I see where someone tried to get all Middle Eastern in Times Square over the weekend. But thanks to the grumpy brother who sells t-shirts and and one of New York's finest a potential disaster was avoided.
Now that blue Pathfinder is getting as much shine as a white Ford Bronco did a few years ago. Memo to al-Qaeda or domestic terrorist: the next time you want to set off a car bomb why not plant the bomb in a brand new Audi R-8 or a similar car? That way your car won't attract the wrong kind of attention just sitting there. The most that will happen is one of New York's finest will write a parking ticket and just keep moving. No one will believe that someone would plant a car bomb in a brand new Audi R-8. Of course if you have a piece of shit Nissan just sitting there you are going to attract the wrong kind of attention. The po po is going to wonder what it's doing there and the next thing you know you will have the bomb squad all over your hooptie. Hey, at least it wasn't a Toyota. --As if they can use more bad publicity-- I can hear the jokes now: Did you hear the one about the terrorist who tried to blow up Times Square with a bomb in his Toyota? Insert your punchline about the brakes here:_________.
They are saying that the perp is a white male in his forties. (Does everyone know where Glenn Beck was Saturday night?) Hmmm, maybe it's not al-Qaeda after all. Unless they are recruiting A-merry-can men to go along with the women now. But we just don't know yet. Of course one wingnut politician is saying that it was possible Muslim extremist with cartoon issues. Nice.
Thank goodness that this bomb maker wasn't that very good a it. Which leaves me to believe that it's not, as some in law enforcement have speculated, some kind of sophisticated international terrorist plot. But rather it might have been some nut job who just happens to like right wing talk radio, or who just happens to hate America and the west. A group in Pakistan is claiming responsibility, but then I hear that this group always claims responsibility for every bad thing that happens here in A-merry-ca. (I think they said that they created American Idol.)
I hope the catch this person and soon. There were lots of cameras in the area so it shouldn't be that hard.
Just be vigilant people. The next time you are chilling in your favorite town just watch out for the hooptie illegally parked with the expired tags. It could save your life.
Chill with the "Middle Eastern" description of events. It could just as well have been an irate Jamaican deflecting blame on others.
Can we talk about the white kid they arrested the other day in NYC.
He was found dressed as a subway worker with cyanide and fire crackers in his backpack. I think there is a link to this brother and what happened yesterday.
glad you're reading your email. GMTA.
Those rightwing folks want it to be foreign terrorist. Nah, it's not a foreign terrorist, I bet you it is one of those...Fox We Make It Up News Viewers, or one of those Ellie Mae and Peggy Sue (Palin and Bachmann) supporters. Nevertheless, he'll be caught in a couple of days if not sooner.
"Chill with the "Middle Eastern" description of events. It could just as well have been an irate Jamaican deflecting blame on others."
Nope, Jamaicans don't blow up their cars, they need them to get to work. ;)
Maria, I did get your a-mail, and thanks for the link.
Ms. Foodie, sho you right. What's the deal on that kid?
Basically he was saying he was trying to kill himself...but umm..thats A LOT of work to dress like a subway worker and go in side the NYC subway tunnel with cyanide poison. What happened to the good ol'fashion way? Something is fishy..
These folks are looking rather silly with their firecracker bombs...wtf?!
"Nope, Jamaicans don't blow up their cars, they need them to get to work."
LOL! I feel ya. Those street pirates that CF is always throwing up don't either, because they need their cars to hustle with. :)
All kidding aside though, that bomber is one of those want to overthrow the government folks, I betcha.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen place your bets.
@ch555x. Long may they look silly. When they get effective, we will rue the day.
And to think that we lament the poor education in this country. Somehow that comment seems just wrong.
I bet it's Al-Cracker!
I bet it's Al-Cracker!
LOL! My first guess was American Taliban so we're on the same page there.
I watched the news this evening and no one was calling this guy a terrorist. Not the mayor or police. If the suspect had been brown I suppose he would then qualify as a terrorist?
I woke up in the middle of the night to this mess. I texted my NY friends who knew nothing about because one doesn't own a tv and the other was partying and oblivious to anything happening. The other was at OSU for an alumni event. Folks are crazy out there.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Ms Foodie:
"He was found dressed as a subway worker with cyanide and fire crackers in his backpack. I think there is a link to this brother and what happened yesterday."
I was thinking the same thing. You and I are on the same page.
actually, they are calling him a terrorist--ie, perp of a "potential terrorist attack.
see the nyt:
While the authorities said they were treating the failed bombing — described as a “one-off” by Janet Napolitano, the homeland security secretary — as a potential terrorist attack, they said there was no evidence of a continued threat to the city.
I bet it's Al-Cracker!
I'll bet so too. I told my friend the same thing last night. From the start, I said it was the work of some Jethro Bodine tea bagger terrorist.
I figure that the prep probably is a white guy because outside terrorists would not have picked a Saturday night to plant a bomb. The are savvy enough to pick days like Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday when the news cycle is heavy, and a spot that was more politically symbolic. This is a terrorist attack none the less. I think it is ironic that the grumpy guy is a vendor who Mayor Bloomberg wanted to get vendors off of Time Square when they are the people who notice their surroundings as tourists do not. Hey as the grumpy said if you see it, say it.
@ Granny:
I'm betting that the suspect terrorist is home grown...I want to say a teabagger (white)....but there have been more than a few Ameircan Muslims (not NOI) that have committe terrorists acts on the East Coast...
I wagering he's home grown and a white teabagger...
Hmmm...isn't that something Ms. Bigot-->no_slappz did not place a bet saying it's a "Muslim" or "the black guy". You would think that since she's feeling her superiority wheaties, that she'd jump at a chance to bet against us cullah folks. I mean after all, here is her chance to demonstrate some of her superior knowledge.
Granny-->giving major eye rollage! And double daring no_slappz at the same time.
@ Granny:
I want to retract that wager and replace it with another...
The terrorist is home grown, white and is unemployed...
Okay, field, the devil just been giving me a hard time today, and he made me do it!
Cross my heart and hope to spit! (wink)
I moved your bet and placed it on the "home grown and a white teabagger unemployed" spot.
Now, now, Field, it wasn't Glen Beck; it was probably a Fox Friend.
@ Granny:
I read the exchange between no_slappz and Black Diaspora below...I must say that Black Diaspora kept her cool and I especially enjoyed her last statement...
As I have stated before...people like no-slappz are my bias and I don't usually have anything to say about them (because it's not nice:)
In this case you are absolutely right...where are the comments usually made about supposed white superiority from no-slappz...?
Could it be she/he needs to hide from this because it seems inevitable that we will soon discover one of her "superior" cohorts is the terrorist...?
"Could it be she/he needs to hide from this because it seems inevitable that we will soon discover one of her "superior" cohorts is the terrorist...?"
Nah, say it ain't so, you mean they not cullah? Well, I guess that "superior" means terrorist? Oh Lawdie, what is this world coming to, it's not cullah guy.
Granny covers her mouth to hide the sound of-->snicker snicker.
I think I'd better go to bed, I mean pray, because the devil just keep on making me do that. Anyone got some blessed oil I could borrow?
Is it May 2nd already? Lordy.
[quote]But rather it might have been some nut job who just happens to like right wing talk radio, or who just happens to hate America and the west.[/quote]
Indeed you are correct on this one Filled Negro.
We know that this is likely a White male Right-winger, concerned about the hue of the President of the United States.
Besides when Black people are murdered in a manner that was prompted by the suggestions that the killer has heard through the media - it is typically in line with the murders that are depicted in "Hip Hop Voice Of The Racist Street Pirate" songs and imagery.
Had this Times Square bomb gone off it would have killed people "more dead" than murder that the Racist Street Pirate could kill them.
BIRMINGHAM - Bombs are not the weapon of choice in the murders today:
Granny is so bad. But I will take that bed. :) I am putting my $ down with Granny on this one.
"Now, now, Field, it wasn't Glen Beck; it was probably a Fox Friend."
Speaking of Fox; I hear that they are saying the oil slick is Obama's fault. Maybe the Destructive one or one of his wingnut friends can explain that one to me. I love to get into the mind of the wingnut.
Since the terrorist attacks in 2001, I've alwasy felt it was just a matter of time before this type of thing became common.
[quote]Maybe the Destructive one or one of his wingnut friends can explain that one to me. I love to get into the mind of the wingnut.[/quote]
Filled Negro:
Foolish people are apt to say foolish things for ideological and political gain no doubt.
I figured that you would be more interested in news that is more relevant to the struggle that you purport to be in for the advancement of the community. It seems that in the great city of NEW ORLEANS - many projects for the recovery of the city where people live have yet to be initiated.
Data Shows Slow Recovery In New Orleans
Just imagine Filled Negro if the passion to embarrass evil Bush over the pace of reconstruction in Iraq was shown for the benefit of the people in New Orleans? Unfortunately the Progressive-Fundamentalists are less than inclined to embarrass their own - locally in the case of the city administration and nationally as they don't want to do pursue the "Black Best Interests" if it makes the Obama Administration look bad.
Much prayer is going up for NYC. (my hometown)
Every since 911 people have been Praying & Interceding such a tragedy is NOT repeated.
Looks like its working.
I also thank the good Lord for New York's Finest.
They are doing a great job at keeping NYC safe.
"But a Prayer that he sends from his heart's deep core".
Paul Laurence Dunbar
"By my definition, Prayer is consciously hanging out with God. Being with God in a deliberate way".
Malcolm Boyd
"It couldn't have happened anywhere but in little old New York".
O. Henry
"They say life's what happens when you're busy making other plans. But sometimes in New York, life is what happens when you're waiting for a table".
Sarah Jessica Parker
"I can't wait to get back to New York City where at least when I walk down the street, no one ever hesitates to tell me exactly what they think of me".
Ani Difranco
Psalm 91
"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High Shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress;
My God, in Him I will trust.
Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler
And from the perilous pestilence.
He shall cover you with His feathers,
And under His wings you shall take refuge;
His truth shall be your shield and buckler.
You shall not be afraid of the terror by night,
Nor of the arrow that flies by day,
Nor of the pestilence that walks in darkness,
Nor of the destruction that lays waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at your side,
And ten thousand at your right hand;
But it shall not come near you.
Only with your eyes shall you look,
And see the reward of the wicked.
Because you have made the LORD, who is my refuge,
Even the Most High, your dwelling place,
No evil shall befall you,
Nor shall any plague come near your dwelling;
For He shall give His angels charge over you,
To keep you in all your ways.
In their hands they shall bear you up,
Lest you dash your foot against a stone.
You shall tread upon the lion and the cobra,
The young lion and the serpent you shall trample underfoot.
Because he has set his love upon Me, therefore I will deliver him;
I will set him on high, because he has known My name.
He shall call upon Me, and I will answer him;
I will be with him in trouble;
I will deliver him and honor him.
With long life I will satisfy him, And show him My salvation".
[quote]Every since 911 people have been Praying & Interceding such a tragedy is NOT repeated.[/quote]
Laurel - With all due respect.....
(and just to note my GOAL is not merely to be a contrarian to all that you say)..........
The protection of New York, the nation, your community or even your own private residence, I MY VIEW, is the combination of God's grace coupled with MAN'S ACTIVE ENFORCEMENT of the processes necessary to achieve the functional end of a "Protected State".
The condition of "Safe Streets" as with the state of "Quality Education" is not passively arrived at. Instead the clarity of the end goal, the definition of the steps to arrive there and finally the HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT of all who must be made to do their part to achieve this end is the "GODLY providence" as I see it.
The "devil" who packed this car with explosives and placed it where it would have the maximum effect was only thwarted by the fact that the fireworks that he had put into the vehicle to set off the other explosives failed to engage as he had planned.
I get the feeling that this person had prayed to HIS GOD that the device would go off and be a wakeup call to the "Evil Empire" who worked against HIS GOD according to his own perspective.
I read where it stated whomever built and planted the bomb wasn't of much sophistication so it's unlikely that he or she are associated with a major terrorist organization.
Eventually the suspect will get arrested and give some reason which I am sure he or she will believe with all their heart, and someone down the line will wake up one day and decide to emulate the exact act.
More than likely.
Hilarious @ (I think they said that they created American Idol.)
Face it, nobody does terrorism like Christian White boys.
Prior to 9/11, at Oklahoma City, the 96 Atlanta Olympics, abortion clinics, synagogues....who were the culprits.
We knew that a black President would get them more riled up than Bill and Hillary did during the 90's.
Hark....what's that sound I hear?
Nah, it's just Constructive Feedback rushing to givea furious defense of massa and a rant about street pirates.
What's more dangerous, a 50 cent record or a bomb in Times Square?
Uptownsteve wrote:
"Nah, it's just Constructive Feedback rushing to give a furious defense of massa and a rant about street pirates".
Here, Here Uptownsteve. I agree.
If CF isn't an angry White guy, than he sure seems to deeply regret not being so.
The Times Square Bomber?
He knows nothing about explosives and he failed to detonate his half-baked bomb.
Propane tanks might rupture if they are heated in a fire and the internal pressure of the container causes it to burst. Then, a fire-ball is likely.
Clearly that might have been bad news for anyone nearby. But no one would stand near a car on fire. Hence, this bomber was a true amateur, and a dumb one.
The Unabomer knew his trade. The Unabomer is nuts. Unfortunately, our Times Square Bomber is not smart enough to qualify for the Unabomer Nuts Award.
Due to his incompetence, evident in his lack of bomb-making sckills, you can be sure he will get caught. He undoubtedly made other mistakes that will lead the cops to his door in the next couple of days.
Meanwhile, as far as profiling goes, yeah, most likely a white guy. In the US, when has a black guy built a bomb and killed a group of people?
On the other hand, murderss in NY City are up 20% this year -- to 143. Rougly 100% of the victims and perpetrators are black or hispanic.
I'm thinking this clown got his propane tanks from Home Depot or Lowes and paid with a credit card figuring the explosion would destroy the tanks and evidence of where they were purchased. Maybe by tomorrow a video of him at the check-out counter will appear.
Then there is the car. Surely loaded with useful items and clues.
"Meanwhile, as far as profiling goes, yeah, most likely a white guy. In the US, when has a black guy built a bomb and killed a group of people?"
Like I said, white boys pretty much corned the market on American terrorism.
"On the other hand, murderss in NY City are up 20% this year -- to 143. Rougly 100% of the victims and perpetrators are black or hispanic."
I know this is bull$hit.
Prove it.
2009 America's Safest Cities - Forbes.com
No. 8..New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-PA
"These Metros have the lowest rates of Violent Crime, Workplace Deaths, Fatal Crashes and Natural Disasters".
Oops! I failed to include the link.
uptownsteve said: "Since when has a black guy built a bomb...?" Why not? CPT, y'all, CPT. The Nigerian "underwear bomber" is the best we can do.
Don't expect our euro-identified, penis-challenged, pedophile, palinite, repugnican, fakenews/msm fellow ameri-kkk-ans to look among their ranks for the real suspect...'cause we all know he is white, male, penis-challenged; he is also a public-school product, reared in a white evangelistic/fundamentalist home.
"A group in Pakistan is claiming responsibility, but then I hear that this group always claims responsibility for every bad thing that happens here in A-merry-ca."
Did they claim credit for Obama's election?
uppitystevie: "Like I said, white boys pretty much corned the market on American terrorism"
That's only because blacks lack the technical capacity to make compicated things like bombs. They make up for their incompetence with dedication, however, and kill many times more people with guns, knives, and clubs than any terrorists can keep up with.
As I said, murders in NY City are up 20% year-to-date. This year -- 143. Last year at thie point -- 119.
My source is Police Commissioner Kelly who, over the last week, initiated some major changes of local police commanders to stop the increases.
In the 101st precinct in Queesn, robbery is up 43%, grand-theft auto is up 140%, shootings are up 133%.
There has been NO noticeable crime increase in white neighborhoods.
Furthermore, the number of shooting victims is up too. Up 14% to 456, from 399 last year at this point.
The numbers are from the NYPD.
Inasmuch as you are unaware of the crime trend, it seems you do not live in NY City.
no link, no plausibility
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Like I said, white boys pretty much corned the market on American terrorism.
Please. Timothy McVeigh is almost the only white American "terrorist" to actually kill people.
Eric Rudolph detonated a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics that killed one person. One.
Meanwhile, the murder toll in NY City is piling up at 1.2 per day. All black or hispanic.
The national toll has been running around 17,000 the past few years, with more than 50% of those homicides committed by blacks.
You can fantasize all day about the depravity of Timothy McVeigh's crime, but over that period of a day about 46 people are murdered, half by blacks. Hence 23 a day. If you spend 9 days fantasizing, then black murderers will surpass McVeigh's death toll.
By the way, McVeigh was executed for his crime. I am happy to say he was executed a couple of months before 9/11.
He would have cheered if had been alive.
hathor, you wrote:
no link, no plausibility
No Plausibility? You probably meant no credibility.
However, your attempt at denial of crime facts released by the NYPD and reported in the NY Times, the NY Post, the NY Daily News and neighborhood papers, is more evidence fo the black alternative universe in which facts are absent and only black perceptions matter.
Where is the link no_slappz? All of the mentioned newspapers are online too.
"My source is Police Commissioner Kelly who, over the last week, initiated some major changes of local police commanders to stop the increases"
See, already we know you lying Ms. Bigot!
Well, I gotta go, a busy day ahead of me. Don't y'all let Ms. Bigot slip no lies on ya today. She is pretty fluent in that skill and somewhat subtle at times with it. Does that fall under "superior"?
Granny--> covers mouth to hide snicker, snicker.
BTW, I miss Trapped in SC and Btx, I pray that all is well with them.
"That's only because blacks lack the technical capacity to make compicated things like bombs."
Puh-leeze Goober.
How much technical skill does it take to leave some cans of gasoline in a parked truck?
Granny sez....
"Where is the link no_slappz? All of the mentioned newspapers are online too."
You know he's lying granny.
I grew up in NYC and anybody whose going to try to tell somebody that there aren't plenty of drugs, gangs and guns in white neighborhoods like Bensonhurst, Ozone Park and Bay Ridge is full of $hit.
For all the Neo-Conservatives out there, Uptown Steve and Field Negro are absolutely correct -- all the big, scary crazy acts of terrorism in the States in the last 15-20 years, only three have been carried out by Arabs and two (9/11 and the first WTC bombing). One has been of African descent (DC Sniper).
The rest were pissed-off crazy white people, including:
* Waco Stand-off
* Columbine
* Oklahoma City Bombing
* Abortion Clinic bombings
* The Huarate (sp) Christian militia
* The plane being driven into a Austin federal building
Given this track record, the failed NYC bomber is more likely a member of the Tea Party than Al Qaida or the NOI.
Oops, forgot underpants boy from Nigeria. So that's 3 foreigners and two Africans in 20 years.
My point still stands that NYC bomber is probably a native born citizen and white. Just statistics and probability for all you wingnuts.
Don't forget the mass schoo, shootings over the last decade in Jonesboro AR, Paducah, KY, Red Lake High School, MN, the Amish School in Lancaster, PA and Northern IL University.
All combined, scores were injured and 32 killed.
And of course there was 32 killed at Virginia Tech in 2007.
The killer was a model minority.
UTS - you're right, the Virgina Tech kid was a nerdy Asian dude who got a little too much sand kicked in his face at the beach.
Still, that's 1 dude at of the dozen or so crazy white boys.
Of topic, but here's a funny thought about AZ. Now what happens when the AZ good ol' boys start pulling over Asian and Indian mining engineers? I say it will go back the backwards dust bowl in three years.
I don't live in New York or read their newspapers, so since you referred to data obtained from those New York newspapers, how come you can't provide a citation. I do realize that after a few days on might have to pay for them, but there is usually another article somewhere that cited the original source. I know you did this in college!
What's up Brother Field? The jury is still out on the Times Square deal, I am going to wait for the rest of the story. It looks to me like some lone wolf kind of guy.
When it comes to discussions of violence, folks who try to prove the proclivity of blacks to be violent are almost always historically challenged.
Someone actually wrote this on this thread:
"Timothy McVeigh is almost the only white American "terrorist" to actually kill people."
Either he has a short memory or a short definition of terrorism. White folks have murdered thousands of black folks as a part of the process of slavery. And after slavery the attempts to return black folks to slavery by white hate groups by any definition was definitely terrorism.
In fact the White Citizens Councils, the Klan and other white supremacist groups murdered and raped thousands of black folk since the end of slavery.
hathor, uptownsteve, et. al.:
The rising crime stats for NY City.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
I grew up in NYC and anybody whose going to try to tell somebody that there aren't plenty of drugs, gangs and guns in white neighborhoods like Bensonhurst, Ozone Park and Bay Ridge is full of $hit.
You "grew up" in NY City. Hmmmm. But you do not live here now. You forgot to mention that part.
Anyway, Bensonhurst is becoming very Russian, asian and muslim. Much less Italian. Same for Bay Ridge. Meanwhile, though there are drugs in these areas, there are virtually no murders.
The mafia is a gang and there is still a mafia presence in Bensonhurst and Bay Ridge. But they engage in very little violence.
As for Ozone Park, well, not much happening there.
[quote]If CF isn't an angry White guy, than he sure seems to deeply regret not being so.[/quote]
Let's give a hand to Laurel.
She uses the ole "We are going to shame him as a WHITE BOY" trick that is typically seen in high school and continuing on with the freshman college class prior to them coming to the point of KNOWING THEMSELVES.
You see Laurel - I actually evaluate you by who you don't attempt to "de-blackify" despite their material offense to our people rather than those who you attack in that they have a particular ideological orientation that is different than you own.
If you have gotten past your 20's Laurel - you sure don't act like it.
uptownsteve wrote: "Prior to 9/11, at Oklahoma City, the 96 Atlanta Olympics, abortion clinics, synagogues....who were the culprits."?
You forgot lynchings, cross burnings and church bombings.
[quote]For all the Neo-Conservatives out there, Uptown Steve and Field Negro are absolutely correct -- all the big, scary crazy acts of terrorism in the States in the last 15-20 years, only three have been carried out by Arabs and two (9/11 and the first WTC bombing). One has been of African descent (DC Sniper). [/quote]
LAC why is it important for you to focus upon the LARGE attacks rather than the "Death By 7,000 Racist Pirate Cuts" that occur to our people each year?
LAC - If Malvo killed "one shot at a time" - how is this any different than the wanton murder that exists otherwise?
Like In BIRMINGHAM Alabama: http://blog.al.com/spotnews/2010/05/the_killing_years_chat_live_wi_1.html
mellaneous, you wrote:
Either he has a short memory or a short definition of terrorism. White folks have murdered thousands of black folks as a part of the process of slavery.
Blacks have been slaughtering each other in Africa since the dawn of man. Meanwhile, murdering slaves is NOT terrorism.
You wrote:
And after slavery the attempts to return black folks to slavery by white hate groups by any definition was definitely terrorism.
If you mean lynching, well, historians have put the number of lynchings at 3,500. But just for the sake of discussion, let's round it up to 5,000.
The period during which lynchings occurred lasted about 100 years. Less actually. Therefore, lynchings averaged about one a week.
In the US every day there are 46 murders. Blacks commit over half of them, which means that by far the greatest threat to the life of a black is another black.
You guys should cut that out. It's bad for business.
In the US every day there are 46 murders. Blacks commit over half of them, which means that by far the greatest threat to the life of a black is another black.
Is this your greatest fear? You seem to obsess so much.
lacoincidental, you wrote:
* Waco Stand-off
* Columbine
* Oklahoma City Bombing
* Abortion Clinic bombings
* The Huarate (sp) Christian militia
* The plane being driven into a Austin federal building
IN the case of Waco, Federal agents initiated a gun battle with the Branch Davidians, which resulted in about 80 deaths. The massacre was proof that Janet Reno was/is out of her mind.
Columbine? Clearly you confuse multiple homicides committed out of senselessness to be the equivalent of terrorism, which always has a specific type of motive.
Oklahoma City? Yes, an act of terrorism. But for McVeigh everything backfired, which is usually the case when nuts take action.
The death toll due to abortion clinic bombings is probably zero. But a few people employed by abortion clinics were shot to death. Two doctors and one or two staff people come to mind.
Yes, the siege against abortion clinics looks like terrorism. On the other hand, about 1.4 million abortions per year are performed in the US.
That's 1.4 million murders a year. Hence, if I were a fetus, I would worry about my chances of making it to delivery day.
hathor, you wrote:
Is this your greatest fear?
My greatest fear? No. I'm not black. Hence, I'm not on the likely list of targets.
Meanwhile, you question makes me think you are blind to the implications of black violence.
They are saying that the perp is a white male in his forties.
Concentrate on what you know. Guesses are worthless. Here is something else we know: The citizen-"hero" (I hate that word, 'cause it's so overused) who stopped it was a black man.
Violence has indirectly touched my life and even though I never felt fear living in a blue light district, I feared for the life of my son. I didn't have a problem confronting anyone either. I also know that quoting statistics on a blog in not going to influence any shooter in that neighborhood.
I don't have the resources to engage the community or do the things that I think would help, so I don't talk about it . If you are so concerned, I think you are young, healthy and intelligent enough to offer resources or try solutions. As of now it seems you get your kicks just pointing a finger.
Many Black people get upset with you, because what you try to portray and generalize about Black people isn't true for the majority. What you quote is not their life. I look around me every day and see Black people who go to work and have some of the same jobs as white people, see many Black professionals and go to a Black doctor and see Black nurses, when I'm hospitalized, and know many Black families who have four generations of college graduates. I can't see how you live in a city like New York and the only time you see Black people is on the crime pages of the New York Post. BTW, my cousin worked as a correspondent for that paper. This was before AA.
I know you keep denying that you are black, but I wish I could remember what you said on this blog when you first appeared, which made me think so.
no slappz
"Blacks have been slaughtering each other in Africa since the dawn of man. "
And white people haven't as well?
In addition to exporting genocide around the globe.
The Taino people were completely wiped out by Europeans.
King Leopold of Belgium tried his damnest to eliminate Congo natives.
Native Americans. Australian Aborgines?
Think they felt good about the arrival of white folks.
Trust me no slappz, when it comes to killin, nobody can touch white folks.
Quit while you're ahead.
You already look incredibly stupid.
CF and no_slappz:
I think you two are missing the point and putting up typical straw men from right.
1. The case I was making is that we typically profile Arab men for acts of terrorism stateside, though statistics show that more than likely when things get heavy, its usually a white male who is the culprit.
2. How does a woman making a choice about her body and health have to do with terrorists, no_slappz? And please explain how anti-choice activists justify killing doctors and secretaries? Abortion is a common, legally protected medical practice. And no conservatives cared about abortion so long as black and immigrant women were having the procedure.
3. CF, no one is ignoring the crime in the streets -- and the last time I checked, its those dirty liberals who are doing the most to deter youth violence. Are you involved in preventing Black boys from killing Black boys? Do you actually care about Black men killing each other, or it is an issue of convenience to stick in Black progressives' faces? I feel its the latter, so please go away. Grown folks are talking.
NO Slapz are you some kind of new kind of fool what on God's earth do you mean by saying the murdering of slaves does not constitute terrorism.
Of course murder is a form of terrorism!!!
NO Slapz said:
"You guys should cut that out. It's bad for business."
Oh I get it you are cynic. Otherwise you are just another insensitive cad making it sound as if five thousand murdered (your figure) and maybe thousands more who were routed from their homes, raped, mutilated and otherwise terrorized was not really that big of deal.
And for the record who in their right mind is not concerned about violence. But violence is not a black thing. (Uptown was right you really don't want to talk about which so-called race has cornered the market on murder, white folks have been unparalleled in that area)
Like someone once said, "the Europeans are always talking about the glories of man, but everytime they (explorers,etc) run into him they kill him."
I see you conveniently left off the violence that this government commits everyday in the name of US imperialism otherwise known as profiteering and powermongering.
And BTW you have the wrong site if you think folks on here are complaining because they have a stake in things as they are. Take that cynical argument somewhere else.
I almost was going to wonder out loud where people like you come from, but I know the answer. You are the product of a society that values profit and property over people.
And we are surprised by violence and have the nerve to place it at the feet of black folks.
I am out Field. Whoever you are Slapz you have done violence to my peace of mind with this crap!
Well since this thread has turned into name that serial killer, I think I'll name a few:
Ted Bundy, Jeffery "munch on your intestines" Dahmer
and the all time ultimate serial killer Adolf Hitler!
Folks like to forget about ol' Adolf's and his Aryan ass
[quote]CF, no one is ignoring the crime in the streets -- and the last time I checked, its those dirty liberals who are doing the most to deter youth violence. [/quote]
My dear friend LAC......I am not interested in reading a list of BULLET POINTS about the actions done with the INTENTION OF pulling the weeds out of the "Killing Fields".
I have a simple question: "IS IT WORKING? And if not when are YOU going to stop accepting the 'Try Harder' approach that you are being sold?"
Are you involved in preventing Black boys from killing Black boys?[/quote]
I think that it was Gregory and Filled Negro that asked me this question the last time and thus I forgive you for repeating.
About a month ago as I drove through the community in Atlanta where the Black woman had her head cut off, my intent being to take pictures of the crime scene as part of a report on my blog I thought to myself:
THE NEXT TIME some one asks ME "What are you doing....." I am going to pick up at least 2 of the Black Males that I saw standing at the corner of 'Joseph E Lowery and Joseph E Boone Blvds' for them to ask these two EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS "What are YOU DOING to help your own community improve?"
For some strange reason, LAC, this question is often used as a WEAPON or an INDICTMENT rather than the words opening the engagement of the people who LIVE WITHIN.
I get the feeling that you think more of my ability to carry a load than they. I would hate to think that you believe them to be inferior though. I have greater hopes for you.
Do you actually care about Black men killing each other, or it is an issue of convenience to stick in Black progressives' faces? I feel its the latter, so please go away. Grown folks are talking.[/quote]
LAC - I know you don't like being accused as such but think back to the days of Ida B Wells.
With her antics of "bothering" White folks with the news that "Another Black Man Got Lynched Yesterday" she no doubt was seen as an irritant by those in the community that sought to protect the ESTABLISHMENT more than they cared about the life of a Negro.
In fact, upon listening to her condemnations about the killing of the Black man yesterday she no doubt heard WHITE FOLKS pointing out the Black man who shot one of THEIR OWN 10 years ago in the same town. In fact he was SHOT IN THE BACK. This father of 6 is now DEAD as a direct result of the Black man's actions. Now of course, LAC, they fail to mention that this White man was shot while riding on his horse AWAY from the burning house of the Black man who killed him.
The only problem LAC is that this ONE Black "killer" has been used as the justifying reference for the last 45 BLACK MEN that have been murdered in the town for these past 10 years.
Do you see LAC - my goal is to get you to show as much contempt about the BLACK PEOPLE killing our people today as you do about:
* Tea Party people who MIGHT re-enslave us
* Police Officers who, if you allow some to tell it, are the biggest criminals in the Black community
* The White Serial Killers who actually "did it" despite the bigots in the society thinking that it was a BLACK MAN who did it as they tried to exploit public sentiment and racism.
Do you see LAC that the appeasement seen on this threat thus far that "Black people are not terrorists or serial killers" DOES NOT DO A DAMNED THING to provide a MANAGEMENT OVERLAY that can adequately address the "Death By A Thousand Cut Throats - One At A Time" that our communities are suffering from.
Is it that I am trying to "shame you" or trying to get you to EQUALLY VALUE us in your rhetoric?
Who are you protecting and who is this actually benefiting LAC?
MAMM, that's your only contribution to this topic, is that all you know, you dingbat?
Yeah, I'm sure that the bomber is white. And a Tea bagger.
Cause the Beltway Sniper ...we were told he was a white guy, a disaffected blue collar worker, driving a white panel van.
Lots of time wasted tracking him down.
And it ended up being ....
A radicalized black American who turned to Islam, and his illegal alien sidekick he smuggled into the country.
But the black community loves to forget about Lee Malvo and Mohammed.
Right? You guys all have selective amnesia.
Oh, props to the Veteran who helped alert the police.
A true American patriot.
CF wrote:
"About a month ago as I drove through the community in Atlanta where the Black woman had her head cut off,"
The "Black woman" had a name. She was Linda Myrick, but you knew that already.
This was a horrific crime but you've yet to establish that it was typical of your "street pirates" or that it was even committed by said mythical buccaneers.
The crime remains largely unknown and it is probably on its way to the file marked "Unsolved / Open" where it will remain. You have to ask why that is the case. If it were a blonde, white woman who had been found it similar circumstances then this would be running on Fox Noise 24/7.
Furthermore, in the interest of accuracy, you don't know where the head was removed from the body. There is nothing to suggest that it was done at the scene where the body was found.
It would be more accurate to say that you were driving through the community in Atlanta where Linda Myrick's decapitated body was found.
"This was a horrific crime but you've yet to establish that it was typical of your "street pirates" or that it was even committed by said mythical buccaneers."
Destructive Wingnut, do you have proof that it was a street pirate who committed this horrific crime? I asked you this questions weeks ago, buy you have yet to show me the link saying it was a "street pirate".
"Ted Bundy, Jeffery "munch on your intestines" Dahmer
and the all time ultimate serial killer Adolf Hitler!
Folks like to forget about ol' Adolf's and his Aryan ass"
M&MM, stop it, you are killing me with facts.
"The period during which lynchings occurred lasted about 100 years. Less actually. Therefore, lynchings averaged about one a week."
N_S, I hope you never stop posting here. I keep telling these Negroes that there are plenty folks like you out there but they don't believe me.
Constructive Feedback wrote:
"Let's give a hand to Laurel".
Thanks for the applause CF:)
CF relax and take a deeeeeeep breath dude. (Are you male or female?)
Awww isn't that better?
Remember we are all just commenting on Field Negro's awesome Blog.
Not sitting in a Goldman Sach's boardroom discussing how to invest $150 Billion dollars.
No need to freak out or get your blood pressure up.
Healthy debate is fun.
However getting worked up because someone doesn't agree with you, demonstrates it may time to see a Therapist and let off some steam.
This is fun. Let's do it again:)
ABC News is Reporting That The FBI Has Identified A “Person of Interest” In Saturday Night’s Bomb Attempt at Times Square
In tracking the sales history of the SUV used in the incident, officials found it was sold three weeks ago to an on-line buyer. The possible suspect is said to be a naturalized U.S. citizen with ties to Pakistan.
[quote]The crime remains largely unknown and it is probably on its way to the file marked "Unsolved / Open" where it will remain. You have to ask why that is the case. If it were a blonde, white woman who had been found it similar circumstances then this would be running on Fox Noise 24/7[/quote]
Gregorian Chant and Filled Negro:
You all will never know how much I appreciate viewing your debate tactics. The patterns of obfuscation that you show is quite helpful.
The tactic that you are attempting to use is Progressive-Fundamentalist Trick 101: PUT YOUR ADVERSARY ON TRIAL.
For some reason - you are more PISSED at me for presuming that in a community where a casual drive would show that a WHITE MAN carrying the body of a woman who LIVED IN THE AREA and dumped her headless body in the weeds, only 2 properties down from the MAIN THOROUGHFARE (Joseph E Boone Blvd) that he would not be detected.
You try to "PUT IT ON ME" to show that the killer was a "Racist Street Pirate" or a White man. (Hell lets throw in the police as well - some of you believe that they are the biggest criminals in the community).
Yet for some reason when it comes to Rep John Lewis - the elected representative of this area - when he is silent on this outrage yet is aggressive on going after "Civil Rights Cold Cases" from 1946 - you don't demand as much specificity from him that you ask of me.
John Lewis knows that for people like YOU - the knives, bullets and bombs used by WHITE FOLKS from long ago have "killed Black people more DEAD" than anything that a Black killer operating today could ever manage to kill a person in the community to-damned-day.
Fear not Filled Negro - the tricks and fraud does not go unnoticed. The statistic are published and the feelings of terror felt by the people who are forced to live in these dangerous communities is real.
The thing that you need to come to grips with is that while you CLAIM that your struggle is ultimately for the protection of the BLACK COMMUNITY - as you leave your battle stations to keep a look out for Tea Baggers, Republicans, Michael Steele-type Blacks and Corporations - the FORT that you are working on behalf have areas who's character allow them to be called "Killing Fields".
At some point the Black Rank and File - upon realizing that people like you have been using them (playing upon their fear and hatred) are going to strike out, realizing that despite the WINS that you have orchestrated in the political domain in their area they have been LOSING where it counts - with their PERMANENT INTERESTS.
I am watching you Filled Negro and learning all the while.
[quote]However getting worked up because someone doesn't agree with you, demonstrates it may time to see a Therapist and let off some steam.[/quote]
My dear friend Laurel - you confuse my 'getting worked up' from what is actually RESOLVE.
In doing so you place my "Accuracy" per the model that I have constructed based upon years of observation as a function of YOUR APPROVAL.
Laurel - when a Black man was convicted by an "All White Jury" in 1943 in Arkansas was their CONVICTION of this man evidence of HIS GUILT or their own mindset?
Thus I am not understanding how YOUR AGREEMENT with me provides any particular evidence of the veracity of my views.
The only thing I need from you Laurel is that both you and I agree with the list of PERMANENT INTERESTS that we all are focused upon. Then we both need to submit ourselves to an OPEN AND HONEST APPRAISAL PROCESS to determine the efficacy of our differing methodologies leading toward these INTERESTS?
Ask Filled Negro or UptownSteve or Mellaneous about their list of PERMANENT INTERESTS that they are working toward Laurel. How much of them will be METHODOLOGIES (ie: Everyone Deserves Universal Health Care) instead of fundamentals.
At what point, Laurel, do you start to believe that the people that you are inclined to favor are enough of the ESTABLISHMENT FORCES by which they should be HELD ACCOUNTABLE for the conditions that persist in the areas where they control all of the key institutions rather than continuing to allow them to OBFUSCATE?
(Oh that's right. Prior to you deleting my post on your blog I saw that you were a critic of Mayor Fox, believing him to support "wealthy White people" over "the poor 'Least Of These'" who he was not providing care and feeding for. Now that a favorable mayor is in place [if not for you then for many others] what you going to do now? )
mellaneous, you wrote:
NO Slapz are you some kind of new kind of fool what on God's earth do you mean by saying the murdering of slaves does not constitute terrorism.
It is well established that terrorism is defined as the systematic use of violence, terror and intimidation to achieve an end.
Perhaps some slave-owners terrorized their slaves by killing one to scare the others. But killing a slave was unquestionably an expensive way to enforce some discipline. It seems selling the problem slave would have been much easier and much less costly.
Meanwhile, for the most part, terrorism is tied to government. Thus, there are fewer options for coercing and obtaining the desired behavior. The muslim perpetrators of 9/11 wanted to scare the American government and cause Americans to fear the wrath of muhammad.
Instead, the muslim perpetrators and their followers have been dying in big numbers for the last eight-and-a-half years, proving once again it is a bad idea to antagonize the US. Now that most members of the old al Qaeda gang are dead, Osama bin laden and khalid shiek muhammad know they goofed.
lacoincidental, you wrote:
2. How does a woman making a choice about her body and health have to do with terrorists, no_slappz?
It's my view the fetus would take a different route if asked. Meanwhile, considering there are 1.4 million abortions a year in the US and about 4 million live births, it is fair to say that being a fetus is a high-risk experience.
You wrote:
And please explain how anti-choice activists justify killing doctors and secretaries? Abortion is a common, legally protected medical practice.
As the murder trials and convictions of the killers of abortion doctors and clinic employees show, their acts of violence have received NO justification.
By the way, the legal argument allowing abortion was the same argument used to permit slavery. In both cases the Supreme Court said the fetus and blacks were not "human" and therefore were not protected by the Constitution.
You wrote:
And no conservatives cared about abortion so long as black and immigrant women were having the procedure.
You obviously know nothing about the history of abortion in the US.
"M&MM, stop it, you are killing me with facts."
You just trying to make the class dummie feel better cause of the other anon's comment. You know its true, you know she's a simpleton.
CF accuses us of obfuscation and then writes a 423 word comment (not including the quote from my comment) that dodges the question. Was this murder committed by street criminals? No answer follows.
CF accuses us of putting him on trial when he is asked to either back up his assertion or demonstrate the relevance of said assertion. Oh, the humanity!
The murder in question was introduced into the conversation by CF yet he has been unable, or unwilling, to demonstrate that the murder was committed by street criminals. Nor has he been able to demonstrate that this singularly horrible crime is commonplace or average, rather than an aberration.
Obfuscation, thy name is Constructive Feedback.
U.S. Seeks Man From Pakistan Who Bought Vehicle in Bomb Case
Federal authorities have identified the man who recently bought the 1993 Nissan Pathfinder that was rigged to explodein Times Square as a naturalized United States citizen from Pakistan who recently returned from a trip there.
Authorities were seeking to arrest him on Monday night, according to several people briefed on the investigation.
Constructive Feedback:
I invite some of my girlfriends over for dinner.
It's a rotating Dinner thing that we do once a month. Anyway..
Afterward I had them to check out Field's Blog.
After reading your previous response to my comments, we laughed so hard almost an entire box of Kleenex was used to wipe the tears from our eyes.
They think your an extremely Intelligent person just too verbose in your replies.
Its all in good fun though.
No need to get so worked up dude.
By the way Field they loved your site and agree you could make a ton of money as a "Strategist" on the talk show circuit.
Sort of like Roland Martin only better.
Night all
"I invited" (sorry Typo)
Dang, no_slappz, we watch and read the news too. You was quiet as a church house mouse when they were telling us they were looking for a WHITE man. As soon as the COLOR of the man may have possibly changed to BROWN or one of those foreign people you hate so much, all of a sudden you running around in the fields with a bullhorn. Go ahead and admit it, you get one of those organisms trying to paint people of color and foreigners in a bad light. I bet you was jumping out your seat clapping your hands and could hardly contain yourself. Yipee! Did you do a cheerleaders yell? Did you know that racism causes cancer?
I hope you keep on posting here too for entertainment purposes.
Granny.....if I recall directly, it was you who was laying down the money it was a white boy who did it.
You too, Steve. And that really dissapoints.
No money was laid down. Do you know the difference between jesting and serious convo? In addition, if you recall us jesting than you might recall that it was MSM that first reported and said that the failed bomber was a white man, 44 years old. Tell MSM to get their story straight before they report so-called news.
It's something fishy about this. MSM reports a white man, about 44 years old, and saw him switching clothes, but they catch a naturalized citizen who happens to have ties with Pakistan. I think it is some backstabbing going on somewhere.
Yes, Granny. And I also believe this:
Belive what you hear and see for yorself!
You don't want me to have to go back and show you where you were betting it was som whihite militant who done this, do you?
Like this: " GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Those rightwing folks want it to be foreign terrorist. Nah, it's not a foreign terrorist, I bet you it is one of those...Fox We Make It Up News Viewers, or one of those Ellie Mae and Peggy Sue (Palin and Bachmann) supporters. Nevertheless, he'll be caught in a couple of days if not sooner.
And this:
:24 AM
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I moved your bet and placed it on the "home grown and a white teabagger unemployed" spot.
1:28 AM
Yeah, it's one of the damn crackas...Oh wait..turns out they arrested a Pakistani for it.
Like I said before, MSM reported that it was a white man, 44 years old, the tape showed him switching clothes looking suspicious. So, I repeat myself, tell MSM to get their story straight before they report the news.
BTW, and it probably is a white man and they are trying to cover it up now because they blew it.
No, Granny. What I'm trying to say, is wait for the facts before you cast aspersions.
And I apologize for my typing, my girlfriend knocked a bottle of wine onto my laptop.
Oh yeah, don't forget the white boy with cyanine and firecrackers down in the subway station.
-->firecrackers, like the ones used in the car thingee.
You have to be fucking kidding me, right?
I repeat! Do you know the difference between jesting and serious convo?
Well, maybe I'm just being overly PC:)
As a white upper middle class guy I want to apologize for him not being white upper middle class guy. I know CAIR, Muslims, every white person in Berkeley, and people who are obsessed with how crappy racial profiling is was hoping it was.
I'm ashamed of my people. We let you down.
Although, it is something sort of strange about the whole incident.
Those firecrackers! MSM media was saying one thing and the politicians were saying another. Foreigners are not amateurish in setting off bombs they usually know what they are doing.
I dunno, whatever is in the dark will come to the light.
Anonymous 2:45:
"As a white upper middle class guy I want to apologize for him not being white upper middle class guy. I know CAIR, Muslims, every white person in Berkeley, and people who are obsessed with how crappy racial profiling is was hoping it was.
I'm ashamed of my people. We let you down"
Why is that? If it had been they wasn't gone do anything to them, but give them probation or let them plea the insanity rap. You forget this is Amerika.
No_slappz said:
"greatest fear? No. I'm not black. Hence, I'm not on the likely list of targets."
No...you are not on thelist of targets for what Cf calls "street pirates" simply because you don't have the werewithal to be on those streets....
However...This Pakastani guy...HE'S targeting YOU...and people who look like you.
@ Granny:
wow...it wasn't a white boy...the world is getting so twisted...;)
Who won the wager...?
Agape, I guess we all lost. Shame ain't it? LOL!
one of the anons said:
"As a white upper middle class guy I want to apologize for him not being white upper middle class guy. I know CAIR, Muslims, every white person in Berkeley, and people who are obsessed with how crappy racial profiling is was hoping it was.
I'm ashamed of my people. We let you down."
I thought middle class white boys were struggling to be part of the real white power structure...I didn't think they had time for bomb making...I thought you guys left that for the poor white boys...wow...everytime I come to this blog I learn something new...:)
Night everyone, I'm going to bed. Have a blessed night and Peaceful dreams!
@ Granny:
Even the middleclass white boy was disappointed....lol
However, YOUR FRIEND no_slappz :p
placed her wager that is was one of hers as well...
Now here lies the irony...white boys have such a bad rap that EVEN THE WHITE BOYS thought it was a white boy....
Now that's deep...they profiled themselves...I have been saying ever since they put Martha Stewart in jail that we would be seeing some different things here...:-/
agape2010, you wrote:
No...you are not on thelist of targets for what Cf calls "street pirates" simply because you don't have the werewithal to be on those streets....
Wherewithal to be on those streets? What does that mean?
I live in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. But I do not walk around the black areas between midnight and 6 a.m.
You wrote:
However...This Pakastani guy...HE'S targeting YOU...and people who look like you.
This muslim idiot was attempting to kill and/or maim anyone and everyone near the bomb-carrying vehicle. In other words, he hoped to kill without bias.
Meanwhile, he attempted to kill people in Times Square, a place that is filled mostly with non-residents. As terrorism strategies go, the idea of killing tourists seems lame.
no_slappz said...
I live in the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. But I do not walk around the black areas between midnight and 6 a.m.
And I live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in metro DC and I don't walk around during those times either, so what's your effin' point?
U.S. citizen from Pakistan arrested in Times Square bomb case
Washington Post
Tuesday, May 4, 2010; 6:17 AM
Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. announced early Tuesday that an arrest had been made in the failed Times Square car bombing, saying that Faisal Shahzad, a 30-year-old American, was taken into custody at John F. Kennedy International Airport as he tried to fly to Dubai on Monday night.
Authorities said Shahzad, who is of Pakistani origin and lived in Connecticut, had paid cash for a Nissan Pathfinder that was found packed with explosives Saturday night on a tourist-crowded block in midtown Manhattan. The vehicle was set ablaze but failed to detonate.
Officials located Shahzad after a sweeping two-day investigation that yielded what senior Obama administration officials described as a flood of international and domestic clues suggesting a plot involving more than one person.
meandmymicroscope, you wrote:
And I live in one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in metro DC and I don't walk around during those times either, so what's your effin' point?
Two points.
First, one can walk around safely at all hours in white NY City neighborhoods.
Second, agape2010 confused me with his statement: you are not on the list of targets for what Cf calls "street pirates" simply because you don't have the werewithal to be on those streets
Does "not having the w(h)erewithal" mean I have no money in my pocket? No gun for protection? What?
The guy they are holding for this is Pakistani, not a Glenn Beck type...just likely very light skinned.
Interesting comments. I've observed the comments section here on and off for a long time. But over the past few months, this has become the purview of trolls. When one goes, another comes to take his place. Each of the trolls seems to have a disdain for Black people in some capacity. I think I'll refrain from commenting for a while so I can see how these comments evolve in a few weeks.
no slappz
"First, one can walk around safely at all hours in white NY City neighborhoods."
Aww, you're full of dung.
If you really don't believe there are crackheads and muggers in Bensonhurst or Rockaway, you're not just a racist but a stupid ass racist.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
If you really don't believe there are crackheads and muggers in Bensonhurst or Rockaway, you're not just a racist but a stupid ass racist.
Inasmuch as you live out of town, it is no surprise you are unfamiliar with crime patterns in the neighborhoods you mentioned.
Even the safest neighborhoods have a little crime. Usually crimes against property, such as breaking into cars. And occasional burglaries, like the burglaries that suddenly spiked last month in part of my neighborhood. However, the neighborhood thief was a typical knucklehead whose incompetence led to his arrest after about a week of hitting homes.
It was no shock to anyone when a 15-year-old minority youth was collared.
As for the Rockaways, well, big changes have been underway out there over the last few years. However, the crime problem is still significant from Beach 68th down to Beach 1st. No whites live in that section of the Rockaways.
Notice that no_slappz is full of excuses in her attempt to paint all whites as angels. They do no wrong. Only those black, brown, and foreigners have bad people. LOL!
I remember when I used to live in a predominantly white city and hadn't even finish unpacking before I got to get an eye full. They just don't broadcast their crime and keep it on the down low, but eagerly run and highlight everyone elses. The kids was off the hook.
no_slappz is without a doubt full of dung.
BTW, these were not poor white folks either, they were middleclass. no_slappz lives in a fantasy world because there are good and bad in all groups of people.
That man that was seen in the video taking off his shirt was sorta bald-headed. The man they are showing as the captured suspect has a head full of hair. That's strange!
See y'all later.
BTW, and it probably is a white man and they are trying to cover it up now because they blew it.
Wow. It's a real shame to see you warp into a Louis Farakhan type. I thought you were a better person than that.
BTW, and it probably is a white man and they are trying to cover it up now because they blew it.
Wow. It's a real shame to see you warp into a Louis Farakhan type. I thought you were a better person than that.
Pakistani Taliban leader Hakimullah Mehsud has claimed responsibility for the Times Square incident. He's also claims to be readying a string of terrorist attacks to be carried out against major American cities.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"BTW, and it probably is a white man and they are trying to cover it up now because they blew it."
What a fucking moron.
"I remember when I used to live in a predominantly white city and hadn't even finish unpacking before I got to get an eye full. They just don't broadcast their crime and keep it on the down low, but eagerly run and highlight everyone elses. The kids was off the hook."
And don't be a black walking through a working white city neighborhood.
I have a childhood friend who has been walking around with one eye for 30 years from a beating he took from some white thugs in the Mt Carmel neighborhood of the Bronx.
No one was arrested even though my friend said there were dozens of (white) people on the street that day.
That "no snitchin" thang I guess.
I hear ya, uptown. What I find hilarious is how some of these anonymous folks have the nerve to get uptight when black folks is having a little fun jesting, but when no_slappz came on here spouting out that poisonous superiority BS and racist convo, there wasn't one peep out of them. Nope, not one word and that let's you know how much their beliefs line up with hers. Yeah, I guess it's a "no snitchin thang" too.
Nevertheless, I'm not lightening up on no_slappz, because I'm on a mission to kill a "superiority attitude demon", and nothing they say or do is gonna stop me. I know who I am, and I am who God says I am at any given moment. None of them are qualified to define me. So, they are preaching to the choir.
"greatest fear? No. I'm not black. Hence, I'm not on the likely list of targets."
Then why does she go around on black blogs bringing it up so much? Oh, I forgot, she has a fetish for painting all nonwhite people as worthless, non- contributory, dismissing their accomplishments, and putting whites on a pedestal as the superior beings of the world. I guess it's that superiority myth she's grown accustomed to and that has been instilled in her, huh?
"Interesting comments. I've observed the comments section here on and off for a long time. But over the past few months, this has become the purview of trolls. When one goes, another comes to take his place. Each of the trolls seems to have a disdain for Black people in some capacity."
Demons come in groups. That's why your seeing so many of them, lately.
I hear ya, uptown. What I find hilarious is how some of these anonymous folks have the nerve to get uptight when black folks is having a little fun jesting,
You aren't jesting Granny; you're a race baiter and a conspiracy theorist. I don't condone white supremacist nonsense either. There's more than enough racial issues without the trolls on here and people like yourself throwing fuel on the fire.
Anonymous 6:04:
You would laugh at that Granny. What's with you and trafficking in generalizations? Nonsensical racial conspiracy theories aren't going to help anything; they sabotage constructive dialogue. Considering all the white supremacist and other trolls on this blog, there's no need for more sabotage.
Anonymous 6:38:
Yup and I'm still laughing. LOL!
Laugh all you want Granny. As long as there's still some serious folks on here it will be okay. However, this blog seems to be getting more and more people on both sides of the spectrum that are interested in perpetuating sterotypes,conspiracy theories, and other nonsense.
Anonymous 6:54:
I feel ya! LOL!
@ no_slappz:
The werewithal (no H) I speak of is that you do not have what it takes to walk the streets that so called "street pirates" inhabit because it is so obvious Stevie Wonder can tell that you are of the scary type...you won't even go outside of your Flatbush neighborhood between midnight and six in the morning...it's a shame to be that afraid of your own neighborhood...why don't you move to the upper east...? or at least to Park Slope...? I never cared for Flatbush...but we all have our preferences...:)
I don't know any women in any city that walk alone at that time of the night...people will think your a hooker...especially in Flatbush...:)
Tell me what does no slappz mean? You don't want anybody slapping you?
Just asking...
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Anonymous 6:38:
"Yup and I'm still laughing. LOL!"
Fearlessly the idiot faced the crowd.......
@ one of those anons said:
"However, this blog seems to be getting more and more people on both sides of the spectrum that are interested in perpetuating sterotypes,conspiracy theories, and other nonsense."
The name of the blog is called FILED NEGRO...exactly what type of people do you think a name like that is going to attract...?
Field Negroes have been sterotyped, have/had conspiracies for their demise and have had t put up with white folks nonsense for a very long time...
The name of the blog should tell you what type of people will be attracted to a blog such as this...
We may fuss, fight, argue and get mad at one another...but it is easy to detect that there are a lot of Field Negroes on this blog...
TY agape...well said. :)
agape2010 said...
I don't know any women in any city that walk alone at that time of the night...people will think your a hooker...especially in Flatbush...:)
I think you're on to something here about No Slapz, LOL!!!!
As for the type of people who post here, I think you describe the group just about right with a notable exception being the regulars who post as assnonymously. No doubt I'd be "more regular" if I didn't have to look forward to being called a cunt by an assnonymously posting punk with the heart of a chicken.
uptownstever, you wrote:
I have a childhood friend who has been walking around with one eye for 30 years from a beating he took from some white thugs in the Mt Carmel neighborhood of the Bronx.
Your brief tale lacks compelling details, which means it might be a tale of a black (presumably, but you did not mention your friend's race) victimized by a group of brutal whites. Or some important facts may have been ignored for the sake of your narrative.
Frankly, since you were not at the scene and your friend has no credibility, who knows which parts are true and false?
uptownstever, you wrote:
I have a childhood friend who has been walking around with one eye for 30 years from a beating he took from some white thugs in the Mt Carmel neighborhood of the Bronx.
Your brief tale lacks compelling details, which means it might be a tale of a black (presumably, but you did not mention your friend's race) victimized by a group of brutal whites. Or some important facts may have been ignored for the sake of your narrative.
Frankly, since you were not at the scene and your friend has no credibility, who knows which parts are true and false?
agape2010, you wrote:
it's a shame to be that afraid of your own neighborhood...
I live in a mostly white part of Flatbush, an area known as Victorian Flatbush. Off the Q train. It is a safe area, partly because the NY City Chief of Police is my neighbor.
You suggested:
why don't you move to the upper east...? or at least to Park Slope...?
For a number of years I lived on the Upper East Side. In fact, I was born there. After leaving Manhattan, I moved to the neighborhood next door to Park Slope and then to my little corner of Victorian Flatbush.
As for the origin of "no_slappz", well, it was originally "no_slapps", which is an acronym for No Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation. You can take it from there.
People seem to think words are spelled however they like. But "wHerewithal" includes an "H".
As for that goofy granny, it is a result of her obvious lunacy that she has decided I am female.
Like much of what she spews, she is wrong. I am male.
"As for that goofy granny, it is a result of her obvious lunacy that she has decided I am female."
"Like much of what she spews, she is wrong. I am male."
no_slappz, I'm glad to hear that your sex-change was successful, but you still in the words of Doonsbury, "yousa..."
no_slappz, you believe that everything blacks have to say is wrong,you dismiss their accomplishments. Or falsely accuse them of being incorrect and that includes anything in history that is documented.Even when you are showed proof you come up with some BS and deny it as reality. You go around on black blogs for one specific purpose and that is to denigrate black people and other minorities.
Many white folks have kicked you off of their blogs and teachers blogs are not that fond of you either:
Deb Liteweight -- thatdeborahgirl -- writes:
"Listen up "Chris" or "no_slappz" or whatever you call yourself: Barbara Ehrenreich may allow you to spam her blog with your endless rants, but your racist tirades will not be tolerated here at Deb Lite."
"Anything you post here will be deleted."
5:51 PM, October 07, 2007
That's sad. I'm a black woman and whites welcome me on their blog. The only thing you've accomplished on blogs as a matter of fact is being banned from them. The only reason your on Field's blog is because he allows it. You've finally found yourself a perfect nesting place to spout your bigoted BS on that you won't be banned from posting. The only problem you face on here is that you will be called on your BS and no one is exactly going to be rolling out the red carpet for you.
Your credibility on here is zero, minus, negative,and nada. In my honest opinion, you would make a strong candidate for Stormfront. I'm gone be nice for once with you and not go into detail word for word what I really think about you.
Keep your head up, you alright with me. And yes, you are a regular and a field negro. Oh yeah, you got anonymous pegged right too.
Nobody, I mean NOBODY thought the was black. We white folks suspected, correctly as it turns out, that the terorist was an (surprise!) Islamic fundamentalist.
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