I have said this before, and it is worth repeating for the purpose of this post: I think Orenthal J. Simpson murdered his wife and that young man on that tragic summer day in Los Angeles, California. And, I am sure, if most black folks are honest with you, they will tell you that they think he is guilty as well. That includes the black jurors who sat in judgement of him and found him not guilty.
White folks were fit to be tied after that verdict. They wondered how we could see what was clearly an overwhelming case for a murder conviction and find the man not- guilty. All that evidence-both circumstantial and direct-and yet he was found not guilty. How could those Negroes think that way?
Well, I will tell you how: It's because Negroes in A-merry-ca continue to see verdicts like that one down in Bellaire, Texas. How could a young man from a solid upper middle class family be shot in his own driveway? No weapon. No criminal record. Not committing a crime. Shot by a police officer -in a somewhat affluent suburb of Houston- who thought the young man was stealing his own damn car.
“As the jury’s finding clearly demonstrates, Sgt. Cotton acted in conformance and in full accordance with standard police training,” said Bellaire City Attorney Bill Helfand.
Yep, that would be Texas training for all of you in the other 49 states. See a suspicious black man, shoot first and ask questions later.
Of course, as is to be expected, black folks in the Houston area are pissed. But don't worry, I am pretty sure that they won't be going all L.A. on us. Those Negroes down south tend to be a little more laid back.
"Dozens of angry protestors gathered in front of the Bellaire Police Department, a day after Sgt. Jeffery Cotton was acquitted of shooting an unarmed black man named Robert Tolan."There is no such thing as the Fresh Prince of Bellaire in Bellaire Texas," said Community Activist, Deric Muhammad. "You are not safe in Harris County driving while black."Chanting "Rotten Cotton
has got to go", demonstrators were demanding that the officer not be allowed to return to work, and even made open threats against him and the police department."
The man's name is Cotton, you can't make this shit up, folks. "Fresh Prince in Bellaire"? That's the problem with you Negroes in A-merry-ca, you believe everything you see on TV.
“I thought he was pulling a gun to shoot me,” Cotton said. “The only option I had was to pull my weapon and fight back. If you wait to see the weapon, you’ve already been shot.”In prior testimony Thursday, both Tolan and his mother, Marian, said that Robbie never rose above his knees before being shot. Cotton disputed this Friday.“He jumped up,” said Cotton.After shooting Tolan in what Cotton considered self-defense, Cotton said: “I start checking him for weapons. When I can’t find the gun, I asked him what he was reaching for. He was groaning.”“I said a prayer for him,” continued Tolan. “I was happy he was going to live.”
See, now if that was Will Smith, they would have just said "cut!"
Yet another valid reason to hate Texas.
Damn, and this fool isn't in prison? Was the car reported stolen or anything? Was there any sign he had a gun? This man had no weapon and was shot in his own drive way. This cop deserves to be put under the prison.
Proof that a rich Black kid is just a young Nigga with money. And should serve as a warning to all our Black conservative friends who want to join hands in Kumbya with the Tea Party -- These Devils Don't Like You.
There is honestly no place safe for a Black man in America. Except his own grave. Hopefully Obama will grow a pair if the question is asked and not pull any 'Beer Summit' crap.
"How could a young man from a solid upper middle class family be shot in his own driveway?"
are you saying that if he was from a working class family this kind of shooting would perfectly understandable? That ain't field negro behaviour.
"If you wait to see the weapon, you’ve already been shot"
The rules of engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan generally decree that before you shoot Hadji you have to establish that he had a weapon. In a perverse way, I suppose that makes Kandahar and Fallujah safer than Houston.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, here comes CF to tell us why the Street Pirates are to blame for this.
"There is honestly no place safe for a Black man in America."
Oh Lordy the black man the black man, blah blah blah, forget about everybody else, the black man the black man blah blah blah.
I remember writing about this incident on my blog when it first broke. If I remember correctly, this shooting was the third in a row in the space of one week around the time of the Oscar Grant murder at the hands of BART police in Oakland.
I tell you what...
Not too many people remember this one. But let the same thing happen in the Oscar Grant case, and Negroes would lose their minds.
I hope they do go all L.A. and shit should that happen. If so, I couldn't think of a more perfect occasion for me to get one of those plasma TVs I've wanted for a while.
But wait a minute... this happened in Texas, didn't it? Same state where Joe Horn was a hero for shooting two unarmed burglars who just got through robbing his neighbor's house, right? Yeah, forget the riots Hustonians. There are people like Joe Horn who would just love to go Coon hunting.
If the damn street pirates didn't actually steal the cars, the cops wouldn't have justifiable suspicion to suspect other black men.
Good ole Bellaire, TX. It's well known here in Houston that you have more of a chance of getting a ticket in Bellaire than any other suburb in the Houston / Galveston area.
Just think, if one of those cops had better data entry skills, none of this would have ever happened. Apparently one of the cops entered the wrong license plate number so they thought the young man's vehicle was stolen.
This is a tragic situation, and certainly one where the cop made a horrible mistake, but running with it as some indictment of race in American society is indulging neuroses.
Thank God the young man lived.
Them saying that the police officer acted in accordance with police procedure in this case is even worse than the Philly chief of police saying the same thing when they tazed that white boy during the baseball game. If these incidents are examples of proper police procedure, then someone really needs to reevaluate just what the role of the police is.
Personally, I think theyre getting a wee bit lazy...being a police officer is a job that requires a lot of physical exertion. If youre not wiling to get your hands dirty sometimes (like actually catching a baseball game trespasser as opposed to just using electricity) then perhaps you shouldnt join the police force.
I'm so glad my father never returned to Texas when he retired from active duty or else guess where I'd be living?
This case makes me sad and angry. Sad because I have fond memories of his father playing baseball here in San Diego, and mad because... well, it easily could be someone like me.
"Oh Lordy the black man the black man, blah blah blah, forget about everybody else, the black man the black man blah blah blah."
Hell is your problem? Field is a conscientous black person (something I admire about the man)who will give coverage to issues that might affect we black people through his blog.
Issues that mig....are almost guarantied to get passed over or outright downplayed by the MSM. And despite field's focus on us, he will still do post about white people.
So I don't know what's eating you, but if you want to be inundated with nothing but whiteness, I would suggest you go elsewhere.
It's interesting that Cocoa_Goddess mentions Bellaire doling out more citations than other Houston / Galveston suburbs because I have probably been accosted more times by cops in my hometown of League City than anywhere else.
Then stay outta Bellaire Frosty because they'll get you for sure!
@ FN:
It is and always has been open season on black men...
Especially the young ones...whites fear the black man...which is why they have been trying to kill them for generations.
I will say it again...
This summer will be full of horror and terror.
I'm don't think that blacks in the south are all that "laid back"...if a few of those young boys can catch Cotton alone...or simply driving down the street...you may see some street pirate justice :)
White boys aint the only ones that know how to feed the alligators (yes - said it- and what ;)
@ FN:
About OJ - you know, that I know that you know since he was found not guilty- in the eyes of the law he's not guilty.
White boys buy justice all the time - now OJ made it possible for blacks to buy it as well.
We asked for a level playing field...
Does that make it right? No...it makes it Amerryca...
You already know...
@ LACoin:
"Proof that a rich Black kid is just a young Nigga with money."
Sho' you right!
"There is honestly no place safe for a Black man in America."
Are you thinking what I'm thinking...;)
"I'm don't think that blacks in the south are all that "laid back"...if a few of those young boys can catch Cotton alone...or simply driving down the street...you may see some street pirate justice :)"
One of these days, one of these so-called "street pirates", especially one with a cold heart and a presence of mind to do some serious data mining will play tit-for-tat -- only on the cop's family. Cop comes home from a day of "coon hunting" only to find his family being "hunted". It's a fucked up thing, but it's bound to happen.
"It is and always has been open season on black men..."
What you don't think its been open on bw too? As if bm care that much about you to admit they been doing more of the open season on bw's ass a long time ago. You stupid wannabe suckup bitch.
"White boys buy justice all the time - now OJ made it possible for blacks to buy it as well.
We asked for a level playing field...
Does that make it right? No...it makes it Amerryca..."
Another stupid remark from the APEgape.
The prosecutor on this case was a former cop.
Thanks for the heads up Cocoa_Goddess.
Filled Negro:
I am saddened about the tragic loss of Robert Tolan. It is truly unfair that this young man lost his life in such an unnecessary way.
STOP. End of consideration of this one isolated incident.
Now let us focus on a new trend that has not received coverage on AfroSpear.
As I seek to understand your choice to focus on one murder over another I see that the AUTHORITY of the KILLER (aka - SUPERIORITY) plays a part in the matter. Understandably you and others expect more from a Police Officer who legally is allowed to carry a deadly weapon issued to him by the government than you have expectations of a young man who was morphed to the point where his actions brand him a "Street Pirate". The SP got his weapon by special order - from the trunk of the illegal gun trafficker of choice. In your world he has no AUTHORITY. In as much as you see him as "the Least Of These" you similarly have few expectations that he will live up to any particular societal standards.
I have noticed TWO recent incidents in which Street Pirates ACTED as AUTHORITY FIGURES. In Atlanta last week a Black man was shot in the head and murdered as a group of Street Pirates acted as if they were the POLICE. (I will post the video later). As he pushed against the door to keep them from breaking in - THEY SHOT THROUGH THE DOOR - hitting him in the head.
This story in HOUSTON tells of a similar story - Street Pirates posing as Census workers: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/ap/tx/6997248.html
Last weekend in Rockdale County GA a RAPIST was being served a warrant. The sheriff searched his house to arrest him. As they came through the bedroom the rapist shot through the closet door - KILLING one sheriff before he himself was put down. http://www.covnews.com/news/article/12359/
My goal is not to undercut you Filled Negro. Instead it is to understand WHY one murder of an EQUAL HUMAN BEING gets coverage while the other murder of an EQUAL HUMAN BEING gets passed over. This is the case EVEN IF the second type of murder happens 50 times to 1 as compared to the first type of murder that receives AfroSpear coverage.
I am struggling to more than Einstein to understand the FORMULA which details the WORTH of One Police On Black Shooting as compared to some number of Street Pirate on Black shooting. How many SP Killings does it take to trigger an organized community PROTEST?
Filled Negro I AM NOT throwing these larger set of facts in your face to SHUT YOU UP. Quite the reverse. I WANT YOU TO GET MAD OVER EVERY HOMICIDE!!! It can't be just YOU - you have your hands full already just in Philly. http://www.philly.com/philly/living/89343502.html
We need a FILLED NEGRO NETWORK all around the nation who will not just keep up with the murder count by will protest against Street Pirates before they SLASH. In fact we must grab these young men BEFORE they morph into Street pirates.
Robert Tolan's death won't be in vain IF 10 Street Pirates in Houston are turned back into Upstanding Citizens who PROTECT the community rather than ASSAULT IT.
[quote]only on the cop's family. Cop comes home from a day of "coon hunting" only to find his family being "hunted". It's a fucked up thing, but it's bound to happen.[/quote]
You mean like what's happening in MEXICO to-damned-day?
After listening to the "Fight The Power" radio show last night on WRFG ("The Friday Night Drum") I am sure that as they see the POLICE as the biggest criminals in the Black community they won't have a problem with the targeted hit upon the police or federal law enforcement agent. Instead they will see it as "Chickens coming home to roost".
ALL EXCEPT if it is a hit on the family of the FBI Director's Boss's Boss. THEN it will be a RACIST bit of retribution against the law enforcement system.
OJ... my father, who was an experienced investigator, and I was told (by others, not him) that he was one of the best, as well as being no fan of black folks figured this way for OJ:
He would and should get off, as he in fact, did.
He cited, from the onset, cop shennanigans, inept handling of evidence, and the insistance of focusing on OJ when the evidence, which even he could see, didn't fit a single actor. Just wouldn't work, even if race wasn't involved.
If the cops et al played it that dumb, they just should have quit and saved time and money.
This seems to be part of an increasing part of cop culture. Everyone out there is a threat. They must be into SOMETHING, just...what?
Yeah, I agree, the darker the pelt, the better the target, but their range of "interest" is increasing. Ten year old white kids are now fair game to be tasered (read about two such occasions this year) with the same official reaction. As Joe Friday used to say, "Just routine, ma'am".
I DO wonder what they'd do to Mom if she got a taser and used it herself. I think the same cop would arrest the mother for abuse. WHO abuses is everything.
I try to reaquaint people with Niemoller, Yeah, the people they're going for now are browm, but what will you say when they come for you and yours? For the good and sufficient reason that they are a cop and you are not?
Destrcutive Wingnut, reading your comments above is proof positive that you don't really care about, or read the articles before you write. Jusr move forward with your own wingnut agenda at any cost. No matter what the post happens to be about. Iam afraid that some of these folks like Gregory.
THE YOUNG MAN DID NOT DIE. Please read the article and the post again and then get back to us.
CF's cousin, as Lola said, that's why they should be trained. They are police officers. They can't go around shooting law abiding citizens because one segment of the population committs more crime than another....lawd why am I even trying to explain?
George, I am making a point. Do you think there is more crime in Bellaire or in one of the Wards or Southwest Houston?
Gwhizz, as if the stinking Cowgirls aren't enough.
[quote]Destrcutive Wingnut, reading your comments above is proof positive that you don't really care about, or read the articles before you write. Jusr move forward with your own wingnut agenda at any cost.[/quote]
My Friend Filled Negro:
The one thing I learned as a key stress reliever in my life is the folly and foolishness associated with ME hearing people tell me about their views of ME and, failing their ability to SUBSTANTIATE their claims against me my choice to FOLLOW AFTER THEM, SEEKING TO GET THEM TO AGREE WITH ME.
Sorry dude I am past that phase in my mental development.
My "non-caring words" pale in comparison to the "I Don't Give A WHAT" lifestyle that the Street Pirates who are assaulting our community live by.
Filled Negro I just finished watching the morning news. I have videos featuring:
* 2 Black people crying on the TV news triggered by a loved one getting MURDERED in Metro ATL
* 2 Street Pirate Smash and Grab assaults upon businesses
* A southside community that is demanding more police protection from unruly young people that roam at night
The reason why I collect video evidence is to trump people like you who seek to make my observations "ALL ABOUT ME" rather than the FACTS that are before their own eyes.
I empathize with the dead young man in Texas. Indeed when you have an officer of the law with a firearm BOTH parties should follow certain protocols so that the end result is not deadly.
I will tell you this - IF the cops back off and no longer engage people who they suspect are ROBBING private property or cars - the same people in Houston that PROTESTED against the police will be the main people who are made to suffer the most. The Street Pirates would have a field day in this environment.
YOU claiming that I am advancing my agenda is like the lump of coal calling the Gulf oil "black".
People its our own fault!
Injustices such as this won't cease until the Black Community unites and demands via the Legal System (Civil Rights Lawsuits) and Education, that under the U.S. Constitution we have privy to the SAME rights as White America.
Until we stop dividing ourselves for foolish, shallow reasons i.e., Skin Color, Texture of Hair, Eye Color, North vs South birthplace, Fraternity/ Sorority Memberships, Height, I.Q., what Colleges someone attended, Age, et.,
We will remain at the bottom of American Society.
By the way in case your wondering I'm very attractive. My birthplace is NYC. I'm NOT dark-skinned, I have Brown eyes that are almost Hazel colored and I have naturally curly hair which requires No Relaxers or Perms or Weaves.
Why is any of this relevant?
Because I realized long ago the ONLY reason why many Alpha, Omega and Kappa "brothers" were paying me any attention was because of my appearance.
I find such behavior to be very shallow and superficial.
Which is why I married a man (a Brother) who didn't really care about the way I looked on the outside.
In other words my physical appearance may have caught his eye, but my deep compassion for helping Low Income, Under Privileged Children is what captured his heart.
United We Stand, Divided We Fall because the struggle isn't over! (Black Panther Party Fist)
"There can be no Black-White Unity until there is first some black unity.... We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves."
Malcom X
co-sign with anon @ 3;12! agape, you are beyond disgusting.
this case stinks, and i hope the family appeals. they have a pending civil suit against the officer.
btw, OJ's wife's family did win their civil suit against OJ. and everyone knows OJ is guilty esp. after he wrote a book called "If I Had Done it." remember that?!!
this isn't the only case of police profiling or abuse in this city.
No Matter how much income , or were you may be able to purchase a home. Money cannot buy the full meaning of the Amerikkkan dream. They just allow a few people who aren't white to rent it for a while. Until they get caught slip,n.
@agape2010 - I feel you,if this had happened in Memphis or Miami,good ole boy Cotten would have to relocate.
Damn Cracker needs some remedial target practice...
In the US what is the total number of cops?
How many are white?
Excluding target practice, each year, how many shots to cops fire in the line of duty?
How many people are shot by cops each year?
How many of those shootings are committed without sufficient justification?
Clearly the Tolan case is one.
How many illegal guns are in the hands of blacks?
Every year, how many shootings are committed by blacks? How many murders?
I thought the police were suppose to be distinct from criminals.
Chelsea won the FA Cup today, beating Portsmouth 1-0. It was the first double (FA Cup & League title) in the club's 105 year history.
The winning goal was scored by Didier Drogba in the 59th minute, his 37th of the season.
I will now return to the regularly scheduled Street Pirate show.
Blogger no_slappz said...
In the US what is the total number of cops?
How many are white?
Excluding target practice, each year, how many shots to cops fire in the line of duty?
How many people are shot by cops each year?
How many of those shootings are committed without sufficient justification?
Clearly the Tolan case is one.
How many illegal guns are in the hands of blacks?
Every year, how many shootings are committed by blacks? How many murders?
9:54 AM
More cops are killed by suicide than in the line of duty, no slapz, so what's your point?
FN: i'm not sure if OJ was guilty & honestly? i REALLY don't care. but given all the evidence u do know that the prosecution DESERVED to lose-- the evidence-gathering was sloppy, the detective work was sloppy & Marcia Clark's hair was even sloppier. having said that: i DO think he KNOWS who killed them. but again, i SOOOO don't care.
but TEXAS is a new breed of reminiscent of days-gone-by of cops "night-sticking the colored folks." i'm sure he was wearing those cool aviator glasses and had toothpick "jauntily" hanging from his lips as he did his 'Sheriff Buford T. Justice' impersonation. so needless to say; given what we've been reading about Texas for the past decade; some of the worst things about American culture has become par-for-the-course.
[quote]This case makes me sad and angry. Sad because I have fond memories of his father playing baseball here in San Diego, and mad because... well, it easily could be someone like me.
What an irony.
I just turned on my DVR and then went to the basement to get a beer.
Guess what is on the television for me to record to a Flash video for posting on my blog?
GANGLAND - Vabdetta If Blood - The Most Violent Gang In San Diego
I think that the people in San Diego are more scared of this Blood gang than they are the cops.
[quote]We will remain at the bottom of American Society.[/quote]
Laurel - Who is WE?
"I", nor any member of my extended family is NOT at the BOTTOM of American Society.
Not that it matters - but:
* I have a better education that the average American (notice I didn't say "White American")
* My income is higher than the average American.
WHAT about ME or my family should force ME to consider myself AT THE BOTTOM RUNG OF AMERICAN SOCIETY?
I am not saying this in the spirit of "I got mine you've got to get your own". Only making the case that TODAY, more than ever before in this nation we cannot assume that a generalized statement about Black folks is true.
Are you trying to make this a "Black Thang" when it ISN'T? (Kinda like Crack is a Black drug when there are no traits in Crack that make it more attractive to Black folks.)
I am more interested in you detailing how the Black folks who DO accept your premise can become the "UNLEAST OF THESE" though.
(We should be better allies than adversaries based on your values. I think there is an ego thing going on - you know - an artificial divide. I am a Sigma by the way.)
I don't know about who was shot, but MAN O MAN I love that Will Smith. He can do me ANYTIME!
black grl #1 said...
"FN: i'm not sure if OJ was guilty & honestly? i REALLY don't care."
Translation: I am incredibly stupid AND completely devoid of a sense of morality.
You go grl!
"People its our own fault!
Injustices such as this won't cease until the Black Community unites and demands via the Legal System (Civil Rights Lawsuits) and Education, that under the U.S. Constitution we have privy to the SAME rights as White America.
Until we stop dividing ourselves for foolish, shallow reasons i.e., Skin Color, Texture of Hair, Eye Color, North vs South birthplace, Fraternity/ Sorority Memberships, Height, I.Q., what Colleges someone attended, Age, et.,
We will remain at the bottom of American Society.
By the way in case your wondering I'm very attractive. My birthplace is NYC. I'm NOT dark-skinned, I have Brown eyes that are almost Hazel colored and I have naturally curly hair which requires No Relaxers or Perms or Weaves.
Why is any of this relevant?
Because I realized long ago the ONLY reason why many Alpha, Omega and Kappa "brothers" were paying me any attention was because of my appearance.
I find such behavior to be very shallow and superficial."
what a load of horse shit. an innocent is almost killed in his own driveway having not committed ANY crime other than apparently parking while black, and this is some how the entire black america's fault?!
oh, and i would recommend that you NOT go around talking about how attractive (and light-skinned) you are and then feign displeasure for that being the reason anyone pays attention to you.
i have been learning here about colorism, and man, you got it bad.
sorry, i've got to agree with CF and anon above about you. i mean, seriously, WTF sense are you trying to make here? your parallels to this shooting are completely whacked.
Laurel said...
>>"People its our own fault!
Injustices such as this won't cease until the Black Community unites and demands via the Legal System (Civil Rights Lawsuits) and Education, that under the U.S. Constitution we have privy to the SAME rights as White America."<<
Good idea Laurel! Let's start a Civil Rights Movement! All we need to do is find us a southern preacher-type to lead us, we could protest segregated lunch counters, maybe even organize a march somewhere.....hmmm, how about Selma?
Thanks for sharing that you have hazel eyes, are not dark skinned, have deep compassion for Low Income, Under Privileged Children, and that you have the mind of a 9 year old.
That was perhaps the dumbest post I have ever read here, and that includes Granny, AGAPE, and ISEEISEE. Congratulations.
Field, I can tell you that Southwest Houston is getting pretty bad. Bellaire is actually located in a pocket of Southwest Houston that isn't really a bad area. Third Ward remains about the same - Fifth Ward goes without saying, The Geto Boys weren't kidding.
Anon: i can see that the OJ trial impacted your personal life in a way it never did mine. i mean if you're basing my character on the OJ Trial then i'd worry about your basis for judging character.
[quote]what a load of horse shit. an innocent is almost killed in his own driveway having not committed ANY crime other than apparently parking while black, and this is some how the entire black america's fault?![/quote]
That episode of Gangland featuring the Lincoln Park Bloods of San Diego.......they MURDERED A COP in cold blood.
Is it possible that ONE STREET PIRATE killing a cop can make a racial profiling situation for the rest of us brothers?
CF, I guess that means you agree with the person who claims to be your cousin.
Would you concede that its incidents like what happened in Bellaire that help create Street Pirates?
I was actually on KKGN last year discussing with the Chief of Detectives OPD that part of the reason for the stop snitching phenomenon is the behavior of police. I took his silence as concession to my point.
Destructive Wingnut, here is hoping that ISEEISEE is around and saying a prayer for you. Man you got it bad. :(
"I have a better education that the average American (notice I didn't say "White American")"
Why? Why not just say average American? Just wondering.
The question is, how are Minority's going to live amongst White's in the year's to come? well, we can't, so what do we do? do we Claim a portion of America as our own, well, there is Power in number's!
White America is in a (Survival Mode), the innocent looking white's, send the Crazed White's out to do their Dirty work! people, I DO NOT trust Nay White person! for in the end, they will turn back to their Original Form! and what form is that? a Demonic form! I may sound extreme but, what race of people are going around America causing HELL? the White Race? look at Arizona, how can this be? White's have passed Law's to Abolish Ethnic study's? HELLO! in other word's they are saying, Minority's are Nothing! their history is Nothing! they have not contributed NOTHING to America! and what are Minority's doing about this OPEN INSULT? NOTHING!
I will say this, there will come a time, when God will deal with White America with a Wrath, that is beyond the Super Natural! for when that Wrath come's, I pray I am around to see it, for they are most deserving of it! for this is the most WICKED race of people in America!
God has a way of Destroying entire city's, and I have been waiting for God to go through Texas and have his way! but, first, I Pray he give's a warning to ALL the MINORITY'S, so they can get out of that HELL HOLE!
The south has had TORNADO'S! FLOOD'S! and what's next? well, GOD only know's!
ISEEISEE a CHRISTIAN, but, a African American Christian!!
cf said:
That episode of Gangland featuring the Lincoln Park Bloods of San Diego.......they MURDERED A COP in cold blood.
Is it possible that ONE STREET PIRATE killing a cop can make a racial profiling situation for the rest of us brothers?
except...the kid was unarmed. i cannot picture the cop acting this way with a white kid.
how is this the same? plus, did you read the rest of what laurel wrote? i missed this somehow. she was blaming divisions over COLOR and the reason for black failures...and went on to engage in that exact thing!
word verification: FINAL! lol. i get the final word.
Just another reason why I will never go there and I hate the fact that my nephew is being raised there. I hope and pray when he turns 18 he runs away from there as fast as possible.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
BrookLyn, that's a great point.
I do NOT waste Prayer on HEATHEN'S! for if I were too, it will be a WICKED PRAYER! a Wicked Prayer will sound something like this
I Pray all their Resource's will Dry up! or some may say, I Pray their CAR will BREAK down! or, I Pray they will LOSE their JOB'S! or, I Pray they will have to live in a Shelter or push a Grocery Basket! or, now this is extreme, I Pray ALL the people in the TEA PARTY MOVEMENT, will lose their Health Care and will NEVER EVER EVER be allowed to receive Free HEALTH CARE from the Government!
FIELD those may sound like Wicked Prayer's, but, trust me, they are LIGHT WEIGHT! for you will know when a WICKED PRAYER is being Prayed, for, your comment form will be Void of CONSTRUCTION FEEDBACK and the other IMP'S, but, for now, they are being given a pass, but, for how long, but, for how long?
Now ISEEISEE advocates genocide. Stupid AND evil. I hope you get your wish about witnessing god's wrath up close and personal.
Field, you have a law degree. Have you read the Arizona immigration law? If you are going to help spread falsehoods about this law, maybe you should man up and see what's really in it.
Arizona did not make illegal, illegal. Illegal was already illegal. It is a crime to enter or remain in the U.S. in violation of federal law. SB 1070 simply codifies federal law into state law, removes excuses and concerns about states' inherent authority to enforce these laws and removes all illegal "sanctuary" policies. All SB 1070 does is allow Arizona law enforcement officials to detain illegal aliens under state law. The law does not allow police to stop suspected illegal aliens unless they have already come across them through normal "lawful conduct" such as a traffic stop, and explicitly prohibits racial profiling. There is a long legal precedent going back to 1976 that allows states to pass legislation to discourage illegal immigration so long as it does not conflict with federal law. SB 1070 was specifically designed to mirror federal immigration law to avoid such a conflict.
The "ethnic studies" law simply prohibits state funds from subsidizing classes that advocate overthrow of the U.S government and prohibits the demonization of racial groups. Is that unreasonable?
What undergirds all this nonsense is the conventional wisdom that illegal immigration has virtually no real world consequences and should be thought of solely as a test of the morality of white folks, exposing who are the nice white people and who are the not nice white people. But illegal immigration has a profound impact on communities in Arizona; crime, unemployment, huge social service costs. Maybe we should just give them all one way bus tickets to Philly. A little brotherly love ought to fix everything right quick.
White folks were fit to be tied after that verdict.
Not all white people, field. I felt he was guilty, but I also balanced his acquittal against all the unjust convictions and just couldn't feel all that outraged about it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Took a lot of shit for my opinion, though.
Illegal entry into the US is a misdemeanor civil offense.
Since when does "ethnic studies" mean "overthrowing the government"? It doesn't, so why call for a ban of ethnic studies classes? Do you honestly believe that there are high school classes based on a curriculum of government overthrow? I think those would be called "Tea Party" classes.
But illegal immigration has a profound impact on communities in Arizona; crime, unemployment, huge social service costs.
Says who? Do you have anything to back that up? FactCheck.org says differently--
Same old recycled arguments. Scratch that--same old recycled opinions. Arguments have evidence.
Race Traitoress said...
Ethnic studies are not banned; classes that preach ethnic hatred are. You have a problem with that, I take it, and therefore must be a fascist.
Do you live in Arizona, or do you just wish to dictate to them what laws they are allowed to enforce in their communities? Just what exactly is wrong with enforcing immigration law? Do you advocate we abolish the border?
Your arguments are nonsense, based on lies. You are a traitor not to your race but to rational thinking. The choice isn't just right versus left or even right versus wrong. It's sanity versus madness.
Race Traitoress said...
White folks were fit to be tied after that verdict.
"Not all white people, field. I felt he was guilty, but I also balanced his acquittal against all the unjust convictions and just couldn't feel all that outraged about it. I'm sure I wasn't the only one. Took a lot of shit for my opinion, though."
I hope you took a lot of shit for that opinion, you amoral idiot. It is fools like you that ensure that injustice is passed on to the future over and over again. Your sick and twisted ethos is a direct consequence of using hatred as a basis for worldview. Being you must be hell.
Anon. do you believe that state laws should trump federal laws?
FYI, we already have federal laws dealing with immigration.
Have you ever heard of the Supremacy Clause?
Field; Once again, you answer a question with a question.
Yes, I have heard of the Supremacy Clause, but SB 1070 is not extraconstitutional.
"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."
The Arizona law mirrors federal law, and this does not violate the Supremacy Clause. All citizens (and non-citizens for that matter), are still entitled to constitutional guarantees against unreasonable search or seizure. The failure of the federal government to enforce immigration law does not by its absence then confer rights or priveleges on ctizens of the United States, or non citizens for that matter.
I'll ask you again: What exactly is racist and or discriminatory in the Arizona law?
thinks he's smarter than the average bear.
I ask for a little evidence, and I get unmitigated vitriolic personal attacks. Sheesh. Defensive, much?
Your arguments are nonsense, based on lies. You are a traitor not to your race but to rational thinking.
Well, at least I offered you an argument and some evidence to dispute. Which you didn't.
I hope you took a lot of shit for that opinion, you amoral idiot. It is fools like you that ensure that injustice is passed on to the future over and over again. Your sick and twisted ethos is a direct consequence of using hatred as a basis for worldview. Being you must be hell.
You certainly made my point for me there, far more intensely than I ever could. You are wrong, though; I don't hate anyone, and I am quite happy. *shrug*
Granny? Remember our previous conversation? Lol.
Field said, "Of course, as is to be expected, black folks in the Houston area are pissed. But don't worry, I am pretty sure that they won't be going all L.A. on us. Those Negroes down south tend to be a little more laid back."
Field, you obviously don't know much about black folks in Texas. They never riot. Next to black folks in Oklahoma, they are the most docile Blacks in America. They are "fresh off the plantation" mental types. Don't look for any Field Negroes in Texas cause there ain't none, esp in Houston.
Blacks in Texas are much too afraid of Whites to be 'pissed' off enough to riot. Their Houstonian plantation mentality won't allow them to riot or stand up for themselves in any aggressive manner--no matter how many Blacks the cops shoot.
There is no comparison between Blacks in Texas and Oklahoma and Blacks in the rest of the country.
They are horses of a 'different color'.
@ anon 3:09 & 3:12 & maria:
All one or two or three of you know I don't talk to any of "ya'll"...so why do you bother?
Bless all ya'lls or one of ya'lls or two or three of ya'll hearts...:)
And when I have things like you hatin on me it makes me more assured my thinking is correct...
Stay outta the marshes and don't get on the boat...;)
@ laurel:
"There can be no Black-White Unity until there is first some black unity.... We cannot think of uniting with others, until after we have first united among ourselves. We cannot think of being acceptable to others until we have first proven acceptable to ourselves."
Malcom X
Thas right! Fist bump, fist bump...
She (maria) didn't get it...and she will NEVER get it...a case of whites folks that need training...always peering in on the black conversation with the belief they now have knowledge about blacks...truly a wanna be...;)
agape--figures you'd agree with laurel. no surprise there. she's doing EXACTLY what you did--decrying colorism and being unbelievably guilty of it! and proud of your ignorant behavior.
and just spend a minute, if you could, explaining how colorism caused that young man to be almost shot dead in his own driveway.
or better yet, how that caused the cop to get acquitted. because that was what this thread was about.
and how laurel being so pretty and light-skinned and a man magnet helps explain any of this.
I never said I was light-skinned.
Said I wasn't dark-skinned, however my Mother is extremely Light-Skinned.
Yes I'm attractive.
I won't apologize for it, just as I'm sure you too are attractive and shouldn't apologize for it.
Why should one apologize for how they look?
If I were dark-skinned and attractive, I still would NOT apologize for it.
Being proud of one's physical appearance doesn't mean they're arrogant or conceited.
Going forward I feel this must be said today:
Maria you can ONLY control your views and opinions NOT mine!
For the record your opinion doesn't trump my opinion.
If you don't agree with my comments or opinions on anything Field chooses to post, who gives a s---??
Since this is NOT your Blog, the ONLY opinion that truly matters is Field's!
Its just a fact now let's move on shall we??
Why are Blacks who visit Field Negro's Blog and read my comments about the Black Community being totally divisive within itself, so upset?
Its a fact!
Blacks keep blaming White America for ALL of their problems when we seem to be our own worst enemy.
If you beat down Human Beings within your OWN race, why should you expect other Human Beings to respect you?
To America's Black community I suggest we eliminate all of the dividing lines and band together just as Blacks did during King's time, than we will see greater success as a group.
Last but not least for Maria and all the rest of you who don't believe that Blacks STILL have a problem with complexion, hair texture, etc.,
CNN's Anderson Cooper recently conducted a Study among Black & White Children by asking them to choose between Dark-skinned Black Leaders and Light-Skinned Black Leaders.
CNN Study: White and Black Children Biased toward Lighter skin
What was the consensus?
Most of those Children pointed to the picture of Light-Skinned Black Leaders.
Where did those perspectives come from among such young minds?
So before you point fingers at me clean up your own houses.
@Laurel--I really don't understand your point.
I think the overwhelming issue is lack of recognition by Black Conservatives and Black Intellectuals of incidents like these. Yes Black folks need to raise their kids and focus on education. Yes Black fathers need to be more present. However this kid had all that and still became a victim. Isn't this a teachable moment? Will our president acknowledge that something needs to be done about police training and procedures the next time he lectures us about responsibility? When Bill Cosby rants about what we name our children and how much the clothing we buy them costs will he acknowledge that this happened to a middle class kid?
Where's Skip Gates right now? I'm sick of being lectured to and preached at without acknowledgment of my justifiable rage.
laurel, as did brooklyn,
i see that you continue to flail around and fail to answer any questions about how your rant about your looks, etc., is in any possible relevant to the shooting and the acquittal.
who cares what you look like in the context of this police shooting?
Happy to share your blog!
good article!I love it
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O.J. Simpson. Man, oh man.
Guy already had a hair-trigger temper (alledgedly beat on his ex-wife, too). So he thinks his current wife is doing the "friends with benefits" thing with her guy friend and possibly after some confrontations about it, he catches them around the corner and loses it.
The slow speed chase? That was the behavior of a man who didn't know what the fuck to do. If O.J. did this with any bit of cold calculation, those two bodies wouldn't be found until months afterward and O.J. would already be somewhere where the jurisdiction of the U.S. law system wouldn't mean squat. O.J. did the deed out of rage and didn't know what the fuck to do afterwards.
And then the prosecution tried to frame a guilty man. If Fuhrman and company weren't so busy trying to manufacture (and eventually botch) evidence, then O.J. probably would have been convicted on his own merits, after pleading to a lesser charge. But you had screwed up evidence, screwed up prosecutors, a damned good defense attorney (Johnny Cochrane) and scores of black folk who were recovering from the LA riots and weren't in no mood to see another brother get put on lock.
O.J.'s acquittal? Black folk considered it victory over the largely white justice system that failed them just before the riots. At this point, he should have booked it out of the country and stayed gone while white folks wailed and knashed their teeth. But he didn't, and once again put himself in a situation where he would this time surely go to jail. And note the lack of sympathy in the black community during that trial.
@ maria whose behavior is abhorrent to me:
"...how colorism caused that young man to be almost shot dead in his own driveway."
Read my first comment above...this is not a case of "colorism"...it is a case of institutonalized thinking racism...
Why do you concern yourself with colorism...still wishing you had the the abilities of being able to understand the issue...?
Let me ask you this...why do white people (Italians are white people to me and most blacks) desire to be black while unwilling to accept what comes with being black?
It is so easy for you to comment on black issues...and you do it daily and devoutly...
Why are you not particiapting in any action that serves to help white people "catch up" with your views? Do you not have a blog of your own where you can help other white people understand why it is important to eradicate racism? Why do you continue to badger me? Do you like me? Are you a stalker? Do you wnant to be a black woman? Are you looking for a black "buck" so you come here hoping to find one? Are you like the house mistress that wants a field negroe (WITH an E)? Is it the blogger field negro that you desire? And lastly, but by no means leastly, do you have some type of longitudinal research grant and must meet its criteria of communicating with blacks?
Take your time...or...whatevah...)
Still I ask and you don't want:
agape, as usual, all old ground, taunts and threats from you, and as usual, no answers to the issue at hand. make it personal, if you like. all it continues to show is your vapidness and immaturity.
ditto...this is yet another tragic case
of one more public execution by a racist killer cop
but i will never praise those who feel that freeing a man as WHITE as oj was EVER any kind of revenge
and nicole and ron's kin feel the same pain that this man's black kin do...
oj and this killer kkkop BOTH should be sharing the same jail cell on death row!!!!
those black jurors debased themselves and freed OJ who immediately became whiter than ever ASAP!
i mourn all 3 victims equally as all 3 were humans murdered by TWO WHOT DOGS!
Give it a break with the OJ crap already. The prosecution presented a sloppy case,that's why that case folded.
There is a BIG difference between THINKING he's guilty and KNOWING he's guilty. There are a lot of doubts about everything in that case so don't take SOME black folks to task and echoing stereotypes because you were one of those persons who "was present or saw" oj simpson kill those people yet find it trying that there are others who think otherwise.
i saw oj just as clearly as you saw him being innocent!
he had way too many alibis...which one dud YOU watch!!!!
there was no doubt in the droves of evidence!!!
but there was TONS of evidence
from blood to his own pillow confessions to 13 fresh cutes on his hands to the shoe prints he lied about to his staged chicago broken glass to his repeated calls to his atty from chi to his accidental confession by ph yo cops who phone him in chi to bashing ron g to... to his original sloppy police interview that would have fried any other bm solo...
your own arrogant ignorance about the EONS of evidence in this case is a personal problem that most illiterate oj fans share!
did u watch those 13 cuts miraculously appear on oj's hands?
did u also watch him call nicole's mom and tell her he was going to kill her days before?
wake up u fool!
I am sorry that this has happened to this dude and his family. But I'll say this, I wouldn't have any problems going Mumia on this uncle salty if he had gunned down one of mine.
Thank you, I've been stating the same for years. People just don't get it. We have crabs in a barrel syndrome, until we fix that, we will never advance...
Some of these responses are idiotic.
It's y'all, not ya'll SMH
That's as clear as I can make it, and I hope it will suffice. I always feel obligated to point out that as a sabermetrician, Carolina
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