"I can see November from my house" That is my girl Sarah's new rallying cry, and she unveiled it for her fans in Denver a couple of nights ago. This was in between calling for an "Awakening of America."( BTW, can someone tell me just what the hell that means? Awaken from what?) You go girl. She was joined by Dennis Prager at the University of Denver. Prager, like Palin, is another wingnut, however, unlike Palin, he actually reads a book now and then.
"Let's stop and consider how ironic it is, though, that just as the Europeans are forced by market realities - this is reality - to dismantle their socialist welfare states, we're being marched towards that state, the European style socialism,"
These have been the buzz words among the wingnuts of late: "European style Socialism." It's everywhere. On their blogs; on their networks; their newspapers; their radio programs; you name it. It seems that every right wing pol is crying a river over the evils of "European style Socialism", and the beige man in the people's house who is taking us there.
Read what this blogger says:
"Obama wants to undo the American Dream and turn us into a European economy, where all benefits flow from the government, rather than individual effort. You can call it “socialism,” or “big government,” or “spreading the wealth,” or whatever else suits you, but the outcome will be the same: People will be locked into government induced poverty in perpetuity, the middle class will become slack, the economy will enter into stagflation, unemployment will rise, and service in every area of American life will fall as people lose their incentive (because they’ve lost the ability) to rise upwards and join in the American Dream."
Now I guarantee you that the poor schmuck who wrote that paragraph probably is living a very middle class existence. He probably has a household income of $75,000.00, to $100,000.00 per year, pays a mortgage, has kids who are in -or soon to be in college, and has almost as much debts as he does assets. In other words, your typical A-merry-can. Yet his dumb ass thinks that he is living some kind of a damn dream.
Unlike Sarah Palin,- who thanks to him and others like him, is now worth millions, because she has learned how to pimp people like him into believing that the average A-merry-can can achieve that dream- he, more than likely, will not achieve the A-merry-can dream. (No wonder she rolls with nine personal bodyguards. I would too if I knew I was running such a scam on ordinary folks.) Unless, of course, you consider the stress of working a 9-5 with three weeks vacation a year a dream. I know I don't.
What I consider a dream-like society is one where hard work will be rewarded. One where the size of a man's pocketbook doesn't make him better than the next guy. It doesn't allow him to buy politicians in order to influence them into making laws to help him make more money. It doesn't allow lobbyist to lobby on behalf of weapons that cause death and destruction because of some archaic language in a document the society holds dear. It doesn't spend billions and billions of dollars to promote some form of mythical exceptionalism by force or clandestine measures.
When Sarah Palin and other idiots like her rant and rave about the dangers of "European style Socialism," I wonder who they think it is a danger to? Certainly not people who will be able to get health care without having to take out a second mortgage on their homes. Certainly not the poor single mother of two who has to clean old people's shit every night to earn $9 an hour. Certainly not the primary bread winner in a home whose spouse just got laid off, (because the company they were working for downsized to make a few people enjoy the dream even more) and who now has to work two jobs just to make ends meet.
And for my altar call, I will leave you with the words of Brian Hines, a man who gets it:
"Driving back to Salem from Portland today, a single glance across the median of I-5 gave me a vision of how much better this country could be if we became more Euro-socialist (I prefer the term, " communitarian").
A car had stopped in the break-down lane. Next to it was a pickup with a seal on the door. I'm pretty sure it was one of the vehicles that helps drivers who are out of gas, or otherwise need assistance.
A government vehicle.
With that glance, a warm feeling of Wouldn't it be great if this act of governmental kindness extended across our whole society? rolled over me.
If people who needed health care were guaranteed they'd get it.If losing your job didn't entail the risk of being tossed out onto the streets.
If getting a good college education was available to all, poor and rich alike.
If public transportation made it possible to get around without private cars.
Whenever friends come back from Europe, they extol the way of life there. The United States is horribly backward in so many ways, compared to the rest of the industrialized world.
I'm ready for some European style socialism. So are a majority of Americans, given the results of the past few elections. We're tried of unfettered individualism and irresponsible capitalism.
Whenever friends come back from Europe, they extol the way of life there. The United States is horribly backward in so many ways, compared to the rest of the industrialized world.
I'm ready for some European style socialism. So are a majority of Americans, given the results of the past few elections. We're tried of unfettered individualism and irresponsible capitalism.
Bring it on, President Obama. "
And the godless progressives said amen!
1 – 200 of 206 Newer› Newest»I think maybe you are a socialist, Mr.Negro. Your writing makes me think so.
"Black Quasi-Socialist Progressive- Fundamentalist Racism Chaser"
I thought that this term would have been included in your post Filled Negro. I am quite disappointed.
[quote]In other words, your typical A-merry-can. Yet his dumb ass thinks that he is living some kind of a damn dream.[/quote]
Filled Negro - why is it that you run this person down with your hypothetical assignment of class to him YET you never apply his condition with reference to OTHER PEOPLE. Let's say those who live in Tivoli Gardens. I am watching them on the video playing on this same computer that I am typing on.
It seems to me that you are inclined to indict this type of person for being unaware of the capitalist dogs that are outside, waiting to knock him down to the life of a Peasant - only the government protecting him as he lives his unconscious life.
But wait Filled Negro - why is it not more rationale to look at the far, far larger number of people who DON'T live at this $100K per year lifestyle per their position OUTSIDE OF the "Belly Of The Beast" called America.
Why didn't you point out Barack Obama's multi-million dollar income over the past 3 years all the while many people who live vicariously through his promotion into POWER only have an "Obama Commemorative Plate" in their household.
Do you see your problem Filled Negro? Those who advance Sarah Palin yet have a fraction of her wealth are evil and are being USED. Those who support Barack Obama and use him as their ray of HOPE despite being at the margins are blessed souls.
Why not talk about the violent protests in Greece in which 3 people were murdered - including a pregnant woman. Despite having their Euro-Socialist government BANKRUPT and needing to make cuts in entitlements - they took to the streets in violent protest against the government. They prefer to RETAIN THEIR PAYOUT TODAY while not considering the long term destruction of their national solvency.
Anarchists and trade unionists stood against the government in Greece. Might this have been why the news was muted as such? After months and months of using Europe as the reference model for "Multiple Tax Payer Paid Health Care" it is shocking that some people didn't make use of this new inference.
My comment will be short FN. The O- man is either a punk, or he's BEEN punked by his advisors. Much as I hate to say it,he's a one-termer. Sad, but true! (BTW, I'm a former supporter)
On a visit to Sydney, Australia about three years ago to visit a niece, her husband picked me up at the airport and asked me what I wanted to see. I said, "show me the slums." I explained that the way we treat the least of us tells us about our society. He, born and raised in Sydney, says, "We don't have any slums." I said, sceptically, "really?" So, thinking it was a word thing, I said, "okay, show me where the poor people live." He did and it looks like the neighborhood around the university I teach at. My niece and her husband and everyone else had health care too. And everyone has a roof over her or his head. That's European style socialism. And, by the way _we_ treat the least of us we reveals our society.
Amen. What the hell are people scared of?
Americans are the most paranoid people, as a group.
Farman said...
Amen. What the hell are people scared of?
Americans are the most paranoid people, as a group.
We're also stupid too. Europeans and Canadians enjoy virtually free college, guaranteed healthcare (even in places like Germany, where there is private insurance -- but the industry is regulated closer than a nuclear plant), no need to drive to work every day and so many other things that if Americans got one wiff -- they'd drop morons like Beck and Co. like bad habits.
And to all my conservative friends talking about Europeans ready to dump their social safety net -- two words 'Bull Pucky'. We're a bunch of uneducated neaderthals to the rest of the Western world.
@ FN:
Well said!
Testify, Brother Field!
That's some real shit. Take it from a guy who lives in a country with "socialised health care" - we are doing quite okay over here. And we used to laugh at y'all over there, at how such an advanced nation as the US could get it so wrong for so long.
AMEN! Count me in that number.
Here's a small but important point about the need for state intervention for you.
You have a bit of trouble down in the Gulf with your B.P. oil spill, which will cost billions of dollars to clear up, and may yet do massive damage to your environment.
B.P. have many rigs in the North Sea around the British coast, and yet WE KNOW that no such disaster will ever happen here.
How do we know?
European and British Government regulation decrees that every single oil rig is fitted with an automatic shut-off valve that cuts off the supply of oil in case of an accident such as this one. You in the USA do not have such regulations.
The cost of each valve? Just $500,000 each - yet the oil companies will not fit them unless compelled to do so. Because that's an 'unfair' restriction on their right to make a fast buck, right?
Think also about the modest 7.5 earthquake in Haiti that caused untold devastation on a society that had poorly drafted and badly enforced building regulations.
Think also about what the banking crisis has done to all of us, as a result of 'light touch' financial regulations.
Think also about how well economies do during war time, and think about how that is the one time when western governments intervene directly into the means of production.
Think also about how Mid-Western farmers are always telling us how government should stay out of their business, but as soon as a flood or some other disaster affects them, they turn to the government and bleat "But what are you going to do about it?"
Everybody wants 'small government' until something goes wrong, then suddenly they demand big government action.
[quote:Constructive feedback]Despite having their Euro-Socialist government BANKRUPT and needing to make cuts in entitlements...[/quote]
Erm, F.Y.I The Socialists only came into power on 4th October 2009. They won the election because the right-wing, conservative government of Kostas Karamanlis had destroyed the economy in the five years they had been in power.
Field, I love that somehow your very busy life nevertheless allows you the time to post such wonderfully reflective pieces so very regularly. And people read you. And they get you, and the truths you point to. But tell me, does it make you as crazy as it does me that the other side of these points never, ever have anything useful to bring to the debate? I mean, seriously, Anonymous 11:50--what the farkle does THAT have to offer in response to THIS post?!
BTW, my WV is "popin," which is all i ever really get to do around here in the interwebs anymore...
What, in fact, is the American dream, and when do you know that you have it?
Does it come on like a cold, with symptoms so clear that you can't mistake it for anything else, like say the flu?
Does it creep up behind you in the night, and snatch your purse, or your wallet, and leave you glad that you didn't lose more, like say your life.
I'm thinking about all those lottery winners who won millions. If you had asked them right after their sudden win, if they're living the American dream, I believe to a man or a woman that they would have grinned broadly and said, "Yes."
Are they living the American dream? Hard to say, too often these mega-millions winners end up dead, or as impoverished as before they won, or meet with some other ignominious end.
What is the America dream, then? Is it material wealth? Or is it something else?
I'm thinking about all those starlets, and other celebrities of stage, and screen, and courts, and fields, and courses, and tracks.
Are they living the American dream? Hard to say, too often they're caught up in scandals--sex scandals, drug scandals, and ripoff scandals.
What is the American dream, then? Is it fame and public acclaim? Or is it something else?
Martin Luther King defined what he thought the American dream is, and immortalized it in a speech, of which most of us are familiar, his, I Have A Dream, speech.
Upon close examination of the speech, you're struck by how often King used the words "free," "liberty" and "freedom," or some other similar reference:
"Emancipation Proclamation," and "a joyous daybreak to end the long night of captivity," and "the solid rock of brotherhood."
What is the America dream, then? Is it freedom? Or is it something else?
Our founding fathers conceptualized it by encapsulating it with these words from our Declaration Of Independence, ostensibly to enumerate a deficiency in governance to which they rebelled:
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Now this brief passage is open to endless interpretations, and have been so subjected.
But what's remarkable about it, is that man's "unalienable Rights," which are "self-evident," come not from government, but from God ("their Creator"), suggesting that it's government's role to assure that these Rights aren't trampled by the whims of men, or tyrants.
If this is the American dream, then it's nothing more than a Gift from God, and not man. And the government that governs best, is not the one that governs least, but the one that seeks to protect those "unalienable Rights."
We might quibble over how best to do that, and when we have done that, but the charge is unmistakable:
Government is entrusted with the solemn duty to protect what God has given to each equally--an endowment, a Gift of "certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
So, is this the American dream--a Gift from God, and a government charged with the protection of that Gift?
I like to think so.
@ Black Diaspora you are on point, great observation.
"What, in fact, is the American dream, and when do you know that you have it?"
I guess if you always dream about it you know when you are living it. Hey, 5% of the population know the feeling I guess.
The Purple Cow, there you go shooting down the Destructve Wingnut with facts again. Damn those facts.
"We're also stupid too. Europeans and Canadians enjoy virtually free college, guaranteed healthcare (even in places like Germany, where there is private insurance -- but the industry is regulated closer than a nuclear plant), no need to drive to work every day and so many other things that if Americans got one wiff -- they'd drop morons like Beck and Co. like bad habits."
La~Coincidental, here is the irony: A-merry-cans have been bamboozled into thinking that government is a bad thing, yet,they are the government.....I don't get it.
Thank you Mrs C. Are you still holding it down in the Northwest?
Purpose Cow:
Prior to abandoning the oil rig platform the WORKMEN ATTEMPTED TO CLOSE THE VALVE. The VALVE FAILED!!!
Can you explain to me how the famous "Acoustic Valve" would have magically worked any differently?
Now that there are robots on the sea floor - do you think that if the problem was merely with the VALVE that they would have gone and closed it?
I would have been more content with you had you suggested that BP ask Ironman and Lt. Col. James 'Rhodey' Rhodes fly to the bottom of the Gulf and stop the leak.
Is there such a thing as a "Regulation Bigot"? If those who call for 'Tax Cuts' as the cure for everything are tiring then CERTAINLY those who claim that government regulation over everything as the magical fix should be on the shelf right next to them.
The thought of having the Government push BP out of the way to get the well capped is a big joke.
[quote]We're also stupid too. Europeans and Canadians enjoy virtually free college, guaranteed healthcare (even in places like Germany, where there is private insurance -- but the industry is regulated closer than a nuclear plant), no need to drive to work every day and so many other things that if Americans got one wiff -- they'd drop morons like Beck and Co. like bad habits.[/quote]
LAC King:
I realize that few other people on this blog are going to call you on your fairytale.
There is no such thing as "Free College" - SOMEONE is paying for it. Indeed the student might not be charged for the services that they consume. I wonder what the "Least Of These" who don't go to college yet have their tax money go to pay for others who will have their salaries augmented feel about this.
Regulate Businesses like they were Nuclear Power Plants? LAC King - is there any surprise to you why a business would vacate a place where PEOPLE WHO THINK LIKE YOU have the balance of power as they move to a Southern Right To Work State? The stunning part of it all is that in your ideological bigotry you and others are unable to apply intellectual curiosity as to the linkage.
[quote]if Americans got one wiff -- they'd drop morons like Beck and Co. like bad habits[/quote]
I think Americans area wise. We can listen to the people who got several decades worth of the "Progressive Treatment" and we observe the DAMAGED STATE that they are in.
I recall being in New Orleans about 3 years after Katrina. In the debate to close the housing projects it was painful to hear the consciousness of the people who lived in your government paradise for 30 years. All of this despite being TEMPORARY housing for people in transition. LAC King - they indeed were TRANSITIONING, unfortunately it was a degradation of consciousness and competency rather than an enhancement.
Why were the anarchists and the trade unionist Greeks so threatened by the necessary cuts in their entitlements that they violently took to the street?
The UK's debt load is at the level of Greece.. They have a more powerful economy and this is the only reason why they are not at the same point on the edge.
[Constructive Feedback:Prior to abandoning the oil rig platform the WORKMEN ATTEMPTED TO CLOSE THE VALVE. The VALVE FAILED!!![/quote]
Elegant piece of deliberate-point-missing there, CF.
@ CF:
You have got to be joking. Anything that needs to happen to stop the flow of oil should be done. As well as the aftermath of this disaster made by man due to greed. (They don't call it one of the 7 deadliest for nothing).
The blame pie will be there for everyone to get a slice. Cameras have gone 50 feet down and while BP is still polluting the earth with toxic chemicals and oil, there is oil still floating 50 feet down. But that's all that's floating. No sign of marine life anywhere. Not even dead and lying on the floor of the Gulf.
Anyone who does not get that BP has destroyed the earth knows nothing about the environment or how ecosystems are interrelated.
Better start getting an acquired taste of tainted Chinese fish because that's all we'll be finding in the grocery stores soon.
And I would advise everyone to start drawing pictures of marine life so the Millennia generation and the one behind it will know what the purpose of and what
used to live in that foul smelling gunk we were able to once call water.
@ CF:
No-college is not "free" in most parts of Europe. A portion of taxes collected go towards education.
There is an expectation that every person in parts of Europe will and must be educated past what we would call high school.
The mindset in Europe is different than here in the States. They understand both the collective and the individual.
America is a young country and has much to learn about what is a right and what is simply a desire. Education should be a right in this country.
But that would be too much like right.
This godless progressive says "amen!"
fn, you wrote:
Now I guarantee you that the poor schmuck who wrote that paragraph probably is living a very middle class existence.
The preceding is an example of a common practice of black critics -- the black critic pretends to know something about the target of the criticism that is not knowable based on the given information.
This tactic is an ad hominem attack that attempts to undermine the credibility of the target.
[quote]Education should be a right in this country. [/quote]
Education is already a RIGHT.
It is FREE as the air that you breathe.
I am able to go to any library, book store or the Internet and discipline my mind, LEARNING about all sorts of things that are of interest to me.
If I am in my "right" mind I will see the competitive advantage associated with an education and make sure that I take advantage of it.
But wait. You must be talking about FORMAL EDUCATION, aren't you?
Here is what I don't understand Agape - in Cuba we are told that EDUCATION IS FREE up to and including a doctorate degree. Agape - WHY doesn't nearly all Cubans have a doctorate degree being that education is FREE?
This tells me that there is more to the issue than the "Freeness" of Education.
Why haven't there been any proposals made by Anti-Rand Paul types to have the government FORCE the Ivy League and other private universities to LOWER their tuition costs because they are denying so many thousands of students an opportunity at an elite education as LAC King has received? They are performing "economic discrimination" with their high tuition threshold.
I now live in a "socialist" country, Italy.
I wish all the Americans who bash European nations, Canada and other industrialized nations actually traveled. To me quality of life is more important than buying a bunch of material goods.
I laughed when my Italian friends complained about the murder rate in Rome being so high last year. It was under 30 people. This is a city of over 4 million.
You can buy private insurance but everyone is covered under the NHS. Nobody has to worry about going into debt because they can't afford to get sick. My yearly bill for insurance is under 300 dollars. In America I was paying 170 a month for a similar plan.
Tuition on avg is about 2000 euros a year at a top university.
Are things here perfect? Of course not, no place is.
Wait I misspoke, Sarah Palin's version of America is perfect. I forgot.
We Americans cannot continue to look inward while the rest of the world moves forward. This idea that we are the biggest, baddest, greatest country ever, is beyond arrogant. This attitude is going to bit us in the ass.
some people who are rich and NOT politico celebs actually do care about poor people who will NEVER be rich like them...
global poverty IS THE primary weapon of choice under the new world order...
hobama is ONLY a socialist for the rich!!!
i am ready for ANY other american who is not a banker to get some of that belated socialism from hobama!!!
NYT update this morning on attempts to arrest the Jamaican "drug lord."
LACoincidental wrote:
"Americans are the most paranoid people, as a group.
We're also stupid too. Europeans and Canadians enjoy virtually free college, guaranteed healthcare (even in places like Germany, where there is private insurance -- but the industry is regulated closer than a nuclear plant), no need to drive to work every day and so many other things that if Americans got one wiff -- they'd drop morons like Beck and Co. like bad habits".
LAC if you really think "Americans are Stupid" than pray tell after graduating from an American high school, why didn't you just move to bloody Europe?
By jolly you could have received a world class European education, went to work for an European company and hopefully purchased a European home versus renting.
It amazes me how people who live in America ("land of the free, home of the brave") and enjoy her fruits, often tend to bash her.
Is America a perfect nation?
Of course not but to perhaps imply we are inferior to European countries when in fact European Leaders frequently seek OUR help, is mind boggling. Simply mind boggling.
I'm all for helping the less fortunate in this country, including Affordable Health Care, Affordable Housing and Education however...
I'm also for Free Enterprise.
In case your wondering or even if you aren't, I've traveled to the Bahamas and Trinidad (more than once) and my son has traveled to Israel.
To top it all off my husband served in the U.S. Army for 23 years.
He lived in Germany for 7 years, Paris for 5 years, Japan for 3 years, etc.,
He still thinks America is the absolute BEST nation in the world!
This is not a day when I'm going to spend time debating with you or anyone else on Field's Blog.
You have your opinion and I have mine.
Live with it!
Have a Blessed and Productive day:)
Auf Wiedersehen
One more thing LAC,
Your Arrogance of which I'm sure you will justify as mere "Confidence" is astounding.
Auf Wiedersehen
Well said, Laurel.
if i was rich, i would have moved to france in 2008
my doctor's rich retired elder parents did then...and they are elated
the american dream died long ago for most americans
it is now an american nightmare for anyone who does not own a bank or is not rich...
hobama is making the nightmare global and horrific by design!
laurel, americans ARE stupid.
we are not the best nation on the planet in any respect and the arrogance of you and other ignorant people are what have caused us to be despised around the globe. sure, we excel and some things, but not everything.
most of our problems stem from this superiority complex and refusal to learn anything from history or from another other nations.
are you not aware of the value of dissent in america?
we're all getting Really Tired of the tripe that you post on this blog and that stupid way you think you dispense with your critics.
you clearly have Much Too Much Time On Your Hands.
here's a tip -- learn how to properly capitalize and to fucking know the difference between you're and your.
you seem to have all kind of free time--i suggest you get enroll in community college.
love how u slew lac in multi lingo!...ha!!
bon matin ma soeur!
good morning my sista
lac will defend america like a pilgrim when he is excusing hobama...
but lac will brutally diss america (STILL the best country in the world to date...where the blood of our stolen african kin still enriches its soil as they bulit america...) to defend what he is "STUPID" enough to believe is actually any semblance of a french/canadian agenda for the poor by that elitist imperialist war prez hobama...
u read him well!
god bless america and her POOR who are more betrayed by hobama inc each day!!!
americans are stupid
that is why they believe that hobama is a socialist/liberal/savior/jesus etc
we are renowned internationally as the most illiterate and OVER entertained people in the world...
our bad dumb students and horrid schools prove that as they disgrace us statistically around the globe
are u the gramma czar herein too?
why did you say "community college"?
elitist? racist?
got hypocrisy?
i think laurel is brilliant
and she is spot on about america
are u the grammaR czar herein too?
Thanks Janelle
AB you would do extremely well in Paris, actually anywhere:)
Maria wrote:
"maria said...
laurel, americans ARE stupid".
"here's a tip -- learn how to properly capitalize and to fucking know the difference between you're and your".
Maria quick, your wanted at JFK!
The next plane departing for Paris is waiting for a Woman of your level of Ignorance to board.
Not only are you a "Wigger" but your comments often reek of Disdain and Envy.
Too bad dear because I could care less of what YOU think of me.
tee hee hee ha ha
Life is so sweet.
Enjoy your day
Some of these folk don't know what to do about you.
Your Intelligent yet not afraid to be Real and Unique.
Please remain that way regardless of how successful you become.
People like Maria don't bother me in the least.
I deal with hicks like her in the South on a regular basis by walking on them.
Gotta go
God Bless
same to you my queen
you would shine in paris and at princeton!...
shake those haters off
i adore france
i speak french
i am a francophile
but even france is being destroyed by the nwo/racism/poverty etc these days...
the global nwo = nowhere to run
asap per hobana inc!!!
i am 46
i have never sold out and i never will...
i know you are an eternal warrior queen too!
[quote: constructive feedback]Can you explain to me how the famous "Acoustic Valve" would have magically worked any differently?[/quote]
I see you are avoiding me CF, so I'll try again
Well CF, it's an entirely different system from the one that failed in the Gulf. One which has worked in tests. Of course undersea blow-outs are very rare so we don't have an incident where the the valve has yet been seen to work in a real crisis. But at just $500k a pop, don't you think it was worth a try?
And why do B.P. utilize the acoustic valve on all their North Sea rigs, if they think it won't work?
Laurel, critizing the US does not mean you hate it or want to leave.
i was born and raised in Cali..but my parents moved to australia while i was still in high school. my dad is greek-australian and he was missing his family..the plan was to move back but my parents havent done so yet.
was living in the US bad for my parents? no. but am i glad to have finished high school and Uni in australia? you bet.
i think of two of my cousins in the US who are currently studying-both parents have 2 jobs in order to put their son and daughter through college. thats right, two jobs each..personally i find this crazy.
and then when my cuz finishes, she was telling me that she'll start off with 2 weeks annual leave minus any sick days.
again, i find this crazy. i have 4 weeks of annual leave available straight away with any full-time job that i take. and my sick days do not deduct from my annual leave.
plus i have socialised health care, with the option to buy private health insurance.
the australian health care system is not the best and is undergoing a major overhaul as we speak..to make it even more 'socialist.' yet it is much better than the US.
Aus. also has no where near the regulations of the european union, yet it is still more responsible in protecting its citizens than the US.
Critizing the myth that is the american dream and the ignorance of some people is not anti american. we all do it because we want a better country.
it also does not mean that america doesn't have some very good qualities. ofcourse it does. But LAC was 100% right in what he said.
"Let's stop and consider how ironic it is, though, that just as the Europeans are forced by market realities - this is reality - to dismantle their socialist welfare states, we're being marched towards that state, the European style socialism,"
To understand what is really happening, a good read is: "The Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein.
it is not racist to tell someone to go to community college.
i went to a community college and then a state school.
she needs to learn basic grammar. it doesn't require a four-year degree; in fact, i'm pretty sure that is a skill that begins in 2nd grade.
i'm not a wigger and that isn't relevant as you know. you walk on people like me? i walk OVER people like you--uneducated racist braggarts.
Thanks Alicia. Great, Open-minded people often think alike and know how to disagree gracefully.
Despite what anyone else says, Obama DOES in fact appear to be pulling our nation towards not only Socialism but a Class divided, Elitist First system.
You know sort of like the Caste system and British Monarch type thing.
Anyone not included among the Elite are totally dependent upon the Gov't.
Not a good look for America!
Coffee and Cigarettes wrote:
"i was born and raised in Cali..but my parents moved to australia while i was still in high school. my dad is greek-australian and he was missing his family..the plan was to move back but my parents havent done so yet.
was living in the US bad for my parents? no. but am i glad to have finished high school and Uni in australia? you bet".
Coffee & Cigarettes I'm really happy you enjoy living in Australia.
Perhaps LAC should take up residence there.
Daisy thanks for recommending "The Shock Nation" article. Think I'll take a glance at it.
Ciao baby!
(This time for real:)
'Yawn' yet another tired chat about socialism and the usual boring empty rants from AB who is becoming almost as boring and empty as CF of late..
I recently rad a number of articles about the type of people who chat and it is apparent AB, Laurel , CF and others reflect the posse rants of group think..They act like kids in a sandbox and to be candid I am getting tired and bored..
I come here for some threshold, elevated ideas, insights, chatter and all I get is some angry Black rage from a gay woman with issues, a low self esteem Black yoyo fixated on long winded nothingness, a group of cheerleaders unable to post original thoughts...
I am also to the point that this site has lost its groove..
I will hang on just for a little time longer
"The Shock Doctrine"
Sorry Daisy:)
I just had to get this one in.
I see you've finally decided to awaken from your drunken stupor.
Did the Ambien help?
Should I mix you a bloody mary?
ha ha
Life is sweet.
BTW for those who seek to see me and read some of my commentaries please visit:
www.domemagazine.com( my census commentary)
www.freep.com( commentary about selecting new leadership in urban venues)
To be continued.....
http://planeideas.blogspot.com ( my blog and downloads of my #1 TV show in metro-detroit)
I perfer natural highs..I just had to get that in...lol,lol,lol
BTW I think CF wants to be a white suburbanite...lol,lol,lol
I think AB is on the DL she really wants to a man's girlfriend...lol,lol,lol
I think Uptown wants to be Obama's shadow..lol,lol,lol
I think Laurel wants to matter to somebody..lol,lol,lol
I think Wayne Bennett still has the hottest and best Black site on the internet despite some of the usual yoyo's who live here...lol,lol,lol
i never chat
i never twitter
i never facebook
i blog
as u do!
you are the consummate intellectual masurbator herein
even your own hands are "bored" with your trifling illogic herein
in your case as self-appointed blog czar
DL = dimwitted loon
you prove that to be more accurate
with each post...carry on dude
you are agitating for attn
you have nothing valid to say
americans are stupid
see the grammar in these signs:
americans are also racists
ebonics has nothing to do with inability ro spell
ebonics has nothing to do with an inability to spell
"Despite what anyone else says, Obama DOES in fact appear to be pulling our nation towards not only Socialism but a Class divided, Elitist First system.
You know sort of like the Caste system and British Monarch type thing."
im sorry but socialism and the british monarch/caste system are are two opposites. he cannot be pulling the country in both ways, pick one or the other.
and in my opinon obama is not pulling the country towards socialism (not that it would be such a bad thing), neither is he the pawn of some elitist new world order.
seriously, the conspiracy theories of both right and left are just as irrational as each other.
why does it take a conspiracy theory to see abject poverty in the streets while bankers wild unchecked?
jobs and homes bleeding?
teachers being abused and fired as bankers are coddled and paid?
summer schools being closed?
a new global mkts crash looming?
only hobama nazis deny truths as
"boring conspiracy theory"
the day you all become as bored with hobama's antics as you dare to be by the truths about them
is the day some real hope and change may also become relaities!!!
wow, trasher.
i just watched 7 seconds of your tv show.
you said on this blog you were a quadraplegic in the wheel chair who uses a transcribing device to get your comments posted.
so i guess that was recorded BEFORE your disability began?
i am also very amused at how hobama nazis have cowardly morphed from denial to dimissal
"hobama is jesus...
hobama is human...
hobama is flawed...
i am bored by those who see the flaws..."
yada yada nada
your boredom will never save you
who needs any conspiracy to see the long hot cruel summer looming globally???
20/20 vision and a walk or a tv will do just fine!
from april 25, a post about tea baggers.
Thrasher said...
"I bet you have nappy hair and big lips and I bet your wife is lightskinned...
Sorry about that sometimes my dicatation machine does not pick up my words..I am a quad BTW...
2:57 PM
do cornel west and mike dyson want a man to??
have you ever even met a real man?
thrasher is playing herein
i think he is a wf neocon lumberjack!
hobama nazis morphing:
"hobama haters are racists...
hobama haters are colorists...
hobama haters want a man"...
yada yada nada
sexist blind fool thrasher:
i guess all the ocean fans and journalists who are finally belatedly grilling hobama's inept blackish bs all need a man too huh?
(Alicia this out)
Coffee and Cigarettes wrote:
"im sorry but socialism and the british monarch/caste system are are two opposites. he cannot be pulling the country in both ways, pick one or the other".
Coffee & Cigarettes when did I actually state that both systems were identical?
Here are MY exact words:
"Despite what anyone else says, Obama DOES in fact appear to be pulling our nation towards not only Socialism but a Class divided, Elitist First system.
You know sort of like the Caste system and British Monarch type thing".
What does the Caste system (India) and British Monarch systems (UK) have in common?
There is a centuries old belief that ONLY Elites (blue bloods) are born to rule, while middle/lower class citizens were created solely for the purpose of serving Elites.
By the way what's the Minority population in Australia?
Or do "Aussies" only consider Aboriginals as their Minority citizens?
How many white Australian citizens still use Aboriginals as cooks, nannies, gardners', etc.,?
Or is that no longer the lifestyle in good old, "down under" Australia?
Sorry for the typo (Alicia check this out)
Coffee and Cigarettes wrote:
"im sorry but socialism and the british monarch/caste system are are two opposites. he cannot be pulling the country in both ways, pick one or the other".
Coffee & Cigarettes when did I actually state that both systems were identical?
Here are MY exact words:
"Despite what anyone else says, Obama DOES in fact appear to be pulling our nation towards not only Socialism but a Class divided, Elitist First system.
You know sort of like the Caste system and British Monarch type thing".
What does the Caste system (India) and British Monarch systems (UK) have in common?
There is a centuries old belief that ONLY Elites (blue bloods) are born to rule, while middle/lower class citizens were created solely for the purpose of serving Elites.
By the way what's the Minority population in Australia?
Or do "Aussies" only consider Aboriginals as their Minority citizens?
How many white Australian citizens still use Aboriginals as cooks, nannies, gardners', etc.,?
Or is that no longer the lifestyle in good old, "down under" Australia?
[quote]"Let's stop and consider how ironic it is, though, that just as the Europeans are forced by market realities - this is reality - to dismantle their socialist welfare states, we're being marched towards that state, the European style socialism.[/quote]
Of course if Europe was actually dismantling the welfare state the writer might have had a point. But given that Europe clearly isn't - the writer doesn't.
I do not agree with any of those things..i would love Obama to be more leftist than he actually is.
I hated the bail out package. I hate the fact that more troops are being sent to afghanistan. I think he and the democrats in general need to grow some balls and tell the republicans to fuck off. But i still fail to see how he is worse than GWB or the sign of a looming world order.
On the bright side, he's passed atleast some form of health care reform. His election as the first african american president is historic. He's begun to dismantle Gitmo. He said he'd get out of Iraq. He's restored America's reputation around the globe.
Yes alot of these positives are purely symbolic at the moment..but hey its better than having an imbecile with the vocabulary of an 8 year old running the country, starting wars, torturing people, and thinking that mexicans speak mexican.
The american political system is corrupt and americans have been bamboozled into believing myths..but this is not obamas fault. he cannot fix a system that he's had to work within. the only thing that can change this reality is people power..people need to put pressure on washington to reform. thats why im actually so glad to hear you rail against obama, because although i disagree with your analysis, you make some good points that i think need to be discussed.
And cosign with Daisy..everybody needs to read "the Shock doctrine"
we agree to disagree
i see no differnce other than the color of his skin
how can u hate bush and love hobama?
do u see his wars?
they are worse!
do u see him ignoring black misery?
we are worse off/more jobless/more homeless
do u see that his health hoax was a bailout plan for pharm corps?
we will all pay more for less and poor people are still grossly uninsured...we will all have less docs now etc
do u see that he has worsened and escalated ALL that bush began???
bush never bailed out a bank or bought an auto co or used bloody war drones so etc
hobama worsended gitmo..sent them to il forever!
do u see any hope and change?
i see hopelessness and unchanged elitism/poverry/doom and more hatreds than ever???
hobama had a very low bar
ANY change would have been fine
by me
he has betrayed us all -
all of us
he lowered US all instead!!!
the shock doctine is an excellent book about capitalism and its scams and bloodletting
but hobama was selected to take both to cosmic levels...and he has done well!!!
Alicia wrote:
we agree to disagree
i see no differnce other than the color of his skin
how can u hate bush and love hobama?
do u see his wars?
they are worse!
do u see him ignoring black misery?
we are worse off/more jobless/more homeless"
That's easy Alicia they've been brainwashed and refuse to face reality.
Poverty, Homelessness, Unemployment, etc., have ALWAYS been worse in Europe than in America.
Just as European Armed Forces are not up to par with U.S. Armed Forces.
Why do you think European countries always approach the U.S. for Foreign Aid and Military assistance??
Allies or no, they still need our HELP!
Yet we have people living in the U.S. who wish to slam this great nation.
I say if you think Europe is Superior to America, than why are you still living here?
Why not just relocate to the country of your choice?
Poverty, Homelessness, Unemployment, etc., have ALWAYS been worse in Europe than in America.
Do you have any research to support this? According to several studies measuring a "quality of life index" European "socialists" style countries rank at the top.
Here's one using a human development index
but you did say that he was pulling the country in both socialist and elitist directions. Which kind of cancel each other out.
"By the way what's the Minority population in Australia?
Or do "Aussies" only consider Aboriginals as their Minority citizens?
How many white Australian citizens still use Aboriginals as cooks, nannies, gardners', etc.,?
Or is that no longer the lifestyle in good old, "down under" Australia?"
Not that this has anything to do with my point about Obama or America..
but sadly, indigenous australians only make up 3% of the population. there are other ethnic minorities that make up larger percentages. Indigenous aussies are displaced in their own land, kind of like native americans.
And Indigenous australians have higher rates of incarnation, lower life expentancy, lower standards of living. The situation is pretty bad, and there is a government campaign right now "to close the gap."
Australia also has a very racist past. But right now its as multicultural as canada for example.
But again..I didn't say Australia and its history were perfect. I was comparing the health and education services of the two countries, and my point still stands.
US society has some great qualities..the fact that a POC and the child of an immigrant holds the highest seat of the land is something which has not been achieved in any other western country. However, it also has some very bad qualities- and the lack of social safety nets is one of them.
Coffee & Cigarettes wrote:
"Australia also has a very racist past. But right now its as multicultural as canada for example".
Ok if you say so.
By the way what's the percentage of Minority Leaders right now in Australia?
Prime Minister, Archbishops, CEOs, etc.,
Wow, Laurel, CF and AB tell me how you really feel.
Do I like living in America? Sure, but I've been black and poor long enough to know that this country is far from perfect. And I've been around long enough to know most Americans believe silly things about the rest of the world.
As the old Chris Rock joke goes -- 'America is the Rich uncle who payed your college tuition but molested you."
The uproar in the EU is partly 'our' fault -- we as nation failed to regulate Wall Street.
Here's the scope, to join the EU, a nation has to have a relatively low level of debt. Initially, those countries had decent books. A lot of European nations trusted Wall Street to invest their public funds wisely, no different than a teachers union's or a small company's retirement fund.
Now, when all that Wall Street money went 'poof', the debt of these nations skyrocketed.
So CF, these countries aren't economic chaos because of social safety nets, its primarily because the Lehman Brothers and Goldman Sachs of the world too them to the cleaners.
Laurel, the action of the banks is not classical capitalism, that's called fraud. Securities and market exchanges exist to allow capital to fund more production. A stock market exists so company X can gin up distributed funds from investors a1.......an on the assumption they will provide an adequate ROI. They do not as a vehicle for bankers and financial speculators to get rich and fleece people.
You say you've traveled world and I have no reason not to believe you. But how have you seen the world and still come back so closed minded and jingoistic? The Its amazing to see Americans travel the world and come back no wiser or reflective than when they left. Amazing and sad.
And btw, I say 'stay here' because I want to make my nation of birth better. I honestly believe that as a young nation we have the potential to be a great nation, but we have to get over our own hubris and ignorance (and yes, we are some ignorant people as a country) first.
And Alicia......whatever, you're going to interpret anything I say as love the the Fuhrer Obama. Like I said a month ago -- Obama as a Nazi Cyborg from Mars.
Thrasher and C&C, we can agree to disagree, but I respect that you're civil.
by the way field, i say amen.
LAC King:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I knew it man!!!
I knew that I would be forced to read through your "Kabuki Rituals" in which in your rapid hand movements you give the appearance of complexity in your scrutiny. At the end of this process - you proved me correct: IT WUZ NOT GREECE'S FAULT.
Did you notice the Prime Minster of Greece DID NOT say that 'American Banks brought us to this point over the long haul".
INSTEAD he said "Their PRESENT fear mongering over our ability to pay off these emergency funds HAS MADE OUR BORROWING COSTS MORE EXPENSIVE and thus HE MIGHT SUE THEM."
Do you read to keep up with these things or do you get your information from a news filter that is biased per your liking?
[quote]I see you are avoiding me CF, so I'll try again[/quote]
Purple Cow - please don't ever worry about me "avoiding you" out of fear of responding to you and thus tucking you in to sleep for the night.
Well CF, it's an entirely different system from the one that failed in the Gulf. One which has worked in tests. Of course undersea blow-outs are very rare so we don't have an incident where the the valve has yet been seen to work in a real crisis. But at just $500k a pop, don't you think it was worth a try?
And why do B.P. utilize the acoustic valve on all their North Sea rigs, if they think it won't work?[/quote]
Purple Cow:
The acoustic valve is merely a system by which, for example, a person in a rescue boat can send a signal to have the valve closed. The Deepwater Horizon had a "Deadman Switch" which was triggered, according to reports that I have heard.
Thus the acoustic switch is not a new type of VALVE. IT is only a alternative means to tell the valve to close. The deadman switch shuts the valve when the sea bed equipment losers power and communication with the rig.
Constructive Feedback asked LAC:
"Do you read to keep up with these things or do you get your information from a news filter that is biased per your liking?"
Of course LAC obtains his information from a Biased news filter i.e., MSNBC!
He has to continue feeding himself that rhetoric to keep from facing reality.
Coffee & Cigarettes are anymore civil than you, myself or Alicia.
They just agree with LAC's rhetoric.
Notice when I asked C & C what's the percentage of Minority Leadership in Australia (Prime Minister, Archbishops, CEOs), she either couldn't or wouldn't answer my question.
Want to know why?
Because despite her bulls__t line about "Australia now being as Multi-cultural as Canada", she knows that the "Aussies" are STILL some of the most Racist people on the planet.
There is NO way man of Obama's lineage (African Father, White Mother) would have been appointed or elected as Prime Minister in Australia, nor in Paris, etc.,
By the way C & C when was the last time Canada chose a Black or half-Black Prime Minister?
Get out of here with that Multi-Cultural crap!!
On Election night 2008 while standing on the stage in Grant Park in Chicago, Obama stated before the entire world:
"Only in America".
He was right!
Coffee & Cigarettes aren't anymore civil than you, myself or Alicia.
i understood u as always!
i speak typo...and i post many!
anyone who claims hobama is anything other than a clone of bush is blind or just not paying ANY attn
he is a selected QB in the nwo...he is a human hoax
he proves that more each day...
no lies live forever
bush's wmd lie died
so will hobama's savior/hope/change bs
There is NO way man of Obama's lineage (African Father, White Mother) would have been appointed or elected as Prime Minister in Australia, nor in Paris, etc.,
Obama's election is far from any kind of measuring stick for this society. Check out the black unemployment rate sometime. You might also want to take a look at the state of black inner city conditions as well.
Broad based social nets simply improve life for the vast majority of citizens. American economic inequality is an anomaly among western democracies. Who suffers the most from that inequality? Blacks do, because they are on the bottom of society economically.
other netwks are finally grilling obama due to bp...
oil slicked oceans trump slobbering ongoing love affairs!
but msnbc has been the worst of hobama tv...chris m and keith o = antoine and blaine...i hate msnbc!!!
i predict they will be the last to wake up so lac can enjoy his fav channel longest!
even a wm neocon with a resume as thin as hobama could never have been elected
hobama was selected and groomed to be prez since his suspect days in colleges...that is why his entire academic life is sealed as never before!!!
he is a manchurian puppet of the banker corps that rule america and the world
Ditto Alicia
Thank God neither you nor I am blind.
I don't hate President Obama.
I am not praying for him to fail.
But I'm NOT going to ignore the fact that he's taking America places she doesn't belong just because he's the first Black President.
America doesn't belong at the bottom!
Nothing wrong with providing for our nation's poor & less fortunate but we DON'T need Socialism to accomplish this.
Like I said everyone who is slamming America and praising Europe, why not just relocate to Europe or better yet...Australia??
You know Alicia its funny how Obama ran for President of THIS country.
If Europe & Australia are so "Multi-Cultural" as C & C claims, than why didn't he run for Prime Minister or President of those countries/nations!
Like I said get out of here with that crap!
laurel, please explain why you call yourself a democrat.
Why is the US behind in literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy, math scores, homicide rates, reading levels etc? Why do we have far more people in prison than democratic socialist states in Europe?
If we look at the measure of "human development," see my above example, which you ignored. You'll see the US trailing Finland, Luxembourg, Japan, Switzerland, France, Sweden, Netherlands, ireland, Canada, iceland, Australia, and Norway.
that is why i call him hobama
he is a corp whore
i bet he has 2 logos for bp and halliburton tatted on his bony butt cheeks!
ditto laurel:
only in america where black is seen as hip/a brand/cool... and blackness is a solo reason for racist suicidal silences
ditto laurel:
we all fail as a unit
i want him to succeed
i love america and hobama the same way: CONDITIONALLY!!!!
but i will never ever give hobama a pass to clone gwb just because his deadbeat dad was black
i will call him out even more loudly than gwb because that wm moron never pretended a black savior...
i will never ever pretend that i do not see his worsenings/escalations/lies just because his wife and kids are black etc...
i will never feign that he is not walking on black graves as i admire his blackish swag!!!
Sorry but I do not twitter or facebook( my staff does that for me).
I do write, blog and chatter only on this blog...
Please spare me your tired Obama rants you one note boring yahoo..Please spare me the I am woman whinning..Please spare me I am the only one who will confront Obama noble female theme...You are a 2nd rate screamer many do the same shit but only better..
That was satire i.e tongue in cheek...Please spare me your white woman I have clue bullshit as well if I recall you claim you would never post with me because 'One Drop' valued me over you..
Good chatter is great for the soul
CF Oh hell sorry I even mentioned sir long winded ballon blower yoyo who fears brevity..
Yeah I love my Black MAN ass 24/7..Yes I worship and respect me 24/7...Yeah I am all that to myself and many others..
it is far easier to attack messengers than defend the faltering hobama...
i get that
we see you...you mindless monkeyshining misogynist mute fool!!!
So What!!!
Who made you the Obama Arbiter of anything You envious jealous yahoo.....
Get the fuck out of here you are fixated on castration of Black men the bigger and more powerful they are the more your nasty ass Black female stream of anger comes forth...
Please spare me the gay shit at end of the day your anger towards Obama and Black males who will fuck with you on GP is becuase your womanhood cannot measure up..You are a classic underachiever it is written all over your tired redudant boring ass anti-Obama posts..
hobama is one trick one world pony for his jockeys in the banking cartels
new trick = new rant
you have no life and no appendage to make either possible!
your eunuch envy is showing boy!
man up and defend hobama!!!
funny how your attacks get more venomous as your silence about hobama become more deafening
got angst?
you are a snakeless pointless snake!
fix that asap you silly dickless serpent
Yeah I am fucking with your pitiful weak dna challenge shell of a woman ass..
Yeah I will because I can 24/7 take it to your boring forgettable ordinary one trick brusied titty envy antiskirt wearing ass..
Now run to your daddy tell him a real Black man is kicking your ass.. and you like it that a real mnan finally paying you some attention even if it the attention he never gave You ordinary nobody. antidress wearing ass...
so much wasted energy???
and still not even a peep in defense of hobama???
u r like a tiny piece of feces in a tornado...just stinking and fading in the breeze of your own twisted fury...
scattered and screwed as you confuse the torrential sands with your own trifling particles of bs!!!!
I have a limit when dealing with "Wiggers" on this Blog, only 1 hour per day. You've exceeded that.
What does being Gay have to do with expressing an opinion?
Alicia sounds like Thrasher is Gay Bashing to me.
Isn't Gay bashing tantamount to Hate Crimes?
do u even have a daddy?
have any real men and women like my dad ever discussed u for any reason osd of a blog that you fumigate?
thrasher is gaybashing because he is a life support system for a discount dildo...like all sorry excuses for men who hate all women who whip their weak estrogen filled asses!
You are tragic on so many levels ..I pity empty woman like you who lacked the depth and skills to matter to anybody of importance ..
I pity lonely scared Black woman like you who have betrayed and shit on but my pity has bounds..
I have little regard for weak people like you who have been confronted with fucked up circumstances but lack the grit to believe in themsleves so they undertake this crusade and mission to take out your pain on others in this case a man like Obama who you will never influence..
I have a more real honest idea you should act on take your pitiful one note whinning ass away from the pc go home and cuss out your daddy get that loser off your chest for the fucked up parenting he did to you..
Come back and let me help you..I will cause I can..I will cause I am a real Black man..I feel ya..I really do
your psycho is showing..and showing out!
your sexist retarded fantasies about you will never ease your own pain nor the pain that your house boy hobama is unleashing upon the globe!
got viagra?
use it to snag a man asap!
got pms?
your sexist retarded fantasies about ME will never ease those cramps!
thrassion = thorazine + hobama passion:
your sexist retarded fantasies about ME will never ease those cramps!
got midol?
Sounds like Thrasher needs to go back on his meds.
He also needs to stop all the Gay bashing.
Gay bashing is offensive.
I'm not Gay but I still find it very offensive.
God loves Gay people too.
gay bashing..Please spare me your simple minded analysis..You post like some scared white person who rolls down her window and holds her purse while seeking directions to her former house in the hood..
Your post rings like a phony liberal who eats bb chicken with black folks and becomes a negro expert..
gay bashing..lol,lol,lol you do not have clue about bashing anything but your fucking pc in your basement...
You are a simple minded lemming tossing around labels you read in newsweek..lol,lol,lol
"mehn" like thrasher fear gays because they are gay
his rabid misogyny made him suspect long ago...
but i still say he is a wf neocon lumberjack playing games herein
God loves my Black ass now have your God kiss my ass while you are on your knees praying to him to matter to somebody..
Holly roller clown...God..Shit I worship many Gods...Volume matters..lol,lol,lol
did u catch that bulgar joke thrassion posted to mamm monday?
not to mention all the pdychotic dreams he has posted about me today?
and still he is even more clueless about his own glaring sexism and gay hatred thane he is about hobama...sheesh!!!
did u catch that VULGAR joke thrassion posted to mamm monday?
Please spare me the tired labels underdeveloped one note thinkers like you piss out..
Misogyny get the fuck out of here ..You do not have a clue about the condition shit you did not even know the word until some liberal yoyo scripted it for you..
Ditto Alicia,
Sort of like Buster Rhymes, King of Gay Bashers all the while he was on the DL.
DL Thrasher I don't have a basement, just a Garage.
However My Office is located inside of my home; as in my Own home.
Alicia from this day forward I will refer to Thrasher as DL Thrasher. This moniker suits him to a tee.
ha ha
Yeah it was as vulgar as your tired man hating rants you spit out in here..
Of course my post was pure humor your contempt of Black men and males in general is a pathlogical condition for you it is apparent in reading your rage filled posts you are still suffering from having a lousy father in your life..I bet he treated your moma like shit a well..
CF, you can hold up Greece and I can hold up Iceland, Spain and many other countries who were brought to their knees by the bank crash.
And also, did I say that it was only the banking crisis? No.
Laurel, Thrasher and I disagree on many matters. But we can agree to disagree. I disagree with MR and other on this blog, but we often have civil discourse. Believe it or not, I've agree with AB a few times and give CF credit when he's spot on.
laurel ditto!!!
dl thrassion
and i LOVE how cowardly fools like dl thrassion go all dark goth fantasy/vulgar/dozens/postal... on me as they simultaneously dare ask "why are you so angry???"...
go figure!
Get real you do not own anything your inflated in need of acknowledgement depraved ass is renting space over a garage...lol,lol,lol
You post like one of those phony jack and jill slugs seeking value in the image of white folks paradigms..
Your house get the fuck out of here..lol,lol,lol
And to think Thrasher, all this shit started after you called me a boring yoyo.
Got a question for ya. Who's the yoyo now, LOL?????
hey dl thrassion:
my dad is a real man/king who taught me to see and slay court jester perps like you...he is as proud of me as ali is of laila!
as ali would add:
"you goofy gorilla!!!"
have u ever met your daddy?
did he make your mom the doormat/punching bag you wish i was?
never that boy!
get over that...now clown!!!!
i have only deservedly ranted on hobama and you...neither are men in my book!
always have
always will
got valium?
alicia banks said...
but i will never ever give hobama a pass to clone gwb just because his deadbeat dad was black
Girl SPEAK!!!!
the resident boring yoyo/dl thrassion is now officially tricking..."walking the dog"...
he got stomped in triplicate...that monkeyshining mirage seeing moronic mutt!!!!
I am reporting anyone to homeland security..I can give it and take it..
Please refrain from lecturing to me on civility in a fucking chat forum..Please this is nothing more than a chat forum no more no less.. I do not issue disclaimers or rules of posting for you..
BTW I respect you and I could give less than a fuck what you called or or how you express yourself 24/7..So in that flow you do you and let me do me..I never seek anybody's permission for anything..I am a Black man ..I fear nothing or nobody but me...
dl thrassion is proof that hobama nazis cannot handle the truth...
calling out hobama = dissing all black men?????
dl thrassion pleez!!!!
I dismissed your irrevelant microscope worhipping ass yesterday now run along and got matter to a piece of dirt..lol,lol,lol
Stick that up your forgettable microscoping ass..lol,lol,
dl thrassion:
i have never bashed kings like fn/cornel west/mike dyson etc...
i disagree with fn often but he can state his disagreements without changing my sex id or attacking my dad...nahmean u punk fool????
guess why u court jester???
is it not kinda creepy that dl thrassion keeps calling you "forgettable"?
is that not proof that you are actually unforgettable and have clearly made a lasting impression upon "shim?"
I think this blog would be more interesting if comments were not allowed. That way you can spew your venom at home(if you have one)
Your simple minded one note pair of panties is showing..Your braindead all I can do is attack Obama and Black men narrative is leaking..
Perhaps now is a good time to run and get a pad...lol,lol,lol
I had some hope for your pedestrain thinking ass that one day when I stopped here to post you would expand your range of topics but fuck all I got was the same tired boring one note slug theme of your trashing Obama cause the men if your life are shitty..
DL Thrasher sounds as if he has some serious personal/ psychological issues.
So not only is he on the DL but his rants reveal extreme Self-Hatred.
He also probably resides in a cramped, little apartment.
Its okay. DL Thrasher I understand.
Now I know why your so angry.
You need compassion and prayer.
Its okay. We can help you.
DL Thrasher perhaps a Summer trip to Europe will help you.
Perhaps a dose of Socialism will cure whatever ails you.
laurel ditto!
dl thrassion has revealed to date:
he has no dad
his "uncle" abused his mom
he longs for father/dl son convos
he has no life
he has no penis
he has no respect for women
he loves vulgar gay jokes/is dl
he adores hobama blindly as all hobama nazis must/do/demand...
he may have a gay crush on uts
shame how he projects his pitiful life unto me!!!
Losers like you require constant fucking intervention ..Losers like you do not know how to take a hint and evolve so Yep you empty angry I need the atention of a man in my life I had to wake up your ass and get you to see the truth..
Yeah I fucked with your daddy and his lousy parenting..
Now look who is feeling sorry for herslef, seeking some pity from me for daring to go there...You are a joke I have observed you castrate men in here and now you dare seek me to move on and not get personal...
he thinks mamm is truly unforgettable though near or far...
he is the castrated pointless misery that long for some company herein...
he really needs a man/dad/dl lover...badly!!!
lol,lol,lol, I must have hit paydirt when I posted you are a renter and a phony jack and jill girl..lol,lol,lol
Your need to call me out as living in a cramped apt is revaling and funny..lol,lol,lol
I Love the power I have on sites and with my words ..I get folks so emotional and off target...I do have a superior talent for fucking with people especially angry Black woman lonely types like you, MAMM.AB and others who visit this site..
See I am real nigger unlike CF, Uptown , Mack..I have lived a hell of a life..
I feel all of your pains and hurt..I know Black woman well I was borned out of a Black womb...lol,lol,lol
I love that knowing that raw truth that is why I can so good at understanding yall shit..
To be continued..On dead line..
When so-called men are super critical of Gay people, it usually means they are "Suspect" as in DL.
i.e., Buster Rhymes baby!
got a thesaurus?
"pity" is not a synonym for "consensus"
you misogynist moron!!!!
BTW...Obama is a piece of shit..halfbreed mutherfucker...lol,lol,lol
dl thrassion did post one truth:
"See I am real nigger"
say busta
whose wife left him for a woman!
dl thrassion:
got a "lady"?
know where s/he is?
see dl thrassion?
now u bash hobama?
this is why you have no credibility herein...you change your opinions like you pop those meds...all sporadically to agitate!....shame
it is not hobama's "half breed" that vexes me
DL Thrasher,
I own my home and I have an office.
If taunting me is your way of trying to fool me into revealing my physical address please!
That's the oldest internet trick in the book.
Anyone regardless of their ethnicity or gender, who harbors that much Self-Hatred belongs on a couch somewhere.
And yes I do believe your either on the DL or haven't had Sex in quite some time.
Your obsession with bashing Gay people, mainly Women is an Cowardly act.
Your pathetic!
The people who visit Field's Blog and choose to communicate with you, are probably the only human beings willing to associate with you.
Your scared employees (if you really are a small business owner) don't count.
ditto laurel!
dl thrassion is an absolute late stranger to me herein...yet he is blatantly lying about my entire life!
so he would most certainly lie about his own life too!
i think he is a wf neocon lumberjack who lives in a small self consructed isolated wooden cabin with a solar pc like the unabomber!...
ha ha tee hee hee
OMG! Girl you are too much.
I concur.
He's probably some lonely, sexually frustrated DL White dude or "Wigger".
Bless his heart.
I''ll pray for him.
he needs to pray with knee pads on!!
i am sure he has some!
DL Thrasher likes attention.
He needs to take that high school stuff somewhere else.
He should be paying Field for all the free publicity he's receiving.
Perhaps we should stop giving it to him.
Like I said a Summer trip to Europe and a good dose of Socialism will probably cure whatever ails him.
ha ha
it is just not in my lioness DNA not to smash the hell out of pestering flies with my tail though....ya know?
That blogger dude talking about the middle class "will become" slack, unemployment "will rise," and service in every area o American life will fall...
Jez, that's happened in the last 30 years thanks to "free market economics." Where has he been living?
I hear ya girl.
He can't handle an Intelligent Queen like yourself.
As for messing with me, forget it!
He'll never win!
Alicia looks like we did it again (*high five)
Gotta finish packing. I'm going out of town for the holiday.
God Bless
Wow..Such nice things about me while I am gone...Such courage and integrity..
I must be in a room of emtpy angry lonely woman...lol,lol,lol
My posture on Obama is the same from day one you all can goggle my published commentaries in this regard..
I do find it revaling how those who are mad at me for dishing out insults engaged in the same behavior of practicing therapy without a license..
laurel girl who needs attention and lives in a rental and as a closet for an office (tee hee)I doubt if MD is on the end of your name...
AB please you will never have any crediblity with your one note bashing script in here..
Truth is I belong in here..I am going to enjoy my stay...lol,lol,lol
packing my ass..you not going nowhere but around the block you phony jill and jill nobody...lol,lol,lol
packing my ass..you not going nowhere but around the block you phony jill and jill nobody...lol,lol,lol
From this point forward I will own you in here..Unlike the other males you have ball busted I am going to dominate you in here as I so fit..
Now run along and tell your honey a man showed you some attention..lol,lol,lol
dl thrassion:
"own me?"
got ptssd house nigger?
you are like homey the clown...on tg hormones!
stop playing with yourself...its lewd and loony!
who died and made you "attn/blog/ratings czar"?
who cares????
wtf are u???
why are u fiending to chat with my wife and my dad????
why have you not posted one word to defend hobama????
these boring freaky fantasies u post do not count as blog convo...fyi
ever seen pinnochio u liar?
"from this point forward...i am going to be a boy/man...a real one/really..."
regal snaps sista queen!!!
dl thrassion is truly a crazy court jester...he never takes off his jingling hat!
it soothes that empty dome!
dl thrassion:
what males are u dissing herein now?
specify your lies punk?
i had no idea u even knew any real men...
i can never "bust your balls" because you have none you hallucinating eunuch!
that impossible feat would be akin to sabotaging hobama's nonexistent black agenda
hobama has busted the balls of impoverished billions... now he is the golobal ball buster whom you should fret!
dl thrassion:
ask hobama:
nothing "busts a ball" like being jobless and homeless and watching your family starve in the streeets!!!
After all that ranting and raving; what has been accomplished?
answer my question:
why did you pretend to be a quad who asked for sympathy for misspellings due to voice activation software?!
what kind of man are you?
that question is for thrasher, repeated from 12 noon (with evidence of the lie included).
i admire your endless patience with dl thrassion...
he will never answer u...
his MO:
1. ignore/deny/lie...
2. repeat 1.
he is a cowardly clown!!!
I directly addressed and answered your question I will do it again...My prose was satire and tongue in cheek...
Again I have charisma and the skill set to disarm bullies and thugs like AB..I also have a skill set to difuse empty woman like you who still resents the relationship I had with 'one drop' so deal with it and learn all the various forms of literature...
You are still foaming from the mouth about Obama...Go home woman tell your wife I gave you some attention today...lol,lol,lol
This site needs a cleansing otherwise it will lose its cutting edge..I know I will continue to slamm single minded losers like AB and ordinary posters like MAMM, laurel, maria, clowns like CF, empty suits like mack & Uptown..
I am on a PSA for chat forums especially the ones I admire like FN's
Its official.
DL Thrasher has finally lost his d__n mind!
He's also suffering from an Identity Crisis.
Now we know why he rants like a raving lunatic.
Poor, confused, crazy, lonely, sexually frustrated thing.
Let us pray.
thrasher, my apologies. i work for a living and missed your response.
pretending to be disabled is neither funny nor clever, but perfectly in line with all your posts.
Laurel said...
I have a limit when dealing with "Wiggers" on this Blog, only 1 hour per day. You've exceeded that.
classic! here's my question:
what makes you a democrat?
and that was your answer.
In DL Thrasher's case I'd say Socialism would definitely do him some good.
European countries usually have a place for Mentally Ill freaks like him.
I believe they call them Gov't funded Sanatoriums.
i can endure determined delusion...but dimwitted dementia is intolerable!
funny how dl thrassion is cool with hobama's solo antics!
sexist dl man crushed dog!
ha ha
dl thrassion:
like all misogynist cowards who bully women...
you only have an issue with those women who back your bully ass up by smacking you down!!!!
i have never been called a bully by anyone who was not a bully i beat down!
i feel your pain you felled fool!
the global bullies are hobama and your bankers...who you have yet to post a thing about!!!
I love it when I have losers like laurel, AB trying to set me straight..lol,lol,lol
Imagine that these clowns who demonize, indict, piss and shit on posters who dared to disagree with them have the audacity to get busy with me..
Crazy ass DL men lovers salivating over little ole me..lol,lol,lol
I usually don't associate the Mentally Ill with being Freaks because Mental Illness is not something to take lightly nor ridicule.
However in this instance the label fits.
dl thrassion is a loveless pointless hobama nazi loon!
his celibate fantasies need us!
"loser" = brazen lying blog hoax who has yet to defend hobama or himself = dl thrassion
dl thrassion:
what is "dl" about my love for real men?
like fn/mike dyson/tavis smiley/cornel west/mumia/malcolm etc????
dl = dimwitted losers like YOU = get no love from me!!!!
dl thrassion:
feiginig victimhood now you patsy???
what was that about pity?
"Imagine that these clowns who demonize, indict, piss and shit on posters who dared to disagree with them have the audacity to get busy with me.."
why the plurality on "poster"??
who else but u trick???
u r the solo poster attacking my wife/dad/mom etc...
i have slain YOU the resident psycho fantasizer woman hating postER singular!
ditto for the other females you have bullied herein!!!!
like maria awaiting your SOLO belated reply u pud!!!!
bitch! boo! bye!!!!!!!
I believe they call them Gov't funded Sanatoriums.
We used to have those; however, Reagan had allot of them shot down, sending scores of mentally ill to the streets or into prisons.
BRAVO, BRAVO brother Field.
What up Field? You know I am feeling you on this one. I like that term communitarian. The Europeans by the way still have a free market economy.
They are still capitalists but they have a larger and more generous social safety net because the European workers fought harder and longer than American workers for a bigger piece of the results of their labor and did not buy into the ruling class' hype as much as American workers.
I hope the folks who disagree with you will not ask you to leave (lol) while ignoring what folks brag about what makes the country so great, which is freedom of expression.
I wasn't surprised that some folks were trying yet again to defend the indefensible.
Speaking of the BP fiasco actually points to the benefits of nationalism. How is that no one in the government has technical proficiency in the area of deep sea drilling. Imagine that putting all out eggs in the basket of folks whose sole motivation is making a buck.
Some form of socialism is definitely looking better and better for those who don't have much to lose.
I'm glad I was so busy I forgot to check you out earlier, because I wasn't tempted to take on those who don't have much of a leg to stand on.
But I understand those that want to defend this evil system. As Bob Marley would have put it, "dem belly full, but we hungry."
Anonymous 6:15pm wrote:
"I hope the folks who disagree with you will not ask you to leave (lol) while ignoring what folks brag about what makes the country so great, which is freedom of expression".
"Some form of socialism is definitely looking better and better for those who don't have much to lose".
Anon 6:15 if European countries and Socialism is so much more "Wonderful" than Capitalism, than can you explain why for centuries millions of European citizens have defected or migrated to America?
Even in the 21st century?
If Socialism is in fact Utopia than why leave and join an "Inferior" society?
Are there any adults out here?
Where was before I had to beat off the dl woman thugs on the blog...
FN nails it as usual...I would love to have our nation engaged in full scale life style based upon the a market economy ala Europe to a degree...
If Socialism is in fact Utopia than why leave and join an "Inferior" society?
The vast majority of Europeans who came to this country did so when Europe was still highly unequal. I'd like to see you produce some numbers that show Europeans (not for the eastern bloc) coming here in large numbers in the 21st century.
The problem with capitalism is that it is a "selfish-self-centered" system that destroys the health and hope of the poor and the compassion of the rich.
It is down right frightening and scary to be poor in America: when your body becomes ill and you need medical help, no one gives a hoot about you...if you are hungry or without clothes no one gives a crap about you. When you steal because you are hungry, or steal a coat for the winter, they criminalize you.
Socialism is far more respectful and compassionate toward the value, dignity and love of fellow human beings and life...
Nope, they have all left Gunmetal.
Thrasher, I may not agree with you on most issues. BUT -- I have to commend you for your valiant efforts in battling the Three Black Witches that have poisoned this blog. I'm sure that if one threw water on them, they would surely melt.
I particularly like Alicia and Laurel's Spike the Dog and Chester the Terrier act. It would be comical if it wasn't so pitiful. I particularly like Chester's "nugget of wisdom":
"Anon 6:15 if European countries and Socialism is so much more "Wonderful" than Capitalism, than can you explain why for centuries millions of European citizens have defected or migrated to America?"
If the obnoxious little skank had paid attention in History class, she would know that European-style socialism appeared after WWII. Hence, there were no "centuries of migration."
I am sure she is going to run to QuoteGarden or ThinkExist to copy/paste some mindless drivel in response.
I meant to say, "hence there were no "centuries of migration" due to Socialism."
Mea Culpa
Some pot with every chicken...
I really hate to ack Anonymous posts but since I am a selfish prick who loves attention and affirmation...
I am just tired of coming to the best Black site on the internet having to navigate around some single minded thugs unable to construct new ideas and themes..
They all can kiss by Black ass..I hope thier wives find out how they were obessed with a man today..I bet they loved every second of the attention I gave them dl attention deprived thugs..Cause now I own them in here..I know now I have thier obession..
Yo..Now how about you getting some balls and at least calling yourself Anon#1...lol,lol,lol
Regarding Glen Beck sponsors Field said,
Field, obviously you have not listened to Glen Beck's memorable commencement speech at Liberty U. It was very moving and will bring even YOU to tears. Any sponsor who does NOT advertise with this man will need to have their head examined because they will lose market share to a smart competitor who does:
Thrasher, you would do well to watch and listen also. Your ignorant heartless ass needs an education and a heart of good-will toward humanity.
You know I do not pay attention to intellectual cowards who hide behind Anonymous.....
Glen Beck is a nobody in my circles so why would I ever pay attention to him....Truth who is he??lol,lol,lol
Anonymous 7:41pm wrote:
"If the obnoxious little skank had paid attention in History class, she would know that European-style socialism appeared after WWII. Hence, there were no "centuries of migration."
I am sure she is going to run to QuoteGarden or ThinkExist to copy/paste some mindless drivel in response".
Thanks for the suggestion Anon 7:41.
Check these out:
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life".
Winston Churchill
"Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander, and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed".
Bertrand Russell
"You can't be envious and happy at the same time".
Frank Tyger
"Envy shoots at others and wounds itself".
English Proverb
"Envy eats nothing but its own heart".
German Proverb
ha ha ha
Again thanks for the suggestion
ha ha ha
Laurel, don't confuse me with any of the anon posts. I always sign. I know England had socialized medicine at some point during WWII. I also know the US is older than France and Italy if you judge the government by the age of their institution. The age of Europe is measured in tradition. They were barbarians not too long ago, just added wigs.
Excellent blog. Half of these fruitcakes running around yelling Socialist, wouldn't know a real socialist if one were to hit them upside their heads.
Maria I agree with you completely on the issue of education. I don't understand the elitist attitudes spewed here but they bother me a great deal. Some people do better at community college before transferring to university for a variety of reasons. Others don't like a toxic super competitive academic environment for their mental health.
I've attended a few schools over the years and then I've observed the way physics and math are taught at various institutions and frankly, some of the smaller schools with smaller staffs, class sizes etc are much better to teach their students. I had a buddy that went to Berkeley for undergrad in Physics and he said "Mahndisa I learned physics in spite of being at Berkeley." He didn't like the lack of emphasis on teaching and he felt that professors were more concerned about funding and ego than teaching physics.
After a person understands the fundamentals, going to grad school at a more prestigious university may help because of their endowments and monies that keep them researching interesting topics etc.
Educational elitism is for the birds and is bullshit. What matters is that a person understand the material and can apply it and this knowledge is universal.
Socialism is evil cloaked as kindness.
So why don't y'all N-Words move to Europe if it's so great there??
Cause they hate y'all more than we do, OK, not as much as the Saudis, and they won't cut your heads off for rapin one of there women like the Saudi's do, besides, y'all couldn't wear enough stocking caps to keep y'alls nappy heads warm during a Swedish Winter...
[quote"Frank Drackman]So why don't y'all N-Words move to Europe if it's so great there??[/quote]
I did, it's great!
[quote]Frank Drackman]Cause they hate y'all more than we do[/quote]
No they don't, they really don't. You develop a sixth sense for who is racist and who isn't, even when they are being superficially nice to you. I'm here to tell you that the level of day-in, day-out racism in Western Europe is MUCH lower than in the USA.
Englands not Europe.
And ever listen to the chants at the English Football games, oh excuse me, EUROPEAN football games??
Don't worry, there not Booing you, there just calling you "Monkeys"...
Anyway, good on ya, see if you can get the other 60 million N-words to follow your example,
Oh look, it's No_Slappz alter ego, Frank! *Yawn*
In my humble opinion, Socialism is not too bad. many of my friends are Socialists. National Socialists.
Keep up the good work nevertheless!
Bruno Leicht
Socialism only works until you run out of other people's money. As the Greeks, the Spaniards, the Portuguese.
Europe has a serious problem. Their tax base in shrinking and their expenditures are increasing.
Socialism is a pyramid scheme, it is contingent on the idea that you have more people working than retired and/or sick. No one thought, after WWII, the average life span would be around 80 years old, back then it was in the early 60's so most people only drew retirement for less than 5 years, not nearly 20!!! Greeks were rioting a couple of weeks ago because the government dared suggest they raise the retirement age by ONE FREAKING YEAR.
Once you give people something they feel entitled and that won't change without a lot of PAIN.
So now Europe is stuck with "entitled people" who are dependent on the elites and governments to care for them, meanwhile the tax base is shrinking.
So what do they do? Keep mass importing Muslims that don't integrate well (partly because of racism, partly because of incompatible cultures), yeah that is working just great. I'm sure French people loved those burned up freaking cars, and the Dutch love politicians under fatwa death threats...with 24 hour security...there are no-go areas for whites in the UK in cities like Birmingham. I know Europe pretty well, I go there often.
You people have no real idea what is going on.
Dragon Horse said..."I know Europe pretty well, I go there often.
"You people have no real idea what is going on."
Thanks for taking the time to educate us country bumpkins with your urbane, cosmopolitan viewpoint.
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