Boy you Negroes sure are sensitive. Now you don't even want the man to put the word "Negro" on the new census forms because you think it brings back bad memories. The census this year is a really big deal, and we don't need you Negr...-oh excuse me- blacks complaining and screwing things up.
"The fact that it's 2010 and they're still putting 'negro,' I am a little offended," said Secaucus resident Dawud Ingram. Question #9 on the this year's census asks about your race. One of the boxes you can choose is "black," "African American," or "negro," all placed next to the same box. Ingram said it's not a word he uses to identify neither himself nor anybody else. "African Americans haven't been going by the term 'negro' for decades now. It's really confusing," he said.
Calm down Dawud. Black; African American; Negro; what's the difference? You just want to be counted, right? I swear every time I look around you Negr..blacks are complaining about something. Besides, the census people said that older black folks prefer the term Negro.
".. census officials disagree, saying they found some older African Americans identify themselves that way and they're trying to be inclusive. In a statement, they said: "Results from the census in 2000 showed that a number of respondents provided a write-in response of 'negro' when answering the question on race." In fact, Congress approved the form more than a year ago. Newark resident Jabbar Ali can't believe it. "I thought it was something we left behind a long time ago – the word 'negro,'" said Ali."
Jabbar, I can tell by your name that you are one of those radical blacks, so I am not surprised that you have some issues with the word Negro. But, take heart, you are not alone:
"Is the word negro offensive to you? That depends on who you ask. According to The Grio, many older blacks preferred to be called "Negro." "Some prefer it because of their complexion, whether they're light-skinned or dark," said Jeanne R. Stanley, a retiree in Richmond, Va. "Others still have a slave mentality. There are a lot of people who still have a color complex." Personally, I don't like the word. Isn't African American on the form sufficient? Gee, since the authors of the census form are going for the jugular on differentiating races, why not put "Colored" there as well, to denote the lighter skinned blacks among us? The word negro is archaic and surely we can get pass this at this stage of our country's history. " [link]
And then there are Negr..blacks like Derri Gowns:
"Others don't understand why the question of race has to come up on any form. "I'm an American. What's wrong with just being an American?" asked Newark resident Derri Gowns."
Nothing wrong with "just being an American", Derri. I am sure that most other groups feel the same way. I bet white Americans are wondering the same thing: Why do I have to identify myself as white American, why can't I just be an American....?
Anyway folks, regardless of where you come down on this issue, just remember that the 2010 census will be a big deal. (It will even have its own road tour.) I am of the opinion that you should make sure that you are counted. I know some folks always see some kind of evil conspiracy in everything that the government does, but I doubt seriously if an accurate count of the people who make up A-merry-ca would qualify as such.
So fill out the damn form and stop your whining. And just be glad that you don't have to put house or field before that word you hate so much.
So fill out the damn form and stop your whining. And just be glad that you don't have to put house or field before that word you hate so much.
This made me laugh! I agree. I hope people realize the census is not something to be feared and fill the damn thing out. It matters for federal and state funding, electoral districts, and statisticians who do all that social research on trends in America around every social issue you can think of will be lost without it!
the census is coming
where should you go
hide in the bushes
like a field negro
stand up and be counted
this shit is for real
the numbers they matter
it's a really big deal
our cities are shrinking
then so is their clout
we need higher numbers
or we'll be left out
people don't like it
gubmint nosing around
but they use these numbers
when they throw money around
negro, black or colored
just pick one and you're thru
be proud that you're counted
it's something everyone should do
I always pick other
just to see what they'll say
but I am always counted
that's all that matters okay
I'm not an immigrant.
Colored never meant light skinned Blacks, it meant all.
It amazes me how much is lost within one generation and how many Negroes are in a post racial euphoria, revising my history, before my own eyes.
clap,clap,clap,clap,clap... applause!
The first time I called my SO's daughter a negro years ago - I believe I said "Negro, how you gonna pour me half a glass of water? Are they charging by the inch over here?" or some other similar question - the girl's eyes opened wide, then she went crying to her mother.
"He,he,he...he called me a "knee-grow", mom!"
Her mother fell out laughing, and that afternoon I learned that modern day suburban parents were not all that interested in reliving the past.
But I grew up on the word. And since I know that in these suburbs its usage is rarer than public transportation, I make a point of using it regularly.
If they only have "Negro" on the form, though, his ass needs to check that damn box.
Cause whether he likes it or not, its true, baby, all day long and twice on Sundays
Well, my Kansas birth certific says I'm 'colored.' So if that is not an option, I'll write it in or I'll write in Sub-Saharan African Americian.
Us folk in the field have much more imprortant things to complain about and just don't give a flip.
So all the blacks, Negroes, coloreds, AA check the box we need to be counted. For the rest of you write-in whatever the heck you want ala Tiger ( I can't spell what he calls himself).
Too bad there isn't a "None of Your God Damn Business" box to check off. The Constitution only requires an accurate counting of the people. It never intended for us to fork over all kinds of crazy info like what color you are, what time you go to work, how many bathrooms you have, blah, blah, blah.
At some point, all of us really need to start spelling out some serious boundaries as to what can or cannot be asked. Otherwise come 2020 the government will be asking questions like: "Hey Negro, when was the last time you got your freak on"?
Sorry just my mini rant.
I'm a Africn American social worker who works with African American seniors (all 62 and over). About half my clients refer to themselves as "Negro" or "Colored". Although including "Negro", I also understand why the Census Bureau actions.
I hope these people who are threatening to "boycott" the census realize the potential conseqauences of their actions. The last thing we need is a loss of Congressional representation.
Please take that righteous indignation and use it toward some real racial issues, like fighting the increased racial profiling that is sure to be coming down the pike. Or working to find a way to get our young people to stop killing each other.
This is funny. I saw the headline somewhere else and thought, "I wonder what Field will write about this one."
I was all set to call it another example of picayune racism chasing until I saw a picture of the form, which says, simply, "White" for whites, and not also "Caucasian."
This strikes me as a little like the "Ah ha!" moment I had in Washington, D.C. about 20 years ago. The manager of a shop where I'd routinely stand and read magazines saw a black kid doing the same thing and angrily chased him out. Never said a word to me.
Hey, you're not supposed to read the magazines, right?
I'm looking to buy myself a black baby. That's the best status symbol you can have in my neighborhood these days, believe me. I don't actually want to go all the way and adopt, because trends change and maybe I'll want to trade-in for a Mexican babito a few years down the road. But I guess foster parent status will be okay.
All my cool friends will be sooooooo jealous, I love it :)
Now, I don't have the money that Madonna and the rest have, so I can't get an actual African. But how about Detroit or somewhere like that? You people have no objection to trendy white liberals buying your babies, so I know it's okay. I know your motto is "gettin' paid!" So please, no haters need respond.
So how do we go about this? I know it's not legal to actually buy one of your babies. Is trading you some crack for it also illegal? How about if I help to get you an Affirmative Action job in government?
I promise to not instill any personal morals in the child, but only to stress over and over about being a victim of whitey at all times - just like this blog does. So it'll have an authentic black upbringing. Oops, I mean a "field negro" upbringing :)
Wish me luck.
Negro. Ha! I never thought I would ever be referred to as that. Truthfully, what does it matter? Negro means black. It may make me feel a little old, but whatever.
1. So because "*some* *older* African Americans" prefer to use the word, it makes its inclusion on the census okay? Seriously?! So if 'some Asians' preferred to label themselves as oriental, mongoloid, or FOB, it would be included along side of South East Asian and Pacific Islander on the census? If 'some Latinos and Hispanics' preferred to label themselves as illegal or anchor baby, would it be included along side of Latin, Hispanic, and Chicano on the census? If 'some older Native Americans' preferred to label themselves as Indian or native, would it be included along side of Native American/First Nations on the census? If 'some Whites' preferred to label themselves as a honky, cracker, or white/trailer trash, would it be included along side of White/European on the census? If 'some multiracial people' preferred to label themselves as mulatto, mixed, or half-breed, would it be included along side of bi-/tri-/multiracial on the census?
If census organizers are going to justify including "Negro" on the census, they need to provide the percentage of Blacks that label themselves as such. Prove that a significant enough amount of Blacks approve of this label.
2. Just because there are bigger things to worry about, doesn't mean Blacks can't be pissed off about this. It's an insult! Yes, I will be participating in the census. I'll be checking a box, but not before I a)whiteout all options and create my own N/A, or b)add the above mentioned antiquated, racial epitaphs to the other options.
Anon 12:18, you're a sick fuck.
I agree with Clifton B. Pretty much sums up how I feel about the census.
Call me paranoid, but I just don't buy that it's for our own good ala congressional representation, adequate social services etc. I just don't like making it easy for sickos and psychos, whether from the neighborhood, pta, frat house or government, to harm me or those who "look like me."
Were not all Just Americans, Just ask Sarah Palin, the Teabaggers, and the Republican Party, They say they are the real Americans, and by the way they want their country back.
"...They say they are the real Americans, and by the way they want their country back."
Jusus, but they would be willing to share it-their country-with us, right? I mean we are ALL Americans....
Anon 12:18am, good luck with your baby hunt.But hurry, I don't think black will be in style much longer.
123, I respect your position, but please read what sistermoon said.
And Clifton B, I love you, but until they stop doing the census this way I think it's important for folks to be counted.
finefroghair, you just keep getting better. Folks, I swear I don't tell him/her about what I am going to post in advance. :)
..Glad I left ...
Sorry, but I think this is crazy. No need for three boxes for the same thing. They are all going to be totaled and put into one category anyway. Is there a box for Caucasian and a box for White? I do think it speaks of insensitivity and being behind the times--and simple government cluelessness.
They could easily have used that space for something else--like Arab-American. Apparently that group feels left out and has no appropriate box to check.
"I bet white Americans are wondering the same thing: Why do I have to identify myself as white American, why can't I just be an American....?"
Yeah, right.
Why don't they just leave it ALL blank and let everyone fill out what they want. But, I guess I can see that getting a little messy.
But still, they were able to determine that a blank for "negro" was necessary, so it doesn't appear to be all that hard. I mean the postal service is able to determine where letters are to go to when the address is hand written.....the census bureau could use a similar system.
And Field, if this doesn't bother you really, why would use the page from a slave book where the word Negro is prominently displayed? Being Jamaican, you may not really get the objection. But being white, I guess maybe I don't either. But I think I do.
Why the conspiracy theories? Anyone can search the public record and with your SS# get even more info including your credit report.
So you say how many baths you have, the government already knows how big of a lot, how many stories and building material used.
If we have entered a "post-racial" America what is the particular need for racial categorization on the Census form?
The righties have pretty much eviscerated Affirmative Action in the public sector.
Is it to determine which are the "safe" neighborhoods or "best cities to live"?
Essential to crime stats?
SAT scores?
Out of wedlock birth stats?
Love that Michele Bachman realized she had to shut up about not responding to the census. It seems Minnesota has lost some population, and may lose a representative, and if it happens, it will mostly likely affect her district. She drank a bit too much tea for her own good.
I prefer Black American, but then that is just me. African-American does not sound quite right since I was actually born in the United States and not a first-generation person from the Contentient. We could use Black person of African descent. The question becomes can we really call those folks feature in the Jersey Shore Italian when they were actually born here because they are no more Italian than I am and for some strange reason are proud to call themselves guido. I do not find the word Negro offensive in comparsion with the word nigger which we do not seem to mind mentioned in every rap song. I think the Census should not just have Asian because it includes people from China, Japan, India, Parkistan, etc., but Asian works because it saves them time of printing less words on the form as some bureau person probably used that to justify for not doing it.
take that righteous indignation and use it toward some real racial issues, like fighting the increased racial profiling that is sure to be coming down the pike. Or working to find a way to get our young people to stop killing each other.
Did you not notice the irony in that juxtaposition?
I use the terms "Colored" and "Negro" in my everyday vanacular. It doesn't bother me but I think I kind of like the fact that it bothers others - colored and non-colored - when I say it. There are bigger issues in life to worry and stress over something this trivial. Get over it.
As long as we're on the subject, I always thought the term "African-American" was useless. Non-Colored people aren't calling themselves "European-Americans". I wonder what "we" will decide to call ourselves in 10 years, even though "we" didn't ask me sh!t if I wanted to be called "African-American". Did anyone of you get to vote on that?
I short - those terms my identify me but they do not define me. I do that by my own actions...
Tired of these Birthers?
Call the DNC/OFA (Organizing For America) to get them on board with next week's March on DC
202-863-8000ask for OFA and ask what you can do to help we need to have the President's back...Here are some links.
This is a blog post on HP they let loose.
field, as soon as I saw this in the news, I KNEW you couldn't resist commenting.
"census officials disagree, saying they found some older African Americans identify themselves that way and they're trying to be inclusive."
Yeah right, if this were true then they would include the option of "Nigga 4 Life" to be checked by the old-school gangsta rap aficionado segment of the public.
Somewhere, some old caucasian government employee is laughing their ass off right now telling everyone "I put 'Negro' back as a checkbox...bwah-hahh-harr".
I've probably heard the term Negro used more here in the blogosphere than I've heard in the long time. I normally use the term African-American or black. African-American is a mouthful at times. I almost never hear the term "colored" and the last time I heard it, it was about 9 years ago was was used by an older white guy. I don't find the "outdated" terms offensive at all, so I'm not inclined to be upset at seeing it one the census.
I'm with you on this. The way some of "us" are reacting, you'd swear there was a check box labeled JIGABOO or PROJECT ROACH.
It's no big deal...
Besides, when did we get to vote on the term African-American? I guess they did the vote at one of those State of the Black Union things by Tavis Smiley. Uh-huh, and y'all wonder why THAT annual conference is no more.
Negro is the spanish word for the color black. They used it to refer to the slaves they bought over, and I presume the americans just started using the word also.
So if they're gonna use the word "negro" they should also add the choice "blancos", which is the Spanish word for white!
Well I think the major difference is that black folks picked the term "African-American" whereas "colored" and "negro" were thrust upon us.
But it looks like some folks just don't want to leave the porch.
Uptown Steve,
I have wondered myself what the some of the questions and information is used for.
On the 2000 census, I remember writing in bold letters: CHECK WITH THE IRS when it asked for my income information.
Black folk who? I noticed that African American came in to use, soon as white folk started hyphenating their ethnicity. At the time, seemed very copy cat to me. Also a little odd since white folk sort of emphasized their immigrant origins and most blacks aren't.
Growing up colored, when Negro was a more formal word, what I was called didn't make a difference. The difference came when we were able to call ourselves Black, a term that had previously been derisive, and assert our equality.
You're not rquired by law to give those bozos ANY information concerning your finances. Don't let them bluff you into thinking you are. My company sent this out to all it's employees today:
2010 Census to Begin
WARNING: 2010 Census Cautions from the Better Business Bureau Be Cautious About Giving Info to Census Workers by Susan Johns With the U.S. Census process beginning, the Better Business Bureau (BBB) advises people to be cooperative, but cautious, so as not to become a victim of fraud or identity theft. The first phase of the 2010 U.S.Census is under way as workers have begun verifying the addresses of households across the country. Eventually, more than 140,000 U.S. Census workers will count every person in the United States and will gather information about every person living at each address including name, age, gender, race, and other relevant data.
The big question is - how do you tell the difference between a U.S. Census worker and a con artist? BBB offers the following advice:
** If a U.S. Census worker knocks on your door, they will have a badge, a handheld device, a Census Bureau canvas bag, and a confidentiality notice.
Ask to see their identification and their badge before answering their questions. However, you should never invite anyone you don't know into your home.
** Census workers are currently only knocking on doors to verify address information.
Do not give your Social Security number, credit card or banking information to anyone, even if they claim they need it for the U.S. Census.
While the Census Bureau might ask for basic financial information, such as a salary range, YOU DON'T HAVE TO ANSWER ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT YOUR FINANCIAL SITUATION.
The Census Bureau will not ask for Social Security, bank account, or credit card numbers, nor will employees solicit donations. Any one asking for that information is NOT with the Census Bureau.
No Acorn worker should approach you saying he/she is with the Census Bureau.
Eventually, Census workers may contact you by telephone, mail, or in person at home. However, the Census Bureau will not contact you by Email, so be on the lookout for Email scams impersonating the Census.
Never click on a link or open any attachments in an Email that are supposedly from the U.S. Census Bureau.
How typical. Black people are just fine with being called a nigger on the latest bit of black cultural expression but have a problem with being called a negro on a census form. It's okay to be a nigger every day and twice on Sunday but don't call me a negro. Hooookaaaay.
As for boycotting the census, why not. It gives the government another reason to ignore your dumb black asses. Talk about cutting of your nose to spite your face.
How typical. A racists posting anonymously. Nice pointy white hood you've got there 3:55.
" A rose by any other name is still a rose." We have this debate in our family all the time.
My 77 year-old MIL prefers Negro or Colored, as does her beau. They both dislike the term "black/blacks" because it was an insult to be called black when they were youngsters.
My mother who is 62, very fair w/ green eyes, and super-long hair, has decided she isn't black anymore and has moved into the American realm. She is always misteaken for Puerto Rican anyway.
My dad who is very dark-skinned and 64 is also moving into the American camp, but then you pretty much know what he is when you see him.
I can remember being Afro-American for much of the 70s, but it was interchangeable with black. Then Jesse decided we were all African-Americans. But now w/ so many immigrants from Africa, it gets a little confusing for some of them and us too.
I do think some Black Americans like the hyphenated African-American because of the ethnicity thing. There are so many "fill-in-the-blank"-Americans now (Jamaican-Americans; Italian-Americans, etc.)- some black folks want to get in on that game.
But me, I prefer black/Black. It is simple and inclusive to me. You can be from anywhere in the Diaspora, mixed, multiracial, whatever and yet it still fits. If you want it to fit.
that part of the census is OVER. it was what that guy who killed himself was doing. i know also because a friend of mine worked for the census during that period. they actually had two phases in which they verified addresses.
what they are doing now is simply mailing the forms. i don't think any census workers will be going door to door anymore.
that seems like an unnecessarily alarmist note. are they discouraging cooperation?
I don't know Maria. Maybe someone was just mistaken. Nah, they're not discouraging cooperation. I think they were just trying to help people from being conned into giving out information that was not required for the census.
They were taking census info, even before 2010 began? I wouldn't have even thought that was legal.
Hey field, not all "Blacks" with Arabic names are radicals. That's pretty house of you. You should know better than that.
So how do we go about this? I know it's not legal to actually buy one of your babies. Is trading you some crack for it also illegal? How about if I help to get you an Affirmative Action job in government?
White folks kill me with their uninformed stereotypes and opinions about what Affirmative Action and government jobs.
As an employee of a defense contractor, the true Affirmative Action is the unspoken practice of white hiring managers pre-selecting and reserving jobs for their inept white friends, relative et al.
One example I can cite specfically is the head of DODEA (Department of Defense Educational Activity) hiring her inept relatives over qualified candidates.
So fuck you and your stupid stereotypes.
"How typical. Black people are just fine with being called a nigger on the latest bit of black cultural expression but have a problem with being called a negro on a census form. It's okay to be a nigger every day and twice on Sunday but don't call me a negro. Hooookaaaay.
As for boycotting the census, why not. It gives the government another reason to ignore your dumb black asses. Talk about cutting of your nose to spite your face."
What's typical is some hypocritical white person group all blacks. But you will be the first to quip when all whites are grouped as...well...you know.
Hathor said...
"Black folk who? I noticed that African American came in to use, soon as white folk started hyphenating their ethnicity. At the time, seemed very copy cat to me. Also a little odd since white folk sort of emphasized their immigrant origins and most blacks aren't.
Growing up colored, when Negro was a more formal word, what I was called didn't make a difference. The difference came when we were able to call ourselves Black, a term that had previously been derisive, and assert our equality."
Yeah, don't confuse pale-face with that inconvenient fact.
I noticed that African American came in to use, soon as white folk started hyphenating their ethnicity. At the time, seemed very copy cat to me. Also a little odd since white folk sort of emphasized their immigrant origins and most blacks aren't.
I recall there being a rapid change in what white people were "supposed" to call black people. When I was very young, "Negro" was the correct term. "Colored" was seen as outdated and racist.
Then it went to "black," which always made the most sense to me as an approximation. After all, white people aren't really "white" but variations of beige. Black people aren't black, but variations of brown.
Then came "African American," which struck me as an affectation. But I have a longstanding belief that people should be called what they want to be called, so I've used that label from time to time.
"Negro" seems outdated and formalized to me, and depending on the context can actually be racist. It reminds me of the word "homosexual," which has a clinical air to it, as if there is an unfavorable diagnosis involved.
I guess "Negro" is okay on the census form because of its formal connotation, but I think it should have been balanced by putting "Caucasian" on the line along with "white." I doubt there was any racist intent involved, because I tend to trust that the Census Bureau wouldn't go there, but it jangles a little bit.
By the way, the Census breaks down Hispanics between white and non-white. Maybe that's why they didn't put "Caucasian" on the "white" line. They might have figured that "White Hispanics" wouldn't have identified themselves as "Caucasian Hispanics," and by not doing it might have screwed up the historical comparisons.
I'd be willing to bet that there was a lot of discussion of this one within the Census Bureau. Those guys are the ultimate data geeks, and to some extent they are trapped by history because they want to make the figures comparable over time.
"Hey field, not all "Blacks" with Arabic names are radicals. That's pretty house of you. You should know better than that.
Tongue meet cheek.
POA--not taking data, from folks, just verifying names and addresses. (as in does Mary Smith live here, not what nationality is she and how many live with her). Lots of folks have moved in 10 years--i surely have, more than once.
Field, you are one funny cat.
I was a supervisor in the '80 and '90 census. It was on there then. I avoided using it if possible and instructed my crew to read the choices slower. Most will respond when they hear what they like. By going slower, you would get a response most times b4 you had to say that evil word.
I'm ass out anyway. On my birth certificate, I'm "colored". So it could be worse.
Happy New Year to all my colored people!!!
You better believe these people are up to no good, and yes someone WHITE is LAUGHING at us! we are in the year 2010, White people will use every trick in the book to insult BLACK PEOPLE!
I read all the post,and two or three (SLEEP WALKING) NEGRO, BLACK, AFRICAN AMERICAN person really GOT IT!
Why all of a sudden, do we need to be programmed to say (NEGRO) oh, I know, cause, the WHITE MAN told us too, and once again, we do what they tell us to do!
The CENSUS and VOTING go hand and hand, who ever came up with this, could care less about state's receiving their equal share of MONEY! this is about the 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION! and it evolve's around the AFRICAN AMERICAN vote!
No person under the age of SIXTY should even think of putting their mark against the word (NEGRO! but, some of you SLAVE minded people will, why do you think some white person came up with this SHREWD SCHEME? WHITE FOLK'S know us through and through! they are trying to create confusion! and they have! and GOD only know's what else those SHREWD thinking people are really up too, but, trust me, it is not to HELP our people!!!
I am thinking of checking off "other" and writing in Canadian since I was born there. And then some of them might think I am black.
I am white/Caucasian/European/even-a-cracker-if-I-know-you-are-joking/whatever and there is nothing like the truth when you want to fuck with the crazies.
And there is plenty of crazy in this country.
Please just pick any box and check it off or you'll end up with your Rep. losing their seat in the House like that GOP nutjob in Minn., M. Bachmann, realized might happen to her.
Unless you have a nutjob GOP Rep. of your own. Then pretend your a Teabagrrrr and the Census people are Acorn.
"You better believe these people are up to no good, and yes someone WHITE is LAUGHING at us! we are in the year 2010, White people will use every trick in the book to insult BLACK PEOPLE!"
And sadly, I don't doubt that, not even a bit. Like I said: There is plenty of crazy in this country.
I don't believe people were writing "Negro" in the blank. I think thats just a lie of made up statistics...and I don't like to go by African-American either...I'll take regular black! But nevertheless....the U.S census should be hiring huh?
Maybe I don’t get it, but I guess it is just in A-merry-ca that all this craziness about using 'historically' degrading nouns to define a person is still a debate. If one wants to be called Negro perhaps this means that they want to remember the 'wonderful' days of Black people as slaves more that remember where they originally came from: Africa. A solution could be to make a classification – and humanity love classifying – based on the original provenience, instead of describing by colour. Then I assume people will not like that because they love to be known by their colour; thus the struggle between European Americans and African Americans will keep going on. Just to compare the point of Italian Americans, I believe they would be proud to be known as Italian Americans more than Mafia. AH, AH, Ah...
"Being Jamaican, you may not really get the objection."
I bet Field does, the blacks in Jamaica mostly arrived via "The Middle Passage." as well.
It will come down to matching skin samples and checking off "ancestral ethnicity[ies]." Eventually....
I can see it now, "Please place a check next to the color range that most closely matches the skin of the inner arm." Please repeat in the columns to the right for each individual living in the residence.
Then there would be a list of ethnicities to to check off, should take hundreds of pages. Can you imagine! A box for every region, language, country, tribe (African), (Native American North), (Native American South), etcetera. Imagine what you could do to the lighter ethnicities, okay Greek, Italian, easy, are easy. But what about Lace Curtain? or Red Neck or Hill billy, or my favorite, Cracker American.
I can just see some kind of 3-d, four color, matrix graph to correlate the information to be presented to our duly elected representatives and other concerned members our government of the people.
lady--this is field's closing line:
So fill out the damn form and stop your whining.
Whaterver you check, be sure that you get counted. It is about being represented and will affect the number and shape of congressional districts. Maybe it would be good to check the wrong box and confuse the gerrymanderers!
It's not what they call you it's what you answer to. I prefer the term Black.
ditto fly
i prefer the term african-american
but many knee-grows know they NEED to check that new box too!
see it says right in the ad, they were well taken care of!Wonder who they bought them from ?
Happy New Year, FN!!!
Anyways, since the racists and radical African Americans won't let me just be human or American, I prefer Negro or Black.
I do not like the term "African American" since I learned that many Africans feel the same way about Black Americans as Fox News.
Attorneymom said...
"Happy New Year, FN!!!
Anyways, since the racists and radical African Americans won't let me just be human or American, I prefer Negro or Black.
I do not like the term "African American" since I learned that many Africans feel the same way about Black Americans as Fox News.
I never thought of it that way.
it is all about historical/ancestral accuracy for me
MOST americans of all should don a hyphen
we are not a melting pot
we are a stew
each unique ingredient should be called out by name
MOST americans of all RACES should don a hyphen
that is why they are so haunted when we african-americans dare to remind them that generic "whites/americans" really are historically revisionist misnomers
it also reminds them that they stole us from africa...
what you need to do is make up your damn mind,your driving the white folks nuts !
its like whats the new flavour of the month.
Most people brought as slaves to the new world were purchased from the slave barracoons in the slave ports in the Bight of Benin. They were particularly caught by African slavers or were prisoners of war.
@ FN:
Here's a bit of trivia for you. How we became African Americans (after we were black (and proud):
Jesse Jackson called about 200 (alleged) black leaders to the Super Dome in New Orleans, LA. sometime during the late 1960's or the early 1970's (the conclusion of the MLK JR. assaniation)...to discuss important issues facing (then black) minorites (yeah that's one of our names too).
Why the Dome you ask...? Because they could get it and white people paid for it (keep an eye on the usual suspects kinda thing).
So Rev. Jackson said to the alleged (known then as black) leaders: We will no longer be known as black...we are going to be known as African Americans. (not a quote)
So...the press picked it up and said that blacks do not want to be known as black... but as African Americans. The press picked it up and said the overwhelming number of blacks made the decision to be described as African Americans (remember 200 showed up).
So that's a bit of African American, black, minority, negro, and negroE (and n*gger, n*gga, coons, jigaboos, and of couse house negro and field negro) bit of history for your blog.
Have happy thoughts.
We go through this every 10 years...we get the same garbage from the government garbage department (or where ever it comes from).
What are we going to call them...? Black....Negro...African American...or other...? Just what do we call those people...?
The real story about the Census counting...statuory minimums...ask the mayor of your city... or the governor/cheif administrator of your state to get the real deal.
This is the time for both field and house negroes to be counted!
While it's true Africans were directly involved in the spade trade, I seriously doubt that would have been the case had Europeans not had a demand for them.
I barely passed Econ in college but I learned enough to know that without demand, supplies cease to exist.
Oops! That should read slave trade, NOT spade trade! Dam, whatta spelling error, LOL!!
Afrinaticasion, that's what I'm gonna put down on the census form, LOL!!!
Slavery has existed in almost all human societies. It still exists today.
"The slave trade in Africa was officially banned in the early 1880s, but forced labor continues to be practiced in West and Central Africa today. UNICEF estimates that 200,000 children from this region are sold into slavery each year. Many of these children are from Benin and Togo, and are sold into the domestic, agricultural, and sex industries of wealthier, neighboring countries such as Nigeria and Gabon."
The following video gives a brief history and extent of African Slavery.
1400 years of slavery and numbers in the millions.
As mentioned there's no love lost between some Africans and Black Americans. I have no desire to go to Africa or to be equated with 'those' people. My ancestry is just as much Black as it is White. I will not write in other, mixed, bi-racial either. Be counted. There's so much erroneous info about the Census. Too much of it entails opinions, lies and incorrect vontent.
Is "negro" an offensive word? Was it offensive for Harry Reid to comment about Obama that he doesn't have a negro dialect?
"I swear every time I look around you Negr..blacks are complaining about something. "
Best quote ever. Thanks field!
FYI Basic knowledge:
Not all of the ancestors of present day black people in America came from Africa, Jesse Jackson, notwithstanding. Look it up.
I do not now nor have I ever identified myself as African American. Perhaps because I have never paid much attention to Jesse and the others self-appointed "black leaders" looking for face time on the teevee.
I am black, period.
I suggest that those of you blovating over what to call yourself on the censue find something else to worry about. Like the fact that many black kids are dropping out of school and those who manage to stay in school are reading five grade levels below or can't read at all, can't speak standard english and are like to end up in prison for knocking some senior citizen in the head.
"Not all of the ancestors of present day black people in America came from Africa, Jesse Jackson, notwithstanding"
Where'd they come from Sammy?
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