Chris Christie, the governor of Sopranoland, is currently the flavor of the month in the republican party. They just love the guy. He did, after all, beat a billionaire incumbent democrat to become governor of Jersey. They love his no bs style, and the way he is taking on the teacher's unions and making cuts to the state's bloated budget at every turn. "You go get em Chris, lower our taxes."
Anyway, Chris has been a little full of himself of late, so when his state lost over 400 million dollars because they just missed out on making the top ten cut in Obama's "Race To The Top" program, he let his O ness have it:
"That’s the stuff the Obama administration should answer for. Are you guys just down there checking boxes like mindless drones, or are you thinking? When the president comes back to New Jersey, he’s going to have to explain to the people of the state of New Jersey why he’s depriving them of $400 million that this application earned." Christie blamed the error on an official at the state's DOE, but said excuse him if he got one little thing wrong on the lenghty application. “We’ll take the responsibility we need to take for putting one wrong piece of paper in a thousand page [Ed Note: It was 260 pages] application,” he said. “If you want to take shots, take shots at me." [Story]
But wait.....seems the governor of Sopranoland spoke too soon:
"Earlier this week, New Jersey was first runner-up in the competition for education grants under the Obama administration's Race to the Top Program, barely missing out on hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for its schools.
Now it looks like the Garden State's own sloppy homework is to blame, CBS News Correspondent Elaine Quijano reports.
It was the rant heard around the political world.
"Anybody in Washington, D.C., have a lick of common sense?" Republican Gov. Chris Christie told reporters Wednesday. "Are you guys just down there checking boxes like mindless drones?"
Anyway, Chris has been a little full of himself of late, so when his state lost over 400 million dollars because they just missed out on making the top ten cut in Obama's "Race To The Top" program, he let his O ness have it:
"That’s the stuff the Obama administration should answer for. Are you guys just down there checking boxes like mindless drones, or are you thinking? When the president comes back to New Jersey, he’s going to have to explain to the people of the state of New Jersey why he’s depriving them of $400 million that this application earned." Christie blamed the error on an official at the state's DOE, but said excuse him if he got one little thing wrong on the lenghty application. “We’ll take the responsibility we need to take for putting one wrong piece of paper in a thousand page [Ed Note: It was 260 pages] application,” he said. “If you want to take shots, take shots at me." [Story]
But wait.....seems the governor of Sopranoland spoke too soon:
"Earlier this week, New Jersey was first runner-up in the competition for education grants under the Obama administration's Race to the Top Program, barely missing out on hundreds of millions of dollars in aid for its schools.
Now it looks like the Garden State's own sloppy homework is to blame, CBS News Correspondent Elaine Quijano reports.
It was the rant heard around the political world.
"Anybody in Washington, D.C., have a lick of common sense?" Republican Gov. Chris Christie told reporters Wednesday. "Are you guys just down there checking boxes like mindless drones?"
Christie publicly blamed the Obama administration for New Jersey's failed bid to get a $400 million federal education grant.
"This is the stuff that makes people go nuts," said Christie. "This is the reason why people want to throw everybody the hell out of Congress. This is why people are angry at the president of the United States."
But a day later, the Education Department fired back, releasing a video showing Christie's top education officials unable to answer questions about their incomplete application.
"Can you explain how or where this information was presented in your application?" a federal official asked.
"No, I cannot; I don't …," a New Jersey official said.
New Jersey officials apparently never produced the information and missed the cut by three points.
On Friday, Christie fired his education chief, saying he got bad information.
"I was extremely disappointed to learn that the videotape … was not consistent with the information provided to me," Christie said in a written statement. "I regret this mistake was made."' [Story]
"This is the stuff that makes people go nuts," said Christie. "This is the reason why people want to throw everybody the hell out of Congress. This is why people are angry at the president of the United States."
But a day later, the Education Department fired back, releasing a video showing Christie's top education officials unable to answer questions about their incomplete application.
"Can you explain how or where this information was presented in your application?" a federal official asked.
"No, I cannot; I don't …," a New Jersey official said.
New Jersey officials apparently never produced the information and missed the cut by three points.
On Friday, Christie fired his education chief, saying he got bad information.
"I was extremely disappointed to learn that the videotape … was not consistent with the information provided to me," Christie said in a written statement. "I regret this mistake was made."' [Story]
I don't. This is what happens when you try to be cute and pander to your political mates by taking shots at an easy target. In this case it happens to be his O ness. You couldn't wait to get in front of the news cameras and blame the most convenient target in A-merry-ca these days: Washington. But you were wrong. Seems the buck stops (literally) at your doorstep.
Wipe the egg off your face gov. (try not to eat it)just get back to governing Sopranoland. And, the next time you feel an urge to pop off about Washington; remember to think before you talk.
You nailed that slug..Good to be back FN..
BTW please tell me you did not run cover for Breitbart because was jewish (lol,lol,lol)..
New Jersey, a state so good you have to pay to leave... literally!
New Jersey..Where is that state??
And this another reason why he is another one-term Governor for the state. He was depending on that money to make up for the cuts he made in the education budget, but his administration screwed it up. He is not a good administrator for the state. Stop calling my State Sopranoland, I know we paid the highest property taxes in the country and have a Governor who looks the poster boy for Lap Band surgery, but us New Jerseyans we get first crack at him.
Yeah, smack that fat governor. Tell Obama to send the money somewhere else.
If that money had gone to New Jersey, it would have been wasted on schools in Newark and Camden and some other towns where students learn nothing.
Why bother?
And those kids in Jersey, especially North Jersey, really needed that money too.
Off-topic: did you see Glen Beck's faux-secret service agents 'protecting' him yesterday, Mr. Field? That was hilarious!
Since you feel that way, blacks should be exempt from paying property taxes, income taxes, sales taxes, and every other tax that this country has to pay to the white establishment. Maybe, there should be a law that blacks tax payments go strictly to benefit their own black neighborhoods and not to benefit white neighborhoods and schools as it has always been. That should solve your ancient, antebellum, bigoted rants about blacks being incapable of learning so don't teach them. It would also solve the problem of outdated, inferior books that have been passed down since the great depression to black schools. Black would be able to buy some of those new up-to-date books and make the repairs on some of their schools as well that need maintenance because their share of taxes wouldn't be allocated with the biggest share of it going to the betterment of white schools and neighborhoods.
"Off-topic: did you see Glen Beck's faux-secret service agents 'protecting' him yesterday, Mr. Field? That was hilarious!"
They were probably provided by the Fed. If anything were to happen to him, I shudder to think what might happen.
Is it your goal in life to be idiot? If so, then is that not a very lofty one. You are sitting in your basement and write utterly insipid comment without nary a clue as what you are writing about. I was born and lived in Newark for part of my life and a product of its educational system for my elementary and middle school years. I would the first to say the school system needs improvement and that is true for many schools across the country.
I am going to write this once, school reform should be about changing the school curriculum to meet the needs of current society and not the one just past. I think that there are too many administrators making decisions on lesson plans. Administrators to are too depended upon standardize testing and children still do learn anything. Art, music, home economics, shop, physical exercise, social studies, and English have either been eliminated or drastically cut and we wonder why children do not know anything. They are ill-prepared, but perhaps you would happier if we spent more money on sending them to prison.
Anonymous said...
"Off-topic: did you see Glen Beck's faux-secret service agents 'protecting' him yesterday"
look like he was wearing a bullet proof vest under his shirt
you forgot part of the story, FN.
There was another application - one filled out with compromises with the teacher's unions that had another easy 50 points on it...Christie THREW THAT ONE OUT.
I did had to LMAO when the Education Department just boldly busted his lying ass.
No Slappz…..
There appears to be an arrogance to your writing; one that makes me think that you are either playing devil’s advocate, or you are just totally misinformed as to the needs' of the country.
I can’t believe you are that myopic.
Your statement regarding the needs of the students of Newark and Camden are clearly that of a person who wants most of the resources to go to only one segment of the population.
If that is your feelings, I would like to know. What is it that you people fear?
Are you that insecure?
Field this is off topic but I think I have stumbled upon the worst negro ever made, look him up his name is Ted Hayes, the stuff that comes out his mouth is just horrible, I think he is the real life uncle ruckus from the boondocks check him out, if u havent already.
Maybe Snooki filled out the application. That might explain things.
"Hayes is a supporter of President George W. Bush's foreign policy. He is also critical of critics of Black Republicans, who he says are "vigorously vilified by Democrats".[9]"
Interesting. Gleened from Wikipedia (so have that grain of salt on standby), but interesting noneoftheless.
American-Muslims in America are getting a hands on experience of what it was like with racism in the past for blacks and what they experienced in the 50s and 60s. Some crazy folks are at it again burning and shooting at Muslims constructions sites in Tennesee similiar to how they use to burn, bomb, and shoot at black churches in the past. It must be in their genes. The apple don't fall too far from the tree. It won't be long before other minorities will wake up and realize that blacks have legitimate complaints and they'll understand why too without a doubt because they'll be able to relate to the struggle we've been through and why that fight continues.
thanks for leaving this story.
this isn't anywhere NEAR Ground Zero, so, if it's not about hating ISLAM, then what is it about?
Also Granny, too many of those other minorities who always kept their mouths shut when Blacks stood up now realize that their HONORARY WHITE Cards can be revoked
"Also Granny, too many of those other minorities who always kept their mouths shut when Blacks stood up now realize that their HONORARY WHITE Cards can be revoked"
I was thinking the same thing when I post the link to that story. Yeah, I betcha they know we not making stuff up now. This ought to open their eyes to racism in America is not a myth and blacks have had to deal with it since their ancestors landed here on ships in bondage.
Granny if that is the Murfeesboro (sp?) Mosque I am somewhat familiar with the story. Typical. But expect more of the same now that we have "Restored Honor" here in A-merry-ca.
Yes Val, I peeped Beckkk's sec. team. I think they were Blackwater guys (paid for by Beckkk)and it did look like he had on a bullet proof vest. Go figure. I guess he didn't want to take his whole I am MLK shtick too far.
rikyrah, thanks for bringing up the other part of that story. Yep seems those evil unions gave him what he needed to get the money, but because they were unions....well, he did what he had to do. I hope the republican gov's association gives NJ the 400 million they need.
Mr. I.M. Black, aren't you glad for this blog so that you get to know what folks like n_s are thinking. Just think, he could be your neighbor, your co-worker, that guy you see looking at your wife in the grocery store....I am just saying.
granny, hennasplace, mr i am black, field,
Unfortunately, the irony I intended failed to come through.
You clowns seem positively overjoyed by the fumble committed by the NJ governor. It pleased you to see a white guy look stupid.
Like that matters.
Here's what your attitude tells me: You're so dense you miss the fact that less money for education means less money for the schools dealing with the worst problems -- the schools attended by blacks and hispanics.
"You clowns seem positively overjoyed by the fumble committed by the NJ governor. It pleased you to see a white guy look stupid."
If that was the case we would be perpetually delirious on this board because you look stupid every day.
However it was quite pleasing to see a fat arrogant rightie have to publicly eat $hit after taking cheap gratuitous shot at an easy target, de black President.
If you have HBO please watch Spike Lee's "If The Lord is Willing and the Creek Don't Rise."
There's a scene where during a press conference Republican Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour takes a gratuitous shot at the black citizens of New Orleans by claiming "Our citizens in Mississippi didn't whine or hold their hands out begging. They just rolled their sleeves up and got back to work."
Well come to find out that through his connects in the Bush Administration and the two powerful Republican Senators from Mississippi Lott and Cochran, that state of Mississippi got more emergency funs in a far more timely fashion than Louisiana did.
I'm getting the feeling that in a while someone is going to suggest that Christie bungled the paperwork for the federal school money -- intentionally.
Someone will claim he and his staff knowingly goofed to cut spending at schools attended largely by blacks and hispanics.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
If you have HBO please watch Spike Lee's "If The Lord is Willing and the Creek Don't Rise."
Lee is the black Michael Moore. So, no, not a chance I'll watch his silly diatribe.
Meanwhile, I did see a video of Lee commenting on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and in that video he displayed his complete, total and hermetically sealed ignorance on the topic.
But given that he also seems to have once thought the New Orleans levees were destroyed by planned explosions, what can you expect.
So here again, we have an example of a blind black guy leading blind black followers.
I am not overjoyed that Christie screwed because the New Jersey missed out of $400mm. His administration is simply sloppy in its attempt to secure the grant for the state, and tried to blame the Obama administration.
You are certainly one daft individual. You have nothing more than to write insults. I have to say if this is the highlight of your day then perhaps you should find a hobby.
Christie's administration cost the state money, and the people of New Jersey will frown upon that and it will be reflected when re-election time for him comes around. Once again, you have nary a clue.
"Lee is the black Michael Moore. So, no, not a chance I'll watch his silly diatribe."
Yeah, you'd rather listen to a Sarah Palin speech.
"But given that he also seems to have once thought the New Orleans levees were destroyed by planned explosions, what can you expect."
When did Lee ever express such a thing?
You wouldn't be lying AGAIN would you racist?
hobama is not a convenient target.
he is an accurate target!!!
ESPECIALLY where he and his corp scam cronies are destroying public ed!!!
alveda disgraced king even more than beck did
Hi there new to your blog but liking what I see, I cant find where to send you a person message,if you dont mind can you contact me? talkingwithtami.com Thanks xoxo
Meanwhile, I did see a video of Lee commenting on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, and in that video he displayed his complete, total and hermetically sealed ignorance on the topic.
You say this as if you are an authority. If you had so much knowledge, you would be in demand and highly compensated, so that you would not have time for this blog.
Since that's not the case you have to compensate by trying to act as if you are superior. You come here, because other blogs have banned your "asterperious" being.
i love spike lee's new video
what did you see as ignorant within it???
no_slappz said...
granny, hennasplace, mr i am black, field,
Unfortunately, the irony I intended failed to come through.
You clowns seem positively overjoyed by the fumble committed by the NJ governor. It pleased you to see a white guy look stupid.
No fool Christie made himself look stupid by trying to trash Obama and then realizing that it was his own mistake that cost NJ the $400M.
Of course he tried to blame the unions too but they had already made a plan with the Secretary of Education long before the application was due.
Then at the last minute Christie tossed the application which included the compromise from the teachers' union and tried to resubmit it at the last minute.
The final review of the application was so late that they had to drive it to DC so they would make the deadline.
Of course Christie made his Secretary of Education the fall guy Friday when he fired him. A lot of people are hoping that the Sec of Ed will sue for wrongful termination because some believe that Christie left out the information on purpose.
It's funny that Christie is being hailed as some model for Republicans but I guess he should be since doesn't know how to take responsibility.
God bless the DOE. Now if we can only get the rest of the administration to pleasantly but firmly expose what's really going on instead of constantly turning the page and moving forward.
Leadership and courage wanted.
No Slappz:
My comments were directed at you not the Gov. of NJ.
The use of the word "clowns" was uncalled for.
We can all agree or disagree, but either way try to be respectful.
It is good to be back, and I do have some of those people living in my community.
uptownsteve, hathor,
Spike Lee spewed his usual brand of dopiness a couple of weeks ago. He jabbered to an interviewer about the BP oil spill. Google Spike and BP. I'm sure you'll find it.
What did he say? He loudly and ignorantly stated that 75% -- seventy-five percent -- of the oil that leaked into the Gulf is mysteriously unaccounted for.
He ranted about cover-ups and lies.
In fact, analysis from independent scientists AND the federal government determined exactly the opposite.
Seventy-five percent of the oil IS accounted for. It was either dispersed by the special chemicals fed into the escaping stream at the well-head, skimmed off the surface of the Gulf by clean-up crews, burned off the surface with fire and evaporated off the surface due to the hot sun and warm water.
Only 25% is unaccounted for. But the independent analysts and the government also said even more than 75% of the oil may have been removed by the previously mentioned methods.
In any case, since no one can find the oil, that strongly suggests it has drifted out of the Gulf and into the Atlantic, where it has been harmlessly absorbed in the ocean.
Lee, no surprise, gets the story backwards. I think he's dyslexic.
mr i am black, you wrote:
The use of the word "clowns" was uncalled for.
Says you.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
American-Muslims in America are getting a hands on experience of what it was like with racism in the past for blacks and what they experienced in the 50s and 60s..
Yep, and if it continues, there will be payback.
no_slappz said...
Someone will claim he and his staff knowingly goofed to cut spending at schools attended largely by blacks and hispanics.
9:18 AM
Well, Obama fucked up the economy intentionally to get the stimulas package passed. I'm just saying.
alicia banks said...
i love spike lee's new video
what did you see as ignorant within it???
A black man filming it.
only drones believe that oil is gone
spike and others know it is below the surface
he was actually far too reticent
do the math ns:
if the valdez spill is STILL toxic
decades later
how did the WORSE bp spill just magically & swiftly evaporate????
wake up!!!
gullible mindless people like you are the reason the govt lies to us so easily.
they know u will believe them.
i bet u will eat the gulf shrimp now too huh?
People in Ohio love Chris, we got New Jersey's spot.
bon appetit!
valdez 2010:
alicia banks:
There are always people ready to speculate.
Inasmuch as the water in the Gulf is in motion, going in and out with the tide and driven by the Gulf Stream and driven again by hurricanes, it's obvious that any oil in the water will get washed out of the Gulf and into the Atlantic.
As for the marine life in the Gulf, maybe it's too soon to declare all of it safe to eat, but it's only a matter of months before it's gumbo time again in New Orleans.
As for the analysis of the oil and water, as I said, the government and independent groups have been at work. If an credible lab has completed an investigation that has concluded things are bad, there are no shortage of media venues to trumpet the claims.
The blogosphere is the chief site for alternative views. As far as I can tell, the critical claims only go as far as suggesting that certain problems "could" or "might" occur.
However, since very little sea-life croaked from exposure to the oil, I think we know the oil story will have a happy ending.
Meanwhile, some storms are coming. They will drive the least of the oil out of the Gulf. By election day, the Gulf will have returned to normal.
no_slapz: Meanwhile, some storms are coming. They will drive the least of the oil out of the Gulf. By election day, the Gulf will have returned to normal.
You're more stupid than I give you credit.
I guess you fail to realize that hurricanes move counterclockwise and from east to west.
If a storm were to enter the Gulf it would push the oil TOWARD shore(FL panhandle, AL,MS,La or TX) and not away from it.
no_slappz, I am amazed that you are the most popular person on FN blog, when it comes to replies. Just goes to prove that Blacks will always respond to Whites, no matter how insulting and provocative they are. Apparently, Blacks find it unavoidable to do so.
You continue to prove that you can say anything and get a response from these folks on this blog. Congratulations, you know how to provoke and control responses from the fearful and weak-minded!
Congratulations, you know how to provoke and control responses from the fearful and weak-minded!
alternative news is the ONLY real news now...
hobama and his corp govt own all msm...except fox...
you are amazingly deluded about the massive marine life slain in valdez.
not to mention the humans poisoned there too.
research it asap!
Slang, derisive nickname for grandiose rallies heavily promoted and hosted by Fox News megalomaniac, Glenn Beck, where he invites hordes of Teabaggers to come as he shoots loads of generic platitudes upon them.
The first Beckgasm, also known as Whitestock, was held on the same anniversary date and location of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech in front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.
The next Beckgasm will occur just as soon as Glenn Beck comes up with another aspect of American history that he needs to "take back" for white people—possibly the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation."
Gotta love Urban Dictionary.
"no_slappz, I am amazed that you are the most popular person on FN blog, when it comes to replies. Just goes to prove that Blacks will always respond to Whites, no matter how insulting and provocative they are. Apparently, Blacks find it unavoidable to do so."
More Tomming from Rastus Anonymous.
I used to post on Frontpagmag.com where I first met POI and he could tell you that I had an internet lynching party on my heels every day I posted.
Why do I detect severe self-hatred on your part?
Why, you can't even post a name you hate yourself so much.
i actually think ns posted that as assnon...
more on valdez 2010
Whassup AB
wiff yo fine chocolate self.
i am blessed and all is well
how r u my newly regal nubian king?
AB, "i actually think ns posted that as assnon..."
Amazing that Blacks who hate each other will join forces out of fear to attack the truth! That is, you all fall prey to no_slappz, and when some anon mentions it, you think it was no_slappz posing as anon. LOL...'some' of you have a million ways to avoid the funky elephant of truth in your living rooms.LOL
AB, are you that desperate to avoid the truth that you are willing to join forces with a black male chauvinist pig who hates bw like UTS? I am disappointed in you. I never thought you would stoop so low as to kiss and bow to a bm who never faces the truth.
petrifying valdez omens in the gulf 2010
(if huge adult humans are so ill... imagine how smaller marine life feels even sicker?)
i have always respected uts when he deserved it
and i always will
people call me a lot of things
but they never call me unfair
i am always attacked and shushed responding to everyone!
even to assnon ghosts
not just to ns
i think u r being unfair
What up Field interesting story on the governor. Personally I think the Race to the Top program is crap. The government doesn't force folks to compete like that to obtain contracts to do work in Iraq or Afghanistan.
And there is no game playing with funds when it comes to provide the funds for the adventurous warring they are doing in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Yet the schools need help and there has to be all this tap dancing around the funds.
And Field that guy no slappz(AKA N S A for National Security Agent) is not your average respondent he is paid to do what he does.
Notice how well he articulates the government's position on the Gulf oil spill and the way he spells it out. Take note of his use of the word "credible" and his description of the blogosphere and check out his happy (full of crap conclusion).
NS said:
"As for the analysis of the oil and water, as I said, the government and independent groups have been at work. If an credible lab has completed an investigation that has concluded things are bad, there are no shortage of media venues to trumpet the claims.
The blogosphere is the chief site for alternative views. As far as I can tell, the critical claims only go as far as suggesting that certain problems "could" or "might" occur.
However, since very little sea-life croaked from exposure to the oil, I think we know the oil story will have a happy."
Fyi, for all of haters and worriers of Beck:
He has apologized for calling Obama a racist. He said it was a poor choice of words. He was referring to the theological 'oppressor and victim' religion of Liberation Theology, which Obama WAS/Is? following.
It is a relief that Beck apologized and it shows his willingness to admit his mistakes. The man appears to be in the midst of transformation...all for good in the changing of America.
C'mon ass-non
Your insecurity is showing.
You can't be satisfied with your personal hatred and resentment of my indomitable black pride.
You try to recruit allies.
And I challenge you or anyone else to produce a statement from me indicating hatred of black women.
My ire is clearly directed at individuals whom I feel contributed to the demonization and stereotyping of black men in general.
It sucks and I will challenge it every time I see it now matter how much it enrages people like you.
kudos to beck
i wonder if that bankster hobama will ever apologize for bilking and duping poor people???
A corporate offensive is rolling down upon us, aimed at wholesale privatization of the public sector. If the Left has learned anything in the last year and a half, it should be that President Obama is Wall Street’s guy, having “delivered the highest return on corporate campaign investment in the history of bourgeois democracy.” In this struggle, the people will be left to their own devices.
There is no cavalry coming over the ridge to save the people from massed capital. Certainly not the Democrats, whose self-caged left wing now finds its marginalized encampments under lockdown by their own president’s hostile patrols, while the GOP and its Tea Party irregulars howl from the circling darkness. That’s what happens when progressives maneuver themselves onto the same side of the battlefield as Goldman Sachs, as they did with abandon in 2007-08, deliriously fighting their way into a cul-de-sac in which they are now surrounded.
AB, "so
i think u r being unfair
Can you deny what I said re:no_slappz's popularity on this blog?
yes i can anon
i see people battling with each other here daily
many who have always only ignored ns
just as they ignore frank
NS said:
"However, since very little sea-life croaked from exposure to the oil, I think we know the oil story will have a happy [ending]"
NS you spent a lot of time putting down Spike Lee's analysis of the Gulf Oil spill and even judged his documentary as a silly diatribe without viewing it. Yet you are always castigating others for not providing facts or for failing to fully investigate something, but it seems that is your speciality.
How do you know very little sea life croaked? Where are your facts to support this?There has been no full report or examination to really know at this point the full extent of the damage to the Gulf or how many sea animals really did perish.
And considering the damage that resulted from the Exxon Mobile spill as well as other spills around the world it doesn't support the idea that this spill will have a happy ending.
This spill has done damage to the ecosystem and we will paying for this for years to come and you don't have an aquamarine degree to figure that out.
Glenn Beck is a bottom dwelling demogogue whose ignorance is surpassed only by those who listen to him.
i will admit i could be biased
because i really miss cf
and ns often reminds me of cf when i agree...
AB, "i wonder if that bankster hobama will ever apologize for bilking and duping poor people???"
For that to happen, there would be a decision to end capitalism as we know it. I don't think that will happen with Dems or Repubs because that would end their two-party game.
No, there will be no apology because capitalists have reason to apologize for making money #1 in their lives. Sorry, but it looks like the poor are doomed whether Repubs or Dems are in power. Ironically, under Bush, Blacks were better off with the Republicans because they had more courage to yell, and fight which prompted a response from the Repubs to help. Under Obama, the Blacks are in quicksand, but refuse to say anything against Obama. They are lemmings going over the cliff!...and people like UTS, LAC, Gregory, Kid, Granny and the rest are leading....go figure.
Pile of crap.
Poverty and the misery index always increases under Republicans.
Obama's policies like TARP and the stimulus package have halted the inexorable slide into economic depression that started under the Bush Administration and Republican dominated Congress.
We are not recovering as fast as we want but the trend is toward the positive.
And FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME, what was the alternative offered by all the Obama detractors????
Not one damn thing.
it is truly political suicide we are committing as black citizens en masse...
hobama will retire megarich
and we will suffer EVEN more when the next prez says
I guess in your mind you could have writtin worse. LOL
Watch no_slappz claim to have an aquamarine degree.
Anonymous wishes that we'd all just shut up. The only one fearful is him/her because it sure isn't black people. Their not the one ran out and stocked up on guns and ammunition or thinking that somehow since a black man is the President this country has somehow lost its honor and integrity or white folks are gonna be enslaved. Smh!
This countries honor and integrity was lost when it denied some of its citizens their rights, went around bombing and burning churches, and recently have picked back up their practice of burning American Muslim construction sites. And the list goes on and on and on. They're full of dung!
Right on Granny.
Beck's movement is just thinly veiled RAHOWA attracting scared ignorant white folks (and pathetic buckdancing Toms like Harry Jackson and Alveda King) who feel that their birthright of dominance, privelege and power is being snatched away from them with the presence of a black man as the leader of the free world.
They talk about "restoring America".
Restoring what?
Jim Crow?
AB why would you be congratulating Beck?
We already know his views on blacks.
How do you think he feels about gays?
AB, "i will admit i could be biased
because i really miss cf
and ns often reminds me of cf when i agree..."
I miss CF too. He helped me to see other possibilities to bring "self-dignity" to the black community instead of singing the same ole tune that continues to drown us in the crooked thinking of "blaming Whitey" instead of doing for ourselves. CF was/is a rare being, who was/is intent on helping Blacks become "independent" instead of "dependent" on people who don't and won't EVER care about us.
We are headed in the direction of the Native Indians, except much slower, and more painful..It looks like a very sad ending to a race who survived slavery and Jim Crow. But there is only so much a human being can endure...Blacks are not God nor are we like cactuses...for even cactuses die off.
By the way you used the word "wasted". I guess that was supposed to be your attempt at sarcasm.
Mellaneous, Granny, UTS, thanks for keeping no_slappz and Beck alive! We can always count on folks with your fear-based minds to respond, like addicts, to their messages...LOL I am sure you are helping the 'cause'..LOL
UTS, "They talk about "restoring America".
Restoring what?"
HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND FAITH...that has been the theme over and over again...You just don't 'get it' because you can't hear...you are deaf.
i congratualte anyone who does the right thing anytime
i despise beck
but he was wrong to call hobama a racist
i thought you would compliment me for wishing hobama well/extending empathy/taking his side over beck
i hate hobama too
but beck lies on hobama 24 hrs a day
i hate hobama for who he really is
he is not a racist
he loves bankers of all races
hobama is an elitist hoax and a socialist ONLY for the rich
hobama is destroying public ed and public housing
reservations follow both!
we have already been regentrified away from all major urban areas
may god bless us all
black harlem is a relic
Oh Lawd:
Now, anonymous is blaming the Native Americans for their poverty and situation and annihilation. I guess, those phony treaties stealing their land, forcing them to walk in inches of snow in the dead winter on the trail of tears, or "The more Indians we can kill this year, the less will have to be killed next year, for the more I see of these Indians, the more convinced I am that they all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers."-- General William T. Sherman, USA" had nothing to do with it.
Notice in General Sherman's statement this part..."I am that they all have to be killed or be maintained as a species of paupers." In other words, this is the way they think about minorities of color. The only reason their praising Asian with a fork tongue is because they are in big time debt to them. Can't have those Asians calling in their markers now can we. BTW, Asians think that Americans are simple-minded.
There is an old saying, "that you get what you paid for". With regard to the Gov.of NJ the people got what they voted for.
Lets see if they will form a tea party for him, or carry guns to the next ralley,or maybe check to see if he is from this country,because some of his policies seem to be a bit foreign to some.
AB, "i congratualte anyone who does the right thing anytime"
You know how to stand on "Principle" not personality. UTS and a whole lot of Blacks place "personality" before Principle. They don't care about the 'truth', they care that Obama is Black, and they don't see anything that Beck does as right. UTS is unable to discern right from wrong because of the color of one's skin. Yet he and Granny attack Beck and others for being racist! They are attacking what's in their own mirrors! isn't that ironic?
"HONESTY, INTEGRITY, AND FAITH...that has been the theme over and over again...You just don't 'get it' because you can't hear...you are deaf."
And when praytell did America have all this honesty, integrity and Faith?
Under the Bush Administration????
Or how about conservative hero Ronald Raygun who saw 138 of his administration officials convicted.
Savings and Loan scandals.
Where was the honesty and integrity ass-non.
Or maybe you Beckies just want to go all the way back to Jim Crow.
At least they were honest.
They felt that blacks haad no rights any white person was bound to respect and that's how they governed.
i think anon meant the native americans were systematically starved and relocated
just as blacks today
genocide redux 2010
crack pipe = peace pipe = pic = nclb = academic death etc
Granny, you are lost in mind, heart and spirit. You represent the direction so many Blacks are hopelessly headed. Fortunately, you are too old to notice the karmic wave of great pain. But the generations behind you will feel it. I pity you and UTS. You both have hearts like crooked cork screws.
smallpox laced blankets = hiv = firewater = malt liquor etc....
genocide is real x 2
hobama is a supreme buffalo soldier
General William T. Sherman = Assassin.
I give the Asians credit, they know that American lumps them in the same boat as all other minorities. They're not stupid or naive about America's "post-racial" ways and have observed them for a long time and they know how they were treated back in the day too. America didn't even allow Asians citizenship because of their fear of others different from them.
cornel west said it best:
"black people are in love with obama
but i am in love with black people even more than they love obama"
ditto for me
hobama is slaying poor black people
Wipe the egg off your face gov. (try not to eat it)
Now that's a cheap shot.
But I love it!
Uptown you make a good point about the so-called values that the folks at the Beck rally were harking back to.
But what the government holds dear and what the people hold dear are not necesarily the same.
Beck hit on something that we will have to come to grips with and that is black folks and white folks have got to find a way to talk with one another and not at one another.
For the most part we do want the same things. When we paint all white folks with the same brush we risk alienating potential allies.
But at the same time Beck misrepresented MLK's message by somehow trying to claim that US propaganda about morality is the same as the real call for a just and moral society that MLK called for and stood for. Beck smoothly watered down the message. But its interesting to note that he toned down his more incendiary rhetoric.
beck did not do anything as horrid as the hobama nazis said he would
alveda disgraced mlk far more than beck did....as always
Granny that was funny NS may just claim that or he can go down the hall and get the gov'ts line on what the government paid scientists have to say about the spill.
"Beck hit on something that we will have to come to grips with and that is black folks and white folks have got to find a way to talk with one another and not at one another."
And you think Beck is equipped to lecture folks on how we should talk to each other.
By ranting that the first African-American President hates white people?
Reasonable people talk and reason everyday.
Demogogues yell and point fingers.
Beck is a demogogue, plain and simple.
And most of his groupies on the Mall Saturday are all about white supremacy.
Beck and his followers have no problem discussing race, they just want the discussion on their terms.
That is, no incriminations of white people are allowed. If blacks would just stop whining, dropping illegitmate babies and shooting each other, maybe white folks won't hate them.
That's their "race conversation".
I know how you like to play it down the middle but a black man defending Beck is going to end up looking foolish.
AB I suspect that Beck had no place to go. If he had played up one of his more divisive messages, he risked going to far or having some crazy act out something really radical that he said and then being lambasted for it.
What he did made sense. He undermined the King message and called on God-- which for this crowd wouldn't be alienating. Notice he didn't call for brotherhood or sisterhood or for folks to reach across the aisles and embrace their "other" brothers and sisters.
And thus he maintained his popularity.
He is not a real demagogue he just plays the role of one for the purpose of making money
"When we paint all white folks with the same brush we risk alienating potential allies."
Whose doing that Mellaneous?
Name them.
If anything it's the rightwingers and their black allies (listen to anonymous and AB) who paint all blacks with the same brush.
Damn, they say it every day.
Listen to them.
"You represent the direction so many Blacks are hopelessly headed."
ie...any black who doesn't buckdance to the rightwing tune.
AB, you forgot add those drugs, guns smuggled in our neighborhoods, and abortion clinics to the genocide list.
Uptown my brother do you ever pay attention really to anything that I say in full.
I have probably never played anything down the middle I take sides. Nothing lukewarm about me.
Have you forgotten that I am the resident revolutinary on this thread? How do you continue to do that when I am almost always left of you? I try to play peace maker when there is no reason to take a side.
Please read my above post. I didn't say that Beck was all that I just said that we do have to find some ways to talk across the lines.
Jeez man please read what I write before doing the tangent thing. Of course Beck is a demagogue, I have said so myself on this blog.
AB, "i think anon meant the native americans were systematically starved and relocated"
At least there are a few Blacks with life experience, and an IQ high enough to 'get it'. Unfortunately, there aren't enough, as you well know by being on this blog. That also was CF's as well as others who have long since left. Some closed minded-stones not even a sledge hammer can break!
Granny interprets wrongly because of her Obama defense. Information that proves Obama has not kept his word to the American people, as well has clearly shown his disconnection from Blacks...will EVER penetrate poor Granny's mind. No, she is a 'lemming' in a Walt Disney movie, willing to go over the cliff for her hero, no matter how wrong he is.
Sadly, it appears that is what most Blacks are prepared to do for him.... "Damn the truth! Let us stand by Obama, to OUR bitter end!"- is their motto.
mellaneous writes:
Beck hit on something that we will have to come to grips with and that is black folks and white folks have got to find a way to talk with one another and not at one another.
Not quite. The are some proven formulas for success in this world. The most basic are learning to read, write and calculate.
However, millions of blacks simply refuse to believe and practice the obvious.
Next, there are some economic facts and realities that over-ride the absolute lunacy that is embraced by way too many blacks.
Every wave of immigrants that have landed in the US have learned the basic lessons of prosperity -- except blacks.
Slavery and Jim Crow are tired excuses. The median age of blacks in this country is about 30. That means the only connection most blacks have to Jim Crow is some story told by grandpa.
Meanwhile, asians are zooming to the top of the heap. What accounts for their ascendance? The usual. Getting educated, finding some work and staying out of trouble. No magic.
amen to all!!!
why are u lying on me again?
i have never lumped all blacks as i slay colorists/hobama nazis/turbo breeders/elitists etc
Uptown my point about not painting all whites with the same brush was not aimed at anyone, I was just making a point that is true.
And you are right the right wingers do a great job of spreading racist propaganda.
But I am saying that we have to try to find ways around the crap. Simply repeating and documenting what they are doing won't move us forward.
WE have to push for an agenda that includes everyone a just agenda that folks can get on board with. I mean spending too much time on the negative would be akin to you taking all your time to respond or argue with the haters in your life who aren't going to change their minds about you anyway.
Its good to point out where the enemies of unity and progress are trying to take us but then we have to move on. And Steve it appears that you are the guy who tries to sit in the middle because it has become obvious that this system is not going to take us in the direction of peace and social justice and that included Barack Obama.
UTS, "By ranting that the first African-American President hates white people?"
UTS, do you ever pay any attention to anything? Scroll up you dunce. Beck apologized publically on national TV that he was WRONG to have said that. Talking to you is a waste of time. and it doesn't matter whether people like Mell are agreeing with you or no_slappz is talking to you. As I commented earlier, YOU ARE DEAF!!
Uptown and others the government agent NS is trying to prove my point about spending too much time on obvious crap or on what the enemy is doing without focusing how to go forward in real ways.
Now no doubt there are times when we have to take on foolishness for the sake of those who may not know better and to clear up misinformation.
In the case above some statements are so outlandish that only fellow racists will attach truth to it, thus making it not worth responding to.
Mell, "But I am saying that we have to try to find ways around the crap. Simply repeating and documenting what they are doing won't move us forward."
You have hit the nail on the head. That is the core issue. UTS is classic when it comes to that. You know it, I know it, and so does everybody else. And you are right...we cannot EVER move forward as long as we THINK like that-if you can call it thinking.
Just when I think you can't sound any sillier you find a way to outdo yourself.
Your comments of 5:31 show that you have lost your mind.
Now I believe you are clowning.
Anonymous, you can say what you want to about me, I could care less! But where did I interpret it wrong at?
Didn't a lot of whites go out and stock up ammunition and guns?
Didn't some whites claim that the President is trying to enslaved them?
Didn't General Sherman say what I wrote?
Didn't an American Muslim construction site get burned down and those people get shot at yesterday?
Didn't they bomb churches back in the day?
Didn't they annihilate the Native Americans and reduce them to a pauper's state?
BTW, coming in President Obama's defense has nothing to do with my comments. My comments have to do with innocent people getting hurt behind fearmongers pushing fear of thsoe different than them. You do not know me personally, nor do you know anything about me personally, nor do you know what my fight is against even though I've mentioned it in here more than once.
However, there is a question I'd like to ask you. Are you proposing that we vote for Republicans come election time? Do you think that they will do a better job than Democrats? Answer that question for me please?
BTW, I'm not fearful of man period! Never have been and never will be. However, I am concerned about innocent human beings dying over some trump up fearmongering. Because I know what fearmongering can do. because I've lived long enough to witness it in action. I'm concerned about my fellow human beings and put more value on their lives than I do some little rinky dink elections and power struggles.
alicia banks,
The only lingering impact of the Exxon Valdez oil spill is to the shoreline. However, the shoreline is recovering and probably in another 10 years it will be just fine.
Meanwhile, the water's fine. Furthermore, the Valdez spill was much different than the Gulf leak. Therefore, comparisons mean little.
On top of that, there is the fact that Alaska generously shares its oil revenue with many residents. The Native Alaskans are not complaining about the free money coming their way.
Oh and I forgot to say this to you anonymous.
If you think that belittling or insulting the people on here with your remarks about them not having high IQ makes you the one and only with a high IQ or only those you agree with then you need a reality check. You not all that and a bag a chips. I don't know what makes you think that either or gave you that idea.
mr i am black, you wrote:
Just when I think you can't sound any sillier you find a way to outdo yourself.
I read the latest post on your blog. Maybe you're a nice guy, but you are one of the people in America who has trouble with basic English.
For example, in your post you repeatedly misused the word "to" when you should have used "too". And you also showed you do not know the difference between "residence" and "residents".
When such minor aspects of language so easily trip you, it's clear you need to improve your reading and writing skills before getting into more complex matters.
Just when I think you can't sound any sillier you find a way to outdo yourself.
Your comments of 5:31 show that you have lost your mind."
Mr. I am Black, you continue to prove what anon said in his previous comments,
"no_slappz, I am amazed that you are the most popular person on FN blog, when it comes to replies. Just goes to prove that Blacks will always respond to Whites, no matter how insulting and provocative they are. Apparently, Blacks find it unavoidable to do so.
You continue to prove that you can say anything and get a response from these folks on this blog. Congratulations, you know how to provoke and control responses from the fearful and weak-minded!"
It's looking more and more hopeless for us as no_slappz controls and provokes the minds and emotions of Blacks who fall to his prey. It's very sad.
"Amazing that Blacks who hate each other will join forces out of fear to attack the truth! That is, you all fall prey to no_slappz, and when some anon mentions it, you think it was no_slappz posing as anon. LOL...'some' of you have a million ways to avoid the funky elephant of truth in your living rooms.LOL"
While you're busy singing Ol' Slaps' praises, can you enlighten me as to the "funky elephant of truth"? What exactly is the message that people like no_slappz are "struggling" to put out? Enquiring minds gotta know.
"At least there are a few Blacks with life experience, and an IQ high enough to 'get it'. Unfortunately, there aren't enough, as you well know by being on this blog. That also was CF's as well as others who have long since left. Some closed minded-stones not even a sledge hammer can break! "
I've probably figured out what you mean, but I won't let on exactly what that is until my first question is answered.
"Granny interprets wrongly because of her Obama defense. Information that proves Obama has not kept his word to the American people, as well has clearly shown his disconnection from Blacks...will EVER penetrate poor Granny's mind. No, she is a 'lemming' in a Walt Disney movie, willing to go over the cliff for her hero, no matter how wrong he is."
Considering Granny's life experiences are plentiful enough to fill TWO autobiographies, I'd be more inclined to take her at her word.
Granny, "However, there is a question I'd like to ask you. Are you proposing that we vote for Republicans come election time? Do you think that they will do a better job than Democrats? Answer that question for me please?"
No I am not proposing that you vote Republican or Democrat. I am proposing that you look objectively at who you elected for and what they are doing 'for' or 'to' you.
Granny-"BTW, I'm not fearful of man period! Never have been and never will be. However, I am concerned about innocent human beings dying over some trump up fearmongering. Because I know what fearmongering can do. because I've lived long enough to witness it in action. I'm concerned about my fellow human beings and put more value on their lives than I do some little rinky dink elections and power struggles."
Well, Granny, you might not be afraid, but a lot of Americans are. It is very 'human' to be afraid. Obviously, you are beyond human feelings. However, I detect your concern as 'minimized' fear? If not, then you must give other humans the right to 'minimize' their fear as 'frustration'.
You see, your game of symmantics to make your point doesn't really prove much. There has been no riots or killings as you have been claiming for years. IMO, YOU are fearmongering because no one else is as fearful.
"I am not proposing that you vote Republican or Democrat. I am proposing that you look objectively at who you elected for and what they are doing 'for' or 'to' you."
And what makes you think that we were not looking objectively at who we elected. You never know what a politician is going to really do until they get elected. That goes for all of them.
I have to beg your pardon on the no killings, or did you forget about the killing at the Museum in Washington of that guard, or the killing of that abortion doctor, and attempted assassination of the President which was stopped just in time? The stabbing of that Muslim cab driver who is blessed to still be alive. The severe beating of that elderly man out fishing with his wife, and the beating of that elderly black woman who also was out fishing. Oh, there are other incidents.
As for the riots, well...that mob the other day didn't act too friendly towards that black man wearing a skull cap. That could have escalated into a riot.
Some people are scary and some are not. I'm just not a scary person. The way I look at it, another human being can do no more to me than I can to them. So, that does not make a person less human.
However, my thing is to call it out, get folks attention, white and black, to prevent those things from happening.
You might not like what I say and that may be because you don't understand where I'm coming from. I'm not preaching violence. Nor am I telling blacks to go out and buy guns or start a riot. However, I am telling them to be aware and push back against the fearmongering and I am going to continue to do that whether you like it or not.
Mack Lyons, "Considering Granny's life experiences are plentiful enough to fill TWO autobiographies, I'd be more inclined to take her at her word."
Mack, there are plenty of 'old' fools; and very few 'wise' ones:
"Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you.."
"Experience teaches only the teachable."
Those quotes came from Aldous Huxley, a wise being. Bearing those two quotes in mind, may I remind you that there are many more fools in the world interpreting their experiences ve. a small percentage of wise ones?
Many prideful humans have NEVER been 'teachable' by the experiences of life. It takes 'humility' to be teachable and Granny has yet to show a drop of that, even though she has been on this blog for years!
Now, Mack please go inside yourself and think about that, and don't become like that.
mell u aint a revolutionary at all ure just a blowhard who thinks too much of his own opinions ur ass is stuck in 1965 shyt nigga get a hint and shut up!
FN the islamds are having a hurricane now is your family back home doing ok?
Anonymous 6:25:
Your an agitator! You want us to listen and act like we're mute to no_slappz who continues to throw out racist insults and make asinine statements on a black blog that bear no proof and are really bigoted statements as if they are the word of God. If he/she makes those statements on a black blog everyone has a right to defend and let him know exactly how they feel and defang him of his poison.
I hope that you are not a black person because you would truly be an embarrassment to black people if you are taking up for a bigot who hates black people. It only takes people like no_slappz to plant negative sseds about people of color for them to grow and spread.
Black people have always had to deal with those negative stereotypes and denigrating remarks aimed at black people, which has caused people around the world to believe that is who we really are as a people, but that is not true. No_slappz want to keep those negative stereotypes and that denigration going so that people of color will never get a fair shake in this society. He wants to enforce that white superiority myth, partly because it makes him feel better about himself and his insecurities and to keep black folks down.
He does not want black folks to accomplish anything or to rise above the negative stigma brush that he happily tries to paint all black folks with. If no_slappz had his way, blacks wouldn't even be allowed to learn read or write just like in the old days of antebellum. Why do you think he keeps preaching that blacks do not want to learn and can't learn? Do you really believe that it is because it is true.
I see Thrasher is up to his anonymous games again.
Granny, "And what makes you think that we were not looking objectively at who we elected. You never know what a politician is going to really do until they get elected. That goes for all of them."
And are you still as excited about Obama as you were the day he was elected?
Granny-"I have to beg your pardon on the no killings, or did you forget about the killing at the Museum in Washington of that guard, or the killing of that abortion doctor, and attempted assassination of the President which was stopped just in time? The stabbing of that Muslim cab driver who is blessed to still be alive. The severe beating of that elderly man out fishing with his wife, and the beating of that elderly black woman who also was out fishing. Oh, there are other incidents."
As long as there are human beings on the planet, there will be those events that you have cited. However, I was referring to your fear...I mean 'concern'..that there might be a race riot, that the Whites have stocked up on ammuinition to mow down the Blacks; that Fox is setting the country up for anarchy; that Beck is 'fearmongering' and somebody is going to get hurt.
And you have been crying 'wolf' for years but NEVER noticed YOUR OWN fearmongering. On the other hand, you claim not to be fearful while spewing fear. That is absurd.
Granny, "I hope that you are not a black person because you would truly be an embarrassment to black people if you are taking up for a bigot who hates black people. It only takes people like no_slappz to plant negative sseds about people of color for them to grow and spread."
I am Black, and I am proud of it. Yes, I believe that the best way to handle insulting remarks from racists bent on agitating and agonizing Blacks is to ignore them. Of course, you believe just the opposite and believe their remarks which causes you to go ballistic. You have no self-restraint and your mind is weak.
I see you don't reply to Frank D's filthy degrading remarks which are far worse. Why? that's because you lack self-restraint and maturity. Granny, at your age, don't you think it's time to grow up?
granny, anon is right. All you doing is empowering no_slappz. that gives him control over you.can't you see that?
"We are so fortunate to have Glenn Beck, former DJ, former(?) drunk, former sinner to lead us to a path of righteousness. And we, His followers only pay Him approx. $87,000 per day for this service."
I wish I could take credit for that. That was a man named Michael McCarthy commenting on Philly.com, and it was perfect.
"FN the islamds are having a hurricane now is your family back home doing ok?"
Yes they are Anon. thanks for asking.
Anonymous 7:41:
It's mighty funny that those type of events did not start happening with regularity until after the 2009-2010 elections of a black President.
Granny, "If no_slappz had his way, blacks wouldn't even be allowed to learn read or write just like in the old days of antebellum. Why do you think he keeps preaching that blacks do not want to learn and can't learn? Do you really believe that it is because it is true."
So what? Why do you give a shit what no_slappz thinks?
You are a pitiful case of overwhelming fear. Any White person that comes on FN blog can shake you to the core. You are a very sick person, Granny. You need to get some help. But you are probably too afraid to go to a therapist.
Field, I am glad your family is safe. Have you ever been in a hurricane or tornado?
Anonymous, you've got that backwards, it is you that has a case of overwhelming fear! You scary, huh? And you have a little controlling spirit as well because you want to control what me and others say.
"You see, your game of symmantics to make your point doesn't really prove much. There has been no riots or killings as you have been claiming for years. IMO, YOU are fearmongering because no one else is as fearful."
"because no one else is as fearful." This is probably the most disengenuous statement made so far. There is FEAR in the air. But its a rather distinct brand of fear that is far different than what most people would define as fear.
The Beck rally brought together people who are subconciously fearful of having their world, as they know it, changed. They were comfortable with the ways things were and would be more than happy if things stayed the same. These were the same type of people who were comfortable with segregation (because it didn't directly affect them) and were prodded into opposing it for fear that their immediate world would be rudely changed.
Look at the demographics of the rally. Most of these people were probably born in the early 50s to early 70s. A timeframe that still had the vestiges of the idealized version of America that people came to know and love, one that was ripped asunder because someone had the AUDACITY to demand that Blacks be lifted out of their second-class status along the periphery of American society. The Civil Rights movement shook these people out of their comfort zones. This whole ordeal is all about getting some of that comfort back.
"Many prideful humans have NEVER been 'teachable' by the experiences of life. It takes 'humility' to be teachable and Granny has yet to show a drop of that, even though she has been on this blog for years!
Now, Mack please go inside yourself and think about that, and don't become like that."
I hope you're not offended, but I've dealt with Granny longer than I've seen you around. I'd know a fool when I see one.
See you around.
Hey anon thanks for that compliment. Being stuck in 1965 is not the worst that could happen to me at least then folks had sense enough to no we weren't free and if they disagreed with another brother they said so but didn't take the cowardly route of trying to tell someone to shut up.
And besides if what I was saying wasn't all that you wouldn't take the time to try to put me in my place. Why don't you come from behind the anon title show your face and try to take me on (if you feel you can) rather than throw rocks from the safety of the bushes.
Actually not everyone loves Christie. real conservatives in NJ know better. http://blog.nj.com/njv_paul_mulshine/2010/08/watch_out_for_that_mine_over_t.html
PS: Christie has not cut government. What he cut was PROPERTY TAX RELIEF.
naw mell ure deluded
Well, here we have another regressive European-American blasting his gums at 44 because he thinks that he got over. Ooops! It seems that reTHUGlicans and their regressive allies don't have the ability to think before they talk
glad to hear the outcome. I only heard the initial story & the rant which was, as you say, aimed @ the President. I do feel terrible for the NJ school system because some idiot in the NJ admin couldn't fill out the app.
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