Let's talk about our founding fathers, shall we? These are men that A-merry-cans are proud of, and no doubt should be. They all signed on to the Declaration Of Independence from Britain, they crafted The Constitution, and, as history tells us, they were instrumental in taking us through the early stages of our republic.
Now I live in Philadelphia, and our tourist trade is damn near built around the founding fathers.
For instance; if you know anything about Philly, you know that it's all things Ben Franklin in our little neck of the woods. We have the Ben Franklin House, the Ben Franklin Bridge, the Ben Franklin Parkway, and so on. You can't drive two blocks in this city without seeing something having do do with Ben.
Also, if you visit our fine city you can see the Liberty Bell, Constitution Hall, (the home of The Declaration Of Independence) Independence Hall, Congress Hall (the old US Capital), and The US Mint where we get our money on. There are lots of other historical sites to see as well, but you get the picture, you can really learn your A-merry-can history by just taking a walking tour of Philadelphia. The place is replete with it.
Of course, George Washington, like Benjamin Franklin, was one of A-merry-ca's founding fathers. He was our first president and he led us to war against those damn "Red Coats".
Now here in Philadelphia the national park folks have something honoring George as well. It's yet another tourist attraction in our wonderful city for patriotic A-merry-cans to come and see from all across our great country. It's called the President's House, and thanks to an archaeological dig in 2007 we know exactly where it was located. Now our city is trying to find a way to commemorate this great finding.
But wait, apparently our first president had some slave issues.... and, well, it's a little embarrassing.
"Under a hot July sun, droplets of water drawn from the Nile soothed baked Philadelphia clay at the bottom of a great pit at Sixth and Market Streets - a blessing for the earth and for the dead. River water was followed by ancient Nile sand, glistening grains of the African continent trickling down onto the hard New World.
The libation yesterday was part of a ceremony marking the formal close of the President's House excavation, an archaeological undertaking that captured the public imagination and wouldn't let go.
For four months, archaeologists sifted through Independence Mall soil, uncovering evidence of the home where slave-owning George Washington and antislavery John Adams lived and launched American democracy in the 1790s and where Washington held nine Africans in bondage.
Archaeologists uncovered the rear foundation of the house in early May, about a month after the dig began. Then, in quick succession, remnants of a great bow window Washington installed, the kitchen where his slaves toiled, and an underground passage used by slaves and servants were also discovered.
More than 300,000 visitors watched the process from a public viewing platform and discussed the now-visible relationship between freedom and slavery at the heart of the nation's founding.
The site will now be temporarily re-covered with earth to protect the resources while the city, the National Park Service, and the public try to determine what the next step will be."
Oh my! Slaves in the basement? Hmmmm, what's a city and a park service to do? Maybe they can incorporate some kind of tribute to the slaves to appease you Negroes.
Yeah, that's the ticket. If they don't I am sure that some of you rowdy Negroes will act up. Yep, you started already. Or if that doesn't work, I guess the powers that be could hold public meetings so that you can air out your grievances.
"At a raucous and sometimes profane public meeting Friday night, critics denounced plans for the President's House memorial under construction on Independence Mall.
City and project officials, who had not conducted a session to update the public on the oft-delayed project for almost three years, sought to present a newly revised interpretive plan for the site where George Washington and John Adams conducted their presidencies and Washington held at least nine enslaved Africans.
City and project officials, who had not conducted a session to update the public on the oft-delayed project for almost three years, sought to present a newly revised interpretive plan for the site where George Washington and John Adams conducted their presidencies and Washington held at least nine enslaved Africans.
But before Emanuel Kelly, principal of Kelly/Maiello Architects & Planners, designers of the memorial at Sixth and Market Streets, could discuss the status of construction, he was interrupted by a chorus of loud complaints over the use of a white-owned general contractor at the site, and a torrent of criticism over the site's overall presentation of the black experience.
'George Washington broke the law, he broke the law!" shouted Sacaree Rhodes, a community activist involved in the project for almost 10 years. "Where is the rape? Where is the brutality? I am a black woman! You will not do this. You will tell the truth.'
That opened a floodgate of shouts from several of the roughly 75 people at the meeting at the Convention Center. "
Oh lawd! Some of you Negroes, I swear. We sure could use some of our founding fathers around here now. They knew just how to keep you Negroes in check.
Actually, most African Americans did not think "damn Red Coats." The majority of blacks who did fight, fought for the British. When Washington's forces set to fight the army of Cornwallis, thousands of blacks were playing a vital roles for British forces, all the way up until smallpox decimated their ranks and weakened british forces before their eventual surrender at Yorktown.
Great post Field but....
Its a common fact owning Slaves during George Washington's day, was simply part of American culture during that era.
Now before any of you start throwing rocks or cursing me out, please continue reading...
For the record I never said I advocate or agree with Slavery/ Owning other Human Beings, so let's get that straight!
Slavery was one of the darkest periods in American History and I do believe our nation was punished for it by God himself. (My personal opinion)
However what's even worse are the after effects of Slavery still evident in today's society.
i.e., The Willie Lynch Mentality among today's Blacks.
Willie Lynch was a Slave Owner with a mission to continue the practice of Slavery via keeping African-Americans divided.
He knew if he was successful in this devious plan, the Black community would remain Slaves to America's White race forever.
How have we cooperated with Willie Lynch?
Well let's see, by judging and dividing ourselves via:
Skin Color
Hair Texture
I.Q./ Natural Intelligence
Education Level
Fraternity/ Sorority Memberships
Region (North vs South)
Socio-Economic levels
What's that I hear?
The sounds of George Washington and Willie Lynch laughing at us from their graves.
"Emancipate yourself from Mental Slavery, none but ourselves can Free our Mind".
Bob Marley
"As Legal Slavery passed, we entered into a permanent period of Unemployment and Underemployment from which we have yet to emerge".
Julian Bond
For the millionth time: There was no Willie Lynch. Please knock off that ahistorical conspiracy theory.
How's it going, typically-angry Negroes?
Still dwelling on slavery, I see. Funny, slavery is STILL going on in Africa, as we speak. But I highly doubt you loud mouths will dare admit to it.
I see your little F*&K Arizona crap over on the right. This is so consistent with your general stupidity. Ever give the whole matter any thought? Guess it's too much for you militant Negroes.
Anyway, have a black day. Can't wait to enslave you again, or airdrop you back into AFREAKA.
Do we not know that slavery was legal during that time? With the logic that the house was a house of horrors, the current White House should be view as such.
ditto fn!
and abe lincoln was another rabid racist that has been made angelic due to such bogus revisionist history...
and hobama intensifies that revision by drooling over his icon abe
lincoln was gangly and gay/bi like hobama too
i loved your oh my "slaves in the basement"!!!! even though it was "legal" during gw's time. it is still sick. just sick. how can you have people doing crap for you and not pay them. i cant imagine having someone live in my house and feed them table scraps. or have sex with them because i own them. or think if they have babies i can sell them at my leisure. who cares if it was legal. if it was legal to murder white people it doesn't mean im gonna go do it. slavery is gross and repugnant. however, i think it is better to expose the truth about it with this house, rather than hide it. dred scott made me sick in con law.
"and abe lincoln was another rabid racist that has been made angelic due to such bogus revisionist history..."
Amen, Alicia!
Sup Incogman? I will tell Frank you stopped by.
Anon. 10:26 pm, thanks for the history lesson. Who says that smart people don't comment here?
"Its a common fact owning Slaves during George Washington's day, was simply part of American culture during that era."
Laurel, I agree, but I just thought that the FF would be above that type of stuff. I mean seeing that they were men of such vision and all.
incog? oh my lawd...
i'm pretty soft on the Founders. men and women. it was a raucous time. hypocrisy abounded, like it does now. a man like jefferson was so complex, so much more interesting than many of today's pols. washington isn't my fav, but franklin interests me.
i don't think most of us can appreciate what it was like to live on the cusp of an age in which *all* poor people of any color were "lesser" humans. i just watched a movie about the 16th century, in which even rich people were bowing and scraping like slaves before the monarch. really, can any of us today even imagine that? "the monarch is NEVER wrong!" as bad as boosh was, or any of our ruling elites may be today, at least it's not like that.
people in 177whatever had a totally different perspective. a sort of wealthy white straight guy challenging a king? Revolutionary! it sounds so bland and dull to our political imaginations today. but for them, they were only a couple hundred years into that whole "science is real!" and "it's OK to criticize royalty!" stuff. for Euro cultures, that was all so "new" historically. for us, it's nothing less than "our heritage."
yes, there's a lot of progress to be made. no, i won't jump on the Hate the Founders bandwagon. i love dope smoking, skirt chasing, beer brewing revolutionaries who don't want to pay taxes to a corrupt foreign government. did they have significant flaws? hell yes. but then again, so does our first black president. they will all be part of "history."
In that day in age, the fact that they pushed for a system where propertied men could vote, and where a Republican form of government replaced monarchy, was considered DEEPLY radical.
You should remember that life was very cheap, even for your fellow country man's lives. People were broken on the wheel, put in stockades; folks were sent to debtors prisons; poor whites were often entrapped in indentured servitude; non-violent crimes could be punished by the death penalty. Hell, the British army routinely whipped and killed their own soldiers for relatively minor offenses.
Knowing all that, it's no surprise that people who looked nothing like Europeans, and who were not Christians, could be enslaved. Life was short and often brutal.
Slaves in the basement. I'm not surprised. And it only confirms my thoughts on America as being founded on sheer hypocracy. "All men are created equal"......unless you happen to be Black or a woman. Or both.
And on a OT note, one of my interweb vices is browsing some of the more right-leaning blogs and forums for "balance". This includes stopping every once in a while at the Belmont Club, which features a vast array of...characters. Erudite and well-spoken characters, but just the same either way. One such gentleman whose name will remain unsaid voiced his opinion on the current state of public education and what can be done to fix it:
Yes, it’s time to be blunt. If whites were forced to be a minority in schools with, let’s say, Pandorans – and if the Pandorans had an average IQ 15 points higher than the whites – you would see the whites beating up Pandorans, forming gangs, and disrespecting education. Any Pandoran-invented school in which whites became a majority would degenerate into a hellhole.
The fixed mean IQ gap between whites and blacks makes mixed education, certainly past 8th grade, impossible. The fact that society demands the impossible makes for a public education system controlled by pimps, thieves, and liars. It’s the absolute need for daily, chronic, persistent lying and cheating that attracts the scum of the earth into public education administration.
Nothing will change until the radically different educational needs of whites and blacks are addressed – or until the system itself is destroyed.
Notice how the man manages to invoke the issue of school violence and the tired canard of IQ corresponding to overall racial characteristics to vouch for the reinstatement of segregated education, under a different name, of course. I told you these were some rather crafty creatures.
In this same venue, other well-spoken characters are also calling for the dismantlement of the current federally funded public education system. Apparently, the whole notion of providing education to all, rich and poor, is considered to be "wasteful" and the people and institutions that avail themselves to it, "leeches". Apparently, a "good educational system" should be supported only by the states, at best (southern states would love that). Private enterprise and homeschooling will fill in the rest.
In a non-corrupt, relatively good educational system, a few thin elite, what W.E.B. Dubois called the “talented Tenth” would advance. Most everyone else will simply languish, being educated to basic literacy and numerancy but little else. Capable of doing semi-skilled jobs at best. They won’t be rocket scientists, or doctors, unless you lower standards so low that you get folks like Michael Jackson’s doctor.
Corruption in Chicago is tolerated because it benefits the population. Period.
I fail to see why I as a White person should give a damn about non-Whites.
Really, why should I? The American Flag is forbidden at schools on Cinco De Mayo, which is “not a day for patriotism” and “disrespects Mexican kids” … you can only show it on the Fourth of July.
Oh yeah, this alledgedly disgruntled White person invokes the tired "Talented Tenth" argument in supporting the legalized wholesale denial of education to 90% of the population. It's the train of thought that was last seen and appreciated back in the 1830s thereabouts, during the era of one-room schoolhouses, functional illiteracy and the safe catagorization of Blacks as merely property, ranked well below the cattle and poultry (at least you could eat those).
In that day in age, the fact that they pushed for a system where propertied men could vote, and where a Republican form of government replaced monarchy, was considered DEEPLY radical.
You should remember that life was very cheap, even for your fellow country man's lives. People were broken on the wheel, put in stockades; folks were sent to debtors prisons; poor whites were often entrapped in indentured servitude; non-violent crimes could be punished by the death penalty. Hell, the British army routinely whipped and killed their own soldiers for relatively minor offenses.
Knowing all that, it's no surprise that people who looked nothing like Europeans, and who were not Christians, could be enslaved. Life was short and often brutal.
Don't take this as discounting the sacrifices made on behalf of this nation by those patriots willing to fight against continued British oppression, but to equate their struggles with those of Blacks who were originally brought over to the United States and other locales as forced labor with only the value of "chattel" leaves a bad taste in the mouths of most, if not all of our bloggoers. Just saying.
Vision had nothing to do with it.
It was a legal practice and acceptable in society.
(Therein again I'm NOT advocating Slavery.)
NO Human Being is above reproach. Only the Lord God himself.
Anonymous 10:50 PM said...
"For the millionth time: There was no Willie Lynch. Please knock off that ahistorical conspiracy theory".
Anonymous 10:50 PM once again you are wrong.
Willie Lynch was in fact a REAL person NOT a myth.
Sadly enough he will probably live among us forever in the minds of Racist Caucasians (not all Caucasians, just Racist ones) and...
Brain-washed African-Americans.
Uhh.. you sent a link that essentially says the Willie Lynch letter and speech are fakes. it doesn't matter if there was actually a person named Wille lynch because he was obviously not the person he's purported to be in the legend of wille lynch. Nor does the term "Lynch' come from his name. It comes from Charles Lynch. The Wille Lynch conspiracies are well known as bogus in the historical profession.
Don't take this as discounting the sacrifices made on behalf of this nation by those patriots willing to fight against continued British oppression, but to equate their struggles with those of Blacks who were originally brought over to the United States and other locales as forced labor with only the value of "chattel" leaves a bad taste in the mouths of most, if not all of our bloggoers. Just saying.
You misunderstood what I wrote. What I was getting at is, if the lives of white christians were often seen as cheap and disposable by other white christians, it makes sense that non-christian black lives would be viewed as even less than the lowest of the lowly European.
You know Field and Hathor it never fails. Every time black people look like they progressing a little too much to suit some of these bigots, and they think too many of these darkies have made it through the crack and accumulated a little too much moolah. They come out with this same old tired BS. It's an old tired southern game plan.
Don't get me to pulling the cover off of their BS. They might really start going for my jugular then as Babygurl put it. (wink) LOL!
If the truth be told the first president in these states was not white. Well...the first president when the constitution was written was but... I bet they hid the first President's picture real good up in that White House vault and don't want it to come out. Well...I'd better leave that alone...for now. LOL!
I think I'll take up Knitting and crocheting. Hey, who was it on here that was into that, because I might need a few pointers that is if you don't mind. :)
What in the hell are you talking about, Granny?
To all of the apologists for Washington holding enslaved Africans.
Do we forgive Jefferson for raping Sally Hemmings because that sort of thing was done by many White men during that time?
Should we forgive Hitler too? After all in Germany it was an accepted practice to persecute Jews during that time.
How about the KKK? During the time of the Klan being a murderous racist was accepted. Weren't the Klan members just being 'men of their day'?
There are certain moral absolutes that cannot be overcome by time or the fact that these things were accepted during a particular period of time.
Washington made his choice to hold enslaved Africans and he profited from doing so. And no one forced him to do so. Therefore now and forever that is part of his legacy.
Who's apologizing? The real point here should be that the saga of the founding fathers is just one of the more telling examples of the gap between blacks and whites that will never be bridged. The often fundamental differences in thought over the legacy, meaning, and even the honoring of the founding fathers is analogous to the larger balkanized world of race. Don't look for that to ever go away.
I just checked out INCOG MAN's blog. Amazing. This mouth breather makes Frank D seem intelligent. Of course, this is what I have been saying for some time, that Frankie is the smartest cracker that trolls here.
What up Brother Field? Wow what else is new. It seems there is a serious move afoot to rewrite history even further. I don't know if you remember the days when the textbooks talked about "happy nappys" and referred to slavery as benign.
Makes you wonder just what some folks are talking about when they say they want to go back to the days of the Founding Fathers.
Someone made a good point about propertied people voting and deciding matters of state being an advanced idea. That is indeed true. It was also accompanied by the most backward form of servitude the world had yet known.
I think the reason that the fact Washington held slaves makes a sham of all the talk of liberty and freedom. It was pure hypocrisy which lays it open to all the criticism it deserves.
And the hypocrisy continues.
Sister Laurel = The Willie Lynch letter is a fake. It was simply an effort by some nationalists to reinforce the depth of slavery and the efforts of the slave owners to use every method possible to keep the slaves from uniting and organizing or even thinking about freedom.
No doubt some of what the letter was talked about was an everyday matter and some of the letter mentions the methods of the slave breakers. Because folks didn't just automatically succumb to the rigors of slavery they had to be terrorized physically and pyschologically.
George Washington had slaves???
And he raped them!!!
I wonder what color the offspring were...hmmm...
@ Mell:
If the Lynch letter was a fake who's idea to divide and conquer was it...?
Slaves in the basement? Wow. Who knew? Hmmm? Just about everybody who passed American History class in high school. Still -- Alert the media -- for the millionth time.
The project should go forth, and include all details -- both good and bad.
But, let's not lose sight of the brilliance of the Founding Fathers just because they were part of something that was then legal and now is not.
And don't fall into the black trap of claiming the US is permanently corrupted because of something in its past that is no longer part of the present.
There seems to be a black argument that concludes the present is destroyed if a bad thing happened in the past. The logic seems to suggest that if we -- in the present -- cannot return to the past to change history, then we -- in the present -- are forever culpable for that bad thing that ended generations ago.
Val said:" There are certain moral absolutes that cannot be overcome by time or the fact that these things were accepted during a particular period of time.
Washington made his choice to hold enslaved Africans and he profited from doing so. And no one forced him to do so. Therefore now and forever that is part of his legacy."
Co-sign 110%
"Slaves in the basement? Wow. Who knew? Hmmm? Just about everybody who passed American History class in high school. Still -- Alert the media -- for the millionth time."
And we will keep alerting the media everytime someone like Glenn Beck tells us how great the FF were. So make this a million and one.
Mz. Sacaree Rhodes...preach.
The article was more conscious than was Filled Negro.
The article used the term "ENSLAVED AFRICANS".
Filled Negro called them "SLAVES".
My ancestors were not SLAVES - a noun.
My ancestors were EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS who were put into the CONDITION of ENSLAVEMENT.
When given the choice between doing the work for the benefit of another man who, by the perverted laws of this nation were considered their "owners" OR suffering a PHYSICAL ASSAULT for refusing - MY ANCESTORS chose to do as they were told.
The only HOPE that got them through each day was that in the year 2010 - their PROGENY would be FREE PEOPLE - rising to their full potential because there is no more TETHER upon their ankles, wrists or CONSCIOUSNESS.
Today our ancestors look down upon us and shake their heads. Despite the freedom some of their children today believe that the best way to pay homage to their ancestors is to PUT BACK ON THE CHAINS as they attempt to live life vicariously through their bondage.
My consciousness starts from my ancestors in AFRICA who had SELF-DETERMINATION.
[quote]"As Legal Slavery passed, we entered into a permanent period of Unemployment and Underemployment from which we have yet to emerge".
Julian Bond[/quote]
MOST CERTAINLY this will not come from the EXTERNAL STRUGGLE that Julian Bond and others wage.
How do you PROTEST FOR A JOB to be created? This is what the NAACP did in front of Wall Street a few weeks ago.
A JOB is made when there is a NEED for the skills that a SELLER OF LABOR has is cross referenced by MARKET DEMAND that the finished good or service which the CONSUMER OF LABOR seeks to satisfy, making a profit so that his business can perpetuate.
Julian Bond would do better to understand economics than to attempt to "civil right-ify" everything.
Happy Mother's Day to the beautiful Mothers!
"But, let's not lose sight of the brilliance of the Founding Fathers just because they were part of something that was then legal and now is not."
For me, it's not just a matter of slavery being something that had legal precedence; the egregious nature of the 'peculair institution', and the egregious behvior 'after' are what are the areas of interest, combined with the hipocracy.
In addition, the arrogant/hateful natures of most/many whites today, is what drives and maintains African American concern/interest about the process/nature of those earlier days of racial hatred from whites towards African Americans, and how the genesis of those days to this day came about.
I have young white male/females in my classes, who stand in my face and send all of that subliminal and not so subliminal 'historical' arrogance to me on a daily basis. These are not vague imaginings.
The arrogance in your post as an exsample; I visit Black Voices, and every now and then, 'someone' posts these horrendous posts about how blacks are animals and should be glad to have been enslaved, and to get over it immediately.
'We' are supposed to take them and you seriously? Seriously? 'oyan'
"The article was more conscious than was Filled Negro.
The article used the term "ENSLAVED AFRICANS".
Filled Negro called them "SLAVES".
My ancestors were not SLAVES - a noun."
Really? Tell that to your ancestor who was getting his ass whipped. Noun, verb, whatever.
"When given the choice between doing the work for the benefit of another man who, by the perverted laws of this nation were considered their "owners" OR suffering a PHYSICAL ASSAULT for refusing - MY ANCESTORS chose to do as they were told.
The only HOPE that got them through each day was that in the year 2010 - their PROGENY would be FREE PEOPLE - rising to their full potential because there is no more TETHER upon their ankles, wrists or CONSCIOUSNESS."
"Do as they were told, huh". Yep, that paragraph pretty much sums you up there partner.
Happy MD Justice58, and all the other mothers out there representing.
"The arrogance in your post as an exsample; I visit Black Voices, and every now and then, 'someone' posts these horrendous posts about how blacks are animals and should be glad to have been enslaved, and to get over it immediately.
'We' are supposed to take them and you seriously? Seriously?"
Come again, I am not sure what you mean. Pretend I am a five year old and explain it to me.
I think I got where you were coming from from in the first part of your post but then you lost me.
Why is my post arrogant because I am stating a fact?
Slavery is still practiced in some parts of Africa. The US outlawed it.
"Laurel, I agree, but I just thought that the FF would be above that type of stuff. I mean seeing that they were men of such vision and all."
Thank you Field, all these black apologist make me gag. They were men of their time - my ass.
Those people knew what they were doing, and I'm sure many of them saw their own hypocrisy, but like any thief or criminal today, they were willfully delusional, or flat out didn't care! They should be frowned upon and go down in history like Hitler. Period.
"When given the choice between doing the work for the benefit of another man who, by the perverted laws of this nation were considered their "owners" OR suffering a PHYSICAL ASSAULT for refusing - MY ANCESTORS chose to do as they were told.....
My consciousness starts from my ancestors in AFRICA who had SELF-DETERMINATION."
So are you like a modern day "enslaved" African American who is doing what he is being told out of fear?
Your actions today don't seem different from the "enslaved Africans" of yesterday who feared "physical assault" from their owners. The enslaved Africans at that time had a legitimate reason to eagerly please the white man. What are your reasons today?
I'm sure if Washington & Jefferson knew how it'd turn out they'd have picked there own Cotton.
Anyways, go back to Africa if you like it there so much,:)
and I've BBEN back to Europe, it Sucks, and anyways, I don't go around complainin about how y'all are more antisemetic than Hitler, Jeremia Wright, and Malcolm the Xth combined.
Oh yeah, Mothers day in Atlanta...talk about your mass confusion,
This discussion is interesting precisely because it shows the huge disconnect between whites and blacks, right down to something as fundamental and the start of the country. Say what you want about Lincoln, but he was prescient enough to realize that whites and blacks could never harmoniously live together.
Mothers day in Atlanta!!! ROTFLMA!!!
True! True!
The book "Slavery and Public History" has a great discussion of the way the revised exhibit plan evolved. The original plan had been to essentially treat the Liberty Bell as a iconic object with very little historical context provided and a minimal (if any) mention of slavery. [The book is well worth reading for insights into other topics, too, e.g., it includes a thorough debunking of the myth of black Confederate soldiers.]
"My ancestors were EQUAL HUMAN BEINGS who were put into the CONDITION of ENSLAVEMENT."
Don't tell the half-truth. Our ancestors were equal human beings who were put into the condition of enslavement by other of our ancestors in Africa.
To blame only Europeans for the institution of slavery is to "whitewash" the actual historical role played by African blacks in the slave trade. The African Diaspora was and is not about skin color or "race", but about the wealthy and the powerful exploiting their fellow men and women. The "slaves" of our times are Hispanic immigrants, tarred as "illegal persons" by the media and exploited by white as well as black and asian masters.
"Mothers day in Atlanta!!! ROTFLMA!!!
True! True!"
Watch it! Destructive Wingnut lives in the ATL area.
Hey, I am sure that MD in rural Kentucky is a treat, either. I am just sayin.
"I'm sure if Washington & Jefferson knew how it'd turn out they'd have picked there own Cotton."
Yes Frank, we have all seen that bumper sticker.
Well said La~Audio.
Nan, thanks for the 411.
Hmmm @ what Anon.12:36 pm said.
CesarChavez X, I co-sign with half of what you said. I am not sure that any black folks in the "New World enslaved anybody. If you can find a record of it please give me a link.
There were indeed black slave owners.
Interestingly enough, there were small numbers of Native Americans who owned slaves as well.
Anonymous beat me to the link, but I was referring to the fact that nearly all slaves taken from Africa by Europeans were bought from chieftains who won them in war, sometimes fighting battles for the sole purpose of taking slaves to sell to Europeans. That doesn't negate the immorality of the European slave traders, of course. And there were also natives enslaved by Spanish colonists elsewhere in America, and white peasants in the Russian empire enjoyed a status close to that of slaves up until the revolution.
The only thing I don't know for sure of is blacks enslaving whites, but there are passages of The Arabian Nights that seem to suggest it, depending on how broadly you interpret blackness.
field, I think anon@11:28 meant to say "comment" and was referring to slappy's nonsense and not your post.
Word verification: mandelo. Don't get any better than that.
[quote]In addition, the arrogant/hateful natures of most/many whites today, is what drives and maintains African American concern/interest about the process/nature of those earlier days of racial hatred from whites towards African Americans, and how the genesis of those days to this day came about.[/quote]
Anon #45:
Why do the "arrogant/hateful natures" of some Whites to-damned-day trump the "arrogant/hateful natures" of some Blacks today? Do these Whites have a greater standing UNDER THE LAW in 2010 than does another Black who HATES YOU?
Again - afford me the opportunity to DISTILL THE ESSENCE OF A RACIST.
1) He wishes to violently attack or murder a Black for the purposes of "keeping us in our place", for revenge against some slight or to keep us from SNITCHING
2) He wishes to suppress our receipt of QUALITY EDUCATION - he knows that an Educated Negro is a grave threat to his agenda
3) He wishes to destroy the ECONOMIC PRODUCTIVITY of the Black community, undercutting our ability to fund that which is in our own interests
4) He wishes to destroy Black RELATIONSHIPS. By keeping up dissension among Blacks he knows that they will never focus upon their PERMANENT INTERESTS
Anon #45 - WHAT ABOUT the elements on this list is UNIQUE to adversaries with WHITE SKIN in 2010?
My enemy is IGNORANCE and BIGOTRY.
These SPIRITS have no particular RACIAL form.
Perhaps if you were to take this disposition you would see the reason why even in the places that have been WON - the Black community is too often still dealt a LOSING HAND. (See Chicago)
If you were to battle ALL OF YOUR ENEMIES there might be an opportunity for greater success in attaining your goals.
[quote]The "slaves" of our times are Hispanic immigrants, tarred as "illegal persons" by the media and exploited by white as well as black and asian masters.[/quote]
Caesar Chavez:
Can you show me ONE SLAVE in history that CLIMBED A FENCE and outfoxed BORDER PATROL in order to BECOME ENSLAVED?
Please define what a SLAVE is.
What is your view of the authorities in Mexico who have failed to develop a system of economics that allow the masses of people to feed their families and NOT suffer the indignity of being called an "ILLEGAL"?
, but I was referring to the fact that nearly all slaves taken from Africa by Europeans were bought from chieftains who won them in war, sometimes fighting battles for the sole purpose of taking slaves to sell to Europeans.
This means what to the diaspora. The Africans didn't build the ships, sail them or make anywhere the profit in the trafficking of slavery. It is to make Blacks not feel bad about being slaves because Black did it too. Obviously it wasn't the same people, so what do we have to do with those Africans. But I guess in yours and Ann Coulter's world we all are just alike. We didn't have separate language, customs, culture and values.
The amount of Africans taken out of Africa could not account for all conquered in war. It may be that the European paid some Africans to go in the interior to capture people for slavery and that with the European technology they were able to capture many themselves, especially on the coast line which most of those people were valued in the US, because they knew how to could grow rice. There was no one to sell, because they wanted them all.
anonymous 11:14, you wrote:
I have young white male/females in my classes, who stand in my face and send all of that subliminal and not so subliminal 'historical' arrogance to me on a daily basis. These are not vague imaginings.
Subliminal arrogance? Does that mean you believe you can read minds? I've noticed that when blacks criticize white attitudes they present the evidence of their criticisms in the form of "knowing how whites think."
Unimpeachable credibility? Yes?
Caesar Chavez X.
You are mistaken if you think that nearly all slaves taken from Africa by Europeans were bought from chieftains who won them in war.
That is a revision of history that racist want to propagate.
hathor, you wrote:
The Africans didn't build the ships, sail them or make anywhere the profit in the trafficking of slavery.
Oh my. A rewrite of the drug-dealing theory.
Are you suggesting that somehow the history of slavery would take on a better look if the Africans involved in the trade had made a better deal for themselves?
And while we are on the subject of ships and sailing, why were there NO black explorers out sailing from Africa to the Americas? Or is this some other aspect of history that has been written out of white history books?
[quote] It may be that the European paid some Africans to go in the interior to capture people for slavery and that with the European technology they were able to capture many themselves, especially on the coast line which most of those people were valued in the US, because they knew how to could grow rice[/quote]
It is my belief that "the ways of man" do not change over time - ONLY the technology and means of transportation that alter the means by which man expresses his ways.
Thus I struggle to understand why the "Free Equal Human Being Catcher" - those Blacks who traveled from the Americans on Slaving Ships to go and ensare Africans ARE ANY DIFFERENT FROM the Kneegrows of TO-DAMNED-DAY who operate as the "last mile" - delivering DRUGS into Black Community thus poisoning our people.
If anyone saw the History Channel's "Gangland" last night you saw a Black man get murdered as he sought to purchase a kilo of cocaine for distribution into the Black community of Birmingham AL in a drug deal gone bad.
While no doubt there should be accountability for those who orchestrated the system of oppression and slavery - there is some point at which each of the operatives that made the system function must be accountable for their deeds.
fn, you wrote:
And we will keep alerting the media everytime someone like Glenn Beck tells us how great the FF were. So make this a million and one.
So, in your view the Founding Fathers were NOT great? I see. Can you identify a nation on Earth that offers better life opportunities to its citizens than the US?
Is there a nation on Earth to which blacks should consider moving?
I continue to ask why there is no advanced knowledge-driven black nation on thye planet. Even though we know how to construct prosperous societies, not one resource-rich nation in Africa is doing the job of moving from the darkness to the light.
What is keeping Nigeria from being Africa's Norway? If you don't know, Norway controls huge oil reserves in the North Sea. It consumes 10% of the oil it produces and sells the other 90% on the world market. The revenue finances a lot of good things in that small country.
Nigeria is in the same enviable position of having massive supplies of oil for export. But half the population is without indoor plumbing and electricity. Why?
OK, I'm not sayin pickin cotton in Mississippi was a bowl of cherries...
BUT, its gotta beat Africa, what with somethin like 96 different species of venomous Snakes, Lions, Tigers, Crocodiles etc etc
and tryin to stay out of Idi Amin's Great Great Great Granddaddy's Pot probably wasn't too much fun either.
So y'all can thank MY Great Great Great Granddaddy for bringin y'all here,
Your Welcome,
I said what I said. Don't put words in my mouth.
How many times are you gonna tell us how stupid , ignorant and immoral were are? Is that how you get off?
Chelsea won the league title today, edging out Man U by a single point. The Pensioners scored a record 103 league goals this season, beating the previous record of 97 set by United in the 99-00 season. Chelsea have the chance for additional silverware in next Saturday's FA Cup final, where they meet a troubled Portsmouth. It is a a good day for fans of the Blue.
It was not such a good day for Liverpool fans. The Reds finished 7th on the table. This dose of humility reminds us what it is like to be an Everton fan.
Champions League final is Saturday, May 22. Inter Milan v Bayern Munchen.
Took my daughters to the site. It was awesome watching the workers softly sift through the dirt. We stood at the site and talked about America and its diverse history - what it means to my daughters - the past and the future.
I knew that whatever the Parks Service decided I had to see with my own eyes. Despite all the comments here, I feel priviledged!
"So, in your view the Founding Fathers were NOT great?"
Gregory, I saw some of the highlights. Chelsea put an 8-0 beatdown on some stiffs. The Ivory Coast striker (Drogba) had a natural hat trick. Wow!
Duchess Dee, I went down and caught some of the dig myself. It was interesting to say the least.
Is there a nation on Earth to which blacks should consider moving?
Do u want me to go in alphabetical order?
Aruba, Bermuuda, Canada,Denmark,England,France,Ghana....I could go on, but I think you get the point.
Thank you Dark Frosty, I think you are right.
Do u want me to go in alphabetical order?
Aruba, Bermuuda, Canada,Denmark,England,France,Ghana....I could go on, but I think you get the point.
Yet you are here...Talking the talk, and not walking the walk. Besides, they had slaves in England, France, and Canada too.
Frank Drackman:
Are you always this ignorant or did you stay at a Motel 6 last night?
[quote]BUT, its gotta beat Africa, what with somethin like 96 different species of venomous Snakes, Lions, Tigers, Crocodiles etc etc[/quote]
Most people value this wildlife. As long as human and wildlife are crareful not to disrepsect each other's environment - things typically work out today as they have for the last ten thousand years.
and tryin to stay out of Idi Amin's Great Great Great Granddaddy's Pot probably wasn't too much fun either.[/quote]
Can you find me one set of "cannibals" in Africa that ATE other humans for pure consumption reasons?
I can find you many cultures around the world that consume the heart of their enemies with the belief that doing so gives them strength in battle.
I continue to ask why there is no advanced knowledge-driven black nation on thye planet. Even though we know how to construct prosperous societies, not one resource-rich nation in Africa is doing the job of moving from the darkness to the light.
No Slappz:
Help me cut through your BS and understand your charge.
Would YOU be thrilled if the various African nations purged themselves of the corrupt governments and dysfunction and gave the "enlightened" nations a run for their money?
Just imagine if African nations begain to hit the labor markets of Europe and North America as China and India have been doing. I can see YOU and others cheering them on. RIGHT?
What is the purpose of your taunt, No Slapps other than being comforted to know that despite your feelings of marginalization by the White elites in the world - there are some Nigras who reside below you on the totem pole (in your view).
All that I ask is that you don't CHANGE THE RULES in the middle of the game No_Slappz when your assumptions if inferiority of the Negro are dispelled.
I do my part to fight against the assumptions of inferiority that are possessed by my fellow Blacks. I just need YOU to dispel their beliefs that when clear focus and management discipline DOES come more universally for Blacks that people like YOU won't throw away the rule books and create some arbitrary new ones in order to retain your "superiority' that was crafted because you wrote the old rule book for your own advantage.
fn, you wrote:
."So, in your view the Founding Fathers were NOT great?"
Have you got some examples of nation-builders who you consider great?
I wrote:
Is there a nation on Earth to which blacks should consider moving?
You responded:
Aruba, Bermuuda, Canada, Denmark, England, France, Ghana....I could go on, but I think you get the point.
Yeah. I get the point. Canada, Denmark, England and France are modern predominantly white nations having much in common with the US -- except their black populations are a smaller percentage of their total populations.
Meanwhile, you cited only one African nation -- Ghana -- which has a Per-Capita Gross Domestic Product of $1,500. It's got a serious AIDS problem and a runaway population. It also suffers from the dirty water problems that affect much of Africa.
The median age in Ghana is 20 and life expectancy is 60. In other words, it is a nation of children. Not well educated either, considering that "literacy" -- whatever that may mean -- is estimated at 50%.
Moreover, it is a welfare nation, depending on money from other nations to make ends meet. It's not a debtor nation. It's a welfare nation.
Aruba is a country of 100,000 that is relatively well-off due to tourism. Unless you want your life defined by the generosity of visitors who demand service, it's unlikely life in Aruba would appeal for long.
Same story with Bermuda -- population 70,000 -- unless you are in the insurance business.
Your examples of attractive nations have a dreamy aspect to them that seem to ignore significant realities.
In any case, your choices make it clear you know there are no advanced, knowledge-driven prospering black nations.
I ask again. Why is it this way? When Nigeria, among others, has what it takes to join the modern world, why the long and seemingly permanent lag?
[quote]Is there a nation on Earth to which blacks should consider moving?
No Slappz:
Why do you limit your question to BLACK PEOPLE?
What about the "Anti-America American WHITE FOLKS"? Where should THEY go to?
I can find you a longer line of WHITE FOLKS who run down this nation and can bring up every negative thing that this nation has ever done.
Do YOU initiate to them the question that you ask of Black folks?
cf, you wrote:
Would YOU be thrilled if the various African nations purged themselves of the corrupt governments and dysfunction and gave the "enlightened" nations a run for their money?
Thrilled. Ecstatic. Happy as could be.
You wrote:
Just imagine if African nations begain to hit the labor markets of Europe and North America as China and India have been doing. I can see YOU and others cheering them on. RIGHT?
Absolutely. Like a million Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.
It has always appeared to me that blacks have a limited grasp of economics. A primary element in the mis-economics of blacks is the notion that the total economic pie is fixed at a certain size AND that whites get an unfairly large portion.
Of course that belief is false on both counts.
Meanwhile, as long as the political situation in most African nations remains as unpredictable or as dictatorial as it may be, no white investors will commit large amounts of capital to manufacturing facilities in those nations.
Natural resource companies, like oil companies can take their chances, especially in places like Nigeria where a lot of drilling occurs offshore. But the Nigerian refinery business went bust after the government grabbed the facilities and tried to run them. The Nigerian government was as good at running refineries as Mugabe's thugs are at running formerly white-owned farms.
Fortunately, Nigeria woke up to its incompetence and returned the refineries to oil-industry experts who got them back into production.
Meanwhile, there's no evidence that labor in Africa is willing to work like labor in China and India, which is essential if a nation hopes to become a world-class player in manufacturing.
Frankly, a big threat to the economic future of African nations is the rapid spread of Islam. Where the influence of Islam is growing, the presence of capital will recede.
cf, you asked:
What about the "Anti-America American WHITE FOLKS"? Where should THEY go to?
First, my question was meant to identify countries fn -- or anyone else -- believes are superior to the US. I was not suggesting he pack his bags.
Second, as for whites, several gasbag white celebrities have promised to leave America if one politician or another were elected. But not one has acted on his promise, which means none of them were serious.
That more-or-less sums up the anti-American white reality. Lots of noise -- but no action. Why? Lots of reasons.
I have a high school buddy who has been in the oil industry for a number of years and lives in Ecuador. His employer sent him there. That's how it is for most whites I know. International work leads them to places like Singapore, Tokyo, London, and several other cities. But eventually they come back to the US.
However, I can tell you where a lot of people will go in a few years. Cuba. After Fidel is dead and gone and his brother moves the country toward the China model, the US will most likely allow Americans to receive their Social Security checks in Havana, which means lots of movement in that direction.
However, an open Cuba will hit the tourism and real estate business of other Caribbean nations hard.
Anyway, bottom line, anti-American whites have NO intention of moving out of the country. Nor do I think they should. But I would like to know what countries they think are better -- and why.
No_Slappz: I think we get it. Without the white race, this world would be the armpits of the universe.
All other races should practice obeisance, and kneel down on both knees and kiss the capacious backside of all whites.
Where would the world be without white's generous scientific contributions to people of color, and to the general welfare of nations?
And what have whites received for all their beneficence? Nothing but endless carping, and protesting.
Unlike blacks, whites sailed from their shores, sought out other civilizations to conquer, so that they might give these unfortunates the benefit of a superior religion, and a superior way of life.
Because whites had to do it under a colonial flag, is not white's fault. People should have seen that whites were superior, and capitulated.
Take American Indians for example. They weren't putting the Americas to good use, especially all the timber in the trees whites cut down and sent back to Europe.
Were it not for whites, those heathens would still be running around in loin clothes, treating the land with respect, and living as one with their environment.
Ask them? They'll tell you, they're better off because whites came. Look at all the millions of dollars that they now get from Indian Casinos!
Although Indian gaming doesn't always benefit all tribes, some tribes having a really difficult time avoiding starvation, and the ravages of the bitter cold this past winter, and tribes aren't always the real "winners," these tribes, we all know, would be worse off were it not for the coming of whites.
And for goodness sakes, we know that whites were responsible for an African brain drain, which continues to this day, and that almost as many blacks died in the transatlantic crossing (the Middle Passage), placed at its highest at around 4 million, to the New World, as did Jews in the Jewish Holocaust (estimated to be about 6 million), but that's no excuse for allowing whites to excel at a higher rate than blacks and Latinos.
And stop blaming whites for things that took place hundreds of years ago.
Yeah, Jim Crow took the place of slavery, but, by keeping blacks in their place, you could benefit from white paternalism, just as you did during slavery.
You blacks weren't ready yet to enter the mainstream of white society, and to be treated as equals.
We kept you separate from us for your own good.
Sure, unlike this nation's founders (Europeans), Native Americans, Mexicans, and the Chinese, you had no common culture, nothing but a common experience, to unite you after emancipation.
But, hell, didn't you assimilate your "master's" culture? Well, part of it, anyway, just enough to allow for your continued oppression--the language and religion.
Sure we have this thing you erroneously refer to as "white privilege," and yes, we opened the floodgates at Ellis Island to let in whites, so that the riches of this country would go to white artisans, and white illiterates, and not blacks.
But you all got that "black privilege" thing (Affirmative Action) going for you; you know that killer of "white opportunity," that "reverse discrimination" thing we whites gave to you to stop your whining over racism, and a loss of opportunities, because of it, and to stop your incessant begging for reparations.
Sure, we let others piggyback: Latino, Native, Arab, Asian, Americans, and yes, White Women.
So you see, you don't need reparation! You should be thanking whites for taking you out of Africa. We did you a favor. Slavery wasn't all that bad.
What is the difference between no_slappz and Frank D?
The slapper uses Wikipedia and the CIA World Factbook to dress up his genteel racism, whereas Frank is open and honest when he revels in his ignorance. The slapper actually uses his spell checker but Frank's hillbilly persona is at least vaguely amusing.
Otherwise, there is no perceptible difference in their expressed opinions.
Destructive Wingnut, there might be hope for you after all. I like the check on n_s. Scary guy. Gregory sums him up just right.
BTW, n_s, have you ever lived in another country? In fact, have you ever been to another country?
Hey Field tell the Mrs Happy Mothers Day. Wow some great info on this thread.
Happy Mothers Day Agape, Granny, Hathor,AB and anyone I left off.
CF- I really like the way you put No Slapz in check. That was deep and thorough!
I think I see better what you mean about black folks not acting or feeling inferiority.
Thank you Mell, Happy Mother's Day to you and yours as well. And all the wonderful mothers who visit and comment on this blog.
Field: For contemporary blacks to reject basic American ideals because the founding fathers were slave owners means blacks and whites can never be part of the same society.
What you are saying is that there is no redemption possible for the original sin of slavery.
Yours is a dark and hopeless vision, but one that is gaining credence in the Age of Obama.
the fire next tinme, you wrote:
No_Slappz: I think we get it. Without the white race, this world would be the armpits of the universe.
Here's an thought experiment for you.
What would the world be like if whites never existed? What would would Africa be like today?
You wrote:
All other races should practice obeisance, and kneel down on both knees and kiss the capacious backside of all whites.
You suffer from seeing everything in a master/slave framework. How did that happen to you?
hey mell:
i had a wonderful day with my mom and i will spoil her all week as usual....i have no children by choice but i admire all who do!
"....i have no children by choice"
That would be by the choice of the 3 billion men on this planet!
N_S "No_Slappz: I think we get it. Without the white race, this world would be the armpits of the universe.
"Here's an thought experiment for you.
"What would the world be like if whites never existed? What would would Africa be like today?"
I answered that question: "this world would be the armpits of the universe."
"You suffer from seeing everything in a master/slave framework. How did that happen to you?"
I could say the same of you. How did that happen to you?
You spend hours here regaling the virtues of whiteness, and the deficiencies of most other races.
We get it!
Unless you change the lyrics, or compose a new tune, you'll end up like a few other one-note commenters that have serenaded us here--totally ignored.
I'm sure there are other blogs that would appreciate your profound racial insights, and assessments.
I'm not sure that this one of them.
Here is a couple of pictures of that god forsaken place over in Africa that no-slappz keeps referring too. Yeah, according to no_slappz those uncivilized Africans need a white savior because there is no electricity or running water over there. Take a good look at the ghetto over in Africa. I wonder how they can live like that? My goodness!
Granny thinking-->hmmm...Nigeria might be a nice place to take a summer vacation. She is tiptoeing out to go make reservations so I can warn those Nigerians about people like no_slappz, so they can guard against the neighborhood going down.
Take Care good people. I'm out!
Reading through these comments is...painful. Not painful in the "racism hurts my feelings" kind of way, but the "god damn, how am I even a member of these people's species?" painful.
Rather than even dignify the racist rants, I wanted to address a few important things:
@agape2010: The divide and conquer strategy has existed for centuries - always used by the elite to weaken those "beneath" them. Even if there had been a Willie Lynch who wrote that letter, it wouldn't have been an original idea. This also isn't to say there were no people who thought like the imaginary Lynch, because surely there were. But using an imaginary person only weakens the case...
@GrannyStandingForTruth: By "first President" not being white, are you referring to John Hanson, referred to by some - incorrectly - as "black", and appearing on the $2 bill?
This is another one of those ahistorical falsehoods that people need to stop propagating, because it only makes everything else they say (which may be legitimate) seem devoid of credibility.
First, there is no black man on the back of the $2 bill. It's shading on a white man's face, which you can see if you look at the bill up close.
(The "black" guy is directly beneath the N in United - but click the picture to zoom in and you'll see it's just shading)
Furthermore, there's a painting on which the back of the bill is based, which clearly shows that man as white.
Finally, John Hanson was NOT the man in that picture, AND he wasn't black!
I'm all for pointing out, promoting, the accomplishments of African-Americans throughout history, given how they are marginalized, but let's not muck that up with bad (i.e. utter lack of) scholarship.
It gives the racists more fuel for the fire, as they're able to attack our credibility.
Nigeria is a dump. Of course a few brochures from some time-share operation showing what looks like abandoned properties that no one in Nigeria can afford get you thinking the place is paradise.
The per-capita gross domestic product of Nigeria is $2,400.
Like I said, half the population is still waiting for electricity and indoor plumbing. But the plundering class who are able to rip off all the oil money are living as well as anyone can in a country with the world's third highest AIDS infection problem. Of the 150 million people in Nigeria, about 2.5 million have AIDS.
Meanwhile, the median age is 19, and life expectancy is 47. In other words, Nigeria is yet another African nation that is a nation of children. It is also a nation where few of those children go to school and learn anything that matters.
But, as long as those brochures with the condos and swimming pools keep coming your way, you will believe Nigeria is the picture of prosperity.
Anyway, Nigeria will go down the drain for one simple reason: Half the population is muslim. That's a guarantee the place will remain a dump forever.
well marcus garvey had a ideas but they put him away because the jews had a plan for the black amelikains which was to stir up their heads and cause race hate, little you know that the jews owned all the slave ships that brought you here,open slave trade in africa till early 1900's black sell black slavery,would any black american want to go back to afica?Look what haoppened to liberia?I could say i would go back to europe if it wasnt ruled by the jews like we are here as well so whats the difference,if we dont drop this hate amongst eah other drop the history aim and recognize who the enemy is(jew) then we had it, we almost have had it now.Yes slotchsky there was no holocaust.
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