So Matt Towery over at Newsmax is feeling Michelle Obama these days. Could it be? Is it possible for the kid to read an article from a conservative writer and agree with him or her? Hmmm, let me see:
"In early March, the head of the Tennessee and greater Nashville hospitality associations sent an e-mail to a dozen or so people that compared first lady Michelle Obama to a chimpanzee. As word leaked of this offensive humor, pressure built and the man responsible was soon fired. To those who oppose the current healthcare proposal, the massive spending, and the endless barrage of new ways for government to invade our wallets and private lives, here is a message: Don't attack a good first lady. In late 2008, I wrote a column praising Laura Bush. It brought me a totally unexpected personal note of thanks from then-President Bush. I'm not holding my breath on getting the same kind of response from this president.
But no matter.I think it's important to take the opportunity brought about by this incident surrounding Michelle Obama to make three important points.
First, this stuff is more widespread than just one guy doing it in one state. They are more than offensive and inappropriate. They also do practical harm by painting all those who oppose the most liberal administration since Franklin Roosevelt as racist Neanderthals. That's the last possible image Obama's political opponents and detractors should be sending, especially right now, with so many key issues hanging in the balance.
Second, I must admit that I've been pleasantly surprised at the first lady's disciplined willingness to avoid playing political games most of the time. Michelle Obama is a bright and accomplished woman. When the president was sworn in, I felt sure she was going to be a sort of surrogate vice president, much as Hillary Clinton was. Mostly that hasn't happened. Yes, she recently asked food manufacturers to speed up production of healthy food for kids, but that's hardly a radical cause. And she delivered the message as a request and not an ultimatum.
She has her causes, but we see little evidence of Michelle Obama with her sleeves rolled up, burning the midnight oil with her own staff to, for example, get a massive healthcare bill passed. The first lady is also proving to be an exemplary model parent. It's plain that she's actively involved in the lives of her two daughters. The commitment that she and President Obama are demonstrating toward having a normal family life surely should be gaining the positive notice of the African-American community. By the admission of many of its top leaders and officials, this is a demographic that has suffered a decrease in the number of traditional families. Far too many young black women are left with children, but with no father in sight. "
Ok, so far so good, right? But then Matt went and disappointed me by writing the following:
"Third and finally, there is the risk we could face when Barack Obama is up for re-election in about two-and-a-half years. Recent articles have been published in which some blacks have criticized the president for not doing enough to ease their financial pain.
Several surveys, particularly in hard-hit Southern states with heavy African-American populations, indicate that the blacks there are experiencing some heartburn with the president.
And what if he were to be defeated? What would be the reaction of the African-American community the day after the election? There's no reason to presume it would be anything but tranquil, as it is in America following any Election Day.
Unless, that is, Obama's possible defeat followed a perceived pattern of those who oppose his policies indulging in racist hijinks such as comparing the president or his wife to a chimp. My guess is that such ugliness might then lead to a post-election situation that could tear the nation apart."
Huh? "Tear the nation apart"? What are you trying to say, Matt? That black folks would somehow act in an uncivil and barbarous manner if his O ness lost the next election? Come on Matt; that is an ignorant and narrow minded thing to say. Besides, everyone knows that us black folks here in A-merry-ca are having too much fun -just being A-merry-cans- to even care who wins the next election. [Article]
Field, remember when Pundits claimed Blacks would go crazy if Obama lost in 2008...lol
So, I am assuming there is actual people in America afraid that if Obama loses in 2012 Blacks who are only 12% of the freaking population would kill off the large majority races...these people who write these articles are projecting their own fears about Black people...The only race of people who have been losing their minds since Obama won the White House in 2008 have been "Large numbers of White people at Tea Party events"...
I bet if Obama does some how manages to win again 2012 it will be the Tea Party fools who will lose their damn mind. As Black woman I could careless if Obama wins or loses in 2012...he is already part of American History anyway...so, they can't take that away from us..lol
"That black folks would somehow act in an uncivil and barbarous manner if his O ness lost the next election?"
What's so crazy about that? Niggers riot and loot every chance they get. Rodney King trials, power outages, hurricanes, whenever McDonald's stops selling the McRib... Why wouldn't you expect to see images of brothers beating white truckers and toting off disposable diapers and malt liquor after Obama get's the boot?
He writes for Newsmax. That alone should be the first red flag.
Ultimately he is pushing the same meme that no_slappz has been peddling, that the darkies are just looking for an excuse to riot. It is the same meme that plantation owners used to justify repressive measures, that Africans are prone to savagery if not kept under control.
If Matt is really concerned about political violence then he should probably turn his attention towards his readership and discuss the very real possibility that right wing militias will be the first to initiate any kind of "uncivil behaviour". However, since those nutters are the kind of people who read Newsmax that would not be well received.
9:39 PM....Listen to yourself Blacks are only 12% of the population...Plus, most are in jail anyway...are really suggesting that the Majority be made to feel obligated to vote for Obama in 2012...just to avoid ass whooping from Blacks?...lol
I never knew racist Whites like yourself was so terrified of Blacks to the point of surrendering your country to them...Coward
I really thought he was going to say that since many African Americans are less than pleased by Obama's lack of attention to African American communities that the Republicans/ Tea Partiers should knock off the racist crap and try to form alliances across racial lines.
I guess that would have just made too much sense for a Republican to think of.
And why can't the Obamas as a family be a good example to all Americans? It's not like Whites aren't divorcing at all-time high rates.
Crazy. Why would they make fun of Obama after he's defeated?
The riots are possible, but I'd expect La Raza as much as anyone else to participate. They say the unemployment rate is over 23 % for AA's in some places, so I'm sure some are disappointed. My employment "opportunities" have including working beside 20 year old's lately. They tell me you need a good score on the application test to even join the Army these days. Strange Times.
Val, show me some examples of Tea Partier's behaving in a way that offends you. I'm not trying to flame at all and won't argue. Just show me some evidence.
"many African Americans are less than pleased by Obama's lack of attention to African American communities"
What a bubble you must live in, Val. I think waht you mean is that many of the leftist whiners you asociate with don't think the most radical president in U. S. history is radical enough.
Most blacks are very pleased with President Obama.
March 18th article. Filled Negro must be backlogged in his conservative research. I feel you on this one though. I read "International Socialist Review", "Dollars and Sense", watch "Democracy Now".
[quote]Ok, so far so good, right? But then Matt went and disappointed me by writing the following: [/quote]
So wait, Filled Negro - YOU among those who fanned the flames about what the Tea Partyers were up to - as you feared that Black folks would be strung up from TREES again. How are you any different from Matt Towery in your worst case assumptions?
Besides - for me - I am far more interested in the "Death By 1000 Cuts" that is taking place in the deadly streets as we speak than I am worried about some post election riot that may take place in 2012.
It is stunning to see how certain issues have the express lane to the editor's desk on this blog YET certain issues that prove far more deadly get punted.
[quote]Tea Partiers should knock off the racist crap and try to form alliances across racial lines.
I guess that would have just made too much sense for a Republican to think of.[/quote]
You articulated what the REPUBLICANS should do....................now tell us what BLACK PEOPLE SHOULD DO?
In the wake of the passage of yet another "Bloody Summer"; another school year that underwhelmed; continued unemployment with an anemic economy in our communities that is not employing enough of us - WHAT SHOULD WE DO?
I just read 2 of Tom Joyner's open letters to Tavis Smiley. He had the AUDACITY to say - while standing behind the the BLACK ESTABLISHMENT MICROPHONE: "We ONLY want to hear people with SOLUTIONS!!!".
Val - To-Damned-Day Black America is LIVING in a time when the BLACK PROGRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT'S "SOLUTIONS" are at play. What is next for CHICAGO? To get rid of that 1 REPUBLICAN on the board of Aldermen so that they'll have a full slate of 50 seated?
If we can't point to these places that are FAVORABLE at least on paper to find UTOPIA - what exactly are were REALLY struggling for? Of the people LEADING us WHO are they working on behalf of?
It is clear to me that it is NOT the time for the EVIL REPUBLICANS to come courting for the Black vote. The "Black Overlay" will have their pants down waiting for them to kiss their backsides.
INSTEAD it is time for the BLACK RANK AND FILE to realize that we cannot live VICARIOUSLY through the victories of any political party in the "American Political Domain". Those who have SOLD OUT must be moved out of our "racial conscious nucleus" for they have shown who their priorities reside with.
the last sentence of the first paragraph left no doubt: 'I'm not holding my breath on getting the same kind of response from this president.'
It went down hill very fast after this wonderful start. Asshats like this putz fill the ranks of the punditocracy, aiding their "compliments" with the back of their hands. Nice! But not unexpected.
Are you conservatives that pissed about the visual of a black president?
He's been there for a minute now.
What will you do when he gets reelected?
And Constructive F. Wingnut, The race issue is a prevailing undertone throughout all of society. One can't escape it. Just like you open a door for a woman based on the visual cue to do so, we have innate cues based on color in this society that are hard-wired and almost impossible to suppress fully. It's not an issue of caring whether one is black or not. Or the type of local political structure that exists within a given community.
Equality is opportunity not in theory, as conservatives love to preach about, but in PRACTICE.
Your theories about equality focused through a conservative prism all fall flat when the 23 year-old graduate from a HBCU can't seem to get a call back because she has a funny sounding name that denotes an ethnic background that may be subject to the whims or the preconceived notions of the hiring manager in question. She has the best resume, she interviewed the best, but Mabel, the secretary who's been there for 36 years, sometimes tells colorful jokes that the young black chick might not like. So I'll guess we'll hire Tyler.
It happens, every day. That's why the unemployment rate is so high for us.
All the Affirmative Action, EEOC bullshit in the world can't fight that.
I just finished watching Sean Hannity "interview" Laura Bush on Fox News. I came away wondering would he be as respectful and reverent of Michelle Obama as he was of Laura Bush.
Therein lies the double-standard and the flaw of the conservative in America.
Get it straight and don't ever post something so dumb again.
Constructive F. Wingnut, LOL~!!!
Lena Horne died today.
Legendary singer Lena Horne dies
(05-09) 22:26 PDT New York (AP)
[quote]And Constructive F. Wingnut, The race issue is a prevailing undertone throughout all of society. One can't escape it. [/quote]
Low & Country:
I don't have a problem accepting YOUR narrative about RACE & SOCIETY - except that when it comes to you and other Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive-Fundamentalist RACISM CHASERS - your INDICTMENTS seem to only flow ONE WAY - thus proving your fraud.
* The MURDER of Black people
* The TAUNTING of the Black man who was shot
* The CITY of CHICAGO - with a political array that IF WAS THE SAME IN SOUTH CAROLINA - you would have a wet dream
AND NOT CONCLUDE that RACE IS THE ONLY REASON WHY YOU and others don't call this situation out just as you would if it happened in Birmingham 1950.
YOU are a Progressive-Fundamentalist Bigot - Low & Country. You are the counterbalance to the Conservative Bigot that you struggle against.
Indeed the RACE issue is a key issue that plagues our society. I CANNOT tell you that RACISM is the reason why this graduate that you speak of is not now employed. I can tell you that this BLACK MAN that is typing the message IS EMPLOYED. I am asked by my evil corporation to go into large accounts, expected to represent them in what they are selling to other evil corporations. They will fire my Black Azz - just as they will fire White Azzes IF I fail to be an effective representative.
DON'T expect ME to accept that the difficutly faced by ONE BLACK PERSON in finding employment as an issue of RACE unless you are willing to accept the fact that 83.5% of OTHER BLACK PEOPLE who seek work are working.
You see that 4% of White folks with a DEGREE are unemployed while 8% of Blacks similarly degreed ARE UNEMPLOYED
I see that 8% of BLACK FOLKS WITH A DEGREE ARE UNEMPLOYED and compare that to the 18% of Blacks who don't have a degree (IIRC) are UNEMPLOYED and I see the MAGIC TRICK is to GET MORE BLACK FOLKS A DEGREE!!!!!!!
I REFUSE to walk in your shoes of Racism Chasing and Inferiority. In BOTH CASES your CURE is in the hands of someone else.
Matt is to Rush Limbaugh, what a protein drink is to anabolic steroids.
Matt insinuates his meaning, while Rush clubs you over the head with his.
Ha ha, joke and jokes...
this sounds a bit too much like Wilmington NC circa 1890.
Back then black folks held offices in city govt. Before the election the whites circulated fear mongering, racist, warnings; then, on election day, staged a violent coup on election day. They killed 100 black people, installed an all white (all democrat) city govt., and never counted a vote.
So, this all sounds a little familiar, "warning" us preemtively that the black folk may get rowdy.
Does anyone else notice things like pointing out black areas hardest hit by the economy as a warning, rather than pointing out an area for focus for recovery?
very telling.
[quoteCF: I read "International Socialist Review", "Dollars and Sense", watch "Democracy Now".[/quote]
Ohhh good grief, you are just so out of it CF, those sites are just sooooooo 20th century.
This is where it's at these days...
(You Should Read 'The Liberal Defense of Murder' sometime, you might learn something.)
(Those c-r-a-z-y canucks!)
(This is the direction we are heading in Europa these days, combining Left and Green policies. It is after all, capitalism and the pursuit of profit that is destroying the planet.)
Damn. Sad day. :( R.I.P. Lena Horne.
"In the wake of the passage of yet another "Bloody Summer"; another school year that underwhelmed; continued unemployment with an anemic economy in our communities that is not employing enough of us - WHAT SHOULD WE DO?"
Take care of our communities and families. Be role models to young men and women. Volunteer to help out anyway we can. Become mentors, teachers, and coaches. Practice what we preach when we go to church, spend our money wisely, take every opporunity we can to spread a positive message.
In other words, everything that you and the folks in your party are NOT doing.
"What's so crazy about that? Niggers riot and loot every chance they get. Rodney King trials, power outages, hurricanes, whenever McDonald's stops selling the McRib... Why wouldn't you expect to see images of brothers beating white truckers and toting off disposable diapers and malt liquor after Obama get's the boot?"
Hi wingnut. Did you get lost? The RNC rally is that <<<<< way.
Michael, you are right, I gave this clown far too much credit. He should have lost me at hello.
Actually PC, the stuff you are reading is outdated as well. I won't give you any links, I don't want you folks to know what us Communist are up to. ;)
[quote]Does anyone else notice things like pointing out black areas hardest hit by the economy as a warning, rather than pointing out an area for focus for recovery?[/quote]
Gee brohammas - I never thought of it that way.
When I looked out and saw the "Black Areas" which were called "Within the Digital Divide" during Clinton and "Left Behind" during the Housing boom............I had figured that they were areas where Black Voter Nullification was highest. Regardless of the ECONOMIC INFRASTRUCTURE by which jobs were generated within, EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES by which the next generations of Professional Service Providers would be rendered........my brothers and sisters did not seem to look at the key facts of their present circumstances as rendered by the ruling ideology that they helped take over these places. INSTEAD, it appeared that they were STRUGGLING against some other force that was EXTERNAL to their communities.
To-Damned-Day one who is intellectually honest is forced to see that in some places the "Mission Has Been Accomplished" (Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee, Detroit). There are NO SEATS of power that the enemy holds locally. Any additional STRUGGLE without the RANK AND FILE looking toward the machine that they put into place and DEMANDING RESULTS FROM THEM is evidence of some force other than these masses thinking that THEIR VOTE is actually linked to their the attainment of their PERMANENT INTERESTS.
My goal is to figure out "WHO THEY ARE WORKING HARD FOR" because clearly it is NOT for their own interests. I also wonder who among them will begin to ask questions of their leadership FIRST?
"Where the HELL are we going?"
and "PROVE IT BY THE STATS?" would be two starter questions.
(First they have to STOP living vicariously through the Obamas before they can ever HOPE to hold the "President Of The United States" ACCOUNTABLE - and mean it.)
* Take care of our communities and families.
* Be role models to young men and women.
* Volunteer to help out anyway we can.
* Become mentors, teachers, and coaches.
* Practice what we preach when we go to church, spend our money wisely, [/quote]
Filled Negro:
Do you recall that DRUG DEALER that you had the oh so tentative friendship with a few years ago? I believe that you said that he is now LOCKED UP!!
Seriously Filled Negro - What about ME makes me SUPERIOR to him that I CAN BEAR THESE BURDENS for the Black Community but YOU thought him too INFERIOR to carry any of this load?
Was my family any LESS "slave descendants" in your book that YOU might have more expectations upon me before I can get my badge of honor?
take every opporunity we can to spread a positive message.[/quote]
Filled Negro - I don't believe that you understand my disposition with respect to you and other Progressive-Fundamentalists. YOU ARE THE ESTABLISHMENT POWER now in our communities.
Imagine if, 70 years ago the ESTABLISHMENT in Mississippi asked BLACK PEOPLE to always "Say POSITIVE MESSAGES" about the society they live in and IT JUST MIGHT HAPPEN that the WHITE FOLKS will change, being nice to them because they see that the "Happy Negro" is a man of good will?
Do you see that POSITIVE MESSAGES are only CONDITIONAL and CONTEXTUAL. When someone is USING YOU and FAILING YOU as they have control over the key institutions that you seek civil services from and they tell you to BE POSITIVE - does this strike you as them being a KINDLY PERSON? Or does this sound like a person who has a "LET THEM EAT CAKE" disposition?
Lena Mary Calhoun Horne, Legendary Entertainment Pioneer is dead at 92. (June 30, 1917 – May 9, 2010)
"I don't have to be an Imitation of a White woman that Hollywood sort of hoped I'd become. I'm Me, and I'm like nobody else".
Lena Horne
"Always be smarter than the people who hire you".
Lena Horne
"Every color I can think of and nationality, we were all touched by Dr. King because he made us like each other and respect each other".
Lena Horne
"I made a promise to myself to be kinder to other people".
Lena Horne
"The commitment that she and President Obama are demonstrating toward having a normal family life surely should be gaining the positive notice of the African-American community. "
Gee, being a negro I guess I wasn't aware of what a normal black family life should look like until the Obamas.
"Gee, being a negro I guess I wasn't aware of what a normal black family life should look like until the Obamas.."
I was thinking the same thing La@A.
Plus the election of Obama was to usher in "post-racialism" in America..
Only the righties are carrying placards of Obama with a bone through his nose, sending pictures of Michelle Obama as a chimpanzee, still questioning Obama's US citizenship, still claiming that he's a Muslim, still crying that they want "THEIR" country back etc....ad nauseam.
But black folks may riot if he's not elected.
You gotta love the nerve on some white folks.
Michelle created for herself a lasting image when she said that until her husband was seen as a serious presidential contender she had taken no pride in her country.
Her comment was no slip of the tongue. She meant it. Her disapproval of A-Merry-Ca till the start of election year appeared first in her senior thesis, written at Princeton.
It is available online and I read it. For starters, it is remarkable for its ordinariness. Though it was written by a college senior, the writer was a senior at one of the best colleges in the world. In other words, the writer and her paper should have reflected the usual intellectual superiority found on the Princeton campus. Nope. Big letdown.
As for the hyperbole of Matt Towery, well, you know, it was hyperbole.
Several years ago (pre 9/11), when Rudy Giuliani was mayor of NY City, he criticized the Department of Education, saying it was time to "blow up" the headquarters.
The anti-Rudy squad went into overdrive claiming he wanted to detonate TNT in the building and kill everyone. In fact, Rudy got Joel Klein appointed school Chancellor and the "blowing up" of Dept of Ed headquarters began. Without the loss of a single life or a drop of blood.
Meanwhile, inasmuch as there were no known celebratory murders committed by blacks on election night in 2008, there is no reason to think gunfire and Rwanda-like slaughter would occur if Obama were defeated in 2012.
However, here is what will happen between now and election day -- in A-merry-ca murder will end the lives of about 22,000 blacks.
On Mother's Day, NY City recorded two. At a party for a child's first birthday, in the Bronx, Marvin Wiggins, 15, and Quanisha Wright, 16, were shot to death by a gunman who intended to settle a score with someone else at the party. But the gunman was a bad shot.
At press time there had been no arrest.
it would be the first time GOD ever lost an election...we shall see...
i predict that hobama will be prez select AGAIN, just like gwb...thus he is set to do 8 yrs irrespective of any issues including "valid" elections....
but i do know hobama will lose in IL regardless!...as IL and CA may be bankrupt even before MI!...
[quote]Plus the election of Obama was to usher in "post-racialism" in America..[/quote]
Thanks to my friend Alicia Banks I learned about what Tom Joyner thinks about our POST RACIAL time period that WhiteBowieSteve is speaking of:
Tom Joyner on Tavis Smiley:
I hope that somehow, someway, Tavis will realize that if he is ever to gain the love and respect he once received from black America, he will have to find it in his heart to show love and respect for the president.[/quote]
SINCE WHEN did Tom Joyner and the rest of the BIGOTED BLACK-PROGRESSIVE FUNDAMENTALIST Establishment DEMAND RESPECT and LOVE for "The President Of The United States", putting aside their PERMANENT INTERESTS when they are MOLESTED?
Do you see, WhiteBowieSteve - the bigoted Progressive-Fundamentalists are just as FRAUDULENT as those you call WHITE RACISTS who also loyally defend their WHITE elected official - regardless of the benefit to their interests.
[quote]Use your energy to help black leaders - including the president - find solutions to some of the issues that are plaguing our community. Use your energy ..... [/quote]
WE ARE LIVING IN THE 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' PHASE. Them GETTING ELECTED was sold to the Black Rank and File as the SOLUTION. What the HELL is Joyner talking about? This is what happens when you don't have a SYSTEM by which those who take power can be EVALUATED transparently.
[quote]But we also have a lot in common, and that commonality should be enough to remind us that in-fighting is non-productive, divisive and kind of embarrassing. The spotlight is on us right now, and I don’t like what’s being seen by the world. [/quote]
[quote]I wish Tavis would also realize what the people DON'T want. And the rule is simple: They don’t want you criticizing President Obama in public. Ever. It may be unfair and unrealistic, but it is what it is.[/quote]
The BLACK ESTABLISHMENT who retains POWER with no sign of criticism or the BLACK COMMUNITY that is being failed?
Has your blog been nominated for a Pulitzer Prize?
"SINCE WHEN did Tom Joyner and the rest of the BIGOTED BLACK-PROGRESSIVE FUNDAMENTALIST Establishment DEMAND RESPECT and LOVE for "The President Of The United States", putting aside their PERMANENT INTERESTS when they are MOLESTED?"
How is Obama "molesting" black America?
You and AB can buckdance as furiously as you like but the economy imploded and unemployment doubled under your Massa BUSH.
Obama is attempting to clean up the mess and I say showing some tangible results.
But keep carrying Massa's water coonservative Negroes.
They may even let you in the front door one day.
[quote]How is Obama "molesting" black America?[/quote]
The Progressive-Fundamentalist Machine of which the Black Political Establishment is apart of is USING Black people's GRIEVANCES to set us in motion in support of their POWER GRAB.
* Are the schools that they control graduating our students in the numbers that we NEED per their control? (NO I am not talking about Bowie - the slice of heaven that fell to earth. Lets talk about Baltimore and DC)
* Are Chicago and Atlanta SAFE PLACES to live?
Street Pirates Who Don't Give A What assault 80 Year Old Black Woman:
Do YOU THINK a protest march is going to be called over this one? What if a gang of White boys were assaulting elderly Black women in their own houses?
You are so busy "D_ck Riding For Obama" that you have lost yourself.
No answer as usual.
Another mindless rant about street crime.
Since there has never been a society or a major urban center that did not have street crime, Uncle CF has a perpetual bludgeon with which to beat black folks over the head.
Tea party racists?
CF sez "What about Street Pirates?"
Racist attacks on Obama from rightwingers?
CF ses "What about Street Pirates?"
"Do YOU THINK a protest march is going to be called over this one?"
If the criminals are not in custodu, I'd be the first one marching and protesting.
"What if a gang of White boys were assaulting elderly Black women in their own houses?"
You'd be buckdancing and yelling
"What about the Street Pirates?"
No slappz
"However, here is what will happen between now and election day -- in A-merry-ca murder will end the lives of about 22,000 blacks."
The problem with your analysis is that there were 16,000 homicides totally in America in 2009.
No_slappz you are so typical.
A scared racist wuss hanging around a black blog heckling and waving bogus stats in order to get a cheap sense of superiority.
It's kinds pathetic when you think about it.
TSC: "Equality is opportunity not in theory, as conservatives love to preach about, but in PRACTICE."
That would be equality of opportunity, which in practice you have, not equality of outcome, which poseurs like you demand.
elena kagan--BOO HISS!
"the writer and her paper should have reflected the usual intellectual superiority found on the Princeton campus. Nope. Big letdown."
Michelle is the poster-child for bitter affirmative-action underachievers. Handed an educational opportunity she hadn't earned, given a job she wasn't qualified for, awarded a 300% raise once her husband became a senator, she nonetheless spent her whole adult life whining about how unfair A-merry-ca was.
It sure is unfair, only one would think the benficiaries of a rigged system would at least have the courtesy to stop complaining. Future generations will know her as the spoiled doyenne of the privileged class of her time, doing her twist on Marie Antoinette on an anti-obesity crusade: "Don't let them eat cake".
I estimated the murders of 22,000 blacks between now and election day by using recent annual murder totals, then taking the percentage committed by blacks -- call it 51% -- and extrapolating over the next two years and seven months.
By that method, I calculate that by the time of the next presidential election day, 22,000 black victims will die at the hands of black murderers.
Based on prevailing crime rates, whites are murdering each other at ONE-SEVENTH the rate of blacks.
The difference is so huge it is mind-boggling -- to me. But not, I gather, to you. In your view, it's par for the course.
Historically, vice presidents handle some of the silly work.
Dan Quayle criticized single motherhood by attacking the TV character Murphy Brown for having a baby without benefit of marriage.
Al and Tipper Gore went after the music industry, nailing those whose songs included raunchy lyrics.
Cheney has other fish to fry. But now that we are in the Obama age, things have changed. Probably due, in part, to having Joe Biden for vice president.
Obama decided he could not let an important job go to a dunce like Biden, so Obama himself got out there and lectured American youth about the evils of iPads, iPods, Xboxes and Playstations.
A modern-day Music Man -- letting us know there's Trouble, right here in River City.
Since when did any racist care about Black folk's IQ, education, status or income, before they regarded them as a nigger.
"The difference is so huge it is mind-boggling -- to me. But not, I gather, to you. In your view, it's par for the course."
Not really.
Being the ignorant nose-pickin racist that you are you are attributing the difference purely to race.
Do you really believe that?
If so then why does all white Russia have a murder rate 5 times higher than the U.S?
Do you believe that an educated middle class black man is anymore likely to be violent than his white or Asian counterpart?
If so, please explain why in detail.
The days of the grateful Negro have been long over.
Hathor said...
"The days of the grateful Negro have been long over."
Ahh yes, we now live in the days of the Privileged Negro, he of infinite rights and non-existent responsibilities, with an appetite for reparations that can never, ever be sated.
Oh yeah.
Anonymous please name ONE special right that black folks have.
While you're at it, name one responsibility white folks have that blacks don't.
Watch him disappear.
Upswipesteve: "Do you believe that an educated middle class black man is anymore likely to be violent than his white or Asian counterpart?"
No, but isn't an educated middle class black man acting white? Isn't being a productive, law-abiding citizen tantamount to being a race-traitor? Any bourgeois black must be betraying his people by not fighting against capitalism and the perniciousness of individual liberties. In any event, I though A-merry-ca was a racist apartheid state where blacks were doomed to remain forever an underclass? How can there be a growing, viable black middle class if this is the case? If that black man is not more prone to violence, well then he must be an Uncle Tom!
So many contradictions to juggle in order to be a black liberal.....
upbutt: "Anonymous please name ONE special right that black folks have."
The right to be admitted to college ahead of more qualified applicants of other races.
The right to have others (both government and private institutions) pay for your college education.
In my public school district, the right not to be disciplined for misbehavior in order to close the racial "punishment gap".
The right to get first consideration for employment positions ahead of white applicants.
It goes on and on Stevie.
anony 11:22 said "Michelle is the poster-child for bitter affirmative-action underachievers. Handed an educational opportunity she hadn't earned, given a job she wasn't qualified for... "
I'm just thinking out loud, forgive my ignorance...
Every single time a black person achieves higher than whites, some people somehow "know" it's because of Affirmative Action and why that black person didn't deserve it.
I'm just curious, on the same token is there ever a way for those same people to also "know" when a black person does deserve their achievements, or when it's not because of Affirmative Action?
If we are going to play fair and take their word for it, what are the guidelines for "knowing" and making such determination?
Then you should be in a perpetual state of ignorance.
"If we are going to play fair and take their word for it, what are the guidelines for "knowing" and making such determination?"
Blacks shouldn't need afirmative action. They need to play fair, how's that?
"Blacks shouldn't need afirmative action. They need to play fair, how's that?"
Ok, let me rephrase. Since you always seem to know when a black person is the beneficiary of Affirmative Action, is there also a way for you to "know" when a black person isn't, or when they do deserve their achievements?
You don't ever seem to know when, or how to tell. What are your guidelines, so we all can follow?
Btw, being a beneficiary of Affirmative Action doesn't necessarily mean that a person isn't qualified?
"The right to be admitted to college ahead of more qualified applicants of other races."
Oh really?
Is that why, just for instance, there were 1250 white students admitted into the Univ of Michigan with lower tests scores than Jennifer Gratz SCOTUS plaintiff, yet the only ones she was upset about were the black students with lower test scores.
"The right to have others (both government and private institutions) pay for your college education."
Hmmmm, no scholarships for white folks? eh?
What's this?
"In my public school district, the right not to be disciplined for misbehavior in order to close the racial "punishment gap"."
You're a liar.
"The right to get first consideration for employment positions ahead of white applicants."
Yeah, right.
I guess that's why almost 50% of resumes with "black sounding names" get thrown in the trash.
Face it, you're just another racist goober reaching for reasons to explain the failure that is your life.
Pimpslapped burbles - I estimated the murders of 22,000 blacks between now and election day by using recent annual murder totals, then taking the percentage committed by blacks -- call it 51% -- and extrapolating over the next two years and seven months.
Then, among your obvious other deficiencies - is an inability to count as well as think.
The murder rate in the major metro areas is at it's lowest point in 50 years -
The Black homicide rate in the US has dropped to 17 per 100,000. The homicide rate in Russia is 20.7 per 100,000...
You seen any black populated ghettos in Moscow?
US violent crime rates?
Quit the freaking Tomming - and get a clue!
LaAudiobooks: I see where you're going with this and its not going to work. The bottom line is Michelle got where she is because of affirmative action and she should be grateful to the country that allowed it to happen.
"No, but isn't an educated middle class black man acting white? Isn't being a productive, law-abiding citizen tantamount to being a race-traitor? Any bourgeois black must be betraying his people by not fighting against capitalism and the perniciousness of individual liberties."
Are you really this stupid?
The black majority is working to middle class.
La♥audiobooks said..."I'm just curious, on the same token is there ever a way for those same people to also "know" when a black person does deserve their achievements, or when it's not because of Affirmative Action?"
There is no way to really know, which illustrates another corrosive effect of racial privilege. Blacks who really are qualified/competent/exceptional can always have their accomplishments questioned because of the distortions of affirmative action.
Fairness equals equality of opportunity. Equality of outcomes can only be achieved through unfairness.
Racial privilege helps blacks by pulling them up into positions they may or may not have gotten to themselves. But it also hurts blacks by casting aspersions on their true achievements, fostering resentment from non-privileged groups, and by undermining their self-reliance. It also can put them in positions where they can only fail, as is the case with so many college students and as illustrated by the current naif residing in the White House.
La*A asks
"You don't ever seem to know when, or how to tell. What are your guidelines, so we all can follow?"
Anon goober
"I see where you're going with this and its not going to work. The bottom line is Michelle got where she is because of affirmative action and she should be grateful to the country that allowed it to happen"
"I don't need proof or evidence. I said she got where she is because of Affirmative Action and that's it."
"The black majority is working to middle class."
Just like everybody else. Isn't America great then stevie?
"I don't need proof or evidence. I said she got where she is because of Affirmative Action and that's it."
Read her senior thesis (it's online). Look at her employment record.
Good thing Barack got all of his academic records sealed.
nuff said.....
"There is no way to really know, which illustrates another corrosive effect of racial privilege. Blacks who really are qualified/competent/exceptional can always have their accomplishments questioned because of the distortions of affirmative action."
What a pile of shit.
Affirmative action does not do your job for you. Does not do your studying for you nor does it take tests for you.
"Affirmative action does not do your job for you. Does not do your studying for you nor does it take tests for you"
No, that's what the white guy in the next cubicle is for, the school-paid tutors are for, and the separate grading "curve" is for.
I'll tell you what Anon.
You seem to be a graduate of the "Angry White Boy/Negroes get all the Breaks" School of Whining.
I don't believe that I've ever seen more crying and excuse making in my life.
Show some manhood boy.
LOL Steve, and notice how the other anony 1:23 pm, is still banging his head trying to make it seem that blacks who do get hired, even because of Affirmative Action are still not equally qualified for the job.
You know the average company practicing AA don't just hire a black person because they're black - LOL. How I see it, the point or premise is to give that very QUALIFIED [black] person who's application is being drowned out by so many white applicants the equal opportunity/acknowledgement for the position, with respect of being hired in that very company which ALREADY has a higher percentage of whites/white male employees.
The thing that kills me about a lot of people like Anon is that they are under this illusion that white folks advance solely on MERIT.
As God is my witness I once sat in a manager's office while he was sifting through a pile of resumes which he admitted were all pretty similar in education and experience.
I picked up one resume with the name "Vandenberg" on it and said "I wanna meet this nice Dutch boy."
Who eventually was hired.
They don't do that with "DeShawn" or "Shaniqua's" resume.
"In my public school district, the right not to be disciplined for misbehavior in order to close the racial "punishment gap"."
You're a liar.
No, uppy, it sadly is the truth. There are two stated primary goals in my integrated school system. One is to close the racial "Achievement Gap" between the black and white students and the other is a response the "overpunishment" initiative brought to us by our pseudo-marxist national education association. They even have developed a specific numeric goal: "Reduce by 5% the number of in and out-of-school suspensions of African-American students from the 2007-2008 data". All schools are required to compile a monthly report analyzing "discipline data" to make sure the punishment gap is getting smaller.
Isn't that great? The black kids benefit from knowing they can get away with more than the white kids. The bleeding heart leftwing school district (with an administration the is 55% black) is in effect saying the reason black kids get suspended more must be because they themselves (the school staff) must be racist!
That's sure to help these kids in the long run, right?
Liberlism is insane!
Interesting post as usual Brother Field.
Unfortunately you may be right, black folks may be either too apathetic to really care who wins the next election. I think that many folks have to come to the conclusion that the person occupying the White House only affects their lives in small degrees.
I think the author was purposelly trying to underestimate the intelligence of Black folks and actually was guilty of painting us as animals by insinuating that blacks would riot just because a black man was caricatured and subsequently lost an election.
His reference to the family life of the Obamas and how they should serve as role models for the rest of Black America was offensive. It represents the same old, same old hateful and prejudiced assumptions about black folks. And of course one can argue --as too many blacks as well as whites-- that "Negroes need to get their act together and stop having so many single women headed households."
But the problem with the finger pointing is that white folks aren't doing a whole lot better in the family department and more of them have more resources. It also ignores the continuing influence of racist forces that continue to press upon the black family. Somebody already talked about discrimination in employment. The author also chooses to ignore the inequality in education and the unjust criminal justice system.
And while some people these days like to minimize the effects of discrimination on the black pysche and the young folks sense of their place in this society it is still a factor limiting black acheivement.
Field I like the list you made about what we can do. Add this too your list as well if you would; reorienting from a profit driven society to a people driven society.
While I agree with the practical things we can do to save folks who are being thrown in the proverbial river, we have to go up and stop the folks from throwing them in.
No matter what we do we simply cannot ignore that there has to be a change in business as usual at the top.
How we do that I am open to but we have to stop pretending that an overhaul is not necessary.
Incredibly CF makes a good point when he says that many of the black office holders have failed us and that we have to hold them accountable and at some point recognize that this simply is not working for us.
"Isn't that great? The black kids benefit from knowing they can get away with more than the white kids. The bleeding heart leftwing school district (with an administration the is 55% black) is in effect saying the reason black kids get suspended more must be because they themselves (the school staff) must be racist!"
What school district is this, praytell?
uptownsteve said...
'The thing that kills me about a lot of people like Anon is that they are under this illusion that white folks advance solely on MERIT"
Of course I don't believe that uppy. A pure, objective meritocracy is beyond us mortals. The last president was a legacy hire, and he sucked too.
The difference is that there is a governmental structure in place to ensure racial privileges for protected groups and that his has the force of law behind it.
It goes beyond the government as well. Bill and Melinda Gates set uo a foundation to help kids go to college. Funded it with over $1 billion in 1999. Anyone can apply, that is unless you are white. The fund explicitly denies eligibility to white students:
“Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American;”
"The thing that kills me about a lot of people like Anon is that they are under this illusion that white folks advance solely on MERIT."
Amen. In the predominantly black region I live in, I have seen how whites can ride that “white” Affirmative Action thing more than anyone else. Even the blacks and whites who hire give whites from the mainland US the benefit of “merit”. A white person seeking a job can say anything and they believe it, and sometimes their backgrounds aren’t being checked. I have seen whites come, steal, f-up the system, sue for false termination - after they f-uped up said system, and then flea back where they come from. All because of this illusion of "white merit" and only whites do the job "right" mentality. Please.
uptownsteve said...
"What school district is this, praytell?"
This one.
Anonymous said:
Blacks who really are qualified/competent/exceptional can always have their accomplishments questioned because of the distortions of affirmative action.
Fairness equals equality of opportunity. Equality of outcomes can only be achieved through unfairness.
Racial privilege helps blacks by pulling them up into positions they may or may not have gotten to themselves. But it also hurts blacks by casting aspersions on their true achievements, fostering resentment from non-privileged groups, and by undermining their self-reliance. It also can put them in positions where they can only fail, as is the case with so many college students and as illustrated by the current naif residing in the White House."
This is a lie!! The only people who run around talking about folks who have benifitted from Affirmative Action as being unqualified are racists who try to make a point that cannot be proven.
It also assumes that every white person who has ever been admitted to an undergraduate or graduate program or was hired for a job was qualified to be there,which is simply not true. And this is true especially of the Ivy league schools and their ilk who allow folks in on the strength of the family name or because another family member attended the school.
The same is true on most jobs. I can recall black folks in my neighborhood being passed over on many occassions for a less qualified white person. In fact most black folks over 50 can tell you a story about how a very qualified black person actually trained the white guy to do the job that they somehow were unqualified to fill.
No doubt there probably are some folks that benefitted from Affirmative Action that were not qualified. Just as there are whites who hold positions for which they are not qualified.
What should society have done to level the playing field? I think what your argument exposes is either you are a racist who believes in black inferiority -why else would you assume that all blacks are unqualified. Of you are admitting unconscioulsy that in fact the game is rigged. You expect blacks to perform under par because you know that more blacks than whites are faced with second hand primary and high school educational systems. You are surprised and disgusted that with the barriers thrown their way that many of them are able to hurdle them and compete. And compete very successfully at that.
And your inference that Barack Obama is not qualified to be president makes my point. It is more than obvious that Obama is intelligent and an intellectual no matter what your opinion of his policies. But you are not interested in the truth but seeing things through a racist prism.
mellaneous said...
Field I like the list you made about what we can do. Add this too your list as well if you would; reorienting from a profit driven society to a people driven society.
Mell, no flame, but what does a 'people driven society' look like? I hear this a lot of progressive with no clear definition or concrete, workable model of what that means.
“Students are eligible to be considered for a GMS scholarship if they: Are African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian and Pacific Islander American, or Hispanic American;”
Yeah. It's called a "minority scholarship fund".
Sponsored by a private foundation.
Just like you have Jewish scholarships http://www.free-4u.com/jewish.htm
Polish scholarships http://www.polishscholarship.com/
Italian scholarships http://www.nextstudent.com/directory-of-scholarships/ethnic/0017/ethnic-Italian-scholarships.aspx
And so on.
I swear, goobers like you are the only folks that I know who can claim superiority and victimhood in the same paragraph.
Mellonaeous: "I think what your argument exposes is either you are a racist who believes in black inferiority -why else would you assume that all blacks are unqualified. Of you are admitting unconscioulsy that in fact the game is rigged. "
I don't believe in black inferiority; proponents of affirmative action do.
I don't assume all blacks are unqualified. The point is that the existence of racial privileges means the question is always there. If you saw some rich white kid who got into Harvard because his dad went there, you'd probably think there was a good chance he didn't earn his spot, right?
Of course the game is rigged. All games are rigged. The deal now, and for the past 40 years, is that it many arenas it is rigged in favor of blacks. You just can't admit it.
upfiststeve; "I swear, goobers like you are the only folks that I know who can claim superiority and victimhood in the same paragraph."
Are you really that dumb, or just inherently dishonest? I'm guessing both.
mell: "It is more than obvious that Obama is intelligent and an intellectual no matter what your opinion of his policies"
How so? Have you seen his grades? Read any articles he never published as editor of the Harvard Law review? Maybe you read that book Bill Ayers helped him write? The guy doesn't even know how to work an i-phone and thinks there are 57 states. He is no genius.
"Obama is attempting to clean up the mess and I say showing some tangible results."
only the most rabid hobama nazis still believe this blatant denial...HOBAMA HAS ESCALATED EVERY ILL THAT GWB BEGAN COSMICALLY!!!
Oh gawd she's back!
you are still lying!
i hated bush just like i hate his blackish clone on steroids hobama!!!
neither will ever be my massa as hobama is yours!
"Of course the game is rigged. All games are rigged. The deal now, and for the past 40 years, is that it many arenas it is rigged in favor of blacks. You just can't admit it."
This is such a steaming pile.
All AA ever did was make a modest attempt to level a playing field that has ALWAYS and CONTINUES TO BE tilted in favor of white men.
When I see black mediocrities rise as high as white mediocrities like George Bush, John Ashcroft and Michael Brown then I will truly believe that "we have overcome".
Well, UTS, Hip-Hop Mike is pretty darn close to being as medicore a politician as Bush and co. American progress.
And to AB's defense, she's an equal opportunity decenter. Hyperbolic in her statements? Sure, we expect nothing else. But her logic has been (relatively) consistent -- Obama and his DNC backers are no different than Bush. I don't quite go that far, but Alicia is consistent.
"Well, UTS, Hip-Hop Mike is pretty darn close to being as medicore a politician as Bush and co. American progress."
Point made.
What kills me about black conservatives is that for all their anti-Affirmative Action posturing, they are walking poster boys for tokenism and slide-byes.
Before Steele became Bob Ehrlich's running mate in the Maryland Gubernatorial race of 2002, he had his law license suspended and was the head of the Prince Georges County Republican Committee.
Membership of 12.
Excuse me while I give a shout out.
Field, you are quite the gentlemen. I was wondering why I was getting so much traffic from your blog, so I ran over here to see what was going on. Low and behold, I saw my ugly mug @ your house (and Michael Jackson's :-)). Thanks man!
When I first started blogging, Big RiPPa was my first mentor. He said there are nuances about some bloggers and some blogs that he didn't like, and I would probably notice them and probably feel the same way. In particular, some bloggers do not champion new "voices".
In my third month of blogging, he gave me a small award. That was my encouragement and inspiration to keep doing this thing. I didn't have a defined reason for blogging, and to some degree, I am still searching to find my purpose and/or my lane.
So thanks a million. I'll keep doing what I do.
But you know you've put pressure on me :-). Well, you the man, and your readers are a very tuff crowd. I mean, my core readers have been with me since the inception of my blogging experience, so they know I can be silly, serious, agitating, provocative, and sometimes down right over the edge.
But, having said all that, I guess people are just people, and I welcome the challenge of a few of your readers stopping by.
Thanks again, you are definitely a "field negro". You are NOT a "yes sir boss" kind of fellow.
UTS: "When I see black mediocrities rise as high as white mediocrities like George Bush, John Ashcroft and Michael Brown then I will truly believe that "we have overcome"."
Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarret.
Halle-fucking-lujah, we have overcome!
UTS: "When I see black mediocrities rise as high as white mediocrities like George Bush, John Ashcroft and Michael Brown then I will truly believe that "we have overcome"."
Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Valerie Jarret.
Halle-fucking-lujah, we have overcome!
I don't agree with a lot of the White House policies -- but calling Obama and Holder medicore is so silly its laughable. Anon, what major political player in your opinion could match up intellectually, to Obama right now and would actually do policies that you like? Chances are that the list is rather short -- if it exists at all.
Obama and Holder came farther, had to overome more obstacles and be better than their white peers at every step of their careers.
How many black people got a chance to run 3 businesses into the ground only to be bailed out by their daddies friends and then parlay FAILURE into a Texas Governorship?
The more I read about this George Hughely who killed the young girl at University of Virginia the more I am reminded of white privelege.
Does anyone believe that a black kid with Hughely's history of assault and violence would have still been part of the student body of one of America's most elite public universities?
i am consistent because i am fair and
because hobama has been consistently & rabidly amoral/elitist/warmongering/blackish/etc....
i will be blogging asap this pm on how hobama has betrayed bf judges with his racist banker crony pick in kagan
ditto x 3!!!
a hoax, a slumlord, and a tame drone!
holder should free mumia!!!
LAC: "Anon, what major political player in your opinion could match up intellectually, to Obama right now and would actually do policies that you like?"
I'll start with Paul Ryan who mopped the floor with Obama during his phony "Health Care Summit. It was devastating.
Kagan is a terrible choice on a number of levels yet another white person on the SCOTUS...
We need an Asian and Arab-Native American on the SCOTUS...Oabam is still playing this happy negro role and its is backwards..
Kagan is a terrible choice on a number of levels yet another white person on the SCOTUS...
We need an Asian and Arab-Native American on the SCOTUS...Oabam is still playing this happy negro role and its is backwards..
Did you get cross posted at World Nut Daily or something?
uptownsteve said...
"Obama and Holder came farther, had to overome more obstacles and be better than their white peers at every step of their careers."
Utter and complete bullshit, and you know it.
Obama got into the most prestigous high school in Hawaii because he was "black". He got into Occidental college by applying as an Indonesian student. He got into Cornell as an affirmative-action project of his marxist professors. He got into Harvard at the behest of Percy Sutton and financed by Khalid al-Mansour. He was made editor of the Harvard law review so they could have their first "black" editor, and then, published nothing during his tenure, the only editor of the Harvard Law Review to do so. He got his teaching "job" in chicago because he was black, and was universally considered the least qualified member of the faculty. He won his first two elections by dirty tricks, and then was elected president for no other reason than that he was black. He is the ultimate affirmative action creation, and will shall ALL pay the price for this nonsense.
Upthink: "Does anyone believe that a black kid with Hughely's history of assault and violence would have still been part of the student body of one of America's most elite public universities?"
There are hundreds of ghetto-thugs paying D1 football and basketball with rap sheets worse than this kid's. You are a damn fool, stevie.
"There are hundreds of ghetto-thugs paying D1 football and basketball with rap sheets worse than this kid's."
That stayed on the team?
Let's see the proof Jethro.
"Let's see the proof Jeffro."
Your'e a hoot, uptown. You make unsubstatiate claims constantly, call people who disagree with you liars and demand proof, and then ignore facts that prove your folloishness.
You know I'm right.
"You make unsubstatiate claims constantly"
Name one.
You mean anything resembling this bull$hit?:
"He got his teaching "job" in chicago because he was black, and was universally considered the least qualified member of the faculty. He won his first two elections by dirty tricks, and then was elected president for no other reason than that he was black."
If being black is the ticket to become President, why were the previous 43 white boys???
Why didn't the "black" card work for Jesse Jackson???
Anonynouse I've got a great forum name for you.
[quote]Unfortunately you may be right, black folks may be either too apathetic to really care who wins the next election. I think that many folks have to come to the conclusion that the person occupying the White House only affects their lives in small degrees.[/quote]
You need to consider the CONSTRUCTS at play for your answer to be more correct:
A) The Black Establishment forces have a QUOTA of Blacks to bring to the front door of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY as voters. They are going to ask Black America: "DON'T YOU WANT TO FEEL HAPPY AGAIN - JUST AS YOU FELT WHEN OBAMA WAS ELECTED? Well we need to MAKE SURE HE WINS AGAIN".
Analysis - in the height of PERVERSION "Obama WINNING" is seen as the VICTORY FOR BLACK AMERICA.
If we had a more TRANSPARENT set of leadership - we would be able to step back and make note of what the MACHINE that Obama sits atop of has done for our communities WHEN IT DOMINATES THE MOST. Instead we have the Southside Of Chicago, Detroit and Milwaukee to point to.
B) The BLACK RANK AND FILE is being USED. It needs to see that while indeed it might be PROUD of its "leadership overlay" it can NEVER be tricked into believing that their PATHWAY is the ONLY WAY forward.
Unless more conscious Black folks agree to put in a MANAGEMENT INFRASTRUCTURE by which people are still allowed to pursue their PREFERENCES but prevent the popularity of these PREFERENCES from being MISTAKEN as some INTRINSIC PROPERTY OF BLACKNESS.......absent this management FORCING THEM TO PROVE ITS BENEFIT - the Rank and File will ALWAYS be doing the bidding of the leadership.
We will be always made to LIVE VICARIOUSLY through the victories of this THIRD PARTY ENTITY, while the benefits remain elusive WHERE WE LIVE.
(WhiteBowieSteve: Why is it that the White man pays me good money to ANALYZE businesses and the PEOPLE within them so he can consult with them on how to IMPROVE THEIR PROCESSES.........YET when ME - a Black man take these skills that I have learned and apply them to what is so clearly evident with respect to the ebbs and flows of BLACK FOLKS - my opinions are B.S. - mostly because they run against the grain of bigots like YOU who don't want to change lest you lose your position and must start to explain yourself?)
"Why is it that the White man pays me good money to ANALYZE businesses and the PEOPLE within them so he can consult with them on how to IMPROVE THEIR PROCESSES.........YET when ME - a Black man take these skills that I have learned and apply them to what is so clearly evident with respect to the ebbs and flows of BLACK FOLKS - my opinions are B.S. - mostly because they run against the grain of bigots like YOU who don't want to change lest you lose your position and must start to explain yourself?)"
Well CF it might be because you haven't done $hit in the 3 years I've known you but rant about how terrible negroes and Liberals and how scared you are of street pirates.
If you, Constructive Feedback were in charge of the Philadelphia, DC or Baltimore school district, what would be your first move in improving them?
Where you the mayor of the above mentioned cities, what would be your first directive in dealing with street crime?
Watch AGAIN folks.
He's not going to answer.
While you're at, since we black commoners are being used, please explain what the GOP has done for the average white person, their most loyal supporters?
Anonymous said...
LAC: "Anon, what major political player in your opinion could match up intellectually, to Obama right now and would actually do policies that you like?"
I'll start with Paul Ryan who mopped the floor with Obama during his phony "Health Care Summit. It was devastating.
Um, dude, hate to break this to you, but railing the old neo-con talking points while offering no solutions isn't owning Obama. If anything, the GOP showed they have no real options for alternative policy. More smoke and mirrors.
And UTS, as usual we're on the same page about CF and his 'Democratic party is the plantation' analysis. If the GOP has shown anything since '08 -- its that they're craven political animals who feel no qualms playing to irrational insecurities of ignorant old white people and the sycophant negroes (CF) who adore them.
Let's see --
Death Panels
Birther Movement
And that's just three off the top of my head.
"Racial privilege helps blacks by pulling them up into positions they may or may not have gotten to themselves. But it also hurts blacks by casting aspersions on their true achievements, fostering resentment from non-privileged groups, and by undermining their self-reliance. It also can put them in positions where they can only fail, as is the case with so many college students and as illustrated by the current naif residing in the White House."
In so many words, you insinuate that Blacks are incapable of handling positions that are higher than, say, "janitor" or "shoeshine boy" or "maid". Therefore, these so-called programs are only promoting Blacks above their natural competence, doing them a grave disservice, whereas prior to these programs, they would have been in their rightful places, as intended.
And you wonder why Blacks remain wary and distrusting of their White counterparts. Because their words still indicate a remarkable amount of insincerity and unrepentence when it comes to racial greviances. In other words, Whites still believe deep down that Blacks are inferior and have no business having an equal share in anything.
But they can service the White community by doing the jobs that most Whites don't want to do. Ever seen a White man shine another White man's shoes? I haven't.
I don't believe in black inferiority; proponents of affirmative action do.
In the words of a semi-famous congressional legislator, "YOU LIE!!"
LAC: "Um, dude, hate to break this to you, but railing the old neo-con talking points while offering no solutions isn't owning Obama. If anything, the GOP showed they have no real options for alternative policy. More smoke and mirrors."
You are a real dipshit. I'm sure you didn't even watch it.
Mack B. Lyin: "In so many words, you insinuate that Blacks are incapable of handling positions that are higher than, say, "janitor" or "shoeshine boy" or "maid". .... In other words, Whites still believe deep down that Blacks are inferior and have no business having an equal share in anything."
That's all out of your head; I believe none of it. But you must. Where does that come from, Mack?
upbuttsteve said...
"You mean anything resembling this bull$hit?:
"He got his teaching "job" in chicago because he was black, and was universally considered the least qualified member of the faculty"
The highest tenured faculty member at Chicago Law spoke out on Barack Obama saying:
"The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement)".
CareyCarey, you are welcome. You have a nice blog. And as the youngheads like to say: "you have some skillz". Keep doing what you do.
If you, Constructive Feedback were in charge of the Philadelphia, DC or Baltimore school district, what would be your first move in improving them?
Where you the mayor of the above mentioned cities, what would be your first directive in dealing with street crime?
He's not going to answer."
UTS, maybe he will answer just this once. I will wait with you.....
Anon 4:17 p.m. you sound very bitter. Let me guess; you are a big supporter of the tea party movement.
"If being black is the ticket to become President, why were the previous 43 white boys???"
Ahhh, because that's the way it should be here in A-merry-ca. The founding fathers didn't do all that they did so that one of their slaves could one day run this bad boy. :)
Come on UTS, get with the program.
Anon doesn't mention Jesse Jackson, because Jackson is to old for him to run that affirmative action BS. You see that their arguments have only surfaced in the last ten years, because the likes of Thurgood Marshall, Patricia Harris and Edward Brooke, who wouldn't fit their argument.
field pie:
"The founding fathers didn't do all that they did so that one of their slaves could one day run this bad boy. :)"
Obama is not a descendent of slaves. The only American ancestors he had were white. The only he reason he looks like y'all is some rich boy Kenyan drunkard knocked up his 17 year old mom. He has more in common with Indonesians and west coast liberals than African-Americans. He never even saw a negro until he went to college, and he never associated himself with black Americans until he got to Chicago, when he was almost 30. But he kind of looks black, and that's what counts.
Hathor: Jesse Jackson is a source of pride in the black community? Really?
Thurgood Marshall at least is deserving of real respect. Malcolm X, on several occasions, called him a "Half-white nigger". Thurgood knew what Malcom was: "I believe he was a bum, hell he was a damned pimp. A convicted pimp - about as lowlife as you can get"
And Edward Brooke? My favorite Massachusetts Republican (along with Mitt Romney).
Patricia Roberts graduated summa cum laude from Harvard, and she did it on her own, not like Barry Soetoro.
Why did Obama select Kagan another white person for SCOTUS???
The recent omission of a diverse choice for the supreme court vacancy with the retirement of Justice Stevens by Obama is troubling on so many levels. Apparently unless you are white, jewish, christian and a graduate of an ivy league law school it is best not to apply for this job. Those who are still cheerleaders for Obama have a lot of explaining to do. Asian and Arab americans as well buddhists, moslems and atheists need not apply .
LAC - I am trying to figure out if you are more "Clueless" or "Bigoted". Please learn something - see below.
[quote]Well CF it might be because you haven't done $hit in the 3 years I've known you but rant about how terrible negroes and Liberals and how scared you are of street pirates.[/quote]
WhiteBowieSteve: Find me ONE TIME where I have said how "Terrible Black People Are"?
It is with your FRAUDULENCE that you wrap your ideology with BLACKNESS and thus when I call you out for your sold out behavior you claim that I am talking about Black people in our genetic form.
You are able to attack Lt Col West all day long without fearing that other operatives will assume that you are talking about all Blacks.
Again - when YOU are able to go down to Pennsylvania Ave in Baltimore and ask one of the Black males on the street there "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HELP YOUR COMMUNITY" - with the same passion that you ask ME - then I will address you.
WHICH OF THESE TWO BLACK MALES ON PENN. AVE do you want to ask this question of WhiteBowieSteve?
If you, Constructive Feedback were in charge of the Philadelphia, DC or Baltimore school district, what would be your first move in improving them?
Where you the mayor of the above mentioned cities, what would be your first directive in dealing with street crime?
This is easy Steve and Filled Negro.
My first order in office would be to order up a massive printing of official stationary from the "Office Of The Mayor". In DC about 460,000 copies. (minus the 200,00 children below the age of 7)
On this stationary would be the following opening paragraph:
"America has a REPRESENTATIVE DEMOCRACY. I as you mayor can't "GIVE" you anything. Instead I am merely your elected representative charged with making wise decisions about the RESOURCE ALLOCATION choices that we have.
In as much as we have a GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE the ultimate standard of living that is available to you in the city is a FUNCTION of that which YOU work to build it up and maintain it.
I am sure that most of you saw the movie Avatar. Well in my view YOUR CITY needs for you to be "plugged into it", feeling the spirit and the heart beat of it just as the movie symbolically presented about Pandora.
When you helped me to defeat the old regime which had POWER for 40 years yet had failed you in the delivery upon your Permanent Interests I told you that I would be different. Instead of me promising to GIVE you resources per some amorphous notion of "social justice" instead I would have YOU to prioritize what you desire your city to become and then enlist your help in achieving this.
Thus the form letter with room for a response in essay form.
Question #1) What do YOU want your city to become in the areas of:
* Public Safety
* Education
* Economic Prosperity
* Healthy Equal Human Beings with Health Relationships?
I am ONE MAN. I would be lying to you if I promised that I could deliver these things to you. More than likely my promises would be merely to get your vote as you were strung along. I can only set policies for the city employees to follow. I can ask you to pay taxes into the government so that we have funding for our operations.
YOU are the biggest single player in achieving the community you desire. Not only must YOU DO. You must also lean upon your neighbor to uphold his end of the bargain.
Question #2) What are YOU WILLING to do as an individual and community leader to insure that your vision in #1 comes true. Dispense of your BOIL THE OCEAN schemes and focus upon bits that are as DIGESTIBLE as possible. I will work to get 600,000 people taking DIGESTIBLE bites and in aggregate will can eat the entire "elephant".
Question #3) What will YOU do when you see a fellow citizen VIOLATING what you know to be the behavior that is necessary to move the city forward? I have instructed 911 to stop taking calls that report "Crack houses", "Drug Dealing" and "Prostitution". YOU as the COMMUNITY need to MANAGE these issues as these are HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT issues with people who came from the cradles that YOU have rocked.
YOU need to handle your business because IF I get involved then my POLICE men know how to ARREST THEM and fill up the "DC Metro Jail" - starting their life in the Prison Industrial Complex.
I am not FORSAKING YOU. I am doing you a favor by asking YOU to handle your business. When the prison population goes down because you are now forced to deal with the end product from your community - YOU will appreciate me for stopping the OUTSOURCING to the government and police.
IN CLOSING - if any of you who are adults or people over 15 who's state of illiteracy prevented you from responding to this message in written form then THIS IS A PROBLEM IN AND OF ITSELF.
I have worked with all of the Christian Churches in the area. They have agreed to take 40% of their Sunday morning offering and apply it to COMPETENCY DEVELOPMENT within the community. You will need to go to these churches at 5pm each day and take continuing education courses. Just show up, with a positive attitude and the rest will take care of itself.
Now some of you will ask "Where is the SELF ADDRESSED ENVELOP for me to mail this back to you, Mayor Constructive Feedback?"
This message is not for ME to read your responses and use your words during a press conference for aggrandizement purposes.
Instead you'll notice that each page has a "Post It Note" glue upon it for YOu to POST WHAT YOU WROTE upon your own wall. Place it near the entrance of your house so you will be forced to read it every day.
A strong COLLECTIVE is build up upon STRONG INDIVIDUALS. I don't want to be your leader. I want you to recognize your own strength and obligations.
Yours Truly
Mayor Constructive Feedback (CCC&CD Party)
"Anonymous I've got a great forum name for you.
I get it.
Don't believe that Mess about the White family unit, and can someone tell me why, it was No positive Black role model family's, before the OBAMA'S came alone? can someone tell me that?
The OBAMA'S are not the only Black family unit in America, and yet, we allow the media to tell the world that it is, let me just say this (America has BLACK MEN that are in the household)! they were around before BARACK! as if, we never saw a BLACK FAMILY ever, as if black married couple's, never ever showed affection toward one another! the sad thing is, our people just sit back and went along with the media, how many Black couple's called the media out for this constant Lie! or shall I say, this RACIAL Lie!
I am not tearing down the OBAMA'S, but, what about the Black men that fight to keep their family's together? they are all over America, as a matter of fact, they are in my Church! black family's! men holding their baby's, black men pushing baby stroller's, and guess what people, these are married black men!
The White man tried to Destroy the black family unit, they still are, listen to what the Blogger wrote, I think this is a somewhat young white man, but, yet, he is trying to Degrade our people, he tried to be SHREWD, but, yet, at the end he told us what he thought about African American's! I guess he couldn't help it!!!!!
PeoplePower said...
"Anonymous I've got a great forum name for you.
I get it."
Nothing gets by you, does it? I'll bet old Uptown picked that one up while he was lurking around the middle school.
Thrasher said...
"Why did Obama select Kagan another white person for SCOTUS???"
Because it was really, really hard to find a black muslim lesbian socialist who was committed to abortion who had a law degree.
More words of wisdom from Barack Obama , Super Genius:
"I believe the nation that invented the automobile cannot walk away from it." 2/25/09
"It was like the Special Olympics or something." 3/19/09
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." 5/8/09 (actually, it was 12 people)
"The Cambridge police acted stupidly."; Immediately followed by, "I don't know all the facts." 7/21/09
"Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others," 4/23/10
"You are able to attack Lt Col West all day long without fearing that other operatives will assume that you are talking about all Blacks."
You, however, continuously infer that black voters are unable to reason, to intuit their own realities or vote their best interests.
I attack West because he sounds just like you.
Talking empty platitudes and performing for white rightwingers.
Has West even spoken before a black audience?
Then you come on here and give a speech about "self-responsibility".
Rightwingers NEVER talk "self-responsibility" to white audiences.
Nor do they lecture white folks on their misbehavior, morals or lack of initiative.
That rhetoric is reserved for black folks.
And people like you wonder why blacks reject the GOP.
"And people like you wonder why blacks reject the GOP."
Because they hate "self-responsibility"?
outta-town-steve, you wrote:
If so then why does all white Russia have a murder rate 5 times higher than the U.S?
Nice try. But your stats are way out of date. For 2009, Russia reported 17,500 murders, close to the number of murders in the US. But Russia has half the population of the US. Therefore, the Russian murder rate, that is, the murder rate in All-White Russia, is TWICE the US rate.
However, when looking at the US stats, if you separate murders by race, then you find the murder rate among blacks is 3.5 times the murder rate in Russia.
Meanwhile, the murder rate in South Africa is nothing less than astounding. As high as the murder rate is among blacks in America, it is several times higher in South Africa.
You wrote:
Do you believe that an educated middle class black man is anymore likely to be violent than his white or Asian counterpart?
People who are members of the middle class by way of education and employment are far less likely than poor, uneducated people to commit criminal acts of violence.
If more blacks obtained real educations -- the kind that elevate a person to the middle class -- then crime in black communities would likely drop.
However, even though entry into the middle class predicts a life with little violence, a comparison of black, white and asian middle class citizens will yield the same old results. The violence that occurs will be distributed in the usual way, with blacks the most violent, whites next and asians the least violent.
Here in Flatbush Brooklyn, my state senator is Kevin Parker, a hot-headed black representative who has physically attacked a few people, including a NY City Parking Agent and a photographer.
Field, reading your comment section, I am alarmed to see the number of disturbed people facing identity crises in America. Apparently this illness causes them to all share the common name "Anonymous," and it drives them to make statements more courageous people say openly. Clearly the state of mental health care in America is worse than I thought, and so, we must fully fund a budget to help these people get the care they need as soon as possible.
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
Field, reading your comment section, I am alarmed to see the number of disturbed people facing identity crises in America. Apparently this illness causes them to all share the common name "Anonymous," and it drives them to make statements more courageous people say openly. Clearly the state of mental health care in America is worse than I thought, and so, we must fully fund a budget to help these people get the care they need as soon as possible."
That's something, coming from someone who doesn't even know what her name is.
"However, even though entry into the middle class predicts a life with little violence, a comparison of black, white and asian middle class citizens will yield the same old results. The violence that occurs will be distributed in the usual way, with blacks the most violent, whites next and asians the least violent."
And you know this how?
[quote]You, however, continuously infer that black voters are unable to reason, to intuit their own realities or vote their best interests.
If you read the posts by AB about Tom Joyner you would see that HE PROVES MY POINT.
Despite his daily pharmaceutical drug treatments to Black America via his radio show and his POLITICAL ACTIVISM on behalf of every Democrat he ever laid an eye on - TODAY with the Democrats at the height of POWER - Joyner now dismisses Tavis Smiley. He says that he ONLY wants people who bring SOLUTIONS TO OUR COMMUNITY PROBLEMS.
Wait WhiteBowieStevie - WE ARE NOW LIVING IN THE "SOLUTION' that both Joyner and Smiley has assembled for the past 20 years. NOW THEY get to regulate WHO gets to speak and possibly criticize his solution?
However, even though entry into the middle class predicts a life "with little violence, a comparison of black, white and asian middle class citizens will yield the same old results. The violence that occurs will be distributed in the usual way, with blacks the most violent, whites next and asians the least violent."
And you know this how?"
He doesn't. That is called blowing smoke. :)
field negro said...
However, even though entry into the middle class predicts a life "with little violence, a comparison of black, white and asian middle class citizens will yield the same old results. The violence that occurs will be distributed in the usual way, with blacks the most violent, whites next and asians the least violent."
And you know this how?"
He doesn't. That is called blowing smoke. :)"
I do: Statistics.
great nuggets in this thread.
Anonymous is obviously an ignorant White person, with their rant about 'Affirmative Action', like White people get everything through ' merit'. What a frigging joke that is.
There have been a solid group of educated Black people since after the Civil War.
I guess Anonymous would have us believe that there were no Blacks in corporate America, nor in serious government jobs, because there were no ' qualified' Blacks.
I guess my late father, who scored in the top 1% of those taking the CPA exam, but couldn't get hired at a Big 6 accounting firm, nor even as a lowly agent of the IRS.
Because he wasn't born in the early 1970's, he was born in 1922.
Or my late mother, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa, along with 2 of her sisters, yet had two career options open to her: teacher or social worker.
Why? Because my mother, the youngest of my grandmother's children, was born in 1930.
Had nothing to do with how smart or capable she, my father and literally millions of other Black folks were:
and thus, they were NEVER going to be allowed opportunities.
so, who got those opportunities?
Mediocre White folk who never had to seriously compete for anything.
but, hell, we don't need to go ' back in the day' to discuss White Mediocrity and White Privilege.
Not when we have SARAH PALIN being paraded around as 'qualified' to be in line for the Presidency of the United States.
simply ask yourselves this question folks:
the answer to that one is all you need to know about White Privilege in America.
Hammer it home, Rikyrah!
You better tell it!
"And you know this how?"
He doesn't. That is called blowing smoke. :)"
I do: Statistics."
Links please.
1) What if Mayor Richard Dailey were a WHITE REPUBLICAN presiding over Chicago's "Killing Fields"?
2) What if the Chicago School Board had 95% Republicans yet were graduating 52.9% of its Black and Hispanic students of which 87% of the school population are made of?
3) What if the 49 out of 50 REPUBLICAN Aldermen posted record high Black Male Unemployment BUT had the Cook County Jail full of BLACK MALES but had other Black males gainfully employed as jailers?
>The cities of Buffalo, San Diego, Detroit and Pittsburgh had higher black male jobless rates in 2008 than Milwaukee, which ranks just above San Francisco, Chicago and Philadelphia.
You are articulate about WHITE PRIVILEGE.
What about the harms of BLACK IDEOLOGICAL AND VOTER NULLIFICATION which injures us TODAY in a more intimate way?
I wrote:
However, even though entry into the middle class predicts a life with little violence, a comparison of black, white and asian middle class citizens will yield the same old results. The violence that occurs will be distributed in the usual way, with blacks the most violent, whites next and asians the least violent.
You asked:
And you know this how?
You told me. Of course, I had already known the facts. Got them the usual way -- from police statistics.
Anyway, in another post on this site YOU blabbed about how the crime rate in a black middle-class neighborhood in Queens was far higher than the crime rate in nearby less-affluent white territory.
However, you blamed the higher crime on the police, who you claimed were neglecting their policing duties, thereby allowing black criminals more opportunity to do what they do.
Anyway, if you want, we can compare crime results from any police precinct in NY City -- focusing on those precincts comprising middle-class blacks -- and then get the numbers for Hempstead and other black areas on Long Island for comparisons with white and asian neighborhoods.
Which Long Island white town was the former home of John White, the black man who murdered the white teenager who had threatened his son?
"Anyway, in another post on this site YOU blabbed about how the crime rate in a black middle-class neighborhood in Queens was far higher than the crime rate in nearby less-affluent white territory."
rikyrah, you wrote:
I guess my late father, who scored in the top 1% of those taking the CPA exam, but couldn't get hired at a Big 6 accounting firm, nor even as a lowly agent of the IRS.
Appears he faced racial bias in hiring. But, that was then, and the past is past.
Why? Because he wasn't born in the early 1970's, he was born in 1922.
In other words, you know the country has changed for the better.
You wrote:
Or my late mother, who graduated Phi Beta Kappa, along with 2 of her sisters, yet had two career options open to her: teacher or social worker.
Why? Because my mother, the youngest of my grandmother's children, was born in 1930.
Yes. Your mother was in the same boat as almost all women -- educated or not -- born before WWII. My mother was also a Phi Beta Kappa college graduate. She got an English degree from Northwestern. What doors does that degree open? The same teacher and social worker doors your mother faced. Different times. Different times.
You wrote:
Had nothing to do with how smart or capable she, my father and literally millions of other Black folks were:
and thus, they were NEVER going to be allowed opportunities. So, who got those opportunities?
Mediocre White folk who never had to seriously compete for anything.
Oh. With so much black talent around and available, why were there no black entrepreneurs gladly hiring these capable people?
You wrote:
Not when we have SARAH PALIN being paraded around as 'qualified' to be in line for the Presidency of the United States.
Sarah Palin is NOT heading for the Republican presidential nomination. She is a "stalking horse". Her "campaigning" is no more serious than the presidential "campaigning" of Jesse Jackson and Pat Paulson.
She represents the Republican party, but there is no plan for her to LEAD the Republican Party.
You asked:
Hypothetical questions are always silly. Yours especially. However, during the later years of the Bush administration, it was suggested the Republicans should nominate Condolezza Rice to run in 2008.
Thus, we already know a black female gets serious consideration from top Republican party members.
You wrote:
the answer to that one is all you need to know about White Privilege in America.
My representative in Congress is Yvette Clarke, a black woman who lied to voters, claiming she had graduated from college, when, in fact, she had dropped out. When confronted, she said she FORGOT that she never got her degree.
Even though her lack of a degree would not have disqualified her in the eyes of black voters who form the large majority of voters in my district, she lied. Of course, the black voters elected her anyway, and she has continued her practice of lying to constituents. Her supporters love her lies.
Teen-Slay Bust:
As reported here yesterday, Marvin Wiggins and Quanisha Wright were murdered on Mother's Day at a party in the Bronx.
Since my last report, Robert Mitchell, age 24, and Dexter Green, age 20 -- both black -- were arrested for the double homicide.
The two thugs got the murder weapon -- a 45 caliber handgun -- from Green's father. Thus, we know where Green got the message about shooting people one does not like.
fn and outta-town-steve:
You wanted some credible confirmation about crime rates among middle-class blacks. Okay. The following report includes the names of people you might believe.
Meanwhile, there were literally thousands and thousands of other studies and reports. This one was near the top of the list.
rikyrah said...
simply ask yourselves this question folks:
Then we'd right now have our first black female vice president.
And you all would hate her, just like you hate Condolezza Rice and Clarence Thomas and any black who actually works with whites to form a better future. You are all wounded racists who want to tear down America and tear down white people to feed your hatred. This irrational and unachievable quest for revenge allows you to be easily manipulated by people who don't share your values and see you only as a means to power.
rikyrah said...
simply ask yourselves this question folks:
Then we'd right now have our first black female vice president.
Not even close.
Someone BLACK who gave an interview like the Katie Couric one be considered QUALIFIED for office?
No way in hell.
Not only would they have never been voted for, they would have been forced to drop out.
IF Sarah Palin were BLACK, and she had an unmarried, pregnant teenaged daughter with a high-school dropout boyfriend?
IF Sarah Palin were BLACK, and her husband had spent seven years as a member of the Nation of Islam (sorry, this is as close to a secessionist group as Black people get - there is no equivalent in the Black community to the group Todd Palin belonged to)
If Sarah Palin were BLACK, and she was caught trying to fire her brother-in-law over some family mess, abusing the office...
If Sarah Palin were BLACK, and she QUIT her office two years in.....
The obviousness of WHITE PRIVILEGE just keeps on growing.
Someone who revels in the ignorance the way that she does...
Ta-Nehisi Coates made the observation and he was on the money...
to find a group that proud and reveling in their ignorance in the Black community..
would mean that gangster rappers were legitimate political candidates.
And you all would hate her, just like you hate Condolezza Rice and Clarence Thomas and any black who actually works with whites to form a better future.
Don't even put Condi in the same sentence with Unca Clarence.
Condi would, every once in awhile, slip up, and let folks know, she knew which way was up.
Unca Clarence is a straight up SLAVE CATCHING COON.
You are all wounded racists who want to tear down America
tear down America. My people helped BUILD THIS COUNTRY. My family's been in this country since before the Revolutionary War. How long has YOUR family been here?
and tear down white people to feed your hatred.
who said anything about hatred?
I'm a self-respecting Black woman who sees no need to kiss White folks' ass. THAT makes me a 'hater'?
This irrational and unachievable quest for revenge allows you to be easily manipulated by people who don't share your values and see you only as a means to power.
quest for revenge?
where did I mention revenge?
see, you slip up and reveal YOUR anxieties.
BOTTOM LINE - White folks like you can't imagine that Black folks would want anything BUT revenge, because you understand the unimaginable horrors done to Black people in this country.
don't need to waste time on 'revenge'.
but, I will say this much....
you think Black folk are just going to sit here and take it...
that was last century.
as someone wrote on another blog..
that ' turn the other cheek' bullshyt died on April 4, 1968.
nobody's playing with you.
don't start none, won't be none.
Hello rikyrah,
You, my friend,get my vote for one of the best comments in this thread. Your 2:37 AM "above" was so poignant! You fired your gun and I felt the combustion.
I am just a hick from Iowa, but my hat is tip to you.
As I said, asking hypothetical questions is silly, especially when you ask the everyday standard question posed by blacks:
What if __________ were black? Then...
Inasmuch as the impossible is not about to happen, why ask?
As I said, Sarah Palin is NOT heading for the Republican presidential nomination. She is having the time of her life leading the charge until the next election season gets rolling. She's suddenly making a lot of money, traveling all over and hitting heights few get to enjoy.
But her future as a national figure running for high office is over. She's a cheerleader, not a candidate. Her job is to get under your skin, and from your comments, she has clearly succeeded.
"to find a group that proud and reveling in their ignorance in the Black community.."
I'll start with the posters on this blog who daily circle the wagons around Field's flawed analyses.
I would never want someone as unqualified as Sarah Palin as president. But right now, I have someone just as unqualified who hates the country he is supposed to be leading. At least you could count on Palin to put the country's interests first.
The ONLY reason a leftist lightweight with no documented past became president (even after the incompetence of Bush) is the fact that he was able to sell himself as "black" (which he is not).
There is, and has been for at least 50 years, no such thing as "White privilege". The political advantage of being "Black" is obvious in the way the identity was assumed by the son of a white liberal when it was convenient.
The reason Black America allies itself with socialist "progressives" whose main goal is the destruction of America as it is (aka "Change") is out of a need for revenge fueled by racial hatred. Your own words betray this. There is no rational reason to destroy your best chance for freedom and prosperity.
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