Maybe it's nothing. But I am freaking out a little bit over a news story in my local paper. And it's not because of the story itself (although I do have some issues with it), but rather, it's because of the photo that accompanied the story.
Now I am not in the news business, and I know nothing about editing and journalism, so I am going to need one of you experts in this area to tell me when we started covering up pictures of dead animals like we do people. Seriously, if the dog in this picture was not covered, would the folks over at the Philadelphia Inquirer even consider running the picture?
Look, I know we really love our pets here in A-merry-ca, I have blogged about it before. And, unfortunately, some of you really believe that I don't like animals, when nothing could be farther from the truth. It's just that I have seen too many dead dogs -and cats- lying on the side of -and in the middle of the road to be freaked out if I see the picture of a dead dog in a newspaper. Does that make me heartless or less caring about our four legged friends? I think not.
Honestly,I can't remember if I have ever seen a dead domestic animal's pic in a news paper or news magazine. Is that something editors sit around and talk about?
"Bob we have a really good shot of the poor dog after the officer shot it." "Is he covered?" "No, he isn't." "Well we can't run it."
I love animals, I really do. And when Fido checks out I am sure that the last thing that poor Fido's owner wants to suffer is the indignity of seeing him dead and uncovered like some human in the street. That just seems so....well, Third World. Now that I think about it (and speaking of Third World) I think that they covered up the dead people in Haiti, too. Oh wait, maybe not. But I digress.
Still, animals, like people, can sometimes snap. And unfortunately, like people, this is why they can sometimes end up dead in the street.
"They all said he was a nice dog.
But something inside Zeus snapped yesterday morning.
The American bulldog who loved dog biscuits and backscratches went berserk and attacked an 11-year-old neighbor as the boy and his friend got ready for school in Port Richmond.
Thirteen-year-old Brad Bucher heard his brother Shane screaming and sprinted to help. The scene outside his home on Mercer Street near Tioga seemed straight out of a horror movie: Shane struggled frantically on the sidewalk, Zeus' teeth sunk into his bloodied neck.
"I was trying to push him off, to unlock his jaw. But he was just attacking him," Brad said four hours after the 8 a.m. mauling. "I didn't know what to do. I was panicking and in shock."
Neighbor Bill Reynolds had heard the horror unfolding outside too. Reynolds, 46, grabbed his .357 Magnum, bolted toward the boy and dog and aimed carefully, blasting Zeus twice until its grip on Shane loosened. Brad flew off to call 9-1-1 and his dad..."
R.I.P. Zeus. Sorry you had to go out like that. Still, your soul can take solace in the fact that the Inquirer treated your lifeless body with the dignity and respect that it deserves. [Article]
Maybe somebody covered the dog so the neighborhood kids wouldn't see it--but I can't imagine why the paper would run a photo of that.
Fuck that stupid-ass dog. I wish I was there to spit on it.
Oh lord, If it was an inbred trophy pooch, those things tend to go crazy when old, better to own a good old mutt from the pound.
Maybe the dog was already covered by the time the photographer arrived and it might have been uncomfortable to ask that it be uncovered for a photo.
Or maybe the .357 punched some nasty holes in the beast and the editors didn't want to confront readers with dog entrails over their morning coffee.
I love animals but this dog attacked a child. I will cosign with Shabazz and say fuck this dog. I think the editorial concern should be about the boy rather than Zeus.
If I had an editor for my comments s/he would have changed my last sentence to read:
I think the editorial concern should be about Shane rather than Zeus.
Say what you want about Shabazz, but he always speaks his mind.
RT and Gregory, I thought about that. But then...why shoot the picture of the dog covered in the first place? Why not a picture of the boy that was attacked?
"Oh lord, If it was an inbred trophy pooch,"
Chris, what is an "inbred trophy pooch"? :)
BTW Gregory, I see where Messi was talking smack about Ashley Cole's wife. Isn't Argentina in England's WC group? Should be fun. :)
Oh well, back to the LeBrons. Hey you folks from Cleveland, good luck tonight. :(
story says the owner covered it. dunno. most newspapers have no news hole these days so why they'd blow space running a photo like that that is beyond me. no newspaper i ever worked for would have.
Argentina is in Group B with Nigeria, North Korea and Greece. I predict Argentina will finish at the top of the group, despite Maradona, with Nigeria finishing second.
England is in Group C with the USA, Algeria and Slovenia. BTW, the USA's first game is with England on June 12 and has promise to be an historic match.
I could be wrong but I think it would not be possible for England to meet Argentina until the finals. Given the history between the two countries that would be something to see.
The WC is always full of surprises but I could see England meeting France in the quarterfinals. However, if the US finish at the top of their group, which would require them to beat England in pool play, then they would probably face Ghana in the Round of 16, and France afterward if they won.
I could see the US finishing second in their pool, which would make Germany their likely opponent in the Round of 16. If the US won that match (stranger things have happened) then they would likely face Argentina in the quarterfinals.
I agree with you Mr. Field, the media doesn't mind showing human bodies, if they are brown bodies that is. In fact I can't remember the last time I saw a White persons uncovered body on TV.
They do the same thing with the breasts of non-White women in other countries. (National Geographic corned the market on this I think) They say it's okay becasue it's indiginous nudity.
But the breasts of a White woman, never. I remember seeing a report on ABC about the topless beaches in Southern France and they blurred the breasts of the women. Isn't that indigenous nudity as well?
And...Boo LeBron!
cosign @Val
Yes, I was wrong. England could face Argentina in the quarter-finals if they place second in their pool and beat their opponent (Germany most likely) in the Round of 16. That would mean the US would have to win their pool, over England.
Possible but not likely. But that is why they play the games, because anything is technically possible.
"But the breasts of a White woman, never. I remember seeing a report on ABC about the topless beaches in Southern France and they blurred the breasts of the women. Isn't that indigenous nudity as well?"
Val, excellent observation. Well said.
And I'm with Shabazz too, LOL.
Field, you well know the PETA brigade would have their ass in a guillotine minute. I'll even bet some PETA cadet is already questioning why the shooter couldn't find some other way (until it becomes their child who's being viciously mauled by a butt sniffer with locked teeth). I like domestic pets/animals, but that dog deserved it. Too bad.
I never liked dogs that surpass the height of ones calves anyway. (And what is it with most black people and the fear of big dogs?).
Shabazz said...
"Fuck that stupid-ass dog."
Hey Shabazz I'm hopin' you screw the pooch. It's the only ass you could get for less than $50.
Here, this will take your mind off doggies, Field
@ FN:
A broader point...
Not only are people going berserk but the animals are too...
My final World Cup post of the night because, unlike CF, I realize what is tedious to most. FIFA released the provisional squads for the participating 32 nations.
It is interesting reading for those interested in the World Cup. For everybody else, it is deadly dull. Fair warning.
FIFA Provisional List
You claim to love pets but you weren't offended when Michael Vick was abusing those pit bulls. As I recall, you didn't think Vick should have gone to prison for killing all of those dogs. Seems to me that you don't value the lives of animals.
I also recall your claim that dogs shouldn't be kept in the same house with humans, let alone sleep in the house.
If you really care and love dogs, why don't you have a pet that lives "inside" your house? Prove to everyone that you love pets.
Get one. Also, post a picture of you and Fido dining together 'in' your house at the dining table like family.
Many of the 'pure breed' trophy dogs, even normally harmless ones like Saint Bernards, have had their DNA so concentrated over years of breeding them that they run hazards of physical or mental breakdowns later in life.
They can end up with hip problems as in the case of German Shepherds, as they age or they can suddenly snap and go crazy.
It's like the Royalty of Old Europe. After centuries of only 'mating' with others of their 'breed' they developed strange problems, hemophilia, growing a vestigial tail, etc.
People often get expensive pure breed dogs with pedigree papers for bragging rights but if you just like pooches because of their basic dog qualities, you are better off with a mutt.
I also recall your claim that dogs shouldn't be kept in the same house with humans, let alone sleep in the house.
If you really care and love dogs, why don't you have a pet that lives "inside" your house? Prove to everyone that you love pets."
Not true! In fact, I wrote about havng a pet in law school (my black lab Virgo. May his soul rest in peace) who always stayed in the house with me. That is until my girl refused to come over with him in the house. :(
As for Vick, yes I thought the sentence was a excessive.
Gregory, thanks for the WC update. And no, we can never get enough football talk. I am picking either Germany, Spain, or Argentina this year. With Brazil and England as the dark horses.
"Field, you well know the PETA brigade would have their ass in a guillotine minute. I'll even bet some PETA cadet is already questioning why the shooter couldn't find some other way"
@what Val said: Hmmmmmmmm
If you see a raging dog, just cut out and go away, but very slowly. These poor creatures have been abused by their owners in most cases. A killer dog is its owner's mirror so to speak.
We have strict rules here in Germany: Each dog which is bigger than 40 cm (shoulder height) has to wear a muzzle. In buses or trains always. The rules differ from state to state.
Such incidents are still happening here monthly. But I have never seen a picture like that in any newspaper. This is quite unique.
i reckon what you is seeing here is another example of the sentimentalism that is inherent (essential?) for the functioning of a capitalist society such as our own.
if you're not gonna take the time to actually care about (or at least look after) the people that live in your society, people feel the need to make up for it, as they feel, otherwise, there is 'something missing'.
this is why we care so much for our pets, like stories about kids surviving earthquakes and always want the good guy to win out.
unless, of course, you happen to have seen through the reasoning behind such thinking. in which case it just makes you feel a bit sick. or annoyed. or plain angry.
I thought y'all had Gun Control up there in Yankee Land??? Now if someone would just shoot Michael Vick...
OK, I've always liked Dogs, even my Moms German Shepherd "Blondi" who used to hump my leg, and nothin wierd, but she had a blind eye and outweighed my by 40 lbs.(Blondi, not my Mom)
And except for my Wifes Pommeranian, who still humps my leg, and I can't really make any excuses cause I outweigh her by 130 lbs(the dog, not my wife)
TBS, sometimes Dogs just need to be shot, you know, when they bite a child, kill another dog, shit in my yard..
Frank, I'd rather be shooting Dogs, Drackman
I love dogs but, he did the right thing shooting it. We've had 4 kids mauled by pit bulls in one month here.
Kids trump dogs.
Enough about dogs. In Illinois, a group of Republicans joined with a majority of Democrats to ensure that dark-skinned inner city kids remain trapped in the state's worst schools. Many of the dissenting Republicans opposing the Republican-sponsored voucher plan happen to be paid lackeys of the greatest enemy of children's education... the Teacher Unions. From today’s Chicago Tribune :
"Leading the House GOP opposition was one Rep. Roger Eddy, a double dipper from downstate Hutsonville. According to a Family Taxpayers Foundation database, Eddy gets $90,000 as a school superintendent, and his wife, Rebecca, a teacher in one of his schools, earns $40,000. That's in addition to the $68,880 plus per diem he receives as a state legislator. Wait, there's more. According to the Illinois State Board of Elections, state teachers unions have given him $79,182 over nine years in campaign contributions, including $7,750 from the Chicago Teachers Union. You fill in the blanks about why Chicago teachers would be working for the election of a Republican from a town that's a four-hour drive away."
Those campaign donations to Democrats, by the way, are taxpayer dollars laundered through the Teacher Unions in the form of mandatory dues.
Somebody should arrange a boycott of Illinois or something.
That's why I have cats. They also warn you by bring you dead animals to put on your stoop when the food dish isn't being filled on time...
And then there is this cat -
Poor animal. I really love dogs. What a sad way for him to die.
Here's Roland Martin's recent statement (on Facebook) about Lebron James:
" I love Avery Johnson. But ain't no way in hell New Jersey is the best fit for LeBron. That team is more odious than the Knicks!"
My reply:
"Roland I beg to differ.
LeBron is exactly what New Jersey needs right now!"
I just took my dog to the vet today because her foot was hurt. They feel. (as I eat my kung pao chicken, sorry chicken buddy, I'm a hypocrite and I hardly knew ya.
Any dog that attacks a human should be put down, no question.
But there are quite a few humans that I'd like to see put down as well.
Shady_Grady said...
"Any dog that attacks a human should be put down, no question.
But there are quite a few humans that I'd like to see put down as well.
Shady, that's Shabazz!
common fucking decency. Something a number of commentators lack. Why is that?
I like animals. I'm black and only people who ever hurt me were black people, especially when their really black and know it too.
"I like animals. I'm black and only people who ever hurt me were black people, especially when their really black and know it too."
Farman, you are crazy. :)
re: sidebar Booman Tribune
I knew that. Watching a show that featured buyers choosing and financing their mortgage gave me a clue. I started to wonder when did it become possible to finance the down payment?
Animals snap, people snap. I know folks love their animals but life will go on and I would rather have a loved one around than the dog.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Hathor, I am glad you checked out that article, it's pretty insightful.
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