that look like them. these fools call it "culture". lol! (and those that don't partake in the madness, are outnumbered and more times than not quiet as mice in the face of the offenses. think i am lying, go back up thread and look!)
blessings all,
AB AB... my love so much anger.I love getting at you,but I have great respect for you because you are strong sister who sticks to her guns.
@ SS96 said:
You must be into the "Sha-nae-nae" type of Black women because educated, articulate, well-paid sista's I know only go drama on a man when his a$$ gets out of line.
Yep that is so true. My Jamaican sistaz get down the same way.
as per usual, bw are defending themselves...
why don't folks start talking about their mommas when folks talk ish about bw?
(that's rhetorical, i really don't have any questions.)
just saw your comments. i give you props. i appreciate you clarifying for the foolish one.
Nina Simone-
you said:
"On the other hand black women since slavery have been dehumanized and thought of as worthless. So there is no interest in white men/black women couples."
i tend to disagree.
see wm try hard NOT to hurt ww's feelings. hence the total LACK of non-stop wm/aw pairings in the media.
God forbid, wm tell the truth about their ability to see bw as desirable either. quite a few ww already knock themselves out trying to be black-like.
it always cracks me up when naive bguys talk about what wm tell THEM about their desire for bw. lol! i always laugh and ask the bold fool relaying misinformation when have wmen told you the truth about anything?! lol!
i think bw are treated like africa. bfolks are told all types of horror stories about africa, meanwhile back at the ranch, you can't keep nonblk folks off the continent.
bw are it. it is no mistake that the features of bw are only praised when found on nonblk women.
black has always been cool. the only folks that don't realize it are black folks in greater numbers than not. (male and female)
i think more bw would love themselves if they would understand that other folks only recognize their worth, not assign it to them. more bw would feel better about themselves if they would leave all black constructs and just be naturally who they are created to be. they will feel better and receive more appreciation. i know my natural hair has been denigrated by black folks (male and female) more than anybody else.
it is too bad folks threw away the "black is beautiful" before more bfolks actually started believing it! speaking of needing self love---one doesn't kill each other, refuse to marry and create a stable home for their offspring, and disrespect the mothers of their nation when they "love" themselves. black folks (male and female) need, in great numbers, to learn to love, respect, and accept black.
FP said:
just saw your comments. i give you props. i appreciate you clarifying for the foolish one.
Thanks FP very much appreciated.We need clear up these falsehoods which are unfortunately persisting in the black community.
Maria "i guess now YOU have some kind of "racial aspect for your own comfort level.""
Way to go, Maria. That woman is frustrated because no bm wants her and she blames wm for it! Not only does she feel threatened by wm but is threatened by other bw who have no problem getting dates with bm or wm. She shows her insecurity by trying to drive ALL Whites from this blog. It hasn't worked and never will.
Field 'accepts' everyone, just ask Frank D, and Incog.
fp said:
see wm try hard NOT to hurt ww's feelings.
i am no sure how you know this, but i can tell you that's a huge generalization, which sounds like you're demeaning black men.
Maria says "i guess now YOU have some kind of "racial aspect for your own comfort level.""
That made no sense Maria.
AB, "essence has been disrespecting black women for yrs!!!!!!!"
Maybe so, but you are still reading it! Just look at all of the comments about Reggie, the sexy man on the cover. I bet that issue is their highest selling one. Women, Black and White are buying that issue and dreaming about Reggie at night, including you.
AB, I am going to give a chance to come clean: Are you bi or not? Because I know you are looking a Reggie on that cover and wishing you were his girl instead of KK. And stop calling me uneducated. FYI, I am in Who's Who too. And my IQ is one point above yours. Now deal with that!
I am a white woman and I get asked out by black guys all the time, from the time I was in school and I am engaged to a black guy now. His mother even likes me now, but not at first, she got to know ME for the person I am. Why is white women at fault for being loved by black men and white men? The fault lies with black women, one black man didn't say so, MOST of them do. All of these men can not be wrong!!! just look at something, white women, asian women, indian women, latin women all have similar traits, which is lighter feminine skin and even down to long strait hair which defines femininity. These feminine traits have been down in the books since the begining of time, even by egyptians. its only black women who look so differently from other women, something is going on there, I don't know why that is. Men date who attracts them, Most black women are not beautiful to black guys, its a fact. I'm not saying I think black women are ugly, but its what guys want in a woman. Why most black guys have to be stuck with dating black women if they don't find them attractive or if they have poor attitudes? i don't mean to offend anyone but Im sick of black women barfing about things they can't control. its not the white woman's fault you were born looking the way you do, not saying its bad. Just leave us ALONE.
Ps I will buy 100 essense mags with reggie and kim because I support them and i think they make a wonderful couple, they remind me of the great unique gift of love that i have for my boyfriend. Why are you people hating? Love is love!!
anon--i was repeated the non-sensical comment that lacincognita said to me. you are correct.
AB, "when susan taylor's husband and other sexist euo niggers like you took over...that is when the best editors resigned and it has been a joke ever since..."
I see you have been busy segregating the black race into groups: euro niggers and your 'kind of niggers', who are always "resigning" like you did from the teaching profession. It sounds like 'your kind of niggers' are all unemployed, pushed out of jobs by euro niggers. Is that right?
Too bad you are not a euro nigger, cause you would still have a job. But hey, job or no job, I am sure Field is glad you are on his blog cause at the rate you are posting Field will hit "3 million" in no time.
Btw, Field looks like he might have some euro blood in him. AB, you have been supporting a euro nigger! Please explain yourself.
Hey Field,
I love your blog.
The question a reader in the deleted comments section asked which I found very valid was why not feature Robin Thicke. If the objective of the issue is to show men who love Black women and we're all post racial, Robin Thicke...problem solved.
Furthermore, Reggie Bush is in love/engaged to (those two things aren't necessarily the same) a woman famous for a sex tape. What message does that send to Black women?
"btw, AB, i'm not a skank, you are correct. not sure how i got to be part of that debate."
I never suggested that you were.
Just responding to ab's remark that I "always act like wfs are flawless angels."
You and I did butt heads over your remarks about men.
That made no sense Maria.
She seldom does. She's a wigger through and through.
maria says
"anon--i was repeated the non-sensical comment that lacincognita said to me. you are correct."
Yes I am correct Maria, you make no sense even when you're trying to be a repetitive non-sensical smart ass. You stupid ding bat, I hope she comes back to chew you up. We all know it's you who wrote the crap @ 7:34.
I once belonged to an online black women/white men forum; many of the members were under 30. I wanted to hear their POV(as many were born after the civil rights era)and maybe share some of my experiences.
I was quite disappointed at how they made fetishes of the offspring of interracial celebrity pairings(Halle Berry,Ms.Beuvais-Nilon,Thandi Newton et al),crowing about how pretty the children were.
It reminded me of the remarks of self hating black adults around whom I grew up,who doted on the lighter skinned children with "good hair."It always made me uncomfortable and a little angry.
And although I enjoy Bill Maher's show and Robert De Niro's acting,the ugly truth is that neither of them treat their BW partners very well.
Everyone in L.A. knows that Bill Maher will never marry.He dates women of color(usually escorts and "exotic dancers") and emotionally abuses them,especially if they claim to be Christian.He's very pushy about his atheism,and belittles anyone who has faith. I've met him and had a brief convesation;personally he can be quite charming. BUT it's obvious that he's got a chip on his shoulder about his looks,height and lack of success with a movie career.
Karrin Steffens aka Video Vixen is on record stating that Maher made her feel like she belonged in a burka,and constantly called her ignorant. After that stormy relationship,she's "gone back" to black men.
De Niro and his current wife Grace Hightower's marriage has have been on and off for years over his infidelities.He's got a thin for black models and/or women taller than him,like Ms. Hightower.
For 2 years,I dated a wealthy,high profile man whose anti virus program is probably running on your computer.Both his wives(including the current one that he dumped me for) are black;it's his stated preference.
Despite the fact that I enjoyed the travel, meeting celebrities,enjoying star studded events and expensive gifts,the man was emotionally distant.He could talk,but he couldn't communicate.
Our relationship ended when he just disappeared--there had been no argument,no drama,no clue that anything was amiss.
I was pissed at the diss ,but relieved.An old interview had quoted him saying that he gets bored easily;I guess my time was up!
This I shared with the members of the online forum so that these young women didn't get starry eyed over hearing about well known white men dating BW.
I was happy to hear about Stone Phillips' marriage to an attractive sistah;he's FOINE, smart,a good journalist,classy and, ironically, a southern gentleman.I was really sad when NBC let him go.
But for every class act like Phillips,there's far too many WM who give lie to some BW's perception that"white men treat you better."
It's unfair to paint a whole race or gender with a broad brush,be it negative or positive.Don't believe the hype on EITHER side!
OK, now that this has turned into a men vs. women message board, let me add my 0.02 about educated Black females that drive me batty:
- Clinger: Every man wants a loyal woman -- he's seeking a team mate and a partner,but not a second layer of skin. The Clinger is the chick that calls you every day, even at work. She wants to be around 24/7 and won't give you space to hang with your boys or talk to your own momma. She nags you for working late, eventhough she knows you need the OT to break even. These chick grab onto a brother and will do anything to keep this dude. Unfornately, the overbearing nature of the Clinger drives most black men away. Cling to a brother like a boa constrictor or a vice grip, he'll do anything to flee.
- The Bitch: Yes a straight mean spirited, nasty obnoxious person. Demanding and demeaning to the point of being abusive. Before some sista say if she were a man, she'd be assertive. No, if she were a man, she'd be an a**h** and possibly a wife beater. Women don't deserve to abused, and neither do men.
- The Pass Life Regression(PLR): You are not compared to as an individual, you're her father/baby daddy/uncaring professor/crazy uncle Larry who 'touched her' in the 3rd grade. Everyone has issues, but the PLR relives all of her past issues and the anxiety to come along with it -- through you. Remember the Simpson episode where Flanders cuts his new chick's hair to look like his dead wife's? Its even nuttier than that.
- The Vassar Egomaniac: A diva with a Bachelors degree. Educated Black women don't turn working dudes off. Educated Black women with massive, out of control egos turn working dudes off. Example, I have friends who can't keep a man because they throw their college degree and earnings in every dude's face. Conversely, my cousin is an executive at a non-profit and a published author. Her partner is a construction worker. He's not threaten by the fact that she written a book or speaks 3 languages. And conversely, she doesn't remind everyday that she has written a book and speaks 3 languages. She respects him as a man. If you ever wonder why so many educated 'successful' Black women are single, here's a simply answer -- because many think a Masters and a 6 figure salary some how makes them better than a mechanic with a GED. Like uts would say, get over yourself.
- The Assata Wannabe: A straight up mau-mau loon who looks for conspiracies everywhere. They snub their noses at most Black people for not thinking like them. They look for racism everywhere, even when there is no 'there' there. And typically, these sistas fashion themselves as straight feminists -- and I mean the kind that would make Gloria Steinem look like a raving conservative. They think they're in the fields with the rest of us, but they're off the plantation barking at the moon. They make their man's life miserable (or their woman's life, if they're gay) simply because they nitpick everything detail of life for some pro-Black POV. Trying dating a woman who calls you a sellout for thinking 'LA Confidential' is good movie.
LA Confidential is an ass with a keyboard.
Anon@8:00 - Actually, I'm not an ass. I'm just being honest. I was going to say a) I've never dated or had any interest in anyone other than Black women and b)this is what a lot of brothers say.
Watch 'Diary of a Tired Black Man' and you'll see what I mean.
this is really a response to something UTS posted a few hours ago.
i did not write comments at 7:34; i would never say anything that horrible. i disavow all those comments--they are not mine.
i know you didn't, steve. i just wanted to repeat my non-skank status.
maria said...
"i did not write comments at 7:34; i would never say anything that horrible. i disavow all those comments--they are not mine. "
Liar, no one believes you, stop laughing so loud, we can hear you.
LA Confidential, that's why most of you brothers are sitting in jail or molesting little black children as we speak. You are unholy creatures. If bw are that way, you made them so, why should they act any different toward you? Animals.
wtf are you? i'm certain YOU wrote those comments.
pig, go away.
Maria said-
"i am no sure how you know this, but i can tell you that's a huge generalization, which sounds like you're demeaning black men."
fp says:
i pay attention Maria. i am not the first to notice this fact nor to say it. Abbey Lincoln noted it way back when. this is what she meant when she said that when a wm is with someone other than a ww, the ww is the LAST one he wants to know. when a bm is with someone other than a bw, the bw is the FIRST he wants to know. it is almost as if quite a few bm get off by hurting the feelings of bw. it is for this reason i suggest that bw protect their feelings refuse to allow themselves to be hurt/exploited/misused. no victims at this point, only volunteers. the essence cover is just another example of bw, allowing themselves to be hurt by repeat offenders. yet for some reason, quite a few bw continue to fund the offenses and protect the offenders.
collectively speaking, wm try not to hurt ww's feelings. i gave you an example of what i meant when i said it. some wm have an undeniable love for asian women. ever wonder why you don't see them paired in the media, like crazy, the way you see the couplings in real life? (trust i get the economic angle as well. lol! despite being depicted as the epitome of femininity at the expense of women of color, ww still manage to not feel that good about themselves. keep moving those products and blonde haircolor!)
you don't have to agree with me. we can agree to disagree. quick question for you:
have you seen any other generalizations on this thread you would like to address? or are you striclty a ww bm protector? trust. bm don't need your help. they have a slew of bw that will do that for them with no reciprocity whatsoever. lol!
for the record, you and ww like you trouble me not in the least. knock yourselves out. IF you think you will receive better treatment please, get some.
your disagreement doesn't change the truth of my statement. i speak from observation and experience.
thanks for the exchange.
oh maria, we don't want you here. unless you be a good little submissive white girl and take it better. you know field doesn't like it when his white girls get too loud on here...I agree, you are a wigger. We need a space where we can be ourselves, and talk about the white devil and you represent that and this is no place for such. If you had a self esteem, FN's posts depicing white folks so horribly would have moved you on anyway.
Maria, not even you these bm want. You are washed up and used like Kim without the booty. Thats all these animals like, booty. LA Con talked about kim's booty over and over like a brainless ape. No wonder bw are leaving them behind in everything.
each time you post
your IQ gets visibly lower
you are at -5000 currently
back away before your tiny empty head implodes like a smashed pumpkin
i have not read essence for decades
unlike illiterate retards like you
looking at a cover is not akin to "reading"
i am not bi
i am proudly 100% lesbian
you make my pride feel more like 1000% though...thanks!!!
sorry silly excuses for real men like you MULTIPLY lesbians
thanks!!!!!...we owe ya!!!
keep that up!
I wonder how many white girls uts and LA Con had in their beds behind their black wives back? Forked tongue talking apes.
nina simone
"Another thing I have a problem with is why are we always compared to white people. It's always "..'x' amount of black people are (fill in the blank) compared to x amount of white people." Like white people are the model that we should all base our lives off of and aspire to be like. It's all propaganda and a form of mind control because it influences people's opinions."
I agree.
Which is why I ask FP, the ultimate black proto-femme, why she is constantly suggesting that black men are not like other (white) men who supposedly protect and support their families and are always faithful and loyal.
Ever heard of John Edwards, Elliot Spitzer, Larry Craig, Jim McGreevey, or the millions of others whose names aren't in the paper?
i do not give a damn about mute morons with jungle fever like reggie b
if i ever see kk with blair underwood
then i will be jealous...
just like i would kick kk's ass if she cam near either of my brothers
both of whom date cool women on all races
Lac, I don't know what the hell kind of bm friends you have or bw you know, but very few of either i know fall into those stereotypes you just outlined.
Posts like that are why black people ceased a LONG time ago needing the "white man" to keep us down and apart. Black men with these types of pervasive negative beliefs about bw and his lack of leadership both at home and in the community are all the "white man" needs!!!!
mumia on haiti:
Haiti's Suffering
[col. writ. 1/24/10] (c) '10 Mumia Abu-Jamal
As we near two weeks after the devastating earthquake and terrifying aftershocks in Port-au-Prince and Zacmel, Haiti, we face the inevitable media wall, that closes up, unless a story emerges of such surprise and delight that it's able to shine through.
For the media light, by it's very nature, must move on -- to the new, to the odd, to the freaky.
A new al[Qaeda tape, a new sex scandal, a new bimbo eruption for a prominent politician, and away we go. And away we go.
But long before the earthquake of Jan. 12th, Haiti has been exposed to unique and vicious attacks for centuries, for daring to fight for, and win, Black freedom.
Many people are amazed that Haitians are being found alive, after being buried under tons of rubble, for 10,11,12 days, with no food or water. I too shared that feeling.
Be we forget that poverty and food insecurity in Haiti has meant the average Haitian ate only one meal every 2 -- or 3 -- days!
Think of this -- with all the hours of live and taped footage of earthquake survivors - have you seen a chubby or thick Haitian? Especially when compared to Black Americans (or, for that matter, white Americans) Haitians, without Jenny Craig or Slim fast, are lean and sleek people. That's because pay there is so low and survival is so difficult.
For decades before the earthquake, Haitians have lived amidst political, economic and social chaos, often stoked and supported by the US, which supported dictatorships of theft, repression and torture -- for generations.
Of the 20 year U.S. invasion and occupation of Haiti back in the 1920's to the '40's, Haitian historian and anthropologist, Ralph Troullot said the Americans "solved nothing and complicated everything."
Haitians are tough, smart and beautiful people, who did something 200 years ago that lit up the eyes and lifted the hearts of millions of Black people all around the world.
It is not fair that they were punished for doing what the famed slave rebel, Spartacus, failed to do against the Roman Empire. They bested the French Empire, and forced one of the greatest military minds in history (Napoleon) to say 'uncle' (or more properly, "l'oncle" in French)
They've deserved far more than they've received. They breathed freedom into the lungs, not only of Blacks, but of millions of Latin Americans who chafed under Spanish colonial rule.
They deserve wellness, health, self determination, prosperity, justice and peace.
For 200 years, they've received none of this.
--(c) '10 maj
1) Maria Double Slam at 8:14
2) sorry silly excuses for real men like you MULTIPLY lesbians
thanks!!!!!...we owe ya!!! This it witty and funny! Good one AB.
Black Americans are the problem. There are plenty black people other places that don't act or behave like black Americans. Black Americans make other blacks look bad, and stupid.
Anonymous said...
I wonder how many white girls uts and LA Con had in their beds behind their black wives back? Forked tongue talking apes.
I really hate to "go here" (especially on an anon post) but I agree with this about UTS. I've "had his number" almost from the moment I started posting on this blog.
Yep, in MY mind, his "problem" is nothing that a pot of hot grits couldn't solve!!
Anon @ 7:34 i say it again for you:
for the record, you and ww like you trouble me not in the least. knock yourselves out. IF you think you will receive better treatment please, get some.
i have said many times that crappy people (and they come in ALL colors and both genders) will take advantage of you...if you let them.
the name of the game is VETTING.
the flip side of your point is the bm (and the beast of burden females that work diligently without appreciation nor reciprocity on their behalf) that SWEARS that wm will only use bw for sex. the truth is ALL colors of men will use women that allow themselves to be used for sex. peep the oow birthrates and tell me who is using bw for sex in great numbers?
vet ladies, all colors, consistently. respect yourself. command respect from others.
Black Americans make other blacks look bad, and stupid.
Sad but true. I am a 2nd generation immigrant from Africa. I take offense when someone calls me an African American. My community works hard, we are proud, we are not screamers of victimization and lazy like African Americans. There is a big difference.
Maria, FYI. If you go back to your comment to La Incognita, that's when the insulting hateful rhetoric from Anonymous began.
FYI: that Anonymous is La Incognita. As I mentioned before, she hates ALL WHITES and tries to drive them away. Do not fall for her bullshit. Many are familiar with her evil sewer tactics. She is evil.
Anon 7:34p thanks for your comment and I agree with you.
"where are all the folks that come out of the woodwork talking about their daddies and other "good" bm when negroes make the types of statements that travoba made? hmmm? where are those adamant bm protecting females? doesn't anyone know decent bw?"
Where do you get off asking this question after your non-stop demonization of black men?
You actually said that more black men than not are irresponsible brutes!!!
For the record I don't agree with travoba.
I don't believe that black women drive black men into relationships with non-black women.
That's an excuse.
However YOU have openly bragged that you want to see more bw dating non-black men and even other women because you feel that black men are so terrible.
You really don't see your inconsistency and hypocrisy, do you?
(especially on an anon post
bitch you cannot resist
AND Anon8:33 I am not LaI. There is more than one of us on here who hate Maria.
Sexless Slutty Wannabe Scientist
You are the reason BM date WW. Period. You have no class and stink up this place reinforcing negative stereotypes. As a community we cannot overcome them when niggers like you are making it too easy for white folk to despise us.
"Do not fall for her bullshit. Many are familiar with her evil sewer tactics. She is evil."
Maria is such a ding bat, she won't know the difference, but it was me. yeah, I agree with you on La incog she's a representative of black women, they all are evil and have attitudes and there ugly anyway.
Anon 8:41 is Maria. Dumb twit.
this is too funny and I didn't even write any of the above...well better get back to my 6th grade homework. thanks to you all for giving me hope that the black community is one to be proud of...
you know why tigers do not scream about being victims/proclaim their tigritude in african jungles...
because they are home and no one is challenging or denying either
i loathe haughty arrogantly ignorant africans like you who insult us so by pretending that your unique history has ANY relation to us your stolen kin
immigrant is not synonymous with
enslaved kidnapped chattel
fix that
it only shows you to be a rude uneducated visitor upon our african american shores
and like malcolm x said:
"when a ['2nd generation'] cat crawls into an oven and gives birth to kittens, they are not ['2nd generation'] biscuits"
you too "brudda" are indeed an african-american
I revere sister warrior and renown author Jill Nelson. In her classic book on the
reality of racism in America and its media, Volunteer Slavery: My Authentic Negro
Experience, Jill eloquently describes another black neocon poster boy, Juan Williams.
Juan is to racist media what Colon is to Republikkkans and what Uncle Thom is to their
court. I quote Jill, as her description is superbly applicable to Colon and all of his HNIC
"Williams is a black Republican type, a neconservative opportunist a la Clarence
Thomas. He is also of Panamanian parentage, which explains some of where he’s
coming from. He typifies the worst stereotype of people of African descent who come to
America inadvertently or willfully ignorant of the history of black folks born here. Many
such immigrants, because they ostensibly came here voluntarily, view America as a place
where, if you work hard, keep your nose clean, and obey the law, anything’s possible.
They either don’t understand or conveniently forget the hand of America, and those of
other superpowers, in their native region’s dismal economy. These immigrants often have
a hard time relating to and understanding African-Americans, who after centuries of
experience with what psychologist Na’im Akbar calls “the chains and images of
psychological slavery” do not see America as so beneficent.
Ignorant of our history, these immigrants of African descent pass judgment:
“African-Americans”, they say, “are lazy, cynical, always looking for a hand-out.” They
point to themselves as proof of the American dream come true. Denying the role of race,
they mouth the prejudices of white immigrants in blackface. “Forget racism, history, the
brutalization of the African-American psyche from the middle passage on down”, they
holler. “America is a nation of immigrants, and we are just like the Irish, Polish,
Japanese, and Jews who have come here.” They conveniently forget that
African-Americans, unlike them, unlike any other immigrants, did not come here
voluntarily; we are, all of us, children of slaves".
"I really hate to "go here" (especially on an anon post) but I agree with this about UTS. I've "had his number" almost from the moment I started posting on this blog."
Well, you'd be dead wrong.
I've been happily married and monogamous to a nubian queen for 23years.
"Yep, in MY mind, his "problem" is nothing that a pot of hot grits couldn't solve!!"
I love the way you think.
Nothing like a little torture and mutilation to get a man to understand you.
Y'all really wonder why, huh?
SexyScientist96 said...
Lac, I don't know what the hell kind of bm friends you have or bw you know, but very few of either i know fall into those stereotypes you just outlined.
Funny, seeing as I have plenty Black male friends who say this often. I didn't say all Black women act this way. But there are enough that do portray many of these traits.
But I guess being critical and stating my own honest observations of Black male and female relationships as Black man makes me a white woman loving Tom isn't a stereotype, right?
I said these are the type of women that get on my nerves. I never said that every sista I've met is like this. If my current gf was like this, I'd left 3 months ago.
I hear you about the vetting.
I'd gone on too long already :-)'so I appreciate your contribution.
kim k has more curves than the much thinner ks
but if you switched their body types
euro bros would still worship the skinnier whore kim k and suddenly tell ks she was too fat
no bf can ever catch a break from ojs like reggie/assnon etc...
They conveniently forget that
African-Americans, unlike them, unlike any other immigrants, did not come here
voluntarily; we are, all of us, children of slaves"
But when do African Americans get over this and move on, like you have AB and US? No one on this board was enslaved nor was a slave holder.
UTS, I found it interesting that Fp had no reply to your comment to her in a previous thread, which pretty much summed up what she is all about:
"uts, at no time have i indicated that bw are without fault, have no responsibility, etc. we have a LOT of responsibility. i have said plainly, in english, that IF bw are to be saved, WE must SAVE OURSELVES!"
UTS-"Save yourselves from WHOM?
BLACK MEN????????
Your fathers, grandfathers, husbands, brothers and lovers?
They've all tried to harm you?
You're still positioning bw as exclusively innocents being victimized by the men they live with and among.
I'm all the way with you if you are calling out brothers who have abdicated their roles as responsible men and societal contributors.
But you seem to think that most black men are inherently evil.
And, AMAZINGLY, that black women are inherently good and heroic.
That is a hateful, unrealistic and stereotypical mindset.
Would you like to see black men and women come together as a community and build families and unity?
Or have you totally given up and encourage bw to seek wm and gays?
You do realize that we're the only people who talk like this even though the same issues exist among men and women of every other race.
Why do you think so many white American men are pursuing mail order brides from Russia and Asia?
You my dear are in desperate need of some humility.
If you stop the superior posturing and speak from the heart you'll be surprised at the honesty and vulnerability many brothers will reveal."
I loved the way you ended your comment. What bm or any man would want a hardened angry woman like that? I say, "go with Blessings All who follow her, and start your own colony."
i'm just suprised FP, as a black woman, that you would claim to know better than a ww how ww treat ww because you "pay attention."
but as you said yourself, knock yourself out. i would never pretend that i know more about bw or bm than they themselves.
this is just plain false: "collectively speaking, wm try not to hurt ww's feelings."
hardened angry woman like that?
as most bw are, which is why many of us "bed" other races
FP is really Evia, the other bitch.
it only shows you to be a rude uneducated visitor upon our african american shores
perhaps, but your african american shores are filled with drugs, mysogyny, turbo breeding thugs, gangs, violence...and I would rather be an uneducated visitor. We share skin color, but values, work ethic, etc. are vastly different.
"this is just plain false: "collectively speaking, wm try not to hurt ww's feelings."
Gawd you're stupid, you must be comparing with your own personal relationship with that one white man. The only man that ever touched you, yuck. You're Stupid.
LACoincidental said...
But I guess being critical and stating my own honest observations of Black male and female relationships as Black man makes me a white woman loving Tom isn't a stereotype, right?
I think you have me throughly confused. I don't give a rats a$$ what any particular Black man's preference relationship wise, because getting a Black man to "put a ring on it" was never a problem for me.
However, when I got my swirl on back in the day, trust me I went for the cream of the crop just as I did with my black male relationships.
So go 'head with your stereotype belief that many black women are troubled by preferences of black men, because many like me simply don't give a $hit! I got mine!
"because many like me simply don't give a $hit! I got mine!"
Is he black? he'll bring ya AIDS.
Maria, "i am no sure how you know this, but i can tell you that's a huge generalization, which sounds like you're demeaning black men."
You are right, she does demean bm. But she has always done that. Btw, her huge generalization of wm is through her angry dark lens, but it is far from the truth. But you cannot argue with ignorance who thinks it is knowledge.
This is why your blog has so many record breaking views. So take that middle finger you flipped up, stick it in butter, and sit on it. Cause bro, it ain't anything you are writing about. It's a few key regulars and a handful of anons. Not sure I would be braggin; man.
uptownsteve said...
Nothing like a little torture and mutilation to get a man to understand you.
Do you really think I'd risk my security clearance over a man with a mindless penis? Think again my brotha', LOL!!!!
And IF your are faithful that's great because I'm sure you damn sure sowed your oats up until the moment you said "I do", LOL!!!
are you psycho fly bait?
frapber- "perhaps, but your african american shores are filled with drugs, mysogyny, turbo breeding thugs, gangs, violence...and I would rather be an uneducated visitor. We share skin color, but values, work ethic, etc. are vastly different."
Well, make sure you stay away. And make sure you let the white man know that you are not an African American. You are here to work hard and to help him in making America the country it should be-which of course is getting rid of those lazy African American drug addicts. Hey, there's a job you can do that will impress the white man!
But then you wouldn't have time to drink all of that coffee that you are addicted to at Starbucks.
"UTS, I found it interesting that Fp had no reply to your comment to her in a previous thread, which pretty much summed up what she is all about:"
FP doesn't debate or answer questions.
FP is a pedantic narcissist who is in love with the sound of her own voice.
"I say, "go with Blessings All who follow her, and start your own colony.""
It will be a colony of verbose, bitter, egomaniacal female impersonator look-alikes who'll probably kill each other within six months.
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